#trait: shaman
digi-lov · 2 months
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Anubismon EX5-062 Alternative Art by sasasi from EX-05 Theme Booster Animal Colosseum
This Alternative Art is a reference to the Reference Book entry of Anubismon, according to which it is the Judge to decide wether or not a Digimon gets reborn as a Digitama.
A God Man Digimon that guards and supervises the Dark Area. It constantly surveys the Dark Area, to which Digimon that were deleted when their life span finished, or when they were defeated in battle, are ultimately transmitted (and are transmitted there despite Fallen Angel Digimon and their like inhabiting it). As for the Digimon transferred to the Dark Area, if their data is evil, it imprisons them within eternal darkness, but if their data is good, it has the ability to reset them back to a Digitama. It has power as mighty as to decide the rebirth of a Digimon, and furthermore, it has the role of the Digital World's judge. Its Signature Move is drawing a square pyramid with beams of light as depicted in Egypt's secret formulas, then imprisoning the opponent within it (Pyramid Power). Its Special Move "Ammit" is a terrifying technique that summons a demonic beast from hell, which devours the Digicores of evil Digimon.
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ibijau · 10 months
I want to write this story with two pov bc it’s more “classic” but I haven’t done that in a while so it’s hard, and also that means I now need to find the inner voice of that second guy
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notmeagain6 · 2 years
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I started this diary after my family’s death…
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vimbry · 2 years
I won't lie, x.avier r.enegade angel's design kinda rules tho it's great. weird man bird head, digitigrade legs. 6 nipples. trainers. what's not to like about him.
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the-desert-beast · 6 months
A recent patch allowed for boons to grant you "kill credit" meaning that when an ally with a boon you gave them kills something, you earn loot too! As such, Herald is now an AMAZING way to loot a fuckton of bags from the Mad King's Lab.
First, some lab farming etiquette tips.
Low damage is your priority. Unequip exotic+ trinkets, and if you have the bag space, swap your exotic+ armor for masterwork gear of a support/survival stat set.
SPAMMING AUTOATTACK IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!! NO RAID ROTATIONS! except for boss doors. bosses have so much goddamn health.
NO POWER GEAR; power deals Too Much damage far too quickly, as the open world mobs in the lab Do Not Scale with the amount of nearby players. Power gear & builds will cause you to melt mobs before anyone else can tag them!
NO MOUNT ATTACKS: Mount abilities deal too much damage for the same reasons as above.
Let the tag/Commander open doors! Don't open Boss (purple) doors when running with a Mob (green) Doors only group!!
For Tag Herald, You'll want to run Invocation, Salvation, and well. Herald. My build looks like this
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My Revenant is running level 75 or lower Masterwork(green) Shaman's gear, no trinkets, with a level 75 masterwork Shaman's Shortbow.
Shortbow lets you tag plenty of mobs when they're stacked! With the help of shortbow 4 & 5 you can tag some stray groups of mobs yourself!
Snag a Relic of Speed from the survival relic chests or off the tp! This relic + the Herald trait "Rising Momentum" will give you enough speed to keep up with the groups this year! (I tend to outrun them, so you can change this trait if you like. remember the low damage rule!)
Now for actually picking up the bags you'll want to leave one or two facets of your choice pulsing boons. Light, Elements, Strength, and Nature are all good options.
I leave Light & Elements active the entire time, using my Elite Consume skill when I fall behind or the group has no mobs to smack for a stretch of the lab.
For more bags, max out your magic find!! Lick those spirit banners!! Eat those Chocolate Omnomberry Creams or Omnomberry Bars!!! And lick a utility item that gives magic find!! I use the festival utility items (Crystallized Nougat, Pumpkin Oil, Sharpening Skull.) They're pretty cheap and they give you +30% Magic Find. The more magic find, the more bags!! If your guild has a Magic Find buff- nab it!!! Don't forget your magic fin boosters too. you want to get to around 250+ - 300 magic find!
you can check your magic find on the equipment panel, it's the last attribute listed on the right.
A little clover icon + the % of your magic find!
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i think that's everything, happy farming! Remember to keep your damage low and to stretch every 30 minutes to every hour!! stay hydrated and take care of your eyes & posture!
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anticapitalistclown · 4 months
just watched the recent chapter and came here RUNNING 🏃‍♀️💨
imagine older jin hobin is walking around with his daughter and then a shaman stops to say something to the daughter THE ANGST, THE HURT but maybe some comfort from the daughter
damn you really are fast, and twisted, but so am I so let's make a scenario
Vin Jin scenario: when a shaman approaches his daughter
genre: hurt to comfort
warnings: religious trauma
Vin was enjoying a free day with his dear daughter, the apple of his eye, the reason along his wife he wakes up every morning.
He took his dear daughter to play in the park, a great opportunity for her to make some more friends (and to tire her up a bit so she won't put up a fight at sleep hour). Vin was watching every move of her from a bench, as the rest of the parents, he left her to play with the kids, still not leaving her out of sight.
It was then when she asked her father for snacks that Vin distracted to look at her daughter's backpack in search of some food, when Vin raised his eyes to see at her, his heart stopped, he lost her.
