#trying to singlehandedly safe this show
starry-bi-sky · 1 year
tick tock
Highkey dedicating this to @watercolour-carnations bc they sent me an ask about my 'danny is thomas wayne' au and singlehandedly revitalized my brainrot for it. Apparently the quickest way to a starry's heart is through their ask box
Now posted on ao3 under the name 'dniwer eht kcolc'!
In hindsight, hosting a science exhibit was probably not the best idea that Bruce has ever. This wasn't even one of Bruce's galas and, yet he was still attending because it gave him the opportunity to scope out any potential rogues (or henchmen).
Damian was by his side, and Tim was on the other side of the room, inspecting some of the other inventions under the prospect of gaining new hires for R&D at WE. Something that was not entirely false. Bruce could always use new, bright minds working to make Gotham a better place.
He was, particularly, eyeing up one moderately-sized invention that a woman with cutting blue eyes and stark white hair had covered with a white sheet. An interesting choice when everyone else had already revealed their own inventions. Drifting closer with Damian, he smiles charmingly at the scientist when they lock eyes.
"And what is this interesting contraption?" He asks, looking over the sheet as if it was the invention itself and not what was underneath.
The woman curled purple-painted fingers around the sheet, yanking it down to reveal a machine that looks like a mix of a jukebox and a grandfather clock. A long wire was attached to it, and a strange, blinking, circlet-like device connected on the other end.
Bruce's brows rose considerably, and he could sense Damian's eyes narrowing suspiciously.
"This is my Holographic Memory Machine -- the name is still a work in progress -- it's a memory machine meant to allow anyone to relive their memories right in front of them, even the ones they don't remember." The woman says with a smile, her name card reads 'Dr. Casey W. Kairos'. He's never heard of her before. An out-of-townie, perhaps?
"Interesting." Bruce's hands fold behind his back and he looks down at his disinterested son, and then back up to Dr. Kairos. It sounded harmless, but even a pencil could be harmless until enough force was put into it. "How does that work?"
Dr. Kairos walks over and holds up the strange circlet device, "The user wears this headband. It scans their brainwaves and then plays a memory of their choice right in front of them like a hologram, including any voices that came with it." She explains, showing it off to Bruce and Damian. "Would either of you like to try it? The HMM has been tested and it is completely safe."
Damian scoffs and turns to him, "This is a waste of time, father," He says, "let's move on."
"Oh, don't be like that, Dames." Bruce smiles genially, placing a hand on his son's shoulder and squeezing it. It reminds him of when his father used to do the exact same thing, and he turns to Dr. Kairos. "I can try it, Doctor."
Kairos smiles widely, looking incredibly pleased. "Come stand here then, Mr. Wayne. I can get the HMM up and working." She gestures to a spot on the floor within the circlet's range, and Bruce goes and does as told.
"Standing around and looking pretty is my specialty, Doctor Kairos." He jokes as she gets the device situated on his head. It sits on his forehead snugly, and tucks behind his ears. Kairos snorts and turns to get the machine activated.
"Father." Damian says, indignant and scowling. His arms crossed over his chest petulantly. Bruce chuckles at him.
"The Doctor said it was perfectly safe, Damian." He admonishes lightly, wagging a finger at him. "I trust the good lady to know what she's doing." Not really, but he'd rather test it out on himself if it was unsafe.
Thirty seconds passed with Dr. Kairos working on flicking on the HMM, and when it came alive it came with a low hum and a distinct, ticking like noise. "Ah, there we go." She hums, stepping away. "It's up and working, Mister Wayne. Just think of a memory and let the HMM do the rest."
"Thank you, Doctor." Bruce nods at her, and then tries to think of what to let the machine show. Nothing that would give away his identity as Batman, of course not. Nothing incriminating.
He looks to Damian, who still looked very unhappy with him. Perhaps a memory of one of his boys in the manor? Or a Brucie Wayne moment that everyone's seen. His brows furrow in thought. One of his speeches?
...No. No, he has an idea.
Immediately, the HMM begins to hum louder, the ticking drowned out by the sound of its fans kicking in. It starts drawing the attention of the other ongoers, and Damian steps to Bruce's side as a crowd begins to form.
"What is that thing?"
"What's it doing?"
"Is it safe?"
Hushed whispers scatter around them as more and more people abandon the other stalls in favor of seeing whatever spectacle was happening. Tim appears as well, pushing his way through the crowd and situating himself by Damian and Bruce.
"What's going on?" He whispers with a frown, looking between Bruce and Damian.
Damian hmphs, "Father is trying out this woman's 'Memory Machine'."
Just when Bruce is starting to think the machine doesn't work, he hears a sound that silences the spectators. A piano note. A singular note, followed by another, and another. Right before Bruce's eyes, the air shimmers, and a projection of his father sitting at the grand piano appears before him.
His breath hitches in his throat. He remembers this. He remembers this piece. It was father's favorite.
Damian and Tim are stiff at his side, and Bruce hears the crowd gasp.
There, sitting on the floor at the bench, is Bruce himself at six years old. He's resting his arms on it, and leaning his head on his arms with a look of pure adoration -- did he really look like that? -- aimed at his father.
There's no talking between them, a content silence as Thomas Wayne fills the air with his piano playing. That is-- until he stops midway through the piece, fingers stopping the keys with a abrupt jerk.
Thomas laughs, quiet and full of love, and little Bruce picks his head up with an affronted frown. "Why'd you stop? I like listening to you play."
"I know you do." Thomas says, his voice is as soothing as Bruce remembers it to be. The memory twists to look at little Bruce with a blinding smile, as if he was looking at his whole world. It's the first time in decades that Bruce has seen his father smiling like-- like that. His eyes involuntarily sting.
"But how can you hear so well when you're all the way down there?" Thomas shifts, and pats an open space on the bench. "Come sit up here, Boo. I can teach you to play."
(Thomas Wayne was always fond of pet names, he had plenty of them for Bruce, and he used them at every opportunity.)
Little Bruce perks up, "Really?" He grins, and then clambers into the bench. His father's arms wrap around him.
The voices fade as the memory slowly begins to collapse, and Bruce feels a spike of panic in his heart before the memory is replaced by another one.
He's younger, probably four years old, being sprayed down by a hose by his father. Little Bruce is squealing with laughter, trying to swat the water away like a fly, and his clothes are drenched.
Thomas is laughing as well, wearing a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He looks like he just came home from a business meeting. Bruce always thought he was old when he was little. But at four years old, Thomas Wayne is only a little over twenty. Barely an adult. He is twenty-four when he dies. He was so young.
"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Little Bruce squeals, trying to run out of the line of fire, but Thomas Wayne has a sharp eye, and the hose in his hands follow Bruce no matter where he goes.
Until finally Thomas drops the hose and runs towards Bruce, who is trying to recover from being sprayed down with ice cold water. Thomas reaches him before he has time to move, and scoops him up in his arms.
He is laughing loudly and boisterously, spinning them both around as Bruce clings to him for dear life, laughing with him. The memory fades away, and Bruce feels like there are hands around his throat trying to choke him.
A new one shows up, one he doesn't remember at all. His father is younger than before, a teenager, and he's holding a tiny bundle in his arms. He looks like he's on the verge of tears, hunched over it like a shield.
Someone, a girl with gothic attire, peers over his shoulder. "Gosh, Tom, a baby? That's a lot of responsibility." She says, dark-lipstick lips painted downwards in a frown. "And right after you've disowned your parents too?"
Another boy looks around Thomas with a similar frown and an uncertain look, "Yeah man, I'm with Sam on this one -- for once. You don't even have anywhere to live."
Thomas doesn't look like he's even paying attention, utterly smitten with the baby -- its himself, Bruce realizes -- he's cradling. "Look at him though, guys," he breathes, "he's so tiny. Have you seen his little watercolor eyes?"
(Watercolor eyes. Bruce had long since forgotten about that nickname his father gave him. hearing him say it is like a punch to his stomach.)
"You named him Bruce?"
Bruce huffs to himself, an involuntary smile twitching at his mouth as the memory dips again and cycles through another memory he recognizes.
The memories it shows are sporadic, with no chronological order to them other than each and every one is a happy one.
Bruce playing piano with his father.
Bruce stargazing with his father.
Bruce being carried on his father's shoulders.
Bruce getting ready for a gala with his father.
Bruce in the kitchen helping his dad make breakfast (there's pancake flour smeared on his cheek).
Bruce making a snowman with his father.
An apology between Bruce and his father in the form of a piano duet.
There are even a few memories he doesn't remember. Some of them are when he's old enough to, but many are when he's a baby. Some are before his father was adopted by the Waynes, when the only thing on their backs was a raggedy backpack and an oversized sweatshirt, and Bruce's baby blanket. And some are after, where he's sitting in an antique rocking chair bottle feeding Bruce with a look of sheer adoration on his face.
That look never seems to go away, ever, in any of the memories.
Finally, the HMM settles on a final memory, one that makes Bruce's blood run cold and snaps him out of his nostalgic revelry. His father is getting ready in his room, and Bruce comes barreling in with his own suit-and-tie.
"Dad! Dad! Dad!" He chants, running to Thomas, who whirls around and picks him up seamlessly. They spin twice before Thomas settles in front of the mirror, Bruce on his hip as he adjusts his tie with one hand.
"Yes, boo?" Thomas grins, wide-splitting with his shock-blue eyes looking at Bruce in the reflection. He and Bruce have the same eyes. It's shocking how much they look like each other, now that Bruce was older.
Little Bruce makes a dramatic face, a look that only lasts a few seconds before he remembers his excitement. He wiggles in Thomas' arms, "You gotta hurry up! Or we'll be late to the movie!"
Bruce's fingers dig into his palm, and he can vaguely feel his sons' looking at him. There's a feeling of impending doom square in the center of his lungs, and he forces himself to look on.
Thomas laughs, and nuzzles Bruce's cheek. "The movie isn't going anywhere, chum, I promise." He says, before setting him down. Little Bruce pouts, his lower lip sticking out. "I know how much you've been looking forward to this."
"Can you help me with my tie then?" Bruce asks, and looks at his own, sloppily done tie around his neck. "I can never get it right."
And, of course, Thomas Wayne kneels down to redo it. He always did everything Bruce asked or wanted. He measures it, loops it, and then knots the tie perfectly.
"There." He says, and smoothes out Bruce's little jacket, smiling in adoration. "Now go play, I'll call you when it's time to go."
And Bruce does just that, running out of the room with a yell of, "You better promise!"
"I promise!" Thomas yells back, laughing at his son as he turns back to the mirror.
The memory shimmers, and changes to as they're leaving. And then and there does Bruce call it quits. His eyes are glistening, his tears nearly blinding him with the swelling, overwhelming grief in his heart. He looks away, and tries to find Doctor Kairos.
(He doesn't see her switch something on the side of the machine. There is no noticeable difference in the machine, but on the inside a time rune starts to glow.)
"I think I'm done here, Doctor." He says once he can find his voice without it shaking. He can't hide the full crack and tremble laying beneath it, but at least he doesn't cry. He's almost forgotten that he had a silent audience.
Doctor Kairos nods and steps forward, reaching for the headband. "The memories should cut off once I take this off, Mister Wayne." She says, and fiddles with it for a moment. Behind her, the memory of himself and his father are walking outside. "I hope that wasn't too much for you?"
(The ticking of the machine grows louder, and the memory glitches.)
"No, no." Bruce assures with a smile that wasn't all Brucie Wayne yet. He looks down when he feels Damian's hand curl around his, and his son leans into his side. His smile softens, and he presses Damian closer. His other arm finds itself over Tim's shoulders as well, pressing him to his side.
