#transformation scenes are harder to write than I thought
wheredidalltheusersgo · 10 months
The Stranded and The Scaly
Chapter 8
Day 7: Transformation.
Content warnings for chapter: Body horror? Descriptions of transformation/mutation, gore, vomit.
It was dark, very dark. He couldn't feel his legs, he couldn't feel his arms, he couldn't feel his body.
He couldn't feel his skin and flesh melting and falling off his bones, but he could see it. He could see his tendons snapping and shredding. The cartilage on his body dissolved. He didn't have the vocal chords to scream.
But all of a sudden, he was whole again. There was a nagging, burning sensation in his skin, all over his body.
The set of the Aftermath Show formed all around him, the coloured lights, that familiar couch. Bridgette was next to him, what a relief. However, she was looking away from him. He reached over and gently cupped her cheek so she could face him. He quickly regretted that move. Her face was horribly distorted, skin stretched in ways that shouldn't even be possible. He quickly jolted away from the nightmarish girl.
Big mistake.
A pair of hands roughly grabbed at his waist from behind, it was Duncan, with the same horrid facial distortion.
He wanted to scream, he wanted to scream so loudly. He wanted to run, he wanted to get away. Duncan's grip around his waist only increased as he tried to escape. Someone grabbed at his right leg. Owen. Another grab at his left leg. Tyler.
Nightmarish versions of his friends were crawling out from behind the props on set, they swarmed him and pinned him down.
He couldn't move. Bridgette and Gwen held his arms tightly.
He looked ahead, past the empty rows of seats, to the double doors, the entrance to the entire room.
There was a loud banging noise coming from behind those doors. He struggled in the grips of his friends, his fellow castmates, his allies.
Bang. Went the double doors again.
Bang. He knew they wouldn't hold.
Bang. The doors gave way and flew off the hinges.
A large, humanoid beast was hunched over at the entrance. It looked too much like him. It's wild blonde bangs obscured it's scaly features, it's long, thick tail swayed behind it. It approached slowly, and the ground shook with every step. As it got closer, he could make out more of it's features. The curved nose, the cleft chin. Those were all of HIS features. The beast was towering over him now, the distorted versions of his friends held him firmly in place. It opened it's jaws to reveal rows of sharp teeth and leaned in closer. He sobbed and closed his eyes as the jaws slowly closed in around his head and the beast's saliva dripped onto his hair. He accepted his fate as the jaws snapped shut.
Geoff jolted upright with a frightened scream, tears streaming down his cheeks.
His skin still burned. The nightmare was over, why did it still burn? The scream had startled Ezekiel awake, and he was staring at his blonde companion with wide eyes.
Geoff sobbed as he frantically rubbed at his arms. It was so hot, he felt like he was boiling alive.
"Z-zeke, what's going on?! What's wrong with me, man?!..."
Ezekiel didn't know what to do. He held onto Geoff's arm firmly to keep him grounded.
Both of Geoff's legs ached harshly, but that ache spread all throughout his bones. He whimpered and gasped through his tears as his entire body trembled. Ezekiel stared in horror as scales began to burst through Geoff's soft skin. They were covering his entire body. Geoff felt his bones stretch and grow, he threw his head back and planted his palms firmly on the ground as he wailed loudly. He tried to get up, but he hunched over in pain and fell to his knees.
It hurt. It hurt so bad. He just wanted this to stop.
Zeke watched as the boy grew taller and wider. His eyes were fixed on the horrific display in front of him.
Geoff felt his spine elongate and protrude from his lower back into a long tail. His nails formed into claws, his teeth sharpened, his ears grew pointier, jagged ridges grew and ran along his back and new tail. His hair almost reached past his neck now.
He screamed and clawed at the ground, the scales were still growing all over his body where smooth skin once was. His stomach churned furiously, the pain was making him nauseous.
Geoff kept his eyes screwed shut, but tears still poured down his face and dripped onto the ground.
Ezekiel was easily dwarfed by Geoff now, the boy was nearly twice as large as he had been just an hour ago.
Geoff was breathing hard, he still felt so damn nauseous. It was unbearable.
He gagged and turned away from Ezekiel before vomiting on the cave floor.
Great, now his throat burned as well.
There was a loud thud as he collapsed onto his side, he felt so weak. He panted and wheezed as he stared up at the stalactites far above him.
Ezekiel rushed to Geoff's side and pressed his cheek against his chest with a whine.
There was no response from Geoff.
The boy wasn't human anymore.
Aside from his chest, belly, and inner thighs, he was covered in smooth, slightly shiny scales. All along his spine and his long, thick tail, there were rough ridges. His ears were also long, pointed, and covered in smaller scales. While his leg had healed, the scars on his chest remained. His hands and feet were now clawed, and his hair was long and wild.
Geoff simply couldn't find the words to speak, so he gently pulled Ezekiel close for comfort. Ezekiel stayed still as the blonde boy held him.
After a few minutes of complete silence, Geoff spoke up.
"I really need some new jorts."
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itneverendshere · 1 month
Dang. I so bad want to see a sweet reader in a toxic relationship with the drug leader of a gang. And that said gang has a feud with another one. Rafe’s and he is the leader of that gang. And despite being a criminal, Rafe has some honor and would never treat a girl badly. And there is lingering tension from a distance of Rafe being all ’’I could treat you better’’ and wanting to help her get out of that relationship while she thinks that all guys must be just like her boyfriend, so she has not thought further about Rafe beyond that he is attractive.
okay so this turned out a lil different and i feel like i'd have to write another part to develop their relationship and the longing....so...
two birds, one stone - r.c (+18)
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pairing: drugdealer!rafe x sweet!reader
warnings: domestic violence; mentions of drugs and drug dealing;
word count: 4.7k
You stood at the edge of the dock, the wooden planks creaking under your beat up shoes as you nervously glanced at the group of men clustered by the boats. 
Caleb, your boyfriend, had dragged you here without warning, his mood volatile as ever. You’d tried to avoid his attention when he’d pulled up outside the rundown house you’d been staying in the cut, but he’d simply sneered, ordering you into the car without a word.
Now, as you watched him move through the crowd of his men, you felt like jumping into the water was a much better option. He was dangerous on a good day, but when he was in one of his moods, it was like walking on a knife’s edge. And tonight, that edge felt particularly sharp. Drowning in the sea felt much more forgiving than being at the mercy of his hands. 
He was deep in conversation with Barry, one of his most trusted dealers, his posture tense as always, and his tone clipped. Barry also had a reputation for being as ruthless as they came when he wanted to, and the fact that Caleb was speaking to him in such hushed tones only made you want to get the hell away from this place. You knew better than to ask questions, though; Caleb didn’t tolerate curiosity, especially from you. 
Your eyes drifted across the dock, taking in the faces of the other men—rough, hardened, with the kind of dead eyes that came from too many years in the game. But then you landed on someone who didn’t quite fit the mold. Someone you hadn’t seen in years.
Rafe Cameron.
He was leaning against a stack of crates, his sharp blue eyes watching the scene with an unsettling intensity. The heir to the Cameron fortune, he was the last guy you expected to see here, in the heart of Caleb’s operation. But the rumors had been swirling for months—Rafe had gone off the deep end, running drugs and getting involved with people like your boyfriend. It was a far cry from the pampered Kook prince he’d once been, and the transformation was as terrifying as it was tragic. 
His eyes flicked over to you, and you hated every second of it, your skin prickling as if he could see right through you—the forced indifference, the carefully crafted apathy that kept you safe. 
He didn’t know you, not really. You were just another face in a town too small for secrets, a girl tied up in something ugly. The most you'd ever shared was a passing glance or a half-hearted smile at some party years ago, still in your teen years.
You knew of him, of course—who didn’t? The Cameron name carried weight, even when it was whispered behind closed doors.
“Come here,” Caleb’s voice snapped you out of your starting, and you flinched, quickly turning away as you moved toward your boyfriend, hoping the hadn’t noticed you ogling another man. 
The word boyfriend felt wrong, too soft for what Caleb really was to you. He was more like a personal nightmare than a partner, and the bruises hidden beneath your clothes were proof enough of that.
He grabbed your arm, pulling you close to him as he continued his conversation with Barry as you tried not too wince. God forbid he saw you whining. His fingers dug into your skin even harder, and you bit your lip to keep from crying out. He liked to do this in front of his men—show them that he was in control, that you were his and his alone. It was all about power with him and you’d learned the hard way not to resist.
“Keep an eye on her,” he muttered to Barry before turning his attention back to you, his grip tightening. “Stay here, and don’t move. I’ve got business to take care of.”
You nodded obediently, not trusting yourself to speak. Everything made Caleb tick when he was in this mood. The last thing you wanted was to provoke him. But as he stepped away, Barry’s eyes followed him, and you couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching you, again.
As if on cue, Rafe pushed off the crates and sauntered over to where you stood, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. As if he didn’t know men like Caleb would kill girls like you if they breathed the same air as other men.
He still looked the same, maybe a little bit older but he still carried that same detached arrogance. 
“You look like you’re in a real bad spot, princess,” Rafe drawled, his smooth voice setting your nerves on fire. He tilted his head slightly, watching you as if trying to figure out what you were doing here, tangled up in something so beneath someone like you.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, hoping he’d just lose interest and walk away. You didn’t want to be on anyone’s radar tonight, especially not his. Especially not when Caleb was only a few steps away, talking to a man known for leaving bodies in the marsh when deals went south.
But Rafe didn’t move. 
Instead, he stepped closer, leaning just close enough that you could smell the faint scent of smoke on him. 
“I’ve seen girls like you before,” he said, his voice lower now, “Think you can handle a guy like him? You’re playing with fire, sweetheart.”
If he only knew. Even after being tangled up with the worst kind of people, there was still a sort of naivety to him. You knew he was never the kind of guy to settle down, be in a relationship, so how could he ever possibly understand that you weren’t here because you wanted to? You were because you had to. Because you’d been stupid enough to fall for Caleb’s shit and crazy enough to let your parents kick you out.
There was no way out. There was no help. No one. 
 “I’m not playing,” you shot back, you needed him to back off, to stop poking at wounds that were already there. His eyes narrowed slightly, catching the edge in your voice, but he didn’t retreat. If anything, he seemed more intrigued.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he said, his gaze flicking briefly to where Caleb stood.
“You don’t know anything about me,” you muttered, turning your face away. If Caleb saw this, saw you talking to someone he didn’t approve of, especially Rafe, you knew there’d be hell to pay later. But he wasn’t making it easy. He was still standing there, too close.
You lifted your hand, fixing the annoying pieces of hair that kept clinging to your face in the heat. It took you less than a second, but it was enough for your shirt to ride up the slightest. His eyes flickered down, following the fast movement, and that was all it took for him to see. To notice. The bruises on your stomach.
“What the hell happened to you?” His voice was low, almost felt dangerous in a way that was different from Caleb's. There was no threat in it. Not to you.
You instinctively crossed your arms over your stomach, trying to cover the bruises, but it was too late. He’d already seen them.
“I said I’m fine,” your voice trembled despite your efforts to sound strong. You looked away, unable to meet his eyes, afraid of what you might see there—pity, disgust, maybe even understanding. 