Vin started to run around the park in search of his daughter and when the hopes returned to him as he spotted her wavy, wild, long black hair, a trait he adored, being caressed by his worst nightmare.
His world fell apart, an old lady, dressed as a shaman, held his daughter's hand, Vin stood a few seconds paralyzed, he felt as if behind him the fangs of a monster would break him apart, take him into the dark, separating him for life from everything he loves and adores, as if he never actually deserved to have a life, to have love.
He rushed to his daughter, his legs feeling heavier than ever, with a strong hug he separated her from the shaman "the girl has a beautiful hair, just as how goddesses were described" was the last thing Vin heard before rushing out of there.
Vin went on pilot mode, trembling and barely breathing, he knew he was losing it, then some little warm hands woke him out, his daughter placed her hands on his cheeks "daddy!" Vin looked around, they were back at home, he didn't even realize he was back if it weren't because of his daughter.
"daddy" she called again, "you can't enter home with your shoes on, mom will get angry" Vin blinked and released his daughter from his hold "r-right, dear" his voice was trembling, he took off his shoes and went inside "are you alright?" her daughter rushed to him, Vin collapsed on the floor, his legs betrayed him so he just had to sit, her daughter hugged him and he just thought he didn't deserve her "dad is fine, just a bit scared" he opened up, the little girl patted his head "it's fine, at school they say it's normal to be scared sometimes, adults can be scared too papa!".
Vin smiled at her, she was safe, with him "you are really smart, you got that from mom" she giggled and Vin hugged her, hiding his tears "dad, you are smart too!" he brushed her hair with his hand "not really, baby, dad is dumb" so dumb he still hangs on the hope of living a normal life with a wife and a daughter he never deserved, he thought, "not true! you are smart and I love you!" Vin wiped his tears and gathered strength to get up from the floor "and I love you too my princess, I love you with all my life"
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where-is-caithe · 15 days
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-- B A S I C S
name: Eon Shearfang
nicknames: 'Fang (Maverick only), Shearfang (Malice) they have saber teeth I promise :(
birthday: Middle of the year
race: Charr, Ash Legion
gender: ???? Butch. she/they
orientation: Lesbian
profession: Thief to Mesmer pipeline. Commander.
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Purple
eyes: Purple (the same)
skin: black panther fur, with faint black jaguar rosettes. soft and fluffy.
tattoos/scars: space rift scars
-- F A M I L Y
parents: smoke shaman mother, ash legion father. placed in an ash fahrar.
siblings: none.
grandparents: ???
in laws and others: no.
pets: astral raptor.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: mesmer abilities. cannot create clones, but creates stars like knives like a virtuoso. utilizes wells and pulls. black hole well. die. VERY good at invisibility and teleportation. can do portals but kasmeer is better.
hobbies: map making. has a book full of hand-drawn fractal maps with important landmarks. the habit continues when they become the commander and they make maps during downtime.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: laughs with you. jokes around and is relatively friendly.
most negative trait: shuts down and ignores you. if anyone theyre close to is in a life-threatening situation they immediately distance from them. definition of being hot with a shit personality. you will regret getting to know them.
-- L I K E S
colors: ~purple~
smells: leather. metal. something otherwordly. burnt ozone.
textures: leather.
drinks: whiskey neat. coffee. dark stout beer.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: often.
drinks: yes.
drugs: not really.
been arrested: yes.
ty to @mystery-salad for tagging me you get the space cat for this one 🥰
tagging my gf @lackluster-plays
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shintoinenglish · 2 years
Japanese New Age Cult Red Flags
Just like any religious community, Shintō and Buddhism are not free from harmful cults -- ranging from spiritual pyramid scheme groups to groups that purchase shrines and take over their administration.
For community benefit, I will list some key red flags, as these groups often post online and expand their following on social media. Please note that context should be paid attention to; use your judgement. If there are multiple traits present in a group, I highly suggest keeping your distance.
Focus on past lives. It is not wrong to believe in reincarnation, but claiming to be a reincarnation of a specific, usually powerful historical figure or kamisama/buddha etc. is an instant red flag.
Talk of Japanese being a secret lost tribe of Israel
Other, usually antisemitic and xenophobic conspiracy theories, including, but not limited to: The Star of David is the same as the kagome-mon. This type of behavior can build off of the same kind of conspiracy theories in the West; there are plenty of Qanon believers in the Japanese religious sphere, unfortunately.
Pseudohistory such as: speaking of the Hitsuki Shinji oracles as legitimate historical texts, or favoring Jindai Moji scripts.
Claims to reconstructed prehistorical Jōmon era religion - this can include some Koshintō movements, so again, use your judgement well.
Reliance on one figure as a central authority, especially when disregarding others.
Reliance on oracles and prophecies heard by one central figure
Putting down other sects or traditions
Circumventing ordainment/training for clergy
Talk of auras, "the spiritual" in a vague sense, referring to shrines and temples as "power spots" (some more normal folks do this last one, but that's because the influence of New Agers is actually pretty significant -- but it decenters the importance of kamisama in a shrine or buddhas/bodhisattvas etc. in a temple).
