#ultimate energizer
ccg4s · 1 year
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Fresh VSL, Monster Converter, Ultra Optimized Upsell Funnel. Get Up To 90% Commissions On Front & Back End Sales! New Affiliate Area, Swipes & Tools! Crushes On Fb And Cold Traffic With Insane EPCs on Survival, Green, Home, Garden and more.
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hajihiko · 11 months
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The polycules are falling apart
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
majima + melissa /more curious if anything xd
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child . accepting
Name: Natsuno Majima (JP: 真島 夏野). Gender: Male. General appearance: Majima's legacy is undeniable - Natsuno has very straight, dark hair, almond-shaped eyes and the facial bone structure of his father, not to mention a certain ease to gain muscle and eventually growing to be as tall as Majima without any struggles. He keeps up with the overall body frame as well - not too bulky or too strong like other Tojo legends, but more on the nimble and lean side like Majima at his peak. Melissa's contribution is more in the sense that Natsuno's eyes are lighter than his father's and that he smiles just like his mother - it is the same way to curve lips, really. Personality: Absurd levels of charisma - Natsuno has the social skills of a politician with the charm of a playboy and the ability to talk himself out of trouble unlike anyone else. Carefree, easy to laugh, fast to crack jokes and always surrounded by friends and, of course, girls, Natsuno's popularity is frankly astonishing. He flows like water and adapts to any environment without effort - it is almost as if he channeled the combined energy of his parents and made something of his own with that. Between a former yakuza and a niche hostess, neither Majima nor Melissa were that readily accepted anywhere as their son seems to be. Special talents: Natsuno is very good at bluffing - and consequently a pretty damn good card player (and more than decent at a number of more traditional games which Majima has taught him). Apart from his parents and very few people, it's almost impossible to win against the kid, really. Natsuno is also agile and good with rhythm, making him a good dancer much to the delight of his mother (who has a partner at every family gathering occasion). Who they like better: Melissa, for a very peculiar reason (because his mother really IS the scary parent, no matter what these rumors about a 'mad dog' may say) - Natsuno and Majima have a very similar energy and their personalities may clash rather loudly at social gatherings. Both of them like attention, have a flair for dramatics and enjoy engaging with others, so they may annoy each other sometimes. Melissa, on the other hand, approaches human connections differently and in a way that doesn't conflict with Natsuno's expansive nature. Because Majima and Natsuno are so weirdly alike in some ways, he prefers his mother so there is a more evident contrast there. Who they take after more: Definitely Majima - it's clearly his kid in both looks and personality, however people will often remark that while Majima can be intimidating or just labeled as being off his rockers when he smiles or laughs in a certain way (deserving the 'mad dog' title), Natsuno doesn't share that vibe - he's classical charm and amusement, which is precisely what draws people in and makes him so damn popular. He definitely doesn't dress as flamboyantly as Majima, though; Melissa clearly had a hand in how he formed his wardrobe. Personal Headcanon: His favorite music style? Disco. And he means it! Natsuno is absolutely fascinated by the disco era, maybe because it was booming when his parents met and worked together, but he just enjoys everything about that era: the lights, the sequins, the colors, the addictive rhythm and the choreographies. He's had more than one thematic birthday party and is an avid vinyl collector of that period. Faceclaim: Ross Butler.
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gitzette · 7 months
Discover how the Energizer Ultimate U660S is revolutionizing the mobile world! ✨ With its foldable OLED display, powerful MediaTek Helio G99 processor, and cutting-edge dual camera setup, this smartphone is setting new standards. Dive into innovation and affordability in one sleek package. Your glimpse into the future awaits. #EnergizerUltimateU660S #MobileInnovation #TechNews
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ibupr0fendolll · 3 months
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
#1; low cal drinks
thirst is commonly mistaken for hunger during the fasting period, so here are some low/0kcal drinks that aren't just plain water to indulge in during your fast (guilt-free):
- black coffee (a good appetite suppressant. adding no calorie sweeteners will improve the taste)
- diet sodas/zero sugar sodas
- plain tea (opt for freshly brewed)
- ice cold glass of lemon & cucumber sparkling water
- electrolyte water (you can make these at home or purchase in-store, these will keep you energized and provide nutrients if you're doing a longer fast)
- flavoured mineral water
- black coffee & redbull (probably tastes disgusting, but gives you an excellent energy boost when desperate times call for desperate measures)
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#2; still bored?
if you're tired of these options in their liquid form, try using an ice cube/ice lolly mould to turn these into refreshing popsicles for hot summer days. it'll be a fun activity to get your mind off food, and a much more stimulating experience for your taste buds. freeze for 6-8 hours and they're ready!!!
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#3; low intensity exercise
make sure you're partaking in frequent exercise to keep the hunger and fatigue at bay. here are some examples of what you can get up to that doesn't put so much strain on your body:
- walking
- yoga
- meditation
- gentle stretching
- pilates
working out before or after your fast is always better than during. if you get too ill/tired, you may be tempted to break it
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#4; keeping your mind off food
fasting might mean you have more free time on your hands than before. the key is to stay busy so your mind doesn't wander off and you stay focused on your goals! here are some ways to do that:
- picking up a new hobby or learning a new skill
- tell yourself "i'll eat it later", this tricks your brain into reducing the immediate urge you have to eat the food, and gives you time to think about the consequences of eating it. by the time "later" comes around, you won't want it anymore
- watch a movie with an actor/actress with your desired weight
- create a th1nsp1r@t!on board on pinterest
- make a reward list (obviously with no food) for when you lose a certain amount of weight/complete a certain no. of fasts
(credit; @bxbblegxmbxtch17)
- buy yourself a piece of clothing in your desired clothing size (whether it's for your 1st gw or ultimate gw) and hang it in full view when you're working out/fasting to remind yourself why you started in the first place
- journal!!!
