#under my husband’s number’ and it made me so happy
morguemedium · 1 year
working in retail is mentally draining but every time I hear an older woman refer to or talk about her wife or an older gentleman say ‘husband’ my soul is mended just a little bit
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bkglovergirl · 1 month
♡𓂃Oversized teddy bear?
Bakugou X Reader
𓏲Things start getting into motion after Bakugou set some ground rules for him to be your husband. Now, Bakugou doesn't retaliate against you in the dorm, but what happens when the couple has to train and battle together? Will Bakugou slowly start breaking down his rules? And you are under mental stress on why Bakugou is acting so weird.
Word count; 3.3k
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You groan, stretching. It’s so bright, and this has to be one of the worst nights you've had in ages. You turn and face the TV, forgetting you passed out watching movies. “Why the hell are you out here?”
“Not too loud..” you sit up yawning.
“I wasn't even loud!” you winch giving him a death stare. He’s in the kitchen washing the dishes and he has.. an apron on? You can’t help but stare because he in fact doesn't have a fucking shirt on!
“No fucking way.”
“Are you wearing a fucking apron?!” You laugh at him which seems to be a pattern now.
“HEY I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE AND DO THE DISHES FOR YOU!” The scoreboard goes up a point 
“You just keep surprising me with how much of a big dork you are!” Bakugou quickly wipes off his hands and makes his way to you. You try catching your breath but seeing him in full view makes you laugh even more. He makes a low growl and pushes you down onto the couch, moving himself to sit on you. Not putting so much pressure as his weight would clear your windpipes but enough to make you trap. You stop laughing admittedly and stare right up at him, going quickly from finding everything hilarious a second to go, to now being turned on. “What are you doing dipshit! YOU ARE HEAVY!”
“It made you stop laughing at me, and frankly, I’m getting tired of it being a daily occurrence!”
“It's not my fault; your face is very funny!” Bakugou moves down a bit so that your faces are face to face, giving you a glare, and your face gets hot quickly. You chose to rationalize it that the heat is coming from him and not because you are blushing.
“Is my face funny now?” 
“As a matter of fact, it is.” You quickly glance over his body and look back at his face. You look like a full-on house husband.” Now it’s Bakugou’s turn to blush, and you decide to use this to your advantage. You put your arms around his neck. “Aww, does someone want a reward for doing the dishes?” The scoreboard shows four now.
“No. what your husband wants is for you to stop laughing at him!”
“I think we can achieve that ONLY if you do the dishes all the time.” You smile, “with the same outfit you are wearing now.”
“I thought you said I was a stingy bitch for having rules.” you move one of your hands to trace down his apron.
“Oh you still are.” and you push him off you. Bakugou blushing caught off guard mess falls on his ass and you quickly run to your room and slam the door before he could do anything else. You take a deep breath falling onto your bed, the heat on your face is overwhelming and you curl into a ball.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
An hour passes and you step back into the living room after changing into fresh school clothes. “I’m going out early for a workout,” Bakugou says putting on his shoes. You quickly grab his training bag and hand it to him. “Ok, you don’t want breakfast?” you're kinda happy he’s leaving and acting like nothing is happening. 
“No it’s fine.” he grabs his bag and gives you a kiss on the cheek before walking out notably quickly. You blush hearing the score go up another point marking you guys at having five. Maybe things didn't go back to normal.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You and Midoriya are sitting in the common room, he is sitting extremely close to you as you said you wanted this to be top secret as you put it. “Do you remember how Bakugou gruesomely rejected me in middle school?”
“Yeah and you had sworn to me he was your number one enemy.”
“Well.. you know how he’s my Husband..” Midoriya nods, “He uh... Kissed me on the cheek this morning..”
“WHAT?” It looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head, “Our Kachan?”
“Don’t call him ours!” You hit his arm, and with an ouch, he held your hand down. Being both your self-proclaimed best friend, he’s had to watch this fake rivalry, and in his words, it’s been physically painful on him. As you both, without knowing, take your tension out on him, he has no complaints. This way, though, he knows more than both of you combined. 
“What caused him to do that?” he lets go of your hand and you put your shoulder on his head.