"It was fine. Actually, it was an honor to be the first to try out your memory machine. I'm sure it will help many people." He tells her. She smiles slyly, and slides the headband off his head.
"That's what I'm hoping for, Mister Wayne." Doctor Kairos places the headband onto the table. The memory hasn't disappeared, Bruce notes with a furrow of his brows. And the audio has muffled slightly.
"I thought you said that the memory would cut off when the headband was off?" He asks. Kairos looks at him, and then behind her at the memory. She frowns.
"It should have--"
Little Bruce suddenly frowns, and looks away from Thomas. "Do you hear that?"
Bruce frowns. "I don't remember this." That wasn't in his memory. They just went straight to Monarch Theater without any issue.
Thomas looks down at his son, "What noise?" He asks, squeezing Bruce's hand. His head cranes, as if trying to hear whatever noise Bruce was hearing.
"That ticking sound." Bruce's frown deepens, "It sounds like your clock, dad."
Thomas' immediately frowns, looking so strikingly like Bruce that he marvels for a moment. He looks around as well. "...You're right. I hear it too." He steps a little closer to Bruce, his hand tightening around his.
A sense of unease fills Bruce's lungs. "What's going on?" He asks, taking a step away from the memory. This was different. This isn't his memory.
"I'm not sure." Doctor Kairos says, and her unsurety sounds so practiced and calm that Bruce's suspicion levels to her immediately. His boys look at her too with the same unease. "This wasn't supposed to happen."
She strides around the memory to the side of the machine just as a gold symbol appears on the ground. It looks like a giant roman clock, and a loud, clunky ticking fills the room.
The memories see it too, and Bruce's heart drops to his feet as he and the rest of the crowd back away from it. "Dad, what is that?!" Little Bruce exclaims, a look of fear morphing across his face as he suddenly clings to his dad's leg.
Thomas looks pale, looking at his feet and gripping little Bruce to him protectively. "I don't-- I don't know, Bruce."
(A memory that Bruce doesn’t have is his father arguing with a man named Clockwork. He does not see the man named Clockwork all but beg Thomas not to go out tonight.)
("Does something happen to Bruce?" His father asks the ghost.)
("No," the man says, "but--")
("But nothing, Clockwork." Thomas, once Danny, says firmly. "My son has been looking forward to this all week. I'm not going to crush his hopes by changing my mind last minute.")
("Thomas, please.")
("Look, if something happens tonight, I will handle it, okay?" Thomas assures him, a hand atop Clockwork's shoulder with a small smile. "I promise.")
(And then he leaves, Clockwork defeated in his wake.)
(Clockwork has seen this boy grow up from the shadows, and now he can do nothing to stop his fate like he once did before.)
The strange, clock-like circle, something intrinsically magic, begins to glow. The minute and hour hands tick faster and faster. Little Bruce holds onto his father like a lifeline, and Thomas Wayne crouches down to hold his son tighter, protectively.
Bruce Wayne turns away just as the light grows blinding, tucking Tim and Damian into his chest like a human shield. There is yelling and screams as the crowd tries to stampede away from it.
Bruce has no idea what this light will do, but he'd rather die than let his sons get hurt.
The light burns his eyelids even when he isn't facing it. And when it dies without even a burn across his back, Bruce slowly unfurls. His hands stay on his sons' shoulders, keeping them close to him, and he peers over his shoulder.
There on his knees, is Thomas Wayne, curled protectively around eight year old Bruce Wayne, much like Bruce had been. Bruce holds his breath, and his sons slowly unfurl themselves as well and peer around him.
Thomas Wayne is frozen in place for one second, two seconds, three. And then he begins to move. First, the tension drains out of his shoulders, and his head jerks, as if surprised that nothing has happened.
He looks up, his eyes open, and he and Bruce make eye contact. Bruce cannot breathe, and he cannot believe the sight before him. It's just the memory machine breaking. (Doctor C.W Kairos is nowhere to be found.)
And then recognition flickers in his father's face as his panting slows and quiets. His head tilts to the side like a fawn's, a familiar wrinkle appearing before his brows.
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etclouie · 2 months
hi your story about daryl x reader and their kids in the morning was so cute!!! can you write some more about what domestic life is like with daryl???
ᯓ★ fem!reader
ᯓ★ written headcanon style
ᯓ★ also started writing a complete diff thing for this at first, so excuse the amount of time it's took me
ᯓ★ main masterlist | reference post here
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 i think daryl would be really protective of his family, so when anyone new shows up at alexandria he wants to sheild his little family until he deems that the new people are safe
ᯓᡣ𐭩 personally, i pin daryl as a girl dad (mostly), so his little girl has him wrapped around her finger. but he doesn't complain, because she's also a daddy's girl. they're best friends, and inseparable
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if daryl has some time when he's not out on runs or scouting for people with aaron, i think he'd be at home playing with your kids. has them giggling at whever it is, no hesitation. their laughter is one noise he loves hearing, especially throughout your house
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he for sure is always on bedtime duty, loves reading his kids books and letting them cuddle up to him as he does. occasionally stutters over a word but they're there helping him figure it out, no judgment from them
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if you go out on a run, either with or without him, and find matching pjs for your whole family, he'll most definitely wear them. he loves it, even if he doesn't show it verbally, his actions show it
ᯓᡣ𐭩 with alexandria's solar panels and the electricity, daryl makes it his mission to show his kids movies. purposefully looks for dvds when out on runs, even more so, looks for movies he knows his kids will like
ᯓᡣ𐭩 firm believer that daryl would've found all of the scooby doo dvds and turns his kids into fans of the franchise, hates to admit it but daryl also has a favourite scooby doo movie (it's the goblin king)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he's not one for cooking, but will happily make breakfast if you're asleep still and your kids are up, even though i feel as if he's not a breakfast person himself. but he doesn't want his kids thinking breakfast is skippable, will always eat something with them, even if it's just toast
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if he's in alexandria and his kids need him, he's there. no doubt. whatever it is, he'll always be there, even if they just want a hug or to show him a drawing. he'll drop anything for his babies
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i feel as if daryl is a big cuddler, will steal as much time as he can in the morning to simply just cuddle with you. at home, if the kids are occupied, he's glued to you. arms around your waist and chin on your shoulder, he'll follow you around as if he never wants to let you go
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he'll try and quit smoking when you first have kids, but with the habit and stress of the fallen world he always ends up having a smoke to calm down, but he'll never ever smoke in front of your kids. doesn't want to teach them that habit in case they inhabit it from him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i think daryl's always liked watching the sun rise and set, so when you both started dating wherever the group was he'd want to watch it with you. so when you started a family, i feel as if he implimneted that into your routine. he dedicates a day that he isn't out doing stuff, you're all sat watching the sun set before he makes dinner with you and then you're all cuddled up on the couch under a blanket watching a movie. it's the simplest things he needs in life
ᯓᡣ𐭩 having a family is singlehandedly one of the best things for daryl, it gives him the stability he needs and gives him a new purpose in life. he wouldn't change his little family for the world.
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requests are open here !
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📖🤹‍♂️🔞, pretty pleeeaasee ?
Collared But Untethered - Abner Krill/Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/N, gender-neutral reader, slowburn, slight exhibition (Belle Reve), touch-starved induced desperation, making out, sudden smut, handjobs.
Wordcount: 2970
Summary: Even with every personnel in Belle Reve questioning why you wanted him, you kept coming back for more so long as they kept letting you touch him just out of sight.
Notes: Even when I try to drabble I still can't resist the buildup cause I love him so much oop- This is the first request I've ever gotten/filled so here we gooooo :'D I hope you like it, thank you so much for sending something in 💗💗💗
You were 100% certain that everyone had caught on by now to what you two were doing, but it was hard to care when orange fabric was bunched under your hands and the sound of his poorly quieted voice was in your ear. Belle Reve was well known for its lack of care towards its residents, so at first you’d both assumed that someone would barge in at any second to tear you apart, ban you from ever returning, but you were going on your fifth visit now with no one disturbing you, so even if you weren’t as perceptive as you’d thought and they were watching on a camera you’d missed no one made it known.
You’d first seen him on TV, shakycam footage barely capturing him as he and the other prisoners briefly designated as ‘Heroes’ made quick work of the current bigger threat destroying the city, and the way his powers had lit up the area in a rainbow of colours had instantly drawn you in, made you forget all about the danger as you hid in your apartment and waited in terror for it to be over, trembling hands clasped together in front of your heaving chest as you prayed you’d be safe. He’d destroyed that threat singlehandedly the second he was sure no one else was in his way, the others chiding him in the footage as he’d closed up on himself and apologized, having forgotten their goal of taking the villain alive so he could join them in their home. 
He was so unlike anyone you’d ever seen before, a timebomb of danger wrapped up in a polka-dotted bow, hands fidgeting and head downturned nervously while the destruction of what he could do showed all along the street up to where gory remains decorated the open main road.
As the reporter took over the submitted shakycam with her own live footage, people circled the villains to thank them, albeit keeping their distance even as they reached out to shake hands, pat backs, give gifts that would definitely be confiscated as soon as they returned. No one thanked him for killing their target, everyone too afraid of the gauntlets holding back bright lights and coloured dots, worried that he’d turn them on the crowd next even as the infamous Harley Quinn herself showed off the gun she’d stolen from one of the fallen policemen to a couple kids who’d wandered up to praise her without their parents’ permission.
That wasn’t fair at all, he’d needed some thanks too.
So you’d left your apartment and hurried down to them, the fight just a couple blocks away, the still burning circles in the buildings and pavement growing in number the further you got. They were already starting to get into the armoured vehicle that brought them there by the time you’d arrived, and you didn’t know his name so you could only call past the gathered guards making sure they didn’t run before he disappeared out of sight. He turned to face you, one of his teammates elbowing him to go when it became obvious that you were there for him; he walked back down the lowered ramp to approach, looking apprehensive that you’d want to talk to him when the others were right there, so you’d extended your hand to shake his, prove that you weren’t afraid but rather thankful for his help as you reached as far as you could between the two guards keeping you at a distance for your own safety.
The moment his hand touched your own you knew that you could never let him get away again.
Visitors to Belle Reve were always heavily inspected and supervised, no one ever allowed to meet face to face for fear of what could happen to either party as well as those around them, and they made that explicitly clear to you as you passed their inspections and were ushered down the hallway to the partitioned phones. The moment you told them that you were there for the Polka-Dot Man so they knew who to get they’d hesitated, turned halfway down the hallway to look at you like you were crazy, some weird thing to be studied for wanting to see him of all people. You’d just simply shrugged and told them you wanted to thank him for the other day.
He’d never had a visitor in all his time being there, and the moment he’d seen you holding the phone opposite of his own he’d gone red in the face, a mix of embarrassment for the continued support and obvious confusion as to why you’d sought him out a second time. It was cute, and while the conversation had been short, his voice low and answers coming out in single worded sentences as he thought about what to say, it still brought butterflies to your stomach until your time was up, your final question asking for his name before you were forced to hang up.
‘Abner…’ he’d told you, like he hadn’t said it in a long time. ‘Abner Krill.’
The second time you visited you asked for permission to talk to him face to face, as his voice barely carried over the phone and he had a tendency to forget he was holding it as he talked to the desk. Request denied, but they’d think about it for the right price, it wasn’t like he was going to escape his birdcage when it kept him safe from himself, the shiny collar around his neck stopping the kaleidoscope from painting the walls in cinders. That conversation had come easier, the guards getting bored and pulling out their phones as you talked about everything and nothing at all, his words flowing a little more freely.
