#tw homphobia
hewasmadeofthegalaxy · 11 months
Real unfriendly fucking reminder that queer indigenous people exist, have always existed, and your bigotry is NEVER fucking appreciated, ESPECIALLY not during Pride month
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dotthings · 1 year
Reading through new developments on stan twitter discourse on the jibcon related drama and having a big I TOLD YOU SO moment.
I TOLD YOU. The goal would be to ban it outright. I TOLD YOU this would be weaponized into an excuse to attempt to shut out Destiel fanart.
Nobody has yet, but Daniela, the con organizer, basically threatened to take all the toys away if queer people and allies didn't stop pointing out the problem with how queer fans were treated, and then the concern trolling dog whistling conformists showed up and started arguing with a fan who reasonably pointed out, why is this an issue if the actors are willing to sign the art, and then a homophobic busybody stan suggested all fan art should be banned and they only allow photographs for signing.
Slippery slope indeed.
And some people think we can't call this fascist behavior.
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the-spooky-children · 5 months
Talked about this in the tags of another post but I think I wanna talk about it on its own post:
I think hatred of Skid x Pump is rooted in internalised homophobia
Why? Well I myself used to HATE the ship (as some of you probably know), had the shippers in my DNI, everything, and my one reason was "they're kids, it's weird"
You know how in the shower and stuff you'll argue with yourself to boost your confidence? Well I was doing that and the "myself" I was arguing against in regard the to ship was like,
"Well, if Skid and Pump were a boy and girl instead of two boys you'd have no problem with the ship!"
And I realised
So yeah even though I'm queer as fuck apparently I had mild internalised homophobia and Spooky Month was the way I realised it
So after that I had a long think and decided that it was a stupid double standard and took Skump out of my DNI and went through my own ✨character development✨
So yeah, Skid x Pump dislikers, take a second to think if the reason you hate the ship is because they're kids or if it's because they're both boys
You might learn something about yourself
And if instead you're like "no I know for a fact I'd 100% feel the same about a het ship" then well done you passed! (/lh)
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waywardsunlight · 11 months
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Oh no! I wonder what this could be!
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Oh it’s girls kissing ig. 
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when-is-tuesday · 9 months
pov: you left your phone downstairs and your alarm went off and your mom FOR SOME REASON looked at your notifications and saw your friend text you saying "i'm so bi" and asked you about it but then when she questioned you you went to go feed the outside cat (what the alarm was for) and texted the friend in a panic and fixed it (although you nearly had a heart attack). when you went inside your mom wasnt there so u assumed u were safe but then she came up and u managed to smooth over the text but then she says "I just need to understand Blank" and started SCROLLING UP where there is VERY GAY FANART so u somehow stopped her scrolling but she read a text saying "how's golfing?" -Blank "good! Redacted grabbed my wrist" -me and thought Redacted was flirting with u when she was just trying to see your phone and Redacted is very homophobic then ur mom gave you a talk like "if ur friends tell you that they're gay, tell me. they're not aloud to tell u that u can't tell anyone" or in other words "I am homophobic and probably will advise you not to hang out with gay friends and also you aren't aloud to have secrets" and then she left and u cried bc u almost got outed and Blank almost got outed and ur mom won't accept u when u come out even if she pretends to be supportive and all this reminded u that Blank thinks there are 2 genders and nonbinary and agender are the same (sad genderqueer noises)
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femsplainingwitch · 11 months
It's the time of pride again. So sometimes I think I as a bisexual woman should make a pride post. Or reblog one. Or... something....
There is only One thing from stopping me.
I dont have any relations with pride. I never attended pride. And I often ask myself why?
One of the most obvious reasons one could point out my severe social anxiety. So severe that I couldn't even post things on the internet prior to 2020/2021. Because my anxiety also included - still includes - the internet. But that wasn't it.
Maybe one aspect of it is that I realized pretty late that I was bi. Only in my early twentys. I denied myself my sexuality - any of my own sexual desires because of CSA and the following PTSD.
But the biggest reason probably is my only memory of pride. I was a teenager back then. It was 2017. The year in wich the german Bundestag decided the "Ehe für Alle" (marriage for all) law. Tho that was after pride that year. I did some book shopping. And when I walked out my favorite bookstore outside there where A LOT of people. There were a lot of normal people. Gay men, women and teenagers. But then there were also sooo many well... weird people. Maybe it's wrong for me - an autistic girl - to call other people weird. But I can't call them anything else. They were clothed in black leather or latex. Some had leashes. Some where partly naked. Not that I have anything against nudenes - I live in Germany. My Parents visited the FKK beaches with me when I was a nothing but a toddler. But this was no 'casual' nudenes. This was 'sexual' nudenes. Display nudenes. I had a meltdown then and there - caused by flashbacks.