“Shoto gave me this idea-”
“ANWAY! Shoto gave me this idea because Bakugou wanted nothing to do with this whole situation. It was to make this as competitive as possible. I threw you in there, and BAM! He’s in with a few rules, of course. He seemed not interested at all. I was doing things to get us points, and he just went along with it, with the most effort he could put in. I didn't do anything! He just did it.” He hums in agreement and lets you know he's listening and he starts braiding a strip of your hair. Just like when you were kids he lets you rant while he plays with your hair, it makes him think better when trying to come up with solutions for your problems. “He rejected me. I know I asked him just to take this a little bit seriously but that!? What does that mean? You're a boy what does that mean?!”
“What it means in simple boy logic is he likes you.”
“Simple boy logic?! He’s not a simple boy! He’s Bakugou!” He laughs at you.
“True. But Katchan wouldn't just do that.”
 “I wouldn't just do what?” Speak of the devil, Bakugou walks in placing his bag on the table near you and Midoriya. He looks at the both of you. You two cuddled close with your head on his shoulder and Midoriya playing with your hair. This is normal. This has been normal since middle school but for some reason, the itch is back and his face gets hot with anger. “Did I interrupt something?”
“Nope! I was just leaving.” With that Midoriya stands up but you pull him back down.
“No, you weren't!” 
“Yes, I was!” 
“You both are a bunch of children.” Bakugou puts his two cents. Which weren't needed.
“Oh, were children? Let’s just bring up the chair, shall we?” You stand up, trying to intimidate Bakugou. To show that it doesn't work, he crosses his arms, but his shoulders are tense. “Or the fact that Midoriya here is points ahead of you.” Midoriya hearing his name be mentioned scoots away but you and Bakugou both give him a look and he stays still. 
“Why should I care how much he has?!” 
“Because someone can’t handle the fact he’s not number one at something! Clearly, he’s a better husband than you are.” Bakugou drops his arms in defeat. He’s ticked off, and it’s taking everything in him not to blow something up.
“If Deku is so great why don’t you be his wife!”
“I would but our points are so low I can’t!” Rolling his eyes he grabs his bag off the table and stomps off. You fall back down onto the couch and Midoriya itches back over to you.
“Well that could have been worse.” you kick him putting your face into your own hands.
“Shut up.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
Of all the days these training scenarios could have happened, today was the worst day. As All might put it, we had to work out balancing Hero work with your “partner.” The first scenario involves working on a team against another couple, and the second involves fighting a villain with a high risk of a “married couple” losing a partner, and we don’t know who is getting picked as the ‘victim.’ Your quirk and Bakugou’s quirk do NOT get along and the efforts to make them mash together at all are zero to none. Your quirk controls plants, much like Shiozaki but a lot more advanced. You can control all plants and the lighting effects which plants you can use and how effective they will be. If you make the plant prick someone you can give them a negative or positive association with the plant. Now you see why Bakugou and your quirk don’t mesh well together, he can set your pretty plants on fire. You and Bakugou got dropped into a dark area with pipes and wires all around you both. You have no way of knowing where the other team is which is Shoto and Yaoyorozu and that gives you guys a big disadvantage. You start growing cast iron plants and slowly they glide into the pipes and start exploring them meanwhile Bakugou grumbles around stomping trying to find anything that could give him an advantage. He doesn't and it causes him to let off some explosives which causes your plants to shrivel and burn. “What the hell man!”
“Don’t do that I’m trying to find them! And you're making them find us!”
“Can’t you use Mushrooms or something so I don’t gotta fucking tiptoe around your stupid plants?!” You glide the cast iron plants back through the pipes.
“Well, one mushrooms aren't plants they're fungi dumbass and two my plants aren't stupid!” you shiver, “found them.” 
“You did?”
“Yep, and no thanks to you.”
