#tropes with a twist
cring3rlordreal · 3 months
Oh n also
( twisted ) rodger n toodles fluff or something idfk just them happy father daughter shit hahhash
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In reality:
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imkmsmentally, roger that bs
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babylemonart · 1 year
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Both of the are terrible at this and both give the other sass over being a failure in parenting
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lauri-rosehearts · 5 months
The lost royalty trope, they could never make me hate you 🫶😔
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Ghost Marriage Allows More Than One!
Tim wakes up in a hotel room in Vegas snuggled against a chest but he wasn't surprised.
He had been in the Sin City for a WE meeting and had brought Bernard along the trip since Tim's birthday was just shy a few days into it and well he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend since most of his family were off world (Dick, Jason, and Bruce all had important missions and they all apologized for missing out and Tim couldn't blame them he understood and he himself couldn't get out of the Vegas meetings no matter what he tried to do.) Or couldn't come to join him (Damian had school as did Duke and Alfred was taking care of them while the others were gone. Steph and Cass were out of country working with some important things with Babs and again he understood.) (Did it still sting yes but they all promised to make it up when they got back, Alfred even promised a coffee cake just for him)
So yeah, Vegas meeting trip turned somewhat birthday fun with his boyfriend. And since Bernard has always been good with encouraging Tim to try things it came to no surprise that during their stay he had managed to convince Tim to try drinking for the night.
Yes terrible influence Bernard was sometimes, but he did make a point. Tim was an adult now and sometimes it's okay to at least try adult dumb stuff, he didn't have to like it and could stop if he really didnt want to but he can at least say he tried it once. That it was okay for Tim to let go of his vigilante brain and just have fun in the one city that was made for it.
So try Tim did. Just for the night.
So yeah, Tim wasn't really surprised when he woke up the next morning, alcohol aftertaste on his breath, head pounding, nose scrunched up from the light of the sun peeking in from the curtains, and snuggling himself into a rather chilly chest...
Tim opened his eyes when he realized that. Bernard never felt cold to Tim when they would snuggle, no he was always warm, like a warm heating blanket. It was why Tim loved snuggling him. Why was he-
Tim's eyes widened when he saw not blonde hair on the body in the bed with him but black hair. He almost flung himself off the bed from him startling awake and watched the one he had been snuggled next to mumble in his sleep and turn over.
Tim felt pure dread as he continued to stare, his stomach turning as his thoughts got bad, oh god..God... did he... oh no, no, no no. Oh where was Bernard- FUCK did he really-
Tim flinched when he heard a door open and snapped his eyes towards it. He felt his mouth go dry when he spotted his boyfriend coming out of what was the bathroom of the room and had just finished taking a shower from the sounds of left over dripping water and from the towel he was using to clean his hair.
Bernard stopped in his spot when he noticed Tim staring at him before he gave Tim a very uneasy chuckle, his eyes darting towards the sleeping body on the bed "H-Hey, good morning T. I see you... uhh seen our guest."
Tim felt ready to cry, to beg for forgiveness, but the only sound that came out was a strangled sound because of course he fucked up and ruined one of the best things that ever happened to him and-
But before he could spiral further into his anxiety and dread Bernard kept speaking.
"So ummm. Do you also remember meeting Danny at the bar, getting really tipsy, hanging out, having fun and then like going to a ghost bar with him so he could really drunk because he's like half ghost. And I mean like a legit ghost bar, like we saw Elvis and Marilyn Monroe there and they were like floating. Then we all got like super mega drunk and then... maybe kinda sorta got ghost married... because ghost marriage allows unlimited spouses cause you know, already dead doesn't matter and it's also almost permanent cause again the whole dead thing... Or did I hallucinate all that last night and we just brought in a random stranger to bed?" He asked his voice unsure as he looked between Tim and the stranger Danny in bed before lifting his hand up and showing Tim a glowing ring on it. "I'm pretty sure I didn't dream it up because I kinda woke up with this, and it refuses to come off."
Tim went silent for a moment, wide eyed as he stared back at Bernard before the pounding headache he had hit him harder than ever when the very memories of everything Bernard had said came flooding back to him. With a gasp Tim quickly looked st his own hand and sure enough on his finger was a matching glowing wedding band on it, his eyes snapped towards Danny... Danny Nightingale? Or was it Phantom? said his name was and spotted another matching one as well.
