#tumblr's top 50 musicals
psychedeliclush · 12 days
Artists: Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Stray Cats, Ricky Nelson, Gene Vincent
Most popular Era: Late 50s
Basic definition: Rockabilly was one of the first ever styles of rock music. Using a charming mix of country, rhythm and blues, rockabilly would pioneer the rock movement as a whole, and help shape the sound of classic rock 'n roll.
Song examples:
Artists: ZZ Top, Foghat, Status Quo, Lynyrd Skynyrd , Backstreet Girls
Most popular Era: late 60s - 70s
Basic definition: Boogie rock is a groove oriented sub-genre. With catchy repetitive rhythms and roots in blues and rock 'n roll, Boogie rock is characterized by its infectious grooves, driving guitar riffs, and electrifying solos, boogie rock is all about getting people up on their feet and moving to the music.
Song examples:
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If this flops I'll cry
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crepesuzette2023 · 10 months
Hi! Because someone just asked me, I'd love you hear your Top 5 favourite McLennon fics!
You made my day! Nothing could have made me happier than this ask.
I'm not going to evade your question. I will post my top-five, even though it hurts to choose. But you inspired me to finally write a longer (okay: very long) post about some (not nearly all!) of my favorites, which will be under the cut.
(Sorry for not knowing every writer's tumblr, by the way. Please feel free to let me know, so I can tag authors where appropriate. Thank you!)
My Top 5:
MIRACLE WORKER by @scurator. What can I say. Every time I need my heart broken and to feel an inkling of what grace truly means, I go to this masterpiece about Paul and Robert Fraser finding each other again at Cavendish in 1981.
COAST STARLIGHT by bookofapril is "Miracle Worker's" cosmic twin. The sun to its night. Paul and Robert Fraser on Fire Island in 1974. Nothing I can say will do it justice, so I won't try. This is the "other world" conjured in "Tug of War," so powerfully and joyfully imagined, it's real. (I'm always thinking of this story, but I did so extra hard when I came across a prompt recently: 'They aren't each other's first love, but they're each other's true love'.)
SAME AS IT EVER WAS by RedheadAmongWolves. My favorite Outsider's POV. An ageing newsstand owner from Liverpool remembers John and Paul as boys and young men. There's something magical about the relationship coming alive in these glimpses. A story filled with tenderness that reminds me to always look closely.
AN ORGASM OF SOUND by @pauls1967moustache. The insanity of John and Paul in 1967 got the tribute it deserves. I sleep easier since I read this story. It feels cosmically right that it exists.
PLANT A SEED by @eveepe. Paul in his slutty sailor outfit in Miami. He and John are into each other, and happy, and fuck slowly. Afterwards, Paul has an idea for a new song. That's it. Tender, glorious, hot perfection. Apply at least once a week for best results.
For more thoughts about some of my favorite stories, sorted into very much defined-ad-hoc categories, read under the cut.
Young Love:
I love the myth of their first meeting, and stories that speculate about the sexually loaded creative fireworks/gritty jealousies/tentative hand-holding/topping and tailing during the first years. Here are some faves:
Paul finds music, and John, and his life is changing. In STREETS OF OUR TOWN (@with-eyes-closed) you can taste the upheaval and promise of first love and growing up. Deeply sensual, even without on-page sex. The shaky, sweet, and all-consuming fire of John and Paul’s first kiss is immortalized in ALL I KNOW SINCE YESTERDAY (RedheadAmongWolves). In NON NOBIS SOLUM (@downtothe-lastdrop), art student John simply has to know how far grammar school boy Paul will go to please him. But Paul matches him play-by-play. In THE CAST IRON SHORE (@m1ssunderstanding) Paul earns extra money through music and sex. John finds out. They fall in love, and hide their mutual pining behind transactions—but in the end, they man up to pair up, and get their band back on track. (The first part is finished; I can’t wait for part 2.) John and Paul’s ’61 trip to Paris has been honored in fiction many times; WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG THEY ASSUME YOU KNOW NOTHING (@lilypadd23) is a slow-burning, blessedly long story that blossoms sweetly. DON’T THINK ABOUT IT is the concept by which Paul measures both his pining for John and their deeply satisfying (but surely not really queer?!) sex life. Perfectly realized Paul POV by @merseydreams. Finally: I NEED YOU DARLIN’ (verse) (by @beatlessideblog) would have fit many categories, but I put it here, because in the end, it’s about young John and Paul becoming friends, making music, having sex, and falling in love. No more, no less. Embedded in a late 50’s/early 60's Liverpool omegaverse in which there's a place for their bond. But, surprise (?!): It’s still complicated. I can’t overstate how charming and satisfying and funny and hot this work is.
Old John and Paul:
Is there anything as lovely as imagining John and Paul growing old together?
In HERE TODAY (@herspecialagent), John and Paul found happiness with each other in Scotland. On 8th December 1980, they invite friends for a party, and fight an inexplicable sense of doom. A reminder that our other lives can be closer than we think, and to keep our loved ones even closer.
GROW OLD WITH ME (@inherownwr1te): Old farmers and husbands John and Paul enjoy domestic bliss, deal with a broken arm, and make sweet love.
HAVING COFFEE (@feathersandblue): John Lennon and Paul McCartney, “one of the most iconic gay couples in history,” look back on their early love, the Beatles, and being outed in the 80’s, in this oh-so-glamourous, well-written 2020 portrait…
Magical re-tellings of J/P and/or the Beatles Story:
No matter where you come down on the blessed vs. cursed continuum—they were living through something magical.
In KISSING THE BLARNEY (@zilabee) the Beatles draw love and music from kissing Paul, and each other, until the stupid world interferes. But fear not, all ends well. How to tell the truth through whimsy: this story demonstrates it.
In WE ARE ALL TOGETHER (also by @zilabee), John and Paul switch bodies. It helps.
I WAS A YOUNGER MAN NOW (THEN) (POST HOC) BY @fingersfallingupwards: Paul is a time traveler and braids his life together with John’s, out of order, through the years. And yes, they do grow old together—but not without losing each other first. I’m in awe of this story.
A darker time-traveling story is A MATTER OF TIME (D12Fan), in which John and Paul love each other, over and over, and never manage to make it work—but Paul won’t give up.
FOR THOUGH THEY MAY BE PARTED (@downtothe-lastdrop): The misery of the 'Get Back' sessions and memory-stunting technology imported from “Severance” are not enough to kill off John and Paul’s attraction and longing for each other. Again, this is basically what happened, so.
John and Paul without the Beatles?
Yes, please! Sometimes, the best way to dissect and celebrate (and fix?) this mesmerizing and exasperating partnership is to lift it from its context and drop it elsewhere. Anything goes.
WHATEVER FATE DECREES by @dailyhowl: A gorgeous, finely spun, securely handled, self-contained vision of how John and Paul could have worked as artists in love, without a band to 'legitimize' and constrain their bond. I love this homage to their deep and complicated love that needed trust and breathing room.
1967 by @walkuntilthedaylight: What if John and Paul had gone to Spain together and not come back? This story not only explores their relationship layer by layer, it also dives into the the feelings of those who knew them 'before' and who now meet them again, as a couple. A fascinating alternate history. Not a fluffy one.
TOMORROW I'LL MISS YOU (@pauls1967moustache): Paul abandons John in Hamburg—or John stays behind without bothering to write, depending on who you ask. This "Before Sunset"—AU reunites them, years later. They ride a bus and write a song, and the love and tension are sweet and painful.
DOUBLE FANTASY (by @javelinbk): Modern AU in which John and Paul meet at John's flower shop and manage to ignore and creatively re-interpret their feelings for one another for a surprising amount of time, before fate has mercy. I love how their sweet, well-matched eccentricity makes the world a warmer place for both of them.
WE ARE STARDUST (Unchained_Daisychain): AU. John and Paul meet at Woodstock, fall hard and fast for each other, and have to decide what to do with it: Paul's life is back home in England...except...
Angst, darkness, and courage:
Pain, fear, grief, and other dark emotions are part of the real J/P story, so it makes sense to honor and harvest them in fiction. One of my favorite brands of McLennon angst is the one triggered by their feelings for each other, and the thing they become once they're together™. When they're scared of how much they need each other, and of what will happen next.
ONE AND ONE AND ONE IS THREE and MANAGING EXPECTATIONS (both by @pauls1967moustache), for instance. The first is a terrifying threesome with Yoko (at John's instigation, of course), in which trust is never rewarded and sex resolves nothing. The second is Paul wondering, in thoughts both messy and crystal clear, whether he exists independently of John. He turns to Brian for answers. They fuck. It feels like a human thing compared to what is going on in Paul's mind. Just astounding.
SUNDAY DRIVER (@boshemians) dives into the theme of Paul and John being afraid of themselves in the aftermath of Paul's accident (moped, sexual) with Tara Browne. This one, like "Managing Expectations," ends on a lovely grace note.
MACABRE (@dovetailjoints). Lennon and McCartney go too far.
OPEN HEART (@paisanas). Paul drinks John's blood. John lets him. But Paul starts to hate himself for how much he needs John, which John feels as rejection. I love how this story ends on Paul embracing his need. You can see the painful, bare bones of their malnourished love under the lush sensuality of the vampire sex. Raw and rich.
SILENCE (@ohjohnnysblog). Short and piercing. If there is someone you love—tell them. Don't wait.
