#u sound hella logical
whimsical-roasting · 1 year
Any hc on Jamie in bed? 😅 x
fuck yes, thank you for asking
i have so many and i have problems keeping it short but oh god jamie in bed (its too long, i've cut some and it doesn't make logical sense)
he's clearly experienced - babes he's a famous footballer who used to be hella prick-ish.. he was f u c k i n g
i like to think since yall have intimacy and some emotional connection that the kisses aren't all fast and sloppy... they start off deep and slow. you on your back and him on top of you, between your legs. it gets more passionate and heated - he's the type to bite your bottom lip and suck on your tongue (same, its a goat makeout move)
he'll pull away and you're lifting your head, tryna follow his lips. he just chuckles kinda smug about how bad you want him
i'm someone who's super sensual so i like thinking about holding his face and peppering open mouth kissing all over - cheek, temple, chin, adam's apple... he loves it, it's soft lovin but it gets him going
he's so fucking hot man...he works out and trains so hard and you can SEE the fruits of his labour. and you're appreciating those fruits by giving open mouth kisses and letting your tongue lick up his body.. it makes him shiver a bit, and you grin against his stomach
I LIKE TO BELIEVE HE'S INTO BODY WORSHIP. he would fucking LOVE kissing down your body, your arms, your thighs with this kinda devotion holy fuck
obviously you're worshipping his body...look at him..
the kind to slide down to have his face between your legs, essentially making out with your inner thighs and your head just falls back
he'd love to press and dig his fingers into your thighs, they're SO soft and malleable and he loves the way its his fingers digging into your thighs because you're his
the man is def possessive, i can imagine hickeys all over your chest
spreads you open and cocky chuckle "you're soakin love, for me?" "all mine huh?"
he gives good fucking head oh my god, and his fingers would twist inside of you. he'd pull them out and use those same slicked up fingers to massage your inner thigh as he suctions onto your clit
i most definitely think he'd give praise and i bet he eats up getting praised
he's good at dirty talk too... the kind to be doing strokes in missionary and your face gives away how good it feels so he plays dumb "right there, baby? just like that? you like that?" and you just whine, nodding desperately...he eats it up
he likes being close to you and seeing your face.. you straddling him and his face in your titties while you kiss his forehead??? perfect. he can die happy now.
i think the cocky lil shit would love doing backshots in front of a mirror, his hand around your throat..."look at us, sweetheart"
he enjoys it slow and deep with his face in your neck and he's groaning, whining and cussing
alternatively, he loves it rough and fast too, when you're like all like "holy fuck fuck fuck, please jamie PLEASE" - MAN he goes harder.. the walls need to SHAKE with the sound of you cheering for him
i could go on forever but LASTLY (for now), can we imagine pls sitting him in front of a mirror and sliding between his legs to give him head? him looking down at you, your pretty eyes looking up at him with his dick in your mouth!! and he just closes his eyes and groans, and you whisper, voice hoarse from taking him in your throat "look at yourself, handsome, so good for me" and his eyes flutter open to catch his reflection
his cheeks red, and your head bobbing and "so good for me" just repeats in his head and he'd get all whiney, his hands tangled into your head. i like to believe he's cute and needy and thrusts into your mouth when he hears all the slurpy sounds you make around him
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2-wuv · 3 months
System ask questions. All of them.
Which headmates are the iconic couple - probably Inland and Concept tbh!!
Which headmates are the unlikely couple - Vol & PT tbh. quote from the night they became official:
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Which headmates were enemies at first and now best friends and/or a couple - Inland and Auth. they fuckin hated each other for SO LONG AJSKDJCJCJZ no idea what changed between em but I'm glad it changed goddamn
Which headmate is the most different from the body? - i meannnn. All of us tbh DBDJSJFJCJXKD
Which headmates are city folk - Shivers 1000% tbh
Which headmates are country folk - idk actually!
Which headmates have the most unique music taste? - idk actually!! our music tastes r either v similar to each other or not very unique to begin with hmmmm
Which headmate has the most specific role? - either Auth [their role is to Be Cared For And Doted On when up front] or Suggestion [Its role is To Be A Sapient Stim Toy. Its role is to Literally be thrown around and hit. do not worry this doesn't hurt him at all and he enjoys it JAKAAKSJDJFJDJD]
Are there any headmates from a specific state/country/etc different from the body? - I mean technically all us Skills are fantasy French i guess. does that count
Which headmates are emo/punk/goth etc? - Aesthetic-wise? I don't think any of us actually!
What are some pet peeves headmates have about other headmates? - Scio & Cass are super annoyed by Mr. Soot's voice and demeanor tbh if that counts. Like the three do not get along well at all SJDJSJSKFJF
What headmate has a skill that the body doesn't usually, but when they front the body gets it (or almost gets it)? - PT is hella skilled at friendship bracelet making meanwhile the rest of us suck at anything that isn't a chevron or smth really simple HSDJSJDJFJD so all the bracelets we make she's gotta be up front for
What headmate makes the most typos? - I DO AJAKAKSDJFJFJDJD i type FAST and unless I'm typoing my name I don't care to fix em because the typos add Flavour. They add Character. Also i dont feel like fixing em. Also Logic!! due to uhhhhhhhh psychosis shit he's really uncoordinated w the body now and has poor motor skills
What headmate has the weirdest (/pos) way of talking/typing? - idk!! rn we don't really have anyone w unusual typing quirks outside of Logic & his typos [lh] but talking-wise hmmmm. I guess Shivers! She kinda blasts her voice all through the headspace & into our minds when she talks and she is VERY loud but that's expected ig since she embodies the spirit of a city and all. and also Logic again actually, it's not Weird per se but he slurs his words a lot usually as a side effect of our last Big Psychosis Episode™. Also shoutout to Esprit who primarily speaks through barking and other animal sounds, love that 4 you but pleaze stop barking directly in my ear when u front AIAJSJSKD OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABT RHETORIC he sounds like he's choking when he speaks. Which. He is. On. His own neck LMAO
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kirinda-ondo · 2 years
I wanna ask the Fruit Loops! 🗣️🤡🐒💝🎲
O shit all of them?? Hella
🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
"A simple task, really! And fun! As if I could pass up the opportunity to have an audience!"
PLEASE let Bragi speak publicly, that means he has an AUDIENCE that is PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM. He would THRIVE.
"U-Um... no. N-No thank you."
Aneas would simply pass away if asked to do any public speaking. Like you might be able to begrudgingly convince him if he can hide in the safety of his sleeves while he does it but even then he would probably be struggling
"Sure! Ain't no big thing! Just... not right now--"
Tomor is usually pretty unbothered so you'd think he'd be fine with a large audience, but a stage comedian he is not. He can kind of make a convincing sounding delivery, but his legs are totally shaking the whole time.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
"A-As if I'd tell you!"
Bragi once got stuck in a playground tunnel and freaked out so bad he passed out and his friend Maraschi had to call emergency services to remove him and even though he swore her to secrecy she keeps TELLING PEOPLE and they keep LAUGHING AT HIM--
"Mmm... W-Where do I even begin..."
Aneas is honestly embarrassed about his entire existence tbh. Especially his height. He knows everybody loves him being baby-sized but he doesn't WANT to be baby-sized, he wants to be taken SERIOUSLY and reach IMPORTANT SHELVES or HIS WIFE'S FACE without using a step-stool!
"I ain't embarrassed about nothin'! Not when I can just look back and laugh!"
Tomor is not easily embarrassed, but if you were to even remotely imply he was into a certain horrible fish girl he would probably deny it just a little too hard and then have to go and re-evaluate some things and spiral a bit because he doesn't even realize it yet--
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
If you put Bragi within 15 feet of any animal he WILL scream and probably die. That being said, he does begrudgingly accept that the starfish is objectively the best animal because by Bragi logic, you get stars when you're good, so to be already born star-shaped means they must be perfect.
"Umm... B-Birds are nice!"
Aneas doesn't want any animals of his own because A) he's afraid he would accidentally kill them, and B) He's worried they would harm his plants. He wouldn't mind some bird-themed knick-knacks tho.
"Spiders are pretty fun, I guess. The reactions to 'em are always pretty funny, anyway--"
Tomor does genuinely think they're neat tho. He doesn't own one, but he knows a lot of spider facts
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
"Getting on my good side isn't all that hard to do, so long as you're nice to me and give me presents~"
Bragi is incredibly attention hungry, so he will gladly accept any and every kind gesture you are willing to give. That said, if you wanna like actually really move him, do or give him something that he's not expecting. He will cry and cherish it forever.
"Y-You don't have to do anything for me... J-Just be nice to Coulie, th-that's all I want."
Aneas doesn't really expect anyone to do anything nice for him ever, so anytime someone does, it's honestly really appreciated, even if it's some grand thing that makes him feel really awkward and uncomfortable. Really all you have to do is be nice, respect his wife, and appreciate his plants.
"I don't need favors, and I don't like havin' a lot of stuff. And I especially don't like feelin' like I owe nobody nothin'. People say they don't tally that kinda thing, but they all secretly do."
The best thing to give Tomor is just your time and hang out, and most importantly, be at least a little fun lmao
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list
O shit uhhh we'll go with:
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
"I don't understand the fuss about romance! It's stupid and confusing and it takes up too much time that could be better spent on more important things!"
Sometimes Bragi does kind of wonder if he's missing out on something, but then he thinks about it a little more and is like "nah"
"I-I don't understand technology... Th-There's either too many buttons, o-or no buttons at all, a-and I don't get it at all..."
Inside of Aneas is a little old lady and she doesn't know what a Google is, let alone how to use it! Or the toaster for that matter! Thankfully, he doesn't need Google because his wife Coulie knows everything (sincere) (affectionate)
"What's the big deal about mortals? It's always, 'save 'em all!' or 'kill em all!' What's it matter? Sure, they're fun sometimes, but they're just gonna die in a couple decades, so like, who cares?"
