#troy gregory
notfernintheslighest · 2 months
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guys they’ll definitely be a community movie and a hannibal season 4, they’ve only been teasing it for a couple years so it’ll definitely totally happen
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Me prodding my blorbos with a stick: Ohhhh I am going to put you guys in so many Situations
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night--hag · 2 years
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Abbott Elementary 2.10 Holiday Hookah, 2022
Community 1.12 Comparative Religion, 2009
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robbinggoodfellows · 2 months
do you think troy and abed ever cosplayed hilson?
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wwprice1 · 7 months
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Hulk vs. Spidey by Romita Jr., Scott Hanna, and Gregory Wright. Pretty awesome.
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cantsayidont · 2 months
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Haterating and hollerating in the 1950s:
SUDDEN FEAR (1952): Inventive but unsatisfying thriller about a middle-aged playwright and heiress (Joan Crawford) who discovers that her new husband (Jack Palance) and his ex-girlfriend (Gloria Grahame) are plotting to do away with her, and decides to concoct her own elaborate trap for the would-be killers, which doesn't go as planned. Palance is well-cast, walking an interesting line between charm and sociopathy, and the film gives Crawford one of her better '50s roles, but the script fails to pay off its own clever plot twists while allowing Crawford too many opportunities for her customary histrionics — particularly in a pair of over-the-top dream/fantasy sequences and in a crucial scene where the heroine has to express, without dialogue, that she's having second thoughts about her own plan. The finale, while undeniably tense and featuring striking nighttime cinematography by Charles B. Lang Jr., also feels like it belongs in a completely different movie.
THE GIRL NEXT DOOR (1953): Bright, attractively staged Fox musical (with two animated interludes) about the burgeoning romance between a successful stage star (June Haver) and her handsome new next-door neighbor (Dan Dailey), a comic strip artist and widower with a young son (Billy Gray) who's none too happy at this new competition for his father's attention. Haver and Dailey are great, and their easy repartee is very appealing. It's also interesting to see Dennis Day outside of his more familiar role as Jack Benny's idiot stooge. However, Billy Gray's character never quite rings true; there's no real reason for Joey to dislike the charming, good-humored Jeannie other than childish jealousy, so the story depends on his eventually getting over it rather than on Jeannie winning him over, which might have been more fun.
A SUMMER PLACE (1959): Overwrought Delmer Daves adaptation of a Sloan Wilson novel about two one-time lovers (Richard Egan and Dorothy McGuire), now unhappily married to others (Constance Ford and Arthur Kennedy), who decide to divorce their respective spouses so they can finally get married, only to face endless angst because their college-age kids (Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue) are also in love, in A Society That Just Doesn't Understand™. The story might have been considered daringly blunt by the standards of 1958–59, but to modern eyes, it succeeds mostly in putting the "turgid" in "dramaturgy." The script and direction are so unrelentingly heavy-handed that the actors seem like they're mining coal, with only Constance Ford (whose character is an unmitigated bitch) allowed to be anything other than laboriously tormented.
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warrioroftruthh · 9 months
new tumblr (sort of)
heyo i moved from @dianaprincethinker :)
i'll post about:
🪩 taylor swift
🗡️ diana prince
⭐ donna troy
🫧 wonder fam
🔮 barbara gordon
🐦‍⬛ dinah lance
🦇 batfam
🪶 birds of prey
🃏 harley quinn
🌿 poison ivy
🧹 wicked
📚 books
🥤 heathers
+++ a lot more! <3
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free-worldplease · 1 year
And the category is black nerds I can heavily project onto…
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the representation is representinggggg
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chemicaljacketslut · 2 years
me when i doofenshmirtz is the ONLY person i forgot to put a source for. and then i went and edited it. and made a typo that i didn’t notice for like 20 minutes
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nakeddeparture · 6 months
Bridgetown, Barbados. While Troy Simpson was at Coral Ridge for his final farewell, Gregory Simpson was being processed and heading to Dodds.
When it rains it pours. Prepare for the unexpected. Naked!!
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moonstoast · 2 years
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—female rage
? // medusa by caravaggio // gregory radionov // artemisia gentileschi // monstrous flesh: on women’s bodies in horror by rebecca harknis-cross // carrie (1976) // corruption by camille norton // midsommar (2019) // helen of troy does countertop dancing by margaret atwood // medusa in her throne by reza sedhi
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thebunnylord · 3 months
List of names dowager Hatt Called the Engines
Thomas: Theodore, Timmy, thibault, Tabitha, Tyler, Tyus, tucker, Thaddeus, Tobias, Tony, Tommy.