But he didn’t back off. He took another step closer, his hand reaching out like he wanted to touch you, to see if they were real. But he stopped himself.
“How long’s he been doing this to you?”
You bit your lip. The last thing you needed was to cry in front of him, or worse, in front of Caleb. You couldn’t afford to show weakness. Not here. Not now.
“It’s none of your business,” you gritted out, hoping that would be enough to make him stop asking questions. But he just shook his head.
“You need to get out of here,” he said, “You can’t keep letting him do this to you.”
No one had ever talked to you like this, like you were worth saving, like you deserved better. But it also terrified you. Because the truth was, you didn’t see a way out. Not without making everything worse.
Before you could respond, Caleb showed up, barking away, “What the fuck are you two talking about?”
You flinched, immediately stepping back from Rafe as Caleb stormed over, his eyes flashing with suspicion. 
“Just meeting the missus, calm the fuck down.”
"Is that right?" Caleb sneered, his voice dripping with venom. He grabbed your arm roughly, yanking you closer to him as if to reassert his claim on you. The pain shot through your arm, but you bit down on your lip, refusing to give him the satisfaction, “She doesn’t look like she’s in the mood to talk to anyone, Cameron, does she?” He hissed, his grip tightening until you felt your skin bruising beneath his fingers. “So why don’t you back off before I make you?”
Caleb was unpredictable, and you knew how easily he could lose control. If Rafe pushed him any further, it could get ugly fast.
But Rafe didn’t back down. He held Caleb’s glare with a chilling calmness that made your stomach twist. It was like he was daring Caleb to make a move, to see what would happen. You had to do something, anything.
“Caleb, it’s nothing,” you blurted out, forcing yourself to sound calm even though you were shaking inside. “He was just saying hi. That’s all.”
He didn’t look convinced, but his brown eyes flicked back to you, his grip loosening slightly. “You better not be lying to me,” he warned, his voice carrying a promising threat you were all too familiar with.
“I’m not,” you promised, “Please, let’s just go.”
He turned back to Rafe,  “Stay the fuck away from her, Cameron,” He spat, his voice laced with threat. “Or you’ll regret it.”
Rafe didn’t snap back, but you could see the tension in his posture, the way his muscles tensed as if ready to jump into action at any moment. You knew he got into fights daily back when he was younger, you just hoped he knew better now.
“Come on,” Caleb growled, pulling you away from Rafe, his grip still painfully tight. 
You followed him, your heart pounding in your chest, praying that Rafe wouldn’t do something reckless. You were tired of getting caught up in the crossfire between men’s ego’s. 
As he dragged you away, back to your personal hell, you risked a glance back at Rafe. He was still standing there, watching you, it made your skin crawl. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but you knew this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
And that terrified you more than anything else.
Rafe watched you leave, every instinct screamed at him to rip you away from that piece of shit and deal with the fallout later, but he knew better. He’d seen how this played out too many times before, in his own house, behind closed doors where no one was watching. He didn’t know why he cared. He shouldn’t care. You weren’t his problem, and Caleb was the kind of guy who didn’t let go of what he thought was his.
But as that piece of shit dragged you down the dock, his mind drifted back to his mother. He could still remember the bruises she used to try to hide, the way she’d flinch when Ward’s voice got too loud, too sharp. And he could remember the times when his dad’s rage wasn’t directed at her but at him. Because Rafe looked too much like her, Ward Cameron had a twisted way of showing his grief when she passed away. 
His dad had been the same as Caleb—charming on the outside, maybe for the first months, but vicious once he got behind closed doors. He had learned from an early age that there was no escape, no safe place to hide. He’d spent his whole life trying to be good enough, strong enough, but it never mattered. In the end, he was just a punching bag, a constant reminder of everything his dad had lost when his mom passed. Even if Ward never had her in the first place. 
Seeing you with those same bruises, that same haunted look in your eyes, it did something to him. He had promised himself, despite everything he did, he’d never lay hands on a woman. He wasn’t the type to get involved in other people’s problems—hell, he had enough of his own. But this was different, it felt all too familiar, a little too close to home. 
The way you tried to pretend everything was okay, how you tried to act like those bruises weren’t killing you day by day. He’d seen his mom do the same thing, day after day, pretending like the world wasn’t falling around her. He’d seen it in the mirror, too, in the years after she died, when he’d become his dad’s favorite target.
And that look in your eyes, the one that said you’d given up on anyone helping you, that you had accepted your fate—it pissed him off more than anything. Because he’d seen that look before, too. He’d worn it himself for years. But no one had come to save him, no one had pulled him out before he fell too deep. He’d had to claw his way out on his own, and even now, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever really made it.
He knew he was a shitty person, a drug dealer who’d fucked up more lives than he could count. But seeing you with Caleb, it felt personal. Like something in him was telling him he couldn’t walk away from this. That if he did, he’d be just as bad as his old man.
Rafe’s jaw tightened as he watched Caleb shove you into his car, barking orders at the men around him like he was some kind of kingpin. The way you shrank back, trying to disappear into yourself, made his stomach turn. He couldn’t stand seeing all of it. Not again.
He wasn’t going to let you end up like his mom. Not if he could help it.
Three days later, you found yourself back in town. You didn’t want to be out, not like this. But Caleb had sent you on an errand, yelling at you to get it done fast or face the consequences. You knew better.
Your arms ached as you held the grocery bag close, the weight of it pulling at the fresh bruises that painted your skin in painful hues of blue and purple. The collar of your shirt was pulled up high, hiding the dark marks on your neck, but nothing could stop the constant reminder of Caleb’s temper. Or the lack of it.
You kept your head down, hoping to get in and out of the store without anyone noticing you. The last thing you needed was to run into someone you knew, not that you still had any friends by this point. But still.
As you rounded the corner, you nearly collided with someone—tall, solid, and all too familiar. You looked up, startled, and found yourself staring into Rafe’s blue eyes.
He didn’t speak right away, scanning you it with the same intensity that made you want to run for you life. You quickly looked away, but not before he saw the discoloration peeking out from under your collar.
“Hey,” he said, his voice rough, but not unkind. It was the first time in days that someone had spoken to you without anger or disgust.
“Rafe,” you muttered, trying to keep your voice steady, but it came out shaky. “I—I’m just—”
“Running errands for that asshole?” he cut in. His eyes flicked to the bag in your arms, noting how you winced when you shifted its weight.
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears that you’d been wanting to spill for the past twenty-four hours. You didn’t want to cry in front of him, didn’t want him to see just how broken you were. 
“Let me see,” he demanded, his tone softer this time, but it made it clear he wasn’t asking.
You didn’t think guys like him ever used that word. It felt foreign hearing it fall from his lips.
You hesitated, instinctively trying to make yourself look smaller, but the look in his eyes, the same fucking determination, made you realize there was no point in hiding it. Not from him. Not when he already knew.
Slowly, you pulled the collar of your shirt down, just enough to reveal the bruises on your neck, the ugly marks left by your boyfriend’s fingers. His eyes darkened, black consuming the blue, and his jaw tightened as he took in the sight. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, but you could feel the anger radiating off him, barely contained.
“Jesus,” he muttered under his breath, fingertips itching to grab his gun and shove it down Caleb’s throat.
You weren’t used to anyone caring, let alone someone like him, and it made you want to run away even more.
“I told you, it’s none of your business,” you said, your voice coming out more defensive than you intended.
You were scared—scared of Caleb, scared of Rafe, and scared of what might happen if the two ever collided. The last thing you wanted was to drag him into your mess, no matter how much his concern awoke something in you that you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Y’think I’m just gonna let you walk away like this?” Rafe’s voice was low, almost a growl, and he stepped closer. You could feel the warmth radiating off him, his fists clenched at his sides as if he was barely holding himself back from storming over to Caleb and finishing this for good.
“Rafe, please,” you whispered, your voice cracking as the tears you’d been holding back almost spilled over. “You don’t understand. He’ll kill me.”
“I’ll kill him first. I’m not afraid of him princess,” he said, and you believed him.
But that wasn’t the point. You were afraid, and that fear kept you trapped in a cycle you didn’t know how to break.
“Maybe you should be,” you muttered, trying to step around him, but he didn’t let you go that easily. His hand shot out, grabbing your arm—not rough like Caleb’s grip, but firm enough to stop you. 
“I don’t need your help,” you lied, hating the way your voice wavered. You wanted to believe you could handle it on your own, but the truth was, you couldn't.
Rafe’s grip on your arm loosened, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
You felt a tear slip down your cheek before you could stop it. You quickly wiped it away, cursing yourself for showing weakness in front of him. But Rafe didn’t say anything. He just watched you.
“I need to go.”
You couldn’t stay here any longer, couldn’t let yourself believe that someone like Rafe Cameron could actually care about someone like you.
But as you turned to leave, he called after you,  “I meant what I said.”
That night, as you lay in bed, bruises still aching, you couldn’t stop thinking about Rafe. About the way he looked at you, as if you were worth something, as if you weren’t just another broken girl in a world full of them. You wanted to believe him, but believing meant hoping, and hoping had only ever gotten you hurt. Still, the idea that someone—anyone—might care enough to try to help you was getting harder and harder to ignore.
Caleb was still out, probably meeting with Barry or some of the other guys, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he came back. And when he did, you had to be ready—ready to play the role he expected, ready to keep him calm. Ready to survive another night. You could feel your heart beating in your chest, the fear coiling tighter with every second. 
Caleb would be back soon. And if he found out about your encounter with Rafe...You swallowed hard, the taste of bile rising in your throat. You couldn’t let that happen. You couldn’t let him  find out.
What if Rafe really could help you? What if there was a way out of this nightmare?
The bedroom door creaked open suddenly. You sat up instantly as Caleb stepped into the room, his eyes were bloodshot, and you could smell the alcohol on him even from across the room.
“Where the hell were you today?” he demanded, his voice slurred. You knew better than to lie, but the truth was just as dangerous.
“I was running the errands you asked me to,” you replied carefully, “I went to the store and came straight back. I swear.”
He stared at you, his eyes narrowing as if trying to decide whether or not to believe you. “You better not be lying to me,” he muttered, stumbling slightly as he moved toward you. “You know what happens when you lie.”
“I’m not lying,” you insisted, trying to keep the tremor out of your voice. “I did everything you asked.”
He stood over you now, his shadow falling across your bed like a dark omen. You braced yourself for what was coming, but instead of hitting you, he just stared down at you. 
“You think I’m stupid?” he hissed suddenly, his hand lashing out to grab your wrist. The pain was immediate, but you bit down on your lip, refusing to cry out. “I know when you’re hiding something.”
“I’m not—” you started, but he cut you off, his grip tightening until you could feel the bones in your wrist grinding together.
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” he roared, shaking you violently. “I know you were talking to someone. Who was it? Was it one of those Kook pricks? Were you flirting with them? Like the slut you are?”
The fear turned to cold dread as you realized he must have heard something about your run-in with Rafe. If he knew you’d been talking to him, there was no telling what he might do.
“No,” you lied quickly, desperation crawling up your throat, “I wasn’t talking to anyone. I swear, Caleb, it was just me.”