Focus on prehistoric shamanic queen Himiko, female kamisama and Ryūjin-sama (use your judgement wisely here). TERFy New Age cults exist in Japan as they do elsewhere, and this often is accompanied by focus on Himiko etc.
Overemphasis of shamanic elements of Shintō (while a historic truth, often endangers people with mental illness and lacks healthy balance)
Using nonprofit or charity-type locations that seem secular at a glance to recruit members (the infamous Aum Shinrikyō has two descendant cults which recruit through yoga classes)
Talk of ancient mother goddess worship (influenced by Western pseudohistory, a la Wicca)
Excessive focus on messages and signs from kamisama, usually in the context of shrine visits (this is not to say you cannot have signs, but rather that balance is necessary)
Damaging shrine property; hugging goshinboku
Ignoring or speaking over experts and clergy, especially when asked to stop
Informing other worshippers at a shrine that they are bowing, clapping wrong
Incorporating Western New Age or pagan practices
Focus on healing (with the common sense exception of kamisama or Jizō known for healing)
Suggesting or demanding you buy a product or service, especially for health conditions, job issues etc. There is a reason for the common trope of shady people selling expensive ceramic pots to people who are vulnerable.
Multiple members are romantically or sexually interested in or involved with the leader/central figure.
Recruitment either by lay members or from officials. This situation can be tricky, but most shrines no longer do this. Shrines with official worship groups will have posters and such, but will not prosletyze.
I will add to this list as I see fit. Please do not harass anyone, but rather use these guidelines to set safe boundaries around yourself when considering groups.
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barrenclan · 10 months
I’ve made two theories about the leadership and some troubles of Defiance. Now I’m gonna make one for Barrenclan.
Let’s face it: Mallowstar can’t last forever. He’s a chubby old man, and the leaders in this universe only have one life.
Redpelt will take over when he dies, but let’s face it. She has anxiety issues and she’ll eventually become Ladybugstar 2.0, and die or be chucked into the elder den when she has some massive breakdown.
Let’s look at candidates for Redpelt’s deputy when she becomes leader, and then maybe further speculate into that deputy’s deputy when they become leader.
Cootstorm: Could become a shaman theocrat, but very unlikely due to most of the clan not liking her.
Beeface: No. She is very childish and argumentative. She has been training an apprentice though, so she fills out that criteria.
Plumstripe: Has been training an apprentice. Not as childish as Beeface(that trait is still present though) so could have potential.
Egrettail: Seems good enough, although hasn’t mentored an apprentice yet(might change when Mallowstar’s litter comes of age) but she is most definitely the most mature, kind, and competent of the three warriors. Might not be trusted due to being an outsider, especially won’t be trusted when it is revealed she is part of the Defiamce death cult, not sure how the clan would react to her being trans(they’ve probably never heard of such a thing) Her biggest threat is the skeletons in her closet.
Slugpelt: Very occupied with grieving and being lonely in general, probably won’t be chosen. Also has to take care of Mallowstar’s litter.
Blacknose: Next to impossible. She is forgetful, a trait that is getting worse because of her dementia, and has to nurse her litter.
Don’t think the clan will be desperate enough. They’ll probably be dead by the time Mallowstar dies.
(If they are of warrior age when Mallowstar dies)
Asphodelpaw: Unless she becomes more mature than the warriors through a character arc, no. But if she does get that arc, maybe.
Daffodilpaw: Seems too busy longing for Cormorantpaw, who will reject her in the end. Seems nicer than Asphodelpaw though, so she has a shot.
Pinepaw: Studying to be a medicine cat, so not available. Even if he was a warriors, he’s still dealing with the horrors.
Cormorantpaw: Still growing out of his quiet kid era, might have a shot if he proves himself. But he still has that Defiance membership secret, like Egrettail.
Probably not, but we’ll have to see.
Post Redpelt Meltdown
Depends on how far into her reign it happens. I still won’t pay attention to Mallowstar’s litter though.
Beeface and Plumstripe are most likely lost causes and the elders will most likely be dead. Blacknose most likely will have died from dementia by now.
Egrettail: Her pickings are slim. My bet is that she might choose Cormorantpaw
I don’t know who Asphodelpaw or Daffodilpaw would choose as deputies, maybe a sibling?
TLDR: Egrettail has the best chance of become deputy when Mallowstar dies. When Redpelt has a Ladybugstar-esque breakdown, Egrettail will most likely choose Cormorantpaw
Poor Mallowstar, having speculations about his death. Though I don't think he'd really be offended. Really, I think the assumption that Redpelt would absolutely not last as leader is very funny. Girl doesn't stand a chance, huh.
Interesting thoughts though! I'm excited for y'all to see how it plays out.
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laninasinamor · 1 year
The Boy
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(original 🎨 by my friend @commanderbunny, specifically made for me on my bday 💕 love you boo) (YOU CAN SHARE BUT DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!)
