#twin size mattress universe
shovson · 1 year
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the morning after
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heybobbygirl · 1 year
[listening to literally any song ever] man this is so south park coded
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sourweather-fics · 1 year
its the same thing again he wrote the SAME THING AGAIN HE—
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 9 months
Immortal Danger
Apollo x DaughterofDemeter!Reader
Summary: Apollo marries a half-blood without realizing how dangerous it can be.
Warning: PJO universe but no real PJO plot, (kind of) smut, threats, monsters, Ares slander
Word Count: 4.7K
Masterlist | Part 2
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A/N Sam Claflin is my personal headcanon for Apollo and if he isn’t cast for the Titan’s Curse season I’m gonna cry
“Am I even allowed to be here?” I asked as Apollo and I materialized in his home on Mount Olympus.
“Probably not but Demeter’s already gonna be pissed when she finds out we eloped in Vegas,” Apollo smiles, pulling me down onto the couch. I laughed as he did so, taking a chance to look around. I was in awe. The ceiling to the sitting room was just a giant skylight and the sun seemed to perpetually shine through it. There were balconies in the column of the sun, revealing the upper levels of the extravagant manor decorated in gold.
“This place is incredible,” I said in awe.
“Yeah, Annabeth did a great job with the remodel. And it’s all yours,” he swore, his lips brushing against my cheek. “Everything that’s mine is also yours.”
“Really?” I challenged teasingly. “Then can I drive the sun chariot.”
He faltered. “Well… after Thalia, I don’t think-”
“I’m joking,” I assured him. “I don’t want to torch Antarctica. Or make North Africa freeze over.”
“I’ll give you lessons some day,” he promised. “Maybe when you’re a goddess and that human nervousness about dying instinct fades.” I laughed before he sprung up. “C’mon,” he said, pulling me up from the couch. “I wanna show you the bedroom.”
“Very subtle,” I chided him.
“I know,” he agreed with a cocky smile as he began climbing the stairs. “But you’re my wife now.” We went up so many levels I was beginning to get tired but Apollo was already practically dragging me up the stairs. When we went to a set of double doors I thought we were done with the stairs but there was one more flight. I followed him up, eyes widening as I realized his room made up the entire top floor.
There was a circle in the floor covered by glass with a view to the sitting room, allowing the sun to shine through the whole house. But the ceiling of the room itself was a glass dome, flooding the whole room with light. Surprisingly, it wasn’t ridiculously hot but that’s a perk of being the sun god. Several plants grew in various pots around the room—I had a sneaking suspicion he added them recently—and the walls were lined with various weapons, mostly bows and arrows. The bed itself was tucked into a sort of alcove, with pillows lining the edge of it, leaning up against the walls so as to make the whole alcove a soft bed. I noticed curtains hanging in front of the bed to shield it from the rest of the room, as well as a contraption above it against the glass probably to block the light from above.
Apollo came up next to me. “I know you’re a light sleeper so I had the curtains put in to block out the light.”
“This is incredible,” I said in awe. “But uh- do gods sleep?”
“We don’t have to but I love sleeping,” he smiled. “It’s one of the best things humans invented.”
I stepped closer to the bed, reaching down to feel the soft mattress. “Gods, do you know how long it’s been since I slept in a bed that wasn’t a twin size mattress?” I asked. Even though at 24 I was far older than any of the other campers at Camp Half-Blood, I had to stay there as the outside world had become too dangerous for me. Once I turned 22, Chiron finally let me have a room in The Big House because even the oldest campers besides for me were still around 17.
“Well,” Apollo began, getting closer until I was laying down on the mattress and his face was so close to mine I could see the gold flecks in his eyes, “I was thinking we’d consummate our marriage in this bed before sleeping,” he suggested, kissing me.
“I’d be open to that,” I laughed, kissing him back. Using godly strength, he managed to wrap an arm around my waist before pulling me up closer to the middle of the bed so our feet weren’t hanging off. As he kissed me, I could feel his hand find the zipper on the back of my wedding dress. But just as he started to bring it down, there was a bell and a shout.
“Apollo?” a masculine voice called through the house.
Our lips parted, and he rested his forehead on mine with a groan. “I hate him.”
“Who is it?” I asked.
“Hermes. Look, he can’t see you. He and I are cool now but he still can’t see you.”
“Okay,” I agreed. “I’ll just stay here.”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead before running downstairs to an incessant Hermes. As he went down the stairs I watched in amazement as his tux transformed into a t-shirt and shorts. Once he left I started looking around the room more, wary of the giant glass circle in the middle of the room. I went up to the weapons, finding various plaques describing what momentous kill each weapon was responsible for. A little bit self obsessed to have in your bedroom but, hey, that’s Apollo.
As the gods moved to the sitting room I could hear them through the glass. “I know you’ve been dating a demigod,” Hermes’ voice came. “Chiron just sent a distress signal about a missing half-blood.”
“So…?” Apollo’s voice came, trying to act nonchalant.
“I’m saying that the girl you’ve been dating is the missing half-blood. Chiron is worried sick because apparently she’s powerful but will attract a lot of monsters. And Ares is still pissed at you for putting an arrow through him during World War I. She could be in danger of him while not under Dionysus’ protection.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, man. I haven’t seen her in a few weeks.”
“I haven’t known you to go even two days without seeing the person you’re dating.” I could hear the accusing tone in Hermes’s voice. And Apollo knew he was backed into a corner.
“Yeah well, dating a half-blood is hard. Chiron and Dionysus have her on lockdown. And do you know what Demeter would do to me? You remember how she lost it when Persephone ran off with Hades. How am I going to explain that I’m dating her half-human daughter?”
“Well you better pray Ares doesn’t find out about her or he’ll probably kill her just to piss you off.” Kill me?
“Look I’m going to have father turn her into a goddess soon anyway. She’ll be fine.”
“You’re awfully nonchalant about your little human going missing. Is it because she’s actually here?” Hermes accused.
“No!” Apollo said unconvincingly.
“Y/N!” Hermes called. “I know you’re here. Come on out.” I froze. What do I do? Obey the god or obey the other god?
“She’s not here and even if she was, she’d listen to what I said.” I didn’t move, contemplating whether or not I should hide.
“Fine, then you won’t mind if I check your bedroom.”
Σκατά. I could just hide in one of the many other rooms in the house. Hermes probably wouldn’t take the time to check every room. But once I reached the top of the stairs, the door at the bottom opened revealing a very pissed Hermes and distressed Apollo. Curse godly teleportation.
Hermes turned to Apollo. “Wanna do some explaining?” he asked sarcastically, observing my white dress. I just backed away, giving them space to come up the stairs. “Seriously, man. She could be killed because you married her and brought her here without permission,” Hermes explained as they walked up the stairs.
“But no one else is going to know because you’re not gonna tell them,” Apollo said, getting in between me and Hermes. “Right?”
He sighed. “Hi Y/N, congrats on getting married,” he finally greeted me.
“Thanks,” I answered hesitantly.
“Why is she even here?” he asked Apollo.
“Well, we were supposed to go talk to Zeus but I’m working the courage back up,” he laughed awkwardly. Hermes gave him an unamused look. “What? I’ve been single for millennia and then I’m just going to go up to father like ‘Hey, I finally decided to get married. By the way, it’s to a half-blood can you make her immortal too?’”
“So why is she still here?”
“Well Chiron has almost walked in on us having se- OW!” I cut him off with a pinch to his side. “What?” he asked, turning to me.
I could feel the heat rushing to my face now. “Shut up,” I chided him.
“Hermes of all people gets it!” he insisted, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “You can’t honestly say you’ve never brought a girl to Olympus. Like Penelope? Pan’s mother. Because Odysseus would’ve tried to murder you had he walked in on you two.”
“That’s different!” Hermes insisted.
Hermes tried to think of an answer for a few minutes before he gave up. “Fine, whatever. But either get her back to camp or tell Zeus what’s going on before anyone else can get their hands on her.” He left no room for argument because he quite literally disappeared in a flash of light that second. Thankfully Apollo had the foresight to cover my eyes for me because Hermes had turned into a ball of light before I could react.
My husband sighed as he looked down at me. “I guess I should return you, huh? I’m sorry I just can’t face Zeus today.”
I smiled softly at him. Truthfully I was in no rush for immortality. I wasn’t quite ready to leave my life behind either way but when Apollo burst into my bedroom declaring that today was the day, I just went with it. Reaching a hand up to cup his jaw I leaned up to kiss him. “Whatever you want, you’re the one who has to take responsibility,” I reasoned.
“Thank you,” he murmured, capturing my lips. “Do you think you can be missing for just a couple more hours?” he asked, pulling away from me.
“Probably,” I agreed. He was immediately scooping my legs up before dropping me onto the bed.
My new husband spent the entire night drawing orgasms out of me until I finally got him to stop. That was the thing about gods, sometimes they didn’t know when to stop because they didn’t always understand human limitations.
I was still breathing heavily from my last peak when I fell asleep on Apollo’s chest, so exhausted.
Despite the fact that the sun was down, Apollo could still see his new wife clearly through the moonlight streaming through the glass ceiling. He had laid there for hours, admiring her relaxed features and reveling in the touch of her skin on his. It was nearly five o’ clock and he’d have to get up soon. As nice and sunny as summer was, he hated having to get up so early to get the sun chariot ready.
He gently stroked the hair away from her face, pressing the lightest kiss against her forehead so as not to disturb her. Sitting up, he rearranged the pillows and blankets to cover her before sliding off the bed. He threw on some clothes, leaving a t-shirt for his wife when she woke up before disappearing to the moors of England. Humans thought the sun was always going around the world in a circle but for the west, the sun began in England because that’s where the dividing line fell between the east and the west.
Setting up the sun chariot to do it’s course, Apollo set it off, watching it crest up in the sky like every day. Before he could turn to leave he sensed a new presence behind him. Turning, he found a very smug looking Ares. Trying to play it cool, Apollo smiled. “What are you doing here, brother?”
“I heard about a missing camper,” Ares began. “And then Aphrodite told me about a certain marriage certificate. Filed both on Earth and Mount Olympus.” Apollo cursed internally, that wasn’t supposed to be sent to Olympus for another week. The one time bureaucracy was efficient.
“Ares…” he began, intending to work out some sort of deal but the god of war interrupted him.
“I don’t know where you’re keeping her but until she’s immortal, she’s fair game to kill.”
“You really wanna piss off Demeter like that?” Apollo challenged, hoping her mother could provide her a little protection if he couldn’t.
Ares shrugged. “She has plenty of other children. And it’s not like I’m killing Persephone.” Demeter’s first daughter truly was the apple of her eye. She loved her demigod children but she’d get over their deaths. “Should’ve thought about this before you decided to put an arrow through me in 1918,” Ares sneered.
“That was like a hundred years ago!” Apollo insisted. “Don’t put her in the middle of this. She didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Should’ve thought about the consequences of your actions before you fell in love with a demigod,” the god of war taunted before disappearing in a flash of light.
The sun god let out an enraged grunt before transporting to his house. He practically ripped open the curtains surround the bed to make sure his bride was still there. He let out the biggest sigh of relief seeing her still laying there, unharmed. But now she was stirring due to the sudden light flooding her eyes.
I groaned as the sun hit my eyes and a body came to lay next to me. “I’m sorry,” Apollo said, crawling into his spot next to me. “I really wish you could go back to sleep but you need to be back at camp now,” he said. I could now hear the urgency in his voice as I opened my eyes.
“Why? What happened?” I asked, sitting up.
“Look, I uh- may not have thought this marriage all the way through,” he said nervously, handing me a shirt.
My heart dropped and pain flooded my body. “What?” I asked. I cursed myself, I knew it was too good to be true. I thought that after seeing each other for five years he was being honest about wanting to marry me. But I guess five years to an immortal god is the equivalent to a week for a human.
Apollo turned, finding my hurt expression. “No!” he immediately tried to clear up. “No it’s the fact that you’re in danger now. I don’t regret you. I’m so happy you’re my wife now and that you will be forever. I just didn’t think about the other gods’ reactions.”
“Oh,” I said quietly, relief washing over me.
“I could never regret you,” he said, coming over to sit beside me. “I love you. So much,” he swore, pressing me into his chest.
“Is this about Ares?” I asked. He suddenly froze. “I overheard you and Hermes downstairs,” I explained.
“Yes, but I swear to you nothing’s gonna happen to you. You just have to stay at camp. Ares won’t harm you if you’re in Dionysus’ territory,” he said urgently. If his grave tone was any indication, I was in serious danger. “I’m gonna talk to Zeus. We’re already married and I consulted the Fates when I met you so he’ll probably approve your immortality,” he rushed out, handing me shorts to throw on.
I was at a complete loss of what to say so I said the only thing I could think of. “Okay, I trust you.”
He smiled, lightly grasping either side of my jaw. “We have to go. I’m gonna transport with you just outside of camp. The other campers won’t be able to see me but you’re gonna say you snuck out to visit your dad because you were… I don’t know… having a hard time being the only adult at camp?” he suggested.
I nodded, grasping his hand. Immediately we were standing on the side of a familiar rural road. I looked up at the hill in front of me, just over it was Camp Half-Blood. Turning, I found nothing next to me but Apollo’s hand still intertwined in mine was proof he was still there.
He untangled his fingers from mine and gave me a gentle push on my back to encourage me to walk. I did so hesitantly, slowly walking up the hill. As I spotted the gates of camp. Stood on either side of the arch, were two campers in full battle armor. I could hear an indistinct yell as I approached. Probably alerting Chiron to my reemerged presence.
When I finally reached the “safety” of camp I could sense that Apollo was gone. He had kept a few paces behind me but disappeared once I got past Thalia’s former tree. Meanwhile, there was a new threat currently facing me as both Chiron and Mr. D stared down at me disapprovingly. They so rarely agreed with each other and Mr. D so rarely even bothered to pay attention to us that I knew I was in deep shit. “Y/N,” Chiron said like he was scolding his 16 year old daughter, “come with me.” He turned, trotting away as I followed after him like this was a walk of shame. Dionysus just disappeared.
Once I finally reached the Big House, I spotted Mr. D and a woman in the room. She radiated warmth and life despite the rage coming off of her. “Mother?” I asked.
“How could you!” she immediately yelled. “You were seeing a god behind everyone’s back? Not just any god, Apollo,” she spat angrily. “And then next I hear you’re married to him?” she asked in disbelief. “Y/N, do you know what you’ve gotten yourself into? I’ve already lost one daughter to a god. I won’t lose another one.”
Had I not been speaking to a goddess I would’ve lashed out at her. It’s not like she was ever really there for me. How can you lose someone you’ve never been there for? “You’re not gonna lose me,” I insisted, biting my tongue. “You haven’t lost Persephone either, she’s only in the Underworld for a few months. I will be on Olympus with you.”
“Locked in Apollo’s morally depraved sex mansion,” she spat, clearly upset. My jaw nearly dropped, I was so shocked she actually said that.
“Demeter, as valid as your worries are,” Dionysus reluctantly said, “there is the more pressing matter of Ares trying to murder your daughter. And he’ll keep trying until Zeus grants her immortality.”
“Are those boys still fighting about the arrow in 1918?” Demeter demanded.
“Wait, Ares wants to kill me because Apollo shot him?” I asked.
“Yes, it was an accident but Ares never forgot. Especially because it allowed the Allied powers to win. At the time, Ares was kind of betting on Germany to be the next big thing but then when the Allies all blamed it on Germany, Ares wasn’t happy.” Chiron clarified. “And he wants to destroy Apollo’s happiness in revenge.”
“I don’t want you seeing him,” my mother suddenly demanded, still hyper-focused on the wrong topic. Even Chiron and Mr. D rolled their eyes at that. “He’s a no good playboy.”
“We’re already married. I’m not gonna just stop seeing him. And I knew what I was getting myself into. I made sure he actually wanted a relationship with me before I got attached.”
“Oh please-”
“He married me, didn’t he?” I interrupted.
“Demeter, if it’s any consolation he does seem to genuinely be in love with her,” Chiron defended me. “Apollo has never married in all the millenniums he’s lived. He has finally settled down.”
She looked reluctant to accept his argument but didn’t say anything else.
“S-so what do I do now that Ares wants to kill me?” I asked. “Apollo said that he wouldn’t touch me under your protection,” I looked at Mr. D.
The god of wine still looked reluctant to participate in all this. “Well technically camp belongs to all the gods and I cannot ensure your safety. Besides, Ares has never minded breaking a few rules of war. I’ll have to bring you to a more secure place whilst Apollo tries to convince Zeus.”
Demeter sighed. “I will go help him too but after you are immortalized we are discussing your living arrangement,” she said with a stern finger. Before I could reluctantly agree she was gone.
“Come,” Chiron said with a hand on my back. “You must pack only your essentials. Then Dionysus will take you to the convent you’ll be staying at.”
“Convent?” I asked, stopping in my tracks.
“Well, I am the god of cults,” Mr. D reasoned from behind me. “I have a few of my followers there but enough real nuns to disguise you. You’ll be safe there.”
I was only at the convent for two days before I was in danger again.
I had been getting along fairly well with the other nuns. Except for one. Her name was Peggy and she seemed too friendly and was always trying to be alone with me. With this being a place that housed Dionysus’ followers I thought nothing of it until I found myself alone with her.
I had been doing my daily chores of dusting the entire convent when Peggy entered the room I was in. I thought nothing of it until I heard the lock click into place. When I turned I didn’t find the nun, I found a gorgon with a grotesque smile on her face. “Daughter of Demeter, I hadn’t expected to see you here. I heard about your little predicament.” I glanced to the open window across the room. If I could just get outside I could trap the gorgon in nature. “Poor Apollo will be so heartbroken when he realizes his bride is dead before he was even able to give her immortality.”
Grabbing a lamp, I hurled it at the monster while she was still talking. It bounced harmlessly off her, shattering but I was already throwing myself through the window. Jumping through a second story window face first probably wasn’t the best idea but I needed to get her onto the ground. As I hit the ground I felt my wrist crack but I didn’t even have time to consider it because the gorgon was bursting through the window after me. She barely missed jumping on top of me but I rolled out of her path. As she was still regaining her bearings I willed the roots of the earth to wrap around her.
Thousands of roots sprung up from the ground tangling each other and the gorgon until they secured her. Any monster worth their myth could cut through my vines but they would come so fast that the monster couldn’t keep up until they were immobilized by the earth. Once the gorgon stopped moving and had just become an unrecognizable mass of weeds, I willed them to pull her into the ground. I’m sure it was a horrific way to die, having every nutrient in your body sucked out of you from underground until you could only become a pile of ichor that would remain in the earth forever.
As soon as I sensed that her life force was gone, I allowed some vines to wrap around my wrist, using the resources of the earth to heal my broken bones. As I let out a sigh of relief at the pain subsiding, I saw a faint flash of light. Now standing a hundred feet away from me were twin brothers, each standing around six feet tall, in full Greek battle armor. I knew enough about mythology and the context of my situation to know that these were Phobos and Deimos. If they weren’t standing between me and the convent I’d try to run there for safety.
“I’m so glad that gorgon was here,” Phobos said. “If it weren’t for you using your powers we never would have found you.”
Σκατά. Well, I just took down a gorgon, I could imprison these two. I let the earth crawl up their shins but they both just looked at each other with smiles before bursting into flames. Their explosion was so violent it threw me back a few feet.
I let out a groan as pain exploded in my body. Peeling open my eyes, I found the earth underneath their feet scorched and they were laughing. I tried to grow vines around myself to pull me into the earth as protection but a blade was suddenly cutting through them and I was being pulled up by my guimpe. Curse these stupid nun outfits.
“Wait, wait, please,” I begged.
“Too bad for you we don’t get to kill you,” Deimos taunted in my face, still holding me by the guimpe. “Ares is gonna torture you to death and send the footage to your husband.”
I did the only thing I could think of. I spat in his face.
“Ew!” he yelled, dropping me to the ground. I wasted no time tearing off into the woods, barely paying attention to Phobos berating his twin.
I continued on, tearing through the woods to get far enough. Seeing a flash of light, I turned the other way, trying to escape Phobos and Deimos long enough so I could hide. “Y/N!” I heard a familiar yell but I didn’t bother to stop. For all I knew, that was one of the twins playing tricks on me.
As I tried to jump over a branch my skirt got caught, sending me to the ground with a crash. Again, curse these nun outfits. Before I could get up though, there was a weight on me. I immediately began screaming and thrashing, assuming it was either Phobos or Deimos but two hands on my face made me look straight ahead. I calmed down realizing it was Apollo currently sitting on top of me.
“Hey, hey, you’re safe,” he assured me. “It’s just me.” As I started calming down, he pulled the veil off my head. “There we go,” he soothed, pulling me up from the ground. As he was still trying to calm me down, Phobos and Deimos appeared behind him. He whirled around, pushing my body behind his. “Zeus granted her immortality. She is under his protection!”
“What we don’t know can’t be held against us,” Phobos laughed.
But before he could do anything, I found myself in a new place. Olympus, I recognized it. Staring up in awe at all the thrones and the magnificent room made of marble. Eleven gods sat around me, including Ares. A completely golden throne that seemed to shimmer was empty.
I looked around, ensuring my head was bowed to all the gods—especially Ares—I finally reached Zeus, falling to my knee.
“Y/N L/N,” Zeus’ booming voice seemed to echo across the room. “You have been granted immortality by the virtue of your husband, Apollo. With the approval of myself and the fates. I hereby grant you goddess status: Y/N, goddess of healing, daughter of Demeter, and wife of Apollo.”
I don’t know what I was expecting but it was as if an unknown burden I didn’t know I had was lifted.
I stood, unsure what to do but all of a sudden a force was hitting me. As Apollo wrapped his arms around me I knew he had been what knocked into me. “My wife’s a goddess!” he yelled, still hugging me, much to the amusement of the other Olympians.
A/N I'm gonna be so fucking fr I had no plot going into this I just wanted to write about Apollo so if anyone has any suggestions or requests of a part 2 that ends this better I'm happy to write them
Masterlist | Part 2
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millenianthemums · 3 months
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I wanted to share the official playlist I made for this fic! I always make playlists for stories of mine, but I honestly really like this one and wanted to share it. I went way overboard on the cover, but it was still fun. I’ll probably reuse it when I post the first chapter of the fic, which I’m hoping will happen in the next couple weeks!
tracklist under the cut! the songs don’t map directly onto the plot or anything, they’re just vibe-based. there’s a lot of cheesy pop and angsty stuff right next to each other, because i feel like that’s gonna be the tone of the fic in general.
* Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall
* The Saga of You, Confused Destroyer of Planets - Lemon Demon
* Kiss Me, Son of God - They Might Be Giants
* Beady Eyes on the Horizon - Jukebox the Ghost
* The Next Dimension - Lemon Demon
* Look Who’s Inside Again - Bo Burnham
* Hollywood Baby - 100 gecs
* Problems - Mother Mother
* Something Glowing - Lemon Demon
* The Guide to Success - Joe Iconis / Eric William Morris
* Flap Flap - Patricia Taxxon
* Hot Air Balloon - Owl City
* Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
* Cilantro - Patricia Taxxon
* Shooting Star - Owl City
* Mamma Mia - ABBA
* Swear To God the Devil Made Me Do It - The Front Bottoms
* Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
* Big Wheel - Patricia Taxxon
* Fine - Lemon Demon
* Perfect - Marianas Trench
* Alone Together - Fall Out Boy
* Modern Day Cain - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
* Bloodeater - Girls Rituals
* Against the Kitchen Floor - Will Wood
* Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance
* Scare Me - Ludo
* September - Earth Wind & Fire
* Wow Wow - Neil Cicierega
* Have It All - Jason Mraz
* I’m Still Here - John Rzeznik
* Yellow Horse - cats millionaire
* Honest - Patricia Taxxon
* Son of a Gun - Joe Iconis / Eric William Morris
* Peach - The Front Bottoms
* …well, better than the alternative - Will Wood
* Candy Store - Heathers
* When the Chips are Down - Hadestown
* Aurora Borealis - Lemon Demon
* Goodbye - Bo Burnham
* Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
* Dumbest Girl Alive - 100 gecs
* Killer in the Mirror - Set It Off
* A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers
* Bad Guy - Set It Off
* My Alcoholic Friends - Dresden Dolls
* SAD - Lemon Demon
* Happily Ever After - He Is We
* True Kinda Love - Steven Universe
* Everything Stays - Adventure Time
* I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski
* Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats
* Goodbye to a World - Porter Robinson
* King - Lauren Aquiliana
* Stand By You - Rachel Platton
* Ready Now - Dodie
* Seventeen (Reprise) - Heathers
* Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
* Time To Pretend - MGMT
* Die Young - Kesha
* Good Time - Owl City
* Anything For You - Ludo
* Monster - Adventure Time
* You Love Me - Kimya Dawson
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caspersscareschool · 1 year
favorite lair details
- the giant heat lamp
- the clean looking moat that they never use or acknowledge because they prefer to swim in dirty sewer water
- mikey's graffiti tags all over the place but especially the scribbles all over his room that look like practice doodles in crayon going back to like kindergarten, practicing his name and abcs, etc.
- them having beanbags instead of a couch so they can lean back with their stupid shells. same goes for mikey's hammock. same goes for the massage chairs that only appeared once
- the mystery gamer room that only appeared in the purple game- i presume because it had to be sealed off after the events of the episode due to the gamer stink
- the kitchen cabinet with a sticky note that always says "BUY GRANOLA"
- the med bay that they only used one time that's just a giant industrial garage with a single dentist chair in the middle
- their actual garage that apparently just leads directly onto the streets of Manhatten and still no one has found their lair. it's also where they keep training dummies made to look like each of them and donnie's is always strung up on the rafters, limp. forgotten. like a frisbee on a roof
- number 1 lou jitsu huggy pillow
- the fact that leo has a queen sized mattress with pink & red sheets while raph sleeps on a twin sized bunk makes me feel like he lost rock paper scissors for the big bed at like 6 years old and has paid for it ever since
- donnie's titanium self portrait sculpture that's so hyperrealistic that raph thought it was his actual decapitated head and this item just migrates around the house as like a doorstop or whatever and no one ever acknowledges that he is apparently, canonically, in-universe, a master representational sculptor much like the real Donatello of Renaissance fame
- splinter having an extremely elaborate expensive sewing setup in his room to keep up with their constant demand for stupid little outfits
- splinter having a minibar in his room . actually everything about his room just in general he's so real for this
- their fucked up toilet
- the only visible way to get upstairs is a skateboard ramp
- probably more I'm forgetting
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lovebugism · 2 years
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☄. *. ⋆ --- Idiots
summary: eddie makes a mean joke. it's hard to be mad at him when you share a bunk on a tour bus. pairing: band au!eddie muson / f!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: slight angst at first but there's a happy ending, barely proofread a/n: brb getting lost in the universe of the trials and tribulations of being in corroded coffin with eddie munson </3
You know you’re being irrational, but Eddie never should’ve made that stupid fucking joke in the first place. It wasn’t even him so much as the cheap beer and the post-show high, but it stung nonetheless. Now that you think about it, you can’t even remember what he said — something cruel about how he feels like he’s missing out when the rest of the band picks their share of groupies backstage when the concert's over.
He was playing and you know that but it doesn’t mean it hurt any less.
You’re sitting around the booth at the front of the bus. Gareth gets done lamenting about his latest feat with a busty redhead from Denver, a foot taller than him with legs that went on forever. You saw the girl, she was a model no doubt — at least you hoped she was because a girl like that shouldn’t be working some nine-to-five in the middle of nowhere.
Gareth talks like he’s ready to conquer worlds after being with this girl, but that he still can’t stop thinking about the shy brunette he met in Nashville.
Jeff is trying to give him some wholehearted advice and that’s when Eddie makes his dumb joke. “Damn. You’ve had a groupie every show and I haven’t even had one. I’m starting to feel like I’m missing out over here.”
Everyone knows it’s a joke, it’s just a not a very funny one. Eddie doesn’t realize this until he notices that no one’s laughing at it.
“Missing out?” you scoff from beside him, suddenly as rigid as the tension surrounding him.
“I’m sure there’s groupies still waiting at the bar who’ll be happy to fuck you. I’d hate for you to miss out,” you spit and storm off, not getting very far because the bus is only so big.
You guys argue like children behind the thin partition that separates the bunks from the main area where the rest of the band is forced to listen to your squabbling. He tries to tell you that he was just kidding around and you tell him that joking like that when you have a girlfriend is a little psychopathic. He gets angry that you’re not listening to him and you’re angry he would even say something like that in the first place and both of you are angry at each other for being angry at each other.
It’s just a big, scrambled mess that would be easily remedied if you guys were just mature enough to apologize.
“I’m sorry for making that joke, it wasn’t funny. I don’t want any stupid groupies, I just want you,” Eddie would say. You’d plant a big fat kiss on his cheek and confess: “I know you were just saying you felt like you were missing out on the whole ‘rockstar fantasy’ thing and I was being a little pissy about it and I’m sorry, but if you talk like that again, your ass is grass, Munson.” And that would be that.
But no.
God forbid any of you act like adults and talk out your feelings.
Eddie storms back out while you’re in the middle of snatching your blanket and pillow from his bunk. You shut off the lights and bathe in pure darkness and anger while you hear the boys talk muffledly in the room. You convince yourself they’re making jokes about you — about how you’re probably just on your period and that Eddie should definitely fuck one of those pretty girls back at the show rather than stay cooped up with you all tour. 
Just, you know, things none of the boys would ever actually say. But for whatever reason, you want to make yourself sadder and it's working.
Your bunk is empty and doesn’t feel as comfortable. Which is strange considering you spent the entire tour sharing a twin-size mattress with a five-foot-ten boy, but still. The bed doesn’t feel like it belongs to you even though you got first claim on bunks. It makes it that much harder to sleep. You spend hours staring into the side of the bus and willing yourself not to cry, both feeling bad for yourself and for getting so angry at Eddie.  
With the curtain pulled closed, you don’t see Eddie enter the back of the bus but you hear him. You swear he’s the loudest person on earth. His sock-clad feet thump, thump, thump against the carpet while he tosses his clothes into a heavy pile onto the floor. His arm bangs into the wall when he stumbles while taking off his pants.
At least, that’s how you imagine it because he’s so terribly clumsy. It almost makes you laugh. Almost.
He climbs up onto his bunk — the one on top of yours. You hear the shutters pull closed and the light click off and then silence. You’re not sure how long it lasts. It feels like another few hours, but maybe it’s just because being without Eddie makes time pass so agonizingly slow.
You wait for him to break, to cave and apologize so you’ll come up and sleep with him. You know he has as hard of a time sleeping without you as you do without him. But he hasn’t yet and you’ve convinced yourself that he isn’t going to. Until—
“Baby?” his voice fills the empty silence, filled only by the sounds of the road and the video game Jeff and Gareth play on the other side of the bus. “Baby, you awake?”
You debate on whether or not to answer. To be stubborn or to cave.
You cave.
But not without a sarcastic remark. 
He doesn’t reply. You just hear the squeak of his mattress and his feet hitting the carpeted floor when he jumps off of his bunk. The curtain of your bunk pulls back and you turn to find him with a blanket over his shoulder and a pillow under his arm. “Scooch,” he demands.
You comply with a smile and choose not to continue the ruse of being angry because you weren’t — at least, not anymore — and Eddie was the one to break first, after all.
The two of you return to your usual positioning on auto-pilot. The one where Eddie’s just about completely on top of you and clutching you like your his personal teddy bear. You’re on your back with one hand twisted in his hair and the other tracing absentminded shapes on his t-shirt covered back.
The boys have always said they have no idea how that can be comfortable, and you and Eddie aren’t sure either, it just is.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers after a few moments of silence. His breath fans against your collarbone and makes you shiver. Your heart aches a little at the way his voice breaks. He clears his throat, as though to clear the fragility from it. “Sorry.”
You don’t know if he’s repeating himself or apologizing for feeling his feelings.
“Don’t be,” you tell him. “It was stupid.”
“I was a dick.”
“You were a dick and it was stupid,” you correct. He can hear the smile in your voice even though he’s not looking at you. “We’re just idiots.”
“Yeah… Love you, though.”
“Love you too, loser.”
You feel him deflate against you and the sigh of relief flicker across your skin. Like now that he’s heard you say the words, he can finally relax. “Good. Now, go to sleep. I’ll make you a poptart in the morning, ‘kay?”
You breathe out a laugh and plant a kiss to the crown of his head. “So romantic.”
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have any thoughts about band au!eddie? or just thoughts about my writing/requests in general? leave them here if you want!
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yelenaslyubov · 8 months
Twin Size Mattress (yelena belova university AU)
main masterlist || yelena belova || requests
a/n: heyyyy everyone! well i kept my promise one way or another and i finally have a piece written for you all! i’m sorry if it’s not up to par compared to my other stories, but it’s been a while and i feel a little rusty when it comes to this type of thing. i wanted to try something different for this time around and i think i accomplished that. also, let me know if you guys like the university AU aspect of this bc i might just be able to continue it a little bit (i say maybe loosely lol). in addition, i added a fun little moment of adding the outfits the characters would be wearing!! i hope you guys enjoy this new story and hopefully there will be more to come! it’s good to be back🥹🥹i hope to see more of you soon🫶
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: yelena belova (AU) x reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: MINORS DNI (18+) smut, fingering, oral, dom!reader, mentions of alcohol, language
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: you and yelena have been going to college together for the past couple years. when a college football game commences, you and yelena spend the day together and finish it off with a bang
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 3.7k
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ yelena’s outfit
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ reader’s outfit
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The pressing weight of your backpack dug into your shoulders as you quickly made your way to Yale’s school of art. Though your major was in English, you had connections that allowed you to use the photography facilities located elsewhere. Your bag was full of books, film equipment, and the negatives that you were anxious to develop.
It was college game day, the Harvard vs. Yale game to be more specific, so shoving through blue and red crowds of students was at the bottom of your list. Your trip to the dark room had to be short because even though you hated the idea of all things sports, you felt that tradition outweighed your personal grievances.
As you shut the door to the room and found yourself alone with the quiet, red space, your mind seemed to lighten. The pictures you had brought with you made their way out of your bag and into the developing process. You went through the usual motions until you hung them up to dry. Before you were beautiful headshots and silhouettes of your roommate, Yelena.
While most were taken with the consent of Yelena, there were some too extraordinary to possibly miss out on. The red hues accentuated the curves you so desperately longed to stroke. Of course, this information was unbeknownst to her.
She was the reason why you were so anxious to develop the pictures. Looking through the lense that wonderful day made you so much more excited to see them all finished. The day had been an exciting one. During the summer before the two of you went back to school you had a day at the beach. The weather was perfect, and she was perfect. She wore this lilac swim set that complimented her blonde hair and summer kissed skin so well you thought you would never be able to tear your eyes away from her.
As you went through each picture of her smiling, laughing, and being her usual self you came across the pictures that you tried so hard not to take. Your desire got the better part of you at this moment. The pictures arose of her laying belly down on her towel, a perfect view of her toned back paired with her other curves you could barely speak of. It was hard not to think about that day without becoming wildly sad that she had no idea you liked her with everything inside you.
These few intimate pictures would go where the rest of them are; hidden away in your journal. It was easier this way because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship that you valued so much. But what if she felt the same? You pulled yourself out of your delusions or else you might start to have hope.
She must have read your mind because your phone started ringing and as you pulled it out of your bag, Yelena’s face was vibrating on your screen.
“Hello?” you answered
“Where are you? You better not still be in that stupid dark room!” The sound of massive crowds were loud on the other side of the phone, but your voice drowned out every noise that could be taking place.
“Ha, funny story…”
“Seriously! The game starts soon, y/n. Hurry!”
“You miss me or something, Belova?”
She chuckled once. “And if I did?”
There was silence on your end because your one moment of bravery was already spent, leaving you speechless. “Uhm I’ll start heading your way right now. I should only be about 15 minutes out.”
“Perfect, I’ll save you a seat!”
“Thanks, Lena. Love you, bye,” you said naturally.
It was only then did you realize the words that slipped out of your mouth. Love you, really? You hoped that she thought it wasn’t how you really meant it.
After your stupid mistake, you took your pictures, tucked them away in your journal, and took off out of the building. The day was sunny but the fall crisp in the air took the edge off of the heat from the sun. Even from far away you could hear the triumph of the marching band playing their game day songs. Though your dislike of sports was one thing, there was a certain feeling you got on days like this; the music, the people, the adrenaline, that really made you succumb to the American tradition.
Finding Yelena in the crowd would be the easy part, the hard part would be keeping your eyes off her the entire afternoon. Luckily, she generally picked the same area each game day to sit so it wouldn’t be an extreme challenge to spot her out.
Your suspicion came true when you saw her jumping up and down a few aisles up from the front towards the 40 yard line. She was dressed in her usual Yelena chic, but with a hint of school spirit. You smiled to yourself at her excitement for the game and waited to see if she noticed you walking up to greet her.
“You’re here!” she yelled. She shuffled through other people on her row and fell into your arms. The strong smell of her cologne filled your nose and warmed your heart. You hugged her tightly back and squeezed the leather jacket that was draped around her. “You almost missed the game,” she whined.
“Lena, kickoff hasn’t even started, but I see that hasn’t stopped you from starting early.” You eyed the cold beer she had in her Yale koozie.
“Oh hush and let me be. Now get in there so we can watch.” As you were sneaking past other students Yelena tapped you on the ass and giggled. This was nothing unusual for Yelena, but each time she did it, it made your cheeks glow red.
The two of you settled into your places in the stadium surrounded by a couple of your friends and watched the game begin. The first half of the game was intense with each team up and down on scores. When the buzzer sounded to notify it was halftime everyone seemed to sigh in relief. The crowds started to shuffle again to take a quick intermission before the second half.
“So y/n, what photos were you able to get this time?” Yelena asked.
It was the question you were avoiding answering. If you pulled out the few you wanted to show her, the rest you spent your time hiding would be exposed as well.
“Oh they weren’t anything important, just a couple rolls I hadn’t developed yet.” You tried to play it cool not to give it away.
“Everything of yours is important to me.” Her saying that just made it so much harder to keep them all a secret. “Come on, please show me.”
She gave you her best pouty face and it was so unfortunate that it worked. You rolled your eyes and tried to open the journal in your bag so you could find the pictures you wanted her to see. Once they were all collected you passed them over to her and her face lit up.
“The day at the beach! I remember these.” She flipped through them with a grin on her face. She laughed when the picture of you popped up with your pants soaking yet from the ocean waves. “You were so pissed.”
“Pissed is an understatement,” you added. She smiled up at you and your stomach was tied up in knots. You weren’t sure whether it was the dimples that just so sneakily showed up, her rosy lips, or the bright green eyes that you could finally see without her sunglasses getting in the way.
“These are so amazing— you’re amazing. I need copies of these,” she begged.
“Anything for you,” you smiled.
“Anything?” Yelena smirked.
Your cheeks darkened red. “Shut up.” You shoved her a little with your shoulder.
By the time you showed all your creations off to Yelena the second half of the game was in full swing.
The second was more intense than the first due to Yale being behind for most of the game. Yelena was starting to become too anxious for your liking, and you hoped for her sake that you guys could pull out the win. There was a minute left on the clock and Yelena practically had your arm in a chokehold.
“Fucking run the ball, jackass!” Yelena yelled.
“Hey now, you wanna simmer down a little for me?” you asked, hoping to calm her down a bit.
She chuckled a little and leaned into your arm more. “Sorry, sorry. Anything for you,” she mocked from your previous words.
She quickly turned her head back so she could enjoy the last minute of the game. Her grip only became tighter around your arm as the clock ticked down to the wire. The whistle sounded to indicate that Yale called for a timeout. They needed to sort out their plans if they were going to try and pull out this win. They were down 28-24 with only around 30 seconds to go.
Once they were back in the game the crowd went wild, Yelena included. Number 13 got a hold of the ball and ran all the way to the end zone for a touchdown. Yelena screamed like she never had before and threw her hands up in the air. You cheered along with her at your school’s win. Yelena jumped into your arms out of excitement and you held her tightly as you swept her up in the air.
“We did it, Lena!” you cheered.
She found her footing back on the ground and she grabbed your face and looked into your eyes. “We did it!” The pure shock on your face made her recoil back a bit which resulted in her having matching cheeks just like yourself. “Uh- I- I’m sorry.”
“No, no. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you smiled. “Let’s just get out of here before we’re all packed in.”
You said goodbye to your friends right before a Yelena grabbed your hand to lead you through the crowd. You knew it meant nothing, but having your hand in hers was a dream come true.
When you had made it out of the crowd, it seemed as though the two of you forgot you were still linked together. You quickly broke it off before she could say anything about it.
“So, are we going to keep walking with nowhere to go or are you taking me out?” Yelena smirked.
“Am I what?” you questioned.
“You really are worked up today.” Yelena laughed, but you knew it was true and you didn’t know how else to hide it.
“Why don’t we go back to my dorm? My roommate isn’t there like usual so we could watch a movie or something?”
“Do you have popcorn?” she asked and you nodded. “Then it’s a deal.”
The two of you talked and laughed on the walk to your dorm. Like usual, Yelena made it so difficult to not stare at her. She had such a unique confidence that drew you deeper and deeper into her presence. The way she carried herself was like no other.
When you made it into your room Yelena immediately started searching for your snacks that you kept in the drawers under your bed. You set your things down on your desk and sat down in your chair.
“Do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes?” Yelena asked.
“I don’t know why you even ask anymore, Lena. Your closet consists of half of my clothes anyway,” you laughed.
She rolled her eyes and started taking her clothes off to change. Trying not to watch her change was not easy to come by. You turned around in your chair and pretended to unload your back from the day. What Yelena didn’t know is that your mirror allowed the perfect angle to see different parts of her.
What really got you was the matching black bra and underwear that revealed itself as she took her clothes off. This surprise caused you to knock a few things off your desk in the process, one of them being your journal. Naturally, Yelena turned around to try and help.
“What did you do, get angry and throw things off the desk?” Yelena laughed. It was awful timing to have other pictures that Yelena did not see poking out of your journal. “What are these?”
“Oh, you don’t have to-”
“Y/n, what are these?”
“Just pictures…”
Yelena stared at you puzzlingly as she picked up the journal off the floor and opened it to reveal the hidden pictures inside. Her brows furrowed as she inspected each one in great detail.
“Y/n, these are…so beautiful.”
You stood there staring down at the pictures or anywhere else in the room, just so you didn’t have to look at her.
“Why didn’t you show me these?” Yelena’s voice was softer now, more gentle. “Y/n?”
“I-I don’t know… I guess I thought you would think it was weird,” you replied shyly.
“Why would it be weird?”
Shit. If you told her why then she would know how you felt, but if you say nothing at all that’s not any better. You were stuck.
“I don’t know…”
She searched your face from any indication of an explanation. There was so much happening that you almost forgot Yelena was half naked.
“These are beautiful.”
“Only because you’re in them,” you bravely said.
Yelena blushed, something you didn’t see very often. “Damn y/l/n, you sure do know the way to my heart.”
“I’m serious.” You felt like your world had stopped at the thought of where this was going. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, Yelena. How could I not take those pictures that day?”
Yelena was quiet now. You weren’t sure whether this was good or bad. You were tired of being subtle, especially now that you had her right where you wanted her.
“I don’t know what to say,” Yelena said. Her eyes were full of something you hadn’t seen before.
You looked at her for a moment trying to build up your confidence one last time because you knew if you didn’t then you would never be able to do this.
“For once Belova, I would love it if you said nothing at all.” You stepped closer so you could delicately slide your hands up behind her neck. She looked taken off guard, but she definitely was not fighting it. When Yelena took her hands and placed them around the straps of your overalls and pulled you closer so you were face to face, you knew she might’ve wanted this just as much as you.
“Just kiss me already,” she whispered close enough you could feel the breath on your lips. With her words you threw your lips against hers in a kiss that you waited much too long for. Your lips moved against hers as your hands were tangled in her blonde waves. Yelena pulled and grabbed at anything on you just to make you even closer to one another.
You shifted your position to try and push yourself against Yelena so that she may lean against the bed. You knew exactly what your intentions were as of now, but you were not sure how Yelena would feel about it.
The first brush of her tongue against yours sent shivers down your spine and you weren’t sure if she heard your quiet moan or not. You saved your restraint for so many months, so now there was nothing holding you back. Your lips traveled away from hers to down her soft neck. You placed rough and hungry kisses along the nape of her neck and you could tell just by her demeanor that she was having a hard time keeping quiet.
“Uhm, what about your roommate?” Yelena asked in between heavy breaths
“What about them?”
“What if they, you know, walk in?” You must have found a sweet spot on her neck because her question ended with a whine.
“They’re never here.”
“But what if-”
“Just shut up already,” you said.
You smiled against her lips as you threw her shoulders down on the bed as gently as you could. It was hard to take things slow when you had been craving exactly this for far too long.
As your hungry lips continued to move against Yelena’s, you found your fingers playing with the band of her underwear. Your fingers traced all along the skin that was covered.
“I want to see every part of you that was hiding in these photos,” you said. Your mind went back to the day you took those sexy pictures of her and it made you even more desperate for what was hiding beneath Yelena’s garments.
“I just need you to touch me,” Yelena said, breathless. “Please touch me.”
