#tw nft mention
wildflowercryptid · 9 months
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ranking pokévillains based on what i think their stance on nfts are. no, i don't know why i made this either.
note for rose : i feel like rose wouldn't initially understand how terrible nfts are so macros cosmos would announce that they're getting into the nft market and get absolutely dragged to hell and back on pelipper (pokétwitter) before issuing a retraction and public apology. he gets why they're bad now, (especially after oleana sat him down and lectured him on how shit nfts are for like 2 hours.)
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fossilcookie · 1 year
Well this is no longer a Cookie Run blog, but I’m gonna share some OCs I made with y’all
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Name: Paza Ceaser
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/They
Bio: Paza is a collage student with big dreams of making it big, but at the moment she’s still a sophomore and is working a job in a local pizza joint as a delivery girl. They stay up all night studying for her classes and they have a long shift at work, her struggle to find a healthy balance between the two greatest stresses in her life has caused her to suffer from major sleep deprivation and what little free time she has is taken up by her sleeping at most 3 hours.
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Name: Pastra Gromynov
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Bio: Pastra is a demon hunter who was part of an omniphobic church called “The Holy Spear Of Old Mother Witchira”, she was brainwashed by them to believe that all outside their worldview was possessed and controlled by feral imps spawned from the deepest pits of Hell itself to lead everyone astray from the holy light of the afterlife. But one encounter with a supposed Inncubus named Velvetarra taught her that the church was doing more harm than good, and her whole life was spent under the very control the scripture said the unenlightened enemies of the church were under, and that the only thing close to a mother she had was a manipulative groomer who had done it to many people before and would continue to do so to many others unless stopped. Since then she left the church, taking one of their Holy Water soaked, arm-mounted, silver-plated crossbows with her, and she leads a smear campaign against them, exposing them as the real demons plaguing the world.
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Name: Sarbetto Charcarus
Age: ???(presumably 17/19)
Gender: Unknown
Pronouns: They/Them
Bio: No one quite knows Sarbetto’s story, all they know is that the form they usually take isn’t their true form, and they’re a shark-like merfolk when in contact with seawater, when in their human form, Sarbetto speaks in gurgles and bubbly sounds, perhaps they were cursed to be this way by a powerful siren, perhaps they made a wish to be like a land person on some cursed item. Whatever the case, Sarbetto seems to love the crew of the pirate ship they call home to like a family, who knows n, maybe one day they’ll be Captain Sarbetto.
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Name: Sikeumhan Gwanhak
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Bio: Sikeumhan is an adventurous soul, always looking for excitement in his life, one day he heard of a great and terrible dragonis known as Gonglyan, and set out to find it, he traveled all across the world, finding nothing, but as he was about to give up, he found a mysterious cave, he descended into it and discovered a world unlike anything he’d seen, a lush jungle teeming with life thought long extinct, he named the hidden world Young-ui Gyegog, and adopted one of the smaller creatures from it.
This is not meant to be taken seriously, this is parodying the point in time when Devsis was announcing something NFT-related and people were genuinely taking Cookie Run characters and going “you made this, I made this” cause that was annoying, and since they announced another NFT thing earlier it's gonna come back and I'm still gonna hate it cause character theft isn't cool
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Yup, also agree with another PR (OP) she's released stuff. TAFWVG behind the musical, the behind the musical singles, the passenger single and the gown audiobook. It takes a lot (regardless of what she's said about “making an album in bla bla bla, it's easy”..) to make these things. I know, I'm studying music tech. All this with evident mental health issues she clearly needs help with. She's only human. If she changes her mind? She doesn't have to do anything against her will. That’s abusive.
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ballsalsda · 4 months
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thevalicemultiverse · 2 years
Hey ladies, if a guy sends you an unsolicited dick pick…
Turn it into an NFT with his name as the artist, then share it with him the link to purchase. He will have to buy it from you if he wants to burn it and get it off the blockchain.
