#uh it was a very pretty gif set and i had a day off
a-simple-gaywitch · 8 months
The Boy Next Door
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) (L/N) and Spencer Reid have been best friends nearly all their lives. Everyone in their lives can see how head-over-heels in love with each other they are. The only ones that can’t? Themselves.
Warnings: minor miscommunication
Word Count: 2307
Author’s Note: my first fic finished in FOREVER! I’m actually pretty happy with this one
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“There’s something about childhood friends that you just can’t replace.” - actress Lisa Whelchel
“Hey, Pretty Boy. Want to come grab dinner with us tonight?” Morgan asked as the team started gathering their belongings to leave for the day. 
“Sorry, can’t,” Spencer said, hurriedly gathering his stuff and shoving it haphazardly in his satchel. “Gotta pick up a friend from the airport.” The team didn’t miss the sparkle in his eyes nor the wide smile as he rushed from the bullpen.
“You think he’ll ever introduce us to this friend?” Emily asked, sidling up beside Derek. 
“Who knows,” he sighed. “You know he’s a private person. He didn’t even tell us about his mom until he had no other choice.”
Spencer stood at the baggage claim, his head on a swivel. To say he was beyond excited was an understatement. He was practically bouncing in place as he scanned the crowd of people coming over to collect their belongings. 
Thankfully, he didn’t need to wait for very long. 
He spun around quickly to see (Y/N) (L/N), his best friend in the entire world, running over to him. He scooped you up in a hug, spinning you around as you squealed happily.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” Spencer said, setting you down. 
“I know! It’s usually the other way around, isn’t it?” you said, taking Spencer’s hand and leading him over to the carousel of luggage. “I feel like it’s always you coming to see me.”
“And you’re here for a whole week,” Spencer said, giving your hand a squeeze. 
You smiled and leaned into his side. “Oh, my god, you’ll never guess what happened on the flight!”
You and Spencer grew up next door to each other. Your family had moved to Nevada when you were about 5 years old, into a house next to the Reids. 
You’d always been outgoing and extroverted, so you took it upon yourself to introduce yourself to the boy with the big glasses in the next yard over while your father was building a swing set. 
“Hi! I’m (Y/N)!” you’d said, leaning over the fence. The boy with the glasses was sitting in the grass, a large book propped up against his legs. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, uh, I-I’m Spencer,” he’d told you. 
You hiked yourself up over the fence and sat down next to him in the grass. “Hi, Spencer. What book is that?”
From that moment on, you and Spencer were near inseparable. Your mother joked that you were each other’s missing pieces. Where you were extroverted, Spencer was introverted. Where you had an interest in all things science and mathematics, Spencer had a love for the classics. 
After William left, your family stepped in to help Diana wherever possible. At least once a week, your mom would bring dinner over. If Spencer just needed to get out, he knew where the spare key was hidden. Your parents would drive Spencer to and from school, especially after the incident on the soccer field. 
When Spencer went off to college, your parents promised to keep an eye on Diana for him, as her condition was getting worse. In exchange, Spencer had to come home for dinner every other week. It wasn’t a hard bargain to keep. Spencer missed you while he was at school, and your parents genuinely worried for Diana. On her good days, she and your mom were close, sharing coffee and discussing novels and poetry together. 
Even when Spencer couldn’t come home to visit, he’d still spend hours on the phone with you. Your father would joke that the two of you were running up his phone bill and tying up the line, but you both knew he wasn’t seriously annoyed. 
Everyone in your lives were shocked you’d never dated. You’d both always claimed you were just best friends.
Spencer walked into the bullpen with a spring in his step. Rather than spending money on a hotel, you were staying in Spencer’s spare room while you were in town. Spencer had offered to take the week off, but you’d rejected the offer, knowing how important his job was. Besides, you were at a conference for your work most of the day. 
“Just as long as you don’t get hauled halfway across the country,” you’d joked. 
Spencer flopped onto his desk chair, a smile across his face. 
“Hey, Reid,” Emily said as she came in, setting her stuff at her own desk. 
“Hi, Emily,” he said, smiling down at the text you’d just sent him. 
“So, how long is your friend in town?” she asked. 
“The week,” Spencer told him as you sent him a picture of said dog. “She has a conference at the Kennedy Center.”
“You know,” Emily started, “you should invite her to join us for Happy Hour. Let us get to know her a bit.”
“I don’t know…”
“Aw, come on Reid! Why won’t you introduce us?”
“We talking about this Mystery Woman?” Morgan asked, coming over to the two adjoining desks. 
“Yeah. Reid’s refusing to introduce her to us.”
“Aw, come on, Kid. Are we really that bad?” Morgan said, leaning on his desk. 
Spencer sighed and rolled his eyes. “You’re not going to let up on this, are you?”
“Fine,” he grumbled, grabbing his phone. 
Spencer: Hey, do you want to go out with my coworkers tonight? Our regular bar is having trivia night.
(Y/N): Sure, sounds fun!
Spencer let out a long sigh. “We’ll be there.”
“So, (Y/N),” Garcia said, sipping on her fruity drink, “Spencer said you’re in town for a work conference?”
“Oh, yeah,” you said. “I’m a neuropsychology researcher. My team’s most recent study got selected for a national conference, and they chose me as the spokesperson.” 
“Interesting. What’s the study?”
“We were looking at how psychological trauma impacts the physical structure of the brain.”
Spencer looked at you and how your face lit up as you told his team about your research. He was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard Prentiss speak up. 
“I guess it’s lucky you got chosen to speak about it then.”
“Oh, it’s not lucky,” you laughed. “I’m the only person involved in the study who isn’t a crippling introvert. I volunteered for it and they basically threw the money for accommodations at me in gratitude.” You leaned into Spencer’s side and sipped on the single drink you’d ordered. 
“So, work keeps you pretty busy, then?” Morgan asked. “I mean, Spencer’s been talking about you forever and this is the first time we’re meeting you.”
“Well, I do tend to be pretty busy. Usually Spence comes home to see us, not the other way around.”
“So, you still live out in Nevada, then?” JJ asked. 
“No, I actually live in California. I work at Stanford University but I visit my parents and Spencer’s mom about once a month.” You took a sip of your drink and leaned into Spencer’s side. The team looked at how you were curled up in Spencer’s space. They all knew how Spencer felt about physical contact. 
The next morning at the office, Morgan rolled his chair over to Spencer’s desk. 
“So, (Y/N)’s cool,” he said. “We like her.”
“Oh. Cool,” Spencer said, fighting back a smile. 
“Yeah, not only is she smart, but she’s cool, too. She’s like a cooler you.”
Spencer rolled his eyes. “Sure.”
“So, why haven’t you asked her out?”
“Come on, kid, she’s perfect for you.”
“She’s my best friend, Morgan.”
“Exactly.” Morgan rapped gently on Reid’s desk. “Just think about it.”
“Hey, Spence,” you said as you walked into his apartment. 
“Hey,” he said without looking up from his book. “How was your day?”
“Oh, um, it was- it was good,” you said, walking over to sit with him. 
He sat the book on the coffee table and turned to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You took a deep breath. “I got a job offer today.”
“What? That’s amazing! What’s the job?”
“It’s a lead researcher position at the University of Munich.” You bit your lip as you looked at Spencer, gauging his reaction.
“Oh! That’s-that’s great,” he said. “That’s- I mean, do you want the job?”
“Well, it’s a good offer,” you said. “I’d be heading up a research project on treatments for schizophrenia which, you know, has always been my goal. But I’d have to move to Germany. On the other hand, the benefits are great, and it would be a major pay raise.”
“Well, then, you should take it.”
“Oh.” You cleared your throat. “Oh, um, I just remembered. I was, uh, I was supposed to meet some colleagues for drinks.” You got up and rushed out the door, leaving a very confused Spencer sitting alone in his apartment. 
“I don’t get it,” Spencer said, spinning around in his chair. “She asked me what I thought about the job offer, I told her, and now she’s mad at me? She’s never been this mad at me before. She got herself a hotel room. I just- I don’t know what I did.”
“Walk us through it, Reid,” Emily said. “Walk us through exactly what happened.”
“She got a job offer from the University of Munich. It’s a great offer, better position, payment to relocate, all that kind of stuff. So I told her she should take it and-”
“Whoa, whoa, wait,” JJ cut in. “You told her to take the job?”
“Yeah? Why is that- What did I do wrong?”
JJ sighed. “Spence, it’s not just about the job.”
“You basically told her she should move halfway across the globe,” Emily said. “You’re effectively sending her away.”
“What? That’s not- that’s not what I want! That’s not- I don’t want that at all!”
“Then tell her that, Spence,” JJ said. “Look, it’s clear you’re in love with her. We all see it.”
“And for what it’s worth, (Y/N) feels the same,” Emily said. 
You were moping on a hotel bed, blankly staring at the sitcom playing on the TV, when someone started pounding on the door. 
“(Y/N), it’s me,” Spencer said from the other side of the door, still pounding against it.  “Open up. We need to talk.”
You dragged yourself out of the bed, wrapping the duvet around yourself. You trudged to the door where Spencer was still knocking. 
“Okay, okay, don’t burst the door down,” you grumbled, opening the door. Any residual anger you felt toward Spencer evaporated the moment you saw him. His hair was in disarray, his clothes were rumpled, and it looked like he hadn’t slept since you saw him last. “Oh, Spence,” you whispered. 
“We need to talk,” he said, slipping into the room. After taking a seat on the bed, he said, “Don’t take the job in Munich. Don’t go to Germany.”
“I talked with some admin over at George Washington U. They have an assistant professor job open in their biochem department. I can get you an interview without a problem and I can even help you look for an apartment if you want, just- don’t go.”
“(Y/N), I love you.”
You froze. “What?”
“You- you don’t have to say it back,” Spencer said. “But the thought of you being even further away- it kills me. I’m in love with you. And I think I always have been.”
You reached over and took his hand. “Spence. I love you, too.”
Spencer’s face broke into the biggest smile you’d ever seen on his face. “What? Really?”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. “Spencer, I've been in love with you since we were 16 years old.”
“What? Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
You shrugged and stood up, pacing in front of the bed. “It was never the right time. Either you were in school or I was in school or you were starting a job or I was starting a job-“ you sighed. “Didn’t you ever wonder why I never dated? Didn’t you wonder why I only had 1 boyfriend when I was in high school and we broke up after, like, a month?”
“I just- I just figured you weren’t the dating type.”
You gave a small, sad smile. “No. It’s because my heart has always belonged to you. He knew it. Mom and Dad knew it. Everyone knew it before I did. Except you.”
Spencer smiled and shook his head, standing to join you. “We wasted so much time.” You saw a mischievous glint sharpen in his eyes. “And I’m not wasting anymore.” Spencer cupped your face and kissed you until you felt your knees go weak. He lifted you up and tossed you onto the hotel bed as you giggled. 
Spencer knocked on Hotch’s door before pushing it open. “Hotch? Can I talk to you?”
Hotch gestured to the chair across from his desk. “Sit. What’s up, Reid?”
“Uh, can I have two weeks off next month? I, uh, I’m helping my girlfriend move.” He couldn’t fight the smile on his face. 
“Your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, uh, (Y/N). We-we made it official. She’s moving to D.C. She got a job teaching at the university.”
“She moving in with you?” Hotch asked. “Seems a bit fast, don’t you think?”
“Well, no,” Spencer said. “I mean, yes, she’s moving in with me, but no, it’s not fast. We’ve known each other our entire lives. We know everything about each other. It makes sense.”
The corners of Hotch’s mouth twitched. “Well, you’ve definitely accrued enough vacation time. I’ll file the time off paperwork.”
“Thanks, Hotch.” Spencer got up to leave.
“Oh, and Reid?” Hotch called. Spencer turned around. “It’s good to see you smiling.”
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losing your virginity to chuuya.....that's it that's the ask I ...I bet he would be so sweet
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(fem reader)
Walking into your and Chuuya's shared apartment after work is something you do every day. Sometimes, he's there. Other times, he's fighting with Mori at the Port Mafia.
Today, however, as you call out his name to check if he's there, you receive no response. Consequently, you assume he's on his way back and head to the bedroom.
Only to see your boyfriend of five months asleep on your shared bed.
With a very prominent boner.
You stare at him for a moment, head going a bit blank as you take in the sight in front of you. Messy hair is displayed over his peaceful face, work attire thrown lazily around the floor, only wearing a tank top and some gray sweats. That highlights every detail of his throbbing dick.
You set down your bag with furrowing, confused brows, kicking off your shoes as you make your way over to him, gently shaking his chest.
"Baby... Baby, please—wake up..." You mutter, head tilting when he only stirs a bit, rolling onto his back.
You don't know how to react to this. You've never had sex with him before... nor have you talked about it. It's never even been brought up. He loves you for you, the things you do, and the way you love him. He doesn't love you for your body, and he's made that clear from the get go.
But... Here he is—asleep on the bed, probably having a wet dream about you. What else are you supposed to do besides wake him up?
And that's what you do. Shaking him a bit more aggressively, he starts to open his eyes, his hands instinctively going to grab yours.
"H-hm? Baby... What time is-" he stops himself when he realizes what's going on. He immediately freezes, a shy smile spreading on his lips as he tries to get off the bed.
"I-if you excuse me, I, uh—I have something I need to take care of." He states in a rushed tone, trying to get up before you grab his shoulder, leaning in.
"Then why don't I help you with it?" You say, causing him and you to both freeze for a second. He didn't expect you to say something like that—and you didn't expect that from yourself either.
"What... What are you saying, princess?" He asks, breath hitching in his throat as he looks at you, eyes a bit wide.
"I mean..." You start, hands going to the hem of his pants slowly, looking for any signs of resistance. You see none.
"You have a problem, yeah?... Please, let me help you, Chuu." You whisper, eyes locking with his and switching between his lips and back up.
"Are you sure? You don't have to, i-if you're uncomf—"
"I'd give you the moon if it made you happy. I wanna do this, if you'll let me." You say softly, and you can practically hear how his heart melts from it. He sighs, hands falling onto yours as he helps you take off his pants. He doesn't say anything for a moment as they fall to his ankles, and then the floor, and his boxers soon following suit.
This is the first time you're seeing his dick—it's long. And thick. And the hair around it is perfectly trimmed, just beautiful. (Here I am, a lesbian talking about cocks.)
He looks away for a second, not knowing what to do—before you rip out a sudden gasp when you start to gently stroke his cock, pre-cum lubing up his length as you begin to go a bit faster, basking in the pretty sounds he's making for you, eyes closing and lips parting as he arches slightly.
You continue to stroke him, head tilting with a small grin, your free hand going to take off your shirt, quickly pulling it over your head and tossing it on the ground.
"That's it... You're being a good boy for me... Come on, don't be shy. You can be louder. Look me in the eyes."
He obeys, eyes half-lidded and eyebrows furrowing in delight, tongue sticking out slightly. "Baby, fuck–" He groans, trying desperately to hold eye contact with you.
"Tell me how you want it." You command, causing his dick to twitch and ache, hips buckling into your fist.
"I want it n-now." He says, hands reaching for the sheets as you start to pump your hand faster, causing broken and strained whimpers to leak from his mouth. As you speed up your hand, and he's about to cum, you suddenly stop, causing him to whine.
"Baby, why-" He gets cut off by you grabbing his hand and putting it on the waistband of your shorts, and he gets the hint.
Helping you to slide off your pants, his eyes widen when he sees the sight of your soaking panties, grabbing your waist and pulling up your shirt and bra.
He can only thank God for the beautiful woman he's blessed to have.
A beautiful woman who's now being slammed against the bed after getting fingered, face buried into the bed with loud and breaking moans.
"F-fuck!! Chuuya, Chuu, please!!"
You plead, not even knowing what your asking for anymore as his thick cocky bullies into your tight hole, ripping sweet and loud sounds from you. He grabs your hair when he speeds up, gently pulling on it and seeing how you squirm when he does.
"Oh, you like that, baby? That feel nice? Yeah? Huh... You're doing good, doll... Fuck, so good, it feels like heaven... Why did I wait this long to be inside you..."
The sound of skin slapping against skin is the main sound filling the room, along with his praises and your moans, grinding against your ass roughly.
Eventually, you both start to reach your peak, and he decides he'll deal with the consequences of his actions later and cums inside of you, you holding no denial to that.
After you've both had a minute to calm down, he falls down next to you, hands going to your wait lazily as he Whispersync sweet praises and thank you's.
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This kinda sucks but I like it. Also don't mind the random image up their. ^
(Minors, do nit interact, it makes me uncomfortable. Do not repost, translate or slander my work, Fyodor's rats will gang up and beat the shit outta you if you try to.)
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spookykoolkat · 1 year
kinktober | the man in apartment 6a - j.m.
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kinktober day three - dumbification
pairing: older!joel miller x younger!plus size!reader
wc: 9.0k
summary: your older, grumpier yet handy neighbor can hear everything that goes on in the comfort of your pink four walled bedroom, simply because shitty apartment buildings made the walls so thin.
warnings: 18+ ONLY! minors are NEVER welcomed. pervy!joel, creepy!joel, older!joel, JOEL IS WARNING IN HIMSELF LOL, mentions of self loathing, uncomfortable sex (not with joel), marijuana use, alcohol use, fingering, oral (f receiving), manhandling, degradation (slight), creampie/breeding, pet names (sweet girl, sweetheart, pretty girl, baby, dumb, stupid, daddy), a little bit of ass eating (whoops), raw penetration (p in v) *wrap it up pls*, aftercare
reblogs, likes and comments are very very appreciated!
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IT WAS A FRIDAY NIGHT, work was tired, and you needed to take the edge off with a fat blunt and a full glass of wine. it was so quiet in the apartment complex you lived in that you might be the loudest one there, since three of your neighbors are older than 50. 
so after you poured your bottle of wine into a glass, you turned your led lights under your coffee table on and the bulbs that are in your two lamps beside your couch. it was such a colorful scenery, you loved smoking and drinking like this with music or a movie on in the background. making sure to not turn the volume up too loud, or else joel would come knocking on your door asking you to turn it down. 
joel was your neighbor in 6a and to you he always seemed like he had a thorn stuck in his ass cheek. he was a bitter old man who seemed like he hated fun, or maybe he just hated you. 
but you didn’t care much. nothing was going to stop you from being you, being bubbly and optimistic. it makes no sense to you to sit solemnly and think about every wrong turn you’ve ever made, and yet it seems that’s all joel does. 
he was always on edge, noticing the way he would flinch meeting you as the two of you locked your doors and headed off to work. you watched him from your window when he walked into the complex up the stairs, and noticed how he always had his jaw and fists clenched, head whipping in every direction before seemingly slipping inside his apartment and locking up. 
it made you curious as to what made him so tense, so frustrated and even paranoid. you wished you were someone he could go to, to release all of his ugly emotions and thoughts onto you. maybe you were being young and naive, having irrational sex daydreams as you gathered your paraphernalia to roll a blunt. It was delusional, yes you knew that, but you couldn’t help but fantasize about your neighbor.
but you wanted him in every way. you didn’t care he was twice your age, and you didn’t care that he was about as introverted and mean as they come. he’s a real asshole. to you, you felt you were allowed these fantasies given he’d never be the type of man that would want you. i mean, you were young enough to be his daughter, and you weren’t so sure that he even liked bigger women.
shaking your thoughts of him, you hummed along to whatever song that was on your halloween playlist playing loudly. soon after it’s rolled, you spark it up and take hits of it as you throw your body back on the couch.
you feel at ease as you listen to your playlist and smoke your blunt, enjoying peace for a day. your hair was still wet from the shower you took, and your blunt was barely starting to form a good cherry when three bangs hit your door over the music that startled you. 
you take a few more hits trying to get the most out of your blunt and ash it out quickly, yelling a choked out, i’m coming!!, over the music. you get up with your wine glass, walking barefoot to the door and opening it as your eyes meet a broad chest in a button up black and gray flannel, buttoned over a plain white t-shirt. 
“uh, hey. what’s up?” you say, setting your glass down on your door side table. 
“you told me your toilet wasn’t workin’? didya need me to take a look?” he asked as he unsubtly soaked in your attire. shit. you completely forgot your piece of shit toilet stopped flushing. 
you noticeably had no bra on, and your tank top was resting at the curve of your waist with one strap off of your shoulder, showing off your plush body and midriff. he could almost see the hardening of your nipples when you opened the door. 
“oh, right. i thought you meant you could do it like, monday.” you said, wishing to just relax tonight. he shook his head and looked back over your body, before meeting your eyes. 
“i’m busy monday. it’s now or never,” he bargained with a hard tone and you rolled your eyes.
“of course, right, sorry. come in.” you said and moved out of the way to step inside your girly apartment. you went to your coffee table to grab the remote and turn the volume down a little on your tv. 
“the restroom is-,” you start to say and go towards it until he cuts you off. 
