#types of clause
sanjay-singh · 1 year
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cantheykillmacbeth · 9 months
yugo from yugioh arc v could kill macbeth
Yes, Yugo from Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V could kill Macbeth!
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Being an incarnation of Z-ARC after his soul was split by Ray Akaba that become its own separate person, he applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause and possibly Birth Parent Clause depending on which of the two aforementioned you credit his creation to (Z-ARC being male and Ray being female).
Thank you for your submission!
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Challenges? Do tell what the nurse would be witnessing if Tarn was less isolated from the rest of the Deceptacons. Say Tarn and the DJD were transferred to the Nemisis or the Peaceful Tyranny crash on Earth trying to pick Megatron.
If mandatory meetings in the "office" were a thing, the DJD needed to haul ass to wherever Megatron planned it, then Nickel and the Camien wouldn't appreciate the finer points of 'con culture, especially with their dumpster-fire of a healthcare system that really needs fixing before they crash and explode.
Hook, a perfectionist he may be, has his own filing system that's a monstrosity that could give Tarn pointers.
As a Camien, you're no stranger to challenges, and you expected similar bouts, albeit more violent, especially with similar struggles over resources.
You didn't expect the gratuitous gore to come with sheer waste of everything and no common sense on preventative measures.
You and Nickel have been "spoiled" by the DJD's solid teamwork, which is a far different direction from the rest of the troops. It's "every mech for himself" taken to an extreme competitive sport level or something to bring corporate tears to the patron of billionares.
You thought Tarn's weirdness was just him. Apparently, Decepticons are a bunch of extreme weirdos on a pain and gore scale.
Funnily enough, more rumors would arise should this happen, you will become a legend, a cryptid, a powerful entity of unimaginable force, you're only trapped and impeded by a standard frame and back-to-back carriages. (Which is another another mindfuck for the faction since it's Tarn's.) Otherwise, what other miracles or monstrosities would happen, especially under the DJD...
You (and Nickel) managed to update Overlord's medical files, including his firewalls, hardware testing, oil change, rust checks, and all the finicky and little, yet important things that keep a mecha running smooth and healthy.
And with it, you get Overlord's attention, and Tarn isn't pleased at all.
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hell-raven · 5 months
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jenniiiiiiiii · 5 months
The fact that tumblr does not let me write commas in tags is a fucking travesty. How should I, a lover of run-on sentences and way too many clauses, express myself otherwise? I am reduced to using dashes and incorrect semicolons like a common pleb!
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safyresky · 3 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 9/52: Jacquie's term as Jack Frost in the Santa Clauses.
Yeah, you heard me right! I am stepping my toes into the series with my beloved blorbos. ME! WHO HAS NOT STOPPED COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW BAD THE SERIES IS!
Lore/musings and pre-edited scrimbly under the cut!
Right, so here's what's going on with Jack and the Frosts in tscs, and why Jacquie is ROCKING this fit. I will try to be succinct:
Jack thaws, changes, reunites with the fam, blah blah blah. Santa's very untrusting and this does not change, and I think maybe the events of CS happen the same way but Santa is a HUGE DICK the ENTIRE TIME.
Blah, blah, Pyros happens, yadda yadda, things go on and Santa just keeps getting worse--refuses to see that Jack has changed, starts saying boomer-esque things in Council meetings, to the point where every Council member can't stand him--and Jack gets the brunt of it
He complains to the fam. Winter and Blaise are like, we do NOT fuck with this Santa guy. Jacqueline is ready to throw down the more Jack tells her about things he says/does at meetings
She's like "Jack. Jack. Please. Let me at him. PLEASE."
Jack's like "We'll file that away for later."