The third time you’d gotten your request with the handing over of a few steep bills slid under the table, Abner looking around at the room before seeing you and smiling. There was a little more space between you compared to the phones but the wall was gone, and you almost missed his questions about your life as you watched his mouth speak, hands rubbing and fidgeting on top of cold metal in his persistent nervousness. The moment you’d started talking about yourself the guard watching over you had sighed loudly in annoyance and walked out, leaving the two of you alone to both of your surprise, the camera whirring in the corner telling you that they were still watching from afar at least.
You shook his hand again when time was up, and he trembled a little less as he stood before you, your bodies dangerously close for a quick moment before the guard rushed in to put a little space between you with an utterly confounded look shot in your direction.
The fourth time you looked around to see if there were more cameras than just the one over your shoulder before he was brought in, his eyes instantly brightening in your presence as they’d recently started to do. He looked more alive, his face less sunken like he was taking better care of himself so you wouldn’t worry, and you longed to hold him as the table became a deep crevasse between you. He wasn’t chained to it this time, they didn’t care enough and he knew better, he was well trained by now, and the moment you were left alone again you’d moved your chair to the empty space on the side, a little closer but not touching, testing the waters as you shot a glance to the camera to see if this was okay.
Nothing happened. No one came. Hands rested in sight as they reached but never touched, the crevasse a little smaller as the space between turned from feet to inches, then centimeters.
When your pinkies linked together it was like a bridge formed instantly, the two of you meeting in the middle as he closed his eyes and just breathed, completely calm as his free hand ran over his arm to make sure the gauntlets were gone, make sure he wouldn’t hurt you. He was touch-starved, that much was apparent as long fingers crawled over your own to create more points of contact, Abner fully holding your hand and forgetting that you were supposed to be talking. Your heart raced as you wanted more, wanted to see what other reactions you could pull from him if just this was enough to make him lean towards you, eager to invade your personal space, or perhaps invite you to invade his.
It was a space he guarded dearly, you’d learned as much over your visits as he told you about how the other inmates treated him, your touch so gentle compared to their punches, both of your chairs sliding over the floor as you closed the gap even more. Still no one came, your eyes going to the door to make sure they weren’t watching you through the wire-meshed glass to see what would happen next but the space on the other side was empty, the camera blinking red high above you as your legs made contact, a buzz of electricity shooting up your spine.
He tried to pull away, surprised by his own brazenness, or maybe it’d been an accident since he was so much taller than you, but you refused to let him, your leg pressed into the cold table leg almost painfully as you pulled him right back. The knowledge that you wanted him close, wanted to touch him even though he could burn right through you in an instant without the collar controlling him, made his chest start to heave then, eyes searching your face for fear but finding none.
Your hand unlinked from his before sliding up his arm, feeling the way he shivered as you reached his elbow, his bicep, muscles tensing under loose fabric just out of sight, a sigh leaving his lips as your fingers carefully trailed over his collar up to his cheek. He leaned into you, slowly at first, like you might change your mind and pull away at any second, his eyes closed tight as chair legs scraped over the ground. The gap closed more and more as you stood, leaned in close enough to see the scars of his time in this place, the way his lips parted ever so slightly as he let out shaky breaths, how long his lashes were as they fluttered in anticipation of what you were going to do next.
The door opened before you could make that final leap, the men who rushed in looking just as confused to your actions instead of angry, and while they weren’t rough with you they did tease him all the way down the hallway as he tried to hide the fact that he’d wanted you in those last seconds, your face flushing as pure longing rushed right to your gut at the sight of something hidden behind shaking hands as he was led to the showers to cool off.
The fifth time you’d come in you’d stared down everyone you passed as they whispered and nodded in your direction, not caring as you headed for your visiting room, no one stopping you even as they shook their heads and questioned your life choices. They still let you wait by yourself, your heart pounding as he was brought in and the door was closed behind him, the guard locking it muttering to himself about how he didn’t get paid enough for this. Abner didn’t even get a chance to sit down as you stood up and grabbed onto his shirt, pulled him down to continue what you’d started with a chaste kiss, testing the waters as he let out a surprised noise against your mouth before it turned into a moan, his hands hovering over you as he tried to decide what to do.
‘Touch me,’ you told him as you parted for a breath, the end of the collar pressing into your own throat as he groaned and kissed you back, dry lips parting to let you in as you ran your tongue experimentally over his bottom one. His hands wandered all over you, touching whatever he could now that he knew you wanted him to, his back hitting the wall and the collar scraping against the brick as he arched against you wantonly. It was like the floodgates had been opened, touch-starved desperation making him want more before you were separated again, your body ready to follow his every command should he ask, wanting nothing more than to make him feel good before he was forced to go back to his solitude. 
You palmed him over his pants and he keened needily, hips moving to feel you more before he stopped himself with a choked whine, he was asking too much too soon, surely you couldn’t want him that badly, surely now would be the time you’d come to your senses and see him like everyone else did. You nipped at his bottom lip, got him to look at you before you glanced up at the camera; it was facing the table, the two of you probably just in frame, so you led him to the corner directly underneath it, in its blindspot as you played with the hem of his pants.
‘Do you want this?’ you whispered, voice low so anyone outside wouldn’t hear, Abner’s eyes shut tight again as he nodded his head, slowly at first and then a little quicker as you made contact against his bare stomach. He was breathing so heavily, the growing tent just under where your hand rested making you lick your lips; they were bound to stop you before it got too heated but you could at least give him this, all your fantasies from the past month coming to life as you felt hot skin under your fingertips.
He sighed and let his head fall back, hands gripping you like a vice as you touched him, and you couldn’t help but wonder when the last time anyone else had touched him like this had been, if anyone ever had; it made you a bit jealous to think about the former, of someone else making him look this way before you, so you couldn’t help but selfishly wish you were the first as you wrapped your hand around him. His knees shook, he wasn’t used to it, your name falling from his lips as he started to buck desperately into your hand. 
He was beautiful as his jaw went slack, so open with what he wanted as he held you close, your own pleasure building just from watching him come so easily undone like it was the strongest aphrodisiac. His quiet voice came in handy as he moaned out his desires, how good it felt, how he needed more, pleas to not stop sending shockwaves all the way down to your toes as the words started to cut off the closer he got. You felt your throat tighten as his tongue peeked out to wet his lips, needing to taste him again as you swallowed and leaned up to capture him in a deep kiss, his tongue dancing over your own and refusing to let you get away in such a lewd way that it made your head spin.
He didn’t last long between your kisses and your hand attacking him at the same time, his hips jutting with a broken cry of pleasure into your open mouth as he came into your fist, palm gathering as much as you could for his sake. You didn’t realize you were panting as well with how turned on you were as his expression softened into one of pure bliss, a need filling your gut and making you burn with desire unlike anything you’d ever felt before as you wanted more. You pulled your hand free, mouth watering as you felt the sticky substance leak through your fingers, Abner just staring at you through half-lidded eyes as you raised your hand to your mouth, tongue darting out to taste when the door suddenly opened, two guards rushing in.
‘Alright, that’s enough of that,’ one of them said, your fist held by your side as you were pushed out of the way, Abner letting out an actual whine at not being able to return the favour before he was dragged out the door. Once he was out of sight you were led to the nearest bathroom, the guard not fooled at all by your attempted nonchalance and letting you wash up, your hand shaking as you still felt his heat against your wet skin. You wouldn’t do anything about your own situation until you were home, the guard just shaking his head as you rejoined him and followed him to the front doors, the detour allowing you a glimpse of Abner as he walked down a connecting hallway.
Despite the cuffs around his hands and the collar around his neck he looked relaxed, free, not even reacting as one of the inmates passing by tried to insult him, sharp canines biting his lip as he just stared the men down. You grinned, proud of him as you walked out of sight of him again, the highly protected doors leading to the outside world coming into view moments later. You didn’t leave right away, turning to talk over your shoulder as your escort waited impatiently for you to go, a gleam in your eye as you stared into his mask.
‘I’ll be back again next week,’ you promised, everything that came with that unsaid but understood, and he sighed before giving you a shove, everyone around you already whispering about the day’s visit as you just grinned and walked out into the warm Louisiana sun.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 4 days
Worst race in WoW rp? Human males.
I now go out of my way to avoid any rp with human males (or worgen males who rp in human form), especially if they're played by white cis men. They are the most problematic group in the game bar none.
They consistently fuck up any rp they get involved in because their character is just an egotistical projection to compensate for their personal male inadequacies. Their roleplay is either some DEUS VULT holy warrior bullshit where they godmod their racism all over any non-human characters, or they try hard as fuck to be Tommy Shelby when really they're just Tommy Wiseau with a "u wot m8" accent. OR they're a "wise old sorcerer" who exerts their intellectualism onto any young woman standing alone in the Lamb. Oh, and let's not forget the assholes who want to be as close to the rank of king as lore-abidingly possible–all adult toddlers with a raging case of megalomania.
The ego cis men imbue their characters with has singlehandedly dismantled so many public rp hubs and guilds because they HAVE to be the big man on campus. I've seen it happen time and time again, where one or more will show up uninvited to a brawl or dispute of any kind across SW because they metagamed learning about it. They HAVE to be the strongest, smartest, funniest, most vicious, most aloof, most politically savvy, and most connected, which just translates to blowhard attitudes and unnecessary conflict as they try to assert their dominance over everyone else. Women? Holes to fuck. Men who love their wives? Spineless cucks. Non-humans? Inferior or a device to be used (i.e. having a draenei as a meat shield). Everyone is an NPC and just a means to an end for their rp. Oh, and their ERP? So much attention to detail when it comes to their muscles and dick veins that it ironically borders on homoerotica.
And if you sit in vc or chat with these guys, it's the biggest stroke fest. They oocly rip on whoever confronts them, make dumb jokes about other OCs, and fellate themselves for writing 10 bAdAsS paragraphs every emote. Nevermind the unapologetic sexism, racism, and trans/homophobia that runs rampant in their discords and guild chats. And if you call them out on their toxic behavior or piss them off, they will gang up on you and gaslight you into a coma until you no longer feel safe on your own character.
Now, because I know their egos are so fragile that I expect some ragey responses and attempts to insult me or say #notallhumanmales, but tbh they can all fuck right off. I've been here 12 years and every single person I've ever known on MG has a horror story involving a human male OC. They're sexual predators–Andrew Tate wannabes–and deserve to be ostracized and ignored.
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bandersnch · 1 month
Okay so, this is the last I'm ever going to say about this situation. And no, I have no problems airing out shit since lies are being spread anyway. It's a pattern of problematic behavior from a narcissist ( yes, that's you kourt ) that turns what they did wrong around to blame the ones they have hurt.
And yes, this is a callout. Because this is fucking dangerous behavior.
Have I always been the best person? No, I haven't. And I can admit that, but I've also grown and changed and gotten better. And that's what matters, but dude i'm fucking tired. I'm tired of the drama and i'm tired of the childish behavior.
I'm tired of people being dragged in that don't need to be dragged in. People who saw the behavior with their own two eyes. People who saw that we didn't do anything wrong.
It's a pattern of behavior for me? That's what you've been told? Maybe its a fucking pattern because shitty ass people like you have made me cut and run when you can't respect simple fucking boundaries.
You want to be public about this? I can be public about it. I tried keeping it private minus the one post that things would be changing, but you have to keep dragging people into it that already know the shit you pulled.
And honestly? i don't care what anyone thinks of me anymore. You've hurt me, Kourt. You've hurt my friends. You've singlehandedly ruined everything we have worked towards because you couldn't fucking behave yourself and now you're being like this.