- read a book
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#5; breaking your fast
DO NOT pig out after your fast is over. that is still binging whether you have it all in one go or not. opt for more nutritious and lighter meals so as not to undo your progress and to slowly build back your tolerance to foods after a particularly long fast, such as these:
- grilled chicken salad = ~290KCALS
- quinoa and roasted vegetables = ~275KCALS
- strawberry oat smoothie = ~280kcals
- mixed vegetable stir fry over rice = ~255kcals
- lentil and tomato soup = ~200kcals
(note; these are just approximates and completely depending on your serving size & what ingredients you use)
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that's all i have today :) let me know what you think! i hope these helped, you got this doll ♡
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neil-gaiman · 3 months
Thought this might be fun. Context: I was with my boyfriend this morning, we’ve been together for more than two years and circled around each other for an embarrassing amount of time in our teens, we met as competitors, Physics Olympiads. Now, we both have some very specific kind of almost opposite personalities. Quite literally night and day, and the fact is reflected on our clothing, I always dress in black/dark grey/burgundy, jeans and blazer or shirt, he tends to wear almost always light colours and shades of blue/khaki (I mockingly call him “blueberry porridge” at times), shirt and pullover or simple tees. We found out about the existence of Good Omens right after S2 was released, since in our department at Uni (Physics) our colleagues, probably also thanks to my customary round shades and partially dark red hair, started referring to the two of us -to me in particular- in a very peculiar manner you might have an idea of. We had to watch the series and read the book. We discovered our colleagues were far more right than it seemed (it’s positively creepy). It became our main source of entertainment. There have been plenty of such conversations, and fights came to an end exactly like this, but the scene that happened this morning was so spontaneous on his part that had me laugh particularly hard so here I am sharing it.
I came back from a small walk, threw my sunglasses on the lectern I have in my room and kicked off my shoes as I usually do. He glared at me as he usually does when I act like that (he’s the “untie your shoes one at a time, loosen the laces a bit and neatly put them near the bedroom door possibly on the same tile” kind of person). This time he added “You see, we couldn’t possibly have children, you’d teach them all the wrong things, you savage”. And I answered, sarcastically and without thinking too much about it “THEN you’ll teach them the good ones so we’ll cancel out and they’ll grow up normal”.
We silently stared at each other for a good 5 seconds. And then he just shouted “HARRY THE RABBIT” and energically waved a towel he was holding in my face.
My life has been a fucking storm till some time ago, and now it’s almost 8 months of it being like this every day. Seriously, thank you (also for the disastrous first kiss. We can relate, for surprisingly analogous reasons, but that’s a bit too personal to share online. What I’d like to say is, even with so many people not liking that part, we ultimately rebuilt our trust in each other thanks to it). Now I have my daily dose of “Get thee behind me foul fiend” every time we try to get through some door at the same time. And every time he says that he lets me get through it first, and I get to give him an annoyed “when-are-we-growing-up” look we both know is as phony as a three-dollar bill.
My heart has been warmed.
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chingyu1023vick · 1 year
Zodiac Signs Mod
✨ Zodiac Signs have minor effects on personality and can affect Social Compatibility & Autonomy between any two Sims!
**Base game compatible.
**Compatible with all my other mods.
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The social compatibility pairings and sign descriptions originated from Sims 1 and 2
Addon to assign Zodiac Signs based on current Seasons/ randomly when a Newborn Baby aging up to an Infant
Cheat to pick Zodiac Signs manually (All Ages)
Cheat to let the game determine a Sim's Zodiac Sign based on their personality traits (Child+ Ages)
Social interactions to share Zodiac Signs info/ learn other Sims' Zodiac Signs (Child+ Ages)
Addon to pick in CAS mode and display as Personality Traits to show up in other Sims' info panels.  (Child+ Ages) Please notice that using this addon will take up a personality traits slot (out of six default personality traits for adult Sims if not using mods to give more personality traits slots.) 
Without the addon, zodiac signs are by default GAMEPLAY traits that won't take up a personality traits slot and won't display in other Sims' info panels.
Gives occasional low-intensity +1 moodlets relating to zodiac personality. 
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Signs Descriptions & Minor effects 
Each Zodiac Sign can have minor effects on moods, autonomy, and relationship gain rates. No intrusive buffs. Sims now get occasional low-intensity +1 moodlets relating to zodiac personality. (Only available to Child+ Sims & when Sims are not in very negative moods)
♈️ Aries (March 20 - April 20)
Dynamic and confident, most Aries never shy away from the opportunity to strike up a conversation with anyone. However, they can be somewhat impulsive and quick-tempered.
Mood: Angry x1.2; Confident x1.2
Autonomy: Social autonomy x1.25; Angry autonomy x1.1; Hotheaded autonomy x1.2
Buffs: Angry/ Confident +1
♉️ Taurus (April 20 - May 21)
The typical Taurus is strong-willed and determined. That can often mean being determined to have a good time.
Mood: Focused x1.25; Uncomfortable x0.9
Autonomy: Fun autonomy x1.05; Focused autonomy x1.1; Foodie autonomy x1.2
Buffs: Focused/ Happy +1
♊️ Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Youthful and lively, many think Gemini has enough energy for two. Also energized by conversation, it isn't surprising to find them bouncing from one topic to the next at parties.
Mood: Energized x1.25; Inspired x1.1
Autonomy: Social autonomy x1.2; Fun autonomy x1.1; Energized autonomy x1.1; Inspired autonomy x1.1
Funny social priority +1; Romance social priority +1
Buffs: Inspired/ Playful +1
♋️ Cancer (June 21 - July 23)
There is nothing extreme about Cancers—they are very balanced. They can also be very changeable which can be good or bad depending on the situation.
Mood: Angry x0.9; Fine x1.1; Tense x0.9
Autonomy: Family-oriented autonomy x1.2
Social Buffs decay faster x1.2
Buffs: Fine/ Happy +1
♌️ Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The ultimate "people" people, Leos are complete extroverts. Unfortunately, this makes them deficient in other areas.
Autonomy: Social autonomy x1.3
Friendship gains faster x1.15
Skills gain Social x1.1; Creative x0.95; Mental x0.95
Buffs: Confident/ Energized +1
♍️ Virgo (August 23 - September 23)
Modest and shy, introverted Virgos take pride in their meticulous and practical approach to life. Unfortunately, these same traits can result in a very fussy individual.
