#undead talk
undead-merman · 2 years
an urban fantasy where humans can get paid to sleep. Fairies can eat dreams and it's a delicacy among them. Humans have such potent dreams so they nestle you into a bed with a magic circle painted around and harvest those dreams. They make sure you're comfortable tucked inside and they'll even sing you to sleep to assure you have the softest and happiest dreams.
In the morning they wake you with your pay and get you a magically charged coffee to help get rid of the fatigue. It's like donating plasma.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
It's Danny's first time doing his taxes, and he's reaching out to an online friend to help him. This is how he discovers that as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Amity Park is a barely contained zombie outbreak.
He'd made an online friend, Bart, and they played video games a lot.
Danny's fulltime job is inventing alongside his parents, and as that makes him self-employed (he doesn't work for his parents just next to them), this makes his taxes a little...scary. And it's his first tax season.
He reaches out to Bart, and asks if he knows anyone who files as self employed and if they'd be able to give him some guidance.
He can't ask his parents because, apparently, they've just been throwing random numbers on the papers and have no interest in actually doing them. Danny would like to do this properly.
Also he would like to know how his parents haven't been arrested? Questions for later.
So he shoots a message to Bart, who's apparently in the middle of some sort of sleepover with all of his old friends. Bart assures him that it's fine, and they'll all pitch in to help.
They just need to know his city and state so that the nerd of the group, some guy named Tim, can look up local state and city tax law.
When he tells them he's from Amity Park, there's no response for a good ten minutes.
What follows is a barely legible request for a phone number to call, and a group of people on the other side shouting and asking how he's avoided dying in the hellscape zombie apocalypse that is Amity Park.
Danny has no idea what the other shit means, but he's not about to dodge a chance to make a dead joke when he has one.
"I mean. If you wanna get technical, I didn't. Is...that something that'll effect my taxes?"
OR: The GIW has been lying to keep the Justice League and Justice League Dark out of Amity Park by declaring it a Disaster Zone, stating that not only is there massive pollutants in the air and soil, but that the undead run rampant and are barely contained. The wording they use, however, is a little weird upon closer inspection. It never specifies zombie, and it never says what pollutants. Danny's not super interested about that, though; he just wants to pay his taxes so that the IRS doesn't kill him in his sleep.
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anime-grimmy-art · 8 months
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Undead Unluck has no freaking business having such a cute couple dynamic with such an insane plot and wild character design.
Like, watching Fuuko's and Andy's relationship grow from Andy just teasing/wanting to use her, to him actively trying to make her fall for him to get the best death ever, to them just naturally starting to grow together as characters and just, respecting each other and actually learning to love the other, like, hurghhh!! Why is it so good??? Andy is literally insane yet he has a more mature and stable relationship with Fuuko than most other protagonists?!?
Also, the way the mangaka draws them constantly being physically so close is gonna kill me. Like, yeah, during the fights Fuuko's gotta play Koala to get her unluck on him, but there's rly no reason for the two of em to be all over each other out from battle (i mean, before they obviously start to like each other). I just keep thinking back on that one plane scene, where they literally have a whole plane for themselves, yet Fuuko naps in Andy's lap and cluthes his tie.
A man who looks like he smells of stale cigarette smoke should not be allowed to be adorable istg.
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oneshimaru · 4 months
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these are so self indulgent, I'm posting them scared 😭😭
shirtless ver under the cut ////
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
I'm still thinking about Laudna and how, as she starts breaking down and the jagged pieces show more and more, earlier aspects of her characterization take a new, kind of horrifying shape.
Laudna was never upset - in fact, the idea seemingly never occurred to her - about Imogen voicing the opinion that maybe the Vanguard was right, even after they murdered Laudna right in front of her. She has never, as far as we have seen, actively sought a way to be rid of Delilah, or to grow her magic in ways that don’t involve Delilah. She talks about a fear of holding Imogen back, encourages Imogen to move on once Laudna is gone. She represses negative emotions but at the same time her joy in life is genuine and overflowing, not a mask.
