#ugh my brother wants to talk to u again
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put the manthing on the phone.
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munamania · 2 years
watching this interview footage from a past class these idiots sucked at asking this old man questions sir i never would’ve been this fucking stupid to u i promise
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harkaer · 2 years
me: studying
my brain: so anyway let's focus on a super specific scenario u wanna write for the my best friend's wedding au fic
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panlyv · 10 months
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
one piece smau: dating ace edition
— male reader <3 i love ace so much sorry it took so long to finish this pooks
— im a firm believer that ace definitely types hehehehe and actually does giggle in real life. he's such a giggler.
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liked by [l/n].ace, freeluffy, and 17k others
portgas.[name]: best part about dating ace?? his person(a)lity(rms) ❤️
tagged: [l/n].ace
[l/n].ace: damn id smash this fine mffff
-> portgas.[name]: im deleting this post u fucking narcissist
freeluffy: i still win our arm wrestles tho 🥱
roro.zoro: does [name] know he mispelt personality?
-> portgas.[name]: its something called a pun, zoro.
-> roro.zoro: well the delivery sucked i thought ur brain had an aneurysm
revo.sabo: BARRRFFFF this egotistical maniac didnt need this stroke to his ego [name]
-> portgas.[name]: trust me im regretting even dating ur silly ass brother rn
-> [l/n].ace: r u guys talking about me 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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liked by portgas.[name], m4rco.polo, and 19k others
[l/n].ace: pov ur on a date with me and watching me try not to vomit all the sushi i shoved into my mouth all over the table
tagged: portgas.[name]
portgas.[name]: why r u on dates w other ppl???
-> [l/n].ace: ITS A JOKE BABY PLS
-> portgas.[name]: mhm
m4rco.polo: damn this shit sounds disgusting id never go on a date w u again if i saw this tbh
[liked by portgas.[name], eee.izo, yammyato, and 100 others]
yamayamato: r u cheating on [name] ace?
-> yamayamato: yeah well i dont think its very funny :// u should be loyal in a relationship
-> portgas.[name]: yamato <333 u were always my favorite boy ugh i love u sm 🥰
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liked by portgas.[name], yamayamato, and 21k others
[l/n].ace: weekly me post bc i love me! (and my mans) 🤓😕
tagged: portgas.[name]
portgas.[name]: yeah im in there guys!!!
-> [l/n].ace: i love u hehehe u make me blush hehehehe
portgas.[name]: are u free tn? i'll take u out and treat u right ughhh
-> [l/n].ace: i got a date with my bf later tn, sorry not sorry !!!
revo.sabo: i need to mute you because i can't be seeing this shit when im in public
-> [l/n].ace: dont be ashamed that your brother is so hot wtf
revo.sabo: with all due respect, im already ashamed that hes my brother in general soooo
[liked by portgas.[name], eee.izo, and 200 others]
yamayamato: my arms are still bigger. get on my level ace HAHAHA
-> portgas.[name]: proof?
-> [l/n].ace: this is literally cheating, you're cheating on me right now. can you please stop cheating on me with yamato?
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liked by [l/n].ace, portgas.[name], and 15k others
m4rco.polo: god forbid these two do anything by themselves
tagged: [l/n].ace and portgas.[name]
[l/n].ace: ur just jealous ur not in love like we are
-> portgas.[name]: agreed bc how r u gonna be like 40 and still not get any play
-> m4rco.polo: 40?????
dni_nami: i loveee them (whenever they come over they ruin the entire house and im this close to murdering them both)
-> portgas.[name]: but nami 🥺🥺🥺
-> dni_nami: no.
eee.izo: its like ace is trying to become one with him or smth, so unsettling
-> [l/n].ace: weren't you the one preaching about young love a week ago?
-> eee.izo: and now im telling u to GROW UP ace, he's not going anywhere if u let go of him for two seconds
[liked by m4rco.polo, revo.sabo, and 90 others]
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liked by portgas.[name], freeluffy, revo.sabo, and 22k others
[l/n].ace: i love my snookums baby boy handsome pretty king to the moon and to saturn <3
tagged: portgas.[name]
portgas.[name]: ... i guess i love you too.
-> [l/n].ace: be more confident when u say it baby cakes
-> m4rco.polo: oh my god [name] break up with this fool already what the fuck is this
freeluffy: whats a snookums?
-> roro.zoro: don't ask luffy, you wouldn't want to know.
revo.sabo: awww what a cute post, if only ace were normal <3
[liked by eee.izo, m4rco.polo, and 100 others]
-> [l/n].ace: ????
-> portgas.[name]: im so glad we can agree on this sabo !!!
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liked by eee.izo, [l/n].ace, revo.sabo, and 22k others
portgas.[name]: rare sighting of a photo of ace with his shirt on, everyone celebrate in the comments !!!
tagged: [l/n].ace
portgas.[name]: dont get me wrong hes sexy both ways but im not trying to see his nipples every where i go
-> [l/n].ace: but babe you said u liked my titties 🥺🥺🥺
-> portgas.[name]: can you not do this rn.
revo.sabo: yayyy finally he stopped being a WHORE
-> portgas.[name]: at least he can be my whore, but still i agree
-> [l/n].ace: you're the most confusing man i know
-> [l/n].ace: i love u sm hehehehe
-> revo.sabo: the way ik his ass is blushing so hard rn and kicking his feet in the air
eee.izo: thank god for that, i was getting tired of seeing him shirtles sin every single post
m4rco.polo: finally !!!
portgas.[name]'s story:
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i love him A LOOOTTTTTTTT even though he's a lil freak
[l/n].ace replied to your story: when he posts you 😍😍 i love u too bby (even tho u literally cheat on me to my face with yamato but its wtv bc i love u enough to ignore it ❤️)
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horangare · 8 months
my babysitter’s a vampire
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pairing : vampire!hoshi x human!reader
content : smut (mdni), strangers to ???
in which : your parents hired a babysitter after deeming you as the “irresponsible” older sibling. when someone who isn’t junhui shows up in his place, you’re instantly captivated by this handsome stranger and his shiny white teeth.
warnings : grinding, fingering, finger sucking, big dick soonyoung, blood, mentions of a knife and minimal bodily harm (you cut your finger), unprotected sex (but mentions of birth control, be safe either way), cocky soonyoung (ugh i want him so bad), you threaten him with a fork, bff!chaeryeong, dirty talk, pet names, bulge kink (i think that’s everything but pls let me know if i forgot anything)
wc : 4.8K words
note : look y’all i am the youngest of four sisters so idk if my portrayal of a younger brother is a good one but…this is for u hoshi nation horanghae.
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“What do you mean?! I don’t need a babysitter!”
Your mom sighed deeply, searching her jewelry box for her matching earring. “I’m sorry honey, but you do. Your sister clearly isn’t responsible enough.” You rolled your eyes, but remained quiet. “And I know Junhui’s mom. She says he’s a very nice boy who’s good with children.”
Ever since you and Chaeryeong shut yourselves in your room to rewatch Girl From Nowhere for the millionth time again and speculate if there would really be a third season, (Chaeryeong insisted there would be, while you thought the opposite) the fact that you were supposed to be babysitting your younger brother had completely slipped your mind. When your parents returned from their date, they pulled into the driveway only to find Leo out there screaming his head off.
After that, you were quickly deemed “irresponsible” by your parents and no longer allowed to be Leo’s babysitter. What did they want you to do? You couldn’t spend all summer break looking after the little brat. Anyway, it’s not like that was the part that bothered you, but the fact that you couldn’t talk or beg her out of it either.
“Mom, come on! I’m eight and a half now! I can pretty much babysit myself!” Leo crossed his arms over his chest, standing in the doorway so your mother couldn’t leave the room without giving him, in all his childhood glory, the explanation he felt he so richly deserved.
“It’s too late. Junhui is already on his way and we’ve already paid him.” She leaned down, kissing him on the forehead. “Promise me you’ll be good.”
Your brother glanced to the side, like he was actually considering not being on his best behavior, before nodding and smiling at your mom. “I promise.” What a little shit.
“That’s my boy. And the same goes for you, [Y/n]. Chaeryeong over but she cannot stay the night. Am I clear?”
You smiled, not even bothering to make it seem real or genuine. “Crystal clear, mom. Have fun with dad.”
“Yeah, yeah. We should be back at around eleven.” Your mom mumbled, making her way down the stairs and to the front door where your dad was waiting. You followed behind her, mostly so you could slam the door in a pitiful act of retaliation and lock it shut until your friend arrived, but also because you wanted to see what this Junhui kid looked like up close.
You’d seen him maybe once or twice before around campus or at the cute little coffee shop you frequented, but you had never gotten a close hard look at his face before. Some of your friends knew him, according to them he was kind of weird, but made up for it with his sense of humor. Maybe he could keep you some decent company before Chaeryeong showed up.
The boy on the other side of the door was not Junhui. At least, you didn’t think so. This boy was a little shorter, a little blonder, and a lot finer than you’ve ever seen Junhui look.
“Oh! Hello, are you…Junhui?” Your mom asked, raking her eyes over the boy standing before her.
“Hi. No, sorry, Jun couldn’t make it. I’m Soonyoung, I’m a friend of his. Can I come in?”
“Oh, sure. Leo? Your babysitter’s here!”
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“He’s so hot. And he’s totally your type, don’t you think?”
“Chaeryeong, please!” You slapped your hand over her mouth, earning a dirty look from the girl standing beside you. She was right, this Soonyoung guy was super good looking, but she didn’t have to say it out loud. He was still a stranger after all. A hot one, but a stranger nonetheless, and it was only normal for you to have your reservations. “He’s not even the guy who’s supposed to be here. Junhui was supposed to be Leo’s babysitter. He says he’s his friend.”
Chaeryeong rolls her eyes, not understanding what your problem was. “I wouldn’t be complaining if I were you. Look, even Leo likes him.”
You and Chaeryeong watched from the kitchen island as Soonyoung helped Leo with his homework in the living room, and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen your brother smile while doing homework. Neither of you could hear what they were saying, for some reason you doubted it was about fractions—fractions were not funny.
The longer you observed them—mostly Soonyoung—the more you realized how right your friend was. He was fine. Really fine. It’s like there was some kind of aura around him, something almost otherworldly.