Finally Jack has HAD it, he is too cute and pretty and has worked far too hard for this ABUSE to be levelled at him at the hands of Santa Claus. He's worth it! He knows when to take care of HIMSELF. This is a TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT and he will NOT be having ANY MORE OF IT
He steps tf down, Jacqueline takes over, and she is FERAL. She's WORSE than Jack. She makes things a NIGHTMARE for Santa. I have a whole THING planned for how s2 goes with her in Jack's place >:3
And THAT is what's going on here! Jacqueline has stepped up and is ready to THROW DOWN WITH SANTA who is wholly, wholly unprepared
The vest IS JACK'S! She steals it from him! (Santa thinks the vest works the way the Santa jacket does. Jacqueline does not correct him. In fact, she spins a terrifying tall tale of how she killed her predecessor for the spot and took the vest off his slushy, dead, body. Jack thinks it's gd hilarious. Santa is fear.jpeg)
Her hair is still snowy but with more blue and is POOFIER. It is constantly tangled/windswept. POOF BABY.
Speaking of poof: apparently it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Jacqueline to NOT wear poofy sleeves. Idk why. SO! Poof sleeve dress shirt! I used to have one just like it and I MISS it, it was so elegant~
Skirt is FIT AND FLARE BABY! Or skater skirt style. She thought of bringing back the pencil skirt and went "fuck that", she needs to MOVE and GROOVE
BIKE SHORTS! I am so sorry everyone who has done Jacquie art for this lil fact I'm about to drop on you all: she wears BIKE SHORTS under her dresses and skirts ALL THE TIME. Stops chafing and if she does a flip she's not worried about flashing people, and they are way more comfy than LEGGINGS. Cold doesn't bug her, anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(She is also prone to overheating easily. Summer sprite blood, everyone expects; I think she's just got too much energy all the time and it keeps her warm)
I did not draw them BUT with this cool work casual ish fit, she still wears her worn grimy leather boots. She's truly the messiest icon.
GREAT friends with the rest of the Claus fam btw; but NOT Scott. And the more she hears from his fam, the angrier she gets lol
AH I am SO EXCITED to unleash this design on y'all. I have been thinking about tscs!cs NON STOP this month! NON STOP! Also, February appears to be the month of FASHION JACQUELINE scrimbles, lol
I tried a lil something different with the hair! Did the messy lines in a light blue then went over it with my very light blue almost white watercolour marker. I like it!
Jack's vest is SO low cut tbh, WILDIN. Very excited when I saw that I DID have a metallic silver prismacolour pencil crayon! It looks GREAT on the VEST and it SHOWED UP IN THE PHOTO! I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD! :D
Very proud of her hands!! And the way the watercolours worked on her glowy magic hand was AMAZING. I cackled the entire time I coloured this post lining it >:)
Anyway that's all the ramblies for this scrimbly for now. I have a bunch of other silly doods for this lil au? ??? ??? of sorts??? I uh, I prepped for this scrimbly unintentionally. Just started doodling the scenes in my head from this version of cs, so there's some funny lil scrimbles coming your way, eh. Thursday? We'll see! I have one more I NEED to draw out then I will be at peace.
Or I'm a big ol' liar and I will 100% write this whole thing and wake up 100k words later very confused.
Anyway, take the non-edited scrimble! I have yet to find a bright enough place in my house OR at work to take a decent photo of art without shadow or fucky lighting. Ah well. Maybe one day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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urfavhasnpd · 1 month
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Wilhelm von Clausewitz Halcyon HISUIMARU from Len'en Project has npd!
requestested by @magicalmelancholy-blog1
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Inspired by a cut tangent I had on my previous post.
I may not necessarily follow the result but I'd appreciate the data.
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okay I am so confused. how does the Ashfur clause work?
It is confusing. Its partially based on vibes. Here are the steps:
1) a character that was of woman born dies. Their soul leaves their body
2) a different, living character is of woman born
3) only bodies can be of woman born. Souls are neutral
4) character 1, a ghost or other thing with possession power, no longer counts as woman born. This is because they have shed their body.
5) character 1 possesses character 2. Because character 1 no longer counts as of woman born, while they are in control of the vessel, they can kill Macbeth using the same principle as the Orion Clause. They are separate enough to qualify, despite the vessel.
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tswwwit · 2 years
Ha yeah the first thing I did when getting here was devour all the snippets and asks I could get my grubby hands on! But thanks I will probably be rereading them later.
Ahhh where to START? There's so much to say that they've all tripped over each other lmao. Hm.
