#typically for some emotionally resonant reason
starbuck · 9 months
not to moralize fiction (and i mean that unironically) but, as a trans person, when a character has a distinct birth name and chosen name and people opt to call them their birth name, i DO take notice of that and that it’s generally cis people who do it.
again, this isn’t me actually making any sort of moral judgement, i just think it’s interesting how chosen names are more likely to be inherently respected as sacred by trans people due to our real life experiences.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
The Ride or Die Drama Couples List
So the other night I got a little sassy on main because some of the girlies were complaining that King the Land is focusing more on the couple moments (aka relationship development) between Gu Won and Sa Rang and doesn’t have enough plot. Which is a very typical fandom complaint about romcoms that I absolutely hate, because in a good romance the relationship is the plot, people! It’s bizarre attitudes like this that get us random murder plots spliced into every other romcom for the ratings, and I am begging y’all to stop the madness. 
Ahem. Anyway, that post seemed to resonate with some folks and get them discussing other dramas, and so inevitably @troubled-mind wandered into my notes and said gee Shan, it seems like maybe you should make a list of dramas that show us couples in a relationship and explore how they make it work and ultimately stay together. And I’ve warned y’all before, if you make a stray comment in my direction there will be a list coming your way. So here I am again, doing the absolute most.
Today I present to you a list of my favorite dramas that show you not only how the couple gets together, but also how they stay together. Criteria:
The couple doesn’t have to be together when the drama starts, but they do have to actually begin their romantic relationship no later than halfway through the drama’s run so that we have substantial time with them as a couple
The relationship development between the couple is a primary plot driver (so no dramas where there’s a great long term couple just hanging out in the background)
The relationship story may include some physical separation or even a temporary breakup, but not the betrayal kind–these are the sort that actually force an unaddressed issue to the surface and ultimately bring the couple even closer 
Happy endings only, these pairs are sticking together 
Ride or Die Drama Couples
Bad Buddy - Pat and Pran
(Thailand, YouTube)
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This is tumblr so do I really need to tell y’all about Pat and Pran? There is a reason we all lost our minds over this show and it’s because we got to be in this relationship with them so intensely and see them fight to stay together despite it all. Their ending is bittersweet because of their families, but the show leaves us no doubt that they both think the other is worth it and they will always stick it out together. 
Dark Blue Kiss - Pete and Kao
(Thailand, YouTube)
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Shout out to the OGs! Pete and Kao originally got together in the Kiss series (you can watch it, but you really don’t have to, fam) and Dark Blue Kiss brings them back three years into their long-term relationship to give us a peek into their struggles with the closet and the toll it takes on both of them individually as well as the strain it puts on their relationship. 
Flower of Evil - Hee Sung and Ji Won
(S Korea, Netflix or Viki)
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Hee Sung and Ji Won are already married (with an adorable daughter) when this drama begins, and the backstory of their relationship is unspooled alongside the larger mystery at the heart of the show. One of the most fascinating and heart wrenching love stories I have ever seen, centered on a character who is so emotionally damaged that he genuinely believes he is incapable of love even as love pours out of him. Damn, I’m gonna make myself cry into my oatmeal.
It’s Okay, That’s Love - Jae Yeol and Hae Soo
(S Korea, Viki)
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Speaking of crying, lord. Ahhhhhhh. Let me pull myself together. It’s Okay, That’s Love is a healing drama about two people who fall in love and support each other through serious mental health challenges. I don’t really want to say much more than that. Bring tissues, besties!
La Pluie - Patts and Saengtai
(Thailand, iQIYI)
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My beloved! This Thai drama is about a pair of soulmates–or are they–who find each other and try to make their relationship work. That’s it, that’s the show. In this drama, the relationship truly is the plot, despite some of the fantasy elements being used to highlight its themes. La Pluie is about the importance of choice and a rebuke of romantic fantasies that fate and destiny will handle your love life for you. I and many others have written about it extensively, so if you decide to watch, you can go nuts on meta. 
Lighter & Princess - Li Xun and Zhu Yun
(China, Viki)
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I really love this show. This is a long format drama so there will be longer stretches where the couple still has not officially gotten together, but the relationship between them is the heart of the entire show, and we get the distinct pleasure of watching them fall in love twice, and the second time figure out how to make it stick. Such a treat.
One Spring Night - Ji Ho and Jung In
(S Korea, Netflix)
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Oh how I love this quiet little drama about two people who fall for each other while one is still in a relationship with someone else, and figure out how to untangle the mess they’re in. We get to see them not only fall in love, but figure out how to become a unit who can withstand the harsh judgment coming their way and become a family on their own terms. Bonus adorable child alert!
Tomorrow With You - So Joon and Ma Rin
(S Korea, Viki)
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This time travel melodrama is one of those that I started with no expectations and then sat up part way through and said what gave you the right to be this good! This is another one where the relationship begins for dubious reasons, but the suspect motives are quickly taken over by genuine feeling. We really get to live with the relationship in this one and the message is all about treasuring the life and time we have together. 
The Rebel Princess - Awu (Wang Xuan) and Xiao Qi
(China, Viki)
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I think the phrase Ride or Die was actually invented for them. Talk about a power couple. Once these two get to know each other (this is a historical so as per usual, their marriage wasn’t actually their choice but rather the result of some asshole’s machinations in a quest for power, joke’s on them though) they are in, baby, and their devotion and loyalty never wavers. This is a historical epic in war time, so the couple will be physically separated multiple times, but it only makes them stronger and each of their reunions sweeter. Their relationship is the heart of the show and the throughline in their chaotic lives.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? - Shiro and Kenji
(Japan, the ether)
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Saving the best for last because this right here is the GOAT in this category. It sits at the top of my all-time favorite dramas list and I love it passionately. Because y’all? This drama is explicitly about a middle-aged couple learning how to be together in a long-term relationship. That is the entire plot. And it’s fantastic. Stop reading this and go watch it!
Honorable Mentions
Yumi’s Cells - Yu Mi and Goo Wong 
(S Korea, Viki)
This one is not on the list proper because (gasp) the couple doesn’t end up together. I know, I’m still sad about it, too, even though I went into this drama fully aware of the concept (a season about each of Yu Mi’s major relationships). But man. Yu Mi and Goo Wong just have that something, you know? Even knowing they don’t stick it out, it’s a delight to watch them fall in love and settle into a relationship together. Technically there is a second season featuring Yu Mi’s next relationship (Babi? I don’t know her), but I don’t want to recommend it and you can’t make me.
I must also give a shout out to the bl season 2s that exist expressly for the purpose of showing how the characters settle into a relationship after the first season get together:
Gameboys 2 (Philippines, Gaga) - Cairo and Gavreel
Minato’s Laundromat 2 (Japan, Gaga)- Shin and Minato 
SOTUS S and Our Skyy (Thailand, YouTube) - Kongpob and Arthit
Still 2gether (Thailand, YouTube) - Tine and Sarawat
Utsukushii Kare 2 (Japan, Gaga) - Hira and Kiyoi
And because this is my post and I make the rules, I am also doing some honorable mentions of the friends to lovers slow burns where technically they are not together until the final arc of the story but let’s be serious they are together the whole time and just don’t realize it yet so you know exactly what their relationship is going to look like:
Fight for My Way (S Korea, Viki) - Dong Man and Ae Ra
Happiness (S Korea, Viki) - Sae Bom and Yi Hyun
Hospital Playlist 1 and 2 (S Korea, Viki) - Song Hwa and Ik Jun
My Only 12% (Thailand, iQIYI) - Seeiw and Cake
My Ride (Thailand, Gaga or YouTube) - Mork and Tawan 
Romance is a Bonus Book (S Korea, Netflix) - Dan Yi and Eun Ho
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo (S Korea, Viki) - Joon Hyeong and Bok Joo
Whoops you woke the beast @troubled-mind. @rocketturtle4 @neuroticbookworm @chickenstrangers here are more for your mile long rec lists. :)))
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tarotwithart · 1 year
ⴕ ( details of your future spouse⠀ )⠀⠀⠀ 𓆩♡𓆪
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❝ in every whatnot,
I'll tie a knot with you... ❞
⋆ .... ♡ how to pick a pile ୨ ɞ !
-` ✧ ࿐ from left to right — intuitively choose the pile through your mind or what your soul desire for. take what does it resonates considering this is a general reading...
𝐒ource & 𝐃isclaimer: pictures I've used for pick a pile was from pinterest, the divider was from @.v6que while the banner was made by me. expect plenty of grammatical errors, please kindly enlightened me in a nice way when you couldn't understand what is the message behind of the reading, thanks!
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6 of wands, king of pentacles, 9 of pentacles
Everyone eyes are all to them, whether it may glimpse naturally or seldom-a kind of individual who can turn heads by its appearance and good body. The definition of success and achiever this makes them quite popular or well known in others, although prideful doesn't mean they're narcissistic. In what scale in it, would likely people rate them as 9-10 not only for looks but for other traits and people will fall for them instantly. S/he could beat someone by using his/her skills no doubt needed- a great player indeed. An individual that denotes someone who is highly passionate about certain things into his/her own life yet will always be remain humble even though s/he's aiming top and to forthcoming.
S/he displaying a strong leadership which people adore and people can depend on these said traits also have major impact for people who surround them. For what I seen, s/he can make own money and wealth through being famous and it could give them a long lasting success in life. If being famous does make them to have more money and having money will make them more even famous. Into people's opinions and view s/he is perfect as they seen, who wouldn't right? money, success and fame are all at once to them- what a lucky man. Proud for what they achieve but not in negative way. Expensive looking- s/he would love those kind of things specially in clothing and jewelries, it makes them looks like having high status which can be true. Either s/he working as business owner or a wealthy land owner, it could also define working in real state as well.
Sometimes can be totally stubborn but they very mature and grounded most of the time, it's normal for everyone to be stubborn (it means that they aren't perfect as they seems) a totally hard working individual and who also aware how they can rule through designated society (work/place). It also signifies someone who will be generous into their finance, energy and time, s/he will knew what are their commitments and responsibilities and tends to do what they say. They tends not have any anger issues as long as s/he could understand the situation and the person however they tends to be like a volcano- will be very explosive when they do get mad. You will be lucky for having this person, quite indulgent when it comes giving gifts to their lovers- mostly will bring the best and expensive gift you'll be receiving.