That’s when you started to stare. Like the hard, not even blinking type of stare. Soonyoung turned his head over his shoulder, the two of you making eye contact in what felt like the most awkward way ever. He smiled at you though, which made your cheeks feel embarrassingly warm, before giving his attention back to your brother. Chaeryeong, having watched the entire exchange, grinned while looking you up and down.
“You’re staring.” She mumbled.
Feeling like a stubborn child about to throw a tantrum, you narrowed your eyes and pouted. “Was not.”
Your friend was no doubt satisfied with herself, cooing at you and cupping your face with her hands to squish your cheeks together. “Denial is not a good look for you. Come on,” she released your face to pat you on the shoulder. “let’s go watch a movie before I leave.”
Looking back at the living room, you saw your brother sitting on the couch alone with no signs of Soonyoung. Some babysitter, you thought, leaving the kid he’s supposed to be looking after alone. How could your parents leave someone so irresponsible in charge of your brother?
Oh, wait…
“Just wait for me in my room. I’ve gotta use the bathroom.” She nodded, heading upstairs to your room while you made your way to the bathroom in the hall and swinging open the door.
“What the fuck?” Soonyoung shouted, tearing his eyes away from the mirror above the bathroom sink to look at you. Gasping, you took a step back from him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know—” You started to apologize, glancing behind him into the mirror and you froze. The spot where his reflection should be was empty. You took another step back.
“You didn’t know…what?”
If you weren’t so scared right now, you would’ve definitely been offended by the way he was speaking to you like you owed him an explanation for wanting to use the bathroom in your house. You looked at him, then the mirror once more, trying to make it as subtle as possible.
“Uh…nothing! So sorry again.” You said, laughing awkwardly to diffuse the tension and backing away from him far enough until you were close enough to retreat up the stairs and to your room. Chearyeong, seated comfortably in your bed, snapped her head away from her phone to see you clutching your chest and panting.
“Woah, what happened?” She asked as she sat upright. “Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?” With one of your hands, you gestured that you needed more time to catch your breath before taking a deep breath and stepping closer to the bed.
“He doesn’t have a reflection.”
Chaeryeong raised one of her eyebrows. “The babysitter? Are you sure?”
“Yes, of course I’m sure! He was in front of the bathroom mirror but the mirror was, like, empty!”
You could tell she wasn’t really sure whether you were telling the truth or not, making you groan and cover your face with your hands. “I’m really fucking serious! There’s something wrong with him, Chaeryeong!”
A heavy sigh sounded from Chaeryeong’s place on your bed. “I don’t know…what kind of person doesn’t have a reflection?”
“All humans have reflections,” you shrugged, your head tilted as your mind considered each and every possibility. “maybe he isn’t human.”
Chaeryeong snorted and rolled her eyes. “What is he then? A vampire?” The comment was definitely meant to be a joke given the way she’d said it, but the way your eyes widened and jaw drop was all too serious. “Oh my god, is he really a vampire?”
You looked around your room frantically, feeling the smallest bit of relief when you saw your laptop resting on your beside table. Chaeryeong made room for you in the bed, watching as your fingers flew over the keys.
How to identify a vampire.
“Asks to be invited into your home…no reflection…powerful presence or aura,” you skimmed over the first three bullet points shown before you and felt your mouth go dry. Soonyoung, so far, was definitely fitting the description of a vampire.
“Look,” Chaeryeong pointed to the next bullet point and read it aloud. “When a person is injured, make sure to find out if their focus is more on the injured person or the injury itself.” You looked at her, unsure of what his point was. Nobody in the house had been injured?
“Yeah, so?”
“So we’ve gotta injure you.” She scoffed, a little confused as to how you weren’t following her crazy thought process.
You leaned away from her. “What? Why does it have to be me?”
“You’re the one that wants to prove it so bad, aren’t you?” It was hard to argue with that one, you were the one who brought it up in the first place. You grumbled and slammed your laptop shut.
“Fine! But if we do all this and he ends up being just some guy I’m expecting a very long apology from you.”
Chaeryeong just smiled brightly at you. “Yes, ma’am.”
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Soonyoung had brought Leo up to bed much earlier than he thought he would; your brother mumbled something about using all his brainpower on the fractions, and Soonyoung had laughed and tucked him into the covers. When he returned downstairs, he noticed the kitchen lights were on. Once he reached the bottom, he could see Chaeryeong holding your quivering body in the kitchen, a knife and an apple discarded on the kitchen island.
“What happened?” He asked, the faintest hint of worry in his voice.
The truth of what happened is quite simple; you and Chaeryeong snuck down here while Soonyoung was putting Leo to bed, she gave you a small (but still painful) cut on your index finger, and now you were standing here trying to sell it.
“[Y/n] was gonna split this apple with me, but I totally forgot how awful she is with knives. I think she cut her finger open, does it look bad?” Chaeryeong grabbed your wrist, holding your now opened hand closer to Soonyoung’s face. The blood had pooled where the cut was and started to streak down your finger. He sucked in a breath, struggling to look away from it.
“Y-Yeah, it looks pretty bad.” Soonyoung gulped, watching the red liquid falling down past your knuckles. He licked his lips, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by you, and you pulled your finger away. Then and only then did Soonyoung look at you in the eyes again.
“Everything okay? You seemed kind of distracted.” You tilted your head to the side. “You seemed really focused on the blood, don’t you think?”
Soonyoung scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh please, I was not.” You and Chaeryeong exchanged a look, and you held up your bleeding finger in front of his face again. Soonyoung’s focus shifted once more, his eyes zeroing in on the streak of blood that was beginning to go dry. You turned away to rinse it under the sink and shook off the water once it was all washed away.
“Yeah, okay.” Chaeryeong said, reaching into her pocket and handing you a band-aid. “So you’re a vampire, right?”
To say the least, Soonyoung seemed shocked and offended that you had caught him so easily, as if he hadn’t been the most obvious vampire ever. “What? A vampire? Please, how could you ever think that?” It was almost pathetic how he was actually trying to convince you otherwise when the evidence was already there, maybe he actually thought he could wiggle his way out of this.
“Look, we already know. Just drop it.” You sighed, and Soonyoung did the same.
“Aw, mannnnnnn.” He whined. “What gave it away?”
“Do you really want us to answer that?” Chaeryeong asked him, her voice riddled with sarcasm. Soonyoung looked down and mumbled the word “no,” and Chaeryeong nodded pointedly. “Thought so.”
So you were right. Soonyoung was a vampire. He was also your little brother’s babysitter. It’s funny, you could’ve sworn you’ve seen a show like this before a really long time ago, one whose name wasn’t coming to mind right now. Whatever, back to the main point. Soonyoung was a vampire.
“Why are you here?” You questioned him, holding up a fork to his neck. “Are you gonna kill us?”
“Woah, um, first of all,” He closed his hands around yours and lowered it, and you noticed how cold he felt. Probably another vampire thing. You snatched your hand away, and he seemed confused, but shook his head and continued on. “That silver thing? It’s just a myth. Second of all, why would I wanna kill you? It’s not like your parents wouldn’t notice. Not to mention we don’t go feeding on people randomly, consent is a thing, you know.” You could’ve laughed at that. A creature that survived off of draining the blood of others caring about their right to say no seemed ironic.
“And anyway, did you seriously expect to kill me with a fork?”
Chaeryeong burst into laughter, though she tried to play it off by coughing when she saw you glaring at her. “Sorry…” She picked up the fork and the knife and dumped them back into the silverware drawer to prevent you from making any more threats against Soonyoung. Your parents also didn’t trust you with metal utensils for…reasons similar to this.
You rolled your eyes. “So what happened to Junhui? Why couldn’t he come?”
The blond shrugged. “I dunno, he said that he was feeling sick, so he asked me to come in his place. Does that really matter?”
“Of course it matters! I don’t want some freaky undead creature looking after my little brother!” You retorted, raising your voice just a little. He might’ve been against eating people, but that didn’t change the fact that he was still a monster.
“[Y/n], that’s kinda…” Soonyoung held up one of his hands, signaling for Chaeryeong to stop talking.
“How do you know Jun isn’t a vampire?” He tilted his head as he asked that, then pursed his lips while he waited for your answer.
So he was a vampire and a smart-ass. Great.
“I don’t know!” You turned your head away from him. “This is just…freaky. I didn’t know vampires could be so—”
“Witty? Handsome? Charming? I know, I get that all the time.”
Chaeryeong laughed again.
Soonyoung raised one of his eyebrows. “Stupid guys must be your type then. Well, according to Chaeryeong, if I heard correctly.”
You looked at him, eyes wide. “You heard all that?” Soonyoung nodded, smiling when he noticed the way you reacted.
“Every single word. You know, maybe you should do more research.” He flicked you on the forehead and grinned when you let out a yelp of pain.
“Anyway.” Chaeryeong mumbled. “It’s getting late, my sister is on her way to get me. Good luck with…” She gestured between Soonyoung and you. “whatever you’ve got going on.” She reached forward and grabbed the discarded apple from its place on the island and padded upstairs to get her stuff from your room.
A gleeful smile crept its way onto his lips as he turned his head to look at you. “She’s leaving. You know what that means, it’ll just be me and you once she’s gone.”
“If you try anything, I will go get the fork. I don’t care if it kills you or not.”
He laughed, and the sound echoed through the kitchen. It was weird, he didn’t sound or look like an evil blood-sucking monster. He just looked and sounded…normal. And a little shiny.
“Later [Y/n]! Bye Soonyoung. Have fun!” Chaeryeong waved to you from the stairs. You replied with a goodbye of your own, and Soonyoung hummed, listening for the sound of the door closing shut before turning you around and pushing you against the island.
You gasped. “What are you doing?” The way you squirmed in his hold was amusing to Soonyoung, acting as if you could get away. You were so cute, thinking you could get away from him. This would be more enjoyable than he thought.
“I don’t understand why you’re so afraid of me. I can make you feel so good, baby.” You scoffed, the sound turning into a low moan when he started grinding his hard cock against your ass.