“Shut it.” You start running, and Bakugou follows behind. As you run down the corridor, ice starts forming all around. “STUPID ICYHOT!” Bakugou yells blasting the ice that's made his way towards him and only him. You let out a frustrated sigh and start using Lampranthus to move you around the ice having it attach to your feet and arms. It was going well, You see Shoto and Yaoyorozu and move closer to them but Bakugou blasts toward them and past you causing the plant to shrivel and causing you to fall. You panic not knowing which plant in the moment could handle the intense elements. The fall is big and over huge ice. You close your eyes and hug yourself but you overhear Shoto yell something and Yaoyorozu yell something. Instead of landing on hard cold ice, you land on a... Oversized Teddy bear? You look up and see Shoto smiling at you and Yaoyorozu gives you a thumbs up. Bakugou was right next to you. It looks like Shoto got to saving you before he could and he’s fucking pissed. His shoulder tense and so does his jaw. “DIE!” Bakugou blasts toward them with Shoto making an ice shield but with the blast's heat it doesn't do well and causes the pair to fall back. Shoto quickly incases the room with ice and causes some ice to form around Bakugou’s hands giving them time to escape. “Fuck!” he stands still trying to get enough sweat but it doesn't work, “Mother fucker!”
“Chill out! You are the reason they got away with the stupid impulse attack!” you run up to Bakugou looking at his hands.
“OH, I’M THE REASON?!” he looks at you like you just wished hell on his mother. “You're the one that let the enemy team save you!”
“Yes, because did you hear me say, Hey Shoto, save me? NO!” You open up your palm and grow a Deadly nightshade. “When I say now, you take this and eat it,” you grow the cast iron plants, and from your feet, they sprout, moving around trying to find the other team. “Got them.” Ignoring Bakugou’s grumbling, you start running, which he follows admittedly. You stop putting your hand out to stop Bakugou and before he can say anything you put a finger to your lips shutting him up. He’ll get you back for it later. Bakugou looks down at you, the purple plant wrapped around your hand and fingers like it’s home. He finally takes a look at your hero outfit. So engrossed in the fight he doesn't even realize that the new one you have been designing has finally arrived and don't ask why he knows you've been working on one. The dark green shirt is tight onto your skin and the sleeves go down enough to make gloves. The cut of the shirt shows off your chest and all over the shirt is little lines the plants could hold onto. You went from pants to a black shirt which is now really noticeable to Bakugou. The skirt's top and bottom also has attachments for your plants. You’ve always complained about your shoes and how they don't support your quirk and if you ask Bakugou why he knows this little fact he’ll say you complained about it so much it’s bolted into his brain but the truth is you only complained once. You have heel boots now and a normal person wouldn't want heels on your costume but you made sure you had them. The heels of the boots have a hole at the bottom, so one of your plants could slitter down and into the ground instead of having holes on a flat shoe which has always made you and your plants uncomfortable. You also changed your hair, it's half up from its normal ponytail. Bakugou knows why you made this change and it’s all for your plants. “I’ll distract them. Now eat this and when you feel the sweat break free and attack.” You hand him the flower and by hand, you bring it up to his mouth and he bites down. “Don’t eat it yet.” and you run out. You start spreading out Caladium, or heart-to-heart. You make the plant swarm around Shoto and hold down Yaoyorozu. Which works for a minute before Shoto shoots ice around your feet not causing you to get stuck but causing your plant to wither and even wither underground which was holding down Yaoyorozu. “NOW BAKUGOU.” And Bakugou trusts you. Bakugou trusts you so he eats the plant. Bakugou trusts you so he starts getting hot and sweaty but he also starts getting dizzy. Either way, Bakugou runs out and with the fever running through him, he’s able to break free from the ice and because Bakugou trusts you he sends his quirk full force which knocks out Yaoyorozu completely and causes Todoroki to stumble You take advantage of the heat caused by his quirk and send out the plant again, the heart to heart plant wraps Yaoyorozu and Shoto capturing them. A ding goes off and an announcement is heard claiming you and Bakugou as the winners. You celebrate smiling and run up to Bakugou, and in his confused dazz he smiles back before passing out.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
Bakugou groans the pain in his head is unbearable. He turns his body and suddenly he smells… lavender? He slowly opens his eyes. He squints just seeing bright white and slowly his eyes adjust and see you. Your head is resting on your hand and your eyes are closed. Lavender is growing out of your hair and it's looped around like the flowers were meant to be there. He smiles taking a deep breath before, “Hey!” You open your eyes and his smile is gone, He regrets yelling as his head hurts right away. 
“I am so sorry.”
“What are you on about?”