Tomor just sees mortals as short-lived novelties, little more than pets or entertainment. This will absolutely not cause any friction in his life whatsoever--
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trashmykrp · 7 years
i’m sorry but this fetishizing thing is getting wayy out of hand. on one side, we have some korean rpers become incredibly offended about “krp” being a tag and using anyone in the korean industry as a fc. the reason this tag exists is to filter out other types of rps. If you type in “rp”  in the tumblr search bar, the first things that pop up are either indie rp blogs OR westernized rp groups ( and the occasional harry potter cosplayer, anime rper, etc ). 
that being said, there are many rps that are being hidden within the shadows. & if you look at the krp tags with the many krp directories, most are tagged “rp” AND “krp” for those that are specifically looking for a directory that accepts fcs of asian decent that work in the entertainment industry. AND while we’re on the topic of truth, many do not want to rp with people of asian decent in most western roleplays. in fact, some even make it a race thing, and focus nothing on the character. 
yes, this is only to some ( for those that end up complaining later about something I wrote ) before we even get to the topic of fetishes. 
now, i’m not korean, but i am a poc and when i see someone using a poc fc, i applaud them simply because people are going out of their comfort zone to rp a poc and they might possibly get it all wrong, but it’s not something to stress over. 
now, i’m not attacking someone specifically, but i’m going to take the blogger that has been shared on this blog to disprove a lot of what they said. ( i’ll send in some receipts as well if need be. )
“korean people are not a genre. we aren’t an aesthetic. do you not find it strange that theres a whole subgenre of roleplay dedicated to korean muses? literally no one else in any other subgenre does this. i have never seen a genre of roleplay for a specific ethnicity. anime and comic rp group themselves as a genre because of the similarities in artistic medium..”
this is an incrediblyvalid point, but I’d very respectfully disagree. honey, you’re not looking hard enough into the rp tags if you don’t notice a damn whole rp community dedicated to comic rp, anime, and specific ethnicity. 
there is a yandere tag, a slice of life tag, an anime tag for rp in that specific category. krp is just one of many. 
yes, you’re tired of all the damn fetishizing, the use of aesthetic and etc. however, everything is a damn aesthetic. everything and there is no hiding it that most people are going to be attracted to things that catch their eye. 
also, while we’re at it, what about the western faceclaims? aren’t they fetishized too? take kylie jenner, for example. the majority of the rps that have a kylie jenner faceclaim are usually those that use her for smut and aesthetic purposes. the girl is gorgeous, no denying that, but she is fetishized nevertheless and she’s not the only one. what about ariana grande? justin bieber? jensen ackles? gigi hadid? harry fucking styles? or even nina dobrev? 
let’s move on to our next point before i get nasty. 
reblogging gifsets of kpop idols you like or kdramas you want to watch and tagging it as ‘omg my muse would definitely have a crush on this person’ is the most shallow, obvious form of yellow fever i’ve ever seen. whether your muse would have a crush on this idol or actor is not even relevant to the blog, it’s relevant to you, the mun, who sees a pretty korean face and decides that it fits the ‘aesthetic’ of your blog.
i’m sorry, but how can you make such a generalized statement? what if the mun that has reblogged the set of gifsets know about the character portrayed in these korean dramas? and honestly, as humanswe are just naturally attracted to others that are better looking ( it’s called natural selection ). and I’m livid because how do you know what their character wants and doesn’t want? how do you know what attracts them?if you have a mind reader, please, by all means, let me know since you know much about the mind of another mun. 
“ i’ve never seen anime rp ever reblog gifsets of an anime that’s entirely different from the series that their muse is from and claim that their muse would have a crush on this irrelevant anime character whom they have had no interactions with. so why do you do that to real people? it’s just a tag of korean people who you think are hot? do you not see how fetishizing that is?”
this is bullshit and you know it ( not the ending part but gifsets of anime part ). if a said mun uses a face claim from tokyo ghoul and then reblog a gifset from another anime, then so be it and it's common. 
and why do you constantly treat korean people like fictional characters you can just fuck around with? does it not strike you as weird to write aus of real people? they’re not even ocs, you just take the idol, their name, their age, their face, and then change everything else around them. these people are not characters, they’re real life entertainers and you treat them like fictional characters, like accessories. writing aus of fictional characters comes from the sentiment of wanting to create something new based on what’s already given of a person who isnt real. it’s fetishizing, it’s dehumanizing, and it’s so painfully uncomfortable to see as a korean person. and it’s not in the same vein as writing an oc and having a faceclaim for them because when you retain the name and ‘character’ of the faceclaim, you’re writing this idol, not an oc, as if the fc werent people. i’ve never seen a ‘benedict cumberbatch au rp blog’ or a ‘tom hiddleston rp blog’ so why is this such a common occurrence to korean celebrities?
so then stop rp. stop every roleplay out there since this is incredibly demoralizing and inhumane. every damn faceclaim in the roleplay world is demoralizing in your definition. roleplay was meant to be fun, meant to be a release from the real world to be created in a fun and safeenvironment. 
i’m not saying this to be mean. i’m not saying this to be salty ( actually yes I am ) but a lot of what you’re saying is your opinion and yours alone. and as a poc i understand your argument. 
as for those “benedict cumberbatch blogs” or “tom hiddleston blogs”:
there are your blogs. 
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fukozawa · 2 years
/tw depression, pmdd, sh
Tfw the pmdd hits and everything that’s bright and happy about life gets snuffed out and covered up with the thickest disgusting cloud of misery, hatred, and darkness. And no matter how hard u try to use rationality and logic to at least try to dig yourself out of the hole you suddenly found yourself in, its like the more u try to dig the deeper u sink. So you have no choice but to sit back in your deep dark pit of despair, close your eyes, and repeat the mantra “this will pass” while ignoring the sensation of pain in your hands from clenching your fists too hard, before possibly doing something you regret over an emotion that isnt even real. So youve got to decide between inducing your own dissociative episode and staring at a blank wall just to get through it, or being forced to have a full blown meltdown because (in my case) youre hella autistic and Any Single Bad; sound/sensation/touch/song/food texture/tone of voice/etc would be enough to tip you over the edge. Of which at that point you physically cant stop your body from breathlessly sobbing as if youve just watched your newborn child murdered in front of you, plus throw in the feeling of physically imploding and wanting to bang your head against a cement wall, over and over. All while having to isolate yourself from people who could help you because the thought of reaching out to loved ones only brings up flashbacks to when u were a toddler and every time you’d start crying as a kid from being overstimulated/overwhelmed, your moms instant reaction would be to roll her eyes and look at you like you were the most inconvenient needy annoying child to have ever entered her life. So youre taught that your autistic needs and emotions are too much to handle from a very young age and now you pride yourself in being to able to “handle your own shit” and not burden anyone else with things that nobody would imagine you even go through, all while simultaneously longing for the day when you won’t feel so utterly alone.
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 4
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Part 3
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Just a single curse word.
Chapter: 4/? I'm sorry, this is going to be long :c but I just loooove writing it
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.6k
Author's note: This is a little bit shorter, but it's pure fluff, and the next one is going to be so long they will compensate eachother, hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 4 Bloom- The Paper Kites
I was floating in cloud nine, everything I have ever dreamt of suddenly became true, there he was, the boy of my dreams liking me back, what else could’ve I asked for? Maybe a little more time together before he’s gone.
The doubts in my heart were getting more difficult to ignore with every passing minute, we came back to the dorms like two hours ago but I was incapable of going to bed, let alone trying to sleep, there was so much to think about, were we a couple? I’ve never had a boyfriend, I don’t know how these things are supposed to work, we like each other, that’s all that it takes right? A long-distance relationship? I’ve heard that those never work, or should we wait for him to come back to make it official? Aren’t we already official? We’ve kissed, like a lot, there was even some tongue; ugh those thoughts made me feel so embarrassed.
The light of my home screen lightly illuminated the room, and with my blushed cheeks I went to check who was messaging me, it was Kaminari, I opened the text that reads “R u awake? I had a nightmare and I really could use a hug from my bestie rn” followed by five crying emojis; “See you in the place” said my reply, the place was this empty service room in the rooftop of the dorms, nobody ever used it for anything so it is completely empty, we made a copy of the key one day that we had to clean the entire dorms because a certain yellow-haired guy decide to play “potions” in chemistry class, and since then it’s been our hiding place, it had everything that we needed, a lot of junk food, fairy lights, a portable speaker, blankets and an Opossum holding a cigarette poster in one wall; whenever one of us needed a break from the outside world we came here, this is our safe space.
I opened the door to the place and saw Denki standing there, he looked so tiny and vulnerable, I hugged him instantly, the dim fairy lights in the opossum wall made his facial features even prettier, it was obvious he had been crying, I didn’t asked any question and he didn’t said anything, we just hugged for what it seemed like hours, with a heavy sight he pulled apart and give me smile
-Thanks Y/N I really needed that- Said Denki with his hand in my cheek and his eyes fixed in some point between us
-They’re back, aren’t they? - I asked with concern
He nodded and lied in one of our blankets in the floor, I did the same, we both were looking at the glow in the dark stars glued to the celling not saying a single word, he held my hand and started to cry
-Why do they keep coming back? I don’t wanna be afraid anymore- I knew exactly what he meant, he had a recurrent nightmare, a big fight against villains, every one of us dying in awful ways, he is always the last one to die, and before that there is always someone telling him that he is the weakest of us, that this was all his fault for not being enough.
-Your mind is playing tricks on you, you are not weak, I know I’ve told you that a gazillion times, but I’m willing to do it a million more, all the times you need it, I’m here, we are all safe and sound, you have nothing to worry about- Anytime the nightmares come back I make sure Denki knows he’s just as strong as any of our other classmates, that he’s smart and capable of being a great hero.
-I want to be able to protect you, I don’t want you to die- Said Denki facing me and locking his eyes with my own.
-I promise you, I’m not going to die in the hands of a villain, I’m going to die being the coolest grandma in the neighbourhood, doing a sick backflip and daring Satan himself to come for my soul- I said to make Denki laugh, and apparently it worked
-You’re my best friend Y/N, I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here, please never stop being like that-
-Being how? -
-I don’t know, funny, smart, a real pain in the ass to the villains and the teachers, a stubborn whiney stuff-
-Are you sure you aren’t describing yourself? –
-Nah, I didn’t said the most handsome man who ever walked the earth, but you’re not bad looking-
We both laughed, I really enjoyed being around Denki, his presence always felt comforting, like coming back home after a long trip, or eating your favourite homemade dish after a rough day, like a cool late summer breeze, he makes my heart warm and my troubles go away, I never feel more like myself than when I’m around him. That’s what friendship feels like, right?
