#ummm since when did he get so uhhhhh
cannedcherries · 1 year
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"See something you like babie?"
*ugly screamjng*
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
jjk men and aftercare pt 2 ft. Yuji, Megumi, Sukuna, Yuta, and Toge.
a/n: part 2 babyyy hope u guys enjoy, everyone (except sukuna + megumi) are more on the softer side in this i think (here's part 1)
cw: slightly suggestive, how they are after sex basically :) (all characters are aged up!!)
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Yuji Itadori
He's kind of clueless at first. No doubt he's heard about it because he was nervous about his first time and called up his long time best friend Megumi to ask about.
Of course he told him to look it up himself, which he did but he wasn't patient enough to read through it thoroughly, so he scanned through the article to get the basic idea.
"Ummm, do you want snacks? Water... uhhhhh... um.." he struggles to remember what he'd read.
"Some water would be nice to start out." To start out? What does he have to do next?
Instead of stressing though, he hops up off the bed (naked), "Okay! I'll go get you some water!!" He's quick to leave the room and retrieve a nice, cold bottle of water.
As he's about to hand it to you he snatches it back and cracks it open, "Don't want you to strain anything."
"Yuji, baby, I can open a water bottle." You giggle at how cute and careful he is.
"Oh, right! Here you go." Your fingers touch his as he hands you the bottled beverage. A small smile rises on your face and his smile widens when he sees you smiling.
You gulp down the water quickly which was a terrible idea. Small sips is always the way to go, but sex has left you parched for some odd reason.
"Do you wanna hop in the bath?" His head perks at your questions.
"Oh yeah! You probably wanna get clean, right? I'll give you a massage too if you'd like!" Who are you to tell this beautiful man, "no"?
"Of course, Yuji. Thank you for taking care of me." Pride swells inside of him at the thought of taking care of you.
Megumi Fushiguro
Sigh. Like father, like son. He's not as bad as Toji, but when you guys first slept together he rolled over and fell asleep once you came.
When you told him why you were upset his response was "at least you came, right?"
Which he admits now that that was NOT the best thing to say. He's changed since then, though.
"Here," he throws pain killers and your favorite snack at you. You'd just finished showering about twenty minutes ago. Yes, you invited your boyfriend to join you but he had to resist your offer. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you and you already expressed your tiredness.
Anyone else would probably be offended if their partner threw stuff at them, but this is Megumi's way of expressing his love.
"You good?" He asks when you don't move to pick up your snack.
"Mhm, but you know it's best for me to take pain killers before sex. They're useless now." He dodges the pill bottle when you throw it at him.
"They won't reduce the after sex pain? Thought they did. Well anyway, you wanna watch something? I actually started getting into that one show you like."
The way your heart fluttered at his question left you all sappy and excited.
"Yeah get over here."
He's not perfect at aftercare but he's yours and he makes sure to tend to your needs in his own way.
Sukuna Ryomen
Honestly I don't even think I need to write anything for him but ima try my best!
He was confused about the way you stared at him when you joined him in the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth.
"What brat?" He asks staring at you through the mirror.
"You literally split me in half and didn't even bother to take care of me afterward.." You state awkwardly as you sit on the covered toilet seat.
"Eh? What happened to all that independent woman shit? Can't ya do it yourself?" He asks, the toothpaste and toothbrush in his mouth made his words a little bit hard to understand, but you get the gist.
"I mean I can do it myself, but it's more intimate when you do it with your partner!" Honestly it was useless trying to explain yourself because Sukuna is stubborn as hell.
"We had plenty'a intimacy when I was eatin' your pussy like less than ten minutes ago." There's sass in his voice and he rolls his eyes.
It was best to give up, because he wasn't going to listen. The walk of shame was super embarrassing and you made yourself a little spot on the couch to sleep on for the night.
Fifteen minutes later Sukuna's stomping into the living room.
"What're ya doing out here on the couch when we have a whole bed?" It's obviously a rhetorical question, he has a good idea of what you're mad about.
"You know why I'm pissed. You're an asshole, Ryomen. I don't even want to talk to you right now, so go away." The malice in your tone was evident and he switched up upon hearing you call him his full first name rather than that dumb nickname he will never admit that he likes.
"Ugh... so whiny. If I take care of ya, all the domestic shit. Will ya bring your ass back to bed?" He asks, a hand on his slutty waist.
"Yes." You quip quickly.
"Fine. Come on."
That was the start of the aftercare you deserved, and surprisingly he was good at it. When you asked him where he got all this experience from he said, "I was a human with feeling at some point. I know how to care for people, when I want."
Yuta Okkotsu
He didn't want to fuck up so he researched any and everything. From hydration to what foods are good to eat afterwards and so on.
"Thank you Yuta, this is delicious." It really is good, his cooking is phenomenal. It always warms your heart. You'd started on dinner but Yuta distracted you which led to having your legs spread on the counter for him.
"It's the least I can do for you for treating me so well." He says with a suggestive smirk and you know exactly what what he's implying.
"Also food is important to build your stamina back up after sex. Did bathing with those bath salts help any?" He's read that they're supposed to relax and calm the body. He made you soak for twenty minutes.
"It did, I don't feel as sore as I did earlier." And it's true, Yuta knew more about how to care for yourself better than you did which surprised you to some extent. Sometimes it felt more like a nagging parent than helpful advice but he usually doesn't get to that point.
"Make sure you're taking care of yourself too, babe. It's not all about me." You remind him.
He nods while chewing. "I always take care of myself after you. I'll wash up after we tackle the dishes."
Toge Inumaki
Toge is a worrier when it comes to aftercare. He wants you to be satisfied with his efforts.
Never again did you fall asleep without cleaning yourself up or letting Toge help you do it. Last time you did he commanded you to get in the tub so he could scrub you clean.
He wrote an apology on a piece of paper afterward. He just wanted you to get clean.
He cares a lot about you and your emotions, and obviously it's hard for him to do that in words, so he tries his best to do it through his actions.
Tonight is no different, he's washing your hair in the shower. The water is the perfect temperature and you can feel Toge pressed up against you. The way his finger tips graze your scalp are just right/ You about fall asleep.
"Mustard Leaf." He says in worry. He doesn't want a repeat of last week, when you fell asleep in the shower and you slipped almost causing a concussion if he hadn't caught you last second.
"I.. I'm awake. I won't fall asleep again, promise." You yawn and the worry dissipates for the most part. He trusts your words.
"Salmon." He responds and you smile lazily.
Your most earnest moments are when the two of you are in the shower. You feel the need to rid yourself of anything from the day so you tell him everything. He nods along and gives you comforting touches to assure you.
"I love you so much, Toge. Thank you for cleaning me up."
Your white haired boyfriend nods his head at you with a smile. Your eyes follow his hand as he writes " I ♡ YOU" with his finger, on the glass door of the shower.
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Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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annyankers · 1 year
hi train! you're sucking me back into your lore too (it's soooo good and i'm invested) so tell me more about your version of darla?
dkfghkls Sorry this took a bit to get to I've been in the Pit with some other stuff that kept making me forget this was in my inbox rip
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Darla My Beloved, My One, My Only. My changes to Darla are honestly super minimal on like, a base level. I love Julie in the role and I think she builds a truly Iconic Character.
Mainly my thing is that it's Fucking Dumb And Stupid that she dies. In one s6 btvs/ats crossover/combination fanfic I swear to the GODS I'll finish plotting and writing I use an oc to help make sure she survives the pregnancy but honestly I don't care how you do it. She Just Does.
I like to keep Connor and her pregnancy because I think it creates a really interesting and unique conflict for Darla that plays well with her utterly heartless and self-centered character. Sharing Connor's soul is the second brush she's had having with one in under a year after 400 years without one. That's super duper fun and interesting to work with. It's fun to have her be conflicted about still being a heartless bitch and maybe caring for at least 1 (one) person just on the principle that they're helpless and cannot survive without someone who cares.
I don't really like the idea of "motherhood makes her better" because that's uhhhhh.... that can be ummm....... but I think there's something to be said for "jerkoff takes some responsibility for her actions and the lives of others". At the end of the day, Darla is still a vampire and still soulless but now she's got some Complex Feelings about stuff and also things. She's more in the Spike Zone of soullessness and how to deal with it in the face of doing shit like giving a fuck about people compared to Angel's whole vibe about the topic or the Master's -- which is her previous stance.
Connor is Her Baby, he's an extension of Her which is important to the douchey narcissist in her. Even after some brushes with having a soul I don't think she'd even CONSIDER a change of heart or just an adjustment to her lifestyle for anyone who's not somehow "Hers". Darla is about Darla before she's about anyone or anything else. Connor being From Her forcibly extends her circle of Self Interest and cracks open the Padora's Box of Possibly Giving A Shit About Others.
The things she felt while she shared his soul also have a big impact on her, she does care about him and his well being. Her stance on the rest of humanity's wellbeing? Less concerned lol. She's not interested necessarily in ~becoming a better person~ but she DOES realize she has to make some change, some life choices, and get better at covering some shit up because Connor WILL look to her as a role model as he grows up and she'd like to minimize the damage she does to him lol. Also recognizes she needs to make some lifestyle changes so that she's got more than just Drusilla helping her raise and protect Connor or WORST SCENARIO IF SHE DOESN'T-- have that asshole Angel STEAL HER SON FROM HER AND DENY HER ACCESS because she's "A Psychotic Heartless Murderer" or whatever dumb shit he's wanking about now. Loser.
She's TRULY the Vegeta or the Hiei she IS the Regina George and you DO have to bribe her into helping. She's a barely domesticated villain she's only here because all these numb nut goody two shoes can't muster up the spine to say no when she asks them to babysit. She and Spike actually end up having much more familial relationship because they're both working through all this Weird Shit about being vampires with no soul who're also grappling with doing weak ass pansy nice guy shit like losers but also it's weirdly fulfilling??? tf???? Since when tf did they like kids-- and not just as dinner??? what happened here???
She's fond of Cordelia because she's Mean, they bully Angel for sport. She and Buffy probably end up with a weird chilled out vibe eventually as two very sexy narrative foils of each other. Shadow selves Baybee. Darla and Anya would be ride or die let's just be real about that they're both unhinged. Illyria is the only person Darla is afraid of lol. Darla and Angel have the most CURSED on and off again sex relationship that torments everyone around them.
Basically Darla is the Cassandra Truth in a lot of ways for ATS. She's the Greek Chorus pointing out all the flaws and issues with Angel's dumbass plans and how X is a trap and OBVIOUSLY So-And-So is upset you ninny. She doesn't listen any of them she's the oldest person in the room she's not taking orders from CHILDREN. Angel is 100000x more competent with her around, it's almost like she was always the brains of the operation lol. Basically she and Drusilla are the muppet critics who're also raising a baby and sometimes help fight crime but only because if they don't they'll have to pay rent.
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labyrynth · 2 years
you know one thing i don’t think we talk about enough is what exactly wei wuxian planned on telling jiang cheng after the core transfer
like…if wwx hadn’t run into wen chao & co, what was he gonna do? he can’t just act like everything is normal bc now he’s not only lost his core, he also doesn’t have demonic cultivation?? like wtf was he planning on saying??