He stared at you for a long second, his eyes boring into yours but then his expression gave away into something ugly, something feral, and before you could react, his fist came down hard, striking you across the face.
The impact sent you sprawling back onto the bed, stars exploding in your vision as pain radiated through your skull. You tasted blood in your mouth, your lip split from the force of the blow, but you didn’t have time to recover before he was on you again, his hands around your throat.
“I’ll fucking kill you if I ever catch you with another man,” he snarled, his grip tightening until you couldn’t breathe. “Do you hear me? You’re mine, and I’ll fucking kill you before I let you go.”
You clawed at his hands, panic taking over you as your vision started to blur. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, and the world was fading to black around the edges. But just as you thought it was over, he released you, shoving you away as if you were nothing more than a piece of trash.
You gasped for air, coughing and choking as you scrambled to get away from him, but he just laughed, a cold, heartless sound that made your blood run cold. You hated him.
“Don’t forget who you belong to,” he sneered, turning away as if you were no longer worth his attention. “Next time, you won’t be so lucky.”
He staggered out of the room, slamming the door behind him, and you collapsed onto the bed, your body shaking with sobs you couldn’t hold back any longer.
Maybe you didn’t have to do this alone.
The next morning, when the sun rose and Caleb was passed out in a drunken stupor, you made a decision. You couldn’t keep living like this. And if there was even a chance that Rafe could help you, you had to take it.
Rafe wasn’t a stranger to darkness. He’d lived with it, fought against it, and at times, even embraced it. But seeing that same darkness reflected in your eyes had fucked him up in a way he wasn’t prepared for. He wasn’t sure if you’d believe him, if you’d actually reach out. But damn, he hoped you would. Rafe was about to head downstairs, maybe grab a drink to take the edge off, when he heard the faint sound of footsteps outside. It was late—too late for anyone to be dropping by Tannyhill unannounced. His curiosity piqued, he moved toward the window, peering out into the dim light of the porch.
And then he saw you.
You stood there, looking lost and broken, your shoulders hunched. Even from this distance, he could see the bruises on your face, the way you were holding yourself like every movement caused you pain. Without thinking, he moved toward the door, his pulse quickening. He wasn’t sure what had happened since he last saw you, but he knew it was bad. And more than anything, he knew that you needed him right now.
He reached the door just as the bell echoed through the stillness of the house. For a moment, he stood there, hand resting on the doorknob, trying to calm himself down. He could feel the tension radiating from you, even from the other side of the door, sensing the desperation in the way you leaned slightly forward, as if fearing the door might never open.
Rafe inhaled deeply before turning the knob, his heart racing as he faced you. The soft light from the porch cast gentle shadows across your face, accentuating the fresh bruises and tear-streaked cheeks. You stared at him for a moment, your eyes wide and glassy, and he could see the way your lower lip trembled as you tried to hold back more tears. He hadn’t felt such an incredible need to protect someone in years. He didn’t need to ask what happened—he could guess. And the thought of someone hurting you, making you feel like this, made him want to turn this whole town upside down. 
But for now, you didn’t need his anger —you needed help, comfort. You needed him to be there for you.
“Help me,” you whispered, your voice so soft and broken that it almost undid him right there. “Please.”
Rafe didn’t hesitate. He reached out, his hands gentler than they’ve ever been as he pulled you inside, closing the door behind you. You were shaking, your whole body trembling like a leaf as if you were about to fall apart, and he could feel the tears soaking through his polo as you collapsed against him.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly, feeling the way your body shook with heart-wrenching sobs. He just held you, letting you cry it out, his hand gently stroking your hair as he tried to soothe you.
“It’s okay,” he murmured eventually, his voice a low murmur though he wasn’t sure if he was saying it for your benefit or his own. “You’re safe here. I’ve got you.”
He wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you again. Not if he could help it. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to let you go through this alone.
“Come on,” he whispered, pulling back slightly to look down at you. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay? You can stay here tonight. No one’s gonna bother you.”
He’d kill Caleb if he ever attempted to take you.
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joocomics · 5 days
ಬ scaredy cat
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pairing: yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: smut — mdni! wc: 1.9k
contains: friends with benefits trope, sub!reader, dirty talk, pet names, fingering, overstimulation, hickeys
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During the slow boring hours of work the other day you created a list with the pros and cons of possibly dating Yeonjun.
For a while now he’s been throwing you signals about getting serious (more often than not), so you thought it would be a good idea to look at this more thoroughly, and kill some time until your shift is finally over. Aware of the already strong feelings you have for him you grab a pen and start writing…
… funny and reliable
likes to cuddle but not clingy
great sense of fashion
(extremely) good at sex
has a super cool tv …
“Is this why you've been coming over more often these days?” Yeonjun returns into the living room with drinks in hand. After sitting down on the edge of the couch which he transforms into a comfy bed every time you're here, he turns to you with a raised brow. “To watch your disgusting movies on my new TV?”
“My disgusting movies are well written cinematic experiences that you're too big of a scaredy cat to recognize the full worth of.” You explain, crossing arms in front of your chest. “And they're even cooler on your TV, so to answer your question, yes.”
Yeonjun rolls his eyes at you, but you can notice there’s a half-smile creeping up on his plump lips as he looks away with amusement.
“Actually,” you say almost through laughter which brings Yeonjun’s attention back to you, “recently I made a list with your good and bad qualities and your new TV made it.”
“That's not a quality.”
Now you’re the one who rolls eyes before glancing back at the screen.
“Just be grateful it's there to fill up space in the pros column.”
“So what are my bad qualities?” Yeonjun asks intrigued just when the main character of the horror film screams hysterically at the sight of yet another body, causing his heart to jump. He flinches at the sudden sound and instantly turns his back to the screen. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, who watches this kind of shit for fun?!”
You watch him scooting over and laugh at his attempts to avoid seeing the screen while doing so as the horrible scene unfolds on the large TV.
He positions next to you and now you're shoulder to shoulder.
“I still haven't gotten to them.”
“Don't waste your time,” he sighs, adjusting against the pillow, “I don't have any.”
“Don't be so sure about that.” You quickly respond, “I had to get back to work and then I forgot.”
“Because I don't have any.” He repeats after tittering. He finally dares to glance at the screen as it seems that the gory scene has passed.
“You get jealous pretty easily.” You state cautiously, wanting to shoot him a discreet look so bad, but you resist.
You also want to add, and pretty obviously, but you keep that detail for yourself as you remember how overprotective he was the other night at the birthday party you were invited to. It resulted into you getting asked the same question over and over again. Your friends were having a hard time believing you’re not dating.
Yeonjun remains silent for a moment as he tilts his head to see you. He leans in, just a little bit, to make your cheeks warm from the sudden closeness; to bring goosebumps across your skin from his mouth being close enough to your ear as he speaks through low voice.
“So it’s a bad thing that I don’t like sharing what’s mine?”
His gaze holds onto yours causing the fireworks into your stomach to ignite even harder. It’s like your heart stops for a second, and your brain as well, making the task to come up with a good answer on time challenging. It’s so obvious at this point that you’re taking too much time; too fumbled by the last word in his sentence. And especially by how much you like its presence there; how you’re already getting used to the sound of it in his voice.
Your lips part, not to speak, but to kiss him instead when another jumpscare makes him wince.
Too busy to hide his face into your chest, he only groans in despair, simultaneously pulling the blanket over your tangled bodies. One airy shit! slips from beneath it. The dramatic spine-chilling soundtrack overpowers the cussing, but you catch it nevertheless.
He sounds as if he's the one being tortured.
“Poor baby,” you tease him by cooing. “Is this too scary for you?”
He murmurs something about you shutting your mouth, but the anguish is making his frustrated words incoherent.
“How much left till the end?”
“Like an hour and a half,” you start running your fingertips through his dark hair as he adjusts even further into your arms. His head finds a comfortable spot onto your chest.
“I’ll just close my eyes for a little while…” his voice is slower than a moment ago, and you hum softly in agreement.
It’s almost like your familiar scent can lull him to sleep despite the scary movie playing in the background. He can feel his muscles loosen up, his mind relaxing with each peaceful breath you take.
Until the noise of a new jumpscare comes to frighten him again.
“I will add this in my cons list by the way.” You cackle.
Yeonjun’s brows furrow, but you can’t see his irritated eyes, because his face is hidden into your neck.
You can feel his warm breath caressing your skin once he speaks up.
“I know what will help me calm down.”
As the words slip lazily one by one from his lips, his hand slides down between your thighs. His fingertips feel the nice fabric of your little cotton shorts that seem too tight around your curves. They keep roaming around, rising your body temperature, until he guides them to your clothed clit, putting just enough pressure on it while his mouth nibbles on the skin of your neck.
“But… I want to finish the movie,” you whine softly before shutting your eyes at the thrill he’s causing you to feel kiss after kiss.
“You keep watching, baby.” His lips detach from your neck and curl up into a sinful smirk.
You centre your head again, watching him pull down your shorts as the screen behind him paints his silhouette in dark blue and purple hues, turning his features even more seductive.
Half of the fuzzy blanket is now almost on the ground as you keep your legs spread open. Yeonjun’s hand rubs in continuous circling motions that he synchronises with your breathing. Focusing entirely on your body helps him completely ignore the on going movie you keep watching with interest. He’s giving his full attention to your little squirming movements, to your rhythmical breathes, and to the erotic sounds that start escaping your mouth more frequently only to mix with the background noise in the room.
There are fresh bruises forming on your neck, but he continues to suck, making himself drool from how much he enjoys doing it. The only time he backs away is when he pushes two fingers inside you for the first time and he gets the urge to taste them, as it often happens when he’s pleasing you.
“Mmm, you always taste so good.” He humms after unwrapping his lips from his fingertips. His mouth has a red tint to it, glistening with moisture. “So fuckin’ wet for me, can you feel it?”
“Fuck, don’t stop—“ The only thing you’re able to say when he slips back into your arousal is to keep going. His fingers curl up perfectly, and aiming for the right spot they start thrusting in a steady pace causing your moans to shake. “Yeah, just like that... yeah—“
Yeonjun buries his face into the crook of your neck while starting to breathe more heavily too.
You keep closing and opening your heavy eyes at the screen where an intense moment is looming, filling the room with an intense instrumental music, but all he can register is the noises you keep losing control over. His hand flexes while increasing its speed in order to push you closer to the desired peak and it swiftly succeeds.
Your attention level drops and your head falls to one side with your eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
“Sounds so pretty,” he comments at your ear as the wet lewd noise keeps erupting with the nonstop slamming of his palm against your slick folds. Just the way you like it. “You’re close, doll.”
His fingers, stuck between your pulsing walls, get squished tighter as the seconds pass by. He keeps up the quick and smooth pacing until your breaking point comes in, forcing it to turn sloppy and rigid.
“Fuck, there you go,” Yeonjun’s chuckle rings out with a husky tone, only adding to the ecstatic effects of your intense climax.
Your whole body squirms as Yeonjun lets his fingers, wet and sticky, rest still on your throbbing clit. The fluids slowly spill out of you, forming a dark spot on the couch as the sensation turns more light and mellow, but he doesn’t mind it.
