#two vers cause I couldn’t decide
moon-tsukasa · 1 year
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httpdwaekki · 1 month
movie night | s.c. ft b.c.
summary: after a rough day all you wanted was a movie night with your favorite boys, but when they forget it feels like you’re world is crumbling.
wc: 2.1k
warnings: hurt/comfort, fem!reader, gendered terms of endearment (sweet girl, baby girl, etc.), crying, meltdown.
a/n: i kinda got lost in the sauce w this one but week three wooo!!! don’t forget to check out @straykeedz versions!!! i hope you guys enjoy and as always, drink water, eat something, and take ur meds. <3
(i tense switch alot during this, i wrote it half asleep most of the time, i’ll edit it eventually lmao)
my library | bee’s vers | bee | binnie month | fundraiser
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(pictures not mine! credit to owners!)
you were having a terrible day, nothing was going right and the only thing keeping you from completely breaking down was the movie night you had planned with your boyfriends.
8 o’clock came and you were all set up in your living room with snacks, blankets and of course wolf chan and dwaekki. you were sat on the couch, barely containing your excitement for the night ahead.
but then 8:15 came and you were still sat there alone, and then 8:20 you decided to send them a gentle reminder.
from sweet girl <3:
hi my loves, i’m all set up for movie night whenever you guys are ready 🖤
but 8:30 rolled around and then 9:00 and by that point you had sent several texts
from sweet girl <3:
i’m assuming you guys are still at the studio, just let me know when you’re on your way! love you guys 🖤
it’s getting kinda late, i hope everything’s okay, love you both very much 🖤🖤
i hope everything’s okay, but it’s getting late so i’m heading to bed, we can do movie night another night, goodnight my loves
now it’s 10:00, you had a terrible day and now the one thing you were looking forward to fell through, you were defeated. at your last texts you moped into your room needing nothing more than your warm bed and comfort movie.
luckily you had already put the snacks away after an hour of waiting realizing they probably forgot. once cozy in bed, you put monsters inc on your tv and pulled the two stuffies to your chest.
it was at this point the realization of what happened hit and you couldn’t stop the breakdown that followed. tears streaming down your face, breathing terribly uneven, and incoherent words falling from your mouth.
“they- they forgot about me.” you whimpered, hugging the plushies impossibly closer to you. the hoodie from changbin that usually helps calm you down, was now just a painful reminder of the two missing people.
you ripped the article of clothing off in an attempt to calm yourself, throwing it across the room. you settled back into the soft mattress, placing the gray and pink plushes to the side, opting for your soft blanket to calm yourself.
luckily after a few minutes your comfort movie had worked it’s magic and you felt yourself relax enough to finally fall into dreamland, tears drying against your skin as you slept.
unbeknownst to you, your boys were scrambling 15 minutes away in the studio. the producers had a habit of locking up their phones during their working hours to limit distractions but unfortunately that caused them to also forget about the plans they made with their favorite girl.
“oh fuck, hyung we gotta go, like now.” changbin shot up out of his chair once he realized the time. they were supposed to be at your apartment 2 hours ago to start movie night. “huh? what, what happened, what’s wrong?” trying to figure out what could’ve pulled such a reaction from the younger boy.
“look at the time,” he points to the time to emphasize his statement. “oh fuck,” the older of the two’s eyes goes as wide a saucers, whipping his head to the former. “we were supposed to be there 2 hours ago.” bin nods his head before moving to shut everything down.
“okay, okay, relax bin, let me save everything, you pack everything up then we can leave, okay?” changbin nods, realizing he’s right, this will all be completely in vain if they lost everything they were working on.
in the midst of gathering their items, changbin finally looks at his phone where he finds all the messages you sent, the last one being sent 15 minutes ago. he quickly texts out a response, hoping you hadn’t fallen asleep yet.
from binbin <3:
princess we’re so so sorry, we got caught up in work, we’re packing and heading to you now. we love you so so much baby. 🩷🩷
he puts his nail in his mouth, gnawing on it anxiously as his leg shakes. after saving all the files and shutting everything down, chan turns back to find a very anxious changbin staring at his phone.
he makes his way next to him, placing his hand on the shaking leg. “hey, what’s going on?” he asks gently. changbin looks up, unshed tears line his soft eyes. “she texted us 11 times.” his breathes, shaking his head, showing him the phone screen.
“and we ignored every single one of them. what if she was hurt? what if something happened? we would’ve never known” he rambles, sending himself further into a spiral.
“hey, hey,” he gently grabs the younger’s cheek, “she’s safe, she’s home in bed asleep,” his thumb slowly stroking his cheek, soothing the anxious man. “we’re going to her now, everything will be okay, okay?” bin nods his head, closing his eyes, letting a stray tear or two run down his cheek.
chan wipes the tears before placing a soft, loving kiss to his temple. “okay, let’s go see our girl.” chan smiles, grabbing his hand pulling him up with him.
once they made it to your apartment (not without breaking a few traffic laws), they let themselves in with the spare key you made them. quickly discarding their shoes, practically running to your room but not without missing the wrapped up snacks in your kitchen or the discarded blanket pile on your couch.
changbin pauses, guilt clutching his heart as he sees your discarded preparations. “come on.” chan quietly ushers, pointing to your room with a quick movement of his head. bin is quick to follow, needing to see you as soon as possible.
chan opens your door, finding a sleeping lump in the middle of your bed and none other than monsters inc playing softly on the screen. that alone told them everything they needed to know but then the thrown hoodie on the floor and two plushies laying next to you instead of clutched to your chest?
they knew they messed up, big time. bin went to rush to you, to wake you up and apologize profusely but chan stops him. “hold on, you might scare her.” bin nods understanding that even though he means well, you were in a very fragile mental state.
the older man carefully sits on the side of your bed, placing a hand to your shoulder. it was only then did he catch a glimpse of the tears stains dried to your chubby cheeks. his breath hitches, causing changbin to look after, catching sight of the same thing, his eyes filling with tears once more.
chan holds out his hand to give him a quick squeeze and a kiss before turning back to the problem at hand. he lays his chin on your shoulder, softly rubbing your arm to coax you awake.
“sweet girl,” he whispers, placing kisses to your shoulder, trying to wake you up as softly as possible. “wake up baby girl.” you slowly come back to consciousness, realizing that there was someone touching you.
you would have been scared if you didn’t recognize the familiar aussie voice. chan sits back as he feels you stir, bin coming to sit beside him, placing a hand to your thigh.. you turn to find your boys looking at you with the softest eyes you’ve ever seen.
you feel the familiar sting behind your eyes but you quickly rub your eyes, masking your tears. “hi” your voice quiet, sleep lacing your voice. “hi sweetheart.” the aussie coos, “hi bunny.” bin whispers, his fingers tracing patterns on your thighs soothing him you.
“we’re sorry baby, we completely lost track of time, and we put our phones away so we didn’t see you texted, we’re just- really sorry bubba.” you nod, willing your tears away before you spoke.
“it’s okay, i understand.” you say lowly, fidgeting with the soft material to keep your composure. but try as you might the two boys knew you all too well.
“no it’s not,” bin finally speaks, causing you to catch a glimpse of him. two streaks shine on his soft cheeks against the glow of the tv, caught your eye. you sit up, moving chan, attempting to reach changbin.
“it’s not okay, we knew we had plans with you today, and not only did we miss it, we ignored you-” you cut him off with a kiss, your hand coming to wipe the wet streaks away. you pull away, your own tears making their way down your chubby cheeks.
“i am upset, but i’m not mad. i just had a bad day and this was the one thing i was looking forward to and it was just the final straw.” pause, sniffling as chan grabs the hand still in your lap.
“i was inconsolable and your hoodie and the stuffies just felt like a reminder of my bad day.” you look down, your hand falling from the soft man’s cheek to your lap, where he grabs your hand. you hear a sniffle, cause your head to shoot up where you find them both with wet streaks on their cheeks.
your lip wobbles as you see your boys upset, you shake your head frantically. before you can even open your mouth, chan shakes his head before moving behind you, pulling you to his chest. binnie moves to sit in chan’s previous position, placing a soothing hand on your thigh.
“do not apologize, you did nothing wrong, us being upset or missing movie night is not your fault, nor is it your problem to fix.” he whispers in your ear, rubbing your soft tummy. your lip wobbles again, dropping your head into your hands as you sob.
bin moves to wrap his arms around you, bringing you to him as best he could with you against chan. they knew you were upset and the best thing for you was to let you cry it out as heart wrenching as your sobs are.
they just hold you as you calm down, binnie rubbing your back, placing kisses to your temple. chan rubbing your tummy, placing kisses to your shoulder.
you pull away once you feel calm enough, wiping your tears as you sniffle. “thank you, both of you, i love you both more than you know.” you give bin a kiss first before turning around as best you could, doing the same to chan.
“come on, let’s get you to sleep, we’ll talk more in the morning, sweet girl, okay?” he pats your tummy, waiting for you to nod your head before moving the blankets to give you space in the middle of the bed. you carefully move over, shivering as you land on the cold side of the mattress.
both boys get up, chan rounding the bed to get to the other side while binnie goes to grab his discarded hoodie. he makes it back to your side as chan sits on the edge of the bed.
“sit it up for me quick bunny. “ he says, kneeling on the bed, scrunching the fabric. you sit up, lifting your arms so he can slip the familiar fabric over your head. once you slide your hands through the sleeves, the hood covering a part of your face.
you give him a cheesy smile before shooting out to wrap your arms around him. he wraps his arms around your shoulders, placing a big kiss to your hood covered head. “mwah!” he plops down next to me, getting comfy under the blankets.
you adjust the hoodie a bit before leaning against the plush pillows. chan lifts up the two stuffies, placing them to your chest, wrapping your arm around them. you smile once again, rolling over to place a big kiss on his cheek.
once you settle back into the bed, they both wrap their arms around you, making you feel safe and secure. “good night bubba, we love you,” chan whispers in your ear before placing a loving kiss to your soft cheek. “so so much bunny.” binnie finishes, placing a kiss to your other cheek.
you melt right into their arms. you get comfortable, turning on your side to face binnie, laying your head on his chest, grabbing chan’s arm to stay around you. “i love you both too, more than you know.” you mumble, placing a kiss to bin’s pec and chan’s hand.
you all melt into each other, relaxing slowly as sleep welcomes you, the soft sounds of monsters inc playing as you all lay peacefully in each other’s arms.
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ idk if you’d do percy but with curly blonde hair (like pjo series ver perce) but if you do, i’d love a fic where he teaches y/n how to maintain curly hair (she doesn’t have curly hair) cause he loves the idea of her taking care of him ❞ — anon
in which percy teaches you how to take care of curly hair
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . romeo & juliet (peter mcpoland), san fransisco (be sure to wear some flowers in your hair) (scott mckenzie), sunflower, vol 6 (harry styles), slow dancing (aly & aj), our house (crosby, stills, nash & young)
an can someone pls tell me the titles sooo smart and funny 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
“Honey, I’m home!” As soon as you heard Percy yell those words from your front door, you left the comfort of the couch and ran into his arms. He immediately put his bags down and picked you up, twirling you around before peppering kisses all over your face.
Life in New Rome couldn’t be any better. After the two of you got into the same university, your parents bought you an apartment to share so you wouldn’t have to be separated in university dorms, knowing all too well how you were attached at the hip. You had cried at the gesture, and Percy held you in his arms as he, too, held back tears.
A wide grin on his face, he asked, “how’s my favourite girl?” As he unpacked everything he’d bought that day, you gave him a rundown of your day. It was pretty mundane - some reading, some studying - but he listened as if you were describing the plot to a sci-fi movie. Your eyes quickly took in everything laid out on the counter, mostly groceries, and landed on one bottle.
You picked it up and read the label while Percy explained what it was, happy you were amused, “that’s a new curl cream. The one I’ve been using’s a little too heavy for my hair, always weighing my curls down. I think I’m gonna try it today, do you wanna do the honours?” 
“Honours of what?” You asked, confused. You didn’t have curly hair, so you didn’t know much about the effort that went into taking care of it, just that it required a lot of different products and was incredibly laborious, according to Percy. His curls were really cute though, so in your opinion, the labour was worth it.
Making his way over to you and wrapping his arms around you, Percy batted his eyelashes, “of trying it on me. I’ve been thinking, babe, you need to know how to do curly hair for when we have kids! Curly hair genes run strong in my family, so I wouldn’t be surprised if our kids inherit them.” 
You felt your face heat up as you thought about having kids with Percy, then smiled fondly when you realised what he was doing. Percy’s always been incredibly shy about wanting to be cared for. No matter how many times you’d tell him you didn’t mind giving him a massage or going over his maths homework, he’d always try to conceal his true intentions with some other lame excuse, like now.
“Okay! Let’s go do it now,” you said, dragging him over to your bathroom. You grabbed a stool for him to sit on and stood between him and the bath, hand-held shower head in hand (I hope this setup makes sense LOL). Making sure the water was the perfect temperature, you began rinsing his hair, careful to make sure no water dripped down his body. While you did so, Percy told you about his day. You always loved his knack for storytelling, your boyfriend never failed to find a way to make anything sound interesting.
Next, you squirted some of his shampoo on your hand and began lathering it in his hair. You felt Percy relax and smiled, glad he was content, “it’s okay to want to be taken care of, Perce. I’ll do it gladly,” you mumbled absentmindedly, to which he simply hummed. As you conditioned his hair, he began to doze off, which made you reconsider using the cream. You didn’t trust yourself to use it without his guidance, but didn’t want to wake him up.
In the end, you decided on disrupting his sleep, since you knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep that night if he slept now, “how do I do this?”
Percy took your hand and squirted some of the cream into your open palm, “rub it into both hands, then scrunch it into my hair.” You did as you were told, your hands light as too little was better than too much, in case you did something wrong.
When Percy looked into the mirror, he turned to you and smiled, “hey, you’re a natural! You should do this all the time” He asked, his eyes bleary. You would do this a million times if it made him this happy every single one of them.
After the cream came the gel, which was a lot easier since it was the same scrunching motion as before. You were a little apprehensive when Percy told you to put it in, since you didn’t think crunchy curls were the outcome. However, it all made sense during the final stage: the hair oil.
“This, my love, is what stops them from being all crunchy. Just lightly pass it over my hair,” Percy explained, pouring the tiniest amount of oil into your palm. You recognised the scent - it smelled like home, like him. 
You finished and admired your work. Percy was right, you were pretty good at taking care of curly hair. After running his fingers through his hair a couple times to loosen the curls up the way he liked, Percy gave you a hug, kissing your head thousands of times and saying a muffled, “thank you,” into your hair.
Nothing was more blissful than this. Well, until you smelt something burning.
Pulling away from you, Percy asked, “did you make something?” You wracked your brain for an answer then gasped, remembering what it was. Running to the kitchen with Percy behind you, you quickly pulled the cookies you were baking - once blue, now black - out of the oven.
“I wanted to surprise you with these!” You said, disappointed. 
Fighting the urge to cough, Percy picked one up and bit into it, grimacing for a second before smiling and holding a thumbs up, “it’s really unique, I’ve never tasted anything like these. You definitely did surprise me!” He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice Rolling your eyes, you discarded the cookies and replied, “oh, shut up, Perce”
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lexsssu · 9 months
Inhuman (Adrian Tepes | Alucard)
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TAGS: Alucard/Dragoness!reader, alternate universe, pining, sex pollen, morning after, breeding, impregnation, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Darkness is something many feared for it brought about horrors both real and imaginary to life. The cover of night hid that which screeched at the light of day and yet there is a certain stillness and calm found in the dark.
Adrian never felt that the dark was something to be afraid of, but rather a hidden peace and tranquility when one decides to walk about during the twilight hours.
All is still until a flash of bright light illuminated the landscape, revealing everything which once hid within the blanket of night for barely a second before gradually fading away.
Normally, the dhampir would have chalked it up as yet another one of nature’s great mysteries before trying to see for himself what caused it. Blame his loving parents who naturally nurtured his inquisitive nature.
However, before he could even step another foot forward he saw something falling from the sky and as it got closer to the ground, his eyes perceived an unmistakably human form.
He didn’t need to think for another second as his body rocketed upwards in a great leap, lean yet toned arms grasping the surprisingly soft and tiny figure. As the air whipped around him during his descent, he took his first good look as to who or what he decided to save in the first place.
The blonde’s eyes widened, breath hitching in his throat as he beheld what could only be an angel, a being of pure light within his embrace.
Your silken ivory hair crowns your head and drapes over your heart-shaped face gracefully, petal-like lips which gleamed with a soft pink sheen, eyelashes like lush crescents that seem to teasingly hide what he could only imagine to be the most beautiful jeweled orbs in the world, and a spattering of silvery-white scales that travel from said cheeks down to your neck and the rest of your body hidden beneath your bodice.
You are clearly inhuman.
And yet, never has Adrian felt more human than he did right now especially as your eyes flutter open and meet with his own mesmerized pair.
“...make sure to grind them thoroughly, my dear. They have to be a fine paste before we can proceed with the next step”
“Okay, Miss Lisa. I’ll do my best!”
“Feel free to just call me mother. I’ve seen you as a daughter from the moment my son brought you into our home and since my husband hasn’t given me any daughters...you’re the next best thing and I honestly couldn’t be any more grateful for your arrival in our lives.”
Hidden behind a tall shelf lined with various tomes and scrolls, the young man couldn’t help but take peeks at the two most important women in his life as they bonded with one another. His mother so easily took you under her wing when he brought you here and you weren’t averse to the motherly affections she directed at you.
Now if he could only be as forthright with his feelings as his mother and express himself to you, because you were clearly as dense as a rock and didn’t pick up any of the subtle hints he gave you about his intentions...
“If you’re really okay with someone like me...then please use me as much as you like,” with a red blush highlighting your soft cheeks, you try not to look at the flushed and heavily panting Adrian pinning you down upon his bed.
The dhampir had accidentally inhaled the pollen of some new plant you both came across while partaking in your regular walks together. It took effect immediately, the normally calm and composed blonde becoming so flustered and heated that you’d think he was running a fever with how much sweat dripped down his face.