“i know where it is. i’ll be done in a bit,” he said coldly and you pressed your lips into a thin line. he renovated these apartments dumbass. 
“alright.” you said and let him go to the back hall to find the restroom, and you released a breath. 
you felt like you looked messy, you just got out of the shower and had no bra on, and didn’t have panties on either. you were embarrassed. 
it was a free night for you and he had to barge in. of course. you decided to grab your wine and sit down on the couch, eyeing the blunt wishing you could be smoking it right now. instead you sip on your wine and scroll on your phone for maybe thirty minutes until he calls out for you. 
“coming!” you replied a little too cheery, and walked to the back rooms to see him on his hands and knees trying to reach under the toilet with his tools sprawled out on your pink bath rug. 
joel tried to hide the smile that grew when he heard your eager voice.
“yeah?” you asked and blushed at his image. he looked so sexy with his eyebrows furrowed, even sexier looking so manly in such a pink room. His dark colored clothes made an exciting difference in your bathroom. 
joel quickly scaled you over, from your bare feet with black toenails up to your week old shaven legs, up your wide thighs, to the fat of your tummy and the curves of your breasts. 
“you think i can have me a water bottle?” he asked, and you smiled, completely unaware he was thinking of bending you over the sink and making you watch yourself take all of him.
joel had a teensy crush on you the second he saw you at his doorstep. 
you mustered up the strength to knock on two doors to be greeted by two elderly ladies, and introduce yourself as their neighbors while giving them cookies you baked for them. 
you figured it was the best way to gain their trust and familiarity as you were going to be living here for a while. and while it worked on them, you weren’t so sure about your last neighbor. you were nervous. you hated socializing and to introduce yourself as the new person in the area, but the last door you knocked on was one that truly ruined your day. 
the door swung open ferociously to present a tall broad figure with tan skin, eyes tired and hair all ruffled. you could tell he just woke up, and you instantly regretted it. the force of the door opening made you feel a gust of wind, and chills. 
you were taught it was common courtesy to introduce yourself when you’re new somewhere, though it didn’t seem he was happy to see you at his doorstep all cheery and energized.
“uh, hi, i’m your neighbor in 6C, i just moved in and i just wanted to introduce myself,” you said and told him your name, with a small smile. he kind of just looked at you blankly, adjusting his eyes to your figure and face. 
“i, uh i made cookies for everyone so, i thought i’d bring them by cus i just like to bake and i thought maybe it’d be a peace offering... it’s okay if not i just wanted to be nice,” you rambled looking into his brown eyes as you held the plate covered in foil out with your hands. he looked between the plate, you and next to him to look at the clock on his doorway table.  
you were nervous, tapping your fingers on the plate and biting the inside of your cheek. he was so handsome. so manly. 
“you’re knockin at my door at eight thirty in the morning ona saturday to give me some cookies?” he asked, making sure what was happening was real. it was a little comical to him, only seeing shit like this in the movies. but to him, you were cute. he knew he didn’t carry southern hospitality and kindness like most, like you.
“you don’t have to take them. just tryna be nice,” you mumbled and pulled your arms back, your texan accent almost as thick as his. 
“Mmhmm, well i don’t need no cookies this mornin’,” he said surely. it kind of pissed you off honestly. 
“forget about it,” you said and turned your head down, moving to the door next to his and opening it right before mumbling, “asshole,” and slamming your door shut.
you were just so cute, so lively that he was drawn to you. it was odd because joel’s taste in women usually ranged, but he’d never been so drawn to a woman who seemed so eager to take on the world everyday. joel wasn’t used to seeing people so happy to leave the comfort of their homes to go into the city and interact with people, he wasn’t used to people making small talk as you fetch the mail at the same time. but that was you. 
he would just shake you off, mumble words to get you to stop being so cheerful and kind. he didn’t want you to waste your time on him, he didn’t deserve your kindness. you heard the small comments. 
“so damn pink,” 
“ya have to hum all the way down four flights of stairs?”
“you ever not dressed in glitter and ponies?” 
which he over exaggerated, you just liked pink. you would ignore the mean comments, and you would force yourself to remember that he is a man of cutting down trees and building houses with his bare hands. whatever you think is manly, he is. he wore nothing but dark colors, denim, work boots, and still had the iphone eight which seemed like it was forced on him. 
but this is the first time he spoke to you remotely nice, and asked you for anything. 
“yeah, uh do you want like, ice or just room temp?” you asked a bit embarrassed, wondering if that was a dumb question to ask. and a small, very small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth but it was so slight you almost gaslit yourself into seeing it. 
“don’t matter sweetheart, whatever ya wanna get me,” he said and went back to doing whatever it was he was doing. 
your tummy just fluttered at the small pet name as you pushed yourself off the door frame and moved to the kitchen.
never did you ever think you would hear a word like that come out of his mouth when referring to you.
you grabbed a water bottle and grabbed some ice chips with a scoop to pour it into a tall thermos. you took it straight to joel, and he faced you as you leaned down a bit to hand him the cup. from your stance, he could practically see down your shirt but only stole a small glance. 
you couldn’t notice, you were just excited to do something nice for him. 
“you need anything else?” you asked with your hands behind your back, your chest poking out a bit more and the light made it easy to see your nipples against the cloth. 
“nah, i got all i need, you can go relax.” he said and went back to work as you walked off. 
you wondered if there was a softness to his voice as you sat back down on the couch, turning your music up a little bit but not loud enough to get bitched at by joel. you figured he’d might be here for a bit given his outbursts of cursing because something wasn’t working with him, so you grabbed your blunt and lit it again. this was your apartment. 
joel was frustrated enough from the stupid toilet. a bolt kept untightening every time he tried to flush, and it pissed him off enough but kept him busy as he smelled the scent of strong weed filling his nose. he knew he smelled it when he walked in, but now he can smell the smoke and hear your muffled coughs every once and a while.
he was actually a bit surprised, for some reason you didn’t seem like the type to partake. he knows in his days he did, so he wasn’t judging you at all, it just didn’t seem like something a girl like you would do. you seemed so… behaved.
he ended up managing to find the bolt he was looking for because it fell somewhere and skidded across the restroom floor. 
joel didn’t mind working on things for the neighbors in his complex, he was really the only one that was able to fix almost everything in sight. he was never bothered by it either, in the back of his mind he wanted to feel like he was needed. like he could do some type of good for people even if he was closed off and cold. his hands were godsend, and in many ways. 
but he’d always see things maybe the resident wouldn’t want him to see, like a box of condoms or a sex toy. it didn’t bother him, he’d just ignore it.
but here he was, still and frozen as he finally found the bolt laying on a pair of red panties that were laid on your floor like you just had these on. and you did. 
you managed to get all of your clothes in the hamper except the pair of panties you had on, you actually thought maybe it was in the tangles of your clothes. but no. there they were, and he was on his way to losing his mind. he couldn’t move, he just stared at the red high cut panties that even had a black bow on the trim. 
he couldn’t stop himself. before he knew it, he grabbed your underwear and almost inspected them quickly before taking them, pushing the fabric into his nose and breathing in your musk, and folding them to put in his back pocket. he felt drunk on you already. he knew it was wrong, he knew he was probably a sick man. but he needed something from you, anything. 
the opportunity showed itself, he just took it. 
now, he still smelled you lingering on his nose, and imagined what your pussy looked like puffy and red for him. he wanted to fill you up completely and fuck you until you were sore and throbbing, he wanted to see those cute little glossy lips of yours kissing the tip of his cock and taking it in your throat like a fleshlight. 
you were just perfect. so much for him to grab, kiss, and mark. he wanted your eyes to watch him devour you whole, and he craved to watch you break for him.
he knew he was a creep. he didn’t care. joel never acted on his desires and his pervy ways, until now, when really he wanted to do it all. whenever you came out to the mailboxes the same time as he did, he wanted to get his phone and sneak pictures of you, under your skirts more specifically. 
he was thinking of if you’ve ever fucked yourself here in this very restroom he’s crouched in, thinking of the way your leg would lift to rest on some vantage point, fingering your hole until you fought to stand upright again. he imagined you walking in a little white towel back to your room, drying off and getting dressed in front of him. his cock was throbbing at the image, pairing it with the image of the red panties he stole. 
he couldn’t work like this, not thinking of all of the ways he wanted to make you whine, make you squirm, make you cum. 
he finally managed to fix the problem after 30 minutes and flushing once to test, smiling at his success. it was always satisfying seeing something broken be fixed, he was a problem solver, he loved the challenge. he cleaned up his area and picked up his tools, putting them in the bag and fixing himself before he washed his hands and wiped them down with a towel, leaving the restroom to see you puffing a small roach of your blunt. 
“y’know you shouldn’t be smokin in here,” he said and you jumped a bit, exhaling the last bit of smoke and ashing it out in your ashtray. you just looked at him with a small smile, but realizing this is your apartment. he can’t tell you what to do. 
“oh, well i mean, i thought… i mean it’s my apartment, so,” you said as you blushed, feeling like you’re in trouble now. 
“don’t worry yourself, darlin’. i ain’t gonna tell on you,” he suggested and you blushed, somehow even more. 
“would you want like, a drink? the least i can do,” you said as you grabbed a dos equis from your fridge and walked up to him, handing it to him. he was hesitant at first, really in deep thought about whether he should accept this or not. was it opening a door? he hoped so. 
“thanks,” he said and took it from you, not looking at the green bottle at all. he put his tools down on the small table you had in your kitchen and followed you to sit on the loveseat on the right side of the living room. 
“it’s joel by the way, no one calls me mr. miller,” he said as he took a swig. you nodded and responded ohh, moving to drink more of your wine. you ended up changing your music to a horror movie and kept your eyes trained on that instead of his eyes. you felt him watching you, every breath you took, every blink, every lip bite. 
“so who lived here before me?” you asked to break the silence, looking to him from the movie. his eyes were already on you, you just met them. you figured you’d make some sort of conversation if he was going to sit there and drink a beer. who drinks together silently? 
“nother’ older lady, she was a good neighbor,” he trailed and drank from his beer. you quirked your eyebrows, drinking from the wine glass and keeping it by your side. 
“am i not a good neighbor?” you asked sweetly, genuinely curious. he refrained himself from getting up from his seat and showing how good of a neighbor you really were to him. 
“you are, just a little loud from time to time.” he admitted, more so talking about your unsatisfying experiences with the men you bring him. 
“am i? i’m sorry, i’ll try to keep it down,” you said softly, almost embarrassed and you looked at your fingers tapping on the rim of the wine glass. 
“s’alright, it ain’t too distracting.” he lied. of course it was distracting. he was begging to know what you sounded like when you were really enjoying yourself, how you looked under him and on top of him. how he imagined you in his room instead. 
“still, i don’t wanna be that neighbor that’s annoying,” you said and looked back up at him to where he’s sitting. “i feel like you hate me.” you finished. 
he doesn't blame you. he doesn't make it easy for people to know him, or make a nice impression firsthand. he kind of feels bad for making you feel like that. but he was just not that friendly honestly, not that nice and not that comforting. at least he felt he was. he didn’t know how to be. 
“it’s nothin’ personal,” he said and drank from his bottle again, letting his eyes trail over your body. you felt it, hell you saw it, and you still squirmed. 
“i prefer to be by myself.” he said and you nodded, but he was still watching you. 
“i see. i understand now, sorry for imposing most of the time.” you say with an apologetic smile, and he kind of smiled. it shocked you really to see any emotion other than anger and discomfort displayed on his face.
“you don’t bother me, not one bit.” he said to reassure you, but he wanted you to know you did far more than “bothering” him. you just smiled, blushing a bit at his confession.
“so is it just you living here?” you asked and saw his face look a little pained, and again you regret opening your mouth. 
“uh, no actually. i have a sixteen year old i sort of adopted. just me and my daughter.” he said and you were a little shocked. how did you never manage to see her? or hear her?
“she goes on her own a lot, friends places, parties. i know she can handle herself so, she has my number if anything happens.” he answered your internal questions. 
“that’s really sweet. i wished my parents did that. i kind of had to move away from them’ after i graduated. m’ not really on speaking’ terms with any of my family.” you admitted a little sadly, even though he didn’t ask.  you seemed as though you could talk for hours if no one shut you up. 
“i’m sorry to hear that,darlin’,” he said and continued to drink his beer until he finished it. 
“it’s fine, i’m a lot happier now than i was before.” you said with a small smile, and drank from your wine glass. joel was glad you took the attention off of him and his daughter, not asking any questions about his situation. he appreciated it. 
he just nodded, finishing his beer as you finished your wine and suddenly you were nervous. again. it was just you and him, in this colorfully lit room. you looked at him as he got up, and walked to the kitchen to grab his tools. no no wait wait you can’t leave, not yet. 
“thank ya for the hospitality, i should go,” he said coldly and you almost scrambled to your feet to step in front of him. 
“um, wait uh,” you tried to think of an excuse. anything. something to keep him here a little longer. he looked down at you, how flustered you were, how you looked like you were trying to come up with an excuse. you really even didn’t think it through, you were just acting on the pulsing in your shorts.
but suddenly, you got a bit insecure. you didn’t know joel’s type, and you wondered what the outcome would be of throwing yourself at him. 
“yeah?” he asked and tilted his head, curious as to what you had to say. truth is, he didn’t wanna leave either. how could he wanna leave when you looked so desirable right now? he couldn’t even feel bad that he was practically 20 years older than you, he wanted to ruin you. 
“um, nothing, m’ sorry.” you said. you admitted defeat. there was nothing you could’ve said or done to make him stay, at least that's what you thought. 
“have a good night,” you said and he repeated it to you. you walked him out, shutting the door behind him. 
⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧ °。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧
joel was still awake after his shower. not by choice. he was laying in his bed, checking the time on his clock that flashes at 2:30am, and back at the wall that connects the two of you. were you seriously this unaware at how loud you were? 
he was thanking god that ellie wasn’t home, so she wouldn’t be hearing any of this either. but he was also wondering if you were even enjoying yourself in the first place. 
after joel left, you felt this aching feeling that you couldn’t satisfy yourself so you just called a friend over. one that you really don’t know, and you don’t care about, but one that wanted to have sex with you just as bad as you wanted to have sex with joel. 
one thing led to another and there you are once again, laying in bed as this guy poorly ate you out and uncomfortably fingered you. it just didn’t feel right, and at this point you were hoping he was done. your fake moans rang through the apartment again, wondering if you were over or under selling it. to the lanky guy between your legs, you were selling it just fine. 
you even tried thinking of joel being the one sliding into you as this guy did, but you doubted he'd be this painfully terrible at sex. it didn’t feel enjoyable, it just felt like blindly jabbing at your cervix. not even 10 minutes later, that man is out your door and you're back in bed, feeling miserable with yourself. 
you wanted for once to have a good sexual encounter, constantly feeling ugly and used. these men didn’t even care about you and didn’t care if you were satisfied, and you hated yourself for it. the physical intimacy you wanted seemed like it was something you wouldn’t be able to find. 
you craved a man’s touch even if you hated it or not, maybe blaming it on your daddy issues or just blaming the fact that you looked for the wrong things in the wrong thing. you wanted comfort and protection and looked for it in sex. 
you wanted joel. you wanted him since you moved in despite him being a dick. you wanted to know how it felt to be protected by him, to be held by him, to be wanted by him. and you wanted it so bad, you started crying. loudly, at that. 
in the moment, joel felt like he was imposing on your privacy. he felt bad listening to your muffled cries like this, and he wanted to do everything he could to help you. he knew so little about your family situation, but to him you had no family. he never saw you with friends, he only saw you with a new man every week. he wanted to comfort you, to show you that he and you were more alike than you thought.
he heard it stop for about twenty minutes all of the sudden, and then something bump into the wall he was staring at. then, it started again.  
you just laid there after your shower, now softly crying and sniffling as you heard a soft knocking on your front door. you got a little scared, so you wiped your tears fast and slipped on the shorts you had on to go open your door. it was dark in the main room, only a small orange lighting shining in front of your windows. you even noticed finally that it was actually pouring rain outside.
“who is it?” you said a little loudly, too nervous to peek through the hole. you fiddled with your polished black nails before the person answered. 
“it’s joel,” he said and you paused. 
“joel?” you asked. 
 you quickly unlocked your door to open it enough to peek your head out. 
“what are you doing here?” you asked, looking up at him. you scanned over his attire, now barefoot and in a simple black shirt and pajama pants. his head was whipping right and left, seeing if anyone else was in the hall to see him. 
now, he was the one that was nervous. what was he doing here? what did he think was going to happen? if he played it right, everything he ever wanted. 
“can i come in?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck and you gulp, opening the door wider to allow his broad figure in your home. your eyes were trained down, refusing to let him look at you. 
“can i get you something? water?” you asked, still not facing him and turning a lamp on next to your couch and moving past him until he grabs your wrist firmly. you still, and you have no choice but to look at him with your bloodshot eyes. 
“i can hear, y’know,” he said, paying attention to your tear stained face as you slowly looked up to him. 
“hear? hear what?” you said unknowingly. 
“everything. i can hear the guys you bring home, i can hear you moanin’, i can hear you cryin’,” he said, pulling you closer to him. by now you were almost to his chest as he grabbed your other wrist and held you tight. 
“i-,” you began but you felt humiliated. you didn’t realize he could really hear everything, that he heard everything that transpired in your room tonight. 
“did he make you cry?” he asked grimly, his eyes dark and his stare serious.
he wasn’t squeezing hard enough to hurt you, your breath just caught in your throat because you were nervous. nervous to admit to anything. 
“no, he didn’t, he didn’t do anything to me,” you said and looked down at his hands gripping your flesh. 
“it doesn’t matter. i’m just really sorry, i didn’t know that’s what you meant earlier. i’m sorry it won’t happen again.” you apologized with tears in your eyes. the guy who you fucked wasn’t even worth all of this embarrassment that flooded you. 
“then why’re you cryin, sweet girl?” he asked, moving his hand to your chin so you can look up at him. 
“i, it’s nothing, i’m sorry for waking you up,” you said and blinked your tears away, your hands falling to your side when he released you. you just stood there though, his hand on your cheek while his thumb rubbed circles into your face. 
“it ain’t nothin. he wasn’t makin’ you feel good? made you feel bad?” his southern accent was thick in this tone, but for some reason you felt at ease. better now that he was here. 
“he made me feel bad,” you were too nervous to lie, he already heard you through the wall. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he said. you really couldn’t move, the words coming from his mouth were insane to you. you couldn’t fathom the fact that he was talking like this, to you. his hands slid to grip your hips, to feel the way they curve into your waist, resting at the small of your back so that now you’re pressed against his body. 
“i never hated ya,” he said, his face getting closer to yours to where you could feel his breath on your lips. while your breathing was faltered and shaky, his was calm and collected. he wasn’t nervous anymore, he was determined. 
“actually, i think i like you more than i’d like t’ admit,” he whispered, moving his lips to your ear and your neck. 
“what are you talkin’ about?” you breathed. your arms just went slack, you didn’t know what to do with them, if you should finally touch him and feel his hard chest, feel his body the way he feels yours, or if you just want to accept that this is a dream. 
you finally move your hands to his waist and grip tightly onto his shirt, almost like if you let go you’ll fall. 
“i know you feel the same, darlin’. i can hear you, remember? i can hear you callin’ for me, moanin’ for me when you touch yourself.” your breath shook slightly and he smiled against your neck, moving his hands up your back. 
and the only thing you can say, that your brain can think of, is to apologize. 
“none of that, don’t do that. tell me sweetheart, do ya want me to make you feel good?” he asked, and you pulled his body closer to yours. 
“do, um, do you want to do that?” you were so unsure of all this. did he truly like you? did he truly find you attractive? you never failed to question men’s sincerity, was this just for pleasure or was this emotional? 
“my sweet baby, if i ever say no to you like that, i’ve gone fuckin’ senile,” he groaned against your neck. 
“y’know how many times i've thought about being between these legs of yours?” there was nothing else that could’ve made you as wet as you were right now, you heard the roughness of his texas accent, the lust mixing with desire. he wanted nothing but you. 
“been wantin’ t’ ruin those little skirts you wear. jus’ wanna watch you fall apart on my cock,” your eyes widened and you felt a pool of arousal coat your cunt. you’d never been talked to like this, the crudeness of his words sliced whatever tension there was, and you gave in.
his lips moved down your neck and to your chest as you pant against him, your body pressed into a wall near the hallway that leads to your bedroom and restroom. he pressed against you enough so you could feel the hardening bulge on your thigh and he could feel the softness of your breasts pushed into him. while kissing your neck and shoulder, he moved your hand to feel his hardness while grunting a bit into your skin. 
“you feel what ya do to me? you see how i get for ya?” he asked, and you whimpered a bit feeling how large he really was through his pajama pants. he pulled away from you a bit and looked down at his hand on top of yours, your own hand voluntarily softly massaging his cock. 