“I’m not afraid of you,” The shakiness in your voice poked a hole in your believability, but Soonyoung didn’t think too much of it. He lowered his head to the side of your neck, pressing a kiss to your pulse point before licking a stripe up the side of your neck. You shivered with a horrible realization; you liked it.
“Mmm, then maybe you like me. Is that why your heart is beating so fast?” You could feel him smiling against your skin.
A whine echoed through the kitchen. Your whine. “Wait, my parents…”
You gasped a second time when Soonyoung turned you so you were facing him, and you watched him roll his eyes with that annoying smile plastered on his face. “Oh, them? They’re coming home late. Your mom locked the keys in the car, so they’ll be a while.” Just when you were about to respond, he turned you around again, the feeling of his breath on your neck making you shiver. “So just focus on me, got it?”
His hands traveled over your body, stopping to squeeze your chest or your ass. You should’ve been embarrassed with how you reacted so eagerly to his touch, but he was actually making you feel good. Well, whatever. It’s not like you’d actually let him know—
“I can get rid of these, right?” He hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of your pajama pants, pulling them down along with your underwear the second you gave him a nod of confirmation. The fabric drops down your legs and pools at your feet and you kicked it aside. Soonyoung reached between your legs, collecting the wetness between them and holding it up to your face, fingers glistening with your arousal. “Look how wet you are for the freaky undead creature. You like this, don’t you?”
“N-no. I don’t like this or you.” Even though you said all that and shook your head, Soonyoung could tell you didn’t mean it. He reached between your legs again, this time to ease one of his fingers inside of you.
“The way you’re moaning for me says otherwise.” As he said that, he pushed another one of his fingers past your walls and eliciting another one of those not so subtle sounds from you that he loved. You didn’t even have to see him to know that he was pleased with himself getting you all worked up like this.
He was arrogant. He was full of himself. He was a smug bastard. He was all of that and more, and it was making you weak in the fucking knees.
Three of his fingers were inside of you now, stretching you so good that it made your head spin, and you bucked your hips against his hands like you’ve never been touched a day in your life.
God, you’d never live this down.
You bit your lip so that he didn’t get the satisfaction of hearing how you were falling apart over his fingers, or how good it felt when he curled them inside of you just right, or how he had your legs shaking every time he reached your sweet spot. As if he needed the vocal confirmation (he heard the noises you were making regardless), the way you were trembling was pretty much a dead giveaway.
“You know, you still owe me a little blood.”
“What?” You turned your head as much as you could to look at him over your shoulder. Soonyoung’s eyes were darker than they were before, his hunger evident through his gaze.
How could you owe him blood? What did that even mean?
“You owe me some blood,” he repeated. “Waving your finger around in my face and refusing me a taste. You have no idea how worked up you got me all over that flimsy little cut.”
Judging by how his dick was still poking you, you seriously doubted that.
You turned your head back around, not wanting him to see your face as you weighed your options. You didn’t really know what would happen if he did bite you. Would it hurt? Would it feel good?
Only one way to find out.
“Just…do it fast.” You tilted your head to give him better access to your neck. Soonyoung smiles wide—not like you could see it, but you were imagining that he was in this situation. He withdraws his fingers from their place inside you, much to your dismay, but he’s now holding them to your lips. He groans when you open your mouth and allows him to slip his fingers in and mumbling something that you can’t pick up over the sound of your thumping heartbeat.
“It shouldn’t hurt too much, but let me know if I need to stop.”
He pressed a quick kiss to the spot on your neck that he was sinking his fangs into no more than a second later, giving you no time to process his little act of intimacy. It stung for a moment, but what followed the initial sting of pain was the most intense and overwhelming sense of pleasure.
Soonyoung moans with absolutely no shame when your blood fills his mouth. He’s never tasted anyone as good as you, and he realizes that he could quickly become addicted to you. Your sounds, your blood, your pussy, each and every part of you inside and out was intoxicating.
You wrap your hands around his wrist and pull his fingers out of your mouth, wanting to have him hear your next words clearly. “Fuck me…please.”
He nearly chokes when you ask him that, forcing himself to pull away just so he can ask you to repeat yourself. He licks the remnants of your blood from his lips and your wound so that it’ll seal. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
Clearly your expectations for him were still far too high, because instead of taking you to bed or at least the couch, he had you laid on the kitchen floor. Yeah, you’re definitely never living this down.
And yet despite all this, you can’t help but drool when you finally got to see Soonyoung’s cock beyond the confines of his sweatpants. He looks down at you, smirking, and despite your heightened arousal you still feel an urge to kick his cocky little ass.
“Can you get down here before I change my mind?”
He waves at you dismissively as if he hadn’t been the one all over you. “Need a condom. Got one on you?”
You roll your eyes. “I’m clean and on the pill. Come on, just fuck me already, oh my—”
Soonyoung happily lowered himself onto the floor, his lips on yours as he guided himself inside of you inch by inch. He tasted like your blood, obviously, but there was an also a faint taste of pink starburst too. Something he probably got from Leo, no doubt. The combination was weird, but somehow you figured it suited him.
“God. So f-fucking big, Soonie!”
Gone is the last bit of your composure with Soonyoung’s cock buried inside of you, blurting out any thought that came to your head against his lips.
“Shhh, not so loud, baby,” he whispers. “Wouldn’t want to have your bother wake up and find out what a slut you are, would you?” Yeah right, you think. Leo could sleep through anything, including you getting dicked down by his babysitter. But getting called a slut by him in that sickly sweet way had you clenching around him. “Fuck, warn me if you’re gonna do that.”
“Like I knew it would happen.” You hissed, making him laugh. He found this back and forth thing going on between the two of you fun, especially when he could get you so worked up and vice versa.
He waited until your body had relaxed to start moving, having to keep one of his hands over your mouth each time he thrusted into you because despite what he’d said earlier you just couldn’t seem to stop yourself. It wasn’t your fault that the kitchen was so echoey or that Soonyoung was giving it to you so fucking good.
“You’re such a cute little thing,” He laughed breathily into your neck. “I loved how much of a fight you put up for me baby. Now look at you. You’re mine.”
“All—ah—yours,” your words were muffled by his hands, but he understood you perfectly. The embarrassment you felt earlier was gone, completely replaced with thoughts of him and his cock splitting you open right here on the floor.
You felt him nod, “Mhm, you’re all mine, and I’m all yours. God, wish I could just fuck this sweet little pussy forever.”
A laugh managed slipped past your lips and he finally moved his hand away from your mouth. “You can say that?”
“God? Duh.” He sneered, becoming more and more aware of just how clueless you really were about vampire culture. “Can’t believe I’m having this conversation with you right now.”
You were just about to say something else when Soonyoung changed the angle of his hips, slamming into you even deeper than before. Your back arched, chest pressed to his, and a second later you let out a frustrated groan.
“You still fucking suck.”
“I’m glad you noticed.”
He opts for a faster pace after that, spurred on by the way you close your eyes and babble his name over and over again as if it’s the only word you can say. He’s so desperate to cum, to get you to cum, to have him be the only thing on your mind when you make a mess of yourself all over him. He whispers for you to keep your eyes closed, taking your wrist in his hand and bringing it to your stomach.
“Can you feel me? Right…” He moves your hand around a little before he finds the correct place, “here?” Blindly, you press down on the spot, and your eyes shoot open. He’s so, so deep, you can’t keep it together anymore.
“F-Fuck, feels so good,” your breath hitches at the end of the sentence. “Need more…”
“Yeah? Pretty baby needs more?” Soonyoung raises one of your legs over his shoulders and you swear you start seeing stars with the way he’s fucking you. “You’re so t-tight, sweetheart. Gonna cum?”
“Mmm, yeah, so c-close. Make me cum, Soonie, need it so bad.”
Soonyoung lifts his head so that he can kiss you, only breaking it to quickly mumble the words “me too” before his lips are back on yours and his finger is rubbing your clit until your body goes limp beneath his and he feels you squeezing him so tight it triggers his own orgasm, slowing the speed of his thrusts as he floods your pussy with his cum.
Your head feels fuzzy, and you barely register the feeling of him pulling out or lifting himself off of you while you lay there and catch your breath. “Soonyoung?”
There’s no immediate response, and it makes you confused as to why. You try to lift yourself off the floor but the soreness hasn’t quite subsided, so you’ve no choice but to stay put. “Yeah, just leave me on the floor. Not like I need your help or anything.”
“Well excuse me for not wanting you to be all sticky.” He huffs, wiping the insides of your thighs with a damp washcloth, then proceeding to wipe down the floor and the top of the island.
“I’m still on the floor, Soonyoung.”
Smiling, he helps you to stand and even manages to get you back into your underwear and pajama pants. He won’t stop looking at you like he has something to say. Maybe, for once, it’s something important.
“You wanna go again? I’ve still got a ton of energy.” You rolled your eyes. Of course he did. “Oh come on, I know you liked it.”
“That’s it, I’m getting the fork.”
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AND ALSO (not a request tho teehee) best friends to lovers with leo js sounds sooo??? like childhood best friends to lovers? omg like what if he's had a forever crush on reader in the back of his mind but he doesnt realize it and instead rants abt every hot girl he sees and reader's just like ugh this again 🙄 until reader is lowkey crushing on this other guy and hes like what??? that shouldve been meeee
and like him and reader basically doing couple shit but "as friends" and everyone thinks they're dating but they're not?? UGHH
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x childhood friend! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x childhood friend! reader hcs warning: slight angst but enough fluff to make it okay author's note: DID YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU WERE GONNA DROP THIS THOUGHT INTO MY ASKS AND NOT EXPECT ME DO HCS TO IT??? GIRL BFFR LOOK AT HIM IM WEAK FOR THIS MAN IN WAYS THAT EVEN GOD DOESN'T UNDERSTAND- also, we lost the plot a bit. i'd love to do the whole jealous thing as a blurb later bc im just so happy with how angsty these hcs turned out and i don't wanna add that and change the vibe. sooooo just keep an eye for that tiny blurb in a bit!!
yet another foster family had decided they didn't want leo, sending him straight back to the nun-run orphanage
he wasn't even sure what he did this time, but he just went without a fight, knowing it wasn't worth it
this wasn't the first family to kick him out...and he had a sinking feeling it wouldn't be the last.
that's when he met you, completely down on his luck and glum as could be
you had been getting a bar of soap shoved down your throat when he was brought to the orphanage, the nun with him explaining that you had been caught talking nonsense, which was not tolerated there
leo's eyes stayed on you as they led him down another hallway, watching as you spit the bar up and followed him with your eyes too
"what'd you do?" leo asked, later, once you were shoved back into the rooms, with the rest of the orphans.