The raging erection which tented at the front of his trousers told you everything you needed to know, however.
Even if it was only to help him, you don’t regret giving yourself to Adrian because you love him. Even after the effects wear off, you hope that you’ll still stay friends because you’ve grown to love this castle and all its wonders. But especially its inhabitants—
“While I would have preferred to put a ring on you first, I’m afraid that I’m at my limit...but I promise to properly wed you after this, my love.”
The night is a blur by the time you wake up the morning after. Hazy memories of soft and firm touches, wet and deep kisses, harsh grunts and pitiful mewls, and nails scratching against the skin of his toned back as your tight cunt is forced open by his lengthy cock. You don’t remember how many rounds you went last night, having lost count of the amount of times you felt him spraying his seed deep inside of you and how you oh so shamelessly tightened even further each time he painted your walls white.
“We must inform mother and father once they return from their little trip. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled at the news of our union...though perhaps I might be scolded for taking you to bed before the actual wedding…” Adrian chuckled, messy strands of blonde hair tumbling down his chest as he gazed down at you with his head propped up by his hand, all the while you seemed to have been using his chest as a pillow the whole time you were sleeping.
“A-Adrian…!” You squeak and sputter at his joke, blushing all the way to the tips of your ears which only seems to ignite the flames within the dhampir once more as he rolls himself on top of you.
“If you truly insist on seducing me yet again...I suppose it is simply a husband’s duty to satisfy his wife”
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Pairings: (DP3 Vers.) Logan Howlett x Reader
Summary: In an attempt to finish smoothing things over between you and Logan, he suggests going out to a bar. He says it’s to help you and Logan bond- but it’s actually so he can watch Vanessa work. Wade, knowing exactly what kind of drunk you are, takes advantage of your kind hearted nature to the point that you get hammered. Poor Logan finds himself taking care of you after Wade decides to try his hand at pole dancing.
Warnings: Heavy mentions of drinking, cursing, a few insults sprinkled in, Wade pole dancing, drunk reader.
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1,647
“Come on guys!” Wade whined, throwing his arms over you- interrupting the scowling match between you and Logan. “It’ll be fun!”
You had work the next morning and drinking around an alcoholic Wolverine didn’t exactly sound thrilling. It didn’t exactly help that he clearly hated you. Sure, you didn’t help with your sarcastic comments and matching his glares. Hell, your friends with Wade- how could you not rebuttal Logan whenever he snapped at you?
“I can’t, I have work early tomorrow.” You stated, trying to pry yourself out of Wade’s arms.
“Bullshit.” Wade remarked. “I’ve seen you get shit-faced then hop back up like it’s nothing the next day. You’ll be fine!”
Damn. He had gotten you there. But you were also a much more responsible drinker than Wade gave you credit for. But it came at a cost…your a light weight.
“Good! It’s decided! We’ll all go out tonight! Get your best bar hopping panties on ladies, cause we’re gettin it on.” Wade cheered.
“Wade.” You huffed out, “I ain’t flashing anyone my panties.” You finally cracked a smile, finding it hard to resist his odd sense of humor. As odd as it was, though, you always found yourself cackling.
That’s how you ended up here, in a sleazy bar, wearing a dress that, frankly, shouldn’t warrant all the eyes of shameless men on you. You let out a huff, head resting in your hands as you sipped your alcoholic beverage. Logan sat next to you at the dark oak bar. It was the spot Wade had insisted he take. The partying lights of the dance floor low as Vanessa danced on a pole. You watched as Wade basically threw the same one dollar repeatedly at her, rushing to scurry it back up before throwing it again.
The air between you and Logan, who was sipping at a glass of beer, was less than welcoming. Your eyes analyzed him, the way he looked. He seemed so tired, so defeated, yet alive. Even more so these days as he grew accustomed to life with Wade.
Despite the various martini’s and strong drinks Wade had left not-so-subtly on the bar by you, you had done a fairly decent job at pacing yourself. It wasn’t until Wade’s hand was snatching the water glass from your hand and replacing it with a martini that reeked strongly of booze that you finally guessed his game. He wanted you drunk. And he only brought you two here to see Vanessa dance. You moved to dismiss the drink.
“Wade, I don’t-“
“Drink!” Wade adamantly flashed you his puppy dog eyes, knowing full well if you were tipsy enough you’d fall for it. With a sigh, it turned out you were as you brought the martini to your lips. The more Wade handed you drinks, the more you drank. The more you drank, well, hadn’t everyone heard the story? Needless to say, it wasn’t long before you were slumped over on the bar, giggling to yourself as you looked past Logan to watch Wade try to dance on a pole. He had finesse, but you didn’t miss the way his foot failed to land.
Logan watched you, eyes filled with judgement. He couldn’t believe all it took was a few drinks. His eyes scanned the bar, scowling at anyone who looked at you. He didn’t know why he suddenly hated every man in this bar that looked your way. He told himself it was because you were clearly shit-faced, hell, it looked like you were about to fall off your fucking chair. Logan sure as hell wasn’t about to let some weak ass man who didn’t know how to talk to a woman worm their way into your skirt. Which, by the way, looked bloody amazing. He even found himself struggling not to look at you.
Your voice broke through the tense situation as he glared at any man he could see, “L-,” you hiccuped, “Logan. Why do you hate me?” Your question caught him off guard, a look of confusion passing over his face as he tilted his head. Logan’s eyes looked down at where you rested against the bar, face flushed from alcohol, head resting on your arms. Your cheek was smooshed slightly from where it rested between your arm and the bar top.
“I don’t hate you.” He huffed out, looking away as he brought the beer glass to his lips.
“You act like it.” You couldn’t help the drunk pout on your lips, eyes analyzing Logan from where you rested. His jawline, with the mangy beard that somehow looked damn good.
Logon scoffed. He couldn’t help that he didn’t like you. You were bitchy, and sarcastic, and- his thoughts were interrupted by you suddenly leaning into his side, an exhale on your lips.
“I wished I knew what I did to make you hate me so much, Logan.” You drunkenly confided to him, drawing his attention to you once more. Suddenly, he was aware of the closeness between you two. Of how easily you were to banter with, even if it was in an argument. And you were funny. Logan loved when you would call Wade out. His hand moved to rest on the back of your barstool, his hand resting next to your shoulder in case you happened to fall over.
“I don’t hate you, doll.” Logon sighed, looking down as you lifted another drink to your lips.
“I want cookies.” You stated, not paying much mind to his words. Your mind wandered too fast to truly pay much attention. Not like it could anyway, Wade made sure you were drunk. He knew how you got when you were wasted, you were honest, idiotic, and incredibly cuddly.
“They don’t have cookies.” Logan grumbled, hand moving to rub his face in irritation after it set the beer down.
“They should.” You adamantly decided, head slumping against his chest as you looked towards where Wade and Vanessa pole danced together.
Logan mumbled a rough ‘Hm’, his gaze analyzing your flushed face as you watched Wade and Vanessa. He watched you lean forward, reaching for the shot some creep had bought you. Logan reached for it, taking it from you and sliding it to the side. “Alright, that’s enough, princess.”
“What, no, hey!” You pouted with a drunk huff, reaching for the shot. However, Logan’s hand grasped your wrist after he set the shot down, pulling it away.
“Princess.” He roughly warned, hand on the back of your barstool moving to push your shoulder subtly, causing you to lean back into him.
You melted into his touch, relishing the almost body-heater warmth of him.
“Your warm.” The drunk words were out of your lips before you could really stop them.
Logan nodded with a hum, “I know.”
“I want cookies.”
“I know.”
Silence fell over the two of you. Logan didn’t want to admit it, but he felt rather content with you leaning against him- even if it was because of Wade getting you hammered. He enjoyed how it felt, having a gorgeous woman by his side. It was also nice knowing the sight of you leaning into him scared off anyone who thought about approaching you.
The moment was ruined when the song ‘Tragedy’ by The Bee Gees began playing. It seems everyone had been impacted by the release of the latest Beetlejuice movie.
“I love this song!” You drunkenly erupted, grinning as you moved to hop off the barstool, practically falling as you did so. Logan was quick to move, his hand wrapping on your arm to prevent you from falling.
“Where in hell do you think you’re going?” He growled at you, unamused.
“I’m going to dance!” You giggled, hands grasping his as you tugged him to the dance floor. Logan, despite his grumbles, let you pull him along. He didn’t need some creep coming over when you’re less than aware. When you two got to the dance floor, his hands instinctively wrapped around your waist. You were practically next to the stage that Wade and Vanessa pole danced on.
You jumped, you swayed, you did every move you knew- most of which Logan just assumed you made up on the spot. Your arms in the air, by your sides, in front of you, behind you. Logan was almost certain he watched you do the Macarena at some point. He kept a hand on your waist at all times.
“Why ain’t you dancing?” You asked, facing him with a frown, swaying slightly.
“I don’t dance.” He huffed back, unamused.
You flashed Logan your best, and visibly drunk, puppy eyes. After a moment of internal battle, his hands gently rested on your hips, swaying with you just slightly. It was the best you’d get and it’d be a lie to say you weren’t satisfied with the awkward sway. It didn’t fit the music. Not even close, but you got the Logan Howlett to dance with you!
After a moment, your arms moved to drape over his shoulders, closing any distance between the two of you as your head rested against him.
“Lo?” You mumbled softly against him. It was a new nickname, something you had never used before. He felt his heart hammer in his chest for a split second when he looked down at you.
“Yes, princess?” He asked, forcing his tone to be less rough.
“Can we get cookies later?” Your voice was muffled as you drunkenly held him tighter. His heart clenched and he found himself wishing he had cookies with him right then.
“Of course.” He murmured as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your head.
It was a lie to say he hated you. In fact, he liked the way you irritated him. He only hoped that you continued to banter with him. Lord knows he didn’t feel like he deserved it.
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wonustars · 1 year
𝙀𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝘼𝙛𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧
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Part 1. | Soobin Vers. | Yeonjun Vers.
Summary:  After an eventful study session with Beomgyu, you thought things between you would turn out well. Instead he’s not to be seen for two weeks. Leaving you confused and feeling rejected.
Reposts are always appreciated/encouraged!! Tumblr works on reblogs not likes, Thank you for your support :)
Tags: enemies to lovers, jealous!beomgyu, jealous!reader, wolfcut!gyu, nonidol!au, university au, skater!gyu, fluff, angst, lots of arguing. (if i missed any warnings let me know)
Warnings: smut mdni! bigdick!gyu, dom!gyu, sub!reader, pet names, unprotected sex, cream pie, choking, oral (f.receiving), fingering, spanking (f. receiving), cockwarming, multiple orgasms, praising and degrading.
Wordcount: 5876
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It’s been exactly two weeks since you had last seen Beomgyu. After the eventful study session for your project, he had seemed to have fallen off the face of the Earth. He hadn’t even been spotted at the local skate park. And one thing about Beomgyu was that he was always there. Always. Loitering and fooling around with his other skater friends. A part of you felt a twang of disappointment. Did he regret sleeping with you that one time? Even though there was a consensus that you both had enjoyed it? 
You’re reading your textbook, each line blurring into a jumble of nonsense. It has been hard to focus because of the confusion Beomgyu seems to have caused. You’ve been silently searching for him around campus hoping that he would randomly turn up. He hasn’t even been attending your shared biology class. Not that he even needed to, Beomgyu was naturally smart, infuriatingly enough. 
You groan in annoyance, all these thoughts about your last hook-up with the person you thought you hated have become a nuisance. You haven’t been able to think straight since then, especially knowing that you have no clue how Beomgyu had felt after everything happened. Your textbook is now propped up on the table, covering you as you run your hands through your hair. A small habit that seemed to have intensified these last few weeks. 
Deciding to finally give up on your lousy attempt to finish your homework, you get up to put back the textbook into its rightful place. Mentally cursing Beomgyu for causing you to not be able to think properly. 
Your chair lightly scrapes the floor as you stand up to head to the bookshelves. The library has been your new designated study area. Not only is it quiet enough to keep you busy, but it is also the only spot on campus that doesn’t remind you of him. The smell of all the old books gave you a sense of comfort and there was enough natural light to keep you from going crazy. You especially enjoyed the way the rain would hit the windows, leaving a pitter-patter sound that lulled you into a perfect rhythm to study. 
As you walk to the biology section of the library a flash of black and white hair catches your attention. You stop in your tracks and your heart plummets to the floor in mere seconds. You turn to look and low and behold it's the last person you had expected to see in your little sanctuary. He’s currently pressed up against a random girl, caging her between his tall frame and the bookshelf. Their faces connected, obnoxiously making out in a secluded corner. His long hair was still the same as you remembered. Long, soft and perfectly framing his face. You couldn’t help but stand there partly in shock and partly in disappointment. He’s been here this whole time? Maybe he was ignoring you. You never wanted to admit it to yourself because of the feeling it gave you, but now it seems like the only reasonable explanation.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, they stop their makeout session and Beomgyu turns and sees you staring at the two of them. He looks shocked, almost as if he’s been caught. Your eyes widen, and a cold sweat runs down the back of your neck. He pulls himself out of her grasp and is in the process of shouting your name. Before he could advance any further you quickly turn around abandoning your textbook onto the closest shelf. Your mind running a million miles an hour, and your body responding before you could think properly. At this point, you’re practically sprinting out of the library, and your speed causes a few students to turn their heads to look at you. You couldn’t care less, you just want to get out of there. 
Beomgyu must’ve lost track of you because he’s nowhere to be seen at this point. Your hands are on your knees, trying your best to catch your breath. Your daily study session at the library has now made an unexpected turn. Thinking back to what you witnessed makes your heart ache with confusion and a little bit of jealousy. Even though Beomgyu isn't yours and he can fuck anybody he wanted, you still feel a bit of sorrow. You presumed something had changed between you two after that day, but you didn’t expect it to be a negative one. 
Sighing in defeat you decide that this would be the last time that you were going to think about the stupid boy and his stupid highlights. Whatever, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, you thought. Wanting to exchange the feelings of rejection for anger, you stomp back to your apartment not wanting to continue reliving the dreadful scene in your head
᭝ ܰ ៳ׄ 𓄳 ̤  “The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain.”
The following day you headed to your biology class as usual, except this time the usually empty seat next to yours is filled. The back of Beomgyu’s head burns into your vision. Instead of picking somewhere else to sit you decide to stop being a little bitch and sit in your usual spot. Taking a seat, you don’t even bother to glance at the boy sitting next to you. Instead, you focus all your attention on the front of the class, shifting uncomfortably in your seat every so often. Beomgyu doesn’t seem to be saying a word either, for the past hour he’s been jotting down notes seriously. In most cases, this would be a relief but because of the amount of tension between you, this produces more anger in you rather than content. Before you know it the class ends and you're left to pick up your things and head to the dining hall to get some lunch. That is until your ears perk up at someone calling your name from across the room. 
“Hey Y/n! Wait up for me?” Someone running behind you asks. You turn to see that Soobin is taking long strides toward you, trying to get your attention. At the same time from the corner of your eye, you can see Beomgyu turn his head in curiosity. 
You stop in your tracks to face Soobin, a sweet smile spreads across your face. 
“Hi Soobin! To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you today?” You ask, genuinely curious. 
This isn’t the first time you’ve interacted with the man, but it's rare. Rare enough that you are always shocked by how tall he is every time you have the chance to talk to him. His blond hair is slightly covering his eyes; you can’t help but notice how cute he looks in a pair of glasses.
“There's something that I wanted to ask you actually..” He scratches the back of his neck feeling nervous. You raise your eyebrows as you look at him, now you’re even more curious. What you don’t notice is Beomgyu trying to listen in on your conversation. 
“Okay, what is it?” 
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cafe across campus with me tonight?” He blurts out, a hue of red growing on his cheeks, the tips of his ears also a shade of pink in embarrassment. You let out a small laugh because of how endearing you find him.   
“Sure! I’d love to, I'll meet you there at 7?” Finalizing your plans with him, and you finally feel good about yourself for the first time in two weeks. 
You leave the lecture hall, failing to notice Beomgyu’s figure still standing by your shared desks. Too caught up in talking to Soobin to detect the energy of anger radiating off Beomgyu’s body. He can’t help but wonder if you had feelings for Soobin. What if you preferred Soobin over him? At this point you probably did, after all that he’s done. Even then, Beomgyu still felt like Soobin didn’t deserve your attention, not even a date to the cafe. 
᭝ ܰ ៳ׄ 𓄳 ̤ 
Right at seven p.m. you enter the small cafe located across your campus. You felt excited to go on this date considering it's been a while since you entertained the thought of seeing someone romantically. Thoughts of Beomgyu slowly melted away whilst Soobin started to occupy a new spot in your mind. It gave you relief, constantly wondering about Beomgyu gave you an abnormal amount of stress. Tonight isn’t about him though, it’s about you and your time with Soobin. 
The cafe was adorable. Decorations are carefully placed around the venue leaving a cute and comfortable vibe. Spotting Soobin sitting in a booth by the window, you call out his name and he looks up and smiles at you; showing off his dimples. 
“Hey! Should we go and order our drinks?” Soobin asks you, he stands up to greet you with a hug. You lean into the hug and his warmth envelopes you. A sigh is drawn out of you, not being able to remember the last time you received such soft affection. You could get used to this, you thought. Soobin was homely, and he would never confuse you the way Beomgyu does.
“Yeah let’s go.” You smile, taking his hand and walking with him to the counter. 
The both of you order your drinks taking a seat at the booth Soobin was previously sitting at before. A bell rings throughout the cafe, causing you to turn to see who walks in. Unfortunately, it's none other than Choi Beomgyu, who always seems to rain on your parade. You attempt to take your eyes off him but it’s like he's got you in a trance.
Beomgyu takes a brief look around the quiet cafe before he eventually ends up spotting you and Soobin sitting in the corner. A smirk already appears on his face, the mischievous look in his eyes emphasizes as he walks towards you two. Whatever he had planned, you already know it wasn’t going to be something you would enjoy. 
“Soobin! Y/n! Fancy seeing you guys here” He feigns surprise already sitting into the seat beside you, lodging himself in the middle of your date.
“Hey Beomgyu!” Poor, kind, and naive Soobin greets him, not knowing Beomgyu’s plan just yet. 