THE LATE, GREAT JOHNNY ACE (@midchelle). Reeling with grief, Paul is recording an album in 1981. George and Ringo are there. John is not. But in the end—he is. And they touch. I've always admired Paul's resilience in the face of having to perform or "prove" his love of John in public, and this story showed me, without sugar-coating, where this resilience comes from.
Light, hope, and fixing things:
There is also much lightness and brightness in McLennon, because John and Paul were ridiculous, and horny, and weird. And also: they deserve a laugh. They deserve the fluffiest of happy endings. They deserve high-quality, life-affirming smut. They deserve silly, because silly is what they were. You know their names, look up their number.
1980. John is in BERMUDA (@scurator), Paul visits. Paul comes prepared, John just comes. Sometimes, it can be this simple. This story always leaves me in such a good mood. Paul is the (more) experienced one, and it...really works for me.
GOT TO GET DOWN (@eveepe): In praise of John's obsession with Paul's...precious. His small and perfect prick.
ADVENTURES IN TOTAL HONESTY (@merseydreams). Pithy and sexy, and, I quote from the tags: #Excessive Margarita Mixing.
ANINUT (@pauls1967moustache): The Beatles heal, together and separately, after Brian's death. Once more, I quote the writer: "The Beatles did not follow any of the Jewish mourning traditions, and frankly, they should have."
The unhinged weirdness of the Mad Day Out, with John and Paul escaping and Francie, Yoko and Mal not missing them...much, is rightfully celebrated in one of the insaner stories I read: JOHN, I'M ONLY DANCING (@skylikeaflame)
FAIR'S FAIR (@javelinbk): John and Paul are being silly during a press conference, resulting in acute arousal requiring John's skilled intervention. I love the unexpected care and tenderness in this one!
WHERE THE POETS WENT (RedheadAmongWolves): Tender and enchanted story in which Paul and John go to a bookstore, where they're not as famous as everywhere else. As delicate as the chiming doorbells and the pages murmuring around them.
TAKEN AWAY (@crumblingcookies) Extraterrestrial Intelligence intervenes to reunite John and Paul.
CAN I TAKE MY FRIEND TO BED? (manhattanvalleys). Paul fucks the band in sequence and gets off in the end, as is his due. This is a story like Prince's KISS. No filler, all effect.
THEY SAY IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY (@ohjohnnysblog). Warm and nostalgic phone sex in the 70's.
KEEP THE LIGHT WE'RE GIVEN (@backbenttulips). Amidst the rise of Beatlemania, Paul and John expect their first child. This is Paul's 1962 diary.
More Outsider POV's:
STILL MATES (@pauls1967moustache): in 1968, Peter Asher takes the leap to act on his feelings for his sister's spiraling ex fiancé. This isn't about Paul as much as about Peter, and who he wants to be. Gutting character study. It made me love Peter.
ANOTHER GIRL (@boshemians): Astrid reunites with the Beatles during the making of AHDN and registers their words and deeds with the same stark objectivity as her camera. I love how she seeks the shelter of obscurity while they are being dragged into the limelight. But she sees them, wherever they are. J/P in this story feels incredibly real to me.
WHY BUY THE COW (RedheadAmongWolves). The milkman sees everything on his early morning rounds: the arrival of a nice new family, the McCartneys, the mother's illness, the sadness after her death...and the arrival of a new love in the older son's life. He shouldn't approve—should say something, in fact. But a small inner voice holds him back.
SLEEPLESS IN WALES (thinkpink20). Mike overhears Paul and John whisper in bed. He doesn't understand everything they say. I do. Adorable.
Not each other's first love, but each other's true love
THIS YEAR'S FOR ME AND YOU (@skylikeaflame): After a long life, after deep and loving partnerships with other people, John and Paul, encouraged by their grown-up children, finally meet their mutual love head on. A festive story about waiting the perfect amount of time.
THERE ARE ALWAYS FLOWERS (tarenas): The Beatles are in the past; John and Paul's love is in ashes. Paul, who is fragile and bereft, lives with George, who is content. The four ex-Beatles unite for the second wedding of Mike McCartney. At times, the aching grief in this story is almost unbearable. But the love between George and Paul is unusual and real. This is unfinished. I'll keep waiting for the final chapter.
Beyond J/P
WANT ME WHEN I'M NOT THERE (@backbenttulips): Linda catches Paul cheating on her with John. She divorces him. Finally: a story that puts her most likely reaction front and center, with no mercy for the messed-up geniuses.
In the Rebecca-AU LOVE LIKE GHOSTS (@backbenttulips), Yoko becomes Mrs. Lennon. Soon, she discovers that her husband is haunted by the ghost of his first love. It's pleasing how well this re-telling matches the events as they (alas) (almost) happened. The ending is chilling. Genuinely horrifying. I love seeing Yoko as the sensible one and as the focus of empathy.
THE BASS LESSON (@aquarianshift). Paul and Stu fool around without letting go of their mutual resentment for even a moment. And it works. "Let's never do this again." I don't think so.
TELL ME ALL MY LOVE'S IN VAIN (@midchelle). Forget about quote unquote platonically obsessed male rock stars: This about about Maureen and Patti through the years. The web weaving continues.
SPOTLIGHT ON JOHN AND STU (@dailyhowl) A love story in letters—too brief, like Stu's life, but sounding as if the writer transcribed their dictation. Some of the best descriptions of what it must have been like to play on stage with the Beatles during the mania are in NO I IN THREESOME (@with-eyes-closed). George finds himself in the beam of attention between John and Paul, and nearly loses his mind. But he's determined to stay and become part of them. Paul is daddy and "fucks like music" as seen through George's eyes. The whole story is vicious and hot and uncomfortable—until there's the love and quiet at the eye of the storm.
Not for the faint of heart! WHAT THE CIGGIE CARTON SAW (@waveofhand): Paul McCartney having his way with cigarettes.
This is getting out of hand...but I'll stop here. There are so many more stories I love. And I can think of many other categories that would deserve their own post.
So, who knows: To be continued?
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swisccfinds · 9 months
TOP 5 MUST HAVE Sims 4 Career Mods
These are my most personal Career mods for the sims 4, please don't forget to show love and support to the creators.
1- Youtube Career Mod by itsmeTroiYT
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There is so many interactions with this mod it is unbelievable! If you head to the download button below it will bring you to the creator's post which will show all the type of things you can do with this mod but for now to keep the Tumblr photo limit here is some of the creator's notes that explain the levels and the branches
Gamer (6-10) PC Noob $100/hr Streamer $200/hr Daily Uploader $300/hr Tagline Genius $600/hr Prestige Gamer $1500/hr
Vlogger (6-10) Viner $100/hr Prank Wars Vlogger $200/hr Unbox Therapy $300/hr Vlogger $600/hr Daily Vlogger $1600/hr
DIY Hot Glue Gun Mess $250/hr Creative Weirdo $350/hr Hacks Master $600/hr DIY Superstar $650/hr [Something] DIY $1500/hr
MUA Fenty Beauty Counter Rep $200/hr Brand Tester $300/hr Makeup Brand Collab $350/hr Personal Makeup Artist $750/hr MUA $1500/hr
Cooking One Pan Cook $150/hr Made from TV/Movies $300/hr Remixed Recipe Cook $345/hr Guest Host Cook $625/hr Master Cook $1500/hr
FX Makeup Artist NYX Face Awards $120/hr Halloween Royalty $200/hr FX on a Budget $350/hr Workshop Personality $645/hr Glam & Gore $1450/hr
2- Modeling Career Mod by KPC0528
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This is an amazing mod! If you want your sim to become a model this is the mod for you! This does require the City living & Get Famous expansion packs, so be aware. Here are the creator's notes about the levels and branches;
1. Volunteer Model--there is no pay for the beginning of this career. I wanted to make it as realistic as possible, so level 1 is all about building a portfolio and gaining exposure.  Mood: Confident M - W - F S S
2. Local Model -- Your sim will be part of the "mall crowd" participating in local fashion shows. These jobs aren't very selective... $15/hr.  Skills: Charisma 1  Mood: Confident - T - T F S S
3. Hand Model-- Keep those hands soft and supple as your sims model rings, bracelets, and watches for local jewelry designers!  $18/hr.  Skills: Charisma 2 Mood: Confident - T - T F S S
4. Hair Model-- Cutting, coloring, styling. Your Sims's hair will be put through it all in exchange for some simoleons and their pictures to be featured in hair dressers' portfolios.  $20/hr.  Skills: Charisma 3, Fitness 3 Mood: Confident - T - T F S S 
Choose track: Commercial Model or High Fashion Model
Commercial Model track: Commercial models are the models you would see in shopping catalogs and local commercials. The sim-next-door look is desired, so your sim will need attractive looks as well as an attractive personality to do well in this career track. 