“fuck, sweetheart, you know,” he cooed, smoothing your hair down and grabbing the nape of your neck to crane it back, “you know exactly what that pretty face does to me,” 
he tilted your head to look at him, to be close enough to his face to feel his breath on your face. 
“tell me you want me, honey,” he said sweetly, looking between your eyes and your lips. you just kept your eyes on his while he examined you. 
“i, i want you,” you said in a whisper and blushed. joel smiled to himself, another smile you’d never seen, and slid down against your body and grabbed the back of your thighs, urging you to jump and instinctively you did. 
only he made you forget you were three times the size of a skinny woman. 
“joel, wait i’m too heavy for this wait,” you said but he stayed put, didn’t move, didn’t talk. he just stared at you. 
“ain’t no such thing as too heavy, princess, i’ll still pick you up and fuck you stupid,” he assured, playfully tapping your ass as he carried you all the way to your room, laying you on your back. you swore he could feel the pulsing of your cunt against his abdomen. 
he brought you to your room, dark and quiet with the help of your small lamp illuminating your face as he laid you down on your back, falling with you. 
“gonna let me see you, baby? let me see all of this,” he said lowly, crawling to straddle you and put his hands on your tummy, groping and massaging. 
“i-,” you said, out of breath already and joel smirked. he was loving you like this. so dumb and innocent for him. 
“you’re jus’ the sweetest little thing, baby,” he said as his eyes roamed your body. “gotta use your words, baby, let me hear that pretty voice, tell me what you want,” he said again. 
“touch me, anywhere, p-please,” you whimpered out enough and he hummed in satisfaction. 
his fingers creeped up your stomach, leaving a burn with their trail and acted like he was going to help you out of it, but instead he bends down and grips the center of your tank top with two hands and careful to not hurt you, but fast and swift, he rips the weak cloth in half. 
“what, joel oh-” you said and joel’s fingers wrapped around your throat with no pressure, and held you in place as his eyes trailed over your body again, his other hand roughly moved the two halves of your tank to either side. 
“what did he do that you didn’t like, baby?” he asked you as he stayed on top, playing with your breasts by squeezing and pushing them together, only thinking impurely about you. 
you couldn’t think of anything as he felt you up as he pleased, his calloused hands rubbing your smooth skin, tugging and pinching your nipples to watch them harden and extend just for him. 
“he, ugh,” 
he laughs. “can’t even talk while i play with these pretty titties? goin’ dumb already baby?” 
“mmmph,” you couldn’t muster any words. it was a new feeling, feeling lightheaded and only drunk off of joel. 
“please, fuck me,” you whimpered, moving your hands to play with his waistband and try to tug at it. but he stopped you quickly, never letting you even grab a hold of the fabric when he grabs your wrists. 
“need you to tell me exactly what you want, can you do that?” he asked you and you whined, squirming with his hands still locking you in place. 
you looked up at him, his eyes only on yours and his cock straining against his pajama pants. “fingers,” 
it’s all you mustered and he accepted it, moving down a little to move his fingers down into your panties and spreading your legs with his. his fingers immediately felt heat when he spread your cunt and moved down to your hole, teasing and prodding in your arousal. 
“baby’s so wet for me, yeah? you ever thought about me, honey?” he asked you as he looked between you and where his fingers hid in your shorts, waiting for an answer. you were a whimpering mess, soft breaths and pants falling from your lips with every touch. 
“mhm,” you mustered, clenching your eyes shut when his middle finger circled your hole and pushed his palm against your clit, “always wanted you,” 
if you weren’t so dizzy, you probably would’ve scorned yourself for saying that. but he was amused, moving his scruffy cheek to glide against yours and leave kissing on your neck. 
“thought about you too, pretty girl. just so damn cute all the fuckin’ time, couldn’t stop thinkin’ about how you’d look taking my cock,” you whined at his words, trying to shut your legs to stop the pressure but he just shook his head and pried them apart. your hands were tight on his wrist, begging him to let up as he fucks you with two fingers and uses your slick to rub circles over your clit. 
“r-really?” you asked through choked moans, your body lifting up to watch him finger you. he chuckled softly, “yeah, sweetheart. can’t stop thinkin’ about ya,” 
he pauses before taking your shorts and panties off quickly, spreading your legs further and throwing them over his own spread thighs you went back to gripping at your sheets, your body responding to every touch as he spread your cunt even more and spit on it. 
“you want me to fuck this pretty hole, baby?” he asked, watching your slick cover his hand as he curled his fingers inside of you. you were a mess, incoherent, making sounds and guttural noises as he brought you closer to your edge. all you could do was nod erratically and try to close your legs. 
“i’m gonna need you to cum for me then, sweetheart. needa’ see this little cunt cum for me,” he growled, his other hand pulling his pajama pants down, easily taking them off. 
“i, i-,” you choked, your chest tight as you watched him abuse your pussy and watched as his eyes flashed quickly. he managed to lift your lower half up in the air by your ass cheeks, bringing your core to his mouth and pulling you closer to him so he could taste you. 
“daddy,” you moaned as he pulled away with a harsh breath. 
“��s that right? that’s what you like, baby? want daddy to make you feel real good? go fuckin’ stupid on my cock?” he taunted, his words making your stomach flutter and your clit throb. 
you whimpered a small yes, but you couldn’t think. you’d say yes to anything he offered. you’d take anything he gave you. he didn’t even have to ask, you wanted him to give you anything he wanted. he went back to lapping at your cunt, slurping up any of your juices that ran down your crack, licking at your unused hole that puckered for him. 
it was a new feeling, something no one had done but the way he lapped at both holes made your orgasm build ten times faster, and soon you felt it creeping down your shoulders and sending a cold chill down to your toes. it was blinding, the noises you made were yelps and gasps as if the air had been knocked out of you. 
your entire body shook within his grasp and his mouth never let go of your overstimulated bud, sending more of your juices to leak out of you nonstop. joel wasted no time to lick you all up and manage to strip naked, watching your body go through aftershocks of your orgasm and smiling. 
“pretty girl, such a fuckin’ pretty girl,” he cooed, crawling between your legs again and grabbing you by your waist, flipping you onto tour tummy and chest as he helps you move to steady yourself on your knees. 
“you’d let me do whatever i want to ya, ain’t that right princess?” his voice was like velvet, making you feel warm all over as you pushed your ass into his groin. you whimpered as you felt his hardness against your cunt and you wiggled your hips, making joel laugh a little and slap your ass. 
“so eager too, huh?” all you could do was nod into the pillow, using your forearms to fold under it and hold your head up. the arch in your back was exaggerated, but you wanted him to be able to get the best leverage on you. 
he gripped your hips tight like you were going to leave him, and spread your asscheeks to see both holes shining for him. 
“tell me you want me, can you do that for me?” he asked condescendingly and you hummed, drunk off him grabbing your ass to pull your cheeks apart and watch as they jiggle. 
“i want you,” you muffled, your voice not sounding recognizable. it was hoarse, from moaning and crying and was about to get even more raspy. 
“good girl, you tell me if you want me to stop yeah?” 
“no! please,” you clung onto whatever he was giving you, “i want it, all of it, please,” you cried for him. 
he spits down on your asshole and watches it slip down to your cunt, and he positioned himself at your hole as he keeps your ass spread apart for him. 
“so fuckin’ messy, such a sweet cunt for me,” he moaned as he pushed the head of his cock inside, making you whimper at the small stretch. you didn’t think he could stretch you anymore, until he sunk deeper into your hole and made you start gasping for air. 
“what baby? is it too much? can’t take daddy’s cock?” he taunted behind you as your weak arms went from under the pillow to trying to push his thighs back. unfortunately with your strength, it was no use and only gave him incentive to pin both your arms behind your back, right where your back arched. 
you could feel your drool leaking onto the pillow as he slid slowly into you, not stopping until you felt his balls hit against your cunt. your legs were already trembling from his sheer size, making joel put one hand on the fat of your hip to steady you and one hand on your wrists. 
he started to pull out again, just to slide back in and repeat the movement as he slowly started to speed up the pace. you could hear faint groaning and the sound of your slick gathering on his cock, the wetness being the only noise that was distinct. 
it was pain and pleasure balled into one as he kept gliding in and out of you, feeling your walls tighten and release around him the faster he went. you felt each thrust make your body lurch forward, pushing your face into the pillow as he kept his relentlessness up. 
“oh, baby you feel so fuckin’ good, so good for me,” he groaned. he grabbed both your wrists with his hands and yanked your body up off the mattress so that your breasts are exposed for him. he takes advantage of the space between you and bed, and pulls you even further up to press you against his chest. 
“keep makin’ those pretty sounds for me, makes me wanna ruin this little pussy even more,” he grinned against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and you threw your arms back to grab onto his hair and head. you needed something to balance yourself now that you were standing on your knees, and being fucked into like you weighed absolutely nothing. 
“d-, fuck, i can’t,” you choked through a loud moan, one that made joel grunt as he fucked into you harder. he wasn’t doing small strokes, he was pulling out almost all the way and slamming back into you in a way that sent pain to your cervix, but pressure on your clit begging to be released. 
“can’t what princess? can’t think? i know baby, gettin’ fucked so good you can’t even talk,” he chuckled, moving his hand to grab at your breast and knead your flesh. his hands molded onto your body like they were made to fit you, but all your mind could focus on was the sound of his skin slapping against yours. 
joel knew you were going dumb already, not expecting answers from you as that would just be cruel. he wanted to make you feel good, and the way your spit covered your chin and your mouth fell open but hardly any noise was making its way out, he knew he was doing a damn good job. 
“hear that, baby? such a fuckin’ pretty mess, you like soakin’ my cock like that? so damn wet, so fuckin’ tight,” you couldn’t get enough of his words when he plucked at your nipple, teasing and pinching to get you closer and closer. 
“s-so big, m’ so full,” you cried and he smiled again, holding you closer than ever as he wallowed in your voice. 
“my baby’s full of me, full of my cock,” he repeated, never slowing down as he pulled out just to push all of him back into you at once. he was in love with how you felt, he even felt like he was losing his train of thought at you let out deep moans that made his cock jerk inside of you. 
“‘s okay baby, you look so cute all fucked out like this, can’t even fuckin’ breathe can ya?” he asked and you shook your head no, reminding yourself to unclench your chest so you could let in a good breath. he heard it, and rubbed up your chest to grip your throat, which elicited a harsh whimper. 
his other hand traveled down your body, past your larger stomach and reached down to your cunt. he used the slick between your lips after stuffing them in your mouth and started to rub circles over your nub, making you squirm and wiggle against his body. 
“uhn-uh, thought you liked takin’ my cock like a slut? take it, baby.” you couldn’t even move if you wanted to, wanting to fuck back on his cock and meet his thrusts. you were almost empty headed, words sounding like words but not being able to form them yourself. 
“there you go, take it all baby it’s yours,” he repeated as he watched you grab onto his arm that held you by the neck and let him ravage you like no other. he was the animal, and you were his prey. 
the feeling of his thick cock ramming you, splitting you open while he fingers worked your clit makes you throw your head back on his shoulder and shut your eyes strongly. it was blinding, the pleasure you felt that he inflicted, and you felt yourself clenching your entire body as your orgasm reached its peak. it’s all you focused on. his hands grabbing you everywhere, soaking you in as he pushed your thick body into his chest and managed to lay on his back. he let our body fall onto his and held you up like that, his hands spreading your legs as you tried to sit up on your hands. 
you couldn’t, of course, couldn’t even think about how he changed positions so quickly, or if you were too heavy for him. your body was limp as he held you open, his thrusts becoming harsher and faster as he fucked into you. 
“m gonna, j-joel, gonna cum, gonna cum, m’ gonna cum,” you chanted in a strained whine, one that sounded needy for him. one of his hands lets go of your leg and rests his palm on your forehead, pulling you back to his shoulder so he can kiss along your jaw and neck. 
“cum for me baby, such a dumb fuckin' slut, taking my cock like you were made f’ it,” he was so insulting, so degrading, but the feeling of losing your autonomy so he can fuck you like you deserved made it even sexier for you. you didn’t know your neighbor felt this way for you, that he’d been wanting to feel you and have you like this. it was exhilarating and when you finally let go, when the ringing in your ears started and every muscle in your body tightened just to go slack again, you realized how much you’d been missing. 
you’d never been fucked to the point of silence, nothing but quiet moans and strained breathing falling out of your lips because you couldn’t think, and as joel holds you by wrapping an arm around the thickness of your tummy and letting you close your legs to alleviate the intensity, he whispers nothing but dirty things in your ear. the shaking never stopped, even as joel started to reach his peak. 
“such a pretty girl,”
“love watchin’ you go dumb on my cock,” 
“gonna fill this cunt with my cum, ya want that sweetheart?”
“can’t even talk, such a dirty fuckin’ whore,”
you were mumbling, blabbering, making noises that couldn’t even be registered as noises as his hips slammed against your ass lazily. you feel it the minute he empties inside of you because he holds you even closer than before, stilling your moving hips and you feel the heat of the white ropes that cover your walls. it was so dirty, so messy, so filthy that you wouldn’t be surprised if you were embarrassed after this. you were still mindlessly groaning, humming as your orgasm buzzed through your body and the feeling of his cum trying to push its way out. 
you both lay there, breathless, sticky and with joel still buried inside of you.
“i have… i have to get off,” you breathed out, coming back to the sense of reality. the air in your room felt cold, pricking at your skin like needles. the sweat didn’t help either. 
“no ya don’t,” he said, only to hold you tighter. 
“joel, i’m like crushing you,” you tried to wiggle out of his grasp and he just gave a quick slap to your cunt, making you jolt and still. 
“don’t be ridiculous, ya need me to show you exactly how strong i am or are ya gonna take my word for it?” he warned and you swallowed, blinking at the ceiling before you turn your head to look at the side of his face before he turns his head to look at you. still, the back of your head rested on his shoulder and your legs were between his.
“i can’t even move, joel,” you said in a smile and he laughed, leaning in to kiss your forehead and over your face. 
“i’ll help ya with that.” 
joel proved once again that he was strong enough to pick you up, because he carried you bridal style to the restroom and got a bath ready for you, joining in to help clean you up and massage your muscles. you were dazed, so entirely fucked out that you let him do whatever he needed to do with you to get you into bed. and he didn’t seem to mind, because after taking care of you he got to snuggle in the same bed he made you drool in. 
he let you cuddle into him all you wanted, wrapping your arms and legs around him to bury your face in the shirt he put on. even though it was your bedsheets and your body wash he used, he still smelled like joel. and it was all you needed, ironically the man you longed for to make you feel good was the man who stayed in 6a.
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runa-falls · 1 year
pornstar!moon-boys x fluffer!reader
part two: steven
special shout out to @writefightandflightclub for this masterpiece about feral steven!
a/n: some headcannons bc we filthy up in this bitch >:) this one turned out a bit longer than I anticipated
others: marc | jake | more steven
as a fluffer, it's your job to know how to keep the boys interested. each alter has their own preferences:
(NSFW 18+ under the cut)
steven: the sweetheart
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GIF by moonxknightx
Steven was the second alter you met. And this time, you were the one that was surprised.
Sweet Steven didn't seem like he had any business being a pornstar, but it turns out he's great at it. And the viewers love him.
Especially the ladies.
He's one of the tamer performers, acting as a gentle lover that provides comforting sex or the shy guy who's inexperienced. Viewers love how unapologetically desperate and pussy-drunk he gets on camera, how the slightest touch can set him off.
His most viewed video is him as a naive professor getting seduced then fucked by a slutty student. Needless to say, in most of his work, he's the one getting fucked, not the other way around.
You don't know why he followed in Marc's footsteps, becoming an adult performer, but it was only a few days after he joined the business that he asked for you. It was puzzling at first, meeting a variation of Marc who shares his face and body, but it was clear that they were quite different.
Unlike Marc, Steven craved softness and wasn't afraid to show it.
He reacts best to praise, gentle touches, and kisses like young lovers on a honeymoon. He likes to feel taken care of, ease into it instead of diving right in.
You found out pretty quick that you have to be more careful with him, one wrong move and he's spilling in your hand, eyes glistening with humiliation and embarrassment. Then it's another 15 minutes before the next session.
His sessions alway start with a greeting. Even after all this time, he's still very shy around you, acting like it's a first date rather than a quick fluffing sesh.
"Uh, hello!" He literally waves at you and you're not even three feet away.
"Hey Steven." Your voice is soft with him, as sweet as honey and as tempting as nectar. It's the first step to luring him in.
He always gives you that look even before you step into the room, one of longing and anticipation. Like you're the best part of his day. No wonder his partners are always falling for his shy smiles and dreamy eyes.
You sit on one of the couches in the prep room, gesturing to the spot right next to you, "Come 'ere, babe." He loves it when you call him sweet names like that.
You start with a kiss:
Your hand cradles his jaw and he nuzzles into it, his eyes shut, ready for anything you'll give him. You hear him sigh as you slowly lean in and press your lips gently against his, showering his mouth with small pecks, just enough to leave him wanting.
He whines when you pull away, eyes opening ever so slightly to see where you're going. You barely pull away enough to take your shirt off before he's pulling you back in for hungry kiss, hand on the back of your neck.
Steven can actually be quite demanding when he really wants something. And though most sessions consist of him obediently sitting next to you while you squeeze and tease him, sometimes he loses control.
He loves your taste, the smell of your perfume, and the weight of your body against his. His hands glide and mold over every inch of your body, attempting to memorize your figure for the hundredth time, as your hips roll against him.
You've found the best way to get him hard but not ruined is a few minutes of making out and clothed grinding. He's usually already plenty hard after the first few innocent kisses, but to stay hard, he needs physical touch. Closeness.
But you have to strategically measure it out to get the best results.
The first time, you experimented by giving him head, but he physically couldn't stop himself from fucking your throat. He came with a cry, hand clutched desperately in your hair, forcing your lips to meet the tan skin of his hips. You're sure you'll have that image in your mind for the rest of your life.
Anyone who's witnessed Steven cum first-hand is as lucky as they get. His whimpers could inspire a nun to leave the church.
The second time, you gave him a handjob. He spurted against his t-shirt within a handful (lol) of minutes moaning your name, thighs trembling against yours. You also learned that he's not one to be edged unless the director wants him with tear-stained cheeks and reddened eyes. (sometimes they do though!)
Finally you figured out the best bet: kisses, nuzzles, touches, and grinding.
Steven whines out as you lave your tongue softly against his sensitive neck. His hips attempt to cant with yours, grinding his hardness into your heated center.
"Please, darling. Grind harder on me, I-I need it."
"Mm...No can do Stevie," Your hips raise so he's barely touching you, depriving him of much needed stimulation. "Can't have you busting in your shorts, can I?"
"No no no, ughnn..." He tries to hold your waist and pull you further against him, but you yank his wrists away, pinning them against the couch. "Please, I promise I won't. Jus' need a little more, is all."
You giggle at his frustration, but only answer with a peck on his lips before pulling away. You can actually hear him whimper when you roll off of him.
"I think you're ready, Steven."
"N-no. Not yet. I think I still need more. Yeah, a bit more will do me good!"
You perk an eyebrow as you consider the large tent at the front of his shorts. He looks up at you sheepishly.
"Yeah, I don't think so."
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janovavalen · 8 months
✧HER FAVORITE COLOR|| percy jackson x fem!reader
part one!
part two!
part three!
part four!
part five!
summary: percy jackson’s first days on camp were hell to say the least—fist day and he got bullied, but when he sneaks away to be alone he finds an interesting girl in the forest.
word count: 2825!
warnings: small curses (literally like one word and it’s not really a curse but it’s considered one) reader is daughter of athena, sister of annabeth, horrid flirting, reader lowkey not felling percy for the first half’s of this story line.
taglist: @pleasingregulus , @sometimesminsan , @alidear
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the next day percy had his plan set in motion. right when he got up he was quick to grab his long time favorite (f/c) sweatshirt that he had seen in a store a while back on one of his older quests.
when he had that on, he placed his jean pants on and his regular converse like always. while sighing percy made his way to the front door to leave but caught himself running to the water to see his reflection.
fixing his hair while whipping some previous drool off his face, he was finally proud of his appearance and set himself off to eat breakfast.
as percy walked to the small open dining circle with a small fire set in the middle. he started to grab a plate behind some of the people in line. while he did he happened to look up and see the familiar hair color with the streak of (f/c) in her hair.
it’s y/n. y/n is standing right in front of him. looking down subconsciously to fix his jacket to make it more neat he clears his throat. making himself known.
she didn’t turn around.
doing it once more to hope she did—she didn’t at all.
‘ahem!’ he spoke out—very loudly making her turn around in an instant’ y/n had thought someone was going to throw up on her but she immediately calmed down to see it was percy and not some sick person.
‘oh…percy, good morning’ y/n mumbled while she grabbed some small fruits and other breakfast items. he smiled a bit, happy she looked at him and overall interacted.
