#trans!Albus Dumbledore
firendgold · 1 month
Ok so bc anything i do in this fandon is specifically to piss that woman off, i gotta ask:
Do you have any ideas for fic scenarios for trans!albus and/or trans!Harry? (time travel harrydore or not, you pick)
so funny story anon, my instinctual answer for this question was "no, I've never thought about it, sorry"—but as I was writing that reply a while back, I actually started getting ideas. It was wild. (That's also why this took so long to get out, sorry!)
trans!Albus is easier for me to imagine for some reason. I had this idea where his entire early life could be rewritten just to do a deep dive into the Dumbledore family dynamics when the firstborn prodigy half-blood son is AFAB instead. How that might change Percival's actions on Ariana's behalf (or not), if he doesn't have any thoughts in the back of his mind about leaving his family in his "eldest son's" hands. How that could change the rivalry between Albus and Aberforth, who might not be super tolerant of an uppity older sister who's also queer. We still don't know much about Kendra somehow, after 1 billion years of Pottermore, but whether or not she's accepting of Albus' gender identity and sexuality could be their own spin-off fanfics, they're that fascinating. Her own Native history could then be touched on as well.
All these things together could be a point of personal conflict for Albus, who's already a living embodiment of a taboo Native/European union and might have to wrestle with what's accepted from him as a Good and Proper Woman of English society re: marriage and carrying on some (other) pureblood's line, along with protecting Ariana's secret and "making up" for his father's crimes.
I don't know if Albus' sexuality changes. If it doesn't, I can see him being briefly confused about What Elphias Is To Him when he gets older, and Elphias is getting his own messages from home about How Much Time He's Spending With That Dumbledore Girl. I imagine there would be a lot of conversations between Albus and Kendra, and Albus and other peers, about who he was going to marry and what his "prospects" were since his father's a known criminal. And Albus, beyond not identifying as a girl at all, would find all this discussion about such trivial sexist matters frustrating as hell.
Unfortunately, I see everyone at Hogwarts misgendering Albus while he's a student, or pretty much everyone. Like, he eventually tells Elphias who accepts right away (and is confused about What That Means for Him in private), and maybe a few other students, but none of his professors are Getting It. His stellar academic record probably keeps him from being bullied as much, but doesn't entirely protect him from rampant transmisogyny and slurs when he outperforms people.
But regardless, assuming the "major beats" of history play out the same way, I can see Albus being a lot more proactive re: marginalized rights than he already was in canon, and perhaps moving the overall British Society Needle way further to the left, because it's one thing to talk shit about the powerful, progressive, weird old man that no one really knows is gay but can kick your arse without breathing hard, but another thing entirely to talk shit about your trans, out and proud, progressive Supreme Mugwump who has already freed all the elves, speaks all the magical creature/Being languages, is raising your kids at school better than you are at home, AND is still gay and can still kick your arse without breathing hard.
This is all, of course, imagining that Albus is AFAB and identifies as male. If it's the other way around and Albus is AMAB and identifies as female... I can't even imagine. I'm not cool enough ig
As for Harry, it's weird but I don't have any trans headcanons for him during his Hogwarts years. It's kind of similar to how I don't read many genderbent!Harry fics unless I adore the author, because even though I'm a girl I can't imagine Harry IDing as one for some reason. (I'm very limited, I know.) BUT. For some reason this changes when you bring in time travel harrydore.
With the ship as the parameter, I can imagine an AFAB Harry who's spent his whole life chafing at the clothes Aunt Petunia gets him—because 'unfortunately' (for her), even pre-puberty, she can't just give Harry Dudley's cast-offs unless she wants The Neighbors to start lifting eyebrows and asking questions—because they're girl clothes and along with just not fitting in to the Pristine Pretentious Family with her messy hair and tight clothes and taped-up glasses, Harry has never felt like a girl. He insisted on having people call him 'Harry' as soon as he could talk and get away with it, and only has to hear his deadname from his teachers and with the Dursleys.
This all of course changes once McGonagall is reading names on the Sorting List in 1991 and just barely doesn't stumble over Harry's preferred name being on the list instead. (She is surprised only because Harry is famous. By the time Harry goes to school, there have been many other out trans students in this headcanon. But probably very few under her eye have been quite this famous.)
I've always personally headcanoned Harry as bisexual, but I don't know if that would be the case in this particular headcanon. I can still see him going after Cho, and perhaps even Ginny. I can see him having the same confusion about What Are Ron and I To Each Other that a trans!Albus had about Elphias a century ago, without ever living his Hogwarts life as a girl to anyone but his enemies (and having a lot of friction with canon!Hermione and/or Lavender as a result). I can see Draco hating Harry even more, because he always kept "her" in the back of his mind as a Dark Lady he could serve under in all ways, only to have this... boy being his rival and Quidditch better and wanting absolutely nothing to do with the Malfoys or purebloods or knowing her place.
A thought that sticks in the back of my mind is that JKR (otherwise known by me as That Woman (derogatory)) specifically wrote Harry as a boy for a lot of reasons, and the main one being that she always planned for him to live and pass on his line in the "traditional" way, and having her titular character be a girlboss would've derailed that status quo. In a universe where Harry is AFAB, I can imagine a lot of related conversations with and around Harry about this. How "she" is "the last Potter" that there will ever be, because naturally she'll marry into one of the families and the name will be lost forever. I can see this being a real bone of contention with Harry and radicalizing him, along with Voldemort and the discrimination against werewolves and house-elves and centaurs and veela (which I doubt even one dedicated Dumbledore would be able to get rid of), making him take his place as the next generation leftist magical powerhouse.
And so how does all that change his relationship with Dumbledore? I... don't really see it changing much. If both characters are trans, that's another point of connection for them that bonds them through all the mess the government and society puts them through. It makes Albus a figure for Harry to admire as a young boy ("look, the most powerful wizard in the world is just like me!") and to still anguish about as a young man ("all the choices he made that I don't agree with, all the secrets he kept from me, how do I know I won't make the same mistakes or make no better progress than he did?"). Their relationship could be all the more painful or distant if one of them is out and one is in the closet, like an Albus who never came out or transitioned and is seeing in Harry the upright boy he could have been, or if Harry is resentful of Albus living his truth because he, a knobbly-kneed adolescent girl, doesn't have the power, freedom, or influence to be who he truly wants to be.
But focus! I'm focusing! Time travel Harrydore. The specific scenario I was imagining was one where AFAB Harry never comes out to the general public. His loved ones who are his peers know, but all the adults in his life (yes, including Remus and Sirius) never get to meet him properly. They die thinking of him as "James' daughter". And after defeating Voldemort, Harry just can't take the idea of spending any more time not being the person he wants to be. He's done being the Girl-Who-Lived so he writes goodbye letters to Ron and Hermione and does some ancient ritual without anyone knowing, and instead of changing him at the molecular level it flings him back to the past.
And so unlike a lot of time travel fics (including mine lol) where Harry is grieving his true time and desperate to get back home, this Harry misses his friends terribly, but it doesn't take long for him to see being an unknown in a different time as a golden opportunity. Sure, it would have been better if he'd been flung into the future instead and maybe had more tolerant people instead of less, but no one knows who he's "supposed" to be here. So he can grow into the man he truly is!
And so while Harry is setting up his new life for himself (maybe as some personal tutor, or a backup Quidditch player, or something that keeps him out of the limelight for once?), he runs into trans!Albus who doesn't have many friends and not much else going on for him (depending on who or where Grindelwald is right then), and Harry's nervous but they hit it off and become close friends, and one thing leads to another, and...
Also also, and sorry for sticking this all the way at the end lol, but MUCH RESPECT for hanging around in HPF just to stick in the craw of That Woman. I think I'm adopting your philosophy for the future. ^^
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cluelessuserwholives · 11 months
okay, dumbluedoor? love seeing all the fics bashing him. there a cool twist on the harry potter series written by she-who-must-not-be-named. BUT. everyone makes him seem like this super genius gaslighter and manipulator who planned everything to the last detail and had all these great plans revolving around keeping harry in check. and well this is great, I feel like fic writers are missing a great opportunity. Senile high-as-fuck dumbbluedoor.
The fucker has no idea what the fuck is going on at all times.
he's just fuckiing vibing well probably high on lemon drops or whateverr. fuck has no clue whats going on in hogwarts.
harry knows fuck all about the wizarding world? fuck it. send hagrid. the guy who prefers magical creatures over humans and flunked out of school because of that. he'll be fine.
the fancy orange rock is in the basement and harry found it? oh shit i forgot about that. thanks for reminding me about it. don't worry about the guy who's face you disintegrated he's probably fine- oh he's dead? sucks to be him.
the chamber of secrets is open? tf is the chamber of secrets? idk. figure it out yourselves i've got no clue- oh Tom came out of a diary? how'd he do that? oh a big snek was in the walls two?
surius black out of prison... why was he in prison? '...betraying the potter's....' wait that wasn't him. oh shitttttt.... I forgot to tell people that didn't i. well he's probably fine. harry's name in the goblet of fire? how'd that get their- oh tom's back from the dead. whoa. how'd he do that? anyways here harry lets go to the wizard court, you testify im gonna go take a shit-
ah yes, horcruxes. those things. that i know about. anyways harry have you heard of the power of a mother's love-
fuck you a bjillion points to griffdoor you fucking snakes-
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phosphorusab · 1 year
The Thing About Remus Lupin Being Queercoded (And How Bizarre it is in Hindsight that JK Rowling Ever Wrote Him)
I loved Remus Lupin as an undiagnosed Neurodivergent and unrealized queer kid. Not only was he the most competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the Harry Potter series, but genuinely cared about his pupils and was committed to their safety and education.
I remember being very comforted as a little anxious kid by watching the scene where he taught the class on how to face their fears through a boggart or privately teaching Harry how to use the Patronus.
He was an example of a genuinely good and helpful teacher, which I didn’t have in abundance throughout my K-12 education.
What I find extremely bizarre is that Remus Lupin had an explicitly queer allegory in his character, that JK Rowling retconned and killed off. Seeing her true colors and her politics, what was to be expected?
One thing that Rowling explicitly stated that ties Lupin to queerness is the lycanthropy. Werewolves, vampires, etc have had a queer history before Harry Potter, but in Rowling’s universe lycanthropy was a metaphor for the HIV/AIDS virus.
Lycanthropy is an incurable magical condition which causes the sufferer to turn into a uncontrollable violent wolf monster during a full moon. It can be alleviated with a Wolfsbane potion, much like the early cocktails of pills in the 80’s and 90’s were the first medication to prevent the worsening of HIV/AIDS.