Mood: Focused x1.25; Tense x1.2; Uncomfortable x1.1
Autonomy: Social autonomy x0.8; Neat autonomy x1.2
Funny social priority -2
Buffs: Focused/ Tense +1
♎️ Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Romantic and charming and incredibly sociable, it's hard not to like a Libra. However, their social pursuits leave them little time for more practical endeavors.
Mood: Flirty x1.2; Focused x0.8
Autonomy: Flirty autonomy x1.1; Romantic autonomy x1.1; Social autonomy x1.1
Romance gains faster x1.15
Romance social priority +2
Buffs: Confident/ Dazed +1
♏️ Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)
While somewhat withdrawn from social activities, Scorpios are forceful and determined in more practical pursuits.
Mood: Fine x1.2; Focused x1.2
Autonomy: Social autonomy x0.85; Focused autonomy x1.2; Bookworm autonomy x1.2
Buffs: Confident/ Focused +1
♐️ Sagittarius (November 22 - December 22)
Jovial and carefree, Sagittarians are also blessed with boundless energy. Unfortunately, this combination can make them restless and careless.
Mood: Energized x1.2; Embarrassed x0.9; Tense x1.2
Energy needs decay x0.95
Autonomy: Fun autonomy x1.15; Energized autonomy x1.2; Hotheaded autonomy x1.2
Buffs: Energized/ Happy +1
♑️ Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Armed with a dry wit, Capricorns can often be found telling a good joke. Also being very practical, they strive for order and discipline.
Mood: Focused x1.2; Playful x1.1
Autonomy: Focused autonomy x1.1; Playful autonomy x1.2
Funny social priority +2
Buffs: Fine/ Focused +1
♒️ Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Friendly and amusing, Aquarians are excellent companions. Being well-balanced in other areas helps to make them the most agreeable sign.
Mood: Playful x1.2; Happy x1.1
Autonomy: Happy autonomy x1.1; Good autonomy x1.1
Funny social priority +1; Friendly social priority +1
Buffs: Happy/ Playful +1
♓️ Pisces (February 18 - March 20)
Selfless and kind, Pisces are one of the nicest signs. They're active too. However, this combination can make them emotionally restless and indecisive.
Mood: Sad x1.2; Energized x1.1; Inspired x1.2
Autonomy: Gloomy autonomy x1.2; Sad autonomy x1.1
Friendly social priority +2
Buffs: Happy/ Inspired +1
Social Interactions
Sims with any of the Zodiac Signs can "Ask About Zodiac Signs". Located in Friendly ---> Small Talk. Actor Sim will learn about Target Sim's Zodiac Sign.
Sims with any of the Zodiac Signs can "Enthuse About Zodiac Signs". Located in Friendly ---> Interest. Target Sim will learn about Actor Sim's Zodiac Sign.
How to give Zodiac Signs to Sims
Four ways to add zodiac signs to Sims:
1) Auto-assign Zodiac Signs based on Seasons/ randomly when a Newborn Baby aging up to an Infant
2) Assign Zodiac Signs based on a Sim's personality (vary greatly) (located in Action menu, Child+)
3) Pick Zodiac Signs in GAMEPLAY mode (located in Action menu, All Ages)
4) Manually Add Zodiac Sign in CAS mode with Addon (Child+)
When you click on Randomize Likes and Dislikes in CAS mode, it will generate one Zodiac Sign. It won't be saved after you exit CAS mode if you have already picked Zodiac Sign for your Sim.
With chingyu_addon_ZodiacSignAutoSwitchVersion installed, it will auto-turn the infant/toddler version into the child+ version when a Toddler Sim aging up to a Child.
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Autonomy: More social autonomy towards compatible signs; Less social autonomy towards incompatible signs
x2.3 toward attracting signs; x1.5 toward the same sign
x0.5 towards incompatible signs
Compatibility (Main Module): Attracted To +3/ Complementary (The Same Sign) +2*2/ Repelled by -4
Compatibility (Stronger addon): Attracted To +5/ Complementary (The Same Sign) +2*2/ Repelled by -6
Compatibility (Subtle addon): Attracted To +2/ Complementary (The Same Sign) +1*2/ Repelled by -3
👑  View Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart HERE
🧡 Download HERE Now!
Public Access: Sept 3
🔆 Changelog in August 2023 HERE
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missgudpuss · 1 year
rich!older!ellie x uni!student
fem. reader, 18+
rich!older!ellie who finds joy in showering you with extravagant expensive gifts. From surprise weekend getaways to high-end gadgets and luxurious brands. Ellie loves to see the delight on your little face;
rich!older!ellie who bought an entire new apartment near your university and transformed a cozy corner of her luxurious penthouse into the ultimate study oasis just for you;
rich!older!ellie knowing your tied schedule due to university, arranges for a personal chef to prepare healthy and delicious meals. This ensures her spoiled girlfriend stays nourished and energized despite her demanding schedule;
rich!older!ellie surprises you with spa retreats and wellness weekends to help you unwind and destress from the demanding university routine;
rich!older!ellie who has the biggest car collection in the city that range from classic to modern pieces and made sure to make out with you in each one of them;
rich!older!ellie who loves to undress you piece by piece leaving you just in your Bordelle panties while she’s fully dressed in her expensive Bottega suit;
rich!older!ellie who has you all flushed just from some kisses and touches;
rich!older!ellie who has you folded on her lap with your red, aching ass in the air printed with large and cruel handprints;
rich!older!ellie who drags your undies to the side, spits on your pussy and inserts two long fingers, making you whine at the feel of her long, deep and lazy strokes;
rich!older!ellie who has you all plastered and a bumbling mess after overstimulating you for one hour straight;
rich!older!ellie who massages your sensitive soft mound of flesh, promising to buy you the whole world if you just drop out, marry and give her an heir.
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bubblergoespop · 8 months
My Top Milo Quotes
i wanna devour this man so bad. the original version of this is at least triple the length omfg. @mrsmiagreer it’s finally here <3
“From one pretty face to another.”
“Bedroom? Oh. Ohhh. [gremlin giggling]”
“Cute?! You’re gonna come here, into my home, uninvited, and tell me I look cute when I’m mad? First of all sweetheart, you’re damn right I’m cute—“
“Jesus Christ who taught you how to do healing magic, a construction worker with a jackhammer?!”