Ooh right I'm so excited abt the axolotl reveal!! NGL I thought it would have been bills ex or something which also reminds me- are there any points in time that dipper gets jealous/possessive of bill?
Writing something with jealous/possessive Dipper is on my list of 'things to get to when I have some time', 'cause I'm also a fan of the concept! I'm pretty sure it's happened in canon, I just need to come up with the most Amusing Scenario to write a one-shot for it.
And have some time for said one-shot. Bill vs Bill is killing me here.
#Like I'm enjoying writing it but I wasn't kidding about it going over 10k#I'm hovering close to 9 and I'm approaching the end but it's gonna be a bit#Some of these sections have been really >:(#But I shall Persevere#As for Jealous Dipper well#Bill's a charming guy when he chooses to be to manipulate someone#There exists a scenario where he's trying to charm the pants off of someone (Metaphorically not sexily)#And Dipper knows it's all bullshit but he's just getting more and more on edge#Until he's finally like 'okay that's enough let's go'#Hauls Bill away#There exists also a scenario where someone catches wind of Bill's Ultimate Power Providing#And like traps him in a demon circle or something#Trying to make a deal to get what Dipper's getting#Bill all being like 'whoa there you are *not* my type'#'I already got a contract signed and there's a no-compete clause'#Not that this theoretical demon-power-pursuer gets what he's implying#Congrats Dipper you get to save the demon in.... well not distress. Bill's just bored and annoyed#But I bet he overhears some things that make him go like >:O#Someone trying to get MY husband??? They couldn't handle him anyway and Bill's not into them but#HOW DARE#Internally anyway Dipper wouldn't I think recognize the emotion as possessiveness#All he knows is that he's mad and it's not at Bill but really how does anyone think that bonding with Bill is a GOOD idea#Except for Dipper. Dipper gets all of it because he's smart and can handle it and Bill likes him and it goes *both* ways#BILL would absolutely see it for what it is and boy would he be amused
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Santa and the Elves have this magical dust that makes humans forget about their encounters with the non-human world.  Okay, that’s cool.  Neat idea.  Never mind that they called it ‘Angel Dust’ so that they could make a joke, and not gonna lie, I chuckled a bit.
The problem with this dust?  If they always had it, why would Scott have needed Sandman to come along and put Carol’s parents to sleep so that they would think the journey to the North Pole was a dream?  Why would the Elves have all had to hide their ears and pretend that the North Pole was Canada?  In the flashback, Santa #17 casually states that he ‘dusted’ young Scott to make him forget about meeting Santa.   So, this ‘Angel Dust’ is a new idea, but it’s problematic.  It’s not a new invention of the Elves, it’s something that’s always been around, and this creates plot holes galore.
If it’s that simple to make the humans forget about these encounters, and if outside help (Sandman) wasn’t needed, then that negates the whole Secret of Santa plot, and the third movie itself.  And since Scott referenced Jack in that not-so-nice ‘frozen lunatic’ comment, we know the third movie happened in their timeline.  Santa could have just brought Carol’s parents up, let them see the North Pole as it was, let them visit with their daughter, and if necessary he could have wiped their memories afterwards.  
The Council isn’t in the series, and I think that is a good move.  They needed something other than sleep sand to make people forget (not that that’s what Sandy’s sand does, but it serves a similar purpose here), and it’s not a bad idea...except that it just doesn’t work, continuity-wise.
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tcpdog · 1 year
on that note, Team Rocket absolutely loansharks and I'd bet at least 10-20% of their members, esp grunts, owe some amount of money to them... also bet that they function similarly to a pyramid scheme of sorts, in that they find ways to keep debtors in debt to them if they can.
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psuedox · 1 year
clause im sorry to say that kurohebi is emo/j
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dopaminegyro · 1 year
ok. dont uh. dont play a nuzlocke when ur tired. did so much bad shit in just an hour that im just starting over from my last save idgaf
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r4bbitdragon · 2 years
if sougo wasn’t stupid in a very specific way he would have been normal
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kartoshinki · 2 years
also i've come to the conclusion that my career as 18th century prussian jurist isn't worth reading this much fraktur so let's all forget about that
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