The problem is how Remus contracted lycanthropy. The only other known lycanthrope in the series, Fenrir Greyback, intentionally infected Remus Lupin as a child. Fenrir explicitly enjoys preying on children and infecting as many people as he can with lycanthropy.
Explicitly linking HIV/AIDS as a metaphor for lycanthropy, and the only lycanthropes in the series is a literal child predator intentionally spreading magic HIV/AIDS and his victim, is extremely disgusting, thoughtless and poor taste- especially since gay/bisexual men being demonized as diseased sexual predators in the media.
The Prisoner of Azkaban came out in 1997, and Sorcerer’s Stone came out 2 years prior. HIV/AIDS was (and still is) a big issue in the LGBT+ community. Our community lost so many people and we will probably never shake off the stigma HIV/AIDS left on us, I honestly don’t expect it in my lifetime. Rowling couldn’t possibly not have known all of this, but intentionally used lycanthropy as an allegory for HIV/AIDS.
And the consequence of Remus Lupin being outed as a werewolf was being removed from his teaching position at Hogwarts, because parents complained that he would be a threat to their kids- despite most of Lupin’s students loving him, and had it not been for the events in Prisoner of Azkaban, his lycanthropy would still have been a decades long, well guarded Hogwarts secret.
How is this not parallel to the concern of kids having gay/lesbian teachers (closeted or not) that started in the what, the 50’s? And continues under a new scapegoat, that being openly transgender educators? Openly or not, transgender people being anywhere near children? But what would JK Rowling care, right?
Other evidence that the early Harry Potter fandom had in their arsenal that proved Lupin’s queerness was that he was a bachelor and seemed to have chemistry with another bachelor, being his childhood friend Sirius Black. Apparently, even the actors on set of the movies intentionally portrayed them as such.
Rowling did not appreciate constructive criticism, fans theories, attention to canonical details that she wrote that she had forgotten, or attention to plot holes. For whatever reason, she randomly stuck Remus with Tonks at the tail end of the books, having them get married and have a son in the middle of a war.
They never seemed to have any chemistry prior to this random last minute pairing. What I also find insidious in hindsight was that before Tonks got with Lupin, she was a pretty beloved character for her gender fluidity, having been born as a rare shape shifting Metamorphmagus. She was very spunky, independent, and expressed herself with alternative hair styles that would still make a few people clutch their pearls. She also rejected stereotypical womanhood, and explicitly preferred being referred to her surname “Tonks” instead of her birth name “Nymphadora” or “Dora” for short. But after she gets with Lupin and has Teddy, these traits are all erased.
And then they die, for no reason other than shock and to traumatize their child that doesn’t matter to the plot, because they were originally supposed to survive the ending.
I just find it really odd that Rowling decided to put the two most headcannoned queer characters in her books, who have historically “queer” magical abilities like the lycanthropic and shape shifting characteristics, and forced them into what she thinks will make everyone happy- a nuclear family.
I think she wrote Remus, and by extension Tonks, as queer completely by mistake and she had to correct that for whatever reason.
Because JK Rowling doesn’t have the guts or the capability to actually empathetically and delicately write a character like Lupin as queer- someone who isn’t evil or morally grey (like Dumbledore, confirmed in everything except canon) but an educator, a good one at that, who was run out of Hogwarts on a rail because of people just. like. her.
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thatlovelydove · 2 years
I'm sorry but I need to get this off my chest, it's out of character for Ginny and Harry to name their kid severus, unfortunately it is in their character to name them albus. As much as I hate it
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litsetaure · 1 year
Aurelius Dumbledore: The Truth Revealed???
(Okay, sorry for the overly dramatic and sensationalist title, but I couldn’t resist.)
All right. We now know Credence’s true identity, but what if Gellert misunderstood? Like, he knew Credence was a Dumbledore - which he was actually 100% right about and, depending on how you look at it, also telling the truth about the whole ‘abandoned’ thing - and then thought ‘ah, he must be Aurelius’ - but he was wrong. Right family, wrong family member. Because there IS another Dumbledore out there who we haven’t met. Aurelius Dumbledore is out there, Gellert just hasn’t met him yet, though he does know of him.
So, Gellert sees Credence and (somehow???? But…how???? And when????) realises he’s a Dumbledore. He has heard - or Seen, most likely through a vision - of an ‘Aurelius Dumbledore’ and his thought is that this person is connected to Ariana. Possibly Ariana’s true self - yeah, I am going hard with the trans!Ariana theory here, because it genuinely is my favourite.
Which actually is really clever and here’s why. ‘Ariana’ in welsh means ‘silver’. ‘Aurelius’ in Latin, means ‘golden’. In chemistry, silver is more reactive than gold - not by much, admittedly, but it is. This ties into the idea that Ariana was apparently unable to control her Obscurus, but Credence was able to control his. (Underlying problematic portrayal that a girl can’t control it, but a boy can, aside.)
Once Gellert figured out Credence is a Dumbledore, he thinks ‘ah, Dumbledore who can control his Obscurus, he must be this Aurelius I’ve seen in my visions, Ariana’s true self, Albus is going to be so happy to have him back!’ But, he puts two and two together and gets five. Right family, wrong member. And, no, I don’t believe he would’ve even considered the thought that he’s actually Aberforth’s kid. For one thing, if he entertained the thought that Aberforth had a kid, he’d have to entertain the thought that Aberforth had sex. And…he’s just not going there. Hypocrisy of it aside, I doubt he’d ever want to consider that his (then) arch enemy reproduced.
(Side note, this is a really good example of why Hogwarts needs to teach sex education. Because…15-16 year old Aberforth became a father??? Yikes. Also, I’d bet that part of Aberforth’s attitude towards Albus being with Gellert is down to that meaning he can’t go off with his girlfriend. In other words, he’s extremely sexually frustrated.)
But anyway - the problem is…he’s right that Aurelius exists, but he’s wrong about who he is. He’s not Ariana’s true self at all. He’s actually someone else. Another Dumbledore who Gellert does know to exist (or have existed) but who would never have crossed his mind. Possibly because it was, statistically, incredibly unlikely this person was still alive.
Okay, so ‘Aurelius’ in Latin is a boy’s name meaning ‘golden’. But there’s another Dumbledore who has a name associated with gold or treasure, just in a much more subtle way - via, the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is said to be made of gold and encrusted with jewels. But - here’s the interesting part. In Arthurian legend, one of the Knights of the Round Table is said to have found it. And here’s the kicker, because you know which knight is said to have found it? Which knight is famous for this? (Originally famous, before someone else replaced him.)
This guy:
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Oh, for those of you who don’t know who he is, that’s Percival from BBC’s Merlin (If you haven’t seen it, you should!)
Yep. That Percival. As in, one of the Knights of the Round Table. As in, the one who found the Holy Grail. As in, Albus’ first middle name. And…as in, quite possibly, the namesake of Albus’ father.
Yeah, that’s right. What if Aurelius Dumbledore is actually Percival Dumbledore and he stands with Gellert????
I admit, the connection is REALLY tenuous. But the fact that it’s so tenuous is actually why it works; because Gellert would never have even considered Percival as an option. As far as he knows, Percival is locked away in Azkaban for the rest of his life. Gellert knows he exists, but (presumably) he’s never met the guy, so…why would he even enter his radar? Heck, Gellert would have no reason to even think Percival is still alive. Which would make this Aurelius reveal…probably the greatest plot twist in the Potterverse.
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lowkxytears · 10 months
I like to think that wixen can take a look at the energy of  “souls” that they call their ‘Core’ and be like “Yeah you were afab/amab, but your Core is looking pretty....” and then they just transition from there, and I assume they would be told this after they got like a check up due to signs of gender dysphoria when they’re little. 
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justslightlysad · 2 years
I was complaining about the house system in hp to my mom (a massive hp fan)this morning and she had a very good idea; resort into houses every year. It solves every problem I brought up. Sorted into a house because of values you had when you were 11? Resort! Isolated into idyllic values because you don’t talk to anyone else? Resort! Stuck in a family expectation to be sorted into a specific house? Resort! Literally every problem brought up by the houses would be solved if at the beginning of each year you got resorted into a house that suits you now and not the you from a year ago.
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Minerva's true love. Part 1.
Okay. This is part of my Muggle AU. Remus is not around because he will meet the boys in six year when he transfers to Hogwarts.
Minerva ends up having a special love for him because he is a trans kid just like her. But that comes later.
So just a little background: Minerva met Dougal when she was a student at Oxford. Before she transitioned. Other students used to bully Minerva who back then was known as Michael. She was known as "Tiny Mike" because she used to be skinny. And Dougal had always defended her. But Dougal as a straight man didn't notice her before her transition. Minerva never dared to speak to him either way.
There at Oxford, Minerva met Albus Dumbledore, who was a last year student and a genius when Minerva was a freshman. They became friends. And it was Albus who helped Minnie transition.
When Minerva was in her thirties, she encountered Dougal again. Now as her true self. They fell in love. But Minerva hid her true identity and the fact that they knew each other from before. But Dougal fell for her and he left his fiance to be with her.
That's when Minerva decided to tell him the truth. Of who she used to be and how he used to help her back then, when she was "Tiny Mike". Dougal was shocked to find the truth at first and he asked Minnie for time.
But then days later, Minnie saw him kissing. his ex. And she decided he didn't love her and she ran away. They never saw each other again until now.
Right, now enjoy. Hope you like it.
Also, if you are interested in Albus and Gellert's story, I am planning to dive into it as well. But in another post.
"Good morning, Minerva. You're early"
Albus smiled as Minnie took a seat without saying a word. She was still furious.
"Can I offer you some tea? Coffee?"
Minerva scoffed and pretended to be reading something that Albus knew it was one of his knitting magazines.
"Are you still angry, Minnie?"
Silence. Albus almost laughed.
"I don't speak with traitors...." Minerva spat "And don't call me Minnie"
"A traitor? Why am I a traitor?" Albus giggled.
Minerva looked at him.
"You are really asking, Albus?" Minerva said "You know what you did..."
It wasn't Albus, actually. It was destiny. It was fate. It was probably the fact Dougal McGregor was Minerva's true love.
You see, Rosmerta was looking for a new bartender. She was going mad with the amount of clients she'd been having lately and the lack of staff she had. And guess who applied? Rosmerta had asked Albus for help. It wasn't Albus fault. And Albus had smiled at how destiny was funny when he saw Dougal's name in the applicants list.