-Could you do me one last favour Y/N? – Denkis voice took me out of my own mind -I don’t want to go back to my room and have another nightmare, I don’t wanna make you unconformable or anything, but could I sleep with you? -
It definitely took me by surprise, we had a lot of sleepovers over the years, but never just the two of us
-I understand if you say no, but I promise I just want to sleep, and having you around makes me feel safe-
-I have an idea, let’s have a sleepover here in the place, I’ll put one of those white noise videos that last hours, so you don’t have to think about anything-
-I’ll set the alarm to get up early and go to our dorms before anyone sees us, thank you so much Y/N, I’ll make it up to you, I promise-
-You don’t have to; I know you’ll do the same for me-
-You’re an angel but with no wings-
-So, like a person? –
-Shut up Aubrey Plaza-
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We were both lying in the blankets on the floor, our heads at the same level (look at the reference above) and I was slowly falling asleep, all I could hear was the white noise and Denkis soft breathing, I closed my eyes and just before I completely lost my consciousness and succumb to the tiredness of my body I heard it, Denkis soft voice, “I love you Y/N”. I turned my head to look at him with my heart racing miles, but he was deeply asleep. Maybe I just imagined the whole thing, it probably was my tired mind, I took one last look to the boy next to me, sleeping so peacefully and with a little smile in his lips feeling the same familiar warmth in my soul, is this really what friendship feels like?
The alarm went off exactly at 5 am, I woke up and it took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t in my dorm room, then I remembered Denkis nightmare, our sleepover, and that thing I thought I heard. I had to wake Denki up so we could go to our respective rooms without Aizawa founding out we were out of our rooms at night, or even worse that we had the keys of the place. I sat there and moved Denki to wake him up. He opened one eye and whined
-But moooooom, it’s Saturday, I don’t have to go to school-
-Come on Denki we have to go to our rooms-
-Five more minutes- He said and hugged my leg
-Do you want Iida to found out we didn’t sleep in our rooms and telling Aizawa? -
And just like that he got up and started heading to the door
-Shit, you’re right, come on, you know that guy wakes up hella early-
We were in the stairs heading to our rooms, and although we were on Denkis floor, he kept climbing down the stairs with me.
-You don’t have to escort me to my room Denki-
-Oh but I want to- Replied the yellow haired guy
When we were in front of my door he leaned down and planted a chaste kiss in my forehead.
-Thank you for being there for me, I will remember this night for the rest of my life- And he turned around without waiting for a response disappeared heading towards the stairs.
I stepped into my room with a heavy cloud around my mind, there was so many feelings inside me that I couldn’t even tell them apart, where do I draw the line between friendship and love? Between admiration and affection? Between what I feel for Bakugo and what I feel for Denki?
I closed my eyes and remembered everything that happened yesterday, Bakugos confession, our shared kisses, the promise we made, six months apart now sounded a lot more crucial, after all the things that could happen in the matter of a few hours. Did I just said that because the heat of the moment? The words Bakugo said to me sounded so mature and logical, not like my own thoughts right now, am I just a slave of my own feelings? How would he react if he were me? What about Denki? Was he aware of all those years after his friend? And what if he knew and that is the reason why he hasn’t told me anything yet? Maybe I was just overthinking the situation, nothing was written in stone, neither my relationship with Katsuki nor Denkis feelings for me. I was getting tired of my own thoughts running in circles and not coming to an end, so I wrapped myself in the sheets of my bed and prayed for my mind to shut down so I could get some rest.
Part 5
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Heeeey I just wanted to thank all of you who read my work, LY, the next few chapters will be like an episode of skins UK, soo be warned, also there is going to be some thirst but nothing too explicit because I'm a shy motherfucker. Enjoy the last chapter free from Mrs-Dynamight Drama™
Taglist: @mikasalt
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bitchynaruto · 4 years
Hey so I read your post about Sasuke not using the mangekyo (however u spell it) Sharingan bc he knows how it is to be tortured by it but still uses it on sakura. And I’m curious about something.
Idk if you think this but I read somewhere that sakura “forced” Sasuke, by manipulating and/or pressuring him, to be with her and that’s why they’re together and I want to know what you’re thoughts are on it. Sorry I just realized that this is off topic. But for some reason, this “explanation” about the ss communtiy is stuck on me. You don’t have to answer obviously but I’m really curious on what you think about it. Since she kept pressuring him throughout the anime , even during war (which is honestly a wtf moment to me) , and I don’t like how she’s very persistent , when even kakashi tries to back her up -that honestly made me dislike kakashi since he knows that Sasuke isn’t interested in her but yet tries to justify her “love” , whether he says it subconsciously or not in his mind. I am a sns shipper tho, but I wouldn’t like force it ya know? I would’ve been happy too if Sasuke stayed single and focused on therapy for his trauma and all that but I’m hella curious. (Word of the day: curious, lol)
Sorry sorry for the rant again.
OH NO IT’S NOT OFF TOPIC! I mean it’s a logical question to come to lol, but honestly... I kinda agree with the sentiment that Sakura was persistent with Sasuke and that... he’s not in a relationship due to love but out of a sense of guilt and responsibility (that Kakashi and unfortunately Naruto reinforced if I remember right)
But anyway, I do think there was pressure and a bit of guilting for Sasuke to end up with Sakura. I don’t think he’s in love with her, and I think Sakura is aware of it and is in complete denial about it. There are multiple times in the war arc where she acknowledges that Sasuke couldn’t give less of a fuck about her, which is surprising because she KNOWS that considering he almost tried to kill her during the Kage Summit Arc. Flash forward to blank period, where it’s pre much confirmed that Sakura was following Sasuke around doing whatever. It’s confirmed that they conceive Sarada after Nart and Hinata get married (I’m pre sure), and she gives birth in one of Orochimaru’s old hideouts. Like.... if that doesn’t sound suspicious and weird and pushy... Idk.
Flash forward to Boruto, where Sasuke obviously meets up with Nart from time to time, but not his supposed “wife” or child. I say wife in quotes, but there’s like.. no evidence they’re actually married. There’s no wedding pictures, rings... The only picture Sakura has of him in the house is one where he’s wearing his Akatsuki cloak as a teen and her as a full grown adult. (I could go into the implications of this that she’s in love with the idea of Sasuke, instead of Sasuke as a person .. but well, well...) Sarada asks why they’re not a normal family, and asks Sakura if her dad has glasses, and Sakura can’t even remember??? That one simple fact?? Anyway she destroys the house because Sarada is , in my opinion, poking holes in the delusion her mom is invested in. Sasuke’s gone for so long he doesnt even recognize his OWN kid and nearly kills her. And now thats hes around, hes Borutos mentor instead of his own daughter?? Ive kinda made joke posts in the past that Sarada is Sasukes reminder of the situation hes found himself in with Sakura, a physical, breathing reminder of well... his shitty situation. I mean he was essentially guilted by Kakashi and Naruto to be with Sakura considering how much she loved her and all the shit he put her through (which obviously was wrong, he shouldnt have tried to kill her or genjutsu her—no matter how many times ss stans claim he genjutsud her to protect her, i just dont buy it considering his connection with it and how rarely he uses it unless its self defense from itachi—but that doesnt mean hes obligated to “love or be loved by her”). also in boruto sasuke says that the only reason why he and sakura are together is because they have sarada, which pre much explains his headspace regarding his situation with sakura.
anyway, to answer your question, yeah i think there was manipulation, pushiness, and guilt-trippy shit involved in why sasuke eventually ‘got together’ with sakura. i mean, think of it in the reverse genders. i think a lot of people would find the whole situation of how sakura and sasuke ‘got together’ more suspect than it is.. anyway of course thats my opinion!!! i generally agree, and i think sasuke is only with her out of some weird combination of penance (for naruto) and obligation (for sarada)
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soradragon · 4 years
Sugary Comfort
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Art’s not mine I found it and credit goes to the wonderful owners of this master piece of a drawing!
First Mikey x reader! I am proud and content with this one!
Thank you my sweet new beta reader for helping me edit this fic I love u and your amazing! <3
Warnings: sensory overstimulation in the beginning, lots of fluff, one pun
Mikey x f! reader
Check out my main masterlist if you liked what you read and wanna read more!
If you want to be tagged in the upcoming fics don’t be afraid to ask me! ^^
Anyway, enjoy^^
You gazed at the reflection of a girl. She looked utterly exhausted; bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in ages. 
Her lips were tilted up in a sneer; it was evident that she was repressing the urge to scream. But instead of giving in to the voice begging her to do just that, she drove her foot through the water's surface. Not only disfiguring the reflection of the girl, but also dirtying the dress you nitpickingly chose to wear this day. At the time you felt beautiful wearing it. Proud that you chose the right clothes to fit with the dress, completing the look you wanted.
Now, you just didn't care.
You didn't feel pretty nor proud.
You choked out a sob, rubbing the back of your hand against your face harshly.
You wanted all the white noise to stop, wanted the crying to stop, wanted the searing headache to stop. Why couldn't time freeze? Then, maybe the chaos in your head would finally end.
You had tried everything you knew that normally should have worked. Out of all of the times for those methods not to work, why did it precisely choose now when it actually matters?
You followed all the steps. You even rehearsed the steps as you did them.
Step one: When you feel an episode coming, go to a quiet place with dull, even colours. 
You had almost dropped your project when you felt everything becoming overwhelming, muttering an explanation to your teacher before almost booking out of the school building, to the most calming place you could recall; the park.
Step two: Once you have found a quiet place, go sit down and use your headphones to block out all of the sounds.
The headphones did not work.
Your never-ending trains of thoughts took the place of the noise and multiplied it by two. 
Images that flashed before your eyes every time you closed them were too bright. You were unable to figure out the meanings behind the words your mind screamed at you. 
All of it only worsened the already painful headache.
After only a moment you tore the headphones from your head.