Alice: [pulling some faces] Eh -- I like the idea in theory, especially forcing someone to pay to get their own horrible dick pic back -- but even if you're doing it for an audience of one, I'm not sure I could bring myself to make an NFT. I want that nonsense to get punted to the curb along with dick pics, not necessarily being used to fight them.
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simnostalgia · 2 years
TW: Stalking, suicide, death, death threats, Zoophilia, Pedophilia, etc.
This is a long read. Sorry about that. I have lots of thoughts.
A Little Background for Those Not in the Know Regarding Sims "for profit" Modding Drama.
Okay, so I know I've already kind of talked about the implications of the new policy a little, but I haven't really talked about what I personally think about it. This seems like a good time though. I don't really expect many people to read this all the way through but honestly, I just wanted to say something about it.
As some of you know I was the old head of DHM (Dollhouse Mafia) and original founder. I stepped down a while ago because I was spreading myself too thin on personal projects and also, I didn't like the way things were going. I have nothing but good things to say about the current leadership, but it just personally wasn't worth it to me. ANYWAY, that being said, I wanted to put my thoughts about how the community has changed regarding its stance on pay content and how it used to be
So back in the days of TS2 PMBD acted as a receptacle for all pay custom content to be leaked. TSR, way back, was the biggest pay site in the community with several other smaller pay sites that specialized in hair or clothes. These sites generally had a specific style and very obviously made their own content. I couldn't tell you how much creators made but I know that other than TSR users it wasn't a huge amount.
So, The Sims team has pretty obviously always had a love/hate relationship with pay content. Even though it seems to have cooled they used to be VERY close to TSR. I know that they've always had a policy against pay content but it's never been enforced really. Like I said though, the only people who seemed to be making BIG money from non-passive income was TSR.
The reason that I bring this up is that I think the reason that things went so wrong isn't because of pay CC. I'm against pay CC and I always will be, we can talk about paying artists all we want but at the end of the day this is a hobby and if you're trying to use it as your main source of income you're in the wrong but I digress...
EA's Relationship with for profit CC
Fun fact, Patreon was actually started by the voice actor that played Teen/College aged men in TS2. I suspect that he got the idea from watching The Sims community try and set up their own personal online shopfronts and figured there was a way to do it better. I also suspect that many people who worked within The Sims Studio were pro-paysite because it created a demand that kept The Sims brand in people's minds. If people were making a living off of it then it was always being bought and you had people who basically HAD to buy it because that's how they made a living.
When talking about his new NFT (gross.) project Will Wright actually mentioned that one thing he didn't like was that piracy was taking place when Sims players were creating pay CC and others would pirate it. I suspect that the only reason they kept the policy they did was in case creators would make something that rivaled the studio in terms of quality (which according to Don Hopkins was an actual concern and part of the reason that EA's CC tools weren't super powerful, we couldn't create anything "too good")
Like anything to do with money, I think people who were mostly outsiders to the community realized that they could maximize profits through unsavory means such as flipping meshes quickly and reselling them from 3D modelling websites.
The problem is this created a flood of people who started using The Sims as their SOLE income and they began making good money too. Enough that they wouldn't easily be able to make that amount doing anything else without a serious career change.
Low Quality, Quick Profit, Unruly Community
So remember how EA decided they wanted to reach out and start the Game Changer program for the better by doing outreach to players by trying to interact with the community online. Then very recently they were like... trying to start a "sims social platform"? Yeah EA isn't really crazy about the fact that we're a self-sufficient community.
Most other gaming communities that have player made content tend to try and keep that player made content in an official store of some kind. Both so they can monetize it and use it as a selling point and also so they can control what can be done with it. Roblox is a GOOD example of how companies tend this sort of thing to play out. Communities that exploit creators and allow companies to control the player content, so everything aligns with the "brand".
Now, I'm just a person who REALLY likes The Sims and knows a lot about it so take it with a grain of salt but I suspect that EA is trying to find a way to keep us under better control. They've likely seen the messy fights that the patreon creators have been getting in. They've also definitely heard about the wide-spread availability of not just sex mods but sex mods that allow for pedophilia/zoophilia.