"I told you I didn't do anything, Minnie" Albus explained "He applied"
"And you had to tell Rosmerta to hire him?" Minerva scoffed.
"We both agreed he was the best for the job... Better not have students around alcohol"
"But... But..." Minerva groaned "Why do you meddle, ha?"
"What?" Albus smirked.
"Yeah Albus! You are a meddler! You meddle into Rosemerta's business and you meddle into my life..."
Albus tutted "Why do you care? I thought you said you were far over him"
Minerva blushed. But she tried to hide it. Albus was pleased.
"Or maybe... After all these years... You still have feelings for him?"
"But what is your problem?! Ha!" Minerva squealed angrily "I am not longer young, a freaking teenager like the kids I teach. I am an old grown up woman. My life is teaching so don't freaking bother me, do you understand!?! And I am not speaking to you!"
Minerva whispered insults and swear words as she continued to peek into Albus' magazine.
Albus smiled.
"A very mature woman, I see"
Minerva continued to ignore him.
They heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"
Someone stepped into Albus' office. It was Dougal.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Dumbledore" Dougal said with a smile on his face. Dougal was a nice man. Always gentle, always kind. Nothing like the wanker Minerva had told him about.
His eyes flickered towards Minerva.
"Aah Dougal, please come in" Albus raised from his chair to welcome him.
Minerva turned her head in surprise.
"What in the name of God are you doing here?" she asked.
It had been funny the first time they encountered each other a few days ago. Out of surprise, Minerva had poured her drink on Dougal's head, the minute he said Hi. And then she ran away. It had been ages. 23 years to be precise. Minerva had married Elphistone trying to forget about Dougal. May Elphistone rest in Peace. And Dougal had confessed that he was finally getting divorced from his wife.
All that time apart. And for what? A misunderstanding?
Before Dougal could answer, Albus spoke.
"I called him" he said "I wanted to give Mr. Dougal a tour around the castle"
"Yes... I..."
"But why?" Minerva interrupted, speaking only to Albus "He is Rosemerta's bartender. He has nothing to do with the school"
"Yeah you are right, Minerva" Albus nodded "But Dougal will actually live in the castle..."
Minerva's eyes opened up like plates.
"I offered him one of the teachers empty dorms"
Minerva turned towards Dougal furiously.
"And your wife doesn't mind that?"
"My ex wife" Dougal answered "And no she would not mind. As long as I stay far away from her. I don't think she wants to see me around" he chuckled.
"Well, save your personal things for someone who cares..." Minerva shrugged "I am leaving..." she stood up.
"But we had a meeting with Slughorn just now"
"It looks you have other things to do, Albus" Minerva said this giving a nasty look at Dougal. Then she walked to the door.
"It was nice seeing you again, Minerva" Dougal said with a special smile on his face.
"I wish I could say the same..." Minerva spat "But it is so sad to see how some people age..." she looked at him up side down "So sad, really..."
Then she tried to get through the door but Dougal was blocking the way.
"Excuse me..." Minerva said.
"Excuse me!" And she practically pushed Dougal away to cross.
Then she slammed the door closed.
Dougal smiled.
"I forgot the temper Minnie had. So stubborn, that woman" he said "I used to love that about her"
Albus smiled as well. Albus had to do something. It was obvious that there was still something there. If only Dougal knew how much Minnie suffered without him. How much she loved him. How she never really got over him. And judging by the way Dougal still looked at Minnie, he hadn't gotten over her as well. Albus was going to do something to get them back together. He wanted to see his best friend happy.
"Shall I show you around?"
"Yes, please" Dougal sighed.
So they walked out of Dumbledore' office to explore the castle.
Albus was just finishing serving himself a tea when he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"
Albus saw the head of James Potter popping in. The poor boy looked a bit pale.
"Good morning, sir"
"Mr. James..." Albus smiled "Please come in..."
James stepped in, followed by Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. Those three troublemakers. They had done mischief every since they got to this school. But brilliant things. Brilliant things for sure. Albus was sure they could help him with his plan.
"Good morning..."
"Good morning, sir..."
Albus had a sip of his tea.
"Good morning..."
The three boys stood up really close to each other. They didn't say a word. But they had guilty expressions.
Albus raised an eyebrow.
"Well, gentlemen... I called you here because..."
"I am sorry, Mr. Dumbledore!!" Peter cried "We didn't want to explode the toilets... It was just a silly little prank! And it got out of control..."
So it hadn't been a plumbing problem then... Impressive...
"Peter..." James protested under his breath.
"Please don't expell us!" Peter begged "My mum would surely kill me if you do"
"Come on, Peter" Sirius rolled his eyes "Your mum is cool. My parents are gonna bury me alive"
"But why?" James shrugged "We didn't do anything"
"You clearly don't know my mum when she is angry, Sirius" Peter ignored him.
Sirius smirked "I would love to see that!"
"Oh shut up!"
"We didn't do anything" James added "We didn't do anything, Mr. Dumbledore!"
Albus almost laughed. This was his opportunity. He was going to take this prank of them as an advantage. Those brilliant minds could know exactly what to do with Minnie and Dougal.
"I don't know, boys" Albus fakely sighed "The amount of trouble you've been this year and now this..." Albus tutted "I don't know if you would be able to pass the year..."
Lies. Albus did the impossible to help those who were in danger of losing the year. Besides, these boys were brilliant. But Albus needed to lie now. And based on their pale expressions he was doing a great job.
"What?" James gasped.
Peter looked like he was going to vomit.
"Please, Mr. Dumbledore..." Sirius begged "There must be something we could do!"
Albus sighed, standing up.
"Okay... I might be able to help you..."
The three boys looked at him hopefully.
"I could..." Albus began pacing "drop all the charges against you. And leave your record clean so you could pass the year..."
"We'll do anything..." Peter cried.
"If...." Albus continued "If you help me with something"
"What is it?" James asked carefully.
Albus smirked.
"Are you boys fans of romance?"
The three boys looked between each other.
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“I’ve had enough of reading things By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians! All I want is the truth... Just gimme some truth...”
~“Gimme Some Truth” by John Lennon
brief reference to Merlin Wyllt @oneirataxia-girl
As January 1996 turned into February, Mia found herself less settled than ever. 
After the Azkaban break-out, Dolores Umbridge issued yet another “Educational Decree” for Hogwarts’s students, which Mia’s nephew Olin described thusly --
Now the teachers can’t talk about anything with their students unless it’s specifically about their classes! I heard Professor Flitwick appealing to Professor Dumbledore about it, since he frequently councils Ravenclaws about personal matters at home. He said he couldn’t bear it if anyone else went through what “Jacob” went through, so I reckon one of his students ended up in a bad place once. And my friend Catie’s parents are going through a nasty divorce right now, so Professor Sprout’s been helping her through it...are teachers just supposed to not talk to their students when they’re afraid to go home because of what’s going on with their parents? 
It made Mia suspect all the more that it had less to do with fixing problems at Hogwarts and much more about keeping students in the dark about what was going on in the political world...for what reason, Mia couldn’t figure out, but it troubled her all the same. The development concerned Florean too.
Brainwashing children to blindly trust in anyone’s authority is never a good sign. Muggle dictators have done it countless times over the centuries, to justify their claim. Even our own Ministry has done it, up to a point, in how they’ve whitewashed Merlin’s legacy as nothing but an example of “the most powerful wizard in history,” rather than someone who actively opposed and fought against what would become the Ministry of Magic and the Statute of Secrecy. I don’t want to believe this decision could be so maliciously motivated, and instead just be out of a misguided kind of protection...but considering what Olin has told you about Dolores Umbridge, I regret to say I have trouble promoting the latter. 
As if sensing how much people were starting to doubt the Daily Prophet, and by extension the Ministry of Magic’s account of what was going on, the Quibbler published an interview with Harry Potter, written by the Prophet’s once star-reporter Rita Skeeter, centered around the events of Cedric Diggory’s death. In the interview, Harry laid out a harrowing account, detailing how he and Cedric had decided to take the Triwizard Cup together for Hogwarts, since they’re reached it at the same time; how the Cup had actually been a Portkey, enchanted to transport them to a dark, unfamiliar graveyard; how as soon as they’d arrived, Peter Pettigrew (who was somehow both alive and a Death Eater!) killed Cedric on the orders of a malformed creature wrapped in rags in his arms; how that creature turned out to be Voldemort himself, who ordered Pettigrew to forcibly take some of Harry’s blood for a potion that restored his body to him; how Voldemort, newly restored and alive, summoned his remaining Death Eaters and tried to kill Harry; and finally how Harry miraculously escaped when his and Voldemort’s wands linked via Priori Incantantem and he magically summoned the Portkey back to his hands, returning him to school. 
It was an outrageous tale -- one too terrifying and ridiculous to believe. And yet, as much as Mia hated to admit it, parts of it seemed oddly sincere. Harry’s responses, for instance, came across as very modest, just like Florean had said he was -- Rita at several points seemed to encourage Harry to embellish his story, asking him about how the Death Eaters tortured him and such, but Harry didn’t rise to the bait.
“They didn’t do anything to me,” said Potter. “Except laugh, maybe -- a couple of them laughed. It was Voldemort who used the Cruciatus Curse -- they just stood back and watched.”
Trying to place herself in this poor boy’s shoes, your humble reporter asked him whether he’d resigned himself to death, upon facing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or if he had been truly so determined to survive and tell his story. Potter, however, confessed a shocking lack of introspection.
“I hadn’t really thought that far ahead,” said Potter. “I just knew I didn’t want to die on my knees. I wanted to die fighting. But then our wands connected, and my...the...ghosts appeared...I guess they’re called shades?...but they told me to...to get the Portkey and run. And Cedric asked me to take his body back. So I did.”