Born on the fourteenth day, otherwise known as the day of the Jaguar (Ix)…
Birth Name(s):
🌎Ix Muun (meaning “tender”, his true name)
🌍Prince N’Jata, Son of Shuri (given name by the Golden tribe of the sovereign nation of Wakanda)
☀️Kinich Ahau (Sun God), Son of K’uk’ulkan (royal name as addressed by the Kingdom of Talokan)
“First son of the first son”
“Son of Suns”
unyana wam (“my son” in Xhosa)
in paal (“my child” in Yucatec Maya)
ubhuti (“brother” in Xhosa)
suku’un (“older brother” in Yucatec Maya)
Och Kan (meaning “Vision Serpent”) - Shortly after turning five years of age, the young prince dreamed of death — that of a whale. The next day his people found strangely their whales missing, vanished without a trace. They supposed someone or something had done this. He felt panicked. He did not know what it meant until more and more his dreams came true. They came to realize his dreams were not dreams at all. The gods granted him visions, an access to the spirit world where he could travel to & from the mortal realm. Talokan’s shaman knew immediately this boy had the gift of foresight — the ability to see into the future. Except the future is never as certain as it seems, even with a power as strong as his.
Seer - which includes divination, clairvoyance, precognition
Flight - he grew wings on his back instead of the ankles
Superhuman strength, speed
inherited X gene from Namor - thus he breathes underwater and above the surface
Born under the sea with the Sastun (“Sun”) at its highest
“Heir to the throne of Talokan” - The prince feels pressure from his father to learn the trades and one day rule the kingdom and take care of his people. K’uk’ulkan requires the prince to keep the “sun” to his people, he is named after the sun god after all. However he’s inclined to go with his sister to the surface world, save people, soar high in the skies, much like an eagle.
He admits he did not take interest in becoming a great warrior. The prince prefers to stay in Talokan where he’s comfortable and enjoys time alone. However his loneliness creeps up time to time and he’s entangled in his sister’s schemes and her wishes to sneak out to Wakanda. She would not survive without him. Nor he her.
The prince works with Talokanil priests and shaman where he focuses on being a healer, working with medicine and taking care of crops.
He CAN hunt and knows his way around the “forest” that is the open sea.
One of his and his sister’s favorite activities is playing Pok-a-Tok (“ballgame”), some would say they have mastered this sport but the twins are never satisfied knowing there’s always room for improvement
Uses obsidian blades for bloodletting practices, Talokan knows royal blood is of value and has to be given willingly for the gods to grant him visions when he most needs them. Polished obsidian mirrors may also be used in this process
Very introverted yet wishes to stand out more, to achieve a level of assertion only his sister demonstrates.
The prince is very secretive about his visions, he feels he cannot trust anyone with certain information.
Soft-spoken, spiritual, mysterious, clever, sophisticated, strategic, sensitive, intuitive, natural born leader, can seem manipulative
Something still haunts the boy, a vision he saw soon after turning 16. The Talokanil had legends of the old world before they departed towards the sea. It spoke of an eclipse where the moon covered the sun, as if day were night. An omen of destruction, of death that could not go unseen. Even so, the boy told no one. Not his father, the god-king. Not even his sister, the warrior. Especially not her. His visions continued and the more he saw the more he feared. She would be the end of Talokan, the end of an era. But his visions weren’t always right. So is she Chac Chel, destroyer of worlds? Or could she be Talokan’s only hope in salvation?
(Thanks to my Nashuri fam! Love you guys <3 feel free to tell me what yall think 💭)
Click here to read the short story on ao3
Part 2
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digi-lov · 1 month
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Dianamon EX5-025 Alternative Art by Tonamikanji from EX-05 Theme Booster Animal Colosseum
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I wanna talk about titles and names for things in my MCD au/rewrite
This may be long, you’ve been warned
First and foremost Lord Lady and Sir:
In my universe, it was generally uncommon (though not unheard of) for a woman to be the head of a village until Aphmau. If a woman was the head of a village she would be called Lady (her name) and never Lord (her name). Aphmau was the first woman to call herself Lord, and since then it became customary.
Though there are other reasons someone may be called “Lady”. If they are the wife of a Lord, a high or head knight/guard, or if they are someone of great importance. For example, Lady Katelyn the Firefist and Lady Azura of Bright Port. While Katelyn is a member of the Jury, Lady Katelyn the Firefist is her official title, but when she is stripped of her rank, that title is taken as well and she became just Katelyn. Azura being head guard of Bright Port gives her the title of Lady Azura.
And finally, Sir. Similarly to Lady, Sir is the title given to male head guards. While Garroth is head guard of Phoenix Drop, he is known as Sir Garroth of Phoenix Drop. While Laurance is head guard he is Sir Laurance Zvahl of Meteli. Though when he left for Phoenix Drop he lost that title. He still sometimes introduces himself as Sir Laurance by accident.
Next, Werewolves:
There are a few different kinds of werewolves: pure blood, half blood, and turned. Werewolf is the umbrella term used for any Lycan kind.
A pure blooded werewolf is also known as a Wolfer. These wolves do not have a human form, though they do have a human-like form (think how we usually see Bodolf or Lowell). They also have a pure wolf form or natural form, where they appear like a normal wolf, though slightly larger.