"i...i said i saw a dragon made out of metal. they said im lucky they're not throwing him into a psych ward," you whispered back to him and leo offered you a tooth grin.
"a metal dragon? that sounds pretty cool."
"the coolest."
you two managed to bounce from a few orphanages together, being close in age and personalities and whatnot.
though, following a rough falling out with a family, leo was rapidly packing up his few belongings in the middle of the night.
he silently walked over to your bed, doing his best to step over the orphan's that littered the floor and gently woke up, his hand grasping your shoulder while the other pushed your hair out of your face
"lee? what's going on? what's wrong?"
"i'm getting out of here, y/n. we're getting out. come on," he whispered back, tucking his hand into hers and tugging.
you allowed him to pull you out of bed before digging your feet into the ground and halting the both of you
"leo...we can't- i-"
"y/n, it's just going to be an endless cycle of people saying they want us and then kicking us to the curb the moment we're too much trouble or work. at least, on the run, we can live how we want. do what we want."
"...leo, i...i can't," you whisper, tears filling your eyes before dripping down your face.
you two stood staring at each other, unable to leave the other, but both knowing you had to
"i don't know if i'll find you again," whispered leo after a few seconds, swallowing down his own sobs.
"you will. if i know you, leo valdez, you'll find me again. take care of yourself out there, i expect to see you again and in one piece, mister," you choke out, smiling through your tears, hoping to provide him with some comfort.
"i'm gonna find you again, y/n l/n, i swear."
"atta boy," you mutter before pulling him into a bone crushing hug, crying into his shoulder and gripping at his shirt like you didn't want him to leave
leo squeezed back just as tight, his eyes firmly shut in fear you'd see the tears in them
after an eternity in each other's arms, leo reconsidered his decision, wanting to stay in your arms forever
but that was when there was a creak downstairs, surely one of the nuns on her way to check on the kids.
you quickly let go of leo and shooed him towards the window, helping him escape
you grasped his hand as you was on the other side of the window, his eyes instantly darting to you, pausing even though he knew he didn't have much time.
"i- i- you...you're the closest thing to home i've ever felt, leo. stay safe, please. i lo... yeah, stay safe," you gasp out, the words too heavy to state before leaning forwards and pressing your lips to leo's cheek
"im going to find you again simply because i can't see my life without you in it, y/n. i'll stay safe to see you again," leo replied without a ounce of hesitation but he was grateful for the dark night sky, as it very easily hid his blush.
you gave him one last dazzling smile before the creaking got closer, you quickly abandoning the window and rushing to your bed, hoping you could at least pretend to be asleep before she came in.
leo dropped from the window and quickly scrambled away, though not without risking a glance over his shoulders, his chest heaving as he left you alone in that building.
he tried not to think about the fact that he probably got you in trouble, more suds being shoved against your tongue.
leo never forgot you. ever.
you were his girl, even if it wasn't official and you were children when you first met and he hasn't seen you in nearly six years
he tried not to think about how large that number was
he tried not to think about you forgetting him
he tried not to think about you, still in the orphanage, waiting and waiting for him
he tried, he truly did
but something about riding in a chariot with his newly amnestic best friend, his other best friend that fell into the grand canyon only to fly back up with the aforementioned friend, a buff guy with a rainbow tattoo, and a blonde girl who was gravely disappointed by them just being them brought out these thoughts.
and leo wasn't even sure why he was thinking of you as he plummeted down into a lake
well, he wasn't sure until annabeth was giving them a tour, stopping at some training arena
jason, piper, and himself were taking in the place, leo's hands rapidly fiddling with whatever was in his hands as his eyes skittered over the place
"hey, not fair!" a familiar voice called with a laugh, leo's whole body jolting as the air left his lungs and his eyes frantically scanned for you.
"leo? you okay?" piper asked with a furrowed brow
"it's her," he whispered and piper's eyes widened, obviously aware of the girl that owned her best friends heart.
"are you sur-"
"do you think i would joke about this, of all things?" leo hissed, more than desperate, not even sparring her a glance before he spun to annabeth, who was clearly trying to figure the whole story out herself
"is there a girl here? y/n l/n? from texas?" he asked, rapidly.
annabeth just nodded her head, raising her hand and pointing over into the training arena, where you were sitting.
you're legs were crossed under you, a pair of shorts that would leave all the nuns with heart attacks and a smile so wide leo thought he'd just fall into it
his feet were moving before he could think about it, shoving and wiggling around other demigods to get to you
you, you, you
you, who he promised to find
you, who he found
"i told you i would find you," he whispered as he stood before you, suddenly self conscious but you didn't give him time to think like that as your eyes darted to him instantly
less than a second later, you were crying in leo's arms, which were tightly tied around you
leo squeezed you to him, worried you'd disappear, that this would all be some twisted dream and he'd wake up back at the retched wilderness school and you'd be nothing more than a figment of his imagination
but as he felt you pull back just the slightest bit before smashing your lips against his own, leo knew this wasn't just some dream
no dream could ever feel as good as this, that's for damn sure
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cutiesgaloree · 2 years
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obey me! brothers x f!reader
context: fem reader teases the seven brothers by showing some cleavage!
warnings: mdni, suggestive, dubcon, some parts are shorter than others :')
reblogs are appreciated!
tags: @stygianoir
you sauntered into the eldest brother's bedroom, wearing shorts and a low v-cut shirt, your outfit hugging you in all the right spots
lucifer was at his desk, doing paperwork that the demon prince had once again pushed onto him
you leaned on his desk, laying yourself over his paperwork, breaking his focus
"luci, won't you take a break? you've been working so hard after all.."
lucifer merely raised an amused eyebrow, glancing at your chest threatening to expose itself and back up at you
he could see right through you
"i've got quite the amount of paperwork to get through. putting it off will be of no benefit," he said nonchalantly, waiting for your next move
shrugging, you got off his desk and skipped around it, plopping yourself on his lap facing towards him
he put his pen down and immediately held your hips, keeping you in place on his lap
"true, but such ambition should be rewarded, don't you think?" you replied, smiling mischievously
lucifer gave you those eyes (yk what i'm talking about) ;)
the hooded ones that screamed ‘ i'm gonna fuck you into tomorrow ’
"is that so?" he said, hands inching up your body, "and what might this reward entail?"
you continued smiling at him, "you'll see~"
"CASINO NIGHHTTTT~" mammon cheered, bursting into your room
you knew it was time for you and mammon to go to the casino and have fun
hence why you were changing
and he just walked in on you...
he stared for a couple seconds before you reminded him he was staring
"h-huh?! me? staring?! a-at you? psh, yeah right!" he says, blushing furiously before slamming the door
you decided to go for formal attire
and i mean really formal
you were dressed in a tight fancy suit, the top buttons of your dress shirt unbuttoned
creating a perfect boob window 😍👍
mammon looked beet red when he laid eyes on you after you left your room
"o-oi! where do ya think you're goin' with t-that!" he yelled, pushing you back into the room
"why? does it look bad on me?" you sighed theatrically, glancing down in feigned disappointment
"no! you look too hot n i don't want anyone but me seeing you like that!" mammon blurted out before slapping a hand over his mouth and clearing his throat
"what i meant was, y-you look horrible! yeah, that's right! the suit looks down right.. u-ugly! so change into something else!" he barked, crossing his arms and huffing
"okay," you said, smirking and beginning to take off your clothes
right in front of him 😁
"woah woah woah! what're ya doing?!" he panicked, eyes wide as saucers and his cheeks redder than an apple
"well, you told me to change right?" you said smugly, "i'm simply following order from my first~ ah-!"
you squeaked in surprise upon being thrown into your bed by mammon, his face hidden in your neck, hands gripping your waist
"grr, ya shouldn't tease a demon-- unless you're ready for the consequences..."
it was game night for you and levi, but you'd been in the mood for something.. different.
and so you wore a short skirt and a hoodie
knocking on the door and entering after answering levi's code, the poor boy became flustered at how short your skirt was
"h-hey... you- what- why're you-?" he started, not being able to get out a sentence
you merely feigned innocence, tilting your head in mock confusion
"yes, levi?"
"uh, nevermind! it's nothing..! ugh, let's just start playing," he sighed, dropping the subject
as you two gamed, you began teasing him subtly
first, you scoot right next to him
the second he stops tensing, you lean your head on his shoulder
finally you draped your exposed legs over his lap and got comfortable, leaving him red
every touch had him jumping and tensing, but that last move made him slam the pause button
you spared him a confused glance despite knowing exactly why he stopped the game
"levi, why'd you stop the game? is something wrong?"
"n-no..! just thought we should take a break..." he trailed off
you smiled mischievously before nodding and stretching, your legs on display
now, in your new position, leviathan got first row tickets to seeing up your skirt
he gaped and whipped his head around
"h-hey! you can't just--!"