You were quick to pull down her panties to reveal a sight you never thought you would have the pleasure of seeing. Even the panties that brushed against her pussy made her wince in pleasure.
“Please,” begged Yelena.
After undressing her bottom, in one swift motion you unhooked her bra.
“You want me to touch you like this?”
You placed your lips around one of her nipples as you watched her head fall into the bed. Your tongue made its way to circle around her nipple, slowly building up her desire.
Without thinking, you slightly tugged on her nipple with your teeth. Yelena moaned just loud enough for you to hear. It was the most beautiful sound that you had been dying to hear since you met her.
You wanted to move on further.
“Or I could maybe touch you like this?”
Your hand was almost shaking as it made its way down to get center. Your fingers slowly but surely made small circles on her clit. Now, Yelena was panting with lust and trying to keep quiet despite what you wanted.
“Fuck, Lena. You’re so wet.” You couldn’t help yourself from pointing out the obvious. The wetness that covered her only made yours grow.
Yelena had her mouth covered now, most likely paranoid that others would hear her like she had said earlier.
“I want to hear you,” you demanded.
Yelena was moaning softly through her hand now, a reaction to your words.
“Be a good girl and take your hand away from your mouth. I want to hear you.”
She did as you wished and removed her hand. The hand that previously resided over her mouth was now gripped onto the bed.
You took a minute to admire her before moving on further. Her body was even more gorgeous than you could’ve ever imagined. Her toned arms that held on so tightly to the bed, her curves that wavered like the ocean down her body, and her perfectly kissed skin, just how you liked it.
“Maybe you want me to touch you… like this?”
You went even further and slowly slipped your fingers inside her pussy. As you sunk your fingers deep inside her, Yelena became even more worked up.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Please keep going. It feels so good.”
Seeing Yelena drown in the pleasure of your fingers inside her was something you never thought you would live to see.
“You feel so good, baby.” Yelena seemed to like the name because she let out a long whine. “Good girl. Be louder for me.”
You loved the power you had over her in such a short amount of time.
The pace of your fingers stayed quite steady now. Yelena moaned with each stroke that went deeper in her pretty pussy. There was one more thing that you longed to do before she reached her limit.
“You want me to touch you like this, baby?”
Finally, with your fingers still keeping a rhythm inside her, you lowered yourself down on the bed so that you could taste her.
Your tongue made its way to make contact with her clit. Yelena was the loudest now, and with her noise came her restless body. Much like her, you were just as overcome with pleasure.
Her hips bucked into your face with each increasing second. Your tongue explored every single part of her, almost as if you would never get to do it again. Your fingers sped up now that you could tell she was getting closer.
“Holy fuck, right there,” Yelena moaned. “Keep going, I’m so close.”
“Good job, baby,” you murmured. “I want you to cum around my fingers.”
Your words only sped up the process more. Her hips moved even faster which made it hard for you to keep your pace. Your tongue and fingers moved rapidly as she started to reach the peak of her climax
“I’m gonna cum baby,” Yelena said breathlessly.
All at once, Yelena let out a loud stream of moans that you were sure echoed through the hall in your dorm. You didn’t care. You were happy to have her all to yourself, and now, everyone knew it too.
“Good girl, let it all out,” you praised her.
Yelena laid there on your bed to try and catch her breath. You couldn’t help but watch the result of your doings as she looked so worked up.
You took your last opportunity to soak her body in by kissing all the way up her thighs, stomach, chest, and face. Yelena seemed to be hiding her face a bit, most definitely different from her usual demeanor.
You moved her hand that shielded her face. “You okay?”
She gave a thumbs up
“Does that mean it felt okay?”
She had a surprised look on her face. “The entire hall heard me and you think it didn’t feel good?!”
You laughed. “Just checking.”
You both laid next to each other for a while in silence before Yelena spoke up.
“So…how long have you felt this way?”
“When did you start school here?”
“Uhm…two years ago?”
“Then two years.”
Yelena looked over at you. “Really?”
“Really,” you nodded. “How could I not, just look at you.” Yelena smiled at your words.
“Well, I’ve worked up an appetite after all that fun. What do you say we make some popcorn and watch a movie and pretend like no one heard all of that?”
“That sounds perfect to me.”
The two of you spent the rest of the night in each other’s company talking and reveling in the day’s events. You laid in bed thinking about how happy you were to have taken those pictures that day on the beach.
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: Wormdebut! Wormdebut has published 18 fics on AO3 all in the steddie tag!
@thefreakandthehair recommends the following works by @wormdebut:
Tell Eddie He Looks Sexy With His Hair Pushed Back
Kiss Your Knuckles (Before You Punch Me In The Face)
Hell Bent For Leather
All You Have Is Your Fire
It Feels Like Fourteen Carats But No Clarity (When I Look At The Man Who Would Be King)
Worm is incredible! For a humble worm, they sure know how to write fanfiction. ;) But seriously, Worm has a way of exploring different dynamics in such depth with an immense amount of care that's so obvious in the finish products! -- @thefreakandthehair
Below the cut, Wormdebut answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
These two idiots inspire me. I mean look at them. I think the thing I love about Steve and Eddie is that to me they are destined to be together. Post-Canon, Alternate Universe. It doesn’t matter. They are meant to be together in any scenario. I could and will write about these two forever.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Rockstar Eddie, baby. I love some good sex, drugs and rock and roll.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Is safe (mostly)sane and consensual BDSM a trope? I like to write that. 😂
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Tuesday’s Gone With The Wind - Thisapplepielife there is nothing quite like reading this for the first time. I truly thought I was going to explode as it was being updated.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Omegaverse! I have a fic in the worm vault that will come out eventually. Wormegaverse. It’s coming. I’m fucking stoked for it.
What is your writing process like?
Hoooboy. It’s a mess. I cannot write an outline to save my life. (I’m looking at you King of Hell Eddie fic. I know you need an outline okay?) I tend to write in order, but if I get stuck I will skip a scene or two ahead so I can figure out how to squish two pieces of a story together OR I will write little notes about my intentions and skip it and come back. (My favorite note of all time is when I wrote “spit kink shit.” So I could remember my very pure intentions)
Do you have any writing quirks?
Boy do I! I tend to go into like writing fugue states where I will just bust out thousands of words in a sitting and if I am not doing that I am thinking and over thinking about when im gonna fugue out again. I also get really stressed when it actually comes time to write a sex scene? Weird, I know. But every single one is super important to me and I want to make sure they read well. My friends can attest that I am an absolute basket case when it comes to me writing Steve and Eddie getting down and dirty.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
God when I’m done. I am NOT great at posting chaptered fics but I am trying to get better with it? I prefer writing larger pieces though. I am an over-thinker to a fault and for some reason I stress less with one-shots.
Which fic are you most proud of?
It’s gotta be Kiss Your Knuckles. That fic is everything to me. But my Boys Who Kiss series is also so fucking important to me. Those two have so much more to tell y’all and I can’t wait to share their lives with you. I’m a musician so any of my fics that are heavily laced with performance and song are very special.
How did you get the idea for Kiss Your Knuckles (Before You Punch Me In The Face)?
I remember listening to Twin Size Mattress one day and I was like—Holy Shit, this is so Steddie-Coded it hurts. And it’s post-canon AND Rockstar Eddie? Incredible. The words just screamed Eddie Behavior and I knew Steve had to write a one-hit wonder about how he felt.
When writing Kiss Your Knuckles (Before You Punch Me In The Face), what was something you didn’t expect?
Oh I sobbed when I finished it. I couldn’t believe that I had actually finished it. It truly means the world to me and I wanted to share it with you all so badly. I cried for like an hour.
What inspired It Feels Like Fourteen Carats But No Clarity (When I Look At The Man Who Would Be King)?
Honestly? Tumblr user @ghosttotheparty had made a post about the scenario that Fourteen Carats is about and I messaged them and was like hey listen I want to take a shot at this, if that’s okay. Fourteen Carats is the first fully formed fic that I have ever posted aside from tumblr Drabbles and while I personally don’t love it I keep it up just in case someone somewhere does. 😂
What was your favorite part to write from All You Have Is Your Fire?
OH. Absolutely just eluding to Tattoo Legend and Icon, Jim Hopper. God he so fucking hot neat.
How do/did you feel writing Tell Eddie He Looks Sexy With His Hair Pushed Back?
I felt some type of a way, clearly. I think this is my favorite Eddie that I have ever written (My favorite Steve is Kiss Your Knuckles Steve) and he just kept getting more and more interesting. Like who the hell fucks you and speaks French while they do it? Tell Eddie Eddie does. And thank god for that guy.
What was the most difficult part of writing Hellbent For Leather?
Writing sub/bottom Eddie! I did this fic as a gift for tumblr user @gorgeousgreymatter-x (love you bitch) and it was hard because I don’t often write that dynamic, but god damn I loved these two Steddies.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Ah— “It is, and I do.” Something about French chef Eddie, really—yeah. I am proud of everything I have written but if I can be honest with you I rarely remember what I have done. I often joke that it’s simply Steve and Eddie in my brain just writing what they want, because people will quote my work or talk to me about a scene and I’m like—‘I wrote that?? Nice.’
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
WELL. Once I can break myself out of this accidental hiatus I am so excited to share more of For Your Entertainment with yall. I am also so fucking excited to share King Of Hell Eddie with the world. I can’t fucking wait. I am working on a ‘Came Back Wrong’ fic that is less scary and more comedic and I am stoked for that. I have quite a few things that are happening and I am just so fucking excited to share them all with you. 
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Just thank you. Thank you for reading and thanks for letting me be a part of all of this. I have not felt this inspired and loved in a long fucking time and I’m not going anywhere so I hope yall will stick around for the wild ride. Fucking love you.
Thank you to our author, Wormdebut, and our nominator, @thefreakandthehair! See more of Wormdebut's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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whumpsoda · 4 months
We Search For Stolen Personhood - Blue Walls
cw: pet whump, box boy universe/bbu adjacent, Institutionalized slavery, past abuse, conditioned whumpees
Prince had awoken, same time as always, the routine mechanically ingrained in his brain. Now, lying in the old, twin sized mattress of the bunk bed the people had provided, he dared not shut his eyes, dared not to blink, dared not stop staring, fighting against the overcoming call of slumber that still had its hold on him.
The walls were blue.
He blinked, once, then twice, then three times.
Not white, not painstakingly, achingly white, but blue. A grayish sort of the color - or maybe that was a trick caused by the dim light of the room, he couldn’t tell - but definitely not white.
He sipped in a long, filling breath, hands laid over his chest and feeling along with the movement. He wanted to touch it. He wanted to dance around, to jump and sing and cheer. To rub his whole body across it, to smoosh his entire face against it, because maybe it wasn’t real at all, maybe it was false. Prince didn’t want to be dreaming.
Ever so carefully he picked up a hand, watching with innocent fascination as it neared the wall. Then, he hesitated, pulling back and lingering in the air before the two could meet.
What if it crumbled beneath his fingers in an instant? Disappeared the moment he made contact? What if they were simply a trick of his mind, fake and never to be true?
But the woman was real. He’d heard her speak, heard her converse with Mutt. The stuffed animal she’d brought for him, a bright, vibrantly pink teddy bear, sat over his belly, fur tickling him along the rise and fall of his breathing. The toy was real, she was real, and so was the wall.
They had to be.
Carefully, jaw working, he forced himself to press one finger to the wall. No crumbling, no disappearance, no reality warping magic that he could have thought up. Then another, then another, then the rest. The touch was slightly cool, bumps of plaster scratching gently to his skin as he grazed his hand over it in big circles. 
The blue wall was real.
And he was out. 
A short gasp slipped through his lips, realization finally dawning, jumping along with the beat of his heart. The contorting churn and quease of his belly was evident, an anxious feeling overflowing, spilling and seeping into each and every crevice.
He wanted to be happy, he really did… but was that not enough? What was with the sore in his chest, coiling around, suffocating his lungs and making it hard to breathe? 
Hm? You want some outside time as a treat for being so good? Is that what I think I’m hearing, ‘719?
N- no! Ms., um, Handler Reeves, sir, please, no, no outside, please.
Really? Are you sure? I could’ve sworn you loved the outside… always asking about it, always dreaming about it, all that ugly fucking crying…
Please, Handler Reeves, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, no outside, please, I’ll do anything, I’ll be so good just no outside, outside is bad and scary an’ and horr- horrible an’ no outside, please-
That’s what I thought, ‘719.
Prince swallowed, hard, shaking his head of thoughts as the pulse of his heart picked up pace.
No outside for you, Princey, you know that. Don’t tell me you forgot your training? Forgot all those things they taught you back at the facility… do I really need to send you back?
No, sir, no, of course not. I- I remember.
Good, good. They did wonders for you, did you know that?
Oh, he knew.
Prince slowly shuffled to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, carefully avoiding the mistake of nudging Mutt from his much needed sleep, who was collapsed in a heap on the floor. He must’ve been horribly exhausted to allow himself sleep, Prince couldn’t recall how many nights he’d stayed up to ensure his safety. Prince then stood, walking around to the drape covered window beside the bed. 
A window, just like his sir’s, but at the same time not at all. He gently drew the drapes aside, letting the early, faint, cloud concealed light filter over his face. Six o’clock, he guessed, familiar with the look of that time considering he’d woken up then for as long as he’d been with his sir. Except, the new view of a plain, dew dripping, cream colored fence took him off guard, being so used to the look of his sir’s neighbors’ front yards.
He swallowed, sucking in the flesh of the inside of his cheeks and softly gnawing on it, clutching the drapes tight. 
He was out, he was out, he was out. 
And he still hadn’t been hurt. So when was it coming?
If he looked close enough, focused his eyes in just the right spot, Prince could make out his own reflection in the window. Hair oily and undone, frizzy too, no more maids to get him prepared for his master before he even woke.
There was a cut, small but there, scratched over his upper lip, gradually scabbing over. He licked his tongue over it, feeling for the ridges and bumps and ugliness.
I can hurt you, Princey, any way I want, but I never leave any marks, do I?
Isn’t that just generous of me?
Who would want to ruin a gorgeous face like yours?
His gazed dropped, just a smidge, to find there was no lock on the window. He stared, just for a pause in time, debating. Would he? Would he not? Would sir allow it?
Breathing quickening, hand trembling and gradually pressing the latch, he shoved it over to one side, leaving half open. He looked back, as if his sir would jump in at any moment and catch him, yell, and anger, and hurt him-
The foggy, morning air blossomed over his face, a slight chill that worked to wake him further. Letting his eyes flutter to a close he sucked it in greedily, a large breath that filled his lungs with cold.
He smiled, still trained and never meeting the eyes, but a smile nonetheless.
Maybe one day he would be able to smile for real.
Soon enough, as the nerves overwhelmed him and grasped upon his brain Prince carefully and quietly shut the barrier once again, room filling up with silence.
Flopping back in bed, Prince would wait for his sir to wake, just as he always did, except he wasn’t in his sir’s bed or inside the white walls, and there were no maids who dressed him up, and no sir beside him.
With his sir unaccounted, he failed to realize what exactly he was waiting for. He waited, anyway.
Taglist - @softvampirewhump @ivymyers @taterswhump @octopus-reactivated @tippytappytyping
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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rubyreduji · 2 years
Good to be Bad - jww & kmg
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title: good to be bad pairing:  jeon wonwoo x gn!reader, kim mingyu x gn! reader genre: fluff, minor angst, descendants au (child of hades reader) warnings: mentions of violence, stealing, bullying, and canonical bad parenting w.c.: 10.2k summary: moving to auradon brings many new things, good and bad a/n: this will follow almost none of the canon descendants universe lol. if i make someone mean its for the plot i promise i dont think they’re actually like this
here's the list of everyone's parents too if you're curious
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You’re sitting on top of a warehouse roof when you hear footsteps approaching.
“Are you going to apply for the proclamation?” Wonwoo always seems to know just where to find you. He takes a seat next to you on the ledge and you scoot over a bit so your thighs are touching.
“It’s just charity to make them look good. They don’t actually care about us.”
Earlier in the morning, the royal palace released a proclamation, stating the royal family are going to sponsor six villain kids and bring them over to Auradon to help ensure a “better future”. Every child on the Isle of the Lost will send in an application and the six best candidates will be chosen to move to Auradon. 
You don’t believe it though. It has to be a big set up. There’s no way the people in Auradon actually want to help, or they would have done something a long time ago. 
“It sure is a unique opportunity. To go and live on the mainland, get to attend Auradon Prep.” Wonwoo is trying so hard to come off as nonchalant, but you catch the wistful air of his tone.
“You’re going to apply,” you say. It’s not a question. “They’ll pick you for sure. You’re not like us Wonwoo, you don’t belong here.”
“None of us belong here,” Wonwoo mutters.
“Maybe…” You’re quiet for a moment before you continue. “But you’re the one who deserves to get out.”
Wonwoo doesn’t respond. You two sit in silence, staring out at the Isle. It really is an ugly sight to behold. Even in the worst of places, you can find beauty, but not on the Isle. It’s ugly on the inside and out. 
Eventually you get up and Wonwoo follows, still not saying anything. You two start to walk to your place, the unspoken agreement that Wonwoo will spend the night. The walk is far, considering you live in an underground lair on the edge of the Isle. Your father likes to be far away from people and to live underground, seeing as he is the God of the Underworld.
Your dad…well he’s not winning any Best Dad of the Year awards anytime soon, but he’s not near as bad as he could be. Sure he’s a bit negligent, treating you more as a lackey than his child, and he likes to remind you how much of a mistake you are and how you will never live up to him, but why complain when other kids have it worse.
Like Wonwoo, who’s mother is the literal most evil woman alive. She’s always been disappointed in him, seeing as he takes no interest in any villainy. That’s why Wonwoo sleeps at your place.
When you get inside the lair you and Wonwoo quietly navigate the dark rooms until you get to your bedroom. You two flop down onto your bed, squished together on the twin size mattress. You and Wonwoo have been sharing the same mattress since fourth grade, so the proximity of your bodies is normal at this point.
You’re not tired, but you know if you’re too loud your father’s going to yell at you in the morning, so you lay quietly staring up at the ceiling. You can tell Wonwoo is still awake too because you haven’t heard him taking his glasses off yet, and you know he hates sleeping with them on.
“Y/N-ah?” Wonwoo’s already soft voice is even softer as he whispers out to you.
“Come to Auradon with me.”
Your breathing freezes for a moment before you gain your composure again. “I can’t.”
You and Wonwoo aren’t the same. By the time you and Wonwoo got close, you were already corrupted into the Isle’s ways. Besides Wonwoo, you have one of the most influential, evil parents on the Isle and whereas Wonwoo tries to ignore that part of him, you lean into it.
“You deserve to live a good life,” Wonwoo says. “You can’t do that here.”
“There isn’t a place for me in a world like Auradon. All they’re gonna do over there is try and ‘fix’ us so they can rub in our parents’ faces,” you say. “And all the while they try to fix us, they’ll just villainize us.”
“So we’ll just prove them wrong. I can’t live my most fulfilling life if you're not there too. So please, just think about it.” You’ve never heard Wonwoo ask for anything in his life, let alone beg.
“I…I’ll consider it.”
And consider it you did. Which is why you’re now standing at the bridge with Wonwoo, waiting to be picked up to go to Auradon. If you’re being honest you still don’t really want to go. The choice between going to Auradon with all of the prissy princesses and stuck up princes, or staying at home with your homebody dad who tries to get rid of you at every opportunity possible, was definitely a tough one. To you, it sounds like a lose-lose situation, but while you were going over the pros and cons you were hit with a tie breaker.
As much as you don’t think Auradon is for you, there’s only one reason why you even considered it to begin with. As hellish as it sounds to go to Auradon Prep, there’s one pro that outweighs everything else.
You were sure of your decision when you told Wonwoo and his whole face lit up. It’s rare to see that cute little smile spread across Wonwoo’s lips but whenever you do see it, you’re reminded why you’d do anything in the world for him.
“Well isn’t this a sight to see?” You hear someone approach the bridge before you see them, but you don’t have to turn around to identify who it is.
Jeonghan, son of Mother Gothel, is probably the only other person you trust who is not Wonwoo, and with Jeonghan you only trust him as far as you can throw him. He’s the one friend you have who you can get into mischief with. He’s manipulative and sneaky and quick witted and can talk himself out of nearly any situation he gets put in. If you and Jeonghan weren’t friends, you’d be a bit concerned with how similar you two are.
“What are you doing here Han?”
“I’m here to catch my ride to Auradon.” Jeonghan grins at you. He strolls up to you, slinging an arm around you when he gets close. “So nice of you to come see me off.”
“Yeah right, try again.”
“You're going to Auradon? You practically run this place, why would you give that all up just to be surrounded by a bunch of assholes?”
“I should be asking you the same thing,” you scoff.
“I’m going so I can wreak havoc and cause chaos. Why would I stay here when I can mooch all of the premium stuff off of the rich bitches while torturing them with my presence?” You don’t miss the way his eyes flit over to where Wonwoo is standing. “Oh I get it, your reason has more to do with lover boy and less to do with villainy.”
Jeonghan and Wonwoo are on…neutral terms, but then again, most people are with Wonwoo. People are more scared of his quiet, polite demeanor than they are of the kids who can do any actual damage. Jeonghan likes to tease you for the close nature of your relationship with the other boy though.
You’re about to retort back to Jeonghan when the next VK walks up, his always present companion slinking behind him, and anger flares up in you.
“No. No, fuck this. Living in Auradon is bad enough, but now I have to do it with him there as well?” You glare over at the boy who just walked up.
Minghao, son of the Evil Queen, just stands and stares with a disgusted look plastered on his features.
You and Minghao hate each other, and you have since kindergarten. At first it was just stupid little kid fights, and then petty middle school arguments, but as you’ve gotten older the disdain for one another hasn’t gone away. In fact it’s probably gotten worse.
His little pet, Junhui, son of Cruella de Vil, is never seen more than a few feet behind Minghao anywhere he goes. You don’t have anything against Jun per se, but by association with Minghao, he’s just another enemy.
“That’s only five, where’s the sixth VK?” Wonwoo asks.
With impeccable timing to Wonwoo’s words, the final VK strolls up. Rather than the anger you felt with Minghao, annoyance takes over that feeling. The sixth and final Villain Kid who was chosen, is Chan, son of Gaston.
You don’t have a direct reason to dislike him, other than the fact he has an affinity for getting on your last nerve. Just like his father, he loves to boost his own ego and you can’t help but puke your mouth a bit every time you hear or see it.
You wonder briefly if you still have time to back out. As much as you love Wonwoo and tolerate Jeonghan, you don’t know if they outweigh the other three companions you’ll have. You don’t have time to deliberate though, because soon the barrier is opening and a long black car is pulling up.