Later when I realized my own attraction too women I was disgusted by myself. Did this mean I was like them? It took a while to accept myself. And last year I really wanted to attend pride. I made preparations. I planned everything. But then I heard of the Fred Sargeant incident and thought to myself "Is pride still for the lesbians, gays and bisexuals? The same sex attracted people? What will happen to me if I don't conform to their view of 'queer'? Am I safe at pride?" Not that the 'Am I safe at pride?' Thought never slipped my mind. I thought about it everytime. But only in relations to bystanders. Not members.
I didn't attend pride. I stayed at home. I came out to my parents. My mother accepted it. My father called it 'halfgay' and is rude about it. As long as I never bring a girl home he is "fine with it" he told me. This may sound harsh but he is really homophobic and this is more than I had hoped for.
I think I will never attend pride. Not until they get rid of the 'kinks' and the violence against members. But that doesn't mean I am not proud. At least I am not ashamed anymore.
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ridiasfangirlings · 10 months
i think yata called yukari the f slur once, didnt he? wouldnt it be funny if yukari met yata again after him and fushimi started dating lol
In fairness to Yata it's entirely possible that was a translation choice and not what he actually said. Hopefully Yata learns it isn't nice to use those kinds of words against people though, like I imagine that being something where it's just Yata picking up words from other people and not thinking too hard about them. Like some time post-ROK Yata's waiting for Fushimi outside a bar for a date when he accidentally runs into Yukari, who was picking up makeup next door. Yata starts to apologize before he realizes who he just ran into and then he's like wait you're—you're...that fruity guy from jungle! Yukari is more amused by this than anything, I imagine him teasing Yata lightly wondering if the little boy from Homra is threatened by Yukari's beauty. Yata grumbles that don't you have any pride as a man and Yukari doesn't see what a man's pride has anything to do with beauty, Homra people like Yata respect fighting skills don't they and Yukari is well aware of his own strength compared to Yata's.
Yata's just about to say something that will get him in trouble when Fushimi shows up grumbling that he was busy at work and if Yata's not coming for drinks he's going home. Yukari is unexpectedly pleased to run into 'Saruhiko-chan' again and Fushimi clicks his tongue, palming a knife as he wonders what Yukari is doing here. Yukari says he was just picking some things up and Yata ran into him and starting insulting him, Fushimi looks over at Yata who's like okay when you put it that way. Yukari does think it's very cute that Fushimi and Yata are having drinks together and Yata immediately puts a protective arm around Fushimi's waist as he's like Saruhiko is my boyfriend and don't you forget it.
Yukari takes in that boyfriend and is like my, and to think you were throwing around words like that when you have a boyfriend. Yata has no idea what having a boyfriend has to do with what he said to Yukari and Yukari sighs like those words are meant to be derogatory to gay people you know. Yata's like 'dero-what' and Fushimi supplies 'it's an insult, Misaki.' Yata stumbles over his words all wait I didn't mean it that way, suddenly worried that Saruhiko is insulted too (though honestly Fushimi is probably bored by now and wants to leave). Yukari tuts at Yata, like it seems you need to learn to watch your manners more. Fushimi finally tugs Yata away because he wants to have his date already but Yata's all upset, like so was I upsetting you too by saying that stuff. Fushimi shrugs like it doesn't really bother me and I don't care if you insult Yukari, but you could find better words for it next time instead of parroting those idiots from Homra who don't think before they speak.
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merp-blerp · 1 year
I'm so done...
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frostcorpsclub · 8 months
does jack feel differently about his gay daughters than his gay sons?? (gay being used generally here obvi)
For the boys obviously being a boomer he stared out as pretty violently homophobic. It's a combination of being raised with the virulent bigotry of the 60s, the behaviors he learned from his father figure, and his desire to suppress his own bisexuality. He ties masculinity and heterosexualty directly to his worth as a man and he does the same thing with his son for a good many years. Through the power of James standing up to him and his male love interest coming back into his life he starts very slowly coming around. Though he's never gonna be pride parade "im here im queer get used to it" levels of supportive and is still often corrected by family members when his original rhetoric shines through.