5. Commercial Catalog Model--Your sim will be showcasing the newest collections by the most popular stores, like Sim Navy and JC Simmy.  $50/hr.  Skills: Charisma 4, Fitness 4 Mood: Confident M T W - F S -
6. Fitness Model-- Fitness is the name of the game here. Your sim must continue to sculpt his/her body to perfection in order to sell the newest workout gear and sports drinks.  $65/hr.  Skills: Charisma 5, Fitness 7 Mood: Energetic M T W T - S - 
7. Social Media Model-- Your sim's face is getting popular online! He/she will be modeling the hottest makeup, jewelry, and clothing through various social media platforms like Simstagram.  $80/hr.  Skills: Charisma 7 Mood: Confident - - W - F S S 
8. Music Video Model-- Who wouldn't want to be a model in a famous music video? Your sim must hone in their dance skills so they don't embarrass themselves in front of the musical superstars.... $90/hr.  Skills: Charisma 8, Dancing 3 Mood: Confident M T - T F S - 9. Television Model-- Television! Your sim will be featured on all sorts of commercials, from clothing and perfume, to cookware and living room furniture. $130/hr.  Skills: Charisma 10 Mood: Confident M T W - F S -
10. Coversim-- The ultimate goal! Your sim is on every grocery store magazine rack, dishing the newest gossip about his/her love life, as well as modeling the hippest designs. Congrats, superstar!  $300/hr.  Mood: Confident M T W - F S - 
High Fashion Model track: This track is for the serious fashionista. In order to gain celebrity as a high fashion model, your sim must be both gorgeous and interesting, as well as charismatic and athletic. Reaching the end of this track means worldwide fame and luxury! 5. Swimsuit Model-- Swimsuit models are photographed even in the winter months, so this isn't just for fun! Your sim must be in excellent shape to make it as a swimsuit model.  $55/hr.  Skills: Charisma 5, Fitness 6 Mood: Flirty M T W - F S - 
6. Lingerie Model-- No room for shy sims here! Upscale lingerie is a mega-money-making business, so only the most alluring sims will be successful.  $75/hr.  Skills: Charisma 6, Fitness 8 Mood: Flirty M T W - F S - 
7. Fashion Catalog Model-- High-end fashion is extremely expensive, so the stakes are high. Your sim must continue to perfect his/her body and personality in order to sell these interesting-looking clothes in the highest end fashion magazines.  $90/hr.  Skills: Charisma 7, Fitness 9 Mood: Confident M T - T F S -
8. Runway Model--Don't trip! All eyes are on your sim as he/she struts their stuff on the catwalk. Sims watching and cameras flashing can be nerve-wracking for even the most confident sim, but this is a necessary step in order to become a supermodel.  $120/hr. Skills: Charisma 8, Fitness 10 Mood: Confident - T W - F S S 
9. Editorial Model--Sim Vogue. Your sim is on the cover, looking fierce as fierce can be! Your sim is the epitome of a style icon, and everyone is looking at him/her for style inspiration.  $300/hr.  Skills: Charisma 10 Mood: Confident M T W - F S -
10. International Supermodel--Traveling the world for fashion shows? Check. Hosting reality style shows? Check. Getting paid to be famous? Check. Your sim is THE top model, as long as a newer, hotter thing doesn't come around.  $450/hr. Mood: Confident M - W - - S - 
3- Social Services Career Mod by missmani09
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This is a great mod if your interested in having your sim work in social services for a backstory or maybe its just what you mapped out they would be in your head. Here are some of the creator's notes about this mod;
Social Serivices:
1) Clerical Staff Extra Help  -Responsible for copying and filing documents, sorting documents
2) Administrative Specialist I  -answer phones, answer client's questions, file, sort
3) Administrative Specialist II -Key application, answer telephones, work front desk window correspond emails
4) Administrative Specialist Supervisor  Supervise all clerical staff ensure front desk runs smoothly ensure applications are keyed correctly ensure office machinery is working properly assign staff job duties
------------------------------------------------------------ ---(AA) ---- Division of Sim County Operations ------- ----------------------------------------------------------
5A) Program Eligibilty Specialist I  - SNAP Process Sim food stamp program applications.  Interview & verify resources Assist homeless sims Determine eligibilty for supplemental nutrition program
6A) Program Eligbiliy Specialist II Process sim program applications Determine eligibilty for Sim daycare voucher applications Determine eligibilty for supplemental nutrition program
7A) Family Health Care Case Manager  -Family Medicaid Process Sims' medicaid applications.  Determine medical coverage eligibilty for Sims including  Working Sims' medical coverage, SimKids Care A or SimKids Care B
8A) Aged Sim Health Care Case Manager  Process Aged, Retired, and Disabled elder sims' medicare applications Determine disability 
9A) Sim Social Services County Administrator  oversee especific sim world in which sim currently lives
10A) Sim Social Services National Director  oversee all sim worlds
---(BB) Division of Child Protective Services -------------------------------------------------------------- job is to protect and ensure the health, safety, and well being off all sim children.
5B) Child Protective Service Worker  Visit homes. Provide struggling parents with resources and tools to become effective parents. Remove children from home if necessary to the  childs health & safety
6B) Child Abuse&Neglect Investigator  visit homes. on call rotation investigate suspected sim child neglect/abuse that comes into the hotline issue warnings to parent's who a nearing neglectful standards Remove children from home if necessary to the  childs health & safety
7B) Foster Care Case Manager  On call rotation. Manage Sim children's cases who have been removed from their home due to neglect/abuse. write extensive case notes
8B) Adoption Specialist  process adoption applications. match waiting foster children and  place into adoptive home
9B) Sim County CPS Supervisor Oversee foster care and CPS case managers 
10B) Sim CPS National Director 
4- Psychologist Career mod by Kittyblue
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This is career mod is actually my favorite for storytelling! In this mod there are two branches which are Counseling Psychology and Forensic Psychologist.
5- Tattoo Artist Career mod by MesmericSimmer
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I love this one so much, mainly because I want one of my sim's backstory to include this career. They have this career option for both adults and teens!
download & more info
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h0 · 8 months
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h0's follow forever 2024 <3
i've been doing these on the first couple days of january for the last couple of years but this year i was away from my computer so i totally forgot until nearly a month later! as usual these are my fave blogs and mutuals and i can't recommend or love their blogs enough <3 happy belated new year lol
@111thfloor @1q84 @5u5 @856am @aahsoka @accurzed @anthonysperkins @apothneiskoimi @areneon @avas-poltergeist @bacchianbeauty @bassclarinet @beetlefucker @bibleofficial @cacaos @cafeeconleche @catsareforfags @cfo-of-antifa @cicadaland
@cochinitapibil @destiel-in-spanish @dilfologist @dogfriend420 @dovv @ejacutastic @freckledai @girldante @grraveryl @haierld @heartify @historybunny @holdingcauliflowers @homoseqsual @jimxugle @judas @kawaii-bees @kearabaggins @kingkrem
tumblr recently capped a limit of only 50 mentions per post so im going to include the rest in a reblog if possible lol
included in the gifset my favorite music videos i saw for the first time in 2023 as well as my top played songs from 2023:
caroline polachek - welcome to my island
tennis - one night with the valet
paramore - running out of time
alvvays - very online guy
lady gaga - 911
thank you and take care eveybody <33
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Masterlist: On Writing and Stories
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Writing advice and analyses:
Nuance in Genderbending (long version)
Gender bending and the role played by gender norms
Arranged Marriages
141 Prompts (50 Romance, 26 Family, 37 Platonic/Gen, 28 Setting Prompts)
Types of Crossovers (ask)
Types of Crossovers (solo)
The Invasive Species Effect of Crossovers
Time-travel tropes that knock it out of the park
Character Deviation from canon
Ko-fi prompt: How to actually START writing
The Venn Diagram of de-aging and age regression (they are not the same thing)
Soulmate AUs as comforting fantasy vs Soulmate AUs as horror
General posts about narrative:
Pour one out for the stories that built you, even if you don’t remember them
My personal writing:
Reminders to Self
This fic will inevitably turn to interstellar economics
Train writing
How To Title
Writing shitposts:
It’s Refectory, NOT refractory
Sub vs Bottom and the issue of Rhythm
“Promotion to Parent” should be an AO3 tag
That’s The Devil Talking (overthinking worldbuilding)
Music for writing smut
One of those signs you might be trans or nb or at least a little gay (fics where canonically male characters are actually girls pulling a Polly Oliver)
Character Alignment chart: top-bottom, dom-sub, kink-repressed
A song I’m not writing about a lesbian
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northwindow · 7 months
love your blog so much! and im wondering how you archive/document your day-to-day life and the information that you take in — whatever form: books, lyrics, trees, etc etc — ? im struggling so much w forgettttttting
i love this question! i’ve always longed to have a beautiful and consistent journal, but it’s something i struggle with maintaining organically so i’ve tried some different structures over the past few years. long-winded answer under the cut 💗
back in 2021, i was making a monthly journal on google slides which i really liked because it's so natural to integrate images. i just made a month of it public here as an example of what it was like.
from 2022 - now, i've been doing a new concept where on the last day of every season i write long, list-y answers to these prompts:
art that has been resonating with me (includes music, books, movies, visual art, anything really). i'll usually write a few words about it... "Decision to Leave dir. Park Chan-Wook—the eye shot! the eye shot with the ants crawling on it" or "'Train Ride' by Ruth Stone: 'Release, release; / between cold death and a fever, / send what you will, I will listen. / All things come to an end. / No, they go on forever.'" or "Chunky misshapen pearls and other organic, shiny shapes"
my favorite memories from the season... examples from past lists include "Swimming hole with Zoë where I stuck a twig in my hair and we waded around on our hands like crocodiles" and "Walks in my snowsuit at night, one in particular where the Gemenids meteor shower was just starting"
a checkup on 5 of my current projects/goals. currently these are 1. learn to lift weights, 2. write 50 "identical" poems, 3. write a new syllabus, 4. practice mindful spending, 5. improve at woodworking.
a checkup on 5 of my core values. currently these are 1. adventure, 2. connection, 3. play, 4. sensuality, 5. sustainability.