“uhhhhh yeah in the two days since i dropped you off at TotallyBaoshanSanren’s Mountain i uhhhh ran into wen zhuliu…? what? uh, no, wen chao wasn’t there, it was just wen zhuliu. haha NO idea what he was doing wandering around by himself. uhhhhh. and we…fought? i guess? you know in hindsight, not my best decision, fighting instead of um. just running away. yeah that was really stupid, why did i sa—do that. uhhh haha anyway. so yeah we fought. and he ummm got my core. haha he’s gonna regret not killing me!! gosh darn him!!!”
meanwhile jiang cheng is just staring at him in horror like “you mean to say that i just lied to baoshan sanren. and told her i was you. to get a core. MEANT FOR YOU. and now YOU don’t have a core. and I TOOK YOUR ONLY POSSIBLE METHOD TO GET IT BACK???”
like at that point the truth would probably make jiang cheng feel less guilty bc at least then in his eyes it was wwx’s decision and not an opportunity that he STOLE when it turned out wwx would NEED it barely TWO DAYS LATER
so anyway uhhh what exactly was your plan wwx??
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yesyourstalker · 1 month
Cirrina: so what do we do when we get home
Ikkan: we're going to start harvesting The rest of our crop from last season and we're going to start laying down our new crop. After we water and lay down fertilizer.
Cirrina: what are you going to do with the harvest?
Ikkan: we have at least two crates for us. Give some to the village and the rest goes to the grocery store.
Cirrina: oh... You also sell milk and eggs?
Ikkan: yep. We'll milk the manatees tomorrow, for now let's unload them and put them back in their barn.......Dad we're back!
Cirrina: We got meat!
Merv: great! Ikkan put it in the ice chests out back. Cirrina sweetheart is your dad teaching you how to drive yet?
Cirrina: a little bit he said I'm allowance to get my learner's permit when I'm 16
Merv: well good news for you. You don't need a license to drive a tractor. Come on, come with Grandpa. You two Noji let's go!
Noji: coming!
Ikkan: hey-What are you covered in?
Warabie: eggs. ...One of those stupid krill tripped me up and I landed on top of some
Ikkan:.oh ....mwell it was just one basket. It's a good thing that they lay a lot of eggs...
Warabie: *sigh*.. .. I'm going to be honest, I don't really think I'm made for this kind of stuff..... I think I'm going to bail. My dad would be pissed...
Shimi: oh no you don't!! As long as I'm here, you're here!! You're not leaving this place!...
Warabie: WELL FUCK I DON'T WANT TO KEEP DOING THIS!! THIS SUCKS........*sniff*....ugh. .... Cod you stink
Shimi: shut up. ...... If your father asks, I'll be in the shower.
Ikkan: ummm actually we still need you
Shimi: uhhhhh what?
Ikkan: we need you two to go around town and pick up these wire baskets from every doorstep. Come back then place a dozen eggs in the basket and go around and put them back on the doorstep after ringing the bell
Shimi: *sigh*.... very well
Mahi: I see why neta loves this band
Mizole: you wanna watch the show from the ferris wheel?..... maybe make out a bit
Mahi: ............alright...let me head to the bathroom first
Mizole: I'll meet you at the wheel... Wait! Can you fill my water bottle?
_______________________________________________ Baja: *snoring*...........*snoring*...............*snoring*.......
TV news anchor: today's weather is going to be nice and sunny around 95° with an 80% chance of rain. So make sure you bring your umbrella..... Here's the forecast for this week. It's going to be a very hot season this summer but very rainy folks
Baja:....*snoring*.............huh ........hmm morning.....
Neta: hey..... You want salmon eggs or krill eggs?
Baja: uhhh krill eggs is fine
Neta: here you go......
Baja: thanks..........*eating*..... Eggs taste good.... Bacon is pretty good too
Neta: hmm.......*eating*.........*sigh*............... when your dad died..........where you upset ?
Baja:..*eating*..............………… yes
Neta: mmmm....ok
Baja: why do you ask?
Neta:........... I don't know................. I just don't feel right about it. Like I'm not- I am upset about it I just....eh
Baja: ....... The one thing that I regret, is not spending more time with my dad before he passed. We didn't get along all the time and we did fight but....... we did love each other.... I wish I expressed that a lot more before passed.... But I know that he knew that I loved him...
Neta: hmmmm......*eating*....
Baja: so what do you plan on doing today?
Neta: nothing.... I was just thinking of going back to bed... I've been busy recently. I haven't wallowed in my bed in a while
Deadbeat[dad]: hey we need to talk it's important I'll drop by tonight
Ikkan: morning babe take your meds and check your glucose love you <3
Cirrina got to drive a tractor today look
Neta: or not...... Oh my little girl's driving
Baja: I think your sea bunny chewed on my shirt
Neta: Yeah she tends to do that
Mahi: *sigh*...ok.... Ferris Wheel time..... alright......*inhale*...ohhhhh why now?.......hey spyke
Spyke: well well I've been looking all over for you! How have you been? It's been awhile hasn't? Hehehehe The last time I saw you were-
Mahi: fuck off. Bye. .
Spyke: wait hold up! .......I just want to catch up. I know we didn't leave good terms but I feel like we're both grown as people hemhemhem...*sigh*....soooo.... You look nice........your fins are going out just fine
Mahi: (swat) don't touch me.....I have to go
Spyke: oh come on. Why do you keep trying to run away from me?...... Are you still friends with warabie are you still not on speaking terms? I've seen you around Rock Shock do you work there?
Spyke: one thing that hasn't changed is your rudeness!
Mahi: LET GO ME!
Spyke: Listen to me you little shit I tried being nice and carpe but you're starting to piss me the fuck off ...... now I'm going to try again and this time you're going answer my question.
Mahi: .........*huff*....*huff*...........fuck you...(Swig)
Spyke AHH....MY EYE !!! .YOU FUCK!.....
Mahi: it was nice seeing you again! Byyyye!
Mizole: took you so long?
Mahi: someone was puking in one of the porta potty so there was a long wait. Also, I went to the popcorn stand... Here's your water
Mizole: thanks............
Mahi: *eating*.........*eating*
Mizole: babe?..... why is there blood-
Mizole:..... hey... you want to sit down? You're looking a little pale are you ok? Are you doing okay?
Mahi: yeah yeah.....hehe....I'm fine
Mizole: alright........
Mahi: so we're going to make out or what?....hehehe [kissing]
Cirrina: ok what do I do?
Merv: ok...so first, let's check the hitch. Make sure The tractor is connected to the octato digger..... Make sure it's hooked in so it won't detach during harvesting .. .... Looks good. All right, let's climb in... Usually tractors are one sitters but Noji insisted putting a second chair
Noji: there's nothing wrong with having company when doing chores.
Merv: can't really argue with that.... But maybe next time you can bring some friends who know what they're doing..... I like Harmony she's a nice girl but-
Noji: Okay, in her defense......she asked if it was street legal first. which it is!
Merv: we're not going to talk about this again... come on Cirrina......(Pat Pat)....sit on grampa's lap.... Hold firmly onto the wheel. Putting the key in the ignition .. I'll do the pedals so that'll be my job...
Cirrina: ok.....okok so then what?
Merv: you just got to hold on to the wheel... I'll tell you when to turn
Cirrina: *gasp*.... we're moving!!! Hehehehe... HIII IKKAN! LOOK I'M DRIVING!!
Ikkan: heh...(waving)....hi Cirrina! ....hold on let me see if I can take a picture.......... send that to Neta
Cirrina: hehe this is fun. I thought working on a farm would suck
Merv: *sigh*.... This brings me back. Remember when I used to put you two on my lap and let you drive the tractor......
Noji: yeah... Remember that time I pushed ikkan out of the tractor
Merv: I remember his arm being in a sling for a whole month
Noji: he was just being dramatic
Neta: alright dad what do you want?
Gai: It's not an emergency or anything........ Recently I was informed that I have full access to my old house in land and property
Neta: what?
Gai: we got our old house back. And I want to take you there and show you...... You were too young. You were a baby, actually when we lost the house so.... I want to at least show you it...... I even made copies our old house key so you can have one
Neta: ........... Where is our old house?
Gai: it'll have to be a 2-day drive....
Neta: ....................*sigh*.... ................ .............. alright dad.... We'll leave next week........ Be here by 7:00 a.m.
Gai: great
Octoling lady: oh you must be here to deliver the eggs?.... I didn't know Merv had new workers I heard his two boys in town to help
Warabie: we're just here for a visit. And we're helping him out. Here are your eggs ma'am
Octoling kid: mom....mom..... It's a man on the CD look!
Octoling lady: Benjamin!..... I'm sorry hehehe kids...
Octoling kid 2: It's also that man from that one movie. The movie that we're not allowed to watch. You called it um....prop. ah... Propaganda.... He was in a propaganda movie for the octarian arm-
Octoling lady: well! thank you for the eggs! We really do appreciate it.....here I made some squid barry preserves for here take some jars....uhhh ... have a pleasant day goodbye.........(SLAM)
Warabie: what the fuck was that!?
Shimi: different culture warabie their opinion on the great turf war is a lot different then ours overseas...
Mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort were spyke outside of the festival
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unialien · 2 years
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OC Ralyx Aran Portrait Illustration
Hi guys! 😊👋 I finally completed at last what I promise this year to bring, her new look of my 2nd main original character Ralyx Aran 2.0! 😍🙇‍♀️💖🧡 I been looking forward indeed to bring her alive and not only that, a new improve, but from based from my follow previous concept arts from my sketchbooks ✨️✨️✨️ I know my sketch of my OC I did early year, but it's never late to finally render her up 💖💖💖 So yeah, she is indeed a beaut girl 😊✨️ BTW, I don't wanna crash up spoiler, but know this, she'll likelihood to be her girlfriend of Adrex Trans further in the future of the story lol, don't ask me, but I had in mind for not too long years idk 🙈💫💞💙🧡
Anyway, to make a brief reviewing idea, I had to get back to my previous concept arts of my OC, which it pretty much indeed what I wanna do 👌 So yeah, the idea was simple, complex, but also on how sexy the design and quite inspired from games I played in my childhood & just now 🌌💖 So since she a human character, but also like 2 or 3 years ago I think more/less of her same suit, she was in alien form, I been thinking next year to redo her form even better 🙏✨️🌌 So yeah another thing, she's one of the important characters of my project to be focus 🌠 One of the details that she got magical alien powers that she can use, but she also can use mostly long ranged weapons 🌌🌟✨️💫 For this, her powers are not fully awaken, but very soon she'll unleash 🧡💜💙 So I hope you guys enjoy this lovely sexy beautiful and cute OC Ralyx! 🤗💖🌌
Adrex Quote:
"I never thought you and my sister been able to search for me all this time, idk for how long I been asleep... Who are you...?" *confused* *staring* He was staring her strange glowing orb of light, his eyes was shining with curiosity and confusion of strange events.
Ralyx Quote:
"I'm the one and received the same distress signal energy as you. My name is Ralyx Aran. I'm a bounty hunter just like you, your sister told me your an archeologist hunter that you were looking for answers for this planet."
Adrex Quote:
"Ralyx... Aran...? [Do I know her name before? Why this sounds so familiar from somewhere...? Her powers... Her eyes... So mysterious... I can't tell for certainly, but certainly I heard her name before, I could swear.] *thinking strangely* Uhhhhh... Nice to meet you. Ummm thanks for helping me out, I really don't know what just happen, it's all a blur... My body feels so weird and uhh..."
Ralyx Quote:
"Don't worry, you been on a huge struggle since you have awaken, it's only temporary, I can sense you without doubt. Although... Me and your sister were in shock that you just killed a swarm of those things with your bare hands and everything... I can't really explain it, it's so unreal hehe..." *nervous chuckle a moment*
Adrex Quote:
"Oh... I did...? All this? Urgh... I'm sorry... I don't know what happen, I can't remember what I done. But... Anyway... I do sorry for the trouble I mess up hehe, I really wanna know how I did, I'll bet I went like a beast huh?" He was kinda nervous, but then, he wasn't wearing any cloths all this time, he felt embarrassing, at least he's was an alien... BTW, sorry I got jumped and scared at you and my sister, I was so in shock about how I turned, but thanks for calm me back." He was respectful making a huge apology for the mess.