“Me and Ash give each other shit all the time. He calls me a runt, I call him a bitch bottom, we laugh, we move on.”
“Cuddled up with you, in front of a fire? That’s a one-way ticket to sleepytown, USA, population: this guy.”
“I do not spoil him! Well whaddya want me to do? He’s my lil guy.”
“I swear to god, if I’m lyin I’m dyin, he looks him dead in the eye and says “if concerns about the future of your relationship with Amanda are weighing on you too heavily, I’m sure I can get by with just Milo and Asher here.”
“Are you Lasky?”
“Touch me and your life will be measured in milliseconds. I can see myself out.”
“It’s back. I’m back.”
“And next thing you know, boom, you’re sitting here, a broken man, barefoot with no fucking dress socks.”
“‘So Mr. Greer, what was it that ultimately pushed you over the edge?’ Oh, I don’t know officer, might have something to do with the walking terror I call a mate.”
“So what if I am sappy? I’m running on sleepy middle of the night brain, you get what you get. Shhh. Hush. Don’t you be mean to me. I’m trying to help.”
“He’s a good little dude. Isn’t that right, bub?
“I got to hold my favorite person in the whole world. And only occasionally had to threaten to choke them out.”
“Mmm. You’re cute. Yeah, I called you cute. What are you gonna do about it? Get grumpy? Just makes you look cuter.”
“Do not call them my ‘titties’ you asshole!”
“Personally, I think I’m better at getting clothes off a ya than putting em on, but I’m ever at your service, baby.”
“No no no, don’t do that button. Yeah. Yeah, leave that one undone.”
“There’s my sweetheart.”
“Yeah. Well, it beats for you, sweetheart. A little more sappy shit for the road.”
“There ya go, that looks perfect! Yeah, what you’re wearing right now! You look fucking incredible in it. Yeah, I know you haven’t even started changing into the next look, what’s your point?”
“When I say you’re my mate, I mean it with every inch of me. When I say it, my core lights up like a firework. And when I feel your core answer it, and mirror it back, it feels like the fourth of fucking July in my chest.”
“I mean, obviously we’re gonna look fucking great no matter what, it is us after all”
“Hey, I know Ash is your mate, but would you mind if I use that choke collar you have for him real quick?”
“The power couple”
“And the energizer bunny takes a tumble.”
“And you won’t believe this next part but, uh, as a wolf, I don’t have hands.”
“You don’t have to ask, baby, I trust you. I know you’ll be gentle.”
“You feel like forever in my arms.”
“Oh my god, do they think my house smells weird?”
“I don’t want this for you, baby.”
“These muscles got more knots in em than you had wrapped around you the other night. And that’s saying something.”
“You run through my blood like oxygen, sweetheart.”
“Whose mouth is this?”
“And do not wear that belt, how old is that thing? It looks awful!”
“You’re not alone. I’m here. The pack’s here.”
“You want to see a hissy fit, bootlicker?”
“Cmon, head up. Up for me. There you go. I wanna see this pretty face.”
“Kissing my palm like that… you’re too fucking cute.”
“I just wanna feel you.”
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nianeyemystic · 4 months
♾️ Pallas Synastry Observations ✨
"I belong here with you" type of love. 💕💘😍✨😮‍💨
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disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, I have studied astrology for 4+ years and these are my own observations. Take what resonates, not every astrology placement will resonate. Enjoy !
Pallas/Sun ☀️
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Pallas conjunct sun is powerful. Sun person will be magnetized to the inner masculine/feminine vibrations of the partner. ultimately like harnessing the power of intellect and collaboration. Pallas acts as a magnet for the opposite sex. Duality is expressed here. yin/yang energy.
I love this placement so much because Pallas illuminates the sun person, which enhances creative expression. It is a muse type of reciprocal energy. Pallas person find Sun persons confidence and identity inspiring, seeing them as a constant source of inspiration.
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Pallas is a pattern weaver. Sun conjunct Pallas says you have the right personality for your partner to begin liking you more as they get to know you. This chemistry is electrifying. Think of it like Pallas exploring the identity of the sun person is an art form to them. Sun person will appreciate the effort Pallas makes to get to know them.
Pallas person serves as a guide for Sun. The confidence of the Sun is increased with the Pallas as their partner. This is a couple that is aided by their desire to get to know one another, and exchange information. Intellectually stimulating dynamics. Learning together may be a turn on.
Pallas/ Mars ♥️
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Pallas conjunct Mars is extremely passionate, you two will ignite each others passion, desires and dreams. This gives me power couple dynamics, a dream team energy. Mars person energizes Pallas person, and promotes their vision and goals.
Pallas understands Mars ambitions and encourages them to pursue them. You may find a joint mission spiritually and intellectually that connects you to one another. This is a power couple energy because you ignite each other to be productive. Pallas brings the intellect to the connection, while Mars encourages and drives the shared vision.
Pallas/ Moon 🌙
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Pallas sextile Moon is how you two ignite the need to nurture each others goals. This is a beautiful blend of taking each others strengths and combining them to accomplish goals. especially as they relate to home, business and family.
Moon person helps Pallas person to bring comfort and nurture to how they implement life plans. Pallas has a soft spot for the moon here, its a complementary energy. Pallas allows the moon person to become more confident in themselves, with their ambitious nature. Love this placement so much in charts.
Do you have any of these ?
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minminyoonjii · 4 months
Tea Party
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome|Hurt/Comfort|Anxiety Attack|Brief Dissociation|Semi Regression|Feeling Numb|Coaxing Out Of Dissociation 💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1K
"Hhgh," you whined, stretching your sore limbs from a well-rested sleep. You sat up, rubbing your eyes awake before blindly patting around to get your phone. The bright light made you squint, "Ugh," you groaned, waiting for the auto brightness to adjust. There were a few hours before lunch but you already felt energized enough to do something. "There must be something I can do," you mumbled, pondering for a second when you realized your beloved plush wasn't in bed. 
You instantly looked around, only to see it lying face down on the floor. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as you picked it up, "I'm so sorry," you mumbled, burying your face into it. You sighed in relief, feeding the plush of your warmth. 'Want a tea party,' a thought deep within your subconscious whispered. "Yeah, that sounds fun," you whispered aloud, crawling off your bed to get everything set up. You pulled a box from under your bed and inside it was a kid's play set, just perfect for a little one like you. 