"can't just what, levi?"
turning back to look at you, his eyes widened in realization as he noticed your smirk
you had planned this all along
before you knew it, he had you pinned to the floor, eyes narrowing at you
"oh, yeah? so you think you can just walk in here and tease me?
well guess what? two can play at that game."
you and satan had been planning to have a reading session together in his room
but, of course, you'd been curious
to see what he'd look like if you just sorta...
pushed him off the edge >:)
and not in a pissed off way~
so, you wore a strapless shirt that exposed a lot of skin and cute pants that hugged your body beautifully
you knocked on his door, and upon his approval you entered
he was sitting on a small couch, reading calmly
"hello, (name)," he greeted, "i went ahead and began reading, but feel free to-- *chokes on spit*"
in case you didn't know, he did a double take after seeing how stunning you looked
"satan, are you okay?" you hurried over, bending right in front of him, giving him a great view of your chest
his eyes widened and he quickly glanced away, coughing a couple more times before clearing his throat
"ahem. y-yes, i'm fine... as i was saying, feel free to make yourself comfortable and start on your book."
you nodded and sat yourself next to him, situating yourself in a way that would be very.. comprising
he glanced at you often, a blush dusting his cheeks
"so..." he finally started after a while, "is there something special going on? i mean, you look.. particularly beautiful today, and--"
you hummed, setting your book aside before gently taking his book out of his hands and setting it aside as well
"what are you-- oi!"
satan yelped in surprise as you pulled him on top of you, laying down on the couch yourself
he gripped the sides of the couch in realization as he hovered over you
you smirked up at him and winked
that's all he needed to know before smashing his lips onto yours
you pulled him in and wrapped your arms around his neck
you two were breathless by the time he pulled away
only for him to pull you back in for another kiss
"i'll wipe that smirk off your face," he growled
lmao what won't tease this man is the real question
you two were going to a party
and you decided to tease him ;)
by wearing a tight and skimpy dress <33
of course, as soon as he saw you he practically moaned
and at the party?
you were strutting your stuff, making the most of your drop-dead gorgeous dress
this man could not for the life of him take his eyes off you
a the dent in his pants became just a little more obvious
he soon dragged you into a private room
and the second he closed the door he corned you, littering your jaw and neck with kisses
"oh darling, you look absolutely hot in that dress," he said, "you wouldn't mind if i took it off of you, would you?"
you had a workout session with beel soon
and you wanted to.. motivate him 😇
so you wore the most revealing athletic clothes you had and set out for the gym
beel was already waiting at the entrance when you got there
he was oblivious to your attire and you two began spotting for each other
or at least
you had thought he was oblivious
but you noticed how he had become a lot touchier with you during exercises, correcting your form even if it was fine...
his hands lingering on you more than they should...
and whenever he spoke to you, it was husky whispers in your ear that sent shivers down your spine...
yeah, he definitely noticed.
when you two finally finished, you two went to get some protein shakes at a nearby cafe before going home
of course, beel was still hungry, so you two went to the kitchen
you cooled down from your workout while he continued eating everything in the fridge (again)
feeling a rumble in your stomach yourself, you went over to the fridge
spotting something to eat, you had a devious idea
you bent over seductively in front of him as you reached down to get the food
before you knew it, beel slammed you on the counter
"hey, (name)... are you tempting me?"
you decided to pretend you were innocent
"what do you mean?" you said as sweetly as you could
"since we started our workout session, i noticed your outfit, y'know.. and then the way you bent over, you never do that," he said, eyes trained on yours
"whatever do you mean, beel?" you drawled your words, batting your eyes at him. beel groaned
"see? you're doing it again. whatever," he said, lowering himself between your legs
"now i'm hungry for something else. care to indulge me, (name)?"
you and belphie were gonna have a sleepover
which basically consisted of napping the entire time lmao
but today you were feeling devious
and so, you wore your most suggestive pajama set
you skipped happily over to his room and launched yourself onto the bed, hearing a muffled "oomf" under the mountain of blankets and pillows
chuckling an apology, you waited for him to surface and gave an innocent smile as he scanned your outfit, eyebrows raised in amusement
"so.. you want a last-minute change of plans for the sleepover," he said groggily
damn, he saw straight through you
"well sure," he continued, "but i don't know if this will be considered a sleepover if i keep you up all night~"
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if I could request some relationship headcanons for Ponyboy or/and ( what ever you feel more comfortable with lol)Johnny. I get it if you don't wanna lol
─ dating ponyboy curtis headcanonz
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☆ - warnings :: physical injury, alcohal, (past) self harm, past major character deaths, pet names, vague mention of a physical fight,
☆ - k.j.'s diary says... i might die if i don't have my own ponyboy michael curtis
𖥸 antici-
before johnny and dally died, pony would never find the balls to talk to you, especially if you're a Soc
honestly wouldn't be to picky about looks but if you're a looker than even better 🤷‍♀️
but anyway, pony is super closed off after his friends' deaths
if you were dating hefore he went missing, then chances are he'll only talk to you at first
general dating HC's:
super cuddly in private
not big on PDA: hand holding, linked pinkes, arm-in-arm, a kiss on the cheek... that's about it
but when you're at the house or alone you already know ponyboy is gonna be lovin' on you like no tomorrow ♡
lowkey into pet names, specifically sweetheart, darlin', baby, angel
absolutely melts if you called him pet names too
loves when you where his clothes, it makes him feel proud to know you feel safe and protected enough to wear his- his!- clothes
private relationships >>> secret relationships
ponyboy would only really tell the gang about being with someone only when he knew you were a good thing for him
that would be about... a year into your relationship
pony's slowly learning to be a kid again after everything he saw and did, so never rush him or push him to talk about 'those days' unless he comes to you first
loves forhead kisses
writes down lines from books and poems and songs that remind him of you
made a playlist or twelve he plans to give to you someday, maybe after you get married (if that's something you both want)
you and the gang are what keeps him going. make sure that you tell/show him that he's okay and you see how good of a person he is. ponyboy curtis needs reassurance.
loves little spooning almost as much as he loves big spooning
honestly a cuddlebug
like pony is just so soft and warm he just ugh.,&@(
would ask you to help him bleach his hair again when the original color started showing :( <3
the rest of the gang would love you because you keep the curtis brothers intact and well. that's a lot to say most days
would get in a fight for u even if it meant going to jail
always goes straight to you after a fight
after all, you're his home, his person, his love
if anyone can take care of him: it's you
the first 'i love you' was from him
after a fight he was getting cleaned up by you
you were both in the living room, occasionally glancing over at darry and soda to make sure they were still breathing (they both got concusions) and were about to wake both of them up when pony stopped you
"i love you, y/n. i love you. you don't have to day it back or anything, i just- i just wanted to tell you."
you softened, and gingerly tilted his head up to place a soft kiss on his lips
"i know, sweet boy. i love you too."
manz was purring fr
-pation 𖥸
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sukifoof-art · 2 years
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hyperdeath asriel :) thinkin about how hyperdeath asriel is probably the most. genuine asriel... some Thoughts under the cut 👀
 a lot of “flowey” is pretty much an act built from self hatred and a need to protect himself-- he needs to justify his self hatred in a way that makes sense, so he takes it out on others and acts terrible and rationalizes that as the reason he hates himself. its also definitely a wall he puts up so that he doesnt get close to someone and lose them again... while “prince asriel” is more of him just trying to live up to who he used to be,, and flowey in the no mercy route kinda also follows this!! hes with who he believes to be chara so he immediately puts on his Perfect Friend act where everything is fine... but hyperdeath asriel is kind of more of an unfiltered asriel u know?? hes very clear about how he wishes he could go back and how he wants to see chara again,,, and he finally lets go and talks about how alone he is... its only him and frisk so he doesnt have a need to act any certain way,, theres another part to it where hyperdeath asriel himself isnt anyone that has been seen before. asriel can act however he wants as hyperdeath asriel and Not feel Weird about it. it also allows him to be truthful with himself and accept what hes done and who he is now,, i think about this a lot........ theres plenty of times where his flowey act seems to break too,, like when he took care of toriel and how he says theres no happy endings and the way he gets defensive over his gift from papyrus..... i really like that hes comically the level headed guy in the cast despite his extremely annoying persona where he constantly tries to rile u up. i think he gets annoyed easily but in a less explosive way,, like Yeah hes explosive but in the stinky older brother way where he WILL insult u if u piss him off and most of the time if hes annoyed hes like “UGH this is dumb” hes just kind of a pathetic loser and i appreciate this about him. thinks about the hard mode dialogue so hard
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anyway read growth spurt and ask fallen royalty they get asriel so well i think about them all the time. one day i will work on my two asriel centric aus i prommy
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tessenpai · 7 months
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 128.5 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: (I recommend the use of an adblocker to avoid NSFW content) https://klz9.com/jxsh-kono-oto-tomare-raw-chapter-129.html
Page 1
Isaki [thoughts]: On my 27th winter
Isaki [thoughts]: My father passed away.
Side text: The story of how Chika and Isaki met...
Gen [memories]: If something were to happen to me...
Gen [memories]: Please take care of Chika.
Isaki [thoughts]: ---To me
Chika: Whatever. I don't care.
Page 2
Chika: I don't give a shit what you think of me. Not anymore.
Side text: When his grandfather died, his heart did as well---...
Isaki [thoughts]: He left only one request.
Chapter title: #ex [first light]
Page 3
Isaki [thoughts]: ....Whaaa---... No no, you can't be serious... This? You left this to me??
Gen [memories]: His eyes have been full of kindness lately.
Isaki [thoughts]: Where??
Isaki [thoughts]: Those are not the eyes of a child. Normally, it would've been impossible.
Isaki [thoughts]: Something like this... I've never even raised a child before, this is way out of my league---...
Isaki: !!
Isaki: Eh? Wai- Where are you goi--
Chika's father: Leave him!!
Isaki: Still...
Page 4
Gen [thoughts]: I leave it to you.
Isaki [thoughts]: Really, you ask too much...
Isaki [thoughts]: Wow.
Isaki: Excuse me, could borrow an umbrella?
Employee: Go ahead.
Isaki [thoughts]: He couldn't have gone too far yet but... Where should I even look for him?
Isaki [thoughts]: In a place that looks unsafe?
Page 5
Isaki [thoughts]: What should I do if he got in a fight again?
Isaki [thoughts]: There he is...
Isaki [thoughts]: For now, let's just call out to him. He will probably reject me but... Wait, if I get rejected, is there anything I can do after that? We've just met, so... The most practical thing for me to do would be to go back and call my brother.
Page 6
*No text*
Page 7
Isaki: ....Oh. Um...
Isaki: ...
Isaki: ...Do you know who I am? I'm your father's younger sister.
Isaki: Dad... Did Grandpa ever tell you about me?
Chika: ...
Isaki: About my brother... I think he's just a little bit preoccupied right now, so… maybe you should talk to him when he's a bit calmer and...
Chika: It's fine.
Chika: I really couldn't care less about that.
Page 8
Isaki: What? But...
Isaki [thoughts]: He was crying so hard just now...
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Ah.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...I see...
Isaki: You... Truly loved Grandpa.