A half blooded werewolf is also known as a halfling wolf or halfling wolfer. These are werewolfs that are born of both werewolf blood and the blood of something else, be it a human, meif’wa, elf etc. These wolves have a pure wolf form, a pure human form, and the ability to show their wolf ears and tail while in their human form. Examples of halfling wolfers would be Yip and Leona.
And finally a turned werewolf is exactly how it sounds. A werewolf who was not born but rather turned. Their traits depend on what the wolf that turned them’s traits were. In Logan’s case, he was turned by a Wolfer, therefore has the traits of a wolfer along with a human form.
I also want to mention a bit about werewolf hierarchy.
Most werewolf villages are small and refer to themselves as tribes or packs, depending on if they are made up mostly of halfling wolfers or full wolfers respectively. Their leader is referred to as The Alpha or just Alpha. Never by their name unless it is someone they are very close to.
Finally Magicks Users, Witches, Warlocks, etc.
The term used for any type of magickal person is Magi. They are also sometimes referred to as Mystics, though this term is fairly outdated.
A magicks user is any person born with the ability to use magicks. Pretty simple. This does not include witches.
Witches are born witches, much like an elf is born an elf. It is a species not ability. Witches are born with a higher connection to the earth and have the ability to learn witchcraft rather easily, though they don’t all choose to. Witches are often female, but it is possible for a male to be a witch.
A mage is a person who is not born with any magicks or witchcraft. They give themselves Rune Tattoos and often Scar Runes, and teach themselves magicks. This often takes a very long time, so in some cultures (like Zerimar) they do this at birth so the child will grow up with the ability. Mages are outlawed in many places throughout Ru’aun.
A Shaman is a mage who teaches themselves magicks for religious purposes, usually under the faith of Irene or another Divine Warrior. In Castor, the Chicken Shaman’s case, it was under the faith of the chicken gods… or something… no one really knows..
A Demon is a bit blurry. Not much is known about them other than that they come from another realm and are often evil.
A Shadow Knight is anyone brought back to life (or in Laurance’s case transformed against his will) by the Shadow Lord in the Nether. A Shadow Knight that has not claimed their immortality is often referred to as a “premature” Shadow Knight.
A Divine Being is anyone with borderline unnatural magickal abilities, or anyone able to master both a magicks and witchcraft. They are believed to be either divine beings or divinely chosen.
And FINALLY, a Warlock is anyone who falls under any of these categories (aside from the last three) and uses their abilities solely for evil, their own selfish gain, and/or to deceive others.
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alannah-corvaine · 4 days
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Name: Khiarna Kha
Nicknames: Khi
Age: 34
Nameday: 24th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: cis female
Orientation: bisexual
Profession: shaman, khatun
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Jet black, sometimes reflects colors like a raven's wing. Always worn tied up, usually in a bun + braid combo. Very few people have ever seen it loose. Mid-back length.
Eyes: Black as oblivion with white limbal rings. Limbal rings also become completely black when she's enraged.
Skin: Tan from a life lived outside.
• a large tattoo of a black dragon on her back, accented with red and pink flowers
• the red stripe across her face is war paint rather than a tattoo, but she wears it constantly barring special occasions so it might as well be permanent
• a long gash on her thigh from a particularly vicious fight to the death with her brother-in-law
• Kiratai Kha (father, deceased)
• Ibahka Kha (mother, deceased)
• Khiela Kha (twin, deceased)
• Jaliqai Kha (83, paternal grandmother)
• Batukhan Kha (paternal grandfather, deceased)
• Chakha Kha (maternal grandmother, deceased)
• Iturgan Kha (maternal grandfather, deceased)
In-laws and Other: 
• Yokhunan Kha (brother-in-law, deceased)
Pets: Her tribe keeps a herd of karakul and horses, as well as whatever strays Sid is always bringing back to camp.
• Mastery of hand-to-hand combat
• Can commune with and call on particular elements to augment her fighting skills
Hobbies: sports, fighting, fucking, traditional dance, storytelling, hunting
Most Positive Trait: Despite her volatile temperment, she takes her role and responsibilities very seriously. Very dependable, gives 100% once she's committed.
Most Negative Trait: Hot tempered, impatient, gruff, cranky.
Colors: abyssal blue, red
Smells: fresh cut grass, bonfire smoke, roasting meat, the coppery tang of blood
Textures: animal hides, beadwork, the sharp edge of a blade, char
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Only for ceremonial purposes, rarely for recreation.
Drinks: Khi will try anything at least once, sometimes a few times, though her favorite remains fermented horse milk.
Drugs: No.
Mount Issuance: She doesn't have any particular mount that's special to her. Used to riding horses, it took her a long time to get used to riding a chocobo, and she's still pretty uncomfortable around them.
Been Arrested: A few times. There was quite a bit of culture shock when she first came to Eorzea from Othard and several incidents that were perhaps her not on her best behavior (aka several assault charges because she has no qualms about beating people up when they piss her off).