"B is going to kill us." Was the only thing Tim could muster up to say.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
You know what I want to see, I want to see more of Steve, Eddie, and Robin being 1980s small town kids from Indiana, by which I mean;
Robin is The Source of Gay Knowledge purely because her parents host Hippie Christmas and she managed to sneak away to find a neat bookstore in Indiana once. 
Her knowledge is not in depth. It's patchy, woven together through rumors, stories she heard or things she picked up from her parents' old pictures. She's got a handful of zines, one book, and some movies she managed to order for Family Video behind Keith's back.
She acts like she's Queen of the Queers because in Hawkins she pretty much is.
(Max and El ask her what a lavender marriage is once, something they overheard snooping around. 
Robin confidentially answers that it's code for when one woman dresses up as a man, fooling officials into wedding two woman.
She does not live this down two years later when they find out what it actually means.) 
Eddie doesn't spend every weekend in Indianapolis. 
Gas is expensive, his busiest days of his "job" is Friday and Saturday, and he has no fucking clue what the hanky code is. 
He's wearing that bandana because Metallica front singer James Hetfield has one on all their tour posters. 
Eddie does make it down to a gay bar though, by accident. Rick needed some back up for a shady deal. Promised Eddie a boatload of free drugs to sell if he agreed to just stand there and look mean. 
He was warned the bar they were meeting in was 'weird' and to not 'freak out' --which Eddie thought was hilarious given his nickname and general appearance, but whatever.
He doesn't understand when they get there, because it's just a bunch of hot men with hanky's in their back pockets everywhere.
Then he sees two women kissing and it clicks. 
He can't out himself in front of Rick, but one of the bartenders playfully dresses him down for his own hanky, letting him know all about the code and teasing him through his embarrassment. 
He's got an offer to come back and learn what color and which pocket his hanky should actually be in, a prospect Eddie was salivating at until Chrissy Cunningham up and died on his ceiling.
(He still wore the hanky, because the feeling of that bartender tugging it out and stuffing it back in might be the closest thing he's ever had to sex and he absolutely wants a repeat. 
He's young and horny, sue him.) 
Steve Harrington may not be academically smart but he's not dumb. 
He figured out a while back that the basketball team as a unit probably crossed the queer line more than once--or at least it did before Hargrove came in. 
( Brad Handly for example, went around slamming kids into lockers and screaming slurs like a fucking movie villain one Monday because the varsity team got dead drunk at Laura's party on Sunday and hey, look, there weren't that many girls there, okay?
They all had fucking hands and mouths. Everybody but Tommy was single and hot to trot. Nothing gay about it.
Its not even like they were kissing or treating each other like chicks. It was just Brad's first time and they got to tease him later for overthinking it. 
Dude graduated soon enough after and given Steve was on the team as a sophomore, he hadn't thought about the guy and why he might be freaking out so bad in years.) 
Robin's entire panic attack at Starcourt, and a few more after had Steve replaying that whole incident. Reframed it a bit, and, yeah.
In retrospect that had been extremely gay, actually. 
It sat with him a lot easier than he'd thought it would. Partially because of Robin, but mostly because that's just who he was.
Stranger things had happened to Steve and this one didn't want to kill, maim or otherwise eat him, so it got filed under 'interesting facts he should never tell his parents if he wanted to keep his trust fund' and then he went about his day. 
(Or he tried too, anyways.
It caught up to him when Eddie and Robin somehow figured out the other was queer and dragged him along to some bar Eddie had a standing invitation at, with demands for Steve to do what he did best.
Their magical trip was utterly destroyed when Brad Handly happened to be the very same bartender who had given Eddie the invite.
 Considering Brad's immediate bark of laughter followed by a hug and introducing himself as "Steve's gay awakening", Steve ended up having to speedrun through Eddie and Robin both having a crisis for him.
It didn't help that Steve had politely, and laughingly, corrected Brad with a casual; 
"Pretty sure that was Tommy man, but if it helps I think that tongue of yours gave Matt Burdon a crisis."
--which ended up with him answering a lot more gay sex questions with Brad than he cared too. 
At least he, through Brad, was able to help Robin connect to some local lesbians and--after a second crisis from Eddie regarding how Steve managed to have more sex than "the resident town freak and guy who actually knew he was gay, Steve!"-- even helped Eddie out by catching the metalheads tongue with his mouth later that evening.
The last one landed him a boyfriend, trust fund be damned.) 
