#tuffnut the changewing
dontgetcaught256 · 2 years
Hiccup: I have dragon-like reflexes
Tuffnut: Prove it.
Hiccup: *sees dragon*
Hiccup: I like that dragon.
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msphagime · 11 months
And now I bring you: some only the interesting HTTYD names re-translated from my native language's dub back into english:
Stoick the Vast - Stoick the Enormous that checks out
Night Fury - Nightly Fury... but the word they used for "fury" is used more for rabies 💀
Gobber the Belch - Spit ...literally just Spit
Snotlout - Snotty
Ruffnut & Tuffnut - Headstrong & Dizzy
Stormfly - Stormcarrier (and Deadly Nadder is Deadly Zmei 💀💀💀)
Hookfang - CrookedHorn
Meatlug - Dawdle
Barf & Belch - Fight & Fury (or rabies); Hiddeous Zippleback - Creepy Twoheaded (😭😭😭😭)
Whispering Death, Snaptrapper, Scauldron, Changewing - Death's Whisper, CunningHunter, Kettle (really?), The One Who Changes
Stoker/Fear/Sharp/Strike Class - Firebreather/Threatening/SharplyPiercing/Hunting Class
Dagur the Deranged - Dagur GoneWild (??? The word implies he's gone crazy recently or smth???)
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 11 months
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I bet Tuffnut wasn’t even hypnotised.
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000marie198 · 1 year
The most accurate Panicked Mom™ move I've ever seen in this franchise
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otherkinotd · 1 year
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Today's otherkin of the day is Tuffnut, who is Changewingkin 🐲
-requested by @/the-mind-den
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krattgirl124 · 2 years
Fun facts on the New Generation AU:
Dagur and Eret babysit the Hicstrid kids the most out of all of their other allies.
Gobber is the village therapist and is the one everyone can come to for advice on certain topics (coming out of the closet being the most common one)
Because Grimmel doesn’t exist in this AU, there are more Night/Light Furies in the world, most of them now living on Berk ever since Toothless became the alpha.
Fang, Ethan’s Whispering Death, HATES it whenever anyone who isn’t Ethan tries to ride her solo. She will throw the biggest tantrums ever and do anything to get them off. The only two exceptions are Tuffnut and Puffnut.
Salva loves to bite her brothers, she’s the most feral one of the Hicstrid kids.
Viggo has also befriended a Zippleback, which is how he’s able to get the gas for his sword. The Zippleback was already friends with Savior the Monstrous Nightmare, and their names are Crackle and Zap.
Ethan can’t swim.
Hiccup constantly teaches his kids how to build and invent stuff and is very proud of all their achievements.
Snotlout is very proud of his daughters and will constantly let them know because he never got that treatment from his father and wants to break the cycle of abuse.
Ruffnut will never have kids of her own in the future, but was more than willing to be the surrogate to Fluffnut and Puffnut so her brother and Snotlout could have their own family.
Fluffnut and Ethan have a one week age difference. Puffnut is nine months younger than the both of them.
Runa is non-binary
Fluffnut is trans MTF and has a very supportive family.
The “Troll” that would constantly steal Gobber’s socks was a titanwing terrible terror.
Viggo crafted an entire armor set made out of shed Skrill scales to protect himself whenever he flew on Shockwave, he has been zapped a couple times on accident, which makes his dragon panic.
Shockwave has severe separation anxiety.
Savior is clingy.
Fang is not the smartest Whispering Death out there.
Dante has started building newer and more advanced prosthetics for both himself and his family.
Puffnut has a Typhoomerang named Blaze, he’s an asshole.
Fluffnut has a Thunderdrum named Boomer, who is also quite stupid.
Hookfang spoils the Thorston-Jorgenson kids as much as he can in Monstrous Nightmare ways
Ethan loses a foot from a Changewing’s acid
Windshear has become very protective over Cory and Runa that she has occasionally attacked Fishlegs
Fishlegs is poly and Heather is okay with it as long as he tells her about every partner.
Asdis and Halvor are twins, with Asdis being the eldest and already destined to be the new DotW queen and Berserker Chieftess, yet Halvor desperately wants to be the berserker chief.
Speer is known as Speer the Psychotic because if he really hates you, he throws his shit at you…literally.
Salva will always name her dragons the most human names possible (Chloe the Deathsong, Pierce the Grim Gnasher, Jared the Scauldron)
Ethan trash talks whenever he plays Maces and Talons, which is probably why he rarely wins.
Ethan was conceived on Defenders of the Wing, and Speer was conceived on Berk.