So here's some of what's been happening. ( under the cut )
So basically it all came to a head at summer scream and she got drunk. Me and feral were drinking and having fun bc me and feral were hanging with the guys, our friends.
She went out to the car BY HERSELF IN BROOKLYN and I was like "okay I'll go with her" and went after her. I got to the car and she wasn't there, so I panicked bc it had been like 10+ minutes so she should have been there.
So I messaged feral saying SHES NOT HERE. and then suddenly Kourt comes down the street all "I went the wrong way" okay fine. But she was obviously still hella drunk and I had sobered up. I was like "hey, you've been drinking and are still drunk, I'm going to drive." And wanted the keys, just in case And she basically screamed at me and told me I was calling her an alcoholic and she wasn't drunk and that how dare I assume that I have trauma when it comes to drunk driving So I kept saying. YOU ARENT DRIVING And she kept yelling and then said she was just going to go home and leave us. Once the guys came out to check on us she turned around and said she never yelled, she just wanted to be spoken to like a person. But she's the one who was yelling. And then she gaslit me to think maybe I was wrong and I was the one yelling. I had to ask my friend if i was crazy or not. And then she tried to say we were ganging up on her I did yell, but only after awhile and I was just all I'm trying to keep us safe, which I don't think is bad. She then said she was going to leave us at the hotel. Which was like 3 hours away. She also kept telling everyone we did nothing to contribute when I was shelling money out AND driving everywhere. but before that, at the hometown show she elbowed me and shoved her way to the barricade when i was trying to make room for the band's family members because we had been to plenty of shows and this was big for their family and friends.
but the icing on the cake was finding out she inappropriately touched one of our friends. she's trying to say it never happened but, i believe what i've been told and here is what i have:
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I have more screenshots of things she's been saying to people that are obviously not true. We have witnesses that saw everything in person, and honestly? i'm so fucking over it. I want this done and over with now, since kourt wanted to hash this out online. i figured i would post what ACTUALLY happened. I have screenshots from people if anyone wants them, but this post would be way too long if i included everything. But if anyone wants to actually see everything, my DM's are open and so is my discord.
I'm sorry this has to be public, but I had no choice in the matter. This needs to end now.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello!!, can we get a part two of blue diamond reader but this time she moved on finding out that pink diamond gave her life for her child and now reader is the guardian/mother of her sisters child. But then one day the child then got attacked by the same god that shattered her dearest sister but the god has an army trying to conquer readers palace so out of rage reader most literally deleted their entire existence without of course feeling her pain and anguish to them, affecting the other gods that's watching this unfold cause the fight took in the middle of a god meeting🧍‍♀️ after the fight reader just went back to spoiling her child lowkey panicking if he got hurt.
And out of lol's i imagine some gods would come up to her kneeling down on one knee and just say "Marry me" simultaneously (for comedic effect) i also imagine that she's taller than most gods cause i saw that blue diamond is actually a giant women🤩 anyway that's all!! You're carrying the ROR fandom by writing these fics❤️‼️
My sweet darling, you’re gonna give me a big ass head with your sweet words!! When I read your request I almost literally cried! You’re so kind!!
-It had been years since Pink had been shattered, years since your heart had been shattered.
-You had hid yourself away, hiding your pain, your sorrow, until news came, news of Pink.
-She had been shattered, that part was true, but she was shattered saving the life of her child, choosing to give her own to keep her son safe.
-The young child was small, smaller than Pink was when she was only a child, but seeing him, seeing your Pink in this child, your heart soared with pure joy.
-With no hesitation whatsoever, you adopted your nephew, raising him with compassion, educating him on anything he wanted to learn, and being the parental figure that he always wanted to have, as he had been living in an orphanage until his powers bloomed, Pink’s powers.
-To celebrate the one-year anniversary of this reunion, you decided to hold a ball and everyone, humans and gods, showed up to help you celebrate.
-Many were put at ease, seeing you smiling so warmly, seeing the child you now cared for so tenderly, a few were a bit jealous, wanting some of your affection for themselves, but this party was for you and your nephew.
-You were speaking to several of the gods when a loud crash was heard and your eyes widened, seeing a large god, one you recognized as the one who had shattered Pink!
-He had escaped after he was being sent to prison, vanishing and you were in anguish that none could find him.
-Behind him was an army of other warriors, ones that wanted to kill the gods, and kill any trace of the Diamond Goddesses.
-Their mistake was going after your nephew, in an instant, your power exploded, sending everyone in attendance to their knees, overwhelmed by your emotions and with one swipe of your hand, the gods and his minions were gone, immediately being turned to dust.
-Jaws were dropped all over, gawking in awe over your breathtaking power, turning to you to see you near tears, holding your nephew, demanding to know if he was okay, only worried about him, and not batting a single eyelash at the gods you just singlehandedly destroyed with one move.
-Once you were calmed down, you heard several voices shout out in unison, “‘MARRY ME!!’” you turned, eyes wide, seeing Hercules, Thor, Loki, Raiden, Lu Bu, Ares, Zeus, Rudra, and Chuck, God of Accounting, all kneeling before you, staring up at you, holding up a hand to you, proposing to you.
-You froze, your mind completely shutting down as you gaped at the mass proposal, unable to process that they all just proposed to you.
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bucky-h0e · 8 months
The Many Lives of Bucky and Alpine | Main Masterlist
This is a multi-series fic. Based around Bucky and Human! Alpine and the different lives they lead. The main story is Serendipity - this follows the 'canon' timeline, however the other variants will have their own canon events and timelines as well. Bare in mind that Serendipity will most likely get the most updates because of this.
This is a long-term, on going project - if you would like to request something, please do! Just be a little patient with me :)
Each timeline is separate from one another and has their own 'plot' and attributes, you don't have to read them all! Sometimes I will update with an Alternate Narrative - this will be marked clearly and is not vital to the timeline - just a bit of fun!
Remember, these are NOT shipping fics!
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Neighbour!Alpine and Bucky. This follows The Falcon and The Winter Soldier's events; post, pre and during.
Bucky Barnes now faces a difficult task indeed, navigating the 21st Century whilst making amends for his actions as the Winter Soldier. Left alone to his own devices, he fears he may continue the life of solitude, pushing away all who try to help. But what happens when a stubborn 106 year old meets a similarly stubborn (and downright bizarre) 21 year old? And for God's sake, what is her real name?
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You Feel Like Home
Half-Romanian! Alpine and Bucky. This starts just after Captain America: The Winter Soldier and through Captain America: Civil War; post, pre and during.
On the run from both HYDRA and SHIELD, James Bucky Barnes finds shelter in Bucharest and creates 6 rules for himself to ensure his survival.
One: Make no noise.
Two: Stay out of sight.
Three: Use only cash. Spend only when absolutely necessary.
Four: Follow the news reports. Any mention of his name, MOVE.
Five: Do not get attached to his neighbour's neglected, sick daughter.
Six: Stop breaking rule number 5.
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The Winter Soldier and his Angel
Avenger! Alpine and Bucky. Follows the Captain America Sequels, with Alpine as an Avenger and Steve's ex-handler.
Alpine Doe. Codename: Angel. Bought from the Red Room by a man who wanted his own version of Charlie's Angels. Hired by SHIELD under Natasha Romanoff's insistence after assisting them in bringing the scumbag in. Placed as Steve Rogers' handler and guides (drags) him into to the 21st Century. Now she fights alongside the Avengers, mainly Steve, and feels like she owes everything to them. She when Steve's once thought dead best friend shows up to kill them, she'll stop at nothing to reunite the two. She just wished he'd stop trying to stab her.
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Bucky Barnes: ex-Winter Soldier, now DILF.
Biological Child! Alpine and Bucky. Loosely follows The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with some minor (major) changes.
James Buchanan Barnes is no longer the Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is considering retirement. Tony Stark retired and is expecting a second child. Natasha Romanoff is on a well deserved holiday. The World has not ended. Finally, Bucky can begin the journey to find himself once more. The same self that used to be quite the ladies man, not that he was complaining. Of course, that is until an mildly annoyed woman knocks on his door with a positive pregnancy test makes him realise just how much the super-soldier serum had affected his body and DNA.
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Pimp My ... Buzz Wagon?
Medic! Alpine and Bucky. Follows Captain America: The First Avenger.
The Howling Commandos are a very special breed indeed. Not only are they almost singlehandedly helping tilt the war effort to favour the allies, they are also somehow managing to get home safely despite the wounds that come with the territory. Annoyed at their lack of concern because Steve Rogers "...can heal a lot faster now!", Agent Carter recruits a medic to join the group. Whilst the less super-soldiery of the group have no real big complaints, Bucky Barnes can't help but argue with the fact that their new medic is an underaged girl.
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For You, I'll Set This Place Ablaze
HYDRA Prisoner! Alpine and Winter Soldier! Bucky. This one roughly follows the plot of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
HYDRA is irritated. Wiping the Asset's mind is becoming tedious. They need a killing machine, with some level of cognitive function, not a mindless fool incapable of executing simple missions. Slowly but surely, the Asset's memories come back - each time quicker than the last. They are desperate. Perhaps, there is another way to make him behave. Their plan? Give him what he desires. A family. A support system. Make him believe the child is his. She knows no better. Give him something to cherish and to protect. Then rip it away when he fails. Soon, he will learn. HYDRA will always prevail. HAIL HYDRA.
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jasvvy · 8 months
hey man I just wanted to express my appreciation for your blog. you've done so much for my own enjoyment of wrestling by showing replays of cool shit that really help me parse what's happening in live fast-paced matches. also, I was watching the full gear 2019 omega/moxley match last night, and I realized you've singlehandedly made it so much easier for me to look at hardcore-type matches and understand what's good. I used to just hate all the blood, but now I can tell when people are being safe and I also know that mox needs that enrichment in his enclosure.
This genuinely makes me so happy, thank you so much for your kind words :) I'm so glad I managed to help. This has given me an idea that maybe I should slow down some gifs and analyze what's going on. Might be something I try in the future! Again - ty so much for being so kind :) have a wonderful day!
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cassedyevihtt · 10 months
why is this puragoty thing so compelling? how could we do the same in our stories?
here are some examples of how BOLAS?!?! is absolutely awsome. Especially that first one paints them in an awsome and scary light, like they are actual scary killers to be reckoned with y'know.
So what makes bolas so awsome, funny and epicly cool? 1st of all is the streamers, and that- we can't do anything with that.
Second thing would be POV. All these minecraft RPs have a lot of different POVs. some people can be lovely in some people's eyes and outright cruel and evil in others'. This is an awsome tool as it shows humans for what they are, many-sided.
so here is the recipe:
you have a gang or a group (like a class or a clan or some shit) and then these split for some reason. like everyone knows everyone- ish. but then this group splits. Either as a social experiment, or by outside circumstance or some form of betrayal.
They into different smaller groups. Time passes and the groups are in situations that calls for dire measures right. They are forced to kill, or compete or wear unsettling gear to survive. (like gassmasks)
How i would use it:
I have 2 troops of soldiers with two leaders. these leaders train together and know each other well, but one leader betrays the other and takes troop with her. After the betrayer hurt the other group and left the other group still have to survive and manage. and since they are soldiers they are never safe. Both from toxic air or other people. And these soldiers are young, 16. They just got betrayed but they gotta survive. so when the betrayer meets them again, they are more unhinged and messed up than ever.
POV: the betrayer walks away and we see the rest of the group try to survive on scraps they find on their way, or loot they kill other people for, we see them just kinda do what they have to.