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so-very-small · 11 months
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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"this isn't the proper meme format" yeah well i cant control them they're freaks sorry they defy the logic of the original meme okay
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anbaisai · 2 months
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A continuation of this post by @skriblee-ksk, in which Kalmia is left to ponder for the rest of class what Mayu meant...
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sweetbunpura · 2 months
I love how in TWST the boys wear heels, make up, and other stuff labeled as feminine. It makes me think that if Yuu's feeling uncomfortable in a dress because it makes them stand out, the NRC boys will wear a dress while Yuu wears like a suit or something and no one has a problem with it.
Or Yuu's feeling uncomfortable about being hit on, so they swap clothes with one of the NRC boys. The person thinks they're still flirting with Yuu only to find out it's the NRC boy.
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arcadiii · 4 months
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sorry marcy, you’re just so easy to angst
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prokopetz · 2 years
Level 1: Dating sim character has a mental breakdown when they realise that they’re a character in a video game.
Level 2: Dating sim character realises that they’re a character in a video game, and is weirdly cool with it.
Level 3: Dating sim character knows they’re in a video game, but they’re convinced that they’re the human player and you’re just a fourth-wall-aware NPC.
Level 4: Dating sim character successfully proves that they’re the human player and you’re just a fourth-wall-aware NPC, whereupon the perspective immediately switches so that now you’re playing as them and your former viewpoint character is an NPC.
Level 5: Dating sim character successfully disproves that their world is just a video game, and the game immediately ends.
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milkchocolate-e · 2 months
You know what? I want us to be in a flower field. I want us to dance underneath the moonlight. I want us to to kiss in the rain. I want us to hold eachother while watching the sunset.
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fujii-draws · 5 months
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Thinking about a future arc pipeline with these two.
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teddy-boar · 3 months
Fic idea: Post break-up, Blitz decides to take Verosika's advice and give his relationship with Stolas some time and space. Stolas can explore the world beyond just Stella, Blitz, and his oppressive circle of royalty and Goetias, while Blitz needs to work on himself before he can win Stolas back.
But as we've seen at the end of Apology Tour, that man is possessive and jealous, and I don't think he can keep his nose out of it. So he stalks Stolas as he goes out, roping Millie and Moxxie along under the guise of a mission like Loo Loo Land again. He is covertly protecting Stolas from creeps and assholes as he goes out to the bar, or goes clubbing and raving, shooting any motherfucker that hold a smidgen of bad intentions, doing extensive background checks on anyone hitting on Stolas then disposing of them if he deems them sketchy. He fumes in jealousy as he watches Stolas have fun with new people, maybe kiss one or two, but he never interjects, just hiding in the shadow making sure he is safe and happy.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 11 months
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😏 I know something you don’t knoooowww
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whump-a-saurus · 5 months
i had a vision please let me just
cw: begging, kinda dehumanizing, attempted murder i guess, bad writing
a whumper breaks into someone’s house (with the intent of killing them). they got a knife or gun in their hand. they find the whumpee and basically chase them all around their house until eventually backing them up into a corner.
at this point, whumpee genuinely believes that they are about to die, so before they can even really think about what they’re doing, they drop to their hands and knees and beg for their life.
most of it is just crying and saying “pleaseplease dont, please-” over and over again. at some point they grabbed onto the killers pant leg like a child would in their desperate attempt for mercy. they don’t even remember doing it to be honest.
once that little outburst is over, whumpee realizes that their begging was not only humiliating, but most likely pointless. whumpee stays frozen in place, like a deer in the headlights, not daring to look up like it’s the only thing keeping them alive.
whumper is unnaturally quiet, and they stay quiet for way too long. whumpee can’t tell from the position they’re in, but whumper was uncharacteristically amused by this little show. normally they would have killed and their victims by now, maybe they’re getting soft.
after a few more minutes of deafening silence, whumpee finally gets enough courage to try and look up at them. their eyes almost reach their face when whumper grabs their hair, and slowly (but roughly) leans their head back down.
now whumpee is confused. are they still going to kill them? are they going to let them go? that seems way to easy… whumpers hand is still lingering on their head, in a way that could almost be mistaken as comforting.
whumpee was almost going to say something when whumpers hand starts moving, they flinch violently as they feel fingers ruffling their hair, as if they were a dog.
whumpee has a feeling they aren’t going to be let go anytime soon.
(sorry for the horrible writing i’ve never really done one of these before, and also i’m really tired)
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