#twdg 2 x reader
Fem!Reader x TWDG Luke - Part 2.
All That Remains | Locked away
23yo , Fem!Reader , slow burn , long plot , reader is in place of young Clementine .
Fandom: The Walking Dead Game, Season 2 Reader pronouns: She/Her
Wc. 6.7K
Warning: Brief indications of SA.
A/N: Things involving Luke will now start to pick up.
IN THIS EPISODE | Comfort, no romance, cute Luke x reader interactions.
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Y/N: We need to find a group. People we can trust. We've been on our own for too long.
Christa: Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore.
Stranger: Out here alone? In the middle of nowhere? But we haven't met anyone yet. How many people are you with?
Christa: I'm by myself!
Christa, run!
Christa, are you there?
"Sam". Well, nice to meet you, Sam.
Oh my God. Thank you! Look, Sam, a can!
It's okay. He's dead. Look, you can see the bite. Looks like he tried to cut it out.
But that never works...
I guess you're pretty hungry too.
Here ya go.
Hey! Don't eat it all.
I'm... I'm sorry, Sam.
Stranger: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
Now, on The Walking Dead:
ManWithBow: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
ManWithMachete: Come on, girl. We gotta get.
The man with the machete picks me up and carries me in his arms. They run through the forest past the approaching walkers. Once they outrun the threat, they slow down.
ManWithBow: I think... I think we're safe.
ManWithMachete: Yeah... yeah, we're good. Hey, you alright...?
Y/N: I... I think so.
ManWithBow: What are you doing out here?
ManWithMachete: Where are the, uh... the people you're with?
ManWithBow: I don't want them thinkin' we're doin' anything but tryin' to help you. Hmm... not sure how the group is gonna feel about another mouth to feed.
Y/N: My friend and I got attacked.
They will remember that.
ManWithBow: Hmm... these folks mention what they were after?
Y/N: They might've just wanted food. We were cooking some sort of weasel.
ManWithMachete: They attacked you for a weasel? Damn. That is low. 
ManWithBow: They might've attacked you for a different reason. Were these a group of men?
I nod my head yes.
ManWithBow: Yeah... Usually men like that- ... They might not have wanted the weasel.
My stomach turns remembering that moment. I was almost caught by that man. God knows what he would have done... What... could have happened to Christa. I start to tear up and become visibly upset.
ManWithMachete: Lets not think about that, okay? And trust that we're not trying to do anything similar... Anyways- They didn't mention any names, right? They weren't searching for anybody?
I shake my head no and try to calm myself.
ManWithBow: Hmm.
Luke: Well, I'm Luke, and this is Pete.
Pete: Hey there.
Y/N: Hi. I'm Y/n.
Luke: It's nice to meet you, Y/n. For now, we're gonna take you back to our group, okay? We got a doctor with us, and you look like you could use some-- ... Oh, shit...
Luke notices the blood on my sleeve and nearly drops me. He readjusts his grip on me, and gently places me on my feet as he stares at my arm wide-eyed.
Pete: What? What is it?
Luke: She's... she's been bit, man. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, what are we gonna do here?
Pete: Hmm...
Y/N: No! It was a dog!
Pete: I didn't see any dog, Y/n.
Luke: Come on, look, we just saw you with those lurkers back there!
Pete: I can't remember the last time I saw a dog.
Luke: So what do we do now?
They talk to each other as if I'm not standing right in front of them.
Y/N: No! Guys it really was a dog! I'm not lying!
Luke: Look, I want to believe you... but I gotta believe my own two eyes first... and I didn't see no dog around.
Y/N: No! It was from before!
Pete: Hmm... alright. Let's see it.
Luke: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, watch yourself.
I glare at Luke.
Luke: Hey, don't look at me like that! You're the one that's bit here, okay?
Pete helps me roll up my sleeve.
Y/N: See?
Luke: Is it, uh... is it like she says?
Pete: Hmm... well, could be a dog. Hard to say. So where'd this "dog" go? The one that did this.
Luke: Now, what... what does this matter, Pete? Seriously.
Pete: I wanna know how believable her story is.
Y/N: I... I killed it.
Luke: What? Really? A dog shows up and bites you and you just kill it?
Pete: What would you have done?
Luke: I don't know!
Y/N: It attacked me! I had to fight it off, and then... It got impaled on some spikes. We were at a campsite, so I believe it fell on top of some tent stakes... Seriously guys. I ended his suffering!
Luke: That's... That's a lot to take in. Are you really not making this up?
Pete: Y/n? You tellin' us the truth? You look me in the eyes when you answer.
Y/N: Yes.
Pete: Hmm. Alright, Y/n. That's good enough for me.
Luke: Sigh. Yeah but, what else was she gonna say?
Pete: I've got a good bullshit detector, Luke. That's why you can never beat me at poker.
Luke: scoffs You don't always beat me at... Alright, how can you be sure? I want to believe her but... y'know after everything- Nick ain't gonna like this... Not with what happened to--
Pete: You don't have to remind me of that, boy.
Luke: Right. Sorry, sir.
Pete pats Luke's shoulder.
Pete: Come on. Y/n, are you feelin' alright?
Y/N: I'm fine. Just... tired.
Luke: I'd carry you the rest of the way but... I'm sure you understand.
Y/N: Don't worry about...
That's when my head feels tingly, and my vision slowly fades black.
Luke: Ah, shit.
I eventually wake up on the ground... There's a whole group of people gathered around me. They're all arguing with each other.
ManWithRifle: Don't you tell me that! Not with what fuckin' happened.
PregnantWoman: Would someone mind telling me what the fuck is going on here?
Pete: Now hold on, Rebecca.
ManWithRifle: We got this, don't worry.
Rebecca: Like hell you do. Did anyone even think to ask where she came from? For all we know, she could be working with Carver!
Pete: She already told us that she and her friend were attacked. Then she was bitten by a dog.
Rebecca: What? And you just believed her? You should've put her out of her misery right there. Dog bite, my ass.
Y/N: I'm not wor--
The man with the rifle fires at the ground near me. I gasp and freeze in place. The shot was inches away from me. But by the look of it, I don't think he intended to shoot at me...
HeavyMan: What the...?
Pete rips the gun out of his hands.
Pete: Keep your finger off the trigger, boy!
Luke opens the door and runs outside to join the rest of the group.
Luke: Whoa, whoa, what the fuck Nick?!
Rebecca: You idiot! Every lurker for five miles probably heard that!
Nick: You're the one tellin' me to fuckin' shoot her!
HeavyMan: Everybody, just calm down for a second!
Luke: Y/n, you okay?
Y/N: I'm not... I'm not working for anyone. I don't know what you're talking about. I just need help.
Luke: We got a doctor right here, okay? He'll have a look. Now what the hell is wrong with you people?! Okay, she's just scared!
Rebecca: We're all scared, Luke. Don't act like we're the ones being irrational 'cause we don't buy this bullshit story.
Nick: No way she survived out here on her own! Why are we even arguing about this?!
Another man joins the group.
ManWithAccent: Let me take a look.
I draw back and away from the man in fear as he promptly heads towards me.
Luke: It's okay. Go ahead. He's a doctor.
I roll up my sleeve.
HeavyMan: Damn, that must've hurt.
The doctor inspects the wound.
Doctor: Hmm. Whatever it was, it got you good.
Nick: This isn't how we do things, man. When you're bit, you get put down. End of story. I'm not going through this again.
Luke: No one's suggestin' that.
Pete: We could take her arm off. 
I gasp. Immediately, I think of Lee, and how it didn't work for him...
Rebecca: It won't do any good. You'll just be makin' it worse for the girl.
HeavyMan: It's crazy. No one's gonna volunteer to do that.
Luke: I would. If it means saving her life.
Nick: Then what? How would we know it worked?
Luke: I- L-Let's just let Carlos have a look first!
I stare sadly at Luke, in hopes to appeal to him. He seems to have a good say in things.
Luke: Hey, look I'm on your side. I'm trying my best here.
A girl from inside the cabin opens the front door and peeks through it.
Girl: Who's she?
Carlos: Sarah, what'd I say? Stay inside.
Sarah closes the door.
Y/N: I don't mean to be any trouble. I just want to stop the bleeding and then I'll go. You'll never see me again, I promise.
Carlos: And where exactly would you go?
Y/N: To find my friend Christa.
Nick: Forget it. You won't get five feet.
Luke: Look, I may be in the minority here, but my gut tells me she's telling the truth. It probably is just a dog bite. Probably...
Nick: Of course you want to believe it. I'm sure you've got plenty of ideas in your head about her.
Luke: What? Shut the fuck up man? She's a kid! The fuck is wrong with you?
I look up at Luke with confusion.
Y/N: I'm not a kid?...
Nick: There ya go.
Luke: You're?- Man doesn't matter she's a small girl who is HURT. That's not how I'm thinkin' right now.
I'm still lost at what they're talking about, but I just forget about it.
Carlos gets up and returns to the group.
HeavyMan: So? What do you think?
Nick: Was it a lurker?
Carlos: A bite like that... could be anything. Only one way to find out.
Pete: How?
Carlos: We wait.
Rebecca: What?!
Carlos: By tomorrow morning, if the fever's set in, we'll know if she's gonna turn. In the meantime, we can lock her in the shed.
Y/N: What about my arm? It needs to get cleaned, and stitched, and bandaged!
Luke: The girl's in bad shape, Carlos.
HeavyMan: We have all that stuff inside the cabin, we could probably get by with...
Rebecca: Alvin, please...
Alvin: But, yeah, we can't do nothing.
Carlos: I'm not wasting supplies on a lurker bite. If it turns out you're telling the truth, I'll clean it and stitch it up for you in the morning.
Y/N: But...
Carlos walks away. I shudder... Just thinking about the night I'm going to have... No way I'll survive it!
Luke: I'm sorry. It's the best we're gonna get.
Pete offers the rifle to Nick, and he grabs it out of his hands.
Pete: Finger off the trigger, son.
Nick: I ain't your son.
Luke: Don't be like that, man.
Pete: It's alright. Boy's got his mom's temper.
Nick: Come on.
Nick, Luke, and I walk away.
Rebecca: This is just a waste of time. You'll see. And when she turns, I ain't gonna be the one cleanin' up the shed.
As we're walking, I'm holding my arm in pain.
Luke: Look, hold out the best you can, Y/n. And we'll see what's what in the morning.