“I’m sorry! Aizawa chewed me out, and he’s right. I totally should have told you the repercussions of the flower you ate, and you wouldn't have taken it if I had. He took all our points as punishment, and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here, and we would be on to the next scenario training!” Bakugou stares at you, dazed.
“The fuck are you talking about? I trusted you so I ate it. Stop tweaking out, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't wanna. Simple.”
“But our points… and you won't get to train.” You grab your hair, causing some lavender petals to get all in it. Bakugou slowly sits up and starts picking the petals out of your hair.
“I said it’s fine, and we won anyway, so it's no big deal.” You smile at him.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
Never mind it was a big fucking deal because why the fuck is that stupid fucking Teddy bear in your dorm? Bakugou feels like the bear is staring at him tauntingly. “Why the fuck is that here?” he points at the teddy bear. You were in the kitchen cooking dinner and you peek your head out to see what he was talking about.
“After the battle, Shoto gave me it.” So while he was dead weight, Shoto comforted you and gave you the bear that saved you when he should have. That was the cherry on top.
“Shoto, Shoto, Shoto.” He mocks sitting on the couch, huffing like a child. That’s all I ever hear!” You let him pout like a baby and finish cooking dinner. You bring the plates out and sit in front of the couch, placing them on the table in front of you both. A point goes up on the board and you are back to one. 
“And your problem is?” You look at Bakugou as he quickly starts eating. He shakes his head and he keeps eating so you reach over and grab the remote. Or you try and grab the remote. Bakugou catches your hand and gives you a glare.
“No remote until you get rid of that stupid teddy bear!” You roll your eyes and laugh. Standing up, you grab the bear and walk into your bedroom. Bakugou watches you intently. You throw the bear on your bed, and with its size, it takes up a lot of space. “Not on your bed!” You look at him quickly.
“Because I said so!” 
“You are crazy!” You shut your bedroom door and walked back over to the couch. “What is the issue?” He ignored you, and his hand was tense around the remote. “So protective of the remote,” you mocked, eating your food. You heard a grumble from him, and you two sat quietly, watching one of his shows and eating. After you two finished, you got up and grabbed the plates, suspecting that he’d keep being protective over the remote.
“What are you doing?” 
“Cleaning up?”
“Because you wanna hold onto the remote like it's life or death.”
“I’ll clean up, that’s my job.” He stands up with the remote. He goes to take the plates out of your hands but struggles with one of his hands being occupied. So he puts the remote to his mouth and he bites down and grabs the plates. You look at him funny.
“Are you for real right now?” Bakugou ignores you and walks into the kitchen. He starts cleaning. “You are so stubborn; it’s annoying.” You sit back on the couch and notice the point board showing two. You smile. Once Bakugou is done he comes and sits back down, he left the remote in the kitchen so you both are stuck watching the News. “I’m getting the remote. I don’t wanna watch this.” Before you can stand up Bakugou lays on on, you blush with your hands hovering over him. “Get up.” he ignores you. “Bakugou get up.”
“Call me Katsuki!” You stare at him before slowly placing a hand on his back.
“Why? I thought you didn’t care for the first-name bullshit.”
“Well, I’m tired of Todoroki getting the special privilege! I’m your husband, not him!” He sits up a bit, and your faces are close together. Your hand falls onto his.
“Alright, Katsuki.” He blushes and looks at the kitchen.
“Yeah, whatever Y/N.” You smile. He has had enough and gets up, walking into the kitchen. He comes back out and throws the remote at you before going into his room. The scoreboard shows five.
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@andysdrafts @eyesforbkg @kukikoooo
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Can just picture Eddie posting videos from back in the 80’s and everyone going so wild thirsting for Steve that Eddie starts feeling some type of way even though that’s his husband lol
Eddie has never been insecure about his relationship.
Don’t get him wrong though.
It is annoying when you’re closeted in your hometown and have to watch girl after girl shoot their shot with your boyfriend. It is irritating when you take your boyfriend to his first gay club and every five minutes someone tries to interrupt you dancing with him to try to grind on your boyfriend. It is borderline rude when you’re married and on a date, and your waiter tries to slip your husband her phone number.
Eddie gets it – Steve is too hot for his own good – but he isn’t insecure.