You’re still regaining your normal breathing when his fingertips start skidding rapidly along your soaked folds. You whimper at the unexpected contact with your clit that’s now extra sensitive, causing intense reactions from your body at even the smallest touch.
As he doesn’t show any signs of slowing down you whine his name, but without being able to utter any other word.
“Give me one more, baby.” He whispers, effortlessly sliding his fingers up and down your slickness in an indescribable way; so fast, so determined to receive more from you. “C’mon, doll.”
You pant uncontrollably under his tireless touch. The dancing of his fingers keep up the same energy, making you clench as they create another burning knot of pleasure in your core. Once it bursts, you’re not able to stay still and Yeonjun tries his best to keep his hand on your puffy lips so he can rub till the second orgasm washes over you.
Your legs tremble when he enters you with the same eager fingers, curious to feel how wet you are. The pool of arousal welcomes him with ease, and he cannot help but start fantasising how good it would feel to have his cock deep inside you right now. He can give it to you, but making you cum multiple times like this is just as exciting.
He notices your eyes are half-closed while gazing down between your thighs.
“Keep watching, sweetheart.” He says softly, but with a slight hint of demand which makes you look up on the instant. “You don’t want to miss anything from the movie, that’s why you’re here, right?”
He glides slowly through your tight walls and you both sense how they keep throbbing against him from lust and sensitivity. You take a deep shaky breath, trying to concentrate on the story line, but it’s so hard when he’s in the middle of building up a new wave of rush while hiding in the crook of your neck. Running his tongue over his own love marks now and then.
You bite your lip at the realisation of how much is still left from the movie that is about to become the reason your brain is going to turn completely numb and your pussy sore by the end of this Halloween night.
But the thing you will always associate it with first, from this day forward, is you officially becoming his.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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quillthrillswriting · 5 months
my (quillthills) ao3 ATLA fanfiction masterlist:
"if happiness were a tangible thing, it would be you":
Katara is tired of the iron grip that Emperor Ozai has over the kingdom of Rosas, tired of watching him spread his influence across the mainland. When Sokka comes home from the palace with the knowledge of an impending tragedy, Katara is left to wish on the stars in hope that they will offer salvation. They do, in the form of the Avatar, a boy transformed into a wishing star almost a century earlier. Her wish for hope is fulfilled, in the form of a boy known to be the embodiment of hope. Will that same hope be enough to stand against a man powered by the dreams and wishes of an entire kingdom? OR: ever since pixina put the idea in my head of a kataang wish AU, i haven't been able to stop thinking about it. this fic is the result<3 if you haven't seen wish (2023) yet, don't worry! you don't really need to to understand this fic:)
"so i will go to secret gardens in my mind":
after he and katara's escape to the palace gardens the night prior, avatar aang, the king of all four elements, cannot stop thinking of the beautiful dark-haired water princess. misunderstandings and deliberate deception constructed by regent ozai makes the reconciliation of these star-crossed lovers more complicated than necessary. OR: the second of many kataang regency-era works ♔
"you’re in the wind, i’m in the water":
aang has only just been crowned as the avatar, the king of all four elements, and already, he struggles to find his footing in a society without any of his people. a dance with princess katara of the water tribe, and a subsequent escape to the palace gardens, helps him find that footing. OR: the first of many kataang regency-era works ♔
"there's a star-man, waiting in the sky":
a flash-fiction atla modern AU in which yue passes away from cancer early in life, and sokka becomes an astronaut so that he can go to space and be close to the moon she always loved so much ☾
"the teenager in the iceberg"- multichap
i feel like a lot of people have wondered how different atla as a whole would be if aang had been older, so in this au, aang was frozen at age 16! naturally, i just had to flip aang being after katara from day one to katara now having a crush on aang from the very beginning. essentially, to recap. ATLA aang aged up AU fic. kataang. where she falls first, and he falls harder. also, cmon. i just had to write a new version of the scene where zuko and aang meet.
"you with the dark curls, you with the watercolor eyes"- multichap
Avatar Aang had been told time and time again that to venture across the surface of the sea when the moon had risen and claimed what rightfully belonged to it was to sign your own death certificate. And yet, he found himself here, at the water’s edge, skipping stones, lost in thought. To be the Avatar had once meant something, years before. Before the four tribes had separated, scattered to the ends of the earth. Those who formed fire itself chased the other tribes from the surface lands, those who could move rock and metal burrowed underground, those who flowed with the air sent ships with great sails across the sea until they reached towering mountain spires. Those who bent water, who bent blood… they retreated to the depths of the sea, and with time, they became a part of it. Legend told of the way in which the Water tribes had adapted, two legs smoothed into razor sharp scales and voices twisted into something dark and luring. Now, they were the monsters known as sirens. OR: a KATAANG AU where tui and la have split the earth into the sea and the sky. aang is a winged avian, while katara is a siren<3
"well, my (not-yet) boyfriend's in a band":
in which the gaang are in a band, and when it comes time for them to write an original song to submit to the republic city music festival, aang is...suspiciously good at writing love song lyrics OR kataang, if they were in an indie band and aang didn't know how to communicate his feelings except through writing love songs
"i’m no longer a kid, and everything has changed":
after aang falls to azula's lightning strike in the caves of the earth kingdom, toph, sokka, and katara are left to pick up the pieces. katara's healing abilities are put to the test in the weeks that follow, but she finds herself seeing aang in a different light as she realizes how much he's endured since emerging from the iceberg only months before. OR: the weeks-long gap between the end of season two and the beginning of season three of ATLA is finally at least partially expanded upon. ALSO OR: a bit of aangst, or kataangst, if you will
"can you see me using everything to hold back?":
Katara's life after saving the world was filled with a whirlwind romance with Fire Lord Zuko that became a loveless, controlling marriage she is no longer happy in. After finding out the extent to which her husband has betrayed her trust, she escapes to find home in the person she has missed most during her time in the Fire Nation. OR: The common Zutara trope of "Zuko helps Katara escape an unhealthy relationship with Aang" is flipped entirely and completely on its head.
"my heart is yours, it’s you that i hold on to":
The war has been ended, Ozai has been rendered helpless, and Zuko has reclaimed the Fire Nation with the promise of peace. Everything that Aang has been working towards since the moment Katara freed him from the iceberg has been done. He's saved the world. Now, all that's left is to confess to his forever girl. OR Aang wakes up the morning after him and his friends saved the entire world, and the first (and only) thing he can think about is Katara. When they get a chance to talk, the two take a walk down memory lane.
"shining down on me":
sokka can't stop thinking about yue. she comes to him in his dreams, and try as he might, he just can't move on. inspired by the song "my love, mine all mine" by mitski
"the avatar's adventures in parenting":
aang being a bad parent is CHARACTER ASSASSINATION and i won't stand for it. i just know that him and katara wouldn't be focused on just passing on bending, but the *teachings* and ideals of both of their tribes to all their children, regardless of bending status. OR, aang and katara become parents and aang finds out that parenting is his proudest achievement, more so than stopping a hundred year war or holding the position of avatar
"i'm trying to tell you something, something that i already said":
katara speaks to each member of the gaang individually and finds out that aang has been head over heels with her for years and no one ever bothered telling her. this takes place after the fire lord is defeated, but in my version, they never kissed in the finale:oo katara is basically dumb in terms of love and so is aang and they are peak miscommunication trope and theres too much zutara content and not enough kataang OR katara interrogates each of her friends (toph, sokka, and zuko) and comes to the conclusion that she has lived for years without the kind of love most people wish for their entire lives
if any of these speak to you, they can all be found on my ao3 account:)<3 happy reading!!!
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frenchkisstheabyss · 11 months
♡ Black Sheep ♡
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✦ Pairings: platonic!best friend!felix x fem!reader, boyfriend!bang chan x fem!reader
✦ Genre: fluff, smut, a smidge of hurt/comfort
✦ Summary: Facing trauma from your past to take things to the next level with your boyfriend is made easier by the love he shows you and some support from your best friend
✦ Word Count: 2.1k-ish
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✦ Warnings: Super important note. The reader has sexual trauma. It's not discussed in detail, it's more implied than anything, but if that makes you uncomfortable please avoid this, my loves. Outside of that the only warnings are unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, and that Chan calls you "baby".
✦ A/N: I wrote this as a request for @maximumkillshot and it means a lot to me that she trusted me to write this. I really hope you find some comfort in it ♡
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“Hey, I’m heading out. Need anything before I go?” Felix asks, popping his head into your room, unintentionally saving you from drowning in your own thoughts. You’ve been like this for longer than you know, sitting on the edge of your bed drifting off somewhere far away. Taking a deep breath, you loosen your hold on the plushie in your lap, “Um, no. I’m good. Have fun. Tell Han I said hey.”
You force a close lipped smile. An attempt at masking your pain that’s instantly betrayed by the tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. As if you could ever hide anything from Felix anyway. You’ve been best friends too long for that and becoming roommates has only made him that much harder to fool. Felix joins you on the bed, taking the plushie from your lap and placing it in his. “Talk to me,” he says, the rasp of his voice low and comforting, “What’s going on?”
His eyes lock onto yours, his gaze free of judgment, and the tears begin to fall one by one. “I asked Chan to come over tonight” you sniffle, allowing Felix to dry your tears on his sleeve, “I want to tell him that I’m ready.” Felix raises an eyebrow, “Ready? For?” You give him a knowing look and it clicks in an instant. “Oh, that’s big. Are you sure?” You nod, the faint smile on your lips genuine this time, “I am. I love him and I want this…” “But…” “But what if I freak out? After what happened to me I haven’t done anything besides scare people away.” 
An undertone of anger transforms Felix’s angelic face into something you only see when he gets defensive of you. What happened to you in your past, what the people you thought were your friends blamed you for, wasn’t your fault. And every time he’s reminded that anyone’s ever made you feel like it was he wants to make them pay for it. Putting his own anger aside, he takes you by the hand, grounding you before you slip away.
“You haven’t scared anyone away” he promises, “Something terrible happened to you and the people who were supposed to love you failed you because they’re fucking garbage but you have people who care about you now. Like me and Han and the rest of the guys. And Chan most of all. He loves you. We all do.” 
You stare back at him in silence, letting his words soak in. It’s easy to feel alone in this, burying it deep inside out of fear that it’ll be too much for the people. But you don’t have to fear that anymore and that has you wanting to cry all over again. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you give his hand a squeeze, “Thanks for being here, Lix. For taking me in and just...being you. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You’re so special to me” 
Felix lays his arm around your shoulder, feeling tears begin to sneak up on him too, “Oh god, are you trying to make me cry?” “No! I swear I’m not!” you laugh, catching a glimpse of him tilting his head back to chase the tears away. “Nooooo! I can’t show up to a party crying!” he teases, “I’ll never live this down!”
A knock at the front door interrupts Felix’s dramatic scene, bringing your mind right back to where it started. Only now the butterflies in your stomach have calmed down. A frenzy downgraded to a soft Spring flutter. Felix kisses the top of your head, rising from the bed to go answer the door, “I got it. Just give yourself a second, okay?” 