reevaluating projects and values to focus on next
since you mentioned wanting to remember things-- when i'm putting this together i draw extensively from my tumblr archive/likes, calendar, photos app, recent playlists, and letterboxd and storygraph accounts. curating this kind of ephemeral data into a more permanent and thoughtful record is really satisfying to me. i privately call this method "wrapped" a la spotify... like i'll have a big entry for "fall 2022 wrapped" and then "winter 2023 wrapped" and so on. i do all this on the app notion and file the seasons on one big page so it's easy to click into one and remember what i was doing and thinking about. (i also converted my dream journal to a notion database. i've logged about 300 dreams in here and love that i can tag by character/feature.)
over the years i've also kept a more classic diary via text documents that's less structured, just spitting out whatever's on my mind with the date at the top. i tend to do this frequently for a while, then ebb off, then restart another doc, rinse and repeat. i also have a few physical notebooks (including these two) but the digital stuff is way more extensive as i prefer to write on the computer.
if i were going to recommend any of this, i would say the visual format of the slides journal was really compelling because i liked the aesthetic freedom but i also love the "wrapped" lists because they seem to cut to the core of an era's texture. in the future i'd like to try to integrate these aspects together! 📓
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cinnaomorashi · 21 days
im responsible for picking up my cousins after school and today, i decided to bring my husband along. i made sure to use the restroom at his house before we left since i have a small bladder 😓 we left and parked to wait, but 20 minutes in, i felt *super* uncomfortable.
i tried distracting myself by talking to my husband and painting my nails but i only managed to take the polish off until i couldnt stop squirming. he patronizingly asked if i had to pee and i scowled at him since it was obvious lol. but i tried to hold on. i had about 40/50 minutes until i was able to use the toilet at my house, but i literally struggled to hold it all.
true, i was casually sipping from my water, since hitting his vape and cart kept making my mouth dry, and being hydrated is good for you anyways. i just didn't expect it to get to me so soon. i literally used the toilet about thirty minutes prior.
thankfully the day before we stopped by mcdonalds and i accidentally forgot to throw away my small cup. i kept eyeing it as i was scrolling through tumblr to distract myself. it just.. didn't work. only about 10-20 minutes later i absolutely couldn't sit still. my legs were crossed tightly and i couldn't stop shaking. at this point my husband was scrolling through instagram, showing me videos that he *knows* i will laugh at. i did end up laughing at a couple of them, making me actually leak. i lightly hit him and told him to stop, even though i enjoy him teasing me.
the dampness of my panties started to drive me crazy and 45 minutes in, i grabbed the cup and jumped into the backseat. i struggled to pop the top off of the cup and to pull my pj shorts and panties down. i began to dribble and i almost panicked. there was hardly any room in the backseat for me to squat and pee, but i managed to sit myself up and position the cup underneath me.
the hissing was louder than the ac and music in the car, which embarrassed and turned me on at the same time. i trembled as i squatted over the cup, feeling the warmness through it. i actually moaned, just because i could. it felt *so* rewarding, even though i was only holding for about 45 minutes. i couldn't even make it to an hour. 😅
when i was finally done, my hand shook from how relieved i was, but i had to stop since the cup was filled to the brim. i carefully put the lid back on and passed it to my bf, feeling a couple drops spill onto my hand. i asked him to pour it out as i tried to clean myself up with tissues, then clean up any damp spots in the back. always keep a small, emergency car cleaning kit friends! it's soo helpful if u love omo just as much as u love driving.
i crawled up to the front seat and sighed. my husband turned to me and said, "you could've held it longer, sweetheart." of course, i sent him another glare since we both knew i clearly *couldn't*. but at the same time, i wondered how much longer i could *really* hold it, as if i didn't have the cup to go in. like running errands except i can't use the toilet until i get home, preferably with my husband in case things go wrong.
either way, i was glad that i still didn't have to pee anymore. an overwhelmed bladder and school traffic with a side of college game day traffic does not mix well with me.
long story short, don't hit ur nic/cart if u have a small bladder and have to wait a while to use the toilet (for those who don't smoke, vapes and carts make ur mouth dry, especially if u hit them back to back or hitting them for long periods of times). regardless, stay hydrated friends! water has so many benefits, but too much can be bad, so stay safe as well! <3
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Bracket H - Fifteenth Set
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Rusalka and the Shepherd Girl - The Forgetmenauts
“It's about an entity from slavic folklore!!! which is so so fun!!! I have no comprehensible thoughts about this song. It's SO good and i'm losing my mind over it. It's also very queer. which is a given because.........well yeah it's the forgetmenauts. […]” & “SO BASICALLY!!! YEAH IT'S A SONG ABOUT A RUSALKA AND A SHEPERD GIRL WHO SHE LURED INTO THE RIVER!!! HELL YEAH!!! DROWNING FOR LOVE!!! WITH THEMES OF SINNING AND CHRISTIANITY!!! ITS SO SOSOSOSO FUN!!! The coven (a group of like....30-50 people on tumblr who go ballistic over the forgetmenauts) is SO not normal about this song. it's in the top 3 songs we all collectively lose our minds over on a regular basis.”
He of Sidhe - Alexander James Adam
“fantasy celtic” & “okay so. listen. this is the Official Canon Lore of the world's most iconic transmasc elder. It tells the story of how he defeated the Faerie Queen in a Fiddle Duel in order to escape fairyland and (re)claim his rightful place in the real world, from the Changeling who was so long ago left in his place, and whose music career he inherited (after proving himself Worthy in this duel, of course.) This is a legend of the grandest proportion and the man is iconic, as previously stated.”
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beggars-opera · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 84,334 notes - May 27 2023
Rocky Horror is turning 50 next month and people still act like being gay was invented by Ellen in 1997
2. 83,389 notes - Jan 29 2023
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3. 81,080 notes - Jan 4 2023
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4. 73,685 notes - Jun 17 2023
Kind of hard to believe there was once a time where a legitimate genre of post was "my mom says if this gets 2k notes she'll buy...
5. 50,381 notes - Jan 4 2023
I hate, hate, HATE the term “affordable housing.” I hate that we’ve normalized it. I hate that we just accept that the majority...
6. 39,333 notes - Nov 30 2023
Mitch McConnell next, like to charge reblog to cast
7. 32,329 notes - May 28 2023
Your honour, I admit that I do have a superiority complex over not watching Disney "live action" remakes, but in my defense, I...
8. 31,496 notes - Feb 26 2023
Görkem Şen is a Turkish musician who wanted to create the sounds of electronic music acoustically. His invention, the yaybahar,...
9. 25,703 notes - Oct 17 2023
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10. 24,405 notes - Apr 18 2023
The millennial litmus test for sexuality was 100% Pirates of the Caribbean. I was 13 when the first movie came out. Literally...
Created by TumblrTop10
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fireflychaosdemon · 1 month
ok I have decided to cave and do one of the notes things
10 notes: I will wear a blue hair extension on the first day of school with my goth dress (you are unable to convince me out of wearing the goth dress)
edit: I am unable to find the blue one so I’ll probably wear the purple one
50 notes: I will go through all my old asks and answer them with apologies for taking so long
100 notes: I will start working on my ability to climb trees because there is only one tree I have been able to climb properly so far
200 notes: I will go back to playing hollow knight after I rage quit because I couldn’t beat the first boss
300 notes: I will attempt to get back into the warrior cats series solely so I can finish all the books I have
400 notes: I will post all my old Wings Of Fire oneshots in a book on Ao3 (they’re all posted on wattpad from when I had an account, but I have not posted them on Ao3)
500 notes: I will start annoying my grandmother to actually keep her promise to teach me how to sew (may change this later if she decides to teach me before I get to 500 notes)
600 notes: I will put myself through emotional torture by rereading the ACOTAR series and rant on Tumblr about it (so basically if you like to see me suffer)
700 notes: I will attempt to memorize a musical of your choice that I have not listened to before at all (I will make a poll)
800 notes: I will attempt to draw a character from any video game requested (will make another poll)
900 notes: I will watch one of my comfort movies no matter what comments I get about it from my parents
1000 notes: I will watch a movie that I haven’t seen in a while that you all pick (again, will make a poll of my top twelve choices)
and I might add some more if we get there but I need ideas
no other rules though
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
CINEMA {Chapter I}
A/n: Someone wrote a lovely comment describing y/n and harry as “ ex lovers with unconditional love that never truly go out of style trope” which is now my very favorite way to describe it, unfortunately, my careless self deleted the comment while trying to delete my own reply—because I post it without being finished (tumblr doing me dirty)— so I dedicate this to her/him/they (?), thank you for the amazing comment.
Thank you to everyone that replied to my desperate need of help to choose Y/n ‘s ex-boyfriend…
I honestly hope not to disappoint you guys with this first chapter, I just wanted to give a first glimpse of Harry and Y/n’s ‘friendship’ dynamic. Also, it’s almost Harry’s birthday!!
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Cinema | Previous Part 1.Boyfriends
Harry holds the door open with one hand, as he hold a cup carrier with four coffee drinks in the other—Luis is arriving soon, and Rebekah must already be somewhere in the house with Y/n—, he doesn’t know most of the people passing by him, from the group of fifteen+ he recognizes Chrystal, Y/n lawyer—who in more than one occasion back when they’re dating, managed to get out of circulation invasive paparazzi shots of the young couple—and Monica, her publicist since 2012, Rebekah was right behind them, escorting them all to the door.
Rebekah is their age, pixie hair, New York accent, always in flowy blouses and high waist jeans, Y/n’s PA, friend and confidante.