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camelliagwerm · 8 months
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Alright, due to somewhat popular request, the Veszeth lore dump. This focuses primarily on their pre-game situation and I've laid it out in segments. Please note there are heavy spoilers for Dark Urge Act 3 content and warnings for mentions of violence, torture, pregnancy. In short: it's fucked but tonally consistent.
Veszeth Despund (they/them), "Lolth-Sworn" Drow. Age is still a bit murky, but by Drow standards they would be considered young.
Transfeminine non-binary person; aromantic-spec lesbian.
STR 18 / DEX 10 / CON 15 / INT 8 / WIS 16 / CHA 12
War domain Cleric 10 / Fighter 2
Chaotic Evil, Dark Urge Origin (Haunted One background)
Proficiencies: Medicine, Intimidation, Insight, Perception and Persuasion
Notable feats and traits: Loviatar's Love (+2 to attack rolls and WIS saving throws under 30% health for 3 rounds), Tough (+2 hp per level), Protection fighting style.
Favours heavy armour, shields and bludgeoning weapons like maces and warhammers, with favoured spells including Bane, Fear, Silence, Spirit Guardians and Spiritual Weapon.
Positives: pragmatic, charismatic (not so much anymore, mind), determined, efficient, strategic, visionary
Negatives: bloodthirsty, depraved, zealous, cold, manipulative, unsettling
Others: vengeful, proud, passionate, generous (to those who are loyal)
In the years after the Bhaalspawn crisis, a tragic death overcame the last surviving Bhaalspawn at the time — Azren, a half-orc shaman who was possessed by a particularly violent spirit. He went on a murderous rampage as a result, and was forced to be killed when he could not regain control. But he would never be resurrected, despite being married to a cleric. Viconia had been granted permission by Shar to wed Azren on the condition that she would not be allowed to resurrect him, and upon his death, she would return to the clergy and surrender herself to her goddess.
Azren's death triggered the return of Bhaal who, using the essence returned to him, set about restoring his cult. Among his plan, he chose to sculpt a new Bhaalspawn, one sculpted from a droplet of his own gore. He chose the form of a drow for this new child, in mockery of the Sharran who had torn his son away from filial piety and duty.
This child had not always lived in the Temple of Bhaal in Baldur’s Gate gory, seedy underbelly, but instead was fostered with a family of their own ‘kind’ – the remnants of the wilting House Despund, recently exiled to the surface. They named the child a drowish name meaning "blessed secret" - as House Despund chose to pass the child off as their own.
They were on the cusp of adolescence when they made their first kills, standing over the corpses of the foster mother who’d tried to sacrifice them to Lolth – to both please her goddess and because she was frightened of this darkness in her child’s eyes – the consort who had accompanied her (the closest thing to a foster father) and their own child who the Bhaalspawn had resented. Wholesale family murder, baby’s first murder spree in a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate.
That night, the fledgling first heard their ‘imaginary friend’ who they only had heard in their dreams. Following the voice, they found their way to the Temple of Bhaal – seemingly knowing what to do, they carried their foster family’s severed hands in a small, bloody sack to the entrance to the Undercity’s ruins. 
Until the child reached the age of majority, even within the Temple did they remain in relative seclusion. They attended the rituals and sacrifices, of course, made kills in their dread lord and father's name, but otherwise they were kept away from the rest of the temple.
Their kin, Sarevok, brought back to serve as head of the Murder Tribunal, made sure that the child was taught in the art of combat and discipline (hello, fighter levels), while the echo of a drow Bhaalspawn cleric, Sendai, saw to their spiritual training (cleric levels). Their so-called imaginary friend, the goblin butler Sceleritas Fel, was tasked with the day-to-day raising.
Upon their physical maturation at 25, they took the name Veszeth as their adult name, meaning flesh taker or bloody obssession.
(It was during the lead-up to taking that their adult name that Veszeth had also begun exploring their gender and sexual identities, later using a mixture of elixirs and transmutation magic courtesy of a willing wizard to help them achieve their ideal body type.)
Thus began Veszeth's reign of terror as a rising star of their father's cult — brutal, efficient, conniving when necessary. They were the perfect scion, the perfect heir for their dread lord and devoted father, to lead his congregation once their father deemed them ready. Their imagination and capacity for murder and depravity was unrivalled.
Many corpses made by their hand often unrecognisable by the time they had finished - and every kill was done in Bhaal's name, and in return, pleased by his heir's embracing his unholy mandate of murder and their intense familial piety, nothing like his failed son, Bhaal bestowed many gifts and luxuries upon Veszeth. They wanted for nothing and every whim was catered to, and rather than granting the typical death domain to Vesz, they became a war domain cleric instead upon their appointment as the High Primate.
Such was the way of things for the next few decades; Veszeth ruled the congregation as the High Primate with an iron fist, causing widespread terror in the city, who began to whisper in fear that Bhaal had truly returned.