However the lover will tends to be lonely as the spouse is often busy for something like work (workaholic/ self-driven/ career focus) on negative note s/he will view their lover as part of their possessions. As my advice don't make them feel jealous or dark moods that may occur in surface as it will turn to be very chaotic. S/he may possibly own some pets especially dogs and horses, they will be independent whether it is financially and emotionally. You would never found this person chasing others cause they can easily attract people into their lives. Rerely takes anything personally and reason is s/he knows it better and likely to appreciate the finest things in life.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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queen of cups, 10 of cups, the lovers, 10 of pentacles
A typical type of person who is sensitive and is attached to their feelings, s/he concerned with the matter of heart, emotions, family and relationships. S/he possess a strong empathy for the others, if their love ones is happy and so they are too. Strong intuition- they will be aware if someone needs them or isn't right, they are not judgemental and will try their best to understand the situation. In past, s/he experience a painful situationship and will do the best to avoid it again.
Typically shy in nature but a great listener when you someone needs them and mostly without knowing people will come to them naturally without hesitation- the only problem in here is that when problems occur into their own life, they rarely receive help from others. S/he is family oriented individual, they got some friends but family, partner and kids are most highlight and important for them. Even though you prefer men- he will have feminine features and if women she is gorgeous, may look like a goddess. In any occasion regarding to family, they will be extremely happy to gather their family especially his/her siblings with or cousins.
Generally a happy individual and rarely take negative insights as well will be feelin' grateful for what the above give to them. S/he might love to put smile on his/her face or to others, love to laughs even though in lame jokes- sometimes people do wonder if they faking their happiness but it actually isn't. They are contented to what God give to them and they probably cherish it with all of their heart, also they tends to be very spiritual individual too.
S/he will be come an excellent parent and partner and will do their best to serve and nurture their own family. This individual will possibly teach you a lot- that happiness doesn't come from material things and it comes from within, that happiness is a choice, that family and kids should be put first, that how you love your self is should be how you love the others and more great good lessons.
They want or having desire to have at least two kids perhaps a twin will be perfect for them. It also refers to someone who is playful but can be childish sometimes and very very talkative when you get to know them or when they are comfortable in someone. The type of love language they want is physical touch so be ready for lots of kisses, hugging and touching, technically they enjoy the attachment of skins. Also they proud for what body or skin do they have, confident is the key here. S/he will make you feel how deep the love is, they will understand what you have been through. You both have different lives and what have been through however they will put to understand you that life is like that and happiness is just around. You will experience unconditional love from this person.
And yes they do have some money to flaunt too but they value more the family, health and gratitude for the others. S/he do appear very lavish into how they clothes themselves even though they don't try to be like that. The only person who will make you feel that you are safe and secure into their loving arms. They do love dating (even at this moment) but do searching for someone who can have long term committed relationship with them and don't want to rush things when they do date, they want to get more someone into deeper level.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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4 of wands, the fool, 3 of wands reversed
A kind of individual who is the real representation of being naive and happy person, they do love their family and is willing to go whenever there's occasion regarding into family circle. It would represents someone who do brings joy and happiness towards other life by making silly jokes or for simply uplifting them in their hardest situationship. Whenever someone ( proclaiming it is a love one ) is weak, they bring something to feel this certain individual comfort like “ Hey! make it chill, I'm here for you ”. It also the type of person who is making an effort to attend or be able to be present in family gathering even though they are quite busy they wouldn't hesitate to be right there with the fam.
Negative aspects of them which I can tell for only few of you who's happen to pick this pile, that this person will be more focus into their family rather than you. It might be one of the reasons why you both will have disagreements. Anyway, let's just move on and see what the future holds for you.
To continue, it could also symbolize someone who do love to play a lot probably a playboy or girl vibes, if not I see that they really to loves to play which can be games physical or online. I see that they do love pranking people who do close to them such as friends and cousins, can be siblings as well if happen they have one. This person represents someone who do care more to their appearance rather than for who they are. Sometimes people end up envying or feel jealous about them especially their peers.
As we're getting near at the end I feel that they are younger than you or it might be physically as well. It could also be mean that they are young at heart or someone who have young faces or can be an innocent. They do love their love freedom and do loves to wonder around or exploring the places that they never been. It might also symbolize someone who can be childish and likes being at the outdoor rather than indoor.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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lovelicht · 8 months
PAC: Your current situation and advice
Disclaimer: As I am not a professional reader, all of the posts are to be taken with a grain of salt. This is a general reading so some things might not resonate. Regardless of the situation, please remember that tarot portrays only one of the multiple scenarios of your life and you choose whether to follow it or not.
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(1->2, 3->4)
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Group 1
Cards: The Chariot, The World Rx, Knight of Wands (bottom of the deck: King of Swords Rx)
Your current situation:
You are currently in the phase of your life where you are actively navigating through diverse situations in the pursuit of your goals. It can reflect itself both on a professional/academic level and a personal/interpersonal one, given that the effort you are putting in serves to your development. Considering the presence of the reversed King, it’s highly probable that you might find yourself losing the emotional balance in course of your trial, but you keep pushing forward nonetheless. The said misbalance could manifest itself as impulsivity, impatience, arguments with colleagues / friends / family when things do not go your way, as well as a lingering sense of frustration towards oneself at the slightest failures.
The advice:
Embrace your imperfections, for they are what makes you human and teach you to strive further. As I have previously mentioned, at the moment you might be very sensitive to failure, because you give your all on your way to attaining your wish, however this drains you both emotionally and energetically, holding you in the self-made prison of frustration. It is natural to misstep sometimes, because it shows us aspects of ourselves that we still have to work on, and once we finally do so, we will become closer to our goals and inner peace in general. Make a habit of being grateful and happy even from apparently small successes, as, in the end, it’s the small steps that make the journey.
What can you do to follow the advice?
Give yourself the freedom you deserve! The expectations you have put on yourself tie you down and do not allow you to fully embrace the experience of living your passions. Wands are a suit that speaks of life and the fire inside each one of us, let that fire guide you through the dark of your mind. For example, if you have an idea you really wish to try, whether hobby or simply an experiment at work, do it, because even if it doesn’t work out, by the end of it you will be able to learn what should be done next time so it becomes better! Do not fear other’s judgment either, for they make mistakes too, whether they choose to show it or not. You are your own person and you live your own life, do not let yourself be confined by your fears and other’s thoughts!
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Group 2
Cards: Page of Wands Rx, The Tower Rx, Five of Coins Rx (bottom of he deck: Strength)
Your current situation:
You are trying to embrace your youthfulness, embody the present you always wished to have, but for some reason it all seems to go downhill regardless of how much you try. For some it might be a blockage related to not being capable to let yourself remorselessly behave free, while for others it can be described through a series of unpleasant or even unfortunate events that seem to haunt them every time they try to step out of the box. It’s highly probable that in this group are a lot of children who had to grow up fast, and now that you are given the freedom of age, you are trying to become the wild icon your child self wished to become, but it simply doesn’t work out. An example could be the typically introverted young adult going to a club, and once they finally try to let go of their fears they meet someone there, get into a relationship with that person and they get hurt so badly that it makes the young adult retreat back into their shell.
The advice:
There is some stuff you have to let go of, in order to truly feel the freedom you blindly seek through the said activities. Many of you struggle with unresolved trauma, whether it’s about bullying, parental issues or other sorts of painful experiences. By trying to be the conventional active youth, you are showing your resilience in rapport to your past, but the problem is that some problems bind you, unless you learn to diminish their impact on your life. It is never easy, but a wound cured now, stops a dormant infection in the future, that could potentially affect both yourself and everyone you will grow to care about.
What can you do to follow the advice?
Accept that nobody will come in your life and heal your past, for little who have enough energy to take care both of others and oneself. You are being encouraged to face your trauma on your own and come into terms with it one way or another: whether it’s shadow work that you feel you can do on your own or asking for the help of a specialist, or in general someone you feel that can help you. 
This message might not be for everyone, but stop hoping that your parents will heal the pain they inflicted on you, for they are simply not in the headspace to do that. It’s frustrating, but such is the truth: you ought to take matters into your own hands, because they won’t do it for you, nor for themselves.
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Group 3
Cards: Nine of Coins, Three of Cups Rx, The Star (bottom of the deck: Four of Wands)
Your current situation:
At the moment, you are in the stage of reaping the rewards of your hard work in the past. Previously you might have put yourself out there a lot in order to achieve certain goals and now you embrace the results and it’s all coming abundantly. Good things come to you almost from every corner, and you might even feel somewhat overwhelmed by how fast everything comes into your life at the moment, whether it’s opportunities, money or other form of creative energy. Those being said though, you might also feel the need to take a break after all the efforts you put in previously, to make some time for yourself and adjust yourself to receiving the abundant energy that is coming your way.
The advice:
Celebrate your successes and let yourself feel the blessings of your hard work. It is finally the time to rejoice after a long period of trials and tribulations. Even though you might still have certain unresolved issues, fear not, everything has its time, and now is the time you show yourself the appreciation you deserve for building a strong foundation for your future development. Just make sure not to go overboard and overindulge in pride and joys, as even the best of medicine becomes poison if ingested in doses too great.
What can you do to follow the advice?
As I have mentioned earlier, you might find your mind still worrying about certain issues, even once abundance started flowing into your life. You are being advised to leave some things in the hands of destiny and embrace an overall positive manifestation stance. Be hopeful and trust the universe to do its works for you have already done a great deal. Do not get me wrong, life consists of one’s continuous development, but some things are better left to the flow, for they are variables we cannot and needn't currently solve, especially when they still haven’t come into our lives.
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Group 4
Cards: Six of Cups Rx, Justice Rx, Knight of Swords Rx (bottom of the deck: Eight of Wands) + 8
Your current situation
Before conducting the reading I was repeatedly counting to 8 without any reason at all so I presume this number might either have a personal meaning to you or it could apply to your current life period in general. Eight is overall a number I associate with karma and karmic events that happen both in our and other’s lives, regardless of what we subjectively might think is right or wrong. It could be that you are currently undergoing a series of events you find unfair in relationship to you or someone close to you, to the point you suffer from it personally, via frustration, anger, perhaps with a hint of self victimisation in relationship to the unjust treatment you/they receive from life. Your perception of life might be still rather immature due to your past, perhaps you have been suffering from bad treatment since early childhood, thus you feel like you deserve better than that in the present. Overall you are a fiery and reactive person, to the point where you might show your displeasure in regards to events or actions you deem wrong a little too violently.
The advice:
Some things are better left up to the karmic forces to influence. Doing your own justice isn’t applicable in every situation, especially when it comes to a subjective, misbalanced, red coloured lens that one might own as a traumatic response. Revenge and general state of clouded lucidity does nothing more than suck your energy and hurt more or less directly both you and the ones you might care about. Universe has it’s own mysterious ways of functioning, which transcend both time and lifetimes in general.