“What are you two doing here?” Beomgyu asks.
“Beomgyu. Soobin and I are on a date.” You finally speak up, not having the patience to deal with him. Rolling your eyes, you silently hope that this will cause Beomgyu to leave the two of you alone. The cafe was practically empty other than the worker behind the counter. This makes things even more awkward but Beomgyu doesn’t seem to have plans to leave any time soon. It’s almost as if he’s been cemented to the seat. Soobin looks at you confused, his eyebrows scrunching together cutely. You can't help but give him an apologetic smile. 
“A date… Wow, Soobin I didn’t know you have a thing for little y/n over here.” Beomgyu laughs. 
“Yeah, actually I do have a thing for her Beomgyu, and I would like to be on this date with her alone,” Soobin emphasizes. 
Beomgyu’s mischievous smile only grows wider with Soobin's words. You feel dizzy as this conversation seemingly takes a negative turn. 
“Oh my bad man, but I don’t think y/n feels the same way.” 
“Why do you say that?” Soobin’s eyebrows quirk up wanting to know what Beomgyu has to say.
 No No No No, you thought, you could already tell where this was going. Knowing Beomgyu he always has something up his sleeve. He always knew how to get under people's skin, especially yours. His way of manipulating the situation in his favour was something he was always good at. Why was he even doing all this now? You can’t help but wonder why he isn’t with the girl he was kissing yesterday. The fact that he could be doing anything else at this moment, but instead, he is ruining your date with Soobin. It's giving you whiplash, his actions never line up with one another. One day he was not speaking to you, not even anywhere to be seen on campus. Today he thinks he can ruin a perfectly fine date with someone who communicates interest in you. 
“Beomgyu. Please leave.” You’re practically begging. You turn to him, the desperation in your eyes could be seen from miles away but Beomgyu just chooses to ignore it. 
“Oh nothing important, just thought you should know y/n and I ended u-” Beomgyu was about to finish his sentence but you were quick to cut him off. You knew how that sentence was about to end but you didn’t want Soobin to judge you or see you in a negative light. Beomgyu is starting to get on your nerves now and your patience has always been on the thinner side. 
“Don't listen to him..... I’m so sorry Soob but I’m going to have to cut this date short, but I’ll text you ok? I think I need to have a conversation with Beomgyu over here.” You’re rambling now, but you need to get Beomgyu away from Soobin as soon as possible. Soobin doesn’t seem to protest, still confused. You leave your date dumbfounded as you drag Beomgyu out of the cafe, fully prepared to give him hell for his actions. 
Once you’re outside of the building and away from prying ears or eyes you begin your rant. 
“Choi Beomgyu what the fuck were you thinking following me just to ruin my date? You leave for two weeks with no explanation. No call or text, you don't even show up to class for fucks sake!” Yelling at the top of your lungs, finally able to let out all the anger that's been pent up inside you these past few weeks. 
“I’m sorry y/n but I can just sit here and watch you go on a date with him. He’s not right for you.”
“He's not right for me? Oh, that's rich coming from you, Beomgyu. If anything you’re not right for me. You fuck me, leave for 2 fucking weeks, and the next time I see you, you have your tongue shoved down someone else’s throat. But yeah, Soobin isn’t the right one for me. OK then.” You roll your eyes, sick of Beomgyus shit now, and not wanting to listen anymore. 
You walk away from him, too tired to carry on with the argument. You already feel the tears starting to well up but you try your best not to let them fall. Beomgyu wasn’t worth your tears. If you didn’t know any better you would fully believe that he only exists to make you miserable. The cold air causes you to hug yourself as you walk away. 
Out of nowhere, Beomgyu attempts to stop you, his large frame towering over you once again. 
“Beomgyu I have nothing else to say to you so please let me leave,” You speak, gritting through your teeth; and not wanting to make eye contact with him. Your eyes are looking down at your feet. 
“No,” Beomgyu states firmly. 
“No?” Now you’re pissed and you look at him like you’re about to commit a serious offence. 
“No y/n I’m not letting you go, so let me explain.” He’s pleading now, asking you to hear him out just this once. 
You roll your eyes, the cold is nipping at your skin now. You’re starting to shiver and mentally cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket. You stay silent, not feeling up for a fight with him anymore. You gesture for him to go on and an expression of relief washes over his face. He takes a step closer to you with an expression ridden with guilt. You feel confused, this is probably the first time you’ve seen him look so sorrowful. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re still angry with him for barging in on you and Soobin's peaceful date. If you were smart enough you would turn around and go back inside the cafe. But you weren’t smart enough, your feet are firmly planted on the sidewalk. Beomgyu has always had a knack for suppressing your common sense. 
“I’m sorry for ignoring you y/n. I don’t regret anything that happened that night, I just-” He stops mid-sentence, groaning with frustration. His cheeks are an obvious shade of pink and he can’t help but put his face in his hands. 
Beomgyu was never one to be able to express his emotions; even just standing here in front of you has him jumbling up all his words. He can’t help but feel nervous when you’re looking up at him so innocently. Your eyes catching the light of the moon and your nose a soft hue of pink from the cold. You’re not even aware of the effect you have on him and it only intensified after he was able to get a taste of you. You mesmerize him in every way, your soft lips, the sounds of your moans while he's inside you. It’s too much for him. 
“Go on..” You urge him to continue, getting more impatient by the minute. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry I really am. I don't know what's gotten into me. I know I’ve been gone but I just couldn’t stop thinking about you after that night. I did everything to try and forget you. I even tried to hook up with someone else, but you’ve ruined me. You’ve ruined me for everyone else and I don’t want anyone else.” Beomgyus rambling, his eyes searching for a reaction but to him your expression is unreadable. 
His words have your heart racing and you have no idea how to feel. I’ve ruined him? You thought to yourself. You couldn’t believe the words that are coming out of his mouth right now, and you feel the annoyance starting to trickle back in. 
“Beomgyu, that still doesn’t give you the right to ignore me and try to ruin my date with Soobin.” 
“I know, I know y/n, I just couldn’t help myself, the way he looks at you pisses me off so much and he doesn’t deserve you. No one does, you’re too good for anyone. Too good for me. But I want you, I want you and I can’t stand the thought of someone like Soobin being the one to fuck you every night. It should be me, not him.” His words are vulgar. You’re in shock now but you can feel the heat go straight to your legs. He’s staring at you with so much intensity that your resolve is starting to crumble. It’s too damn cold to be standing out here arguing with him. So you do what no sane person would think to do at this moment. You lean in and push your lips against his. 
Beomgyu lets out a sound of surprise but ultimately reciprocates the kiss almost immediately. Soft lips move against his fluidly while you take the opportunity to comb your fingers through his hair. You loved his long hair and how soft it feels between your fingers. You can’t help but tug at it lightly, eliciting a groan to leave Beomgyu’s mouth. His hands are holding onto your waist so tight. The hold is suffocating in the most intoxicating way. His lips, the way he tastes against your tongue is addictive. This is what you’ve been missing these past few weeks and you want to make up for lost time.
“Beomgyu.” You’re  pulling away from him, not missing the disappointed look on his face. He looks so angelic for someone who made you go through fifty different emotions in the span of an hour. He's looking at you with bedroom eyes, his hands raking up and down your waist, not wanting to let you go. The movement of his hands are causing your shirt to lift up slightly, teasingly brushing against your bare skin. “Take me home.” 
᭝ ܰ ៳ׄ 𓄳 ̤  “when the lights go out, she’s all i ever think about” 
The tension during the car ride is thick; while the music murmurs softly as Beomgyu drives towards your apartment. He is holding your thigh, running his hands up and down trying to soothe you. But it only arouses you even more, you’re practically counting down the seconds till you reach your place. You felt nervous even though this isn’t your first time being intimate with him, but these two weeks apart felt like an eternity.
Finally after the longest 10 minute drive of your life, you reach your destination. The street lights are dim and your neighbourhood is practically deserted. The only disturbance was the sound of the music playing from the car’s speakers, as well as the loud thumping of your own heartbeat. The moon is still high in the evening sky illuminating all that's below it. You’re starting to get antsy, your thoughts running a million miles per hour. All you can think about is wanting to feel Beomgyu inside you again. 
Beomgyu gets out of the car walking over to the passenger side; he opens the door for you, taking your hand to guide you. This is probably the first time you’ve seen Beomgyu act so sweet. You mumble a thank you and smile softly to yourself. You could get used to this, you thought, hoping that this thing between you and Beomgyu is more than another hook-up. 
He takes a hold of your hand without saying another word, his fingers interlocking with your own. You squeeze his hand lightly signalling that you like it. He looks at you and with a meek smile, he looks shy, probably anticipating what's going to happen next. You both find your way to the elevator and your hands are still intertwined, he doesn’t want to let you go ever again. If the car ride here felt like forever, the elevator ride up was tenfold. You squirm while the elevator takes its time going up each floor. Your heart still feels like it's about to explode; until you hear that fateful ding indicating you’ve made it to your floor. 
Beomgyu is still holding your hand as you lead him to the front door of your apartment. You bend down slightly to put your code in, your stomach flips as you feel Beomgyu’s presence behind you. His breath fanning over the back of your neck; the proximity allows you to be engulfed in his scent. He smells sweet in the best way possible, it was intoxicating. You would want to be buried in his scent for as long as time allows. 
The door opens with a click, the two of you still holding hands; you pull him past the doorway and kiss him with more passion and vigour than the last time. His hands fly to your waist taking off your coat. Rapidly both your shoes and Beomgyu’s jacket come off in the process of making your way to your room. 
Your hand in his hair once again, tugging it just to hear the soft noises he makes as you do so. Suddenly, he has you against the door, his lips never leaving your skin. He's pressing hot kisses onto your neck making sure to leave marks where everyone could see. You let out soft sighs relishing in the feeling of him against you once again. Your hands are holding onto his biceps firmly, you know if you let go your legs would give out and you would fall to the floor.  While you grip onto him his hands start to leave your waist moving towards the button on your jeans. 
“I can’t get enough of you y/n.” Beomgyu whispers in your ear as he unbuttons your jeans. You can only keep kissing down his neck in response, nipping at his skin. Your pants fall to the floor and you're left in your lacy underwear. Beomgyu leaves your touch to take a good look at you, his eyes darkening with want. The prominent dick print on his jeans showing you how hard he is for you right now. The wetness between your legs is starting to become uncomfortable, now you're rubbing your thighs together to feel some sort of relief. 
You can’t help but look down to take a peek at the bulge in Beomgyu’s pants. Feeling excited, you turn towards the bed while taking his hand. You lead him to the bed, pushing on his chest lightly so he falls back onto the mattress. He takes off the rest of his clothes, patting his lap motioning for you to come and take a seat. You do as he says and sit on him, straddling him between your legs. He leans on his elbows enjoying the view. He sucks in a breath as he watches you take off your shirt, not wearing a bra underneath.
Beomgyu’s head is dizzy with thoughts of you, his imagination causing his dick to pulse within his boxers. Seemingly he’s had enough of your little show, ready to pound you till you cry. He brings you in for a kiss once again, loving the feeling of your hands on him. He doesn’t want this to be the last time he gets to touch you. He wants you to be his forever if it was possible. 
Your hand reaches down past his boxers and strokes his hard cock, rubbing the precum against his length to lubricate him. His grip on your waist tightens to the point that it will leave bruises, you don't care though. You love seeing how weak he gets when he is in your hands. He moans into the kiss, rutting his hips to stimulate the feeling even more. You keep kissing his face, his neck, anywhere you have access to. Your hand is still rubbing him up and down, he was so big that your hands looked tiny in comparison. 
Beomgyu’s had enough with your teasing, he flips you so your back is laying flat on the bed, ripping your underwear off with ease. His actions elicit a moan to escape your lips. His kisses start at your face and he slowly lowers himself down your body. Stopping at your breasts, massaging one while his mouth is wrapped around the other. You're moaning at the feeling, gasping as he grazes his teeth lightly against your sensitive nipples. You're writhing beneath him and he's barely even touched you. Your head is spinning and Beomgyu doesn’t have any plans to stop pleasuring you. 
Feeling satisfied with his work on your chest he finally situates himself between your legs. “Look at you, all wet already and I’ve barely even started.” He laughs into the heat of your glistening folds.   You're whining at this point, gripping on to his hair again trying to get him to finally touch you. He immediately shuts you up by giving you a quick slap on your core. You yelp and he's laughing again, looking up at you from between your thighs. Glaring  at him with your cheeks fully flushed. 
“Beomgyu I swear to god if you-oh.” Your sentence is cut short because Beomgyu lays a flat long strip against your cunt. He's licking up all your juices, groaning at the sweet taste of you. 
“Ah shit baby you taste so good” His groans are sending vibrations to you, leaving you moaning with your eyes squeezed shut with pleasure. He continues his ministrations licking you all up as if he's been starved for days. His nose is bumping into your clit and your hips are moving against his head trying to stimulate it even more. One of his hands is holding your hip down as the other is slithering its way to prod your entrance. You begin to see stars, the pleasure starting to become too much for you to handle. He inserts his long finger into your weeping pussy and the squelches of your wetness bounce off the walls alongside your moans. Your legs shake as they clench around Beomgyu’s head. Without a second thought he begins to suck your clit as his fingers are pumping in and out of you. 
“Don't stop please baby, I'm about to cum.” You say breathlessly and Beomgyu takes this as a sign to work harder. His fingers go in and out of you faster; his tongue giving your clit kitten licks all at the same time. You feel a rush come over your whole body, you're lightheaded and deciding to finally let go. Your moaning his name over and over, he continues to finger you diligently letting you ride out your high. 
“You’re so wet for me every single time, you only get like this for me don't you darling?” Beomgyu’s looking at you, all the while you're still trying to catch your breath from your orgasm. Beomgyu quickly shifts into a position where you and him are face to face, your legs now around his hips. You whine still feeling sensitive and he grabs you by the neck pushing your face closer to his. “Answer me properly y/n.” 
“Yes its only for y-you, please Beomgyu I want you to fuck me.” You’re begging him and he laughs at you. 
“Look at you. You’re crying ‘cause you want my cock that bad?” the grip tightens around your neck and you start to feel that familiar fuzzy feeling. 
“Yes please please please, I want it so bad. I want your cock inside me please.” Your gasping, trying hard to speak properly with his hand still clasped around your neck. 
“Good. No ones going to fuck you like I do. Not even Soobin.” He removes his hands from your neck letting one settle on your thigh, holding it up to wrap around his waist. Beomgyu’s actions are excruciatingly slow as he grabs his cock, lining it up with the entrance of your soaking cunt. A frustrated whine leaves your mouth and you're moving your hips to try and feel some sort of stimulation. Beomgyu slaps your thigh hard in response, leaving a red mark which rightfully shuts you up. His length is now rubbing up and down your folds, bumping into your clit ever so slightly. 
Grabbing onto his biceps, your head lolls back. There's a moan bubbling up your throat and it's cut off abruptly by the feeling of Beomgyu shoving his entire cock inside you. Your soft moan has now turned into a high pitched scream. You can’t seem to get enough of his cock. The way it fills your walls deliciously; his dick kissing your cervix with every thrust so easily. You stare at him, your mouth agape. “Faster please Gyu, feels so good.” 
Beomgyu doesn’t have to be told twice, his thrusts gaining speeds as he fucks you like he hasn’t felt your touch for a million years. The headboard is banging against the wall and the sound of skin slapping echoes around your room. He can’t help but admire the way you look underneath him. He thinks you look so pretty when you’re taking his cock so well. Happily thrusting into you, knowing that he’s here fucking you dumb instead of that loser Soobin. Beomgyu whole-heartedly believes that your pussy feels like it was made only for him, the tightness of your gummy walls sending him into overdrive. 
The moans that leave your mouth as he slides in and out of you is like music to his ears. He slows his thrusts, moving your legs to place them against his shoulders, fucking you in a new angle. The new position has you moaning louder than before. Thrusting faster now-Beomgyu is hitting that angle inside you that drives you crazy. The wet sounds coming from him fucking you increases in volume, the feeling leaving you drooling and a hot mess under his touch. 
“Gyu I’m gonna cum again please keep going.” breathlessly you can't help but beg for more. If it was possible you would ask Beomgyu to fuck you all night long. 
You’re heat is clenching around him tighter with each long thrust that he takes. He loves to stare down in between you two, seeing him slide in out of you so easily. The white ring of your cum covering the hilt of his cock. It drives him absolutely insane. You drive him absolutely insane, and he knows for sure that he can’t let you leave. 
“Your pussy is so fucking good baby, I wanna be inside you forever.” Beomgyu says, pushing your legs till they're folded against your chest. The position burns but the feeling of his cock inside you mixes with the pain. If you died tomorrow you would die a happy girl. You were practically in heaven with the way Beomgyu was fucking you right now. If it was possible you wouldn’t need anything else but his cock. “‘M gonna cum, lemme cum inside you please.” 
You nod, looking at him with desperate eyes, not being able to speak. The pleasure is overtaking your senses and Beomgyu’s thrusts turn erratic. You clench around his cock, cumming for the second time tonight, and your own orgasm sends Beomgyu into his own.  His hot seed fills you up till it starts to leak out of you. You love the feeling of his dick twitching inside you, and the way his cum makes you feel full. Beomgyu doesn’t remove himself from you, instead he kisses your forehead, his dick resting peacefully in your heat. 
“You’re such a good little slut aren't you. Always taking me so well.” He mumbles, your legs now around his waist, his face buried into the side of your neck. He gives you kisses while running his hands up and down your thighs soothing you.
“I only want you Gyu, no one else. Not Soobin. You.” You’re reassuring him, jealous Beomgyu filling your mind now. Although you find it hot when he’s jealous, it was also scary to see how much he's capable of. 
 “Good. I only want you too.” 
  Your hands run through his hair, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head. He looks up at you, completely mesmerized by how beautiful you look after he fucked you so good. Beomgyu wants to be able to see you in this light more than just once, forever, if possible. The after sex glow and lightly flushed cheeks has his dick twitching inside you. Giggling, you clench around him to show that you’re up for another round. 