"This goes here," you mumbled, arranging the chairs and table to your heart's desire. Soon the tea party was about to begin, but something was missing. You furrowed your eyebrows, checking off everything you needed, 'Guests? checked,' all your toys are in place. 'Food? checked,' there are cookies on the table. 'Tea? Oh!' That's right you were missing the tea. It can't be a tea party without tea now can it? You got up from the table, holding the teapot to fill it with water, "I have to be quick," you whispered, making your way to the kitchen. 
You didn't bother to lift your head, prioritizing your quiet feet instead. To say the least, you got scared when you bumped into someone. "Oh, sunbeam. What are you doing this early?" Felix asked, ruffling your bed hair. You straightened up, clearing your throat, "Water. I just wanted water," you said, hoping he wouldn't pick up on your nervousness. "In that?" Felix questioned, noticing the teapot in your hand. You nodded, "Yeah, yeah. In this," you said, pressing it against the water filter to fill it up. 
Felix hummed, "You're not hiding a tea party from me right? Because I'd love to join," he said, drinking his morning coffee. You bit down on your tongue, holding yourself back from spontaneously saying yes, "Would you actually?" you asked offhandedly, just in case he was jesting. Felix nodded, "Of course, I would sunbeam. Wouldn't miss it for the world," he reassured, remaining eye contact with you. "Fine, but you can't be too loud, this is a quiet tea party," you mumbled, walking back to your room. 
"Wow, you did a great job, sunbeam," he said, sitting next to your plush toys as you sat across from him. You began pouring 'tea' into every single cup, "The tea party can begin," you whispered, proud of your work. Felix chuckled, moving his hand behind one of your plushies, "Mm, this tea is just right," he said in a high-pitched voice. You smiled, "Try the cookies too," you said, handing the plush some cookies. Felix tilted the plush's head down, "Yummy, that was delicious," he said, making you burst out into giggles.
You felt yourself sink into that familiar headspace, pleased by the company of your plush toys and members. Felix noticed the glint in your eyes changed, "Are you feeling alright, sunbeam?" he asked, holding up his teacup so you wouldn't be startled by his question. "Ahm, is alright," you whispered, swaying yourself with a cookie in hand. Felix chuckled, reaching behind another plush, "Well I have to say, this tea party is the most fun I've had," he said, using his deeper voice. 
"That's good," you replied, feeling your heart swell in pride. Felix cooed, secretly snapping a few pictures of your blissful state. All was good until you perked up at the sound of someone closing the door outside. Your smile dropped as your heart sank. You sat the teacup down, eyes wavering to think of what to do next. 'Should I keep everything?' 'Should I stop?' 'Is it safe to play a little longer?' you thought, trying to make a quick decision but it only resulted in your breathing picking up in a panic.
Felix's eyes widened, "Hey, hey. Look at me, sunbeam. How many things can you see, hm?" he asked, cautious of touching you. "Too many," you whispered, seeing too many things. Felix winced at his mistake, "Why don't you list at least five of those things for me?" he asked, specifying the question. You furrowed your eyebrows, “A teacup, cookies, my hands, the teacup dish and the plushies," you said, feeling your heart rate slow down. "That's right. Good job, sunbeam," he praised, gently patting your head.
You exhaled deeply, frowning as the numbness crept up your skin. Felix noticed but he didn't know what to do next. You felt yourself zoning out, staring blankly at the teacup in front of you. Felix wanted to help but honestly, it was making him spiral, "I'm going to go get someone okay, sunbeam?" he said, getting up. You nodded, dipping your finger into the chilling water. Felix huffed, dragging Minho in without an explanation. Just as Minho was about to retort, Felix turned his attention towards you.
Minho eyed your movement for a bit before knowing what was wrong. He didn't say a word, only gesturing for Felix to sit back down. Minho sat next to you, holding a teacup of his own behind clinking it with yours. You furrowed your eyebrows at the disturbance but wavered when you noticed Minho next to you. He smiled, gradually initiating movements from you, either by pouring you another cup of tea or making you take a bit of the cookies. Minho slowly eased you out of that dissociative episode.
You soon found yourself consciously doing this again, shivering as the chill numbness wore off. Felix smiled, glad that you're back to playing and interacting again. Minho chuckled, grabbing his own Leebit to join the tea party as well. Felix eventually sent the photos to the members and it didn't take long for his phone to buzz with notifications. He chuckled, teasing the members for being out of the house. Minho pinched Felix's ear lobe, "Stop that before they rush back home and break down the door," he whispered with you being none the wiser. 
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beautifullache · 6 months
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🦄The Sims 4🦄
Steve Madden
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Steve Madden is about fashion-forward product and great people. We are proud of our talented, diverse workforce. Our employees are energized, intelligent and passionate about our business and committed to providing excellent customer service.
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Ed Hardy
PTO 10 days off
A product and master of the true, traditional craft of ink, Don Ed Hardy, "The God Father of Modern Tattoos," is an American born, internationally recognized artist. A brilliant creative who developed the potential of tattooing as a legitimate, expressive art form and is primarily responsible for its global growth over the past fifty years. His unique aesthetic and innovative techniques are still being utilized by tattoo artists today.
A product and master of the true, traditional craft of ink, Don Ed Hardy, "The God Father of Modern Tattoos," is an American born, internationally recognized artist. A brilliant creative who developed the potential of tattooing as a legitimate, expressive art form and is primarily responsible for its global growth over the past fifty years. His unique aesthetic and innovative techniques are still being utilized by tattoo artists today.
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CHANEL is a private company and a world leader in creating, developing, manufacturing and distributing luxury products.
Founded by Gabrielle Chanel at the beginning of the last century, CHANEL offers a broad range of high-end creations, including Ready-to-Wear, Leather Goods, Fashion Accessories, Eyewear, Fragrances, Makeup, Skincare, Jewelry and Watches.
CHANEL is also renowned for its Haute Couture collections, presented twice yearly in Paris, and for having acquired a large number of specialized suppliers, collectively known as the Métiers d’Art.