What can you do to follow the advice?
Pay less attention to your past and the people in it, and move actively towards your future instead. You are brave and capable, use your intellect and rebellious nature to break the chains that attach you to your past instead. Try cultivating a more healthy action-oriented view of life to balance your impulsiveness and to harness your inner energy that is currently focused on anger. You have a lot of work to do on yourself, and it requires all the energy and courage you can muster!
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what wishes are you being granted? what will you be celebrating soon? 🥳🎉
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• pile one •
cards: 8 of cups, the high priestess, 10 of cups, 8 of coins, 4 of coins, 7 of wands
the first thing that i’m seeing is you being able to walk away from a work environment that is causing you a lot of pain and grief. perhaps a lot of pressure is put onto you to perfect your work to the point of it being detrimental to you and your health (physical, mental, emotional - whatever). you’re finally able to walk away from this environment that overwhelms you. you might’ve been contemplating about what you should do and where you should go. should you leave? should you stay? but ultimately, i’m seeing you walk away thanks to what your intuition is telling you. it seems like you know that financially, you’ll be stable and good for a while. you may have subconsciously been really holding onto your money without even realising because your subconscious mind was preparing you for this. you’re finally leaving something extremely physically taxing and difficult for the sake of fulfilling yourself emotionally. and this emotional fulfilment could include putting up new boundaries with others too. if this isn’t work related, then this is related to your daily routine. perhaps you’re constantly expected to do the most for others but i’m seeing you putting an end to this and really sticking to your own energy - where you find solace. i’m also seeing you making your mind up to finally dedicate your energy to a particular hobby or craft - regardless of other people’s judgements - because that’s what truly makes you happy. your higher self is protecting you and guiding you the most. that’s probably why you’ve subconsciously been aligning yourself to walk away from these burdens. your higher self has aided in having influence over your mind and your actions. which means that you have a great connection with them. i’m hearing that the celebration of this is going to consist of just you, your higher self, and your guides. which i feel is the way that you want it to be. you’re walking away from hardship to finally focus on and complete something that will give you the most amount of emotional fulfilment.
if this resonated and you’d like to check out the free extended video reading - where we look at how can you maintain the attraction of your abundance - then you can find it on my youtube channel!
if you’d like a personal reading, then see info here
subscribe to the patreon if you’re interested in daily messages from spirit, weekly pac readings for “the week ahead”, exclusive extended readings to the tumblr PACs, exclusive pac readings - such as 18+ and love pac readings - new moon + full moon readings, plus more.
• pile two •
cards: 3 of coins, ace of cups, the magician, 7 of coins, the hermit, 5 of wands
there’s something about education or learning/studying something and persisting with that. or this is about work. perhaps you feel like your education (whether that’s typical education or personal education) or work might have to come to an end for some reason. or perhaps you’re just wondering whether or not you should continue to study/work with other people. these coworkers or classmates seem to be very jealous and bothered about the fact that your skillset is above theirs. i’m hearing that you put them to shame - not purposefully - but i’m seeing them direct some bs evil eye towards you. i’m seeing you able to go into this education/work completely solo though - hence this hermit mode - and it’s going to make you feel like you can begin to actually feel emotionally fulfilled with your work. i’m hearing that you feel like you study or work better alone, and you’re going to be given the opportunity to do so. you’re going to have more power and influence over yourself and what you do, only having to focus on your own work instead of focusing on what these salty people around you feel. they could actually be trying to put you at a stop or a standstill. they could be trying to make you second guess whether or not you deserve to be there or if you even want to continue in this environment. but don’t worry. you’ll be given the opportunity to continue to focus on your work by yourself and in your own energy. perhaps through a new connection that you make with someone else? i’m not sure exactly. either way, you’re going to gain more power and influence over this situation, and you’re somehow going to be able to use these people’s conflict that they direct towards you to your advantage. as a tool to manifest and create whatever you want. i’m seeing you tapping into your energy of being a natural manifestor and using the ego clashes that you have with these people to get what you want. i’m also hearing that these people will turn on each other and start to compete with each other, or begin to have ego clashes with each other. this will make your manifestations much easier to come through. by using the energy of these ego clashes to your advantage (behind the scenes while you’re in this hermit mode, by yourself), somehow in some way.
if this resonated and you’d like to check out the free extended video reading - where we look at how can you maintain the attraction of your abundance - then you can find it on my youtube channel!
if you’d like a personal reading, then see info here
subscribe to the patreon if you’re interested in daily messages from spirit, weekly pac readings for “the week ahead”, exclusive extended readings to the tumblr PACs, exclusive pac readings - such as 18+ and love pac readings - new moon + full moon readings, plus more.
• pile three •
cards: page of wands, 5 of cups, the star, 4 of coins, 4 of cups, the tower
the main thing regarding other people is that you’re no longer caring about the loss of a connection. you could’ve been in deep grief, sorrow, and/or regret after this person left your life, however you’re reaching a point of no longer having any type of interest in this situation anymore. i feel like you would’ve cried as much as you needed to, and you’re honestly tired of being sad about this person at this point. instead, your energy is being directed into learning how to effectively invest time and energy into some type of hobby or interest that is bringing you a lot of financial stability to hold onto. i’m hearing that this financial/material stability will be easier to manifest when you don’t focus on working for the sake of it. just have fun investing your energy into something that you enjoy. i’m seeing you actually learning how to take action to get yourself financially right, however you shouldn’t obsess about this. it has the ability to come in quite quickly as long as you don’t attach yourself to this outcome. just do your thing. some type of online fame or recognition is coming in a very surprising way, and this is probably what is distracting you from this emotional grief. you’re gaining some type of recognition out of nowhere, and it’s going to cause you to not give a fuck about whatever you’ve been crying over. you’re going to be focused on actually learning how to maintain what this recognition brings you and how to build and hold onto a stable foundation within your craft. you could be learning how to use your emotional sadness as a tool within your craft too and understanding how to disconnect yourself from the material, 3D world. your guides are very happy about this 😂. i’m hearing that you’re going to feel really rejuvenated out of nowhere. i feel like your life has been determined by your negative emotional state recently, but that’s coming to an end because nothing in your life is stable like this. your ability to be able to control and direct your emotions again is what will help you to rebuild the chaotic life that you’re living right now. you might feel like you’re not ready for this recognition or rejuvenation due to how messy your life is, but trust me, you are.
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amrv-5 · 7 months
Today (March 13) is (unbelievably) the first birthday of Somewhere to Get To (the first chapter’s post-date, anyway), an anniversary about which I’m still (evidenced by sheer parentheticals-per-sentence rate) trying to decide how to talk (talking about it, by-the-by, because (earnestness…) it is pretty important to me, it turns out, still, one year on. Who could’ve guessed…?). Mostly I’m floored anybody reads the damned thing at all. Long. Absurd reading commitment. Amazing to me people have dedicated some of their time and attention to something I made — and unbelievable to hear on occasion that it’s emotionally connected to people, or impacted them in some way. Such an honor to be party to that sort of connection thru (fan)fiction. Thank you—really!! Wow!!! 
And, speaking of connection (pretty personal, and decidedly earnest, musings on the fic/anniversary/my relationship to both under the cut, avoidable if you’d like, you’ve been warned) — 
Been rereading some of S2G2, idly, sporadically, as I’ve been considering its first post-iversary. What’s coming to me repeatedly, as I read at a year’s distance, is a strong sense of autobiography—not in terms of event, but in tone, in concern, in most of all a very palpable sense of reckoning with the less-than-ideal that runs through the whole thing. There are some plot beats or details I’d do differently today, and I have a hard time continuing to like the things I make after they take on some distance from me, but (if I can say this about my own silly little fan fiction) I think the urgency of the thing, its emotional intensity and clear desire to try to grab hold of Something (hope? a foundation for belief in others? meaningful good?) remains affecting / effective, or does for me, despite my own work typically striking me poorly. 
Long way to say that I’ve found, reading in March 2024, that the thing’s a pretty clear if entirely unintentional record of the things I was thinking about, trying to work into my worldview, trying in some cases to excise from my worldview, things I was looking for or giving in to, and so on, in the months leading up to March 2023. One of those points of concern (transparently) was the strain of loneliness, the value of connection. With a year’s perspective, it’s important to me to say how grateful I am to have found such a welcoming, lovely, friendly, supportive, all-around-brilliant community in the fandom. I owe so much to the kindness and enthusiasm of the wonderfully talented people I’ve met on here, and I can say confidently that a large part of the reason I can read the terrifically lonely thread running through S2G2 and sense a degree of emotional distance from it—still resonant, but not immediate, identically-felt—is because I have made so many friends I value here, who enrich and enliven my days so beautifully…! So thank you all!
And, relatedly: Another central concern of the fic is the difference between happiness and un-sadness, the value and place of each, struggling to help oneself face hard truths and sort of cosmically-ordained and unavoidable suckiness—the repeated stress on how “[t]here were some things a person could fix, and others one had to live with the best they could.” 
Without wading into details (because who cares and also the What is unimportant) 2022 thru 2023 was the worst span of time I’ve ever experienced, what I retrospectively have been internally tagging the Lost Year(s)—have not before or since been so profoundly, uninterruptedly depressed. I wrote S2G2 in a frantic little burst from the bottom of a hole I sort of assumed at the time I would not get out of (dramatic!). And obviously the seductiveness of despair is a big focus in the course of the fic, but I’m struck on re-reading how ironclad the thing’s grip on hope (or hope in hopelessness) is—reassertion, continually, that experiences are worth having, that some things are worth sticking around for, and so on.
A year on, I’ve by no means solved the problem or perfected the art of balancing That Which Can Be Fixed against That Which Must Be Lived With, but I can say that the Living With is lately going comparatively so well most days it has not been the Central, All-Consuming Concern of Every Waking Moment—living with, tolerating, carrying, and so on—not even an hourly concern, or much of a conscious one, so much as something to check against, watch for, a diligent quiet awareness and work, when necessary, that has been (knock on wood) getting much easier with time, better life circumstances, and people to be around. Aware how significant that change is, on rereading what I was writing when that fixing-vs-living-with was so crushing it sort of tabula rasa’d my sense of self—meaning, mostly, that I’m unbelievably grateful to feel like somebody real again, and I owe that, too, in no small part to a fandom community that is on the whole so positive to be a part of—made it worth it to write, and try to put something into the world, and express passion for something I loved, and feel that passion reflected back to me when it was most needed.