Step three: Try even your breathing, and count to ten to ground yourself.
This was the only step that worked. You managed to calm yourself and stop your ragged breathing but it took effort. It took two attempts of counting to ten before it succeeded.
This whole fiasco petered you out mentally and physically. You just wanted this unnecessary sensory to decrease and quiet down to at least a tolerable level. But alas, the world did not want to cooperate this time.
You sighed, casting your gaze to the heavens. 
The sky was beautiful this evening - painted in orange and pink - and you would have taken the time to admire it, had it been in a different situation.
After hearing a familiar yet obnoxious 'ping' coming from within your bag, you cursed under your breath. You snatched your bag from behind you crudely, zipping it open with a huff. As you turned it on, you flinched at the bright light of your screen.
One unread message from 'Mom.'
She was worried sick no doubt. You felt guilty for worrying her, and wanted to reassure her that yes, you were safe, but felt like trash and were in the middle of an episode that wouldn't stop. No matter how hard you tried, all the obnoxious and illogical sensory your brain's been picking up did not stop. Though, on the other hand, you just wanted to ignore the message and skip the whole situation of explaining everything altogether and just turn off the screen and put notifications on mute. You sent a quick 'k' to whatever she had messaged you and moved on to the mute button.
Your finger hovered above it when a notification popped up, causing you to hesitate.
One new message from 'The great Mikester dude!'
Without thinking, you pressed on the notification, staring with big eyes at the message he had sent you: Guess who and where dudette. :P
"Mikey." You gasped out, manoeuvring your head in all kinds of directions, eyes skimming all over the park, trying to find the one in question. You felt the tingling and buzzing feeling of hope and glee pool in your body, replacing the sadness and anger.
All problems were forgotten or pushed to the back of your mind.
The white noise died down suddenly when you heard a low thud and the slight rustling of leaves. 
There was no other explanation; they were here...You were sure of it. 
Only they could stop the chaos when everything else failed, though you didn't know how, nor the logic in it. 
You guessed it had something to do with their ninja nature or something. (Even though Donnie told you multiple times that it might have been because of the aura they carried with, them, being half turtle and all that jazz had its side effects on some humans, like how a pet could soothe its owner simply by being near them. You still blamed it on them being ninjas.)
With your mind settled down, you could think clearly again. 
You briefly acknowledged the fact that you most certainly were a dishevelled mess. Puffy eyes from crying, clothes covered in mud, and hair all over the place, considering that you've pulled and tangled your hair in frustration. Despite all of this, you didn't care.
You were too busy thinking of a plan to lure them - you guessed it was all of them, though it could be only Mikey - out of their hiding place.
You accidentally placed your hand on your phone, making it vibrate, and your hand shot back as if it had burned you. A few seconds after, a song piped up.  A lot of curses could be heard from the tree where the music came from, the leaves rustled like no tomorrow. Mikey fell out of said tree not long after, hitting the ground with an 'oof' followed by a groan. You stared at Mikey for a couple of seconds before doubling over in laughter as the realisation hit you:
You had accidentally called Mikey!
Well, it sure helped you find him!
You counted that as a win on your part. And it seemed that Mikey was on his own, for normally one of the brothers, cough Raph cough would have jumped out from their hiding place and scolded Mikey.
He rolled into a sitting position, giggling with you.
"Yo, dudette! Fancy seeing you here. Don't mind me dropping in," he said, peering at you with an expecting smile, seeming to wait for a reaction. 
It took you a hot second or two for you to catch on, eventually groaning at the pun and face-palming yourself for your delayed comprehension. He did jazz hands and everything.
The great ninja Michelangelo just punned...
You wanted to kick yourself, you completely forgot that April had warned you about Mikey using puns. She had messaged you not too long ago about how it was a "Big" (with capital B) mistake of Casey to teach Mikey "The Art of puns." For Mikey had become obsessed with them. - Throughout the whole exchange, Casey had managed to steal April’s phone a few times and messaged you some words. Three guesses which one was Casey’s input on the matter. - 
You had no clue what they meant with "mistake" throughout that whole exchange. 
You appreciated a good pun.
This was not a good pun. 
You could just imagine the brothers’ reactions to Mikey's newfound fixation: Raph screaming desperately for Mikey to shut up. Donnie being hella annoyed with something pressed against his (ears?) to drown Mikey out. Leo would definitely try to ignore him, probably without success, because you knew...oh, you knew Mikey would take every chance he got to make a pun.
Your heart went out for them. Needing to go through such torture was horrid, yet it was a funny sight to be completely honest. Not that you would ever tell them, heavens no.
You were not going to poke three bears with a stick - in this case, mutant turtles. You were not ready to die three separate times.
"Dude, that was so bad,” you said, making a face as if you had just been forced to smell Raph's feet. You still regret going through with that bet.
Mikey frowned, throwing his hands in the air. You knew he wasn't really offended, just a bit pouty.
"It's the truth, dude," you retorted absentmindedly, casting your gaze from left to the right before it rested on your bag. Smiling slightly, you snatched it, hauling it over your back before turning back to Mikey who sat contently against the tree. 
"But," you emphasised the word by pointing your index finger in the air, "you can get better,” your grin widened as you spoke.
 “And I, Y/N, know how it's really done."
Mikey's pout vanished and a wide, child-like grin overtook his face. You had his full attention, as he observed you expectantly from his cross-legged position. 
The long uncut grass rippled towards and caressed Mikey, the blades of green curling slightly forward and creating an image of what looked like nature sheltering Mikey from the harsh reality outside of this garden of paradise. 
The green-filled branches of the tree hovered above him, leaves gliding down every now and again, covering Mikey in small dapples of shadow.
Dusk's hew engulfed the image before you in a soft purple radiance. Mikey's skin practically glowed, making him look like a forest fairy.
It was a captivating sight. 
You could mistake it for a painted fairy tale that had come to life. Whoever the painter was had made sure that each tiny detail captured the magic and beauty of the image before you.
A magic-filled world coexisting in the harsh one you stood in... what you wouldn't give to cast all worries aside and join that world.
You were so lost in the moment that you almost forgot to continue.
Shaking yourself free from the enchanting sight, you carried on, albeit flustered, "a-and I could, um, teach you a thing or two. If...If you want me to, that is."
Mikey almost jumped right in your face before the words had completely left your mouth. There were practically stars in his eyes! He actually looked really adorable.
"Really!? You would!? Y/N, you are the best!!"
Mikey engulfed you into a hug, his body nearly covering your entire body from the world.
You gave a chuckle as he kept his arms circled around you, letting you sit in his lap. You didn't mind at all, feeling cosy in his arms.
"Of course I would Mikester. It would be my pleasure!"
You raised your hands to Mikey's cheeks, giving them a couple of pats before you continued.
"That way, you have a reason to end patrol earlier so we can spend more time together," and it would give the others a break from the barrage of bad puns, but you didn't voice that out loud. 
Mikey seemed to agree. He didn't waste any time to establish when and where this 'class-session', as he called it, would be taking place. He wanted it to become, without a shadow of a doubt, a weekly thing, like movie night at the turtles’ place with everyone.
Mentioning movie night brought up some nasty memories of last time -the movie night itself wasn’t bad, just one of your episodes got out of hand -  and Mikey changed the subject promptly after seeing you wince slightly. 
He told you about all kinds of new skateboard tricks he mastered and invented.
After a little while - when everything had been said about skateboarding - Mikey started to eagerly talk about random topics, bringing up stuff like how his training went this morning or what he encountered on patrol. Just little things to draw more time spending in this position. You kept in mind that this peaceful moment couldn't last forever, for both of you would have to separate sooner rather than later. 
You needed to go home to your no doubt worried sick parents, before they would start search parties. And Mikey...had to wait till the next time you two could hang out. (Which wasn't as often as both of you desired)
You listened to his voice silently, only humming a reply whenever Mikey asked for your opinion, snuggling deeper into his embrace as you lost track of time. Drowsiness tugged at your consciousness, beckoning you to close your eyes and let sleep take over. The way Mikey held you close to him made you feel loved and safe, with you resting your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat. He rubbed soothing circles on your left shoulder with one hand, making it impossible to resist the urge to let sleep take you away to dreamland. 
You vaguely heard Mikey's voice murmur in your ear, "Sweet dreams, sugar muffin..." You felt soft lips brush against your forehead before sleep took you over.
Michelangelo stayed seated for a little while longer, looking at your sleeping form with loving eyes. If the world would have let him, he would have stayed like this forever. Alas, the moment was broken when your mobile pinged inside your bag, vibrating like crazy.
Mikey panicked. Jumping to his feet (surprisingly without stirring you) without thinking. He opened your bag in such haste he had almost dropped you trying to grab the vibrating phone before it would wake you.
He sighed in relief when the phone stopped its obnoxious buzzing after he managed to keep you from falling. He shifted you gently onto one arm to hold you delicately, yet tightly to his chest, as if he was protecting you from the world around you.
Once he made sure you were nestled comfortably in his hold,  he glanced towards the device lying in his palm. Mikey held it at an arm's length.
One question drifted inside his mind: Who in their right mind would call you this late in the evening?
It was a question where he could get an answer, but Mikey didn't want to pry into your private life without your permission.
But the curiosity gnawed at him like he would do with pizza.
He shook his head and chastised himself for goggling the device longingly. "No, bad Mikey...Be the better man, you can do this," he muttered, moving to put the phone in your bag until your phone buzzed again, displaying the number of notifications on the lit-up screen.
It made him halt in his tracks. 
Mikey knew you were having a bad day today. After all, he saw you crying by the pond in the centre of the park. It was a mere coincidence, patrolling around the park at the time. He had seen you crying and decided right then and there that he would cheer you up. But he had no idea you had that kind of bad day. 
There were seven unread messages and three missed calls from your mother. All of them showed how worried she was about you, asking where you were and if you had one of your sensory overstimulation episodes.
Without really thinking about it, he typed a reply to your mother: Batteries died, was with a friend. Coming home through the fire escape forgot keys.
It wasn’t a  grammatically correct message, he knew. It was the best he could do with one hand and one thick tumb.