Edward: Edwin, Erwin, Ezekiel, Ethan, Egbert, Everett, Emmett, Eric, Elliot, that train that once pushed that other train up a hill.
Gordon: Gregory, Geoffrey, George, Grayson, Godfrey, Gustav, Giuseppe, Graig, big train. Flying Scott’s brother cousin or something.
Henry: Harry, Hudson, Hitler, Hunter, green fat engine, hector, Hendricks, Hayden, Hyde, Hans, Hansel, Holmes.
James: Jon, Joe, Amos, Alma, Jesus, Jacob, bee sting train, Jerry, Judas. Jeff.
Percy: Paul, pasta, pea, Pedro, Perry, Pete, Pablo, diablo.
Toby: Troy, tony, Tobias, Tyler, Otis
Duck: Montgomery, Mona, Monty, Mussolini, bird train, Duke, Drake, (refused to call Duck as Duck because she thought it was too degrading)
Donald: Douglas
Douglas: Donald
Oliver: …. Which one are you again? Who are you again? Ozzy, Oscar, Otto, Octavius. Olivia,
Emily: Eleanore, Esmeralda, Esme, Erica, Emma, Evangelina, emerald, Ellen, Eva, Eve,
Diesel: Doris, Dennis, Daniel, Dan, David, you, who named you? The Deisel with no name.
Bill: Prince Buddy bear Xxavier Dijonny Nevah cash cash III (Bill told Dowager Hatt that was his full name when they met)
Ben: Sir Jermastesty Brexicalishrika Llallañalamopolisistyck Billy Bob Robert jones brother son XXVIII (also told Dowager hatt that was his name.)
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elevatortheory · 3 months
in honor of autism awareness month i will now list some characters i think are autistic
barry berkman
fox mulder
dana scully
gregory house
james wilson
allison cameron
lawrence kutner
diane nguyen
bojack horseman (also he has bpd. ok.)
annie edison
abed nadir
troy barnes
adrian monk
dale cooper
will graham
patrick bateman
stanley the stanley parable
chell portal
OJ haywood
nicholas angel (his special interestt is. being a cop)
john kramer saw (his special interest is killing people)
cameron ferris buellers day off
veronica sawyer
artemis fowl
charlie kelly
mark s severance (not mark scout)
irving b severance (irving bailiff also) (is that really his name .?)
orel puppington
running out of characters. uhhh
that one fox from fantastic mr fox
alan resnick alantutorial
bill hader real life
nathan fielder real life
i dont know any other characters who exist ever sorry
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
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Sisters Clytemnestra and Helen, deserters of husbands and killers of men
Orestes by Euripides translated by sententiaeantiquae / Agamemnon by Aeschylus translated by Anne Carson (*) / Norma Jean Baker of Troy by Anne Carson / Helen of Troy by Brittany Hughes / (*) / Little Iliad translated by Gregory Nagy / Girl on an Altar by Marina Carr / The Murder of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra by Niccolò Monti / Helen of Troy Does Counter Top Dancing by Margaret Atwood
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silly4sillypoll · 1 year
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by Robert Gregory
Those who turn on their fellow Jews are sometimes called ‘Kapo’, but I prefer not to use the word, since those Jews who were forced to work for the Nazis often had no choice, while today’s anti-Jewish Jews seem to relish the opportunity.
More appropriate is the term, ‘unJews’, used by Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy. The Jerusalem Post said of anti-Zionist Jews, “They are as Jewish as the Westboro Baptist Church is Christian.”
An important lesson from October 7 has been the need for Jewish unity. While I may disagree with policies of other Jewish organisations from time to time, I try hard not to contribute to public disagreement. I know that I’m not alone.
The deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust has been a wake-up call for the 99%.
I have been inspired to see left-wing Jews who spent the prior year protesting Israel’s Government, now join hands with right-wing Jews.
The Jewish community is a broad tent. There is room for those who support and those who criticise the Israeli government and the Jewish establishment.
The line must be drawn at those who endanger our safety and make a mockery of the Holocaust.
Like the wicked son in the Pesach Seder, they have chosen to cut themselves off from the Jewish story and we must make it clear that they are not part of us.
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