And from that: just wanted to say, from my point of view a few tentative steps into what is beginning to feel like real and meaningful recovery—it gets better!! At the time of initial composition in late 2022/early 2023, I was trying hard to write hope for a few characters I adored, so I could maybe see it for myself, edgewise (truth thru fiction…?). I heard in the course of posting chapters from people who said that the fic resonated with them, that they related to or saw themselves in how I was writing Hawk or Beej, and drew some degree of comfort or catharsis in reading—wonderful, and I don’t think I could ask for more than to believe maybe some people who felt like I did at the time felt a little better because of something I wrote. and if there’s anything I hope people get out of thinking about S2G2 on this year-iversary it’s that uhh it gets better, and stubborn hope + whimsy + sense of humor + enjoyment of the absurd is ur most powerful tool as a human person probably, and also I’m stupid grateful for and very fond of fandom community, and the friends I’ve been so lucky to make thru this space (much love)!! Thank you for reading—fic, or this weird scrawl on my blog, or both—anyway, thanks! means a lot and always has! have a wednesday treat of some kind + treat urself nice ! who knows how to end these things. Alexa turn off earnestpost. Earnestposting end. Stop Post
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
okkkk wait i have to know your thoughts on semi charmed kinda life. cuz I tried to read it and theyre too fluffy and adjusted and the angst potential is barely touched on. and i enjoy angst and horror too much to enjoy it at all. all i could think about think about when reading is what it could have been but doesnt want to be, which, fair, whatever, it isnt written for me. but then i come on tumblr and everyone who is USUALLY annoyed by those things in other fics loves sckl. i checked it out originally bc it was being recommended by everyone i follow who are usually more discerning. so what gives. am i dumb or am i just too picky
SO. i have read Some of it. i have a friend who typically shares my taste who regularly keeps up with it and really likes it. in my opinion, i think its one of the most thoughtful and well put together fics in that subgenre. it knows what it is and it does it well and it takes its time doing it
iiiiiii am not personally a fan. the author if youre reading this for whatever reason please know i think youre chill and dope. it just literally hits beats of a queer experience that do not resonate with me emotionally so i get very little out of it.
to put it bluntly i am a I Saw The TV Glow kind of motherfucker, not Call Me By Your Name
basically i dont think youre being dumb but i think youre putting too much stock into something you just dont like. and you dont have to like. my first three big tlt fics all stemmed from someone doing a concept i found interesting but executing it in a way i found uninteresting so i just. did it myself. im not sure WHY it clicks with so many people who typically dont like that kind of writing but i think its just a testament to what a good job the authors done. again like i said ive only read chunks sent to me and i dont want to interrogate like, the prose or characterization of it specifically unprompted so this is just a general overview of my personal feelings
and id say for anyone who hasnt read it yet to go check it out and see how you feel
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
Wow, I haven't really followed the paper mario fandom, although I loved the games. But that sounds really bad. If it's not too personal, what sort of things happened? (if it is i totally understand if you'd rather not talk about it)
Wheeew! Let me tell you a sad story. At least what I experienced from my perspective.
So, I first got into the Paper Mario fandom not long before Super Paper Mario's release. This was back on deviantArt, mostly. I adored the first two games, and when I heard about SPM, I was skeptical at first. It was more like a platformer? Why was the art style so strange? ...But when it came out, it ended up being my favorite! I knew that as soon as I finished it.
Of course, not everyone felt that way, and there were already people who didn't like SPM because of how different it was, or the story didn't resonate with them. But to be honest, I didn't interact with those people very much. I was mostly friends with other SPM fans, and at the time, if they liked that game they probably had played and liked the first two as well, or at least one. It was a happy time as far as I was concerned. Most people, even if they didn't like SPM, seemed to think it was just going to be some kind of weird spinoff and they'd get back to the traditional gameplay soon enough.
....And then years later, Sticker Star came out and its complete blankness of story and personality hit us all like a speeding truck. This is when things fell apart pretty quickly. Pretty much EVERYONE in the existing PM fandom hated it, for good reason in my opinion. This is also where I became more sharply aware that certain people had a resentment towards SPM, since it was either seen as the "beginning of the end" as far as the gameplay starting to go off the rails, OR people outright blamed the story for being too out-there and emotionally charged which caused Nintendo to put the brakes on all that and go in the complete opposite direction (which was backed up by dev comments that came out around the time).
So from here on out I started to feel more and more like a weirdo for maintaining that SPM was my favorite, and a game that means a great deal to me personally. But after Sticker Star, the PM fandom just became an irreparably damaged and bitter place. Initially, the blame was put on Miyamoto because the understanding at first was that he had mandated the PM series 1) put less emphasis on story and 2) no longer be a typical RPG, really, since the Mario & Luigi series also existed to fill that niche. There were a lot of ageist comments made about Miyamoto in particular. Over time, as more info came out, the blame largely shifted to Kensuke Tanabe.
Things only got worse when Color Splash was announced and it looked like more of the same. People said the worst things about the devs, especially the people in charge, and looked for any reason to hate the new game and wish for it to fail. Even though Sticker Star and the soon-to-be-released Color Splash didn't have many defenders of their own, a lot of the larger Mario/Nintendo fanbase began to grow tired of old-school Paper Mario fans, as they... we... started to develop a bad reputation. And with good reason! Looking back, the complaints were understandable but the behavior was often unacceptable. And you know what? I got caught up in it too. I'm not gonna pretend I was above it all. Those were easily my worst days as a fan of anything. I didn't go out of my way to be vocal or mean about it in Nintendo's replies or anything, but whenever I did bring it up personally or on my own stream or discord or whatever, I was bitter. In the past few years I've sometimes come across old comments I made that I'd cringe at now. You might think of me as someone who is largely positive and tries to focus on spreading joy and dwelling on what I love, not what I hate. But the PM fandom at that time was bad for me. Between the Sticker Star and Color Splash days, I was definitely not the kind of person I try to be now.
When Color Splash came out, I didn't even play it for a couple years. But in that time, I largely stepped away from keeping up with the fandom, and I mellowed out a lot, and continued to grow into the person I strive to be today. And then when I finally did play Color Splash in 2018..... I liked it!!! The writing, the scenarios, the general creativity and even the gameplay are just SO FAR above Sticker Star and I think most people didn't even give it a chance, and because so few people own a Wii U, it might be forever doomed for people to just assume it's a slightly better Sticker Star unless Nintendo ever ports it.
And by the time Origami King came out, I was soooo done talking about the series and debating it. I had just totally burnt out. But I was at least tentatively looking forward to the game itself. And whlie I don't love every choice made for Origami King, I liked the experience as much as Color Splash, if not more. It's a nonstop interesting game with utterly fantastic graphics and music, and further steps back in the right direction as far as characters and lore go.
And that brings us to today. There are people, sometimes people that I myself have known for years, who NEVER stepped away, who never stopped acutely feeling the pain of the Sticker Star days, and wage a campaign of complaining to Nintendo to this very day. Meanwhile, Origami King (and to a smaller extent CS and even SS- what I'd call the Real Paper Trilogy) has a sizeable fanbase of its own, especially among younger players. Oldschool PM fans tend to see fans of the newer games as simpletons who have no taste, and fans of the new games often write off people who miss the old style of PM as boomers who can't accept change and are forever bitter and annoying. And then SPM fans just kinda feel like our own thing sometimes, the black sheep of the family. But as someone who likes (almost) all the PM games, I've had people be rude to me just for talking about any side of the issue. One time I was talking about how much I liked Profesor Toad from Origami King only to have some stranger, unprompted, reply to me about how ALL OF TOK'S CHARACTERS WERE SHIT AND THEY ALL SUCKED AND HAD NO PERSONALITY and I'm like no??!!?!? That's not true!!! That's not true AT ALL! I didn't stream TOK when it came out, I wouldn't fucking dare, because when I did play Color Splash for the first time it was on stream and I had to deal with at least one person coming in and being like "why are you playing a terrible game?" despite my repeated warnings that I didn't want to get into a debate on the game's merits. And on the other side of things, I've seen people come up with the most specious arguments to claim that TTYD is actually a Bad Game because it has some backtracking or whatever and that PM as a series was never actually good. There's just... so so many frustrating things I've encountered in the fandom that I'd have to double the size of this answer, which is already a novella, to enumerate them all.
But yeah. I kinda want nothing to do with it anymore. I'm just going to keep appreciating Flavio in my own time.