We reach the shed; Luke opens the door and we exchange a sad glance. I walk into the shed and Luke closes the doors behind me. I can hear Luke and Nick talking from outside the door.
Luke: Why are we doing this? It's so dumb. It looked like a dog bite.
Nick: It's safer this way. And better she turns in there than in the cabin where we SLEEP.
Luke: Whatever man, go. I'll lock up the shed.
Y/N: I can't believe this... You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine.
Luke: Y/n. I'm sorry, I tried. Just hang in there.
Before I can respond, I hear him walk away.
I look around at my surroundings. I might as well get comfortable in here... I see an anchor on the wall. Looks sharp... To my right is a tool board. But nothing of use. It's pretty much empty. On the table in front of it is a vice.
Definitely glad they decided not to take my arm off...
I search a barrel but it's empty. Then I find a tackle box.
Y/N: Not much left in here...
I find fishing line inside the box.
Y/N: I guess if I have to, I can use this for stitches.
There's a shelf but it's too high up for me to reach. There's a hammer on it... I try jumping to reach it but end up pushing it further out of my reach...
I see a wooden board on the wall next to the shelf. I unfold the table and climb onto it. I reach for the hammer, but the shelf collapses. I fall straight onto my bite... It knocks the wind out of me, the amount of pain... My adrenaline takes over and my mind sets on getting this hammer. I lift the board up and off of the hammer beneath it. 
There's a visible hole in the wall, but it's boarded up with wood. Good use for the hammer. I pry open the board, and kick the panel open. I quickly crawl through the hole in the wall and notice a nearby walker.
Y/N: They have a doctor...he's gotta have stuff for stitches.
I observe the cabin, making sure its safe to approach
Y/N: It's pretty safe in there...could be a good place to stitch up my arm.
I sneak up to the house and see a window with silhouettes moving from inside. I decide to listen in at the window.
Rebecca: It makes me feel like a fucking idiot when we're not on the same page.
Alvin: We are on the same page!
Rebecca: Not out there, we weren't! Not about the girl! I saw you get soft!
Alvin: What do you want me to do, Bec? Put a bullet in her?
Rebecca: I want you to think about our family first.
Alvin: It's all I think about. So don't give me any shit.
Rebecca: I need some air.
Rebecca leaves the room.
I knock on the glass, and Alvin opens the window.
Alvin: What the hell are you doing?
Y/N: I... I need your help.
Alvin: Me? No. I'm sorry, but I can't do nothin'. Y/N: Please. I need to fix my arm.
Alvin: Are you out of your mind? Even if you ain't bitten by some lurker, which you probably are, you can't be here! You gotta get out of here, you understand? Get back into that shed and Carlos'll take care of you in the morning. Damn it, girl. Go.
Y/N: You'd just let me die?
Alvin: I wouldn't let you do nothing. It's not my call. We're a group.
Y/N: But you could help. And if you don't, isn't that the same?
Alvin will remember that.
Alvin: I don't know, alright?
Alvin looks behind him, checking the door.
Alvin: I'm serious girl, you need to get out of here.
Y/N: I saw when everyone was arguing, you wanted to help.
Alvin: You didn't see anything. Look, you gotta get outta here before my wife finds you. I'm serious, you gotta go. I got enough problems already. We got a baby on the way, Rebecca's all emotional, got a mess of hormones causing all sorts of trouble. I don't need anymore, get it? Now go.
Y/N: Please help. Please...
Alvin: Don't cry.
Y/N: I'm not gonna cry. I'm just... tired.
Alvin: You're not with Carver?
Y/N: No.
Alvin: And you didn't get bit by a dead person?
Y/N: No!
Alvin contemplates.
Y/N: I'll do anything I can to help your situation. Anything.
Alvin: Except leave me alone.
Y/N: Yeah, I guess. Alvin: I'm screwed if anyone finds out I did this. You understand?
Y/N: The b... the cut on my arm needs to be cleaned and stitched.
Alvin: Stitched? I ain't doin' that.
Y/N: I'll figure it out on my own.
Alvin: Alright, look... I don't know what I can find. We're short on bandages, but I might be able to find something clean that would work.
Y/N: I need something to clean it with, and a needle and thread could help, too.
Alvin: I don't even know where to look. Carlos has medical supplies on lockdown, and we don't got much these days.
Y/N: Well, whatever you can get. I'll find the rest on my own.
Alvin: Okay. Wait here.
Alvin leaves and returns shortly afterward.
Alvin: I found you some bandages. And I, uh... I got you a juice box. In case you're thirsty.
Alvin hands me the bandages and juice box. How old do these people think I am? I am grateful for the juice anyways...
Y/N: Thank you.
From the other side of the bedroom door, I can hear Carlos,
Carlos: Alvin, house meeting in five minutes.
Alvin: Oh, okay. Thanks. Now you need to go.
Alvin closes the window and leaves.
Though I have the bandages, that won't do. I need a needle and peroxide... I crouch and sneak around the side of the cabin. I end up in the backyard, and see another board of wood covering up a hole. It's covering an entrance to underneath the house... Maybe there's a way in from under?
I try to pull the plywood, but fail. I use the hammer to remove the nails, successfully. I then move the plywood. I crouch further and walk underneath the foundation of the house.
I finally reach a trapdoor. But when I try to open the door, it doesn't budge. It's locked.
I take my knife out of my pocket and use it to open the trapdoor, but the blade breaks. At least, it opens the lock... I then enter the house quietly.
Carlos: I've already made my decision.
Pete: Well, Luke has more to say, I guess. Where's Sarah?
Carlos: She's got her book. She doesn't need to be a part of this.
I enter the living room. Everyone is in the kitchen by the sound of it... I listen in for a bit...
Rebecca: For all we know, she could be connected with Carver.
Luke: Come on. There's no way.
Alvin: She could be. We don't know.
Nick: She's connected to somebody. There's no way she's out here by herself.
Pete: She said she was with a friend and they got attacked.
Nick: Yeah, right.
Carlos: Whoever she's with, they'll probably come looking for her.
Alvin: Great. They show up and we've got her locked in the shed.
Rebecca: You think we should bring her in here...?
Alvin: No. I'm just saying it wouldn't look too good.
Carlos: It's just a precautionary measure. Anyone else would do the same.
Luke: You really think Carver would come after us...?
Nick: You think he wouldn't...?!
Pete: He's not exactly the type to let things lie.
Luke: What happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it now.
Alvin: Let him come. I really don't give a damn.
Rebecca: Alvin!
Alvin: What? I don't.
Nick: You brought her back here, not me. You knew she was bit.
Luke: What was I supposed to do, huh? Leave her out there to die?
Nick: Better her than us.
Pete: You'd've done the same, Nick.
Nick: It wasn't the brightest idea.
Luke: Oh, and firing your rifle was, huh...? Next time we'll just put up a neon sign that says "Lurkers Welcome".
Alvin: Where you goin', hon...?
Rebecca: I want to get my sweater.
Carlos: We'll be done in a minute.
Nick: You're in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lurkers, about to get eaten alive, and you're telling us it was a dog?
Luke: Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but...look, for whatever reason, I think she's telling the truth.
Pete: Look, there's no point in arguing about it now. She's in the shed, she's not gonna hurt anyone. We'll just see what's what in the morning.
Luke: But Carlos said she could die if she doesn't get her arm treated.
Rebecca: Assuming she doesn't turn.
Alvin: That true? The girl could really die...?
Carlos: If the infection spreads...anything's possible. It could definitely get a whole lot worse for her.
Luke: Don't we have penicillin? Or something that could, y'know...stop the infection from spreading?
Carlos: We have some. But not enough to spare.
Nick: We're not wasting anything on her. What if one of us needs it?
Luke: Look, I'm just saying, we could help, that's all.
Rebecca: We need to think of ourselves first. That's just the way it is.
Pete: We can't just let her die. Not if there's something we can do about it. Let's just say she's telling the truth and she doesn't turn. Then what?
Luke: We apologize for being assholes. And then we help fix her arm.
Rebecca: She can't stay with us. We barely have enough supplies for ourselves.
Pete: We've got more fish in the traps than we could ever eat.
Nick: Yeah, but she's seen us. She knows we're here.
Luke: What, you scared of a small girl like that...?
Carlos: A small woman is not the problem. It's who she might tell.
Alvin: We gotta keep an eye on her.
Rebecca: IF she doesn't turn. Which she probably will.
Nick: I gotta take a leak.
Carlos: Hold on. We're almost done.
Nick: Fine.
Carlos: My point is, if that woman can find her way here, then almost anyone can.
Luke: Pete, you saw those lurkers, alright? That's more than we've seen in a while.
Pete: Yeah. Seems like it's not as safe as it was. 'Least not like when we found this place.
Nick: Maybe it's time to move on.
Rebecca: We can't just keep running. At some point we've got to settle down.
Carlos: We should. And we will. But can we find somewhere safe? I don't know.
Pete: You seen what it's like out there.
Alvin: I was just starting to like this place.
Pete: Look, we've had a good run here. But if it's time to move on, then I got no problem with that.
Luke: Yeah, but...I mean, where do we go from here...?
Alvin: No more cities. We all agreed on that, right...? Too many damn lurkers.
Nick: We're not going back the way we came. That's for damn sure.
Rebecca: We can probably find somewhere better. We just need to look.
Carlos: Wherever we go, we can't get too attached. We'll be fine as long as we keep things fluid.
Pete: We can't forget we need to check the traps tomorrow.
Nick: What do we do with the girl?
Rebecca: You're not leaving her here with me!
Luke: We can't just keep her locked in the shed. We're not animals.
Carlos: Then take her with you.
Nick: What...?
Carlos: You want to keep an eye on her, then take her with you. Are we almost done here...? I want to make sure Sarah's ready for bed. Pete: Wait a second. There's something else I want to talk about.
I had been listening in for a couple of minutes. It was about time I stopped caring about whatever the hell they were saying, and focused on my arm. Because as soon as I'm done fixing myself up. I'm out of here. Luke and Pete seem to be on my side... but everyone else is unsure of me. Except Rebecca. She is definitely sure I'm some bitten, dead girl who works with "Carver". Whoever he is, won't matter to me once I'm gone. 
I then go upstairs. The steps are so creaky, I'm almost trying to float over them with each careful step.
I enter a door and it ends up being the bathroom.