People can act like this has happened before in The Sims community but not like this. Before people were getting legal threats here and there and a few people were doing some bad stuff with the game but now we're talking doxxing, half of 4chan has started using The Sims as a sex playground, and people are making crazy money from it. EA was willing to overlook sex mods but I doubt they want a replay of the Jack Thompson case or to get the bad press that Habbo of Secondlife got for being bastions of pedophilia and perversion. It used to be that TSR was one company that made a lot of money and acted like a company acts to protect their business interests. However, now you have several HUNDRED people who were using The Sims as a get quick rich scheme and they were willing to attack community members to keep themselves living well. Not all of them, mind you, but it is an issue.
I suspect EA is worrying how this will look for the brand. It was okay when we were all creating a few mods and making pocket change from custom content. But now, because we've all been content creators we're getting better at it and it's causing problems (TM) for EA.
Both because their overlooking of pay content has backfired as it became more of a business AND because their players started becoming skilled enough to create things that both rivaled their own content and sullied their brand for outsiders and started attracting more and more unsavory types (cough cough ColonolNutty).
TL;DR: EA did this to themselves. They wanted the community to create for their games but didn't consider the outcomes of monetizing it. Now no matter what they do, some group will be mad at them. No matter what they do it's going to result in bad press... And you know what?
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 5 months
Fairy tale Au Post 1
TW: For blood, scars, mentioned murder, and slight gore
I love the Grimm Fairytales and Fairytales in general. So, I decided to make an au with Hello Puppets which takes inspiration from the tales intertwining in the musical "Into the woods"
Credits to Bright and Elena's picrews:
Elena's: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1855819
So here's a brief summary of the Au
I don't believe in Fairytales: When Sarabeth was 5 years old, she swore every night an angel-like woman would burst out of her grandmother's storybook to tell her stories every night. The stories, of course, were Fairytales in the book itself. The fairy would read her stories until one night she stopped as Beth grew older.
22 years past, and, now, journalist Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins finds the storybook in her mother's attic once more and decided it to a local library as she is too old for Fairytales ...or she anticipated because fate gave her an unwelcoming twist
After opening the book, Beth finds herself trapped in the book itself unable to escape unless she fixes the torn pages. With new friends and foes, Beth will try to find a way to return the balance of the storybook and the real world as soon she realizes there is more than stories.
1. The only romance to be found would be only with Beth and Anthony, the established couple of "The Iron Stove", and Owen and Amy
2. I took some creative liberties with the stories themselves for fun and for oblivious reasons
3. Stories do interconnect, as the fairy tale world is not exactly that complex due to the characters being from written stories (so here's the inspo from the "Into the woods")
4. Gremlin doesn't have a second picrew due to gremliness (picrew didn't have her blue
5. I didn't realize until too late there was an axe option
Here are some of the main characters!
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Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins
Story: Not yet written/Forced into "Red Ridding Hood" by book
Character role: The human from the real world/Red Ridding Hood
When she opens her grandmother's fairy tale book, she is sent to the beginning of Red Ridding Hood's story as she is off to see her Grandpa...until she remembers she doesn't have one.
But, hey, At least she got to wear modern clothes!
Although she is stuck in a world where danger constantly lurks around...
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Owen Gubberson "The Wolf Man"
Story: UNKNOWN/ Red Ridding Hood
Character Role: Unknown original role/ Big Bad Wolf
He appears to be the Big Bad Wolf in "Red Ridding Hood" but...he is not fully a wolf, isn't he? Maybe he is a werewolf or something, but there is something off about him...
And why he wants the storybook so badly?
Still, he is clearly someone to avoid....
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The Fairy Godmother
Story: Unknown original story/ Cinderella and other stories relating to fairy Godmothers
Character role: Unknown original origin/ The Fairy Godmother in fairy tales
It is unknown how she came to be a Fairy Godmother, or where did she originally come from. Some say that she was not a fairy tale character at first, or that she was responsible for the narrator to disappear.
