#trans misako
pepmint-art · 11 months
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dear folks of ninjago, we did it.
propaganda worked.
i have no idea who wrote it but just know, you did excellent job in my manifest.
thank you, beautiful stranger.
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numberonepartyboy · 2 months
i've been thinking about fsm a lot lately and how he actually just survived in ninjago and how he could acquire a human form. which leads me to believe he just stole some guy's identity. he took one look at the random village people and thought 'oh so that's how they dress. yeah I'll do that too' and then he just. goes with it for the rest of his life.
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cosmothealien358 · 1 year
Misako: How’s that “trans” phase going? 
Lloyd: Better than your marriage. 
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Ninjago: Elements of Destiny Pride Month Collection
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Here's a collection of images starring the cast of Elements of Destiny for Pride month.
I decided to use this chance to test the waters regarding a design for trans-fem Jay. Thoughts?
It's unlikely any LGBT identity is going to be relevant to Lloyd's overall arc or character, but I thought the 2nd image was a good message to be saying this month.
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basicallyjaywalker · 8 months
Whumptober Day 24
Little Bit Longer
Character: Misako
Prompts: goodbye note, neglect
Length: 876
Anyone order Misako angst? No? Too bad! Enjoy a short bit of me blatantly pushing my Give Misako a Personality Agenda
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Fanfic Dilemma
Alrighty folks hello and welcome to: I need advice!
So I’m currently writing a Ninjago fic ( Why can't you explain?) and I’ve recently come across the headcannon of Lloyd being trans and I absolutely adore it BUT there is one tini tiny little problem: idk how to properly execute it.
So in the fic technically I already had a plot point planned about Lloyd not having a birth certificate for comedy reasons so Darkly’s and St. Onyx’s (it’s a place made for the fic) didn't question it when he was dropped off by this random family. And Ig Darkly’s got a letter at one point from like Garmadon or Misako or someone like “Yeah this is are kid Lloyd” and they were just like “okay that’s a pretty masculine name so you know”.  I love the idea of Lloyd getting his name purely because it’s a pun, like that’s perfection. 
But the thing is: I’m not a trans guy I’m just some random demi gal (she/they btw) and I was wondering if any of y’all have some advice for writing trans characters and stuff cause I want to do the best job that I can! So please leave any like advice or something where ever you please cause I’d really appreciate it! And don’t worry I will be doing my reading :)
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Ninja headcanons
Mostly silly
Zane has ice skate blades they he can extend from his boots
Zane also adds an inch to his height every time he dies and is waiting for someone to realize
Only pixal has and she thinks it's very dumb
Kai and nya are both trans and came out to each other at the same time and then swapped names
Zane and Cole (and later Arin) are the only ones allowed to help each other with their hair
Lloyd will sometimes be forced to shift into a baby dragon if he gets too stressed, he acts like a cat
He will seek out and force Kai to let him nap on him
Lloyd's hair started brown, began turning blonde when he became the green ninja, and is now white
Wu and garmadon just decided to look old, just shapeshifted one day to be old
Wu did this before seeking out the ninja in hopes of gaining respect
sensei g did this to match misako
Pixal is a trans woman bc she was designed without gender and decided she was a woman
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grayskythunder · 11 months
Fuck it, headcanons that don't serve any purpose other than for my own personal enjoyment
Everyone on the team gets intrusive thoughts because I say so, some much louder than others (Lloyd and kai)
Kai cannot handle spice. I mean he can handle a little just enough for the food to taste good but any more and he will die.
Nya is a God with spicy food anyone catching a whiff of the amount of spice she puts in will not survive. she has the best spice tolerance in the whole team (and maybe realm)
Lloyd only started to dissociate (derailization and depersonalization) after morro's possession (because yes it fucked him up quite badly!!) It used to be triggered frequently directly after possession but its gotten better over time
Jay is trans, Cole is aroace, Lloyd is questioning (like me :D), Zane is pan, Nya is bi, and Kai is the token straight (sorry for this one lol)
Jay keeps accidently exploding the nearest microwave whenever he gets spooked. Like that's his go to thing to explode. whenever there's not a microwave in the Bounty or monastery the police will call them about ANOTHER broken microwave in some poor persons apartment.