Y/N: They have to have medical supplies around here somewhere.
I open the medicine cabinet and take a needle from a tomato-shaped pincushion.
Y/N: It's clean.
I put the needle away carefully in my pocket.
Y/N: I'll still need something to keep it from getting infected.
Just when I'm about to open the door and leave, I hear something.
Rebecca: That man sometimes, I swear!
It's that angry pregnant lady, Rebecca... I look around, quickly! I need to find a place to hide! The shower? I jump in.
Rebecca enters the bathroom and drinks some water from the sink. They have running water?? What if... She tries to take a shower?! I should've just gone in the closet. Oh God...
Rebecca: Damn it... Just need to have this baby and...oh, god. Let it be okay and...let it be his.
Rebecca takes a deep breath and leaves. As soon as it sounds clear, I leave to find some peroxide, or anything to clean my wound with... I open another door opposite the bathroom. As soon as I peek through I hear a gasp. For a second I almost shut it and run, but it's the girl. I put my finger on my lips and shush Sarah.
Sarah: You're not supposed to be in here.
I look around the room, look behind me, then close the door as I enter slowly.
Y/N: Hi, can you please help me?
Sarah: I'm not supposed to talk to you. My dad can't know.
Y/N: Why, what will he do?
Sarah: Get mad at me.
Y/N: What does he do when he gets mad?
Sarah: He gets angry and says he's disappointed in me and that he just loves me and wants me to be safe.
Y/N: That's it? Nothing else?
Sarah: Yeah. It's the worst.
From what I can tell, Sarah is no threat to me. I know I can talk my way out of this.
Sarah: What happened to you?
Y/N: A dog bit me.
Sarah: Sounds scary... I bet it hurts.
Y/N: I could die if I don't take care of it. Do you understand?
Sarah will remember that.
Y/N: I just need something to clean it with. I bet it would be with the rest of your dad's medical supplies.
Sarah: Yeah, it is.
Sarah contemplates for a bit. I wait in hopes to get the answer I want.
Sarah: I'll help you.
Y/N: Good. Thank you.
Sarah: I'm Sarah.
Y/N: I'm Y/n.
Sarah: We're friends. Right? We can be best friends. I haven't met another girl my age since way before. It's hard to be the only girl, you know? Rebecca is okay, but she's old. And that's it. And if her baby is a girl, it'll be forever before she's old enough to, like, be my friend. And then I'll be super old.
Y/N: We're not the same age.
Sarah: What?
Y/N: We're not the same age. Everyone here thinks I'm a lot younger.
Sarah: Oh, I see. How old are you then? I'm fifteen.
Y/N: I'm 23.
Sarah: You don't seem like it.
Y/N: That's just how it is.
Sarah: So, can we still be friends, then?
Y/N: Yes.
Sarah: Promise?
Y/N: Yes.
Sarah will remember that.
Sarah holds out her pinkie for a pinkie swear. I lock my pinkie with hers.
Sarah: A pinky swear is forever. I'll see if I can find the stuff my dad uses when I get a cut. Lemme look around...
Sarah searches the room and then gives me a bottle of peroxide.
Sarah: I think this is it.
Y/N: Perfect. That'll work.
Sarah: You can't do it here, though. Someone will find you.
Y/N: Don't worry, I won't.
I open the door and peek left and right to see if it's clear.
Y/N: Thanks, Sarah.
Sarah: Shhh!
Y/N: Okay. I better get somewhere safer to do this.
I return to the shed and take out the supplies. I roll up my sleeve and place my arm on the table.
Y/N: This is gonna suck.
I take a sip of juice first. I then unscrew the lid of the peroxide and pour it on my wound, then drop it. I scream in pain, as I feel the peroxide bubble up all over. It hurts so bad I'm almost in tears, and I'm not even at the...
Y/N: The fun part.
It takes me a few greuling tries, but I eventually thread the needle.
I begin the first suture, then slam my fist on the table. I'm so dizzy, but I have to push through. My adrenaline, my best friend at this point, takes over and I'm ready to continue.
I continue suturing and screaming in pain. I'm finally done, and wrap my arm up with the bandages, but then I drop them.
As I'm picking them up, a walker reaches through the shed and grabs my leg. I hold onto the table and reach for the hammer as I try to kick it away, but it knocks me over. I try to grab a nearby rake but can't reach it.
The wall breaks and the walker crawls all the way into the shed and climbs on top of me. I kick it away and stand up. I quickly grab the rake and push the walker backward with it. It falls and gets impaled by the anchor on the wall.
I grab the hammer and hit it repeatedly in the head until it stops moving. Luke opens the shed, with the rest of the group close behind him.
Luke: Holy shit.
Alvin: What the...?
Nick: How the hell did it get in here?
Pete: Girl's tough as nails.
Carlos: Are you alright?
Luke: The shed should've been safe!
Y/N: I am still not bitten. I never was. And you left me out here to die.
Luke: You patched yourself up?
Luke watches me carefully in disbelief.
Nick: Where'd you get that stuff?
Rebecca: Did she steal from us?
Pete: This doesn't change a thing. She hasn't done anything to us.
Rebecca: Says the man not carrying a baby.
Pete: Enough already!
Luke: Guys, please.
Y/N: I did. I took stuff and I'm sorry. I really am.
They will remember that.
Rebecca: And you think you can trust her?
Pete: Goddamn it, don't even start! Any of you would've done the same if you were half as tough as this girl. So just save it.
Carlos: Bring her in and I'll take a look at her arm.
Alvin: Damn lurkers sneakin' around out here... We better get inside.
Luke: You hungry?
Y/N: I haven't eaten in days. Not even that weasel.
Luke cracks a guilty smile, but I smile back to reassure him. He's on my side from what I can tell. No need to guilt trip him of everyone.
We all go inside.
Carlos inspects my wound. Luke paces and Nick bites his fingernails.
Carlos: This might hurt a little.
Y/N: Ow!
Luke: How's she look?
Carlos: Her suturing skills need some work, but otherwise I'd say she should be fine.
Luke: So it wasn't a lurker bite?
Carlos: If it was, the fever would've already set in and her temperature would be through the roof.
Carlos bandages my arm. Nick leaves the room and Luke follows him. Carlos washes his hands in the sink.
Carlos: I wish you wouldn't've done what you did.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Carlos: You manipulated my daughter.
Y/N: I asked for her help?
Carlos: She's not someone you can just ask for help.
I'm not sure what to say, so I stay silent.
Carlos: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you need to know about my daughter.
Y/N: Okay...
Carlos: She isn't like us. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while, you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is... what it's really like out there... she would... cease to function. She's my little girl. She's all I have left, and I would ask that you stay away from her.
Y/N: I'm sorry, I realize now what you mean. I didn't know. I was nice to her if that counts for anything...
Carlos will remember that.
Carlos: It's okay. You're forgiven. Just don't make any more mistakes.
Carlos leaves and Luke enters, holding a bowl of food.
Luke: Hey, uh... brought you some food.
Luke and I sit at the table and start eating.
Luke: That's gonna leave of hell of a scar.
Y/N: Better than losing it.
Luke: You can say that again. Scars...they're way cooler than stumps.
Luke tries to be playful with me. But I can tell he's still guilty and wary about what to say to me.
Y/N: Don't look so guilty. It's okay, you didn't want to do that to me. I survived anyway, and for that I'm grateful.
Luke: Grateful to who? You could've died in there...
Y/N: I could've died out in those woods, but you helped me. Gave me a chance.
Luke: Well, it wasn't just me. Pete helped you too.
Y/N: Then I am grateful to both you and Pete. Thank you.
Luke: You don't have to thank me...
I finish my bite of food then continue talking.
Y/N: Yeah, who was it that saved me from the walker on top of me by chopping its head off? And the one that carried me away?
I smile. I want him to be happy. We have enough burdens. Though I'm incredibly anxious talking to new people, and in a lot of pain, I just want everyone to feel okay.
He smiles back and looks down at his food. 
Y/N: And I didn't end up with my arm chopped off! This is best case scenario.
Luke chuckles, but then noticed a growing sadness on my face as I start to think...
Luke: What's wrong? Y/N: Nothing. I just had a friend who lost his arm once, that's all. I'm okay.
Nick enters the room.
Nick: Hey, look. Um, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for... well, for being a dick out there. I got kinda aggro and that was definitely not cool.
Luke: Nick's been known to go off every once in a while. Don't hold it against him.
Nick: Yeah, I guess we all have our moments.
Luke: You definitely had one out there.
Nick drops his head down as he sits next to me.
Y/N: You were just protecting your friends. I get it.
Nick will remember that.
Nick: I didn't mean to be so harsh. I just... we had a bad experience once.
Y/N: What happened...?
Luke: Nick lost his mom. We took care of someone who'd got bit.
I can see the hurt in Nick's eyes...
Nick: It was my fault. I--
Luke: It was no one's fault. We thought we could control it, but... we couldn't. And then she turned and his mom was standing right there and she got attacked... There was nothing we could do about it.
Nick: Anyway. Hopefully, you understand.
Y/N: I do. Yeah.
Nick smiles at me then gets up and leaves.
Luke: So, since you're pretty much on your own, what's your plan?
Y/N: I don't know. Like you said, I'm just on my own now. It's never really been this way.
I wonder if I should ask to stay here? No, I couldn't... They all want me out of here. But, should I ask? I don't kn-
Luke: Well, you're welcome to stay here if you want. You can let yourself heal up and take some time to sort things out.
Y/N: Do you think everyone else will be okay with it?
Luke: They'll just have to deal with it.
He smiles at me. I let out a secret sigh of relief and smile back sheepishly.
Luke: So what happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking. 
Y/N: Do you really still think I'm a kid?
Luke: Oh, I- right. Well, how old are you?
Y/N: Wait, I want to see what you think. How old do I look to you?
Luke: 16.. 17..?
Y/N: 23!
Luke: Oh, wow, I- mean you just seem a lot younger. 'Cause, y'know, you're... small?
Y/N: Sigh. Yeah, I know. Everyone likes to mention it to me.
Luke: But you're strong. That's for sure. None of us could've done what you did out there. I didn't mean to offend you or-
Y/N: No, no! You haven't. I'm just very used to hearing it is all... And trust me, you would've been able to do it too. Once your body knows it's in trouble... Adrenaline will get you through anything...
Luke looks down with remorse.