Gustav and Gruffnut are both evil and work for Ryker (yes he’s still alive in this AU)
Ryker is ace
Asdis has a Triple Stryke named Blister
Speer had a Terrible Terror named Skrill
Halvor has no dragon of his own so far
Ethan will be 4’11 at the tallest, mention how short he is and he will start yelling.
Mala will listen to Dagur rant about his interests for hours on end, she loves listening to him rant.
Ethan and Puffnut got trapped and forced to participate in dragon fights, it’s where Ethan met the Changewing that took his foot.
Astrid beats the ever living hell out of the Hunter that had captured Ethan and put him in the dragon fights, making sure that his body became so mangled and bloodied that no one would be able to recognize it again.
Valka technically tamed the Screaming Death, and he and the other Whispering Deaths now live on Dark Deep after their island was attacked.
All of the Hicstrid kids use some of Valka’s tactic to help tame more wild dragons.
Ethan and Salva have tiny scars on their faces from Cloudjumper (they were all accidental). Ethan has a scar on his lip, Salva has a scar on her cheek.
Ethan has a scar on his neck from Fang, they were both young and stupid.
Dante took a Skrill from a Hunter when he was 5 and named it Zappy.
Dagur adopts a baby Skrill.
Dante has a scar on his cheek from Drago Bludvist (yeah, he’s alive too)
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askthedragonriders · 11 months
For everyone: what is your favourite dragon species? Even if it's not one you can train or ride, is there one you want to know more about?
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I'm not sure I can pick another species as a favorite, but I can tell you which I want to know more about besides Night Furies. Sand Wraiths are a rarity but look related to Night Furies? It's odd and I hope we find more of them. The same goes for Woolly Howls. -Hiccup
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An easy pick for a favorite. Deadly Nadders have the hottest fire out of all the dragons and are precise, sharp, and deadly. Stormfly also taught me how to relax and have fun. For other dragons, anything in the Sharp class, even if Stormfly is a Tracker class dragon now. -Astrid
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I couldn't bear to pick any dragon other than my Meatlug. Gronckles may be slow but they're tough and pretty agile! They can fly in any direction due to the way their wings hover. They're also immune to dragon root! They're also essential for Gronckle Iron! And they spew literal lava just by eating rocks! Gronckles are amazing!! And for learning about any others?? Gosh, there's so many... all of them if the gods allow it... -Fishlegs
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Need I remind you that Monstrous Nightmares are the best? Literally? They're the one Vikings fear the most. I just happen to be cool enough to ride one. Although, the idea of training a Skrill has crossed my mind. A Monstrous Nightmare and a Skrill under my belt? I'd be unstoppable. -Snotlout
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Zipplebacks cause so much damage. Have you seen them spin in a flame wheel? We've tried to get Barf and Belch to do it while we're riding them but they refuse. Having the two heads is nice though, for fun and honestly for cuddles. Barf especially loves them. The gas Barf releases is a weapon on its own, too. As for another dragon? I miss Scauldy. -Ruffnut
Imagine a Changewing? They're so cool! They spit acid! It could be used to melt so many faces! Don't get me started on a Whispering Death, either! They look so creepy and gods, the amount of tunnels they could dig for you... Oh, right. Belch is super cool. Like, he basically is snapping his throat like I snap my fingers, except his throat snaps and causes fires. I need a match to do that. His is built in. -Tuffnut
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 11 months
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 8
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 1,794
Hiccup learns. Or, well, he tries. And then he doesn’t.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, the earth is round, the earth is flat, quiet moments pt 2, Changewings
<Previous - Next>
“Yeah, you know, fetch water, deliver parts and do laundry. Clean carts, a bit of herding on the side, I wash down dragons sometimes for a few extra coins. Plus doing all of my stuff,” You picked at the sleeves of your tunic then decided better of it.
“Your stuff.” Hiccup stated.
“Laundry, clean out the hay in the barn, cook, repair the shed, which is really nasty by the way, I hate it, something’s always wrong. Like that.”
“That’s… A lot. And you’re not getting paid? For all of it?”
“Yeah. I am, I mean. I get food and board. Coin, I only get that sometimes. The stables get kind of chilly in the winter, otherwise it’s alright.”
Hiccup looked at you oddly, “No, no, it really is not. You live… in the stables.”
Most Vikings even across clans would take the time to hunker down together during the winter, especially during the devastating season even if they hadn’t yet gotten to the point where everyone had to be ushered into the Great Hall together. You knew at least that much, which was maybe why it came across as odd to Hiccup.
“I mean, yeah? I don't see you getting paid for working in the forge.” You shrugged.
“I guess, well, point, but also I get to build what I want with whatever I want. Which can get kind of… expensive.” You nodded. That made sense enough.
“Well, I guess it is what it is. I can’t really be picky, you know.”