As he disappears down the hall you rush over to the mirror, checking your hair and makeup to make sure it’s flawless. You twirl around in your floral mini dress wondering if the lace at the hem is too formal. Or is the plunging neckline too revealing? “You’re overthinking this. You. Are. Fine” you huff, taking one last look at yourself before heading out to meet Chan.
The two men have already dug themselves deep into a conversation that becomes irrelevant once Chan lays eyes on you. “Baby, hi!” he beams, welcoming you into the coziest hug on the planet. “You look beautiful as always.” “Cut it out” you giggle, hands caressing his cheeks to pull him in for a kiss. Felix holds his stomach, making gagging noises, “I need to get out of here before I throw up.”
Chan slaps Felix on the back of the head as he slips out of the door, never breaking from your kiss. “Thanks. For. Coming” you whisper between Chan’s full pink lips. He presses you against the closed door, holding you like something delicate and precious. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I? You said you needed to talk and—” He takes a step back, the small glimpse he caught of your slightly red eyes enough to make him worry. “You’ve been crying. Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?”
Your best friend may be defensive of you but the way your boyfriend gets is a different beast entirely. One that’s still on its leash but won’t be for long if you don’t do something. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you, “Hey, calm down. Nothing happened. I’m okay. It’s just—” You run your hands down his chest, feeling the defined muscle tense beneath his thin black shirt. “Let’s go talk in my room, okay?” you smile, kissing him on the bridge of his nose. Your plush lips, scented with a sweet peach lip balm, tickle enough to disarm him. “Okay?” Chan nods, taking you by the hand, “Okay.” 
You take your time leading him back to your bedroom, enjoying how he stares at you when he thinks you aren’t looking. There’s something about knowing that he longs for you even in those moments you can’t perceive it that makes you feel special in ways he may not even know. Sitting him down on the bed, you straddle him, your arms thrown over his shoulders once more as he cradles you at the waist. “We’re here. Now tell me why you’re crying” he says, wasting no time getting to the point.
“I was crying.”
“Oh, okay then, why were you crying?”
“I detect sass in your voice.”
“I’m sassy because you’re stalling.”
There’s nothing you can say to that. You are stalling and you aren’t even sure why. Chan knows what you’ve been through and why that’s made it difficult for you to open up sexually. He’s never rushed you or pressed the issue. All that matters to him is that you feel safe. Sex isn’t why he’s with you and he’ll wait as long as you need for things to get there. You, on the other hand, are done waiting. 
“I want you to make love to me” you spit out, knowing no other way to say it, “and I was crying because I’m nervous.” “Baby, we don’t have to. You know that. We can wait” he says, terrified that he might’ve made you feel rushed. You stroke the nape of his neck, bringing your lips to his. “I don’t wanna wait, Chan. I want you. Do you want me too?” A silly question if there ever was one. Does he want you too? There’s never been a time when he hasn’t.
The spark from your first kiss all those months ago lit a fire within him that’s been smoldering ever since. He’s longed for this moment on quiet nights alone in his room. Longed to at last let the fire engulf him. Engulf both of you. Chan lays you back on the bed, positioning your head comfortably amongst the pillows before trailing kisses down your neck. You snake your fingers between silken strands of his hair as parted lips skim your collarbone, your body buzzing from the contact. His tongue dips between your breasts, delighting in the taste while his hands shape your tender thighs beneath their touch.
His thumb grazes your panty line, making your body jerk and arch. “Please” you whine, begging him to touch you where he never has. That moisture pooling in the cotton of your panties. You want him to feel it. Chan’s thumb dips further between your thighs, tracing the outline of your pussy through your panties. He bites down on his lip, his groans nearly undetectable. You’re wet enough that the material’s clinging to you like a second skin. He can feel everything. Your dripping entrance. Your petal soft folds. Your stiff, twitchy little clit. 
“Need to taste you” he whispers, disappearing below your waist. He’s so impatient—so needy—that there’s simply no time to take the wrapper off to get to the candy. He pushes your dress up, his fingers tugging your panties to the side. “Fuck, it’s so pretty” he gasps, diving in face first. Hearing him hum and groan is almost as amazing as having his tongue jutting in and out of you. You grip the sheets, tiny dots of color peppering your vision. How can anything feel this good?
Chan’s tongue flexes around your clit working in tandem with his jaw to fill your core with pleasure. Your senses are overwhelmed, disorienting you enough that you don’t even notice when your panties have finally come off. “Channie. Oh my god, yes!” you moan when his middle finger presses into you. He takes his time, rotating his wrist to get as deep into your dripping walls as he can. You’re so tight, the ridges along your walls are such a work of art, that he has to slip another finger in. The stretch makes you salivate, your hips bucking to ride his face.
“That’s it, baby. You like that? Like when I stretch you out?” he grins, slurping at your pussy, his fingers curling and spreading to stretch you even more. “Fuck, yes! I love it! Love it so much!” Tugging at his hair, you guide him up to face you. The sight of him on top of you, his lids heavy with lust, his face covered in your juices, is heavenly. Chan kisses you hungrily, desperate to consume every bit of you. Bringing your arm between the two of you, you lift the band of his sweatpants to stroke the throbbing cock that’s already sprung free of his boxers.
Your fingers are like magic, running down his shaft, rubbing the underside of his sensitive tip. “Take them off” you demand, “Need to feel you, Channie.” Your wish is his command. They’re off. The pants. The boxers. Now there’s nothing to separate you. Nothing to keep his length from dragging along your warmth, getting nice and slick before the head of his cock’s pressing at your entrance. You wrap your legs around his waist, controlling how much of him you take. Every inch has you quivering more than the last, the tremors strong enough that he doesn’t even have to move to hit your sweet spot once you’re completely full.
“I love you” he whispers, cupping your cheek as he rocks in and out of you. “I love you too.” You stay just like this for what feels like forever. Kissing, smiling, whispering the sweetest things to each other as his hips snap against yours. It’s only a matter of time before your stomach’s doing backflips, that familiar pressure flooding your lower half. “Faster, ah, fuck, so close,” you say in the cutest voice. Chan grabs one of your legs, pressing it to your chest as he plunges even deeper making you cum around him.
Your walls are pulsing, nails clawing at his shirt. You call out his name in the only voice he ever wants to hear speak it ever again and he loses it. He pulls out of you, his left hand stroking his length, leaving warm drops of his seed along your inner thigh until there’s nothing left. Collapsing beside you, he wraps you in his arms, kissing you in the afterglow. “You okay?” he asks, already massaging your thigh to prevent cramps. “I’m better than okay” you smile, staring back at him lovingly. “Just checking. I’m here to take care of you, yeah?” You just nod, burying your face in his neck, safe in the knowledge that, yeah, he is and always will be. 
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danbeifong · 23 days
Chapter 15 😎🌶️🔥🔥🔥
Okay, I admit that writing 'steamy' scenes is harder than I thought. My brain is fried from revising the same scene so many times.
I hope you enjoy it!
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thenotebookwizard · 2 months
She-Ra | Defiance CH 15: The Spirit Ember
Catra wants answers about magic and the RuneStones, but gets more than she asked for. She gets assurance she is the Princess of Halfmoon, but there is a cost. And new questions about the the RuneStones.
Things happen! More problems are created! Maybe a couple of problems get solved? They tried, anyway. Adding a new character tag for the first time in awhile, too.
Originally, this was going to be a short chapter. One scene, focused on Catra and the Spirit Ember. But I realized there were things that still needed to be said, explored and understood before I can move on to the next thing.
Thus, two scenes, and one of the coolest monologues about magic so far.
Normally, all of this would be under a cut, but - chapter spoilers below.
Writing Melog is harder than I thought it would be, because they are surprisingly complex character. Old, powerful, lonely, and yet making themselves into a cat-form. Not just to reflect Catra. In my mind, it's because they can communicate better that way. More physically - because we accept physical interaction from animals easier than we do people, sometimes.
And I'm not sure Krytians would have had a spoken language, meaning, Melog can communicate with noises and emotions, gestures and touches. Maybe as close to how they used to communicate as they could get?
Catra being the one to call to them will explored later, but it was very much time for Melog to be in this story. Modifying their backstory a bit for the lore of the story, and building out a bit of the extended lore.
Other updates
Red Creme Fizz 4 is in progress. I need to speed up on these.
The second arc of Defiance is definitively in progress, but I keep having to go back and make small changes to arc one. Which is fine. It's fine.
This will mean nothing to anyone, but I have started working on For Honor (another She-Ra AU) again, but it's slow going. Which, was expected.
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yamatossideboob · 14 days
ONE PIECE 1125 Spoilers!!
This week's cowerings from behind the sofa:
iirc thats the carpenter (?) who's the spit of another guy from pre-timeskip, that everyone assumed was the earlier guy which made Oda feel the need to clarify. aw man I hope he's found. Hi Yamato!!!
I feel like the Egghead Arc proper has ended as of last chapter, this to me is firmly in the inter-arc section of the OP cycle.
I'm gonna pretend that Lucci is convinced he *did* kill Stussy, he just doesn't know that this story is written by Eiichiro Oda.
So, during the Onigashima raid part of Wano, I was watching a GLR video, and he pointed out a writing device that Oda uses to subtly guide the reader's mind while they read a chapter, which is again used here: this scene where the vice-admirals are afraid of punishment from Saturn, and where he uses Haki to kill (?) Doberman, is here to get the ideas of PUNISHING FAILURE and ELDER POWER into our heads, so that the more important event that comes in a few pages isn't completely out of nowhere. It's micro-foreshadowing! It's subtle enough that your mind is primed for the next development without being alerted into expecting it. AND FUCK WAS I NOT EXPECTING IT
Also ykw that 200 YEARS AGO caption does the same thing, reminding us how not fucking human the Elders and Imu are. Putting the B in subtle, our Oda.
I hope we find out more about what happened with Emet that day. Did someone else who had the Nika Fruit activate Emet, or was it leftover juice from the Joyboy days?
a lesser appreciator would seeth and cry at York doing a stupid thing like this when she's already more or less won. I, however, benighted and worldly as I am, understand well that one can be equal parts genius and buffoon at the same time 😏
man Oda is just really laying on the fake-out deaths this chapter huh. I feel no need to revise this statement to anticipate future developments, not at all.
i've already said as much, but the fact that the Satellites are digital and robot in nature makes the fake-out easier to forgive. At least Edison & co surviving allows for this new little twist on the gameboard to occur, so now we have yet another Vegapunk causing anti-WG havoc later. And we'll see the Weatheria geezers again!
man I cannot wait for this entire wretched class to be extinguished.
goddddddddddddddd. As soon as Garling showed up I knew it would be serious business. Just HOW serious I did not yet know...
my brain was SCRAMBLING for a split second reading this, trying to remember which Elder was S&D Dept. I thought it was Mars immediately bc he's visibly shook, but then I realised NAH SATURN IS COOKED ISNT HE
Being less facetious, the quickly mounting dread I felt reading this sequence was something I hadn't felt since seeing Saturn transform for the first time earlier this year. How time flies...
This is genuinely terrifying, and fascinating for its story implications later on.