The betrayer, lives their life, gets their prize but then they meet the old group again and they are fucked. they'd maybe heard rumors that impecils survived and maybe one of the betrayer's gangmembers kinda talked to one from the old group and he sounded absolutely fucked. but now hear they stand with weird masks, covered in scratches, wounds, rags and weilding bloody weapons. oh boy.
The concept is basicly "you can't see how unhinged it has become before you see it through a cleaner lense"
so yeah, have fun with this info y'know
NOTE: Bolas will now singlehandedly make gassmasks sell out
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zoeywhumps · 5 months
I NEED Phoebe to have to do painful stitches or pull out shrapnel or cauterize or something 😭 The guilt but necessity of hurting to heal 😭😭😭😭
request: "i'm so sorry"
tw: field medicine, surgery with ineffective anesthetic, gunfight, bullet wound
bryony had been hit. the poor girl had immediately collapsed, her slender body not used to taking bullets.
jaide smiled, reloading her gun. but before she could shoot the prone redhead again, katya jumped into the line of fire to scoop her up, while song shot at jaide with feral rage in her eyes. the two worked as a team, one distracting and the other saving. phoebe hid behind the car and waited as katya gently laid bree down in front of her.
"get my med kit, it's in our car." phoebe ordered as she took off her jacket. there was no question in her voice- she wasn't asking, despite knowing how dangerous it'd be for katya. bryony had been shot in the leg, if she didn't get that med kit within ten minutes, she would bleed out. katya immediately darted off.
"sstop, it hurts, i ccan't-" bryony sobbed from pain, struggling and kicking at phoebe with her good leg as phoebe wrapped her jacket agonizingly tight around the wound. phoebe's heart ached but she knew she couldn't show it. the worst was yet to come.
"we need to remove the bullet and stitch you up." phoebe said heavily, knowing that their mild painkillers weren't nearly strong enough to numb this kind of pain. bree took gasping breaths, still squirming and crying as phoebe pressed her hands against the wound.
after an awful two minutes, katya rushed back to them with the medkit and opened it, pulling out the supplies she knew phoebe needed.
"i'm sorry, bryony, you need to be really brave for me, okay?" phoebe said softly as she roughly took katya's jacket from her and used it to gag the girl, not wanting the enemy to find them while song singlehandedly distracted them. bryony's eyes widened in fear as katya held her down grimly.
"just breathe. breathe really deep for me." phoebe said. she took the fabric off of bree's injury and moved it upwards as a temporary tourniquet so the bleeding wouldn't be as bad during the surgery. katya administered the shot of anesthetic despite them both knowing it wouldn't be enough, and phoebe began to try to find the bullet.
bree's muffled screams were heart-rending, and phoebe had to force herself to keep going, telling herself she had no other choice if she wanted to save her young friend.
she's only eighteen... this is brutal. i'll kill jaide for making me do this.
"i'm so sorry. i'm so, so sorry." phoebe broke, tears rolling down her cheeks as she continued, her tweezers grasping the bullet with shaky hands.
once she got the bullet out, she immediately grabbed the needle and began to suture the wound closed as bryony wailed and thrashed weakly in katya's strong grip. katya was stroking her hair in a vain attempt to comfort her.
finally, after what felt like years of torture, phoebe was done. she bandaged bree's leg and packed up the med kit.
"go, help song. she can't hold out much longer. i'll get bryony to the car and keep her safe." phoebe ordered sharply. katya was the leader, but she knew better than to question her medic. especially not with how phoebe imagined she looked right now, her face streaked with tears, her clothes bloody, her eyes wild.
katya grabbed her gun and ran, as bryony mercifully slipped into unconsciousness.
phoebe picked bryony up, slinging the med kit over her shoulder as she bolted through the dangerous uncovered area to reach their car. bullets flew in her direction, but she managed to avoid them.
until she didn't.
her bulletproof vest caught it, but she was knocked to the ground by the impact, and barely managed to give bryony a safe landing. phoebe sobbed with desperation, her back throbbing with pain that radiated down her spine from the force of the bullet hitting her, even if it hadn't pierced her skin. she sat up with effort just in time to be picked up like a ragdoll by a woman in a mask.
a sharp sting in her neck was the last thing she felt.
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incensuous · 9 months
apo//thecary diaries spoilers/rant
i just finished vol5 of the light novel and im bursting at the seams, dont mind me im just rambling to myself
i LOVE jinshi and maomao, i ADORE them to bits and pieces, both of them have deeply endeared me.
however, i'm seriously questioning a handful of noncon moments where jinshi is more or less "gently" forcing himself onto maomao. who clearly and abundantly shows her disinterest, often physically and verbally. and usually i'm whatever about noncon in fics and can enjoy it, but to see the really bizarre noncon in this series that isnt... really... about that? it feels so strange.
the romance is veering into territory i am disappointed by because it does feel a bit cliche and has the classic whiff of "kinda rapey male lead noncons his way onto female lead, sexy!" which... part of me understands since maomao is SO obstinately ignorant (willingly so, typically)
it starts from when jinshi pins maomao down in a cave, when they're alone, in a very sexual way. they are interrupted by being rescued, and he is frustrated she tries to play dumb about him not being a eunuch, considering he was trying to tell her his real identity.
he seems to apologize for it, offering her an extremely rare medicinal ingredient which she is over the moon for and promptly ignores whatever the hell he's trying to say lol
2. as they are concluding an INSANE non-romance plot arc, the two of them are resting (amongst a bunch of seemingly dead children), he attempts to corner her and kiss her. they're conveniently interrupted when the children RESURRECT LOL she's trying to warm up the UNDEAD children and he's all *bedroom eyes* "can we continue this later?" time and place, jinshi!!!
3. in a different moment, he, i'm not kidding, BITES her. he just bites her goddamn neck. she smacks him across the shoulder. then he falls asleep in her lap which is cute but ... HELLO??? JINSHI????? WHY THE BITE???? i think that is singlehandedly tHE most out of pocket thing he's fucking done yet. it's also just so smutty the way it's described, there's a string of saliva as he pulls back from her neck????? am i on ao3 by accident?!
4. there's PLENTY of very very cute iconic moments too, don't get me wrong, it makes me squeal like crazy. but vol5 ends with jinshi finding maomao outside of the party (classic), and then gets frustrated with her suggesting he marry a "safe choice". then he cHOKES her. HE STRAIGHT UP JUST TWISTS HER ARM AND CHOKES HER. she tells him, "it hurts" and he just says, "oh, does it?" of course, he eventually stops and then holds her until she gets mad at him. and then he is pushing her back down towards the bench, laying on top of her.
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after the first instance in the cave, i kind of brushed it off like. that was weird, but i was extremely delirious over jinshi's whimpering and that totally clouded my judgment lol.
but now with all of these other scenes, i'm still in love with them but i have to admit i'm feeling a little conflicted. maomao's pov is always that he looks at her with eyes like a "feral dog", and that she is trying to get away. it kind of breaks my heart. she says "He will devour her, all in the pursuit for something that wasn't even there." like, YES i am thirsty for jinshi so the idea of him having bedroom eyes is hot, but the way maomao is so uncomfortable with it genuinely upsets me...
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bardinthezone · 1 year
Night Vale and the Power of Stories
So I’ve been losing my mind about this latest arc. Full hyperfixation. Studying for finals? Calling my parents? Enjoying other hobbies? Eating?? Who’s she, never heard of her. There is only the “#wtnv spoilers” tag.
Anyways, inspired primarily by this post, this post, and this post, I have been thinking about Night Vale as a place of stories.
Night Vale is a deeply weird place. It is a place where all the crazy conspiracies and contradictions and creepy crawlies can coexist (try saying that 5 times fast), and it is built on stories.
We know from “109: A Story About Huntokar” that Huntokar singlehandedly saved the town from nuclear destruction in 1983. This in and of itself is beautiful, tragic, terrifying and wonderful (I could write a whole essay on the lasting effects of the Cold War on the American psyche and how that’s impacted our media, but that’s not what this post is about). But what Huntokar says in describing this moment is fascinating: “ The people of Night Vale huddled, waiting for the end to their story.” The use of the word “story” here is so poignant and poetic. This was her town, a narrative she had lovingly followed since its inception, with an ever rotating cast of characters, finally seeming as though it would come to an end. And yet she managed to continue their story. The people of Night Vale, of every alternate universe Night Vale, are kept alive because Huntokar wanted to keep the narrative going. It is a town kept alive-- inverted and shattered and bizarre, but alive-- because someone saw the tale coming to an end and wasn’t satisfied with that. Night Vale is a place of stories.
And Cecil. Cecil Gershwin-Palmer is such a wonderful enigma. He’s a deeply troubled man, he’s the town’s beloved radio host, he is the voice of Night Vale. As the town’s only (?) regular source of news, he carries incredible weight in shaping the public’s perception of reality. It is his radio show that keeps the people informed through all of these earth-shattering events-- it is Cecil who, for as goofy and cringefail (thank you @bigcommunist for that phrase) as he can be, has been responsible for keeping his citizens safe. In “227: A Word With Dr. Jones,” Dr. Janet Lubelle notes that one of his traits is “town leadership.” When Cecil speaks, things happen. He rallies the people, against Strexcorp or the Beagle Puppy or Steve Carlsberg and his dry, dry scones. Hell, he says “weather” and everyone stops, or sometimes (Like in “204: Audition”) it literally saves his life. @lostboywriting raises a fascinating theory about Cecil having inadvertently brought the Faceless Old Woman into existence through his repression of his complicated relationship with his mother-- and while this contradicts with the backstory presented in "The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives Inside Your Home," who’s to say that both origins can’t be true, with how splintered and fractured Night Vale’s existence (and especially relation to time) is? Perhaps Cecil, as the Voice Of Night Vale, is capable of changing the world more than he knows.
Either way, this is why Dr. Lubelle’s Explaining of the town has so much of a tangible effect on it-- because she’s coming in and using something “empirical” to change the narrative. That is why she’s so threatening-- because how do you argue with the facts? How do you argue with science? She is using logic to insist that her reality is right, that these stories and poetics used to keep the town alive are meaningless. That it would be better for them to not exist than to exist outside her narrative. She said it herself-- she cannot imagine that anyone thinks differently to herself about anything, and she is all to happy to provide any who disagrees with an Explanation. No matter the cost.
In 227, Cecil remarks that “Science is not good or bad, as language is not good or bad, as religion is not good or bad, because humans are not inherently good or bad.” This sets up a fascinating play between science, language, and religion that I think is perfectly encapsulated by Dr. Lubelle, representing science, Cecil, representing language, and Huntokar, representing religion. Whether she knows it or not, Dr. Lubelle is directly undoing all of the hard work of Huntokar, and attempting to use Cecil as the most powerful tool at her disposal.
And this works in conjunction with my distinction of the What vs. the Why. We can take the incursion point of November 7th, 1983, and view it through both lenses. From Huntokar’s perspective, we get the Why: Night Vale was in danger, and it needed saving, so she saved it. But from Dr Lubelle’s perspective, we just get the What: Night Vale was the target of a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles are unstoppable by any force known to science. This is a town that should have been empty for 40 years.
I posit a world in which Dr. Lubelle reduces Night Vale to what it “should be:” A town ruined by nuclear destruction. The empirical facts, the anchors that held Night Vale down to reality, the threads that Huntokar broke-- Dr. Lubelle is seeking to tie them back together. And with the Voice of Night Vale on her side, Explained and ready to share the Truth, of course she can make that happen. Perhaps Huntokar takes center stage again to show that science is not the end-all-be-all. Perhaps Carlos steps in to replace Dr. Lubelle as the Scientist in this equation, to provide a good alternative to her callous methods. 