His view of gay women is more """benevolent""" but not really any less harmful. He just doesn't take it super seriously. When it comes to adult women, being a misogynist, he mostly sees lesbianism through the frame of like "male entertainment," so when it comes to his daughters it's more like girls being silly and "thats what happens when you don't let them hang out with boys they'll grow out of it." Jack sees it almost like them playing a game, just a natural part of growth (which you know, is also part of him being in denial of his own sexuality, just the non violent side of it.) This is also something he grows out of but like? Not as much? Obviously he sees with Suzy and Virginia and his daughters that lesbian love is REAL, he just still is a little patronizing about it (or crude when it comes to Suzy and Virginia specifically.)
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So on twitter a proshipper tried reporting a queer Iranian to the Iranian police because they called them creepy???
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boozye · 2 years
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Uhhhhhhh... ok mates let's just say I have some... issues with it. So no, not really. (Please don't message me about this. I will explain my stance and not talk about it any further.)
I used to be invested in the fnaf games a couple years ago. Used to be super into revealing the mistery behind it all, and all the meaning behind the hints Scott gave us. Even watched a few game theories before I decided I had more fun figuring stuff out by myself, wrong or right.
But I sorta lost interest after the 4th game. Followed Sister Location for the hell of it. It became too hard to follow and I sure as fuck wasn't gonna read the books or all the other suplementary material (that it just so happened you had to buy...) that was released.
Then security breach was announced. And the trailer really pulled me in. I really was grabbed by the aesthetic of the place and the characters, and the thought of "hey some mistery more removed from the original one" sounded exciting.
Then I learned about Sc*tt C*wthon's (owner and creator of the franchise, direct benefactor from sales) donations. And the disappointment was enough to kill any curiosity I had left.
For those who don't know; it came to light that Scott has made sustantial donations to USA republican lawmakers. Such as: Mitch McConell, who among other nefarious things, opposed a bill that seeked to expand axcess to voting and put a stop to voter restrictions, and defends the recent overturn of Roe V. Wade (and Scott's "pro-l*fe", yanno, seemed relevant). Tulsi Gabbard who introduced a Bill to ban trans women and girls from women sports. And the Cheetoh Man Himself. Among other people just as delightful. /s
And you know what? If he at least owned those "ideals", it would not have been so disappointing for me. He stood by and defended these donations.
He invoked the classic "I've never cared about anyone's race, religion, gender or orientation. I just treat people as people, everyone the same, and because of that, I've ended up with a very diverse group of people that I've worked with over the years." ("I don't see colour" anyone?)
Now, I don't think I need to explain why I firmly I believe in putting your money where your mouth is. I would not resent him as much if he owned some real shitty views but didn't make the donations. I know there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, but like, idk that doesn't sway me into ignoring what this man has done, and for all we know, keeps doing. Funneling money directly into the pockets of powerful people whose express purpose is making life harder or just outright harm those he claimed to care for. No middle man, no product in between the two.
So now I think about that whenever I see those games. I can't not think about it. He's no better than JKR in my opinion and his franchise something I honestly have the utmost indifference towards. An enabler of horrible ideals hiding behind sweet sentiments and words.
Yeah, he's done things better than other developers, for sure. Like take criticism (of the games). When a game wasn't up to his standard, he gave everyone a refund and made it free. He embraced the fan game community, even if it seems it might be too much for him to manage right now, and some developers seem to have a bad experience of it.
But the way I see it, that's the bare minimum anyone half decent should do (just because it's rare to see nowadays doesn't mean it should't be the standard). Supporting some creators, whether they are minorities or not, doesn't speak of his ideals as much as, once again, funneling money directly into the pockets of transphobic/homophobic/racist lawmakers, who work hard to make their land a more transphobic/homophobic/racist place to inhabit. And that weighs more to me.
Do not doxx this man, do not harrass him and do not threaten him or anything similar. Do not do it to his fans either. Or fans of his games. It will not solve or improve anything.
Once again there is no need to defend your liking of the game. The only person I recent is Scott himself here. But maybe reconsider giving him money by buying merch/games and stuff.
Article about it.
Video about it. (warning: mention of transphobia and all that stuff, as well was mention of invasive genital inspections, christianity criticism, the tone is angry, justifiably so, I believe)
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Hiiiii! Victoria, peony, homophobia please!
Two prompts to go my friends! (Sorry they've been so off schedule lol, I'm hoping to have the last one up tonight as well). Since my brain needed an even number and I've now posted 7 Julie POV fics, 7 Rose POV fics, 7 Flynn POV fics, and 7 Carrie POV fics, I decided to round off the last two with some special guests. Thanks to @a-tomb-with-a-view and @joyandthephantoms for rigging my inbox <3
This prompt takes place in a new au @joyandthephantoms and I have affectionately dubbed "homophobia." WARNING: HOMOPHOBIA. The gist is-- Ray Molina deserves to be an imperfect parent Sometimes and that means he needs to make mistakes and unlearn some things after he's hurt his children with them. Don't worry, he'll get there. Enjoy!