A man steps out from the car and greets you all. He quickly confirms your identity before ushering you all into the car. In the back it’s like a lounge area. You could combine all of the Isle and it still wouldn’t be as nice as this car.
The car takes off and soon you guys are on your way to Auradon. You’re staring out the window as you start to leave the Isle when all of a sudden a shiver runs through your body and you start to heat up. You’ve never felt so hot in your life and then you hear Chan scream. You look back at the others in the car and they all look at you terrified.
“Your, um, your hair is on fire,” Wonwoo tells you. You reach up and touch your hair only to realize there’s flames in its places.
“Oh.” You do your best at concentrating to make it stop and soon everyone in the car starts to look calm, so you assume it went away. “Well that’s new.”
“It’s probably because of the barrier,” Jeonghan says. “You get to use magic now.”
“Woah, lemme try!” Chan shouts before Minghao smacks him on the back of his head.
“You don’t have magic parents dumbass.”
You sigh and really hope that coming to Auradon isn’t a mistake.
When the car finally pulls up to Auradon Prep, there’s a few people standing at the front. The six of you climb out of the car, taking in your surroundings. The mainland is definitely a lot…brighter, than the Isle.
You squint until your eyes adjust to the lighting. When you can finally identify what you’re looking at you wish you could go back to not seeing. Standing in front of you is the royal family. You watch the way the future king, Seokmin, flicks his eyes from you to Wonwoo to Minghao to Jun. It takes you a moment to realize what he’s doing but he’s looking at your hair. You and Minghao both have blue hair while Wonwoo has purple and Jun has white hair with black stripes. To you it’s never been anything out of the ordinary, but apparently it’s just an Isle thing.
The queen not so subtly nudges Seokmin and he stops his staring. The King smiles at you six as he approaches you.
“Welcome to Auradon! We are so happy to have you here!”
You all stare at the King, not saying anything. He comes to that realization only after he’s looked at you for too long.
“Well, I’ll leave my son here to give you the tour of Auradon Prep. We hope you enjoy your time here, and have a successful future.”
Seokmin steps up and greets you all. “Let me bring you on a tour.”
You and Wonwoo glance at each other before you follow behind the prince. He takes you through the halls, explaining everything as he does, but you’re not paying much attention. It seems the only person who really is paying attention is Wonwoo. Minghao and Jun keep whispering to each other and Chan keeps trying to touch things he shouldn’t. You and Jeonghan stray at the back of the group, bored more than anything.
It isn’t until you approach your first group of AKs that you have full attention. An unsettling feeling creeps down your spine.
“Jihoon, Joshua!” Seokmin calls to them before turning to the group. “Guys, these are my best friends, Jihoon, son of Ariel and Eric, and Joshua, son of Snow White and Ferdidnand.”
“Woah, that’s a lot of leather,” the boy named Joshua mutters. The other boy sizes the VKs up before turning back to Joshua, totally ignoring your presence.
You don’t miss the way Minghao stiffens, his eyes focused on Joshua. It never really occurred to you, but now that you’re in Auradon, you’re going to be meeting the kids of the heroes who your parents were villains to. Well that’s another thing to look forward to.
At the awkward tension in the air, Seokmin bids his friends goodbye and continues with the tour.
“Here at Auradon Prep, everyone has a dorm room. You’ll occupy these three rooms so pair up and feel free to get settled into your rooms or explore around.” With that Seokmin leaves, and you all pair off. You and Wonwoo pair off, to Jeonghan’s demise (who ends up with Chan), but you just brush him off.
As soon as you walk into the room, your nose upturns. You quickly move to shut all of the curtains. “Why is it so goddamn bright here?”
“You grew up underground, everywhere is bright for you,” Wonwoo teases. “You better get used to the light, this is our new home now.”
“As long as they don’t ship me back off to the Isle,” you mutter under your breath. Wonwoo still hears you though.
“That won’t happen, because you’re going to behave yourself. Right?” He gives you a pointed look.
“Yes, sir!” You jokingly salute at him and he rolls his eyes but accepts your answer.
“Just think Y/N, this is the start of our new lives. We’re Auradonians now, and get to go to Auradon Prep. It’s going to be amazing, I can just feel it.”
Despite the growing nerves in your gut, Wonwoo’s upbeat attitude helps soothe them down, just for now at least.
“First day of class, are you excited?” Wonwoo asks as you two get ready for the day.
“It’s just school,” you answer, shrugging noncommittally. The whole week Wonwoo’s been excited to be in Auradon. He’s been in a happy mood, happier than you've ever seen him before. Happier than you’ve ever seen anyone before (you didn’t even know people could be that positive). He even went as far as getting a new wardrobe and a haircut. He looks like a completely new person.
He looks…good.
You always thought back on the Isle that he was just quiet and reserved, but you’re starting to think that was just how he had to be to survive. He’s been more open and active, like he’s found the life inside of him.
You on the other hand, you’ve been dreading being in Auradon since you stepped foot in it. You thought you could do it for Wonwoo’s sake, and it does warm your heart to see him so lively, but you can feel your own self starting to deteriorate. That’s just while you’ve been staying in your room, now you actually have to go to classes filled with all of the Auradonians. You can already feel the snide remarks and the accusations and normally that wouldn’t bother you, but you’re worried about how it will affect Wonwoo’s mood. Back on the Isle you could protect him from anything, but here it’s a whole new playing ground.
“It’s not ‘just school’ it’s proper school now. We get to actually learn from people who want to teach! Why aren’t you more excited?”
“I just don’t want you to get your hopes up too high,” you tell him as you pull on your jacket.
“It’s going to be great Y/N, just you wait.”
You can’t do anything but hum at Wonwoo as you sling your bag over your shoulder and head towards the door. Wonwoo is quick to follow and as you two step out of the room, Minghao and Jun are doing just the same. You and Minghao tut at each other before heading off into different directions.
“Even in a new place you’re going to hold the same sentiments to Minghao?”
“Just because we’re in a new place doesn’t mean he’s a whole new Minghao. If you’re that concerned about it, you befriend him first.” Wonwoo doesn’t say anything. “Exactly.”
You walk out of the dorm area and into the classroom part of the school. There’s already a large group of kids wandering about to their classes. When they catch sight of you and Wonwoo they’re quick to give you a wide berth. You don’t pay them mind as you continue walking through the halls.
You and Wonwoo have different first blocks and you two split off, but not before you remind him to come find you at lunch. After Wonwoo leaves you start to navigate your way to your first class. When you walk in there’s already a handful of kids sitting at desks and they all stare as you walk in.
You send a hearty glare in their direction and they all quickly look away. You walk through the desk, noticing the way a couple of the students flinch away from you, before you take your seat in the back of the class.
It’s not long before the whispering starts up. You’re not stupid, you know it’s about you, but you can’t be bothered to listen. You knew it was going to happen, you know they’re not saying anything nice, so why listen to things that are just going to annoy you even more than you already are.
As you were getting up this morning you told yourself that you can’t pay mind to anyone who has something to say about you, no matter how hard they stare or sneer or whisper, you can’t do anything about it. You have to focus on being good now, be the bigger person, so you can stay here with Wonwoo.
That’s what you keep repeating to yourself as a group of guys snicker at you and a few girls start to obviously stare at your hair. It’s going to be a long day.
It’s not just the day that turns out to be long, it’s the whole week. Wonwoo seems oblivious to it all claiming “everyone just needs time to warm up” but you also have a suspicion people are either being fake nice to Wonwoo, or not giving him the same treatment as the rest of you due to his new look. Whatever the reason is, Wonwoo doesn’t seem to be aware of the comments and glares you and the other boys have been on the receiving end of. 
It’s strange, everyone seems to be scared of you, but at the same time they have no problem making under the breath comments on your upbringing. You’ve definitely been called a ‘freak’ a couple of times and one guy even tried to trip you in the cafeteria. He immediately cowered back when you raised your fist him, but still.
You’ve found a particular enemy in a boy named Seungkwan, the son of Cinderella. He makes the most comments about you and the other VKs and you think you may hate him more than Minghao. You have your third period science class with him and rather than listening to the teacher, he likes to focus his attention on you instead.
“Better watch out with this one, you don’t know what kind of potions they may brew up,” Seungkwan sneers.
“You wanna say that again?” You growl.
“What are you going to do? Light me on fire? They’ll just ship you right back to that slum you call a home. Actually, maybe you should do it. It would get rid of at least one of you vermin.”
That whole interaction happened in front of a teacher, who didn’t say anything. You’ve noticed that’s a recurring theme as well. Teachers love to look past what the Auradonians are saying, but as soon as you glare at someone, you’re the one being told off.
The issue is that Wonwoo has barely been experiencing any of this, and he’s off doing stuff during his free time. He’s found new hobbies and has been practicing his magic with Fairy Godmother and over all soaking up all of the Auradon goodness, which leaves you to spend time with Jeonghan or yourself.
You stand at your locker, wondering if maybe it would be a good thing if you got sent back to the Isle, when a giant body slams into you, shoving you into the lockers.
“Watch it, asshole,” you growl.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I-” The guy’s words cut off when he gets a good look at you. “You’re one of the Villain Kids.”
“And you’re a giant dumbass who can’t watch where he’s walking.”
“Oh right, I’m very sorry about that!” The guy quickly bends at the waist in a bow. When he stands, he stares at you expectantly. “So how are you enjoying Auradon?”
“I don’t remember agreeing to talk to you.” You close your locker with a loud slam. You turn to leave but the guy is in your way. “Move.”
“No, wait-”
Without meaning your hair bursts into flames as you glare at the guy. He jumps back, his reaction causing your hair to go back to normal.
“You’re…you’re the child of Hades…”
You glare up at the tall guy. “Yep. Now if you’ll very kindly move out of my fucking way.” You shove your way past him, surprised at how easily he moved despite his stature. You can’t focus on that though, rather trying to focus on just getting away from him.
“Wait, no! Come back!” The guy grabs your arm and spins you around.
You stare between his frantic face and his hand clamped around your bicep. “I would advise you to let go if you favor that hand.”
He’s quick to release you. “I’m sorry! I just…wanted to talk. I know you uh, Isle kids probably don’t wanna talk to us, but I just want to get to know you guys. This can’t be easy for you and I want to try and get to know you guys before I judge you.”
“So when you do get to know us, you’ll be free to judge?”
“No! That’s not what I meant! I just meant, ugh, that like…it’s unfair for everyone to be saying what they are when they don’t even know you. That’s all.”
“Have you ever considered that maybe we don’t want to talk to you?” With that you turn away again, this time more prepared to deck the big oaf if he touches you again.
As you walk away, he calls to your retreating back, “The name’s Mingyu by the way! Son of Hercules!”
And as much as that interests you, you continue to make your exit, filing that information away for later.
You’re not exactly sure how you ended up in this situation, but sitting across from you in your dorm is the son of Hercules. It seems after your first encounter he’s been partial to seeking you out as much as he can. You were just walking into your dorm when he bombarded you and all but forced his way into your dorm. So here you are, sitting on your bed, staring at where he sits at your desk.
“You’re here so you can what? Run back to all of your little friends and tell them all about me?”
“Oh no, I actually uh…this is kind of embarrassing, I don’t really have any friends.”
“You live in Auradon, how the hell don’t you have any friends? Aren’t you guys all about friendship and kindness and all that crap?”
“Yeah, we are, but I don’t know. Most people see me as some clumsy, annoying guy.”
“You are a clumsy, annoying guy.”
“I know that, but it’s different when they say it. I don’t know, none of them really like me that much. They don’t even pretend to like me like they do with some of the others.”
“I don’t get that. If you’re not going to like someone, don’t hide it. Honestly, it’s better they don’t fake it with you. I’d rather have a million enemies than one fake friend.”
“It’s different here,” Mingyu says. “Everyone does what it takes to get them higher on the totem pole.”
“And being fake does that? I’ve always openly hated Minghao and I’m the highest on the damn totem pole.”
“Oh no. We’re not allowed to hate anyone. Well I guess, unless it’s me.”
“Why do they even hate you? From what I can tell you’re smart, and strong, and…nice,” you force the last word out. “Sounds like everything everyone here values.”
“I may be smart, but they still think I’m stupid. I probably am sometimes. I guess when you have to be nice all the time, you need someone to be the punching bag to get all of your anger out on. I just happened to be that person.”
“Why don’t you do something about it? Your grandfather is literally Zeus. The Zeus. They should all be bowing to you, not walking all over you.”
You’re not sure why you care so much. Maybe it’s because Mingyu is the only person who hasn’t sneered at you. Maybe it’s because he knows what it’s like to get sneered at.
“What am I supposed to do? Rain lightning bolts down on them? Beat them up with my strength? I can’t do stuff like that, that’s villain stuff.” Mingyu glances over at you, like he said something wrong. Like he’s not supposed to bring up villainy around you. You barely pay attention to him though.
“Hell yeah it is! What’s wrong with a little villany? Beats being a punching bag for the rest of your life.”
“I would be hated even more than I already am,” Mingyu says.
“Villains aren’t even the bad guys. They have good views, people just get mad because they didn’t think of it first. Honestly half of the villains wouldn’t even be villains if it wasn’t for your parents! The two strongest villains on the Isle, Hades and Maleficent, wouldn’t have even become villains if they just got a goddamn invitation to begin with!” It’s something you and Wonwoo have discussed before. The coincidence of your parents path to villainy. “If you ask me, the real villains are the good guys. Real heroes don’t bully others.”
“You know you’re…not nearly as bad as the others make you out to be.”
“Yeah well, I was a lot worse on the Isle. I just know I’ll get shipped back if I do any of my normal activities, and I can’t leave Wonwoo alone here like that.”
“Wonwoo…Maleficent’s son. He’s not like the rest of you guys is he?”
“No, but he’s not like the Auradonians either. He’s probably the only good guy I know. Well I guess, you count now too. But Wonwoo’s a whole different thing. Despite who his mother is, he’s never given into any of it. He couldn’t even hurt a fly, and his conscience keeps him accounted for everything. Even that time he accidentally borrowed a pen from me and forgot to give it back.”
“You really love him, huh?”
“Of course, he’s my best friend.”
“No I mean like…happily ever after love. Romantic love. I can tell by how you talk about him. It’s the same way my mom talks about my dad.”
“You’re mom…Megara.” You decided to change the topic. You don’t want to think about your feelings for Wonwoo, especially now that it seems like he’s ignoring you.
“Yeah…she wasn’t exactly a hero to begin with either. She doesn’t talk about her time with Hades much, but sometimes she brings it up in passing.”
“He’s…something.” You roll your eyes. “Let’s change the topic now.”
“Right…so back to Wonwoo.”
“Or maybe you can just leave all together.” Mingyu grins at you but you keep your face deadpan.
“Okay! No talk about Hades or Wonwoo. Good to know.” Mingyu doesn’t say anything for a moment and you’re about to ask him to not so kindly fuck off when he speaks up again. “So do you have any hobbies?”
“There’s not exactly a lot to do on the Isle and I doubt you’d consider stealing a hobby.”
“So there’s…nothing you like to do? What have you been doing in your free time? Haven’t you thought about trying new things?” Mingyu spitfires the questions at you, something you’ve noticed he does a lot.
“In my free time I sit in my dorm or spend time with Jeonghan. There’s nothing here I want to do. Why try new things when they all sound awful?”
“You’re pretty pessimistic, you know that?”
“Yeah I do, it’s almost like I was raised by villains.”
“Well let me show you fun things to do! I promise it will be worth your time. Meet me at the front of the school tomorrow after class!” With that Mingyu gets up and leaves. You just stare at the space he was sitting in, trying to process his words.
For some reason you find yourself in front of the school after class the next day. You’re not sure why. Curiosity? Boredom? Some kind of pity for the kid with no friends?
“Y/N! You’re here!” The big guy runs up and attempts to give you a hug but you dodge him before he can. “You won’t be disappointed!”
“I better not be, or I’ll set you on fire.”
Mingyu laughs, not understanding you’re being completely serious. “Let’s go.” He starts to lead you to another part of the school you haven’t explored yet. “I thought I could introduce you to a bunch of things that you may enjoy. Cooking, art, music, reading, sports, gaming. Stuff like that.”
“I know what all of that is, I just don’t have an interest in it.”
“Do you not have an interest in it or are you just afraid to participate in something that’s not villainous?” You don’t answer. “You can’t tell if you don’t like something if you don’t try it! You live in Auradon now, you don’t have to be evil all the time. And don’t think I’m trying to change you from who you are, I’m just trying to…expand who you could be.”
“You’re cheesy, you know that? You sound like Fairy Godmother in Goodness Class but less stuck up and more puppy-like.”
“Puppies are a good thing!”
You just roll your eyes as Mingyu guides you into a room. There’s a bunch of equipment inside and a large mirror on one of the walls. There are a few people inside, using the equipment and it takes you a few seconds to piece together that it's a fitness gym.
“Why did you bring me here?” You turn to look at Mingyu.
“Well you seem to have a lot of pent up feelings and this is a great way to get them out. You can get swole while doing it too!” Mingyu flexes his arm and you try to not show how impressed you are at the size of his bicep. Stupid Hercules kid.
“So what? You just want me to lift weights?”
“Well…more like hit things. C’mere.” Mingyu takes you over to another part of the room where there are large bags hanging from the ceiling. “Punching bags. Just put the gloves on and go at it.” He hands you a pair of large gloves.
“You know on the Isle when you punch someone you don’t wear gloves. Seems like a sissy thing to do.”
“It sounds like protecting your hands from getting hurt. Just put them on.” You do.
You think Mingyu is about to say something else but you ignore him and throw a punch at the bag. You continue to throw punch after punch, working up a sweat and getting out all of your frustrations. The bag swings all over, probably due to your demi-god strength, but you don’t stop.
You don’t stop, until you hear someone cackle behind you. You step back from the bag to turn around and see two people staring at you and Mingyu. One is the small guy you met on the first day, Jihoon maybe? And another guy.
“Look Jihoon, it’s a delinquent and the dumbass,” the new guy scoffs. “Why don’t you two get out of here before you stink up the place.”
“Don’t even bother with them Cheol, they’re probably too stupid to understand what you’re saying,” Jihoon says.
This ‘Cheol’ doesn’t seem to listen to his friend though. “You know you have no right being here. Not just in this room, but at this school, on the mainland. Go back to the Isle where vermin like you belong. And you Mingyu. I knew you were fucking pathetic but hanging around low-lifes like them? You really are the biggest fucking loser in this school aren’t you?”
“Watch your mouth.” You throw the gloves off and start to walk towards the two but you feel a strong hand on your shoulder, stopping you.
“Don’t. C’mon, let’s just go. It’s not worth it.” You glare at the pair as Mingyu practically drags you out of the room. He doesn’t say anything else after you two get out of the gym. 
“Hey,” you break the silence, “you said you were going to show me a bunch of things. What’s the next one?”
Mingyu perks up a bit at your enthusiasm and starts to guide you to a new part of the school. When you get there you realize it’s the art wing of the school. You’ve walked through it before but never stopped to look for too long.
You two walk in through the door of a room and to your surprise, Minghao and Jun are in there.
“Nope, we’re leaving,” you tell Mingyu. You try to drag him out of the room but unfortunately for you, he’s a lot stronger than you are.
“Why, what’s wrong? Aren’t those guys also from the Isle?”
“Yeah that’s the problem. Just because we’re from the same place doesn’t mean we’re friends, that’s an Auradon thing. It’s actually common to have a lot more enemies than friends on the Isle.”
“They’re your enemies?”
“Yes,” you hiss. “So let’s go before they see us.”
Mingyu finally seems to understand you and you two silently sneak out of the room. The sad look is back on Mingyu’s face. “Well that’s a two for two bust.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m supposed to be the pessimistic one, remember? There has to be more than punching things and half assed art.”
“Fine, fine. The final thing today is actually my favorite thing to do, so don’t be too harsh on it okay?”
“No promises.”
Mingyu ignores your last statement and leads you to your final destination, the kitchens. “My favorite thing to do is cook!”
You don’t have much time to protest before Mingyu is handing you an apron and getting right to work. You find that you don’t want to protest much anyways. Mingyu seems genuinely excited as he bustles around the kitchen and you may be evil, but not evil enough to kill his happiness. You do as he says and you two talk about your childhoods and yourselves as you work side by side. You find that you’re enjoying yourself, and that maybe you do like Mingyu’s company, just a little bit.
The food also comes out…really good. Better than the dining hall food and way better than anything you’d ever had on the Isle. You and Mingyu sit on the counters of the kitchen as you eat your meal and continue your conversation.
You stare at Mingyu as he goes on a story about trips to Mount Olympus and you decide he’s pretty. Objectively. He has good facial structure and tan skin and nicely styled hair.
“Mingyu,” you cut him off.
“Yes?” He stops his story to look up and stare you in the eyes.
“For what?”
“For…this? For you know,” you struggle to get the words out, you’ve never been the best at showing emotions, “for being my friend.”
Mingyu lights up at this and you think that his smile might be the prettiest thing about him.
“You and Hercules’s kid?” Jeonghan drawls and if you weren’t used to much scarier things creeping up on you, you would have jumped. 
It’s been a few weeks since you admitted to Mingyu that you guys are friends and you’ve been spending a lot more time with him lately. He just left your dorm when Jeonghan approaches you.
“What do you want Jeonghan?”
“Oh nothing. Just interesting seeing you all buddy-buddy with the big guy. Especially given your parents and the fact you yourself said you’re not gonna be making any friends here.”
“Oh shut up. Don’t act like you’re not always with that pretty boy all the time.”
“Pretty boy? You mean Josh?”
“Josh? A nickname? Really Jeonghan? And you want to try and judge me?”
“Joshua and I aren’t friends. He’s just in like all of my classes and has taken to hanging around me, not the other way around.”
“The Jeonghan I know would have told him to fuck off. You really wanna be with someone who keeps shooting glares at Minghao whenever he can?”
“I guess that makes us even, given he’s the one hanging around Rapunzel’s kid. And anyways, since when are you sticking up for Minghao? You two are sworn enemies.”
“We are, but unlike on the Isle, there are much greater enemies to worry about around here. The Auradonians have it out for all of us, no matter how ‘buddy-buddy’ we get with them,” you say. “You guys can make all the friendships you want, but in their minds, we’re still just villain scum.”
“You’re one to talk. I just saw the son of the guy your father tried to kill walk out of your dorm!”
“He’s not like them!” You argue. “He’s more like us than anything else. He listens and understands when I tell him things. He gets bullied by the kids here, and he’s one of them.”
“You have always been soft for the underdogs haven’t you,” Jeonghan says. His tone is condescending and you know he’s referring to Wonwoo.
“I’m just saying you can’t judge me when you’re doing the exact same thing. If you want to judge someone, maybe start with the people who are the actual enemy.” With that you slam your dorm door in Jeonghan’s face.