In these decades, Veszeth also selected a consort, of sorts: her name was Zilvala, a fellow drow. A Divine Soul sorcerer and a former priestess of Lolth-turned-Bhaalist adherent, Veszeth selected her for both her beauty and capacity for cruelty, and even regarded her as a kindred spirit, of sorts. As a divine soul, she understood what it meant to have the touch of the divine in her blood, even if it was not quite the same as Veszeth's situation. And she was ambitious too: to be the silk glove to their iron fist. But significantly, Zilvala promised something that caught Bhaal's attention — she promised Veszeth she would bear their child, the first in a new bloodline of Bhaalspawn.
Their relationship very much could not be considered love: it was a mixture of being in love with one another's depravity and carnage, lust and a hunger for ambition.
This is where it starts getting a bit less concrete for me as I haven't finished act 3 and have yet to tackle the Gortash questline, but in the years leading up to BG3, they began planning the Absolute hoax, first with Gortash and then with Ketheric, all while becoming more blind to the problems arising among the congregation. Their hubris left them this way.
Their slaughterkin, Orin the Red, did not worship the ground they walked on: she was jealous, resentful. There was no artistry or finesse to the way Veszeth killed, in her eyes. She was jealous of their attention, the praise lavished upon them as Bhaal's heir from their Father, the congregation and the Murder Tribunal — and Zilvala's promise to bring a new line of Bhaalspawn coming to fruition. She planned, waiting to strike to orchestrate the perfect fall from grace.
On what should have been a day of triumph, the day Veszeth's tyranny should have lashed the world, Orin struck - paralysing them with a debilitating poison and forcing them to watch as she tortured and killed Zilvala and their unborn child, offering mother and child up as sacrifices to Bhaal. She then turned to Veszeth, her daggers glinting, and by the time she was finished, their mind and body were wrecked, with a tadpole in their skull and their memory irreperably damaged.
(Upon the return to the temple in act 3, Veszeth finds the real Zilvala's body stored in an iron maiden in Orin's chambers. They do not react at the time, only ordering a member of the temple to dispose of the body, but grieve in private at a later date.)
When they wake up aboard the nautiloid, Veszeth cannot even remember their deity - only that they must be a cleric, judging by their abilities. It is assumed that they are a cleric of Lolth, and they do not correct this, not knowing any better. They're drow after all — and upon the memories coming back and accepting their inheritance in act 3, Veszeth fully embraces Bhaal as their deity once again.
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c-swap-bugsnax · 4 months
Welcome to Snaktooth Island!!
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A brand new adventure awaits with a colorful cast of characters filled with all sorts of personalities and traits!
A GMZ reporter named Beffica travels to the island to learn more (and save her job but mostly to learn more) about this expidition led by the adventurous (former engineer), Snorpington “Snorpy” Fizzlebean! The only problem is according to the self appointed mayor, the adventurer seemed to have vanished. Now it’s up to Beffica to try and find Snorpy, but first she’s got to get everyone back in town and how she’ll do it?
Why. With Bugsnaks, obviously!
Floofty Fizzlebean- Mayor
Beffica Winklesnoot- Reporter
Wiggle Wigglebottom- Farmer
Triffany Lottablog- Breeder/Rancher (Designed by @cryptic-loser!)
Shellsy Woolbag- ‘Health’ business woman
Cromdo “Crowdu” Face- Self appointed shaman
Filbo F. Fiddlepie- Former government scientist
Buddy Buddylong- Former reporter for GNN
Sprout Berrymoss- Beffica’s Boss
(This next line up was drawn by @dragonsatlartales!)
Wambus Troubleham- Country Singer
Snorpington “Snorpy” Fizzlebean- Former Engineer and Explorer
Chandlo Funkbun- Doctor
Eggabell Batternugget- Volleyball player/ coach
Clumby- Beffica’s (short- tempered) sidekick
(This next line up was drawn by @shellsy!)
Elizabert Megafig- Engineer and Conspiracy Theorist
Alegander Jamfoot- Famed Explorer (Missing)
Bronica Lottablog- ???
Gramble Gigglefunny- Ranger and Archaeologist
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endless-bunny · 8 months
Babe Wake Up: Pathfinder playtest just dropped
I wasn't expecting to make this post til Sunday, but I guess the timeline has been brought forward. Paizo has announced War of the Immortals for a release some time next year. The playtest document for two fresh, new classes has just been released too and I have briefly skimmed it.
We've got two new classes to look at: the Animist, and the Exemplar. I've included their descriptions direct from the blog post and playtest document along with a few collected thoughts. Keep in mind, I haven't played these classes yet (I doubt anybody has, given how recent the blog post was) so I'm just giving a quick overview.
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"Samo of Icemark is a middle-aged Varki woman from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, in the northernmost reaches of the Inner Sea region. Samo is a nephilim, a mortal being with a touch of the celestial planes in her bloodline. Born with the ability to see spirits and other entities that others could not, Samo was selected to learn from the elders of Seer’s Home at a young age after her abilities helped her save her village from a kushtaka incursion. Trained in the arts of animism, Samo was proclaimed a sage after successfully bonding with her grandmother’s spirit, an apparition known as a custodian of groves and gardens. Samo served the Varki people for nearly forty years, until the day a young, injured Okaiyan man washed onto shore near Icemark and changed the course of her life forevermore."