It all builds a picture of someone who isn't only undead in terms of game mechanics, but who genuinely doesn’t really see herself as alive. Laudna sees herself as living on borrowed time. Marisha has spoken of her as someone who has lived through trauma and moved past it; I believe she means that not in the sense that she's unbothered by her trauma - we have seen she’s not - but that it in a sense doesn’t matter to her. She’s already dead. There’s no point in healing, or seeking a solution or cure, only in finding as much joy as she can in every little thing until the darkness catches up with her. When she regressed in Whitestone post shard incident, there were mentions of her not fully remembering her early days as an undead. She was unstable, not fully sure of what was real and what wasn’t, maintaining her sliver of sanity by talking to the evil necromancer in her mind and an anthropomorphized dead rat. She was likely treated by locals like some scary monster because she largely acted like one. She was a hollow one in every sense of the word. Then she met Imogen, someone who not only wasn’t scared of her and saw her as human, but who understood her struggle; I suspect this genuine human connection was what brought her out of nearly three decades of hollowness.
And in that, she has made Imogen her purpose where before she had none. If the Vanguard is Imogen's destiny, then it doesn’t matter that they killed Laudna because Laudna was a lost cause even before Otohan killed her. Exandria and Laudna both were hollow before Imogen, because she had no real connections, and so now Imogen is all that matters. If Imogen wants to fight Predathos, Laudna will fight. If Imogen wants to leave the struggle and go live in a cottage, Laudna would go with her. If she wants to join Predathos, Laudna would help her. If Imogen died, Laudna would sacrifice Exandria and the gods and the remains of her own soul to get her back.
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huntinglove · 4 months
From the creators of "He would not fucking say that" comes the brand new "He would not be this fucking good at sex"
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hensel-x · 1 year
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finally finished my Vaguely 80s Zombie Boy 
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pettyoddity · 3 months
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coffee break
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yusakiiiii · 20 days
The Crossovwr really was something. Here’s one of my favourite interactions. What’s yours?
Scott: I hate the gays!
*Joe Hills begins shooting Scott*
Scott: Joe I can say that! Joe I am gay!
Joe Hills: Okay, so not everybody has that context. My viewers don’t know that. I don’t know that.
Scott: I am very gay which is why I’ve said that Joe.
Joe Hills: That is a valuable bit of context to provide
Scott: I’m aggressively homosexual. I’m very aggressively homosexual Joe I thought everyone knew. It’s kinda my brand.
Joe Hills: There’s a lot of inter-audience cross pollination right now.
Scott: I did appreciate the aggressive nature you took right away though, that was a good ally.
Joe Hills: I do what I can.
Scott: I thought Joe when I said I’m gonna say the one slur I can you’d have picked up.
Oli: Did you say a slur?
Scott: No I didn’t. I said when Jimmy was copying me I was tempted to do it and then I said “I hate the gays” and then Joe decided to shoot me cos he didn’t realise I was gay. Even though I’m aggressively homosexual.
Joe Hills: I don’t have time to know every gay person!
If you want to watch this properly. Go to the 2:40:00 mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/live/2heYeEOTqrw?si=a1urB22nQZZPq_tk
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Vincent Price as Dr. Anton Phibes
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) dir. Robert Fuest
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undead-merman · 1 year
I just want to thank you for the absolutely adorable little drawing you did of my black cat and Inky's MJ, so funny and cute!
Thanks, and thanks again
Tis no problem. Inky fucking insisted I make it, and since we are both head over heels for miguel I've been working on some art for him as well. It's taken me weeks. And I'm still not done, gives me an excuse to show where my time is going recently.
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Still in its early stages though.
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1shimaru · 4 months
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seat? for me? :3c
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tinylittlelilac · 3 months
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You took me to an art museum but you(r drawings) were what captivated me most ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
Midoyuzu art museum date my mind is fried
Idk what I was doing with the colors and comp here but I thought it was nice enough..! I hope you guys enjoy them as always (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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oneshimaru · 4 months
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udul characters that AREN'T shen
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anistarrose · 1 year
shoutout to the angst inherent to every time Lucretia overhears THB making a signature "gosh I wish we could bring Barry Bluejeans back" joke, obviously, but also shoutout to the angst inherent to every time Barry doesn't overhear. shoutout to him only interacting with them as a lich and being met with suspicion and hostility, and never knowing that the parts of THB who still can't help but love him are still there, and they miss him so fucking much. shoutout to him breaking down because they don't recognize him, they don't trust him, but not understanding it's only the "Red Robe" they don't trust; that deep down, they do trust him. he just doesn't know! he just never gets to see!
(and don't even get me fucking started on Lup in the umbrella hearing Barry break down about not being trusted and hearing every time THB wished Barry could come back. don't even fucking bring up that she saw everything but couldn't say anything about it!)
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All the Foxes have to be so grateful for TikTok not being a thing at their youth because I know FOR A FACT Nicky would have broadcasted their life there.
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