Nonetheless, she was a benevolent protector, and helped Queen Daisy to go to the festival before becoming a Queen. She also did help many fairy tale characters before her disappearance.
It is rumored that she is still alive somewhere, but it's well known she lost an eye and a rose bloomed instead
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Rumor goes it was the Wolf Man behind the incident because she allegedly cursed him...
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Daisy Danger (The Baker Queen)
Story: Cinderella
Character: Cinderella, now the widowed mother of two charming twin princes
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful but sorrowed baker girl who lived with her wicked stepmother and brothers as a servant after her parents died. She dreamed to go to the Prince's Festival to have fun and not work for once. Sadly, her stepmother destroyed her dresses and forbid her to go to the festival. The young woman wept at her mother's tree until a mysterious Fairy arrived and gave her a lovely dress among with slippers. The girl went to the festival and became the belle of the ball as she danced with the prince. Her wicked stepmother never recognized her.
Eventually the girl had to leave and forgot her slipper, the prince swore to find her but ironically found her through her banking and the two fell in love and married and had twin sons.
The king sadly died at war and her sons were off to help. Thankfully, she befriended the widow of one of her step's brother, and a blind prince from far, far away
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Riley Ruckus (The widow with an Axe)
Story: Blue Beard
Character: Blue beard's wife/Daughter of Red Rose (Dora Ruckus) and Rapunzel's son (Manfred Ruckus)
Once upon a time, a vengeful trickster stole away the daughter of the late Queen (nicknamed) "Red Rose" and the late King for cutting his beard and breaking the curse on Manfred's brother. The trickster gave the child to a cruel couple, and the girl grew up to soon be married to a wealthy widow with a heart black as coal with a blue beard. The girl, however, was smart and managed to outsmart her husband many times. One day, the husband gave her the keys of his mansion so she could visit any room she liked except one with a red door while he was out in business. Realizing something was off, the ever so smart girl opened the door and realized the widower murdered all of his six wives, and she was probably next as the key to the forbidden room was enchanted so when she accidentally smeared it would never come off.
The husband return knowing his wife opened the door, and he took his sword ready to murder her in that dreaded room. However, when he entered, he never realized his axe was missing until too late. The girl bravely chopped off his head and inherited his wealth and adopted his dog. Her late husband's brother swore to avenge his brother
She sold his mansion, and befriended the Queen, who pardoned her crime and punished her cruel fosters. Now she lives with the Queen ready to find her home, and help her and the queen's friend, a blind prince, to find his sisters and break his curse.
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Nicholas "Nick" Nack (The blind Prince)
Story: The seven Swans/the princess with the star in the forehead (gender bent)
Character: The prince and brother of seven sisters/Nephew of Prince Snow White's princess (Nicole/ @dolly-royal OC)
Once upon a time in a far, far away kingdom, there was a king with seven lovely daughters. Sadly, the king was slowly becoming mad and obsessed with having a son to take the throne, to the point that he swore to kill his own daughters if the next child of his was a son. The queen hid her daughters in the forest and promised to raise a white flag if her child was a girl (meaning they could return), or a red flag if her child was a son (meaning they could never return.) A red flag was rose and the seven girls never returned. Eventually, the queen died, and the king married a witch, however the only son made a promise to his mother to visit his sisters behind his father's back. The girls loved and swore to protect their brother from any danger, until sadly the witch found out about them and saw the seven girls as a threat to her throne.
She cursed the girls to be swans, and then took the Prince's eyesight so he could never find his sisters ever again unless a gentle girl from another world's tears fall into his eyes, breaking his blindness.
His father died, and a mysterious fairy turned his stepmother into a mirror. He was eventually found by the dog of a widow, friend of a benevolent Queen, who took her under wing. Now he is trying to find his sisters and break the curse
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Until Beth broke his curse, and offered to find his sisters so he and the rest could get their happily ever afters.