Cole and Lloyd would be Lovejoy fans I refuse to listen to reason. Kai hates lovejoy and complains loudly. So does misako but she doesn't let Lloyd know to keep him happy (she does wear earbuds whenever Lloyd starts blasting music at full volume because his music taste is so shit (its mine))
Cole and Jay will have painting sessions together to calm down after bad missions or nightmares (sometimes someone will go get water at 3 am and get scared half to death to see the two of them just casually drawing)
Zane loves classical music. Pixal loves heavy metal rock. They research each others tastes and send music to each other
Kai's hair routine takes 3 hours minimum
Before SoG, Jay used to gel his hair straight and used makeup to cover up his freckles. Now he let's his hair be curly and doesn't hide his freckles
Nya used to beat up bullies at her school without Kai knowing. She got injured so often to the point Kai thought SHE was being bullied until one day he came to visit and saw her absolutely destroying some random kid. He was proud inside but had to scold her
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
I don’t know if I’ve already shared this and if I had, sorry, but consider: past morally questionable Misako (I’ll preface this with: this is not a Misako slander post. I like her and just because I hc her as a flawed person doesn’t mean I think she’s bad as a character).
Misako but she herself was raised by Darkley’s boarding school (or associated groups). Her love of research and questing originated from being tasked missions to steal magical artefacts. Her interest in the spinjitzu bros was originally a mission to glean information about the elemental alliance and spinjitzu from them, which is why she was quick to accept the letter and why she was fine with having an evil partner.
But over time, her relationship with Garmadon changed her perspective. She saw how he struggled against his own evil, and how he still strive to be a hero in spite of it. They bonded, finding that they had shared experiences and she began to see more in the world and even became excited to start a family with him. He helped her learn to be good. And so when he succumbed to evil, Misako fights to return the favour.
Misako accepted that on her own she didn’t have the skills to look after Lloyd, she might not have even had a good parental relationship herself, and so turned to the people she knew, Darkley’s, as it was essentially the only connection she really had. It’s not the greatest option but she lived through it so (Ik it’s a boarding school for boys but idk maybe there’s another school somewhere else, or Misako is trans idk).
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pepmint-art · 8 months
May we have some badguyshipping headcanons? And maybe learn Wu’s reaction to seeing his son date former(current??) bad guys?
Wait… Did Harumi try pulling what she did to Lloyd on canon on Morro? And she dragged Echo along with her?
ninjas' team and lloyd (who did not want to be there) met harumi (and echo) in line with canonical events and it was a love at first sight, but only for morro. harumi had other plans, in which she ignors and doesn't acknowledge his existence while having a typical teen girls' crush on older guy who, reasonably had many reasons to try and run away from them. and we goes like that till crystalized.
and to explain a little more, harumi doesn't hate lloyd in here. while the team and garmadon were dealing with great devourer in season 2, lloyd knew he couldn't do much as he's not a fighter, he can't use his powers intentionally (he does it accidentaly in the end but still), he would go for a sure death, so he did all he could and helped escorting people out from the danger zone and he actually rescued little harumi. garmadon was a hero, he saved ninjago, but lloyd was her hero. she litteraly wanted to reunite son and father in season 8, but it all went wrong and we have exactly same shit going on as in oni trilogy.
harumi is obsessed with lloyd in the end understanding that he's old and she's a god damn weirdo (girl, leave him alone, he has a puppy and boyfriend and HE'S TOO OLD FOR YOU), morro has multiply mental breakdowns and grows up to accept that he can't make someone love him, love will come by itself to him (give me cute cousins moment with lloyd being intelligent for the first time in his life), and echo is happy to be there (he deserves all the hugs)
and than, no one knows why or how, things happened AND BOOM they're in love.
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for the headcanons:
-their love aroused over my chemical romance and my little pony
that's all. the rest is just FACTS and facts only.
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echo is a true romantic. for him love always wins. for him, there always his partners to love. he's neat.
also them getting to have their teen years as a couple is what i live for. even if only a little, it still works. were they drinking heavily? no, it was a capri sun. were they smoking? no, they're too cool and poor for this. were they doing crack. yes.