A few minutes later you hear a knock on the door and you all but growl. You storm over to the door and throw it open, expecting to see Jeonghan, but instead you see Wonwoo, his hands full of books. It really shouldn’t surprise you to see him, considering he lives here, but in all honesty you haven’t really seen him in a few days.
“Thanks Y/N, I couldn’t really open the door with my hands full.” Wonwoo walks into the room and dumps the books on his desk.
You stand at the door, staring at your best friend. You’re not sure what you’re feeling. Relief to see your best friend. Anger because you haven’t seen him in a few days. Sadness because you miss him and even though he’s right in front of you, you still miss him.
Wonwoo turns to look at you. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Uhm, uh…no,” you admit. You finally close the dorm door and trudge over to Wonwoo’s bed (it’s closer) before flopping down. “It’s like…too much has changed since coming here. I don’t see you anymore and Jeonghan and I got into a fight and everyone here sucks.”
Wonwoo slowly crawls up onto his bed as well, and draws you into his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry we haven’t seen much of each other lately. I’m sorry you don’t like it here. I shouldn’t have forced you to-”
“No don’t,” you tell him. “I made the choice to come here, don’t blame yourself. I just wish…I wish it wasn’t like this. That’s all.”
“I know,” Wonwoo murmurs. “How about this…you’ll have me this whole weekend to yourself. Just us hanging out. How does that sound?”
“Wonwoo I would love to, but I…kind of have plans?”
“Yeah…Mingyu’s supposed to be taking me to town to go shopping? Or something like that?”
“Mingyu…that’s…Hercules’ son?”
“Yeah…we’re kind of friends? He’s like the only person here I like, but that’s only because he’s not an asshole. He kind of reminds me of you, but he’s like a total extravert.”
Wonwoo chuckles at that. “Well I’d like to meet this Mingyu who’s been keeping you company. Maybe we could all spend time together?”
You bury yourself further into Wonwoo’s arms and smile. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
You’re not sure how it’s happened but Wonwoo and Mingyu get along really well, maybe a little too much, because now your days are spent with both Mingyu and Wonwoo, to the point where you don’t get a break from them. Like three peas in a pod, or whatever Fairy Godmother said to you. You don’t mind, you’re actually happy that Mingyu and Wonwoo get along so well, but it doesn’t cover up the fact that Auradonian’s have gotten worse, and now that Wonwoo is actively hanging around you again, he’s started to become at the end of their insults as well.
You can take the insults, but it makes your blood absolutely boil hearing them thrown at the two boys. There’s been plenty of times where they have to pull you away from the AKs, saying how you can’t turn into what they want you to. You really don’t care what happens to you, as long as they leave Mingyu and Wonwoo alone, but they do care what happens to you so you have to stay at least somewhat under control.
You’ve recently realized that you’d do just about anything for Mingyu and Wonwoo and as much as that scares you, it also doesn’t. You love them and they mean the world to you and as long as it took you to admit that for Mingyu, it’s true.
Which is why you’re here, standing at the Parents’ Day event, even though your dad is back on the Isle, most likely sitting in his chair and watching TV. Mingyu asked you to be here, so you came.
You, Mingyu, and Wonwoo are standing at the edge of the set up, staring at everyone else. You watch everyone with their families, smiling and hugging and laughing. You’re rightfully uncomfortable, but you try not to show that to Mingyu.
Your eyes sweep over the crowd again when they stop on a large figure at the entrance of the garden. You take a deep breath before exhaling slowly, breaking the silence that you, Mingyu, and Wonwoo were standing in. “I didn’t know your dad would be making an appearance,” you mutter under your breath.
“Neither did I,” Mingyu responds.
Your hand automatically reaches for Wonwoo’s and he accepts, holding onto you tight. Mingyu excuses himself, telling you two not to move, before he moves to greet his parents. It looks like the three have a brief conversation before they start to make your way towards you and Wonwoo. You quickly avert your eyes so it doesn’t look like you were blatantly staring.
“Well son, let’s meet these friends of yours.” You hear Hercules’s booming voice before you see him, but it’s not long before Mingyu and his parents are standing in front of you.
Before anyone can say anything, Megara gasps. “You look…just like him.”
“Uh, Mom, Dad, this is Y/N and Wonwoo.” Mingyu shoots you an apologetic look.
“The…villain kids…” Hercules mutters.
“Nice to meet you sir,” you stick your hand out and you don’t miss the way Megara flinches a bit. Hercules wraps a large arm around his wife. You lower your hand.
“Hello Mr. Hercules, Mrs. Megara. You have raised a wonderful son. He’s been nothing but kind and accepting since we’ve met, and he’s shaped up to be a phenomenal friend,” Wonwoo says to the couple. They look less…on edge talking to Wonwoo. Maybe because he’s in an actual suit and you couldn’t be bothered to put on something nicer than a slightly wrinkled button up shirt and your nicest leather bottoms.
“Let’s meet some more of your friends, son.” Hercules claps a large hand onto Mingyu’s back and he stumbles a bit.
“Dad, I told you, I don’t have very many friends here.”
“Sure you do! Who couldn’t love this face,” Megara coos before pinching Mingyu’s cheek.
“A lot of people,” Mingyu mumbles softly so only you and Wonwoo hear.
“So Mingyu? These other friends?”
“I don’t have any other friends Dad!”
“You’re only friends are…the kids of the two worst villains of all time? No you’re lying, no son of mine would be friends with such degenerates!”
“Don’t call them that,” Mingyu growls. “Dad you’re being unfair.”
“Unfair? You’re friends with the children of Hades and Malficent.”
“So what? They are amazing people and you can’t judge them just because of where they come from. What makes them any different than Mom-”
“MINGYU!” Hercules booms. “That is no way to talk about your mother. Son, we’re very disa-”
“When are you not! Why did you even show up today? You’ve always been too busy for me and when you do pay attention to me, it’s to tell me how much I don’t live up to your expectations. Just leave already,” Mingyu spits out. “I don’t know why any of us are here, let’s go.” Mingyu roughly grabs your arm and tugs you away, Wonwoo following.
Mingyu storms all the way to the dorms before he calms down. He’s still grabbing onto your arm tightly and you gently try to pull your arm out of his grip before he realizes.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry Y/N. Did I hurt you?”
“No, I’m fine. High pain tolerance.”
You three stand in silence as Mingyu sighs. “I’m…I’m sorry about them.”
“It's not your fault,” Wonwoo is quick to assure him.
“I should have known-”
“You couldn’t have known anything. It’s fine, nothing we’re not used to,” you say softly. “Let’s just…go back to the dorm, yeah?”
It’s somber as you walk back to the dorm, and nobody says anything as you crawl into your bed, Mingyu and Wonwoo following, sandwiching you in the middle. The silence continues as you hold each other, until you eventually drift to sleep.
You’re rarely guilty about anything, but you are a bit guilty for not seeing Jeonghan in a while. He is, admittedly, your friend, and you haven’t seen much of him since Mingyu and Wonwoo have gotten close. You blame yourself, but you start to rethink that thought when you catch him all but sneaking out of Minghao and Jun’s dorm one day.
“What the hell are you doing hanging around those guys?” You confront Jeonghan. He doesn’t look surprised to see you, but his face is somber.
“Listen Y/N, this might be something you want to stay out of.” Jeonghan’s tone isn’t threatening like it normally would have been. He is giving you a warning. He pushes past you.
“Jeonghan.” At the call of his name he stops, but doesn’t turn around. “When have you ever gotten into mischief without me?”
You see Jeonghan’s shoulders rise and fall before he turns back around. “We can’t talk about it here.”
He takes you to his dorm. You sit down at his desk, noting the way their room still looks the exact way when they moved in.
“You can’t tell anyone about this. Even if you don’t approve, you can’t stop us. You have to promise me that Y/N.” Promises are a big deal on the Isle because they’re enforced. You break a promise, and you’ll get your arm broken in return.
“...I promise.”
“Minghao, Jun, Chan, and I are gonna take down the crown. We’re tired of the way we’re being treated. They promised a better future and all they’re doing is making us want to go back to the Isle, which is saying something.”
“Take down the crown…?”
“Yeah. We’ve already started a plan. We’re gonna make all of Auradon pay, and then maybe we’ll even take over the world.” Jeonghan shrugs his shoulders.
“Woah, wait, hold up. What?”
“Y/N. C’mon dude you’re like…one of the evilest people I know. Don’t you get it? We’re gonna break into the Museum of Cultural History, get Fairy Godmother’s wand, and finally do what our parents couldn’t all those years ago.”
You wonder how long the boys have been planning this. You wonder if they would have told you if you didn’t catch them before they executed the plan. Knowing Minghao, probably not. 
“We’d actually really appreciate your help if you’d like to give it. Wonwoo’s too, but I think he’s put all the villainy behind him,” Jeonghan scoffs. “Waste of potential. The son of Maleficent, and all he wants to do is read books.”
“What are you going to do when you do take down the crown?” You ignore the dig at Wonwoo, because if you don’t Jeonghan would be sporting a black eye.
“Not sure yet. If you’re worried about us hurting your precious little Wonwoo, don’t worry. No matter how much of a goody two shoes he is, he’s still one of us.”
“And everyone else in Auradon?” You think that if Jeonghan lays even a finger on Mingyu that you’ll castrate him.
“They’ll bow to us now, and do what we say. It doesn’t matter what happens to them, it will be us who have the power. So are you in or what?” Jeonghan stares back at you expectantly.
“I-” You contemplate your options.
You think about every Auradonian who’s scoffed at you and whispered behind your back. You think about the condescending remarks on teachers' tongues and the shifty looks the parents keep sending you. You think about your father who scoffed at you everytime you tried to tell him about your newest villainous act. You think about Wonwoo and Mingyu whose safety needs to be ensured.
You look back up at Jeonghan. “I’m in.” 
“Nice to have you,” Minghao drawls as you walk into the next meeting with Jeonghan. “Finally came to your senses?”
“Just figured you’d need a lot more brains to counteract your stupidity,” you retort.
“Whatever the reason is,” Jun butts in, “we’re happy you’re here. Besides Minghao, you’re the only one of us who can use magic.”
“Technically, Wonwoo ca-” Your glare cuts Jeonghan off.
“What even are all of your powers?” Chan asks you.
You give them a run down of all of your powers. Fire and smoke manipulation, like your dad. High pain tolerance and increased strength because of demi-god powers. Manipulation of souls and the dead. All the basics.
“Yeah…yeah we can work with this,” Minghao mutters. “With the plans we have…we could put them into action by the end of next week.”
“And you’re 100% in?” Jun questions you.
“Yeah…of course. We’ll make them all pay.” Pay for how they treat you. Pay for how they Wonwoo. Pay for how they treat Mingyu. Pay for all of it.
“Well then, it looks like we have a team.” And something about that excites you.
A week after your first meeting with the other VKs you guys have a solid plan of action, and you’re ready to execute it. It’s a bit strange to actually be getting along with Minghao and Jun, but you decide they’re not as bad as they used to be. Or maybe you’re just finally giving them a chance. Either way, you find that you can stand to be around them for prolonged periods of time.
They’re not the only ones that you’ve had new revelations for. Sitting in the meetings, planning to take over Auradon, you think about how you’re doing it all for Mingyu and Wonwoo. Your boys. You’d honestly go to war for them if they asked. You think you may love them, but then again you’re not exactly sure what love feels like. Nonetheless, they mean the world to you, and so you’ll do everything in your power to give them what they deserve.
You hate to admit it, but you’re also a bit excited to get back into villainy. You know it’s the morally wrong thing to do, but when have you ever cared about morally correct? You miss the thrill you get from plotting something and carrying it out. The only time you ever feel a bit bad about it is when you come home to see Mingyu and Wonwoo waiting for you in the dorm.
“Where have you been going the past few nights? I miss you.” Mingyu pulls you into a hug, resting his head on yours.
Your heart swells. “I’ve just been with Jeonghan. I feel bad for leaving him out to dry lately. You know I do have other important people in my life than just you two.”
“When has anyone ever been more important to you than me?” Wonwoo questions and well, he’s got you there.
“We are still your favorites though, right?” Mingyu looks at you with his big puppy dog eyes and you roll your eyes but inside your stomach flutters with butterflies.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” You push yourself out of Mingyu’s arms so you can start to get ready for bed. “Are you spending the night again Mingyu?”
“Can I?” He looks at you hopefully and grins wide when you nod.
You crawl into bed and Mingyu follows after, and even though Wonwoo was on his own bed, he makes the short trip over to yours so he can crawl in too. Snuggled in between both of them, you think about how there’s nowhere else you want to be. Even if you don’t have a label, you sleep peacefully knowing that everything you do, it’s for them.
You’re nervous, but only because you want things to go well. You don’t think you’re going to fail, but if you do, you just want to make sure your boys are okay. Minghao has decided that today is the day you’re going to execute the plan and then after this, everything will be over. You guys will finally be safe, and happy, and together.
The plan is to meet up at the museum where Jeonghan and Minghao will steal the wand while you, Chan, and Jun will do damage control. From there you will storm the castle and capture the royal family, before finally taking over all of Auradon. There’s a lot that could go wrong, but in turn there’s a lot that could go right which is a risk you have to take.
You quickly crawl out of bed, through the foot of the bed so you don’t have to crawl over the body on either side of you. You slip out of bed and start to pull off your pajamas to grab your clothes.
“Y/N?” The soft, sleepy voice stops you in your tracks. You don’t want to turn around, because if you do you’ll be tempted to just crawl right back into bed with your boys, but you have to do this, for them. “Y/N what are you doing? It’s late.”
“I have to go. I need to go do something right now,” you say as you continue to pull on your clothes.
“What could you possibly have to do at 3 am?” The other tempting voice in your bed sounds out. Great now they’re both awake.
“I have to go meet with Jeonghan, it’s very important and I promise I’ll tell you everything later, but just know that everything that happens has a reason. If things seem wrong, don’t freak out, it will all work out.”
“What are you talking about?” You hear shuffling in bed, meaning that most likely Wonwoo is sitting up.
“Just explain to us where you’re going, Y/N,” Mingyu says. “Why are you meeting Jeonghan at 3 am? You two have been very suspicious lately.”
“...If I tell you something, you have to promise you’ll keep it secret, okay?”
“Oh this is serious,” Wonwoo mutters.
“We promi-”
“We promise to our best ability to keep it secret,” Wonwoo cuts Mingyu off, having more experience dealing with Isle promises, “but we cannot promise our full secrecy if we deem fit to bring others in.”
That’s a good enough answer for you, and you finally turn around to face the two boys. They’re both sitting up, staring at you with half-tired looks on their faces. “The past couple weeks I’ve been meeting with Jeonghan and the other VKs. They’re planning on stealing Fairy Godmother’s wand and taking over Auradon, and I’m going to help them.”
“What!” Wonwoo roars, fully awake now. He quickly climbs out of bed to approach you. Mingyu hastily follows, a more concerned look on his face.
“Are you going to be safe? Did the others force you into this?” Mingyu, always the caretaker, rushes to make sure you’re okay.
Wonwoo, on the other hand, does not share the same sentiments. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how risky and stupid this is?” 
“Yes I know how stupid this is, okay, but it’s just something I have to do. I can’t give you all the details right now, but you guys just have to trust me.”
“Trust you? You’ve been off planning world domination with Minghao,” Wonwoo says.
“I know, okay, and I’m sorry and I promise we’ll talk about it later, but I really have to go.”
“What are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait while you just take over the kingdom?”
“Y/N, I don’t like this. What if you get hurt, or caught? Do you trust the others to have your back?” Mingyu asks, your safety still being his biggest concern. “Why can’t you just stay here?”
“I have to do this Gyu…I can’t keep living here like this, but I can’t go back to the Isle. Things won’t get better unless we make them better.” You grab his hand in yours and squeeze tight. “You have to understand what I mean.”
“I’m with Mingyu on this one Y/N. I don’t want you doing this without any kind of back up.”
“Then join us,” you blurt out. Both of them look like they want to say something, but the words die on their tongues. “Everyone here treats both of you like shit. Don’t you want to do something other than sit back and let them? You two both deserve the world, so let me give it to you.” You reach up and cup both of their faces one hand each.
“Wh-what about-”
“We’ll figure it out. We’ll figure everything out. But I need you both to be with me.” You recall the words Wonwoo told you long ago. “I can’t live a fulfilling life without you two in it.”
“Okay,” Mingyu breathes out. You’re a bit surprised he’s the one who responded first.
“Okay. I- I love you. If this is what you choose, then I’ll follow you to the end of the earth.”
You ignore the way you feel your stomach flutter at his words. You instead face the other man standing in front of you. “Woo?”
“You trust those four?”
“I trust they’re doing what’s best for us.”
“And we’ll be free?”
“No evil parents. No royal bullies. We make the rules now.”
“And it will be us together?”
Wonwoo’s eyes search your face to make sure you’re sincere, but you both know you’ve never lied to Wonwoo a day in your life. His eyes flick over to Mingyu before looking back at you. “Okay.”
Relief surges through your body and you don’t think you’ve ever felt so powerful in your life. Mingyu pulls you into a hug and you snuggle into his large chest. You feel Wonwoo wrap himself around your back, once again sandwiching you between the two men.
The others can wait a few minutes, you think as you relax in their arms. You relish in the comfort of their warm bodies pressed into yours, enjoying the calm before the storm. You’re not worried though. You’re not worried at all. You have your two boys by your side and a plan to take over the world, what else could you need?
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shovson · 1 year
synth this is stranger anon! I just finished reading you stopped by my house and totally get crazy about it... first i think george should be seeking for helps he's crying and screaming in max's house but then max is getting crazy for him too. theyare so abnormal to each other
at the same time max is just pure loving like?? innocently thinking they had something after spent a week doing george. oh. luckily lando and dan are so nice. damn why they didn't fuck again max must hurt so bad (wondering that as a george fan?). i think the whole thing is george's fault and wanna see how he will handle this between his gf and max. pls tell me it'll be a happy ending!>?!
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really putting them both thru it all and for what? u know fun fact it was going to end at chapter one with GEORGE JUST WALKING AWAY LOL but a lot of people were like "BRO U CANT LEAVE IT THERE" which is....fair
spoilers under read more
i think theyre both looking to preserve themselves in a way. i think its all good then they fuck and its like. okay so max is looking to get with someone (in my mind its also an ex, but maybe even danny) and uses george as a crutch despite their little interaction. then george thinks too impulsively and also uses max as a temporary solution. then HE GETS WITH THE GIRLFRIEND AGAIN......then he gets scared and doesn't tell max until its too late. so now he's gotta apologize
(im kind of thinking of imola 2021 where george took full responsibility for the incident w valtteri after reflecting for a bit! he made a bad judgement but fixed it immediately!)
then max resents george (because he got attached) but refuses to talk about it with george. george is willing to take accountability but max knows it'll hurt george even more if he doesn't even engage with that idea. smh my head . the pettiness is unreal. he's literally willing to kill them both if it means he "wins"; that george can never feel comfort in his own relationship again, that george is berated for what max thinks is the wrong decision, and that george will stay with max (even if in a way that is so hateful). love makes people crazy.
danny + lando trying to mediate makes me giggle. lando is really like "im sure the week with george will be fine" then comes back to fire and hell on earth. but yeah #dandobesties4eva
ANYWAYS stranger anon it will be happy dont worry i wont say how it resolves but....everything is good in da end ^_^ i drew a picture for it and everything before deleting it haha!! thank you again stranger anon!!! i really do appreciate when people comment and send asks about my stuff <3
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the-voldsoy · 4 months
Midnight Burger main crew as songs on my playlist because I have nothing to do, on episode 20, and loving this podcast :)
Gloria: Tree Hugger - Kimya Dawson & Ansty Pants. iirc shes canocially a BTS stan and i dont listen to BTS, but this song has her vibes yk <3
Caspar: Twin Sized Mattress - The Front Bottoms // No Children - The Mountain Goats . he is the most miserable guy in the universe
Leif: Mr Brightside - The Killers // 20 Dollar Nose Bleed - Fall Out Boy Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys. i cant explain it but he has AM vibes to me (but he would not listen to these songs himself)
Ava: The Masochism Tango or Poisoning Pigeons In The Park - Tom Lehrer. I think she would love Tom Lehrer tbh
Zebulon: Puttin' On The Ritz - Fred Astaire. I have nothing to say about this
Effie: The Devil's Swing - The Bridge City Sinners / Tear The Fascists Down - Woody Guthrie. solely because of that one episode where she was Calamity Jane tbh
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dailynnt · 1 year
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Pairing: Jungkook with Woman!Reader Characters: Jung Jungkook, Reader, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin (these two will only be moments) Rating: 18+ Orientation: ⚤ Get Number of words: 10,765 Size: Considered Mini. But I plan to make a series out of it. Tags: everyday life, male-female friendship, childhood friends, unrequited feelings (only the main character thinks so), alcohol, drunkenness, night club, professional boxer Jungkook, journalist, virgin main character, first time, obscenity, dirty talk, penetration , passionate kisses, drunken sex, unprotected sex. Warning: My story contains explicit scenes. Please do not read to those under 18. A/N: You and Jungkook were childhood friends. You studied at the same school and spent a lot of time together. But when you both went to university, you lost touch for a while. One day, on the eve of Choseok, Jungkook offers to meet. After this meeting, you realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend. Because after several years of no communication, Jungkook has changed and become very attractive in every way. The plot will tell about the case when Jungkook and his friends go to a night club to relax, he calls you drunk and offers to join them. This is a very tempting offer for you. From the author: Hello everyone. I want to say that this idea was in my head for a long time. The idea that Jungkook and Reader are best friends and she becomes his sober driver one night. I tried to describe her in different situations, but the only thing I came up with is what is described in this story. I am very worried because I am not very good at writing. By the way, please note that English is not my native language. If there are any inaccuracies or grammatical errors, please don't get mad at me and indulge me. Please let me know what part of my story you liked or should I continue? Dedication: I dedicate this work to my twin sister Mariam. Although her bias is Jimin, she was very supportive of me while working on this story. Therefore, all the love of this story to her!
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You desperately wanted a rest. When you finished taking a bath, you felt that you had washed off all the burden of today. Anxiety, anger and fatigue followed the stream of water that flowed down your body. For some reason, today was a difficult day at work.
You changed into your pajamas of a tank top and shorts. It was hot in the apartment, so you wanted to wear as few clothes as possible, despite the air conditioner being on.
It was about 21 degrees Celsius outside. The pleasant moderate temperature outside made this night perfect for walking or partying but you didn't want that. A small desire was still in your soul, but fatigue got the better of you. You just wanted to sleep.