“Good morning H, I am going to take this, thank you.” The woman took her usual order and went back inside, turning back a few steps in, “She’s in the music room.”
“Thank you Bekah.” He said closing the door behind himself and taking the opposite direction from the PA.
The music room was one of Y/n favorite places in her house, a large space with two walls made of glass overlooking the pool, with a view of the city and the park. It’s where she keeps her prized Concert Grand Piano in custom Sycamore wood adorned with a gold leaf mural of London’s skyline around the entire case of the piano, a twenty-first birthday gift by Harry—which her boyfriend at the time saw as competition and got her a 61’ Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II in an auction. 
Y/n’s enviable guitar and vinyl collections occupied the two inner walls, the only sitting furniture in the room—other than the piano bench—was the Bellini U-shaped couch from the 70’s in burnt orange velvet and Gucci throw pillows. The piece de resistance was the Brionvega RR126 Y/n inherited from her grandfather.
He found her laying in the couch reading what seemed to be a script.
She looked completely fine for someone who just sold 50% of what she called ‘her first born’, Harry was honestly expected a little bit of nostalgia or melancholia from his little love.
“Got you coffee.” He put the cup in her hand and kissed the top of her head as a greeting before sitting down next to her, his own coffee in hand.
Y/n hadn’t even took her eyes out of the pages.  
“How are you feeling?”The question finally made her put the script down on her lap, and sip her coffee before looking at him.
“I feel like I just sold half of my soul to the devil for $500million dollars.” She said deadpanned. 
Harry looked at her with furrowed brows. 
“So why sell?” He asked slightly confused.
Y/n had started Muse unpretentiously, her goal was simply to offer to the costumers something that lacked in the market: an all-inclusive, vegan, high quality and affordable priced make-up and skincare line. Muse became a beauty empire that included even daily/basic lingerie and loungewear in 69 sizes and 15 nude colors—going by Y/n’s philosophy that basic doesn’t need to be ugly, ‘nude tones’ meant different shades from beige and pretty stuff should fit everyone. 
It was her passion project. 
“I don’t have the hours in a day for everything I need to do, and I want to have a life, I want to be able to dedicate myself to relationships.” She said honestly. “LVMH is the same parent company that owns half of Fenty Beauty, they are the only ones that agreed to my terms, I get creative control and veto vote, the company philosophy stays the same, I am getting a female CEO of my choice, and Muse gets global distribution, we’re going to be available at Sephora, Harvey Nichols, Boots, Ulta at a even more affordable price.”
Harry nodded. She has handing over some control of her company to have more control of her life. It was almost poetic in a sense.
“And what is this about?”the 'Adore You' crooner points to the script on the youngest's lap, he knew her well enough to know when he need to change the subject.
“Robert Eggers’ new project...but first...”She stops, looking seriously at Harry, “how was it with Olivia?”
Harry and Olivia had agreed to meet that morning to discuss their relationship.
Olivia apparently felt that tempers had run out, and that everything had been left very much up in the air.  
Y/n didn't even know what was going on between the two until her former director called Harry the night before while they were getting ready for dinner, and even then she had only managed to get Harry out of the fact that they had had a fight before he came to her aid.
She had a suspicion there was trouble in paradise after Harry spent the third night in a row sharing a bed with her without his girlfriend's interference.
The man sigh, close his eyes and rest his head against the back of the couch.
“Was it that bad?” Y/n watches Harry closely.
Y/n honestly didn't like Olivia, and it wasn't even because the older one was dating Harry—which she personally found unethical and unprofessional, the kind of thing that causes a stain in someone’s career, specially with the whole scandal surrounding it.
The former Angel could write an entire essay about all her reasons to dislike Olivia Wilde, but in short it would resume to Olivia was simply an amalgamation of the kind of person Y/n looked down on in the industry: ambitious personality, fake character, and acting according to convenience.
She would never mistreat the woman or say a word against her in front of Harry, but that didn't mean she approved of their romance. 
And Y/n knew Olivia didn't like her either, she could see it in the older woman's catlike eyes, her years in the fashion industry made her perceptive of those kind of things. 
Olivia tolerated her for Harry, and had unwillingly offered the role of Violet to her under pressure from Warner Executives who saw Y/n as yet another money grab for the film—like Harry, she had a fanbase and more Instagram followers than the entire cast put together—and which she only accepted at Florence and Harry's request.
“We talked, we agreed that after our fight it's best to take some time off from each other, I have the tour, she still has to sort it out with Jason regarding the kids, we'll keep in touch, but we'll have a more definitive conversation when this leg of the tour is over to know where we stand.” He told her everything in one breath.
“And how do you feel about that?” The woman take a sip of her coffee.
Harry sighs again, running his hands through his hair in an anxious gesture
“I honestly don't know.” He confess. “I care about Olivia…”
“But you don’t love her…”Y/n completed. “That’s tough.” She nodded. “Do you think it’s a matter of time? Like, you can come to love her?”
“Yeah, sure…”He don’t look so sure. “Olivia is cool, she’s so intelligent and eloquent…” Y/n wide her eyes a little, condescending and pretentious fit Olivia better in her opinion. “If I am honest, our relationship hasn’t been a thought in my head for three days, this kinda of says something…”
“This actually screams something.” She said against her coffee, only to get a disapproving look from Harry. “H, you mistook the excitement of the honeymoon phase for something else and you stepped heavy footed into the relationship, I mean you moved her in three months after you guys started to date, we all told you it was too soon…”
“She needed a place to stay, things with Jason were though.” Harry defended his actions.
“And why is that?” The question was rhetorical, followed by a humorless laugh. “H, I love you, but you’re too good for this world.”
Harry looks at her with his brow frown. “Why?”
“My Love, everyone knows she broke up with Jason after you guys blurred the line, Florence told me that Jason and her acted pretty couple-ish the times he took the kids to visit, and that only changed after you started to spend too much time in her trailer.” Y/n told him what her and the girls had debated so many times before in their slumber parties over copious amounts of tequila. “Even Gemma agrees, and she’s like completely against talking about peoples life.”
The man stayed silent for a moment, absorbing what he had heard.
There was only one thing he wanted to know after hearing her thoughts.
“You never said anything against the relationship before.” It wasn’t even a question
“Because I want you happy, and you seemed happy with Olivia, that’s all I care about, it doesn’t matter if I don’t like the woman,” she answers with honesty. “I would never criticize your taste in women, the same way you never criticized my bad choices in men.” She jokes to lighten the mood.
Harry chuckles, eyes closing and dimples showing. 
The musician stopped criticizing Y/n’s boyfriends after the second time she got back with Abel after he got together with Selena while they’re on a break—he did wrote her na album as na apology. He kept quiet about Charlie—needy, jealous Charlie—, and bit his tongue with Jack—flirting, handsome Jack, even Harry would have to admit the younger man knew how to be charming—.
He liked Jack less than he liked Abel.
And he had despised Abel because they got together not long after their break up, and Harry was still hung up on her, regretting his decision to end their relationship. But it was too late, Abel swapped her off her foot the minute their break-up was announced, taking her on a first date in Dubai just months later, the beginning of their whirlwind, world wide romance that just ended for good in 2019.   
Jack, Harry hated him because he seemed less invested in the relationship than Y/n. He showered her with flowers and gifts and pretty words, but he was always away and it was always Y/n traveling to him. His Little Lovie was a woman in love with love, she always invested herself in the relationships, and was always heartbroken when things didn’t worked out in the end.
They were interrupted by Rebekah holding a lovely flower arrangement in her hands and an apologetic expression on her face. “Y/n…” 
The actress turned to where her PA stood in the doorway, the young woman rolled her expressive eyes at the peonies, ranunculus and carnations bouquet. 
“Beks…” Y/n sigh. “Just put it in the guest house, will you? Please.” She asked, and the held up her hand, stopping Bekah from leaving the room. “On second thought, it would be sad to let all those beautiful flowers go to waste, see if you can get a van to transport them all to the nearest nursing home.”
The assistant nodded and was already turning to leave the room and start to making calls when this time it was Harry who stopped her.
“Call Jeff, we have a van to transport instruments that you guys can use.”The musician offers.
“Thank you, H.”The young woman said honestly, with a bit of relief showing in her face.
The former couple turned best friends watch her leave the room before going back to their conversation. 
“Is he still sending you flowers?” He points to where Bekah disappeared with the flowers. 
Y/n just rolls her eyes. “I feel like I can open my own flower shop.” She takes another sip of her coffee. “He’s still blowing my phone.”
“Are you going to talk to him?” Harry takes a sip of his coffee, watching her closely.
“NO!”She says categorically. “I played this back and forth game with Abel, I am not doing it again with Jack.” She sighs. “But I still have to see him at least at the VMA’s, I can’t pull back at the last minute.”
“Shit, I had completely forgot about that.” Sometimes he forgot that she was what the industry called a triple threat: she acts, she dances and she sings, she had already used her voice in three movies. 
With her always dating musicians, it was actually an impressive feat that none before Jack had put her vocals on a track—Harry did, but they aren’t dating at the time he recorded her for TPWK. 
No one ever thought that ‘Into Your Arms’ would blow up the way it did, it was a romantic—that in some ways reflected Y/n and Jack’s relationship at the time—song, and Tik-Tok and Instagram Reels made it a huge sensation.