Then there were details here and there that were so specific, it seemed incredibly unlikely that a teenage boy could’ve just made it up. Why was it that almost every name Harry recalled among the Death Eaters belonged to someone who’d been accused but acquitted of helping the Death Eaters? And the one that hadn’t, Peter Pettigrew? Mia remembered Pettigrew and his little “buddies,” Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and James Potter, from school -- they and Severus Snape had been all four years older than her, but Mia remembered them, and even at the time, she’d had a hard time believing that Peter Pettigrew of all people had tried to stand up to the likes of Sirius Black. She’d ascribed this to Pettigrew losing all common sense in response to the grief of losing the Potters to one of his other best friends -- but even then, Pettigrew had always had a bit of “Slytherin” in him. He was cowardly, sure, and he was never as talented or intelligent as his other friends, but he was also rather clever, when push came to shove, and he had a way of weaseling his way out of trouble. If this story of Potter’s had been made-up, anyone else would’ve accused Sirius Black of being the ringleader of this whole affair -- Minister Fudge himself had claimed the Azkaban break-out was all his doing. Some others might’ve even gone after Severus Snape, considering his history with the Death Eaters. But Pettigrew? Why would Harry accuse someone who’d supposedly been dead for so many years? Why bring up this man, after so long, and depict him as this cowardly, reluctant supporter of the most powerful Dark Wizard of all time? How would Harry even have known Pettigrew was the sort to cower behind his more powerful friends, when Pettigrew had supposedly died when he was still an infant? How could Harry describe Pettigrew so well, as if he were a real person who’d aged and grown over the years, instead of just how he looked in his old photographs? 
Mia had been so invested by Harry’s account that she’d read the interview all the way through without putting it down. She then read it several more times over, and each time, she felt like her stomach was being tied in another knot.
It was only when a grayish-brown whippet came over to rest his head in her lap that Mia looked up from the Quibbler at last.
She forced a smile.
“...Hi, Dad.”
The whippet stared up at Mia for a long moment. Then some small flare of consciousness seemed to flicker to life behind his eyes, and the dog seemed to bend in on himself, resting his paw on the arm of the chair Mia was sitting in. Little by little, that paw seemed to grow and his short gray suede-like fur began to dissolve away into peach-colored skin...until at last, the bald, aging candymaker Ambrosius Flume sat curled up in a ball on the floor.
He opened and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he looked up. He put on a brave smile, upon seeing his second daughter.
“...Mia,” he said warmly. “Good morning.”
He glanced over at the closest window.
“...Or perhaps it’s good afternoon. Is it still the 13th?”
“Yeah,” said Mia.
“Oh good, I haven’t missed Valentine’s Day,” Ambrosius said brightly. “I still need to finish that special Sugar Butterfly for your mother...”
Seeing the somber look on Mia’s face, the candymaker’s face lost some of its cheer, but he still tried to keep a brave smile on.
“Mia, it’s all right,” he said gently. “I didn’t leave the house, I know that much. And I’m perfectly safe, so long as I don’t wander too far...”
Mia’s gaze fell down to the article she’d been reading uncomfortably.
It was true Ambrosius’s condition could be managed. He had always been able to turn back, once he’d interacted with his family and recalled his true self through them. But blood Maledictions were an incurable condition, one that gradually worsened over time. Sooner or later, all of those afflicted by it would transform into an animal devoid of any human consciousness and never be able to turn back into themselves. And the more Ambrosius turned into a dog without meaning to -- the longer he stayed in that form -- the more afraid Mia would be that he'd never become human again. It was a fear she’d had since she was a young child -- one so strong that her boggart for years had been her father in dog form...his eyes completely blank and growling at her like she was a stranger...
Ambrosius reached out and took his daughter’s hand. Mia looked up at him, to find a very comforting expression on his face.
“I may not remember everything, after getting dressed for the morning,” he said, “but I know what woke me up -- as it so often is -- was me seeing my little Pepper Imp and needing to be her father.”
Mia’s lips curled up in an emotional smile despite herself. Ambrosius smiled affectionately in return as he brought up his other hand to lightly pat her cheek.
“You looked quite troubled, when I came to,” he said. “Yet I don’t think it was just about me.”
He eyed Rita Skeeter’s article in her lap significantly.
Mia exhaled heavily.
“...Dad...I’m so conflicted,” she confessed. “The Ministry of Magic has always there to keep us safe -- that’s all it’s ever wanted to do, I know it. And yet...everything it’s been saying about Potter lately -- about Azkaban -- about You-Know-Who...none of it’s making any sense, Dad! Even Tia agrees. Dirk even thinks that Sturgis Podmore might’ve been put under the Imperius Curse, when he was found down in the Department of Mysteries last year for seemingly no reason. And Callie...Callie’s been talking to folks, ever since Rita Skeeter interviewed Potter...not just airheads like Jacob Cromwell or Xenophilius Lovegood, people who live in the real world, like Mafalda Hopkirk and John Dawlish -- respected Ministry employees -- ”
She picked it up and handed it to Ambrosius so he could read it himself from his spot on the floor.
“...And all of them -- well, just about all -- think Potter’s telling the truth! That Minister Fudge knows it too, deep down, but he’s been actively trying to discredit Potter and Dumbledore, all because he doesn’t want to face the truth! Even if that would have to mean that the Ministry has been lying about everything for the last year -- about Cedric Diggory, Sirius Black, the Azkaban break-out -- about You-Know-Who not being back! And worse still...I’m starting to think he might be too...”
She bowed her head, swallowing back the lump that had cropped up in her throat.
“I just don’t understand how Fudge could do something so horrible,” she said weakly. “Even if he is afraid...what about all of us? Aren’t we afraid, not knowing what’s going on? Does our fear not matter? Does Olin’s and Skylar’s fear not matter? Fudge is supposed to be our leader, our Minister. Won’t we be afraid -- even more afraid than him -- not even having someone who’ll fight to protect us and the ones we love?”
Ambrosius got to his feet so that he could settle himself down on the arm of Mia’s chair, bringing a paternal hand up to rest on the top of her head.
“I know,” he murmured. “It is a terrible thought.”
He slid a lock of hair that had come out of Mia’s bun neatly behind her ear.
“I wish I could say that it has to be some sort of misunderstanding...but based just on what I’m reading here -- ”
He flourished the article in his hand before putting it down on the side table.
“ -- and hearing what I have from Callie’s broadcasts...I don’t think your suspicions are as farfetched as we’d like to believe.”
Mia looked up at Ambrosius. His face was incredibly solemn.
“I hate to say it...but we may indeed be in a situation where the ones we’ve chosen to lead us have chosen their own self-interest over our lives. And if that’s truly the case...I think we may have to do some looking, to find others who see the road we’re on and may also want to reroute our course.”
"How could we do that?” asked Mia. “We’re just confectioners -- we’re not politicians, or Aurors...we’re not Dumbledore or the Minister. What could we do to protect our world, if things really are as bad as we think?”
Ambrosius put on a brave smile again as he scratched the back of his neck beside his ear. “I’m not sure...but, well, we can’t be the only ones, to not believe the Ministry’s narrative. Who knows? Maybe if we can find those other people who see the dark clouds overhead and want to do something about it, we can put our heads together. Then maybe we’ll find some way to be of use.”
But Mia shook her head.
“‘Be of use?’ In a second Wizarding War? Potentially facing off against the most powerful Dark Wizard of all time?”
She brought her arms around herself as she rested her face in her own lap.
“We’re just normal people, Dad,” she said despondently against her legs. “What would we be, to a monster like that?”
Ambrosius brought his arms around Mia and gave her a hug. Mia inhaled the familiar vanilla smell off of his coat, trying to find some shred of courage, however elusive it was.
She didn’t want to believe things were as terrible as she feared. Merlin...did she hope beyond reason that she was wrong.
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Here we go again. Another institution, brimming with self-righteous faux outrage, is trying to airbrush JK Rowling’s name out of history. This time it’s the turn of the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) in Seattle, Washington, which has removed the world-famous author’s name from its Harry Potter exhibition. Last week, the museum announced that while it will continue to display memorabilia from the Harry Potter books and films, it wants no association with their supposedly problematic creator.
Explaining the decision in a 1,400-word blog, the museum’s exhibitions project manager, Chris Moore, brands Rowling a ‘cold, heartless, joy-sucking entity’. Moore, who identifies as trans and uses ‘he / them’ pronouns, takes exception to Rowling’s ongoing interest in preserving women’s hard-won rights over the ‘right of anyone who insists they are who they say they are’. Once again, Rowling’s reasonable and rational defence of women’s sex-based rights is being presented disingenuously as ‘hateful’ or ‘harmful’ towards transgender people, and therefore deserving of cancellation.
Moore even seems to think it would be better if Rowling had never existed. ‘We would love to go with the internet’s theory that these books were actually written without an author’, he writes, ‘but this certain person is a bit too vocal with her super hateful and divisive views to be ignored’.
Strikingly, Moore goes a few steps further than most of Rowling’s critics. He doesn’t just accuse her of transphobia. He also accuses the Harry Potter books of peddling ‘racial stereotypes’, promoting ‘fat shaming’ and, perhaps most heinous of all, lacking ‘LGBTQIA+ representation’. Surely to goodness there must have been a few pansexual / nonbinary students in the imaginary, magical school of Hogwarts? Shame on JKR for not giving them a voice, eh? The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, might have been gay, but apparently that’s not enough in our world of 764 genders.
I find myself torn about this particular non-event, to be perfectly honest. On the one hand, I realise this is simply the latest in a long line of attempts to shut Rowling up. ‘I saw Goody Rowling, in the barn, consorting with the devil!’ is the tone of every such outburst. By now, these tricks have become cheap and obvious to anyone observing closely. The smears are always baseless.
On the other hand, the attempts to erase Rowling are deadly serious. Each attempted takedown inevitably leads to her receiving the vilest, cruellest abuse. Abuse which, if you’ve ever taken the time to read it, contains some of the most horrific things one human could say to or about another. Rowling is no doubt a tower of strength and resilience, having been on the receiving end of this bile for years. But it’s probably still having an effect on her, deep down.
Perhaps there is an upside to this stunt by Moore and the MoPOP, however. Removing Rowling’s name from the museum, and condemning her as ‘super hateful’, is so infantile that most right-thinking people will likely see it for the foolishness it really is. Sunlight, on occasions such as these, has a remarkable effect of highlighting the absurd and often cruel behaviour of the gender ideologues. People are getting wise to these smear tactics now that they are so regularly churned out. The problem is it is difficult to get people to speak out against them.
Sadly, most people are still too scared to speak up. This shouldn’t surprise us when the extremist factions of the trans movement use threats of rape, violence and torture to bring people into line. They doxx people’s addresses and workplaces, so the heretics can be hunted down and vilified, resulting in the loss of earnings, jobs, reputations and more. There are countless examples of this. And no doubt there will be many more to come.
Faced with this, we cannot simply stand by and shrug. We have to stand up to the smears. The truth is that Rowling has never said anything untoward about trans people. She has been critical of the behaviour of some trans fanatics. She has been vocal in her support for single-sex spaces for women and girls. And yes, she has vociferously defended herself against hourly abuse. As she damn well has a right to do. But she is not the bigot she has been made out to be.