CHANEL is dedicated to ultimate luxury and to the highest level of craftsmanship. It is a brand whose core values remain historically grounded on exceptional creation. As such, CHANEL promotes culture, art, creativity and “savoir-faire” throughout the world, and invests significantly in people, R&D and innovation.
At the end of 2019, CHANEL employed more than 28,000 people across the world.
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Christian Dior
The Christian Dior group was formed through successive alliances among companies that, from generation to generation, have successfully combined traditions of excellence and creative passion with a cosmopolitan flair and a spirit of conquest. Together, these companies now make up a powerful, international Group, sharing their expertise with its newer brands and continuing to cultivate the art of growing well while transcending time, without losing their soul or their image of distinction.
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Giorgio Armani
Join us in our mission to passionately convey Giorgio Armani’s unique vision of timeless and natural elegance, where fashion and design provoke a confident state of being for all people by fostering beauty in the world.The Armani Group is one of the leading fashion and luxury goods groups in the world today. Our company designs, manufactures, distributes and retails fashion and lifestyle products including apparel,accessories, eyewear, watches, jewelry, home interiors, fragrances, cosmetics, chocolates, hotels and restaurants under a range of brand names: Giorgio Armani, Emporio Armani and Armani Exchange.
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L'Oreal Luxe
L’Oréal Luxe opens a unique world of beauty. Its international brands incarnate all the facets of elegance and refinement in three major specializations: skin care, make-up and perfume. L’Oréal Luxe products are available at department stores, cosmetics stores, travel retail, but also own-brand boutiques and dedicated e-commerce websites.
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lunarlianna · 2 months
White Moon Selena through signs
White Moon Selena, often overlooked in astrology, is a powerful and positive force in your natal chart. While Black Moon Lilith represents challenges and temptations, Selena symbolizes protection, guidance, and beneficial energy. As the Moon's perigee, Selena points to areas where you feel intuitively guided and supported. Mythologically, Selena is the Moon goddess, bringing light and protection. Unlike Lilith’s dark, rebellious nature, Selena represents our highest, most idealized self, helping to heal and balance Lilith’s influence. In essence, Selena embodies truth, light, positive past deeds, and spiritual protection. She marks where you feel blessed and intuitively guided, counterbalancing Lilith’s challenges. Working with Selena can bring clarity and purpose, guiding you on your soul’s journey and helping you heal Lilith’s darker aspects. Ultimately, a strong White Moon Selena provides a profound sense of purpose, and embracing this path brings clarity and alignment with your true self and life mission. Astrologically, Selena shows where you connect deeply with the universe, operating beyond fear and doubt. Important aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) with an orb within 1 degree are key to understanding her influence. To calculate your natal Selena use astro.com, the code for it is h56.
WMS in Aries
You naturally embody the qualities of a leader and protector, shining as a guiding light for those around you. Your optimism and unwavering sense of purpose make you a source of hope and encouragement, especially for those who are vulnerable or facing challenges. Your nurturing instincts extend to those under your care, and you possess a remarkable ability to overcome obstacles, inspiring others to persevere alongside you. This position suggests a special affinity for fire, symbolizing your inner strength and clarity. Embrace activities that involve fire, such as enjoying a fireplace at home, to purify your thoughts and energize your spirit.
WMS in Taurus
You are guided by a profound inclination towards spiritual fulfillment rather than earthly pleasures. While you appreciate sensory delights, your true passion lies in exploring a deeper, intuitive understanding. Your connection to the earth is robust, enabling you to utilize its resources to assist others in realizing their material and spiritual aspirations. Your innate wisdom leads you to recognize what is genuine and meaningful, fostering both material stability and a richly fulfilling life. To uphold Selena's positive influence, cherish simplicity, honesty, and reverence for all living beings. Steer clear of greed and materialistic pursuits.
WMS in Gemini
You thrive on leveraging your intellect and communication prowess, finding deep satisfaction in clear and effective expression. Your ability to articulate ideas ensures you always have access to valuable information and meaningful connections. This position suggests a positive karma as a mediator, with a strong affinity for the air element, symbolizing freedom and clarity. You're naturally inclined towards innovation and societal improvement, drawn to endeavors that enrich life with vibrancy and dynamism. To uphold Selena's protective influence, prioritize truthfulness, maintain integrity in information sharing, and honor your commitments.
WHM in Cancer
You have a natural gift for nurturing others, destined to play a central role in caring for your family and community, especially children, families, and animals. Your wisdom allows you to discern when to take action and when to observe, making you a compassionate and effective caregiver. You deeply honor traditions, ancestors, and your roots, feeling a profound sense of responsibility towards your loved ones. Your affinity with the water element is profound, and embracing a nurturing and sincere approach in all your endeavors will lead you to genuine success and fulfillment.
WHM in Leo
You play a pivotal role in inspiring others to discover their creative paths. Selena encourages you to embrace your heart's guidance and freely express love and affection. Cultivating warmth, care, and generosity will nurture your own sense of stability and security. Your creative spirit radiates brightly, guiding others to uncover their unique brilliance. Stay closely connected to the fire element and the Sun, sources of cleansing and inspiration. Guard against false pride, ego, and greed to maintain Selena's protective embrace. Embrace sincerity, honesty, and optimism, allowing your inner warmth and joy to blossom freely.
WHM in Virgo
You possess a strong affinity for rational thinking, effortlessly navigating engineering and analytical challenges. Your expertise lies in establishing structure through thorough research, meticulous analysis, and hands-on application. You hold deep regard for cleanliness, responsibility, and humility, often embodying qualities akin to a healer or nurturer. It's important to maintain equilibrium by keeping sight of the broader perspective and not getting bogged down by minutiae. Ground yourself by nurturing a connection to the earth element, finding solace in natural settings. Surround yourself with soothing colors like yellow-green or blue, and cultivate an environment that promotes comfort and organization.
WHM in Libra
You have a remarkable talent for understanding social dynamics and discerning people's characters with ease and precision. Your innate charm and empathy empower you to positively influence others, fostering comfort and harmony wherever you go. You flourish in roles that uphold fairness, diplomacy, and collaboration. Your positive influence aligns closely with principles of social justice and teamwork, making fields such as law, diplomacy, and the arts especially fulfilling for you. Stay connected to the element of air for clarity and creative inspiration, and seek environments that reflect elegance and harmony.