Tomorrow is your day off, you had planned to get a good night's sleep and see your girlfriends, but someone had other plans for you.
You went to bed. The soft mattress pleasantly supported your body, which created a feeling of weightlessness. You picked up your phone and opened Instagram.
The first thing that caught your eye was Jungkook's storis. She was the first, followed by Jimin's stories and third was Taehyung's storis. The thought "All is in the assembly" flashed through my head. They must be walking somewhere!". Opening the first story, namely Jungkook, you only confirmed your thoughts. The neon colors of the nightclub lit up on the screen, Jimin and Taehyung flashed on the video. You smiled. You would like to be with them. The feeling of butterflies appeared in the stomach again. It always occurred to you when you saw Jungkook.
Jungkook was your best friend that you knew since childhood. You went to school together and your houses were next to each other. After school, you moved to Seoul to study journalism. Jungkook also moved to Seoul, he entered a sports university where he began to engage in professional boxing. Jungkook is currently the light heavyweight Olympic boxing champion.
When you were in university, your friendship with Jungkook was somewhat on hold. In the first six months of school, you called each other and texted each other and sometimes you could meet, but over time you and Jungkook had less and less time to talk and by the end of your studies, your communication with Jungkook came down wishes to birthday and different holidays. This lasted for several years.
After you finished your studies, you found a job and started working as a journalist.
You remembered how your friendly relations were restored.
Last year, just the day before Choseok, you received a New Year's text from Jungkook. There was no end to your happiness, because you were usually the first to write greetings for your friend, and he only wrote short but very sincere greetings in return. So, text by text, you agreed to meet before the Choseok celebration itself. Jungkook wrote that he missed you very much and would like to see you.
Something warm settled in your chest after those words of your best friend. You agreed to the meeting and were looking forward to it. In the evening, you met in a cozy cafe near your apartment. Jungkook suggested that you choose a place closest to your home so that it would be easier for you to get there. Your friend was not always so caring, so you already knew that this meeting might show you one day your best friend is a different person.
And so it really happened. When you saw Jungkook for the first time in two years, you couldn't believe your eyes. He became muscular and manly. His hair was short and neatly styled. There was no hint of the terrible pot he wore in high school. There was a piercing on the eyebrow and lip, which was very noticeable. He suited him very well. Jungkook also had a tattoo all over his arm. And it made you think that you never thought that Jungkook liked this kind of thing. However, you really liked Jungkook's whole look.
That's when you unconsciously fell in love with your best friend. It was the worst thing you could have done.
You remember how that evening you felt embarrassed in front of your friend when he told some joke that was more like flirting, but you probably could have made it up. So you're embarrassed because your once normal best friend has become the hottest man in the world.
You thought that he must have a girlfriend. But in a conversation about his personal life, Jungkook admitted that he doesn't have anyone, but if he needs a woman, he has no problem with that.
"Connection on the one night? You are disgusting Jeon Jungkook" You said then.
When asked if you have someone, you answered that you did not have any relationship. You quickly made an excuse that work took up all your time. Jungkook laughed at you.
"Really, Y/N so you're still virgin?" His sincere smile made him even more beautiful and your complexion even redder.
“Jeon Jungkook you are ass. This is not a very correct question!" You were annoyed. He can't ask you that.
"Why is it inappropriate?" He laughed. "We are best friends. You can tell me everything."
"So best friends." You said not without a touch of sarcasm. "We last saw each other several years ago. I even forgot what your voice sounds like." Jungkook stopped laughing. He suddenly became serious.
"But stop it. You can really tell me. What's wrong with the fact that you're still virgin?" Jungkook smiled lightly, as if inviting to tell him his personal story.
"Well..." you drawled, collecting your thoughts. "I really didn't have time to date. There were several, but they were completely unsuccessful. Therefore, it turns out that it is so. I am virgin." Your heart was pounding, and there was a noise in your ears. You didn't understand why you felt that way. Jungkook is your best friend, you shouldn't act like that in front of him. But two years of not communicating made themselves felt. For some reason, you couldn't think of Jungkook as a friend because you liked him. In the middle there was a complete feeling that you are on a date and not at a friendly meeting. Your mouth was dry from excitement, you took a cup of aromatic cocoa and took a few sips.
While you were trying to calm yourself down, you didn't pay attention to Jungkook who was looking at you with interest. You didn't notice the spark that flashed in his eyes.
"Oh," Jungkook said. "I would have never thought that a girl like you is still going around without a boyfriend and is even virgin." He giggled.
"Jungkook don't talk so loud!" - you hissed. You would not want the whole cafe to know that you are a virgin.
"Then how are we going to find you a boyfriend?" Jungkook joked.
In the end, your meeting in front of Choseok ended with you celebrating the New Year with Jungkook and his friends together. That's when he introduced you to Jimin and Taehyung.
And now for more than half a year, the four of you often spend time together. But today they are without you, because your boss dumped a lot of work on you.
You looked at the stories of the boys. You scrolled through the feed of the social network, and at some point it became boring so you blocked the phone. Putting it on the bedside table, you tried to fall asleep.
Thoughts of Jungkook immediately filled you’re head. He was in your thoughts almost every day since that meeting in front of Choseok. You couldn't shake the thought that the more time you spend with him, the stronger your feelings for him become.
As for his behavior, it was not unambiguous. He treated you with care, but it was only on a friendly basis. In half a year of new "friendly relations", Jungkook has not once shown you anything romantic. And you were afraid to confess to him. Losing a friendship because of your stupid feelings, what could be worse? But you couldn't help but think that you were literally going crazy. This cannot go on forever. Better to stay friends. You should find someone else to forget Jungkook. Why do feelings for him grow exponentially?
You knew the answer to this question better than anyone else. Jungkook was the perfect man for you in every way. The fact that he was hot on the outside is not even discussed. His body seems to have been created by God himself. You even liked his voice. You especially loved it when Jungkook sang. That's how he could sing. You thought that if he hadn't started boxing, he could have become a popular idol.
Jungkook was very attentive and caring towards you. You were nauseous just thinking that if he is so caring with you, then what is he like in a relationship? Jungkook had all the qualities of a real man and you couldn't help but like it.
But there was something that still worried you about Jungkook, and that was his attitude towards serious relationships. He was not interested in them (this was one of the reasons why you would never confess your feelings to him). Often when were you with Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung you all spent time together, Jungkook would brag about the number of girls who had been in his bed in a week. You felt terrible then, but you tried not to show everyone that you were not happy. The last time when your best friend started talking about his bed achievements, you carefully pretended that you needed to leave, for example, to get a drink, or to get a cup of tea, or to go to the toilet and things like that. Hearing how many women Jungkook had was unbearable.
Thinking of your friend and your unrequited feelings, you didn't immediately hear a notification on your phone. When probably 5 messages arrived, you grabbed the gadget.
22.40. Jungkook-ah 🥊: "Hello, My Heart one. You're awake?"
23.43. Jungkook-ah 🥊: "Hey My Heart one, don't you want to join us? I saw that you were watching our stories with the boys 😉"
23.44. Jungkook-ah 🥊: "Hey!! Why are you ignoring me? You couldn't fall asleep so quickly 😤"
23.45. Jungkook-ah 🥊: "Dear!! Come to us with the boys. Jimin is really asking me to persuade you to come"
23.47. Jimin-shi😈: “Actually Y/N  I think you should come over because Jungkook is talking about you all night 😏🤫”
Your eyes will increase from the number of SMS from friends. Jungkook's "Heart ones" hit the very in your heart, so you felt the butterflies in your stomach again. You opened Jungkook's message to reply as his name flashed on the screen.
 23. 50. Jungkook-ah 🥊 (incoming call)
"Hello" You picked up the phone. Your palms were instantly sweaty.
"Hello My Heart ones. You're awake?" Jungkook's voice was deep and lazy. He chuckled lightly. It seems he was drunk.
"I'm not sleeping Jungkook" You say kindly.
"You saw I wrote to you. Come to us. I miss you and we will have more fun."
"But aren't you already having fun without me?" You asked with a smile. Jungkook sensed your sarcasm and laughed too.
"Hahaha, we're really having fun, but if you came, it was really merriment." In the background you could hear music and sounds of cars. Jungkook must have gone outside to call you.
"Merriment?!" You repeated laughing. "I will never believe that you can't get gaiety without me? Jungkook, I already took a bath and in bed. Do you think I'll want to get out of it after a very hard day?"
“Oh Y/N did you have a bad day? Then you should definitely come to us!"
"Yes, but..." You didn't have time to finish as Jungkook suddenly asked.
"Hey wait did you say you're in bed now?" You heard Jungkook's deep voice.
"How can you lie in bed alone?
"So what?"
"Wouldn't you like to have someone by your side?" Your eyes widened. Jungkook hasn't flirted with you this openly before.
"What do you mean dear?" You tried to give confidence your voice.
“I mean you should come to our club and find a good candidate for the night. Come on, My Heart ones, you are already a grown-up girl. You and I talked about it a lot." You forgot how to speak for a while. All the words seemed to fly out of your head. There was silence for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry, my friend, but for some reason I have absolutely no desire to find a boyfriend right now."
"I know you better than anyone and I feel you need to relax." Silence fell between the two of you. You tried to find an answer but Jungkook broke the silence.
"Come to me." Inside you, everything seems to have broken off. This request sounded so desperate.
"Did you miss me that much?" You wanted to joke.
"Damm. I missed you to hell.” Jungkook said. Your heart was about to burst out of your chest. The desire to come to him grew stronger. But he was drunk. Jungkook thought drunkenly, only the fact that he was drunk could provoke him to say such a thing. You doubted again.
"Y/N" reached your ear. "If you don't want to come to us, let me come to you?"
“Jungkook sweetie, you better go home and get a good night's sleep. How much did you drink?”
"I didn't drink that much. By the way, I came here in my car. And I probably won't be able to take her away. And I have to go to the interview tomorrow. Bullshit!” Jungkook cursed.
"Wait, you have an interview tomorrow and you're still at the club?
"Yeah" Jungkook laughed lazily.
"Hey, why are you so not serious? How are you going to go to an interview like this?"
"I don't know." Admitted your best friend. "Maybe now I won't go."
"How come? You must fulfill your duties!" Now you were nervous. Jungkook can be punished for this behavior, or even better, he can be suspended from the competition if his company finds out about his behavior.
"The only thing you can do is come and drive me home in my car. I'll go to a little bit sleep, maybe I'll even be able to go to the interview." Jungkook suggested. You immediately agreed. You wanted Jungkook to continue to be a model athlete. Because his trainer, whom Jungkook introduced you to, had high hopes for his protégé. Mr. Choo said that Jungkook has a bright future in boxing. However, lately your best friend has partaken of nights out and had a many women.
"Fine. I'll take you, but please don't drink any more while you're waiting for me."
"I am waiting for you my Heart. I'll send you an SMS address."
The taxi pulled up to the entrance to the RAZER night club. Loud music blared from the front door, and people were standing near it. You picked up the phone and read Jungkook's last text message again: "RAZER Club, tell the security guard your name, I've already put you on the list. We will be on the second floor at the table to the left of the entrance. You will see us." You nervously locked your phone. We had to hurry, the clock was already two o'clock in the morning.
You went inside without any problems, telling the guard at the entrance your first and last name. It was stuffy and hot in the club. It smelled of alcohol and hookah. You made your way through the crowd on your way to the stairs leading to the second floor. You are not the first time in this club.
You visited it several times with your girlfriends, and maybe a few times you were here with Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. Jungkook loved this place so you weren't surprised that he was here. Maybe if he didn't say where he is now, the first place you would start looking for him would be this nightclub.
You climbed the stairs to the second floor and instantly found a table, or rather a sofa, on which Jungkook's company rested. You headed in their direction. A few steps away from the sofa on which Jungkook and Jimin were sitting, the latter noticed you and jumped for joy.
"Wooooo. Who came to see us, Y/N my dear, you are really here." Jimin headed towards you. A moment later he was already holding you close. Taehyung then greeted you with a hug as well. Jungkook sat majestically on the couch waiting for everyone to hug you. When you finished cuddling with Taehyung, Jimin introduced you to the boys sitting at the table. There was a purely male company here. Too many boys. After saying hello to everyone, you sat down near Jungkook.
“You lazy ass. You didn't even didn’t stand up to me!" You said insultingly, shouting over the music. Jungkook leaned into your ear. His breath was hot and it left a mark on your ear.
"I was just waiting for you to greet everyone. Jimin turned out to be faster than me.” Jungkook turned away from your ear. He stayed close, your faces were separated by a few centimeters. Your friend looked you straight in the eyes, you read “Hello” on his lips, and then he leaned down to kiss your cheek. You were as if bewitched. Jungkook smelled like musk mixed with young coconut and alcohol.
You smiled, but it was hysterical. Your heart was pounding. Jungkook was so damn handsome. He was dressed in black jeans with holes and a black t-shirt that fit his figure perfectly. The piercings on the eyebrow and lip reflected the light of the neon lights.
"Jungkook go home. It's too late." You also bent down to tell friend that it was time to gather. At that moment, Jimin landed next to you, he also smelled of alcohol. They must have all had a good drink here.
"Honey, how are you? I haven't seen you for a long time!" Jimin put his hand on your knee. It didn't escape Jungkook's eyes. He tensed.
“Actually, Jimin-shi, I came here for Jungkook. He has important business tomorrow, and he's still here. I have to pick him up." You turned to Jimin so that it would be better to have a conversation. Jimin's hand remained on your knee.
"Oh yes, he said something like that. An interview or something." You shook your head affirmatively. "He came here in his car. He didn't even plan to drink at first." You were surprised, he remembered that he had an important business tomorrow and got drunk anyway. You couldn't help but notice a strange trend in Jungkook's behavior. He behaved irresponsibly, maybe something happened and you don't know about it. You were going to talk to your friend on the way home.
While you were talking to Jimin who still had his hand on your knee, you didn't notice Jungkook looking at you. He didn't like where Jimin was holding hands, and he couldn't say why. The tension that arose in the middle made Jungkook want to drink again. He poured himself a glass of whiskey and drank it in one gulp. Jungkook felt the alcohol burn his throat and for a second it muted the intense irritation.
Jungkook stood up and looked at you. You and Jimin turned to your friend at the same time.
"Let's go home Y/N" Jungkook said. You stood up next and nodded your head.
"Okay guys have fun. Jungkook and I really need to go." You said to Jimin and Taehyung, who was also looking at all of you. You hugged Taehyung again and then Jimin. For a brief moment that you were hugging a friend, you had no idea what kind of picture was behind you. Jimin had a big smile and looked at Jungkook who was angry with him. Jimin was amused by this situation. Someone is very jealous of their best friend. Jimin raised his eyebrows as if to ask “Is something wrong?”, but he was met with a hard smile that twisted his best friend's lips. Jimin could only wonder what that could mean.
You finally turned away from Jimin and you and Jungkook left the nightclub.
You two hardly spoke on the way to Jungkook's car. The only thing is that you asked where the car was and Jungkook said that it was in the parking lot.
Jungkook looked sullen. Carefully glancing at him, you noticed that his eyebrows were converged on the forehead. Why is his infusion like this?
Jungkook's Mercedes was parked not far from the parking lot exit. When you got to the car Jungkook unlocked it and gave you the keys. You got behind the wheel and your friend sat next to you.
While you adjusted the seat and steering wheel for herself, Jungkook reached for something in the back seat. He leaned towards you so that it was convenient to get what was lying behind. You started the engine and after adjusting the steering wheel, you noticed Jungkook leaning into your seat. Without thinking, you turned to see what he was doing and found yourself close to his face again. You froze.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"I want to get something out of the back seat." Jungkook says. You and your friend look into each other's eyes until he finally gets what he's been chasing. In his hand you see an electronic cigarette. You frown.
"Seriously Jeon Jungkook?!" You say, looking at the thing in his hand. "Now an electronic cigarette?"
"Something is wrong?" Asks your friend and inhales smoke. You stare at your friend for a few seconds. He does not notice your look he continues to smoke and seems to like it very much. At some point, Jungkook notices that in the car has become very quiet, and when he turns back to you, he encounters a judgmental look of you.
"What?" Jungkook asks again and you can feel the irritation in his voice. You want to say that you are annoyed by his behavior, but instead you just look away and drive away.
You are silent again, Jungkook continues to smoke. Your mood is bad, and the reason for that lies to the right of you. You are in some sense disappointed by your friend's behavior. He is a good athlete who has great achievements in his career and can reach even greater heights. But ruining your career with nightclubbing, alcohol and cigarettes, what could be more terrible? Jungkook has changed, you don't recognize him at all.
The window on Jungkook's side is open, and when the air rushes into the car, you catch the smell of banana smoke. After a while Jungkook turns on the music out of boredom. You just silently watch his actions. He flips through the radio stations and can't find anything suitable. In the end, he stops at some station that plays rhythmic hip-hop. Jungkook likes the music and turns it up, then louder until some stupid song is shouts at the whole car. Jungkook sings and dances along. Your nerves give up. With one sharp movement, you make quieter. Jungkook looks at you as if he just realized that you are near.
"You shouldn't listen to music so flexibly. We can be fined by the police." You say, hiding the terrible irritation inside.
"I do not care." Jungkook says lazily. He tries to make music loud again, but you reach the button first.
"We won't listen to music now." and you turn off the radio altogether. Jungkook is stunned for a moment, and then a small laugh escapes his lips.
“What happened Y/N, why so angry? Hasn't anyone fucked you in a long time?" - You felt feeling as if you were punched in the stomach. It was as if a current passed through the body. You grabbed the steering wheel. But before you can answer anything, Jungkook is ahead of you.
“Oh, how could I forget? No one fucked you at all! But don't worry my Dear, sooner or later it will happen. And you will stop getting angry at all." You turn sharply to the side and park. You start shaking all over. What is this man thinking? How dare he talk to you like that?
“What the hell? How are you talking to me?" Are you yelling at Jungkook. He looks at you but you are ready to just kill him.
"What did I say?" Jungkook says calmly. He seems to feel no guilt behind him.
“Do you have any problems Jungkook? Why do you speak so rudely to me?"
"I don't have any problems, Dear. Why did you assume that they are?" Jungkook smiles smugly. He's probably having a lot of fun now, but you're not into jokes now.
"Your jokes are not funny at all and stop acting like shit!" You say, trying to calm down.
"But it was not a joke. If a girl is angry, she either wants sex or is having critical days. It's one of two" Jungkook says.
"Of course, I forgot how experienced you are in the affairs of women and their behavior." You sneer.
"If you want, I can quench your anger. Or you can ask Jimin if you want. I think he will not mind helping you." You try to analyze Jungkook's words. Why is Jimin here at all? And then it's like the last puzzle has been completed in your head. Could it be that your best friend made jealous you to Jimin? Or what can justify his sharp bad mood and these annoying words about help?
"Jeon Jungkook is you in your right mind? Have alcohol and cigarettes replaced your common sense?" You say. Now Jungkook was staring at you. A tense silence fell between you.
"My mind is fine." Suddenly he starts. "I see what I say. Jimin seems interested in you." You are shocked at what this conversation has come to. Jungkook keeps his eyes on you. He is interested in following your reaction.
"I don't understand what you're talking about at all. Jimin don't interest in me, he's just friendly." You assume.
"Of course he will be friendly. How will he drag you to bed then?" You don't understand how this conversation reached the point where Jimin wants to drag you to bed. You didn't know what to say. You ran a hand through your hair, thinking of what to say to Jungkook. He kept his eyes on you at that time. You couldn't know what was going on in his head. How could you know that your friend wants to be the guy who will have you in bed?
You exhaled heavily and started the engine.
“Jungkook, I don't understand why you think that, but it's not true. Jimin and I are just friends. If he behaves suspiciously, it is only because he is friendly. Why is a friendly gesture for you men an invitation to bed?" You said, and caught yourself thinking that you were making excuses. "Why do you care anyway? Even if he wants something with me, so what? It’s any difference to you?". Jungkook is silent. He is in no hurry to answer. Having chosen the right words, he answers.
"So there is a difference to me." He says. You feel discomfort inside again.
"Which one?" You ask briefly and try to give firmness to your voice.
"You shouldn't be dating any of my friends!"
"What does it mean??" You squeak.
"It means what I said. You can't meet my friends." Jungkook inhales the smoke of the electronic cigarette again.
"Don't you think, Jungkook, that you have no right to say such words. When you say something like that, you have to give an argument!" You start to get angry again. Why does he think that he has the right to permission or not allow to meet with someone?!
"You're my friend and they shouldn't lay their damn hands on you." You can hear Jungkook getting angry. This is the first time you see your friend like this. Angry and irritated as if someone touched his personal things. But you are not his personal thing.
"Hey friend, I'm not your personal thing. So don't act like that. And I will decide on the have or not relationship with your friends myself! You can't to object me!"
Jungkook doesn't answer and you drive the rest of the way in complete silence.
After some time, you find yourself in the parking lot of the complex where his house is located. Your mood was damn bad. Usually, spending time with Jungkook is the best part of your day, but it wasn't today. The tense silence that was the rest of the way exhausted you. You wanted to leave Jungkook and go home as soon as possible. You scrolled through your conversation with him over and over again. He's kind of weird today and he's freaking you out.
You parked the Mercedes and turned off the engine. There was no desire to talk to Jungkook at all. You grabbed your phone to order an Uber.
Jungkook noticed what you were doing.
"Why are you ordering a taxi? Are you going to go back to the club?" You hear sarcasm from Jungkook's lips.
"I will go home. And maybe to the club, who knows?" You say with the same sarcasm. You continue to enter your home address as the phone slips out of your hands and into Jungkook's hands.
"You're not going home tonight." He says, holding the phone above his head. A new surge of anger arose in you.
“Jungkook don't make me nerves. Because I'm already so angry. Give me the phone, I'll order a taxi and go."
"You won't go home anyway. It's too late, you're spending the night at my place." You watch as Jungkook hides your phone in the back pocket of his black jeans.
"I don't want to be with you even a second longer. That's why I won't spend the night at your place!" You say indignantly and cross your arms and sit up straight. "You told me all sort of shit and now you're trying to worry?" You see Jungkook approaching you and in a moment he is so close that you forget how to breathe. One of his hands grabs the seat next to your face and the other is not far from your thighs.
"You shout too often and too loudly today. Should I close your mouth?". Jungkook looks at you first and then shifts his gaze to your lips. Your heart beats somewhere in your throat and you feel how in the car getting hot. You absolutely do not know what to do. Suddenly Jungkook laughs. His light laugh, which sounds like a bass, is reflected in every cell of your body.
“You look so scared. Honey, I'm not going to hurt you!" His voice becomes softer, and you suddenly gain courage.
