#tranquility of the mind
yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (113)
Buddhist cosmology
Samatha meditation
Samatha meditation (samathabhāvanā) is a meditation that cultivates concentration by attaching the mind to a specific object. Samatha is a Buddhist term for settling the mind on one object, often is translated as the "tranquility of the mind",  "mind-calmness", or “cessation”.
The Pali Canon describes it as one of two qualities of mind which is developed (bhāvanā :Ref) in Buddhist meditation, the other being vipassana (insight).
In Theravada Buddhism there are 40 different meditation objects in total, called Karmasthana or Kammatthana. The meditation on compassion(Ref2), a type of samatha (cessation), is often performed as a preparatory step to Vipassana meditation (vipassanābhāvanā, lit. contemplation). The most commonly used samatha is anapana sati (Skt: anapana-smrti), which is a breath-controlled meditation.
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[上記引用: “慈悲のこころは仏教の基本である。「生きとし生けるものが幸せでありますように (巴: サッベ-サッター・バーヴァントゥ・スッキータッター)」というのが、その基本となる精神である。”]
仏教の探求 (113)
サマタ瞑想 (サマタめいそう、巴: サマタ・バーヴァナー)は、心を特定の対象に結びつけて集中力を養う瞑想である。サマタ(梵: シャマタ)とは、仏教用語で、ひとつの対象に心を落ち着かせることであり、しばしば「心の静寂」「心の落ち着き」または「止 (し)」と訳される。
パーリ仏典では、仏教の瞑想において「心の発達 (巴:バーヴァナー参照)」の2つの性質のうちの1つであり、もう1つはヴィパッサナー(観・洞察)であると説明されている。
上座部仏教では業処 (ごうしょ、巴:カンマッタ-ナ、梵: カルマスターナ)と呼ばれる瞑想対象が40種類ある。ヴィパッサナー瞑想(ヴィパッサナーめいそう、巴:ヴィパッサナー・バーヴァナー、観行の意)の準備段階としてサマタ(止) の一種である慈悲の瞑想(参照2)が行なわれることが多い。最も一般によく使われるサマタは呼吸を対照する安那般那念 (あんなはんなねん、巴: アーナーパーナ・サティ、梵: アーナーパーナ・スリムティ)である。
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numenrecords · 2 months
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hai-nae · 3 days
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currently experiencing massive amounts of imposter syndrome. tryin to purge it with relaxing bg warm ups part 1 of my mw 'improvise' series ft price n a screw driver. and a mw comic for my au im ditchin since i missed the vibe i was aimin for
aaand a very pretty man. that was gonna be my roach in my au, but again, way too pretty for my lil bug 😂
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l1fe1nf0cu5 · 3 days
A walk in the woodlands of this great island I find a tranquil place where my mind is set free…
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monabee-draws · 2 months
My un-Tranquil Rook, Emmaline 🌻
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She spent 24 of her 42 years of life cut off from the Fade and from emotions. It certainly made her a reliable killer when she broke away from the Circle to pursue another career. Once the cure for the Rite became public knowledge, the methods eventually trickled into Antiva, where she was freed from it by a benevolent spirit healer. The consequences have been... bloody.
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🔞 NSFW // Kiryu has some fun with incubus Majima 👹💗
poipiku // pw: balls
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848ellie · 7 days
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Lotus Goddess 💗 Everything around us is connected, all part of something beautiful. The quiet moments bring peace and harmony. Take a deep breath and notice the small details. Appreciate the beauty that’s always there, just waiting for us to notice.
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humbugtrack3 · 2 months
the total difference in their outfits between these two photos is CRAZY to me
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zeezeebum · 4 months
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How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
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katchwreck · 7 months
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“The lonelier the place, the better it pleased me: its silence, its aura, its peculiar conformation, its enclosedness.”
— John Fowles
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numenrecords · 26 days
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laestoica · 11 months
"Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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vaugarde · 2 months
… and if i said i was rethinking my pmd isat au hcs so that isabeau was a heracross…. what then
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l1fe1nf0cu5 · 3 days
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Within the beauty of the lakes and mountains I find my peace…
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piecesofmymind333 · 1 month
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quiets-cradle · 5 months
in "the underworld," the only time the ambient screaming stops is when polites and odysseus's mom are singing, but that's when odysseus takes up the mantle of berating himself. i'm sick i'm on my knees i'm punching the floor
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