Mikey glanced towards you with gentle eyes and a soft smile after sending the message and put your phone back in your bag.
He moved you gently, holding you with both arms again and cradling you against his chest.
You, in turn, stirred and snuggled deeper into Mikey's chest, making his heart soar.
"Time to get you home, sugar muffins..." he whispered softly, brushing a couple of stray hairs out of your face.
Mikey moved swiftly yet precisely, ensuring you did not wake or feel uncomfortable during roof-top-hopping. You needed all the rest you could get; the bags under your eyes made him even more certain of the fact.
Your home came into Mikey's field of vision far too soon. Opening the window and laying you softly onto your bed felt too fast for his taste.
Mikey took extra care to tuck you in. He even attached a little note to your bag for you to find when you would wake up. 
He really wanted to stay longer, but the sound of your parents coming up the stairs told him it was time to go. He opened the door of your room slightly so your parents would know you were home. Michelangelo climbed through the window before your parents could see him.
He watched your parents turn on the light from a rooftop across your window. Your dad gave you an extra blanket before the two of them turned off the light and left your room.
Mikey stayed there on the rooftop for a little while longer before leaving, looking over his shoulder one last time and then he sprinted over the rooftops towards home.
You found the note the next day. You smiled brightly at the words hastily scribbled on the pape. You texted Mikey a reply before you went to look out your window. Your eyes draw towards the morning sky, which was painted in a soft orange hue.  
You repeated the words inside your head, making you excited for the next time you would see your turtle in orange...
Yoo, dudette! Can't wait for the pun-session upcoming Friday! 
I'll pick you up at ten alright? It's a date! ;) <3
Thank you for reading, and keep soaring high!^^
Forever taglist
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request an x men match up? My myers-briggs is intp-a, I go by she/her. I'm bisexual. I am 5'6", with mine length dark brown hair and hella pale skin. I'm very much pear shaped (with phatty). My style is very much comfort/jeans and when I wanna dress up it's kinda academia/indie. I think my mutation would be either matter manipulation or cosmic embodiment. I feel like Peter would be a good match but I need an unbiased opinion 😊 oh also I like pretty much everything besides country but I mostly like rock and rap music
I would ship you with either Jubilee or Peter Maximoff!
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I totally agree that Peter is a good match for you (even before you said you liked him, my brain kept going: Peter, Peter, Peter), but I think Jubilee would be too! So I'm making a case for both, casual style. That's right, I'm going lowercase, baby!
*snaps* it's all about the juxtaposition.
your academia/indie style with her neon/poppy style? beautiful together.
your logic driven brain with her touchy-feely emotion driven brain? the balance on this bus is astronomical. so are the cuddles.
she'd be like: "can i touch your hair?" 🥺🥺🥺
and you'd say yes, obviously
and she'd braid in two lil pigtails
"you clear took great inspiration from pippy longstocking."
"you're welcome :))"
anyway, she is baby.
would hype 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 up 👏🏽
takes Polaroids of you literally doing the most mundane things
"did you just take a photo of me right now?"
"yeah. what about it?"
"i'm sitting here eating spaghetti after a sweaty training session."
"and this is when the muse struck??"
"yep. :))))))))"
sometimes when you show her new music her eyes will light up like her life has been PERMANENTLY ALTERED
like i said. BABY.
Peter Maximoff
you two crazy kids, don't even get me started
you always have to warn him against his more... elaborate antics
a lot of "that's a horrible idea. but you're really cute, if that helps."
it does
you are clearly a huge nerd (i literally had to look up the term "cosmic embodiment") and peter would be obsessed with that side of you.
he low-key doesn't like rap music but pretends to because he wuvs u
would casually leave his jacket in your room "accidentally" just because he hopes you'll steal it
smooth mf 😔🤚 (i mean he's not, he's more tricky or cheeky or something but "tricky mf" doesn't sound as good)
him not fully understanding your powers
"is she a mutant too?"
"yeah! she's really cool. she can like absorb space energy or whatever and make it do junk? or make it into stuff? i don't really get it, but she made me a sword once and that was awesome."
ok and you know how it's taxing for peter to slow down to our speed?
well, he slows down only for a few people, all either his family or his found family, and when he does slow down it isn't for too long.
but for you?
constantly slowing down.
this man really went: 🐌
he is whipped, like you could ask him to grab you something on the other side of the country and he would be like "ok, be right back babe, love ya!" give you a kiss on the forehead and be on his way
i stg you better treat him right
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
okay heres a real one whats your thoughts on philosophy and how people sometimes think it's "pointless" to study
if anyone would prefer to read this as a google doc rather than tumblr text post since this got HELLA long, here is the link!
oh lawd u really just wantin me to go OFF first thing in the morning huh 😂 i think about this a lot though actually so i may or may not have half a response to this just floating around in my brain at any given moment lmaooo 🙈 this is the first time i’ve put it in words tho so pls forgive my mad ranting. y’all lmk in the tags on a scale of -10 to 0 how coherent this was 😂
the first thing i would say to someone who thinks it’s “pointless” to study philosophy *cough cough most of my family cough* is that that in itself is a philosophical claim. the reason that i love philosophy and science, and think that they fundamentally go hand in hand, is that for both you have to have evidence, and clear, methodical logic (my virgo is showing, isn’t it?). you can’t just make a claim that something is useful or useless based on your own personal assessment of it and consider that a valid or sound argument. it’s an opinion, sure, but in every sense of the word that is not an argument.
i think what a lot of people mean when they say that it’s pointless to study philosophy is that it’s pointless to get a degree in philosophy, and i think that’s ultimately just a personal decision but one i don’t inherently disagree with. the whole point of philosophy, imo, is just to broadly analyze the world around you and try to make sense of our place within that world using reason and critical thinking. there is no reason why that should only happen in the context of an academic institution, and i could go on a whole other rant about the uselessness of most academic philosophy and how it actually works against the goals of philosophy as a whole in many cases, but that would be a very very long essay, perhaps another time lol.
now onto the good stuff! i think that a lot of people have this impression of philosophy just being “analyze this text written by this long-dead white dude who didn’t really say anything that profound” *cough cough Kant* and while that is definitely true of a lot of academic philosophy, i think that is very much not the point of philosophy overall. to me, philosophy is largely about asking the questions that characterize human existence: “what is our purpose on earth?” “how do we know which actions are good or bad?” “do moral grey areas exist?” things that are very likely unanswerable at the end of the day but which i think are still important to consider. and this brings me to my very hot take, which i know would annoy a lot of my professors to no end and that brings me great joy: it does not matter if we never answer a single question that philosophy lays before us. the importance of philosophy does not lie in answering the questions, but in asking them. why do i think this? because philosophy does not exist in a vacuum, as much as a lot of philosophers would like to pretend that it does. whatever questions we ask, rational steps we take, analytical tests we perform, we are always taking those actions in the context of our human society. a lot of philosophers like to think that their moral views and practices do not influence their philosophical stances, but they definitely do because they’re human and bias is inescapable. so the reason i say that asking the questions is important, answering them is not so important, is because how we ask and attempt to answer philosophical questions is largely colored by our societal biases whether we want to admit that or not. so, for example, let me trash my favorite worst philosopher (fight me on this), Kant. everyone knows that Kant was sexist and racist, no philosopher worth their salt will argue with you about that. what they will argue with you about is how his prejudices did or did not affect his moral and metaphysical theories. now this might be a “hot take” on my part but the bio major in me is screaming that it is physically fucking impossible for his prejudices to not have influenced his views bc that’s not how brains work. this is why i say that it’s the questioning part of philosophy, not the answering part, that is important. the questioning part is what gets us to look at our biases, recognize and face them head-on, and tackle them in the hopes of reaching an answer. we may never get an answer, but isn’t tackling prejudices like racism, homophobia, sexism, etc more important than being able to answer how ladder schema and limit paradoxes relate to mind-body dualism? (yes, i took an entire fucking course on that, no i would not recommend it lol). if we do come up with philosophical solutions, great! bonus! but i would argue that most of our “moral answers” are actually just sociocultural viewpoints we’ve come to adopt and that philosophy had nothing to do with them, so even when we think we’ve answered philosophical questions we really haven’t. i think a lot of philosophers get hung up on trying to create these impeccable moral systems from the ground up, and imo that’s impossible. what philosophy can do for us though, is give us the tools to question systems already in place, and evaluate our role within those systems so that we can improve them. soooo to summarize, bc this is getting so incredibly long-winded i’m so sorry, is that philosophy may or may not be able to answer any questions ever, but it can help us ask questions and it is in asking these questions, not in answering them, that we can critically analyze our minds and the world around us and recognize what we need to change.
whoooweee i feel like i went through a whole zuko-did-one-good-thing-and-ptfo arc over here tryna write this lol but i hope that my overall point was clearish?? maybe?? i lowkey might turn this into an actual paper later bc i am in full on Spicy Philosophy Mode now lol
tldr: philosophy probably doesn’t ever answer anything, but it does ask a lot, and ultimately asking questions about morality, existence, etc are more important than answering them because asking them is what allows us to critically assess established structures and biases.
ask my thoughts on things
if u dare after this lmaooo
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aspiring-wildfire · 4 years
MAG 177
And we’re back!! Let’s do this
Am I several days late? Yes
Do I care? No not at all let’s go!!
Martin being the voice of emotional reason as always Mr Blackwood I love u
Okay I’m torn bc on one hand I feel rly awful for Basira bc clearly she has had an incredibly not good time but also be nice to my boys!! Don’t be mean!!! Why would you make actual hell worse!!
God I saw a post saying this (the tma brightspots one for 177 maybe??) but Martin and Jon have grown so well around each other and they complement each other perfectly- you can rly see it in their contrasting ways of handling Basira
“He can’t do hypotheticals” “what did I just say??” I love Martin explaining Jons superpowers he’s so cute and exasperated
“You couldn’t” dude the POWER—
Jon’s just trying to fill in the details you don’t know Basira be nice to him
Every time Jon and martin have a meaningful relationship talk where they Communicate it makes my heart grow a new pair of wings
Fabric rustles!! Yay!!!