‘good morning…uh-uhm you sleep well? it was pretty quiet last night’ he stumbled to grab the tongs that she had previously had in her hand to grab fruits as he grabbed some blueberries.
‘oh, yeah i guess? you?’ she looked back at him, waiting for his response which was replied with a smile and nod.
‘yup, very good—very! i actually had the craziest dream ever. i was like in the ocean and uhm…i see this like weird looking fish—‘
‘that’s nice’ she mumbled. walking away from him before he could get the best part of the story which was him being eaten.
‘yeah…nice’ he mumbled. holding the plate in his hand a bit tighter. upset at the fact she walked away. her presence going to a smaller table with annabeth and luke at.
sighing in dread, he walked his way over to his best friend, grover’s table who had been eating his breakfast.
‘hey grover’ he introduced. grover looked up and smiled at percy—‘hey perc! how’d it go—‘
‘don’t…please’ percy silently begged as he leaned down into the table with his plate set down first.
grover winced and tried not to laugh—‘guess she didn’t stay to speak back?’
‘she didn’t stay at all. i was telling her my dream and she walked away immediately’ percy whined while grover laughed.
‘dude! you try to start a conversation, the last thing to do is talk about your dream’ he laughed while percy groaned.
‘i didn’t know! i mean…it was a pretty good dream though’ he shrugged while eating his blueberries.
‘oh do tell?’ grover leaned in. percy smile and shook his head.
‘later, later.’ as grover nodded and continued to eat his food, he noticed percy looking back at y/n who sat eating her breakfast. smiling occasionally to her sister and to luke who told some joke.
what joke could he have possibly told that made her smile like that? it couldn’t have been that funny.
‘what’s so funny?’ he asked out loud, making grover look up from his plate with his eyebrows frowned.
‘uhm…i didn’t laugh?’ he looked around to make sure he wasn’t talking to some other person.
‘no—i mean her, what did luke tell her that was so funny? she literally almost spit out her breakfast.’ percy rolled his eyes while he practically forced himself to watch as y/n laughed at luke’s jokes non-stop.
‘i mean…was my joke with my dream not good enough? i mean, if she stayed she may have actually laughed because that dream was totally laughable.’ percy rolled his eyes once more when y/n placed her hand—well, more like slapped luke on the arm for the joke he told…again.
‘gross’ he mumbled. while picking at his food that happened to lose its flavorful look.
grover smiled and could feel himself almost bust out laughing at seeing percy’s new mood. percy fell unnoticed as he moved around the circular blueberries on his plate. occasionally hearing the laugh that belonged to y/n.
later that morning it was time for percy to have his most waited training session with y/n.
for the first time…ever? percy was actually ready and kind of excited to see her…well, not her but he was excited to be training of course! not that he wouldn’t be happy to see her because he is but that would be kind of weird—anyways.
walking to h where y/n told him to meet, he noticed the more farther he got the more less people got. and the more farther he got the more quieter and more spacious it got.
‘uhm…hello? it’s percy? percy jackson?’ he yelled out while looking around the small trees that curled around the huge patch of green hill he stood on.
‘hello?’ he yelled out once more—‘y/n? it’s me per—‘
‘i know it’s you percy i just thought it would be funny to watch you look around while yelling your name over and over as if the whole camp don’t know who you are’ she spoke. as he turned around he saw y/n in different attire.
her hair was on her shoulder into a braid while she smiled a bit.
she was smiling at him?
score one, luke one.
‘oh right! typical. i should’ve guessed you were just lurking there. you always are. kind of weird right?’
‘not really…not unless you make it weird…that is’ she grinned a bit while tilting her head to the side. percy smiled back and shook his head while he watched her walk a bit closer.
‘so…now is when we start.’ she sighed while bringing the satchel of bows and arrows around from her back to her front half. as percy watched she easily took out three arrows and a simple made bow while handing it to him.
he was quick to retrieve it and position it in the way it’s supposed to be. once ready he looked out for the target only to see—there wasn’t any?
‘uhm…i’m not a expert in archery or anything but i’m pretty sure there is supposed to be a…target to shoot at with the little red dot?’ he squinted his eyes while y/n smiled at him with her eyebrow raised.
he felt his heart stumble again but ignored it—‘there is a tar
get…there’s always one. i just placed it…right—‘ as she closed one of her eyes, a hand on her hip and the other pointing straight ahead, he looked where she did to only see a sack of sand with a red dot on the middle of it—‘over there’
percy wouldn’t have a problem with this…the only thing was, the sack of sand was a bit away. like far away. so far his eyesight got blurry when he looked at it.
‘uhm—whoa? i thought this was training’ he turned to her with his mouth agape.
‘this is training’
‘yeah but there’s always a level one and stuff( for beginners? i’m a beginner! i can’t shoot that far—‘
‘you can, you just don’t think you can, your always capable of doing what you think you can’t’ she mumbled while walking next to him, waiting for him to shoot.
he looked at y/n’s eyes while turning chest to chest to her so she could see him fully and he could see her—‘there you go again, with these poet moments or something…you don’t have to sugar coat anything with me…you know that right?’
she looked at his eyes with nod—‘yeah i know, i just like saying those things. sometimes it freaks luke or grover out’ she smile at the mention of their name which made percy roll his eyes.
‘okay, rule one. keep calm talk away from training talk, we’re here to bond—‘
‘to train you to get better at archery—‘
‘same thing! don’t you see those movies where the master becomes close with the student? like in karate kid?’
‘i’ve never…seen a movie.’ she bashfully admitted making percy’s jaw drop.
‘oh no, we definitely can’t have that—we’ll definitely be watching a movie somehow someway.’
‘we need to focus percy—‘
‘okay! okay but wait…one more thing okay? but don’t get mad because it kind of sounds stupid—‘
smiling a bit he walked a bit closer to her with confidence in his voice and body—‘what’s your favorite color?’ he tilted his head a bit while she did the same.
confusion running all over her face he smiled more as she looked away.
‘(f/c).’ she simply answered.
‘this color?’ pointing down at his jacket she nodded.
‘yeah that one—wait, you had a jacket this whole time? i never noticed’ she admitted while looking down at his jacket and back up into his eyes.
he smiled and nodded—‘yeah. i am a lot more things than a jacket, you just have to notice them’ he mumbled while she shook her head with a eye roll.
‘ew, set up your bow and arrow, weirdo’ she turned him with a hit in his shoulder a she smiled and laughed.
‘yes, ma’am!’ he yelled out making her shake her head once more.
score board—luke one…percy two.
percy was nearly dying. the reason she gave him only three arrows was for every one missed him and had to retrieve them. since he missed poorly, had to make it up by taking a couple of laps around the small mountain they had been standing on.
percy wasn’t regretting the fact she offered to train him. he wasn't at all, not even a little. why would he?
hw just wasn’t built for the whole running and exercising. he can blame that on third through all grade bullies. and primarily on the fact he probably had terrible ptsd everytime he got close to a gym room thinking there would be people to throw basketballs, volleyballs and any other ones—not all…—right at him.
y/n had taken the liberty to stay cool in the shade under the sun as she watched him run laps, go again and again at shooting. the whole process was a never ending cycle.
‘i have a feeling…i can do it this time!’ percy breathed heavily as he aimed his arrow across the field.
‘you said that the last three times…and the other times before those three’ y/n crossed her arms over her chest—her signature pose—and watched percy as he turned around with his jaw dropped.
the look of shock witten over his features.
‘i mean a little enthusiasm and encouragement wouldn’t hurt you right?’ he tried to get at least one nice thing out of her. she shrugged and looked at the grassed floor.
‘it would though! i think ill melt if i be nice to you’ she grinned as he rolled his eyes.
‘come on? please?’
‘you said you didn’t want my poetry words’ she reminded him as he set the arrow down to his side.
‘well…yeah but a simple you can do it percy, will work just fine’ he shrugged as y/n rolled her eyes with a grin.
‘try your best’ she simply mumbled.
percy felt his face warm up and his chest beat a bit faster as he replayed her words in his mind. maybe it would have been best if she actually didn’t say anything.
how could he focus now?
smiling at her he gave her a nod while turning around and giving out a deep breath he had been holding while hiding his face from her view.
‘go for it percy’ she told him as he outstretched his arms. the bow and arrow ready for his control.
looking straight ahead at the sack of sand he squinted and pulled back on the arrow and string. his grip tightened around the bow, exhaling a breath, he sucked in and released the arrow.
watching it fly across the field, percy gasped when he sat it hit the red dot in the sack. immediately turning around to look at y/n who had her eyebrows raised, he laughed out.
‘i got it! i got it, i got it, i got it! he yelled out with a laugh as she held her hand over her mouth to hide her own laugh.
as he jumped a bit with excitement. y/n couldn’t help but let out a genuine smile as she watched his childlike antics.
‘you did, good job’ she told him while percy watched over to y/n who had her hands on her hips one more.
‘i mean not to brag or anything but you know, i’m kind of a pro now’ he bashfully told while y/n scoffed, shaking her head with a grin.
‘a pro?’
‘yup, did you see how i just did that? i mean…after a couple of tries—‘
‘a couple? we started this thing five hours ago’ she admitted. he frowned and turned to see the sun was setting over the water that had been in view of them.
‘five hours? how? it felt like…at least two, and don’t act like you haven’t been training to be able to aim that good for a couple of hours’ percy raised an eyebrow at y/n who simple hummed in reply.
he watched her carefully to see she didn’t deny nor try to back up which revealed a lot of things—‘you got it on your first try?’
‘i got it on my first try, but that’s okay! y’know, just keep practicing’ y/n smiled as percy and her began walking back to camp.
‘but how long will it take for me to get as good as you? your literally good at everything’ he bragged for her as y/n shrugged.
‘i’m not that good at everything, I'm just multi-talented, and who knows how long it will take. you could be as old as grover in ten years and you can still be practicing, but you’ll never know that’ she turned to him as he looked her in her eyes, laughing a bit at the loose joke she just told.
she did the same as the two finally arrived at camp. the small crowd getting ready for dinner as they sat with their siblings and friends.
‘well, i guess this is we’re we spit? i have to get to annabeth and my siblings…so’ y/n held her hands in front of her as percy stood almost chest to chest with her.
‘oh! right…right, well. i’ll see you later? maybe we can hang out instead of training tomorrow? i know a place in the woods—i mean! it doesn’t have to be the woods! i don’t want you thinking im some creep or trying to kill you or something! my mom watched documentaries about the woods and they never end well, trust me—‘
‘percy!’ she stopped his small rant with a smile on her face. her smile was so fitting and so beautiful. the slight orange and pink lighting of the sunset defined her face more than the morning sun and the moon at night. her hair was tossed to the side in its braid as she held her hands out on his arms.
‘i’ll see you tomorrow after i’m done with training…okay?’ she said. tilting her head a bit with a smile she let her hand linger on his forearm a bit more before letting go and walking to annabeth.
percy stood, shocked. reaching to his arm with his hand he let it stay there for a bit before widely smiling.
as he ran over to grover who had been eating once more—he smiled and laughed a bit into his hands to conceal it. grover looked over at him with a scared expression. it’s almost like some teenage girl just possessed percy.
‘uhm..i’m guessing it went well?’
‘it went so well!’ he banged his hand on the wooden table causing some people that sat near them. he ignored them though, to happy to even care at the moment.
‘she agreed to hang out tomorrow in the words, i need to sleep! i need to get ready early—‘
‘dude calm down your not getting married’ grover laughed as percy gave him a look which made grover roll his eyes.
‘dude!’ he laughed as percy stood up and walked over to his cabin.
getting ready for bed so he could be energized and awake for his hang out tomorrow with y/n.
score count,
luke one, percy three.
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queers-gambit · 9 months
Campus Breakdown
prompt: ( requested ) after a hard day, at least you can come home to him.
pairing: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x female!reader
fandom masterlist: FX's The Bear
word count: 1.6k+
warnings: reader's a graduate student, cursing, small angst but mostly small hurt bigger comfort.
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The door slammed shut in a forceful rattle, making Carmy perk up from his place on the couch. "Baby?" He called, setting aside the magazine you left behind.
"Carmy?" You sounded confused, exiting the foyer to round into the living room. "Hey, what're you doing home so early?"
"Uh, pipe burst at work, left Fak t'deal with it," he sniffled, muting the television. "What's up with you? Or do you always slam doors happily around here?"
You sighed, "Sorry, I just - it's been a day and a half, you know?"
He pouted dramatically, offering, "Wanna tell me 'bout it?"
"It won't fix what happened."
"No, but it might help get it off your chest, filter a little emotion."
You nodded absently, "I think I might want a glass of wine first - maybe two."
He felt a surge of empathy in his chest, knowing that distant look in your eyes and the way your entire demeanor seemed absent, distracted, exhausted. Work often kicked his ass, too, so there was an understanding after so many nights you had let him rant and rave about whatever went wrong - it was only right to return the favor.
Carmy readjusted the pillows and coffee table, leaning over to light the scented candle you kept there; grabbing a blanket to prepare for you. When you entered the living room, you had stripped out of your pants and was pouring a glass of wine, leaving the bottle on the cleaned-up coffee table; sighing when you dropped onto the couch.
"All right, pretty girl," Carmy chuckled, pulling your feet into his lap. You readjusted with a small grumble as Carmy then tossed the blanket over you, but left your feet out for him to massage. "Tell me what happened today."
You held up a single finger, downing more than half your glass of wine. Carm's brows perked up, blinking in shock before nodding slowly when you swallowed. "Today. Fucking. Sucked," you told him.
"I can see that, and feel it - your feet are knotted," he noted, working his thumbs into the meat. "Did you sit down at all today?"
"Well, no, 'cause I had to work alone today," you groaned. "Lisa has mono, Brittany had to make up some exam, Benjamin apparently had a meeting with the bursar's office, and Stacy literally stood outside, fighting with her boyfriend - like what!?"
Carmy offered you a stale look in reaction to your story, "She get docked?"
"Well, yeah, I mean, I kinda had to; she didn't bus a single table, she didn't talk to a single customer, like, the only other person working with me today was Carl and he was in the kitchen the whole time."
"Doesn't sound exactly fair..."
"It's a shitty campus diner, Carmy, 'fair' isn't exactly in their vocabulary, but the tips are semi decent 'cause we have that 'drunk rush special'. Oh! Wait! That's not all," you hummed, taking another gulp. "'Cause why would anything go right on a day I worked the entire floor alone? Right?"
"What else?" He asked, turning in his seat so he could face you directly; still massaging your feet, but leaning his cheek on your bent knee to remain close.
"The fucking register went down."
"You mean the only one in the whole place?"
"Yep, of course! 'Cause why the fuck wouldn't anything go right?" You scoffed. "And it's not like any of this was, like, hidden, you know? It was very obvious I was working alone, the register was fucked, but do you think that made anyone empathetic towards the situation? No, of course not, they wanted to just pay their bills and leave. Which I fucking get! But like, what!?"
"What'd you do?"
"Took cash only," you shrugged. "ATM was still up and running, so it was on them," you wiped you eyes, sighing deeply. "Still bitched the whole time though, complained to whoever listened. End of the night, that new manager even docked my tips, you believe that?"
"Hold up - for what?" Carm snapped.
"Customers were that pissed, Carmy, so a few of them dined-and-dashed, someone had to pay," you whined, head tilted back. "Like I did any of this on purpose? Like I went and unplugged shit myself? Like I wanted to make my life significantly harder? Do people even fucking think by themselves now? Where's the empathy?"
"Nah, they definitely lack in that department," he chuckled. "Know what I'm gonna say, right?"
"Hmm? Oh, Carmy, no," you groaned, "I'm not working at The Beef."
"It's ten times better than where you work, baby," he pouted. "And I could use someone with experience like yours with the customers. Richie's not always the best 'face of the store', you know?"
"No, Carmy," you refused sternly.
"C'mon, why not?"
"You as my boss? And boyfriend? Fuck no!"
"I'm literally so nice!"
"Yeah, that's exactly what Sydney says," you laughed, nudging his stomach with your foot. "Baby, no. Listen, I appreciate it, I really do, but I get ten times the tips at that shitty diner than I would at The Beef, and it's right on campus so I lose literally no time."
He sighed, "You're only, what? A year out from your Masters?"
"Just about," you grumbled with a pout.
Carmy chuckled, "C'mon, baby, don't torture yourself. Get a new job."
"I'm not, I'm just - " You cut yourself off with a sigh, hating that advice (as if it were just so simple), shaking your head and finishing your wine. "I'm just dealing with my current circumstances, I'm sorry I came home in a bad mood - "
"No, hey, wait," Carmy sat up, reaching for your cheek to hold, "I didn't mean to make you feel as if I was shutting you down. Baby, I always want you t'talk to me, okay? I just mean, there's something better out there, and you deserve better than that place. I hate seeing you so stressed out," he pouted dramatically, making you snicker lightly.
"You're one to talk," you reminded softly, sitting up so you could nestle under his arm. "You're stressed out, like, more than 90% of the time."
"Hey now, we're talkin' about your day, not mine," he deflected with a small chuckle. "What if I asked around a bit? You know, a different server job? I can check out places close to campus, but you'd get much better tips and better customers at a nicer place."
You groaned, "Now that sounds nice." He chuckled with you now. "I mean, it's bad enough I have to deal with those creepy frat boys in class, but in the diner, I have to play nice 'cause they tip with daddy's money well if I don't shut them up. It'd be nice working somewhere they couldn't even afford t'walk into."
"See? I'm good for something."
"You're good for everything, Carm, shut up," you laughed, leaning up to kiss his jawline. "I'm just tired of this whole 'pay your dues' bullshit. You know? I get having to suffer a little to build a better character, but for fuck's sake."
Carmy pouted, "Sounds like a second glass of wine kinda rant?"
You pouted back at him, nodding, both mockingly making little noises as he lifted from his sitting position to snag the bottle of wine. You smiled as he poured, watching his face, loving the effect he had on you; feeling calm and serene, and it wasn't the alcohol. When the bottle was set aside again, he tugged your legs over his lap and laid one of his arms around your shoulders; keeping you snuggled close and under the blanket.
"What else happened?" He asked softly, kissing your temple.
"I don't want to sound like I'm just bitching."
"How else do you expect to blow off steam? Huh?" He countered. "You're not bothering me, I want to hear this, baby - all of it. So, lemme recount, yeah? Okay, so, you worked alone your whole shift with only the frycook in the back, the cash register went down, and that made a buncha customers all pissed off. Enough that a few dipped off and you had to cover their bills. But the ATM was good, so they could still pay cash, but they were still being dickheads, yeah?"
"Mhm," you hummed, halting yourself.
"Nuh-uh, c'mon, what else?"
Tears sprung to your eyes as your head lulled onto his shoulder. "It was just a really shitty day, Carm," you whispered, giving a small sniffle. "Guys are grimy and gross, they garnished my wages 'cause of those dashers - I told you. It was a fucking shit show! Oh, and a few bulbs blew all within 10 minutes of each other - like fully snap, crackle, and pop, blew out. So, I had to call the electrician, he took over 2 hours to get there, so, part of the back dining room was darker and this group of guys all decided to sit back there - it was so fucking creepy!"
Carmen frowned, listening to you rant and rave about how overworked and under appreciated you were. He held you tight, raking a hand through your hair, tracing invisible patterns on your upper arm; keeping you close as the wine slowly sunk into your blood. You grew less lucid by the passing hour, mostly the exhaustion sinking in, but Carmy didn't mind.
He just adjusted you both on the couch so he was laid out with you safely tucked between the cushions and his body. You had long since changed subjects; going from shitty work conditions to sports to your coursework load, then to The Beef, breezed over whatever Richie's daily attitude was about, then quietly debated if Carmy was taking the weekend off to spend it with you. Now, the TV was the only light on in the apartment, wine bottle empty, you resting on Carmy's chest; his arms tight around you, blanket tangled around your legs, both speaking quietly into the night before sleep claimed you both.
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requesting rules and masterlist
The Bear masterlist
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knight-of-flowerss · 3 months
cregan stark headcannons for crushing or a blurb pls ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hii!! I sadly haven’t watched season 2 yet so these are js going off fanon and stuff 😭
Also I’m sorry if this isn’t the best I haven’t wrote properly in a good few months 😭
HOTD Masterlist
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🃃 Cregan Stark is a stoic man. A Stark man. A full beard at such a young age (ik that in the show he don’t have a beard or summin but these are my head canons and he’s a Stark so-).
🃟 He’s the Winterfell darling basically. It was a running ‘joke’ that every girl wants him and every man wants to be him. And it was 100% true.
🃃 And this is how you ended up here. Staring at the young lord with adoration infecting your eyes.
🃟 Your young heart couldn’t contain the crush that had bubbled over. You had known of this man barely a few months and thanks to your brother, you saw him pretty much everyday.