When Victoria gets home from a long day at the office, her niece is crying on the front porch.
“Ay, querida!” Victoria cries, getting out of the car immediately to rush over to her. “Julie, what’s wrong? What are you doing here?”
A quick once-over does nothing to clear up the situation. Julie doesn’t appear to be hurt— she’s wearing shorts and a t-shirt with a butterfly on it, and there’s no sign of blood on any of her exposed skin, no scraped knees or obviously broken bones. Just tears streaming down her face as she sits between the two patches of Victoria’s peony garden and a slight tremor to her hands as she tries to swipe them away.
“Julie, nena,” Victoria pleads, sitting down on the porch next to her so she can pull her niece into a hug. “Dime qué te pasa. Should I call your papi?”
“No,” Julie hiccups, shaking her head. “No, please, don’t— I told him I was going to the library to study, I— I don’t want him to know I’m here.”
Something sour burns in Victoria’s chest. She holds Julie tighter, even as her tone turns serious. “Julie, if you expect me to lie to your father, you better have a good reason.”
Julie sobs, clutching tightly to Victoria’s blouse, and then she says, “I told him I’m gay, Tía.”
Victoria goes very still. Her mind races with things to say— trying desperately to think of the right thing to say— because clearly however Ray reacted wasn’t what Julie needed to hear. “Okay,” she says finally. “That’s news, ¿sí?”
Julie sniffles, tense in Victoria’s embrace. “There’s this girl in my class… Dad kept asking me if there was a boy I wanted to take to the Freshman Social, but there isn’t a boy, and I— I know that’s not really something we’d ever talked about as an option for me, but I didn’t think he’d—”
She cuts herself off with a fresh round of tears, and Victoria doesn’t know what to do, so she just keeps holding her, shushing her gently, praying to God and Rose for patience and strength.
She tries not to hold any anger for Ray in her heart, not until she knows the whole story, anyway. He’s a good man and a good father. He’s also Catholic, from a smaller town and with older parents than Victoria and Rose’s. He’s not perfect. She can’t expect him to be.
“What did he say, mija?” she whispers, pressing her lips into Julie’s curls.
Julie takes a shaky breath. “He said what I was feeling was unnatural. Th-That I needed to stop thinking that way, that I shouldn’t tell anybody, that as soon as a nice boy came into my life, I’d change my mind. He said… He said Mami always wanted me to be safe and happy and I couldn’t be either if I chose that lifestyle.”
“Ay, Dios mío,” Victoria breathes, and gives up on patience. She and Ray Molina are going to have words.
“Tía,” Julie says, sniffling. “Would Mom be upset if she were still alive?”
“No,” Victoria promises. “No, nena, she’d be so proud of you. I’m certain of that. I’m so proud of you. You didn’t do anything wrong. And your papi will come around, too, okay? I’ll make sure of it.”
Taglist: @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @teenagedirtbag-dot-jpeg @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @julieandthequeers @joyandthephantoms @it-tastes-like-lizard @jatpfs 
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This is Twisted Wonderland where magic exist
I feel like Riddle's mum wouldn't be homophobic and it's like there is something for same sex couples to conceive children
Most definitely I agree. I just knows she's gonna go through all kinds of hoops to not get yiu to date her son though I know it
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kaitycole · 2 years
So she’s just gonna act like saying she doesn’t ship Driam is fine cause of a “personal preference” but that shipping Maxwell with males is fine cause he’s flamboyant? Did I read that right?
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ike-bana · 2 years
Can we encourage letting people exist? Like letting people who don't hurt anyone simply live their lives. People see someone trying to live their lives and assume they're promoting their lifestyle by simply existing. People see a gay person trying to live their life and say their shoving their sexuality in everyone's face and forcing people to be gay. No they're simply existing. People see a plus size person having fun and they make the conclusion that them simply existing is promoting obesity. No they're simply existing. Nobody is forcing you to be gay,nobody is forcing you to be plus size,nobody is forcing you to be anything. People simply just want to live their lives. If you see it as promoting anything then that's on you. LEAVE.INNOCENT.PEOPLE.ALONE
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My now-disowned brother and I are so different because he'll be upset if someone calls something of his gay and I'm working on making everything in my room rainbow
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