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Mortimer Handee (The witch)
Story: Sleeping beauty and the Iron Stove/ Most stories with a witch (except from some like Hansel and Gretel. He's not the trickster in Riley's story)
Character: The witch/sorcerer of some fairytales
Once upon a time, there was a magician king who lost it all, and swore to get revenge on anyone that wronged him. So, he turned to dark magic and began to torment princes, princesses, damsels, knights, etc. He particularly cursed the trouble making daughter of a noble king into a deadly slumber unless the tune of a magical harp was played to wake her up. He then locked a handsome prince into an iron stove, before a lovely Princess broke him free. Furthermore, he turned the prince into a talking iron stove himself. He tricked a young farmer into buying magical beans to help his family, and tricked the noble king into lying to said farmer so he could retrieve the harp from a giant to save his daughter.
He spent around tormenting people, until he was threatened by the Wolf Man to take away his powers if he didn't help him capture a woman in a red jacked and her book.
Likewise, he decided to bring back to life a puppet of a childless toy maker in hopes to capture the mysterious lady and her book.
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Anthony Pierson (The Puppet boy)
Story: Pinocchio
Character: Pinocchio
Once upon a time, there was a childless toy maker and his wife. They couldn't conceive, so they spent their time making toys for children. After his wife passed away, the toy maker created a wooden puppet lad to become his son to cope with the grief. A mysterious fairy Godmother took pity of the man and brought the puppet to life. Sadly, the puppet boy wasn't exactly the greatest boy and had a complicated relationship with his father who left him, and the boy became dormant and bitter. Years later, a witch brough the puppet back to life with the promise he could make him a real boy and take revenge from his father if he helped him capture a mysterious girl and her story book.
Sadly he didn't expected that the fairy godmother that first gave him life, also curse him with his nose growing if he lied...nor that he would ended up falling for the girl (and vice versa), and wanting to help her quest.
Sadly the Wolf Man and the Witch aren't to happy about this...
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Angelize "Angel" Analyze (The feather princess)
Story: The iron Stove
Character: The princess in the Iron Stove
Once upon a time, there was a shy but wise princess reading books into the forest when she heard a sweet lad's voice asking for help. Hesitantly, she rushed to help only to find an iron stove. It turned out that the lad was trapped because of a wicked witch wanted revenge from his father, so she used a feather she carried to open the Iron Stove and free the prince. The two eventually became friends and fell in love, the prince proposed and they became engaged. However, the princess father was not thrilled with the idea of her daughter marrying some iron stove in the forrest, so he gave away the Prince's location to the witch that cursed the prince.
The witch turned the Prince into a stove, and the princess ran from her kingdom and father to help her lover return to his original self.
She eventually realized there was hope as Seven swans told her and her lover to find blind prince, a widower, and a benelovent queen to guide them.
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Charles "Charlie" Burlington (The Iron Prince)
Story: The iron Stove
Character: The prince trapped in an Iron stove
Once upon a time, there was a clumpsy prince charming, whose father tricked an evil witch. One day, the young lad was up getting a stroll into the gardens when an elderly man asked to him out get log and coal for his iron stove. The boy rushed and help the old man, but when he was about to turn on the stove, the old man (who was in reality the witch his father tricked) lock him in and cursed the lock so it would become unbreakable and no key attempted to be forge would open the stove. So he spent his days asking for help and begging for someone to free him, until a shy princess managed to open the stove as a feather was no key or strong enough to break the lock. They became friends, and then lovers to soon marry off.
Sadly his lover's father was not pleased and told the witch that curse him his hiding place. He was turned into a stove and became hopeless until his love return swearing she will find a way to break the curse
On their long adventures, he offered to keep a young swan warm burning log an coal on himself with the help of his lover. Touched by their kindness and their situation, the swan calle dher six sisters and told him to find a blind prince and his friends to help him break the curse.