“Yeah, we have to perform it on the 11th.” She honestly wished there was a shot of vodka in her coffee. “Let’s talk about nice things now, My Love.” She lifts the nearly forgotten script from her lap pushing it towards him. “I need you to do this with me."
{next part}
Taglist: @slutforcoffein ; @lilsiz ; @pandxthings ;
@ameerakane20 ; @angywritesstuff
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faulty-writes · 9 months
[ Hello followers and or fans, I present to you, Chapter Three of my Tensei holiday series. You can find the first few chapters by searching this tag on Tumblr or you can find Chapter One by clicking this link. This series will probably go on into early next year, but we could all use a little more Tensei in our lives. ]
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[ Nothing could get worse between discovering his letter and the broken heart you felt...or so you thought. After arriving at the Iida Estate for the scheduled dinner, Tensei’s parents finally tell you what they want to talk about. Unfortunately, it’s not what you expected and despite declining their offer, they aren’t willing to listen to reason. On the bright side, at least Tensei didn’t see it coming either. ]
On your way to the Iida Estate, you stopped by the agency, which was filled with eerie silence except for your hurried footsteps. It seemed every rational thought in your mind was absent because you couldn’t explain why you wanted the crumbled-up letter.
Despite your lack of sleep, you hoped that when you woke up, it wouldn’t be there. Maybe you just wanted to confirm if it was real or not. Unfortunately, that ache in your chest returned immediately when you spotted the torn and crinkled piece of paper.
It was tempting to tear it apart, but instead, you folded it up and tucked it inside your burgundy blazer. Although you were certain that the Iida family members would all be wearing formal attire that you could only hope to afford, you tried your best to coordinate an outfit that would at least please them.
In addition to your blazer, you also wore an ivory-colored, button-up shirt. The collar of it was adorned with a silky black bow tie which matched the black-hued trousers you wore. The finishing touch to your outfit was a pair of semi-polished black dress shoes.
Overall, you hoped that you gave the aura of a sophisticated individual while also representing the festive season. You took a deep breath, willing the ache in your chest to go away. You needed to be mindful and alert during your visit with the Iida family, which meant you couldn’t let this distract you.
It was like being on a mission or apprehending a villain. You needed to be coordinated, calculated, and ready for the unexpected, which in this case, might be the conversation Mr. and Mrs. Iida wished to have with you. Yeah, you were still dreading that. But there was little to be done about it now.
Taking another deep breath, you locked the door to your office and made your way down to the main floor of the agency before locking the entrance doors and climbing into your car. “Well here goes nothing…” you muttered before starting the engine.
The drive to the Iida Estate was short, and the only thing that made it somewhat bearable was the holiday music blasting from the radio. In a way, it was comforting. But you frowned knowing that this festive time of the year would be over soon.
At least you could take pride in knowing that it was a productive year. This was evident because the Idaten Agency had made the Top 50 list of the Best Agencies in Japan, and you knew that was partly thanks to the new team members who certainly pulled their weight and made the agency just a little better.
The thought made you smile, and you knew that Tensei was also proud of the way you were taking care of his former agency. Nobody knows what tomorrow, let alone next year will bring. All you had to do was your best. This is what you reminded yourself as you drove past the gates of the Iida Estate.
After parking and getting out of your car, you heard someone shout, “Hey!” and turned to see Tensei rolling down the ramp toward you. Before you realized it, a smile came to your face. Guess that was the power he had over you, and his handsome appearance might have had something to do with it.
Like you, he sported a blazer but colored a deep evergreen with golden trim along the cuffs of it in addition to golden cufflinks. A crisp white dress shirt lay beneath his blazer, although the collar of it was open, and a silky red tie encircled it and you noticed there were small snowflakes across its fabric.
His tie complimented the bright red pocket square located on the left side of his blazer. His trousers were a deep shade of charcoal and black oxfords were on his feet. “You look nice,” you complimented, and he smiled. “Thanks, Tenya helped pick this out for me,” he replied, and you chuckled.
Yeah, that sounded like something Tenya would do. “That figures,” you said before opening the side door of your car to take the gifts you had gotten for the Iida family out. A moment of silence filled the air before Tensei said, “You look amazing.” You cried out when your head hit the ceiling of the car and stumbled to turn around.
The gifts you had piled in your arms fell partly on Tensei’s lap and on the ground. He looked startled but immediately addressed your well-being. “Did you hit your head?” He asked, reaching out to you. “No, uh, I mean yeah but…” you rubbed the top of your head and like a ripened tomato, your cheeks turned crimson.
As you knelt to pick up the gifts, you hoped Tensei wouldn’t comment on the color of your face. “Y-you uh, just surprised me with your compliment, and uh…” You shook your head; this wasn’t how you normally act around Tensei.
Jeez, finding that letter really messed you up, but you couldn’t let him find out. ‘Right. He’s…my friend and I must be supportive. No matter how much it hurts,’ and boy did it ever. “Um, sorry for spilling those on you. I can take them,” you said, attempting to organize the gifts in your arms before reaching out to him but he rolled back.
“I can help you carry them!” He insisted with a smile. “Besides you seem a little out of it today, guess the busy holiday season caught up to you, huh?” Tensei had a way of being blunt when he wanted to be, and while that bluntness may come off as rude, most of the time he didn’t mean anything by it.
“Right…busy holiday season…” you replied before walking past him. “Thanks,” you nonchalantly said before respectfully removing your shoes and walking into the Iida Estate. The interior was bathed in a soft beige color, with white trim molding across the top.
The polished marble flooring reflected the light from the chandelier suspended from the ceiling. The center of the foyer was adorned with a grand staircase, its balusters carved with precision and created slender forms that enhanced the allure of elegance that lingered through the room.
At the bottom of the staircase stood a magnificent tree. A string of evergreen encircled it, and flickering lights of red, blue, and yellow provided it with an enchanting glow. Delicate handcrafted ornaments hung from its branches, and a sparkling star adorned the top of the tree.
Beneath the boughs was a delightful array of presents, each one wrapped in festive paper that created a vibrant hue against the marble flooring. Somehow the Iida’s always outdid themselves when it came to decorating and you looked at Tensei who too seemed hypnotized by the tree’s majestic appearance.
The sound of his mother’s voice, however, broke the hold the tree held over your mind. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here,” both of you turned to look at her. A sumptuous crimson kimono hugged her figure, its fabric embroidered with intricate snowflakes.
A green obi with golden swirls encircled her waist and layers of silk bellowed from beneath the kimono, leaving the impression of modesty and poise. The sleeves were long and flowing, with golden trim. On her feet, she wore plain white tabi socks with zori sandals.
Overall, she represented a traditional elegance of beauty and charm. Things that made you feel somewhat subconscious about your outfit, but hey, you tried. She approached the two of you, a smile playing across her features.
“Oh, you brought gifts. Please place them under the tree,” she said, gesturing to it. “Oh right,” you replied, kneeling, and carefully placing each present underneath said tree, making sure the labels were facing the correct way.
Tensei rolled over and handed you the presents that were currently sitting on his lap. “Thank you,” once you were sure all the presents were organized, you stood up. “Dinner is still cooking, why don’t we have tea in the parlor while we wait?” She suggested motioning to the archway located to the left of the foyer.
“Oh, uh,” you glanced at Tensei who nodded. “That…sounds lovely,” you replied before bowing. “Thank you very much,” you leaned back up and made your way to the parlor. Much like the foyer, its walls were painted beige, and plush armchairs were scattered around to enhance the purpose of conversation.
The scent of fresh flowers with subtle citrus undertones mingled with the musky aroma of aged books. The large bookcase surrounding the room and the vase of fresh flowers on the ornate table that took center stage in the room were the sources of the smells.
Overall, the room conveyed a sense of comfort. However, this was short-lived because when you saw Mr. Iida seated in the furthest chair, you tensed up. The conversation he was having with Tenya, who sat next to him, halted when he noticed your presence.
A shiver ran down your spine when he locked eyes with you, and you were about to blurt out a greeting when Mrs. Iida brushed past you. “I’m so happy everyone is here,” she commented before walking over to her husband. “I’ll go make some tea, Tenya will you help me?” She asked and he immediately sprung to his feet.
“Why of course, I would be delighted to help!” He replied, chopping his hand rapidly through the air. You noticed his outfit was a little different from Tensei’s as it was slightly more casual. Instead of a suit, he was wearing a forest green vest that fit snuggly against his chest.
A white button-up shirt complimented the vest, allowing its stark color to stand out. He appeared to be wearing dark, well-fitting jeans that still somehow conveyed a hint of sophistication as did his black dress shoes. “It is wonderful to have you here, Y/n,” he said, his hand moving through the air again.
“I do hope that the festivities occurring today will not be interrupted as they were previously,” you knew he was referring to the incident that happened yesterday. “I guess we’ll see,” you replied, shrugging and Tenya offered you a smile before he left the room with his mother.
“Do you wanna sit here?” Tensei asked, gesturing to one of the open chairs. You were about to respond only to have Mr. Iida speak first. “No,” he said, his voice slightly raspy and authority coated it. You tensed up and looked at him. Like his wife, he too was sporting a kimono although a tad less colorful and more traditional.
It was a deep emerald and you noticed it was partially hidden by the haori he wore. A simple red obi complimented his kimono and was tied behind his back in an artful knot. He too was wearing white tabi socks and zori sandals. Tensei laughed.
“Do you want them to sit closer?” he joked, and Mr. Iida nodded before gesturing to the seat that Tenya was previously sitting in. ‘Oh boy…’ You grimaced and looked at Tensei for reassurance. He offered you a smile and lifted his hand to the side of his mouth.