It’s time we all speak up for what is right. It’s time to break the cycle of fear. It’s time we called out this public assault on JK Rowling – and on all the other gender-critical feminists who’ve been similarly maligned. We need to put a stop to this authoritarian movement.
James Dreyfus is an actor who has starred in Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Absolutely Fabulous and The Thin Blue Line.
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limetameta · 4 months
I need tombraxas fics and your opinion on it
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I'm about to go OFF under the cut so beware
If you're looking for HEALTHY tombraxas I can offer you the following:
Summary: They're in high school it's modern au, the most dramatic thing that happens is that they know Walburga Black in person, who's trying to be an influencer. This is the cutest tombraxas I've ever written and I love it so gosh dang much. They're just so soft with each other and they love each other like lovesick teenagers can. Tom is a lil repressed and scared because he's a foster kid and Abraxas is a nepo baby and that's bound to create problems, but Abraxas is just so SAFE for Tom.
To this day I believe I've peaked with this writing and that I'll never write anything funnier. Take the Riddle era kids, age them up, and shove them in a no magic office au. I'm laughing as I'm writing this honestly every time I remember this fic I giggle.
Voldemort Wins the 2ND WAR AU - Ginny falls in love with Luna, but parallel to them Tombraxas is out here being divorced toxic and learning to reconcile because Luna is Voldemort's favourite student and Ginny is Abraxas' favourite student. I like this fic a lot. MAINLY because I love writing Voldemort wins fics that make Voldemort depressed.
Every adult in Harry Potter's life has failed him as a mentor figure. Enter Abraxas Malfoy, who's like I BET I CAN SPEEDRUN my man Tom winning this war and not having him deal with Harry Potter - I'LL BECOME A PROFESSOR AT HOGWARTS! SECRET MARRIAGE TROPE, VOLDEMORT AND ABRAXAS DISS DUMBLEDORE FOR HAVING A GAY RELATIONSHIP LONGER THAN HIS ONE SUMMER ROMANCE ASS. Harry Potter is not harmed. Who knew that was an option???
This is a story of tombraxas as told through a series of moving photographs.
The first time I ever wrote a fic with tombraxas in it (Abraxas doesn't appear, but Voldemort talks about how that peacock man can get it)
it's old 2016 writing tho so beware.
Albus Dumbledore gets sorted into Slytherin and how this changes the course of his life. Tom/Abraxas are side characters but they're together and it's clearly stated in text.
Tom Riddle Sr raises his son. His son is gay for the peacock man, but this story focuses more on the father son dynamic than on them.
Hermione time travels to the past and acts as Tom's sister. Tom is flustered by Abraxas lots in this fic and they are together.
Voldemort dies as per canon but he winds up in a hellish world devoid of colour and his senses. As he travels farther and farther out and gains more of his senses, it isn't until he finds Abraxas that colour returns to his life. I like this fic a lot.
Tom Marvolo Riddle (the human) is switched at birth with a fairy changeling. The Fairy AS TOM RIDDLE grows up in muggle london and goes to Hogwarts and has a liaison with Abraxas and becomes Voldemort and all that. Meanwhile Tom Riddle (the human) grows up in the Fairy world and fucks shit up for the Unseelie Queen. I like the prose in this one a lot.
Voldemort and Abraxas in this fic are not endgame but they are together. Endgame for Voldemort is finally being happy and healthy. For Abraxas it's Minerva. The two of them are still very much clearly codependant on each other and very open, and they do fuck.
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FUN FACT: The very first fic Abraxas ever appears in my writing, the one that set the precedent for all the other Abraxas in my works FIRST APPEARED IN Retired Prometheus - the LONGEST TOMBRAXAS FIC WRITTEN ON FFNET AND AO3 to date. This fic has truly taught me so much about writing. These two in this fic are so deeply convoluted and yet in love with each other in a very toxis way. I adore them. I adore the messiness, the codependence, the nobody will ever love you as I love you, my love for you is monstrous, but that's fine, I'll love you with all of my monstrous being. Everything that you see in the fics listed above this one CAME as a direct influence Retired Prometheus had on me. This is the OG. This is the abyss that stared at me and had me churning out Tombraxas fics for YEARS. This is the, even though I'm a terrible human being, I deserve to be loved, too, and nobody can do it better than you, you, Hercules, who've come to rescue me from myself, from my punishment from the Gods.
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ice-and-starlight · 1 year
I’m jumping you back into the hp fandom. I need to know your in depth opinions on jily!
Are you sure? I mean, are you sure?
...Alright, then.
WARNINGS: This is going to be so very extremely anti. Anti-Lily, Anti-James, Anti-Jily, Anti-JKR. Just... so much negativity. Seriously, please don't read this if you like even a part of any of these.
Are we clear?
So, to begin with, James and Lily are held up as paragons of virtue for a lot of the first half of the series, and I'm honestly convinced that's what JKR intended them to be. Even when she tries to make them more like characters than ideals, it's fairly half-hearted from an author who has brought us such great examples of depth and complexity as Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore.
There is so much room for extrapolation and fan interpretations, not least of all because both of them exhibit some deeply disturbing behaviour that mostly gets glossed over by the narrative. And my interpretations aren't going to be kind. Mostly, I'm sad to say, as a reaction to 1) fans of Jily trying to shove it down my throat when I was a teenager and 2) JKR's anti-trans warmongering making me highly critical of a lot of her attitudes towards gender, sexuality, and relationships.
So, first, I'm going to try and detail what we actually know about them from canon. Then, I'm going to talk a bit about how knowledge of JKR's prejudices and biases have affected my interpretation. Then... I'm going to drag Jily through the mud.
So, James and Lily met on the train to boarding school at eleven. James picked on her friend based on a social prejudice that's new to her, and she removed them from the situation. Over the following years, James picks on her friend frequently, which she doesn't ever seem indignant about, culminating in the event where James, who's had a crush on her for a while and obviously enough that Severus noticed it, tries to threaten her into dating hi., Lily puts him down harshly, and then leaves her newly ex-friend to his mercies after he insulted her. At some point about a year to a year and a half later, they start dating after 'James deflated his head a little'. They marry straight out of school, and join a vigilante group to fight terrorists together. Also, James goes into training to become an Auror. There is no mention, afaik, as to what else Lily is doing in that time, besides that we know that she and James 'thrice defied' Voldemort, presumably in person, given that I'm sure a lot more couples 'thrice defied' him in some way during the course of those three years. They have a child two years into joining this war, and go into hiding to protect him. They know there's a spy in the Order, and this fractures their friendships (well, James's we're never told who Lily's friends are besides Severus except that she has them), while James chafes at the restrictions of being in hiding. Eventually, Voldemort finds them, and James tries to hold him off without a wand while Lily runs upstairs to get Harry, then stands over his crib begging Voldemort to spare her baby.
That's... pretty much all we know of them from canon.
Metatextually, we know that Lily is meant to represent the unconditional love of the mother, the selfless sacrifice, and James is meant to represent the ideal that Harry's striving to become. (Ask me some time about how disturbing I find the parallels between Jily and Hinny.) And that together, they are meant to be the shining example of love and happiness and bravery and justice. (Also ask me some time about how there isn't a single adult in Harry's life who looks at him and cares (or doesn't care) about him for him, instead of because of who his parents are.)
And given what I now know about JKR's ideas about gender, gender roles, and therefore the standard hetrosexual relationships of our society... The disturbing inconsistencies between what we're told about Jily and what we actually see of their relationship begin to make a lot more sense.
So on the one hand, I fully believe that Lily and James belong together and deserve each other. On the other, I don't really mean that as a good thing.
James's feelings towards Lily are not selfless and they're not kind. He bullies her friend and tries to use that as leverage to get her to date him, and literally only stops where she can see him after that. Lily... finds that good enough. Frankly, given some of the details and turns of phrase in the the Prince's Tale, I would go so far as to say she passively encouraged him even before that. Look at the way she talks to Severus about the bullying. She condemns James's behaviour once, in passing, to stop Severus from bringing him up so that she can continue to scold him. (I'm not passing judgement on whether that scolding was justified or not, that is a whole different meta.)
We don't know what they looked like while they were dating, but we do know they probably weren't even dating for a full year before they got married. Understandable given the state of war their world was in, but... not something I'd hold up as a sign of good decision making on either of their parts. James 'got the girl' (I don't think I need to elaborate on why I find that whole dynamic skeevy) and Lily... I get some serious 'I can fix him' vibes from her decision to date him, and that never ends well. After that, we're told that James and Sirius are trying/want to become Aurors. (I think. I can't actually remember where... Please correct me if I'm wrong and that's only fanon.) With no mention of what Lily's doing afaik.
We know she fights for the order, but... I expect, if you asked JKR what Lily's career was, the answer would be 'housewife'. Within a year or so, she's pregnant, a year later, she's in hiding, a year later, she's dead.
Now, I do understand that part of the justification for all of this will be 'it was war, they were young and in love', but it seems like a really stupid thing, to me, when they've been personally and repeatedly targeted by Voldemort himself, to have a baby. They're really young, James can't possibly be out of training yet, there is a mass-murdering dark wizard gunning for them, Lily is part of his preferred demographic to torture and kill, and their reaction is 'you know what would make this situation better? A baby!'?!
Now, why would Lily, who from what we've seen was a passionate, (self-)righteous person, be willing to take time off from fighting a war that's both extremely personal to her and also escalating fairly quickly, to dedicate herself to raising a baby? Because motherhood is the epitome of womanhood. How could she not?
Hello, JKR, I can see you there behind the curtain again.
As for James in all of this... Well, I've written a draft ranting about James Potter that I didn't post because I try not to spew negativity all over the internet anymore (I tried that once, it wasn't fun for anybody). But I will say that I think there are some deeply sinister interpretations of a rich spoiled bully immediately going into law enforcement after school while his 'headstrong' wife ends up staying home to watch the baby.
TL;DR: Lily and James are that perfect married couple who on the surface appear to be every romantic dream made real, but when you scratch the surface, a lot of ugliness oozes out. At best they were young and stupid and made some significant mistakes that they never got the chance to learn from and reflect on because they died so young. At worst they were a toxic, abusive mess vying for power over each other and we only never got to see them fall apart because they died so young.
(Of course, they never would have, because we know that this is JKR's idea of an ideal relationship. Yikes.)
They are so severely fucked up, and if they'd actually been presented that way, I might have actually found them engaging and interesting, as individuals and as a couple. But I took a hard right into 'I'm fucking done' because so many people bought into the stereotypical heteronormative love story of a couple who can do no wrong.