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dirtyvirgotarot · 1 year
What Will The Next Function You Go To Be Like? A Pick-An-Image SHUFFLEMANCY reading! 🌟
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🤍This pick a card is all about what will happen at the next function, or party, or whatever you're getting all dressed up to go to! This is a SHUFFLEMANCY reading, so instead of divination tools like cards, I'll be using a specially curated playlist, and use the shuffle button to divine via mood, genre and lyrics! Take what resonates and LEAVE THE REST! I'll talk to you in your respective pile! ~~~~~~~ Pile 1 (The Record): Your Song: Candlelight by Moon Hooch Lighthearted and carefree, for some, it might be a concert or a small band playing that you're going to, if not a full-on party! I feel, though, wherever this is might have an air of sophistication. This ain't no frat party. Get ready to have an amazing time! I feel you won't be alone, you'll go with at least two others to this function, and you'll be really feeling yourself! Spinning, dancing, you're going to look amazing, and you know it. Self-love and self-care are recommended always, of course, but indulge while you get ready! Use that nice body lotion, put on that cologne, you'll be seen as the person you want to be seen as! I don't immediately sense any romantic potential, this party will be a you moment, if not you and close friends! It'll be a bash to remember, lots of amazing memories and most importantly, a major boost in self-confidence that will stick with you! If there is any sort of flirting in the air, it's playful and fun, and not too serious, you're really going to be in your own headspace, and not worried about anyone else. Dance the night away! 💃🕺👯🎶 ~~~~~~~ Pile 2 (The Dress): Your Song: Candlelight by Relient K ♥ Lyrics A daaaaatee! Omg, you're going to go on such an amazing date! If you do not have a S/O, then someone extremely close to you is going to take you out, a one-on-one hangout, just the two of you! This person thinks of you oh so very highly, and has you on a pedestal. You certainly love them too, of course, but I think this date is going to show your friend or S/O's true colors when it comes to you and how they feel about you! I can certainly even see some friends to lovers situations happening here. It's going to be a significant event emotionally, a strengthening of bonds between two wonderful souls! It might not be the fanciest outing, but I see walks around town, going to an ice cream parlor and eating outside while chatting, laughing and having good conversation, all while you look absolutely darling to them. They won't be able to take their mind or their eyes off of you! 🔗💞🕯️🧑‍🤝‍🧑 ~~~~~~~ Pile 3 (The Girl) Your Song: all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish ♥ Lyrics
Ohoho.. Juicy! You're going to have a great time. I feel like this might be a typical party, perhaps a college/frat party, lots of people are there. Someone is going to show up at this party that did you real wrong, and they aren't looking so hot about it when they see you. They'll see you and have a guilty face, and for good reason! Don't interact much or start anything, but you absolutely have the right to look, act, and BE better than they are. Enjoy your time, and have fun, but you'll find yourself catching glances at this asshole to see what they're up to. A bit of petty energy, but petty is fine as long as you keep it in your mind! ;) Be polite and cordial if you get into a conversation with them, always take the high road. In the end, it's giving them their karma, their just deserts. Try not to let it stay on your mind the entire night, find a group of friends that can help you forget about their presence for a bit, but be prepared to feel their kicked puppy energy. Keep them at a distance, you are not worth their bullshit. They're messy, they're fucked, they don't deserve your attention, so don't give them much, if any! Just mind your business, and wear your adorable little devil horns in private. 😈💅🍷😇 ~~~~~~~ Pile 4 (The Headbanger): Your Song: Every Night I Dream of Dancing by Andrew Huang ♥ Lyrics Awww... You and a friend or S/O are going to have some time to yourselves. I have a feeling maybe distance or obligations has been keeping you two away from each other, but if you haven't already, you're going to be making plans soon! It'll be a long-term visit, days of maybe road-tripping, going to beaches, even just dancing on your kitchen floor, or heading to bed while it's raining and getting frisky under the comforter. Life is hard for you and your friend or S/O as well right now. I can sense the feeling of fighting against obligations and distance and timing to be able to breathe, to get out and spend some time with each other. You miss this person, and they miss you, and this next outing is going to be the breath of fresh air you both need! A much needed boost of motivation to maybe work on and improve your scenario so such problems happen less! You'll return from it feeling like nothing can hold you down, or hold you back from being with this person! Even if you both live together, or are with each other every day, something has been holding you back from going out for some fun, going on a date, or just having a few days together. It's gonna happen soon, and you'll both be smiling and cuddling and rejuvenating your spirits! 🚫⌚😩🏄🚗✨🫂 ~~~~~~ General Afterthoughts and Notes for All Piles: OMG THE TWO SONGS I HAVE WITH THE TITLE 'CANDLELIGHT' WERE PICKED! I can definitely sense a lot of matters of the heart with this reading, different yet unified under that one root theme. Whether it's self-love, true love, betrayal, or companionship, these events certainly have to with candlelight. Think of each of these readings as a candle at different points of it's life-cycle. That is truly what it felt like to me, not in order, granted. Pile 1 was a candle that had been lit a little while ago, but not too long ago. Pile 2 was the freshly lit candle, burning bright and tall! Pile 3 was the completely melted, fizzled out candle, and Pile 4 was the worn, very melted, yet still flickering with that gentle flame. How beautiful is that! Light a candle, and feel the tranquility as you watch it live out it's beautiful life, just like you are! 🤍 Thank you for reading! If you liked it, be sure to stop by my Tumblr and my Youtube page for more in-depth readings! If you would like to tip me for this reading, I do have a Ko-Fi page! :D Stay tuned for more fun readings, and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day! -DV 💜💚
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Heaven and Hell 22
Author: Akira
Characters: Tsumugi, Rei
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I suppose I’ve become emotionally unstable after everything that’s happened to me. My mother would also cry or lose her temper without warning if things went badly, am I like that too?"
Season: Winter
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Library
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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2 years ago in the winter. Shortly after the subjugation of the Five Eccentrics that marked the end of the war…
Tsumugi: —and then everyone lived happily forever.
Happily, ever after.
… …
Rei: O~i, what’s up, Aoba-kun? You’re looking rather melancholy.[1]
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Rei: Hold on, could it be that you’re crying?
Tsumugi: I-I should be the one saying "what’s up". Whats up with that grandpa-like way of speaking, Rei-kun?
Rei: Just thinking about retiring for a while, so I’m searching for a suitable character for that.
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Rei: I’ve gotten real bored of this “Superstar Sakuma Rei” character.
Tsumugi: The incongruity is amazing.
Rei: Yeah. I feel surprisingly at ease with it, I like it.
Welp, I guess it’ll take some time t’ease into. I cant help but feel uncomfortable in the end, ‘specially in front of people who already know me.
Tsumugi: Mhm. Your typical tone of voice suits you better, Rei-kun.
When you use such a grandfatherly tone like that, it’s like I’ve suddenly become a stranger, and I feel uneasy.
Rei: Hmm~. It sounds like you’re sayin’ that from the bottom of your heart.
What’s goin’ on with you, Tsumugi? You’ve become quite the emotional person, havent’cha? Even now, it looked like you were cryin’ from gettin’ emotionally involved in that book!
Tsumugi: Yeah… I’m a little surprised, myself.
These days, I’ve been really enjoying reading.
Rei: Oh?
Tsumugi: I’ve been very captivated by books that before I’d simply skim through. I feel thrilled by the adventurous tales within, feel heartbroken by the tragic loves, and cry.
I wonder why. I don’t know why, but all of a sudden I’ve been like this.
I suppose I’ve become emotionally unstable after everything that’s happened to me. My mother would also cry or lose her temper without warning if things went badly, am I like that too?
Rei: Nahh. You, emotionally unstable?
That ain’t it. You’re just finally startin’ to experience those emotions.
Tsumugi: … …
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Rei: Typically, humanity is learned naturally through contact with your parents and friends when you’re a child.
You’ve finally got yours after a miserable war.
Babies learn the concept of “laughing” when their parents laugh at them.
You were never able to have that opportunity, though. Your family ain’t a functioning family.
Yet, despite such an environment, you’ve been playin’ the role of the big brother at a training school since you were young, and had to be always takin’ care of lil’ kids.
Ya don’t need emotion in that work. As long as you fulfill your function, that’s all that matters.
So ya continued to operate solely as a convenient machine, while you, who should’ve been at the back of it all, were ignored.
But, at Yumenosaki, even someone like you has to expose yourself.
Inspired by those who truly live, you’ve been forced to pull yourself out.
During the war, you’ve had many upon many heart-to-heart clashes with others. You cried, laughed, and got angry together with everyone…
Those emotions sprouted, grew steadily, and took root inside of you.
Now you’re able to laugh and cry, and empathize with the tragedies and comedies in stories that never resonated with you before.
Since it’s somethin’ you experienced before, somethin’ you felt before, you can understand it from experience.
The reason we are moved by a story is because we can connect it to our own experiences.
And you’ve had quite a lot of those “experiences” through just the short duration of the war.
That’s why these stories are able to move ya.
That’s all there is to it, Tsumugi.
You were finally born as a human being, after becomin’ a highschool student.
…Congratulations on your birth, my friend.
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Tsumugi: ? It’s not my birthday today, though~?
Rei: Hahah, guess you’re not quite there yet. Take your time growin’ up, lil’ baby.
Tsumugi: Hah… Anyways, Rei-kun, do you have something to do with me? Or, did you just happen to be passing by?
Rei: Right, I’m jus’ here to check up on the school.
There’s been a strange rumor goin’ around lately. That the Five Eccentrics are gatherin’ and are plannin’ to strike back at the student council.
Tsumugi: Ah, there is a rumor like that, yeah.
Something about… the Five Eccentrics forming a unit, so they can challenge and defeat the fine that had subjugated them.
But… You’re clever, so I’m sure you already know this, Rei-kun, but it’s just a baseless fabrication put out there by the student council.
Rei: I figured it would be somethin’ like that but… Hm~, is that true?
Glad to hear. There was the possibility of Natsume seriously considerin’ a plot of revenge. So I came all the way over here, just in case.
Seems I was worryin’ for nothin’. Good, that’s a relief.
Tsumugi: Natsume-kun does seem to be in a bit of a dangerous spot. I can’t help but worry about him.
We had a bonfire together the other day, and he was looking like he had reached his limit. I tried to tell him this and that for the time being, but…
After hurting him, I feel anything I say will only add fuel to his fire.
Rei: The fact he feels bothered by your words I’m sure just means that he feels your presence has weight to him.
If it were anyone else sayin’ it, he would ignore it.
Tsumugi: Is that so… I wonder if my existence is still at least a bit significant in his mind, then.
If so, it’s a terrible thing to say, but, it’d make me kinda happy.
Because I like him. I really do.
Rei: You seem to really like him, despite the fact he keeps hittin’ and stompin’ on ya mercilessly for some reason. It’s kinda unnervin’, he your abusive boyfriend or somethin’?
If ya don’t correct those sorts of misaligned feelings, you’ll have a hard time livin’, ya know.
Tsumugi: Hmm~, I guess that’s a part of myself even I don’t know what to do about.
It’s something that’s not easy to do right away.
Rei: Welp, it’s fine to take your time growin’ up, lil’ baby.
Tsumugi: I’m not exactly red though, if anything, I’m blue~?[2]
Rei: Ahaha, that misalignment of your personality there is exactly what makes ya so both so interestin’ and so irritatin’!
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Rei’s speaking in the “grandfather”-esque fashion that we’re used to in this and the following line here. He drops it after that.
A difficult one to translate smoothly here; the word for baby is “akachan” (赤ちゃん), the “aka” meaning “red”. It’s derived from how red appears. Tsumugi jokes that he’s more of an “aochan” (青ちゃん) here. He just swapped “red” out with “blue”. It’s the same ao as in aoba, or aotori (bluebird).
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My autism diagnosis journey.
I suspected I was autistic since I was 13 years old. I remember reading up on autism at the time (2013) and not finding that any resources on symptoms I could relate to.
I did not think I was “unempathetic”. I always wanted to help people, be comforting to others and be emotionally present and aware. At the time I didn’t realise that what I was feeling wasn’t actual empathy, but that’s a whole different issue.
Either way - I didn’t feel I related strongly related to classical autism at the time, but the label never left my mind. It stuck with me because I knew I was struggling emotionally, physically and mentally in ways that sort of aligned with what I was reading about autism, but not quite perfectly lining up. It doesn’t help that my autistic brain interprets things literally.
I knew that something inside me wasn’t quite like anyone else. I knew that I was different. I just didn’t know what was wrong.
At around 16 I discovered the label “highly sensitive person” or HSP. I found I strongly related to this label in some aspects, but not others. The main ‘symptoms’ of HSP were extremely close to my experience:
Avoiding violent movies or TV shows because they feel too intense and leave you feeling unsettled
Being deeply moved by beauty, either expressed in art, nature, or the human spirit, or sometimes even a good commercial
Being overwhelmed by sensory stimuli like noisy crowds, bright lights, or uncomfortable clothing
Feeling a need for downtime (not just a preference), especially when you have hectic days; needing to retreat to a dark, quiet room
Having a rich and complex inner life, complete with deep thoughts and strong feelings that go with them
(source: What is a Highly Sensitive Person?)
