#meditation on compassion
yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (110)
Buddhist cosmology
Brahmaviharas - the meditation on compassion (Ref)
Appamanna (4 immeasurable minds) are part of the 40 Karmasthana (a total of 40 meditation objects). It refers to having a calm mind, without undue worry and without any animosity or enmity towards other lives. Also called Brahmavihāra or 4 Brahma practices.
The term appamanna refers to the 'innumerable number of sentient beings' or 'the complete fulfilment without reserve of compassion with regard to the individual sentient beings subject to it'.
The Buddhist usage of the brahma-vihara originally referred to an awakened state of mind, and a concrete attitude towards other beings which was equal to "living with Brahman" here and now. The later tradition took those descriptions too literally, linking them to cosmology and understanding them as "living with Brahman" by rebirth in the Brahma-world.
The brahmaviharas (sublime attitudes, lit. "abodes of brahma") are a series of 4 Buddhist virtues and the meditation practices made to cultivate them. They are:
Loving-kindness (Pali: metta, Skt: maitri) is the mind active good will towards all, the mind for the others' at ease.
Compassion (Pali,Skt: karuna) results from metta, it is identifying the suffering of others as one's own, the mind that wants to remove the suffering of others.
Sympathetic joy (Pali,Skt: mudita): is the feeling of joy because others are happy, even if one did not contribute to it, it is a form of sympathetic joy.
Equanimity (Pāli: upekkha, Skt: upeksa): is even-mindedness and serenity, treating everyone impartially.
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仏教の探求 (110)
四無量心 (しむりょうしん) 〜慈悲の瞑想(参照)
四無量心 (しむりょうしん、梵: アプラマーニャ, 巴: アッパマナー) とは、止 (し、サマタ瞑想) の対象である四十業処 (ごうしょ、巴:カンマッタ-ナ、梵: カルマスターナ、全部で40種の瞑想対象のこと)の一部。他の生命に対する自他怨親なく平等で、過度の心配などのない、落ち着いた気持ちを持つことをいう。 四梵住 (しぼんじゅう、梵,巴:ブラフマーヴィハーラ)、四梵行(しぼんぎょう)ともいう。
無量 (アッパマナー)というのは、「対象となる衆生が無数であること」あるいは「対象とする個々の有情(うじょう)について、慈悲の心で余すことなく完全に満たす」という遍満無量(へんまんむりょう、巴: ファラナ・アッパマナー)の観点である。
仏教の四梵住 (しぼんじゅう、梵,巴:ブラフマーヴィハーラ)は、元来、覚醒した心の状態や、今ここで「梵天 (ぼんてん, 巴: ブラフマー)とともに生きる」ことと等しい、他の存在に対する具体的な態度に言及するものであった。しかし、後世の伝統は、その記述を文字通りに受け取り、宇宙論と結びつけて、梵天界 (ブラフマー・ロカ)に生まれ変わることによって「梵天とともに生きる」と理解したのである。
ブラフマーヴィハーラ (四梵住:しぼんじゅう、崇高な態度の意、直訳すると「梵天の住処」) は、仏教の四つの徳目とそれを培うためになされる一連の瞑想修行のことである。四つの無量心は:
慈無量心 (じ、巴:メッター、梵: マイトリー) とは「慈しみ」、万物に対する積極的な善意のこと、相手の楽を望む心。
悲無量心 (ひ、巴: 梵: カルナー) とは「憐れみ」、慈無量心から生じ、他人の苦しみを自分の苦しみとして認識すること、苦を抜いてあげたいと思う心。
喜無量心 (梵、巴: ムディター) とは「喜び」、相手の幸福を共に喜ぶ心、共感的喜びの一形態である。
捨無量心 (しゃ、巴: ウペッカー、梵: ウペクシャー) とは「平静・平常心」、相手に対する平静で落ち着いた心、誰に対しても公平に接すること。動揺しない落ち着いた心を指す。
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tracetheradianceback · 3 months
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“The great lesson from the true mystics...that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one’s daily life, in one’s neighbors, friends, and family, in one’s backyard, and that travel may be a flight from confronting the sacred—this lesson can be easily lost. To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is miraculous.”
—Abraham Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (1971)
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Be Kind 💙
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You’ll Thank Yourself Later. 💙
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Split like an atom
I release a thousand suns
Pouring out my love
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lazyyogi · 1 year
"Forgiveness means letting go of the hope for a better past." Lama Surya Das
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When the mind has only subtle, barely perceptible thoughts, focus your awareness completely and settle in vivid clarity. Rest in that vibrant lucidity. ~ Patrul Rinpoche
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Buddhism, Zen, Tao & Meditation
 "As I began studying Buddhist teachings and chanting more, it led me to take responsibility for my life and to base my choices on wisdom, courage, and compassion.Not long after I started chanting, I began to see that the power I needed to change my life was already within me."
-Tina Turner
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chicagognosis · 2 months
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The Master Jesus, more than just embodying a figure to worship or to follow, represents something very deep within our consciousness. This is why in our Gnostic studies we explain the physical personages of the past, from diverse religious traditions, came to represent principles. They lived in their flesh and bone a state of being that we need to cultivate. Therefore, Christ as the human individual represents in us the principle of the inner Christ, our inner divinity, that light which can shine within the depths of our very heart, to illumine the mistakes of our past and the state of our suffering.
Our focus today is to learn how to develop that principle in us, to understand what it means psychologically, and to know how to apply methods to develop greater insight in our daily life, especially in terms of how we approach problems, how we cultivate virtue, and also how we conquer vice.
We will learn how to awaken, develop, sustain, and expand the intelligence of the heart, the wisdom of the heart, the ability to understand, very deeply, how to negotiate and navigate the great crises that are afflicting our contemporary humanity.
We will also learn that the heart must learn to balance the mind if what we really seek is genuine peace.
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goddessmemoirs · 3 months
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impartialspectator · 2 months
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (112)
Buddhist cosmology
Brahmaviharas – From the teachings preached by the Buddha to his son Rahula (Ref)
“O Rahula, deepen your meditation on loving-kindness. Because if you deepen your meditation on loving-kindness, any resentment, hatred will disappear.
O Rahula, deepen your meditation on compassion. Because if you deepen your meditation on compassion, all harmful intentions will disappear.
O Rahula, deepen your meditation on sympathetic joy. Because if you deepen your meditation on sympathetic joy, any dissatisfaction will disappear.
O Rahula, deepen your meditation of equanimity. Because if you deepen your meditation on equanimity, any anger will disappear.”
Excerpt from Maha-rahulovada-sutta in Majjhima Nikaya (MN)]
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仏教の探求 (112)
四無量心 (しむりょうしん) 〜ブッダが息子のラーフラ (羅睺羅:らごら参照)に説いた教法より
”ラーフラよ、慈の瞑想を深めなさい。なぜなら、慈の瞑想を深めれば、どんな瞋恚 (しんに: 憎悪)も消えてしまうからである。
中部 (ちゅうぶ、巴: マッジマ・ニカーヤ) の大ラーフラ教誡経 (だいラーフラきょうかいきょう、巴:マハーラーフローヴァーダ・スッタ) からの抜粋
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imaginalstudio · 4 months
a friendly reminder from another you: let the love that you are, radiate with no bounds or resistance
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fly-care · 2 years
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