Page 9
Isaki: I think the time Grandpa spent with you was really fun and joyful to him.
Isaki: I think you made him happy.
Isaki: For being with him until the end... Thank you.
Chika: !!
Page 10
Chika: u... ugh.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Aaah.
Isaki [thoughts]: Can't do.
Isaki [thoughts]: I definitely
Isaki: Chika
Page 11
Isaki: Come live with me
Isaki [thoughts]: I can't leave this child alone.
Isaki [thoughts]: ---That was
Page 12
Isaki [thoughts]: The beginning for Chika and me.
Isaki: We haaave arrived! This is my humble abode--!
Isaki: The bathroom is over here--- And over there---
Isaki: Who would've thought you could do that...
Chika: What?
Isaki [thoughts]: He is surprisingly well-behaved.
Isaki: Here, this is my room---...
Sfx: Clack...
Page 13
Isaki: If you enter, I will beat you up ☆
Chika: ...
Isaki: Next up is the living room.
Isaki: And finally-- Your room!!
Sfx: Ta-daaaan
Chika: ...
Isaki: You got nothing to say about it...?
Chika: I'm fine just with a place to sleep in.
Isaki [thoughts]: I was just kidding... I planned on partitioning the living room to create a room for him but...
Isaki: ..............Whatever, I guess.
Page 14
Chika [Sfx]: Look around
Isaki: Hm? Are you looking for something?
Chika: ...I was just thinking that there aren't any kotos around here.
Isaki: Aah.
Isaki: I used to play it a little a long time ago. Now, not at all.
Isaki: My job is related to events so I sometimes get exposed to it from time to time.
Chika: Hmmmm.
Isaki: What, did you want to play the koto?
Chika: Nah, I can't play.
Isaki: Is that right? My fathe... Grandpa told me on the phone before
Isaki: "Chika played the koto!" He was so happy when he said that.
Page 15
Isaki [thoughts]: ----Ah.
Chika: ...Hmmm.
Isaki [thoughts]: His eyes light up as soon as Grandpa is mentioned
Isaki [thoughts]: That's probably his true self...
Sfx: Ruuumble
Isaki: ...Did you hear that?
Chika: ...Well, yeah.
Isaki: That's because I'm hungry. It's almost six, let's have dinner.
Isaki: What do you want to eat? We can go eat out or order delivery---
Chika: I don't need anything.
Page 16
Isaki: ...What?
Chika: Food, I mean... I'll be fine even with little food.
Isaki: What are you even saying??
Chika: It's enough if you just lend me a place to sleep.
Chika: I don't plan on coming for anything except to sleep.
Chika: Today I will also go somewhere else until night hits.
Chika: About my clothes... I would be thankful if you let me leave them here.
Isaki: I will make it.
Chika: ------Eh?
Isaki: Today, Isaki-sama, for your well-being, from the bottom of her heart, will cook for you. So eat. Until there isn't a single crumb left.
Page 17
Isaki: Right now, the only things I have in the fridge are water, alcohol, and snacks. I gotta do some shopping.
Chika: Eh? Wai-
Isaki: Ah, are you coming with me?
Chika: If there's anything you need, we can buy it.
Chika: ...Well, no ...There's really nothing.
Isaki: That so? Well, just stay at home then.
Chika: !
Chika: ...
Isaki: What, you coming then? Is there something you want?
Chika: ...There's nothing, really...
Page 18
Isaki [thoughts]: Yeaaaaaah, I don't get it.
Isaki [thoughts]: He is following me, but he is so far away.
Isaki [thoughts]: Well, you know? Of course, right? From a junior high school student's point of view, a woman around 30 years old is considered an old woman, right?. I'm sure it's embarrassing to walk around with one, right?
Isaki [thoughts]: I totally bought too much.
Isaki [thoughts]: Whatever--- It's just a 5-minute walk...
Sfx: Grap.
Page 19
Isaki [thoughts]: Oh?
Isaki [thoughts]: Ooooh...?
Isaki: Wai- At least let me carry one of those.
Chika: ...
Isaki: Hey!
Chika [Sfx]: Power walking
Isaki: Wha-!?
Isaki: Wait right there! Hey!!
Isaki: Don't ignore me!!
Isaki: Listen here!! I get that you don't want to walk with me but
Isaki: That kind of thing is still hurtful, you know!? I'm grateful you are carrying the bags, though!!
Page 20
Chika: Ah, no.
Chika: That's not... it.
Isaki: Come again?
Chika: ...Did you see how it ended up? Gramps house, I mean.
Chika: It'd better for you not to be seen around me.
Page 21
Isaki: Are you underestimating adults?
Isaki: Gramps house? Yeah, I took a good look at it with these two eyes. It was the worst among the worst.
Isaki: I think the people who did that are really shitty kids. And you're a fool for hanging out with them.
Page 22
Isaki: When I first heard about the incident, to be honest, I was super pissed with you.
Isaki: I thought it was too much trouble, I wanted nothing to do with it.
Isaki: But once I actually met you, you were only a child crying for the death of his grandpa.
Isaki: You have reflected and regretted. But you are still someone who hasn't learned how to look forward, at all.
Isaki: Don't you dare try to put yourself in front of me to try and protect me.
Page 23
Isaki: There's no way I will run from some brats who try to belittle my nephew.
Isaki: I will use my power as an adult to turn the tables on them-
Isaki: So you can rest at ease, and walk beside me. And every day, you can come home normally!!
Isaki: Do you understand!?
Page 24
Isaki: Come on, let's go.
Chika: Carrying it like this is embarrassing....
Isaki; Oh, is that so? Let go, then, and let me carry these heaaaavy bags all on my own.
Chika: Ugh...
Chika: ...
Page 25
Isaki [thoughts]: That night
Isaki [thoughts]: For the first time in several years I cooked
Isaki [thoughts]: A fucking disgusting A slightly different curry
Isaki [thoughts]: Chika did exactly as I told him.
Isaki [thoughts]: And didn't leave a single crumb.
Page 26
Isaki [thoughts]: He is more honest than I thought.
Isaki [thoughts]: And he is extremely clumsy.
Isaki [memory]: ----Eh? You don't want to go to high school and want to start working directly instead? Is there a work you are interested in?
Chika[memory]: There's nothing like that but, normally I would have to pay rent, and earn my living. I wanna pay for it.
Isaki[memory]: What, now?
Isaki[memory]: Your father will be paying for all your expenses, isn't that obvious?
Isaki[memory]: You don't want to depend on your father?
Chika[memory]: Ugh...
Isaki[memory]: Well, is not like I don't understand where you are coming from, but.
Page 27
Isaki [memory]: If there's anything you can use, use it.
Isaki[memory]: If you can rely on something or someone, do it.
Isaki[memory]: There's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Isaki[memory]: For once, forget about things like money and whatnot. Just think about what you want for yourself.
Isaki[memory]: But if after that, you still want to work, then I will support you.
Chika [thoughts]: ...What I want for myself...
Chika [thoughts]: ..............
Chika [thoughts]: I have no clue--... I don't have a hobby or any kind of special talent. Nothing.
Page 28
Chika [thoughts]: ...Truly. I really have nothing.
Chika [thoughts]: Nothing...
Gen [memory]: Chika!
Isaki [thoughts]: I'm home---
Chika [Sfx]: Stare
Isaki: Eh? What is it? You are scaring me.
Isaki: What, did you break something?
Chika: I didn't break anything.
Isaki: What is it, then?
Page 29
Chika: .....
Chika: Ther-
Chika: There's something I... Want.
Isaki: ! What is it?
Chika: ----------
Chika: Pi- picture...
Chika: I want a picture.
Chika: ....Of Gramps.
Chika: I
Chika: Don't have even one... so.
Page 30
Chika: If it's not doable, that's fine.
Isaki: Eh- no-! It's totally doable!!! Pictures, huh! I will bring them over!
Isaki: These are albums.
Chika: Are these all Gramps'?
Isaki: Well, there are also other family members in them.
Isaki: You can grab whichever picture you like.
Chika: ...Thanks
Chika [thoughts]: Oooh...
Page 31
Chika [thoughts]: Around this age, I can already tell it's Gramps.
Chika[memory]: Koto club? What's that, a club where you play koto?
Gen [memory]: Yeah. I was the founder of the Tokise Koto Club!
Page 32
Chika: ---...This.
Isaki: Hm? Ahhh, that's a picture of when the Koto Club was first founded.
Chika: ...Does this club
Chika: Still exist?
Isaki: If I remember correctly, it's still there, but----
Gen [memory]: Do you want to give it a try?
Gen [memory]: Haha, you are pretty good.
Gen [memory]: You actually seem pretty talented.
Isaki [memory]: "Chika played the koto!" He was so happy when he said that.
Page 33
Isaki: -----...
Isaki: Did you find what you want to do?
Page 34
Chika: I wonder if it's too late for me to aim to go to high school.
Isaki: Well, that depends on how much effort you put on i---
Isaki: Wait a second!! You have to submit an application form for the entrance exam! When is the deadline!? It's already December!!
Isaki: Will we make it on time?
Chika: I will go ask Tetsuki!!
Isaki: Eh? Who is Tetsuki!?
Chika: It's ok! I will make it on time!! If I tell Tetsuki, it will be fine, for sure!!
Isaki: Ok, but who is Tetsuki!!??
Chika: Uh... I
Chika: Will go to Tokise and
Chika: I will join the Koto Club Gramps created!!!
Page 35
Isaki [thoughts]: Thank you, Dad. For leaving a light for Chika.
Isaki: That's great!!
Isaki: Well then, from now on, it's full-time studying!
Chika: Starting tomorrow I will ask Tetsuki to help me study, so I will pass for sure!
Isaki: What the hell is a Tetsuki!!!???
Side text: I hope this sound reaches the heavens----...
Isaki [thoughts]: Chika won't lose sight of that light, and this time I will be right beside him.
Isaki [thoughts]: Please, look after us.
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue in the next issue---
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st4r-girls · 6 months
love songs ✶ lh44
pairing: lewis hamilton x reader
summary: y/n drops a new song with some very interesting background vocals
notes: hi!!! first post, barely know how to work tumblr but here we go
~ instagram!