“Dont you dare do that again, or im fucking you till you cant take any more of me.” He warns, his voice is low and his eyes are filled with the same aforementioned lust. You laugh at him and repeat the action. This is going to be a long night, you think to yourself. Fed up with your teasing, Beomgyu flips you over onto your stomach. Harshly inserting himself in you again, giving your ass a sharp slap. 
end  ˖ ࣪ ꒷ ࣪˖
© wonustars
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zaimta · 1 year
Hiii! Are your requests open? I’ve been reading your OP stories and I loooove them!
So I was wondering if I can request a story where Ace and zoro are both interested in you, like hella interested and causes a lot of tension ? You can choose how it ends and who reader ends up with lol.
zai broadcasts - pre time skip zoro gotta love him man this idea was a serve anon, im gonna split this into 2 parts bc i actually love both of them and i can’t pick one and i have ideas for both that i wanna use so stay tuned for em!!
˗ˏˋzoro ver. ˗ˏˋace ver.
˗ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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“nice to meet you everyone i’m ace, and thank you for taking care of my kid brother by the way i know he can be a bit much.”
“oh no he is the near death situations we’ve been in is insane…and you just got on the grand line??”
ace laughed at your snarkiness “that is true he has a tendency to not think!”
nami shrugged her shoulders “well if we’re being honest here i don’t get paid enough to die every five minutes.”
“agreed.” the remaining stawhats spoke in unison slightly annoying their captain.
“hey i’m an excellent captain thank you very much!”
after the reunion between brothers ace revealed he was looking for a man named blackbeard and since their paths collided he decided to travel along with luffy and his crew.
“so are you gonna stop staring at him or go talk to him?” nami nudged you with a grin becoming aware of your little crush on ace.
you nudged her back with burning cheeks “shut up! it’s not like that nami.”
she rolled her eyes and mimicked your voice while fluttering her eyelashes “oh ace you’re so handsome! oh ace you’re hotter than your devil fruit! oh ace the things i’d let you do to me-”
“nami!” you shouted in embarrassment your face growing warm at her horrible impressions and the fact that he might’ve heard.
“the logical thing here would be to just talk to him! it’s not everyday you see a catch like him on the grandline y/n.”
“yeah…” you sighed looking over to where the green haired swordsman was leaned the mast he was napping as per usual, but the way the sun hit his skin just right. you couldn’t help but to stare, accidentally zoning nami out in the process only hearing her again when he gently nudges you for your attention.
“oohhh zoro too huh” she smirked at you but then sighed “personally im team ace im pretty sure he can pay his debts on time…”
“oh speak of the devil here he comes~” nami’s eyes followed ace as he walked along the deck of the merry, she noticed how his eyes lit up once he spotted you and she smirked to herself.
you turned around making eye contact with ace and turned around immediately, which caused nami to laugh at you being to nervous. “ready or not here he comes” she giggled.
“hey y/n, how are you doing”
nami giggled “oh? so excited to see them you forgot all about me?” ace attempted to respond but nami cuts him off speaking with a devilish grin directed towards you “up bup up! i’ll leave you two love birds to talk okay?” she ways goodbye to the two of you and walks into the kitchen of the merry.
ace sighs and sits next to you on the deck, his shoulder softly brushing against yours “so what was that all about?” he chuckles while pointing in nami’s direction. you roll your eyes with a slight smile on your face “that’s just how nami is, y’a know sweet dependable, insufferable nami…so” you look him in the eyes “what’s life like for you on the seas mr. ‘fire fist’” ace smiles at you “oh you know sailing, meeting amazing people, can’t forget running from the navy.”
you chuckle a bit “you don’t say?”
he chuckles “yup, the best part has been meeting amazing people like you” he takes his hat off and places it on your head with a grin “you’re quite the catch y/n.”
from the kitchen sanji watched the two of you on the deck, and suddenly gasped loudly which got the attention of nami and zoro “that bastard?! taking my y/n like that?!?” he shouts angrily. nami raises a brow “what now?” sanji points at the window with tears welling up in his eyes “everyone knows that if a cowboy puts their hat on someone, they’re claiming that person, that bastard just claimed y/n!” he speaks through sobs “nami-swan hold meeeee” me leapt into her arm’s crying into her shirt so she had no choice but to comfort the cook “there there” nami rolls her eyes while patting his back lightly.
“so what you’re saying his y/n is his now?” zoro said suddenly grabbing the attention of nami and the weeping cook, nami smirks at the swordsman “what do you have a crush on y/n or something? y/n looks cozy with ace don’t you think, are you sure you can’t even make a dent in that?”
zoro sucks his teeth “what’s that supposed to mean?” nami’s smirk grew wider and there was a mischievous glint in her eyes “im saying that y/n seems pretty into ace, unless you’re into y/n and you want to change that.” zoro snaps at the ship’s navigator in frustration “of course i want to change that!”
zoro’s eyes grow wide at what he said and a brush quickly creeps up his neck and spreads across his face “i mean-”
sanji looks at zoro in shock while nami has a grin on her face, she points towards the deck where the two of you are sitting “so how about you go do something about it, swordsman.”
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rinstar5283 · 2 years
They all are on two hours of sleep 😔- cept Terzo bro aint got none 😿💀💀
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Also this vers- cause I couldn’t decide which I liked more
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canislupus-exe · 1 year
Made for Each Other | eddie munson
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fandom | Stanger Things
character | Eddie Munson
reader | he/him/amab (she/her/afab ver.)
requested | anonymous
warnings | smut/nsfw, mutual perversion, peeping, mild degradation
word count | 1,804
keys | (Y/n) = Your name
summary | can u maybe do an eddie munson smut where the reader catches him masturbating to a polaroid of him and then the reader fucks him 👉👈
editor | @feliscatus-exe
>> back to prev <<
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You sighed as you checked your watch, the time read 9:17. The day had been surprisingly slow so you decided to hang out with your best friend, but found his company had barely changed that fact. You’d burned through two movies with him and were going to start a third when he suddenly realized something and bolted out of the room. 
That was a few minutes ago and now you were waiting for his return, sprawled out on his bed. You yawned and laid your head against the pillow. Nothing happened until finally, you heard the bedroom door open. You lifted your torso and leaned on your elbows, raising your eyebrows at him. A bright flash caused you to blink rapidly and groan.
“Dude, what the hell?” You asked, sitting up fully and rubbing your eyes. You could hear Eddie laugh before feeling the bed shift as he sat next to you.
“Ain’t he a beaut?” He asks. You stop rubbing your eyes and look at what’s in his hand. It’s a Polaroid picture of yourself. Your shirt is slightly lifted and your pajama bottoms are slightly misplaced, revealing a small bit of your hip area. Your eyelids are slightly drooped, making you look sleepy and even somewhat sultry.
“When did you get a Polaroid?” You asked.
“I found it at the thrift store just outside of town. I seriously couldn’t believe my luck. It was a little busted right here, see, but nothing some duct tape couldn’t fix.” He raved, showing you all parts of the camera. You smiled fondly.
“That’s awesome Eddie.” You say, handing him the picture. He looks at it for a couple of seconds before looking back up at you.
“You don’t want to keep this?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Nah, what purpose do I have for a picture of myself?”
“Wouldn’t I have even less of a purpose for a picture of you?” He asks with a laugh. You shrug and smile.
“I don’t know. Use it to remember me or if you miss me.” You say with a snicker.
“That’s the corniest shit I’ve ever heard,” Eddie replied. You laughed before standing up from the bed.
“I should probably go home now Eddie. It’s getting late and we have school tomorrow.” You say, grabbing your car keys from his nightstand. 
“Already?” He asks a twinge of sadness in his voice. You smile.
“I’ll be back, probably sooner than you even realize. Thanks for letting me hang and keep you company though.” You said. He nodded and stood from the bed, walking you toward his front door.
You said bye and locked up his door, hopping in your car and starting it up. Your house wasn’t too far from the trailer park, which you were thankful for. It made your visits to his place that much more convenient. You whistled to the song on the radio, mindlessly tapping your steering wheel while focusing on the road.
As you pulled up to a crossroad to take a right turn, you realized how cold you were. You always kept your windows rolled down when you drove but it was much chillier than usual. You were about to turn when it dawned on you that you left your jacket at Eddie’s house. No wonder I’m freezing, you think to yourself as you pop a quick U-turn and backtrack to the trailer park.
It doesn’t take long since you didn’t get very far. In a matter of six minutes, you’re putting your car back in park in Eddie’s driveway. You toss your keys in your jean pocket, knocking on his door. There’s no answer, and you can’t help but assume he’d fallen asleep. Normally, you wouldn’t intrude, but the freezing Indiana temperatures urged you to use the spare key he’d gifted you years ago. Just for emergencies, he told you, and if you stayed out there any longer without a protective layer you’d freeze your dick off, which was as close to an emergency as you could damn near get.
You opened the door and shut it quietly behind you, not wanting to wake him up. You quickly scanned the living room, searching for your jacket. It was nowhere to be found but you didn’t fret, you probably just left it in Eddie’s room. You walked toward his bedroom door, seconds away from pushing it open when you heard a noise.
Not just any noise, though. A very distinct type of noise that caused your feet to stay planted on the floor and your stomach to meet them there. It was a moan. A moan that no doubt belonged to your best friend. Your heart began to thump louder than it ever has but you tried to drown it out, listening for another noise to prove you weren’t going crazy. 
And there it was again. A whiny, high-pitched moan that sent tingles down your spine and blood rushing to your crotch. You clasped a hand over your mouth in an attempt to regulate your breathing, scared you’d make a noise and alert him that you were here. Which you should’ve done, you knew that. You knew how wrong it was to listen to someone get off, but you couldn’t move your feet.
And to make matters worse, your eyes found themselves drawn to the crack in the door. You weren’t just listening now, you were full-on peeping on your best friend jacking off, and God was it making you hard.
The sliver in the door was small but if you angled yourself just right you could see enough. His right hand rapidly moved up and down his shaft while his left held a picture that looked almost familiar. Further up you could see his shirt lifted and his left hand holding a piece of clothing to his nose, which he was no doubt sniffing with fervor. The item of clothing was also familiar. It almost looked like…
“(Y/n)~” Eddie whined breathlessly, and the air around you seemed to turn cold. That couldn’t have possibly been…
“Fuck- (Y/n)…” He moaned again, and you were sure of it this time. He was, without a shadow of a doubt, moaning your name. That wasn’t the only thing he was doing. As he continued to furiously pump his shaft with his fist you realized why everything looked so familiar. He was holding the Polaroid he took of you earlier and sniffing your jacket. Eddie was masturbating to the thought of you.
“God p-please I need you~” He moaned, panting heavily. You got so warm in the face and so fuzzy in the brain that you acted without thinking. You pushed the bedroom door open and walked in, causing him to yelp and throw everything off of him. He scrambled to pull a blanket over himself to salvage a shred of his modesty but you’d already seen too much.
“Don’t stop on my account sweetheart. In fact, let me help you~” You say, popping the button of your jeans. His face turns bright red, staring at you in utter disbelief.
“(Y-Y/n) I can explain-“
“Explain what? That you were jacking off to a picture of me? Mmm, what did you imagine we were doing Eddie?” You asked, pulling the blanket off as you licked your lips. 
“I-I wasn’t-“
“Come on Eddie~ You can tell me. If you ask nicely, I might even do it to you~” You whisper in his ear, gently placing your hand around his already twitching cock. He gasps and whimpers, covering his mouth to stop the needy noises from spilling out.
“You were so loud before, what happened to ‘I need you’?” You asked, moving your hand up and down his shaft. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he lowered his hands, babbling for a second as he presumably tried to find the right words.
“I was i-imagining you- ah- fucking me into the- hng- mattress.” He gasped out, balling his hands into the sheets. You smirked, pulling your hand away and watching him practically chase your touch.
“That can be arranged.” You reply, pulling your pants and boxers off all the way. He watched with wide eyes as your cock sprung out, standing at attention and making his mouth water. He watched you bend and spit on his hole, gasping at the sudden cold sensation. You rubbed it into his asshole, expertly spreading him out in seconds and causing him to turn to putty once again. 
Once you were finished prepping him, you positioned your cock head at his tight asshole, teasing by gently prodding it. He whined, staring at you with pleading eyes. You decided to take mercy on him and finally push yourself inside, groaning as he enveloped you. He bit his lip harshly and squeezed his eyes shut, overcome with the pleasure of being filled.
“Look at you, you filthy little pervert. Getting fucked by the guy you were jacking off to.” You practically growled at him, an irregular dominance clouding your mind. He moaned and covered his face, too embarrassed to look you in the eye.
“Maybe we’re made for each other though.” You say somewhat fondly as you pick up your pace. He moans, face still covered, but he manages to get out two words of inquiry.
“W-We are?” He asks meekly. You laugh almost sadistically as you grip his legs.
“We are… wanna know why?” You ask, slowing your hips just the slightest bit to grab his focus.
“Why?” He asks breathlessly.
“Because I’m a pervert too Eddie. I watched you jack off to me. I liked watching you jack off to me.” You say, giving him no time to process what you’ve said before starting to plow into him again. This practically sends him over the edge, whimpering and begging to cum as you fucked into his prostate like never before. He wraps his arms around your back and begins moaning frantically
“Fuck fuck fuck I’m- agghn!” He gasps for air and scratches down your back, body shaking as spurts of cum shoot from the head of his cock. The sounds he’s making and the tightness of his ass proves to be too much as your hips sputter and you let out a low groan, emptying your load straight into his suffocating hole.
You gasp in an attempt to regain your breath, Eddie still latched onto you like his life depends on it. You chuckle and let your body weight fall onto him, electing to clean yourselves up later. You do however decide to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek at the moment, and you’re glad you do when you see his flushed face fondly smile.
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woman-of-balnain · 2 years
Undone in Sorrow Part 1/10 (Alpha Rick x Omega Reader)
Previous Work | Collection Masterlist | AO3 Ver. | Next Part
Pairing: Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader
Summary: Finally coming face to face with Negan threatens the ties that bind your relationship with Rick together. After that first meeting, the two of you try to pick up the broken pieces of one another and become whole again.
Please note that while this story is completed, I’m really unhappy with how the last half of it turned out. I’m planning to completely rewrite it, so if you do decide to read this, just know that it’s not my best work (by a long shot) 🫣
A/N: This is a sequel to my other story ‘the Claim’ and probably won’t make much sense if you haven’t read that.
This chapter is mainly just setting up the story and involves events from 6x15 and most of 6x16. I’m not interested in just writing out the show though, so it jumps around a fair bit through the events of those episodes, focusing on the Reader’s role during those events.
The a/b/o dynamics are a little more in the background in this chapter but they will come into play more in the next chapters.
The Reader is Hershel's eldest daughter, but you can also read it as you being his daughter through adoption or having a different mother to both Maggie and Beth. Basically meaning that you can read this with any physical description in mind. But the Reader is considered as 100% his daughter and the sister of Maggie and Beth in all the ways that matter.
Reader is also more of a typical omega, especially since she isn’t on any suppressants. When comparing her with both of her sisters, I see her more like Beth than Maggie. Someone who has learned to fight to protect themselves but isn’t a hardened fighter like some of the other characters around her.
Lastly, I’m going to see how well this is received. I have it plotted out and everything but I’m so used to writing more smutty stuff while this story is more angst + hurt/comfort. So any feedback would be really helpful to let me know if I’m doing okay with this and if I should continue.
Warnings: Protective Rick, angst, a little bit of arguing between Rick/Reader, age gap (Rick is 13 years older than you), you are 26 and Rick is 39, A/B/O dynamics, you have suspicions that you are pregnant, mentions of past miscarriage/stillbirth
Word Count: 4,666
Dividers by: @newlips + @cafekitsune
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Turn if you may, from battles never done,    I call, as they go by me one by one,  Danger no refuge holds, and war no peace,    For him who hears love sing and never cease  
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The sun was filtering through the window of your bedroom, bathing you in warm light when you stirred awake. The reality of Alexandria was still surreal to you, even though it had been around two months since you all arrived and were finally able to settle into somewhere that could truly be a home again.
 Slowly, you had all gotten used to it and let your guards down, but part of it still felt too good to be true. At least to you.
 Turning in the soft sheets of your bed, you came face to face with Rick, who had been pressed up against you in his sleep. His features were relaxed, no sign of tension or the burdens that were often placed upon him. You couldn’t help but reach out and let your fingertips run across his short beard, taking in the light grey that was spread throughout and which moved up to the hair around his temples.
 You loved every single thing about him, but his coarse facial hair always reminded you of the intimate moments you shared. It always tickled against your skin, leaving echoes of his affection long after his touch was gone.
 Your ministrations caused his eyes to flutter open and then his lips curved up into a smile when the fog of sleep left him and he took in the sight of you. Returning his smile with a sweet one of your own, you leaned forward to give him a quick kiss and savored the way his arms seemed to automatically wrap around you.
 “Morning, handsome,” you said, bringing your fingers up to move through his hair.
 “Mmm,” he stifled a yawn before affectionately brushing his nose against yours. “Morning, sweetheart.”
 Days like these were ones that you cherished. When neither of you were in a hurry to be anywhere and you could wake up slowly, enjoying each other’s company before you got up and faced reality. Peering over Rick’s shoulder, you saw through the baby monitor that Judith was still sound asleep.
 Your movement allowed him to bury his face in your neck, his lips automatically finding the mating bite he’d given you and pressing soft kisses to it. You sighed happily, laying back down onto the bed and Rick followed your movements, bringing his mouth back to yours.
 His lips moved languidly against your own, soft and sensual as his hands explored along your lower stomach, fingertips teasing your skin. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and just enjoying the fact that you were together. That you were both safe – that your family was safe.
 “I love you,” was whispered from your lips as they only just left his own.
 “I love you too,” he responded immediately, pulling back to look into your eyes.
 His touch left your stomach, and he cupped your face in his hands, his brow furrowing as he saw some uneasiness in your gaze.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “Just Maggie,” you admitted.
 “You’re thinking about your sister right now?” He quipped, raising an eyebrow.
 “Come on,” you laughed softly at his teasing before you turned serious again. “After what those Saviors did that to her and Carol… I’m just worried, that’s all.”