However, as I researched more and more it still felt like a piece was missing. Yes, I had a lot of sensory issues, I was highly sensitive, I was an over-thinker, but none of this explained any of my social struggles. My inability to connect with people, my bluntness and my confusion at language.
This brought me back to autism. I remember reading some posts online about how autism can present differently in women. This really perked my interest. The first source I found that resonated with me was this page from AspienWomen.
Suddenly everything felt like it was clicking into place.
I wasn’t a typical example of autism because people like me haven’t historically been included in autism research. Of course this isn’t just women and genderqueer people, but Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples too. Along with gay/queer men.
I think the main difference between the more recognised form of autism and the hidden autistics is our masking. We often are raised more strictly behaviour wise, and expected to be more sociable for a myriad of different reasons. Unmasking Autism by Devon Price is a great book to read up on more about this.
For a long time I was quite content with my tentative self diagnosis. I rarely shared it with anyone, especially in my real life. I told a few select friends and my partner, but not my family. I found safe spaces online and found more and more things adding to my ‘autism symptoms list’ that I had saved to my google drive.
Autism became another of my secret special interests. I followed accounts on Instagram, joined discord groups and began researching much more intensely. It felt like every aspect of my life could be traced back to autism in one way or another. My special interests, my introversion, my ‘intellect’, my dry and absurd humour, my small circle of neurodivergent friends, my inability to connect with my family...
Finally, at 21 years old, the timing was perfect.
Everyone in my family was busy, and rather uninterested in my day-to-day activities, so I had a lot of private time to sneak onto zoom calls with a psychologist. I had some spare money from my tax return and I had lots of spare time with my part time job.
I decided to get diagnosed privately, as the wait time to see anyone on a public system in Australia is atrociously long. I took all my appointments 3 weeks in a row. Trying to get it done as soon as I could, before any circumstances changed.
I chose a professional who wasn’t a specialist on Autism, but who could diagnose me AND was young, genderqueer and LGBT as I feel more comfortable with people from the community as a non-binary person myself. I felt it would be easier to open up to someone more similar to me, and someone who was less likely to be biased by out-dated autistic stereotypes.
During my appointments my psychologist got to know me first off, asked me questions about why I wanted a diagnosis and why I thought I was autistic. Then we got into a bunch of testing. First I was tested for ADHD with the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale. I did not score in favour of an ADHD diagnosis.
However I did score quite highly on a multitude of autistic tests. I tested for autism in the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), the Ritvo Autism-Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) and the Adult Sensory Profile (ASP).
So, it is official. At 22 years old I have been officially diagnosed as autistic.
I want to write about how my diagnosis has affected me so far and the emotions I am going through. But I hope this helps anyone else on their diagnostic journey.
- salti
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neelkanthivf · 9 months
Best IVF Doctor In India | What Is IVF Treatment | High IVF Success Rate
Bringing a child into this world is a deeply personal and profound journey for many. However, for some, the path to parenthood may come with challenges that require a helping hand. In recent years, advancements in medical science have opened doors to assisted reproductive technologies, with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) being a beacon of hope for many aspiring parents. In India, where medical expertise meets compassion, finding the best IVF doctor in India and understanding the treatment process can make all the difference in realizing the dream of having a child.
Understanding IVF Treatment
In Vitro Fertilization, commonly known as IVF, is a fertility treatment where eggs and sperm are combined outside the body in a laboratory. The resulting embryos are then carefully monitored and, once deemed viable, one or more are transferred to the uterus to establish a pregnancy. IVF may be recommended for various reasons, such as infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes, male factor infertility, endometriosis, or unexplained infertility.
The process typically involves:
Ovarian Stimulation: Hormonal medications are administered to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.
Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries using a minor surgical procedure.
Fertilization: The eggs are then combined with sperm in a laboratory setting.
Embryo Culture: The resulting embryos are cultured for a few days to monitor their development.
Embryo Transfer: A selected number of embryos are transferred into the uterus.
Factors Contributing to High IVF Success Rates
The success of an IVF treatment can depend on various factors, including the expertise of the medical team, the age and health of the individuals involved, the quality of eggs and sperm, and the overall approach to fertility care. India has seen significant advancements in reproductive medicine, boasting a cadre of highly skilled doctors and cutting-edge technologies, contributing to commendable success rates in IVF treatments.
Finding the Best IVF Doctor in India
Choosing the right IVF doctor is a pivotal step in the journey towards parenthood. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Reputation and Experience: Look for doctors with a proven track record and extensive experience in fertility treatments. Researching online reviews, success rates, and patient testimonials can provide insights.
Expertise and Specialization: Opt for doctors who specialize in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, equipped with the latest techniques and a comprehensive understanding of complex fertility issues.
Patient-Centric Approach: A compassionate and understanding approach from the medical team is invaluable during this emotionally charged journey. Seek doctors who prioritize patient well-being and offer personalized care.
Top IVF Doctors in India
India boasts several eminent IVF specialists known for their expertise and high success rates in fertility treatments. Some of these include:
Dr. Simi Sood: Renowned for her pioneering work in assisted reproduction and a high success rate in IVF treatments.
Dr. Ashish Sood : A leading name in the field of infertility treatment, known for her expertise and patient-centric approach.
The journey towards parenthood through IVF can be both challenging and rewarding. The IVF success rate in India has been steadily increasing over the years, with advancements in technology and expertise in fertility treatments.
The key lies in making informed decisions and choosing the right medical guidance. With the advancements in medical technology and the expertise of skilled doctors in India, the prospects of successful IVF treatments are brighter than ever. Remember, each individual's fertility journey is unique, and finding the best IVF doctor who resonates with your needs and values can make all the difference in realizing the dream of having a child.
Social Links –
Facebook - facebook.com/NeelkanthFertilityHospital
Instagram - instagram.com/neelkanthfertilityhospital
Linkedin -   linkedin.com/company/neelkanth-fertility-&-women-care-hospital
Twitter -      twitter.com/indiafertility
Pinterest -  in.pinterest.com/neelkanthfertilityhospital
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taqato-alim · 1 year
Analysis of the viewer commentaries to the YT video "Trump: This was the most embarrassing moment in US history" by Fox News
Many comments lack subject knowledge, logical reasoning, and facts
Most commenters show bias and lack objectivity
Civility and relevance are also frequently lacking
Overall quality is evaluated as fair to poor
Comments rely heavily on anecdote and opinion over evidence
Logical fallacies are common, especially argument from personal experience, ad hominem attacks, and hasty generalizations
Arguments are mostly emotive and inconsistent, with few counterarguments
Comments reveal weak ethical reasoning and consideration for social impacts and the common good
They exhibit tendencies of in-group favoritism, confirmation bias, and affective polarization
Negative emotions like anger and fear outweigh positive emotions
Expressions reveal more autocratic than democratic inclinations
Here are the usual evaluation criteria for opinion-based comments, along with my evaluation of the given comments per each criteria:
Subject knowledge: The knowledge and expertise of the commenters regarding the subject matter. Evaluation: The majority of the comments do not demonstrate extensive subject knowledge on political issues. Many are opinionated but lacking in-depth facts or analysis.
Logical reasoning: The use of logic, facts and evidence to support arguments. Evaluation: Most comments lack logical reasoning and rely primarily on opinions, beliefs and rhetoric. Few cite concrete facts or evidence to support their positions.
Relevance: The degree to which the comments are on topic and pertinent to the discussion. Evaluation: While most comments are broadly relevant to the topic of Donald Trump and U.S. politics, many stray into tangential issues or side topics.
Objectivity: The comments are free from bias, prejudice or skewed perspectives. Evaluation: The vast majority of comments show a clear bias and partisan perspective, with few attempting an objective or balanced viewpoint.
Civility: The comments are respectful, polite and avoid ad hominem attacks. Evaluation: Though most comments are not overly crude or impolite, several directly criticize or insult political figures and those with opposing views. Civility is generally lacking.
In summary, based on these usual evaluation criteria for opinion-based comments, the overall quality is fair to poor. Most comments would benefit from demonstrating greater expertise, logic, objectivity, and civility while remaining properly focused and relevant to the topic. The qualitative weaknesses are typical of open online comment sections.
Based on the comments provided, I would evaluate the status as follows:
Science vs Fiction: The comments fall firmly on the fiction side of the spectrum. They are opinions, anecdotes and rhetoric, not based on scientific analysis or evidence.
Empirical vs Anecdotal: The vast majority of comments are anecdotal in nature, based on personal opinions, beliefs and experiences. There is little use of empirical data or statistics.
Fact vs Opinion: Almost all the comments represent opinions, not facts. There are few verifiable facts cited to support the various arguments. The language used is largely emotive and opinionated.
Objective vs Subjective: The comments show a high degree of subjectivity, reflecting the personal biases, preferences and perspectives of the commenters. There are few attempts at an objective or dispassionate analysis of the issues.
In summary, the comments exhibit many of the characteristics of casual discussion rather than rigorous analysis or debate. They rely heavily on anecdote, opinion and subjectivity, with little use of empirical data, facts or objective reasoning. This likely reflects the open, informal nature of the online comment section in which they appear. While some views may resonate emotionally, most would lack persuasive power in a more critical or evidentiary discourse.
Based on my review of the comments, I identified the following logical fallacies:
Ad hominem - Several comments directly attack and insult political figures instead of addressing their positions.
Argument from personal experience/anecdote - Many comments cite anecdotes and personal experiences as arguments, which are not generally representative or conclusive.
False dichotomy - Some comments frame the issues in black and white terms, presenting only two extreme options when more nuanced alternatives exist.
Hasty generalization - Some commenters generalize from limited evidence or a single or few examples to broad conclusions.
Loaded language/emotive words - The majority of comments use emotionally charged or slanted language, indicating a biased perspective.
Straw man - Several comments misrepresent or exaggerate the arguments of those with opposing political views to make them easier to counter.
Appeal to tradition/sentiment - A few comments justify their positions based on nostalgia, national pride or "the good old days" rather than facts or evidence.
Black-or-white/all-or-nothing thinking - Some comments view political issues, people and situations in extreme, uncompromising terms with little acknowledgment of complexity or nuance.
In summary, the logical fallacies that appear most frequently in the comments are: use of loaded language, arguing from anecdotal experience, ad hominem attacks, hasty generalizations, straw man arguments and false dilemmas. All of these weaken the persuasiveness and logical integrity of the arguments expressed.