“I’ll sit next to you,” he whispered, knowing you were still a little uneasy when in his father’s company. “Oh um,” you nodded and reluctantly sat in the requested seat. As promised, Tensei rolled over to take his spot next to you and locked his wheelchair.
“So, Dad,” he began engaging in casual conversation with his father while you sat there with your hands in your lap. It was strange to think you were a Pro Hero, and leader of Team Idaten and could talk to fans, crowds, and villains with little to no problem.
But Tensei’s father…that was an entirely different challenge. His intimidating nature constantly got to you, and it made your mind go blank, making it nearly impossible to speak to him. The minutes that ticked by felt like years, and the tension in the air grew thicker by the second.
Like a fish out of water, you felt like you were unable to get oxygen. Even as the chatter between Tensei and his father continued, you felt awkward. But like an angel descending from the heavens, Mrs. Iida broke the tension when she walked back in with Tenya who was carrying a silver tray that housed a black tea kettle.
Its glazed surface was adorned with a subtle depiction of cherry blossoms. Surrounding the kettle were five cups, each one painted with a unique pattern. You assumed this was so everyone knew for sure which cup was theirs.
As she got closer, the earthy richness and sweet undertones, somewhat reminiscent of roasted seaweed permeated the air and managed to put you at ease for the time being. “You can place it on the table Tenya,” she instructed and once that was done, she carefully poured everyone a cup.
You held yours snugly between your palms, enjoying the subtle heat that seeped through its porcelain body. The weight of the cup in addition to the overwhelming aroma acted like an anchor, grounding your troubles for the moment.
The heat intensified when you brought the cup to your lips and gently blew on it before taking a sip, enjoying the feeling of the warmth of it rushing over your tongue. “Ah,” you said, licking your lips. “This tea is delicious Mrs. Iida,” she smiled at your compliment and took a sip from her cup before looking at Tensei.
“Do you and Y/n have any special plans after dinner?” She asked, making your eyebrow raise. There was a good chance you and Tensei would be doing something after dinner, permitted work didn’t require your attention. But you couldn’t help but feel she was asking that as if she wanted to make sure there were no plans set in motion.
“Not sure,” Tensei replied, smiling when you looked at him. “I’m sure we’ll figure something out,” he said, giving you a playful wink before drinking his tea. You knit your eyebrows before Mr. Iida said, “Don’t make any solid plans.” You looked at him, watching as he drank from his cup before returning your stare.
His gaze was cold and authoritative but that could be because he didn’t want you or Tensei to argue with him. Luckily Tensei found his response just as concerning. “Oh, did you want us after dinner for something?” He asked. His parents were known for last-minute surprises.
Mr. Iida’s gaze lingered on you, making that awkward tension surround you again. ‘Why the hell is he looking at me?’ You glanced to the side and resumed drinking your tea, hoping he would get the hint that his stare was making you uncomfortable.
“Hmp,” he grumbled and rose from his seat to place his cup onto the tray. Mrs. Iida turned to Tensei, “Your father and I were hoping to celebrate something else today as well,” she explained, being as vague as possible. “Something else?” Tensei repeated before looking at his brother.
As if reading his mind, Tenya said, “I am afraid I am unaware of any premeditated plans mother and father may have contrived.” With that, he finished his tea, and placed it on the tray as his father had done. You blinked, trying to process the lack of information and make sense of it.
“Pardon,” all your heads turned to see a man wearing a toque blanche and a white double-breasted jacket. The sleeves of which were rolled up, revealing his rather dry-looking skin. In addition, he was wearing a pristine apron that cinched around his waist, a few stains were visible on the surface of it.
Underneath the apron, he was wearing dark pants. It was safe to assume that he was one of the many chefs the Iida family employed. He bowed respectfully and gestured toward the kitchen. “Dinner is served,” he said, and Mrs. Iida smiled.
“Oh wonderful,” she stood and placed her cup on the tray before instructing Tenya and Tensei to wash up for dinner, then she looked at you and your stomach twisted. Oh no, this was the part where you were going to find out just what they wanted to discuss with you.
That uneasy ache returned, spreading through your chest like wildfire and a feeling of nausea washed over you making your face appear pale. “Huh?” Tensei noticed your odd change in complexion. “Are you okay? Heh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he said, placing his hand on your thigh.
You paused, ignoring the tremble that coursed through your body like a bolt of lightning. Then your lip quivered, his touch was so gentle and loving. “Y-yeah,” you replied, swallowing heavily. “I-I’m-” The sound of throat clearing interrupted you. The two of you turned your heads to see Mr. Iida.
His arms were crossed, and his facial expression was stern. “Tenya, please assist your brother to the restroom,” he stated. “Yes, father!” He immediately and enthusiastically replied. Before Tensei could say anymore, Tenya unlocked his wheelchair and quickly escorted him out of the room.
You curled your fingers so tightly in your lap that your bones began to ache, you had never been so nervous to talk to Tensei’s parents before and maybe you wouldn’t be this nervous if you hadn’t read that damn letter. ‘Whatever happens…happens,’ you reminded yourself after taking a deep breath.
“Y/n,” you looked up at Mrs. Iida who was standing proudly next to her husband. “Y-yes?” you replied, bracing for the worst. “You’ve been a part of our family for quite some time now,” she said, walking over to grab your hand, giving it a gentle tug to signal you to stand up.
Despite the frown on your face, you did as she wanted and placed your now empty cup of tea on the tray. “I still remember when Tensei introduced us to you during your first year at Yuuei, he was so happy to find a classmate who supported the idea of his future agency,” she smiled as she replayed the moment in her head.
Yes, she knew something had changed in her son shortly after he enrolled in Yuuei’s hero course. That certain spark in his eyes was nothing short of admiration and she had her suspicions that maybe, just maybe, her son had found someone to fancy.
The day Tensei brought you home confirmed her suspicions and from that moment on, she hoped that the two of you would end up together. But as the years passed, this hope dwindled. She thought for certain you’d fall in love with her son after the Hero Killer incident that rendered him paraplegic, but again, she was proven wrong.
She knew that the only person her son had eyes for was you. And as far as she knew, you didn’t have any romantic interest in anyone. Yet, Tensei and you remained inseparable. She was very grateful for all that you had done for him and likewise, she assumed that you were grateful for everything Tensei had done for you.
So, there was no reason to delay the exciting decision that she and her husband came to. “We’d like to share the plans we have for you and Tensei,” you knit your eyebrows. “I-I’m sorry?” you replied, what the hell did she mean by plans for you and Tensei?
Didn’t they know that Tensei had feelings for someone else? Or so you assumed he did. The letter was evidence enough! He wrapped an arm around his wife, pulling her closer as if sensing your conflicting aura, and firmly said, “We’d like you to marry our son.”
Your world shattered when you heard those words, and your breath was stolen away. You had joked several times that it was a surprise that they hadn’t proposed that you marry Tensei, and now that joke turned into reality, and it made your heart both race and sink like an anchor.
The war of conflict between selfishness and selflessness and your heart’s lovesick needs versus your brain’s logical reasoning hit you like a brick. “I…um,” words weren’t coming easy now, and you squeezed your hands together, making your fingers turn red.
You swallowed thickly. “I…appreciate your proposal but um…” you latched onto your lip, trying to ignore the saddened look that fell across Mrs. Iida’s face. “I need some time to think about this,” you bowed before scurrying out of the room, guilt flooding your heart like a deadly plague.
This was just too much to process at once, who knew that your greatest enemy would be love? A frown decorated her lips as she turned to look at her husband, hurt and confusion shining in her eyes. It was not an expression he favored seeing on her and he vowed to fix it.
“I believe we’ll be late for dinner,” he said and ignored her perplexed reaction as he guided the two of them out of the room. The long rectangular dining table was covered in an ivory tablecloth that pooled over the edges of said table.
Fine China decorated with subtle festive patterns laid on appropriately themed placemats in front of each chair. The silverware sparkled with a mirror-like sheen and was placed on either side of the said China plates. The glassware gleamed like freshly fallen snow and stood at attention beside the complexly folded linen napkins.
A base of evergreen branches dusted in a coating of artificial snow surrounded by rustic pinecones lay in the center of the table. Their rich brown hues created an earthy contrast that gave the feeling of the holidays with a touch of the outdoors.
Along the branches were clusters of fake cranberries, adding a pop of color and further capturing the essence of the season. Three slender candles, aglow with artificial flames stood like pillars amidst the greenery and each one of them was dressed in a delicate red bow.
At the head of the table sat Mr. Iida, and next to him on the left was his wife. Across from her sat Tenya and next to him Tensei, and finally you took your place next to Mrs. Iida. You shyly glanced at Tensei from across the table as all of you waited for the food to be brought out.
A few minutes of silence passed before the savory scent of roasted turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, green beans, carrots, cranberry sauce, and mouthwatering dinner rolls filled the air. You swallowed as the food was placed on the table, and your stomach gave an approving growl.
As the last of the food was being brought out, you followed Mrs. Iida’s lead and unfolded your linen napkin before draping it across your lap. After expressions of gratitude were complete, Mr. Iida went to work cutting the turkey and everyone filled their plates.
The sound of silverware clanking against said plates echoed, as did the gentle clink of glasses. Regardless of the lack of conversation, there was a peaceful and familial atmosphere. You had almost forgotten about the earlier incident until the repetitive sound of a spoon gently hitting the side of a glass echoed.