“When did I become everyone’s sat nav??” *simultaneously* “Jon.” “Jon-” god he’s such a little shit I love him
“Oh dear” “mhmm” I love my babes
Dude I love Martin and basiras back and forth
“And you trust him to do that?” “Yes. I do.” YES ASSERT YOUR TRUST AND LOVE MARTIN I LOVE U
“He says it’s a blind spot” “convenient” actually it kinda makes perfect sense???? Basira cmon you’re all abt logic
“Is that like a euphemism, or??” “Ew no!! :((“ THEYRE SO CUTE
Basira listening in on the statement aww sis cmon
All the gaslighting and reaffirmation of the shit mental illness says I am Not A Fan
God the “whatever little game you’re playing” line NO THANKS
Oh no no no the making you question any progress youve made by making you doubt your meds and everything!! As someone who’s medicated I hate this
The gaslighting in this conversation is genuinely really unsettling
The whole idea of “you’re just making things up and lying so we’ll believe you but it won’t work- maybe you tricked the others but not us!” Really hits different when it’s mixed w imposter syndrome huh
“Some childish attempt to feel special?” HEY NOPE STOP PLEASE
Oh god the sound of anxiety but the idea of it as a real, factual truth nope nope nope nope nope I hate this
God I’ve never had to skip a statement but I’m. I’m really getting close there on this one
“Five years, can we please not start that again” the gaslighting about the timeframe I’m-
God the laugh after his weird joke the pauses for breath and then the very sudden “I joke.” God it’s so incredibly unsettling the spiral is SO MUCH
“You seem fine though, so I’m sure it can’t have been that bad” TOO CLOSE TO HOME
“You remember your mother? What you made her do because you couldn’t be bothered to pull yourself together” oh my god and there’s the guilt about what you’re inflicting on the people around you bc you’re not good enough I hate it I hate it I hate it
“Satisfied?” “...fuck.” Yeah p much
“It’s built on the fear that you’re mental health problems aren’t actually real” “wouldn’t that be a good thing?” Spoken like someone who’s never dealt w serious mental illness
I already knew I was hella lucky to not have had negative experiences w therapy but now I like REALLY know
Dude the siege mentality of Basira and Daisy’s relationship never ever doesn’t fuck with me
Jon forcing Basira to finally face daisy’s history of police brutality is incredible and I love him
“You can’t hunt a monster that you refuse to see” and Jonny’s back w the incredibly raw lines shit man
Helen!!! Yay :D
Helen and martin being lowkey bros is delightful
“Sorry, darling! :)” god she’s the WORST i LOVE HER
Jon consistently being so tired of the people around him listening to Helen I love him
“Basira is a strong, independent woman! She doesn’t need you two holding her hand” #women(?)supportingwomen
“And he was rubbish compared to me!” growth?
Basiras sticking w the boys! Yay!!
Helen lecturing Jon about being a drag is simultaneously very funny but also REALLY UPSETTING in context of the fact that Jon definitely sees himself the way dr David was talking to the victim and that makes me SO SAD
tl;dr: Jon and martin are so good for each other, Basira needs help but also that doesn’t mean she gets to be mean to my son, Martin is still the smartest and most genre-savvy character in the series, Helen really does love to cause problems on purpose, and the less said about that statement the better (it was wonderfully well written, to be clear, but also I have never come so close to skipping an ep and if you struggle w mental health and imposter syndrome and self doubt and stuff definitely consider skipping this one)
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This is H2o au related so if u don't care for H2o au pls ignore (test post pls ignore)
How do I do a Read more on mobile
Fuck it ur all cursed with knowledge now
bitch is back on pc here’s a read more
I finally figured out the fucking TIMELINE for H2o au
That is the list of planets the black ops squad will be visiting on Serendipity (that's the name of their ship, it's the one they got after they had to scrap the Lorelei). Start: Pandora (obviously. They were all abandoned by Dahl). Then Eden-5 (I wanted a civilian/city based planet and hey it sounds like Gaige lives in, like, a suburb, so.) then Aphrodite (VENUS AMBASSADOR) which is a planet I (hopefully) made up to fit the venus ambassador plot I have going on (they get a politician sentenced to death by posing as him blah blah, long story, amazing song). Pandora again for a fun little climate changing jaunt to push people away. Junpai-7 BECAUSE GEARBOX WON'T STOP MENTIONING IT (also Cutlord Karuu is a vampire pirate queen and you all can fight me on that) where Zane meets Clay :D!! Then Erebus for the Obsidian Black (hynnng) part 1. Gaea for the Hephaestus United, then back to Erebus for Obsidian Black 2: Electric Boogaloo (also titled: Barnabas, you bastard) (also also titled: I cried writing up the concept for this because I hate killing characters).
Also imma just say it, the Eridians are straight bastards in this AU. Crazy scientist bastards. They have a huge god complex (and I mean so does the Obsidian Black Dr. Denman so HEY (BUT I MEAN WHICH CORPORATION DOESNT AY LMAO)) and we all are their 4th grade silver medal science fair project. They're kicking back in their home dimension drinking, idk, martinis or some shit, whatever it is aliens drink to get wasted, and, uh, eating... Croissants. Croissants aren't even like soley rich people food why the fuck did I pick croissants wtf. I should've said, like, lobster. And laughing at us. They are LAUGHING at us right now. Bastards. Stupid, science, God-complex having BASTARDS. See. It's like. When the corporations tested on the humans with THEIR science fair projects, now they have to realize that THEY are now being tested on with God's science fair projects. Fuck you Hyperion eat a bag of dicks. (not you Vaughn, kisses, ur perfect. Also Athena if you're you know. Running Hyperion now. Wait also Gladstone even tho ur dead. Bby ILY. AND TIMTAMS how could I forget the cookie bar).
I'm like bringing myself to tears with how much I love this au so much I just *bigg sniff*. It makes me so happy, I love werewolves and vampires and merfolk and psychics and I can just smash it all together like I'm in 2nd grade with 3 cans of different colored play dough and just this once Mr. Celebirdy can't tell me I'M NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE ART.
Like Troy, I let him inherit the psychic-ness from his dad. So he's like a godtier psychic because it's hysterical and that's it that's my reasoning for every single thing in this au. Meanwhile hiromis over here like 'uh, something bad MIGHT happen in 30 seconds. Wait and find out like the rest of us. Loser." I mean I guess Troy would also do that but not because. He literally doesn't know, just because he is kinda an asshole and would do that. Like can we all agree Typhon randomly being able to find Vaults is Hella sus. Like the fact he was shidding in Jakobs manor and then just got up and walked towards where the Vault would be??? Like. Ya Boi is psychic. Only logical explanation here shut up its the only. Logical explanation I am not taking any other answers.
Hammerlock is a werewolf? Yes because a posh hunter gentleman turning into a big pubby who loves hunting with a hat on is hysterical to me. Double for Aurelia who is EVEN MORE posh and ITS TOTALLY UNBECOMING OF A WOMAN AS RICH AS ME, DARLING. But awoo. What if Aurelia is just the tiny pubby. Like Hammerlock is a big fuckin majestic as hell wolf and Aurelia is like. Tiny fluff ball. Oh my god. Yes. Also Wainwright with his werewolf boyfriend husband because the echo memes are too good.
And zer0 is a dullahan because imagine the fucking hype behind Zer0 FINALLY taking their helmet off for the first time. Everyone is like :D Omg. And it's happening and it's happening and THERE'S LITERALLY NOTHING THERE. Also the fact that Zane 1. Knows Zer0 from past bar experiences and 2. Has had some of his best nights start with just a head. Well it's the perfect recipe for them meeting. Just imagine the chaos that would happen in that single bar.
Also Ember is another merperson because I think that would make the line "marry me. I mean, uh, yes," extremely funny with that context because when else are you gonna find another merperson that escaped the forced psychological chains of Junpai-7. Also she likes fire!!!! It's perfection. She's perfection. I mean what? Huh?
Also I really like Tannis so of course she has a huge part in this AU (hello Megan) as the Lewis-esque character. Tho I might have plans for her in the future :) because Tannis best girl and I would die for her.
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florcnces · 4 years
HEY HENS ! my name’s nat & today i present to you the one, the only ... ms florence ! under the cut you’ll find a few bits & pieces i’ve come up w/ so far just so ... u kno ... we can plot or whateva 😏😏😏so if u want me to shower you w/ love, feel free to drop a big, fat LIKE or im me 😏😏😏also ... if u read this thru u will notice that ... i gave up somewhere in the middle of it ...
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new york’s very own 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐃 was spotted on broadway street in 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐀'𝐒  𝐁𝐁𝐒 . your resemblance to 𝐒𝐘𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐘  𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐘 is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 - 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 , but also 𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 . i guess being a 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋  𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐒 ,  𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐌𝐄 - 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄  𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒  &  𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 - 𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒  𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐌𝐄 . ( i seduced the director to get my first big movie role. )  &  ( cis-gendered female & she / her  ) 
𝐢. 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬 
name : florence noel brassard
dob / age : may 22nd, 1996 / twenty - two
hometown : paris , france
occupation : actress
aesthetics : pearl necklaces , femme-fatale movies , half-used bottles of perfume , lavender bouquets & satin sheets
positive traits : nurturing , logical , self-motivated , thoughtful 
negative traits : vengeful , scornful , two-faced , devious 
likes :  morning runs , feeling accomplished , freckles , seltzer water , blueberry yogurt , random picnics
dislikes : not getting attention , impulsive decisions , being late , not taking care of herself , mess all over the place , loud voices
𝐢𝐢. 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 
baby florence was born & raised in new york city and was immediately thrown into the world of luxury - there literally was no other outcome when your parents appeared to be, like, one of the most powerful couple in the fashion industry, owning a huge chunk of loewe, lv, berluti and etc (so basically think like antoine arnault & natalia vodianova as her parents ... thnx xxxx)
with everything being handed to the girl on a silver platter, flo’s childhood was as boring as it could be. ‘ want to attend ballet classes? we’ll arrange private ones for you with the nycb principals.’ / ‘ can’t find a dress for the event we’re throwing? here’s five custom gowns to choose from, honey. ’ / ‘ there’s a scratch on your shoes; here’s a credit card, go buy yourself three new pairs. ’ / so, basically, tl;dr, they spoiled her ROTTEN
not gonna like, flo had a phase of being a bratty, greedy & ungrateful bih at the age of 13-15 because of the people she surrounded herself with & in order to fit in, she had to have like the best of the best. tho it wasn’t like she hadn’t had any of those things already - she just started taking advantage of her parents’ generosity. it took cutting her allowance down to the minimum for a few months and a few serious conversations to get a confession out of florence and to get her to understand that people should consider your their friends for your personality and not your bank account. so basICALLY she loves her parents v v v much & treasures the relationship they built over the years.