"I'm just confused. You caught me off guard." You say, and your eyes also fall on his lips. You forgot that a few moments ago you were angry with him. One of his looks annoyed you, and now in the middle you feel only a strong attraction to your friend. The picture that you have imagined many times is literally right now in front of you.
"You're staying with me for the night and that's non-negotiable." Jungkook says it, still close to your face.
"You will have to make me stay. Because I do not want to!" You annoy Jungkook. You feel arousal from his close contact and a desire arises in the bottom of your stomach. You clench your hips to ease the sensation. And of course it doesn't escape your friend's eyes. He lowers his eyes to your thighs for a moment and a smug smile graces his already handsome face.
"My girl wants me to make her stay?" Jungkook almost moans these words into your lips, his hand ends up on your thigh. He runs his hand under your skirt and stops at your panties. You instinctively spread your legs. “I know a good way,” Jungkook says, and then his lips cover yours. You smell alcohol and sweet banana. His hand moves down to your clit and he feels how wet you are.
"So damn wet already." - He whispers, pulling away from your lips for a second. You can't think about anything but Jungkook's soft lips on yours and his hand that has already penetrated the fabric of your underwear. You moan from the pleasure gifted of your best friend. Jungkook likes this, so he deepens the kiss by sliding his tongue into your mouth. The kiss turns out to be so passionate that your head literally spins. Jungkook sticks his tongue out and traces the contours of your lips, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of your body.
"I've wanted this for so long." Jungkook admits. You wanted this too for a long time. You feel butterflies in your stomach at his words. Did your friend really want you all this time? You want to ask him how it happened, but his fingers end up on your clit. You shudder at the new sensation. Jungkook breaks the kiss. He's still close to your face, and you don't open your eyes, holding back the pleasure you didn't know before.
"Would you see yourself now, Heart? So red and beautiful. Do you like what I do?" Jungkook's voice makes you even more excited. You want more, but you don't understand how it should be. Jungkook is still waiting for your answer as he continues to circle your center, kissing your neck at the same time. You seem to be in seventh heaven with happiness. You couldn't even imagine how skillfully Jungkook was able to bring pleasure.
“Say it my dear. Say what you like when your best friend finger fucks you." You try to squeeze the answer out of yourself.
"Yes" Your words sound more like a moan than an answer. But for Jungkook, it was more than he wanted to hear. He returns to your lips and captures them again. He immediately sticks his tongue in your mouth and kisses you to the point of unconsciousness. You shiver a little with pleasure and as soon as you think you should come Jungkook takes my finger away. You open your eyes and meet his. You want to protest, but instead you see his smile and suddenly panic.
"Let's go to the apartment, dear. It is not very comfortable here. I want to enjoy you completely and for that you have to be naked." You still feel excited, but Jungkook's words make you blush. You are embarrassed by the fact that you just moaned at his actions. Jungkook adjusts the skirt of your dress and kisses your swollen lips briefly.
He gets out of the car first and rushes to your door. You smooth your hair and feel how you are shaking all over. What just happened? And what will happen next?
Jungkook opens the door from your side and holds out his hand. You take your things and put your hand in his. The sound of locks is heard, which informs that the car is locked. Jungkook leads you to the door that leads to the hall of his house.
You feel panic cover you. You can't sleep with your best friend. Even with your feelings, you feel that this should not happen. If you do that, you won't be able to be friends anymore because you know Jungkook isn't interested in a serious relationship. You are also afraid of the fact that it will be the first time for you. You wouldn't admit to anyone that you wanted Jungkook to be your first husband, but now you've lost all confidence.
Behind the crazy thoughts in your head, you don't notice how you have already found yourself near the elevator and it has arrived. The door opened with a characteristic sound. Jungkook led you inside. He presses the button for the 14th floor and the elevator moves, and at that moment you are already pressed against the wall. Jungkook presses his big muscular body against you. He kisses you desperately again and you can't help but respond. But some inner feeling tells you to stop him. Jungkook's hands roam your body again. One of his hands is on your ass and squeezing it.
“You are so damn beautiful. I want to fuck you until the end." Jungkook says. You feel his bulge pressing against your pubic bone.
The elevator stops on the floor you need and Jungkook reluctantly breaks away from you and takes your hand again and leads you to the door of his apartment.
The moment the two of you were inside, Jungkook lost control of himself. He grabbed your bag and threw it somewhere to the side, then he pounced on you with a kiss. He pressed your body to his. You felt again that you should tell Jungkook that you both can't do it. You tried to break the kiss but your friend wouldn't let you.
"Jungkook-ah" You were finally able to tear yourself away from him. At the same time, he continued to cover your neck with kisses. "Jungkook wait a minute." You said grabbing his shoulders. You tried to stop him.
“I can't wait any longer Y/N. I waited too long to do this to you.” Jungkook admits. You cannot believe his words. You thought you were the only one who wanted something like that between you. But with such statements, you feel that you cannot cross the line.
“Jungkook, honey listen.” You began to struggle in his steel grip. "We shouldn't do this!"
"Why not? We both want it! So why can't we have sex?” Jungkook says. He's still holding you close, but he's stopped kissing you.
"Jungkook, if we sleep over we can't be friends." You say desperately.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because..." You want to confess your feelings to him, but you are afraid. If you say that you are in love with him, then your friendship is definitely gone. "Because Jungkook, friends aren't supposed to sleep with each other." You telling untruth.
"You're wrong. Friends can have sex. Have you heard anything about "friends with benefits?" He smiles but you don't laugh. You raise your eyebrows.
“I don't want to be friends with benefits. This is not for me Jungkook.” While you say his big eyes run over your face. Jungkook feels a slight disappointment. He lets you go and takes a few steps back. You look at him and already regret what you said. When Jungkook pulled away from you, you felt like you lost something.
"Shit!" Your friend is quarreling. He rakes his hair back and takes another step back. "So I'm really just a friend for you?" Jungkook asks. "Then why did you answer my kisses?" You are silent, unable to answer anything. You lower your eyes unable to stand his gaze. “Y/N I don't understand you.” Jungkook suddenly says. "I know you like me, but you don't want anything to do with me?" You are stunned. You look up at him and see his face radiating anger.
“So you know? Who told you?"
"No one told me, I just noticed it. And noticed a long time ago." Jungkook says.
"Noticed? Could you be wrong?” You try to understand what in your behavior could lead him to such thoughts.
"Since that meeting the day before Choseok." Jungkook started. "When I saw you, I couldn't believe my eyes. You became so beautiful and attractive that I could hardly stop myself from staring at you. I usually do this before you see it. When we were kids, I didn't even pay attention to you, even though all my friends just told me I was stupid for just being friends with you. For me, you were just a sister, but you changed a lot during the years that we didn't communicate. And I really don't understand why I didn't notice how attractive you are." Jungkook started to move in your direction, and you stood under the wall and could not believe your ears. "Then in the cafe, when we talked and you said that you were a virgin, I took it as a sign that you should be mine. I've wanted you Y/N ever since. I invited you to the party then because I wanted to sleep with you." Jungkook is already close to you again, he smiles remembering that day. “I was so sure that it would cost me nothing to drag you to bed, but you turned out to be so untouchable. I remember how you stayed away from me then, as if you felt that if you give me even the slightest hint, I will do something to you."
"No! That's not why I stayed away from you." You say and your voice is hoarse.
"It does not matter. It doesn't matter anymore. Would you know how many times I tried to get close to you and you didn't seem to notice me. I know you like me, your behavior says it. You run literally at my every whim." Jungkook puts his hand on your face and strokes it.
"It does not. I don't follow any whim of yours." You say and you are starting to feel sick from what you are going through.
"I don't understand one thing. If you like me, why don't you want me?" He asks. You are silent, you don't know what to say. Jungkook admitted that he likes you, so why can't you? Something inside of you doesn't give you the right to allow something more to happen but you wanted it the most in the world, right from the moment you met Jungkook on the eve of Choseok. Jungkook lengthens his caress on your cheek, gently and slowly, this action seems to hypnotize you. His finger seems so soft and gentle.
There is absolute silence between you. The only thing that disturbs it is the sounds coming from the street. Jungkook is the first to break the long silence.
“Y/N” his finger still caressing your cheek. "Just tell me do you want it to happen?" You know exactly what he is talking about, your heartbeat becomes frantic again. "If you don't want it, I won't lay even a finger on you anymore. I will do everything as if what happened in the car never happened." Jungkook is too close. Only a few centimeters separate you. You smell his hot breath that smells of alcohol and something sweet, you wonder for a second how much he drank today, usually Jungkook needs to drink a lot to be very drunk, he is very resistant when it comes to alcohol. You feel the warmth of his body next to you. You are intoxicated by his closeness. His voice is so low and gentle at the same time. You look up at Jungkook and meet his gaze. His brown eyes seem just black in the darkness of the apartment. You look at them and you can't take your eyes off of him. You see desire and hope in his eyes. You understand that you gave up a long time ago. You know Jungkook got you in that unfortunate car. You can't refuse him because you want to sleep with him just as much. You want to know what he can do to you.
You want to drink. You need to relax, and alcohol will do that quickly. Because unlike Jungkook, you get drunk quickly. Maybe strong alcohol will also give you the desired bravery in front of Jungkook.
"Do you have anything to drink?" You say without answering Jungkook's question. His eyebrow goes up at the words, Jungkook looks at you with interest. But suddenly he giggles lightly.
“Yes, I have. What would you like, Heart?" Jungkook's voice is playful.
"Let's drink something strong." You suggest. You smiling. He reluctantly lets you go for and heads for the kitchen.
You weren't at Jungkook's house very often. Usually you two spent time somewhere in clubs, cafes, sometimes at festivals. Jungkook always ended up at your house. It could have been an impromptu party, after which he stayed the night, or he just came to visit, stayed until late and you worried about him and offered to stay. There were many times when Jungkook stayed at your place for the night.
Jungkook's apartment was in an upscale area of Seoul. She was gorgeous in a nice light yellow/brown color. His kitchen and living room were a large common room. It was quite nice and comfortable. A small table was located in front of the large sofa, which stood behind the cooking surface. You immediately guessed where Jungkook usually ate, of course when he ate at home. But he did it not often. His apartment was large, from the living room you could get into several more rooms, into the toilet and bathroom and into the bedroom. Jungkook also had a separate room with a gym and a dressing room.
Every time you were in his apartment, you looked around. Because you constantly came across some new interesting things that Jungkook owned. It could was a new guitar or drumsticks. Or some strange statue, or for example, some lamps. Today you wandered with your eyes in search of new objects, but without success. Nothing new caught your eye.
You sat down on the couch and waited for Jungkook. After a while he returned with two broad glasses and a bottle of whiskey. Your friend put the glasses on the table and sat down next to you. Jungkook sat down very close, your thighs touching each other. He poured strong alcohol and handed you one of the glasses filled with liquid. You silently took it and raised it to your lips.
Jungkook kept his eyes on you. He also raised the glass to his lips and drank the honey-colored drink in one gulp. You drank not all, but only half. The alcohol burned your throat. You grimaced from the taste. Jungkook kept looking at you. In fact, he was burning with the thought that he wanted to touch you. He wants to see what is hidden under your soft purple dress. He looked down at your legs and ran his eyes from your feet to where your skirt started. He was attracted by your bare legs, he wanted to explore every centimeter of your body with his own hands.
Your head started to spin and the alcohol started to relax you almost instantly. You finished the rest of the whiskey in the second gulp.
"Do you want another drink?" Jungkook asked. Without thinking long, you handed him your empty glass. You desperately want to push obsessive thoughts out of your head. Jungkook laughs at your desire to drink, he knows that you don't drink strong alcohol at all. He pours you more.
“You have to be careful Y/N. You get drunk quickly, but I still wanted to hear the answer to my question." Jungkook hands you a glass and turns to you to see you better. You take another glass and take a small sip. The taste of whiskey is really terrible, but that's what you need right now. You finish the second glass and feel that this will probably be enough. Jungkook returned to his question. You have long known what to answer him. Jungkook doesn't drink anymore, he drank today enough and doesn't want to anymore. All he wants is to hear permission from your lips.
“Yes, Jungkook,” you say, feeling the alcohol envelops your body. All the thoughts that previously forbade you to do anything left your head. You see no reason to give up on Jungkook now. "I want this!" Your voice trembles.
Your words echo in a beautiful melody to Jungkook's ears. So! This is what he expected to hear. He didn't even doubt for a faked second that you would say that. He doesn't need to hear anything else. He wants you as soon as possible.
Jungkook moves closer to you and leans in for a kiss. When his lips touch yours, fireworks explode inside you. This feeling comes every time Jungkook kisses you. He deepened the kiss with his tongue and you noted that no one who had kissed you before had used their tongue as skillfully as Jungkook.
"Sit on my lap." He said when he pulled away from your lips. You were stunned for a moment, but Jungkook grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. You sat on him. He slipped his hands under your dress and left them on your buttocks. He looked at you with eyes full of desire, his smile on his lips said that he got what he wanted.
One of his hands moved from your buttocks to your wet underwear. He found your clit and ran his finger over it a few times. The movement made you wanted more. You bit your lip to keep from moaning out loud.
"You don't need to restrain yourself, Heart. I want to hear your voice." Jungkook whispers. He kisses your neck, you feel yourself falling apart. His kisses send ants all over your body.
You feel how much Jungkook wants you. His bulge presses well against you, at some point you start rocking on his hips to quell the feeling that gathered in you below. Jungkook grabs your buttocks with both hands and helps you with the rhythm. You moan in pleasure.
"You are my good girl. I want to see you!" Jungkook says. He grabs the skirt of your dress and carefully pulls your entire outfit over your head. Now you're sitting on his lap in a bra and, soaked through. You like his eyes so much that look at you with absolute lust. Jungkook wastes time in freeing you from your bra, and when he takes it off you feel a sense of relief. You see his eyes staring into your chest and you smile. It feels like he's seeing a woman's breasts for the first time.
His member hardens even more from he saw. Jungkook gently touches one of your breasts with his hand and squeezes it. You feel a surge of desire. He leans down to your chest and takes one of your nipples in his mouth. At first it feels like a kiss and then he starts sucking it. He sticks his tongue out and circles your bud a few times before sucking again. You look down on him and think that you can only come from these actions of his. Jungkook does the same thing with your second nipple as he did with the first. You moan unable to hold back the pleasure as you continue to rock on Jungkook's hips.
He wants to get rid of these tight pants. It even hurts from the fact that you started to rock at him more intensively. His jeans were soaked with your juice and his own cum, which was coming out more and more with your movements. He thought for a second that he could cum just from the sight of your bare breasts and the intense movements that you didn't even think to stop. Jungkook thought he couldn't take it anymore and he needed to push his cock inside you as soon as possible.
You kissed Jungkook, wanting to feel his sweet lips again, when suddenly he stopped you. You were slightly sweaty and noticed the beads of sweat covering Jungkook's forehead.
"Honey, I'm going to fuck you! Because if you keep rocking on my hips like this I can't stand it!" He says. You don't even have time to think what he means as you are already on your back. Jungkook towers over you, pulling off his t-shirt. You feast your eyes on his body. He is so perfect that he can be compared to the Greek God. You didn't even notice that Jungkook was fully clothed all this time. You felt so vulnerable in front of him.
"Are you ready?" Jungkook asks. He keeps his hands on the belt of his pants. You lower your eyes there and see how his cock protrudes through his jeans. You are a little afraid to see him with your own eyes, but the desire to feel him cock in yourself is stronger. You reach for his belt and unbuckle it.
"I'm ready," you say.
"Okay my girl. But first you need to get used to my size. So first I will insert my fingers into you so that you get used to the feeling. The first time is usually painful." Jungkook says with concern. "But don't worry. I'll be very gentle with you." He promises. You smile
"Thank you" is all you say. Jungkook gets off of you and pulls off your pants, leaving you in nothing but Calvin Klein boxers.
He drops to one knee above you, and keeps the rest of his body weight on the other leg that is on the floor. He carefully grabs the elastic bands of your panties and pulls them down without much haste. Your breathing quickens. Now you are completely naked in front of Jungkook.
His gaze wanders all over your body. Jungkook couldn't help but think that the picture in his head was exactly what he had imagined since that very day. Since that meeting on the eve of Choseok. He imagined more than once how you lay naked in front of him. He lingers own eays on your pussy. You feel the heat spread throughout your body at Jungkook's gaze.
"Are you going to stare much longer?" You ask, unable to stand his gaze. Jungkook laughs and then leans into you. He leans down so low that your noses are touching.
"I have to remember this moment in all its glory." He says. "Can't I admire you?" Jungkook kisses you passionately and very intensely again. "You are so beautiful," he whispers into your lips. You feel his hot breath burning your swollen lips. And then you feel how he inserts his finger into you. You feel something new. It's not like a similar feeling when he starts to move it inside you. Jungkook is still very close to your face. He enjoys you look.
His finger moves smoothly inside you. You feel much not pressure on your walls. After a while Jungkook inserts a second finger into you and the pressure increases. The movements become faster and you think you like what Jungkook is doing. You close your eyes with pleasure. A soft moan escapes your lips. Jungkook showers your neck with kisses. Finally, he inserts the third finger into you, behind which a slight note of pain is felt. But it's not unpleasant. Jungkook moves his fingers inside you, thus stretching your entrance.
“So wet for me” Jungkook whispers in your ear. "You ready to accept me, aren't you?" You are ready for this. Jungkook is very good with his fingers. His movements give you incredible pleasure, but you still wonder how it feels to feel his member inside you. You are unable to answer something specific. You just start moaning louder, trying to let him know that you are ready.
Jungkook pulls his fingers out of you and you regret that he did. You want him to never stop doing it. You open your eyes and see him licking his fingers that were inside you a few moments ago. You don't know how to react to such a gesture. Jungkook sees your reaction and smiles.
"You are such a sweet. Did you know about it?"  You are ashamed of such a compliment. “Next time I want to fully enjoy you and try you. But now I want to be inside you.” Jungkook gets off you and takes off his boxers. His big cock is already so hard. You can't stop looking at him, and you're a little scared because he's so big. You don't know if it's good or bad. You heard how the girls at work sometimes joked about this topic and it was like it was good. But you have heard more than once that if the penis is too big, it can be painful.
Jungkook rushed to you. He climbed on top, picking up your legs so that they bent at the knees. He rested his cock against your entrance and leaned into you again.
"Don't be nervous my good girl. I promised to be gentle with you." It’s hard for you to control yourself, but you tried.
"I trust you completely Jungkook" You confidently say! Jungkook kissed your lips to calm you down, and then he took his cock in his hand and pressed it against your entrance.
Inch by inch Jungkook slowly filled you with his cock. And as soon as he sank completely, you felt a strong pressure on your walls. Of course you were hurt. But the pain almost immediately disappeared against the background of a still unknown sensation. It wasn't like that when Jungkook moved his fingers into you.
He stopped as soon as he was fully inside you, allowing you to get used to the new sensation. He leaned into you again kissing your lips quickly. It he just touched your lips as if calming you down.
"Are you all right?" He asked gently.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" You told the truth. As soon as the pain subsided you thought that you liked the way Jungkook was filling you up. After waiting a little longer, he began to carefully move his hips. You gasped from the pain that came with every movement, but later it was replaced by pleasant sensations. Jungkook carefully moved back and forth finding your G spot. He tried to be as careful as possible so his movements were smooth and not too forceful. Jungkook liked rough sex, but it wasn't going to happen today. Maybe when you are ready a little later he will show you all the beauty of rough sex. So he was already thinking about what he would do to you in the other times.
"You are so tight, my girl. So damn tight!" Jungkook let out a groan. He began to move more intensively, you felt an unknown pleasure. You didn't feel any more pain. You closed your eyes again and your lips parted to let the pleasure be heard through your moans. Jungkook was finally giving you pleasure, he couldn't help but feel relieved.
Jungkook's hands are on either side of your face. He was hanging over you breathing heavily. You were also breathing hard. Your bodies moved in time with each other. You wrapped your arms around Jungkook's shoulders, leaning down to let your bodies snuggled up. Jungkook wanted to kiss you again. He ran his tongue into your mouth as soon as your lips met. He moaned from the feeling that your tight pussy gave him. He kissed you passionately, and you kissed him back. Your hands plunged into his black locks. Even now you couldn't help but think about you, how soft they are to the touch. Jungkook ended the kiss by biting your bottom lip, tasting your soft flesh.
He finally let go of your lips, instead he wanted to leave a mark on you now. He dug into your neck, sucking on the skin. You liked the slight pain that accompanied those kisses.
Jungkook continued to kiss you as his thumb found your clit. He pressed it lightly and then began to caress it in circular motions, never stopping to move inside you.
"Shit..." you breathed out with a groan. "Jungkook I'm so close." Hearing what you said, he started to move faster.
"Come on girl. Do It. Come." Jungkook says. And after his words, you felt your whole body sink into bliss. A feeling of pleasure spread throughout your body. You screamed unable to hold it in. Jungkook continued to fuck you, intending to cum as well. He felt so good about you that he thought he would finish much earlier than you, but he was able to hold on. And when he reached his own climax, you felt his hot sperm inside you, filling you. His cock twitched inside you releasing his cum. Jungkook was saying swear words that somehow reflected his own pleasure.
When Jungkook stopped twitching inside you, his cock went limp and he was in no hurry to pull it out of you. Jungkook leaned down on top of you finding your lips again. He kissed you gently while breathing heavily. Your eyes met after he stopped kissing you.
"Are you okay?" He asked immediately. You tried to hold your breath.
"Everything is fine," you said and smiled. Jungkook smiled back. He carefully got out of you and sat next to you. You tried not to think about what just happened.
“Y/N you bled a little blood.” He said putting his hand on your thigh. You got up. You wanted to cover yourself, but all your clothes were on the floor.
Jungkook was following you.
"Oh, it's okay." You say. "It should be." You look up at Jungkook and see that he is looking at you. A slight smile on his lips.
"Do you want to take a shower?" He asks. You are shy because you notice how he is looking at you.
"That's how I would like it."
"Do you want to go alone or should I join you?" Jungkook leans towards your lips, but doesn't kiss. Your heart beats faster.
"I think I should go myself." You say awkwardly, thinking about what might happen in the bathroom again, but you are not ready for it.
"As you like Heart." Jungkook stands up and walks over to his boxers lying near the sofa. You stare at him unable to get used to Jungkook's naked body. "Do you like what you see?" He suddenly says. Not expecting to hear any question from him, you shudder and quickly look away. Jungkook laughs. He pulls on his boxers and come to you. He kneels next to you, cupping your face in his hands. "I'm really very handsome, you shouldn't look away." You look at each other and then Jungkook kisses you. A strange thought runs through his head: "I just fucked her, and I don't understand how I can want her again so quickly." You broke the kiss. In fact, you were already short of air and your lips were already swollen from frequent kisses.