Ralyx Quote:
"It's alright, when that event was over, we saw you hugely surprise with your sister in shock that recognize it was you, so we help you out so you get recovered. It's a relief that your sister knew that you were still alive though."
🔶️ Also, I included previous wips you'll see! 😉 Check it out here! 👇
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🔻 Time Taken: 2 weeks
All designs created by me. @unialien.
💙 Support my art & my project for more here: https://linktr.ee/unialien
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cringesideblog · 4 years
here’s my dnf playlist and a complete song by song track-list and why I put them on it.
heatwaves- on here for very obvious reasons. i don’t think I need to explain. but here are some lyrics anyway. “Sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of June.”
Jenny- again this is kinda obvious. “I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead, I don’t know how to say this, cuz you’re really my dearest friend.”
TALK ME DOWN- this one just has the best friends pining for eachother vibe. “I wanna sleep next to you, and that’s all I wanna do right now.”
Dark paradise- kinda has dream smp vibes. but also you could argue heatwaves vibes. “Everytime I close my eyes, it’s like a dark paradise.” “There’s no relief, I see you in my sleep.” “There’s no release, I feel you in my dreams.”
Sweater weather- yeah you know why. you absolutely know why. “All I am is a man, I want the world in my hands. I hate the beach but I stand, in California with my toes in the sand.”
Drop the Guillotine- idk man just vibey. give it a listen you’ll get it. it’ll click. “You sure know how to drop that guillotine on me, though you would never wanna see me bleed.”
Can I call you tonight?- thats on their only for of communication being through the phone huh. (major heatwaves vibe) “powers out and I can’t turn the fan on, so can I call you tonight? trying make up my mind, just how I feel.”-“I hear your voice on the phone, now I’m no longer alone.”
Lemon boy- oh my god this song. geogre do be seeing dream as his lemon boy. “I helped him plant his seeds and we’d mow the lawn in bad weather.”
Yellow- DREAM IS LITERALLY GEORGES YELLOW SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.” “For you I’d bleed myself dry.”
Like you do- first of all I love this song, second, this has dream being a little too attached vibes. The whole song is just them. “Lost in the blue, they don’t love me like you do, those chills that I knew they were nothing without you, and everyone else they don’t matter now. You’re the one I can’t lose, no one loves me like you do.” “Since I met you, all the gloomy days just seem to shine a little more brightly.”
I saw you in a dream- mega heatwaves vibe. “When I’m awake I can’t switch off,” “I saw you in a dream, you came to me. You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision.”
Maybe you’re the reason- did someone say pining best friend who doesn’t know that they’re in love ? this song. this song right here. “I keep looking for something, even though I know that it’s not there. Maybe you’re the reason. And anytime I try to figure it out, you’re the only thing I can think about.”
The king- DREAM SMP VIBE. “You like me, well obviously, so why you tryna leave when you know that I’m the king?” “Other lovers give you no luck, cuz I’m the only one who’s made you fall in love.” “Playing with your heart cuz you gave me the throne.”
Sweet- an adorable song truly that actually fits them so well. “Watching the, video that you sent me- you know that I’m obsessed with your body, but it’s the way you smile that does it for me.” “It’s so sweet, knowing that you love me.”
Apocalypse- um okay here me out, apocalypse au?? yeah i know it’s cute as shit you’re welcome. “Your lips my lips, apocalypse.” “When you’re all alone, I will reach for you, when you’re feeling low, I will be there too.”
Fear of the Water- don’t come for me this ones kinda sad, beautiful song though. “If this was meant for me why does it hurt so much, and if you’re not made for me why did we fall in love?”
Dreaming of you- two words, heat. waves. but also yeah good song for them in general. “Want you all the time, and now I’m dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of you.”
Wires- uhhhhh dream smp vibe, dream villain arc n all . “If he said help me kill the president, id say he needs medicine.” “He said that I should take it in, listen to every word he’s speaking.”
Midnight love- it’s girl in love so, you already know how it issss. “I know I don’t want to, be the one that you run to, when you’ve got nowhere else to go, when you need some love.” “I always give in to give you it all.” “I can’t be your midnight love, when your silver is my gold.”
The beach- SUCH A HEATWAVES SONG JUST LISTEN. “I feel it burning me, I feel it burning you.” “I think I can see the beach, I know what’s underneath. I need you here with me,”
Cherry flavored- the neighborhood just.. they have a dnf vibe. “Cherry flavored conversations with you got me hanging on. Down to earth from all the waiting. Take me somewhere beyond.”
Pretty boy- geogre is a pretty boy. point blank period. “Even if my heart stops beating, you’re the only thing I need with me.” “Pretty boy, you did this with me boy.” “As long as I got you, I’m gonna be alright.”
Bad idea- girl in reddd... but like imagine them casually hooking up and not knowing their in love tho. also I feel like they would definitely think that their relationship is a “bad idea” bc they’re stupid. “It was a bad idea, to think I could stop, was such a bad idea, I can’t get enough.” “Darling your so pretty it hurts.”
Line without a hook- ICONIC!! dream definitely does not think that he deserves george. “You can hold my hand if no ones home.” “All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around” “Oh baby I am a wreck without you.” “She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a boy. She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook.”
Say you hate me- mega dream smp vibes as of recently. with the whole removing geogre as king. “I guess that your friends where right, from the start when they thought that I was a bad guy.” “Can you just say that you hate me? Or that you will never love me?” “Never meant to make you leave, never meant to make you cry.”
Cherry bomb- reminds me of how dream cheated on fundy with geogre. “I’m too close to crushing, and I’m too close for comfort I’m rushing.” “I ask how shes so mellow, she tells me her shades are in yellow.”
This side of paradise- I mean, like, kinda heatwaves vibes, but also just them. “Ask me why my hearts inside my throat. I’ve never been in love I’ve been alone.” “If you’re lonley come be lonley with me.”
Linger- geogre literally has that boy wrapped around his finger and I can’t not see it in this song. But when you look into it HELLA dream smp vibes, lyrics can be switched for either perspective here. “You know I’m such a fool for you, you got me wrapped around your finger.” “I thought the world of you, I thought nothing could go wrong, but I was wrong,”
august- i don’t know what is but this song is for them. it just is. “To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you'd call” “So much for summer love, and saying “Us” Cause you weren't mine to lose”
I was an island- i just love the idea of them being hardasses and not thinking they need anyone until the other comes into their life and rocks their world. kinda dream smp vibes “I was a fighter, and I was so brave, but I lowered my sword when you held me and swore you’d stay.” “I was a wolf, dear, apart from the pac But you answered my cries in the dead of the night and told me that you had my back,”
Golden- k this one feeds into the “you’re literally the sun in my sky I’m not worthy” feel “I know you were way too bright for me I'm hopeless, broken” “I know that you're scared Because hearts get broken” “I can feel you take control Of who I am and all I've ever known Loving you's the antidote”
Strong- ummm okay but the “we’re better together” dynamic is them “I’m sorry if I say I need ya, but I don’t care I’m not scared of love.” “when I’m not with you I’m weaker is that so wrong? Is it so wrong, that you make me strong.”
Fly out west- the whole, I need to see you, you’re all I think about, stuff gets me. also heatwaves vibe. “Well tell me do you know? You’re all I dream about. Take it from me I’m too dumb to recognize your doubt.”
Cruel summer- them and summer, you dig? “I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you.” “I love you and that the worst thing you ever heard?”
Nothings gonna hurt you baby- I put this one on here because of how protective dream is over geogre “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, as long as your with me you’ll be just fine. Nothings gonna hurt you baby, nothings gonna take you from my side.”
Cardigan- young love, the kind of lover that makes you feel like you are the most important thing in the world to them “when you are young they assume you know nothing, but I knew you-“ “and when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite.”
Cry baby- them being in that weird stage where they recognize that it might be more than just senseless flirting and they might have feelings but also being paranoid that they’re the only one with feelings uh- “I can taste it my hearts breaking, please don’t say it. That you know, when you know.” “I know I’ll fall in love with you baby, but that’s not what I wanna do baby.”
Speak now- literally the fundy dream wedding. i rest my case. “I hear the preacher say speak no or forever hold your peace.” “Dont say yes runaway now.”
I love you so- this song is cute on the surface but kinda sad once you look into it. it’s kinda about a codependent love that isn’t going well. “I gotta get away and let you go I gotta get over, but I love you so.” “You were cool and I’m a fool so please let me go.”
In conclusion I’d really appreciate if you could check it out :) <3
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jaune sempai au) joan learns about the jaune arc fanclub in beacon. she was not prepared. the jackets are pretty cool though
Since @noneatnonedotcom (who sent the original ask for this AU) liked the name “Jaune Sempai AU” more, that is the official name I’m using now!
Joan stared down at the white and gold jacket in her hands, her eyes unblinking at the JAFC patch on the right side of the jacket’s chest. The signature Arc family colors.... being used for a school club’s jacket. A fanclub at that! And that fanclub was for her brother!!!
Barely a month after arriving and being enrolled in Beacon, and it was already far from what she was expecting. On the very first day when she arrived, her brother didn’t meet her at the bullhead docks until everyone else was already gone and she was left standing there all alone. He did end up showing up, but he had to rush her to the ceremony with barely any time to talk between them. Then she ended up passing Beacon’s initiation, killing an Alpha Deathstalker in the process (which she was all too giddy to tell Jaune about immediately), and then got named as the leader of Team JNPR! Jaune had met up with her after initiation and introduced himself to her team and Team RWBY, totally not embarrassing her in front of them. They all seemed to like her dorky brother, so that was nice.
If that wasn’t enough insanity, she had gotten a strange anonymous letter left in her team’s dorm room for her during her third week. It only had a few words on it. 
‘We know who you are, and we are overjoyed to welcome you to Beacon Academy! If you wish to join us, bring this letter to classroom 229 on Friday after classes end and slide it under the door, then knock three times slowly. We will welcome you into our group with open arms!”
Joan had actually been creeped out by the letter, but she had to admit she was also a tad curious who the heck sent something like this. So that Friday Joan was standing outside room 229 with the letter in hand. Her partner Pyrrha had asked her if she wanted her to tag along, but she declined. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle herself. 
She was wrong. 
Joan followed the instructions on the letter and finished knocking. The door opened and revealed the smiling faces of several students, a lot of whom she didn’t recognize. Though there were definitely some faces she’d seen before as she was pulled into the classroom. 
Namely the second year students of Team CFVY who she’d seen in her Combat Class when Goodwitch wanted them to watch them fight to learn somethings. After she was pulled fully into the room, Joan pulled herself free from their grasps and noticed exactly where she was and who was around her. 
The classroom was filled with dozens of students, from first to third years. A majority of them were girls, but there was a decent number of guys too. She wasn’t even able to ask a question before someone yelled. “The sister is here!” and she immediately got bombarded with questions by all of them. 
All of them pertaining to her brother. 
“What’s his middle name!?” 
“Why are his eyes so dreamy?!”
“How’d he get so strong?!”
“Is he really your only brother?”
“What was it like growing up with such a sweet guy!?”
Question after question was fired off at her. She could wrap her head around one before two more were asked. Finally she had enough. “What the hell are you all talking about!?!?”
That seemed to make everyone pause for a moment, which she gladly took to get her bearings. A girl with wavy auburn hair who looked like a third year stepped up to her and asked, “Do you not know where you are?”
“Ummm not really. I was just curious about who left that weird letter for me in my dorm.”
“Oh that was Janey, the scribe of the club.” The third year pointed to a nice looking dark haired girl sitting down in the first row of the classroom that waved to her.
Joan gave a small wave back at her. “Uhhhhh okay. Aaaaaand what club would this be?”