 “Baby, it’s over,” his gaze softened, and his fingers began to stroke your cheeks. “You don’t have to worry about it anymore. They’re all gone, we took care of it. Hilltop came through and things are gonna get better.”  
 “Yeah, it’s just… there’s always something that comes after, you know?”
 “It doesn’t matter,” he insisted, his tone confident and steadfast. “This is our home now and we’re always gonna fight for it. It doesn’t matter what comes next because this is all ours. No one’s gonna take it from us. I promise.”
 You nodded, knowing that Rick had always come through. No matter what had been thrown your way, even with losing people, he always won the fight in the end.
 “I know. I believe in you, Rick, I know that you’ll do everything you can to protect this place. I’m just… still getting used to the fact that Alexandria is real. It still feels too good to be true.”
 “Hey, it’s okay to just enjoy it, you know? After everything we’ve been through, we deserve this. It’s not going anywhere, and neither are we.”
 You looked up at him with admiration, knowing that he was right and that he would never stop fighting for a chance, no matter how dark and messed up the world had gotten and could still become.
 “Thank you, Rick,” you said softly, before noting the slight confusion that crossed his features. “For always fighting to keep us all safe.”
 “You don’t ever have to thank me for that, sweetheart,” he smiled down at you affectionately. “It’s my job.”
 You grinned back at him, feeling a little more at ease. And then Rick bent his head down, bringing your lips into another kiss and you let the rest of your trepidation fade away.
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You found Maggie sitting at the kitchen table when you stopped by her house later that day. After Enid explained that she’d taken over your younger sister’s shift, you had wanted to check up on her. After her encounter with that group of Saviors and especially now with Carol gone, you were still worried about how she was doing.
 You gave a couple of light knocks to the door before letting yourself inside, eyeing her with concern.
 “Hey,” she greeted you, looking up with a small smile.
 “How’re you doing?” You asked, moving over to the table.
 “I’m fine,” she brushed away your concern, looking back down at the book she’d been reading.
 “Carol’s gone,” you told her, causing Maggie to look back at you with surprise. “Left in the middle of the night. So, you can’t blame me for being worried.”
 “Did anyone go after her?”
 “Yeah. Rick left a little while ago. But Maggie… look, you don’t have to talk about it, but I’m still gonna worry. You’re pregnant and I don’t want anything to happen to you. I can’t… we’ve lost too many people already.”
 Maggie regarded you softly, understanding the meaning behind your words all too well. Of all the people in your lives before the fall, now it was only the two of you left. And the pain of losing your father and then your baby sister… that was all still raw and fresh for both of you.
 But then she frowned, a slight look of judgement crossing her features and you looked away. You knew what had likely entered her mind, but hoped you were wrong. You didn’t want to discuss it right now. You just wanted to focus on Maggie and if she was okay.
 “And what about you?” She asked, confirming your fears that she was going to make you talk about it. “Have you told Rick yet?”
 “No…” You admitted.
 “Y/N,” she sighed. “He deserves to know.”
 She was right, you knew that. But that didn’t stop the trepidation you felt about having that particular conversation with your alpha. Things that had happened in the past left you doubting how he might handle the news that you suspected you were also pregnant.
 If you were, then you were likely only about as far along as your sister. It wasn’t obvious, and you weren’t showing, so Rick had no idea about your suspicions.
 “I know that Maggie,” you answered her. “I just… I don’t want to get his hopes up again. Not after last time. Not until I know for sure.”
 She gave you a sympathetic look, knowing what you were referring to. Back in the prison, you’d been pregnant before. But once the flu went around, you’d gotten extremely sick and gone into premature labor at only 6 months along. Despite your father, Hershel, doing everything he could to help, the baby had come out stillborn.
 Rick had been out, dealing with Carol and when he got back it was already over. It had left both of you distraught, but you knew Rick also felt guilt over not being there. So, you didn’t want to tell him yet, not until you knew for sure.
 “Y/N,” Maggie leaned over the table, taking your hands in hers. “I understand, but with everything that’s been going on... we don’t have the luxury of guarantees anymore. We don’t know what’ll happen today, or tomorrow. You should just tell him, because if something happens, you don’t want to be left with that kind of regret.”
 You could see the logic in her words, but your conversation with Rick earlier than morning was still fresh in your mind.
 “I see what you’re saying, but this is Rick we’re talking about. Everything we’ve been through, it’s him that got us out of it. Nothing’s going to happen, Maggie. I’ll tell him when I’m ready. Now that the Saviors are gone, I’ll organize to go see Dr. Carson. If he confirms it, then I’ll tell Rick.”
 “Okay,” she relented, pulling back with another sigh. “Just don’t wait too long. You know better than anyone that he would want to know.”
 Your only answer was to give a short nod, knowing that she was right. But ultimately, it was between you and Rick, so you quickly changed the topic, asking where Glenn was.
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It wasn’t long before you regretted your words to Maggie, how you had been so certain that nothing was going to happen. She was right – she usually was. In this new world there were no guarantees, and something was always going on. Usually something bad rather than good.
 You had panicked when she fell to the floor in severe pain, right after Enid had stopped by and cut her hair. After a moment though, you had sprung into action and told Enid to get help. She had returned with Rick who had apparently only just arrived back in Alexandria a little while ago. He had quickly taken control of the situation.
 Now, you were in the RV, right by Maggie’s side and trying to comfort her, even as anxiety pulsed through you from the way she looked. Your little sister was feverish and groaning from the pain in her abdomen.
 The worst part was how none of you knew what exactly was wrong. You only knew that it was something to do with the baby and that you’d never seen your sister looking so ill.
 You turned, seeing Rick in the doorway. You caught the tell-tale signs that betrayed his worry, but they were subtle, and to most he would have seemed like his calm and confident self. He gestured with his head that he wanted to talk to you, so you got up and followed him outside of the RV.
 “We’re heading out now,” he said lowly, his head dipping a little so that he was looking you right in the eye. “She’ll be okay, I’ll make sure she is.”
 “I know that…” you replied, a little confused.
 When you didn’t make any move to leave or say goodbye, Rick frowned.
 “You’re not coming,” he said sternly, attempting to leave no room for argument.
 “Yes, I am,” you retorted, getting frustrated. “I’m not leaving Maggie on her own.”
 “She won’t be alone, she has all of us. Y/N, you need to stay here.”
 “Rick, I know you’re going to do everything you can to get her to Hilltop safely, but she’s my sister. Glenn isn’t here, I need to be with her.”
 “And I need you safe,” he countered, moving to take your hands in his. “I… need you to stay and take care of Judith.”
 You knew that despite the love you both held for your adopted daughter, he was just using that as an excuse.
 “There’s other people to look after Judith. She’ll be fine here because here is safe. Besides, you already took care of the Saviors. I know you don’t like it, and that you’re just worried, but I can’t stay here and wonder if Maggie’s okay. I need to be there for her. After dad, after Beth… I can’t just sit around waiting and wondering. Please, Rick.”
 He sighed, letting go of you and running a hand through his hair.
 “Fine,” he gave in. “But you stay with Maggie. If we run into trouble, you say out of sight. And you do everything that I tell you to. Everything, Y/N.”
 “I will,” you agreed.
 “Okay,” he nodded, his features softening a little. “Sorry, I just… never mind.”
 “What is it?”
 “I’ll tell you later. We need to get moving.”
 You could tell that there was something weighing on him. Something new, that hadn’t been there in the morning before he left to look for Carol. But Rick was right, you needed to get Maggie to Dr. Carson and if he said it could wait, then you trusted that it wasn’t anything too important.
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You quickly worked out why Rick was so reluctant to let you come, as the RV was blocked at every turn. The confidence he held when you all set out began to slip away, replaced with anxiety. But there was no time in the chaos of it all to confront him about the fact that the Saviors had actually not been taken care of and that there were still plenty more out there.
 The attack on the satellite outpost hadn’t finished anything at all. Instead, it had started something and all of the signs pointing to the Saviors having a lot of people and a lot resources set you on edge.
 “She’ll be okay,” Carl said from behind you.
 You turned around, seeing the boy who had grown exponentially since the first time you met him. Back then, when he was brought to the farm, shot and bleeding out, you hadn’t known if he’d make it. Now there was hardly any trace of that boy left, with Carl becoming hardened from the world around him and all of the things he’d experienced.
 You looked back to Maggie, taking in the way she was burning up and how Rick tried to soothe and reassure her.
 “We don’t know that,” you replied to Carl, worried by the way her condition had worsened.
 “My dad will get us there,” Carl insisted. “You know that. Once she’s at Hilltop and sees the doctor, she’ll be fine.”
 You turned back to face him, unsure if you should say what was on your mind. Carl usually had a steadfast faith in Rick, and you didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that, but you could clearly see and sense the panic building up in your alpha.
 “What is it?” The boy who was practically your son asked. “What’s wrong?”
 He knew you well enough by now to pick up on when you were worried over something.
 “Just… look at him. He’s getting anxious and so am I. If we don’t get there soon, what will happen to Maggie? It doesn’t seem to matter what route we take, it’s like they’re always five steps ahead of us.”
 “Y/N,” Carl said, his tone serious and his resolve unwavering. “We’ve been through hell before and every time, we’ve gotten out of it. Stop worrying, it’ll be fine.”
 You just nodded, not missing the way his confidence showed how much he’d matured over the years. But you also wondered how he wasn’t picking up on Rick’s scent, which betrayed his inner turmoil to you. Maybe it wasn’t as strong to the others. Or maybe it had something to do with the mating bond you shared.
There were other signs though; the sweat covering his skin and how it made some of his curls stick to his forehead, the frantic look in his eyes, the way he’d started breathing a little heavier… He was starting to feel trapped in a corner and if it weren’t for Maggie, you knew he would’ve been fighting back by now. But they’d caught him in a weak moment, when he had to control his emotions in order to keep other people safe. And you knew that it was starting to get at him and leave him feeling helpless. 
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It felt like days had passed, rather than just hours. The entire group that was in the RV was on edge – except maybe Carl, who had a strange, stoic calmness throughout the whole thing. But now, night had fallen and after Eugene’s suggestion, the group had decided to split up.
 You stood outside the RV, silently watching as the others prepared to leave. After Rick spoke with Eugene, he caught your eye and made his way over to you. Your stomach churned with apprehension, picking up on how high strung he was.
 It was strange because you’d never really experienced anything like it. Even before you’d claimed one another, there had been that undeniable pull and connection between the two of you. But you’d never been so attuned to his emotions before, and it was almost like his were mixing and intertwining with your own, confusing you about what it was you were feeling and what was coming from him.
 But you had made a decision and despite how uneasy he was, you were resolved to go through with it.
 “I’m going with Eugene,” you told him gently, not wanting to argue about it.
 Rick’s features twisted, his expression becoming even more desperate. He shook his head and looked at you with wide, pleading eyes.
 “Baby, please,” he implored you, speaking softly in order to try and keep your conversation private. “It’s bad enough that you’re out here and not at home. We’re not splitting up.”
 He wasn’t angry or frustrated or trying to assert his authority over you. Instead, he just looked desperate, and it broke your heart. You often saw a different side of him in private, compared to the others, but that didn’t make his obvious distress over the situation any easier to absorb. But you knew that you would be more useful with Eugene than on foot with the others.
 “I’m not a fighter… you know that Rick,” you tried to reason with him. “If this is how I can help Maggie, then that’s what I’m going to do. We’ll be okay, they’re just trying to stop us from getting to Hilltop. I know you’ll get her there safely. I trust you to do that, so trust me to do this.”
 “We don’t know what they’re trying to do,” he argued. “You going with Eugene could be just as dangerous!”
 “Rick, we don’t have time to fight about this. Please, just get my sister to the doctor and let me do my part to help. Something I know I can do to help her.”
 “You said you’d do what I told you to,” he pointed out. “When I let you come with us. So why are you fighting me on this?”
 “Because I’ll just be in the way if I come with you.”
 He sighed, before moving towards you. Then he was resting his forehead against your own as his hands came to hold your hips. You felt the way his resolve washed away and knew that he was done fighting you on the matter.
 “Baby, just promise me you’ll be safe,” he relented, knowing they had to leave quickly.
 “I’ll do everything I can to try,” was the best answer you could give him.
 He nodded before titling his head to kiss you. It was brief, but it still conveyed so many emotions. He was desperate and panicked, unsure of what might happen in the near future. But you were all determined to try, knowing that Maggie was in danger and needed medical attention as soon as possible.
 Rick’s scent wrapped around you, seeping through until you felt his trepidation, his fear and his doubts like they were your own feelings. But when he pulled his lips away from yours, he put his walls back up and headed over to the others, preparing to carry Maggie through the woods to safety.
 Abraham and Eugene exchanged a nod while Rick gave you one last lingering look. You smiled back at him, hoping it would give him reassurance, but deep down you knew that it likely wouldn’t. If the way his own inner emotions had been so obvious to you were any indication, then your own were probably just as clear to him.
 “Come on,” you said to Eugene, turning away from the man you loved. “We should get going too.”
 He just nodded, following you back into the RV.
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Rick’s heart was pounding like a drum in his chest as the floodlights suddenly turned on, temporarily blinding him and the others. The trademark whistling of the Saviors resounded around them, too loud and too high-pitched, ringing through his ears. Time seemed to move slowly around him, as his mind struggled to catch up and comprehend what was happening.
 His small group turned and looked through the clearing, taking in the sight of countless Saviors, who were completely trapping them in the area. Very briefly, he was glad that you’d convinced him to let you stay with Eugene. Because it was bad enough that Carl was with him in that moment. If you were there, the very final threads of his sanity would have likely snapped.
 Carl could take care of himself. But you? You were an omega, the very definition of someone who needs to be protected and as your alpha, that was his job. He knew that he should have tried harder to talk you out of coming on the trip, back in Alexandria. After realizing that there were more Saviors out there when he was with Morgan, looking for Carol. He’d almost told you, but the urgency of the situation had prevented him from doing so.
 And now, they were surrounded with no way out. The sense of hopelessness that had gradually been building up inside of him as the RV was blocked at every turn now boiled over. He was failing Maggie, his own sister-in-law, during the time she when needed him and his leadership the most. She had said she trusted him, believed in him and he’d let her down. He’d let them all down.
 The future had never been so uncertain, but if he knew one thing, it was that it sure as hell didn’t look good. Rick realized that he was shaking, as the shock set in. His wide and frantic eyes swept over the area and then he froze.
 “No…” he breathed out so quietly it was barely audible.
 There was Eugene, kneeling down with the RV parked neatly in the background. The knowledge that their plan had failed, that Eugene had been captured with his face bloody and beaten… that was already enough to break Rick down even further.
 But you weren’t there. You were nowhere to be found and he had never felt so scared and helpless.
 “Good, you made it. Welcome to where you’re goin’.”
 And suddenly, time seemed to move back at its normal pace as that asshole from earlier, the first one they’d encountered, was talking to him again. Rick’s body seemed like it was broken in half, where he took in what was happening around him, but he was also distracted as his mind screamed out one persistent thought over and over again.
 Where the hell were you?
 He let himself hope that you’d gotten away somehow. That you were safe, and the lack of your presence didn’t suggest something ominous.
 Before he knew it, their guns had been taken and they’d been forced to set the stretcher down. Maggie hadn’t been given any special treatment, forced to kneel just like the rest of them had been ordered to. Then he was looking at Eugene again, who had been dragged over to join the rest of the group.
 “Y/N?” He croaked out, just hoping for some kind of answer.
 But Eugene never got the chance before the asshole who seemed to be in charge was in his face again, insisting that he get down on his knees. Every part of Rick was telling him to fight back, and he looked around again briefly before he begrudgingly complied. He knew that he had to stay calm in order to keep the others safe. In that moment, he knew that they were powerless. There was nothing he could do.
 So, he slowly got down on his knees, trying to ignore the look Maggie gave him. He wasn’t sure if it was just from the pain she was experiencing or if it was because she couldn’t believe he wasn’t doing more to resist.
 He couldn’t do anything but watch as Michonne, Glenn, Daryl and Rosita were pulled out from the back of a van and forced to join them. He could only sit there, drenched in sweat and apprehension, his breath coming out in heavy pants as his body continued to shake against his will. He looked around him with wild eyes, still unable to fully comprehend that it all was really, truly happening.
 And then the mustached asshole was talking to them again as he made his way over to the RV, which now sat in front of them.
 “All right, we got a full boat. Let’s meet the man.”
 Rick realized that all of this, every single thing that had transpired that day had led to this moment. This had all been Negan – the real Negan – introducing himself to them.
 The asshole knocked against the RV and there was a brief pause where silence fell around them. But then the door swung open and a tall man in a leather jacket came into view, grinning smugly at them as he rested a baseball bat with barbed wire around it against his shoulder. Rick instantly recognized that he was an alpha, the other man’s strong and stifling scent reaching him even with the distance between them.
 “Pissin’ our pants yet?” He asked, remaining in the doorway. “Boy, do I have a feeling we’re gettin’ close.”
 He watched them all for a moment, taking it all in with a sick sense of satisfaction. Then, the man, the one who was clearly Negan, turned to look back into the RV.
 “Come on out darlin’,” he said, with his lips in a permanent smirk. “Let’s get you all reunited.”
 Rick barely had time to register his relief at seeing you alive, as Negan dragged you out of the RV, holding on tightly to your hair. Because even though you were alive, he wanted you to be anywhere but there, while he was helpless to do anything to protect you.
 As Negan forced your head up so that you were looking at the others, Rick’s inner alpha reared its ugly head, causing Rick to become both furious and distressed. Your face was bleeding and bruised; you looked like you’d been crying and your features were scrunched up in pain at the vice like grip Negan had on your head.
 Rick’s fists clenched and the way his body was shaking became even worse. Every instinct within him was saying that he needed to ensure your safety and kill anyone standing in his way, but he had to keep himself in check. It was a torturous struggle raging inside of him, battling between the urge to protect and the need to survive – for all of you to survive.