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liked by kaliuchis, badgalriri and 56,000 more
yourusername so excited to release my new single, the 1!! i wrote these lyrics at the beginning of a new relationship and when i reread them to record, the feeling was surreal. i want to thank all the people who support me and my musical endeavors. and to the one: illuminas mi vida, te amo 💕
view all 6,400 comments
user2 DRIVIN DOWN THE 1!!!
kaliuchis tan orgullosa de ti, preciosa como siempre🎀🎀🎀 (so proud of you, beautiful as always)
yourusername te amoooo💕💕te echo de menos!! (i miss you)
user3 ok but when’s the new album???
user4 her vocals oh myyyy🔥🔥🔥
user5 i need her actually
user6 seems like u might have competition
user7 ok but who was the other credit on the song?? those other background vocals were NOT her
user8 ugh i need to see this live asap
user9 ummm who is the one?!??
user10 calienteeee 🔥🔥🔥🔥
badgagriri looking amazing babe
yourusername ugh ily
user11 what an icon
~ twitter!
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yourusername posted a new story! 5hrs ago
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~ instagram!
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liked by lewishamilton, kaliuchis and 178,000,090 others
yourusername i thought writing and releasing a song for you would be the ultimate anniversary present but i’ve been one upped. these have been the best 4 years and i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you 💕 (ps. thanks for the background vocals 😘)
tagged: lewishamilton
view all comments
user1 WHAT🔥🔥🔥
user2 this was NOT on my 2023 bingo
user3 they look so cute together 🥹
feliciathegoat congrats dude now i don’t have to hear you talk about some mystery guy
yourusername shut up ty 💕
user4 well now we know who the 1 is
kaliuchis proud to say i was first to know 😘 felicidades, hermana 🩷🩷 (congrats, sister)
yourusername gracias kali ily ily 🥹 (thank you)
user7 an f1 driver??????
mercedesamgf1 congratulations on the engagement!! welcome to the family
yourusername aww thank you 🩷
user9 welcome to the family i’m SOBBING
user10 y/n on the grid when????
badgalriri congrats on the engagement babe 😘
yourusername ugh wife ily 🥹
lewishamilton wife?????
yourusername just kidding lewie, yk ily
user13 WAIT they’ve been dating for 4 years??????
lewishamilton mi amor 🤍
yourusername I LOVE YOU
user14 so he’s soft launch guy???
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liked by yourusername, roscoelovescoco, mercedesamgf1, and 850,093 others
lewishamilton from quiet nights in your nyc apartment to secret skydiving trips, i’ve cherished every moment with you. the song was beautiful, sorry i had to one up you with the engagement. i love you baby, to forever 🤍
tagged: yourusername
view all comments
yourusername oh please you’re not sorry
lewishamilton no i’m not 🙃
user1 i knew this was coming and i’m STILL shocked
user4 i think u meant 7 time…
user3 no i meant 8.
sebastianvettel congratulations lewis, enjoy marriage
lewishamilton thank you brother
user5 he’s engaged to the singer????
user6 no way he just hard launched with an engagement post
user7 jaw dropped.
landonorris this old man has a gf???
georgerussell63 i know right? i’m still shocked
danielricciardo i thought it would never happen. so proud😪
pierregasly i can’t believe i didn’t know
yourusername fiancé actually
landonorris so sorry ms future hamilton ma’am
yourusername better 😌
user8 LANDO OMG😭😭
user9 i literally cannot right now
user11 i’m actually obsessed like what
user12 omg i can’t wait for the wedding
user13 i need to see them on the grid
47 notes · View notes
random-person10 · 2 months
Heartbreak High
The new one, not the old one.
This show has always managed to confuse me and I don't know if it's an Australian thing or a writer's thing. I'm pretty sure it's the former coz it happens every time I watch anything Australian.
But this season was even more confusing than the first. Like in the first season, it was chaotic to me how everyone ended up fucking almost everyone, I could not guess who was going to get together at fucking all. All it took is for these fuckers to make 4-second eye-contact and BAM sex, get a grip. Ig teenagers are actually like that and I'm just a loser. Anywho, this season, the only thing that confused me was Rowan's whole character arc.
Let me break this down:
He said that when he came to Hartley High, he was just ready to move on from his brother's death, or maybe he wanted to move on in Dubbo, I dunno I kind of didn't pay attention. But like, he started killing birds and terrorizing Amerie with them on the first fucking day of being there, because she didn't remember him?
This motherfucker went into the forest, while Ant was busy threatening to cut his dick off, killed a bird, and put it on her bag? Sorry but how fast does this man act? What a machine.
Then he dated her ex-boyfriend? For what reason? Was it strategic? I still haven't figured that one out yet. Like sure it'll make Amerie jealous but he seemed genuinely into him so I don't think that's it. Actually, thinking about it now, Malakai is hot and Rowan was all "forget Amerie" or whatever so that bit does make sense tbh. I cried when they broke up go away, imagine the person you're dating calls u by their ex's name? ugh sad
Then after breaking up with Malakai and getting his heart savagely broken, he just starts dating Amerie? At first, I assumed that was because he planned to hurt her emotions, but he literally spoke about her to 'Jett' like he was into her, so that confused me. I thought he hated her?
Like bro seemed to not have a plan. I know he's not mentally stable and all that but like what was going on in his mind? He's trying to ruin her life, but also likes her, but also thinks she murdered his brother.
And why did he tell Malakai to fuck off when he started dating Amerie? Like was that genuine possessiveness or was that part of the plan? (My little brain was like "awe he wants to protect Malakai from whatever he has planned at that dance so he's telling him to go away, cutee he still likes him" but I'm delulu so ignore that)
His delusions just vanished with Amerie saying: "he died because he loved you" and a clip of Jett not being a part of Rowan's hallucination anymore... like excuse me, I need a clip of this man going to a therapist and actually acknowledging his schizophrenia, not whatever this form of fucking 'closure' is.
It was so half-arsed, it made me mad.
Man, I genuinely liked the guy, but it seemed like they created his plot 4 episodes into the season. Nothing linked.
Still was very obsessed with the show tho. The sarcasm and the sibling vibes were very entertaining. STILL THE PLOT MAKES VERY LITTLE SENSE. But, again I'm very bad at paying attention so I might've got it all wrong.
Side note: the principal's dog (Joan of Arc) with her little fuchsia-coloured vest were the highlight of this show for me, isn't that kinda sad? There is a scene where the principal is talking to Cash, and Joan is facing the opposite direction and I laughed at that for like 30 minutes, tragic.
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 3rd, 1996
Dear diary,
I survived my first day as a Junior. Not that I am surprised because I'd planned everything perfectly. Almost everything.
I woke a few minutes before my alarm as I always do - I don't even know why I set it anymore, other than the fact I know the universe will screw me over the one time I won't. I went down to have breakfast with dad before he had to leave and went up to get ready after he'd gone at 7:15.
Whitney was late as usual when I went to pick her up, but I'd accounted for that so we were still out of her street by 7:50. We pulled into our parking spot at exactly 8:00. I don't know why that brings me so much joy.
Anyway, we went into homeroom together as Whit, Dylan and I all have Mrs. Haywood again. I hate that we only get our schedules during the first day - I never know what to prepare for. I know it's mostly introduction anyway and we won't need more than a notebook but it still irks me.
Today was the perfect example as to why. As usual, I'm one of the last to be handed paperwork - stupid double u - and everyone was already skimming over their classes and their teachers. At first, I assumed the murmuring was just the recognition of my last name on some people's rosters, but Whitney turned to talk to Dylan instead of me so there must have been something else going on.
Once I got the roster, I understood why.
My third period today was art.
With mister Byers.
Of course, he'd be here too. I mean, why else would they both come back? But did they both have to get jobs in Hawkins?
At least it distracted people from English with Mr. Wheeler, which I have seventh period - joy! Luckily, Zombie Boy returning is more noteworthy than Holly's weirdo older brother - small blessings I guess.
I don't get the hype though - he's just Will. Just one of Mike's lame friends.
And now he's going to teach my art class which used to be my one moment of peace during the week.
Dylan asked about my brother when we were walking into our next class. She apparently has him fourth period which sucks because it means I can't keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't befriend Mike behind my back. She has a tendency to lull teachers into personal conversations, which everyone loves because it means a distraction from the coursework but I know only means we have more work at home later. It's not really her fault she's just so damn likeable, anyway. Her chattiness is exactly why she's one of my best friends.
It became apparent that Dylan wasn't the only one who'd recognized Mike's name, either. After my second period French class I caught Daniel's eye in the hallway. I swear his smile brightened upon seeing me and for a second today was perfect - until he asked about Mike. Apparently we both have him seventh period. I want to be happy we're finally sharing a class but what kind of sick joke is it that Mike will be there?
He couldn't be present for any of my birthdays but he's going to be watching every second of me hanging out with the guy I like? The universe is clearly out to get me.
I managed to smile and shrug through an explanation though, and I don't think it came off too weird. He continued smiling at me so that's good. We compared schedules and other than English we don't share any classes at all, which put even more of a damper on today.
We reached Mister Byers' classroom, but luckily he wasn't greeting students outside the door so I could send Daniel on his way before Will saw us. I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk in and find a seat without looking in the direction of his desk. I don't know why my heart was pounding - it's not like I thought he was going to single me out or anything. It was just unsettling I guess, to be near this person you used to know, who probably knows more about you than you do about them.
Or think they know you - I'm not six years old anymore.
When he finally started the class I was able to look up at him now I knew his attention wasn't on me. He honestly hadn't changed at all. He still had a bowl cut, which possibly endeared him to me a little bit. It was more mature now, of course, shorter, and overall didn't look too out of place. Maybe just because he's Will. He's always been Will. I don't know how I would have felt if he'd didn't have the bowl cut anymore. Mike probably would have thrown a fit. He always hated change - until he didn't, I guess.
There was something sad about his posture as he started his class though; Like his excitement had dimmed. He didn't sound like he used to when talking about his favorite colors or arguing crayon against pencil. I felt bad once I caught him glance at me before quickly redirecting his gaze and realized why.