🃃 Preparing for war wasn’t easy for anyone. But with Cregan’s dashing smile reassuring your family during this crisis, how could you not swoon?
🃟 His eyes, his hair, his beard, his smile. Everything about this man was perfect, you melted whenever you saw him.
🃃 Every time your mother was called into a meeting with Cregan, your brother and your step-father, you jumped at the opportunity to accompany her, claiming that “We’re family mother, we should stick by eachother.”.
🃟 Yes you just lied to your dear mother to get closer to your little crush, do you give a fuck? Fuck no. I mean have y’all seen the Starks? They’re literal sex gods.
🃃 In these meetings, you sat down near the vast table they often bickered at over battle tactics while you started in awe at them all, admiration of your mother, respect for your brother, intimidation of your step-father and desire for Cregan.
🃟 While sat in these meetings you’ll take sneaky glances over at Cregan and for a while, he didn’t even glance your way, give you a passing thought. But after a while you noticed his eyes… lingering.
🃃 One day you were walking around Dragonstone with Joffrey, admiring the sheer beauty of your home when all of a sudden, long dark locks catch your attention.
🃟 At first glance you thought it was Jace, he grew his hair out and really started to become your father more and more with each passing day.
🃃 You look down and see expensive furs trailing the floor as the cape the figure was wearing sweeped up any un-seen muck from the ground.
🃟 You trailed your eyes up and met with frosty-grey eyes peering back at you.
🃃 A sly smirk adorns his rough face, his eyes burning holes into yours.
🃟 Your cheeks flush as your lips part, plump and soft, your front teeth peeking through.
🃃 His large frame stalks towards you, boots beating on the stone floors, striding with a cunty confidence.
🃟 The seven had surely blessed this man. He was sent from the Maiden herself.
🃃 A shadow casts over you, the sun immediately cowering from your soft features. Your doe eyes peer up, looking past your dark decorated hair to trail up to his face.
🃟 After a lengthy few seconds of sexually charged silence, Joffrey speaks up.
🃃 “When are we going to the library sister?”
🃟 You blinked out of your trance. Your head moving towards your baby brother while your eyes stay on Cregan’s, but eventually your eyes drift away from him and set upon your brother.
🃃 “Uh- oh yes uhm, we’ll go now brother.”, your head moves to Cregan, “It’s nice to see you again Lord Stark, I hope it won’t be the last time we all see each other on this visit of yours.”
🃟 Cregan nods, once curved lips, that formed a smirk, fall into a flat line as he agrees, “Of course your grace, I’ll see you both in the hall for the feast.”
🃃 The next time you see the rugged man, it’s the feast in the hall a few hours later.
🃟 You were sat with Joffrey on your left and your other little brother Viserys. Your baby brother had smacked his food out of the maids hands so you offered to feed him something while she cleaned the very large mess.
🃃 Your hand dips the spoon into the oats to lift a hefty amount onto the cutlery, heading towards your huffy brothers opened mouth, little did you know his hand would fly up and smack the spoon into your face.
🃟 A shocked gasp left your mouth as you stared at Viserys, his face lighting up and giggling, you couldn’t help the soft smile that graced your oat-y features.
🃃 You quickly got up and went to clean up before anyone noticed and you didn’t want the attention on you due to your appearance.
🃟 But as you hurried through the doors to clean up, eyes followed your body across the hall. Cregan’s mouth curved into a smile and a small chuckle left his lips.
🃃 But, when you came back you saw something that angered you, more than any amount of oats poured on you could.
🃟 A young woman, a daughter of some Lord that was supporting your mother, was throwing herself all over Cregan.
🃃 And he was enjoying it.
🃟 ‘I shouldn’t be jealous,
you aren’t even mine.’
Tags: @thethreeeyed-raven @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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sadreligion · 4 days
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⠀⠀ ׅ ⠀⠀⠀ઉ⠀⠀𓂂 ⠀ 𝆬 ׄ skater!matt sturniolo & artist!reader.
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as the new york city sun has fallen into hibernation, the routine that you’ve become so familiar with falls into place. clocking out of work, 10:30PM sharp— relieved to be free from yet another excruciatingly slow day at the library. you’d hurry to catch the underground subway, tense muscles relaxing against those filthy seats you’ve grown to love. the transportation jerkingly pulls off, an obnoxious screech left behind as it makes way for the next stop.
you pull your black sketchbook out of your crowded tote, funky stickers and your name in bold lettering adorned on the front. every ounce of stress you had, exiting as you begin to draw, one of your overpriced lead pencils gliding against the paper. art was your safe place, loving everything about the craft since you could walk.. the way it conveyed how you felt with having to utter a syllable. perfection.
it’s only when the train makes a halt that your ripped from your bubble, a boy’s infectious laugh echoing through the almost deserted station as he daps his friends goodbye, stumbling into the ride shortly after. he was beautiful, facial structure something out of a greek god description. baggy jeans hanging low on his waist, the sleek calvin klein font of his boxers on display. his hair was kept hidden in a cheap beanie— shit… is he looking at you?
your eyes immediately dart away from the stranger, gaze falling anywhere but him. you could feel his blue orbs burning into you still, the temptation to make eye contact making you sweat. it was as if he was begging, daring you to look up. finally, you push that scared feeling down before ripping the bandaid, wide eyes flickering to his curious ones.
a soft smile grows on his face, the shitty overhead light reflecting onto his invisalign. your expression mirrors his, a sense of comfortability filling up the space. neither of you knew who the other was but god, everything felt so familiar, so warm. his eyes flicker down to the sketchbook sprawled across your lap, the neat yet expressive drawings speaking life into him.
he gets up from his seat across, plopping his body right next to yours. he sets his custom skateboard down on the floor, samba covered feet coming to rest atop, keeping it in place. a pair of hands reach out, fingers wiggling as if silently asking to see your work up close. you nod with a idiotic smile, carefully placing the gem in his palms.
“y’drew these?… this shit is… woah. got a lil’ van gogh on m’hands…” he praises, his ring-clad digits flipping through the pages as his curiosity runs wild. a soft hum leaves your throat, turning a couple pages to show him your newest work. oil pastels smudged and swiped perfectly into place, pen work underneath for guidelines, his eyes widening with amazement.
“not even close t’being like him… i jus’… draw sometimes..” you brush off his very obvious compliment, foot tapping against the train floor. he scoffs, fluffy hair moving with a shake of his head. no, he saw your potential, the possibility of you. reading people was his superpower.. apparently. “nah, there’s more to it then that… feel it in m’bones. never seen sumthin’ like this before..” you roll your eyes playfully at his words, taking the gallery back and shoving it in your bag.
after a few beats of silence, the small screen on the wall reads that your stop was up next, the conversation slowly coming to an end. the boy looks over at you, a gigantic light bulb going off in his head as he speaks. “yo… uh, y’should pull up to the skatepark.. tomorrow. the one downtown. screams you.. i can show y’the pretty art n’ all that..” he explains, a hint of nervousness laced throughout in his tone..
your eyebrows furrow at the invitation, not really sure how to respond seeing as you just met him 10 minutes ago. the train pulls into a stop, the automatic doors sliding open as you stand, gathering your things. “don’t even know y’name…” you counter, a grin peeking through that neutral expression you tired so hard to keep.
the mystery boy shrugs, a sly smile adorning his pink lips. “s’a good thing, right? now y’got a reason to lemme see y’again… tomorrow! don’t forget! ” he yells after you, his pink muscle running along his retainer as you rush to make the door, biding him farewell. oh, he was hooked. and there was no doubt in his mind that you were too.
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˖ㅤㅤ ֗ ㅤㅤ ࣭ ㅤ ⋆ㅤㅤ ۪ㅤ﹢ㅤ ࣪ ㅤ NOTES! guys, it’s literally 2:24AM, im running on mochi ice cream and a water…. my apologies if this is bad :((((((( i just wanted to introduce them to u guys asap bc i luv them so much and they mean the world to me…. okay baiiiii
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happy74827 · 4 months
And… Action?
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[Colt Seavers x Actress!Reader]
Synopsis: In which a minor… stunt caused the meeting of the stuntman himself who always seemed too busy, too focused, and too far away {GIF Creds: fleursial}
WC: 1121
Category: Mega Fluff, Suggestive Ending?
Why is there still so little of Colt?? I don’t understand it 😭
It wasn’t unusual for you to find yourself staring at Colt Seavers from across the set. You liked him, liked the mysterious presence he displayed. Sure, half of it was because you never had the courage to approach him, despite how friendly he was with the rest of the cast and crew, but he always seemed so busy. Plus, your character never needed to interact with the stunt crew so you didn’t have a reason to walk across the lot. And even if you had, your scenes wouldn’t have lasted more than a few minutes anyway.
However, when the very last scene of the day was called, everything changed for the better. You were moments away from leaving the set, having already said goodbye to almost everyone else, with the feeling you weren't going to see Seaver ever again.
Until he bumped into you, quite literally.
You let out a surprised gasp, almost dropping your script as you stumbled backward, but a pair of strong hands were quick to steady you by your arms.
"I am so sorry, miss… woah," he said as he looked down at you, taking in your face for the first time, his hands still resting on your upper arms. You felt yourself go red, suddenly unable to look him in the eye and instead opting for looking anywhere but.
"No, no, it was my fault; I should have watched where I was going," you said.
He shook his head and released his hold on you. "You’re… man, you are really beautiful," he said.
"What?" you asked, surprised.
"I mean—uh, you were really beautiful… out there! On set, you know," he corrected himself, and you swore you saw a faint blush form across his cheeks.
You bit your lip and finally found the courage to meet his gaze. "I appreciate the compliment."
"Yeah, no problem. How come I’ve never seen you around here before?" he asked, crossing his arms and tilting his head in curiosity.
That right there… it took everything in you not to melt right then and there. You could see the indentations of his biceps from under his tight-fitted jacket, the arm cross just amplifying them. It didn't help that you also just barely came up to his chest, which, while intimidating, also made him all the more attractive.
You swallowed thickly and averted your eyes. "Well, I never needed a stunt double, so…" you trailed off.
"Yeah, that’s fair. Totally get it, yeah." He clicked his tongue and nodded, looking away momentarily. Before you could turn to see what he was looking at, he squinted, looking back down at you. His hand peeled away from his arm to hover in front of you.
"Colt," he said, extending his hand. "Name's Colt Seavers… I’m kind of a big deal around here. You know, doing car crashing, rope climbing, cliff-diving stuff," he explained with a smirk.
You let out a small, quiet giggle as you reached for his hand, giving it a shake as you stated your own name. His hand was big, rough, and calloused, no doubt from years of hard work and training, but it was warm. A strong grip, but ever so gentle.
"I, uh, do the acting stuff." You repeated his words, and his smirk broke into a smile, one that nearly took your breath away.
It was then, looking at his smile, that you realized the opportunity before you.
You had to say something, had to tell him, and you weren't about to let this opportunity pass.
"I think you're pretty beautiful, too," you said, and that caught his attention, his eyebrows raising.
"You do?"
"Yes," you confirmed with a nod. "Out there… on set, I mean."
He let out a short laugh, his hands moving back to his pockets. He was sort of swaying, almost as if he wasn’t sure what to do, what to say. It was adorable.
Alright, you needed to do something. The fear of letting another moment like this go to waste was far too much. So many guys had slipped through your fingers because of your hesitance—a real shame, too, considering how most of them weren’t even remotely attractive.
But Colt, though…
"Listen, um… maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but would you like to—"
"Yes," his answer was nothing short of immediate. “Absolutely, yes… yeah hundred percent, yeah- yes… yes."
It took him a second, took him a long second, to realize you hadn’t even finished your question. His eyes went wide as fear evidently started to creep in.
"Shit, uh- sorry. Yeah, uh… yeah, I'm listening. You can keep going." He motioned with his hand for you to continue, and you had to suppress a smile.
Well, this is definitely promising.
"Maybe we could hang out sometime? Have dinner or something?" you suggested.
"Dinner, yeah- dinner is good. Dinner is… great. I love dinner. Dinner is, uh… dinner is great," he stammered, and you couldn't help but give him a small laugh, one that was cut off when his eyes went wide yet again.
"Sorry, I'm just… yeah, sorry, I'm just- I'm gonna… hey, can I get your number?" His question was followed by him digging into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone, which was cracked beyond belief. “Not so I can bother you or anything, not that I would- I mean unless you wanted me to bother you, I guess, which- no, sorry. Just, like, text you, I guess, yeah.”
Your eyes went wide at the state of his phone. "How does that even work?"
"I'm a pro. Just a quick swipe to the left and a few presses, and it works fine, see?" He tapped the screen a few times before opening his contacts, and he handed the phone to you. "Here."
"You know what? I'll just put it in my phone if that's okay," you said.
"Oh, yeah, yeah- absolutely," he said, nodding. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable, yeah."
You quickly punched in his numbers and sent a text, a small, simple message. One that escalated to where you were now, weeks after that dinner, his hands roaming your body as he pressed you against the door of your new and current trailer.
You should’ve known you weren’t going to run lines that day.
A stuntman running lines?
Yeah, right. He runs through scenes instead, and… this was definitely a scene.
God, how ready you were for that first take to start.
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[@kcisahoe + @adeesthetic] Since you guys asked so nicely, here’s another Colt fic!! There needs to be way more out there because he’s just so… 🤭🤭
For all you Tom lovers out there, don’t worry!! I didn’t forget about you. He’s in the works so I’m praying my work/study schedule aligns with me finishing it 😅
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boop-le-snoot · 1 year
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I just had this vivid scene play out in my brain. Dropped to my knees in a local chain grocery store, had to pretend I was grabbin the bootleg brand chips from the bottom shelf. I'm definitely normal about this. Yea, I'm so abso-fucking-lutely normal about this.
So what if I'm ovulatin'? It ain't me sittin' here clenching my fuckin' thighs, no ma'am, nu-uh. Even my predictive text talks like Daryl now- okay, I may have a tiny little problem. I hope I never, never ever get the chance to look Norman Reedus in the eye.
4.5k words. VERY VERY NSFW. Just sweet and a little rough monkey lovin' where Daryl enjoys something for the simple sake of it feeling good. A little undercooked plot-wise but the smut has been grilled to a perfect medium-rare, slightly juicy, collard greens and mashed potatoes on the side with the mushroom sauce. Two packs of cigarettes later (he owes my lungs an apology),
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Imagine you and Daryl going out on a - run, scouting mission, whatever - and hunkering down in a secure cabin for the night. It's summer, it's hot and stuffy inside, but luckily, the cabin has running water, even if it's ice-cold. So you wash up and apply some of the essential-oils-homemade-perfume-thing that someone at the community made for you.
You change into your PJs and come downstairs to amuse yourself til the sun sets completely.
He's smoking next to a crack in the boarded up windows and you, being on friendly terms, banter a bit and bum a cigarette off him. He doesn't mind when you use one of his knees to sit down. As you two joke, you ruffle his hair slightly, not missing the way his eyes narrow in pleasure.
That sparks a conversation about letting oneself to feel good things.
You say that it's different for women because they get judged for wanting to experience pleasure just for the sake of it and Daryl says he always thought it to be stupid. You say that he's not exactly the resident expert on that, which briefly makes his natural competitiveness overshadow his shyness and self-loathing.
Petulantly, he places your hand back in his hair and stresses the purring growl of pleasure as your scratch his scalp and let his moist tresses glide through tour fingers.
You laugh and say you're gonna braid his hair one day, in jest, and he growls back "yer pushin' yer luck, pretty girl," but his smile is hidden rather badly.
In revenge, you stomp out the cigarette and straddle his lap fully, attacking his head with a massage worthy of a spa parlour professional.
He grips your waist as his head hangs forward, a low rumble coming from his mouth as his nose comes that much closer to your neck.
Daryl takes a deep breath, and sensing you unbothered by it, says "ya smell good. like apple pie."
"Oh," he doesn't miss the slight hitch in your breath, "'member when I fixed up the 'lectric in number twelve? they paid me in some essential oil perfume they made. feels nice to... not smell death all day, every day. 's a nice change."
He nods, agreeing, remembering your strong feelings about doing some things just because they feel good. Not because it's useful or to survive, but just for a surge of happy hormones in your bloodstream.
Despite his best efforts to distract his body, one wiggle from you is all it takes for his excitement to be obvious. He freezes, but you adjust simply, politely, keeping your weight off his boner. Confused by your chill attitude, he lifts his head, forcing you to brush all of his hair out of his face.
Daryl feels vulnerable and exposed.
Your eyes slide down to his lips, once, twice, but you - just as stubborn as him - pick them back up. As he parts them to run the tip of his tongue over them in hopes of finding something to say, he notices it fully.
He notices the flush of your skin. His hands move on your waist, provoking another blink-and-youll-miss-it twitch of your fingertips and toes.
Gathering his ducks in a row, Daryl leans into you - your neck, not your lips, not yet - softly running the tip of his nose along your collarbone and up to your jaw.
"That feel good?" Voice gravelly low, it sends reverb through your chest.
"Yeah," you breathe quietly, your fingers in his hair shaking slightly. You lean more into him and that is all the encouragement he needs for the time being.
"Wanna make ya feel good," he admits, dry lips and scratchy stubble gliding along the length of your jaw. His breath is hot on the shell of your ear. "Can I do that, suga'-pie?"
"Mhm," you respond, his cheek now against yours - you rub into him gently, like a cat. The affectionate headbutt makes him chuckle quietly in his throat.
He continues nosing around your neck, feeling the muscles in your back and your thighs unclench one by one. You're practically on top of him, almost right there, over the throbbing erection in his pants, and he feels your control slip away bit by bit.
The flimsy wooden chair you two are sitting on creaks; Daryl doesn't place much trust in it. Planting his feet wide, securing his position, he inadvertently lands your cunt right over his cock. Both of you shudder and hiss at the contact.
The damn chair creaks again.
He curses under his breath, hands sliding down to your ass, hoisting you up and urging you to wrap your legs around his waist as he stands up, sending the raggedy chair clattering to the floor.
Your breath catches in your throat, your hands grab at his shoulders, kneading into the meat there. A few steps later, both of you land on the couch heavily; it creaks, too, but your legs have room and your body can finally relax against Daryl as you stabilise yourself on the surface.
He's panting, open-mouthed, looking at you with those stormy blue eyes, searching for something in your earnest, open face.
The corners of your mouth tug up.
He runs his palm over your back, settling on your nape to pull you into him. Your mouths connect; the kiss is slow and unhurried as you take the time to explore each other's mouths. There is no need to rush, no risk of being caught or ambushed; it really feels good. Following someone's advice for once, Daryl lets himself become utterly lost in the sweet kiss.
Your hands are in his hair, tugging softly every now and then, tipping the cup of him ever-so-slightly for short groans to spill into the kiss. Sometimes, you let your hands traverse the hills of his shoulders, the plains of his chest, fingertips poking around the collar of it.
It's overstimulating but at the same time, it's not enough. To give you a hint, Daryl timidly strokes the single bare inch of skin between your shirt and your pants, feeling the goosebumps even through the thick, calloused skin of his working hands.
The way your hips respond: restless and fluid, pressing into him just that much closer, prompts him to slide his hands further under your shirt, mapping the bony ridges of your spine. The skin along it is sensitive on any mammal, that much he knows, so he expects the twitch, expects the breathy moan leaving your lips; he revels in it, the kiss growing humid and sloppy.
Your hands slip into his shirt, finally, your warm palms on his hot skin. He's burning up inside out and you're- you're diligently adding fuel and accelerant to the fire. Blunt nails scratching over his uneven skin, you snag his bottom lip on your teeth as moisture gathers in the corners of your mouths.
The need for oxygen is strong.
Daryl inhales deep as he rests his forehead against yours.
Both of you are panting. Necking like horny teenagers, not a care in the world, no worry for tomorrow; it's near impossible to focus on anything else but the pulsating need at the spots where your bodies are pressed together.
It's all too much but neither of you want it to stop.
"Holy shit," your awed mumble causes Daryl to smirk lightly; as you shift in place, he swears he can smell how wet you are. His jeans must've gotten ruined by now, if not by you then by the weeping of his own cock.
It feels almost regretful to proceed. This exact feeling, if someone could figure out how to bottle it, would have people sellin' their soul for it, Daryl is damn sure.
It's the moment before lightning spears open the stuffy air of a muggy, stormy day. The millisecond before a heavily pregnant cloud gives birth to a solid wall of ice-cold rain; the blink of skies as they generously cool the overheated earth, filling up its parched cracks with invigorating liquid.
"Fuck," Daryl groans, tossing his head back onto the backrest of the couch, watching you through lidded eyes, "whatchu doin' to me, girl?"
You offer him a shaky, sheepish grin before your lust takes over your senses, pushing you back up to him. Your mouth connects with his neck, suckling, licking, nipping at the caramel skin there.