He bagged Hawkins’ most eligible bachelor right after the worst week of his entire goddamn existence. Steve had a front row seat to a lot of his lowest of lows and still made out with him. Eddie had been happy to just fool around with his old high school crush but then Steve had to go pull the rug out front under him and get disowned for telling his parents that he was in love with him.
So, yeah.
There are always people thirsting after Steve but Steve Harrington wears his love so completely and openly in every ounce of his being that Eddie has never had any doubt who it’s directed towards. He is not insecure.
Some of these people need to calm the fuck down.
Eddie posts a clip of Steve and Dustin bickering at each other from an old home video that he must’ve borrowed from Jonathan and forgot to give back. It from before Eddie’s time with the party.
The greater context of the video is that someone was throwing a going away party for Dustin before he left for summer camp, but it’s very clear that Steve did not know this when he walks into the house. He very clearly showed up post-workout.
In the clip, Steve is complaining about Dustin not telling him about the party and Dustin is telling him that he did tell him (“That’s not true. I told you to come here at six and bring me my flashlight. What else would I have meant?”). Eddie captioned it something like, “Some things never change.”
It’s a pretty innocuous video about two brothers giving each other a hard time but then if you read the comments, you will feel the need to go to church and repent. All the comments are about Steve’s spandex-y workout shorts. All the stitches are people trying to enhance screenshots of the video to see the outline of Steve’s dick, and really it’s – “Jesus H. Christ.”
Eddie ends up deleting the video because, “He’s seventeen in it, sickos.”
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the-froschamethyst4 · 9 months
Teething baby
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Ghost x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Pure tooth rotting fluff, child, married couple, crying, daddy Ghost, flirting, teething child
Ghost was taking care of the baby while Y/n was away for a Girls Trip
He hasn’t been able to do much on the father experience because of him working
But he does his best to take care of her while she is starting to teeth
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"So, you have everything? Food, milk and my number in case something happens?"
"Love, don't worry everything will be okay. I have everything under control."
"But I'm just worried, I'll be gone for a week."
"I know and you'll have a blast, you'll honestly probably forget we even exist...you'll run off with a Supermodel and start a new life."
"I would never, don't say that," Y/n hits his chest.
"I know, but everything will be okay, and I'll call if anything happens, okay?"
"Good, now, go enjoy the sun in Bora Bore," Ghost said, while he had his hands placed on his wife's waist.
"Okay..." she looked at the playmat that was in the middle of the living room. She walks over and bends down to her baby girl, Luna. "Ohh my baby," she says as she picks up her 3-month-old daughter.
Y/n kissed her daughters' puffy cheeks. "I'll be back Saturday," she told her daughter like she could understand her.
Y/n placed her daughter back on the playmat. She grabbed her bag and stood on her tippy toes to kiss Ghost's lips.
"Bye-bye, love," he kissed her again.
She walked outside and saw her best friend's car sitting in the driveway waiting on her.
"Sorry." Y/n apologized.
"Girl, don't come on, this is going to be EXCITING!! Hi, Simon," she greets Simon.
"Hi, Lydia," Ghost waved bye to both girls.
He back stepped inside the house and looked at his daughter on her stomach hitting the playmat. He rubbed his temple wondering what to do first then he caught a whiff of something.
"Guess my first thing to do is change that bomb of a diaper you have," he said, picking her up and giving her another whiff to make sure it was her, "Ohhhh! Yeah, that's you," he said as he went upstairs to her nursey to change her.
A few minutes later
Ghost sat on the couch with Luna on his bare chest, she was trying to put her fist in her mouth, but Ghost kept moving it from her mouth. She whined anytime he moved it.
"Stop," he grumbles. He was looking down at his phone trying to get advice from Price. Price is a father for 5 and took care of his children when his wife is gone.
Luna is Ghosts and Y/n's first child and sometimes still need help. Ghost was wondering what he did with his kids when his wife was gone?
Price: *We usually have fun like park, waterpark, shopping and sometimes playdate, but since she's still a baby, you probably can't do much*
"Great," he said to himself. "I'll think of something for us to do, while mama is gone."
Ghost looked down at his child and smiled at her. He kissed the top of her head and picked her up. He robbed his nose on hers and kissed her forehead.