Like, what do we know now? That no one, NO ONE, is safe from Imu, that even Stars can die (heh), that the Elders' diabolical powers are far more transactional than expected, and that even this power has constraints? Much to think about!!
Plus, the vice-admirals must surely have less faith in their exalted leaders, after Doberman's maybe death, and witnessing one dying from a Faustian bargain gone fucked up. This plus Akainu's frustrations with the Celestial Dragons... I think patience with World Nobles will soon reach its limit...
and FIGARLAND FUCKING GARLING!!! This makes his late-game intro make so much more sense now, if he was going to be this big a player in due time. Even the knowledge that a character exists can lead to speculation, and this fandom can be clever indeed. Saving Garling only for when necessary made this twist hit as hard as it did... Oda fucking blindsided us babes. Kudos.
Also yeah I'm not even going to joke here, Saturn is DEAD. I'm glad Oda got those earlier fake-outs out of the way earlier, this helped this demise hit harder too lmfao. and fuck, what a way to remind us what a threat Imu really is, I was chilled by this.
ykw it makes sense that the Vegas had spare parts laying around. I hate this though bc when me and my OP bestie was discussing this chapter, she accused me of wanting to "Scrooge McDuck dive into a pile of headless robotiddy York torsos", and I was furious bc she was completely right lads.
Koala taking notes, gwan gerl use that literacy
I love that the RA are taking this new information so seriously, and considering the possibilities in such a clearheaded manner. I need these guys to make a big splash in the final war, and most of GET READY EVERYONE BECAUSE MONEY D. DRAGON IS FINALLY ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING! MAYBE!
No but fr things are going to get worse before they get better and its going to hurt, bc Oda's writing this and we're about to see old locations and past friends duke it out for whatever scraps they can muster before FLOOD 2 FLOOD HARDER hits. This won't be pretty friends 😥
But that's a problem for the next arc, as now we'll probably do a quick round robin and see how everyone else is doing before we commit to Elbaf. New chapter in 7 days! See ye all there nakama! 💪✖️
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purecommemasolitude · 2 months
finished the play script! some changes + some accompanying thoughts
steve straight-up doesn't exist in this version and it did take me until after the court scene to realize. sorry king
sandy does though! she appears onstage after pony gets jumped and in an added scene of tulsa while pony & johnny are off. not much is added to her character in terms of facts other than she's got a real rough home life, but the way her relationship with soda's written is sweet. they do make one notable difference about her though, specifically:
sandy doesn't get pregnant or cheat in this version?? rather, she can't take her home life anymore, and goes to florida because of that. she shoots down darry's offer to stay with the curtises because she "can't stay here" and then soda's offer of marriage for the same reason + because they're both sixteen
two-bit and dally are older than darry, but it only comes up in the character description and not the play text
a lot of ponyboy's internal narration is converted into dialogue and sometimes it is. very strange. ponyboy's a quiet kid who keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself and now here he is blathering mean thoughts about darry all over the place that people are not doing nearly enough to counteract ‼
speaking of which ponyboy seems a lot less understanding of darry's plight in this verison. he only has one line saying darry's life is rough and several others dismissing darry's troubles
(also soda has to explain to pony who paul holden is and why he matters, which i assume is for the audience's benefit, but still contributes to darry and pony's relationship being much more distant here)
bob & randy are now also the socs who jump pony at the beginning, which makes sense
rather than go to buck's, dally just happens to be in the area and see the murder -- which makes sense to streamline the story and avoid unnecessary transitions, but does make his relationship with the other two less strong
as previously mentioned there's a scene about the tulsa gang while pony & johnny are gone, which is the scene where sandy tells soda about how she's leaving.
two-bit and pony have their exchange about how darry's stricter than his parents were and then they cut it off literally right before two-bit says darry would be a soc without the gang which is upsetting to Me as a darry enjoyer
it starts with ponyboy calling mr syme which is a fine lead-in i guess but i vastly prefer the bookend line and the reveal that ponyboy's been writing the whole thing at the end
pony & johnny do nothing about their hair in this version which makes sense because that's a difficult transition onstage but does make their plan way worse lmao
the tone of ponyboy's post-sickness plight is wayy different. it's a lot less catatonic state and a lot more easy breezy i'll have to get a job as soon as i graduate so why not just drop out now elemayo
darry knows about sandy's letter and ponyboy doesn't which kind of. counteracts the whole point about how both of them have been overlooking him (ponyboy knows she's gone to florida but thinks they're writing back and forth and darry shows him the unopened letter)
and also there's not nearly as climactic of a fight that causes soda's breakdown. they don't even try to get him involved in the argument
honestly the whole vibe between the brothers rings weird in several places to me. save me the musical. the musical save me
the end shift post-soda breakdown is not even about the brothers but about ponyboy deciding to commit to writing his composition (and school, as is implied) and it's very tied up in a pretty, resolved bow, which feels weird also
other than these (and a few other minor things) the script sticks really closely to the novel, including ripping most of the dialogue word-for-word, so unlike something more textually transformative like the musical it's a lot harder to highlight good stuff because most of the good stuff is because of se hinton and not the playwright 😭but it was genuinely a fun read other than weird pony choices and the strange curtis vibe and i'd go watch a production for sure
link below for those interested!
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Fanfiction Singalongs: August by Flipturn x TNT duo fanfiction
I wanna start a series where I recommend fanfictions and songs that remind me of them.
This fic is about two friends who've been friends for a very long time, one colossal misunderstanding. This fic is about two messy people getting messy, and getting messed up as a result of it. It sports a gorgeous writing style, paired with very deliberately formatted paragraphs to pack an extra punch. It's sarcastic, adorable, infuriating, and makes you want to drop-kick some sense into the both of them. You feel everything that Quackity is feeling and more, and that is both a blessing and a curse. Albeit long for a one-shot, this fanfiction is definitely worth the read.
I cannot express how much I was blown away by this fanfiction.
Additionally, I cannot listen to this song the same.
This song, I presume, is about two people who've had a shit ton of sexual tension that finally hook up. They do so over the summer, and once the summer is over, their friendship is never the same.
They move on and try their best to never acknowledge it. The singer laments, expressing how they've always loved this person, and how they are looking back on when this person was theirs. And although they've moved on with their lives physically, this person cannot move on emotionally.
"And it sounded so damn good And it tasted just like it should We don't talk about it We don't have the time We thought love was something We weren't meant to find But now you're a stranger And I'm still July But don't you remember August, honey, you were mine."
I'm literally screaming, crying, and shitting my pants over this I cant
Also the acoustic version just goes so much harder?? So yeah, that's the one I'm recommending.
Content warnings:
If smvt in fanfiction is something you're wary of, stay clear. If it's something you enjoy, you'll very much be satisfied with the amount of scenes in this fanfiction. And yet, it is a lot more than the s3x, and that is more than obvious from everything that builds around it. This isn't p0rn with plot. This is plot that uses p0rn as a storytelling tool.
The same thing goes for the substance abuse shown in this fic. Usually, anything that showcases smoking weed, is something I have to immediately click away from. I'm in recovery for addiction, and so mentions of narcotic use is usually something that I'm p sensitive to. However, this fic doesn't harp on the act of getting high. It's only used in detail in one scene, and it doesn't feel like it's glorifying anything. It just feels like it's there. I took the risk and was SO pleasantly surprised, and heavily grateful that I was able to push past the first scene. It's the only scene where they get high.
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just-jae · 1 year
About Vivsiepop's Beelzabub
Lots of drama over Bee's design. My Thoughts:
Beelzabub's design isn't forein. She's a canine character, like the Hellhounds she rules over. She wears knicked tanktop and shorts- Just like Loona and Tex's everyday clothes. She even talks like Loona, which is the best way I can describe at the moment is City-youth culture.
About her colors-- the pink and blue aren't her true colors, those are for the "Cotton Candy" song she sings-- she's wearing cotton candy colors. When bathed in yellow. and when transformed, her clothes turn red and black, her glowy hair turns completely gold. Even her little tuft turns gold.
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This Matches with the general colorscheme of the other hellhounds except for the Yellow/gold.
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So her design matches other characters.
As for Bee's bug theme:
She's got six, thin, long limbs. Fly wings you can hear flapping around, antenae lashes and ears, and stripes. Which is all a call to the bug theme of Biblical Beelzabub, who may not have been specifically seen as a bee, but at least was a flying bug. Even so, there's no rule saying you HAVE adhere to previous depictions of an entity in a fictional work. You don't, and shouldn't have to know anything about the bible to track who a given character is. Biblical lore can help predict what a character's about, but the show's own writing is what makes and defines the character in that show (Something I get to later).
When it comes to character design basics, Bee's still pretty in-lane, being introduced with an easy-to-recognize silhouette.
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When it comes to animation practicality, Bee's base design (clothes, patterns) doesn't seem much harder to animate than these guys.
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Even then, Bee's animation is very high quality in this episode, like the animation in the "Truth Seekers" episode or some parts of "The Harvest Moon Festival". They were adding extra details to the animation for fun, not because her design required it. The Honey was globbier than it needed to be, her body movements more fluid and detailed than they needed to be. It was for fun.
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They could have definitely animated Bee's honeymane simpler than this, if it were that much of a strain on the animators, and still retained the same design. Plus, there are shortcuts to pulling this off, like animating the basic outline first and having another layer behind it that doesn't follow the outline, but instead is cropped by it. They do this with Stolas' sparkly cape in "Ozzie's".
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(Obv, Bee's honey was more hands on, but you can see a similar method used if you watch how the globules move.) They can also animate the lava effect by itself and drag that animation to stay inside the outline, which they seem to do for the lava belly.
Even then. The whole point of this episode was to celebrate the show's success and progress. They did all this out of joy and to have fun. The only thing I'd say could have been concretely "better" only really applies if you approach this as a serious, plot-significant episode (Which it isn't), and that's the writing of the Bee's introduction scene (which was a song that was more to celebrate the show and Spotlight Kesha than providing important context on the characters/setting/themes.)
Other than that, most of the criticism about Bee's design is preference (subjective), expectation (subjective), or an overreaction to furries (Ironically plenty of fans of this show apparently find furries disgusting or lame and saw Bee's design and went "A canine Sin? The Furries are taking over!") (Subjective).
Acting like this is Viv being lazy, uninspired, or unreasonable, is just-- unfair, and unwarranted negativity. People are really acting like this is their work, and not Viv's. Viv didn't do anything technically wrong with Bee's design. It's one thing to not dig it (I personally still haven't warmed up to Ozzy's, and prolly never will, but I warmed up to Bee's a lot faster- especially after seeing her personality) it's another to try to shit on the creator or act like their designs are "wrong" because of expectations or personal taste, ESPECIALLY for an episode that isn't plot relevant and was made to celebrate real-world things like Viv's success in producing her own show and being able to work with Kesha.
Chill the fuck out, and kudo's to the team.
End thoughts.
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quinloki · 9 months
Idk why Marco and Jinbe specifically are my favorite. Tbh they both show up so late in the manga but I don't even remember who my favorites were before them. I just saw them and it was an immediate latching on, my brain just went YUP THEMS THE ONE. (At least for Jinbe, with Marco it didn't happen until Marineford.) But where do I even begin. I'm head over heels for those men. I would bear their children if they wanted (and I don't want kids so much that I got sterilized, but if I weren't and they were real and asked- yes, anything for you, absolutely.)