You were both sitting on the hill in front of his house. He’d caught you in between jobs somehow. You always seemed to be busy.
There were a few Vikings below putting effort into rebuilding 
“This is really comfy,” You sighed. While making a delivery for the Chief, Hiccup had come by and the two of you had stumbled into each other, getting whatever he had in his arms spilled all over onto your shirt and sizzled a bit.
It probably had something to do with the cleanup going on. You were just glad you cleaned up fast enough to avoid getting burned.
“It’s my favorite,” He said.
“Really?” You sat with your knees up to your nose, arms wrapped around your trousers, which were salvageable, though your skirt was not. Your arms were donned in red fabric of a familiar shade, which was extremely comfortable despite its scratchy exterior.
“You gave it to me, so…” Hiccup shrugged his shoulders oddly. He avoided looking in your eyes as he spoke.
“That’s awfully flattering.” You said kindly. You could tell why it was. Or maybe you were just extra thankful to be in something dry. Whatever Hiccup had been carrying was very sticky and hard to scrub off, which you had a ball doing, hidden away behind a curtain in their home with a small wash bin and rag. 
You spent the whole time in a rush hoping that Stoick wouldn’t come back early and catch you in the nude, or something, despite the irrationality of it. That would be incredibly embarrassing.
“I’m sure,” Hiccup nodded his assent fiddly, before he gestured with his hands, laughing awkwardly, then staring down at his own knees, “But, you know. So, what brings you up here?” 
You yawned, resting your hand over your mouth, “Well… Package for the Chief, mostly. Also, I wanted to say thank you.”
“Thank you?”
“For helping me out, earlier. I would have died, you know.”
There was some drama earlier, a Dragon attack that had something to do with lucky stones, which you didn’t have a lot of time for. 
You paused running, probably not a very smart move, as you spotted a small group on the other side of the clearing standing far enough apart for you to watch and ogle as someone who you thought was Tuffnut pet the base of a fire tower.
“Oh, well,” Hiccup said, scratching his neck, “It was nothing.”
Hiccup was the one who got you out of the way in time. To not die. You owed him another favor, you guessed. You sighed.
In the time it took for either of you to come up with something new to say, Toothless came and lumbered in from the back. You’d seen him wander off there earlier. He probably spent a lot of time out when he wasn’t stuck like glue to Hiccup’s side. Berk was going through a very rare and treasured heat spell, which the dragons were very much taking advantage of.
“What do you think about?” Hiccup asked, leaning backwards.
You blinked at him, and at the set of bandages peeking out from under his green tunic.
“Not much. What I’m going to do later, what’s for dinner. I think about home sometimes. And… The world is round,” It was a bit random. Admittedly, You usually avoided talking about future your-world things, but you had gotten into a tizzy over a few things earlier with one of the Vikings by the fields. Maybe you were feeling a little peckish about it still.
“But…”Hiccup raised his eyebrow, squinting quizzically, “The world isn’t round.”
This world, apparently, did not operate on cartoon physics. It would have been a really cruel joke on you if it had, you thought, You double checked. It was just the people. So there was no reason as to why they shouldn’t be able to get it.
“You’re kidding, right? Come on, Toothless.” 
Toothless deadpanned at him, turning around to walk away, his tail ending up smacking Hiccup in the head and arms as he made an effort to protect his face.
“Oh, wow, great, thanks, Bud.”
Hiccup squinted, and waved his arms at his dragon, mock brushing him away.
“See? He agrees.” You grinned.
Hiccup turned to look at you, “That’s my best friend, if you would believe it.”
“Are you sure about that?” You sniped, “Because I’m not so sure about that.”
“I can tell.” He deadpanned, shrugging playfully.
You shook your head. There were more important things to be talking about. Like…
“I don’t understand how you guys fly around all the time and you still don’t know the earth is round,” You snickered.
“It’s not,” He insisted, “Flying wouldn’t change that.”
“It would!” You insisted, “It’s all about perspective.”
You shook your head as one of a pair of vikings down below dropped a large log from his shoulder, causing it to roll off and back towards the other houses.
“You’re up in the air, or somewhere up high, really, and you see that the horizon line is round.” You’d been up to Gothi's enough to be sure, “It’s like when you look really close at a ball or something. And the ball is spinning a lot. It’s physics. Science.”
“What kind of science? The Thorston kind? I find it hard to believe, if that’s the case.”
At some point, you realized that, despite it all, he didn’t actually know a lot about you. Where you came from, what your family was like, if you had one. What you liked to do. You really did have to explain.
You wrinkled your nose at his sarcasm, ignoring it as you decided to go on, “The world is really heavy. Like I said, it also spins. Like when you sit on something soft and it sinks. It works like that for both the top and bottom. It’s Gravity.” You used the English word for it.