"Maybe we can go...to grandmas and grandpas house? Actually, maybe not...they weren't happy when your mama started dating me and married me...maybe not. I do need groceries though," he said to her.
Ghost took her to her nursery and got a small dress on her and placed her in her baby carrier and he got his shirt on, jeans and grabbed some shoes.
He grabbed his keys and drove them to the store. He made sure she was strapped in the car as he drives. Every now and then looked in the rearview mirror to make sure she was okay.
She was asleep, she needed it, she kept Y/n and him up all night, so she needed it along with him. If she stays asleep for a while, he could probably get a nap in as well.
He pulled into a parking spot and got her out of the car. He placed her carrier in the cart and walked in, she was still asleep as they walked through the aisles.
"Mmmm~" Luna stirred in her sleep, he stopped the cart and looked down at her waiting for her eyes to open.
"Hi, baby," he coos.
Ghost jumps and looks down at her crying face. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he picks her up from the carrier. "You have some strong lungs on you, pretty girl."
"Oh, is everything okay?" A girl came walking around the corner seeing Ghost comforting his daughter.
"Yeah, she's...probably hungry..." he digs through the bag getting a bottle. He brings it to her mouth, but she pushes it away.
"Come on, baby," he says.
"Are you sure maybe, she needs her diaper change?"
"No, she's got a bomb on her, I would know."
Ghost looks at and saw something in her mouth, a peak of something white, he started to worry. "What is that?"
"Oh, maybe I can help, I can help a single father with his child," she pushed herself against him, but Ghost moved away from her.
"I'm married, I'll just call me wife and ask," he put her back down in the carrier and walk out of the store heading back to his car.
He placed her in the car and sat in the backseat with her as he called his wife.
"Ghost? Is everything okay?" She asks, worried about her husband and child.
"I don't know, I went to the store, and she was asleep, but she woke up screaming and crying. She wasn't hungry or needed a change, but I saw in her mouth something white. I couldn't get a good look at it, so I don't know what it is." Ghost panics.
"Simon, check her mouth again," poor Luna was still crying and somewhat hard to hear her. He pulls down her bottom lip and saw the white thing again.
"I think...it's a tooth."
"It's okay, little mamas, I'll take care of everything, I'll get her-"
"Teething supplies are at home, Lydia bought some when I was pregnant with her. She gave them to me at the baby shower."
"Okay..." he looks at her crying face as Y/n hung up and Ghost gave Luna a stuffed baby toy to chew on till they can get home.
"Y/n? What's going on?" Lydia asked.
"Simon, called...Luna has her first tooth coming in."
"OH, THAT'S EXCITING!!" Their other friend Zoe came sitting next to them. "I remember when Xander got his first tooth."
"Simon was a little nervous..." she said as the girls laughed.
"Jack Oscar, the famous Supermodel."
"Oh...Supermodel..." Y/n said, while looking at Jack who was very toned. She put her sunglasses back on her face.
"You...look beautiful," Jack said.
"I'm married," Y/n said, crossing her legs and leaned back in her chair.
Ghost got a teething toy for Luna, it was light pink with different textures on it, she snatched it from him started to teeth it.
He chuckled when she looked satisfied chewing on it. Ghost opened the drawer and saw the different chewing toys for her, some were purple and blue with different textures on them, others were circular and had ridges in them to scratch her gums.
"Wow, that's a lot."
*WAAAAA* Luna threw the pink one and made grabby hands for a new one, Ghost dug around and picked another random one, but she threw that one, she wanted to be picked up.
He picked her up and showed her the drawer filled with teething toys. She made grabby hands to a blue one, he let her get it and she started to chew on it.
He took her back to the playmat and laid her back on it. She smiled rolled back on her stomach. Ghost sat on the couch turning the TV on and watched his daughter to make sure she wouldn't do anything.
Luna stopped chewing and looked back at Ghost, she cried for her daddy's attention. He smiled and crawled to his daughter getting down to her level, he laid on his back as she got up top of his chest and she playfully hit his chest.
"Oh ah, ow, you got me," he jokes with her. She smiles and falls on his chest. Ghost chuckled and then he heard soft snores come from her, he looked at his chest and saw her asleep.