WHM in Scorpion
You hold profound insight and a heightened sensitivity to the forces of light and darkness, making a significant impact on those you encounter. Your previous experiences have equipped you for spiritual conflicts, fortifying your spirit through formidable trials. With a noble warrior's spirit, you skillfully navigate spiritual dimensions and confront inner growth with bravery. Your path to success lies in arenas where your spiritual resilience, courage, and willingness to tackle challenges converge, be it in finance, business, or esoteric pursuits.
WHM in Sagittarius
You uplift others with your broad perspective and profound belief in the significance of existence. Your character radiates generosity, independence, and a profound affinity for nature and animals. You may have a history of roles as spiritual mentors or trailblazers in introducing fresh ideas and beliefs. Your unwavering optimism and commitment to integrity illuminate your path, encouraging a spirit of adventure and learning. Remember to prioritize physical well-being and stay engaged in spiritual and intellectual pursuits to nourish your journey.
WHM in Capricorn
You live a life guided by balance and harmony, deriving fulfillment from diligent effort and perseverance. You shine in roles that demand responsibility, persistence, and a methodical approach. Your interests may lean towards fields like history, geology, or archaeology, reflecting a deep appreciation for enduring and stable environments. Cultivate your connection to the earth element through peaceful moments of solitude, meditation, or by surrounding yourself with natural stones and landscapes that resonate with you.
WHM in Aquarius
You cherish the freedom to explore unique perspectives and progressive concepts, finding inspiration in fields such as psychology, sociology, and pioneering sciences. Your commitment to fostering friendships and solidarity is a cornerstone of your character, as you ignite social change and cultivate a strong sense of community among those who share your values. It's essential to strike a harmonious balance between independence and connection: while you thrive in the realm of ideas and innovation, remember to nurture your warmth towards others and avoid distancing yourself too much.
WHM in Pisces
You have a keen intuition that helps you sense subtle energies and gain insights that others might miss. Your compassionate nature drives you to offer help willingly to those in need. You naturally embody sacrifice and selflessness, which could lead you towards professions in fields like medicine, psychology, or the occult sciences. It's important to be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries to protect your spiritual and creative energies, preventing any potential exploitation due to your caring disposition.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Gonna be completely honest tho. Like yes they are hot in the vampire au but I would be terrified. Like I hate needles and all of that and idk I just feel like I'd be too freaked out for it to be enjoyable? Does that make sense??
A/N: Honestly, same here, anon. lol I think my own MC would find the whole situation exhausting mentally if not physically. There's a lot of valid reasons why any MC might not want to get caught up in this whole mess.
In a lighthearted vampire AU, the characters might feel that vampirism is more of a nuisance than anything else. Ultimately, I think they'd still try to prioritize MC's wishes and comfort over their own needs. It would motivate them to find an alternative solution for blood/feeding (especially if it were a long-term/permanent condition).
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This Sucks! | Why They Don't Want to be Vampires Vampire!DEMON BROTHERS x gn!Reader, 0.5k words, SFW Content warnings: references to canon-typical vampire behaviours including biting/blood-drinking. More from the vampire!au
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Lucifer doesn’t like depending on anyone for anything. This would be an extra burden for you personally, and the last thing he wants is for life at his side with them to be even more challenging. His brothers would be unbearable if he tried to claim your blood for himself, and he knows in his heart he doesn’t want to share you. (A trivial concern is that his fondness for Demonus, even a blood-infused version of it, might be ruined by vampirism—it’s one of the few luxuries he allows himself to indulge in.)
Mammon's too greedy to share you. If you don’t want to donate your blood, that’s even better—that way no one gets to feed from you! He’s also going to be busy figuring out how he can capitalize on blood alternatives if the condition isn’t temporary.
Levi's disappointed because vampires in anime are so hot cool, but he’s intimidated by the physical intimacy of it. Oh, and he hates the thought of others wanting to feed from you too. (What if you compare them and you prefer feeding the others more than him?!)
Human pop culture is so inconsistent with their monster lore. Satan understands that the reality of feeding a vampire (or in this case, seven of them) is daunting and less appealing than the fictional version you've read about or seen in movies. Besides, he has enough anger management issues to deal with—bloodlust would be an extra hassle. He's one of the first to volunteer to find a better a solution for feeding if the vampirism is permanent.
Asmo doesn’t want to drink anyone’s blood. Wouldn’t it make his breath smell? What if it gets all over his clothes? If he drinks from you in his bed, the stains might ruin his expensive Devilmoth silk sheets! He might seem superficial about it, but his biggest complaint is the possibility that feeding might scar you or hurt you in some way. Leaving his mark on you sounds appealing, but not like that—especially if you're already hesitant about the idea. (He's secretly worried one of the others might try to talk you into something you don't want to do, and he wants to make sure his own judgement isn't clouded so he can help protect you.)
Beel has so many issues with hunger and self-control that the thought of being hungry for your blood upsets him a lot. He’s so scared of hurting you, and when he’s out of control with hunger it's difficult to stop him. What if the others can’t subdue him in time? What if—? No, he doesn’t even want to think about it.
Belphie assumes that drinking blood would act like a stimulant, so the last thing he wants is to feed from you. Why would he do something that makes him more energized and makes you tired in the process? (He’s not sure he can convince you to only feed him, and the idea of having to share you with the others—except for maybe Beel—is intolerable.)
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hermajestyimher · 3 months
Hello <3
I am currently 20, in the process of enhancing every aspect of my life so I would really appreciate if you could generously list your resources for self-improvement in general.
And one more question, how to make people take me more seriously? I am quite the youngest member in my family and everyone have always been so over-protective of me that they always see me as this little girl even though I am almost a grown woman lol.
Thanks for your question. I commend you for wanting to invest in yourself and self-improvement.