Y/N: But really? Does my face look that young?...
Luke: I think your face looks to be about 23 years old.
I smile.
Y/N: Really? Or are you just saying that?
I tease him.
Luke: Really! I mean it.
We both continue eating.
Y/N: Well, how old are you? Have you been keeping track?
Luke: I'm 26. My birthday is in the winter, so I know it must be coming up soon.
Y/N: Mine too, January 26th. (~ Wink wink)
Luke: Pete's birthday is in the winter too. And like I said, seems like it's coming soon... so maybe we'll just have one big winter birthday party then.
We smile at each other and keep eating.
Luke: The winter will be rough, but it's not our first time surviving it. How do you usually get through it?...
Y/N: I'm usually with other people that can help me, if that's what you're asking.
Luke: I was just curious on how you made it this far.
Y/N: I just try to stay with good people and not do anything dumb.
I start feeling sad again...
Luke: Hey, I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have asked.
Y/N: In the beginning, my parents went on vacation and left me with a babysitter and they never came back. We went to Savannah to find them... but they were already dead.
Luke: Wow. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Y/N: This man found me and took care of me.
Y/N: We met up with other survivors and we all tried to make it, but... it didn't work. His name was Lee. He taught me how to survive... He's the reason I keep my hair short.
Luke: What happened to him?
Y/N: I ran away... I was stupid. There was a man who said he knew my parents. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I ran away and Lee died because of it.
Luke: Maybe he would've died anyways.
Y/N: It was my fault. I just... sometimes people die because of me. Because they always try to protect me. I can't stand it.
Luke: I'm sure none of them regret trying to keep you safe.
Y/N: I'd hope so... for the past, I don't know seven years? I'd been with my friend Christa. The friend who was with me when we got attacked.
Luke lightens the mood,
Luke: For that damn weasel.
I laugh. Pete enters the room.
Pete: I hate to interrupt, but I'm out there standing watch and I can't help but notice this place is lit up like a goddamn beacon in the middle of the woods.
Luke: Yeah, it's time to turn in anyways.
Y/N: Alright, and thank you Pete.
Pete turns his head in question.
Y/N: For saving me?
Pete: Oh, right, you're welcome, Y/n.
We exchange smiles as he leaves the room. Pete winks at Luke, and it clearly frustrates him.
Luke: When you're finished eating, come find me upstairs. I'll show you where you can sleep.
I smile and nod with a mouthful of food. He puts his bowl in the sink and leaves.
To be continued...
A/N; Things are starting to speed up, see?? Ah trust me, the next episode... Allllll Luke baby. So far this has really just been the transcript to the game LOL, but believe me when I say, the next episode will be a whole new case.
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thesleepysphinx · 2 years
Summer on the Horizon
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Telltale's The Walking Dead Luke x Fem!Reader
Chapter Content Warnings: mention of violence/murder, some soft feels
*Please refer to the masterlist for a disclaimer on the AU this takes place in*
Series Masterlist ◈ Previous Chapter ◈ Next Chapter (All new chapters will now be found on AO3)
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Chapter 6: When We Have Hope
Word Count: 2615
They sit around the fire, eating a helping of beef jerky as the sun sets in the west. Laughter floats around, lifting their spirits.
“You can’t be serious,” Y/N questions. “The two of you went broke in just six months? That’s gotta be a record.”
“Hey!” Luke holds his hands up in surrender. “I never said it was gonna be a profitable business!”
“I’m pretty sure businesses are intended to be profitable no matter what, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself!”
Luke rolls his eyes and throws a twig in her direction. “At least I gave it a try.” He sits for a second, reminiscing on his time before the world went to shit. “What would y’all have done if you coulda started a business.”
Y/N answers without a second thought. “A bookstore.”
“What, like Borders?”
She shakes her head. “Naw, definitely just a small town bookstore. Maybe one with a little cafe.” She hugs her knees up to her chest and looks up at the sky. “The place would have been like a second home, I’m sure.” She looks down towards Clementine, who’s still chewing on some jerky. “What about you, Clem?”
She takes a moment to think before she swallows her food. “I’ve always really liked drawing, so maybe an art store?”
Y/N chuckles at her response. “I can definitely see that. Our stores could be neighbors.”
Clementine smiles at that idea. “That would be really nice.” She then smiles at Y/N mischievously. “But I’d steal too many of your books.”
Luke butts into the conversation. “Don’t be givin’ away your strategy already! Now she won’t ever let you in!” He laughs as he finishes his sentence.
Y/N holds a finger up, silencing Luke. “Well wait just a second. How about, you can take books, as long as you make some drawings for my store? It could definitely do with some art to offset the plain walls.”
Clem is now beaming as she laughs between her words. “You’ve got a deal.” She holds her hand out towards Y/N, who takes it and shakes it firmly. 
“Now I feel like I’m bein’ left out on purpose…” Luke complains, feigning disappointment. 
“Well maybe you should think up some better business models!” Y/N teases. “You’re just too high risk to make deals with, what with your track record and all.”
Luke rolls his eyes for the umpteenth time today. “Yeah, yeah… I’ll show you, just you wait. You’ll be clambering to make business deals with me in no time.” At that he lays back with his hands behind his head to look up at the constellations forming in the night sky. He traces them with his eyes, losing count of the stars almost instantly. “Y’know the one good thing that came out of all of this? No matter where you are, the stars are always bright. No city lights or smog to drown them out.”
Y/N and Clementine lay down too to look at the stars. They lay in silence for a while, just the three of them and the stars looking back at them. But like all good things, it comes to an end when they hear a rustling in the bushes. All three survivors sit up instantly and reach for their weapons. Silhouetted in the last rays of the sun, they make out a singular walker. Y/N sighs as she stands up and whispers, “I got this.”
She walks a bit closer to the walker and whistles at it in a quick tune to gain its attention. Once it’s lumbering towards her, she assumes a low stance, waiting for just the right moment. And when that moment comes, she shoves the walker up against a tree, holding it back with her forearm against its chest, while she sinks her knife into the side of its skull. The body instantly goes limp and crumbles to the forest floor. Y/N bends down to wipe her blade on the grass then starts the short walk back to the fire. As she sits back down, she sighs again. “It’s getting late. I can take our first watch.”
“I think I’ll keep ya company a little while longer,” Luke offers, though it sounds more like a fact of a matter than an offer. “You can head off to bed if you feel like it, Clem.”
The girl yawns as she trudges towards the tent. Luke must have seen her exhaustion already. “Just don’t talk too loud, okay?”
Luke chuckles a bit and mutters out, “You got it, kiddo,” as Clementine passes by and disappears into the tent. He looks back towards Y/N to find her face more stoic now. “Well, that lurker sure brought down the mood, didn’t it?”
Y/N scoffs, her face unchanging. “Yeah, they have a tendency to do that.”
The two are sitting a few feet apart, a campfire between them. Luke stands to grab another piece of wood to add to the fire to keep it going, and finds a seat much closer to Y/N than his previous one, but still leaves a gap. He keeps his voice low like he promised Clem he would. “I’m missing that bed already, that sleeping bag won’t even come close.” 
Y/N chuckles under her breath. “I swear, you don’t think of anything else except a comfy bed. You’re just gonna keep disappointing yourself.”
Luke mimics her chuckle. “I guess I’m just a hopeful person. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.”
“You’re talking about hope so much, it’s gonna start rubbing off on me.”
“Well I would hope so!” He catches himself before he starts talking too loud and returns to a whisper. “We become better people when we have hope. Just like I hope we find a bed again soon.”
“See, you’re just proving my point! All you think about is finding a bed. There are better things to hope for, y’know?”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
She’s silent for a moment as she pulls a knee up to her chest. “Safety. I hope we find a place where we feel safe. Yeah, we’ve survived this long. But, I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. I’m getting tired.” She casts her gaze down at the fire. “But, I guess I’m doing better now than I was last week.” The corners of her lips lifted in a pained smile. For a second time today, her eyes gloss over with tears. But she blinks it away and takes a deep breath. And as she calms down, she feels a hand rest on her shoulder. She just slightly lifts her gaze from the fire to come face to face with Luke.
His charming smile immediately speeds up Y/N’s heart rate, so much so that she hopes he can’t hear it over the crackling of the fire. And it speeds up even more as he says, “I’m doin’ a lot better now, too.” Y/N stares at him for a moment, trying to process the implication of his words. But then Luke backtracks as he pulls his hand away and rubs the back of his neck, “And, uh, so is Clem. I think she likes having another girl around again.”
Y/N recovers quickly, pushing the feeling of a blush to the back of her mind. “You miss having another guy around, then?”
Luke winces internally. Another guy would mean competition, but I can’t tell her that! Think, Luke, think! “Not particularly. When there’s a lot of men around, it leads to a sort of… power struggle. It’s happened quite a few times in my groups.”
Y/N leans towards him a bit in jest. “And let me guess. You were always one of the guys fighting for power.”
Luke almost looks offended as he puts his hands up in defense. “Hey now! It’s not ‘cause I’m greedy or anything. Other people just… don’t do what’s right sometimes.” He stops for a moment, but continues when she looks at him expectedly, waiting for more explanation. “It’s a good thing, knowing that Carver is dead and can’t hurt people anymore. He killed Alvin in cold blood. And Reggie. And a lot of other people. And even before all that, I knew he had evil in him. I can’t just stand back and let someone like that lead people.” Pain passes through his face as he lets out a heavy sigh.
This time, Y/N puts a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a good man, Luke. And you do good by people. Please, don’t ever doubt that.” As she moves closer to him, she sees a tear fall from his chin. And then, she acts without another thought and pulls him into her, as he did for her just a few hours before. Time grinds to a halt as she holds him and as he grips her shoulders in return. He doesn’t sob, and he doesn’t shake, but she can feel every ounce of emotion as it crashes down on her in waves. With every breath he exhales, she holds him tighter, refusing to let him feel alone. And it’s true. They aren’t alone.
“We’re heading East, right?” Clem questions as she looks up towards the sun, shielding her eyes with her hat and hands. 
Y/N smiles to herself, feeling a bit of pride that Clem picked up on using the sun for directions so quickly. “Yup, long as it’s still morning and you’re looking towards the sun, that’s East.” She keeps her eyes on the trail ahead. Well, trail is an overstatement. It’s more just a narrow area between the trees that seems to grow less brush. “Lots of fallen branches here, watch your step,” she calls out as she carefully places one foot in front of the other. Clem follows close behind with Luke a few strides back. 