Daryl tastes of cheap soap and clear sweat, that musky scent of gasoline and leather unfurling into notes of pinewood and smoke as you nose deeper; right next to his ear, tickled by his hair, he smells and tastes like the best dessert at the carnival inside the town fair.
A little greasy and drenched in spices. You can't get enough of him. Opening your mouth, you stick your tongue out flat and lick.
Daryl groans. It's open-mouthed and loud. His hands grab your hips firmly, dragging you over the tent in his pants.
Both of you hiss at the friction.
Your knees wobble as your stance widens in an attempt to cover more surface are, to bring the feeling closer to your clit. There's at least four layers of fabric between your skin and his and it is something that is so sweetly, arduously annoying.
He pushes down again, harder this time, offering another delicious groan that you can't help but swirl in your mouth and recreate. The noise attracts his attention; Daryl watches you, watches your face, the flush on your chest, your heaving breasts. Like many men, he licks his lips utterly unintentionally when his eyes settle on your hard nipples.
Inwardly, you find enough clarity of mind to chuckle. Men and breasts nevel fail to amuse you when placed in close proximity. You push them outwards and his mouth is immediately right there, shirt and all, rolling a stiff nipple gently between his teeth.
The soft, damp cotton adds an edge to it; you feel your underwear slide over your cunt, the fabric absolutely saturated with your arousal.
Daryl's hands knead your ass as he takes in his fill of your breasts.
"That's, fuck," you pant, needing him to know, "that's really fuckin' good."
"Yeah?" He groans wetly before taking in as much of your breast as he can fit in your mouth; there's no finesse to it, just raw, unadulterated need.
"Uh-uh," you nod: his eagerness is what takes the cake.
Daryl tugs your shirt up; up and over your head and fuck knows where it flies, forgotten the moment his lips are back on one nipple, his fingers on the other. He rolls, he bites, he sucks.
Your breasts are wet with spit and sweat.
His breath ghosts over the damp areas, pebbling the tender bud to a state almost frigid.
You moan, loudly, wetly and openly. You gasp, you squirm, anything to quell the restlessness. It's like an army of fire ants trotting their primal, tribal dance under your skin, reducing you to a disoriented mess with a one-track mind. Your fingertips are pale where you hold onto Daryl in a feeble attempt to ground yourself.
He's smirking when he surfaces up. There's spit glistening on his chin, his lips are puffy, the deepest, most delicious shade of maroon. It's obvious the state of your undress and the intensity of your want is echoed by him.
"Feel good?" He has the audacity! to ask.
"Yeah," your response is lackluster in words but the tone and the pleading expression on your face conveys it all: your desire, your desperation.
With you on top of him, the only relief to your aching cunt so far has been provided by his bulge rubbing against your clothed slit. It's not enough, it's not even nearly enough.
Daryl's biceps bulge as he effortlessly lifts you up, "c'mere," placing you back-to-his-chest.
Your legs fall open on your own accord, hanging limply over his muscular thighs. The meat of his cock digs into the cheeks of your ass; you feel it twitch along with you when Daryl's thick palm cups the mound of your pussy in a gesture both tender and possessive.
"Fuckin' shit," his low mumble travels down the shell of your ear, "this all fr'me, sugar?"
"Yes," you breathe out as he slides his middle and ring fingers up and down your slit. There is no hiding it: your cunt had soaked right through your panties and the cotton of your pajama pants.
With some more maneouvering that comes unfairly easy to him (in your opinion), your pants join your t-shirt somewhere in the deepest pits of hell (a far corner of the room). The panties stay on and for that, you're grateful - a little - as the simplest, straightest of touches on the sensitive meat of your cunt feels like clear honey being poured over a-
Daryl taps two fingers at the top of your slit, right where you outer lips part to reveal your swollen clit.
"Fuck!" You yelp.
"So responsive," he mumbles. He sounds fascinated as he spreads his fingers, the rough tips gliding along the skin and the thick meat sliding over the soaked fabric. You quiver and he can't resist running his mouth, "that feel good?" His smirk is a little mocking, a little breathless.
Your resolve hops between strangling Daryl and begging him, the rabbit of your heart leaping in your chest, doing a binky when your lover shows you mercy by moving aside the sticky fabric covering your crotch. It immediately cools and you wince as it touches the hot flesh of your thigh.
Daryl's inhale is sharp, deep and loud as he dips the same two thick fingers inside your slit.
You're swollen and so wet, its practically dripping. Your clit twtiches under his fingers.
"Jesus Christ," he exhales his disbelief, "you like that, huh? This all for me?" The question proves to be rhetoric when the arm that holds you by your waist tightens on you and Daryl grinds his hips up into the small of your back.
The pitch of his voice drops impossibly low, "bet you taste sweet," as he scoops up some of the fluid, fingers snagging on the snug ring of your entrance, before bringing them up to his lips. He noisily sucks your cunt off his fingers, slurping, "fuck yes!"
Your eyes flutter shut as you cunt pitifully clenches around nothing, no doubt making an ever bigger mess between your legs and on his jeans. Your soft whine is an earnest compliment to the man doing his best to clean up your mess.
Daryl repeats the motion several times, scooping up the sticky droplets of your cunt juice, immediately sticking his fingers in his mouth.
You feel a little sad you can't see it, but your imagination supplements that which is lacking. You imagine his brow, furrowed; his eyes, closed; the tight 'o' of his lips around his fingers. Your cunt flexes again, spasming.
Daryl's reward for it is to circle your clit with a featherlight touch of a single finger. His breath is heavy as he reaches lower, same finger sliding to your entrance: not breaching it, just circling, like a predator circles its prey. He must have the patience of a saint.
You, however, do not. Your hips have a mind of their own as they arch into him, your cunt so empty, it practically hurts.
"Tell me whatcha need," Daryl orders, the low of his voice seasoned with a pinch of pride and a pinch of desperation, "tell me, sugar."
"Inside," you keen, out of your mind, "I want you. Inside." There's drool gathering in the corners of your mouth.
Daryl obliges, but not before lubricating the entirety of his thick finger by sliding it over the outside of your cunt, causing another loud keen to fall from your lips.
When he pushes in, you swear you could cry from the sheer relief of finally getting something for your hungry cunt to wrap around.
Experimentally, he drags his finger in and out, slowly, tense as he watches your reaction, before adding in another. To say they're big would be an understatement: long and thick and textured, it's everything your cunt has craved for the past some minutes. Daryl pumps them in and out as you pant through the new sensation, acutely aware of the loud squelches coming from your hole with every plunge.
Your swollen lips and throbbing walls attempt to keep him hostage with every pull.
Daryl curses, something completely unintelligible, his rough voice completely lost to lust. "Gonna cum for me, eh?" He breathes as the contractions of your cunt become quicker, more rhythmic.
Your neglected clit pulses, your nipples are stiff as rocks, your breathing is uneven and shallow. You couldn't find your voice even if you tried; you don't try at all, letting your body do the talking. You fuck back onto his fingers to the best of your limited ability to move as short, loud, primal noises choke their way up your throat.
The throb of his cock against the small of your back is what sends you over the edge.
Daryl's panting, whimpering himself at the unabashed state of your being; you don't think he realises it, even, his eyes set on your cunt gripping onto his fingers.
When it clenches for one last time, you arch, you paint the walls of the room with curses and whimpers that would make even a prostitute blush as more sweet slick drips out your spasming hole and onto his fingers. Your legs tremble as your entire body goes limp in Daryl's hold.
Soft lips rest on the crown of your head, hot, uneven puffs of air frizz your damp hair.
As your brain does a factory reset, you become hyperaware of the hard, thick flesh pressing into you; a stark realization comes over your being, washing your body in a new layer of shivers. Your cunt still tingles, still aches for more.
"Daryl," you mumble, feeling him go stiff and hot, his name like the sweetest honey on your lips, "I want you inside me."
He shudders, he pants, his cock twitches pitifully once again in his pants. The tight denim had provided some relief, enough to focus on you, enough to stretch the time a little bit more. But now, with your body warm and lax and fucked out of your skull, how could he resist?
He didn't want to resist. He wanted to feel good.
In your dazed state, it was easy for him to pick you up, bridal-style, and carry you towards the singular bedroom in the cabin. He grinned at the clumsy way you immediately reached out to him, tangling your fingers in his hair, placing sloppy kisses on the nearest inches of skin you could reach.
The whine you let out when dropped onto the cool comforter?
Daryl's cock twitched demandingly.
The man stood at the foot of the bed, admiring the view: you, blinking up at him, breasts moving with each shallow breath, feet on the comforer and legs bent at the knee, a hint of flushed, swollen pussy peeking out from the crooked gusset of your underwear.
This may not be heaven but it was as close to it as he'll ever get.
The buckle of his belt clinked, denim shuffled as it was left somewhere behind him- Daryl wasted no time dropping to his knees, using two strong hands to bring your cunt up and into his face. The force of his inhale made your sensitive pussy quiver, it was something that made him smile against the fabric of your panties as moved it aside once more - this time with his teeth.
"Oh, fuck!" You yelped as the broad, wide, flat expanse of Daryl's tongue licked messily up your cunt, hole-to-clit.
"Mmm," he groaned, "fuckin' candy apple pussy," taking another taste. And then another, and another until your skin was raw from the stubble of his beard and you were left in a shaking, whimpering, wet mess of a human. His face was drenched. "Messy girl," he chided in a soft mock as your cunt provided him with another gush of arousal, "ya like bein' messy for me, don't cha?"
"Uh-uh," you arched, your usually concise vernacular reduced to whimpers, groans and two-syllable words that barely made any sense to your own ears, much less anyone else's.
Daryl was like a wild animal, lapping up the liquid, uncaring of the mess he made of you and of his own face.
"Please," you fought with your tongue and finally, finally won, "I wanna- uhh," well, maybe not quite.
Momentarily, he withdrew, wiping the side of his face on the inside of your thigh, "you want what? Tell me."
In your state, he could have touched you anywhere and it would have reduced you to a mindless, blabbering mess. So you settled on the next best thing. Your hand, the one that was in his hair, tugged him up - or tried to.
Daryl's responding growl, the shift of his shoulders, the absence of a single hand on your thigh - you knew the tug had him palming himself through his boxers. Another, purposeful tug was given, another growl followed as he stood up.
You weakly pushed yourself up higher on the large bed.
In the dim twilight of the bedroom, Daryl stood, shirt soaked through and through with sweat; his chest heaved as damp strands of hair fell over his face. They were unable to conceal the glistening layer of you on his chin, neither they could hide the blown pupils of his stare. There was almost no blue visible in his eyes.
You licked your dry lips, forcing them to cooperate, "c'mere," your hands stretched out towards him.
Daryl crawled on the bed and over you, sitting between your spread legs. Obedient, he leaned into you, placing sloppy, damp kisses over your face as you wound your arms around his neck. The tent in his boxers hovered less than an inch away from your bare cunt.
"I need ya'," you breathed, tasting yourself as you licked into his mouth, hoping to convey with you body what you couldn't with your words.
"Ya sure, sugar?" Ever the gentleman, Daryl pressed his clothed cock over your bare cunt, ruining his underwear even further; his muscles flexed under your palms.
"Uh-uh," the heat, the feel of his thick cock backtracked any progress you'd made on getting your vocal cords and your brain cooperate. There was nothing but lust and saliva gathered in your mouth now, something that both of you shared during another slow, wet kiss. Your teeth clashed, your tongues ran over each other, all graceless and sloppy.
With one swift, ragged motion of his hand, Daryl shoved his boxers down and over his cock, freeing it from the tight confines; that action alone was enough for him to let out a grunt as the cool air hit his leaking, flushed tip.
The same tip that slapped against your clit, jerking your body and his.
"F-f-fuck," Daryl wheezed, fisting his cock at the base, running the tip slowly over your lips, your clit and down to your hole, "m'not gunna last for shit like this."
Just get inside me!!! You wanted to scream. Instead, you wiggled your hips, you squeezed his shoulders.
The fat head of his cock slipped in, slowly, steadily. More wet, sticky noises got lost in the growl coming from Daryl's gritted teeth.
Your cunt was sucking him in, all wet and hot and snug and constantly flexing, rippling as it adjusted to his size. The roll of your hips that followed was utterly unintentional, driven by the most primitive of instincts.
"Oh, sugar," Daryl grasped your hip tightly, holding it in place, "fuckin' shit. What're you doin' to me, woman?" His speech slurred.
All you could reply was a series of small breaths, 'ah-ah-ah's' with every inch of his cock sliding into you, until you felt his heavy balls pressed against your ass.
If your eyes weren't clenched shut, you would have seen the wild look in Daryl's eyes, the way they darted between the blissed-out look on your face and the root of his cock secured against the entrance of your cunt.
Slowly, he withdrew, hissing at the smooth pleasure of your wet pussy sliding over his cock, and then he slammed back in.
Your body curled, arched; a shriek left your lips at the sudden realization. You held onto him tightly, his shoulders, his arms; the sweet feel of his skin, slick with sweat, bombarded your senses, drowning you in that natural, masculine smell of him.
You babbled some nonsense, something about how good he felt, how he fit just right and so nicely, how he was so good to you-
"You're so good to me," Daryl objected, Daryl stated, "s'fuckin' sweet. My sweet, messy girl."
The words alone brought you closer to the edge as he hammered away inside your oversensitive cunt. In fairness, he could have flicked your clit just once, or even taken his mouth to one of your hard, throbbing nipples-
Daryl's need to feel you come, to clench and gush around his rock-hard cock was at the forefront of his mind, followed closely by awe at the way your body molded perfectly against his. The way your thighs quivered as they attempted to wrap themselves around his hips, the desperation in your grip on his shoulders.
"Fuck!" He cursed, teethering at the very edge of his orgasm, "come for me, pretty girl, c'mon," he urged, swallowing his own moans and gasps.
"I- uh," you, too were almost right there. The coil in your stomach at its most tense, it sent small tremors inside your cunt, shocks of pure, hot, liquid ecstasy-
That traveled down Daryl's cock. Like damn rings during a heated game of muckers, the spasms of your cunt collected at the root of his shaft, one on top of the other, until he could do nothing else but rut roughly, sloppily into the equally sloppy mess of your cunt.
He felt it. It began somewhere at the deepest part of you, squeezin' the head of his cock firmly and traveling all the way down his shaft, until each ring of pleasure popped, releasing his seed into you-
Throbbing, your cunt pushed and gushed, a flash of lightning zapping your clit as Daryl's pubic bone ground into it with force. A hoarse scream tore from your throat, your body curling inward with the force of your orgasm. Strong, heavy spasms of his cock shooting hot ropes into you lulled you into the aftershocks.
It made both of your bodies limp with exhaustion. The cord had snapped and tension finally leaked out, dissolving like smoke and fog into the open air.
Sweaty, sticky and hot, the two of you panted your relief onto each other's cheeks.
Your lips connected with the rough stubble on Daryl's. Hair hung over his face, obscuring your smile.
"Whatchu grinnin' at?"
Boy, did he sound fucked-out. All smoke and gravel and spice and everything nice.
"Feels good."
"Heh," he chuckled, the noise coming from somewhere deep within his chest, "sure does."
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billybob598 · 1 year
More Than You Know (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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All right! So this is a F1 reader x Leah fic requested by anon. Again any feedback good or bad is welcomed! I'm sorry if there's lots of f1 talk and some don't get it. I have another f1 fic coming up but other than that nothing else so, if people want to start sending me requests, please do! I'll get more into that later. Anyways, enjoy!
Word Count: 2.1K (That's what Docs said anyways)
Set at Abu Dhabi GP, end of 2023
“Hello everyone, and welcome to the final press conference of the 2023 Formula 1 season.” You fix your shirt as you settle into the seat. Max Verstappen, your teammate, on your left with Charles Leclerc beside him.
“Question for Y/N and Max, heading into the final race of the season the title battle is close between the two of you. What kind of mindset do you have for one of the most important races in your career?”
“To win,” Max says simply. All the reporters let out a laugh as you crack a smile.
“Y/N?” The guy who asked the question prompts you.
“Uh, well, I mean for sure to win is the goal but, trying to just stay calm and do what I’ve done for the last twenty-two races,” you explain. After a few more minutes of questions, they let you go. Walking through the paddock and into the Red Bull garage you can’t help but let your mind spiral. This was your first championship battle, this was Max’s third. You were only 22 years old, if you won on Sunday you’d be the youngest-ever F1 champion and the first-ever female champion. You knew you had to be a little lucky on race day, considering you sat five points behind Max. 
Entering your driver room you’re met with your girlfriend, Leah Williamson.
“Hey babe, what are you doing now?” She asks you, watching as you pace back and forth across the room.
“Track walk, I think.” 
“Okay, well I’m going to meet up with Alex in a couple of minutes so, I’ll see you later, yeah?” She presses a small kiss on your forehead. 
“Okay, yeah, see you later,” 
You loved racing around Yas Marina Circuit, it had just the right amount of technical corners and overtaking opportunities. You loved the lights and going underneath the hotel. Probably the worst part of it though, was the heat. Sitting in your car you feel like you’re going to die from the heat. Sweat just keeps pouring from every pore on your body, making your race suit damp. At the end of Free Practice 2 you were the fastest overall. This gives you a little bit of confidence, your race pace also seemed to be pretty strong so these were all good signs. Leah watches as you take your crash helmet and balaclava off, trying your best to fix your sweaty hair. You looked hot, and Leah was living for it.
“You’re drooling,” Alex, who happened to be right beside her, said. Leah shakes out of her trance enough to give Alex a light slap on the shoulder. 
“Whatever mate, if you had a girlfriend as hot as mine you’d be drooling as well.”
A couple of hours later, after all the media was done and the sponsor dinner was finished, you and Leah finally were able to settle into bed. Leah’s arm draped over you and her head nuzzled into your neck. She was just about to doze off when you spoke very quietly into the darkness,
“Would you be mad at me if I didn’t win?” Of course, Leah knew you were nervous, who in their right mind wouldn’t be? But, for you to think that she would be angry with you if you finished second? That was terrible.
“Of course not, love, I’d be sad for you, sure, but mad? Never.” This seems to calm you down a bit, and soon enough you both are sleeping soundly.
“Good luck kiss?”  Your favourite blonde questions. It was a tradition in your relationship, whenever either of you were participating in a sporting event you had to make sure you kissed just before it started. 
“Of course,”  you say with a smile, not that she can see it. Your helmet already on with your visor up so she can see your eyes. Leah kisses where she imagines your lips are, you can’t help the dopey smile that comes across your face, the squint of your eyes making it obvious what you’re doing.
Leah watches on as your car pulls out of the garage and onto the track. After making it through both Q1 and Q2 easily now comes the biggest test, the top 10 shootout. Your banker lap for Q3 is solid, only six-hundredths of Max’s time and you know you can improve. As you cross the line to start your second flying lap you feel the adrenaline rush through your veins. Every turn of the steering wheel, every push of the pedals, and every G against your body feels just right. Heading into the final sector you know you’re going faster than your first lap. Crossing the line, your entire body relaxes as you hear your engineer over the radio,
“Okay mate, that’s P1 so far, P1 so far, but Max is yet to cross the line.” You wait anxiously for Max to finish his lap. Leah feels her heart sink as she sees Max’s name move above yours on the timing screen. 
“For fuck’s sake, fuck this shit, honestly,” you say over the radio.
“It’s okay Y/N, points come tomorrow,” your engineer replies.
“You’re right, you’re right, let’s get them tomorrow.”
Leah gives you a hug when she finally sees you after all the media and post-qualifying traditions.
“You did great love, don’t be too hard on yourself,” she says sweetly. You sigh, knowing she is right.
“Mhm, I’m not that happy but I’ll get over it. I think right now all I wanna do is go back to the hotel and cuddle with you,” you mutter with a little pout. Leah finds this adorable. So, when you guys do get back to the hotel she cuddles with you until you fall asleep, only hours before one of the most important races of your life.
When you wake up you feel the nerves settle inside of you. Leah tried her best to get you to eat something before your race. Abu Dhabi was a night race so, you still had the whole day ahead of you. After going through the pre-race meetings with your engineers you feel pretty confident in the strategy for today. As you walk around the grid with the music in your headphones blasting you see your girlfriend walking towards you. Slipping one side of your ear so you can hear, you give her a questioning look. She never usually comes onto the grid before races, why would she now? 
“I just wanted to wish you good luck,” Leah says kindly, “I know you’re nervous, but don’t be, you’re gonna smash it out there.” Your heart melts at her consideration.
“Thanks Lee, I’ll do you proud I swear,” you say, looking at her with what can only be described as heart-eyes. 
“You already have, more than you know,” she smiles at you, giving one last kiss on your lips before heading back to the garage.
A couple of minutes later, you’re sitting inside your car mentally preparing yourself for the race. The entire formation lap your mind is blank, trying your best to not overthink. As you park in your grid slot as close to a billion people watch with their breaths held.