Marco is just. Ugh, so cool, the moment he transformed I knew it was over (I am weak for animal-shifter characters or chars with animal traits.) But beyond the coolest zoan fruit ever he's just so loyal and fun and sweet. I think about Marco frequently. I don't generally use this phrase because it's a bit after my time, but I could consider him a comfort character. When I cook I think of Sanji standing by encouraging me. When I do difficult mental health stuff or taking care of myself I think of Marco. I know he would care so much it hurt. I just feel it. If I need reassurance falling asleep, bam, I just picture him with me. And things are better because someone I think is amazing cares.
Currently have a Marco/Reader longfic planned. The Google doc for it is 18k words of just notes/scene ideas. It's the longest doc of all my planned longfics. Speaking of which, I really need to read Birds of a Feather.
As for Jinbe... he's so genuinely kind and honest. I love his laugh. I love how badass he is. I love knowing how strong he is but knowing he would be SO gentle. He's a pillar in the communities he's in. He knows when he's made mistakes and apologizes sincerely (i.e. Arlong). He's determined and headstrong in a good way. I love how he shows that pride can be a beautiful, just thing.
Also I love how god dang BIG he is and I love his pointy teeth and big mouth and cute round nose. I'm terrified of whale sharks IRL (the thought of being in the water with anything big scares me but especially things with huge mouths like whales, like, just a picture of a basking shark feeding gives me the creeps) but I know Jinbe would take me swimming and introduce me to one all gently and show me there's nothing to be afraid of even as I have a death grip on his hand.
Marco is not Jinbe big but he's still stupidly tall compared to me and that makes me kinda swoon. I love my big faves. I love how happy thinking about them makes me.
I need to finish plotting a Jinbe fic. Shameful I've never put out any solo works with wither fave in them. Idk why!!! Brain weird.
Thanks for listening to my rambles!!
(Also, speaking of poly stuff, Ace keeps creeping into the Marco fic wanting to be included and at this point I'm starting to cave in...)
\o/ I love everything about this. I had to read it twice because my "I just woke up for the day" brain wasn't picking it all up the first time.
I will, without shame, say, yes, you should read Birds of a Feather. I'm quite proud of how it's turning out and it might become my personal favorite at this rate.
I've noticed that it can actually be harder to write about your faves. I think there's a paralysis in there of wanting to get it PERFECT, because your feelings for them are so strong that anything less than PERFECT isn't good enough. But, we don't love them cause they're perfect, and thus perfection isn't a requirement - it's never a requirement, it's a trap, honestly.
Getting words and lines on paper is all that's needed. The intent will be there, the skill will follow, but the EFFORT, that's the important part. The effort to just type or draw or whatever. That attempt, that time, that result - no matter how it turns out, that's the important part. That's the love.
To try and fail is more a sign of appreciation and love than to stay still waiting perfection.
If Ace wants to be included, I wouldn't stop him. /nod nod/. More than that though, when you start posting these, tag me, or DM me or send an ask with a link.
I look forward to reading them ^_^
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spearohero · 1 year
what are some of your favorite stories! yours, other people's, small, big, etc! that's probably a big thing to think about so if you want something specific ummm recommend me a writer or three!
man!!! okay excellent question. i think ill still do three but ill talk about different things with each one; bear in mind that this is like, off the top of my head, so its not Definitive (ill try to sneak em in as honorable mentions but even stuff with a huge impact on me is gonna be harder to think of/talk about if it was like ten years ago, yknow?)
oh, and if you want to read my stories, you can see those here =3c
Kill Six Billion Demons
this one probably has to be The Bar for quality in my mind, at least at the moment.
82 White Chain Born In Emptiness Returns To Subdue Evil (yes, full name) has maybe one of the most compelling character arcs i've ever read;
the art is stunning, and the worldbuilding incredibly thorough (in a way that makes the history of the world feel dynamic and relevant, rather than just being tons of lore to sift through);
the fights whip ass and the logic of the cool shit that the characters do is directly tied to the underlying view the story has about Power™, which directly influenced my thought process for a lot of the plot details of "Dawnsister";
and, sort of related to the two previous points, the entire thing is just so fucking coherent, thematically speaking. all the side stories and bits of hover text, all the bits of commentary and passages from fictional manuscripts in the image descriptions, weave together and do some really good allegorical storytelling for the messages Abaddon wants to send (and to underline/counterpoint whats happening in the comic itself), and the details tend to come back later to be relevant in a big way
its just. high marks on literally every metric i can think of. this is the kind of "every line (both kinds) is crammed with intent and nothing is wasted" stuff i wanna do with my writing
(honorable mention for this category: Everything Everywhere All At Once, for sheer quality of writing and similar levels of "god they planned this from the fucking start". one of the only films to make me cry)
Homestuck (im not linking it we all know this one)
i have less to say about this, but i think its one of the stories that's had the biggest stylistic impact on my writing. i was kind of doing it even before reading homestuck but it SUPER cemented it: the 2nd-person voice and the fuckery where a character's thoughts, the narrator's description of a scene, and instructions from the audience/in-universe sources of Brain Interference all blend together is something i keep coming back to in both 3rd-person limited perspective AND 2nd-person (typically transformation-related) work
it also takes all the "using every possible avenue for Additional Storytelling" thing that i was describing about KSBD and ratchets it the fuck up. like this comic is repeatedly the benchmark for "what kind of weird, media-mixing, format-breaking shit can i do with comic panels and text rendering", even if i dont plan to dabble in webpage shenanigans like Hussie did
(i cant think of an honorable mention here, but i liked the way Tyranny presented lore and history to you in hyperlinks in the text, so that you could just HAVE background information your character would have instead of having to Do Exposition. also check out Vast Error if you liked the shit homestuck was doing with multimedia storytelling)
Ascension: Tales of Twin Tails
this one is just one of my favorites. out of this list its for sure been the most impactful on me personally, in like an identity sense at least. this shit transed my gender and othered my kin. its one of the only OTHER pieces of media to ever make me teary-eyed. its about being transgender extremely literally but also in some really creative And Also Extremely Dope ways
the fight scenes are about as grand in scope as the ones in KSBD, and the way that magic works in the setting is just about as thematically-strong (and also offer lots of room for insight about the characters, as well as self-reflection for the reader to have fun with).
the relationships are really, really well-done, and there are scenes that stick with me two years later as just strikingly and stunningly tender and intimate and vulnerable; the characters are just as strong (Coyotl is like, Top Three with White Chain, and if you know anything about me at all you know that Cat Kitten became my entire identity for months after reading it)
read it please read it i will evangelize this novel until the end of time
(honorable mention as far as having an effect on Me As A Person is probably like..... Night in the Woods; super super natural dialogue, lots of compelling relationship turmoil and hit some fears that were Extremely Relevant to me at the time of my life that i played it)
ty for asking btw!! i hope you get around to enjoying one of these =^w^=
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sastielsfandom · 2 years
Not only do I feel like my blog needs some joy in it, but I need it for my sanity. 
So here's a jumble of my random thoughts I've had these past few months that I haven't been able to share since I've been busy. Also, I'll throw in some fic ideas cause why not. 
One fic I've had that I'm still trying to flesh out a bit. Sam lives in a fishing town, and he's a diver. He spends a lot of time in the water even outside of his job. 
On one of his days off, he finds himself face to face with a mermaid. But days before this he kept seeing these blue eyes everywhere and when he finally faced them, they were more  captivating than he ever could have imagined. 
He doesn't tell anyone, and instead, the next day, looks for the mermaid again. Away from the docks. And it meets up with him again, but this time, they talk. 
Sam finds himself in a routine, no matter what, every day he meets up with this mermaid, Castiel. 
The thing is it's getting harder and harder to walk away when he sees Castiel's disappointment when Sam leaves. 
When Sam does eventually miss one day, due to things out of his control, the next day, Castiel doesn't show up. Sam waits there until nightfall, still no appearance. 
The next day, even with doubt, Sam visits, and he finds Castiel and someone casting a spell. A spell on Castiel who's screaming in pain as he transforms into a human. 
There's a lot more to this AU, but I don't want to give away the whole story, it's one of my favorite AUs to work on even though I don't have anything published for it yet. 
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Another fic I've been meaning to work on is my soulmate's AU. I have a cool idea of when Sam and Castiel meet, Castiel being fully powered, still connected to Heaven, and Sam, still being in tune with his powers, there's even more of a magnetic pull between them. And it hurts to touch, but in a way that is hard to let go of. That mixed in with the fact that both of them can now see every color they missed before, the feelings must be intense in that scene. 
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Just in general though for Sastiel, the idea that the two have trouble identifying reality, and end up becoming each other's grounding anchors is a neat idea. Especially as they spend more and more time together, they know each other so well, it's easier to separate their minds from messing with them and what's reality. 
I've written about this for Sam, and Castiel helping, but I haven't had Sam be that anchor for Castiel yet. 
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A step away from romance, my headcanon that Dean loses his hearing from Castiel using their true voice, I've added onto it. I think the idea that both Sam and Dean learn ASL because it's necessary, and it gives them an advantage when they can't say anything, but can sign something. 
So when they eventually meet Eileen, it's funny to think that Sam gets so flustered he just messes up ASL despite using it all the time with Dean, but also, Dean and Eileen communicating in ASL is everything I need. 
Especially because they'd be able to bond over losing their hearing from something supernatural, and adapting from it. That's something that I eventually want to write someday. 
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Oh, another AU is where Kevin doesn't die. And instead, ends up being a brother figure for Jack because Kevin knows for a fact that the Winchesters and Castiel know nothing about raising a child. And so someone has to make sure this poor child isn't completely screwed and traumatized. (He is well aware that he is also screwed up and traumatized but it's no mystery why he is, stares pointedly at the Winchesters.) 
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Oh, a very old idea I've had is Jack, Magda, and Elijah finding a stray animal, and promptly sneaking it into the bunker. That one is such a fun prompt, I just haven't been able to do it justice. 
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Returning back to some romance, I have to spread the saileenstiel propaganda of course. I do think it very much starts off as a, we both like Sam, and Sam likes us both. But when they can see Sam has plenty of love for the both of them, they are able to see that they like each other as well. 
Oh, I'd also love to write something with them having a day out with Elijah, Madga, and Jack. Maybe at the beach or a nature hike. That would be fun to write. 
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I was also brainrotting a lot for Dean and Cassie, and what if Dean did go back to see her. Or what if he didn't go to Lisa but to Cassie. Which I'm unsure if I've talked about before. Either way, I'm talking about it again. I still very much want to write a fic about their first date or the first time they just lounged around doing nothing but it felt like everything. 
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Also, I really need to finish my Debriel fic, it's written but not written. The dialogue is there, as well as rough, very very rough, actions, it just needs to be edited. And some motivation to return to it. 
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I would love to do more crossover fics, especially like Marvel and Supernatural. I have a few started, I just never finish them. Apart from the one with Jack and Peter which was based on a textpost. 