Or I could be totally off-base with that prediction. I imagine the bodies being dug up in the sand wastes and the murals of flesh will play a major role in the finale. Maybe she’ll uncover the splintered realities of Night Vale and won’t know how to explain them away. Hell, people keep hyping up a Desert Bluffs return, what with the Sandstorm tapes and the talk of doubles-- Maybe Kevin and Lauren will be the “religion” in the triumvirate, and drive Dr. Lubelle mad with their unrelenting fervor. Who knows? I have my theories, but I’m just excited to see where this all goes.
Also from a meta perspective, this is 100% harkening back to all those early-days fan theories that “Night Vale is a normal town and Cecil is just off his rocker” (Thanks @maxgicalgirl for that one!). Welcome To Night Vale is a show that has never been about continuity and tight lore-- it’s about spinning a fun narrative, it’s about the poetry, the music, the aesthetics; it’s about everything that Dr. Lubelle HATES. From a meta perspective, Dr. Lubelle is every theorist who tries to ruin the magic of a story, who nitpicks it endlessly because it doesn’t adhere to how the “real world” functions. She doesn’t care about why story elements are included, she just needs what’s included to adhere to her worldview. And I can’t wait to see her get taken down, no matter how it happens.
Thanks again to @maxgicalgirl, @lostboywriting, @eclipse-song​, and everyone who’s been sharing their thoughts about the latest arc on tumblr. I would not be writing this without y’all!!
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They started on a shoestring. Nobody gave them a ghost of a chance to succeed. Especially since ghosts were their business…or, more accurately, chasing ghosts. Itwas like trying to trap lightning in a bottle —- nobody had ever done it. Until now. Until the arrival of the one and only...
Who were these GHOSTBUSTERS? These four misfits who singlehandedly saved New York City from supernatural destruction? In the eyes of the world they're now frontpage celebrities, heroes who laughed (well, at least sneered) in the face of unspeakable evil and brought it tumbling down (along with half a block of Manhattan Island.) Thanks to the GHOSTBUSTERS, the public can once again go to sleep secure in the knowledge that their city is safe from demons and all is right with the world. But is it? After all, nothing is forever…and that applies to the spirit world as well as our own. Every day new calls come in to GHOSTBUSTERS H.Q., seeking their help against hauntings, possessions, curses, witchcraft, spooks, spectres, and every other off-the—wall weirdness known (and unknown) to mortal man.
This was when THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS, a syndicated and ABC-TV animated series, came out in 1986 .Based on the Columbia Pictures movie of 1984 that was a major financial and critical success, THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS took up where that original movie left off, following the continuing adventures of the four GHOSTBUSTERS, their secretary Janine, and their ghost mascot Slimer, as they chased and captured rogue spooks, specters, spirits and ghosts around New York City and various other areas of the world.
All kinds of ghosts. Big ghosts. Small ghosts. New ghosts. Old ghosts. Ghosts that used to be people. Ghosts whose origins and descriptions fall between the cracks of the nether-world: combined with the humour and carisma of the main cast of heroes, the creativity to present the different classes of spooks was the main appeal that atracted audiences, critics and helped boost a great sell of merchandise.
Wheter they were deities, personifications of abstract concepts, or spirits of dead people, the ghosts and monsters would present different challenges for the REAL GHOSTBUSTERS to overcome, going trough a lot of effort in creating solutions that combined knowledge of the supernatural with technological discoveries.
They would also be very entertaining, with their colorful designs and varied personalities, from funny, to scary, to cunning, to well intentioned or to arrogance, and today, I come up with this list highligting my top 13 favorite foes of the first 78 episodes of the show, the height of the series when J. Michael Straczinsky was the story editor.
13° Killerwatt (Killerwatt)
Killerwatt was the "grand ghoul," "the ethereal master of many," and commands an army that feeds on electricity.
Killerwatt and his army of ghosts began to feed off electricity from a power plant in Brooklyn. As a result, New York City suffered a rash of power failures. When Killerwatt's army began to travel through power lines and haunt Stacy's Department Store, Mayor Lenny hired the GHOSTBUSTERS to capture them. While disposing of the captured ghosts in the Containment Unit, Killerwatt's army struck again and forced the team to rig up a peddling apparatus to keep the Unit from suffering another catastrophic failure. Egon then traced the P.K.E. surges to the Brooklyn power plant.
After stumbling into the power plant, Killerwatt appeared to the GHOSTBUSTERS and attacked. The GHOSTBUSTERS mistakingly tried to charge Ecto-1 with its electricity blasts and caused the car to become possessed. After following Killerwatt into the plant, the GHOSTBUSTERS were separated and brought before him in the control room. He then possessed equipment in the room and transmogrified it into a giant monstrosity. Shielded by the plant's power, Killerwatt was immune to the GHOSTBUSTERS' assault. Winston deduced he was drawing power from the plant's generators and they had to shut them down. Killerwatt countered and created a wide chasm between the Ghostbusters and the main switch. Luckily, Slimer found the main plug and yanked it from the outlet. Killerwatt's host body lost power and fell to the ground. Killerwatt vacated the body and was trapped by the Ghostbusters.
Killerwatt was a leader of ghosts and as such had a major ego, laughing a lot while causing trouble for the GHOSTBUSTERS. Also, when the GHOSTBUSTERS said he'd win over their dead bodies, he responded with "Dead bodies are my specialties", indicating that he enjoyed killing mortals.
Appearing in the second episode of the series, after the more friendly looking and comedic thrio of ghosts from the first episode (Ghosts R Us), this ghost in contrast was someone who tooked himself more seriously, showing an intimidating voice and facial expression, and his powers over eletricity were a creative mixture between sci fi and supernatural horror, making number thirteenth on this list.
12° Proteus (Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster)
A shapeshifting primal God from the pantheon of Greek Mythology, Proteus manifested in Midtown Manhattan in the 13th Floor of the Erie. It served as a nexus of spectral activity, causing a lot of ghosts to appear, much like the coming of Gozer.
After capturing over 40 of the ghosts, the GHOSTBUSTERS were on their way to bust a Class 9 Free Roaming Vapor at the Gracie Mansion when Proteus first appeared at Rockefeller Center, possessing the iconic Art Deco statue of the mythological Greek Titan, Atlas. By doing so, he charged the statue with so much ectonic force, he could resist the Proton Streams. He captured the GHOSTBUSTERS and made them his prisoners.
Janine had donned a uniform and brought some equipment with her to save the GHOSTBUSTERS. After learning that Proteus's lair was in the 13th floor of the Erie, she went there and saved her friends. She stopped the elevator between the 12th and 14th floor and found the hidden 13th floor. While Slimer distracted Proteus, Janine shot the mirrors that were holding the GHOSTBUSTERS in Limbo. This caused the nexus to overload and Proteus was clearly affected. The 13th floor of the building then exploding in much the manner that 550 Central Park West did when the GHOSTBUSTERS crossed their Proton Streams into the Temple of Gozer. The level of paranormal activity returned to normal after the explosion.
A proactive deity, vengeful and arrogant, Proteus was a powerfull antagonist who took matters into his own hands, rather than relying too much on emissaries, and was one of the first villains to be motivated by a personal grudge against the GHOSTBUSTERS, which earns him the twelfth spot on this list.
11º Necksa (The Devil In the Deep)
Necksa was a maritime primal god that attacked New York.
In the 1980s, during day 12 of one New York's nastiest heatwaves and a water shortage, Necksa awakened in the East River when men laying pipes disturbed him. Disgusted by the filth, Necksa concluded the world was in need of a change and sent the Undines to claim New York for their master. Mayor Lenny hired the GHOSTBUSTERS to deal with a haunted city water supply. According to Mayor Lenny, all five Boroughs in New York City were affected. Upon confining a few Undines, the Ghostbusters were surprised when Necksa easily recalled all of them. They realized the controlling entity was in the East River and rented a speedboat. However, the Proton Streams had no effect on Necksa. To compound matters, Necksa never cared for "landling" mortals and sucked in the team. Peter Venkman was luckily blown ashore.
Peter Venkman remembered that standard ghostbusting equipment had no effect on Necksa, so he modified his Particle Thrower to emit microwave particles and cause Necksa great pain. He set out to confront Necksa again at around 10 pm. The device turned out to be a success as Necksa agreed to reason with Peter after two blasts. Necksa then went with his children to find a new home (Peter's suggestion was Antarctica). Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, and Winston Zeddemore were unharmed and returned aboard the speed boat.
Motivated by a longing for cleaner and calmer waters on where to sleep, and afectionally refering to the Undines as his children, Necksa presented a discussion about the enviromental impacts of polution on the sea trough an interesting fantastical lens, which made this deity specially memorable and important to enter this list in the eleventh place.
10º Samhaim (When Halloween Was Forever)
Samhaim was the Ghost of Halloween and one of the few villains to face the Ghostbusters on more than one occasion. He was a strategic ghost with the ability to manipulate time in order to cause eternal night. Samhain also had the ability to control legions of ghosts at his command, however certain ghosts such as Slimer seemed able to resist him to a certain extent.
It was recorded that he was an unstoppable creature of the night. At some point he was trapped in stone. Samhain remained imprisoned in the ancient clock for centuries. In the 1980s, the clock was brought from Ireland to New York to be on display in a museum. As a result, P.K.E. activity spiked. Two weeks later, Samhain was released from his captivity by his two goblin minions on Halloween night. Once set free, he gathered all the ghosts he could and sent his minions all over New York. He also used his powers to halt the night as he planned to make Halloween an eternal night that will last forever all over the world. The Ghostbusters however ran all over town capturing his minions, leading Samhain to confront them out of rage. However, the Ghostbusters used his weakness against light to stun him. Egon came up with a plan to use all the lights in the city on Samhain but a blackout occurred. While Peter, Ray, and Winston distracted Samhain and his minions with a frontal assault, Egon set up spotlights around the building he perched atop. He was captured (along with his minions) just before the world fell under his evil reign forever. 
Samhain is the type of character to take direct action, led solely by his mission. Samhain believed that ghosts had been treated unfairly in this world due to people like the GHOSTBUSTERS. He was guided by a mission to give ghosts like him a world where they rule and humans are the less dominant ones. Unlike many villains the GHOSTBUSTERS had faced, he had compassion for the ghosts he commanded as he refered to them as his "little ones."
He is willing to enter a battle and protect his minions if he felt they were being harmed. However despite his compassion, he was willing to use some force if they did not cooperate with him, as he threatened to dissipate Slimer when he refused to attack the humans and took him hostage when he recognized the close relationship between him and the Ghostbusters. Samhain's interactions with Slimer showed a darker and tyrannical side to his personality, as he showed contempt for one of his "little ones" disobeying his orders and attempting to coexist peacefully with humans (though this may be because the group of humans that Slimer associated with are the GHOSTBUSTERS, who Samhain hated for hunting ghosts) and tried to convince Slimer that it was a futile endeavor and that he could only be home amongst Samhain's legions. When this fails, he was willing to destroy Slimer, although he expressed regret about having to do so.
Since his debut, Samhain has made many appearances throughout the GHOSTBUSTERS franchise, he was one of the ghosts to make a cameo appearance on the second opening theme song and even made an appearance on the Extreme Ghostbusters theme song and end song (though never appeared in any actual episodes). He also made numerous cameo appearances throughout the show. Samhain has also appeared in the Now Ghostbusters Comics in two comics, and was mentioned in three other comics. He was also the only ghosts from Extreme Ghostbusters (other than Slimer) to receive a toy. Likewise, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was the only ghost in The Real Ghostbusters to receive a toy other than Slimer.