“The JAFC of course! Was that not in the invitation?”
“N-no, it was signed that way.... but what does that mean?”
“Oh. The Jaune Arc Fan Club.’
The people in the classroom could almost hear Joan brain come screeching to a halt. Then the sound of it restarting before, ‘WHAT!?”
Apparently, the dozens of students there were fans of her brother. All having an interest in him, having some kind of story about how he helped them or how great of a guy he was. After they explained what was happening and all started sharing their stories, they started shoving club merchandise (Yes. ACTUAL merchandise of her brother Jaune) into her hands. They said she had the right to as much as she’d like since she was his sister. Cups with a picture of her brother’s face on it, flags and banners saying “We <3 JA”, and of course white and gold clothing items. 
Which is how she got the very jacket in her hands now. Her mind was still reeling from all of the experience she had yesterday. They all seemed to have some type of story about her brother. She didn’t need to hear all of them, especially the ones where some of the guys were showering with him an- ‘NOPE! Not dwelling on that! Not one more thought!’ Joan shook her head to rid her mind of those thoughts and looked back at the jacket. ‘They seriously weren’t kidding around... I mean at least the jacket is pretty nice. The fabric is super soft and warm, the stitching is phenomenal, the pockets are pretty deep, I like the inside one too. The colors also fit me pretty well too, but that’s obvious why. Coco did a really nice job with these. ’ 
Joan thought deeply for a minute. ‘I guess it wouldn’t hurt.’ Joan slowly moved her arm into one of the sleeves, then the other. She pulled the opening closed, but didn’t zip it up. It felt..... great on her actually.
That’s when her older brother decided to knock on her dorm’s door. “Hey Joan! I was wondering-”
“KYAAA!” Which promptly got her to shriek in surprise and take off the jacket then chuck it out the nearby open window to the dorm all in the span of three seconds. 
Then a voice came from outside in Beacon’s courtyard. “OW! What the hell! Who throws their trash out a wind- Woooooah! This is a JAFC Jacket! These are pretty expensive! Score!” 
Joan paid little thought to the voice, instead she spun around and quickly went to open the door, her face blushing. She opened the door quickly and stared up at her brother. “W-what do you want!?”
Jaune looked at his sister’s red face curiously. “What was that scream?”
Joan would die before she told him the truth. “Y-you startled me and I stubbed my toe! Now what did you want Jaune!”
Jaune’s small smile returned. “Oh, I was just wondering if you’d want to come with me to Vale’s CCT tower to call the family, let them know how you’re doing.”
Joan took a few breaths to calm down. “Sure. Just... give me a minute to get ready.”
“Sure thing sis!”
Joan closed the door and breathed out a sigh of relief. She started gathering her things to go with her brother, not even thinking about her lost jacket.
She had three more from yesterday anyways.
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter thirteen: Why put in so much effort?
Word Count: 1.2K
TW Swearing, angst, characters acting different, comparison of words to Vomit
Summary: U.A.’s third year student y/l/n Y/n, has had a crush for a long time on Todoroki Shouto. One day she decides to write an anonymous love letter, sticks it under his door. She confessed her love and asked him to meet under the Cherry tree Saturday at 4pm. She prepared with her friends for this moment, but what happens when someone else takes credit for the letter? (All characters aged up to third year!)
Taglist open!! Send an ask or do to be added!!
An: This chapter do be an angsty one !!! 
Kirishima POV
On my way down to her room, I had thought about yesterday, and if it was really a good idea to bring this up today. As I reached up to knock on her door, she swung it open and instantly threw her arms around me. 
“I’ve missed hanging out with you alone.” 
“I’ve missed it too y/n.” I said hugging back with one arm.. We walked inside sitting down at the small table she had while I passed over her food. 
“I can’t believe you made my favorite. What’s the special occasion?” 
“I have something I wanted to talk to you about, but after you eat.” She locked eyes with me, but you could see the worry written on her face. “Don’t worry it’s nothing bad.” I hoped she wouldn't take it badly anyways. 
While we ate I made small talk with her to lighten the mood a bit, more of a distraction for me. I kept thinking I shouldn’t be here. It's not fair that I am surprising her with this with what she's been going through. 
“So do you think you will be able to gather enough evidence to show Todoroki that it really was you this whole time?” 
“I think so, well I hope so.” She said, wiping her face off. She looked down at her hands and began fiddling with her thumbs.  
“Why put in so much effort? He was easily fooled into believing it was someone else with out any proof.” 
“Well why do we do the things we do for the ones we love?” She looked up again meeting my eyes.
“I guess that makes sense.” I was beginning to be a little more nervous about what I have been wanting to tell her. 
“I did pour my whole heart into that letter. I mean, with your help of course, but I just feel really connected with him.” 
“You never really talked to him though?” 
“It’s just the way I felt when we did. I don't know exactly how to explain it.” She said standing up. 
“Let’s sit on my bed and talk.” I followed behind her as we sat down. “It may sound dumb to you, but you will understand when you fall in love too.” 
“I get that you have liked him since first year, but how do you know it's really love?” 
“You just know,” She raised her hand and pointed to my chest. “You feel it here Kiri.” 
“Ah, I see..” I looked away from her quickly looking towards the picture of us and our friends on her bedside table. 
“So, hypothetically speaking uhhhhhh,” I took a deep breath, why am I so nervous? 
“What do you mean hypothetically speaking?”
“Just ummm… hypothetically if say, someone you are friends with liked you…..what would you do?” I noticed her perk up, showing me I had her full attention now. 
“Well depending on the person, I would react differently.” 
“What do you mean by that?” 
“Well depending on who it is, I would decline based on how I know their personalities would react or take the rejection.” 
“So hypothetically, if I was to ask you out, how would you reject me?” 
“Kiri! You’re my best friend as if you would ask me out!” I just smiled at her awkwardly, 
“Well it’s hypothetical silly! I just wanted to see since you sound like some sort of master of saving feelings.” She went silent for a moment.
“So who is it?”
“What?” My eyes grew bigger as I began to feel my heart race. “No one at all hahaha….” 
“Kiri… I know you better then that. First you used “hypothetically” and now you're just saying “hahaha”, that to me is suspicious.” 
“Uhhhhh, I gotta go, sorry y/n!! See you later.” Before she could say anything to me I rushed out of the room and off to the stairs just running up to my room. My phone started blowing up with messages from y/n already. 
Falling back down on my bed, I let out a deep sigh. I realized now I never asked her about Midoriya. Just when I was about to close my eyes and hopefully fall asleep for the night, a knock and voice could be heard from the opposite side of my door. 
“Kiri, I know you are in here, please let me talk to you. I’m sorry about upstairs, we can just be bros and pretend it didn’t happen, but I still want to hang out with my best friend. I miss hanging out with you.”  I wasn’t sure if some kind of demon possessed me or what really happened, but I ripped open my door, facing her sad eyes. I felt angry. 
“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer hanging out with Deku?” I said, anger dripping from my words. 
“Where is this coming from? Did you have a personality change on your way up here?” She asked, surprised. 
“No, I am just kinda tired of how you constantly hang out with deku, if i even get invited, it's even after him? Are you in love with him too or something? Why am I always your second choice now?” 
“What the actual fuck kirishima.” 
“I’m not sure, you tell me. We have been best friends for years, all of a sudden Deku swoops you away!! I just don’t get it. When did I become not enough for you?” 
“You're acting like we were in a romantic relationship! You need to calm down.” Her voice had started to raise. 
“Is that really all you have to say?” 
“I missed one hang out, like what the fuck?” You could see eyes become more glossy.  
“That's not the point. You know what? Forget it. I’m tired. So just leave.” I didn’t want this to continue anymore, hell I didn’t even know where all this rage jealousy had come from to begin with. 
“You may be my best friend but he is the only one who gets what I have been feeling. Being in love for over 2 years then seeing them together does something to you. Something he understands, something I wouldn’t want you to understand cause it hurts.” I couldn't control what I said next, like word vomit, it just came spewing out.  
“You must be living in some kind of fantasy world, cause in this world, Todoroki doesn't even know you exist. It's truly pathetic watching you day after day chasing someone like that, when one of your close friends is madly in love with you!!” At this point tears had started free falling from her eyes. 
“Out of all the people in the world who could hold such harsh words in their hearts, my last guess would have been you Kirishima. Just do me a favor and don’t contact me for a while.” With that she left. She left me standing in my door, watching her leave. Watching her slowly lose it more and more with each step she took. I knew it was bad. I knew I shouldn’t have said these things. The reason I did? Jealousy. I felt jealous of Midoriya, I felt jealous how she responded even to Bakugou the day she saw Ochaco with Todoroki. Most of all, I was jealous of Todoroki.
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AN: Plot twist coming up got me mad excited to write it. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story line. I hope it doesn’t seem like I strayed too much from the summary plot line. This has been mapped in my head for a while, so hopefully people are still enjoying it!! Feel free to send asks, dms, or even leave comments with reactions to the story! As a writer it means alot to see these as it  gives me joy to see reactions or positive responses!! Don’t feel pressure to do it though!! 
Taglist: @videogameboiwhowins​ @too-many-fandoms666 @angelofdarkness1020 @bakuinred​ @yoonbbyboy​ @iamagalaxy @softesyoongi @tsumuuumiyaaaa @kyomihann @iwavibes @thatweirdfox22 @missmultifangirl @lilithknight1111 @letmebreathepls @ohmygodronnie2020 @noahmanz @smolbbygorl @mikeys-thighs
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krazy-kipo · 3 years
What do you think the Oak family's reactions would be to Kipo bringing home a date for the first time. Particularly Hugo and Wolf?
Holding the flowers you picked and the glitter covered card you made you smile as you knock on Kipos door. There's a long pause and you shift nervously. Smiling you pull at your hair to make sure it's perfect and tug at your clothes so they look nice before someone answers the door. Holding the flowers and card close you smile.
"Oh Wolf. Hi! Ummm... Is Kipo ready? Can I come in?" Swallowing you don't mean to be so talkative but your just so nervous. You knew Wolf and the rest of her family of course but things had been so busy you never got properly acquainted.
With all the excitement latley it'd been hard to get to know Kipos new friends from the surface. It was also hard to admit you had feelings for Kipo. It took almost loosing her for you to finally admit you liked her. Thinking back it's kind of a miracle you can stand here with flowers for her right now.
I mean your burrow got destroyed and Kipo dissapeared which kinda made talking to her hard, then there was Emilia telling you Kipo was bad after the whole Scarlemagne incident, then all the Humfa stuff when you escaped the crew ship, never getting to ask her to Phram cause she was so busy planning it, and after that it was just always hard to catch her.
Smiling as Wolf opens the door grunting you step inside. Kipo was going to pick you up but it was Valentine's Day and you wanted to surpise her.
"Ahhhh so you must be the illustrious (Y/N). Kipo hasn't stopped raving about you." Blushing at the thought of Kipo talking about you, you turn and see Kipos older brother Scarlemagne.
"Oh hi." You still were a little nervous to be around him since he did control you by force for awhile but you'd seen him change. Kipo had changed him. She did that. "Oh uhhhhh..." Placing the flowers on the table you take out two cards. "There not as elaborate or special as the one I made for Kipo but I still made one for everyone and I hope you think their nice." Holding out a card for Scralemagne he pauses before taking it. Wolf has been side eyeing you this whole time and you swallow holding out the one you'd made for her.
You can already tell they don't like you. It's not so much you as them wanting to keep Kipo happy and safe but you felt a tad insulted that after everything you'd done for Kipo even before you confessed they'd still think your not good enough. You guess it was fine though. You'd win them over in time.