 “No,” he found his voice cracking, the word escaping his lips before he knew it. “No, no, no…”
 He looked at you with despair over the situation you’d all found yourselves in. Tears welled in his eyes as he realized there was nothing he could do. He had found himself helpless at the hands of Negan, which was exactly how the other alpha wanted him.
“Oh…” Negan let out a sadistic chuckle, his gaze falling right on Rick. “Yes, yes, yes.”
Next Part
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moonferry · 3 months
omgg hey guys.. guess whos back with more writing. teehee this time it's sambastian *yay* . anyway i hope you enjoy this. of course, i have two versions because im a little varmint and i couldn't decide. this version will be posted with a link to the other (another ao3 exclusive. sorry folks.) anyway let's get to it.
title: strawberries and cigarettes
pairing: sam x sebastian
fandom: stardew valley
word count: 1385
genre: ??? i cant think of one im sorry nothing bad dw
warnings: cigarette use, swearing
ao3 link:
The two had just finished a rather long game of “the solarian chronicles” and decided to relax on Sebastian's couch. Now, this wasn’t unusual, as they almost always ended up curled up on his couch and - more often than not - fell asleep (likely because their sessions lasted way longer than anyone had thought and Sam would get scolded for returning home at such a “dreadful hour”. Not like Sebastian’s family minded - they barely went into his basement of a bedroom, anyway. 
So the two curled up against each other. However, something seemed… different about this time - to Sam at least. He was acutely aware of just how physically close he was to Sebastian. It wasn’t a bad experience, no, it was just a little confusing. He had never cared before, so why did his skin feel electric whenever it brushed against the fabric of Sebastian’s sleeve and why did he feel a lump form in his throat when his best friend sent a look his way. Sam’s heart was pounding but he was broken out of his stupor by Sebastian taking another drag of his cigarette. 
“You shouldn’t smoke so much, you know,” Sam protested, a small frown creeping across his face. 
“Yeah? What makes you say that?” Sebastian retorted as he brought the cigarette back to his lips
Sam thought for a moment, trying to find evidence for his argument, “Science? I don’t know, man. It’s just bad for you.” He slumped back against the couch and crossed his arms.
This gained an eyebrow raise from Sebastian, his lips forming into a thin line, “Sam, if you truly cared about something being ‘bad for you,’ you wouldn’t be friends with me.” Sebastian noted the slight shift in Sam’s posture at his response and playfully punched his arm to lighten the mood, “I mean, didn’t your mom call me a bad influence the day we met?” 
Sam rolled his eyes before nodding, “I guess you’re right. She nearly had a heart attack when she found out you smoked.” This caused a chuckle to erupt from Sebastian and the unexpected sound nearly made Sam’s breath hitch in his throat. He’d heard that sound so many times before, so why was it affecting him so much now? Maybe he was just tired. It was a long day, after all. He shook his head to clear his strange thoughts. 
Sebastian took yet another hit of his cigarette, the smell of smoke filling the room as he exhaled. The smell of smoke clung to everything about him: his clothes, his hair, and even his breath.Sebastian moved the object around the edges of his lips, deep in thought. Maybe Sam was right - he shouldn’t smoke so much.Sam glanced at Sebastian, his eyes darting back and forth as Sebastian’s lips perched against the end of his cigarette. A waft of the smell entered Sam’s nose and his thoughts began to run rampant once again. He couldn’t help but wonder: if Sebastian smelled like this, how did he taste? 
  Sebastian glanced over at Sam’s ogling before extinguishing the butt of his cig, crushing into the ashtray on the table in front of him, “If you want one, you could always ask, Sammy.” 
Sam made an embarrassed movement of rubbing the back of his neck and let out a small sigh. That’s what he was curious about - the cigarette, nothing else, right? He shook his head, “You caught me. But you know I don’t smoke, man.” He didn’t know who he was trying to fool more: himself or Sebastian. Judging by the look he received from Sebastian, Sam didn’t know how much the other boy believed so he moved to defend himself, “Seriously, I wouldn’t even know where to start.” 
Sebastian nodded, seemingly accepting this answer for the time being. He leaned back against the couch and busied himself with a nearby comic book. Sam tried to relax, too, but there was a small voice nagging at the back of his mind. It seemed to want something and wouldn’t shut up until its hunger was satiated. 
Before Sam could control himself, he blurted out, “Kiss me.” 
Sebastian’s eyes widened and he glanced confusedly at his friend, “What?” 
This was it, Sam could take it all back and act like nothing happened. He could curl up into a ball and die of embarrassment. But did he want that? Honestly, he didn’t know what he wanted anymore. He debated his choices before speaking again - with much less confidence than before, - “Kiss me” Sam gulped and immediately regretted his choice and began stammering, “I mean- you don’t.. You don’t have to- I was just joke-'' 
But Sam didn’t get to finish his sentence before Sebastian leaned in and connected their lips.Sam’s eyes widened, his cheeks turning a shade of red that he wasn’t sure was humanly possible, and then he closed his eyes and returned the kiss. 
It felt like electricity was dancing across his skin, like he was being burned, and like icicles were creeping up his spine. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Sam’s hand instinctively moved to the back of Sebastian’s neck - the iciness of the shorter boy’s skin clashing with the clammy warmth of Sam’s hands. Everything felt upside down yet completely right-side-up. He wasn’t sure what was doing more loops - his head or his heart. 
After a while, Sebastian parted his lips and the familiar urge overtook Sam. He didn’t even hesitate before deepening the kiss. The faint smoke on Sebastian’s breath seemed to drive Sam wild. It was intoxicating and far more enticing than any pizza he’s ever had - and Sam loved pizza, like.. A lot. However, it wasn’t the remnants of nicotine that was messing with Sam’s head; it was Sebastian. 
Sebastian seemed to taste exactly as Sam had imagined and that seemed to draw him in even more. If he didn’t need to breathe, he would have swam in the taste of Sebastian’s lips forever, but unfortunately, he needs to breathe. Sam pulled away with a loud, very unglamorous gasp for air. His face was much redder than before -  it even seemed to blend in with the t-shirt he was wearing, which was a deep maroon color. 
Sam took a few breaths and began recovering from his almost-asphyxiation-but-not-quite experience. It didn’t help that every breath he took seemed to be filled with only the scent of Sebastian - even the faint notes of peach shampoo that Sebastian swore he didn’t use. 
“You okay?” Sebastian spoke, concerned layered in his “too-cool-to-care” voice persona. He gently placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder and waited for a response. Sebastian’s own cheeks were a light pink and his lips slightly swollen from Sam’s intensity. Needless to say, he didn’t expect this to happen- not that he was complaining, though. Sam tasted like the ripest strawberries, fresh off the vine, and the feeling of a summer breeze against your face. It was refreshing, in a way, but definitely not something Sebastian was used to. Who knows? Maybe he could get used to it. 
Sam finally regained his composure and nodded at the previous question. “That was interesting,” he spoke, adding his typical jokiness to make himself seem less flustered. 
Sebastian formed his lips into a line once again, glancing down at his hands. “Yeah, interesting.” He began fidgeting with his fingers and wouldn’t say anything else.
And that’s when Samson knew.. He fucked up. Sam immediately began trying to rectify the situation and quickly became a stuttering mess. “I mean- No. Interesting isn’t what I meant.” he groaned out in frustration and ran a hand through his messy hair. “Shit, dude. I’m sorry. I’m awful with words.” 
Sam groaned once again and fumbled for what he wanted to say, “I.. really enjoyed that. It was nice.” He glanced over at Sebastian and smiled. 
Instead of doing what Sam expected him to - which was pretty much accept his apology and maybe even have some sort of witty comment to accompany it-, Sebastian’s expression smoothened and he looked hungrily at Sam’s lips before speaking in a more serious, almost gravelly voice, “Then kiss me again.” 
Sam needed to be told things multiple times, but not this. He leaned back in and connected - well more like “crashed” - his lips against Sebastian’s.
A/N: as promised, i did write a second version of this. this one is a little spicier. anyway here's the link.
here you go, heathens.
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mrshamada-dorian · 2 years
idia (accidentally) tries an edible
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i wanna start off by saying thank y'all for showing love on this series. im actually very insecure about my writing and it took alot for me to start posting my stuff on tumblr so the fact that y'all mess with this series makes me feel more a bit more confident. also if you have any ideas for who i should do next let me know. leona ver. adeuce ver. azul ver.
cw; drugs, tagging nonconsensual drugging just in case
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it was another day for you and idia to hang out.
you two had managed to come to an agreement that you two would take turns planning the hangout since you didn't want everytime you hung out together to be in an enclosed space and even the world ending wouldn't drag idia out his room.
today was idia's turn and of course you spend it how idia's turn normally goes, in his room playing games and watching movies ( or anything else you prefer as long as it ain't no normie shit ).
well everything was almost normal...
something was off... about you to be exact.
he noticed the moment you got here. your eyes were droopy and red and you were kinda slow on the uptake. which, of course, isn't like you ( otherwise idia would not be hanging out with your slow ass ).
idia wanted to bring it up to you, but he didn't want you to know that he was paying that much attention to you. he wasn't THAT much of a weirdo...
so he decided not to. if you weren't hurting anybody or yourself then he wouldn't be too worried.
everything was fine for the first few hours. just the taking turns picking movies and beating you in video games. idia would admit that he was having fun.
but then you got a call from ace. you excused yourself out of the room so you could talk in private.
as you got up, a little baggie fell out of your pocket and landed conveniently next to his. when idia looked over at it, he noticed it was full of gummies. he immediately knew where you got it.
wait wait wait before you say anything, he wasn't stalking you. he just so happen to see you from his tablet as you received it from another classmate.
idia wasn't dumb, he knew that these weren't regular gummies. he's heard about edibles and weed (he's on the internet all the damn time so of course he's heard), but that's about it. he's never tried it himself nor was he given the opportunity.
his mind was wondering to how that guy got weed on campus when you came back in his room telling him you had to run to heartslabyul real quick before riddle managed to collar both grim and ace for eating his tart. if idia were you, he would've let them get collared and stayed here. but he knew that that wasn't the type of person you were.
after a quick hug and an even quicker "i'll be right back.", you left like the wind.
and now idia was alone. not a problem, you’d be back in couple minutes. so he’ll just spend this time catching up on his single player games until you get back.
a couple minutes passed and you still weren’t back. again no problem, but he was getting a little bored waiting for you. so he did what every bored introverted person does and started snacking. he grabbed a few of his gummies and ate them. expect the gummies tasted a little weird. idia instinctively looked down and noticed some of your gummies were missing and immediately connected the dots.
he could’ve shit his pants right there.
idia started to freak out. of course his bad luck would extent to him eating your weed gummies on accident.
he didn’t really know what to do. so he quickly grabbed his phone ( maybe a bit too quickly cause he almost dropped it ) and called you. it took you a moment to answer. your side of the phone sounded so chaotic with riddle screaming in the background and you attempting to calm everything down. you couldn’t even talk to him right away with you playing mediator and everything. yet you managed to get trey to take over a bit so you could take your phone call. 
honestly you sounded so stressed when you finally said hello. he almost didn’t want to make it worst. 
but he needed you to get back NOW.
idia told you that, but you told him he had to wait since you had something else you were already doing.
he didn’t really like that answer. maybe because normally you’d drop everything and hurry over and this time you didn’t. you really spoil him sometimes...
anyways you told him to wait so he’ll have no choice but to wait... yayyy...
so idia just sat in silence, knees to chest, waiting for you come back.
it took longer than expected, but when you finally got there, idia was hiding under his covers. he wasn’t moving so it kinda worried you. you approached him and slowly lifted the covers and revealed a stuck blue boy staring off into space. his eyes were bloodshot and wide. he slowly turned his head to you with a pleading look in his eye.
a teasing chuckle fell from your lips. you had a feeling what was going on. you ran your fingers through his hair ( which was turning a little pink at this point ).
“so,” your teasing smile grew. idia knew where this was going. “how many did you take?”
“shut up.”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔪𝔫 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔢 !.
— “ Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches, “
— “ I slam in the back of my Dragula! “
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It was late at night, snow slowly falling from above as you all sat on the porch of your house. Everyone had decided to come over for a few days before you would all be deployed again. You sat on the upper step, Soap to your right as well. He was coughing up a lung from his recent hit of smoke. Rodolfo was on the lower step, staring up at Soap with an annoyed expression.
Behind you, Ghost and Alejandro took up the only chairs set out on the porch. Alejandro had left the session quickly, and Ghost didn’t want to join in the first place. It was a peaceful night for you all.
Alejandro and you had made dinner for everyone, where no scraps were left behind. Then you all watched a bunch of new movies that had come out while having a few drinks. Then Soap had brought up the amazing idea to roll up a joint for you all, in which everyone agreed. Minus Ghost who said he would rather babysit, since you and Soap are known to get rowdy with each other.
“Soap enough with the coughing, you’re wasting smoke.” You whisper-lectured the man, wacking his arm and yanking the joint out of his hands. He could only laugh as he bent over to continue coughing. Taking a few more puffs of smoke, you then passed the joint to Rodolfo to finish off.
The five of you sat in silence for a few minutes, music playing from the speaker next to Alejandro. You shuffled from sitting on the step to sitting by Ghost, leaning your back against his legs. Soap and Rudy began to try and bicker with each other out of nowhere. Something about how loud Soap’s phone was when he watched videos.
Shaking your head, you stood up from your spot on the ground. Ghost watching your every move through his mask. He stiffed up slightly when you decided to move behind him and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
Everyone on the team knew you two were together, it was really no secret. Ghost was still a bit weary about the public affection though. He wasn't used to getting all cuddly and lovey dovey in front of his friends, but he usually relaxed just as quickly as he became uncomfortable. Ghost also knows how clingy and flirty you get when you’re high. While he would prefer for it to be in private, he didn’t have the heart to tell you to bat off… yet.
Ghost noticed you push your face closer towards him. “You are so fucking warm…” you hummed, the cold weather was bothering you and your boyfriend was the perfect heater. He rolled his eyes and continued his conversation with Alejandro about who knows what. You didn’t care, you were focused on him.
Soap and Rudy jumped up from the steps of the porch and sprinted onto the lawn. Rudy chased after the Scottsman, tackling him onto the ground with a loud thud. With a loud sigh, Alejandro stood up like a tired mother and walked over to the scene, trying to break it up. You and Ghost stayed behind since you didn’t bother to move. “Your shoulders are so big…” You whispered into Ghost’s ear, squeezing his shoulders lightly to fuck with him.
He gave you a blank side-eye at that comment, causing you to laugh. You knew he hated it when you teased him, and you loved to do it. “And you’re so handsome, you look badass in your mask Simon.” You dragged on with your corny comments, Ghost completely uninterested in them.
Alejandro was still trying to detach the baked Rodolfo and Soap from each other, but now Ghost had to detach you from him. Comment after comment, Ghost couldn’t tell if he should be flustered or annoyed, but it was driving him insane. You pressed yourself up close to his side with a cheeky grin. Before you could make yet another comment, Ghost groaned loudly. “Fucking hell Y/n!” He threw his head back annoyed, but under his mask a smile was creeping up on his lips.
Ghost stood up from the chair quickly, your hand falling off of his shoulders. He was escaping and you couldn't catch him as he went to assist Alejandro instead. Laughter leaving your lips as you fell to your knees on the edge of the porch, dramatically reaching your arm out for the soldier. “No! Come back to me baby, I’m sorry! You’re just too damn fine!” You begged over your laughter. Being ignored by Ghost as he tugged the back of Soap’s shirt.
The Scottsman was yelling loudly, trying to escape Ghost’s grasp. “Yeah! Listen to Y/n! Go back to your lover and let me rip this man apart! He called my cat ugly!”
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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bts-trash-blog · 3 years
Best Of Us
Chapter 15: Too Big
Summary: Being an Omega is hard, it could be so lonely. The hardships that you would sometimes feel seemed to much, always expected of things you could never fully reach. Always seen as a piece of meat to some, seen as weak and stupid. So you worked your ass off to finally work your dream job. And the world all changed when you met one of the bosses. And couldn't help but end up falling.
Paring: Rap Line X Fem!Chubby OmegaReader
Warning: A/O/B!VERS, mentions of sexual harassment, heats, ruts, knotting, breeding, angst, possessive behavior, more warnings will be added as needed.
An: Well I posted, after like two months and then Tumblr when I went to edits slightly it decided to delete my post when it glitched on my ass. Anywhoo here is chapter 13 once again. I hope you enjoy it.
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Yoongi was tired.
He was so tired, his body was heavy and his mind was foggy, a mess. His emotions were everywhere and the only defiant thing he could feel was your fingertips running through his hair as his head was nuzzled against your breast as the sweet smell of cookies was wrapping around him. Soothing him. Grounding him. It had his Alpha purring as his head moved up and down against his sweater that was on you, it had your chest rumbling with a crone making his eyes slowly open as he looked up at you.
He was completely back.
Your eyes were already on him as he moved his lips up to press against yours, it was slow and soft. Nothing but sleep on his mind as he pulled away. Though the taste of fried pork and rice on your lips had him smiling as he leaned back in. It had you letting out a shuttered breath as his lips pressed a little harder against yours, his arms tightening around your waist as you let your eyes close once again.
Kissing Yoongi felt natural, it was lazy, a bit sloppy but it felt like you had been doing it all your life. Kissing Namjoon was passionate, and the soft kisses between you and Hoseok had all been gentle and full of something you couldn’t quite name. But kissing Yoongi was natural to you, it was like the feeling of warm coffee against your tongue in the cold mornings. His touch was the roughest out of the three, yet his kiss seemed to be the most gentle and it had you almost completely melting into him. He could feel your plush body slacking as your hands fell from his hair, your arms just lazily draped over his shoulders. The feeling of his thumbs rubbing into your hips had you jolting away with a giggle as you watched him lick his lips as you took a deep breath in.
“Tickles.” You mumble, a hazed look on both of your faces as he gave you his own lazy chuckle as his forehead bumps yours softly.
“Sorry doll.” He mumbled, a chill going down your spine at the new nickname. Which he had caught on and made himself a mental check, it had you blinking slowly as you straightened your back. The sound of popping in your shoulders as you straightened out had him smiling as he reached for the chopsticks, shovelling more food into his mouth. “Thank you.”