The resources I use to shape my mindset toward success are a mixture of books, podcasts, subliminals, and direct revelation from God. I'll break these parts down for you:
There are a lot of books out that deal with the topic of self-improvement and you are almost guaranteed to find some that will be able to help you in whichever area of your life you wish to get better at. The key, when it comes to these books, is that you have to find ones that you know you can action realistically in your life. Theory can be energizing and inspirational, but it is ultimately futile if you are unable to put the gained knowledge into reality.
You must seek books that are practical in their way of describing how to succeed in whatever subject they touch upon and focus exclusively on that specific book so that you may action its commands and see real results in your life.
I'll give you 5 books that I've used throughout the year that have helped me mold my character in meaningful and practical ways:
She Comes First, by Brian Nox.
Can't Hurt Me, by David Goggins.
The Alter Ego Effect, by Todd Herman.
Stop People Pleasing, by Patrick King.
Fabulosity, by Kimora Lee Simmons.
Podcasts are a good way of keeping your mind "fed" constantly with content and knowledge from others. I use them not just for knowledge, but also for entertainment. I enjoy podcasts that deal with politics, human psychology and behavior, societal phenomena, travel and culture, business, success life stories, and even some niche topics of interest.
Whatever podcasts you choose to listen to will be a very personal choice. My rule of thumb is to not waste time listening to someone just because they seem authoritative in the field of self-improvement if the messages they are putting forward do not resonate with you. It's ok to be picky with this type of content.
This is something that I've never touched upon before directly on my blog, but it is something that I've been digging into a lot lately and I've found has been positively impacting my life.
Subliminals are audio messages that we play in the background while we do other activities. The concept behind them is that our subconscious mind can pick up and internalize the messages being played and therefore can help in reprogramming our own internal self-concept and beliefs. It can help you manifest things because you genuinely believe that they are possible for you, rather than pretending.
Subliminals are extremely powerful because if utilized correctly they can help you shape your entire personality and perception of yourself towards one that is more self-loving, positive, and confident. It can help us erase the damage of harmful things we've internalized throughout the years and replace them with thoughts that are working in our favor.
If you or anyone else from the blog would like for me to dive deeper into this subject and share some of the subliminal that have helped me (including my own creations), please let me know!
This part is simply all about having communion with God. I've found out that in the periods that I'm away from him and that I do not take our relationship seriously, I become an easier target for spiritual attacks and also less in tune with my spiritual gifts. It's hard to hear from him when my spiritual life is filled with so much baggage that does not come from him. And whether you are aware of it, everything around us is spiritual in one way or another: the music that we listen to, the people we spend time with, the places we live, the content we consume, the things we allow others to speak into our lives, etc.
It's important that I read my Bible, pray, and worship without ceasing. God purifies our spirits and removes bondages this way. He gives us a renewed mind full of discernment and peace. We can hear from him more clearly and be led through a path of prosperity.
This is something that I need to get back on with him, as I have fallen off throughout the years. But understanding that you do not have to make life alone and that investing in your spiritual life can only tenfold your riches in the physical realm is crucial for us to live a life of purpose and success.
I hope this list was helpful, and if you or other people would like to delve deeper into any of these or other subjects, please let me know.
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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What effect do you have on your crush?
From left to right:
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1 Zazie Beetz
Tower, 4oP, 4oC, Empress, 2oP, Emperor, 9oC rev, Fool rev, 10oP, 5oW, Judgement, 6oW (Magician)
The person who was used to getting their way in relationships, being doted on and even chased by several options, had their world shaken up when they met you. This person was used to holding their cards close to their chest and acting unbothered but you entered their life and made them reconsider everything they thought they knew about love and relationships. Whatever you have done to this person has them seriously reconsidering their long-term goals and priorities when it comes to this connection. And while they might have been hesitant to give up their player ways in the past, this person is now ready to fight for this love because your connection caused them to have a major awakening to the reality of their deepest desires for their future. They see you as the ultimate prize Pile 1 and will take on the competition to win your heart, no matter what it takes.
I heard “She don’t know it yet, but that’s wifey right there” from White Chicks 🤣😩
Pile 2 Legs with boots
Hermit, 10oS rev, Judgement, 4oW, 9oS, Temperance, AoW, World (9oP)
Pile 2, you made this person feel like this is a love that is almost unreal. When you entered their life, they were in a dark or lonely place they felt they couldn’t get out of. They may have gone into a state of self-imposed isolation to get over a painful breakup or betrayal and didn't think they would ever open their heart to new love or find happiness with someone new ever again.
But you helped heal and transform this person by just being yourself and because of your presence, this person was able to close the chapter to a painful time in their life and free themselves from the pain and anxiety that held them back from truly enjoying life to the fullest. You have inspired them to work towards their hopes and goals for the future, which includes you and them being together.
Pile 3 Etch-a-Sketch
2oS, 3oP, 9oC, 5oC, Hierophant, Strength, 3oC, World, 9oS rev (10oP)
Since meeting you this person has slowly started to come out of their shell, despite being naturally stubborn, skeptical, and distrustful of others. In the past they may have been closed off to love and establishing new connections due to getting their hopes up only to be left sad and disappointed when things don’t work out. When this person cares for someone or something they tend to put their all into it but if things go south or the other party doesn’t put in the same amount of effort they tend to get discouraged and give up.
This person feels energized and uplifted when you’re around them. They feel you have opened their eyes to a world they previously feared or avoided due to anxiety and fear of rejection. They now see you as a part of their “tribe” and feel that with you by their side they can take on anything life brings.
Pile 4 When Can I See You?
2oS, 3oW rev, 10oP, 5oC, Strength, Hanged Man, 10oS, 10oC
Is your person already taken, pile 4? If yes, you might be a sneaky link or a "what if" connection that lives within someone's imagination. Whenever you are around, this person loses their train of thought and can barely think straight. Your attention makes them have thoughts of reckless abandon about leaving everything behind to run away with you for a night of unbridled passion and love making. However, they realize they would hurt a lot of people with this level of betrayal, so they hold back.
Regardless, this person still feels very moved by you and it takes a considerable amount of effort for them to hold back strong feelings of attraction and affection towards you. At times they may even refuse to look, speak or interact with you to keep their composure. Their feelings and desire for you run deep, but they know the two of you could never be so they do not pursue things further.
Thanks for reading 🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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