None of this is his fault, after all, and I always used to like him most of Mike's idiot friends. He was always nice to me, and now I was being childish.
So after his class was over I hung back a little and went to say hi. He looked surprised but pleased to see me standing at his desk and it immediately made me feel a lot better. I apologized for not saying anything earlier but he said it was fine and he understood this must be weird. He said he was glad I still liked art and we talked about that for a moment before he sent me on my way to my next class.
Nevertheless, it was actually nice to talk to him, even if it was only briefly, and he didn't bring up Mike, which I'm sure was intentional.
Of course, seeing Mike was inevitable.
I tried the same tactic as I had with Will's class - just keep my head down - but of course Mike can't take a hint. He actually tried to catch my attention and greet me as I was walking in and I couldn't really ignore him in front of everyone - in front of Daniel - so I just forced a smile and nodded before sitting down as far away from him as possible. At least he wasn't wearing a nerdy t-shirt as I'd feared but a button-up and slacks - proper English teacher attire. Mom would have approved.
I tried to take notes even though I hate sitting in the back of the class, and as my attention was slipping anyway I had to try harder not to look at Daniel. Mike is not allowed to catch me staring at him.
Not that it's any of his business.
When the bell finally rang I already had my bag packed and was ready to bolt, but of course so was everyone else. Seriously, back of the class is not the most efficient seating arrangement.
"Hey, Holls, wait up!" Mike called me back, and I had to do my best not to visibly cringe. At least he didn't call me 'Holly Dolly' again. The room was still emptying and some were curiously glancing over at us so I just forced a smile and moved closer so they couldn't listen in.
He asked if I'd received his letter and if I wanted to have dinner tonight. I told him I had cheer practice and went home.
He probably isn't stupid enough to believe me but maybe he'll get the hint.
Anyway, mom was waiting on me when I got home. She asked about Mike. I didn't have anything to tell her, which made me feel strangely guilty. It's not my job to play telephone, but mom just looked so disappointed... I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault even though it clearly isn't.
I hope she won't ask again tomorrow. Or the day after that.
Love, Holly
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njpuckbunny · 1 year
Crazy Love
Jack Hughes x gn!reader
Summary: You and Jack have been enemies for as long as you have known, why is he acting different now?
Warnings: enemies to lovers; readers friends are specified as girls; cole caufield being the enemy (i’m sorry i love him); and a cliff hanger 😋
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Tossing and turning, you wait for your alarm to go off, knowing it will be anytime soon. Unfortunately, it was halted by a phone call from your best friend, asking you to bring her to school.. again. Today was one of the most important days and you couldn’t have it ruined by one of your friends' lack of planning. To your surprise, your alarm wouldn’t have gone off anytime soon, leaving you an extra half an hour to get ready.
You usually didn’t take showers in the morning, but today was so nerve wracking that you needed to burn off the nerves. By the time you got out of the shower, you checked the time, reading 6:05. Just about a second later a notification appeared at the top of your phone. SKATE DAY !!! You have been waiting for this dance since midsummers ended, the second most important day of your life.
After you finished getting ready, you grabbed your skates and made your way to your best friend's house. You pulled out of your driveway, but were halted as you heard a honk from another car and loud laughing following it. The Hughes brothers; Jack, Luke, and Quinn. You rolled your eyes and continued down the street and out of the neighborhood to your friend's house. You two opted to go to dunkin, wasting some time you would’ve spent sitting in homeroom.
Your schedule this year was honestly so messed up, you had barely any classes with your best friend. As you made your way to your first class, you spotted one of the Hughes brothers walking into the same class. Obviously you knew you had half your schedule with him, but something about him always caught your eye. Technically, you were “enemies” with him because you skated at the same rink.
The rest of the day was almost perfect, until lunch. Somehow, Jack really played into your day today. You were in the line to grab a water and he came up behind you, letting you overhear his conversation with Trevor.
“Man I really hope she shows,” he mumbled, “giving her my jersey for the theme is my top priority ”
fuck. was there a theme? your whole planned outfit was ruined.
As you turned around to grab a water from the cooler, you met eyes with him. He snarkily chided, “Bet you don’t have a jersey for tonight, do ya?”
You were so pissed you just rolled your eyes and walked away. He looked so proud of himself you just wished you could kiss smack that smirk off of his face. You weren’t lying when you said that you have had a secret crush on him since middle school. You were shaken back into reality when you heard Jack's voice.
“The weirdest thing just happened to me,” you started, trying to talk to your friends, but all of them were too busy trying to put together their own outfit, they just completely ignored you.
As the day came to an end, your best friend informed you again that you had to take her to your house to get ready. Honestly you didn’t mind letting her borrow your clothes, but if you were still working on a guy to give you his jersey? You were fucked.
You made sure to pick up all the necessities on the way home: A little liquid courage (shh), some energy drinks, some snacks, and whatever else was needed to calm ur nerves. When you walked through the door you noticed that your mom wasn't home, leaving you to do whatever you wanted.
You were so excited words couldn’t describe what you were feeling. You walked up to your room with your friend, letting her take a shower while you waited on your bed, until you heard your phone buzz.
Cole ;) - Go to ur window
You- Bruh when did u put a wink next to ur own name
Cole ;)- 🤷‍♀️
You- die.
Cole ;)- cmon pleaseee
You- ugh fine.
You pulled up your blinds, unlocked your window, and pulled it up, revealing a certain hockey boy waiting for you outside.
“Come down pleaseee,” he whined, half whispering for absolutely no reason.
You rolled your eyes and shut your window, running downstairs as fast as your legs could carry you. You stood in front of your door, patting down your pants and shirt, not even realizing he was doing the same thing on the other side. You opened your door, awaited by Cole himself, holding his jersey in a “neatly” folded square.
“I didn’t ask for this“ you started, just to get a rise out of him, “—-but yet here you are, with your jersey”
“I knew you would want it,” he cleared his throat, “so I didn't need a text.”
“Whatever Cole,” you chuckled, “you gonna pick me up too?”
“Maybe,” he winked, and turned on his heel, “you never know.”
You closed the door and made your way back up to your room. You couldn’t lie and say that you were happy that Cole gave you his jersey, cause you were… weren't you? Maybe if Jack would’ve given you his. Did you seriously just think of that???? Jack Hughes giving you his jersey? Your sworn enemy? Fuck no.
As your friend came out of the shower, her face screwed into a confused look, staring at your jersey.
“Don’t even ask,” you stated, clearly annoyed with her questionable face.
“I was just gonna ask why you didn’t ask Jack for his,” she retorted, “he’s totally in love with you or whatever.”
You snorted, “Jack? Hughes? The day he talks to me nicely I will call the doctor and check him for a brain tumor.” She rolled her eyes and you felt heat rising to your cheeks, not letting her comments faze you. even though they were true.
“Well okay,” you broke the silence, “all ready?” You pulled the jersey over a sweatshirt and looked back over at her. She agreed to leave, so you made your way to your car. Coincidentally, the Hughes Brothers were too. You saw Jack glance over to you, back down to his phone, and his head shot up faster than you could say Shit. He had never looked more enraged, you swore you could see smoke coming out of his ears.
You saw him call over to one of his brothers and whisper in his ear. As soon as he pulled away, the younger boys head shot up and stared right at you, looking back at Jack with an open mouth as he nodded.
“You coming,” your friend yelled to you from the passenger seat.
“Oh yea,” you mumbled, “coming sorry…”
You made your way to the odr and saw some of the hockey boys gathered around the campfire tying their skates.
“y/n!,” you heard, immediately spotting Cole, “you made it.” You were quite confused knowing as Cole had previously barely talked to you in school, asking you for the homework here and there.
“uh,” you stared at him confused, “yea I did I guess…” His eyes moved past you and looked behind you. Curious, you turned around to see who or what he was looking at.
Jack Hughes. With a girl. And not any girl. Your ex-best friend. But… she wasn’t wearing his jersey, which was odd.
You sharply turned back round and walked through the powdery snow to the campfire to put on your skates. As you laced them up, your best friend walked back from the rental stand, run by Trev.
When you were done, it had become pretty dark since you arrived, so the firelight was the only light allowing vision. You stepped on the rink, careful not to interrupt any “games” that were taking place. Cole spotted you freely skating and spinning along the ice and motioned you to come over.
Calmly he asked, “Hey y/n wanna play a quick game before we head to timmies?” You shrugged and agreed, Cole letting you borrow an extra stick. You saw Jack step on the rink, coming back from whatever he was doing, looking even more angry than the last time you saw him.
The game went on as a usual one would until one of the boys on your team passed to you and you slipped past Jack, who was on the other team, scoring and winning the game for your team.
“Cheater,” you heard Jack mutter, but just as you were gonna chase him to the parking lot, Cole picked you up and began shaking you up and down.
You were so worried for Jack and running after him that you hadn’t even noticed that as you were running away from Cole’s grasp you tore off his jersey, leaving it on the rink.
You quickly untied your skates and slipped on your shoes, following Jack to the parking lot as fast as you could. “Jack,” you yelled after him, “what the hell is up with you.” He most clearly heard you, but chose to ignore you, leaving you to run up to his car and slip in the passenger seat without his knowledge. “Answer me,” you stated, clearly not amused.
“No,” he flatly said, “now get the fuck out of my car y/n. now.” He turned his head from the window and stared at you, sneaking the occasional peak at your lips and back to your eyes.
“You’re acting weird,” you muttered, “and weirder than you usually do towards me.”
He started again, clearly forgetting his last request, “why are you wearing Cole’s jersey?”
“What’s it to you,” you retorted, “he gave it to me and asked me to wear it tonight and saying no would be rude so I just naturally wore it? Why the hell do you care? It’s not like anyone else would’ve asked me anyway.”
“I would’ve y/n!,” he yelled back, '' I've been in love with you ever since I saw your face, you idiot. I thought today in line at lunch after you heard me talking just loud enough for you to hear you would’ve taken a hint. And then I saw Cole taking his jersey to your house. So I took your ex-best friend , who you know,” he trailed off, noticing you were looking at him now.
woah. that’s a lot to take in.
Confused, you asked, “So you don’t hate me and you’re in love with me??”
He looked down at his lap, slightly nervous to hear your response and nodded slowly.
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