Everyone at the table looked at Mr. Iida, the one conducting the noise. He stood up when he was certain he had everyone’s attention. “It’s an honor for the Iida family to be together to celebrate this festive occasion,” he turned his glance on you and unlike before, you weren’t intimidated by any means.
Rather you cocked your eyebrow at him, wondering where he was going with this speech. “And it’s time to celebrate the newest member of our family,” he said. While he knew you had declined the offer, he and his wife so graciously gave you, he would make it happen regardless.
This is what his wife wanted after all. There was no better gift he could give her than watching their son get married to the one she believed would make an excellent spouse. What? You looked around, almost as if you expected someone else to spontaneously manifest out of thin air.
Naturally, you became quite concerned when you noticed that everyone’s gaze was turned on you. ‘Why is everyone looking at me?’ You thought for a moment that you had food on your face or perhaps that you spilled something on your outfit.
But you quickly realized when you looked back at Mr. Iida that he was now gesturing in your direction. “Uh...” you glanced away, feeling quite awkward. Mr. Iida lifted his glass into the air, the contents of it swirling around as he made a toast.
“I’m honored that Y/n has agreed to marry our son,” he stated causing Tenya to jolt in his seat. He blinked, and his lips parted as he looked at his brother who was equally as shocked. But Tensei’s eyes were focused on you as if you would have the answer to what had just happened.
Your mouth hung open and you shook your head slightly as if to convey to him and Tenya that you had no idea what was going on. Well, other than the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Iida didn’t respect the answer you had already given them and were now twisting it in their favor.
You frowned, understandably angry, in addition to the other confusing emotions you had been dealing with since yesterday. Even if marrying Tensei would be a dream, you couldn’t let him do that if he had feelings for someone else. “Mr. Iida I-” he ignored you.
“I propose a toast to the new couple,” he said before looking at his wife who was absolutely beaming with happiness. “We’ll start planning the wedding accordingly,” with that, he swallowed a mouthful of his drink and sat back down. “I’m so honored that you changed your mind,” Mrs. Iida said, turning to you.
Despite wanting to tell her that you, in fact, did not change your mind. You knew that was disrespectful and you didn’t want to ruin dinner. So instead, you nodded and remained quiet as you continued eating. You focused your attention on your plate, refusing to look at the members of the Iida family.
Your mind was too preoccupied to carry on a conversation anyway. It was a strange feeling, you finally got the chance to be with the one you had adored for years and yet, you couldn’t because he had feelings for someone else.
Granted, there was no name mentioned in the letter making it nearly impossible to figure out who he was referring to. Asking Tenya did cross your mind, but you felt like that was going behind Tensei’s back and the last thing you needed to do was to hurt him.
The most important thing now was not your feelings but Tensei’s. If you could have a private moment with him after dinner, then maybe you could explain how you found his letter and ended up reading it out of curiosity.
You could potentially also explain what had just happened and how you initially refused the offer his parents gave you to marry him. You wanted to sigh but instead latched onto your lip. This holiday season just turned into a Hallmark love triangle tragedy.
[ Chapter IV ]
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weirdgirlification · 4 months
some thoughts i am putting on tumblr in hopes i will be better able to better articulate all this in the future.
idea of patriarchal incest in salò and lolita as discussed in prev reblog obviously relevant to twin peaks as well -> another twin peaks / salò similarity is the use of music in very violent scenes to create a sort of tonal dissonance (murder of maddy + driving around with her body. dance at the end of salò. etc) -> twin peaks specifically uses the song surrey with the fringe on top from oklahoma -> oklahoma also deals pretty significantly with people in power reinforcing patriarchal violence -> the auction at the box social + the whole will giving $50 to annie’s father to marry her plotline turn these women into commodities to be bought and sold and exchanged in a way that feels very similar to salò’s marriage of the daughters scene and also potentially laura at one eyed jack’s -> going from one man to another and never escaping also relevant in lolita with the abuse of clare quilty even her eventual escape being marriage to another man -> marriage explicitly tied to scenes of violence in both salò and oklahoma
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kairos-in-space · 1 month
thanks for stopping by :D
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My name is Kairos! Please please please give me nicknames and petnames! I love them!!
My pronouns are he/they/bun
I'm a minor in between the ages of 13 and 15
I live in California
I'm Jewish (pro Palestine, I do not support Isarael)
I'm a therian (bunny (primarily American fuzzy lop) + housecat + coyote)! I also funkin rats.
I have ADHD, anxiety, depression p, mild ocd, and (self diagnosed with research) misophonia
I'm queer (transmasc, agender, cupioromantic, quoiromantic, aroflux, bisexual, and polyam)!
Original posts: #kairos said a thing
My art: #kairos drew a thing
Lyricposting: #kairos sang a thing
My asks: #kairos answered a thing
My ocs: #kairos's ocs
Bigots in general
NSFW blogs
People over the age of 25
None of these names are real.
Ezra: He/They, my wonderful QPP who might get a tumblr in the future!! Aggressively brainrotted.
Sonic: She/Her, not normal about Sonic the Hedgehog
Athena: She/Her, kinda bossy and can be rude but she's nice and hosts slumber parties a lot :3
Pear: She/Her, best friend for seven years now! I surprisingly don't post about her a lot.
Allie: Any pronouns, my other QPP! Also a therian!
Elsa: She/Her, my wife (I definitely didn't kidnap her)!
Pinecone: She/Her, I don't really talk to her a lot but we used to be close
Roosevelt: He/Him, BRIT
Ruby: She/Her, best friends with Reece
Reece: She/Her, best friends with Ruby and the only straight person in my main friend group somehow
Thor: She/They, my adopted mother
The Owl House
The Hellaverse
Percy Jackson
School Bus Graveyard
Jackson's Diary
Dungeon Meshi
The Osemanverse
Will Wood
Penelope Scott
Madilyn Mei
TV Girl
Please do not send me chain asks
Only DM me if we're friends or close moots
Please don't talk to me about things like SH or suicide. It is important to talk about those things, but a bit triggering for me.
My strawpage: kairosthebunny's strawpage
My Youtube: Kairos - YouTube
My Pinterest: Pinterest
My vent art blog: @vents-i-guess
I'm sorry if I don't reply when you send me an ask or say something on one of my posts. I usually just don't have words or I'm exhausted
Married to @/touch-starved-lurker
I saved the divider at the top a while ago, so I don’t remember who made it, but ‘twasn’t me
Joined 9:50 pm, 10/19/23
Thanks for stopping by!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
No offence but why should people have to pay for stuff from you when 99% of creators on here would post the same things for free
Well, I really debated just deleting this. I really did. Or plain out blocking this anon. Because I really do try to ignore negativity in the inbox, truly, and normally do delete it. But I'll answer this one, in a mo', after I first say...putting no offense in front of an ask that is meant to be rude, to either hurt my feelings or make me feel bad, doesn't suddenly make it inoffensive. In fact, pretty much guaranteed that if you feel the need stick 'no offense' in front of something, you know it'll be offensive, or at the very least, rude, and you're trying to excuse a dick move. Question too...are you sending this ask to every fanartist accepting commissions too, or just the writers? My guess is a solid no, but hey, maybe you can prove me wrong.
Next point - nobody should be paying me anything right now. My commissions are temporarily closed. I'm not really accepting any at the moment because I'm on day 10 of a stretch of 12 days at work before I have one day off, after which I pull another 12 days before I get 2 whole days off. I'm struggling to find time to finish the two commissions I do have and to write to build up the queue on here again so I can continue to put out things on here again. I'm pulling at least one all-nighter a week just to make progress on those two things.
Again - free stuff. Because I definitely do offer lots of that. Commissions are done on top of me writing plenty for free, not instead of. It's simply not as long, or as detailed, and has rules around what I'll comfortably write.
Now onto actual commissions. All but two of the commissions I've handled have been incredibly personalized, either match ups for the actual person on the other side of the screen or working with people's self-inserts or OCs. The two that weren't were for incredibly rare pairs that don't have a lot of people writing for them (ShouheixYata from K Project and Sherlock Holmes (novel version) x Hiruma Yoichi from Eyeshield 21. Please show me even 5% of tumblr routinely putting out content for those pairings because I would enjoy reading anything from them.
For my match ups, smutty ones are at least 5 pages, while romantic and platonic ones have never gone below 7 pages and have, at times, gone as long as 15 pages and include intensely thought out explanations of why they're compatible with that character, what the relationship would be like, how the commissioner fits into the Canon universe, and at least 3, usually more other characters they could be compatible with, how those characters would know the commissioner and fit into their story and why the relationship might not work. I struggle to find blogs willing to do matchups even half that length and intricacy so please, direct me to the 95% of writers that will do that for free.
For my stories, the shortest I've done was 10 pages where I made a whole $1 per page. The longest has been 65 pages where I made $50. They all also come with a music mix and a storyboard with alternate ways the story could have gone and at least 5 new headcanons about the OC and the ship. Please, again, direct me to the 95% of tumblr writers willing to do that for someone else's self-insert ship or OC ship for free, of that length, with the extras. Most writers I know might occasionally write a friend's OC but not just anyone's and usually not 30-60 pages for them.
Long story short, I don't force anyone to commission me. If you don't want to and just want to enjoy the free stuff, that's perfectly cool with me! If you don't like that I take commissions, block me. If you feel everything I write is so generic and boring that 95% of other writers have wrote the exact same thing, my blog isn't for you, block me.
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