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In Defence of Albus Dumbledore:
Look. I know this is an unpopular opinion, so I’m going to write this here because putting it anywhere else (like at the bottom of the fics which have inspired this frustration) would seem mean, and it would probably end up coming off as unintentional flaming, which I would never do to anyone ever. Also, as I’m less frustrated with individual works than I am with an entire situation, it wouldn’t really be fair to direct it at one specific person.
Get ready. This is going to be very ranty and long and I can't promise not to get off topic and onto a tangent a few times.
I understand that we all have grown up a lot since first reading Harry Potter. I get that once we realized how grey a few of Dumbledore’s decisions actually and the ways in which they affected the characters we love we all felt rightfully upset.
But can we please stop being so narrowminded about it?
There are plenty of redemption fics out there. A lot of them are works that redeem characters like Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Draco’s parents, various Dursleys and loads of other people. I’ve seen fics that have Sirius confronting the realities of his juvenal behaviours and having to atone for past wrongs. I’ve even seen (but admittedly never read) fics that redeem Voldemort himself.
But the least popular person for a redemption story in fanfiction by far seems to be Albus Dumbledore.
I get it.
He was supposed to be an infallible genius who did no wrong and he let us down. But please.
Can we all please just admit that we’re using Dumbledore as a stand in?
The hatred we as a fan community levy at Dumbledore is influenced by so much more than his actions in cannon.
It’s the dissolution we feel at growing up. The need as young people to bite back at overbearing authority. It’s the conviction that leaders should never be allowed to fail if failure means the death of innocent people. Even though we can all recognize on a personal level that our failures are typically unintentional and are definitely what make us human.
Of late, it’s very clear that Dumbledore is a stand in for the betrayal we feel at JK Rowling’s anti-trans standing.
We all loved her so much.
She gave us this world.
She promised it to everyone.
And then she said that it was all a lie, and that it was never meant for some of us anyway.
The parallels are clear.
While we were first reading, we loved who Harry loved. Simply because he loved them, and we loved him.
When we grew up, we started acknowledging the ways in which the characters mirrored people in real life, and we chose the people we found the most familiar to love instead. Personally, I understand the reason I read Severitus so often is because I had a largely absent father who I idolized as a child, and that father was a bit of a rockstar like person. Dark, intelligent, and cruel when he wanted to be. Artistic, genius, condescending, and amazing.
As an adult, I still long for his love and approval. Learning that Severus was capable of so much good at the very end of his story, that he was in fact good all along, even when he looked exactly the opposite, gave me hope that my father was too. Even though I now understand that redemption for my father is just a fairy tale it’s still a story I hold close to my heart. A story I long for. It’s a possible happy ending for both a lonely child and a jaded grouchy adult.
Albus Dumbledore was different.
This was a man that we trusted to have everyone’s best intentions at heart. We were told he was safe. We were told he was the smartest man in any room. And then he failed us. And we looked back at all he had done, and rather than seeing the good he had tried to achieve, all we could see were the mistakes he had made.  
I firmly believe that the reason that so many people hate him so strongly now is because we all loved him so much first. Like Harry, we all believe that he was incapable of mistakes. His mistakes in cannon aren’t any more morally condemning than anyone else on the light side.
Keep in mind that I said, “in cannon.” I feel like I need to distinguish that. In cannon, though Harry asked if he could stay at Hogwarts during the summer, he never told Dumbledore about living in a cupboard under the stairs. His letter was addressed to there, but we have no way of knowing whether it was physically or magically written on the envelope. And besides, that letter was signed by Professor McGonagall, not Dumbledore. Harry also never mentioned to him the Dursleys withholding food. Or locking up his trunk so that he couldn’t do his homework. He made it clear that they disliked him, that they thought him a burden, but think. Really think. Dumbledore is the head of a school full of children. How many children misunderstand and exaggerate even in their own minds how much their families dislike them.
Let me be clear; when I say kids exaggerate I don’t mean in terms of abuse. I only mean typical things such as, “My mom’s always grouchy when she gets home from work and she never notices that I’ve tried really hard by cleaning the bathroom if she told me to clean the kitchen before she got home and I decided to do the bathroom because I wanted to clean it instead of doing the dishes and now she’s yelling at me that she just needs me to help her sometimes, and I don’t feel like that’s fair because really I do. Look, I cleaned the whole bathroom by myself! And I straitened up the living room too! The only thing I ‘forgot’ was the kitchen and now she’s acting like I do nothing. This means she hates me and appreciates nothing I do. I am clearly a burden to her, and I should go live under a rock so that she doesn’t have to deal with me anymore.” Really, your mom probably isn’t saying you’re a burden. Your mom is more than likely overworked, over-tired, and almost certainly depressed in a society that doesn’t cater to mental health awareness, and on top of all that she was raised by a generation that was allergic to admitting and self-regulating their true feelings so she can’t articulate that and she’s instead taking her frustrations out on you.
This is wrong, and she shouldn’t do it. But consider. Why didn’t you want to clean the kitchen? Was it because you had a long hard day at school and you’re overworked, over-tired, and definitely depressed in a world that doesn’t cater to mental health awareness, and all you really wanted was a break from the hardest job and you just wanted to compromise by doing the ones you felt emotionally and physically able to do? Because I promise, that’s probably exactly how your mom feels about the damn dirty dishes that she’s going to have to deal with before she can make dinner after being cussed out and yelled at by customers and or bosses all day in between doing her actual work and that’s the real reason she’s yelling.
Because, though a lot of teens believe otherwise, parents are still just people and the feelings that overwhelm kids still overwhelm adults just as badly. And they’re even less likely to know how to help themselves because they didn’t grow up with the internet where everyone shares their feeling and gets back validation and advice, so they mostly just believed those feelings were personal failings that indicated something broken specifically only in them and that they should learn to live with it and never tell anyone ever because complaining is for babies and liberals. Okay, maybe that last bit is a little too specific to my own mother, but you get the idea.
It’s a cycle that’s been going on for years. Hopefully, we can eventually all learn how to communicate peacefully and compromise on chores sometimes so we can end it someday. Or everyone can just switch to paper plates, and then we’ll worry about how we’re killing the planet later and no one will have to do the dishes ever again.
The point is, while that isn’t the best parenting style, and it can cause issue’s with your familial relationship as you age, it isn’t technically abuse. And it especially wouldn’t be considered abuse in the 90’s while Harry Potter was taking place or the early 00’s when it was being published.
Harry was not bruised when he arrived at Hogwarts. He didn’t show obvious outward signs of abuse. He never told any adults what his life was like at the Dursleys at all. He really didn’t even say much about it to Ron or Hermione either. Mrs. Weasley sent him treats for his birthday, which was a sweet motherly gesture. Hermione and Hagrid did as well but think about it. Do you believe for a second that if Molly have-another-serving, can-I-get-you-some-more-bread, try-the-potatoes Weasley honestly thought the Dursley’s were starving Harry that she would first wait until the end of July to send Harry anything, and then only send him sweets? She would scale the Dursleys’ house and stuff a full six course meal through the bars multiple times a day before she let that boy live off stale birthday cake. When she asked if the Dursley had fed him enough she meant it in the same way she always meant it, in the if ‘I can feed the world I can love the world’ way.
 Hagrid sent him rock cakes, but again, think about it. Hagrid had shown up with a cake for Harry’s birthday the day he first delivered the letter when he couldn’t have yet known of the way Harry was treated. He just wanted to show Harry he was loved and missed.
Of the people who sent him food, only Hermione really knew Harry didn’t get to eat his fill at the Dursley’s and she still only sent cake because all she knew was that he was being forced to diet with Dudley. Which is why she sent him the kind of food one would eat if they weren’t on a diet instead of true sustenance. A fourth of a grapefruit as a meal is not a diet, no matter what Petunia called it. And if he had told Hermione specifics, she likely would have told Harry that, but again, he didn’t tell anyone specifics.
 Everyone knew that Harry was unfavoured by the Dursley’s and that they wouldn’t be celebrating his birthday, and he wouldn’t receive cake or presents, but they really didn’t know much else. Ron and Hermione only understood he was being starved in the way most naive well-fed kids from happy families can understand. It sounded cruel, and they did try to tell people, but because they didn’t understand the full gravity of the situation, they couldn’t properly communicate to trusted adults that Harry was actually experiencing abuse. Plus, Harry tended to downplay it even to them.
When Dumbledore speaks about knowing Harry would come from a less than happy home, you can tell he is picturing a world where Harry is liked second best to his cousin. Where he never feels fully at home. Like an overextended visitor in a relative’s house. He thinks they’ll treat him like the weird cousin who came to stay and never left rather than an immediate family member.
He isn’t picturing Petunia Dursley slinging a frying pan at Harry’s head. Or refusing to let him drink his fill of water on a hot summer’s day spent weeding her ridiculous flower garden. Or an overly restrictive diet enforced on an already undernourished body simply to make Harry’s morbidly obese cousin feel better about his doctor changing his eating habits.
I think we’ll all agree that feeling less than welcome by stuck up relatives sucks, but it’s better than whatever Voldemort’s loyal leftover followers will do to him if they manage to track down the person responsible for their dark lord’s downfall.
I understand why a lot of people feel like Dumbledore should have just put Harry under the Fidelius Charm and hid him rather than sending him to the Dursley’s but consider: If Dumbledore trusted Sirius the way he must have done to not betray James and his family, then it makes sense that he felt Fidelius was no longer an option. He fully believed Sirius was the secret keeper. Sirius, the Potters, and Pettigrew were the only ones to know of the change. It’s likely that after learning that the Death Eaters had convinced Sirius to betray the Potters he was jaded enough to take it as a sign that no one could be a trusted Secret Keeper. No matter how much they loved the person under protection.
He also likely would have insisted on a trial for Sirius had Sirius himself not told everyone that he was the one who killed James and Lily while descending into hysterical laughter. We know what Sirius meant, (he felt responsible for them dying because switching to Peter at the last minute had been his idea) because we read the third Harry Potter book, but Dumbledore didn’t have that same advantage. All he had was the word of an apparently mad man. A man who had just tracked down another dear friend and apparently killed him and 12 innocent bystanders in a fit of insanity.
Why, when last he had heard Sirius was the Secret Keeper, would he doubt a verbal confession from a man who did nothing to try and save himself from Azkaban? The Marauders never told anyone of their animagus abilities. No one but Sirius could have understood what Peter had done. Why do we expect Dumbledore to have known better?