“For what?” you mumble, dropping your arms from his shoulders making his eyes snap back up at you with a pout on his face. He grabbed your hand and plopped it on to the top of his head. You couldn't help the playful eye roll as he hummed at the feeling of your fingers running through his hair.
“Being there..I know Alphas can be demanding in a drop.” He sheepishly mumbled making you once again roll your eyes. Pulling his hair slightly making him look at you and snap his teeth at you.
“You weren’t in a complete drop. So it wasn't that bad.” you mumble fingers scratching his scalp making his eyes closed as he takes a deep breath in, nodding slightly as you hear the creak of feet on the wooden steps. Looking you see Hoseok's wide eyes, though a smile quickly falls on his face at the sight of the two of you.
“He isn't causing too much trouble is he?” His voice rings out, his words had Yoongi rolling his eyes as his arms wrapped completely around you. Suddenly moving you forward, the feeling of your large thighs skidding across the counter had you letting out yelp as your hands fell from his hair onto his shoulders. Steading yourself as you look at him with wide eyes, his eyes still locked with Hoseoks. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest as you started to take a deep breaths in as you felt his fingers digging into your thighs. You look over your shoulder to see Hoseok already smirking at you as you felt Yoongi's tongue poke out against your cheek making you whine as he playfully snapped his teeth at you when you tried to push him away.
“I can cause all the trouble I want.” His words had Hoseok rolling his eyes, taking a teasing step towards the two of you. Yoongi let out a playful growl, Hoseok giving him one right back, three steps away from the two of you as you suddenly felt Yoongi wrapping your legs around his waist. The movement had you shaking your head as you felt him lift you, it had you gasping. Panicking that he had lifted you off of the counter top. You were too big for that. Even for an Alpha. You knew that. The slight grunt as he lifted you, his hands resting on your ass as you let out a panic whine.
“Put me down.” Your words were on the quiet side at first, sheken as you felt Yoongi struggle holding you up as you tried to push him away. Trying to get down as he started to walk. “I said put me down!” you snapped suddenly feeling your anxiety rises as Yoongi suddenly did just that. Your legs having already been detangled from his waist touch the floor as you push yourself away from the Alpha. Heat on your face had your eyes watering slightly as you saw a worried look cross Yoongi's face.
“Hey, what's wrong?” He mumbled, Hoseok moving with his steps as the two Alpha started to crowd you. You felt the air thicken as you heard someone calling your name, yet everything else sounded like a ringing in your ears. You felt panicked. Your chest was moving up and down, Yoongi's sweater felt too tight. Your hands started stitching it away from your skin as you kept stepping further and further away from the two Alphas. You were mumbling under your breath, words that Yoongi or Hoseok couldn't decipher. Yet they know it pained them as you stumbled into the coffee table making you trip onto the ground. Your body was shaking, your mind was completely hazed as you tried to regain your breath. Hands suddenly were pulling at your hair, your hands were pulling at your hair, the air was thick with your scent. The Alphas in front of you were crouched down, calling your name trying to calm you down so they could figure out what they had done. Was it the growling? The touching? Were they moving too fast? Are you scared of them? As they tried their best to sooth you, you suddenly smelled peaches and cream mixed with pears.
“Alphas stand down!” Namjoons voice called, the order had the Alphas freezing, though they could break the command unlike you or Namjoon could with an Alphas order, they stayed frozen. You felt the command, it had your body shaking as you suddenly felt a hand cup your cheek. Your eyes looked up, they were blown out, completely black. It had Namjoon cursing under his breath making you whine at the tone of the head Omega. The feeling of his thumb rubbing under your eyes had you blinking as you kept shaking and whining. “Omega, what’s wrong?” His words were slow, quiet as he slowly moved, his head pressing against yours as you moved to pull at the sweater again. “Want it off?” His question had you nodding as his hands slowly moved down to the hem of the sweater. The Alpha watched, lips parted as he looked down the back at you, suddenly Namjoon was lifting the sweater off of you. The black tank top you were wearing underneath was slightly lifted, it had your hands instantly rushing to pull it back down as you heard one of the Alphas letting out a breath. Like something clicked in his head.
Once the sweater was off, you were slowly pulled into Namjoons lap. Though you were straddling the Omega, your body was hovering over him, his hands moving to your shoulders and you took a deep breath. Following Namjoons breathing as he looked at you, his nose breathed against your cheek when he tried to push you down on him so the two of you could be flush. Touching each other in ways to bring you back, yet you wouldn’t let him. Your head shaking, tears falling as you tried to push away from him.
“Omega.” Namjoons firm tone had your eyes snapping to him as your hands moved from their place on his chest to around your own chest. Namjoons eyes stayed on yours as you sniffled, and tried to even your breathing, yet you were letting out whines here and there and letting out soft hiccups. Your body had finally stopped shaking, but your mind was still hazy. Feeling Namjoon's hand pushing you against him once again making you shake your head, refusing to unwrap your arms from yourself. “Omega.” Your title falling from his lips had you freezing, eyes looking up as you took a deep breath and shook your head once again, tears falling.
“Too big.” Your words were mumbled, your voice was broken, raspy, and it tore into the three mens chest. It had Namjoon quickly pulling you down so your complete weight was on him, his forehead pushing against yours as you kept repeating the words. The feeling of his hands pulling your arms from around yourself had you whining and shaking your head. The tears, whimpers and the two words falling from your lips had Namjoon moving your arms to wrap around him. His arms wrapping completely around your waist as he pushes himself flush against you. “Too big.” You whined as you moved your arms back in front of you, it had Namjoon shaking his head as you looked at him. Your wide eyes, and parted lips had him whining at you, moving to your scent gland. Suckling at your neck, making you melt against him at the feeling of his teeth nipping softly, and his tongue swirling against your skin. It had your whole mind going blank as your tears turned into hiccups and sniffles.
“Omega, you are perfect.” Namjoon lifted his face from your neck, his eyes on you, the words were simple though they had you melting slightly as you felt one his hand move from your waist though it initially fell back when he saw the panic look on your face. “Love how you look, right Alphas?” Namjoons eyes stayed on you the whole time he was speaking, it had you sucking in a deep breath when you heard soft croons coming from behind you.
“Omega is so beautiful.” Hoseok's low voice rumbled from behind you, it had you slightly jumping as you looked to your right, there was the brown haired Alpha. His eyes were already on you and your body, watching his tongue swiped over his lips as you felt heat flare up. Your ears burning as his sweet minty scent swarmed around the two of you, feeling your back relaxed Yoongi cautiously approached. Crawling on his knees to sit next to Hoseok, you see a sad look in his eyes as he looks at you.
“Omega is just how she needs to be.” Yoongi's voice was smooth when it came out, it soothed you slightly more and it had the Alpha reaching out slowly. “You are beautiful pup, your body is just how it should be.” Namjoon's lips were back suckling at your scent gland, it had your eyes closing as you rested your temple against the top of his head. Your mind slowly unfogging as you felt Yoongi's hand reach up and rub against the other side of your neck. Hoseok's hand resting on the back of Namjoons neck, almost in a scruffing position, the feeling has Namjoon pausing as you feel his breath catch against your skin.
“Joon.” You mumbles softly making him lift his head as you push yourself off of him, removing yourself from the cuddle pile of males. Your eyes rapidly blinking as you take a deep breath in, the men around you had watched as you went from a panic attack that led to a mentally draining drop that clearly you were still processing. You felt exposed. Your arms wrapped back around you as you push yourself against the couch,legs bending up to push your thighs against your stomach. Eyes staring down at the shag carpets as the apartments became silent, it was so silent you could hear every shift of clothing in the room. “Sorry.” You bleat out, your voice was weak and it had you coughing as you took a deep breath in as you heard the three of them rushing out ‘no, don’t be’, all together. It had your nodding as Yoongi moved in front of you, sitting crossed legged in front of you as his hand clasped together as he took a shaky breath in.
“I’m..I'm sorry I picked you up..I should’ve been more considerate and asked for your permission.” His words were thought out, you could tell with how he made sure each word was clear. His eyes were staying on you the whole time, as you slowly nodded taking a deep breath in, slowly uncurling yourself, though you still kept your stomach covered.
“Sorry for freaking out.” You mutter, it had Hoseok shaking his head moving to sit next to Yoongi.
“For what? Your natural instincts?” Hoseok's words had you blinking rapidly as you took another deep breath in. “You trusted us enough to drop to help yourself stop your panic attack. Do you know how big of a change that is from the other day?” Hoseok's voice of reason had you nodding, hand rubbing your eyes as you felt your whole body suddenly become heavy. Exhaustion hit you like a truck. A yawn broke out pasting your lips as you felt your eyes water as you did so, Namjoon softly snorted as you looked over at him.
“Wanna go nest?” Namjoons question had you nodding as you moved to stand up, you stumbled as Yoongi quickly kneeled helping you balance, his head at your hip making your hand land on the top of it. Your fingers braiding through his hair as his body froze, you look back up to Namjoon with tired eyes.
“You build it.” You whined, it had Namjoon nodding as he moved forward and moved to help you move up the stairs.
By the time Namjoon had built a nest around your tried form, your mind was completely there. Processing everything that had happened in the last half hour or so had hit you like a train, it made you shutter at the thought of the way you had flipped out on Yoongi earlier. Feeling a shift next to you, you look over and you feel like someone had their first wrapped around your heart at the way he was looking at you. You turned your head away from him as you buried your head into the pillow it was resting against. You felt his hand land on your thigh, warmth spreading across the muscle as you took a deep breath in.
“How..how’d I do?” He blurted out, he was nervous you could feel it. You slowly leaned onto the heel of your hand as you looked around the bed, the nest was around the same size as it was the other night. Though the sides were lower, not as high as you had them, they were made of pillows and blankets, though the body pillow was on the side closest to you it had you taking in a breath as you nodded and gave him a croon.
“Omega did good.” You mumbled, body flopping back down onto the mattress, wanting to avoid what you had said being brought up at all. Though the feeling of his finger kneading into your sweatpant cover thigh had you shaking your head.
“You know...we like you just how you are right?” His voice cut through the silence that had filled the room, it made you tightly shut your eyes as you shrugged. “I'm being serious here Y/n.”
“Sure, yeah okay.” You muttered, holding your hands close to your chest as you brought your knees closer to your chest. Your words had Namjoon letting out a sigh, feeling his hand grabbing your body rolling you, well trying to, on your back. Though only your upper body slightly moved, it had him grunting in annoyance as he finally got you on your back. His body moving to straddle you as you looked up at him, and he looked down at you.
“You aren’t too big. Not for us.” He cupped your cheeks as he spoke to you, you felt your chest grow tighter as you rapidly tried to blink the tears away. Though they streamed down your face making you huff. “Baby, I'm being serious. You make all three of us so fucking happy, you make my heart beat out of my chest everytime I see you.” He paused as he bent down and pressed a kiss onto the bridge of your nose. “When you walked out of the bathroom this morning, I swear my heart stopped. The way you look when you're tired, or constirating drives me insane.”
“No please, please listen to me. Cause I know we can’t take those insecurities away from you, but we can reassure you that's all they are. They're not true, okay? How ever you think of yourself, or how you think we think of you isn’t true.” His words were coming out in breaths, fanned breaths as you let your hands fall onto the tops of his thighs. “You don't have to tell us what is wrong, not completely. But when you feel anything like this, please, just please come to one of us. Let us hold you, and reassure you that you are just perfect.”
“Perfect is overdoing it.” You mutter out as he shakes his head, the feeling of his weight completely dropping on you had you grunting as his head nuzzled into your neck.
“No, it's just right for how I think of you.”
You woke up to a ringing sound, it had you whining as you peek to see Hoseoks pushing a phone against the side of his face. His eyes were still closed, and his hand resting around your shoulders.
“Hello.” His morning voice growled out, it made you snuggle closer to his side, Yoongi pressed to your back and Namjoon was behind him. The three switched the positioning around after you had fallen asleep last night. “Who is this?” Hoseok's question had you tightening your hold around his waist when suddenly the phone was pressed against your ear.
“What the fuck Hoseok?” You growled, when familiar laughter had your eyes snapping open as one of your hands reaches up to steady the phone against the side of your face. “Bam why?” You whined looking to see Hoseok had thrown his now free arm over his face, a small ghost of a smile on his face.
“Are you being fucked? Seriously and you didn't tell me?” Bambams voice calls out, making you whine as Yoongi's arms tighten around you though you mumble under your breath at the movement.
“Seriously, why this early?”
“Omega Coffee date sundays.” The three words had you snapping up, making the two Alphas growl Yoongi's body snapping up next to yours as he looked around as if he was looking out for danger. Your hand reaches over to calm the Alpha down,his hands latch onto your arm as you look at him, his eyes blow out as they move around looking.
“Sorry, go back to sleep.” You whisper, it has him huffing as he slams back onto the bed you hear Hoseok snorting, next to you as you take a deep breath in as you hear Bambam laughing. “Oh shut up.”
“What? Did you scare one of your boys or something?”
“Again shut up, I’ll be there in like thri-wait come get my ass.” You mutter, your hand rubbing against your eyes as you hear Bambma muttering under his breath. “Say it to my face.” You grunt making Bamba let out another laugh.
“Why doesn't that Omega of yours?”
“I don't think he drives.” You say yawning as you hear him chuckle again.
“Fucking hell.”
“Just another friend I have to pick up.” Your eyes snap open, a soft smile on your face at the small comment from your friend. It had you look over to see Namjoon rubbing his face as you blink slowly at the slowly waking Omega.
“What he invited or something?”
“Of course, an Omega of yours is gonna be an Omega of mine.” Bambams words had you crooning, making him croon back as you see Namjoons eyes open as he looks at you. “Send me the address and I’ll come get you guys.”
“Sounds like a plan, Bam.”
“Hate you.” He hangs up with a laugh making you sniffle as blink as you look at Namjoons and give him large toothy smiles.
“Wanna get coffee with my friends and me?” You mumble as he sits up, the Alpha between the two of your grunts making you and Namjoon give eachother wide eyes as you move to try and get out of the bed. Though your feet somehow got wrapped in the blankets making you fall on top of Hoseok. Panic enters your system as you hear him grunt, his eyes opening as you mean out slightly as his arms wrap around you. “I'm so sorry, that must've hurt.” You mumble, his eyes looking at you softly as he sees the inscrities hidden in your words. His hand moves to cup your face as he lifts his head up and presses his lips against yours, the soft kiss has your eyes closing as you pull away. He gives you a large smile as you move and hides your face into his neck.
“It didn't hurt, it just surprised me.” He reassured you, making you nod as you looked to see Namjoon wandering into the bathroom. “So..coffee?” His words were a hidden question as you moved to roll off of Hoseok to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Sorry, omegas only.” You had a teasing smile on your face as you looked over your shoulder. The look on Hoseok's face was soft, a pout forming on his lips as his finger pokes at your hip making you huff as he puckers his lips at you. Rolling your eyes, bend down and press a soft kiss against his lips once more, when Namjoon wonders back out you pull away and rush to the bathroom.
You couldn’t wait for coffee.
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
For What It’s Worth (Old ver.)
(a.k.a Green has a not so great time)
- An AvM Mad King AU! Fanfic
Written by Sammy8D257
Word Count: 4.4k Words
CW: Derealization, Disassociation, Manipulation, Scratching, descriptions of an Anxiety Attack
Summary: After getting invited to King Purple’s castle in the End, Green thought his day was going good. And then he got knocked upside the head by a weird looking Enderman and his day got worse.
[NEW Version on Ao3!]
Green was not having a great time right now. 
In fact, this time was decidedly the very opposite, of a great time. 
To think it all started when Purple practically dragged him and Red to the End Portal. The king stick sounded so excited about a new creature appearing at their End Castle. This creature was called an Endersent (when asked why it was named that, Purple ignored the question). It looked like someone took an Enderman, doubled its forehead size, made it somehow even taller, and then gave it cinderblocks for hands. 
Red said it looked amazing. Green agreed…
For about 5 minutes.
Since, despite King, Mango MT (he still wasn't used to referring to him by his name) corralling the End mob and despite it being in the presence of Purple (the look in their eye when they stopped the first Endermen attack against him and Red, still sent chills down his spine), the endersent decided it would be a great idea to lash out at the things closest to it. And one of those things happened to be a stick figure named Green.
So yeah, Green was having, a pretty awful time.
There was a ringing sensation in his head and Green was sure that he had his eyes shut. How else would you explain the darkness around him?
Dimly, Green could make out the sounds of people talking, or rather, arguing. Whoever they are, they sounded like they were warped and waddling through syrup. He groaned (since when did his voice get all echo-y?). All this noise was making his headache worse. Don’t they know it’s rude to disrupt an injured patient’s sleep? He’s gonna tell them to shut up.
 Green opened his eyes. Or, at least tried to. To be more accurate, Green opened(?) his eyes and his vision came back like a crossfade transition in a movie. He was standing in a large room. Obviously still within the End Castle if the end stone and purpur blocks were to go by. In front of him stood a shape, their edges were fuzzy like some took Orange’s blur pen and swiped it across the figure. Their mouth, at least he thinks it's their mouth, was moving yet he couldn't make out the sound. Green shook his head. The ringing dipped into a low buzz seemingly centered in the middle of his forehead. 
Green groaned.
“-sir if you would just listen-”
“Don’t interrupt me,” Green said. 
Wait. Green said? Green said what? Green didn’t say anything-
“I gave you ONE job,” Green(?) seethed. Why was he so mad? Who was he even talking to? Green(?) threw his hands in the air. “Only one job for today and you can’t even do that right?!”
The blurred figure sharpened into long orange limbs and dark tired eyes. MT. 
Useless. Pathetic. Coward. 
The words whispered across Green's mind. Huh? Whose voice was that? It sounded familiar but it certainly wasn't his own.
Awful. Tyrant. All he does is cause harm.
Yeah. MT does suck. Green couldn't argue with that. 
"Because of your negligence, someone got hurt," Green(?)'s mouth said on its own. "Someone always gets hurt when you’re involved.”