by the time she finished high school, she was v much set on the idea of creating a name for herself. starting a business wasn’t an option bc of how influential her parents were; sports weren’t an option either bc she didn’t have any exceptional talents (fun fact: she tried out for the cheerleading team for 3 yrs in a row only to not make the cut every single time which led to her crying at lunch ... ): #poorbby). being an influencer didn’t sound right to her either, so she went with the option that probably fit her the most - the julliard ! 
it was quite hard getting in there, mostly due to the fact that people there didn’t exactly understand why florence wanted to get into acting. it wasn’t like she needed any additional buzz to her name or more a-list events to be in attendance of, so she did have to prove that she was noth talented & sincerely interested in pursuing the career. however, it wasn’t the hardest thing she had to do to actually become the person she is today.
studying at the julliard wasn’t enough bc it didn’t make it any easier for flo to get a role. she tried her absolute damndest, used every connection she had -- yet, nothing was working. & since going to her papa for her was in no way, shape or form an option, she resorted to the worst.
bc she knew her mother was always in charge of organizing charity galas and whatnot, florence made sure to check out a list of invitees and, much to her sheer luck, she found a few familiar names of actresses and directors who rsvp’d to the event already. the night of the gala was spent with florence circling the room, looking and acting as gorgeous and charming as ever, but nothing seemed to be working bc everyone were either uninterested or just wanted her to get their name to her parents (& that wasn’t an option). however, at the end of the night she found the one. the one who lit up her star.
she didn’t go into it without thinking all of her options. she spent weeks flitring w/ the guy, going on dates and accepting gifts - everything to make it seem as if she was truly interested in him as a person. she laughed at his jokes, enjoyed his embraces - at some point, she even felt as if she could actually end up loving him. however, the moment he offered her the role of her life (plS one day i’ll actually properly headcanon that ish ... but not rn i proMISE!), whatever feelings (or whatever resembled them ...) immediately vanished.
so ! currently bby florence is basking in the newfound limelight and making sure to move further in her career... without having to resort to seducing middle-aged dudes... :-)
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 
florence, like i said, isn’t exactly a multi-talented skinny legend. yea, she’s decent at skating, somewhat good at singing, is quite beautiful - nothing out of the ordinary, hence why she sometimes struggles with her confidence. and by sometimes i mean A LOT of times. but if u think she’d ever show it U R SO WRONG BABE. usually whenever she falls into her self-called pit of uncertainty and lack of confidence, florence resorts to dressing up as nicely as she can and going to the first bar that comes to her head to get a drink and attract as much attention as she can. 
she also finds comfort in cooking. sure, with her daddy’s money she could eat out for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between,  but there’s something incredibly comforting in taking the time to cook something for herself. besides, she is very fond of the memories of her mother teaching her how to cook. and the times they’ve accidentally burned the food bc they were too busy talking abt random things :’) like bby can actually make a MEAN kedgeree !!!
since her father is french and her mother is american, florence is bilingual. she prefers speaking french over english purely bc of the beauty of the language, so sometimes she might just switch languages mid-sentence.
florence is also ambidextrous due to the fact that she broke her arm when she was 7 and had to wear a cast for a longer period of time since the bones couldn’t heal properly :-)
also ... v much a dog person. like, cats? EW, don’t talk to her. don’t even think of calling her KITTEN bc u will ... get ur ass handed to u
always and i mean ALWAYS !!!! wears a pearl necklace on her neck that her father gave her for her 18th birthday. and just hella obsessed w/ pearls and flowers. iDK why she just is ...
𝐢𝐯. 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
obv !!! a best friend ? like, that typical ride-or-die situation where they wouldn’t hesitate to catch the bullet for the other person
maybe a friend / some friends from high school ? either they were the ones pressuring flo to take advantage of finer things and daddy’s money or ... flo could have left them for those ppl
a rival ... who had their eyes on the role florence landed ... and now there’s just a ton of anger and distaste towards each other
exes / one night stands / flirtations ... :-)
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Ok but like... Is it me or rayan seems so hot when he talks about art and stuff? Like CHOKE ME DADDY EVEN THO U A SOFTIE. Btw happy bday fa
It’s just like when I found out that Armin was a hacker, I never saw him saying something as hot as actually finding out that he is quite skillful at something that I have no knowledge at all. 
Or when Arthur starts to talk about how he can analyze people and read the environment around him to structure logical thoughts (that sometimes has a lot to do with luck, but also about how observant and smart he is when he uses the information that he gets to his way on everything). KKKKKKK 
Rayan sounds smart when he is throwing random things about modern art to us kkkkkkk it’s like, “I have no idea about what you’re talking about, but please, take off your pants because you look hella hot while saying it”-type of thing. Pfff. 
THO U A SOFTIE, DO NOT SPEAK SHAKESPEARIAN ON MY ASK PLEASE, YOU’RE TRIGGERING ME KKKKKKKKKKKKKK Because Shakespeare from Ikevamp traumatized me so many times already like G-G he always speaks like that, it brings me MEMORIES. G-G KKKK nah, I actually don’t mind, I really loved that touch you put on “Choke me Daddy”, seems about right end it with something similar to Shakespearian. 
Thank you, hon!! It’s no nice to know that I’m not the only one that finds Rayan’s random rambles actually sexy kkkkkkkk I was already thinking that I was the only one :’)
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years
So i finally watched It chapter 2...
DISCLAIMER: So I know most of y'all don't like anyone to critizise anything u like, right of the bat I am telling u I did NOT liked this movie at all, there are changes I thought were good ideas but most of it was just plain terrible in MY opinion and I need to vent. If u share my opinión or find my rage amusing read on.
I had been putting off watching this movie, cuz in 2017 I enjoyed the 1st IT movie but I had a TON of issues with it (Mike's complete erasure, Stan being a completely different character, The Losers Club moments being sacrificed to cool sounding one-liners, WTF happened to Henry Bowers and Alvin Marsh, Bev being overly sexualized, etc, etc) so I was on the fence about this one. The cast is what finally caught my attention but then I heard very mixed reviews about it, and as I am starting on a new job I hadn't had the time to go and watch it til now and oh boy was I disappointed.
First off, we have to ask ourselves was Adrian Melon's murder scene really that necessary??? I understand what they used it for in the movie (to make a R3ddi3 reference /as a side note I do not care for the ship or any other IT ship tbh i write it like this cuz i don't want this post to invade the ship tag) but the characters involved are never mentioned again and it was too gratuitous (like we can have a homophobic hate crime, slurs thrown around all the time but we can't have the gay ship this movie was going for saying they love each other in a straightforward manner??? I know this is an unpopular opinion but I am not giving Muschietti props for doing the gay closeted ship for the 1000th time, if u were gonna do it go for it!!! Do right by the characters, hell in the book they get more tenderness and they are never explicitly gay, Eddie is heavily coded as gay or asexual and Richie is super bisexual) like my queer ass is tired of seeing gay ppl die in violent gruesome ways all the time.
While I love Bill Skarsgard's performance, the excess of CGI and all those jumpscares and strobe lights, actually take away from his performance, he is super scary and eerie when he is talking and even being friendly but super hillarious and plain silly when he is actually trying to be scary or when he is eating, it looked too wierd.
TBH whyyy was Tom Rogan in this?? Muschietti had already changed Alvin Marsh from being physically violent to being a sexual predator (everything they changed from Bev took away from her character, like we can have her smoking and flirting w Mr Keene but we can't have her teaching Richie how to use his yo-yo or winning in a fucking video game or drawing or anything that remotely has to do with her character) why was Tom necessary?? Hell we could have skipped that and have Bev in Kay's house telling her all that happened instead, I mean if he wasn't gonna die in the sewer why is he even a character? It was so easy to erase him and have Kay instead. Also how tf did Alvin survive???
Whyyy do that to Audra??? I fucken hate Muschietti, was it necessary to justify Bill cheating on her??? Nope, we could have simply have Bill not kiss Beverly and that’s it, also I am kinda salty Audra is not part of the plot.
Lmao Henry, like he fell on the fucken pipe and you could hear his fucken bones breaking and craking and he gets to get up and walk home????????? Whyyy y y , Muschietti ????
We never really got to see how deeply ingrained Pennywise is in the town, he is actually Derry. And if Muschietti thinks he fixed the wtf ending everyone complained about in the 90's adaptation he is on fucken drugs, this ending is super messed up and has nothing to do with the book or with anything at all, we never get to know what exactly is Pennywise, his true form it's a clown spider apparently or something cuz the death lights were there but not really ???
STAN was fucken robbed (again) last time he was completely ereased, he was physically there on the scenes but that’s it, his personality was null. And his thing, the thing that made him comit suicide was the fact that he was the one to see the death lights, the most logical and disbelieving of them faced something far beyond anyone's comprehension and they gave that to Bev?? And the death lights apparently gave her Final Destination abilities? ?????
Eddie was robbed. Of so so much. Muschietti fuck you. Frist off why isn't Eddie the CEO of some app like Uber like he was the Losers Club compass he was a great fucking driver, he loved sports (I actually got excited when they had this scene with the baseball game cuz i thought it was gonna be an Eddie scene but nope) y not connect that with this Token bs Muschietti pulled off his ass (this is actually a great idea, and could symbolize the Losers' lost childhood IF Muschietti had been assed to give them significance or something in part 1) His death scene. Just why? Why are his last words a cheap joke instead of a love confession, fuck it Muschietti if u wanted R3ddi3 have the courage to really do it (in the books the Losers take turns to carry his body out of the sewer cuz they will not leave him there, that's more meaningful than them diving) One of his most beautiful quotes is something Bill is writing??? Lmaoooo Bill wishes he could have thought up that (I love Bill but come the fuck on)
Why make such a huge deal out of B3nv3rly or r3ddi3 when the point of it all was that the Losers Club all loved each other, apart from whatever romantic feelings, they found a family in one another and they really erased that in this movie, I was like y are this ppl friends with each other. Mike drugged Bill, Richie was awfull to everyone, they barely had a conversation in the restaurant (biihhh the 90s miniseries does this better) and show no respect for Mike at all ( I mean I am not surprised cuz Muschietti has no respect for Mike as a character at all) or bill like nah son.