So, instead of Fidelius and hiding Harry away for his entire childhood, he gave him the best protection he could think of under the circumstances he had been given. He sought to give Harry a normal life and to keep him safe from the remaining Death Eaters.
Dumbledore understood that fame was power, and that power could corrupt even the best of people with the strongest of minds, so he kept Harry away from the limelight. He also understood how fickle people where about fame. This was the right decision even if the Dursley were a bad choice in guardians. We saw proof of this numerous times while Harry was at school. His fame only ever seemed to bring him more hardships. In book two they said Harry was a dark wizard because he was a Parselmouth and that that’s how he overpowered Voldemort. In book four even some of Harry’s friends refused to believe he wasn’t just a glory hound and that it hadn’t been him who entered his name in the tournament, but rather someone trying to kill him. In book five, almost everyone refused to believe Harry was telling the truth about Voldemort’s return. Every single time Harry’s name entered the limelight, it was in a way that harmed him. Imagine how much earlier it would have started had he grown up in the wizarding world. They would have been debating his kindergarten finger paintings if they could have.  
Why does the entire fandom also assume that Dumbledore thought of himself as the wisest most all-knowing man in any room? The only people who canonically acted like they believed that about him were the Golden Trio, and they were enlightened otherwise multiple times throughout the books as they grew up. Just as everyone learns new truths about trusted adults they thought of as perfect as they grow.
The fact is, Albus Dumbledore has always been just a man.
He was a great and powerful but flawed man who wanted more than anything to make sure that evil could not prevail. He obviously still holds plenty of shame and guilt over his dealings with Gellert Grindelwald in his misspent youth. We have surmised that when he looked in the Mirror of Erised he likely saw his sister Ariana, or something as equally heart-breaking which he recognized as his own fault. He fully understood that he was just a man. He encouraged everyone to understand that fact about Voldemort as well.
He was not a god, and he didn’t pretend to be.
Not in cannon anyway.
Fanon Dumbledore, on the other hand, tends to be anything from a meddling idiot to a full on manipulative dark lord complete with moustache twirling and nefarious intent. Which, I believe, further influences and enforces the fandom’s collective bad opinion of him. Most of us haven’t reread the real books in years. It gets hard to remember at some points what was something he did in canon vs. what was something he did in fanfiction.
 Every other character seems welcomed to grow in the world of fandom.
Severus was canonically a willing Death Eater in his youth, a bully to children in his care in his adulthood, and a petty grudge-holder who couldn’t let go of the past. We accept that we can’t fully know how much of his behaviour towards the students was an act to fool the Death Eater’s children, but we can assume it definitely wasn’t all of it. Still, he gets plenty of redemption fics. He had literal access to Harry’s traumatic childhood memories but still saw no signs of abuse because he was too busy trying to keep a 15-year-old child from gaining any ammunition about his own past.
Looking back, it seems obvious that as very few of Harry’s childhood memories were shown in the Occlumency scenes, he likely wasn’t as bad at clearing his mind as either he or Snape assumed, but it was also possible that Severus didn’t see those memories because that wasn’t what he was looking for. The memory of Harry getting chased up a tree by Marge’s dog as the rest of his family watched and laughed should have triggered at least a couple of red flags, but Severus was typically determined to only see the bad in Harry, so he overlooked it.
James Potter who is often thought of as the better choice for Lily was also a bully. And he spent years relentlessly pursuing a relationship with someone who had never given him any indication that his advances were welcome and had in fact outright told him the exact opposite of that many times until he finally wore her down and convinced her to give him a shot. That’s gross, unacceptable behaviour but I guess it is technically better than dating a budding racist that sees you as the exception to his views on your people, so James is rebranded as a lovable hero who changed after having a slightly misspent youth rather than a mean spirited bully who likely grew bored with his main target once he no longer saw him as competition (there would have been no reason to bully Snape if Lily wasn’t friends with him anymore after 5th year which was conveniently around the time he began to “grow up”) as well as a pushy loser who wouldn’t take no for an answer even though Lily said it multiple times. (There’s also the point that once Snape knew about Lupin being a werewolf, James likely wouldn’t have bullied him anymore so as not to provoke Snape to reveal the secret and get Lupin thrown out of school and possibly killed.)
Ron told Molly outright that the Dursley’s were starving Harry and had fixed bars on his windows to trap him after weeks of being concerned when he didn’t reply to Ron’s letters, and she still ignored it, assuming instead that Ron was exaggerating and never even tried to check with Harry to learn that he wasn’t.
Remus spent a year teaching Harry individualized lessons to repel Dementors and never once asked him why he was so sad that they affected him in ways that none of the other students experienced. I mean really, he couldn’t have been the only orphan attending that school so Remus couldn’t have thought it was just that. And Neville’s backstory was nearly just as sad (and just as well known to Remus) and even he didn’t faint like Harry. Yet, he didn’t question Harry once.
Sirius (who is also a bully and a petty grudge-holder) never wondered why a child would want to move in with an escaped prisoner who he had never met before that had just mangled his best friend’s leg and tried to commit murder in front of him instead of the relatives he had been with his entire life. Even when until that very night he had believed that prisoner wanted to kill him?
Arthur actually met the Dursley’s and saw Vernon’s rage at magic when he came to collect Harry for the Quidditch World Cup and he still questioned nothing.
Half the Order found Harry locked inside his bedroom with locks affixed to the outside of the door, and all they did was give vague unfulfilled threats to Vernon and send Harry back. You could blame that on Dumbledore, but I think that’s ridiculous. They were not under Imperious. They made their own decisions. Every adult there had a responsibility to that child, and they all failed him individually.
Yet time and time again I see Dumbledore condemned so overwhelmingly in the very fics that redeem and or absolve these other characters of those very actions.
Even McGonagall, who knew from the start that the Dursleys were awful people, never pulled Harry aside as his head of house and asked him anything about his home life. And, as I stated earlier, her name was the one on the letter addressed to the cupboard under the stairs. She also made it very clear that she wasn’t someone for Harry to confide in by constantly dismissing any concerns he presented her. The way she reacted about the Stone was ridiculous. And her non-concern over the amount of detentions Harry received from Umbridge followed by the ‘have a biscuit’ scene rubbed me the wrong way. And yet, of late she seems to be revered in the fandom community as some kind of badass grandmotherly character. All because she protested one time about leaving Harry with the Dursleys and then never brought it up again.
It’s getting a bit ridiculous. I’m exhausted by the way the fan community continues to rewrite cannon to fit their dissatisfaction with our once trusted role-model JK Rowling through Harry Potter’s once trusted mentor Albus Dumbledore.
Just once I would like to read a Harry Potter fic without having to think about the various ways in which JK Rowling let us all down. And with everyone rewriting Dumbledore as the ‘real villain all along’ I can’t help but be taken out of the fic and forced to relate it to reality.
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headcanonandburn · 9 months
Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Characters Sexualities, Gender and Stance on LGBTQA+ Pepps
Fantastic Beasts:
Newt Scamader: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Bunty Broadacre: Cisgender, lesbian
Credance Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore: Cisgender,Gay
Queenie Goldstein: Cisgender, straight ally
Porpetina Goldstain: Cisgender, Gray ace heteromantic
Jacob Kowawski: Cisgender,straight ally
Eulalie "Lally" Hicks: Cisgender,straight ally
Seraphina Picquery: Cisgender,straight Homophobe
Brutus Malfoy: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Gellert Grindelwald: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind. Transphobe
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind. Transphobe.
Aberfooth Dumbledore: Cisgender,Straight....still on the fence if he is Transphobe or not
Nagini: Cisgender,straight ally
Minerva McGonagall: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Lord Voldemort's Era
Tom Marvolo Riddle: Cisgender (tbh if it weren't for him canonically hating his real name i would probably class him as trans MTF but...alas), Aroace Ally
Antonin Dolohov: Cisgender, Straight Transphobe
Corban Yaxley: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe & Transphobe
Mulciber Sr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe & Transphobe
Rosier Sr: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Abraxas Malfoy: Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed. Only married a girl because he was forced to by his father.
Orion Black: Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed. Only married Walburga because he was forced to by his father.
Walburga Black: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Fenrir Greyback: Cisgender, Gay Pedophile Transphobe (if Lycantrophy= Aids as J*ke Rowlling claimed then you can't tell me that he is not a pedo. Besides i'm pretty sure he was, at least partly based on Little Red Riding Hood's werewolf wich, for those who don't know, was actually a representation of real life pedophiles who pray on little girls)
Rubeus Hagrid: Cisgender, Straight ally
Madame Maxine: Cisgender, Straight ally
Euphemia Potter: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Flemmont Potter: Cisgender,straight Ally
Charlus Potter: Cisgender,straight ally
Dorea Black: Cisgender, straight ally
Cygnus Black III : Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Druella Black (Nee Rosier): Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Molly Weasley's Era
Gideon Prewett: Cisgender,Pansexual
Fabian Prewett: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Molly Weasley: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Arthur Weasley: Cisgender, Straight...on the fence about LGBTQA+ peeps
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody: Cisgender, Aroace
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Bellatrix Black Lestrange: Cisgender, Straight...not exactly an ally she just dosen't care for peeps gender or sexuality. Really as long as they are blood puritsts it's fine by her.
Rabastan Lestrange: Cisgender, Gay
Rodolphus Lestrange: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Dolores Jane Umbridge: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Rita Skeeter: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe (mainly thanks to the popular theory that Rita Skeeter= J*ke Rowlling. Though i do like the ship between her and Lucinda Talkalot)
Lucinda Talkalot: Cisgender,lesbian
Marauders Era
Mary Cattermole (Nee Macdonald ): Cisgender,straight ally
Dorcas Meadowes : Cisgender,Lesbian
Marlene McKinnon: Cisgender,Pansexual
Mulciber Jr: Cissgender, Bissexual & Biromantic
Crabbe Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Nott Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Igor Karkaroff: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Thorfinn Rowle: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Goyle Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Evan Rosier: Cisgender, Ace homoromantic
Barty Crouch Jnr: Cisgender, Gay
Sirius Black: Genderfaun (i've seen people headcanon him as trans MTF or even genderfluid but...i'm sorry...No! He gives me the vibe of someone who, while perfectly confortable in wearing makeup would feel ashamed to be seen in a skirt or wearing red lipstick for exemple. Eyeliner, nail polish, body glitter, chopstick and black lipstick? That is fine. Anything beyond that? No! And since being genderfluid or MTF generally implies being confortable in female clothing it's safe to say that to me he is neither of those things) , Bissexual & Omniromantic with a preference towards males.
