#tumblr whalefall..
aegisofworms · 4 months
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A mech made from the still living corpse of the god of flesh, machines, and the apocalypse.  It has no living pilots. 
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sombrathedragon · 3 months
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I feel like they would be friends..
Whalefall the SeaWing is not mine! They belong to @bogcreacher
Skullbreeze the Nightwing is mine!
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nevermore-ramblings · 5 months
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Doodle I did for @bogcreacher! I’m a sucker for characters that wear skulls
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Here it is!! These were chosen randomly from prompts commented on my Tumblr, Instagram, and Patreon. Did your prompt get picked??
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Daniel Kraus
Rating: 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 (5/5)
Whalefall is a tough read to start. It doesn't begin slow-going by any means, but chapters are interspersed with past and present memories, which make it a bit of a task to keep going if all you're interested in is the whale. However, it is an amazing read. It has incredible worldbuilding and every past memory of Jay and his Dad eventually comes together to link itself to the present like a tapestry of grief, of generational trauma, and of love. Of forgiveness. Coming out of this book, truthfully, I think I like whales a little bit more now.
SUMMARY: Jay Gardiner has given himself a fool’s errand—to find the remains of his deceased father in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Monastery Beach. He knows it’s a long shot, but Jay feels it’s the only way for him to lift the weight of guilt he has carried since his dad’s death by suicide the previous year.
The dive begins well enough, but the sudden appearance of a giant squid puts Jay in very real jeopardy, made infinitely worse by the arrival of a sperm whale looking to feed. Suddenly, Jay is caught in the squid’s tentacles and drawn into the whale’s mouth where he is pulled into the first of its four stomachs. He quickly realizes he has only one hour before his oxygen tanks run out—one hour to defeat his demons and escape the belly of a whale.
Whalefall is one of the best books I've read. According to Libby, it took me a cumulative 5 hours and 5 minutes to finish it, because once I got it, I couldn't bring myself to put it down.
I have pretty severe thallasophobia and the descriptions of the ocean in the beginning, during Jay's initial descent and his exploration before being consumed, gave me the best anxiety that every good horror book should. If the ocean is something you enjoy, I believe it'll have the opposite effect. It has the opposite effect on Jay, who is in awe of the beauty below. The difference in the two experiences was a very interesting one.
The prose within Whalefall is beautiful, well-written, and incredibly unique. It serves to grab you and never let go until the very end, even when you find yourself feeling as frustrated as Jay, as hopeless as Jay that he will never actually make it out of the whale.
I'm not sure if Jay's Dad actually speaks to him, in a supernatural sense, while he is in this whale, or if it is the delusion of a young boy drowning in grief and a lack of oxygen. It doesn't matter, though, if it is factually occurring or not, because it serves its purpose well.
I like to believe it is a bit of both. That Jay's Dad is reaching out to him, that he wants to help, that he is helping, but he is helping through the years. He's there in spirit, in memory, and Jay is simply forced to utilise the information he deemed useless for all those years.
It's a very beautiful story of father and son, of forgiveness, of life and death and rebirth. There isn't much for me to say on the actual body of the story - that is an experience you simply must go through yourself.
I promise you will come out the other end changed in some capacity.
Hell, I think I like whales now.
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pelaajanifta · 9 months
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Hello! I drew Yukari from Code: Whalefall story. I really like this character and I wish she deserved more than what she got...
"She wonders: maybe she already has one as she sees how tear falls down her beautiful plastic face?"
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muppetsnoopy · 7 months
that post about classic tumblr posts killing w an uninitiated audience is so true. the other day some friends and I were chatting about what our drag names would be, and I said "well we all know the best drag king name has already been taken..." and they were like huh who?? and I said "dick van dyke" and they lost their SHIT
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gaymingintrovert · 9 months
You know what have a poll
Aquatic ecosystems: ecosystems that are based on water. These include tide pools, aquifers, hydrothermal vents, coral reefs, etc
Land ecosystems: ecosystems based on land. These include mountains, plains, forests, savannas, etc
Other ecosystems: some ecosystems exist in between the water and land. These include wetlands, beaches, etc
If you reblog, put what specific ecosystem you’d want to live in!
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marchisalion · 2 years
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or: what if i took the end being a whalefall for dead gods in @halfstack-smp​ literally
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lilylauk · 6 months
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Something for the marine biologists/hyperfixators out there
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aegisofworms · 6 months
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DREAM-OF-TEETH, a mech made from the hollowed-out corpse of one of the old gods, has killed each one of its previous pilots. You are the "lucky" 13th to try, a pit-fighter made a porcelain. Together, they will break the world before it breaks them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
This started as one part of a larger zine wip I wanted to share but I went a little overboard with the presentation haha. Said wip below: (Currently working on making headway on another project so it'll be a bit before I finish this up but I like the layout so far!)