There was a thump on the roof above you as a flock of Terrors landed by your feet. Probably one from the group. They tended to spin out of control often, especially if it was breezy out.
“It’s common knowledge where I come from,” You said, 
“Is it?” Hiccup squinted, as if he was seeing you in a whole new light. A whole new, mental light, “Well, I don’t know about the whole round thing, but- What next, are you going to tell me that the sun revolves around Midgard?”
“Also yes,” You interjected, with a vendetta, gesturing with both hands, “Why do you guys always lead with that? Is it really that crazy of an idea? Seriously.”
You glowered at him, “I think you all are busted in the head. Or the lightning scrambled your brain, or something, because I have no idea how you’re seeing this.” 
“What? No,” Hiccup said, “No, I’m perfectly healthy.”
“Yeah,” You snorted, “You guys lack what I would call common sense.”
There was a loud rumbling from back inside the Haddock House. It was definitely Toothless. At least someone had your back. It probably didn’t help that the only ones who agreed with you were the twins.
Hiccup turned back to shoot a nasty look at Toothless, probably forgetting about his bandages. And the burnt skin under.
“I probably owe you another favor, don’t I?” You winced as he jerked back around, cursing. It was kind of silly, and kind of nerve-wracking watching his scrawny shoulders curl in over his stomach. 
“Nah,” Hiccup looked up from his knees and feet, resting on the steps to his home, to you, and then back, trying to hide his wheezing, “This one’s… on the house.”
Your hands hovered over his bak unsurely, worried if you tried to help you might agitate his burns more. You would probably take a trip up to Gothi later and ask if she had anything more to use to help.
“And, well, We’re Vikings.” Hiccup grimaced, “And, hey, I have some common sense, too.”
You stayed silent, giving Hiccup a moment as he gathered himself. You hoped he hadn’t any acid left in his skin. You felt awful about it.
Hiccup sat up steadily, and you made sure to scoot back and give him space as he did. He kept an unhandy smile on his face, the corner of his mouth twitching, eyebrows pushing up as you attempted to make sure he was alright.
Your face fell, molding into something more confused, as he mouth a question under his breath.
“Why did you leave?”
“Sorry, I’ve just… Been wondering. What brought you to Berk?” Hiccup brought a shaky hand back up to his neck.
You felt your eyes unfocus a bit.
You guessed it was probably the natural progression of things. You wondered whether you were supposed to come up with something, or just not. You decided on something more square in the middle.
“I don’t know,” You huffed, a little lost, “One day I just started walking and ended up here.”
Hiccup looked at you skeptically, though not without sympathy. You were on an island surrounded by all water, but still. You stood up straight, puffing out your chest.
“Take it metaphorically, if you don’t believe me.”
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I totally forgot that:
1- Changewings can hypnotize people.
2- Hiccup has actually (kind of) trained a changewing in the past.
How. Are. We. Not. Talking. About. This.
I know this doesn't have that much fic potential or anything (except if your a weirdo like me and love the potential of hypnosis in almost every sfw situation). Like??? Phantom made Hiccup kiss Tuffnut and other stupid things just so he could not have the time to train her?? That's so freaking cool.
I need changewings hypnotizing people, I need this to be a chapter of RoB/DoB where the teens are actually suffering because the changewings are causing trouble in Berk WILLINGLY.
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evilwriter37 · 7 months
Hiccup canonically kissed Tuffnut is something I want to know the story of. Like I know it’s with the changewing and everything. You know, I just GOTTA KNOW.
*Hypnotized Hiccup kisses Tuffnut*
Tuffnut: wha-what… what are we?
Like is Tuffnut devastated when Hiccup comes back from the hypnosis or does he just makes fun of him.
Sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a week! I've been a lot busier this week than I expected to be. But phew, it's Friday evening, soooooo...
Tuffnut would be devastated, I think. Like, imagine the devastation of Snotlout with Thor Bonecrusher, but it's Tuffnut and Hiccup.
I want to see Tuffnut's semi-public (in front of the Dragon Riders) breakdown over this. It would be so funny.
And then I feel like Tuffnut would hang this over Hiccup's head as a joke for their entire lives.
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httyd-art-requests · 9 months
[Pinned post]
(Previously one-httyd-a-day)
Read before you send a request!
Hello! :D
2024 is the year of the dragon! I figured there couldn't possibly be a better year for me to try this, so I'm throwing my hat in the ring and starting a HTTYD themed one-drawing-a-day art blog, heavily inspired by @onewolfaday and @onedragonperday.
I will be drawing YOUR 🫵 HTTYD requests - which will be periodically open. You can see whether requests are open by checking this pinned post, or in the bio of the blog itself.
