#travel museum
bebs-art-gallery · 7 months
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Dog sculptures turned golden from tourists petting them throughout the years
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ur-daily-inspiration · 5 months
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Museum of the Moon 🌙
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nelkcats · 1 year
Dead Language Expert
Danny never thought that he could "major" in languages, and get a job as a translator. But apparently knowing all the dead languages ​​by default and being able to time travel with the help of your ghost tutor was pretty useful outside of Amity.
It happened purely by chance, he was walking through a museum and started laughing because of a mistake in one of the sentences that completely changed the meaning of the text. The museum manager, of course, did not believe him, since many people had said that the piece was "impossible to translate". But he study it anyway.
Days later they were looking for him to translate all the things from that time. And he just carried on with it, in many more civilizations. In some cases he even asked for a few trips to the past to Clockwork to verify.
It got to a point where the wizards, heroes and villains over the world knew him as "the translator of dead languages" and some of them even tried to kidnap him to perform a summoning ritual. Danny rolled his eyes and easily freed himself, but the League assigned him an "escort" anyway.
Exasperated, the halfa escaped from his escorts and continued his work as normal. Superman almost fell out of his chair at the Watchtower meeting when he was informed that the boy had translated the language of Krypton and other missing planets. Besides having managed to lose both the Flash and Green Latern, what the fuck?
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Cuando los vientos cambian de dirección, las tormentas se convierten en suave brisa capaces de refrescar y a la misma vez, acrecentar la flama del alma…
Priscila Alcívar
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Reformed Dan but misunderstandings suck
So, Dan has been Reformed for Years at this point. You could go with the Fandom Typical version of just chilling out, or you could go with the AGIT version of the Redemption. Either way, Dan is fully reformed and trying to find his way in the World.
Unfortunately, not everybody knows/believes him.
You know all those Time Traveling Heroes who came back to stop some great catastrophe? That was Dan.
Impulse is fucking terrified of this guy, cause he Grew Up in the Central City Stronghold and saw Phantom tear down the Walls protecting the City in person.
Booster Gold grew up in the Metropolis Stronghold, so while he never really saw Phantom in his timeline he still did know of him. I mean, obviously, he murdered every hero on the planet and subjugated most of the world, but he doesn't have much personal stake in that.
Eobard Thawn hates Phantom. Thawn himself grew up in a world where Phantom killed every Hero in the world, and he was terrified that Phantom would track him down when he tried to become the new Flash. But once he became a Walking Paradox he saw as Time itself changed to erase Phantom from existence, he got really jealous. Why did Time decide Phantom was bad enough to erase, why not him!? He's Evil! He's a Terror on the Timeline! He deserves Clockworks attention dammit!
And then, they discover evidence that Phantom has come back in Time,
So now, any and all Time Travelers are trying to find the guy who single-handedly was the Apocalypse, and want to kill him to save the world. Or out of Jealousy in Thawns case.
Either way, no matter where Dan goes to try and settle down, a bunch of annoying Heroes always find him and attack him, yelling about "Stopping his Plans" and "Saving the Timeline!" And "It should have been me dammit!"
Honestly Thawn is the most annoying one, he just runs in and rants at him about how he is jealous of how much attention Clockwork gave him. Dude, just sdmit your crush already and leave me alone. (I'm not sorry)
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yz · 7 months
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Louise Bourgeois’ ‘The Couple’.
At Mass MOCA in North Adams, MA.
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wandering-jana · 4 months
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The Riace Bronzes were found in the sea off the coast of Italy in 1972. They are life sized, bearded warriors cast in the 5th century BCE. Ancient Greek bronzes rarely survive as many were later melted down. We only really know how Ancient Greek bronze sculptures looked like because the Romans were copycats.
Reggio di Calabria, Italy
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lotusinjadewell · 9 months
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Việt Phủ Thành Chương, Hanoi, Vietnam. Credit to Hoang Anh.
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beingjellybeans · 2 years
Travel across the Philippines in just 2 hours at Lakbay Museo
Travel across the Philippines in just 2 hours at Lakbay Museo
Like me, you might have been keeping your wanderlust contained for the past two years because of the pandemic. It would be so good to be able to wander freely through many places, see the sights and get a much-needed change of scenery, wouldn’t it? Well, given the still present threat of COVID-19, and the rising costs of travel due to soaring gas prices, we have no choice but to stay right…
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copperbadge · 1 year
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I remembered the scene in Doctor Who where Ten made an ATM spit cash to cause a diversion, but I was not aware that due to stringent laws about creating prop money, they were forced to design an entire bill to use as a prop. I think David Tennant's face should be on all currency everywhere, personally.
[ID: A photograph from the British Museum of a fake cash bill, used in the filming of Doctor Who; it looks relatively realistic until you look at the details, where it emerges that it has among other things, a small TARDIS, the legend "Ten Satsumas", the motto "No second chances, I'm that sort of man", the initials DT, and the face of David Tennant circa 2008.]
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captvreme · 1 year
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itspeacelin · 4 months
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Luxembourg City, 2024.
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viagginterstellari · 2 months
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Women talking - Uzbekistan State Museum of Applied Art, Taskent, 2022
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Shevchenkivsʹkyy Hay, Ukraine
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howamidrivinginlimbo · 2 months
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Sculpture of Apollo Citaredo in Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli
Originally, the sculpture from the 2th century depicted the city of Rome as a goddess. In the nineteenth century it was restored as Apollo Citaredo. The statue is part of the Farnese Collection.
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mahgnolias · 9 months
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