Stephen King cameo was there I guess, it was fine.
The Kiss me fat boy, of all things u could have taken from the 90's miniseries why that?????
Ben building the house club by himself ???? Bullshit, Muschietti ereased another great Losers Club bonding time and hate him for it.
MIKE, I AM ENRAGED. So Muschietti is braver than King for making R3ddi3 "canon" but he destroyed Mike's entire character and that is fine with y'all mmmmm. His parents were "crackheads" apparently cuz it's not like that is a stereotype black ppl have carried on for years on end, he did not go to school, he was not the historian but now he is cuz he had to stay and he is crazy and obsesive and drugs Bill and also stole from a native american tribe???? FUCK this so fucken much I hate it with all my being .
How does such a choppy movie manage to drag on forever??? Like there were still 45 Min left and I was bored out of my mind. Why is the final arc so bad??? Like some much stuff that could have actually gotten away with erasing (Paul Bunyan, whyyy it was so silly, it doesn't even work in the book, but fine like King was super high he barely remembers writing it, why take it to the big screen u should have sticked to him being afraid of clowns like u had already messed up) and added and could have added things that actually enriched the adaptation.
I just give up. Like if they do a 3rd one like it's rumored I won't see it, Muschietti clearly does not know how to be subtle or to have meaningful character arcs, he is just good for cheap jumpscares, one líners and yo mama jokes so I pass. I really hoped the up coming King adaptations are better than this one. That being said the movie had real fun/enjoyable moments, if this were not an adaptation I would have liked it a hella lot more than I did but alas nope.
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momestuck · 6 years
Let’s read Hiveswap Friendsim volume 2!
So each volume of this VN is semi-self-contained, it seems. There’s not a continuous route through every chapter, or at least if there is, there’s no like persistent state beyond unlocking a little icon for befriending each troll.
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The last couple of chapters seem to be bugged, since I have the achievements unlocked already, even though this is my first time playing the game.
Anyway last time our options were to get mind controlled by a twitch streamer, or steal loads of hot dogs with a homeless kid... or accidentally straight up fucking murder him, that can happen too. What are we up against next?
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Beginning volume 2, it does in fact seem to be set chronologically after volume 1. Presumably Diemen won’t feature, since he may not have actually survived the first chapter!
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So this time we have an indigo blood troll (same as Equius) - and a yellow blood (same as Sollux). So in each case, we’re basically one rung up the hemospectrum from the last game. Let’s go from left to right again.
According to the credits, Amisia is written by Aysha U. Farah.
Amisia’s typing quirk seems to be that she doubles up the letter ‘u’. She finds us cute. Or rather, cuute.
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She lives in a classy part of town.
Our first choice is whether or not we’re an artist. Going off pattern, saying we’ve never had a knack for art is the rejection option.
...turns out not. Apparently friendships with artists can be ‘frauught’. She’s very happy to have us along, and the narrator seems to be very happy to find someone not a ‘maniac’.
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The narration calls attention to the paint on her smock. Which ‘doesn’t really look like paint’. 
Yeah so remember the Grand Highblood who liked to paint his judgement chamber in the blood of various trolls? Yeah I’m pretty sure I can see where this one is going.
She puts our arm in a ‘medicalizer’ which heals our injury. The narration mentions we have a sling so... does that mean the branch where we killed Diemen is canon? Probably shouldn’t assume so. Maybe we got a sling in another branch. Then again... those other branches seem kind of final, so maybe this does follow killing Diemen, and ending up friendless.
We get the choice to be chill or dance around the room. Always dance, I say. Not surprisingly, we end up falling on our ass.
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We fall on our ass a lot in this game. But the result is that we get a cut and that makes - shocker - Amisia really excited about our bright red human blood.
Lucky she never met Karkat, I suppose.
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She takes the opportunity to be Space Racist.
Then she pulls out a huge axe. I guess if Equius’s thing was a huge bow, her thing might be a huge axe.
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Whereas if we don’t flop around, we will surely remain unhurt. So I think we’re on track to become a kind of artistic blood donor.
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The narrator finally gets a bit of a clue. But noo, she just wants to show us the axe... and somehow it slashes our wrists.
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Sure is Hussie writing.
We get a reveal... she’s not a real painter. She’s ‘really good at the other parts’...
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But now she’s inspired, and unlike her other contributors, she’s not gonna just murder us.
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So instead we get kept on as a permanent muuse.
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We really know how to pick ‘em in this game huh!
So now we have a couple of branch points to try. First, let’s say we’re an artist ourselves...
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Amisia is not impressed.
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The second branch we can try is to be chill about it when she heals our broken arm.
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Ardata gets a mention. Technically this isn’t inconsistent with the route where Diemen dies, but I think it’s more likely this is a kind of ‘floating canon’ where you’ve implicitly tried all the routes, even if it doesn’t make strict logical sense. But if we want to construct a consistent timeline... either an Ardata route happens after Diemen dies, or we injure Ardata’s lusus and then do one of the Diemen routes.
In this route, you tell her you have red blood, and she assures you she has plenty of burgundy. How convenient.
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This sounds healthy!
So some troll cops show up with a troll for Amisia to exsanguinate. (Oh it’s good when I get to use a word like “exsanguinate”!)
She tries to get us to do the axe murdering honours, but our ribs give out. We learn that, like Equius, she is STRONG. I recall that wasn’t supposed to be a general indigo-blood trait, but whatevs. So she gets us to hold the troll while she kills them instead.
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It goes poorly.
Amisia briefly mentions another troll named Chahut as she kicks us out for messing up her hive.. I presume we’ll meet them later. We get another ending:
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Honestly, this seems like a better ending for us. We’re alive, our arm’s repaired and we haven’t lost loads of blood, and we’re not trapped in a ‘friendship’ with Amisia.
Speaking of which... the narration hinted at some kind of supernatural cause behind our obsessive need for friendship, I think. That’s probably worth noting.
So now...
I can’t find who wrote Cirava in the credits. Maybe I’m just not being observant!
I kinda like Cirava’s music actually. Feels cyberpunky.
Cirava’s typing quirk seems to be using the word ‘lmao’ a lot, and similar abbreviations. I’m kind of imagining that as saying ‘ell em ay o’ out loud.
We reveal that we’re an alien. Cirava seems chill.
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Ohhhhhhh my god this is the vaporwave troll??? And there’s like... a troll bong there?
Also who’s that on the screen? Is that Ardata’s torture stream? ...no, those horns are different.
Cirava, it turns out, is also a streamer, whose viewers are into aliens.
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So far... this seems kinda... not horrific? When’s the other shoe gonna drop lol
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That’s a little real!
So, in Alternia, instead of vaporwave we have ‘moisturewave’. Which, I’m gonna say, we’re hella into.
Incidentally, the narration seems to be using ‘they’ pronouns for Cirava, so that’s neat.
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So I guess we’re making fun of those music youtube channels too? Also trolls have anime, apparently.
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The effects of chasing online fame are like, our Theme here I guess. Cirava mentions an ‘incident’ that made them less trusting...
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A little on the nose huh.
Cirava, apparently, won’t be our friend unless we get a better aesthetic and a ‘chittr’ account. I’m pretty sure Homestuck already had a Twitter parody, but that was in the whole dream bubbles thing so I guess it wouldn’t extend to Alternia.
Our second choice is whether to let Cirava do our look, or do it ourself. Let’s try doing it ourselves.
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Next stop, Harajuku. Cirava, luckily, is into it.
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The narration seems to be pretty clear that the generic MSPA reader figure is a guy, alas.
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Soon we’re being hit on by strangers. Next up, we’re vaping out of a bug’s ass.
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So we get high on alien vape juice hell yeah. Time for THE INCIDENT.
Like a lot of trans girls (come on, vaporwave musician here? blatantly trans), Cirava got in a bunch of twitter chittr fights and started getting fake reported. Only on Alternia getting reported as a psionic means getting enslaved, not just banned off Twitter. This social media fight resulted in Cirava’s friends abandoning them to avoid being targeted (...yeah, that’s real), until Cirava removed their own eye to avoid being used as a psionic battery.
And now... they stay quiet, try not to get in fights, or get close to people.
Help I care about a fucking vaporwave troll now
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So yeah that’s like... well of all the endings it’s the least awful one? god ><
Anyway what’s the other route? First, if we say we’re not into moisturewave... predictably, they say this isn’t going to work and kick us out.
Second, we get Cirava to dress us up.
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hell yeah
Unfortunately Cirava gets kind of Chidi about the whole ‘making decisions’ thing. Eventually they dress us up...
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Exactly like them.
Unfortunately this proves a bit too popular and Cirava freaks out that we’re going to steal their fame.
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And as a result of stealing their look and popularity...
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As a result, you straight up... kill yourself? With a gun that you find under a stump, because of MSPA memes?
Those wacky kids and their callout posts, am I right? This isn’t exactly a hot allostatic load level critique of disposability and social media mobbing here.
eh. whatever. this definitely feels like an outsider critique... but it feels more personal when I’m vaguely adjacent to the subculture getting mocked lol. (not that i smoke weed and work on vaporwave and make callout posts - but like Cirava’s whole thing is like ‘trans memer’ stereotype, you know?)
Anyway, that’s the outcomes available to us. Chill and smoke space weed with Cirava, be a living blood bank for Amisia, fail to murder someone, or die.
Fun times in Alternia!
I’m not sure if all of these episodes are gonna be like... ‘meet troll, hijinks, backstory dump, suffer’ or if there’s going to be more of a plot later on.
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