His pumpkin head inspired design could run the risk of being too silly, but the animation of his facial expressions and his voice made him a real menace, and this subversion of expectations made him one of the first villains of the animated series to be become an icon on the same level of the villains and ghosts that originated in the original 1984 movie, and this marks his right to the tenth place on this list.
09º The Boogieman (The Boogieman Cometh)
The Boogieman was a legendary creature that scares children all over the world. 
The GHOSTBUSTERS were approached one night by two children: Megan and Kenny Carter. They claim that the Boogieman has been living in their closet, scaring them each night after they go to bed. Terrified of the monster, the children attempt to hire the Ghostbusters with the savings in their piggy banks. Initially, Peter was skeptical, but at the insistence of Egon they investigate. The GHOSTBUSTERS arrive at the Carter residence and begin to look around. Egon's P.K.E. Meter registers high levels of paranormal activity in Megan and Kenny's closet, but when the door is opened nothing is to be found but coats and clothes. Peter was convinced the children had over active imaginations... until he saw a piercing orange light blazes from the back of the closet, and a giant, goblin-like head emergeing: it was the Boogieman.
Egon confronted the creature as it stepped into the room. In its shrill, wheezy voice the monster utters "I remember you!"
The GHOSTBUSTERS attempted to capture the him, but discovered he was not a ghost. At Peter's urging, they increaseed the power of their blast streams and managed to repel the Boogieman back into his realm. They regrouped at headquarters to figure out how to defeat the Boogieman.
That night, Egon revealed that the Boogieman used to frighten him as a child, which prompted him to start investigating the paranormal.
The GHOSTBUSTERS managed to find a vacant room connected to the Boogieman's realm and set up a faux child's room to lure the Boogieman to them. Ray, after expressing affection for one of the prop stuffed animals, was chosen to sleep in the room as bait. The plan worked, and the GHOSTBUSTERS pursue the startled creature into his realm, where the Boogieman gained the upper hand. After avoiding traps and adjusting to the altered reality of the realm, the GHOSTBUSTERS chased the Boogieman through a series of portals and closets, finally losing him in the realm. At this point, Egon devised a plan to trap the Boogieman in his realm indefinitely. Attaching a prototype Ghost Bomb to the four Proton Packs, the GHOSTBUSTERS set the devices to overload. Before they could leave, the Boogieman confronted them, blocking their escape.
While threatening the heroes, the Boogieman gestured to the Carter children's door, claiming that he would exact revenge on them after finishing the GHOSTBUSTERS. However, Kenny and Megan saw the portal open and the dire situation the GHOSTBUSTERS were in. With courage, they overcame their fear of the monster and distracted the Boogieman by insulting his appearance and odor. As he advanced on the children, Kenny spilled a bag of marbles under the Boogieman's hooves which caused him to slip off the edge of the walkway.
With the Ghost Bomb circuit seconds from detonating, the GHOSTBUSTERS ran for the Carter's doorway. Egon scooped the Carter children into his arms and leaps through the portal. Startled by the commotion in their home, Kenny and Megan's parents burst into their children's room and demanded an explanation from the GHOSTBUSTERS. Egon warned them to move away just as a violent explosion leaped from the closet. No one was injured, and a quick check of the P.K.E. Meter assured that the plan worked: the Boogieman's doors were sealed, leaving him a prisoner of his own realm.
The Boogieman was a malicious, supernatural creature whose sole purpose was to terrify human children in order to feed on their fear. He appears to have a rather high opinion of himself as evidenced by the elaborate throne he keeps in the central portion of his realm. He was incapable of showing remorse or mercy and operated strictly out of malice, greed, and revenge. Despite his observed cruelness, he did not physically harmed his child victims. Instead, he opted to harvest the fear cultivated by his repeated visits-- a form of psychological torture. He chooseed his victims very carefully and does not simply terrorize every child in existence. He used physical violence only when provoked or repeatedly antagonized (usually by the GHOSTBUSTERS) and usually avoided direct confrontation with adults.
Frequently mentioned by audiences who were children in the 1980s as a character who stayed in their memory for being one of the most scary villains, and being the motivation for one of our heroes to purse the fight against the creatures of darkness, this is one of the most iconic, if not THE most iconic encarnation of the Boogieman, and the winner of the ninth place on our list.
08º The Sandman (Mr Sandman, Dream Me a Dream)
The Sandman first appeared in Chelsea, Manhattan where he was putting people to in a sleeping spell of 500 years.
He wished to do this in order to stop all wars and create peaceful world where only dreams exist. The Sandman appeared in room 413 of an apartment on 248 West 16th Street. He put many people to sleep, and their wild dreams caused much chaos throughout the streets of New York.
These actions attracted the GHOSTBUSTERS to his doorstep. He managed to put all but Winston Zeddemore to sleep. Winston finally learned that if people realized that what they saw were a dream, they could take control of what was in their dream thanks to advice Ray Stantz gave to Peter Venkman.  Winston rushed back and laid a trap for the Sandman at headquarters, which was successful when Janine Melnitz got the drop on the Sandman by dreaming she was a Ghostbuster and her dream self successfully managed to halt the Sandman. Winston then delivered another blast and Slimer successfully trapped the Sandman. After he was captured, all his victims were awakened, leaving the dreams and nightmares all dispersed.
THe Sandman seemed to be somewhat of an egotistical idealist in many ways. His ego has also led him to be paranoid at times, as he believed the GHOSTBUSTERS were laughing at him when they said nothing.
The Sandman wasn't really evil, but exceedingly misguided. His warped definition of being "humane" made him very dangerous to the very human life he wanted to protect. For example, had he put the world to sleep and a natural disaster occurred, countless innocents could be injured or killed and no one would be in a position to come to their aid. So one could say that another of The Sandman's character deficiencies was shortsightedness. He was so focused on the "enemy" that he had become the enemy. Teaching this lesson to viewers in a fun and entertaining way, and serving as a highlight to the value of Winston Zeddemore and Janine Melnitz to the GHOSTBUSTERS team, made the Sandman win the eight place in this ranking.
07º Winchester Wolf (Who're You Calling Two-Dimensional?)
The GHOSTBUSTERS were excited to get a call from Walt Fleischman Studios because many of them were fans of the studio's classic cartoons. A representative told them that strange noises were heard from Walt's private studio, where he had mysteriously disappeared forty years ago. While the guys investigated, Egon picked up a latent paranormal surge and a mysterious door appeared then sucked them all in.
The Ghostbusters were transported to a dimension with cartoon-like physics where they met Ricky Roach and Conqueror Duck. They then discovered a factory where the cartoon villain  Winchester Wolf, the archenemy of Dopey Dog, had been torturing Walt Fleischman for the last forty years. Winchester had been making Walt experience all the same physical stunts that he had put his cartoon creations through. The Ghostbusters attempted to rescue Walt but they were sent through a trap door. They landed in a barren desert. Ray wondered where all the heroes were and summoned Dopey Dog. It worked and Dopey Dog apprised them of what happened.
Walt's mind had created a dimension in which all his creations were real. He photographed his creations and became world famous. He created new characters, too. However, Winchester Wolf was evil and too powerful to control. When Walt let his guard down, Winchester Wolf pulled him into the Cartoon World. Conqueror Duck was dispatched by Winchester Wolf to take care of the GHOSTBUSTERS. Egon and Dopey utilized cartoon logic to rescue the others. Dopey agreed to aid them but mused they'd have to travel to the edge of the world. Dopey Dog and the GHOSTBUSTERS marched to the edge and enlisted other cartoon heroes along the way. They rescued Walt and escaped the dimension. Dopey Dog and the others teared up the edge of film which breached the contract Fleischman made. As a result, the characters and dimension disappeared.
Winchester Wolf was incredibly knavish, cocky, cunning, fraudulent, intelligent, manipulative, and duplicitous. He was also extremely authoritative, influential, strong, powerful, and overall tyrannical in nature. He could manipulate the cartoon universe, in a way a few others could, while there he possessed near god like power, able to cause objects to appear out of thin air, teleport from place to place, and alter his form, and grow to giant sizes.
Being both a homage to classic cartoon villains while also being a fun and treatening villain on his own right, Winchester Wolf was a great example of how to combine the cartoony with the powerfull and scary, so I had to favour him with the seventh spot on this list.
06º The Unreal Shriek Squeal (Station Identification)
This character was like if Winchester Wolf and Killerwatt were put on steroids! The Unreal Shriek Squeal (also known as Big Boo) was the leading ghost of a television haunting phenomenon.
For three weeks, ghosts gathered to the The Unreal Shriek Squeal in Central Park. They formed a pirated TV station called WBOO, the Big Boo. The ghosts discovered that television was a suitable medium for ghosts to instantly travel from one point to another, no matter the distance. The Unreal Shriek Squeal led the charge to get the Big Boo network to go national. If that happened, the ghosts could terrorize the entire world at their choosing.
The GHOSTBUSTERS and Slimer tracked down WBOO and entered the phantom building in Central Park. They targeted the station's dynamo, the source that was channeling its free floating spectral energy. Once it was disabled, the station would lose its feed and would be unable to go national at midnight. The Unreal Shriek Squeal appeared to prevent their interference, first by attacking them directly, then by trying to bribe them with material goods, but was no match. He was dispersed and the building collapsed.
Energetic, clever, cunning, this agent of chaos presented a creative spin on the scary clown, and is the rightfull winner of the sixth spot of this ranking.
05º Dyb Devlin (The Devil to Pay)
Dyb Devlin ran a newspaper ad for a new game show that Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore decided they wanted to play, after months of watching other game shows and Peter dragging them to auditions. Ray and Winston won the auditions and answered every question, which all turned out to be related to the Devil and his minions. After they signed a contract, before midnight, with Dyb Devlin, Egon Spengler figured out that Dyb was a dybbuk, an evil spirit. The contract they signed made it so if they lose the game, they lose their souls as well. Dyb was a minor demon who was frustrated with wasting his potential and believed securing the souls of the GHOSTBUSTERS would gain him a promotion in the demon hierarchy.
After the GHOSTBUSTERS won, Dyb proved to be a sore loser and tried to kill them anyway. They used the giant roulette steel ball that was meant to kill them to destroy the surrounding area. Still in his plane of existence, Peter Venkman convinced Dyb to honor the contract, an all expenses paid vacation to Tahiti and three tons of deviled ham.
For a long time, there was the rumour that a third GHOSTBUSTERS movie would be set in a modern day setting version of hell. We didn't get that movie, but instead we got this great episode of the animated series, with an antagonist who showed how a demon from hell could incorporate modern day culture to harvest souls.
04º Wat (Mrs. Roger's Neighborhood)
After a week of no cases, the GHOSTBUSTERS received a call about a haunted house at 1313 13th Street in the Levittown suburbs of Long Island. Wat manifested in human form as an elderly old woman named Mrs. Rogers and was accompanied by its primary servitor, a demon bird in the form of a yellow canary named Precious. Wat created the house to trap the GHOSTBUSTERS, with Wat's ultimate goal being to rule and conquer the living world. While the GHOSTBUSTERS investigated the house, Mrs. Rogers was escorted to the Firehouse for safety reasons. This played into Wat's plans to open the Containment Unit to increase the size of his army. However, a new safety feature just happened to be added to the Containment Unit. Access to a security keypad was required to open the grid and only the four GHOSTBUSTERS were verified.