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Scout Harper (Briar Rose)
Story: Sleeping beauty
Character: Sleeping Beauty/Briar Rose
Once upon a time, there was a trouble making but sweet princess running wild and causing trouble in the town. She eventually befriended a young farmer, after he took care of her stuffed Rabit. The two became friends, and she promised to tell her father to help the farmer and his mother. However, she was drawn by a spinning wheel in an old cabin and when she touch spindle, she fell into a deep slumber. This was because her father refused to invite a wicked witch, who was once a kind, into the part on held when she was born. The wtich placed a curse on her that she would fall into a deadly slumber when she touched the spindle of a spinning wheel (which his father foolishly decided to destroy all) and could be only be woken up by the melody of a golden harp.
Thankfully, her farmer friend found the harp through some beans and a magical beanstock,and helped her wake up. The down side, was that her father tricked him into stealing that harp from a giant living up in the clouds. So, the two basically became outlaws and now are finding a way to avoid the giant's wrath and get revenge on that witch man.
Thankfully they found a mysterious girl with a red jacket/cape whiling to help them out along with her friends. Sadly, she also appears to have that crazy Wolf Man and the Witch after her...
This took longer than expected, but alas I still got some more cast to create and work on more picrews as I got a lot of drawings to get done + Picrews help me visualize better and honestly I kinda don't want to get full designs of so many characters yet.
Anyways, I've been brainrotting lately about this fairytale AU, which kinda helped me bring back my energy and love for HP once again.
For those curious about what Charles looks like a stove as the curse does take time to break, here it is:
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He has eyebrows and his mouth shaped into a smile when he needs to. The Au of course takes into the angsty side but sometimes we need a bit of comedy to lighten up things up + honestly I could not resist the stupid urge to make this a thing
Ask box is always open and I would be thrilled to answer your questions while I work for the next batch!
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mellowscrolls · 2 years
Tallysin's Skyrim OC Masterpost
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The Dragonborn™
Destiny can't catch her alive
Dating the Daedric Prince of Light and Life (Begrudging Mutual Respect™ to Lovers)
The one my megafic is going to be about!
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Odesa Hlaalu
Avid Bad Girl
Routinely breaks into the Palace of Kings and steals Ulfric's socks
Skyrim's resident Domme
Definitely not on the run from her housemer duties
Distantly Descended from the Nerevarine
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Jaznan Fairsky
Don't Touch HIs Lute
Knifecat Energy
Other Bosmer call him domesticated but he really just likes the comforts
Keeps pigeons
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Niluft Tallbough
Expert Infiltrator
Loves his husband, Brynjolf
All work no play
A victim of Riften's Orphanage-to-Guild pipeline
Shortstack but still a Smooth Operator
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Eadwenn Snowshine
One of the Betrayed
Archmage and Dean of Restoration
Auri-El owes her money in reparations
Cool as a cucumber
<doesn't currently have a playlist but hopefully one day>
^^^ Picrew used ^^^
Honorable Mention: Valiendar, who does not have a picrew or quirky bulleted list of traits because he is my sadboy (tws at top of google doc)
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javic-piotr-thane · 1 year
years ahem nine fucking days later, my opinions on the VORTEX interview about the third boxset of Among Us!
[sincerely sorry i keep falling off the edge of the world like this, jobhunting is hell okay]
i have never heard of Janet Ellis before but i hope my fellow TW fans who are UK-based get a kick out of her being here!