With that being said...
Requests are currently CLOSED!
Commissions are open!
I hope my fellow HTTYD fans will appreciate this blog, and I hope you'll stick around <3
Toothless in Gravity Falls:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Addendum: There is a gap in the numbers between Dragon #52/53 (Toothless vs The Alpha) and Dragon #59 (Sea Shockers). I took a short break from posting dragon art due to some irl events, so the numbers between 53 and 59 are missing to reflect that :)
Addendum 2: No longer posting on the daily due to burnout. Requests and commissions are still active. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to post, you guys mean the world to me <3
More info under the cut!
🤎 Dragons I will be drawing:
Dragons from all three of the movies
Canon dragons (Toothless, Stormfly, Cloudjumper etc)
Dragons from the spinoff shows (Riders/Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge)
Dragons from the HTTYD games (Rise of Berk, School of Dragons and Titan Uprising, hybrids and crossbreeds included!!)
Dragons requested by followers
🤎 Dragons I will not be drawing:
Dragons from The Nine Realms (this is a personal preference, no offence meant to fans of the show)
Dragons from the books (I want to focus on the movie franchise)
Fanmade species
🤎 Dragons you've requested:
If you sent an ask requesting a dragon: I won't be answering until I can post the drawing along with it. I keep the asks in the inbox so I won't forget about them.
If you sent me a DM: Hi, thank you for being here and reaching out! :) Rest assured I will be tagging you once I post your dragon.
I love you and I appreciate you being here. Thank you for following my silly dragon project 🤎
[HTTYD OC blog: @wardenofdragons]
[Main blog: @theonewiththeideas]
🤎Dragons I've already done🤎
You can search for them on the blog by searching "httyd [dragon species]" or "rob [dragon name]" for the Rise of Berk ones.
You can also search dragons based on their serial number. Ex. "dragon 006", "dragon 021", etc.
Dragons in order of posting:
Death Gripper | Stormcutter | Deadly Nadder | Gronckle | Monstrous Nightmare | Zippleback | Snaptrapper | Hobblegrunt | Silver Phantom | Scauldron | Reignstorm (Rise of Berk) | Woolly Howl | Auroma (Rise of Berk) | Thunderdrum | Death Song | Flightmare | Night Fury | Skrill | Dart (Nightlight) | Dramillion | Typhoomerang | Terrible Terror | Razorwhip | Screaming Death | Light Fury | Changewing | Sandbuster | Sand Wraith | Speed Stinger | Boneknapper | Timberjack | Nightlight | Singetail (Freezeburn from Rise of Berk) | Sentinel |Prickleboggle | Sliquifer | Skyfire (Rise of Berk) | Shivertooth | Tuffnut's Chicken | Groncicle | Scuttleclaw | Shockjaw | Brute Stormcutter (Rise of Berk) | Egg Biter | Slitherwing | Triple Stryke | Red Death | Eruptodon | Tide Glider | Skrill × Stormcutter Hybrid (my design) | Zipplewraith (Titan Uprising) | Drago's Bewilderbeast | Toothless :) | Sea Shocker | Windstriker | Catastrophic Quaken | Rumblehorn | Titan Woolly Howl | Baby Typhoomerang | Baby Bewilderbeast | Rosethorn (Rise of Berk) | Hobgobbler | Bone Gripper (Bonknapper × Death Gripper Hybrid) | Viggo's Skrill (and Viggo) | Smothering Smokebreath | Deathly Galeslash (Titan Uprising) | Raincutter | Grim Gnasher | Snow Wraith | Snafflefang | Ruffnut's Trancemare (Rise of Berk) | Night Fury OC (Warden) | Fireworm | Fireworm Queen | Scimiterror (Rise of Berk) | Wise Wind (Rise of Berk) | Flame Whipper | Sand Wraith × Night Fury Hybrid (my design) | Monstrous Nightmare × Deadly Nadder Hybrid (my design) | Stormfly and Astrid | Non-Binary Pride Terrible Terror | Transgender Pride Night Fury | Asexual Pride Night Fury | AroAce Pride Changewing | Transgender Pride Hookfang and Snotlout | Asexual Pride Deadly Nadder | Aromantic Pride Scuttleclaw | AroAce Pride Night Fury | Asexual Pride Light Fury | Progression Pride Gronckle | Bisexual Pride Stormcutter | Bisexual Pride Deadly Nadder | Agender Pride Sandbuster | Cupiosexual and Cupioromantic Pride Night Fury x Skrill Hybrid | Exiled Stormcutter (Rise of Berk) |
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Httyd AU exchanges #039
Just a normal day at the arena...