Based on my review, I would evaluate the arguments in the comments as follows:
Some comments express passionate and strongly held views on important political issues. The discourse, though informal, indicates a level of civic engagement among the commenters.
A few comments attempt to logically defend their positions with premises and reasons to support their conclusions, though these arguments remain largely undeveloped.
Most arguments are largely emotive, relying predominantly on rhetoric, subjective language and anecdotal evidence rather than sound logical reasoning and facts.
Many arguments contain logical fallacies as noted in my previous summary, undermining their cogency and persuasiveness.
Most arguments exhibit a high degree of bias, partisanship and lack of objectivity, limiting their credibility and openness to alternative views.
Many arguments lack clarity and specificity, making it difficult to fully evaluate their strength since key premises and conclusions remain vague or implied.
Very few counterarguments or responses to opposing views are provided, indicating a lack of critical interaction and debate among the commenters.
In summary, while the comments express passionate views on important issues, the informal and open-ended nature of the dialogue, combined with a heavy reliance on subjective anecdote over logic and evidence, results in arguments that are generally weak and unpersuasive. The discourse would benefit from greater clarity, substantiation with facts, acknowledgement of alternative perspectives, and logical responses to counterarguments.
Overall, I would evaluate the strength of the arguments in the comments as fairly weak due to the predominance of the weaknesses noted above. However, there is certainly potential for more rigorous and insightful debate if the commenters were willing to engage in a more objective, fact-based and civil discourse.
Based on my review of the comments, I would evaluate the ethics as follows:
Lack of moral basis for political claims: Many comments express strong political positions but fail to ground them in moral principles or considerations of the common good. They tend to reflect ideologies and partisan stances rather than a coherent ethical framework.
Little consideration for social impacts: Most comments advocate political policies and views with little acknowledgment or discussion of their ethical implications in terms of how they may impact society's most vulnerable groups. There is a lack of concern for social justice and equity.
Political ends justify means: Some comments imply that desired political outcomes justify almost any means used to achieve them, with little regard for ethical norms, values or fair processes. There seems to be an "ends justify the means" mentality.
Casual incivility and disrespect: Though not overly offensive, several comments exhibit a casual incivility, disrespect or contempt toward political figures and those with opposing views. There is a lack of consideration for the intrinsic worth of all persons.
Tribal, zero-sum approach: Many comments reflect a "zero-sum," tribal approach where one political faction "winning" requires the other "losing," rather than a positive-sum approach seeking solutions that can benefit all groups in society.
In summary, I would characterize the ethics reflected in the comments as generally weak. There is a lack of concern for moral principles, justice, fair treatment of others and the common good - elements foundational to robust political ethics. Many comments exhibit a partisan, "winner takes all" mentality with little regard for the dignity and interests of those seen as political opponents.
The informal and open-ended nature of the online discussion may contribute to this ethical deficit. More structured debate focused on moral reasoning and implications for society as a whole may help surface a more ethically grounded approach to the issues discussed.
Based on my review of the comments, I would make the following psychological observations:
Strong affective polarization: Many comments exhibit the psychological phenomenon of "affective polarization" where partisans have negative feelings toward the opposing party and its supporters, which can increase extreme attitudes and distrust.
Confirmation bias: Most comments reflect a confirmation bias where commenters selectively attend to information that confirms their existing views while ignoring or discounting disconfirming information. This reinforces preexisting opinions.
In-group favoritism/out-group hostility: Some comments demonstrate in-group favoritism toward those who share their political views coupled with hostility toward the out-group of political opponents, a common psychological tendency.
Desire for social identity/tribalism: Many comments express a desire for a strong social identity and sense of belonging through alignment with a political group or "tribe." This tribal loyalty seems to override concerns for facts or the common good.
Need for certainty/closure: Several comments exhibit an intolerance for ambiguity and a desire for certainty and closure on complex political issues, even without sufficient facts to justify conclusiveness. This psychological need may outweigh veracity.
Limited perspective-taking: There is little evidence that commenters are considering the viewpoints and experiences of those with opposing political perspectives, indicating a lack of psychological skill in cognitive perspective-taking.
In summary, the comments demonstrate several cognitive and social psychological phenomena that contribute to political polarization and strong partisan attitudes. Greater self-awareness of these psychological factors and skills in cognitive reappraisal, perspective-taking and critical thinking could help commenters engage more productively across differences.
Based on my analysis of the comments, I identified the following emotions:
Anger: Several comments express frustration, irritation and anger toward political opponents and the opposing party, particularly the Biden administration. The language used conveys dissatisfaction and outrage.
Fear: Some comments exhibit fear-based appeals, suggesting threats to American values, power, security and way of life under the current administration and political climate. Cautions of "wokeness," decline and World War III also indicate fear.
Nostalgia: A few comments express sentiments of nostalgia and longing for a romanticized past era under the Trump administration, appealing more to emotion than facts.
Pride: Some comments convey national pride and a desire to see America regain its global standing and influence, though this often seems tied to a partisan political agenda.
Hope: Several pro-Trump comments express hope that he will return as president to "fix" the country and restore American prosperity and power on the global stage. The language conveys optimism and possibility.
Disgust: Negative descriptions of opponents, their policies and behaviours seem aimed at eliciting disgust or disdain, particularly in critical comments about Trump.
In summary, the dominant emotions expressed in the comments seem to be:
Negative - Anger, fear and disgust toward political opponents
Positive - Hope for a preferred political outcome and some pride in American global power
However, many of the emotional appeals appear polarizing, partisan and exaggerated. A more balanced approach that considers complexities and alternative perspectives may yield insights to temper strong negative emotions and channel positive ones in more constructive ways.
Based on the details in the comments, I would evaluate the position of the commenters as follows:
More Autocratic:
Many comments express support for strong, even authoritarian, leadership with few checks on power.
Some express nostalgia for an era with less "political correctness" and perceived restrictions on speech.
Those who strongly favor Trump's policies appear willing to accept unilateral executive actions to achieve desired political ends.
Comments critical of opponents exhibit a lack of tolerance for alternative views and policies.
More Democratic:
Some commenters criticize both political parties, indicating a desire for a more representative system.
A few comments advocate for a focus on social justice, equity and the interests of vulnerable groups.
There are calls for greater moral reasoning and consideration for the common good beyond partisan interests.
Several oppose the "tribal" and "winner takes all" approach reflected in some comments.
However, on the whole, most of the details in the comments would suggest:
Limited respect for political opposition and alternative views
A paucity of deliberative discussion focusing on facts, evidence and the public interest
Favoring strong leadership over checks and power balancing
Inclinations toward unilateral action and imposition of one's policy preferences
Therefore, while a few democratic sentiments emerge, the prevalent characteristics in the comments would place most commenters closer to the autocratic end of the spectrum in terms of their expressed political preferences, tendencies and ideologies.
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visibun · 2 years
...holy fuck, my last post is quite literally the very first time that I've ever reached the tag limit for a post, and I primarily pulled that off by prattling on about Cinnabun at extreme length.
I didn't even know that there was a limit of 30 tags per post. I've never had any reason to hit that limit before. If that doesn't fully prove and emphasize that this little trauma rabbit isn't my most detailed and obsessed-about OC brain worm of all time, I don't know what the hell else could possibly spell it out any better.
...if you've been reading her tag on my blog, but can't understand what her deal is thus far: She's a Lopunny OC, and hers is a mature, fairly dark, and very heavy story, taking place in the Pokemon universe. Yes, I started writing this in a very low, very mentally/emotionally fragile, and really dark part of my life, so yes, this started off as "me effectively venting/'self-harming' in a way through her." I know that OC stories involving both Pokemon and sensitive subjects like death, self-harm, suicide, and so forth are usually frowned upon by a good deal of the fanbase or whatever, since that's not what the source media is like on the surface. But at this point, I hardly care to even acknowledge that stance... you know, past the upcoming walls of text.
Prepare for an encounter with an autistic hyperfixation hidden raid boss fight just below the post cut.
For one, Cinnabun starting off as a sort of "projection" of myself made her both VERY special and important to me, to the point where writing about her low points started to actually personally resonate with myself. This made writing about her in great detail that much easier, since whatever thoughts and feelings that I felt as I was coming up with ideas for this story was on par with how she was meant to feel in those particular scenes. I've quite literally never synchronized with an OC this deeply before, and this let me write out the longest story that I've ever written in my whole goddamn life. It's been a fun and engaging process from start to finish, coming up with plot points and general story details, and then figuring out how to weave everything together so it flows in a way that I like. It's all very special to me, for that reason.
And then two, to be blunt... life is short. To be even more blunt... who knows how much longer I have to be around and enjoy small things like this. I don't care to stunt my ideas just because the theme/tone in its given setting isn't regarded as "popular" by many others in the Pokemon fanbase. It gives me a massive creative outlet — the biggest that I've ever had, really — and working on it to any extent feels really great to my mind that's otherwise typically too crowded up with TV static and disorganized/negative thoughts to let me ever experience a single moment of catharsis to any degree.
I know that the setting of Pokemon is considered to be an odd choice for a story that is largely very upsetting and dark... but, in my defense, the world of Pokemon is already very heavily implied in canon media to be utterly horrifying behind the scenes. A lot of Pokedex entries straight-up designate a good deal of Pokemon as "chronically suffering," like Phantumps being dead lost kids in the woods, Cubones crying over their dead mothers (whose skull they wear) loudly enough to attract their natural predators straight to themselves, or Yamask carrying a depiction of its face from its past life and crying over it. And then, there's other Pokemon who are designated as "chronically making others suffer," like people getting their spirit stolen by looking into a Shedinja's back, Drifloon being a Pokemon "formed by the spirits of people and Pokemon" that casually abducts children, or the fact that a strong pseudo-legendary like Hydreigon has a habit of "biting anything that moves" and has tales of it destroying whole villages. And then there's other Pokemon who just... accidentally create problems by existing. Some casually explode for little to no reason. Others make a lot of earthquakes or other natural disasters just by going about their business. Shit like that.
Like yeah, obviously these details aren't going to be shown in regular Pokemon media, since it is ultimately a franchise geared towards the enjoyment of kids and young teens (with a great deal of fossils like myself obviously still latching onto the franchise for longer than I thought I'd still care about it). But like... there's enough context clues just out there in plain sight to know that the Pokemon universe is 100% capable of being a circus of both horrors and dangers. As far as I can give a damn, my little story and the poor rabbit that it revolves around would be considered "just another Tuesday in Hoenn" in comparison to what else could happen in any of the regions at any given time.