ep9 will apparently explain a lot about the first two boxsets, which is fair, GAU ran on a similar plotting scheme i think
(and honestly i'm kind of dying to find out how it all connects.... i mean we don't know half of the listed plots yet (Bilis and Voloshnik happen in boxset 2 after all) but damnnn. really gives off the vibe of a HUGE machination behind the scenes!! and i still want to know what the fuck they wanted with Colin)
ep10 is the influencer one, then, and no one is sure how that's gonna land let alone how it's gonna hold the test of time - but there are many lines that are "probably unsayably weird". i'm already looking forward to it so much XD
after the fall of NFTs, ep11 "seems strangely wise". well then! i'm definitely looking forward to hearing more about "an auction that could end the world" (whatever the FUCK that means) and Torchwood Iceland hellllooooo
(i totally didn't jump three feet high when i read "Carcassonne" nope nope nope you've got the wrong boardgame-obsessed girlie)
Tim being adorable wanting to care for characters he loves stop i'm emotional ;___;
now for ep12, as mentioned i don't have a personal attachment to Janet Ellis but everyone's joy at her part in production is honestly making me smile as well; and the idea of the end of the world being covered live by a news show [is it a news show? it seems similar enough to qualify] is just golden, absolutely looking forward to that one
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k1mch1-pancake · 1 year
Introductory Post ft. Basic Info
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Hi there!
I'm k1mch1-pancake, but you can also call me Jeejee/Jiji or Sunny. I like drawing (both digitally and traditionally), knitting, making and eating food, and looking at things I find pretty, all of which I hope to do here :)
Since I haven't made a carrd yet, I'll be putting some basic info, DNI/BYF, and tagging system in the following points:
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Pronouns: she/her/hers
20 years old
Based in US
White + Asian (Swedish + Korean)
Virgo + INFP-T
College student
Chronically/mentally ill + ND
Cis + Aro-spec
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Basic DNI criteria: (no racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, islamaphobia, zionism, sexism, ableism, fatphobia, whorephobia, etc.)
No TERFs/radfems/gendercrits/transandrophobia "truthers" etc.
No proship/shotacon/lolicon/MAPs/"fiction doesn't affect reality" people
No raceplay/rapeplay people
No NFT/crypto/AI art people
No pro-ana/pro-ED people
No anti-SJWs/tradwives/MRA's/centrists/neoliberals
No antivaxx/anti-abortion/anti-science people
No Harry Potter/South Park/Attack On Titan/MCYT/Taylor Swift/Vivzie Pop/Black Butler/Hetalia Axis Power fans
Be at least 18 years old to follow
Generally inactive on most of my socials so if there's something you want to tell me/let me know about, it may take me a while to respond
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Personal thoughts will be posted under #thinkingthoughts
Art will be posted under #jeejeeart and/or #jijiart
Trigger tagging will be formatted as #tw [trigger]. If a trigger is comprised of two or more words (for example, body horror), then the space(s) between words will be included in the tag, kind of like this -> #tw body horror
If a trigger is mentioned in passing, it will be tagged as #[trigger] ment
Will tag sensitive posts where I am unsure if a trigger tag is needed with #ask to tag
And there you have it! A very basic, bare boned rundown of the rules and what to expect from this blog. I'll do my best to update it along the way as I work on a carrd with a better layout and a nicer theme, but I hope that everything has been made clear.
Thanks for reading <3
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1: Pretty sure it was a bot who commented.
Especially not with the help of ppl who do NFTs
I don't wanna sell my art
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While I’m talking about tech bro nonsense, I fucking hate NFTs. Not only is it a stupid concept that does nothing but hurt the environment, the art for all the most popular ones is so fucking ugly. Maybe I’m more hyper sensitive to dog whistles and subtle Nazi imagery than most from running this blog for so long, but I cannot fathom how someone could look at Jungle Freaks and not think “this artist is probably racist.”
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This is the first image of one of these creatures I saw on the jungle freaks website when I opened it. This art is not only bad and ugly, it looks like it was designed to be a white supremacists furry awakening. How was anyone surprised when this guy turned out to be racist. Fuck this. I hate it here.
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homunculusalphonse · 2 years
i know modern art has its problems but the impressionists didn't fucking die of poverty fighting against the art academy for NFTs to disguise as the "liberation of artists"
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mellometal · 2 years
Those are horrible for the environment! Commission an artist instead.
What a fucking tool. Of course he wouldn't give a fuck about our DYING PLANET.