“And it’s lights out and away we go for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix!” Crofty exclaims into his microphone.
You get a good start drawing alongside Max heading into the first corner, but he pushes you wide. As the pair of you continue to the first of two long straights, you follow closely behind him gaining a slipstream. When you enter the braking zone you decide to go for a dive bomb, getting your elbows out a little to barge past your teammate and take the lead. 
“She can’t fucking do that, mate. She pushed me off the track,” Max voices to GP.
“If Max has a problem with that, then he can cry in a crib, that was clean.”
As the race gets past halfway done, both you and Max had made pit stops, while also exchanging the lead of the race multiple times. Leah had about chewed her entire nail off watching. She was nervous as hell, she could feel something bad about to happen, she just knew it in her gut. 
You once again closed up to the rear end of Max with DRS. As you got close enough to pass you slightly jerked out to the left before cutting back to the right, effectively dummying him. You were on the outside heading into the sweeping left-hander of Turn 9, you tried your best to give him space, but he completely misses the apex and rams into your front wheel/side of your car. Your neck whips to the side as you try to keep control of your car. 
“What the fuck was that?! What a fucking idiot, I gave him shitloads of space! Is there any damage on the car?” You are pretty much yelling into the radio. The anger you’re feeling showing through your choice of words.
“So, major front wing damage we are going to have to box. Box, box.” Swearing under your breath you pull into the pit lane for new tyres and a new front wing. Stopping on your marks you sit there for what feels like forever before finally getting the green light and getting back on track. Leah knows you are fuming but she also knows that you’re very good at turning that anger into motivation. She readies herself for a wild end to the race.
“Okay, so the gap to Max is 30 seconds.”
“Just leave me alone, I know what to do,” you say sternly.
For the next 24 laps, you put in of the most impressive comebacks in F1 history. Closing the gap a little bit each lap. You fully catch up to him on the final lap of the race. The entire world sits on the edge of their seat as you stick right up to Max’s gearbox for the majority of the lap. Entering the final sector, you find the gap to stick your nose down. Making an unorthodox move down the inside into Turn 12. When it becomes clear that you stuck the move your side of the garage goes crazy. Leah screams, thinking it is too good to be true. As you head around the final corner, the Red Bull mechanics hang off the side of the fence cheering and yelling as you cross the finish line. 
“She’s redefined motorsport as we know it, and as she crosses the line Y/N Y/L/N is CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!” Crofty shouts. 
“YOU” VE DONE IT MATE! YOU’VE DONE IT! GOOD LORD!” Your engineer screams back at you. You start to cry as you go around for your celebration lap. When you park in front of the number 1 sign you take a minute inside of your car to collect your thoughts. Finally, you get out and stand on top of the car, raising your arms in celebration. You jump down and start sprinting to your team. After receiving multiple hugs and slaps on the back, mixed with a varying range of screams and yells, you decide to look for your girlfriend. Looking around you spot your favourite person on Earth and make a beeline for her. She pulls you into a bone-crunching hug, tears streaming down her face. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you, more than you know,” she says tearfully. You give her an award-winning smile before moving to take your helmet and balaclava off. You surprise Leah when you connect your lips in front of God knows how many cameras. 
“I’m a World Champion Lee, a World Champion.”
“I know Y/N, I know,” she giggles at how excited you look. After completing the post-race interview you make your way to the podium.
“And your Abu Dhabi Grand Prix winner and 2023 World Champion, Y/N Y/L/N!” 
The crowd and paddock below you roar as you make your way onto the podium, pumping your fists with joy. Stepping onto the top step of the podium, a sense of relief washes over you, everything you’d worked for this entire season, your entire life basically, had finally paid off. You take your cap off when your national anthem plays and begin to scan through the crowd until you meet blue ones. You give her a grin and blow her a kiss. She returns it. When you are finally handed your first-place trophy you raise it high with a little yell. After the rest of the podium is handed their trophies, you get to your favourite part, the champagne. Spraying it in every possible place, you can’t stop the stupid-looking smile from taking over your facial features. When the celebrations seem to die down a little you look over at Leah, mouthing,
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” she mouths back.
“More than you know.”
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sillystargirll · 1 year
Drunk and Fucked
You are drunk and fuck Ghost and Johnny
cw: alcohol consumption, intoxicated sex, smut, double penetration, reader insecure, reader is fem."
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"I can't I can't...my liver is already messed up" you responded as you enter the lounge area and lay on the couch Gaz and Price decided to head up to their rooms calling it a night.
It was supposed to be a night to relax at the pub and grab a drinking Drinking but what do you expect when Soap challenges you to a drink off. You and Ghost sat on the couch side by side. your legs up on the couch and leaning against the couch.
"Remind me to never challenge j-johnny to drink." felt a blush rise to your cheeks and you groaned ever so lightly. The alcohol in your system makes an aching sensation in your side and makes your thoughts go over the place.
By the time you turned your attention to Johnny, he had gotten Gaz and Price up to their rooms and sat down beside you. "I could go for some rose wine right bout now!" you threw your hands up ever so gently and touched your cheeks.
"Y/N! your drunk and if you do that you gonna have a nasty hangover bonnie" Johnny turned towards you and ghost. you were surprised to see ghost still stick around he wasn't a social type but if came down to pubs he would tag along.
"W-who cares w-we have the day off tomorrow!" you leaned over to him and poked his cheek. Ghost shifted his weight and hummed as he watched you giggle.
He looked at Johnny as you talked about the many reasons why drinking more leads to a nasty hangover which you didn't care.
Y/N had a drunken blush over her nose and cheeks and your hair lazily shoved into a bun. The black dress you wore came down to your mid-thigh and was pushed up farther with the way you were sitting.
Ghost was the first one to initiate any type of contact, he moved his fingers along the hem of your dress and traced it gently. It sent shivers down your spine and you turned to him. you watched as his fingers traced her thigh and touched some of the scars that were underneath.
"You're gorgeous, y/n..." Ghost mumbled under his breath and his rough British accent just made everything hotter you raised your hand to your mouth. you never thought in a million years you would hear a compliment from him especially since he's a very closed and reserved person.
"Oh...hm..thank you.." you felt another hand touch your side and you looked up at Soap who looked down at you with half-lidded eyes.
"Oh...uh, I...Ghost..." you mumbled gently and closed her eyes, trying to slow your breathing. Ghost's hand slid under her dress and his hand gripped your thigh causing you to bolt your eyes open.
As you looked up from his hand you felt lips touch your own and you slowly fell into them. The kiss seemed rough and a hand touched your chin and pulled you more into him. you moaned under his mouth and the hand on your waist slid up your stomach and came right under your breast. Ghost mouth pulled from yours and you whined but then your head was turned to Soap and he kissed you, this time soft and gentle, unlike Ghost's.
Ghost moved to his knees on the couch and slowly moved up her dress farther. Soap pushed her back into his chest and also sat on his knees as Ghost moved her legs as well.
"Ah~ guys...I..I.." you breathed out looking up at Ghost and seeing the hungry look in his eyes. "Is this okay?" Ghost asked with his fingers still in your dress.
You couldn't find the words and Johnny lifted your head to him. "Come on, bonnieee...answer him." He whispered into your ear and you hummed and blushed.
"On...the couch?" you asked in a whisper and the two men looked at each other. Before you knew it you were being picked up bridal style and moved over to Ghost's bedroom and set down on her feet. Before she could officially speak she felt lips on her own and a body being pressed into her back.
She stood on her toes to kiss the male in front of her more as she felt lips touch a sensitive spot on her neck and she moaned. "Such pretty moans...god you're beautiful.." Shouta mumbled into her mouth and as he did the zipper against her back slowly came down.
"Ah..w-wait. My...I..." This time your face grew hot in the embarrassment of being naked in front of the men, especially your lieutenant. you felt the cold air hit the scars on your back and you whimpered.
"Yes, love?" Johnny lifted your head to him and you shifted just a little as your hands sat against Ghost's chest.
"Your scars are beautiful, luv" Ghost kissed your hand and you looked at him. "Your body is soft Bonnie..." Johnny whispered into her ear as his fingertips scaled the opening part of your back feeling the large slash-shaped scar that placed itself in the middle of your spine.
"Are you okay lass..? May I..?" Johnny asked and she nodded. Ghost gently moving your chin to his face. "Use your words" he brushed his thumb over your lips.
"Y-yes..." you said and soon the rest of your zipper came down and your dress began to pull off your shoulders.
Ghost pulled the top of your dress down and off of your arms. The long sleeves had covered the scars on your arms and you looked away from him.
"I-I'm sorry...they're everywhere I..." you bit your lip and both men pushed their bodies into you embracing you into a hug. "Don't be sorry, bonnie they're beautiful. Just like you.." Soap released hot breaths against the scar that elongated on her neck and she shivered.
Johnny put your hands onto his and held them upwards and to the sides as Ghost moved his lips along her body. He kissed your neck, your collarbone, and down to your chest. Grabbing the front clip and undoing it, Johnny grabs it from your shoulders and drops it.
Ghost placed his lips on your breast and you whined and felt goosebumps through your body. Johnny raised your arms higher and you squeezed his hands feeling an aching sensation between your legs.
Johnny placed his lips onto hers as Ghost's tongue curled around her nipple and his free hand slid your panties down your legs and slid his hand between your legs.
"She's so wet for us Johnny...so beautiful" he looked up at Johnny and trailed and kissed up her neck. "Do you like this, luv? Having two men ready to stuff you? To fill you?" you whined at the thought and rubbed your legs together as his hand circled over your slit.
"No no, legs open." He whispered and forced your legs to open with his knee. "your thighs look so good." He mumbled and kissed down your chest and stopped at your stomach.
"Hmmm, Simon...let me show her what my tongue can do.? Will you moan for me, my bonnie?" Johnny rubbed his cheek against you and you nodded.
"Yes...yes..." your hands were let go and Ghost snaked around behind you and sat on the bed, your back to his chest and his hands wrapping under her knees, pulling them upwards. Johnny interlocked his fingers with yours and you felt your chest heave.
"J-Johnny...p-please..." you mumbled and tightened your grip on his hands and he only kissed the top of her thigh and hovered his mouth over her. His hot breath making you whine and press your body into Ghost more.
"Focus on me my love, just me." you sucked in a breath as his tongue slid up and down your slit and the way his tongue slipped inside of you made you throw your head back with a jolt. This gave Ghost an opening he removed his lifted baclava and started making a hickey on her open neck.
The feeling of Johnny's tongue moving against her made her legs shiver and the feeling of the tip of his tongue swirling around your clit making you whine out loud.
The warmth had shot up your spine and into your head and cheeks, the feeling quite new to you. You had never received like this ever in your life and you weren't expecting this to feel the way it did.
With his hands locked with yours and his tongue working inside of you vigorously he had only felt the inside of his jeans become tighter and his mind washing over with thoughts of different positions to put you in.
He widened his tongue and licked slowly up into your clit and you jolted with a certain coldness. "J-J...Johnny...cold?" you breathed out in a huff and you glanced down at Johnny who poked his tongue out and you saw a glint. you totally forgot he had a tongue piercing .
You let out a curse as he circled your clit a couple more times with it and sucked your clit until you let out a choked moan and dig your nails into Johnny's hand making him form into your entrance and licked the remains of her first orgasm.
Took a bit but...you got it, lass." He first kissed Ghost and pushed his lips deeper into his and bit his lip,. Johnny went down and kissed you. your body shaking from the orgasm that flowed through your body.
You watched as Johnny peeled off the rest of his clothes in front of her and Simon slowly let her legs down and his hands went to cup your breast, playing with them and pinching your nipples.
You could feel his length pressed against your back and you whined at the rough attention your breasts were getting. Johnny grabbed your hands and pulled you up to your feet and placed his lips against yours and held your naked body close to his.
Ghost watched the interaction and palmed himself through his sweats. He turned you around to where your back was now to his chest and you watched Simon reach into a drawer and pull out two condoms, handing one to Johnny and putting one on the dresser.
You could feel him slide against your ass and you whined turning her head. "Do you...have to wear one..." you mumbled and his eyes widened.
"Aw...Does our good girl want to be bred? You'd like being bred like the slutty little thing you are..." you whined in response and grind your ass into Johnny"s cock earring a groan from him.
"Fuck...It. No condom." He breathed against your neck. He leaned you against Ghost and he wrapped his arms under yours and around your neck as your arms went around his and you pressed your lips into his. your face growing hot and between your legs becoming needy again.
"So pretty my little Bonnie. Fuck you're so ready for me. Yeah..." he let out a deep-throated sound and pushed his painfully hard cock into you causing you to raise on your toes and let out a deep whine into Ghost's mouth. Your one hand falling from his neck and pushed onto Ghost's clothed clock.
Ghost groans and slowly your hand began to press against him as Johnny started to move in and out of you from behind. The feeling of you being filled put her mind in a haze and you felt your lips falter against Ghost's and you could only lean your head on his shoulder and let out throaty moans that left your mouth open. You could feel Johnny pull back and leaving the tip of his cock in you and forcing himself back into you making you let out a cry of ecstasy.
Johnny's moans came out loud and grated and his mind went white feeling close and chasing his orgasm. He placed one of his hands right at the top of your hip from your back and gripped it tight and forced two more thrusts into you before cumming.
"Ah' fuck! God! You're so fucking sweet Bonnie!"
"J-J...J-Jo...Johnny..." Your legs seemed to give out as he was still inside of you and stilled your body. You felt him pull out and his cum mixed with yours slid down your thighs and soaked thighs.
"Mmm, my turn..." Ghost lets you lean against him as he managed to slip his clothes off along with his mask, You were shocked that he took off his mask, but you couldn't help but stare at him he was so beautiful a perfect humane specimen. He slid his hands right under your ass and lift your body onto him. Your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
You felt Johnny close in on her back and your head was tilted to the side and you heard soft moans from the two men and watched as they kissed each other passionately. You watched them and squeezed your arms against them, feeling both their cocks on your body.
You had once again become needy and whined feeling the lack of attention. " Does our Slutty girl want more? Already so needy and wanting to be filled again huh?" Ghost moved her face to his and you bit your lip.
"Such a pretty girl. You're such an amazing woman." "Slutty Girl." "Good girl..."
The praises and degradation filled your ears and the last comment was followed by Ghost's cock shoving into you. "Ah!" you shouted and pushed your head back. your body was moving in a fast motion, unlike the way that Johnny moved. your body jolted with each movement as you were being held by the two men and you let out sobs your arms began to loose around his neck.
"Come on, take your Lieutenant cock. Fuck you're just like a pretty girl getting her hole filled. You like that?" He teased you and you could only groan in response.
"Yeah, that's what I like to hear." His arms grew tighter onto you and he gritted his teeth as your walls tightened around him and it made his thrust stutter.
"F...fuck." He mumbled and dug his fingers into your sides. "You're doing such a good job taking his cock. Cum just for him like you did me okay?" Johnny whispered into your ear and you whined with a nod.
Ghost groaned and reached his hand down between them and started to make circles against your swollen clit and you gave a low-pitched moan soon you felt tears prick your eyes and you leaned your body against Johnny and he tightened his body against you.
"Come on, cum for me girl. Fuck...goddamnit." you jolted again and let out a whine and Ghost grunted and stopped his movements.
"You did...so good...so good..." Johnny felt his legs shake themselves and slowly made their way onto the bed. Johnny is on the bed with your back against his and Ghost laying on top.
"Bonnie...mmm my girl...one more round?" Johnny whispered into your ear and whined. Ghost pressed his chest to yours and raised your face to his.
"Pretty fucked out girl, you can take one more round? Both of us? Would you like that?" Ghost whispered into your ear and you shivered into his arms.
Ghost reached into a small drawer and pulled out a small tube and poured the gel into his hand, slathering it all over Johnny"s cock and onto your ass. The cold feeling soothing your body for just a second before Johnny"s cock started to push into your ass.
"J-JJohnny...fuck" you cursed out and gripped onto Ghost's body as he started to push into your front as well.
Johnny's hands came up and gripped both of your nipples as pinched them and rolling them between his fingers as he forced his hips upwards into yours at a gentle and steady rhythm along with Ghost doing the same. your legs hung gently in the air as Ghost held himself to the most he could with his hands propped onto the bed with her also pulling him down to your chest.
Johnny"s feet fell flat onto the push surface of the mattress and began to move his hips faster and rutting into yours as Ghost's knees dug into the mattress and forced your body down with each of his thrusts into yours.
By this time You had felt a strong fog push into your mind and your body could only respond with multiple orgasms. your tongue hung out of your mouth just lightly mans your nails started to bleed Ghost's back and your moans uncontrollably loud.
"Gh, Gh ,Gho...John...nny...Ghosttt.." you felt many more Orgasms wash over you and soon you felt both of the men pressed against you to release inside of you one more time.
Johnny moaned and catching his breath of the aftermath of his orgasm
 he looked at her face, it was read. Sweat rolled from Her forehead and she had a fucked out look on her face that told them everything.
"Did...did you have a fun lass?" Johnny kept you encased on his cock as Ghost was still on top of them both. "Hmmm" you groan as you respond as your eyes started to flutter.
"Look at you all...all...fucked out. Fuck..." Ghost slowly pulled out of you and watched as his cum drilled out of you only for Johnny too. Setting your back on her side and laying in front of you with Ghost at the back.
"Feel good?" Johnny cuddles close to you and she wrapped your arms around him and her gaze turned behind him. "Mmm.." Ghost wrapped his arms around yours as well.
"s-so what now"." Johnny was able to chuckle out a groan. Ghost was not amazed and neither was Y/n, nonetheless, they couldn't talk anything about the exhaustion.
"We...talk...about this...morning.." your body ached and you could only feel the fog of sleep going into your body and soon you dropped into the most exhausted sleep you could ever think of Ghost second then Johnny.
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mostly-marvel-musings · 6 months
So Inappropriate
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A/N: Alright, you guys wanted it, here it is. This little ficlet based off of the video that’s got our Stark Squad all riled up. Leave a comment, heart or reblog if you enjoyed it.
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut-ish fluff. There is a significant age gap between the reader and Tony (say 20 years?) Also the reader is Bruce Banner’s assistant.
Word count: 1896
Tony Stark Masterlist
You were just about done arranging the equipment in the lab when you heard the door slide open.
“Dr. Banner, I’m done for the day unless you need me for anything else!” you called out without glancing up, not realizing the person who had walked in certainly wasn’t your boss.
“Dr. Banner has left the premises for the day, Miss Y/L/N. But I might need you for something.”
Tony Stark made an appearance, his signature smirk adorning his face as he traipsed in closer, his walk oozing all sorts of confidence and authority. Of course, your face did very little to hide the blush that creeped up, heating your cheeks in an instant.
Why did this man have such an influence on you? You’d never know.
Well, not exactly. It was pretty obvious. The genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist had this effect on most individuals. His natural charisma and intimidating presence was all wrapped in an impeccably trimmed-goatee-bearing handsome package. The guy was senior to you. Much senior. But there was something about him that always drew you in, an impish charm that was all too endearing, his commanding aura that compelled you to behave. Almost challenged you to confront your deepest, darkest desires.
“Earth to Y/N?” he snapped you out of your reverie, making you accidentally knock over a set of beakers kept on the platform.
Cursing under your breath, you bent to pick up the shattered glass as did Tony, resulting in your head banging against his, further adding to your embarrassment.
Just great!
“Careful, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Tony murmured, taking the shards of glass from your hand as Dum-E, one of his bots zoomed in to sweep it all away.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. I–I’m sorry.” you fumbled, wincing as you saw you an angry drop of red ooze out of your finger from where you had evidently cut yourself.
“Ah, you poor thing. C’mere.” not awaiting a response, Tony clutched your hand and brought it to his lips, gently sucking on your index finger all while his eyes bore into yours.
A part of you wanted to run away from the scene like a scaredy cat but, the other part was completely rooted to the spot. Not daring to move an inch, as if if you did, your little daydream would break. Your cheeks probably burnt with the heat, and you could feel your pulse rush to the part of your finger that was currently in his mouth, smarting. His tongue soothed over the cut softly, sending tingles of desire down your back, the moistness between your legs increasing with his little action.
He is your boss. Not exactly but he built this place. He was your boss’s best friend. These thoughts were quite inappropriate.
Almost as quickly as it began, he let go of your hand, his touch still lingering strong as you cleared your throat, watching his bot whir away from the scene.
“Thank you, I think. Um. For your help.” you stared at your feet, unsure what to do next.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them in your bag, very aware of the fact that Tony and signature smirk were following your every move.
Why was this man allowed to have this effect on you?
You stopped right by the door, turning back to face the man who hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? You said you wanted me for something?”
“Right! Well, we have a charity, inauguration, felicitation, something here at the Tower in two days. I wanted you to come.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at you intently as he waited for an answer.
“Oh! Are–are you sure?”