Luke winces and clutches his leg where he’d been shot a few months before. “A storm’s gonna be rolling in soon, we need to find somewhere safe before it hits.”
Y/N chuckles up ahead. “And how do you know that? Is the farm boy a weather boy now?”
“Haha, very funny,” he says dryly, though his lips curl up at the edges. “Old wound is acting up is how I know.”
“What, your ribs?”
“Naw, gunshot to the leg.”
Her eyes widen for just a second. “And how’d that one happen?”
“Some angry Russian.”
Now Y/N turns around in disbelief, still walking backwards. “How many people have you pissed off, exactly?”
Luke exhales a small laugh. “More than I’d like, I’m sure.” 
She keeps walking backwards, maintaining eye contact with him. “Wow, I thought you were such a nice guy, Luke! But with all these stories you’re telling me, I’m starting to doubt my own judgment.”
He smirks at that comment. “Well, that’s not what you were saying last night…” He trails off as he realizes what it just sounded like he said. “I mean- you seemed to think I was pretty good… I mean as a person, I’m a good person. I’m gonna go ahead and shut up now.” He feels a blush spreading across his chest and up his neck. 
Y/N laughs at Luke’s expense as she says, “No, please keep going. I want to see how deep you dig your own–” She’s cut off as she falls backwards onto the forest floor, bushes rustling from the impact.
Even with all the self-restraint in the world, Luke can’t help the snort that he lets out at Y/N’s misfortune. Eventually, that snort turns into a full blown laugh as he finds himself clutching his stomach, laughing through the pain of his previously broken rib. Even Clementine is having a hard time controlling her laugh, covering her mouth as her chuckles slip through.
“Oh yeah, ha ha, very funny!” Y/N calls out as she sits up. “Laugh at the fallen person, how original.” As her companions continue to laugh, she lays back down with her arms spread out, soaking in the sun that sneaks through the leaves. But her relaxation is interrupted as Luke stands over her, offering a hand. It takes all her willpower to hide a mischievous grin as she takes it and instead of using it to stand, uses all her strength to bring him down with her. The bushes rustle once again, giving way to his weight.
Luke raises his head from the bush, twigs and leaves caught in his hair. He takes a moment to spit out a twig that found its way into his mouth. He gets his own mischievous grin as he says, “Well, now you’re askin’ for it!” 
Y/N tries her best to scramble out of the bushes, barely gaining some footing before Luke pulls her back by the wrist. This time, as she falls, she falls right into Luke, elbow slamming into his abdomen, just barely grazing the poorly healing rib. Luke grinds his teeth at the pain and squeezes his eyes shut, feeling the instant regret. Upon hearing a snicker above him, he peeks an eye open and comes face to face with Y/N. And it’s really face to face. If he had to guess, he’d say 4 inches away nose to nose. Luke’s words get caught in his throat when he tries to say something, not even really knowing what he was gonna say in the first place. Before he can figure it out, Y/N is rolling off of him onto the forest floor.
As she stands, Y/N turns to face Luke, making a point to laugh at him still laying in the bush. “Wow, it’s much more fun to be the one laughing.” Luke rubs at his neck as a blush spreads across his cheeks, an action that feels way too common now. This time, Y/N holds out her hand. “Don’t get any ideas now, I think we’ve had enough bush to skin contact for the day.” 
Luke chuckles at her nonchalance and takes her hand, pulling himself up with a small ache in his rib. When he’s finally back on solid ground, he clutches his rib and groans. “Damn, you got me good.”
Clementine peeps up as she continues their walk. “I think you did that to yourself, Luke.”
“Hey now, don’t go picking sides, it ain’t fair!” Luke calls after her, readjusting his backpack before following.
“Well I think it’s plenty fair,” Y/N offers before saying more quietly to Luke, “But I am sorry… Is it hurting bad?”
Her concern has Luke’s lips curling up into a smile. “Naw, just a little irritated, it’ll pass.” He glances at her to see the concern clear in her eyes. Before his gaze can linger too long, he’s nudging her along after Clem. “Well let’s get a move on, don’t wanna get caught in that stor–” 
All three of them hit the forest floor immediately, as if their bodies realized it was a distant gunshot before their minds did. 
Crack. Crack.
Y/N is the first to speak among them. “Fuck, how close was that?”
“Not too close,” Luke answers, “But definitely too close for comfort. Sounds like they’re the way we came from, so let’s keep moving.” He’s the first to stand, the other two following soon after. “Let’s move quick, and let’s move quiet.” “Don’t have to tell me twice,” Y/N whispers. Before she follows on the path, she looks back towards the way they came, a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. It’ll be okay, she soothes herself. Or at least, I hope it will be.
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Next Chapter: TBD
A/N: HI YES HELLO I DID IT, I POSTED THE NEXT CHAPTER! Only took me *checks watch* 6 months? I mean... it's not the worst lol. I'll try to be more consistent, but there are no promises cause of how my schedule for this next semester is looking. But don't give up on me! Cause I'm not giving up on this fic :)
P.S: totally lost the document where I was keeping track of the names that wanted to be added to a tag list (oopsies) so just let me know if you do, I promise I won't be a hot mess this time *sobs*
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koexchange · 1 year
what i'll write for:
>the crucible (yes you heard me)
>house of ashes
>the wolf among us
>a way out
>project sekai (not akito/toya)
>the walking dead games
what i'd love to write:
>gay ships (i love gay people)(i am gay people)
>trans characters
> ____ x reader
>neurodivergent readers/characters
>poly ships
what i will NOT write:
>r*pe (cnc is fine)
>homophobia/transphobia/racism etc
>if you request, be nice about it! say hi :D and feel free to be as detailed as you like! i'll try to include everything!!
>i've never written smut but i can try to do some
>if you call cassidy 'mccree' in a req im blocking you and laughing
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clouisluvr · 2 years
hi!! im kiki and i like writing about my silly hyperfixations🤭 im currently insanely hyperfixated on the walking dead game, the last of us and life is strange - so im gonna start writing hcs for all 3 games🫶 ill mostly write for clem, louis, marlon, javi, sean and ellie i think since theyre my favourites … but if you want to request something please do, i dont mind which character!! i love writing and haven’t written much in a while so hopefully this gets me back into it :’)
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Hi! Im the one who requested “Can you do a Nick x wife reader who's the daughter of Carlos and Carlos doesn't approve of their marriage but Sarah loves spending time with Nick as his sister-in law?” I’d still like it in apocalypse time and it doesn’t matter if it’s in headcanons ty!
Ah ok! Ty for clearing it up! I’ll give it a go, I hope this will do!
Even tho I’ve never written for nick before I love it because he was the guy who got me into fanfic lmao!
TWDG nick x Wife!reader who’s the daughter of Carlos (who doesn’t approve of their marriage)
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You and Nick had only been married for a few months before the apocalypse started
Your dad ,Carlos, was very unhappy about it as he thought nick was way below your standards and you could do so much better
Your dad was also very vocal about this.
Your family came to your wedding and everyone was happy but every time you saw your dad he was giving you a very upset look
It upset nick a lot and made everyone kinda uncomfortable
But that didn’t stop you two from being together!
You loved each other!
Fast forward and the apocalypse happened (sad trumpet noises)
It was tough on everyone obviously but you tried to keep your hopes high!
You wished that the end of the world would mean that your dad had gotten over his grudge for you marrying nick but it didn’t
It was rough on you both especially since you two where practically around him 24/7
Luckily there was a light in the darkness, that being your sister Sarah
Sarah was always on your side!
And she loved nick so much! She was so happy when you two tied the knot
Like she SQUEALED when you told her lmao!
You three always played silly games together!
Your sister was always rather scared of upsetting your dad but she would try her best to be brave and stand up for your relationship
And it means so much to you and nick
Carlos slowly eased up on his grudge over time however it was clear he was still unhappy
Whenever he saw you two hugging or anything he’d give you a disappointed look
Sure it can be hard at times but your dad still does love you and he wants the best for you
He just doesn’t understand that nick is the best for you!
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jjmbbg · 11 months
hellooo, this is my masterlist, i'll try to have it as updated as possible and before you see my work, i'll list the things i am NOT gonna write in my tumblr page:
• sexual content or sexual violence, incest, animal abuse and rape.
(also, if you want something that contains an age gap, my limit is 10 years, however it'll just be between ADULTS).
(the unique sexual content may be in my ao3 acc and in my character.ai acc)
asks are always open
so, now, these are some of my writtings
(all under the cut)
resident evil
canis canem edit // bully
grand theft auto v
detroit: become human
the walking dead games
what would twdg s4 have been if aj hadn't kill marlon?
red dead redemption i and ii
headcanons + situations of "being an adopted child of john and abigail marston" [and being jack's older sibling]
depressing/sad hcs about jack marston
"It's so familiar, and he knows him well"
It's you and me
wild feverfews (jack x male character AO3)
what wasn't told
you're not alone
the last christmas
how i think some members of the gang would care for or spend time with a three/four year-old jack
dont care
T4T john and abigail marston
little lovers (jack x fem character AO3)
father-son's day
tv shows
one chicago
kelly and matt are the type...
this is us (nbc)
the walking dead
grey's anatomy
Sam & Dean Winchester's dynamic while growing up (headcanons)
gilmore girls
the outsiders
five nights at freddy's
star wars
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hellvzx · 5 months
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FINNLEY • SHE/HIM. ; ron anderson bf (real) , twd, re, znation, tf2, twdg enthusiast!
— reqs: open!! writer focused on twd (mostly x male reader) I can write for re, znation, twdg and tf2 thought. feel free to request any time just make sure it doesn’t involve anything weird — nsfw is also not allowed I am 17.
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mentally-ill-simp · 5 months
I just would like everyone to know that I am still writing and i still am working on those requests I've been sent and will accept more but my laptop broke recently(it's been a few months but i say recently) and it's a pain to write at work so I'm gonna work hard to get my laptop fixed so I can finish everything up and make everyone happy again. Thank you to everyone for being patient and I am sorry for procrastinating <3
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vankaywie · 2 years
Feel free to request anything!