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morro is bi. bi himself. and two bad bitches he pulled out by being autistic.
like, rumi and echo are walking fushion icons, baddest of the bad bitches, they slay while doing crimes, charming and deadly beautiful/handsome
and wu is surprisingly supportive :)
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and really competitive with misako. they hate each other so badly. trans woman that destroyed his (also trans, but he forgets about this. he actually refused to remember he ever had a sister in his life, because he didn't, it never happened, life is a simulation and everyone made it up) brother (not really, actually made him really happy) and garmadon was never the same
oh, and one more thing
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in dragons rising, they are divorced
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breathlessmorro · 5 months
Trans lloyd headcannons? If you have any cuz I'm curious
Oh boy oh boy have I got em
Trans!Lloyd Headcanons.
Knew when he was very young that he didn't identify as a girl. In fact, Misako would have dropped him off at a boarding school for girls if he hadn't insisted on Darkley's. Lucky enough that the school board thought defying gender norms was Villainous Behavior, so they let him in.
Darkley's said gay rights because gay rights were illegal frfr
Lloyd using the Time Tea and the others being hesitant about it has a whole new context when you consider the fact he speedran through feminine puberty as a trans guy. Thankfully, the ninja pooled their cash together to get him a binder.
The reason for Lloyd's "voice drop" in season 8 was because he finally got on testosterone. King shit fr
Moody as fuck when it's his time of the month. Give him candy or he'll release the serpentine on you
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eijaksa · 4 days
look I'm still in the business of making half my fictional faves trans masc and inventing bs reasons for it just for fun and it just so happens that Garmadon is OBVS trans masc (and Misako is a trans woman and...). the first spinjitsu master OBVIOUSLY didn't intended to have two sons, how could he, gotta have some gender balance, right??? but Garmadon went all "nah, actually you know what" @ that pretty early on 🙄
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New Au where Lloyd gets adopted
Misako didn't drop him off at Darklys and instead just left him in a random dump. It happens to be Ed and Edna's junkyard. So they take Lloyd in and raise him along with Jay who would be like 4 and so Lloyd has a loving family and stable home life👍
Lloyd knows he's adopted because Jay was old enough to remember, but he would say it like "yeah, you came from the garbage. I saw it with my own eyes!" And Misako would have left a note with his full name on it. Ed and Edna know that he is the son of Garmadon, but don't make a big deal out of it.
The two brothers would be an absolute menace to society. They would read and watch Fritz Donnegan media together. Lloyd yells at transphobes(Jay is trans masc)
Lloyd has brunette hair with a small silver streak(his Oni blood let's him make small subconscious changes and due to Ed and Edna having gray hair he thought that most people did)
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Hey you, yeah you! Interested in my in progress Ninjago fic that I'm fucking obsessed with and want you guys to become obsessed with as well?
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Ao3 Link: Battle Cry (8840 words) by cherrybombfangirl
Wanna read a Ninjago fanfic that spans everything from the pilots to Crystalized? It includes me fixing everything that needs fixing in my humble opinion as a writer myself (love triangles be gone), and my ninjago OC and the small OCs that come with her. 
Yeah you wanna read it!
This fic includes:
My Original Character Amy. She’s a human clone and a former assassin/child soldier, the Master of Space (forcefields and portals), falls in love with Lloyd and is very protective of him plus they have a cute aspec romance, and her arc is all about learning that her emotions aren’t a weakness to let people love her and that’s she’s not a broken monster.
The rainbow colored ninja being very queer as the universe intended: Gay Ace Cole, Trans and Pansexual Kai (plus Lavashipping galore!), Trans and Bisexual Nya (she and Kai swapped genders and names), Trans and Bisexual Jay, Genderfluid and Pan Zane, Asexual Demiromantic and Genderqueer He/They Lloyd, Genderqueer and PanAce Pixal and other characters are obviously queer as well.
Mental health issues galore that you can’t convince me these ninja don’t have at this point: everyone has PTSD, depression, anxiety, and lots of trauma!
Also autistic and adhd ninja because i said so: Autistic and ADHD Lloyd (he gets the autism from Garm and the ADHD from Misako), ADHD Kai (gets it from his mom), ADHD Jay (also from his mom), and Autistic Zane (his father built him that way because he is also autistic).