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mylifeinfiction · 1 year
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Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
Man versus ocean. It's not a fair fight. It never was.
Daniel Kraus's Whalefall is a strikingly cinematic thriller about a young man who gets swallowed by a sperm whale while on a mission to say goodbye to his estranged father in the only way he knows how. It's pacing is intense, with Kraus churning out lightning quick chapters that create and maintain palpable tension while building an insightful emotional journey as shrewdly heartfelt and cathartic as it is fiercely claustrophobic and thrilling. I didn't need another reason to stay out of the water, but this sure gave me one.
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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enteragoodnamehere · 1 year
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messy rushed doodle of a story concept (corpse of a god falls onto a desert planet that’s pretty much inhospitable due to some man-made disaster and the remaining life on said planet gathers to feast like a fucked up whalefall) that grabbed my brain and wouldn’t let go until I did something about it 👍
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baronfulmen · 2 months
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Gave my players a ton of plot hooks with political stuff and cultists and missing persons and strange inheritances and travel to other worlds, and what do they want to pursue next session?
The off-hand joke I made about that fancy treasure chest sitting in the middle of a Totally Normal Cave with all the stalactites and stalagmites at the entrance.
It's not that they didn't get the joke, either. They fully understand I was describing a gigantic mouth with obvious fake treasure as a lure. They just think it would be really funny. So uh. What do I do here?
Poll has to be only one day because the game is on Friday and Tumblr won't let me pick some other number of days, so hopefully I get enough votes to come to a decision.
Also if you want to use the map it's 25x25.
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yellghoul · 5 months
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Walsturz chapter 3
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 < NEW !! 🐳
WAL • STURZ whalefall
Sturz (noun) german: a sudden, severe fall; a catastrophic, damaging impact; colliding with the ground with a painful force See also: a radical, often violent social change or political transition, the dethroning of an existing power
a webcomic for the whalefalls, lesbians, and ecological horror as a long winded metaphor for divorce girlies
by: @yellghoul @baezel2 and @wurmzirkus
@walsturz tumblr
instagram / patreon
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 3 months
For polychaete day, here's a previous annelid post but edited to only have the polychaetes, some fun facts for you! :)
Sea mouse!
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This luminous polychaete worm lives several thousand meters deep on the ocean floor, and sports these extremely light-reflecting scales! Each one is hollow and lined inside with hexagonal cylinders which reflect nearly 100% of the light that hits them. The sea mouse's quill-scales create the only documented case of a "complete spectrum photonic crystal" in an organism, that is, a nanostructure that alters the light entering them and can create the whole spectrum of light. It is thought that the quill-scales are so light reflective as to deter predators or to make the sea mouse's silhouette harder to see.
Bone-eating worms!
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Come on tumblr, you love whalefalls, right? These worms are an important part of the whalefall ecosystem, boring into the bones with acid to feed on them! These peculiar animals lack a stomach and a mouth, instead relying on symbiotic bacteria that break down the bone material, after which they suck up the nutrients with "roots"! The red things you see above are the female worms' gills, as the males are in fact microscopic and live inside the females. These worms are valuable in returning every bit of nutrients back into the biochemical cycle!
Pompeii worm!
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This deep sea worm is an extremophile if you've ever seen one, it also inhabits hydrothermal vents. They build a tube around themselves and seemingly shield themselves from the elements inside the tube with the help of a "fluffy" coat of sulfur-eating bacteria. What makes them especially fascinating is that their tail end comes to contact with temperatures of up to 80 °C (176°F) while their gills collect oxygen from the outside water that's only 22 °C (72°F)! 60 degrees Celsius of temperature difference to an animal only 13 cm in length, that's bonkers!
Gossamer worms!
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These free-swimming polychaetes produce a yellow bioluminescent glow from the appendages at the sides of their body, which is unusual among animals! Gossamer worms have a unique style of swimming from other polychaetes, as they lack many bristles at the ends of their appendages and also the mesenteries in between each body segment. Still they swim, with great flexibility, speed, and maneuverability! It turns out that they retract and extend each appendage to cause differences in drag, causing a wave to undulate through the whole body, which in turn makes their thrust power even stronger. They might serve as inspiration for aquatic robots in the future!
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