"a Wisdom-based divine spellcasting class that bonds with apparitions, ephemeral spirits who share their power and knowledge with the animist in exchange for the animist acting as their agent with the physical world. Bond with a Steward of Stone and Fire to add primal power to your spellcasting, make a pact with an Impostor in Hidden Places to gain access to sneaky and deceptive magics, or allow a Witness to Ancient Battles possess you and lend its martial talents to your repertoire!"
From a brief skim over the Playtest document, it seems like the Animist is sort of a successor to the Shaman and Medium from PF1, communing with spirits and even allowing them to inhabit the Animist's body. Some of the Animist's feats have the "Wandering" trait, which was something in PF1 that allowed the Shaman to choose new spirits each day. They have spells that they both prepare and spontaneously cast, which... seems interesting? I'll have to see how that plays to work out if I like it or not. They also have focus spells, which are kind of a given for spellcasters in PF2, but juggling three different resource pools seems like a lot for a spellcaster. The Shaman in PF1 was one of my favourite classes so I'm looking forward to giving the Animist a go, although I am unfortunately the ForeverGM so I don't get very many opportunities to build and play characters.
I wonder if they chose the name "Animist" just to make it clear that it's not the same class as in PF1, or if they're choosing to avoid the word "Shaman" because of specific, real-world uses of the word. I've written before that Paizo is very aware of, and trying to avoid, cultural appropriation. They've changed game terms in the past (such as "phylactery" and "totem") to avoid negative associations with real-world religious or cultural things, or otherwise perpetuating reductive stereotypes. I dunno, maybe I'm thinking too much about it. Though the term shaman does originate from Tungusic, the practice of shamanism isn't unique to that region of the world.
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"Nahoa is a young human man of the Olehala people, one of the four great voyaging nations of the Okaiyo Ocean that spans Tian Xia and Arcadia. Born on the rainy side of his island, Nahoa grew up digging canals for his family’s taro farm, taking care of his younger sisters, and ensuring his village never lost the yearly stone-hurling championship. Though he wanted nothing more than an easy life, Nahoa was Called to exchange his digging stick for a warrior’s spear when a great demon returned, as it had for decades, to prey on his home. He faced the beast high in the sky, and even as his spear pierced it, its talons dug into his flesh. Rather than succumb to the creature’s venom, Nahoa claimed its power as his own, becoming a nephilim in the process. He crashed, far from the Okaiyo, where he would meet a Varki woman and set off on a quest across a distant Inner Sea."
This is Pathfinder's very first rare class. That means, guidance given, it won't be available for most tables to play. I can see why they chose to do that, since while it doesn't seem to be overpowered, it is thematically very different to most other classes, and having only one Exemplar in a party might lead that player to believe themself to be the "Main character"
"a Charisma-based divine warrior possessing their own spark of divinity. The exemplar can move their divine spark between receptacles called ikons to unlock potent effects and abilities. As your power grows, you create your own epithet that defines your immortal legacy; whether you become a Cunning exemplar who’s Restless as the Tides and known to be a Thief of Moonlight, or a Brave exemplar, who’s Peerless Under Heaven and destined to be The Last Ruler of an ancient kingdom, is up to you!"
The examples given are Herakles, Cú Chulainn and Maui, so the speculation wasn't far off.
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The Exemplar seems to have a lot of moving parts. They have a number of "Ikons" which they can turn on or off in combat. One Ikon can be active at any time, and the Exemplar can activate different abilities depending on which Ikon is on.
Most of the weapon-focussed classes in this game have a feature where they deal extra damage with their weapons as they gain levels. In the case of the Exemplar, it's spirit damage, and they can later become Holy or Unholy, meaning their spirit damage is more potent against creatures of the opposite alignment.
They also get to choose an epithet that expands as they gain levels, starting with something as simple as "The Brave" but ending with something as badass as "Peerless Under Heaven". Many of the Exemplar's feats are about pushing themselves to greater feats of strength, superhuman athletics and acrobatics and stuff like that.
I'm reminded of the Epic Destinies from Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition, which inspired the Mythic Paths in Pathfinder 1e (and was possibly inspired by the BECMI "Immortals" set or another expansion from an earlier edition). To be honest, having played a bunch of Wrath of the Righteous recently, I am pretty hyped to have something adjacent to Mythic tier in this game. I guess we'll have to wait and see if it's just the Exemplar or if those concepts are expanded to other characters as well.
Edited to Add: Uh yeah it looks like we're getting Mythic character options in this book. I didn't read the preamble for the playtest but:
"The animist and exemplar will appear in the upcoming sourcebook Pathfinder War of Immortals, scheduled for Winter 2024, which also brings new legendary creatures and character options for a wide variety of classes and characters, as well as bringing new mythic rules to Pathfinder!"
(emphasis mine)
So yeah. I get hyped about every Pathfinder sourcebook release. Always have. Unfortunately, my group has to deal with rapid and dramatic genre shifts when something new comes out and I pivot our existing campaign to adopt those subsystems. Some day I will use all of the subsystems in the same game.
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