Addressing the Garmadon family’s generational trauma BECAUSE THE UNTAPPED POTENTIAL-
Lloyd’s relationship with his mom is complicated BUT after Lloyd has an understandable anger outburst Misako realizes “Fuck I messed up and hurt my kid” and spends a very long time trying to be better and fixing her and Lloyd’s relationship- and they do have a good relationship by the end! (because fuck doing nothing over actually working on fixing their mistakes and actually making up for it and people being complicated and imperfect people)
Love triangles are OUT, trauma triangles are IN
Jay actually gets character development in Skybound AND KEEPS SAID DEVELOPMENT, including Jay having to learn how to have a healthy relationship with Nya and stop bulldozing over people’s boundaries/having unhealthy obsessions with people (which is actually a result of trauma)
^^^ also actually exploring Jay’s birthmom in Prime Empire instead of introducing her then only mentioning her once several seasons later (and not even by name)
Also more sibling stuff in general over the romance because Jay and Nya’s relationship over Kai and Nya’s WHY?!?! (also Smith sibs adopting Lloyd, and all the ninja being even closer as a family obviously)
Consider the stupid love triangle with Wu Garm and Misako GONE. Don’t worry though, I give the brothers a much more believable and angsty reason to start fighting in Season 4 :))) (hint, it has to do with their repressed trauma from their dad’s not so great parenting)
Kai gets his own season with plenty of angst and character development as he deserves. The Green Ninja thing and Chen’s staff thing and being abandoned with a baby sister to take care of and putting all his worth on protecting others will ABSOLUTELY BE DISCUSSED
^^^ also Lavashipping will be included with Kai and Cole finally confronting their feelings for each other and going from on and off friends with benefits to the cutest boyfriends/husbands ever
Exploring the Dragon vs Oni and Creation vs Destruction concept more and using Lloyd and his family to illustrate that what the world really needs is a balance of both (also Lloyd and his dad keeping some Dragon/Oni features at the end!!!)
The ninja actually having to recover from when they very severely injured, or say, fucking possessed (why didn’t they even mention how Lloyd would’ve had to recover from that, the fuck)
Also Wu being confronted multiple times for his bullshit (which, suprise suprise, is a result of trauma), and he actually has to fix his mistakes and try to be better
Fixing everything wrong with Rebooted, Skybound, March of the Oni, Fire Chapter, Prime Empire, and Crystalized (I’m a writer myself, there are some things that drive me crazy and I NEED TO FIX THEM-)
More family time and mundane domestic stuff in between the ninja-ing- just the ninja spending time together and acting more like family/roommates in general
Prime Empire actually makes sense, Jay gets actual character development AND we actually explore his birthmom
Morro and Harumi are deeply traumatized BUT they let said trauma make them assholes and use it as an excuse to hurt people and they become even worse (Morro and Harumi stans BEGONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU)
^^^ this will include Harumi developing an unhealthy obsession with Lloyd and it turning into creepy/predatory behavior, and there will be off screen sexual assault at some point, be wary of that
Exploring what life with Lloyd and his parents pre-banishement was like, complete with angsty-fluffy feels
Actually talking about addressing everyone’s trauma in general (and giving them more trauma because I’m that bitch :DDD )
There’s probably more I’m forgetting but that’s the gist of it for now
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ninjamelissajulien · 1 year
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Cole: 10/10 Gay king we Stan
Kai: 8/10 Bi king swings both ways with a sword
Jay: 5/10 trans king
Zane: 5/10 ace king, possible Pan vibes
Lloyd: 4/10 aro/ace king give him a blanket and therapy
Nya: 7/10 Bi Queen she could kill me and I’d say thank you
Pixal: 7/10 ace non-binary queen we Stan
Skylor: 6/10 pan vibes the writers have done her wrong pls let her get more screen time
Wu: 0/10 cishet as it gets
Garmadon: 3/10 a little fruity
Misako: 2/10 a little less fruity than Garmadon
Harumi: 5/10 lesbian vibes she is my daughter I love her so much crystalized did her wrong
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