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Once upon a midnight Dreary picrews
I actually have picrews of the whole gang, but I won't be sharing them until their appearances.
So, have our beloved Narrator, Riley Anne Ruckus and Dr. Gubberson himself
TW: for blood, knife and, scars.
Also, this is not a spoiler for what happened to Riley's father
Cretdits to Brightgoat and link to picrew:
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Riley Anne Ruckus, the narrator
Here are some fun facts.
As this fic is heavily inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, she's the person narrating her own tale of the events that led her right at the beginning of "Melancholy" (Chapter 1.) I can't say if she could be an unreliable or a reliable narrator considering Poe has used both. All I know she's the narrator (Not a hint on whether to trust her or not)
The inspirations for Riley in this story (+technically an AU) were of course "The Raven" and "Tell Tale Heart" with some small sprinkles of some of Poe's poems like "The Bells" and "Annabelle Lee." This is not a determinant of whether she's a reliable narrator or not.
Dora (Her mother) is briefly mentioned in the story, but Riley has an uncanny similarity to her with some obvious differences. This was a slight nod to "Morella" and it was briefly mentioned in some line.
I particularly choose her character to have a similar and inspired journey as the narrator from Poe's Poem "The Raven" and the narrator of "The tale heart" as her character is tight to themes of grief and revenge. This all I can say for now about what other inspirations I took.
Dora was not murdered like Manfred was. She in fact died by the sea. Riley believes she drowned, but Dora died of hypothermia. She was buried by the sea that Riley used to visit with her when growing up. If you couldn't tell by the first chapter, Dora's character is a reference to the poem "Annabel Lee." Manfred is also tied to the poem itself, but his character also tied to Lenore (in sense of poem and in the raven, but its more of a fatherly love.)
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Dr. Owen Joseph Gubberson, the main antagonist
Here's some trivia:
His story and character is also tight to Edgar Allan Poe's "Tale Tell Heart." If you ever read the story or are familiar with it, you could already tell by his blind eye. The story never specified which eye was the "vulture eye on", so this option looked best on the picrew.
Unlike the old man from the story he's from, Owen is far less than nice as the old man from the story was. He does keep his heart.
He is tied to the story "The Tale tell heart" as he's the antagonist of Riley's tale, but Owen (just as the other characters) has his own set of references. I believe Riley mentioned a slight word regarding Owen. It was a quick line but a hint. I won't spoil which other two Stories inspired the character of his, but I would give as many hints as I could.
His scars are not aesthetic. They were made some time ago. There are also tied to the reason of his eye, as he was not born with it.
Owen is not truly evil. He's an egotistical genius trying to prove himself. He's quite an antagonist, and has unknowingly (perhaps on purpose) hurt many others.
His childhood is the same as the cannon version of Hello Puppets.
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Oh my fucking god all of y'all need to stfu about NFTs. They don't care how ugly their randomly generated lions are. They don't care if you can right click and save. If you saved it on your phone you still can't sell it. That's what it's all about to them. It's the new stock. The new shares to hold or whatever, you get what i'm saying. It's just a new wallstreet, and i get where they're coming from, wallstreet can go fuck itself to hell and beyond. But the joke about NFTs is that they think these "Artworks" (🤢) have any reselling value whatsoever. They probably believe that there is, or will be, an actual marketplace, simmilar to wallstreet, where instead of buying and selling stocks, it's the result of some loser pressing 'randomize' on Picrew a bunch of times that's being bought. Any kind of argument about what NFTs do to the environment will zipp right past them, because they're the kind of people that would sell their lungs if it meant that they could serve as Elon Musks toilet paper holder. And any Crypto Bro that claims that it's helping artists is so high off of copium it's basically part of their DNA. So the next time you see a crypto bro save yourself the headache, please. Don't try to debate them, don't try to make them face reality. It's a fruitless endeavor. Just point, laugh, and move on. And if you ever feel dumb or bad about yourself remember: People actually fell for an NFT scam called Monkey Jizz. Just. Let that sink in.
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