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Switching to Marvel, Interwebs, I want to write about them again. One of my fics made me miss them which was rude because it's unfair that my writing can make me miss my writing. 
I want more cuddles and dates and just overly sweet fluffy fics for them. And maybe some more bittersweet ones as well. I don't know why but I like the bittersweet idea for them.
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I've been meaning to write a winterfalcon fic for ages, even just based on a text post or something, I just tend to forget I can write about them. 
Same thing for thunder science (Bruce and Thor), any ideas I have for them I forget I'm a writer. 
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Kind of want a fic of Valkyrie too, no idea what though, I just think she'd be fun to write about. 
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I had some minecraft ideas too, like for Hermitcraft, but once again I feel as if I can only write for Supernatural and sometimes Marvel for some reason. 
I have an idea that I do return back to go quite frequently, where it's Phil, Kristin, Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy going to visit Phil's brother, Grian. In Hermitcraft season seven. That idea I've chipped away at for a while. I have a good intro but haven't worked out a good plot. So it hasn't gone anywhere. 
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I've also had some fics for Wilbur's characters but they're all pretty depressing/dark so they usually get put on the backburners. 
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I wrote a Spider-Boo fic once, and I'd like to return to that idea again, especially because I had Aimsey in it, and I liked writing their dynamic. 
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Stranger Things is interesting to write for, I haven't tried anything complicated yet, just different dynamics and characters, but they're really fun to explore. I really enjoyed writing Lumax, I owe them a happier fic. 
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I think that's all my thoughts for now. I mostly just talked about my fic ideas and what I want to write eventually. I just have so many ideas and not enough time to write them all. This was a nice break and refresher for me. I miss talking about fandom things. Alrighty, good night! I hope you all have a restful sleep yourself.
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returntothefalls · 2 years
Behind-the-Scenes of Return to the Falls
I did a post like this once before covering the first two chapters, so it seems about time to do another one covering the next four chapters!  I like to think I’ve got a few interesting tidbits here at least:
The working title for this chapter was “Mabel and the Smarty Pines”, which never quite sat right with me, but I had a hard time thinking of something better.  What would become the titular pun was originally on Mabel’s sweater, which said “IQ and QT”.  But then when I was trying to think of a better title, @immaplatypus told me the similar pun – that Mabel was an IQ-tie – and it immediately stood out to both of us that it would be a much better title.
Is Trivi-o’s a lame name for a cereal?  I debated about it and decided yes, it is, and that is good.  A lame name for a lame cereal.
I did a lot of second-guessing myself about the logistics of the Sfinx and her very existence, but I’m glad in the end I didn’t let myself overthink it too much.  I’m really happy with how she turned out.
Much like the previous chapter, I wasn’t totally sure of how the heroes were going to turn the tables at the climax, and then when I separately thought up Carla’s “It’s for … arson” line in reference to her lighter, then I decided that’d be a good ole Chekov’s gun to bail them out.  But there was an early draft in which Carla piloted McGucket’s sphinx robot like an anime mech to beat the crap out of the Sfinx herself, so that’s fun to think about.
Challenge of the Hunt
The theme of the chapter always centered around the idea that there are more ways to win a challenge than simply playing along, but the finer details of the plot went through some major changes.  In one particularly bleak version, the Hunt was the ghost of a child who was abandoned in the woods and was misguidedly trying to protect Dipper and Mabel from their Grunkles, but that never felt quite right to me.
Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask was a major visual and behavioral inspiration for the Hunt, though they ended up being very different in the end.  My original sketches of the Hunt even included a very Majora-esque mask.
Originally instead of having a pet wolf, the Hunt was going to transform into a giant wolf-like beast themself during their chase.  I later decided that having a pet wolf to help would add to the huntsman theme, plus it just didn’t feel like a very sporting ability for the Hunt to have themself.
On a related note, if the joke wasn’t obvious, the Hunt’s wolf is named Virginia as a pun on the author, Virginia Woolf.
Originally instead of taking trophies from the losers of their game, the Hunt was going to just straight-up murder them, with it being implied that the Manotaur from the beginning was killed, but that was darker than I wanted and made it feel harder to let them off scot-free at the end, so I’m glad I had the trophy idea instead.  Plus that led to some fun Stan dialogue, so it’s a win-win!
The chapter didn’t originally feature Candy and Grenda but I was really itching to write for them and already had other side characters to focus on in upcoming chapters, so I threw them in here.  I’m really glad too, got some great material out of their inclusion.
Grenda’s middle name being “Papercut” is, of all things, a Kick Buttowski reference, where Carl Faruolo, Grenda’s voice actor, voices a former wrestler named Papercut Peterson.
The original version of the “Grenda tramples the Hunt” scene instead had her and Dipper being ambushed by the Hunt and her instinctive response being to pick up the Hunt and throw them like a shot put.  I really wish I’d found a way to incorporate that because it’s such a hilarious image to me.
The whole bit of dialogue in the pit with Stan rambling about digging out was graciously provided by @immaplatypus
I had various different ideas for the Hunt’s “trophy room”. The first was going to be something Dipper and the others stumble on while fleeing that really gets them freaked out about what the Hunt can do, but I struggled to organically fit it in and thought things were getting kind of long anyway, so instead I made it the sight of the climactic showdown with the Hunt.
For anyone not catching the joke, Stan calling the Hunt “Helen” is a reference to actress Helen Hunt.
The Carla and Soos subplot was born from this being one of my oldest chapter ideas, at a point in which I hadn’t even added Carla to the story yet, so I realized much later on that I just completely forgot to ever add her to this chapter.  And since Soos wasn’t a part of the family camping trip, then that all worked out perfectly to pair him up with Carla.  And I’m really glad it did, because their scenes were some of my favorites I’ve written so far.
Scrapped line from Soos, reassuring Carla about her place in the Shack: “Rudeness is polite in this house!  It’s just like Mr. Pines always says: get off the premises or I’ll shoot!”
There’s not really any significance to the Hunt being a deer-fox.  I wasn’t drawing from any particular inspiration, it was just two animals associated with hunting that I thought made a good aesthetic, and I think I’d been watching Hilda (which also features a deerfox) around the time I was initially sketching them.
Some other possibilities I considered for the ending cryptogram:
YOU JUST LOST THE GAME – if you get this, you’re liable for a senior’s discount
IT REMINDS ME OF THE HUNT – an obscure Fairly OddParents quote I think of daily
THE HUNT HUNTER HAS BECOME THE HUNT HUNTED – the word “hunt” really just gets used a lot in this chapter
The Sorceford’s Apprentice
Once again, Robbie’s song was spur-of-the-moment spit out by Jessica. Everyone go love up on her and her extraordinary talents.
Instead of a possum king, Dipper and Gideon were originally going to deal with a squirrel king that is defeated because Gideon is a true southern gentleman and always carries cashews in his pockets.
Supernatural Speakeasy
Here’s one passage from the town meeting that I had to cut for pacing but nevertheless love a lot:  “I’m still temporarily deprived of my wealth,” Preston Northwest said.  “And my pyramid scheme – I mean perfectly legitimate business – needs buyers. And I’ve already ripped off – I mean marketed to – almost everyone in town.”  He leaned over to the Pizza Guy sitting beside him.  “Hey, chum, have you heard of essential oils?”
Demusa is 100% voiced by Susan Egan.  She’s gotta be dripping with sultry like Meg from Hercules.
Pacifica was going to be obnoxious BFFs with C-Beth but then I had the idea for Gideon and C-Beth’s interaction and the concept of Demusa came to me.
A scrapped subplot would have had Mabel claim to be over the dating game, but Dipper is afraid she’ll fall back into old habits, so he tries to make her oblivious to any “dateable” creatures, which is difficult since there are now swarms of them in the Shack, and he doesn’t want another Norman situation.  I got rid of it because it just wasn’t working out smoothly and was just enjoying all the other minor conversations, but it persisted slightly in the existence of the Wolf Boy.
There are a few vague allusions here to a scrapped chapter that would have focused on Multi-Bear and his backstory.  It never worked out great and it felt shoehorned in as a continuation of old plots (namely that of Dipper vs. Manliness), so I never did much with it.  It would have involved a Russian ringmaster creating a circus of freaks and capturing the Manotaurs, forcing Leaderaur to team up with Multi-Bear and Dipper to save them.  I don’t remember my exact backstory for Multi-Bear but it was going to involve Mayor Befuftlefumpter of all people being the adoptive brother of Multi-Bear, and Leaderaur as a childhood friend of both.  It was all really weird and it’s good that it was thrown out on the curb where it belongs.
The ending cryptogram is a reference to a quote from Sgt. Frog Abridged on Youtube.
That’s all for now, hope some of you found this at least a little amusing!  Thanks so much for reading and sticking around!  And keep your eyes peeled for the sneak peek of the next chapter!
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writingmoth · 1 year
13, 21, 27?
13. do you want to get it traditionally published? do you think you’ll publish it at all or are you just writing for the sake of it?
hmm i want to but not really? i never had traditional publishing as a real end goal. perks of being a writer from the global south i guess lol i grew up with the idea that writers were always american or british so i had no real aspirations of becoming a "real author" simply bc i thought it wasn't possible.
obviously this is bullshit but i still can't see it happening for real. to begin with, i don't think my stories have a sizable enough target audience? i write queer stuff, but not really romance or sex focused queer stuff. even fantasy romance wip isn't as romance-focused as i first thought it'd be. all my characters & stories rely a lot on platonic & queerplatonic relationships (or the platonic aspects of romantic relationships, whatever that ends up being) and i dont think most queer folks are looking for this kind of stuff in their queer books. even in the indie, queer focused reading groups i'm a part of romance and sex are a big thing and i don't see my stuff being that interesting to people in this space.
which is not to say there isn't a public for my stuff. there is, i just think we are the minority of the minority and not very easy to reach lol so yeah, i will probably publish my stuff, but i don't have much hope of it ever finding its audience? i'm happy enough just throwing it out there tbh. or even just finishing it!
21. is there anything you refuse to write?
uhh yeah. i will probably never write ya or steampunk or literary fiction. as for topics, there's probably a bunch of stuff i don't feel comfortable or knowledgeable enough to write, like drug addiction or SA. these aren't "never" situations, though. things change, but right now i just can't see myself doing a good job when writing about these topics.
27. do you or did you ever write fanfiction? if so do you find it easier to write it or original fiction (or even non-fiction)?
i'm pretty late to the fanfiction scene tbh lol just started writing it for real last year and currently my ao3 profile has 3 (three!) whole works, the last two having been posted in the past ~2 weeks. so yeah, i find it waaaaaaaay harder than original fiction or non-fiction, mostly because of how my brain works. if i watch/read/play something i like and get the urge to write something about it, my first instinct is to dissect it and transform it into something original with my own characters. lots of my original projects come from a "god i wish i had thought of that" moment & then reverse engineering my way into something original. i have little interest in writing already established characters.
these 3 fanfiction works are for games where you can create your own main character (ffxiv & destiny lol) so i feel more free about writing stuff in their universe. it will never come as easily as original fiction, though.
thank you for the ask!!
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