Eventually, the GHOSTBUSTERS were tipped off that Wat was behind the haunted house and escaped. They raced to the Firehouse to stop Wat. Wat later took possession of Peter Venkman in order to release the lock on the Containment Unit. Egon set Winston's Particle Thrower to Wat's exact frequency while he set his to Peter's electro-metabolic frequency. He was eventually separated from Peter and trapped by the GHOSTBUSTERS. As soon as Wat was trapped, the 1313 residence was sucked in through a chest and the chest vanished.
Whereas his appearance is of a wild beast, Wat was one the most strategic and dissimulated villains of the series, and it was scary how close he came to destroy the Firehouse and take over control of an army of ghosts by playing the role of the helpless victim that the team would usually attend.
03º Sir Bruce (Hard Knight's Day)
Sometime in the Arthurian era, circa fifth century A.D., Merlin imprisoned Sir Bruce in a painting and his minions in other works of art, as well. The curse anchored them to the tapestries forever. In the 20th century, Sir Bruce was freed when his painting was unveiled at the Cloisters in New York at 7:30 pm during a full moon. Now free of Merlin's curse, Sir Bruce kidnapped Dr. Doris Tibbs, who bore a strong resemblance to his beloved, Lady Genevieve. To compound matters, the Cloisters was transformed into Sans Pitie Castle and Dr. Tibbs was slowly changing into Genevieve in the Special Exhibits Room.
Since the curse was tied to the Moon somehow, it was deduced that Sir Bruce could only be trapped at sunrise. Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore rode Unicorns, beasts hated by Bruce, to distract and draw him into the open. However, Bruce realized the ruse and retreated, resisting the pull of the team's Proton Streams. With time running out, Peter Venkman disguised himself as Merlin and chased Bruce back outside into the sunlight. The team confined the weakened Bruce in four streams and trapped him. Sir Bruce's minions were re-imprisoned in their paintings and statues, the Cloisters was returned to normal, and Dr. Tibbs was back to normal with some minor memory loss.
What makes Sir Bruce interesting is that in his point of view, he is a romantic hero rescuing his beloved lady. But the narrative context and his actions extablish that he is actually a villain, and this nuance makes him worthy the third spot on this ranking.
02º Ghash (Slimer, Come Home)
After three nights in a row, coincidentally culminating on Winston Zeddemore's birthday, the GHOSTBUSTERS encountered Ghash, leader of a group of poltergeists. By feeding on the lesser entities, Ghash was able to increases his P.K.E. and gain the ability to roam. Due to a mishap at Winston's party, Slimer left the Firehouse and followed several entities to Ghash. He soon absorbed all of these entities to become unstoppable. The GHOSTBUSTERS adjusted their equipment to focus primarily on Slimer's unique frequency of 500,000 Mega Hertz and extract him from Ghash. They were then able to trap him and place him in the Containment Unit.
When large groups of ghosts band together for threatening haunts and chaos, there is always one that stands out and leads the pack. Ghash had the proper personality and appearance for this specific role. Even though he was an evil being that cared for nothing more than immense power, he gave lost ghosts like Slimer a false sense of security and a feeling of being wanted.
A ghost who prayed on other ghosts, who was always involved in darkness, Ghash was the precursor of many manipulative strategist ghosts to appear troughout the series, and the dark atmosphere surrounding makes him the most haunting to my mind.
And my number foe of the first 78 episodes of The Real Ghostbusters is...
01° The Master of Shadows (Slimer, Is That You?)
The Master of Shadows was an arrogant entity who believed he was superior to all mortals. He directed minion ghosts to attack several areas in New York. After a few busts, Egon detected secondary and tertiary spectral readings. He deduced an outside force was controlling and directing the ghosts.
The Master of Shadows was intrigued by Egon's intellect but upon being shot at, he threatened to plunge the city into destruction.
Back at the Firehouse, Egon used the Master's spectral frequency on a communication device. A holographic projector hooked to the device could only pick up a spectral voice mail at first. Then the Master appeared to the GHOSTBUSTERS. Egon then egged him onto a challenge at midnight, on the corner of 15th and Madison. However, Slimer hit several non insulated wires and switched bodies with Egon. Growing impatient, the Master moved up the appointment. During the match, the Master was utterly confused by Egon and Slimer's dilemma. The GHOSTBUSTERS captured him in Proton Streams and trapped him with ease.
The Master of Shadows had a fascinating sense of pride and honour: he was an antagonist less interested by reaching the goal of world domination itself, and more interested in showing off his power, searching for people to challenge him in cunning and witty just so he could proove his superiority.
Ad to that fun personality his vocal performance by none other than Prince Mamuwalde himself, William Marshall, and you get a refreshing take on the classic villain in search for a good, thrilling fight, mixing a sense of humour with dramatic dignity, making you wish he had more than one appearance in the series.
And that is why he is my favorite foe of the Straczynski Era of The Real Ghostbusters.
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Felix Propaganda
Everyone has to vote for Felix he's the best. On the surface he looks like a serious, brooding guy but he's secretly the biggest fucking dork ever.
He "dies" along with his parents (and Isaac's dad) in an accident during a storm during the prologue of the first game, but shows back up with the main bad guys in a mask because he refuses to reveal that he's been secretly alive the whole time; only to end up taking the mask off and reveal he's been alive the whole time like 3 minutes later anyway. He goes on this quest with the two people who caused the storm that ravaged his village in order to help them save the world (although they're mean about it) and tries to do everything secretly and alone because he doesn't want his friends to be mad and/or have to leave the village to help him. He at one point jumps off a >100ft lighthouse presumably to his death in order to try and save a girl named Sheba who was knocked off of it without even thinking about how stupid of an idea it is.
After waking up from a massive tsunami in the very start of the 2nd game the narrator says (I think for the only time in the entirety of both games aside from the prologue/epilogue) "hey do you want to check yourself for injuries? :)" and if you pick yes he just does this little jig of wiggling his limbs around. There was no reason for them to make this and it's adorable I love it. He can also fling giant rainbow energy swords that explode how can you not love that.
Lastly this CG of him hugging his sister Jenna in the epilogue after everyone's safe and home is one of the most blessed things I've ever seen it singlehandedly adds 3 years to my lifespan every time I see it.
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Anyway vote Felix he's so good
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I love Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, but to this day, besides thinking it’s really messed up that Kipo’s parents literally chose to use their own baby as basically a science experiment without seeming to do any sort of research outside of if it could be plausible that combining human and mega-Mute DNA could actually work, I’ve also realized that I’m not even sure what they were trying to accomplish with the whole thing? Like, they talk about how Kipo “changes everything” and will make it possible for humans to live on the surface again despite all the Mutes and MegaMutes....but never actually say how they expect her to accomplish any of that? Did they expect Kipo to singlehandedly defend all the humans from the other Mutes? Was she a “proof of concept” that Mute and human DNA could be “safely” combined and try to convince other humans to use the same process for their own future kids so that way future generations wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers of the surface because they could transform into giant monster animals themselves? As far as what the story shows us, it feels like you’re missing a step there, Lio and Song. 
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a34trgv2 · 2 years
Top 10 Worst Main Characters In Cartoons
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#10. Kick Buttowski (Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil): Kicking off our list (no pun intended) is the one trick pony of a character that is Kick Buttowski. His character begins and ends with him wanting to do extreme stunts. That'd be fine for a 7 minute short as a tribute or parody to stuntmen like Evel Knevel, but for an animated series? His shtick gets old very fast and he's nothing more than a blank slate of a character.
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#9. Lincoln Loud (The Loud House): A smug, narcissistic brat, Lincoln treats his sisters like a means to end at best and a pain to live with at worst. Not only does he show contempt with them on a daily basis, but he's also not afraid to humiliate and take advantage of them to stroke his own ego. Would you believe this kid's named after one of the greatest Presidents of all time.
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#8. Katie Mitchell (The Mitchells vs The Machines): Nothings makes me hate a movie more than how hatable the main character is. Katie is selfish, annoying, ungrateful, and not even remotely funny. She has this bitter and resentful attitude towards her father when they were once best friends, and the way she makes this story about her is very condescending. If the movie had been about her as a child and putting her relationship with her non-tech savy father to the test, maybe I'd sympathize with her more, but as a teenager ready for college, she's just a brat.
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#7. Nancy Clancy (Fancy Nancy): I now know how Dora's detractors feel after watching Fancy Nancy. Nancy is such an obnoxious, pampered brat that talks down to the audience like we're pesents and always acts like a fancy life is the best life. She's very rude, selfish, and narcissistic, all of which are qualities you're NOT supposed to have when trying to be fancy.
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#6. Miriam "Mimi" Mortin (What About Mimi?): No, this gif isn't from the villain of this obscure show. It's from the main protagonist...and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Mimi is a stupid, selfish, and annoying kid who makes simple problems worse by going overboard with her plans and throwing her friends under the bus. She's also very irresponsible and oblivious to the fact that she's no better than the show's designated spoiled brat, Sincerity.
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#5. Kai (The Hollow): The one character that singlehandedly makes the show worse, Kai is everything Adam and Mira DIDN’T need on their journey. He's whiny, selfish, short-tempered and a big, fat coward. Whenever there's danger, his first and only instinct is to head for the hills instead of helping his friends. He also needlessly starts arguments with Adam because Heaven forbid 2 guys have a normal conversation together without it turning into a shouting match.
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#4. Kiff Chatterley (Kiff): What do you get when you put Mimi's personality in a squirrel who's dumber than a sack of acorns? You get Kiff! She's selfish, annoying, stupid, irresponsible, and overdramatic over the simplist of things. What puts her above Mimi on the list is Kiff is the 4th irresponsible main female character I had the displeasure of sitting through after I specifically said I was done with these types of character. The character's a bigger waste of time than watching a worm try to crack open a safe.
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#3. Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee): If you thought Dee Dee from the last 2 Seasons of Dexter's Lab was a headache, you might want to where a helmet when being in the same room as Molly McGee. She's annoying, inconsiderate, loud, obnoxious, and really stupid. She never thinks before she acts and every time she opens her mouth, she never shuts up. The worst part about her is the fact that Scratch can't just leave her because he put a curse on her, meaning he's stuck suffering with the audience listening to this chatterbox.
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#2. Oscar Peltzer (Summer Camp Island): It boggles my mind how Hedgehog, nevermind ANYONE, would be friends with this kid. Oscar is selfish, annoying, inconsiderate, and stupid. He goes through Hedgehog's personal stuff, cheats at games and gets lost in the city. He also has a bad habit of not thinking before he acts, making him all the more annoying and stupid.
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#1. Apple and Onion (Apple & Onion): No need to imagine a show with 2 annoying side characters as the main characters, because it already exists. Apple and Onion are easily the worst characters in Cartoon Network's history. In addition to being annoying and stupid, they also lack basic chemistry with each other and are painfully unfunny. What puts them at #1 though is Apple's fatphobia and Onion's complacency to said fatphobia. Need I say more? -.-
Conclusion: These cartoon protagonists are not only bad role models, but they're also just badly written. Whether they be annoying, stupid, irresponsible, or selfish, trust me when I say you DON'T want characters like these as the protagonist of your show/movie. Either audience's will mistake them as villains, or they'll just tune out. Dishonorable mentions go to Fei Fei from Over The Moon (I've talked enough about that brat -.-), Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (I wouldn't have blamed Mac for not visiting Foster's anymore after the birthday party episode), and Rick Sanchez from Rick & Morty (would've made the list, but I don't wanna give Rick & Morty any more attention than it has already). Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon ;)
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