Snotlout, tries kissing Jack: Jack, jumping back: The hell, Snotlout?! *slapped him across the face* Snotlout: Ow! Fuck! Hiccup, smirking proudly: Serves you right. Snotlout: Oh! So, when you kissed Tuffnut successfully it's all right. But when I, Snotlout... Hiccup, blushing: It was the Changewing's fault! It made me do it! Snotlout: Well, maybe it was the Changewing's fault now, too! Astrid: There is literally no fucking Changewing on sight. Snotlout: How about... That one! *tries kissing Astrid* Astrid, ducks low and kicks him between the legs:  Hiccup and Jack, wincing and crossing their own legs reflexively: Jack: He just doesn't learn, does he?
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
have you watched the episode snuffnut from season five yet? I am literally half way through and no matter how many times I watch it it got me rolling on the floor idk maybe my sense of humour needs help but deer god it's so funny to me and like throck or rock I have no idea at this point which one is his name bc they pronounce it throck but subtitles say rock so I am just gonna role with it like that anw I won't line I might have tiny weenie little miniscule cruch on that but like can you blame me??!! And Vigo rocks the new look tbh he looks so gooddd with itt🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻(this is way too long but I shall annoy you every time I finish an episode 😍😍😍)
YES omg Snuffnut is such a hilarious episode. I love Astrid being SO mad at Throck and I love Tuffnut trying to scare people while he's disguised as a changewing, and Snotlout helping the twins w their trash (I'm p sure this is the right ep lol). And also Tuff pretending to be a ghost and listing all of the good things about being dead and stuff. It's just such a ridiculous episode it's so funny.
Viggo ALWAYS looks so good honestly you're so right
(PLEASE annoy me every time you finish an episode omg (it's not annoying btw) I love hearing people's initial impressions of individual eps and scenes and stuff)
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 1 year
Random HTTYD Headcanons
Someone once tied together the Boneknapper and Death Song, saying that the former would hang around the game sites of the latter and then collect the bones and I agree with that so much. I’d love to re-find that post so I can credit the blog responsible because they are so, so real for this! I had to mention it because it’s such an under-appreciated take. (ETA: I found the original post here, by @dragonjadearts — thank you for this headcanon I think about it all the time.)
Changewings started to put their eggs in trees to deter Cavern Crashers from eating them.
Red Changewings are the ones that inhabit Changewing Island. Green Changewings are from further south.
Male Thunderdrums are actually the primary caretakers of young Thunderdrums. Both parents will look after and protect the eggs until they hatch but after they do the mother often leaves.
Additionally, Thunderdrums will also transport their eggs and/or hatchlings in their mouth.
Thornado and Skullcrusher have actually met. Thornado had gone out when Bing, Bang, and Boom were asleep and visited Berk, hoping to meet up with Stoick alone only to find another dragon by his chair. The encounter was awkward at first for all three parties, with Stoick trying to break the ice, but once the two dragons recognised what they had in common, they became very friendly and respecting of one another.
The Rumblehorn naturally hunts boars as its primary food source. As opposed to fishing for saltwater fish like other dragons, they also fish for freshwater fish like salmon.
Like the Submaripper and Shellfire, and the Skrill and Singetail, the Rumblehorn and Catastrophic Quaken are naturally opposing species.
Dark Deep was originally the home of the Catastrophic Quaken, not the Gronckle. Due to the sheer number of invading Gronckles, the Quaken was then mostly pushed out.
Gronckles are like the rabbits of the dragon world. They can reproduce from a young age and very often and with high egg counts.
Dragons like the Razorwhip, Timberjack, and Typhoomerang have shorter lifespans in comparison to other species.
Barb-shooting dragons grow their spikes like hair/teeth. The spines that are shot out out are ones that are knocked loose by new roots.
The more distinguishable the colours of each head, the older a Zippleback is.
Zipplebacks evolved from a mutation caused by inefficient embryo separation which means most if not all members of the species distantly share the same common ancestor.
Whip & Lash, Bucket and Mulch’s dragon, is actually female.
Bucket is related to the Thorstons.
The twins removed the S from the alphabet in Reign of Fireworms to annoy Snotlout.
The riders have contemplated who is most likely to turn into a Mildew-type, and most of them have come to the agreement that it would be Tuffnut. Chicken is his Fungus.
Mildew actually has a soft spot for Flystorm. Away from the knowing gazes of others he indulges in petting him and giving him fish, muttering “That’s nice,” as he would with Fungus.
Spitelout treats Kingstail better than anyone ever. As such all of his past methodology surrounding dragons is now in vain, and very hypocritical. (That sword analogy? How dare you compare ol’ Kingstail to that, boyo?)