"I ummmm... got really nice flowers for Kipo." You state. "And we'll be home by dark. Uhhh are Lio and Song here?" You ask looking for the parents. Song and Lio were a little less intense than Kipos siblings.
"Is a mute not good enough for you?" Scralemagne responds opening your card with a deadpan expression. Glancing at Wolf hoping for help the girl gives you none as she holds the card looking confused. Sighing you close your eyes to summom strength.
"Scarle-" Pausing you shake your head gripping Kipos card. No. He wasn't that person anymore. Kipo had helped him and you weren't going to let that go unnoticed. "Hugo." You say slowly. "That's not what I meant." Taking a calming breath you stare at Hugo and Wolf. They cared about Kipo but so did you. You were not getting scared off. You were here to stay.
Watching Scarlemagnes expression as he reads your card he pauses eyes widening. Looking up at you he hums.
"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings. Robert Lewis Steveson." Looking down unsure if that was something you should have quoted he laughs. Snapping your head up shocked Hugos laughing.
"What's so funny?" Kipo questions coming down from her room. "OH MY GOD (Y/N)!" Eyes turning pink, purple furr surrounds you as your girlfriend pulls you in for a famous Kipo Jagaur hug.
"Nothing. Your partners here..." Hugo says with a roll of his eyes. Chuckling he tucks the letter you wrote into his jacket and you take that as a good sign. "Is well read and knows a good joke." Smiling at him Wolf looks at her own card giving a small smile before looking back up nodding at you.
"Oh awesome! So glad you get along!" Kipo cheers smiling. Smiling back she kisses your cheek. Blushing brighter than her eyes she laughs. "Ready?" She questions. Nodding a bit dazed at how amazing she is, Kipo pulls you out the door as Hugo and Wolf wave goodbye.
You swear you hear Hugo muttering about Kings and rulers and how it means nothing without family before the door shuts but as Kipo transforms you can't bring yourself to think of it. Holding onto her furr and her Valentine's card you feel the wind blow through your hair as you hang on.
"HAPPY VALENTINES KIPO!" You shout as she roars running to where you'd told her to go.
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My Roommate is an Apparition: WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A DAD - Part 1
Based on characters created by @reddpenn
It was Saturday afternoon and Lily was dancing around in a baggy shirt, baggy sweatpants, socks, and jamming out to Michael Jackson’s Thriller; blasting it out from her computer’s speakers.  She had been vacuuming the floor, washing dishes, gathering trash, and doing other reasonable adult chores with a spring in her step.  Lily was feeling fantastic and even if someone told her that her car had been towed and had a $300 fine, she wouldn’t have cared and continue to dance.
She was, to put it bluntly: hyped.  
Something she had been looking forward to for a very long time was coming and Lily could not contain her glee.  On the wall, her calendar had a big red circle around March 7th: the upcoming Thursday.  In the pantry were a wide variety of snacks, munchies, treats, and goodies (some of them were leftover from the Pink Panther marathon a few weeks back, but were never opened, so they were still good).  Visions of possible ways to decorate the apartment to celebrate floated through her head as her heart beat with excitement.  To most others, this Thursday wasn’t anything particularly special, but In about six days...
...Castlevania Season Three was going to premiere on Netflix.
As Lily danced while she worked, a pair of eyes were watching from the walls.  Lily knew they were there, but didn’t mind, since she knew those eyes belonged to her apparition roommate.  Their name was “Tulpa” (since that’s what they said it was when Lily asked) and recently, Lily had begun addressing them by name as opposed to simply “Roommate” or “Roomie”.
“Hey Tulpa!” Lily called out to the pair of eyeballs embedded into the wall, “Hope you don’t mind the music!”
Materializing from the wall, the nose-less, ear-less, long haired, spiky-toothed being moved closer and stared at their roommate doing the “Boogie of Unreachable Back Itch” with a puzzled look on their face.  The apparition couldn’t remember the last time they ever saw Lily look this happy.  Usually, she wasn’t nearly this energetic on her days off when doing chores, so something good must have happened.
“Why... are you... dancing?” Tulpa asked quietly in their trademark raspy voice.  Unfortunately, they were too quiet since Lily didn’t hear a word they said over the music coming from the computer.
“Lily...”  her roommate called out slightly louder, “Why... are you... dancing!?”
Once again, Lily couldn’t hear a thing and her ghostly roommate was starting to get annoyed.  They needed to do something to get her attention, and in a way that didn’t disturb the neighbors, frighten Lily, or result in something breaking.  (The two of them had a very long chat about it after “The Pink-ening” back in February.)  Eyeing Lily’s computer, Tulpa got an idea and hovered over to it.
One quick YouTube search was all it took to change the music to something Tulpa was more... familiar with.
Lily stopped the music and looked at Tulpa with a half-smile on her face.  “You rang?” she said jokingly.
“Why... are you... dancing?” asked Tulpa.
Lily chuckled to herself, “I’m glad you asked!” she said joyfully, “One of my favorite shows has a new season premiering this Thursday!  Castlevania!”
“Castle... vania?” Tulpa asked inquisitively.  Despite being an apparition with no physical organs or body parts, they did have a memory, and something about that name seemed familiar.  Almost reflexively, Tulpa said, “Simon... Belmont?”
Lily raised an eyebrow and looked at her surprisingly knowledgeable roommate.  “You know about Simon Belmont!?”
“Mega... Man...” Tulpa continued, “Kid... Icarus...”
Lily was going to ask what Tulpa was talking about when her phone began to ring.  Walking over, she picked up her smartphone and answered knowing exactly who it was on the other end.  From the phone came a baritone voice that could best be described as “Overly Hammy”.
“Hi Dad,” Lily answered with a smile.
“Hey sweetie!” came a cheerful voice over the phone, “Looking forward to this Thursday!?”
“You bet I am!” beamed Lily, “Did you hear they cast Bill Nighy to play Saint Germain!?”
“I did!” her father beamed back.  
As father and daughter chit-chatted on the phone, Tulpa looked over Lily’s shoulder with a slight look of envy.  They could see how happy Lily was on the phone talking with her family.  Tulpa, however, hadn’t used a phone in a very long time, and they were kind of amazed at how far phones had come.  Any phone that let someone watch cartoons on it was the best phone ever in their book.  Deep down, they wished they had one of their own.  The apparition gave a breathless, wistful sigh as it watched Lily talk, but then Lily’s face was suddenly no longer smiling.
“What do you mean THIS weekend?” she asked over the phone.
“Well I did say I was coming over the first weekend of March, didn’t I?”
“Yeah!  March 7th and 8th, right!?” Lily asked starting to feel a little panicked now.
“Noooo...” her Dad trailed off, “I was talking about this weekend.”
“Dad!  This is not the first weekend of March!  It’s the last weekend of February!” Lily said with exasperation,
“Tomorrow’s March 1st, and a Sunday, right?” her Dad pleaded his case.
“Yeah!  But the first weekend of any month usually means the first FULL weekend of any month!  It doesn’t count if it’s half-and-half!” Lily stated as a sinking feeling began to form in her gut.
She could hear her Dad shrug over the phone, “Oh well, my mistake then.”
“YEAH!” said Lily, “I don’t even have the place cleaned up yet.  I’m not ready to have company over!”  Her roommate noticed that Lily was looking at them when they said that.
“Honey, you know I don’t care if the place is cleaned up or not,” her father said.
“I DO!” Lily almost shouted. 
Despite her protesting, the apartment was actually looking good that Saturday.  The vacuuming was finished, dishes were being washed in the dishwasher, trash had been taken out, the display cases for her rock collection had been dusted off, and the apartment was, for all intents and purposes, presentable.  The real problem was that Lily hadn’t gone over her Dad’s visit with Tulpa yet to  make sure they understood how to behave themselves.
“Look,” Lily began to beg, “Could you just stop by and visit next weekend?  It’d work a lot better for me.”
“Yyyyyyeeeaaahhhh...” her Dad said while trailing off, “...about that...”  As soon as he finished saying the word “about”, Lily began to feel a little nauseous as she whipped around to look at the front door.  Beads of sweat were starting to form on her forehead as the dreaded noise she feared most came from her front door.
Lily practically dropped the phone as her pupils shrank and panic began to set in.  She turned to her roommate, and tried to grab their hand.  Unfortunately, given Tulpa’s natural state of transparency, Lily’s hand went right through theirs.  Realizing that wasn’t going to work, Lily began to frantically move her arms and make gestures to get Tulpa to hide.
Tulpa, meanwhile, wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but picked up on Lily’s gestures and went into one of the bedrooms.  Lily then closed the door and walked quickly over to the front door.  She opened it up, and just as she suspected, there was her Dad standing right outside with his phone up to his ear.
“Hey, Hey, Hey!” he said with a smile, “Guess who’s here!”
Lily had to use every muscle she had to contort her face into a forced smile, “D-D-Dad!  Hi!”  There was no mistake that it was him.  There were very few people who would consider a T-shirt that had an 8-bit pixel sprite with the caption “Uncle Vlad’s Wall Chicken” on it as “casual going out” clothes.  It was a Christmas gift she had gotten him a few months earlier, and while she was glad to know it fit him okay, seeing him out and about in it was somehow incredibly embarrassing.
“May I come in?” he asked politely.
“Uhhhhh...”  Lily stammered, “C-Could you give me a second.  I just, ummm...” she trailed off while trying to think of an excuse, “...need to pick up some laundry off the floor.  Yeah.  Don’t want you stepping on any... underwear or socks or anything!”  Lily’s laundry had already been cleaned, folded, and put away, including the towels in the linen closet, but her Dad didn’t know that, and she was banking on it.
“Sure!” her Dad agreed, “I did kind of drop in unannounced.”
“THANKS DAD!” Lily again almost hollered as she had to hold herself back from slamming the door when she closed it.  She immediately ran to the room where Tulpa was and looked her square in the eyes.  “Okay,” she began, “I know this is sudden, but my DAD is here!  I’m going to need you to be on your BEST behavior while he’s here, okay?”
Tulpa blinked and looked at Lily with their usual vacant expression on their face.  “...why?”  
“BECAUSE... Because...” Lily trailed off as she tried to think of a good reason.  Tulpa couldn’t be seen by anyone other than her, and she wasn’t entirely sure if other people could hear Tulpa either.  But her ethereal roommate was somehow able to make the entire apartment pink last month all the way down to the toilet paper, and could hold and carry things in their ghost-like hands.  “...I don’t want to scare him off!” was the best excuse Lily could think of off the top of her head.
Tulpa nodded, “...okay...” she said.  Lily detected a hint of them sounding disappointed, but she’d find a way to make it up to them later.
“I’ll make it up to you later!”
[See? Told yah!]
Tulpa wasn’t entirely sure why Lily was acting so strange all of a sudden.  She was acting as though her Dad would be able to see them even though they both knew that wasn’t possible.  Despite this, Lily still seemed uncomfortable with the whole situation, and not wanting to trouble their friend, Tulpa nodded.
Lily followed up with a quick, “Thank you!” before turning around to dash to the front door.
Opening the door again, Lily gestured to her father to come on in, “Make yourself at home!” she said like she knew full well just how cliche it was to say.
“Don’t mind if I do,” her Dad said with a smile as he walked in.  It was then that Lily noticed the backpack he had on.  She recognized it as the “Electronics” backpack her Dad carried whenever he was taking a laptop or any other electronic device with him to places.  He headed straight to the living room, took his backpack off and began fishing around inside of it.
Lily gulped, “Did you bring-?” she began to ask before her Dad pulled out a family treasure from inside the backpack.
“Indeed I did!” he said proudly as he cut her off.  In his hands was one of his most prized possessions:
A Nintendo Entertainment System.