Hurt. Hurt? Who got hurt? Did someone get hurt? Green got hurt but if Green was the one speaking right now, that would mean someone else got hurt? Right? (That’s how that worked right? Green couldn’t be in two places at once. Right?)
“I’m so disappointed,” Green said. The buzz at the center of his forehead pulsed. An angry feeling started to form and swell in his chest. Images of how King MT, wronged him in the past burst forward to the front of his mind.
“I’m so disappointed in you,” Green said.
Watching MT scheme with Purple to steal the Minecraft Icon. (Where did Purple go? Shouldn’t they be here?)
“I thought you were doing so well,” Green’s voice sounded weird in his own ears.
Getting thrown into a cell. Being separated from his friends. (Where’s Red? Is he okay?)
“You were being nice. You were being helpful.” Venom and spit were dripping from his words. 
The Nether Portal breaking, blocking him from returning to his castle. (Castle? Whose castle?)
“Was it all a trick? Were you lying to me?” Green could feel his sharp, sharp nails create crescent moons in his palms. 
Betrayal. Betrayal. Lies. Lies. Anger. Anger? Disgust. Confusion. I hate you. I hate you? I Hate You.
 “Again?” The voice that came from his mouth was icy. Green watched MT flinch back. He looked anxious, scared even. Green furrowed his brow. Why is MT scared?
“I- I, no! I haven’t, I’m not!” The ex-king pleaded. “Please, you have to understand-”
Green held up a purple hand to silence him. “I don’t want to hear your excuses. I-”
Wait. WAIT. Purple hand? 
That’s not- wait- HUH??
Green (Purple?) stumbled backward, bringing his (their?) purple, purple hands to the front. He could feel the weight of Purple’s elytra (his elytra?) on his shoulders and the heavy, heavy pressure of the crown on his head. How did he not notice that?
For a split second, both the buzzing and the words in his head went silent before the buzzing came back with triple the intensity. At that same moment, the words screamed, driving back the buzzing to a manageable level.
Green’s mind hurt. It felt like someone took a bat and played baseball with it. All he could do was shut his eyes (are these his eyes?) and groan. 
“My liege…?”
Purple eyes (Green assumed they were purple) shot open. Oh. That’s right. MT is still here. Green (Purple) squinted at the stick figure in front of them. 
"I…" What was Green supposed to say? I'm not supposed to be here? Here as in the body (mind?) of your boss? Is any of this even real? Maybe Green is just dreaming. Yeah, that makes much more sense.
"You are dismissed," his mouth said without permission. "We will discuss your actions again later. Leave now before I make your punishment worse." 
At the sound of Purple's words (not Green's words, Green never said anything) MT nervously bowed and fled the room. 
As the door clicked shut, Green, Purple, someone let out a frustrated scream. Purple, purple hands gripped at purple, purple arms, and sharp, sharp nails sunk into trembling, trembling flesh. 
He should stop. He should stop this right? Blue always told him if someone was having a panic attack, he should try to calm them down using grounding techniques. Is this a panic attack? Is Purple having a panic attack? Is Green having a panic attack? How do you ground someone while you’re also freaking out?
At some point, the body must have picked itself off the ground and stumbled its way into a bathroom because suddenly, Green was staring face-to-face with Purple. A mirror was the only thing separating them.
Purple eyes tainted with a toxic green stared back. Since when did Purple have green eyes? It… wasn’t always like that, right? The Purple in the mirror stared at their face, their purple-green eyes searching for something.
What were they searching for?
The eyes focused, staring past the mirror, past the reflection. They were staring at him.
Green (Purple) shivered and his reflection frowned.
“What are you doing?” Purple’s voice echoed in the empty room.
“I don’t…” Green echoed back in the same voice. 
Purple, purple hands gripped the edges of the sink and sharp, sharp teeth ground down into each other. The buzzing grew in intensity. 
Purple-green eyes stared into purple-green eyes. Heavy breaths escaped from the mouth.
“I don’t know who you are but you don’t belong here.”
Green’s breath caught in Purple’s throat. I don’t know who- What? How do they not…
“Purple-” Purple recoiled from the mirror. Whatever Green had planned to say next died on Purple’s tongue as a wave of ringing slammed into him.
Purple stumbled back to the mirror, face furious and scared. The ringing increased. Purple slammed their purple, purple hands on the sides of the mirror.
“How do you know my name.”
Shouting, they were shouting. Desperate and loud but Green could barely hear it. A ringing was surrounding him. It felt wrong. This was wrong.
Purple, purple hands gripped at their face. Sharp, sharp teeth gnashed as they spoke.
Sharp, sharp nails raked down Purple’s face, leaving dark purple lines in its wake.
Green couldn’t talk, couldn’t think. The purple-green eyes were staring at him. Something was staring at him. His vision was tunneling. The ringing was getting louder-
A snap.
Green’s vision blurred then darkened.
He felt light. Was he floating?
Everything felt muddled. The noise in his head tapered into a dull throb.
Green blinked slowly. The purple reflection stared back at him. He could see their lips moving. He didn’t feel his own lips move.
“Wh_ _r_ y__?”
Green shook his head and the reflection stayed still. Confused, purple eyes watched his movements. Everything felt blurred and fuzzy.
“H_y ar_ _o_ o__y?”
The reflection reached a purple hand across. Green full-body flinched, jolting backward. His back hit the floor with a thud as he fell from the stool.
Stool? What? Green stared at the wooden ceiling above him. His thoughts slowly gather and reorganize themselves back in his head. 
Ceiling. Wood. Oak.
Floor. Stone. Cobblestone.
Sound. Crackling. Fireplace.
Sound. Words. Someone’s talking?
Someone was talking to him. Slowly, Green turned his head away from the ceiling to look at the source of the voice. Kneeling above him was a very frantic and concerned-looking Purple. 
Green didn’t think reflections had this range of motion.
Purple made a face. 
“You must have hit your head harder than I thought if you think I’m your reflection.” Green watched as Purple reached a slow hand under his green, green arm and helped him into a sitting position. 
Huh. Did he say that out loud?
Green looked down at his lap. Green, green flesh meets his eyes.
Huh. Okay.
A hand on his shoulder snapped Green out of his thoughts. Purple was looking at him apologetically.
“Hey, sorry for startling you,” The purple stick figure smiled sheepishly as they retracted their hand. “That was my bad. Would you like to sit back at the table?”
Green followed Purple’s arm as they gestured towards the table they were both just sitting at. It was a simple table. Oak, just like the ceiling but it was cozy and looked handmade. Beside it were four wooden stools, all made of the same oak (except for one which had a leg made out of birch). The stool nearest to him was knocked over.
"You good?" Purple was looking at him expectantly. "Did you… want to stay on the floor?"
Green blinked then cleared his throat. "No, no. Sitting at the table is fine. I…"
Man, it was weird hearing his own voice.
"I'm okay. Uh… sorry about the… stool?"
For a moment, green eyes stared into purple before Purple burst out into airy laughter. Green thought they sounded like bells. When was the last time he heard Purple laugh like this?
Purple stood up and offered their hand to help Green. "I'm sure if the stool was alive, it'd appreciate the apology. Now, how about I make you some tea as my apology?"
Green could only blink and nod his head. With a soft grin, Purple pulled the fallen stick up and bent down again to readjust the stool. 
With a satisfied nod, Purple walked past the table. "Alright, you get comfy and I'll start the tea! Do you like mint?"
"What- Oh! Uh, yes!" Green responded hastily as he sat down. Purple sent him one more concerned look before turning and searching through their cupboards. 
With everything calmed down, (seriously what was that? Was it all a dream? And if it was, then where is this?) Green took a moment to observe his surroundings. 
It was a one-room cabin, very similar in style to the old villager houses. The walls and ceiling were oak planks with logs as support beams and cobblestone-lined the floors. A crackling fireplace was centered into the wall to the right of Green. It cast warm shadows on a simple purple bed tucked into the right-most corner. In front of it, was an array of purple and magenta carpets, forming a nice little rug on the floor. Glancing behind him, Green could see a spruce door centered in between two windows. It looks dark outside. (Was it night?)
On the wall closest to Green, nearby the entrance were two large chests, a crafting table, a furnace, and an anvil. Finally, in the corner across from where he sat was a small kitchen. It wasn’t a lot. Just a few stacked chests to mimic cabinets, two more furnaces standing side-by-side, an upside-down staircase for a counter, a magma cube with a fairly new-looking kettle on top, and another chest in the ground surrounded by ice. Along the walls, a few torches were placed to light up the room. 
Overall, the cabin was simple but nice. A perfect little home for anyone starting out. Purple did a good job on it. Speaking of…
Green turns his attention back to the stick figure in the kitchen. Everything that’s been happening has been centered around them. They had to be the cause or at least be partly responsible, right? There was no other way.
The stick figure at the table narrowed his eyes. The longer Green watched Purple, the more confused he got. Purple… Purple was acting weird. They seemed more energetic but also relaxed? They seemed, genuinely happy. Huh. He tried to remember a time when Purple was this content.
Not only that, as Green observed Purple closer, they also looked different. Whatever stress lines and eye bags that usually littered their face were gone. Without everything, they looked almost, younger. 
The kettle whistling signaled the water was done boiling and Green watched as Purple carefully poured the steaming liquid into two mugs. Then the stick placed the kettle on the counter and headed back to the table, a mug in each hand.
“Sorry your mug is a little bigger than usual,” Purple sent Green a sheepish look as they placed it down in front of him. “I usually don’t get many guests, so you’ll have to use my friend’s mug. Don’t worry. I don’t think he’ll mind much.”
The mug in front of Green was a pastel orange color and large. Decently larger than the lilac-colored mug held in Purple’s hand. 
Friend’s mug. Green didn’t want to think about that implication and instead focused on the steaming beverage. It smelled like mint but it tasted like nothing. 
“So!” Purple clasped their hands together. “I know you probably have some questions and I certainly do, so how about we do it like this? I ask a question then you answer, and then you ask a question and I answer? How about tha-”
“Where am I? How did I get here?” 
“Okay well that’s two questions and I was actually going to go first but, whatever, it’s fine,” Purple chuckled into their mug. “To answer your first question, you’re in my house. The answer your second question, I have no idea.”
The purple-colored stick vaguely gestured to the room. “One minute I was alone in here and the next, BOOM! You’re sitting like a statue at my table. So honestly, your guess is as good as mine.”
Green frowned down at his tea. That wasn’t the answer he was expecting. “Hmmm…”
Purple took another drink. “For my question, this might be a little weird but… have I seen you somewhere? You look vaguely familiar but I don’t think I’ve ever met a green stick figure before.”
“Wait, what?” Green stared at Purple in shock, searching their purple eyes for any sign of trickery. All he found was genuine curiosity. Still, there was no way Purple didn’t recognize him. “Are you serious? You don’t know who I am? I’m Green!”
Purple brought a hand with short nails to scratch at the side of their neck. “I’m sorry. I really don’t. The only other stick figure I know is named Mango and you certainly don’t look like him. Are you sure you’re not just mistaking me for someone else?”
Green furrowed his brow. “Your name is Purple right?”
Said stick figure seemed taken aback. “I- Yes it is. How did you know my name?”
“You must have…” Green hummed a frustrated noise. Must have… must have what? Lost their memory? That would explain why they don’t recognize him but that hardly explains anything else! But currently, that was the only explanation Green had.
“You must have lost your memory or something.”
Purple stared at Green, confusion clear on their face. “That… doesn’t make sense-”
“Okay, so you don’t remember me, but do you remember Red?” Green said quickly interrupting Purple. There was no way they didn’t remember anything. “What about Blue? Yellow? Orange? Do you remember playing League of Legends?”
“I don’t know who any of those people are. And, and I’ve heard of League of Legends but I’ve never played it…” Purple’s face was creased with stress and worry. 
“What about your Villagers?” Green pressed. The Villagers were Purple’s pride and joy. If they didn’t remember the other sticks, they must remember their villagers.
Purple looked even more confused. Their purple, purple eyes started darting around the room anxiously. “Villagers? Do you mean from Minecraft? From this game?” 
Purple, purple hands tapped nervously on their mug. “I think they’re pretty cool but I’ve never really interacted with a lot of them and certainly not enough to call them my own.”
Green wanted to scream. This didn’t make sense. If not their villagers then what else?
“Your castle! Do you remember your castle?” Green said frantically. 
Purple burst out into slightly hysterical-sounding laughter. “A castle? What are you TALKING about? Did you hit your head hard enough to get a concussion? I’ve never had a castle in my life!”
The other side of the table went silent. Purple, purple eyes slowly blinked.
“The End…?”
Green stood up from the table. If he was calm, he might have noticed how the torch lights flicked and the temperature dropped. But he didn’t.
The torches flickered faster. Purple, purple hands gripped so, so tight around the mug. But in his frustrated tirade, Green didn’t notice. He didn’t notice.
The mug in Purple’s hand shattered as the light from all the torches extinguished with a hiss, leaving the room bathed in the light from the fireplace. 
Green stared at the stick figure in front of him. Purple was hyperventilating. Their purple, purple eyes stared terror-stricken into his green. For a second there was silence.
Before Purple gripped at their head and screamed. Their form flickered. A simple three-peaked golden crown drifted in and out of existence on top of their head. Green took a step back, horrified.
What? WHAT?
The flickering Purple’s form solidified with the crown Green was certain he’d seen so many years ago placed firmly atop their head. The beginnings of black rings were forming under their eyes. 
Purple lunged across the table at Green, taking advantage of his shock to grab him by the shoulders. Green winced at the desperate grip. Purple’s hands felt as cold as a corpse.
“Listen to me, you have to get out. You can’t be here.” Purple’s words were rushed and panicked. Green could only stare down at the trembling stick figure.
“Purple- Purple what? What are you talking about? What’s going on?!” Green tried to ask but the crowned stick only shook their head. Their form flickering again.
“There’s no time. You have to leave now.”
The cabin shook and shifted. Red nether brick began climbing up the oak walls. Purple’s form solidified with a normal-looking elytra strapped to their back and the golden crown disappearing. 
With strength Green didn’t know Purple had, they dragged him towards the doorway. The room shook again. The nether bricks disappeared and end stone and purpur took their place. A sharp r i n g i n g filled the air.
Purple flung to door open. There was nothing past the doorway. Only black void. Green desperately tried to dig his heels into the flooring to stop his movement but Purple kept him moving until he was right at the edge. His back felt cold as he turned to face them.
They looked sad and Green watched as their form started to flicker once more. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Purple eyes stared into green. A regal crown began to take shape on top of their head.
“But for what it’s worth,” Green’s breath caught in his throat. The shape of an eye was forming in the crown.
“I’m glad I met you.”
A simple push and Green was falling.
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Green woke up to the sounds of an argument. 
“I did. I couldn’t have known the endersent would react that way towards your presence.”
“I am more than aware of how my end creatures look. If you would just…”
Yeah. Green had enough of whatever this conversation was. With a groan, Green sat up.
Oh. Oooouuuuggh. Okay. O W.
Green immediately regretted doing that because it made his skull throb in dull agony. But whatever conversation was happening before went silent. So mission accomplished?
Green slowly peeled his eyes open. Where was he this time? Before he could even look around, a blur of red filled his vision.
“GREEN! ARE YOU OKAY?” Green winced and Red looked apologetic as he spoke in a much softer voice. “Sorry! Sorry! You’re probably still all banged up. You took a huge punch from that endersent thingie. It was actually quite impressive. I bet if you held up your arms in a guard-block position near your head, you could’ve protected it better. Oh but then if you did that, your arms would have gotten messed up and I know how much you like using your arms. Hmm maybe you could have- ”
Red was rambling. He always did this when he’s worried. Green chuckled. His chest hurt a bit from the action but that didn’t stop him from pulling Red into a hug. 
“Oh! Oh! Sorry. I’m rambling again, aren’t I? That’s probably the last thing you want to do to a person who probably has like 5 different concussions. I don’t know. Blue’s better at medical stuff-”
“I’m glad you’re concerned about my potential concussions.” Green joked into Red’s shoulder. Red said something back but Green didn’t catch it. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Purple, gem and eye-encrusted crown and all, staring at the two of them with an unreadable expression. Green could see faint line marks down their cheeks and crescent moon-shaped indents in the purple flesh of their forearms. If he had to guess, those indents would also be present on their palms.
Holding Red a little tighter, Green whispered carefully into his ear as the red stick kept talking.
“I need to tell you something. Not now though,” A careful glance at Purple. “I’ll tell you when we’re alone.”
Only the tightening of Red’s arms gave Green any indication that he heard him. The injured stick figure sighed and slowly released the other. 
Purple-green eyes stared into green.
Purple bowed slightly. “My sincerest apologies. I didn’t intend for this day to end up like this. I have already informed my clerics to help heal you in any way you deem fit once you feel well enough to travel back to the Overworld.”
Straightening back up, Purple continued. “You’re welcome to stay in my room for as long as you need to before you head back.”
Green could only stare. Images of a Purple screaming, a Purple yelling, a Purple happy, a Purple making tea, all these images sat at the back of Green’s mind. There was no way any of that was real… but, but it had to be. Right? He didn’t know.
The lack of response must have been getting to them because Purple spoke again. 
“Ah, I’ll just. I’ll just be going then.”
“Wait-” Green suddenly found his voice again. “Where are you going?”
Purple looked off to the side. An unreadable expression adorned their face. “I have some business I need to attend to.”
The words left Green’s mouth before he could stop them.
“For what it’s worth, seeing that enderman thing was pretty cool.”
For a brief second, Purple looked at him with a confused yet curious look that filled Green with nostalgia. Then it was gone and Purple simply nodded and left the room. 
With a sigh, Green flopped back on the bed, dragging Red down with him. 
“What was THAT?” Red said muffled into the pillows. Green only shook his head.
“I’ll tell you later, just…” Despite being asleep (probably, maybe, honestly who knows) Green still felt exhausted. “Just give a few more minutes and then we can go back.”
Red hummed in agreement and settled more into the soft bed.
Green carefully closed his eyes. His head hurt. So much had happened and yet… He shook his head. Trying to understand... whatever that was, was a job for future him without a headache to deal with.
And as his mind drifted away to the lands of the unconscious, he thought about purple eyes turning green.
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