Fishlegs is actually an only child (he’s always stricken me as one and it boggles me if he isn’t). Those kids he teaches in the Gronckle Scouts are actually his younger cousins. They call him ‘uncle’ due to him babysitting a lot and the difference in their ages. Fishlegs has a lot of cousins.
Fishlegs’ mother, Termagant, owns a Snaptrapper by the name of Arrogance, Innocence, Patience & Conscience. This means that Meatlug has older brothers (and a sister. Technically. Allegedly.). At first they were a bit too mischievous/privy with one another for her liking, making them seem like they were hanging up in her a bit, but they eventually got used to one another.
And yes, she makes all six of her children crab cakes.
The Monstrous Nightmare that Valka saves in HTTYD 2 is the one that took Gobber’s hand.
The Night Fury and Light Fury evolved via something similar to the Peppered Moth Evolution. Whichever one was the original species, however, is still unknown.
Gustav is allergic to peanuts.
Fanghook actually has a fear of setting things on fire.
Hiccup sees a lot of his younger self in Gustav, but it frustrates him that Gustav takes a bit more after Snotlout sometimes.
Gustav’s mother actually wanted to call him “Hiccup” (being the runt) but didn’t want to upstage the chief or confuse people, so she chose “Gustav” (meaning god’s staff or popular guest) to be ironic.
Snotlout was originally proud to have Gustav model himself after him, but when growing up and maturing on the Edge he realised that Gustav was or could be reckless because of it and started to resent him for being a “cheap copy” of him.
Hookfang has a soft spot for Gustav, mostly when he was younger. Since Gustav got Fanghook, his patience has been less withstanding.
The dragon with the least patience for kids is actually Stormfly. Just after would be either Barf & Belch or Hookfang, but by a long shot. Hookfang holds more patience for younger kids than older ones.
Spitelout for some reason shows more outwards appreciation towards Gustav, but argues with him over being leader of the A Team.
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hhhhhh thanks I'm glad you like the 10 class system! But now I'm gonna go a step further: we have Night Fury for Strike, Deadly Nadder for Tracker, Gronckle for Boulder, Monstrous Nightmare for Stoker, and Hideous Zippleback for Fear. What if there were riders for the other 5, what species would they ride? I'm thinking Death Song or Dramilion for Mystery, Razorwhip or Timberjack or Hackatoo for Sharp, Snow Wraith for Frost, Triple Stryke for Toxic, and Thunderdrum for Tidal.
Continued from this post!
All those proposed dragons are great for a larger rider group. Especially, I love your inclusion of Razorwhip, Thunderjack, and Thunderdrum. And not just because I like those dragons (though that bias is there <.< haha).
Dragons like the Thunderjack and Thunderdrum I think of as "more common," containing a higher population near Berk. That's my headcanon, but how I got it: The Thunderjack was introducer sooner into HTTYD lore, so I think of it as "more standard" than "exotic." The Hairy Hooligans knew about and talked about that dragon for a long time before anyone went off venturing, ergo, it's around them lots. Similarly, Thunderdrums were introduced earlier in HTTYD franchisedom, and between Thornado and the babies Bing, Bam, and Boom, we've seen enough Thunderdrums I suspect they're frequent around Berk.
When dragons are native to Berk and populous, they're more likely to become a rider's dragon. When making headcanons of future hypothetical riders, I prefer sticking to "more likely" dragons.
There's a cool narrative appeal to hitting all 10 classes, as you were saying. So, going by your premise:
Hiccup: Night Fury (Strike Class)
Astrid: Deadly Nadder (Tracker Class / Sharp Class)
Fishlegs: Gronckle (Boulder Class)
Snotlout: Monstrous Nightmare (Stoker Class)
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Hideous Zippleback (Fear Class)
Heather: Razorwhip (Sharp Class)
New Rider A: Changewing (Mystery Class)
New Rider B: Snow Wraith or Woolly Howl (Frost Class)
New Rider C: Triple Stryke (Toxic Class)
New Rider D: Thunderdrum (Tidal Class)
Honorable mention: Speed Stinger as a non-rideable Toxic Class pal, like the Terrible Terror messenger dragons they had.
You already had such good ideas I'm sticking close to them!
In a hypothetical world I had full control of creating five new riders, I wouldn't hit all classes of the proposed 10 class system! I'd have doubles. Why not three Nadders and two Gronckles? That's more likely than each dragon class being represented once! It wouldn't have the cool narrative factor you're working with, but I'd enjoy doing an underappreciated duplicates thing, too.
Because I'm a book!HTTYD lover, whenever I consider creating HTTYD characters / content, I slip in as many book Easter Eggs as possible. So there's also a chance I'd give new rider characters the dragons book characters had. (Heck, just put Camicazi, Thuggory, etc. into the "new riders" group!)