It was the same NES that he got back when he was fourteen years old in 1986.  He had been a video game fan ever since the early days of Atari and took meticulous care of his game systems to make sure they lasted and functioned for decades to come.  Even in his middle-ages at forty-eight years old, he still had the same passion for video games as he did when he was a kid.
Only one question was on Lily’s mind which she had no trouble verbalizing: “Why?!”  
Her Dad grinned a smug grin as he reached into the backpack and pulled out a small, black, plastic sleeve that contained an NES cartridge in it.  It wasn’t just any NES cartridge either; it was Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse.
Seeing that cartridge gave Lily mixed feelings.  She could remember the times growing up with her father when he would insist that she sit down and play video games with him.  But it often wasn’t so much to play them as it was to lecture her about them.  He would regularly go on and on about the history of video games, how significant they were to modern society and culture, nifty bits of trivia, and for Lily, NOTHING took away the fun from video games more so than trying to make them an educational experience.  In the back of her head, she knew they weren’t all like that; she still had many good memories playing games with her father (and playing the same games her father was lecturing about whenever he WASN’T lecturing), but the look in his eyes told her that this was going to be another one of his signature talks.
“Dad,” Lily pleaded, “No.  No, please!  Can’t we just, I dunno, watch Castlevania on Netflix?  Maybe check out the Japanese dub or something?”  She knew exactly what was about to happen.  He was going to connect the NES to her TV, put Castlevania III in, and then play it while talking about how the game eventually became the show she adored with voice acting by Richard Armitage and Graham McTavish.  All this to “prepare” for the season premiere in a few days.
Unfortunately for Lily, her father shook his head and said, “Now I didn’t spend my high school years breaking down blocks for wall meat and whipping away Medusa Heads for nothing.  C’mon!  Don’t you want to see your old man defeat Dracula?”
The answer to that was an emphatic “NO!” from Lily, but she wasn’t about to hurt her Dad’s feelings.  While it wasn’t how she planned to spend her Saturday, she figured that as soon as he got it out of his system, the sooner he could head back home.  Plus, talkative as he was, he was still rather decent at playing difficult video games even at forty-eight years old.  As long as everything went well, he ought to be able to finish the game in about an hour; two hours tops.
Meanwhile, a pair of eyes was watching from the bedroom door (as in, within the bedroom door) as Lily’s Dad effortlessly hooked up the NES to the TV.  Tulpa began to remember some of the people that used to live here also had video game systems like the one Lily’s Dad was hooking up.   They were pretty interesting, and Tulpa was somewhat curious about them even if they weren’t cartoons.  Eager to see more of what was going on, they poked their head out more and more from the door.
Lily sighed as her Dad continued to fiddle with the cables behind the TV, and turned around in time to see Tulpa who was now poking their head out in full view.  Before Lily could say or do anything...
Lily spun back around and looked at her father who looked like he had seen a ghost...
...but he was actually looking at the jumbled mess of pixels on the TV screen.  “Aww man,” he groaned, “I thought I cleaned this already!”  Turning to his daughter, he asked, “Hey can you reach into my backpack and grab the Q-Tips and alcohol?”
Sure enough, there was a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol and Q-Tips in the backpack, and Lily deftly fished them out and gave them to her man-child of a father.  Or was the correct term “Child-Man”?  Lily wasn’t quite sure but pushed that thought to the side as she said to him, “Hey, I’m gonna use the bathroom real quick!  B.R.B.!”
“Okie dokie,” her Dad said as he happily cleaned the game cartridge pins.  He always found something so cathartic about cleaning cartridges and getting them to work.  It was almost zen-like.
Of course, Lily did not go to the bathroom.   Instead, she walked right over to Tulpa’s levitating elongated neck and head, opened the door they were peeking out from (which pulled their head out of the door), and marched in with a mixture of disapproval, frustration, and worry on their face.  “What are you DOING!?” she demanded with her teeth clenched and her voice lowered.
“Want to... see,” Tulpa said bashfully.  Lily noticed that they weren’t looking her in the eyes.
“It’s just my DAD and his games!” pleaded Lily.
“I’d like... to meet... him,” said the curious ghost.
Lily turned to look at the door, then back to Tulpa, and raised her thumb like a hitchhiker to point to the door behind her.  “Him!?” Lily said incredulously, “What for!? He can’t even see or hear you anyway!”
It was true that Tulpa could not be seen by anyone other than Lily, and Tulpa knew that all too well.  Not a single living soul was able to see or truly hear them any time before now.  Lily was the exception and neither of them had any idea why.  But, the apparition thought to itself, the person out in the living room was Lily’s father.  What if...
“AH HA!” Lily practically jumped from her father’s victorious cheer, “I GOT IT!” he crowed from the living room.   Lily did a small face palm as the shout gave her flashbacks to when she was eight-years old and her Dad would practically scream at the top of his lungs every time he died playing Ninja Gaiden after Lily had gone to sleep.  Few things were more terrifying than being woken up out of a deep dream by the shrill shrieks of your own father.
Lily turned to Tulpa and made a shushing gesture, “If you’re gonna watch, just... make sure not to touch anything so he won’t know someone’s there, okay!?”
Tulpa nodded, somewhat solemnly, as Lily stepped out to join her Dad in the living room.  Inside the room Tulpa was in, there was a large mirror attached to a vanity table.  The inquisitive incorporeal individual looked at its reflection in the mirror.  They could see their matted hair and large googly eyes, as well as lack of facial features, and for the first time in its existence, began to think about its appearance.
No one before could see them, so what they looked like never really mattered.  Lily was the first person who could see Tulpa, and she accepted them for just the way they were.  That was something they really liked about Lily.  At the same time though, they never thought about how they wanted others to see them if they could see them.
Tulpa thought about how Lily included them in the things she did, and how much they enjoyed spending time with Lily.  Even if they weren’t watching cartoons, the time they shared was always fun and enjoyable.  They wanted to get to know Lily better, and what better way than by getting to meet her Dad?  Wouldn’t it be better if they were all together?
Sure he probably wouldn’t be able to see them, but...
...maybe he could?
And if he could, what would he think of them?
What would Tulpa want them to think of them?
Continuing to stare at themselves in the mirror, Tulpa made a decision.   It was going to take all of their concentration, but “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”  It began by taking a very, very, very deep breath.  They sucked in as much air as they could, practically inflating themselves like a balloon.
Once they had inhaled as much as they could, they held their mouth shut and tried to squeeze the air out using whatever specters had for muscles.   The human equivalent would have been if someone were to hold their breath, pinch their nose, and try to get their ears to pop.   A small popping noise could be heard in the room, as Tulpa succeeded in popping out some ears.
Back in the living room, Lily was resting her arm on the armrest of the couch, with face resting in the palm of her hand, and looking extremely bored.  Her Dad was already sitting on the opposite end of the couch, navigating Trevor Belmont through Stage 1 after showing off how the game’s prologue fit the Netflix show’s narrative.  Lily was, naturally, not paying attention to any of it as her mind was somewhere else completely.
“What am I doing?” she thought to herself, “Why does it matter if Tulpa’s out here or not?   I mean, it’s not like Dad can see them or anything.”  As she thought to herself, deep down she came to realize what her problem was.  It wasn’t about her Dad meeting Tulpa, it was about Tulpa meeting her Dad!
Despite him being good natured and an affable person, he was still her Dad, and Dads by definition tended to be embarrassing as Hell!  He had actually researched Dad jokes and has kept an arsenal of them up his sleeves ever since Lily could remember.  He rarely ever acted like an average 48-year old man in public, and some times, Lily would feel ashamed that between the two of them, she would be considered the adult.
(During the Christmas season, he saw all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-Up Arcade Cabinets on display in Wal-Mart and would always turn them on and set the volume to maximum!  According to him, he was trying to recreate the “arcade atmosphere” of his youth.)
But despite the occasional embarrassment, he was still her Dad, and she wouldn’t trade him for any other Dad in the world.  He was always open minded, and whenever he didn’t understand something, he made an effort to try and understand.  Like that time he asked her to show him her rock collection and tell him about all the different kinds she had and what made them so unique.  He was always a cool Dad like that.
He raised her the best that he could and helped her with her homework.  He drove her to places she wanted to go when she was little, and took her to theme parks, the zoo, science centers, museums... he was always actively involved in her upbringing and that meant a lot to Lily.
The sound of a door opening and closing could be heard from the hallway.
“I’m overreacting, aren’t I?” she thought to herself.   “I should have just asked Tulpa to sit down and watch him play. I mean, misery loves company, right?   And plus he-“
It was at that moment that Lily’s eyes began to widen as she realized she had just heard the sound of a door opening and closing come from the hallway.  Her Dad turned around at the noise and Lily whipped herself around at breakneck speed.  She nearly choked on her own spit at what she saw.
It was Tulpa. 
 It was definitely Tulpa...
...But they looked human!
They had a nose, two ears, and opaque, pale skin.  Their hair still looked matted and unwashed, their eyes were still large, and their teeth still looked sharp even though they were a bit more rounded.  They were wearing a turtleneck blouse and a long skirt that went all the way down to their ankles.  On their feet were white socks which were probably there since Tulpa hadn’t really gotten the hang of manifesting realistic feet yet.  And they were definitely female (or going for the feminine look).
They looked kind of like that one really tall girl from that really popular anime everyone kept talking about, “Hands Off My Aerosol Can” or something like that.
There was a brief moment of silence in the room that felt like it stretched on for an eternity (even though it only lasted a fraction of a second).  Lily’s Dad was looking right at them, or at least, in their direction.   Lily could tell Tulpa had “dressed up” to meet her father, but doubted it would have mattered since there was no way he could-
“Hi there! You must be Lily’s roommate!” greeted Lily’s Dad.
...To Be Continued...
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Geez, how are you still alive from this? Okay, were you dumb enough to steal from another?
"You know, I don't know how. I'm still slippery as Shdwkyz says but come on! Their are pretty nice girls in New York City!" Mineta sighed but he looks nervous think.
"And well..I did....well, two of them." he said.
"So this is new york. Wow!! Yuji, you were right about this!" Kisho said with eyes sparkling seeing the places so far with Yuji and the others. Taz was visiting the girls today on the vacation even the Six claws were here too hanging with Yuji and Kisho.
"Yeah, I did try to explain that. Though, this is pretty nice though. "He said with Ren, Rin, Denji, Atsushi, Bakugo, and Izuku nods. They were eating some lunch together but was talking.
"We told ya. It's not too bad but it's pretty nice." Ren said eating some food with the guys nodding.
"True. Also, you guys are here on vacation?" Denji asked.
"Yeah, we are. We said we would bring Daichi here to relax since he's never been to America so why not?" he said.
"I see. Well, New York is pretty fun so I think you'll like it." Rin said smiling as they were eating. The guys kept hanging out while looking and showing the sights so far with Kisho who was enjoying himself. It was pretty cool.
The guys heard running to stop and look. They saw someone panting looking like he saw a ghost but holding something in his arms crying.
"Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide!!" Mineta said panicking. The six claws blink.
"Oh come on.." Bakugo said angry.
"Uhhh Mineta, what are you doing here?" Izuku said seeing the other tense up.
"Uhhh Hey guys! I'm not doing anything! Just uhhhhh....enjoying the sights." he said nervous. The six claws glare at him but Kisho blinks to look at him.
"Uhhh who is this guy?" he asked Yuji but stops seeing a angry look on his face.
"...Lets just say he's well known......but it leaves a question to why he's here." He said. "Second, take the time to look at him. I think you know Kisho..." Yuji said.
He blinks to look at him for a moment but when he did, his eyes widen remembering. "YOU!!!" he points even hearing Eito squawk angry to remember. "YOUR THAT PERVERT FROM THAT TIME BACK HOME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" he said.