Remus Lupin: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
James Potter: Cisgender, Pansexual & Pan romantic .
Regulus Black: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Severus Snape: Transgender FTM (though i do love cisgenderSev headcanons as well.i'm cool either way), Demisexual & Demiromantic
Peter Petigrew: Cisgender, Bisexual Pedophile Transphobe (He could have made sure that he stayed in his cage where it's not very confortable but at least appropriate or at least use his "owners" wand to turn into a human and sleep somewhere else but, no, he chose to sleep next to his "owners" on their bed wich like...BRO! )
Xenopilus Lovegood : transgender FTM, nebularomantic & demisexual
Pandora Lovegood : transgender MTF, nebularomantic & demisexual
Lucius Malfoy: Cisgender, Bissexual with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed.
Narcissa Black Malfoy: Cisgender, straight ally
Andromeda Black: Cisgender, straight ally
Ted Tonks: Cisgender,straight ally
Gilderoy Lockhart: Cisgender, Straight Transphobe & Homophobe (i once said that i thought he was a pedo but i saw a better headcanon somewhere that states he only dates people who help his image (ie conventionally atractive women in his age range) ).
Alecto Carrow: Transgender MTF, Straight Homphobe
Amycus Carrow: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Augustus Rookwood: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Frank Longbottom: Cisgender,straight ally
Alice Fortescure (nee Longbottom): Cisgender,straight ally.
Cornelius Oswald Fudge: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Rufus Scrimgeour: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Charlie Weasley's Era
Charlie Weasley: Cisgender, omnisexual & Omniromantic with a preference towards males.
Nymphadora Tonks: Gender nonconforming (i have seen people headcaning her as genderfluid wich i would be more than fine with IF the reasons for said headcanon didn't boil down to "they are a metamorphamagus who hates their birth name" i mean... Seriously?! while it's true that there can be shapeshifters who are genderfluid (Ie Loki from Thor) not all shapeshifters HAVE to be genderfluid and its perfectly possible to be cisgender and hate your birth name (ie me, one of my cousins and a shit ton of people out there) though if someone ever gives me other reasons for that i may change my mind) , Pansexual & Panromantic
Bill Weasley (i know he is older than Charlie i just didn't know were else to put him): Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Golden Trio Era
Percy Weasley : Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia caused by Molly. only dated & married chicks to please his mom.
Fred & George Weasley: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Neville Longbotoom: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Luna Lovegood: Cisgender, Gray ace & Demiromantic
Ron Weasley: Cisgender (i do love the trans ron headcanon's specially considering is weird as heck that Ginny was the only female in the family but...let's be real with him being one of the main characters as well as a Self-Insert of J*ke's childhood crush/best friend and me headcanoning Molly as transphobe it wouldn't fly), Bissexual with with a severe case of internal homophobia caused by Molly.
Padma Patil: Cisgender,Lesbian
Parvati Patil: Cisgender, straight ally
Pansy Parkinson: Cisgender, Bisexual with internal homophobia caused by her parents. Omniromantic with a preference towards males
Blaise Zabini: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromatic.
Theodore Nott: Cisgender, Demisexual & homoromantic
Hermione Jean Granger: Cisgender,straight ally (i know she is canonically confirmed to be J*ke Rowlling's self insert but honestly....Her?a Homophobe and Transphobe? NO! it would be hipocritical at best like....She will go on a passionate crusade for blood equality and for a better treatment of house elfs but the second a transgender, homosexual and/or homoromantic person crosses her way, she bashes them? I mean, get real: we all know that Transgender,homosexual and/or homoromantic peeps are as marginalized and mistreated as the elfs she so pationally defends and, like any muggle or muggleborn they didn't chose to be born that way. Being a homophobe and transphobe while defending the causes she does would be stupidity and Hermione, as we know, is not stupid)
Harry James Potter: Cisgender (though i love to read transHarry Potter fics but...let's be real: there's no way J*ke rowling would ever make her protagonist transgender,specially since he is the Self-Insert of her dream Husband as ig was canonically confirmed. though if Harry was actually a trans woman, i believe she would choose to name herself Lily, like her mom since Harry does seem to be more inclined to choose names that pay homage to the dead or people he cares about).....tbh still unsure if he is bi,omni or gay but he is definetly not straight, demi,aro or ace.
Draco Malfoy : Cisgender, i'm also unsure if he is bi,omni or gay but he is definetly not straight, demi,aro or ace.
Vincent Crabbe: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Gregory Goyle: Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Millecent Bulstrode: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Tracey Davies: Cisgender,aroace
Astoria Greengrass: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Daphne Greengrass: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Astoria Greengrass: Cisgender, Gray ace & Demiromantic
Hannah Abbot: Cisgender,straight Ally
Susan Bones: Cisgender,straight Ally (My otp for Ron is either her or Hannah Abbot)
Rolf Scamander: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Victor Krum: Cisgender, omnissexual & omniromantic with a preference towards females.
Fleur Delacour: Cisgender, Heterosexual demiromentic
Cedric Digorry: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Cho Chang: Cisgender,straight ally
Lee Jordan: Cisgender,straight ally
Angelina Johnson: Cisgender,straight ally
Katie Bell: Cisgender, Bissexual & Biromantic
Alicia Spinnet: Cisgender,Aroace
Ginny Weasley: Cisgender,ominisexual & ominiromantic with a preference towards males.
Gabrielle Delacour: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Colin Creevy: Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Denis Creevy: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Lavander Brown: Cisgender, Bissexual & ominiromantic with a preference for males.
Hestia Carrow: Cisgender, aroace
Flora Carrow: Cisgender,Gray aroace
Luna Lovegood : Cisgender, Panromantic Gray ace
Neville Longbottom : Cisgender, demisexual & demiromantic
Next Gen Era:
Teddy Lupin: Nonbinary, Pansexual & Panromantic
James Sirius Potter: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Albus Severus Potter (who i would rename as Remus Severus Potter, Cedric Severus Potter, George Severus Potter or Neville Severus Potter.... Or..... Pretty much any name besides Albus ) : Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Lily Luna Potter: Cisgender,straight ally
Lysander Scamander: Transgender FTM,Gay
Lorcan Scamander: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Victorie Delacour: Cisgender,straight ally
Louis Delacour: Cisgender,bissexual & biromantic
Dominique Delacour: Transgender MTF,Lesbian
Hugo Weasley: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Rose Weasley: Cisgender,straight homophobe
Delphini Riddle (who i headcanon is actually Delphini Rokwood): Cisgender,aroace homophobe & transphobe
Frank Longbottom II: Cisgender,demisexual & demiromantic
Alice Longbottom II: Cisgender, straight ally.
....aaaaand...that's it.
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I know that Sebastian for some reason is the most popular male character in the game now but I personally don't give a shit about him and his quest are interesting only thanks to Ominis. He's the reason I would even bother with them. A blind wizard who's descendant of slytherin that tries to cut himself from his dark legacy is more interesting from the dude that has the same story line as every "morally grey" character (family member is sick/in danger and they will do anything to save them).
It's funny you should say that, and I'm so glad to hear it. Because truly, I adore Ominis, and when I first saw him I thought he was way more compelling than Sebastian. I'm actually so glad to have this chance to talk about him, because he's great. Course, this was all before I saw Sebastian's story in full, and I like him a lot more now. But Ominis is still probably my favorite in the game. He is everything that Delphi Diggory should have been, I said what I said. The moment I learned his backstory, I was devastated for the poor guy. I want to give him a hug. Even his name is a perfect irony.
Sebastian's story is a tragedy and I think what really makes him compelling is his unhealthy (but understandable) obsession, and where it ultimately leads him. I think a lot of people were sold on him the moment he lied to the Librarian to protect The Fifth Year. It's just not the kind of loyalty one expects from a Slytherin. But when I saw how his story ended, I thought to myself...how could anyone choose to betray him at the end? And yes, I do consider it a betrayal, regardless of what he's done.
It's difficult to compare these two honestly, because Sebastian gets so much more screen time and Ominis clearly appears to be designed as a secondary character to Sebastian's story, much like Anne. In general, I also think these two are foils of each other. Sebastian's guardian is a former Auror who abhors the Dark Arts and in is generally averse to his nephew's "exploration" of more obscure magic. That makes Sebastian the total inverse of Ominis, and I think that's pretty cool. Hey, here's a thought: If my math is correct, Ominis should be in the same generation as Marvolo. Should be his brother or cousin. Does he ever mention him by name? I don't recall as much...
It's true, Sebastian's story of trying to help Anne is a story that's been told a hundred times, but particularly for this universe, I wonder if it wasn't deliberate. Perhaps meant to invoke memories of Albus and Ariana Dumbledore, or even Jacob and his Sibling. To be completely fair, I'd also point out that Ominis likewise has a story that I've seen a million times before - that of the heroic character who must live down the legacy of their villainous ancestors. Other franchises have beat this trope into the ground, but I still love it.
Ultimately, a lot of this is affected by not just the writing, but the depiction and performance. Both actors are superb and hearing Ominis' voice break with emotion during the Cruciatus Quest hurt my soul. I also love the detail that he's blind! In general, for as much as this game fails to offer any progress in terms of the wizarding world's problems (Oh Ranrok, you were so wasted...) I will say that it offers a great deal of "muggle" diversity. Multiple poc, a lesbian couple, a trans character, and a blind character too! That's not nothing.
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
Eighth Year
Eighth Year https://ift.tt/kgT2bwm by bonnyta2 when I said I freaked it, I freaked it Words: 2462, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Multi Characters: Percy Jackson, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Hecate (Percy Jackson), Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Jesus Christ, Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way Relationships: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Crack Crossover, Crossover, Harry is thirsty for Annabeth, the N word is said like five times (im black dw), Harry is a gay misogynist, Dumbledore is a Hecate dickrider, Black Hermione Granger, Indian Harry Potter, hes also japanese and filipino, Ron is Lebanese and Ashkenazi, and magic jewish/magic muslim, black jesus is canon, Hermione is the second coming of Jesus Christ, Hijabi Molly Weasley, Lesbian Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Boys Kissing, Implied Mpreg, problematic queen Hermione, shes homophobic, Dumbledore is Kazakh, Narcissa is Colombiana and Draco is Colombian and French, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Racism, lots of racism, Narcissa smokes a fat cuban while smoking a fat Cuban, Trans Female Draco Malfoy, Animagus Draco Malfoy, Internalized Homophobia, Slurs via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/FOWHSJX April 15, 2024 at 10:21PM
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