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My HTTYD Next Generation
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From top left to bottom: Zephyr, Nuffink, Frida, Selby, Ylva, Skad, Amund, Magni, Frode, Elof, Liv, Erling, Kara
Long post ahead, read at your own risk
Zephyr: 18
Nuffink: 15
Frida: 18
Selby: 15
Ylva: 16
Skad: 16
Amund: 17
Magni: 15
Frode: 18
Elof: 21
Liv: 19
Erling: 18
Kara: 21
Hiccup + Astrid: Zephyr & Nuffink
Snotlout + Ruffnut: Frida, Ylva, Skad + new born son named Wolflout
Tuffnut + oc: Amund & Magni
Fishlegs + Heather: Frode & Selby
Dagur + Mala: Elof, Liv, Erling
Throk + Atali: Kara
Zephyr: Dart- nightlight [f]
Nuffink: Pouncer- nightlight [m]
Frida: Ash- monstrous nightmare [f]
Selby: Peony- gronckle [f]
Ylva: Cricket- changewing [f]
Skad: Goose- deadly nadder [m]
Amund: Shroom- hideous zippleback (gas) [m]
Magni: Fungus- hideous zippleback (spark) [m]
Frode: Jupiter- hopplegrunt [m]
Elof: N/A
Liv: N/A
Erling: Arrow- razorwhip [m]
Kara: N/A
Relationships ❤️= dating 🩷= crush
Zephyr 🩷 <-Erling
Frode 🩷 Frida
Nuffink 🩷 <-Skad
Nuffink 🩷 Selby
Amund-> 🩷 Liv
Kara ❤️ Elof
Now the fun stuff
Before they got dragons Frida was more of less the leader, with her sisters and cousins willing going along with any crazy ideas while Zephyr and Nuffink watched on in amusement. After getting their dragons they went to their own island were they teamed up with Frode, Selby, and later Erling. Zephyr is now “co-leader” with Frida, in reality she is the leader but Frida didn’t want to give up her position and Zephyr decided to ‘compromise’.
Zephyr is normally very calm and doesn’t really show any anger, the only time being when Erling had first joined them. Ever since the events of Homecoming she would spend her free time studying dragons and is now an expert dragon trainer.
Nuffink is a free spirit and can often be found testing his endurance or attempting flying tricks with Pouncer. Though on a bit of the bizarre side he is one of the most reliable members of the team.
Frida is confident, headstrong, and unwaveringly loyal. She spends a lot of her time pranking just about anyone. The only people she hasn’t successfully got was her mother and uncle. She likes to be in charge and has a hard time giving that up.
Selby is the total opposite of what she seems. She is absolutely feral and loves a bit of harmless destruction. She is very observant and knows the best way to blackmail the whole team.
Ylva is a being of pure chaos with absolute no self discipline. She is a bit on the violent side and once sent another islander to the infirmary after choking him.
Skad is much shyer and timid than her sisters and is rarely found away from her family. Despite this she still does enjoy participating in her sisters’ shenanigans, as long as she isn’t on the frontline.
Amund is basically Frida’s henchman and will go along with anything she says. He does hold grudges and will not let people forget their ‘wrongs’.
Magni although great at just about everything he tries is lazy and easily gets bored. The only time he’s doing actual work is when he’s defending his family.
Frode is quick-tempered and extremely self conscious. He is very protective of the others, often putting himself in compromising situations When he was younger his hands got burned and now he is permanently scarred so he wears gloves to cover that.
Elof is the worst combination of intelligence and insanity. As much as he loves and respects the dragons the one thing he refuses to do is ride a dragon, he is terrified of falling off.
Liv is bubbly, eccentric, and full of life. She is still the one to scold her brothers when they do something stupid. Although she doesn’t have a dragon of her own she will take any chance she gets to ride with Erling.
Erling started out very coincided and full of himself. He would verbally degrade the others and refuse to work with them. When him and Zephyr got captured by dragon hunters however he had to depend on her to get them out and was even brought down a couple pegs when she got fed up with him. He now tries to be better, if not for himself for Zephyr.
Kara is both a skilled fighter and a gentle woman. Weather she is cooking or taking out enemies she takes pride in her work. She is a well of knowledge and is always willing to help others.
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This is Raden, I’m still developing him. What you need to know is that his dad died during the Drago attack and his mom later married Eret. He is 23
The character maker doesn’t let you change body size so Frode is closer to the way Fishlegs looks and Frida is much more similar to Snotlout
Frode and Selby live on Berserker island
Elof, Liv, Erling, and Kara are on Defenders of the Wing
Amund’s full name is Amundnut (get it, because it sounds like almond)
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