"Uhhhhhh..Nothing?" he said backing up but he got scared only for Yuji to grab him by the shirt lifting him up. "Eek!"
"Alright you talk! Every time your around something is happening and it's never good with you! So spill, why are you here?" he said angry.
"Or better to ask; what did you do this time?" Ren said. Mineta got scared seeing the guys surrounding him as he shook.
"I..I'm doing nothing! I was just minding my own business!! Can you blame me!?" he said. "Please put me down! T^T" he begs of them.
"Oh no you don't! You must have did something then you wouldn't try running. So what did you do!?" Bakugo said.
"I swear, I didn't do anything!! Believe me I swear!" he said looking to them. However, as the guys were about to question him...
A loud dragon roar echoed through New york city with the guys looking back seeing a large blue flame mixed with black flames.
That's when they heard familiar voices.
"RUN AWAY, THEY LOST IT! INK AND JINX LOST THEIR SHITTTTT!!!" Echo shouted from the distance.
The six claws along with Yuji and Kisho blinks but slowly looks to Mineta who was scared.
"You didn't.." Izuku said.
"YOU STOLE THEIR PANTIES!?" The six claws said even Yuji was shocked.
"Seriously!?" Yuji said.
However, that's when they heard running showing Jinx and Ink's fractions running away shouting. "UHhhh.."
"RUN AWAY!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!" Fosh shouted out. That's when the claws look seeing two people. A very enraged Ink who was gripping her great sword as it was glowing blue. Her face is hidden but had the dragon demon face seen and a very angry hell panther coated in black flames while showing flamed daggers. Two black panther swaying tails were seen behind her.
"Oh shit.." Bakugo said.
"..Uh oh.." Izuku panics.
"...Oh no not again!" Rin and Denji said worried.
"The hell?!?" Yuji said worried.
"......Uh oh..."Atsushi said worried.
"....Oh dear.." Ren said.
Mineta saw the two but struggles out of Yuji's hold to land but runs off. "Huh hey!"
"SORRY!!!" he shouted before he left two enraged young women who looked ready to kill him.
"I..Ink? Jinx? Please calm down! Lets talk this over okay!?" Atsushi said not seeing Ink this angry before but the two girls only looks silent before looking up.
Ink's upper face was darkened with her grey eyes looked really scary ready while Jinx's own upper face was the same with her eyes glowed red to show her hands having sharp nails ready to slash something. Yeahhhhhh...the guys think they didn't want to talk right now.
"We gotta calm them down before they burn everything!" Bakugo said.
"HOW!?" Izuku said but saw the two growling now before roaring out that left the boys tensing to turn running. "Run run run!!" they said but the girls chases them.
"Soooo in short. I ran off but left them to deal with the girls. Ink and Jinx are terrifying! T^T. I was lucky to be alive after stealing their panties..and Taz's too. However, they sorta destroyed a lot while fighting the six claws, yuji, and Kisho but they got the two knocked out and put to sleep calming down." he said. "Yuji had to knock Jinx out and she's really hard to knock out. The six claws did the same for Ink too...I mean, their fractions were scared seeing them lose it..." he sweatdrops.
"However.....I will still say this; their panties are the best." he said blushing to smile.
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Coming...Someday I hope o gawd: Aftermath
One more preview! (Though let me know if you enjoyed these.)
As I was completing “What it Means to Be A Demon” I began working on a Noah’s Ark fic, also part of Sawdust of Words. The idea was that it would be shorter than WIMTBAD and have a more even balance of hurt and comfort (as opposed to a massive hurt fest with about the minimal amount of comfort that still made for a satisfying ending).
At current count, it stands around 25k and is a mess. A mess that has defeated multiple beta readers’ ability to try and get it in order. And tbh I haven’t touched it in a while BUT I still intend to finish it one day!
(Seriously, I even foreshadowed some of it in WIMTBAD, because I do plan things. You don’t even want to know what my brain is like.)
I’ve posted about my issues before, but the main ones are:
1. I started trying to do this in media res/jumping between timelines thing that was really cool in my head. It did not work. I now have a bunch of random scenes with no idea how they’re all supposed to hang together.
2. Shockingly, this is angstier than I expected. The angst also went in an unexpected direction. Specifically, ummm...there’s quite a bit that deals with the psychological trauma of isolation. Hoo boy, did I not expect THAT to resonate so strongly when I started in December 2019!
But! I am determined to finish this, not least because it contains a few puzzle pieces to the larger Sawdust of Words story. And also because we all love our Noah’s Ark Angst.
So in the interest of trying to convince myself, I give you the first two scenes! (Maybe. Depends if I do the in media res thing or not.)
And only the first two. We hit the angst fast in this. If I added the third and DIDN’T have the rest of the fic ready to go you would all hate me forever.
Mesopotamian Floodplain, 3004 BC
It was not exactly the joyful reunion Crawley had been anticipating for a thousand years.
“But they’re drowning everyone else?”
Aziraphale nodded, biting his lips, refusing to meet Crawley’s eyes no matter how they bored into him.
Rain clouds gathered from every direction, boiling in the sky above. Thunderheads miles tall, shading from black to grey to white, stretched from horizon to horizon, looming like a nightmare, while blue-white lightning flashed from one to the next.
It had reminded Crawley of the day they met. As he’d approached the crowd, wondering what the excitement was all about, he’d felt the glowing presence of an angel nearby. He’d been delighted to see Aziraphale again, to find out what he’d been up to for the last three hundred sixty-two thousand five hundred thirty-three days.
That hadn’t lasted long.
The demon glanced down again, taking in the line of animals making their way towards an enormous boat, sat incongruously in the middle of the summer-dry desert. Nearby, a group of children chased each other, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen.
“Not the kids. You can’t kill kids.”
And that was it. Aziraphale was going to stand there and watch this happen. Without a word.
He shouldn’t be surprised. He shouldn’t be disappointed. After all, Aziraphale was an angel.
That was what angels did.
“What, precisely, do you think you’re going to do?” Aziraphale demanded, chasing after Crawley, hands waving uselessly at the raging demon. Already the wind was setting their robes to flap wildly, twisting Crawley’s long hair this way and that.
“I don’t know but – I’m not going to just stand there like – like an angel.”
For a moment, he thought that would be enough. He walked away, leaving Aziraphale to glare at him in that superior angelic way, effect only slightly ruined by the way his jaw hung open.
But the next moment, there he was again, clutching at his pristine cream robes and half-running to try and get in front of Crawley. “Look, there’s nothing you can do. The rains will start any moment and then –”
“And then everyone drowns. I hope you have a good seat reserved.”
“Actually –”
Crawley spun to pin the angel with his most furious scowl. Aziraphale froze, gulping as if to swallow his own tongue, shrinking back. “I’ll be…I’ve been assigned to stay on the Ark. Watch over Noah’s family.”
“Have you.”
“It’s…it’s a great honor.”
Crawley didn’t even know what to say.
“Well. Congratulations, Angel. Good to see you’ve gone up in the world since we last met.” Aziraphale had the audacity to almost-smile at that, and Crawley felt the bile rising in his throat. “So. You’re going to be safe and dry inside that Ark, while all these people die? You’re going to sit there with your head tucked under your wings and pretend it’s not happening?”
“No. I’ll…” Aziraphale was staring at his own clasped hands, as if trying to memorize the way the carefully manicured fingers twisted. “I was…I plan to…to watch.”
“Watch? Watch?” Crawley spun away. “You disgust me, Aziraphale.”
This time the angel made no effort to follow him. But Crawley didn’t get far. Just ahead, he saw a young woman leading a child by the hand, returning to the mudbrick houses in the distance. He spun, pointing at them. “Are you going to tell me these people – this whole village – is so wicked, the Almighty has no choice but to kill them all?”
Aziraphale bit his lips, twisting his head as if trying to find some direction to look. He certainly wasn’t looking where Crawley pointed, or towards the village, or the Ark…
“What? Not just the town?” He could see the angel flinch. “How far?”
“Gabriel…” Aziraphale cleared his throat, re-clasping his hands behind his back. “Gabriel implied…The whole river valley, I should think. All the way back to the mountains.”
“But that’s…that’s thousands of people!”
“Yes, Crawley,” he snapped, finally bringing his cold blue eyes up to meet the demon’s glare. “Thousands of people who are many days’ travel away but it’s…it’s part of the Plan. There’s a Reason for this and there’s…there’s nothing you can do.”
The first drops of rain fell, steaming hot on his shoulders, to be drunk greedily by the parched ground.
“Jusst watch me.”
So uhhhhh yup. Thoughts?
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kaori-flowers · 4 years
Hiii, this is the thing I kinda tried to write about Nikki and Ranboo being siblings. At the end I got off track kinda but uhhh yeah. I tried so ummm hopefully you enjoy? :)
Magnolia tripped on the bottom of her dress and fell face first into the dirt. She groaned and got up carefully, looking down at herself. Her dress was now dirty and had a small rip at the bottom. She sighed and pulled her dress up to her knees and used her hair tie to keep it up. She sighed and began walking again, not getting far before tripping again. Her foot caught on an old root and she fell again, scraping her knees. She groaned loudly and moved to a sitting position in stead of standing up this time.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine, totally wond- Nikki?!?!"
Magnolia sighed and looked up at the sudden male voice that had asked her a question. The male that stood a little bit away almost made her have a heart attack. The man in front of her was very tall and had a nice suit on. He had dark fawn colored hair with constant white streaks through a few parts of it. Ontop of his head was a shiny golden crown and on one hand was a black glove and on the other was a white glove. Magnolia rubbed her face gently and blinked a couple of times. She got up quickly which made her stumble and the male quickly put his arms out. She grabbed one of his arms and then walked around him slowly.
"You're a male?!"
She asked the question with out holding back her confused tone. She held onto his arm gently as she looked him over. Then she put her free hand on her hip and looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes. He was completely confused, having never seen Magnolia in his entire life now. It was even more confusing that Magnolia called him by his sister's name and yet he's never met her.
"And is being male bad?" He asked slowly.
"What! No oh my gosh Nikki! I would never judge you for who you are. Oh im sorry are you even Nikki anymore? Oh my gosh!"
Magnolia covered her mouth quickly, using both hands. She quickly realized how insensitive that probably sounded to him. Magnolia didn't actually care if Nikki became a Nick. The only thing she really cared about was if they could still hang out together!
"Hey by any chance do you have a knife?" She asked suddenly.
Ranboo gave her and uneasy look but felt his pockets nonetheless. He then pulled out a pocket knife from his side pocket and glanced at her. Magnolia smiled politely and held her hand out. He hesitantly set it in her hand and she quickly thanked him. She quickly cut her dress so it wasn't extremely long now and then handed the knife back to him.
"Uhhhhh- remind me again who you are?"
Ranboo decided that if the girl in front of him thought he was his sister then he'd play that role. Unfortunately he didn't actually know this girl. He's never seen her before, not even at Nikki's house. He has no knowledge of her and yet she knows his sister. It was uncomfortable and pretty confusing for him.
"Really? I know I've been gone for a while but I didn't think it was THAT long." She said sadly.
Ranboo got hit with a really strong wave of uncomfortable emotions rather quickly. He had no idea or knowledge what the relationship, or what the previous relationship was between this girl and his sister. He didn't remember Nikki talking about any girl before. Then again he only just arrived a week ago so they aren't as close as they were when they were kids. Which was unfortunate and upsetting.
"What happened to your dress?"
Magnolia's head snapped up at the sound of Nikki's soft, and sweet voice. Nikki was a lot shorter than Ranboo and Magnolia quickly realized she was still a she. Not a he. She looked at Ranboo and then Nikki, glancing between them for a few seconds. Nikki smiled and gently waved at Ranboo.