I might take long to post a requested fic tho, my motivation keeps on coming back and disappearing. Also, im very sorry if theres some mistakes in my fics. But anywaysssss
Fandoms I Write For:
The Walking Dead Telltale
The Last Of Us
Resident Evil
The Quarry
Until Dawn
Detroit Become Human
Obey Me
Red Dead Redemption
Ghost Of Tsushima
Harry Potter
Hogwarts Legacy
Total Drama
Baldur's Gate 3
The Wolf Among Us
I also write for other fandoms, for example Uncharted, Attack On Titan, Tomb Raider, etc. But i do not take requests for those fandoms. But i do post fics with those fandoms though. Well i do take requests for Uncharted (mostly Samuel Drake) and Aot (mostly Bertholdt Hoover but ill try the others). Ok this is getting confusing help.
Things I Won't Write:
Pedo stuff
Huge ass age gap shits
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
Once innocent. (sully family x reader)
Hi! Just a reminder that this is a mini series to show the deeper sides of Y/n’s life BEFORE “The chore” :) I did add some twdg scenes and put it into their situation because I loved the idea and I hope you do too! 💗
Ronal and Tonowari weren’t the only ones who took care of Y/n. There was once Rey’akana. He fought alongside Jake, he had always noticed how Y/n was often not watched or talked to. He also noticed how she would sit from a far watching how people worked and then running into the forest giggling and excited. He did not know what she did after she left but today he’d follow.
She was walking around the war party group after they had came back from fighting, viewing how healers went to work. She became interested on how the warriors fought, how they protected themselves. Protecting yourself was very important step to learn as a child but Y/n’s parents never taught her. So Y/n asked questions “what is your arrow made of? Who made it?” Or “when shooting what did you aim for?” Majority of the warriors smiled and turned an eye, not Rey’akana. He actually told her every detail for her question and she smiled sweetly with a ‘thank you’. Instantly she ran into the forest to retrieve her 2 arrows and old bow she had stolen from her mother. She was in her own world when training, pretending every situation was real. It was escape to Y/n.
“What are you doing little one? I can assure you that is not how you handle a bow.” He found amusement in her determination. Y/n smiled shy, scared not wanting to get in trouble by her parents but also curious as to if the man was willing to help. Why not just ask? “How should it be held then? Can you teach me? Please” and he did. When he asked about who took care of her and why they hadn’t trained her, his heart broke at how the girl hadn’t realized what was going on or why it was wrong for her parents to not pay her mind, she thought it was normal. “My story is actually very funny! Since I am a child my dad always insists we play hide n seek as soon as I approach him. And I’m alwayssss it! He’s tried hiding everywhere and I’ll alwaysss find him! Every time I did, he’d jus brush it off, saying he’s doing something important and walks away. Since we’re always playing he doesn’t really have time to train me neither does my mom, they kinda just train the boys and Kiri but it’s ok! I’ll figure it out!” The young girl let’s giggles out as if it was normal..? Her heart and mind is so innocent and was too kind to be treated the way she was “I need to practice more! I’m gonna be a warrior and healer some day!” And Rey’akana smiled and gave the girl a hug providing a promise to Y/n.
“I’ll train you. We will meet everyday. I’ll protect you.” Y/n was so excited to have someone teach her. “Ok! Thank you! We can meet tomorrow and I’ll even bring a surprise! I should head home now, eclipse is coming soon!” Rey’akana offered to take the little girl home safely and when she was entering the home he had noticed how everyone was laughing, her parents playing with her siblings as if the little girl wasn’t out by herself and not apart of the family. He watched her walk in and no one even greeted her or spared a look.
That night Y/n beaded a bracelet with pretty purple sequences, something she found in her adventures and grew to always use when beading, it somewhat became a signature for her. When the time came for Rey’akana to train her again the next day. He was gifted the bracelet and had swore to wear it everyday for her. They always had conversations at the end of their training. It soon became a routine.
Last night he heard Jake scolding Y/n about Kiri’s Bracelet being broken…? During training it was obvious Y/n was in her own head. She was still confused as to what happened last night, why was she yelled at for Loak breaking Kiri’s bracelet and why didn’t Jake listen to her when she said it wasn’t her who broke it..? As they walked home in comfortable silence, he watched Y/n while she observed the forest as if it was her first time seeing it. The way Y/n observed life always amazed him. He decided it was the perfect time to bring up what happened “…did you so happen to break your sisters bracelet?” Y/n looked up surprised with slight sadness in her eyes “no…did my dad say I did? He’s just always blaming me for stuff.” This makes him immediately more curious as to how Y/n’s home life really was. “Like what?” Y/n answers the question immediately “putting a bug on Loak’s pillow…?” He looked at her in amusement. “Did you do that?” She laughs and gives a satisfied answer “yes! But only because he didn’t admit that he was the one who broke Kiri’s bracelet and he just let me get yelled at. Even though I told dad Loak did it!” He gave a saddened smiled but soon laughed with her as she discussed the story of how she even placed the bug in his pillow perfectly in his face. She returned home and now he was walking back to his. He couldn’t help but think how Y/n should learn at least another level of survival. Like learning how to shoot a gun, just the basics. If he wasn’t teaching her this who would..? He knew all about survival. He also knew how being a warrior himself he went out to war risking his life every time, he wanted to come to a stop and maybe it’ll buy him time with the innocent child he now took care of.
He met up with Y/n at the same time they always do everyday. “When your older and want to become a warrior like you said you were going to…your gonna need to know how to protect yourself.” Y/n giggled and said “I know how to shoot arrows already!” Rey’akana smiled at the excited girl in front of him “more like shooting a gun Y/n…it’ll just be a one time thing for now, it’s just to get you used to it ok? Then when your older you will handle it on your own.” Y/n shares a nervous look as he hands her the gun. “…it’s heavyyyy.” Y/n says. Rey’akana then gives her tips and shows her how the gun should be handled. Their couple of practice shots came to an end as Rey’akana said she should be good enough to try again in a couple years, this was just to get her comfortable and not scared of the gun. “How do you feel about the gun?” Y/n looks down at her hands taking in her next words “…well my hands hurt and my ears have noise in them like eeeeeeeee” He laughed as they went about their conversation agreeing to meet each other tomorrow like normal.
However the next day Y/n rushed to him as soon as he about to leave the healing aid area “Rey’akana! I got invited to play with the girls over there! Is it ok if we skip training today?” Says the girl with the most widest smile ever “Of course Y/n anytime.” He watched as the little girl ran away and the Tsahik smiled at the scene, finally seeing a smile on her granddaughter’s face.
An hour later from seeing Y/n he hears girls laughing while hearing Y/n say “it’s not that bad! My mom just doesn’t have time to do my hair…” One girl laughs and says “So why is Kiri’s hair always done? Ha maybe she just doesn’t want to do your hair because of how messy it is!” Y/n shakes her head and walks away immediately jumping at the sight of Rey’akana “oh, what are you doing here? Do we have time to train? Can we?” Rey’akana agrees especially after witnessing what he just saw. Maybe he can help you?
20 minutes of training goes by and Rey’akana can’t shake the feeling that you were being made fun of, for the hair your mom let go on too long despite you asking for help. “Let’s take a break yea?” Y/n looks up unsure but still agrees “so your probably not gonna like this” y/n gives a saddened look “oh no, what happened?” Rey’akana is quick to reply with “Nothing, we have to talk about your hair. I heard what the girls said to you.” Y/n gave a mad look as she said “that’s not nice! Are you saying it’s messy and ugly too..?” Rey’akana returns a saddened smile and says “no-“ y/n cuts this off by saying “cause it is…kinda” he looks at her worryingly “I could do it for you so they don’t upset you anymore” y/n gives a sigh but agrees although Y/n suggests they get flowers and beads to add onto the hair and he complies. As they are searching for the perfect flower, Rey’akana reaches towards a pretty neon flower that glows until Y/n puts him to a stop “Wait Rey’akana! Don’t touch that one! It makes you have this weird reaction and it’s gross!” Rey’akana looks up amused at the child “…Did you touch it?” Y/n looks down with an ashamed face “…i don’t know” they’re search comes to a stop since they got enough materials for the hair. Settling down to start y/s hair.
A worried y/n manages to ask the question that’s on her mind “…do you know how to do this?” He considers it, I mean he has had his own mother do his hair many times, and he watched her do it to his sisters “How hard could it be?” Y/n looks down while shaking her head “I’m gonna look like an animal.” He laughs and says “shush child you’ll be just fine.” Time passed and Y/n loved her hair she jumped around with the biggest smile “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your the best Rey’akana!” They share a hug and Rey’akana drops her off home telling her she’ll still be able to meet him after he goes to battle. “Ok! Then you can tell me all the things that happened it’d be cool to learn from what you saw others do! Good night Rey’akana!”
The next day come and the war party was returning back and this time Y/n waited for Rey’akana instead of meeting them at their training area. The injured were taken to the healing tent but Y/n hadn’t seen them since she turned around to pick up the new necklace and beads she was ready to show Rey’akana as her gift to him. She turned back as the people emptied out but no Rey’akana..? Where was he? So she asked around “have you seen Rey’akana? Do you know where he is?” That was until she got to Rey’akana partner that he works with and she smiled and said “you must know where Rey’akana is! Can you tell me?” The man looks down giving her a saddened look, knowing Rey’akana took great care of the girl that he now knows an entire backstory of because that’s all Rey’akana ever talked about now. “He’s in the healing aid tent kiddo, you shouldn’t go” Y/n smile quickly falls as she ran into the healing area frantically searching, quickly passing all tables until she saw her grandmother who had agreed to stay with Rey’akana who’s shot in the chest trying to hold onto his life, as there is nothing she can do anymore.
“Rey’akana! No, no please. I need you.” The little girl comes close holding onto his hand. “You’re strong Y/n ,you can do anything. Your gonna see bad stuff but it’s ok.” She gets teary eyes scared that he’s parting away so soon “M-my parents it’s so horrible” he replies with “oh I can just imagine sunshine.” Sadness in his voice. “…a-and now you. Please. Please don’t leave me . Please don’t go.” His heart breaks as he holds her hand trying to get the strength to talk to her during his last moments “Keep practicing sunshine, I need you to enjoy your life ok? Don’t let anyone push you around. I’ll always be there with you. I’ll watch you at the same time everyday while you train. I’ll be there every step of the way while you become the great warrior you were always meant to be, the role you’ve been working so hard for. I need you to live Y/n. I need you to that for me Y/n that’s your job now. Oel ngati kameie, sunshine. You made a great impact on me.” He said that before the lights went out and Y/n’s life flashed seeing the adult who took care of here for a good couple of months and kept her safe, slip away in her hands. There it was the most painful cries and no one even knew why the once happy curious girl stopped coming around. Only the soldiers who had paid her mind because of all the great words Rey’akana had spoken of her. The sweet child who had all the strength and determination to keep going. Her eyes, were once innocent.