That was a surprise. You had been working with Dr. Banner for a better part of a year now however it had always been strictly professional. You were aware of the many, many galas and events that took place, you were just never a part of them. Until now.
“Yeah. I’ll have Big Green send you the details. You can bring a date. Or not.”
He winked cheekily, walking up the stairs right next to you before the doors slid open once again, gesturing you to go first.
Needless to say you were flabbergasted. A rush of excitement brought a pep in your step as you headed home, going through your wardrobe in detail and what could be a Stark-party-worthy outfit.
Tony’s eyes scanned the room, eager to find you in a sea of impeccably dressed people. He couldn’t shake you off from his thoughts. Not for a while now, if he would admit to himself.
His curiosity grew ever since he saw you for the first time, entering the lab and giving Bruce Banner a shy smile, eyes locking with him and holding his gaze, almost unable to look away. He sensed you were nervous, it was cute. It made his cock stir. He could not remember the last time he felt this way. You were a young, smart, vivacious thing that was too young for him, and yet he couldn’t resist you.
Not that he tried. You drew him in right from the start.
Tony had found you chatting animatedly to your boss some time later. You looked stunning in the floor-length number you had decided on. Your features were beautifully highlighted with the hair and make-up you’d chosen.
His wish to have you closer had been fulfilled as the party warmed up, people sat around in groups, drinks in their hands while conversation flowed. Of course, the Avengers had a favorite corner they had gathered at, the center of attention being the one and only, Iron Man. He was awarded a trophy for his philanthropic work earlier which now sat in his lap proudly, an almost phallic-shaped glass that had his name etched.
“I can’t be the only one thinking this.” Tony smirked, holding the award against his crotch and earning collective groans from the crowd around. The action brought warmth rushing to your cheeks, your wildly imaginative mind pictured him doing that to his member, letting out soft grunts.
“You alright, Miss Y/L/N?” Your attention was captured by someone standing next to you, pointing to your dress.
Unknown to your preoccupied self, the filled glass of wine you held had tilted enough to spill on your dress.
“Oh God! Shit!” you exclaimed, turning a few heads your way as you grabbed a few tissues to blot the spilled liquid as much as you could. The darker color of your dress masked the big stain that had probably formed.
It was hard to miss Tony’s piercing gaze as he gave you one of his lopsided grins, clearly giddy with the reaction he had hoped his stunt would achieve. If anything, one fact was becoming clearer by the day.
Your attraction towards this man was increasing and it seemed he was equally interested in you too.
It had been a hectic week, you sighed and leaned back against your chair, closing your eyes for a moment as your exhausted body relaxed momentarily. You couldn’t wait to get home and soak your butt in a hot bubble bath.
With the events of Ultron, there had been extra work load that you had volunteered to help out with at the Tower. You didn’t mind, of course. It meant spending a lot of time with the Avengers and a particular one at that too. Tony spent hours, sometimes days holed up in the lab, working with Bruce and yourself.
It was almost impossible not to be distracted or turned on by his presence there. To see him laser-focused at work, fingers gliding over keyboards and holograms in front of them as he paced about the space. It was all too hot.
Shutting your computer for the day, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the lab. Tony had retreated back to his floor some time ago and had promptly forgotten his phone on his work desk. It rang with a start, catching your attention and making you walk back in to grab it.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to bother the billionaire genius in his home since there had been multiple occasions where Dr. Banner asked you to summon the man whenever he got a lead on Ultron.
The elevator dinged to a stop, the doors opening to his grand living room that offered a view of New York people would kill for. His bedroom door seemed left ajar as you made your way over, stopping in your tracks as you heard a muffled groan.
Curiosity got the better of you as you sneaked a look inside his bedroom, not able to stop yourself as the sounds increased.
You felt your mouth go dry at the sight before you. Tony lay on his bed against the pillows, eyes scrunched up, pants undone., soft sighs leaving his lips as his hand moved up and down on his erect cock.
It felt so wrong to watch him pleasure himself in the privacy of his own home and yet so right, you felt yourself blush at the sight. It was like you were unable to look away, he had his fingers wrapped around his shaft, moving at a steady pace as you saw precum leak at the tip of his head. His pretty, thick lips were parted while his chest rose and fell, eyes shut in ecstasy.
You were about to peel your gaze away from the scene when you heard a faint whisper of what you thought was your name.
“Oh Y/N..” his breathy moan sent desire to pool right between your legs, a part of you still processing the whole thing while the other wanting to push that door open and join the man or perhaps help him finish.
His thumb swiped across his red tip before the pace of his strokes increased, his pants echoed in the room while you felt your entrance clench around nothing, desiring the very man who was masturbating while thinking of you.
You were sure your panties were ruined by the time Tony’s hips jerked and you saw him climax, ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling on his hand and lower abdomen. That had to be the hottest thing you’d seen in your life.
You definitely needed to take care of yourself after this, that bubble bath was going to be an elaborate one. His softened cock still lay open for your eyes to feast on, his cum scattered on his body begging you to be licked clean.
Your thoughts came to a standstill when the phone you held in your hand rang terribly loudly, interrupting the little moment. Your scramble to hide or run was rendered useless when Tony glanced outside and saw you.
“It is rude of you to just stand out there and watch, Miss Y/L/N. So inappropriate.”
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sashaisready · 5 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 2 -Feet on the ground
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
No specific warnings in this one (apart from Biker!Bucky of course). Some brief references to grief. Sorry it's on the shorter side, just need to set up our story. Thanks to all who have reblogged/commented, it means a lot!
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You sipped your drink as you told Bucky all about granny and moving into her house. He nodded solemnly as he leaned on the bar and listened intently, the depth of his attention surprising you. You didn’t expect him to be so easy to talk to. Behind you, Wanda and Vis were very obviously pretending to be chatting, while clearly eavesdropping on your conversation.
“Oh yeah, she was a nice lady. I’m sorry for your loss,” Bucky told you with sincerity after you’d finish the whole tale. “She was a tough old gal”.
“Uh, thanks,” you replied quietly, not realising until now what an emotional gut punch it still was to talk about her. “And yeah…she was”.
You cleared your throat and changed the subject. You cocked an eyebrow and looked at him curiously.
“So…what’s your deal?”
He grinned, “What’d you mean?”
“You know,” you pointed to his kutte, “all this. You’re one of the top guys, I guess? I’m sorry, I don’t really know the lingo…”
“I’m the President” he smirked and pointed to one of his patches, clearly a little amused by your ignorance.
You peered over at the fabric square. “Mm. So, what, you drive around town on your bikes causing mayhem and throwing darts at women’s butts?”
“Something like that, yeah,” he laughed. “But mostly we’re here, or at the auto shop across town”.
“Busy, busy” you teased. “I’m sure its all legitimate and above board…”
He winked. God, what a dangerous wink. You instinctively knew that wink had ruined lives.
You both exchanged a small smile.
“You’re not afraid of me, huh?” Bucky teased.
“Should I be?” you boldly shot back.
He grinned. “No. But a lot of people are”.
“Well…your aesthetics aren’t super warm and fuzzy”.
“No…guess not”.
You continued to sip your drink as you tried to fight off the nagging voice telling you to back off. God only knows what he gets up to when he’s not at the bar or fixing cars or at whatever other business fronts they had. You didn’t need another dangerous, no-good man in your life…You were only supposed to sort the house out, live quietly for a little while and then leave. Not get embroiled with the locals, and certainly not with the President of a probably criminal motorcycle club…
…and yet…
“So…you working while you’re staying here?” he asked curiously.
“Mm. Maybe. I have some savings. And thankfully the mortgage at my grandmother’s place is paid off, so at least that’s one less thing. But I might get something part time to keep the lights on”.
Bucky smirked and held his arm up to the bar behind you. “Work here”.
You laughed. “What? Yeah, good one…”
“I’m serious. You need extra cash. We apparently need some help here after you tore my poor bartender apart. So why not? Sounds like you have some experience…”
“I do yeah…but…”
“But what?” he asked, a hint of interrogation in his voice.
“Well, I was thinking more like a coffee shop or delivering pamphlets or something. Not working nights with drunks…”
“Oh, but we’re friendly drunks. Plus, the regulars tip well,” he pushed. “You can spend the days working on the house and then do a few evenings here until you move on. It’s perfect”.
You frowned. It was pretty perfect, actually. You thought about protesting, but as you looked back at Bucky’s expression you immediately understood that this was someone who was very used to getting his own way.
“You’re not gonna drop this, are you?” you asked.
“Nope” he responded, popping the ‘p’ and shaking his head.
You sighed, chewing your lip with hesitation.
“Will your club mind? I mean…they don’t know me. All they know is I yelled at one of them”.
“Eh. Everyone yells at Parker”, he shrugged. “You’ll fit right in”.
You frowned, then looked back at him suspiciously.
“But…Why are you doing this? You barely know me. I might be a serial killer for all you know…”
He chuckled. “Well, I’ve met a lot of bad guys in my time, Sugar, and trust me, you get pretty good at figuring people out. Plus, I get it, grief is tough, and your grandmother lived here all her life and was a big part of the community. And you’re her family. We do look out for one another here; this is our home after all”.
You blinked in surprise, not expecting that answer. Your sceptical side half believed he just wanted to get in your pants, but he sounded sincere regardless.
You looked over at his group who were laughing and drinking jovially, then across the room at the wide range of clientele. You’d certainly had worked at worse places.
Sighing, you turned back to Bucky. “Well…fine. Let’s do it. But I’m not wearing booty shorts or anything ridiculous for a uniform”.
This coaxed a belly laugh from him. “No…only the male bartenders wear those,” he quipped. “Jeans and tees are fine. Maybe a flannel if you really wanna mix it up”.
You nodded. “Okay, I can do that”.
He smiled back at you sweetly, but a hint of something edgier lay beneath. The way he eyed you made you feel…exposed. Like you were a doe caught in the crosshairs. It wasn’t unpleasant, no, in fact it made your lower belly surge, sending a wave of butterflies through you.
“Welcome aboard, Sugar” he grinned.
You smiled back, once again knowing full well you were treading into dangerous territory...but unable to stop yourself.
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miniwheat77 · 7 months
Lavender. (Ghost x Reader.)
!Cute, Simon being protective, blood, military stuff, you know the deal. No minors!
I went with lavender because the colors on here are limited. This is not edited. This was a request and you can find that here.
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Lavender is the smell that Ghost awoke to that morning. His head pounded and he felt a dull pain in his abdomen. He didn’t understand what was going on or where he was. He was just about to start pulling the cords off of himself when you came in, clipboard in hand. “Hey, you’re awake.” You smile. Ghosts lips part slightly. He can still feel his balaclava on his face thank god. You’re very stunning. “Who are you?” He asks. “My name is Y/N. I’m a combat medic. One of your mates said you’d been shot and called for evacuation, we were the closest military base.” You smile. “They uh.. they took your mask off but I put it back on. It might be a little crooked.” You laugh. “Thank you.” He’s quiet. “Hey LT” Soap appears behind you. So that’s who called for evac.
Lavender makes him think about that military base with you. He’s always drawn back to you, night and day. He doesn’t know where the smell came from, maybe from somewhere outside or an air freshener of some kind. But anytime he smells it, he thinks of you. He thinks about how sweet and gentle you were. Reassuring him. You helped him fix his mask, adjusting it on his face and he let you. Not flinching away as your fingertips brushed across his face. Johnny watched as it happened. His eyes looked up at you as you adjusted it. Johnny couldn’t believe it.
Lavender happens to be the color of fabric he’s got in his hands when Captain Price tells him that there will be a new medic joining them on base. A little birdie told Captain Price about how well you had done and how you would make a great part of the team. Johnny smiled when he heard the news. Watching Ghost stiffen. Ghost couldn’t believe his ears. You would no longer be a memory, but a constant in his life. Ghost feared that he would get attached and something would go horribly wrong. But the smell of lavender in the morning seemed to soothe him of all of those concerns.
Lavender is where he dreams of you. He sees you walking through the massive field of purple flowers. When he’s daydreaming about you on base, eyes following your every move, he can’t help himself. You would look so pretty. Anytime he sees the color or smells it, you invade his mind like a plague. When you officially start, you approach him first. Asking him how he’s doing, if he’s recovering well. Getting enough rest, drinking enough water. Johnny can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. Usually Ghost has dark, harsh eyes. But when he looks at you they soften and he’s got adoration behind them.
Lavender is the smell of the air freshener he sees you setting down in the watch tower. You’d been filling in for Soap and you were complaining about the smell, how everything always smells musty and old. He finally understands why the smell follows you everywhere you go. “It’s not my favorite scent but it’s far better than what we’re working with now.” You mumble. Cracking open the little pot. It’s clearly meant for a car. “They sold them in bulk at the store by the other military base and it’s the only kind they had. I was desperate.” You smile. “It’s not so bad.” He mumbles. He watches you in adoration as you move around the watch tower, tidying it up. The more you were around, the harder he fell.
Lavender fills his senses everywhere he goes. He hovers around you like a lost puppy all the time. He notices a few things about you. Like how your socks are lavender and sometimes when your bra strap pokes through your shirt when you lean just right is also purple. He doesn’t know if it’s your favorite color. But it’s what he uses to associate you. You’re tidying up the infirmary when he finally decides enough is enough. You’re folding sheets when he approaches you. “Y/N?” He asks. You turn around and don’t have even a second to react before his lips are on yours. When he pulls away and doesn’t have his mask on, you’re in complete shock. Your lips are slightly parted and your eyes are wide. He cups your face and makes you look at him.
Lavender is the color of the outside of the card Johnny sends you. It’s got purple flowers and a purple background. He’s upset he missed it, but he was there in spirits. Military doesn’t always allow for time off. You use a magnet to stick the congratulatory card to your fridge. “Too bad he missed it, hm?” You turn to look at Ghost. “Ah, he’ll be here soon enough. When he’s off we can’t get rid of him.” Ghost laughs, pulling you into him. He takes another look at the wedding ring on your hand. “We’ll go out for drinks and he’ll forget all about it.” You laugh. He leans in to kiss you.
Lavender sheets are what your baby lays on. The entire task force watches over her in her crib. Mesmerized by the fact that the Lieutenant now had a baby with the girl that saved his life all those years ago. They watch her sleep peacefully. Seeing a new life when all they see is death is a blessing they’ll never fully get to appreciate. “Congratulations you two. I’m glad we were able to fly out to meet her.” Captain Price smiles. You smile back and he gives you a hug. “She’s so precious. I just can’t believe it.” Johnny looks over her. Sniffling as he tries to hold back the tears, but he’s losing. “You’re such a sap Johnny.” Ghost laughs, patting his back. “Of all of the people I expected to end up together you’re who I least expected.” Gaz laughs. Seeing Ghost wrap an arm around your back. Pulling you closer to him. “Yeah. It’s crazy how things ended up huh? Gotta say I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” He laughs.
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lianaloverr · 6 months
I Wanna Be More Than A Friend/Drunken Confessions
Pairing: Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Colby have always had some tension between your friendship, but one night and a party, a drunken Colby confesses his desires.
Warnings: fluff, drinking, smoking, kissing
Word Count: 1.2k
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Hiiiii! I’m so sorry i haven’t posted a fiction in a while! I hope y’all still with me! Anyways sit back and enjoy!
“Hey girl you almost ready?” your friend Alexia said from down the hallway. “Yea! I just gotta put on my earrings.” you say.
You and your friend Alexia are getting ready to go to a party set up by your best friends Sam and Colby. You’ve known those since you guys were 16 and still are stuck together till this day. However, you and Colby have chemistry together. Everybody knew had a crush on each other but just never wanted to admit it. Honestly you couldn’t deny you had feelings for him, but u never thought he liked you. You liked him very much, but you didn’t want to ruin the seemingly perfect you guys had if you got rejected.
A tap on your shoulder knocked you out of your thoughts and it was Alexia asking you if you were ready to go. “Girl, you ready to go?” she said. “Mhm yea.”
Colby’s POV
“Hey Sam! What time does the party start again?” I yelled out. “9!” he yelled back. “oh crap I only have 20 minutes to get myself ready.” I say. As i’m getting ready, Sam walks in the room. “Ooo getting a little fancy i see?” Sam says as i’m putting on my rings. “umm i guess so.” i say kinda confusing knowing damn well what i was doing. “Yea.. I know and i’m pretty sure everyone else knows who you’re getting all dressed up for.” Sam says in a suggestive tone. “Uhh who?” i ask. Sam just looks at me like i’m stupid, then he walks out.
I acted clueless but i knew exactly who he was talking about. Y/n has been my best friend and Sam’s since we were 16. We always stuck with each other through thick and thin, she was by our side when Sam had his car crash, she was by our side when I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and made my first song, she was there for most of ur heartbreaks and basically everything. Of course we were there for her too, but we wouldn’t trade her for the world.
She’s amazing. She’s beautiful. She’s helpful. She is quite literally the most perfect girl i’ve ever met. I can’t lie, i’ve had a crush on her for a while, but never expressed it due to fear of rejection, then our friendship be ruined. “Hey Colby, party’s about to start.” i hear Sam say but he walks out of the room before I can look at him. I guess I should start heading downstairs.
Y/n ’s POV
You and Alexia start pulling up into the house’s driveway. Just looking at it for the 1000th time makes you even more proud of your two best friends for how much they worked for it over the years. You see your friend Clara sitting outside smoking a cigarette. Once you get out the car you go over to her and ask her how she’s doing. “Not so great, my boyfriend just broke up with me.” she says. “Oh really? I’m so sorry to hear that girl.” you responded. “Yea, i’m glad I was invited to this party so i can keep my mind off of it. Thanks for bringing it up again.” she looked at you. “Sorry girl.” you say as you walk into the house.
As you step into the house you see a bunch of strobing lights and loud music playing. “Hey girl i’m gonna go find some cute boys, wanna come with?” Alexia says to you as she passes by. “Mm nah. I’m gonna go look for Sam and Colby.” you tell her. “Mkay babe, i’ll be on the dance floor if you need me.” She says as she walks away.
As you walk through the hallways that are drowned in red solo cups and burnt cigarette ash, a guy walks up to you. “Hey, your really pretty, wanna dance?” since you had been looking for Sam and Colby for a while, you thought it would be nice to take a break. “Uh yea, sure!” you say to the boy. He walks you out to the dance floor and you start dancing. “So, what’s your name?” you ask. “Leo, you?” he says. “Y/n.” you respond. “Pretty name.” he comments. As you and the boy are dancing, you can’t help but feel a little bit guilty. You had your eyes on one boy only but it felt like you were giving it up so easily with this dance. Even though you doubted he liked you back, you swore up and down you could see Colby from the corner of your eye, and he looked… jealous? “Hey, i’ll be right back.” you tell Leo. “Oh, okay.” he says.
As you start looking for Colby since he disappeared, you bump into sam. “Have you seen colby?” you ask the blond haired boy. “Oh i think he went upstairs, and hi to you too.” he says. “Sorry, hey sam.” you say as you hug him, he had the smell of alcohol all over him. “see you’ve been having fun.” you tell him. “Oh yea” he laughs. “Well i’m gonna go find Colby, see ya later.” you say. “Adios!” Sam says and you chuckle.
As you walk upstairs, you hear the music dying down as you head further. Upstairs, you check every room to find Colby, but he wasn’t there. The last room you didn’t check was the game room. When you walk in, you see a Colby downing bottle after bottle. “Hey Colby! Are you trying to kill yourself?!” you say as you take the bottles away, including the one he was drinking. “Why do you care?” Colby says slurring his words. “Of course i’m gonna care, you’re my best friend.” you tell him. “I wish i was more.” he says. “….. What?” you ask. “You heard me.” he says. “Colby, you’re just drunk.” you say, not believing him. “No, I know exactly what i’m saying. Y/n, i’ve been in love with you since.. forever. You so perfect and much too good for me. You’ve just always been there and it makes me fall even harder.” he confesses. “.. Colby.” you whisper. “What i’m trying to say is, I wanna be more than a friend.”
You flutter your eyes open as you see sunlight flooding into the room. as you yawn and think about what happened, you turn to the other side of the bed and see a passed out Colby shirtless and hair ruffled up. As you sit there admiring him, he wakes up and looks at you. “What happened last night?” he asks in a deep, sleepy voice. “Drunken confessions.” you respond. “What?” he says. “Colby, i like you. Scratch that, I think I love you. you everything I need in life and i think we would be the perfect coup-“ before you could finish, you feel a soft pair of lips land on yours. It feels like heaven, but the heaven doesn’t last long when he pulls away. “Y/n?” he says. “Hmm?” you ask. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks you. “Of course Colby.” you respond. When you say that, he grabs your hips and pulls you to spoon him. you lay like that until you both drift back off to sleep.
Hiii! I hoped you liked my story! I’m sorry it took so long for it to come out, didn’t know what to write about a love story lol. Thank y’all for sticking with me. Byeeeee!!!
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