"Oh yeah this-this is my brother! His name is Ranboo." She said softly.
"I totally thought he was you. I definitely see the relation."
Magnolia walked around both of them as they stood still next to each other. She then hugged Nikki, leaving Nikki to hug her back after stumbling a little. Magnolia squealed happily and gently twirled Nikki.
"This is so cool! He looks SO similar. I thought you turned into a male somehow!! His hair, his nose, his ears oh my gosh! Are you guys twins?!"
Nikki was a little taken back by the happiness and excitement that Magnolia had. She looked at Ranboo as if trying to see the similarities like Magnolia. To Nikki the only thing similar she noticed was the hair. Ranboo seen it perfectly, and smiles at her excitement.
"Uh yeah I believe so. Ummm. What are you doing out here?" Nikki asked slowly.
Magnolia looked at her confused for a few seconds before realizing where they actually were. All 3 of them were stood a couple feet off the path, into the forest. Which was mainly because Magnolia didn't like going down the natural path, but she did stick close to it. Ranboo seen her, from the path, fall twice and got off the path to ask if she was okay.
"Oh right! I was going to your house because I have a surprise for you!" She said excitedly.
"Oh really?" Nikki asked curiously.
Magnolia nodded quickly, and gently untied the bag from her back. She set it on the ground gently, and opened it. She reached past the padding she put in there to protect the rose. Magnolia pulled out the diamond rose, holding it gently and held it out to Nikki. She put her hands over her mouth as she looked at the sparkling Diamond rose. Magnolia smiled brightly and Ranboo looked at both of them suspiciously. He had never met Magnolia until now so this made the situation even more confusing. He couldn't quite understand what their relationship was together.
"That is so beautiful, and are you sure that's for me?" Nikki asked softly.
"Yes of course! I made it for you!"
Now Ranboo was even more confused about their relationship. He has never met Magnolia and Nikki hasn't mentioned her the whole time he's been here. Which wasn't that long but still, if they were in a relationship Ranboo thought she'd at least mention it..... Right? Right?! He had been absent in his sister's life for a while now. He had a lot of catching up to do with her since they had split.
"You made it for her?" He asked slowly.
Magnolia nodded, smiling. What Ranboo didn't understand was that they weren't actually in a relationship. Magnolia's life was saved by Nikki and now she was forever in her debt. As much as Nikki said it was alright and didn't matter, Magnolia still made her things and did as much as she could for her. She tried to make up for it constantly, being fully grateful for Nikki.
"Um alright. Do you want to finish coming to my house? I have food cooking. We can all have dinner together." Nikki offered with a polite smile.
"Yes! We totally should have dinner together. Then we can all get to know each other better."
Magnolia butchered what she actually meant to say but Nikki understood her. Ranboo thought it was a great idea, having a possibility to bond more with his sister. As well as get to know her friend or girlfriend. He was still very unsure what Magnolia was to Nikki. He would find out soon enough though.
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lunar-girl-fic · 4 years
Ready or Not ~ Chapter 6
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Warning: Nsfw/ intimate scene
Third Person POV
Word Count: 1792
10 o'clock came and Shownu and Wonho arrived at Maria’s house. Shownu got out the car to get in the backseat with Maria while Cassandra had no other choice but to sit in the front with Wonho. Cassandra tried to protest the arrangement because she didn’t know if she could survive being that close to him but Maria shut her down. 
The drive was awkward for Cassandra and Wonho. He would occasionally glance at her and she knew but chose to pretend she didn’t. Maria and Shownu were in the back already making out. Wonho wouldn’t have cared if they were but it wasn’t until Maria let out a little moan that he decided enough was enough. When he reached a red light, he and Cassandra turned around and to their horror Shownu’s hand was already half way in her pants. They let out a screech which made the horny couple break apart.
“What is wrong with you two?” Maria asked annoyed that they were interrupted.
“What is wrong with US? You guys look like you were about start doing the horizontal mambo back there!” Cassandra said.
“You guys are over exaggerating, right Shownu?”
“I don’t know babe. If they hadn’t interrupted us I probably wouldn’t have stopped. You’re too irresistible” he said while rubbing her upper thigh.
“ALRIGHT THAT’S ENOUGH! Go do your baby making in the after party. You know the ones where you’re ALONE.” Wonho said 
Maria wanted to argue more but they had just reached the party. They got out the car and headed for the front door. The rest of the group were standing outside waiting for them.
“MOM, DAD YOU MADE IT.” Jooheon said.
“Honey I thought I told you- never mind. Why are you guys waiting out here?”
“We were waiting for you guys to get here because we don’t know the host. Plus Changkyun and Jooheon are a little scared to go in.” Kihyun said.
“No I am no-” Changkyun stopped when Kihyun glared at him. “Okay maybe a little.”
“Gwenchana, you shouldn’t be scared. My cousins a nice guy. He loves meeting new people.”
“Let’s head inside guys. It’s freezing cold.” Cassandra said while her teeth were chattering a little.
When Cassandra said that Wonho looked at her outfit. His noticed that she was wearing a mini dress that was hugging her body in all the right places. His jaw dropped and his pants grew a little tight. All he wanted in that moment was to have her underneath him squirming and screaming his name in pleasure while he pounded into her.  However he was broken out of trance when he realized that was ALL that she was wearing. Hi eyes immediately widened.
“Ya Cassandra where is your jacket?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
“Oopss I must of left it at Maria’s” Cassandra said feigning innocence.
Wonho took his jacket off and immediately put it on her. Cassandra gave Maria a wink and went inside the party with Wonho guiding her with his hand on her lower back. Maria had a wide grin on her face and Shownu asked her what that was all about. She told him she’ll explain later and followed the rest of the group into the party.
Since it was already 2 hours onto the party you can only imagine how rowdy the party is. The smell of sweaty bodies and booze slapped them in the face as soon as they entered. Maria was already uncomfortable and Shownu rubbed little circles on her back reassuring her that he’s right there with her.
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An hour had passed and Maria was already bored out her mind. She scanned the room to see where Cassandra was. She wasn’t able to spot her or Wonho. They probably found a room to be by themselves Maria thought. Well at least they’re having fun unlike her. She honestly wanted to leave but stayed for the sake of Cassandra. She wanted the both of them to at least get to know one another, whether it was sexual or platonic. Plus she hasn’t had much alone time with Shownu in a while.
She started to tug on his sleeve to pull his attention away from his conversation with Minhyuk.
“What’s wrong?”
“I need to talk to you. In private.”
“Sure” Shownu said while turning back to Minhyuk. “We’ll talk later, Maria wants to talk.”
Minhyuk looked at her with a devious grin,” Are you sure that’s all she wants to do.”
“What else could she want?”
“Hmmmm, I don’t know. Let’s ask Maria.”
Shownu looked at her with a questioning look. Maria was so grateful it they couldn’t see her blushing. She knew Minhyuk knew what she actually wanted. She’ll have to get him back later for putting her in the spotlight,
“Well Maria?” Minhyuk said prolonging her torture because he knew Shownu was still curious.
“Ummm, as much as I want to tell you now it’s a private matter.”
“Hmph. Sure it is. Maybe-”
Maria never got to here the end of his statement because she grabbed Shownu’s hand and lead him upstairs to one of the vacant rooms leaving a laughing Minhyuk behind. She closed the door behind them and walked them to the bed.
“What did you wanna talk about?”
Instead of answering him she straddled him and pulled him into a heated kiss. He was shocked at first but then out his hands on her waist and started grinding up into her. Maria separated from the kiss and pulled at his shirt to get him to take it off. Shownu got the message and took his shirt off along with hers. He then picked her up, laid her on the bed and resumed kissing. 
He took her bra off and massaged one breast while sucking on the other. Maria arched her back in pleasure. She reached down into his pants and began to pump his member. He groaned and started placing kisses all the way down to her core. When he reached there her eyes flew open. She was nervous because this would be the first time they have ever done oral. Shownu looked up and saw the hesitant look on her face.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Huh? Oh yea I’m fine.”
“Do you wanna do this? We can just skip this and go straight to having sex if you want. I know we haven’t done this before but I just wanted to treat you like the queen you are.”
Maria melted at his words. How did she get such a sweet boyfriend? Instead of answering him she gently grabbed the back of his head and led him back down toher throbbing core. Shownu got the message and placed little kisses on her thigh. He purposely kept missing her core just to rile her up. Maria was starting to get impatient and whined.
“What happened to treating me like a qu-” She didn’t get a chance to finish because Shownu suddenly started sucking on her clit. Maria was lost in pleasure. Why haven’t they done this before?
He inserted two fingers to bring her maximum pleasure. Maria was getting greedy. She wanted more. She grabbed his hair and pushed it even more into her core. Of course Shownu complied with her demands. All he wanted was for her to feel good. Plus he wanted her to hurry up and cum because he was so turned on that he didn’t think he’ll last long when they get to the real thing. 
Maria’s moans were getting louder and Shownu knew she was about to release. When she finally did he lapped up her juices. He looked up and saw that she was out of it.
“How was I?”
She almost didn’t hear what he said because she was still coming down from her high. “Where did you learn to do that?”
He laughed, “You were my first.”
“That was a.ma.zing. You should totally let me repay you.”
He shook his head while hovering over her. “Maybe another time. Tonight is all about you.”
Maria smiled and Shownu leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. She tasted herself on him and she got wet just thinking about what he just did. 
Shownu deemed her ready and took the rest of their clothes off. He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed relief. He got his wallet, pulled out a condom and put it on. 
“Protection first” Shownu said. Maria laughed and agreed with him. Little did they know that it wouldn’t save them from the inevitable.
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After they finished they got dressed and headed down stairs to find Wonho and Cassandra so that they could head home. To their surprise (mostly Shownu) the other couple walked out of the room next door with disheveled clothes and hair. Wonho and Cassandra matched their surprise look.
“Soooooo what you guys do in there” Maria asked.
“Oh um ya know, we uhhhhh” Wonho started but couldn’t finish without blushing.
“We were talking about a homework assignment.” Cassandra said quickly.
“Yeah a homework assignment” Wonho parroted
“Hmmm homework. "Maria said then turned to Cassandra "I’ll talk to you later. I wanna know more details about this ‘homework assignment’.”
Cassandra agreed with hidden excitement because they were some juicy details to tell. That was end of that and they went around to gather the rest of the group. Which was easy because they were all huddled in a corner arguing over who was noticed by the ladies more (who do you think was noticed more?). Shownu cleared his throat and announced that they were leaving. There were no protests because it was late and they were almost going past their curfew. They all went to their cars and left the party.
Maria and Cassandra were the first to be dropped because they were having a sleepover. Shownu got out as well to walk them to the door. When they reached Cassandra went in and said she’ll take a shower first. As soon as she was out of sight Shownu pulled Maria in for a long goodnight kiss. When they broke apart Maria was breathless.
Shownu chuckled “ Sorry, I had to get in one more kiss before the end of the night.” “No complaints on this side” She said jokingly. There was a comfortable silence and she wanted to stay like that forever but knew he needed to get home. She reluctantly pulled back a little, “Guess I’ll see you Monday.”
“Yea.” He pulled her in for a short kiss” Goodnight jagiya.”
He left her porch and went to Wonho’s car. Before he got in, he looked back and waved at her. Maria waved back at him until he was out of her view. She turned to go back into her house and closed the door.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos used. I got them off of google.
A/N: When I first wrote this chapter it was shorter than this. I figured I’ll try to incorporate a smut scene in there. TBH I think it’s a little cringy since smut is a field I’m new to but I’ll eventually get better. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading and we’re almost at the climax so future chapters might be as lighthearted as earlier chapters. :)
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