This is not the finally part of this series this is just the beginning! 💓 hope you enjoyed sweet moments of young Y/n!
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
@zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll
@abbersreads @tsireyak @aimsro
@elegantkidfansoul @neteyamforlife
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dontbesoweirdkira · 6 months
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🎀Kira’s Masterlist🎀
Mafia Trilogy, Mortal Kombat, Invincible, D.C., Marvel, The Hunger Games, House of Ashes, Slashers, Apex, Overwatch, TWDG, StarWars, Borderlands,..to be continued
Requests open 24/7
(Yandere Alphabet) (Yandere prompt list)
Please be specific when requesting. At the least let me know the series, character, and if it’s Yandere or not. Or you’ll be ignored.
Default is she/her pronouns. Can do gender neutral. Mainly only write men but can write for women if it’s platonic. Most characters from my listed fandoms are available to request. Any fandom not listed you can ask if I know them because chances are that I most likely do.
Don’t write: NSFW, Ocs and anything that is so degenerative that you’d be shunned even on the early internet.
Do Write: Yandere, fluff, oddly specific requests, disabilities, illnesses, most things tbh
I don’t bite ;)
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Mafia Trilogy
Members Yandere types
Tommy Angelo
How many kids would he have?
Paulie Lombardo
¡Yandere! Paulie protects you
How many kids would he have?
How would he be as a dad?
Sam Trapani
¡Yandere!Sam getting rid of your admirer
Bonus pt.2^
Yandere alphabet-ABIJ
Yandere fluff
How many kids would he have?
How would he be as a dad?
Vito Scaletta
Dad Scaletta
Time traveler reader
Time traveler pt.2
Yandere Alphabet
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Mortal Kombat 1, 11, and X
Mk11 and 1 w/ low emotional intelligence darling
Mk11 Yandere sub-zero and scorpion
Yandere MK11 harem x reader
Yandere MK11 harem pt.2
revenant harem w/ queen darling
Fluffy Kira’s favorites with a clingy s/o
Yandere Johnny,Lao and Erron with a darling in a wedding dress
Kung Lao
General Yandere headcannons
Comforts you from somniphobia/noctophobia
Erron Black
He kidnaps you
masochist drabble
Johnny Cage
Platonic yandere with a young star
Yandere Alphabet
Yandere Johnny w/ singer! S/O
Yandere Raiden take cares of sick darling
Yandere Raiden with disabled darling
Yandere Raiden sleepwatches you
Yandere Raiden harem
Soft yandere drabbles
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Mark Grayson
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
Promptober day 7 - “do you think it’s Halloween yet?”
Pairing - (s2)Carl grimes x fem!reader (platonic)
Warnings - none
Promptober ‘23 masterlist
Main masterlist
A/n - both Carl and reader are 12 in this fic and there is nothing romantic about it just a cute conversation between 2 kids who survived the apocalypse, Glenn is like readers guardian (like how lee is to Clem in twdg or Joel is to Ellie in tlou)
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carl and I are sat in the grime's tent talking about what we miss from the old world. "I miss chicken nuggets" I whisper with a smile. he laughs "I miss...Halloween...do you think its Halloween yet?" he asks with his brows furrowed. I furrow my eyebrows too trying to calculate how long since it's been since the world had ended. the world ended in august, and it's been at least a few months since well that's what Glenn told me. "Maybe I think its October already" I reply I sit up onto my knees and pop my head out of the tent. "Lori, do you think its Halloween yet?" her brows furrowed as she looks up at me and carl who both have out heads popped out of the tent. "I don't know maybe, why do you ask?"
carl and I both giggle before popping our heads back into the tent. "Maybe I can get Glenn to sneak us some candy when he goes back to that pharmacy" I whisper with a smile. he nods "you should ask where is he?" carl asks, and I shrug "I dunno maybe our tent" I reply "go ask..go ask" I agree and quickly get out of the tent and run to Glenn and i's tent. he's sat near it in a fold out camping chair. "Glenn, Glenn!" I shout breathlessly as I stop in front of him. his brows furrow together "what is it did you get hurt? see a walker?" he asks worriedly. I shake my head and smile "can you get me and carl some candy when you go to that pharmacy again?" he laughs as he rolls his eyes playfully. "If they have any left" he says softly.
2 days later
Glenn had finally gone back to the pharmacy, so now I'm stuck waiting around for him to come back to the farm. he returns back to the farm in the afternoon. "Glenn!" I shout as he arrives back on the horse he had took. I run up to him and the horse as he gets off of it. he kneels down in front of me, and I whisper, "did you get it?" he chuckles and nods as he reaches into his bag and hands me two chocolate bars. I throw my arms around his shoulders hugging him. "Thank you Glenn" I whisper as he pats at my back lovingly. I pull away and immediately run towards where our groups tents are set up.
"Carl! Carl!" he's sat in his family's tent "look! look!" I say showing him the two chocolate bars. his eyes widened as I crawl into the tent. I hand him a bar and we both immediately open them.
"Where did you guys get those?" Lori asks as she spots both of us with the candy.
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clouisluvr · 1 year
HELLO I AM IN LOVE WITJ YOUR SEAN HCS 😩😩🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 i can tell ur poc just by the way you write and it’s 100% then the way white girls be writing mexicans LMGOAOSJF ANYWAYS I LOVE YOU TJANM YOU FOR FEEDING MY SEAN FIXATION
- L
LMFAOOOOO i am indeed a black babe! im glad u like my sean hcs and ur SO SO VERY WELCOME!! ive been so inactive yall my bad, but ive got the urge to start writing again😁 ive got a couple old asks im gonna try and get to (spring/easter break next week so i have more time!) and i will 1000% be making a pt3 of the dating sean diaz hcs everybody clap and cheer! feel free to send some more asks (it’ll motivate me cuz i feel guilty when i let them collect dust in the inbox😭) much love to yall!!🥰
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Should I make a Percy Jackson full series/episodes x reader?
It’d be he full series, and maybe we can do a poll for who the love interest of the fic could be!
Or would y’all like for me to put back my arcane x oc fic??
Ocs name is Raina, she is the childhood friend of Powder and Ekko, taken in by Vander as a young child and raised alongside Vi, Powder, Mylo and Claggor.
She is Powders age, Ekko and Powders best friend, act 2 she is 6’0+, open bisexual icon, and a bit of Jinx x oc with hints of Ekko x oc
Jinx is the main love interest, and Raina has problems with feelings and involves Ekko in it bc he was an extension of Powder and Raina clings onto any little tie of the girl she used to love even if she says she hates Jinx
Psssttt, liar.
Or my twdg x oc fic
My oc is a child at Ericsson, and has been ever since they were a kid. They’re best friends with Louis, and Marlon while being ex-flings/situationship with Vi who uses them to get over Minnie until Clementine shows up.
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Fem!Reader x TWDG Luke - Part 1.
All That Remains | Introduction
23yo , Fem!Reader , slow burn , long plot , reader is in place of young Clementine .
Fandom: The Walking Dead Game, Season 2 Reader pronouns: She/Her
Wc. 2.3K
IN THIS EPISODE | Comfort, no romance, introduction. A/N: This is just an introduction to immerse the reader and prepare them before meeting Luke. And to clear up the timeline of this fanfic... The reader is a 23 year old woman who has experienced everything Clementine had originally gone through in season 1, except, instead of being 9 years old, she was 16 when she inevitably loses Lee. It has been 7 years since that day, and now everything picks up the same as it does in the beginning of season 2, only she is now 23 years old. You have been surviving with Christa for 7 years, and haven't found a place to call home yet, but are planning to head to "Wellington". This story will thoroughly follow the original script, but with lots of new added scenes!
The pacing of my writing may be a bit fast at times, but be assured, this will be a slow burn.
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Y/N: Christa, talk to me.
Christa sighs, stands up, and tends to the fire.
Christa: This'll never work. Look at this, it's pathetic. The wood's too wet to burn. There's more smoke than flame. At this rate, we'll be eating this for breakfast.
Y/N: What else can we do?
Christa: Find something that'll burn, maybe. I dunno. Won't be easy in the dark and in the rain.
Y/N: I might have something in my bag.
There is a period of silence, and before I get up to go look for something to burn, I feel the need to say,
Y/N: We need to find a group. People we can trust. We've been on our own for too long.
Christa: Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore.
I wrap my arms around myself.
Y/N: I'm freezing.
Christa: I know. Me too. But if you think this is bad, wait 'til we get up to Wellington, then talk to me about cold. If we make it. We still have a couple hard months ahead of us. This rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow. It won't be easy.
Y/N: You think we'll even make it that far?
Christa: Maybe. I don't know.
Christa: We just need to keep moving north.
I stand up.
Christa: We sure as hell can't stay here.
Y/N: I miss Lee.
Christa: I'm sure you do.
Christa: Sigh I'm gonna go look for more wood. You just keep the fire lit.
Christa leaves and I grab my backpack. I need to find something that would burn. I have a photo of Lee, a drawing of Kenny and his family that Duck drew... a piece of paper, and my lighter. I take my bag and kneel at the fire. I burn the paper and throw it into the flames, making it burn brighter.
Y/N: Better. But still not enough. The flames are too low.
I look through my bag again. Do I dare burn any of these?... No. What am I thinking? I get up and find a damp log...
Y/N: A little wet, but it's good enough to burn...
Right after I place the log into the fire, I hear people talking.. I follow the noise through the woods.
Stranger1: Jesus, are you fuckin' kidding me?!
Stranger1/Stranger2/Stranger3: Out here alone? In the middle of nowhere? But we haven't met anyone yet. How many people are you with?
Stranger1/Stranger2/Stranger3: Hate to see someone get hurt.
Stranger1/Stranger2/Stranger3: Now, hold on, she's setting you up.
Christa: I'm by myself.
Stranger1/Stranger2/Stranger3: You're obviously with someone. Where's your group?
I see Christa... and she's surrounded by a hostile group.
Stranger1: Don't fucking lie to us!