You walked into the bathroom holding the clothes Jungkook had given you a minute ago. You felt your whole body ache, especially there. You put your things on the counter and went into the shower and turned on the faucet. It was warm enveloping your sweaty body. Standing under the stream of water, you thought about everything that had happened. You felt bad. You had a lot of different thoughts that started to fill your head. How to behave with Jungkook? What is your relationship with him now? You are completely confused. You were nervous and didn't know how to deal with him when you got out of the shower. But Jungkook was so gentle with you that just remembering it gave you butterflies in your stomach. You wanted to run home, but he knows where you live. In reality, all you were afraid of was Jungkook will saying, “I'm sorry but it was only once. I'm sorry that you decided that I want a relationship with you. Let's be friends as before." You were horrified. A plan appeared in your head. When Jungkook goes to wash you have to run.
You just had to drive him home. What...what did you do?
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P.C. I hope you give this story a lot of love.
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14thcommander · 1 year
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she lives in daydreams with me | mikasa ackerman x reader
summary: mikasa has always been the coolest girl you know- it isn’t until you go away for college that you realize your feelings are way deeper than simple admiration.
cw: 18 PLUS ONLY! internalized homophobia, queer angst, small town shenanigans, yearning, hints of mental illness and trauma, mutual pining, coming of age vibes.
author's note: i'm genuinely so excited and scared to put this out in the world. this fic holds a huge place in my heart, as well as the topics i wrote about. thank you to the amazing @strawberrystepmom for beta reading it for me! ily
dedicated to @utahimeow
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You take a deep breath before exiting your car. 
As you approached your front yard, with a heavy suitcase in hand, you started naming five different things you could see – then, five things you could smell. The way your chest seemed to tighten when you rang the doorbell didn’t go unnoticed by you, although you did fully ignore it. Coming back to your hometown has always made you feel like cattle arriving at the butcher’s. 
The drive is easy, familiar – even though you only come home a couple of times a year, strictly for important holidays. It isn’t that you hate where you come from, it’s more complicated than that and, frankly, sometimes you wish it was that simple. 
Catching up with your parents seems to be the less difficult part out of all of it: their questions are simple, easy. You can’t quite tell if their interest in you only goes so far, or if they are scared of what you may answer them. Either way, it’s a routine you’re already used to.
“School’s fine, mom.” You reassure, hugging her tightly. She mentions something about how quickly time passed since you first left for Trost University, and you hum in agreement. It’s been around four years, and, although you visit on Christmas, your mom repeats the same questions. It’s a mom thing, you figure.
“How are your friends, sweetie?” Your father asks, helping move your suitcase into the house. His words are supposed to be caring, normal even – although you can’t help but feel your throat tighten with the threat of tears. 
“They’re all good.” You answer with a smile, hoping he wouldn’t ask further – and he doesn’t. This one would be hard to explain.
Despite feeling emotional about being in your old home, you can admit there’s some part of it you actively enjoy. It’s less noisy than the place you rent at downtown Trost, and, on summer nights like this one, you might be able to see a few fireflies in your front yard. It’s almost comical, how Shiganshina seems to be frozen in time – or, perhaps, you’re the one who’s been going through constant changes. 
Greeting your family members, playing with your childhood dog and sleeping in your old twin sized mattress are part of it. You feel like an external visitor when you walk up the stairs, even though you’re still very much aware of which steps snap under your weight and which doesn’t.
Your phone buzzes when you’re brushing your teeth to go to bed, an hour or so after excusing yourself from your mom’s inquiry – how’s school? Are your friends nice? Your father says Trost is a great place-
connie springer: 
long time no see, stranger
Your heart skips a beat. The toothpaste in your mouth almost burns your tongue, as you stand in front of the foggy bathroom mirror before spitting in the sink. What does your friend-from-high-school-who-you-haven’t-talked-in-a-year wants from you, at almost midnight? 
hey connie, how’s it been? 
connie springer: 
eh, same as usual. u?
i’m alright
connie springer: 
stori was asking for your number, can i send it to her? 
You frown at the message. None of this situation makes any sense, especially given the fact Historia Reiss definitely has your number and you text each other – as well as Ymir – on an almost daily basis. 
yeah, sure
You breathe deeply, exiting the bathroom and entering your childhood bedroom, feeling suffocated by the past – polaroids, fairy lights and books on top of books don’t fail to bring back memories of which you so desperately want to forget. You cannot bring yourself to spend another night plagued by thoughts you wish wouldn’t clog your brain – your therapist wouldn’t be proud of that, you think. 
Unlocking your phone, you look for Ymir’s number, refusing to debate with yourself on whether to call her. 
“Hey.” She answers after a few seconds, seeming to expect your call. “Before you say anything, I know. Also, I’m with them right now.” The last words are whispered, muffled by loud music playing in the background – some trendy Doja Cat song indicates she’s at a get-together at one of your mutual friend’s house. You’re not upset: no one else knows you arrived at Shiganshina today, however you give a day or two before you’re spotted in public and everyone else finds out.
“Ymir, what the fuck is going on?” You question, sounding more scared than angry. Your breathing is shaky, and your friend can hear your worry through the static. She’s been that, done that and won’t judge your behavior – even though it seems a bit uncalled for.
“It’s okay, don’t worry. Historia’s birthday is next week, and we had to pretend to have lost your number since you changed it cause, you know…”
You do know. Historia and I have to pretend we’re not in touch with you, out of respect for what you asked us a couple of years ago. Your eyes shut, and you sigh. 
“You’re safe, they don’t know yet… but I don’t think you can keep running from them any longer. Jean is one step away from pulling up to your folks’ place with the whole gang.”
You snort in response, imagining a scene of your friends stuffed in Jean’s jeep. This is what you get from hiding, you guess. You hear someone calling Ymir from the background, which she doesn’t pay any mind to.
“Yeah, I understand.” you reply. “Thank you for the support, really and, um… see you soon, I guess?”
Ymir smiles genuinely at your words, lowering her head to watch the scene of Sasha running after Connie from the balcony. 
“See you soon.”
The sight of the local grocery store doesn’t ease the sinking of your stomach – in fact, it only makes it worse. 
Your father texted you during your morning run letting you know you ran out of eggs, and he’s in the mood for pancakes. It was your unspoken duty to get them for him, and this time you don’t whine like when you were a teenager. Moments like this with your family are more appreciated by you, now that you’re no longer around them.
Getting out of your car, you place a pair of headphones on your head and select one of your carefully made playlists. You enter the store, nodding to the customer who gets out and passes you by – a friend of a friend, maybe. Small town culture. 
“Morning.” You greet the cashier, a teenager bored out of his mind, but still greets you back. 
You walk down a couple of aisles before finding the one you were looking for. You smile to yourself, feeling proud of the muscle memory ingrained in your body. Even after all these years, you still remember small details about Shiganshina. 
The moment is short lived, given the fact someone calls your name – a raspy, almost angry voice. 
Of course Levi Ackerman, out of everyone, is who you end up bumping into. 
“Hey.” Your voice is small even when you take your headphones off. The short man eyes you up and down, opening his mouth like he was about to say something. 
“Kid, how have you been?” A stronger, more demanding voice comes from behind the both of you. “We haven’t seen you in ages.”
Wherever Levi Ackerman goes, Erwin Smith is surely with him. 
“Erwin, hi. I’m alright, just busy with school… you know how it is.”
Your tone is playful, almost as if you’re talking to an old friend – and, well, you kind of are. Levi is Mikasa’s older cousin, who took care of her ever since an early age. You remember he had a full time job, while still attending Shiganshina’s community college. He has always worked hard, for both him and Mikasa – and, when things got rough, their crazy uncle would drop by and help with groceries and rent.
And Erwin is, well… Erwin. Always with Levi, following the brunet wherever he goes. Roommates, is what the people around town call the pair – even though you, as well as other people, know better than that. 
Levi resists the urge to roll his eyes at your response, and you should be aware he’s known you enough time to get a lie straight from your lips. Despite the joyful tone you offer them, he can tell this is rehearsed. 
“Erwin, did you get the dog food?” The shorter man inquires, and his partner in crime sighs playfully. Baby blue eyes look into gray ones, as they seem to exchange a message that only they could understand. 
“Ha, I almost forgot it. And kid, don’t be a stranger.” He winks, before exiting the animal products aisle, walking towards the store entrance.
This is the second time someone says don’t be a stranger under, what, twelve hours? You resist the urge to curse under your breath, lowering your head to hide your gaze from the eldest Ackerman.
“Listen,” He starts, voice barely above a whisper – even if you’re the only two people in the aisle. Your sneakers squeak on the floor when you move your legs in order to fully face Levi. “My cousin is too much of a stubborn brat to let you know that she misses you.”
You sigh. Your brain short-circuits with information and flashbacks: the last time you saw Mikasa in person was over a year ago, and frankly, you don’t think you’re ready to see her again. Even though you know she’ll be at Historia’s birthday celebration. 
“She said that?” You ask, voice coming back to its normal tone. 
“Of course not, it’s Mikasa we’re talking about.” He replies, and before you can ask him then how the fuck do you know that, he answers it for you. “She talks about you whenever she gets the chance, though. So does the lanky blond kid.”
“Yeah, think so. Either way, take care, kid.”
That morning, you left the grocery store with a carton of eggs and an even more bruised heart. 
You were watching reruns of a 2000’s television show a couple of days after the grocery store incident, when the doorbell rang, as your dog barked at the sound and got up from its place between your legs.Your parents had left to visit your uncle a few towns over, and miraculously didn’t make you tag along – perks of being an adult, right? You mom had said. 
You open the door to be met with the sight of your close friends. 
“Oh, it’s you.” You mumble, rubbing your eyes as shy rays of sunshine enter the living room – you had closed the curtains a few hours ago, in order to remain in the dark. “Come in.”
“You know, ever since moving to Trost you kinda became a bitch.” Ymir says, entering your house as Historia giggles beside her. “I dig it.”
You smile as your dog barks at your friends, which causes the brunette to call him a little shit just like his mom. 
“Mi casa es su casa.” You announce once you enter the kitchen, a place that holds many memories: preparing snacks for movie nights, cooking with your mom, helping your dad fix a cabinet or two…
“Speaking of Mikasa…” Ymir teases, as Historia sits on a stool near the kitchen isle, laughing at her partner’s incredulous choice of words. “It’s about time you talk to her.”
“True.” Reiss chimes in, in a soft manner. “She asked if you’re attending my birthday trip.”
“Trip?” You exclaim, opening the fridge and looking for cans of soda. 
“Yeah, if you can consider going to Jean’s lake house for a weekend to be a trip.” Ymir huffs playfully, grabbing random ingredients from the cabinet. “Anyway, you have to go or we’ll have to kidnap you.”
You close the fridge, clumsily holding three cans of Pepsi in your arms. You place them on the counter, laying your elbows on the cold marble. 
“Of course I’ll go. Wouldn’t miss Stori’s birthday.”
She smiles, letting out a soft awn sound. 
Ymir places the ingredients on the kitchen island – two bars of chocolate, brown sugar, flour, vanilla essence. It’s a scene you’ve seen many times before, but it doesn’t fail to make your heart fill up with warmth and love for your friends. 
“If you don’t talk to Mikasa willingly, I’ll make sure you will eventually. Got it?”
You laugh, despite her tone. You’re well aware it’ll happen sooner or later.
“Yes ma’am.”
The drive to Jean’s lake house, a few days after spending the night baking with your close friends, is less awkward than you thought it would be. 
“Psych major huh?” Connie teases, playfully elbowing your ribs. You smile, playfully rolling your eyes. 
“Yeah. It’s less glamorous than it sounds, though.”
Ymir takes a turn, brown eyes focused on the road ahead. The sun was starting to settle, bathing the world in an orange light.
“Reiner is too, right?” Historia attempts small talk, looking at you from the rear view. Her acrylic nails gently tap her bright phone case. 
“Uh, yeah.” You answer, suddenly feeling a bit sour. It’s conflicting: you don’t want your Trost life and your Shiganshina “former” life to be tangled together, although it seems inevitable. “He’s uh, he’s in my class.”
Ymir snorts. 
“That guy realized he’s gay yet?”
“Ymir!” You exclaim, even though her words earn a genuine laugh from you.
“Babe, you can’t say stuff like that.” Historia gently scolds her girlfriend, giving you a don’t mind her look. “What if he hasn’t told anyone about it?”
“Oh, please.” Sasha chimes in, through mouthfuls of potato chips. “He posts Berthold on his private account almost every day.”
Connie laughs – no, cackles actually. She’s got a point. The blond has a tendency to post pictures of his lover every now and then, drinking coffee together or having dinner at downtown Trost. 
“True that.”
At that point, your soul almost leaves your body upon realizing your friends, who know nothing about who you are now, have access to Reiner’s private social media account. It shouldn’t shock or bother you in any way – unless they put the pieces together. 
You arrive an hour or so after the rest of the group. 
There’s loud simultaneous calling of your names, someone calling Ymir out for being late as always (which she responds with a middle finger), Connie running towards the welcoming sofa placed in the middle of the living room. Looking around the scene, you smile, feeling like you were watching a movie. 
You see your friends interacting with each other, as you grip the handle of your duffel bag a bit harder. It feels like you’re a fly on the wall, frozen in time, doomed to watch life happen around you as your feet sink further into the hardwood floor. Armin is the first person to notice you – or, at least, the first person to be vocal about it – snapping you from your constant daydreams. 
He says your name, approaching you with a bottle of beer in hand. His kind blue eyes seem softer, not hidden behind his blond locks anymore. 
“It’s been so long, it’s good to have you back.” He offers, and you hug him.
Armin doesn’t mention the visible changes: your haircut is wilder now, but it still feels like you. There’s a few tattoos adorning your arms, peeking through your shirt. You stopped getting your eyebrows done, but it suits you better. The clothes you’re wearing are stylish, that much he can tell – although not in Shiganshina. 
Leaving for the big city really has changed you. It looks like Trost allowed you to grow into this new version of you – or, if Armin is reading this right, you’ve always been like this: Shiganshina just never allowed you to exist like this peacefully. 
“Yeah, you’re right.”
It’s been too long. Long enough for you to become someone else, you think.
“C’mon, let me show you your room. You’re staying with Sasha, I think” He says after you greet the rest of the group – which takes up about  half an hour of small talk and lies from your part, and questions from them. Yeah, Trost is amazing. Psychology is a great choice, I know. Visiting is hard, with constant exams and all that. I’m glad you guys understand. 
Armin leads you towards the stairs, before turning around and making a wait gesture towards Mikasa. 
It’ll be a long weekend.
Twilight is long gone, and the sky is washed in its regular black color, beautifully adorned with stars that are only visible in this sort of place. It’s the type of night that calls for drinks and exciting conversation. It’s less overwhelming than you thought it would be like, due to the fact you aren’t the only one who has been gone – although you’re the one who’s been hiding for the first time, avoiding your hometown friends like the plague. No one seems to address it, though, and for that you are grateful. 
You’re a few shots in, finally starting to let loose. It feels magically nostalgic to have the whole group together. You haven’t met up like this in ages, due to most of your friends leaving Shiganshina behind to follow their own path. It seems like you’re the only one to hide and rarely come back, though.
“Truth or dare?”
A nostalgic night calls for nostalgic games.
Ymir’s voice sounds meaner than usual, almost as if she’s taunting you with her words alone. The chatter around you dies down a bit, as a few people – mostly Armin and Jean – stop what they’re doing – stalking Sasha’s new boyfriend on social media – to watch your answer. 
You can feel your heartbeat picking up, as you unconsciously press your fingernails against your palms, creating half-moon shapes. You can feel Ymir’s laughter bubbling inside of her, regardless of the choice you make. But mostly, you can feel Mikasa’s eyes on you, and it feels like you’re the lamb who accidentally entered the lion’s den. 
A variety of things happen simultaneously once the word leaves your mouth, before you could even rationalize it. Connie whistles and, as you previously imaginez, Ymir cackles – which causes Historia to shush her, attempting to protect your honor. 
You can’t bring yourself to understand why you chose dare, in the first place. Although, it felt freeing to let someone else choose your fate for you, even if it’s just a teenager’s game. Perhaps, what you’re not willing to admit to yourself yet, is the fact you know Ymir might help you make the decision you’ve been laying off for some time now. 
Mikasa has always been the coolest kid you know. 
Ever since you became acquaintances during freshman year, when you had braces and didn’t know how to properly do your makeup – Mikasa has had a special shine about her. You remember briefly bonding with her over the same bands you liked, given the fact she would wear metalcore band shirts like it was the school’s uniform. With her dark hair contrasting against her pale skin, and a pair of doe eyes that made all of the boys melt instantly, it was obvious she would end up like this – not popular, but cool. 
You can even recall a moment of jealousy or two, as the hairy green monster clawed at your chest repeatedly. The feeling of your eyes burning at the scene of Mikasa and Eren making out at prom, dancing together as if the world belonged to them, is something that you have engraved in your mind, deeply so. Going to college, meeting new people, having new experiences everyday – that helped you with the process of finding out who you really are, who you’ve been all along. 
It wasn’t until you turned twenty two, about to graduate university, that you realized you were never jealous of Mikasa because she got the boys’ attention – you were jealous she was dating someone who wasn’t you. 
“Hmm, let’s see…” Ymir’s voice echoes through the living room, filled with outdated but expensive furniture. “I dare you to spend an hour in the basement.”
You snort. That seemed like an easy task, which makes the butterflies in your stomach die down a bit. You get up from your spot between Reiner and Annie, ready to spit a smart comment to Ymir, when her voice cuts through your eardrums again, causing your blood to freeze.
“With Mikasa.”
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I know this might be kinda stupid but. do you have any music recs. specifically of the child abuse variety because I'd be very interested in that.
*sweats* ok so here's the thing- I have a playlist called "Abuse" and its full of music that is either explicitly about abuse, related to abuse thematically, or just has Abuse Vibes to me (some of which is likely inexplicable to other people)
im also kind of self conscious about my taste in music, cause sometimes it's like. i dunno. the steven universe soundtrack or a fnaf song i really like. and thats CRINGE! and really any genre of song can be about Child Abuse so it's like. idk if you'll like any of the things i recommend.
THAT BEING SAID, here's a selection i guess!! because I'm flattered you would even ask haha. a lot of these are pretty well known already tho so idk how helpful this will be. anyway this got hella long so. under the cut!
songs explicitly about or including themes of child abuse/having shit parents/having familial issues:
Guiltless by Dodie
Black by Okkervil River (narrative about a guys girlfriend telling him about her dad sexually abusing her. one of, if not the first, song i ever heard about CSA and it holds a special place in my heart)
The Mute by Radical Face
Ripple Effect by Scott Helman (kinda more about generational trauma & healing if im honest. i dont listen to it as much as the others on this list)
Poplar St by Glass Animals
Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood
Twin Sized Mattress by The Front Bottoms (classic i know)
The Family Jewels by Marina and the diamonds
Family Line by Conan Gray
Christmas Kids by ROAR (ok technically not about the kids but i find the subtext of how the kids are used in this abusive relationship horrific. also, it reminds me of my parents)
Other Abuse songs:
labour by Paris Paloma
This Hurts by Mindless Self Indulgence (my ex wife says i listen to this song to go joker mode and i hate that because i know she means Straight Joker and not Camp Joker but i do really like the song)
I'm your puppet by Gregory And The Hawk
Eric by Mitski (REAL GOOD)
Believe Me by James and the Shame (more about spiritual abuse sort of)
Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls
Thermodynamic Lawyer esq GFD by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross (less about abuse and more about, like, a healing relationship. still i think you can easily read into the alluded past abuse or sexual issues going here)
Fuck About It by Waterparks
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths (this is just such an abused person song)
This Hurts by Mindless Self Indulgence (my ex wife says i listen to this song to go joker mode and i hate that because i know she means Straight Joker and not Camp Joker but i do really like the song)
Sex With A Ghost by Teddy Hyde
I Cant Handle Change by ROAR (obviously)
rotting by vivivivivi
rook by sardonica
My favorite "Abuse Vibe" songs (NOTE: some of these songs might be about abuse or toxic relationships but um. im not very smart or good at sorting so. they ended up here):
Animals by Stomach Book (SEE ABOVE)
Youth by Daughter
Duck Or Ape by ROAR
Million Dollar Gold Digger (idk what it is about this remix im not even a huge fan of either of the songs its mixing. this is the VIBES part of the rec list i don't have to explain myself)
I'll Be Good by Jaymes Young
Gooey by Glass Animals
Breaking Down by Florence & The Machine
Moby Dick by Jakey
Aurora Borealis by Lemon Demon (hard to justify but this song just brings such vivid "abused kid failing to be normal while hanging out with someone and further isolating themself" vibe. yes im projecting. leave me alone)
The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid (sometimes you just wanna kill your parents)
I'M GONNA WIN by Rob Cantor (this one just feels like anger and bitterness and being suspicious of anyone who tries to help you. I listen to it when im fucking going through it. its also a bop but you prolly already know that, i think it's pretty popular? idk)
It's Alright by Mother Mother (stereotypical i know)
South Dakota by Jakey (honestly i dunno. i dont even know where south dakota is)
My Blood by Twenty One Pilots (for all you sibling havers out there)
My Play by AJR (my parents arent divorced but man i wish they were. Also, this just brings up very vivid memories for me trying to show my parents things and it is fucking crushing haha)
Best Of You by Foo Fighters (idk just more shit that reminds me of my parents)
The Woods by San Fermin (this one is just very "I should have died as a child"-core to me)
JUVY ft. Julia Bard by Nnamdi Ogbonnaya (this guy is weird and i didnt like his stuff at first but then... i came back... and now he holds a place in my heart)
Grape Gil by Nnamdi Ogbonaya (i think this is my favorite song of his. I nearly made an owl house animatic to it)
Obsession by OK GO
Better Than Me by The Brobecks
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS by Tyler The Creator
Dumb Dumb by Mazie (honestly this one just reminds me of thinking "i hate it here everyone is so dumb" and then maladaptive daydreaming for hours to escape the situation hah)
Stone Wall, Stone Fence by Gregory And The Hawk
Never Wanna Fall in Love With U by Nelward
Another New World by Punch Brothers (this one is such an explicit and straightforward narrative i really can't explain it other than like. the emotions.)
Julep by Punch Brothers (once again, the emotions)
Always Sayin' by The Littles Man Band
A NIGHT OUT ON EARTH by Waterparks
Consequences by Lovejoy
Scum by Lovejoy
SMELLS LIKE TEEN SECRETS by lil boodang (another hard to justify one. idk. it just feels like it ok. sue me)
anyway i'm sure there's more but thats just a quick selection from my Abuse playlist. and by quick i mean you better appreciate this cuz i put way more effort into this than i needed to.
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