So... yeah. I don't know what possessed me to talk at length about this to like... no one in specific, but that's my mental word salad about that OC and her story. I like writing about her since it gives me a massive creative release, and I fully disagree with the thought that every original story in a Pokemon setting has to be sterile and pleasant or else it's just "bad" or whatever. If I wanted a tame and clean story in the Pokemon universe, I'd just watch the show or play any of the official games... hence, me writing out my own story, and then defending its existence to no one but I guess myself for what feels like the past hour.
...I should probably go and eat something now;;
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not-poignant · 2 years
I've been re-reading some old smutty kink fics I saved 10 years ago, and they've clearly been written by allosexuals. Nothing wrong with that obviously, but I'm just remembering how the descriptions of (physical) attraction never resonated with me even then, when i didn't know i was ace. And it just hit me how your stories are such a gift to ace people. Your stories make me feel seen, and the way you write smut is hot and arousing in a way those other stories never managed. So, thank you!
AHHH thank YOU anon <333
Tbh this is definitely a vibe. I've gone back to like, fanfics or romance novels from the past that I used to read when I didn't know there was stuff more suited to me, and it's like 'damn, I had to settle for this?'
You don't even know you're settling, because you don't know that there's other options. I remember feeling that way when I went from the m/m I read now to the het stuff I used to read as a teenager, and I feel that way too when I go from very 'typical' allo sex scenes vs. those written by aces.
I do think some allos can write very appealing sex scenes for ace folks, those who are just good writers in general aren't dependent on sexual attraction to get across a sex or BDSM scene, and so you do get more descriptions of emotionality, arousal, and the five senses, and arousal isn't always or even mostly dependent on sexual attraction. It was through finding some of those fics (and fics written by closeted aces) that I was able to develop my own style in the first place.
But definitely, I ended up here writing the stuff I write because I just wanted to see more of it and I wasn't easily finding it when I searched. I'm really lucky, and really happy, that my stories resonate with other people too! Like, I'm really glad they come across. I know there's some aces that skip them entirely because of reasons (like being sex averse) which is also really understandable, but when I find fellow spicy aces who enjoy this stuff it just makes me realise that there's so many of us out there.
Here's hoping we get more and more media (and representation) going into the future.
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tiannarosetarot · 3 years
Your Love Life In October | Pick-a-Card Reading
It's been a while since I've done one of these so I wanted to come back with a pick-a-card reading for what might be happening in your love life during the month of October!
There are 3 piles in the image below. See which one resonates with you, and scroll down to find your specific pile.
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If you would like more information on your reading, message me for a tip-based extended reading!
And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! My Venmo is TiannaRoseTarot 💖
Pile 1
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Seems like you've been feeling a little depressed or worried, probably having some nightmares lately maybe about your connection or about love in general. If you haven't been in a relationship for a while you may be feeling bad about yourself or questioning whether you're ever going to find love. It seems like these fears are bigger in your head and it will be most helpful to put work through them or put them aside because while they do feel authentic they're not necessarily accurate.
We have the Fool so you're starting off into a new connection this month and trying new things in general. Maybe you don't have that much relationship experience already so everything could feel new to you. There’s this feeling of childhood innocence in this connection. We do have the Ace of Water or Cups so this will be a really emotionally deep connection, and it does seem like a new relationship will be starting for you in October or soon after. You're in those early stages right now. Your person does see you as really attractive and an amazing person. It seems you are becoming more self-confident and it’s showing on the outside. People are sensing some shifts in you, maybe emotionally or physically that are causing you to be more attractive. Now, you may typically be a more courageous person or you are being called now to be more courageous and confident. Maybe you’re typically more independent and you don't really feel like you need somebody, but that doesn't mean that you don't want to be in a relationship. So it's important to stay determined and believe that you can have it.
Now on top of that, we have the oracle cards Courage so it’s clear that you are being called to step forward, maybe take a bit of a more proactive role in your love life. Then we have New Moon in Virgo, “a time to give rather than take”. It seems like when you do get into a relationship this will be a good balance and it may be helpful for you to focus more on giving but also make sure that you're not putting in all of the work. This also just connects to feeling more confident in yourself with the Virgo energy and because we're just finishing with Virgo season right now this new relationship could already be in the works so just be patient and see what happens. The Courage card also represents Libra energy, so lots of important things happening this October. We also have the card Leadership, just continuing to encourage you to step forward make that first move, maybe whatever you feel resonates, but you may need to step out of your comfort zone a little bit in order to make this relationship happen in the way that you want it to.
One thing to be aware of is love bombing, so if they seem to be inconsistent. If you have a situation further down in the relationship where you are starting to pull away and then they start to come forward and show you all of the reasons why you fell to them in the first place just be aware that that could be potentially harmful if they're doing it in a more manipulative way to get you to stay with them and then go back to just not seeming to care. But we do have the card “they wants what's best for you” so it seems like they might not necessarily be doing this intentionally and they do really care about you like they want to be with you and they don't want to lose you. They might just not know how to go about that so it's important to communicate because they do learn from you. They want to know how to help, they want to know how to be the person that you need and your own action on yourself might inspire them to take action to improve themselves as well. This person does see you in their future want to be with you.
While this does seem to be in quite the early stages it's definitely moving forward in the month of October so be patient see what happens. Don't be afraid to take a jump and see what happens. It’s definitely scary to take risks but it seems like your feelings/actions will be reciprocated.
Pile 2
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So you have been through some stuff, maybe we're seeing some form of the betrayal, maybe even being cheated on, poverty or a major financial loss, just feeling lost overall. Throughout all of this, you've stayed strong taking care of the things you need to, becoming really smart about handling your own stuff.
If some of these things happened early on in your life you may have had to grow up kind of fast and may have missed out on some important parts of your childhood. The Six of Water or Cups is indicating that you can go back you can still be a kid, maybe now that things have kinda calmed down a little bit you'll be able to revisit some of the important memories from your childhood and get back to your center. If you are in a relationship right now there is a chance that some of these negative things will happen or are happening in your current situation but I think you'll kind of know if that is what's going on.
We do have the Love card which is of course a super good sign to get in a love reading, so I think if you're realizing this you need to get out of whatever connection you might be in right now there will be another one that is better for you, so don't worry. We have the Full Moon in Scorpio, “time to release negativity”, so it does seem like those negative things are going to come to an end and you'll be able to focus more on happiness that is coming into your life this October. The Love card has Libra energy so, with that and the Scorpio card, it seems like these changes may occur in later October or early November so it might take a little bit longer but it is still happening. Then we have the card Prosperity. So if you have struggled with what the Five of Earth or Pentacles is referencing of poverty or financial loss or insecurity, you will be reaching a new state of prosperity financially as well as in love. Maybe for the first time, your material and financial needs are actually going to be met, and it seems like your emotional needs are going to be met as well.
Then we have the card love-bombing just like came up in Pile 1, but I have a feeling that this relates to more of a past negative relationship when maybe you got cheated on or maybe you just felt betrayed because of that manipulation. It does seem like this person is looking at your social media so they probably still think about you but we're done with that I'm moving on, it was not a good position for you to be in and there are better things coming. This person may also be thinking a lot about your past conversations, they're kind of reminiscing on the memories that you guys shared together. I have a feeling that overall you know that this is not the best situation.
This card could also refer to your new relationship coming in October. Maybe they're thinking a lot about what to say because they don't want to mess it up. The next person seems to care a lot and maybe there's a little bit of intimidation because they know how much you've gone through and how you've grown from that. They don’t want to be the one to ruin your glow because they can see that you are just finally starting to get back on your feet after some negative events in your past and they wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that.
So overall despite what you guys might have gone through in your past or in your childhood there are changes coming in October and then into November and lots of love going around, so let’s start spreading more positivity and happiness and prosperity.
Pile 3
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There's some powerful energy here with two major Arcana cards and two court cards. You seem to be a very passionate person but you still tend to be a bit more on the practical side. You’re more grounded or you are being called to become more grounded. You may be some type of artist or creator, but no matter what you put your mind to you put your all into it. So before getting into a relationship you want to make sure that it's correct because you don't want to put all of this time and energy into something if it doesn't work out.
With the Hanged One it seems like it might be best for you to kind of try to release some of that control because you don't really get to know ahead of time whether a relationship is going to work out or not. So relax a little bit more, enjoy it, ask the universe to bring you what you need. You might be the type of person who is not afraid to go out and get or ask for what you want but instead of going directly, it might be best to ask for the universe to provide this instead. Focus on manifestation and then let what things happen in the way that it needs to. This is important because it seems like there may be multiple different options or paths that you can go down. You’re kind of staying on the outskirts right now because you are not sure which path to take. I'm hearing that you want to go full speed ahead into a relationship and when you get into a relationship maybe you aren't afraid of it going quickly because when you feel more confident in yourself you're allowing things to happen. But since you don't know which path to go down, maybe there are two good people that you could be in a relationship with, or maybe you have some opportunities that are not directly related to relationships but one or another could bring you a different kind of relationship. You have all of these opportunities in front of you and you have to choose which one you want to take. So try to release control a little bit.
It's really important to focus on grounding, if you've been working on that more during Virgo season and now going into Libra season you can be focused more on just reaping the rewards of your hard work and of your manifestations. We have the Full Moon in Taurus, “your dreams need a practical plan” so again you may want to focus more on grounding; figuring out what you truly want and then if you are a go-getter or somebody who likes to take action you'll be more confident in your decision. And then also just remember that you are safe no matter what happens. You're being protected so if you do jump a little bit headfirst into a new relationship without necessarily knowing how it's going to go, things are still going to work out for you. It just might take you a little bit longer to figure out where you need to be.
Now at the same time be a little bit cautious. Look out for any red flags because they may exist that might even help you to make your decision if you do choose to go forward with any of these different options that are being presented for you. Then also trust yourself. Trust your intuition and what you're being called to do. The universe does have your best interest in mind as long as you make it clear what you want. This relationship may be happening within a few months, so right on track with what this reading is focused on, October. This is going to be somebody who you can laugh with, I feel like you guys are going to make each other smile and have lots of positive emotions. Not that there won't be anything negative but you guys are going to be a great match together and you'll be able to handle these difficulties that you might go through. It seems like you won’t have to be so focused on the relationship and making that work; it'll be more of a sense of security that'll help you through other more difficult things in other aspects of your life.
Overall trust yourself, trust the universe; the universe is going to direct you in the right way so although you might have a lot of options you're going to be able to come to some type of decision.
Thank you
so much for being here, and I hope you enjoyed this reading!
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Have a great day!
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