Stranger3: Who do you think you're foolin'?
Stranger1: Give us the truth and you don't get hurt.
Stranger3: You fuckin' with me? shoves Christa Where's the rest of your group?!
Christa: I'm by myself!
Stranger2: Bullshit!
Stranger1: She's lyin'.
Stranger3: points gun at Christa Cut the shit, lady.
Christa: It's... it's just me.
Stranger2: Come on, guys! points gun at Christa She's not saying!
Stranger3: You expect us to believe you're out here all alone?!
I'm panicked... I have no weapons, and no idea what to do! I need to distract them or something. So I pick up a rock and throw it at this guy's (Stranger1's) face.
Stranger1: What the fuck?!
Y/N: Christa, run! 
Stranger1: Hey!
I see Christa run away, but hear a gunshot. I'm sure she's okay... I run in the opposite direction.
Stranger1: Get the fuck over here! Now!
I hide behind a tree.
Stranger1: Motherfucker! Come out here, girl. I'm not fucking around. Look, girl, ain't no way you're smart enough to get outta this. Just come out.
I run, and the man chases me. He's large. Much larger than me... He's wearing a big hiking bag, and has a scary face... There's something real disturbing about him- besides the fact that he's attacking me...
Stranger1: Shit! Get the fuck over here!
I crawl under a fallen tree and continue running.
Stranger1: Goddamn it!
As I'm running, I'm dodging walkers. Hoping one of them gets a hold of this man...
Stranger1: Fuck!
He kicks the walker's knee and stomps on its head. I then break a branch off of a tree.
I step aside as the man charges forward at me, then I stab him in the shoulder with the branch.
Stranger1: Jesus, are you fuckin' kidding me?!
I continue running, but then stop. I'm suddenly at the edge of a riverbank. I can't go anywhere else, and the man grabs me.
Y/N: Leave me alone!
Stranger1: Then stop fucking running! Quit squirming!
I bite his hand.
Stranger1: Ah! Fuck! Ah! Ow, let go, you little bitch, Jesus Christ!
He releases me after I bite him. I quickly scan my surroundings and see a big hollow log. I crawl into it in attempt to get away.
Stranger1: Come out of there!
He grabs my leg. I try my best to kick him over and over. He drags me backward and I grab onto a nearby tree.
Stranger1: Jesus, are you fuckin' kidding me?! Come on, girl.
No matter how hard I tried to hold on, he ends up pulling me away from the tree. He grabs onto my wrists and I try to kick him away again.
Y/N: What do you want from me!??
Stranger1: You are on my last fucking nerve! Stop fucking kicking!
The thought of what he could possibly want from me... I gather my strength and kick as hard as I can. My kick forces him backward. Then a walker grabs him.
Stranger1: No, shit!
Just when I think I'm in the clear, another walker grabs my arm. I do my best to pull away. I'm just inches from a bite...
I break free, ripping off the walker's arm. I step aside as a walker approaches, and it attacks the man, ripping out his throat. I run through the woods, dodging more walkers.
But then, I trip and fall. There's dozens of walkers coming towards me. I am left helpless. I have nothing to defend myself. I'm crawling away backwards, then pick up a nearby rock. I throw it at one of the walkers in attempt to fight them off. It's no use. I keep moving backwards, then fall off of the cliff into the river below.
The water is freezing, and the current is pulling me away swiftly. It all happens so fast... The cold water takes my breath away, and I couldn't swim out of this even if the current wasn't so strong. That's when everything goes black...
I'm not sure how... but I survive... my mind is groggy as I wake up ashore. My clothes are soaking wet and I have no clue where I am.
Y/N: Hello?
There is a canoe in the distance. It says "JR. TANUKI'S KIDS CAMP" and is split in two, the other half stuck on some rocks in the river. How sad...
I find a staircase. What's left of it at least... It's just a wooden platform now. I jump and try to grab the top ledge of the broken stairs. It takes me a few tries, but I eventually pull myself up.
Y/N: Christa, are you there?
I look around and see a grave. I look sadly at the grave made of sticks.
Y/N: Sigh
I walk along the trail ahead.
I shake my head. I don't see many animals anymore. I'd be kinda happy to come across one of these... I guess?
I climb over a fallen tree in my path and continue walking. Eventually I hear the bushes rustle, discovering... a dog! What crazy timing... He growls at me...
Y/N: It's okay, boy, it's okay...
I carefully check the tag on his collar.
Y/N: "Sam". Well, nice to meet you, Sam.
Sam walks a short distance away and sniffs the ground.
Y/N: What are you doing?
Sam barks and runs off.
Y/N: Sam. Sam!
I wonder to myself, if I should follow him.
Y/N: Where are you going? Wait up!
Of course I will! I've found a dog! I chase after him. He brings me to an abandoned campsite.
Y/N: Hello?! This place looks pretty run over, but you never know. Let's look around for some food.
I let Sam sniff my hand, and then I pet him.
Y/N: There you go... I'm not gonna hurt you...
I look around for something to eat.
Y/N: Find anything yet?
Of course the dog won't answer. But I talk to him to keep my spirits up... Then, I spot a frisbee on the ground!
Y/N: Hey! Wanna play? Wanna play catch?
Sam barks at me and wags his tail, so I throw the disc and he catches it!
Y/N: Okay, bring it back!
He drops the disc in front of my feet.
Y/N: Good boy Sam!
We keep playing until my stomach growls again, and I remember, I should probably be looking for food instead, so I end the game of catch and Sam walks away.
I find a big metal barrel full of trash. I need to know if there's anything good in there...
Y/N: Well... here we go.
I roll up my sleeves and digs in the trash, finding a full can of beans.
Y/N: Oh my God. Thank you! Look, Sam, a can!
Now I just needed to find something to open it with... I approach one side of the camp, and Sam barks.
Y/N: What's the matter, Sam?
Sam continues barking.
Y/N: Shh! We have to be quiet.
I approach Sam and try to talk to him. I eventually see that he's barking at a walker tied to a tree.
Y/N: It's okay. He's dead. Look, you can see the bite. Looks like he tried to cut it out.
I pause and think of Lee...
Y/N: But that never works...
Sam whines at the walker.
Y/N: It's okay. We're smart and he's not. We're smarter than all of them.
I look at the knife buried in the walker's shoulder and try to pull it out, but the walker almost grabs me. I pick up a nearby branch and prepare to smash in its skull.
Y/N: Stand back, okay?
I sling the giant branch over my shoulder, then repeatedly smash the walker's head with the branch until it dies.
Y/N: See? We just have to stay out of their reach.
I search the walkers pocket.
Y/N: I like to think that...if they were alive, they'd probably want to help you.
I find nothing in its pocket.
Y/N: Sigh Nothing.
I grab the knife and wipe off the blood.
Y/N: Still pretty sharp.
I look at Sam and smile.
Y/N: Okay, well, now we're getting somewhere.
I walk away from the walker and sit on a log, holding the knife and can of beans.
Y/N: Please don't be bad.
I cut the can open. It looks good enough to me.
Y/N: Thank God...
I eat the food with my hands. Sam sits down and whines.
Y/N: I guess you're pretty hungry too.
I couldn't just let Sam go hungry! I hold out some of the food.
Y/N: Here ya go.
Sam lunges at my hand and I drop the can. He tries to eat all of the beans.
Y/N: Hey! Don't eat it all.
I pick up the can. But then... Sam jumps up and bites my arm, dragging me to the ground. I scream in fear, and more so, pain!
I repeatedly punch Sam in the face, as much as I don't ever want to hurt an animal...
Sam takes a few steps back, and lunges at me again, but I kick him backwards, and he disappears behind a log... I grab my knife... I'm almost frozen in shock... As I'm shaking, I slowly walk over to him, where I discover... he is impaled with several metal spikes.
He whines and flails, trying to get free. The sight makes me sick to my stomach... How did I end up like this so fast? Why did he have to do it!? My eyes swell with tears as I think to myself... He is just a dog, he is just doing what comes naturally... But I wish it could have been different.
I snap out of my thoughts and quickly realize, Sam is suffering. I need to end it for him...
Y/N: I'm... I'm sorry, Sam.
I stab Sam in the throat, killing him. I roll down my sleeves to cover the bite and leave the camp.
I continue walking through the woods. All that is going through my mind is the burdening disgust at the nature of this world. I find a dog... then have to kill it because it attacked me? Why? Why couldn't we have just been friends?
It reminds me of everything else in this world now. I don't think I could trust anyone ever again after Christa... Her words run through my mind over and over, "Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore..."
I whimper in pain and exhaustion and sit down, leaning against a rock. I can't go anymore... my vision becomes blurry. Walkers start to approach... I have to get up. I have to at least try to escape.
There are walkers everywhere.. and one walker knocks me over. I try to push it away; but then suddenly, it is decapitated by with a machete. Someone else fires a crossbow at the other walkers...
Stranger: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
To be continued !
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Media I write for as of 1/2024)
(Please keep in mind that I don't feel comfortable with writing characters x reader, if the character in question is under 18 years old)
the bad guys (2022)
bioshock (2007, 2013)
Bob’s Burgers (2011 - present)
Borderlands (2009 - 2019)
Cinderella ( 1950)
Detroit: Become Human (2018)
Dying light
Encanto (2021)
FNAF (sister location and security breach) (2016 - 2021)
Heavy Rain
Helluva Boss (2020 - present)
Hercules (1997)
How to train your dragon (The series)
The hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
The Incredibles (2004)
Infinity train (2019 - 2021)
Inside job (2022 - present)
the iron giant (1999)
The last of us, Part 1 & 2 (2014 - 2020)
Little Misfortune
Megamind (2010)
The Mitchells vs The Machines (2021)
Moral Orel (2005 - 2008)
Oxenfree (2016)
Princess and the Frog
The Quarry (2022)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
Resident Evil 7 & 8 (2017 - 2022)
Rise of the guardians (2012)
The road to El Dorado (2000)
Robots (2005)
Rock and Rule (1983)
Sally Face (2016 - 2019)
The sea beast (2022)
Sing! (2016)
(ps4) Spider-man (2018)
Squid game (2021)
Stranger things (2016 - present)
Stray (2022)
Tangled (2010) 
Tinkerbell (2008)
Turning red (just 4town) (2022)
Until Dawn
The Walking dead (main series)
TWDG (2012 - 2022)
The Wolf Among us (2014)
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