"Well, if you're going to sleep...I am too..." he said, putting his arm behind his head and his hand rested on his daughters back.
Ghost woke to the TV still playing and Luna was still asleep on his chest, he smiles and picked her up gently and slowly so he wouldn't wake her up.
He placed her in her crib draping a blanket on her, he turned on the baby monitor and he was about to close the door and he left the lamp on letting her sleep.
"Good night, little baby," he whispers before shutting the door. He rubbed his temple and heard his phone ping. He looked down and saw some pictures Y/n sent.
Ones where she was at the beach, her legs in the photo of the clear blue scene, her drinking from a coconut, her friends in the back having fun and then one with Jack Oscar in the back holding Lydias waist.
"Is that Jack Oscar?" He asks. "A Supermodel..."
Y/n sent another one, she was in a fishnet dress with a black two piece underneath the fishnet dress, she looked incredibly sexy in it. Ghost smirked knowing he has this beautiful, lady as his wife.
Simon: *You look beautiful*
Wife: *Thank you...is everything okay there?*
Simon: *Just perfect...she's in bed asleep...I gave her a few teething toys and she's been calm since we've been home. I saw Jack Oscar was there*
Wife: *Yeah, he's apparently there for a photoshoot, him and Lydia seemed to be getting along*
Simon: *Supermodel...has he said anything?*
Wife: *He said I was hot...*
Simon: *P.O.S. don't worry love...I got hit it on today by some woman, she called me a 'single father'*
Wife: *Bitch*
Ghost laughed. He got in the middle of the bed and looked down at his phone.
Wife: *Did you get groceries?*
Simon: *No...I'll go back tomorrow. This time I'll be more prepared*
Wife: *Yeah and avoid any thirsty and hungry women*
Simon: *I'll try, love...good night*
Wife: *Good night, Simon*
Ghost turned his phone off and placed it on his charger and looked at the baby monitor seeing Luna was on her back instead of her stomach.
He smiled and closed his eyes finally going to sleep.
*WAAAAAAA* Ghost's eyes shot open, and he looked at the baby monitor seeing Luna was awake, she sat up grabbing the bars of her crib with a blood curdling scream.
"I'm coming, baby," Ghost rubbed his forehead and started to make his way out of his bedroom to her nursery.
He pushed opened the bedroom door and saw her teary eyes.
"Alright, come on, baby girl," he picked her up and took her to the changing table, changing her diaper. Her cries soon stopped when he picked her up. He kissed her forehead and picked her back up and took her downstairs to heat up a bottle for her.
He had her in his arms, he grabbed a milk pouch and poured it in a bottle, he set it in the bottle warmer and looked down at his little girl.
"It'll be ready in a minute, baby," he said, kissing her puffy, tear stained cheeks.
The machine beeped, letting him know the bottle was warmed up. He tested the milk on his skin seeing if it was hot or just right, and it was perfectly fine.
He sat down on the couch, leaning back and propping her up so he could feed her. She suckled on the bottle as she looked up at him.
The bottle was done, and he placed the bottle next to him on the couch and put a towel under Luna's chin to catch her spit up. He patted her back and she spit up on the towel.
"That's why I did that, you spit up every time and half of the time we never catch it," he said, wiping her face with the clean end of the towel and tossed the towel in the laundry room.
He took her back upstairs but to his bed, he let her stay on Y/n's side of the bed. She rolled on her back and Ghost smiled down at her. He placed his hand on her stomach and closed his eyes.
Friday 7:10AM
Luna was in Ghost's arms, he tossed her in the air and caught her, he wanted to hear her giggles.
"I'M HOME!!" Y/n announces into the house. Luna giggled and Ghost stood up quickly.
"Welcome home," he said, kissing her lips and kissing Luna's forehead.
"Thank you, handsome."
"Wow...your skin...it's beautiful." He chuckles.
"Thank you, now...I want my baby girl," she turns to Luna with a big smile and taking her from Ghost's grasp. Luna giggled when she was being held by her mama.
"How was it?" He asked.
"I should be asking you that...it was amazing."
"Same, I need to spend some more time with my lovely baby girl," he said, kissing Y/n's lips and his daughter temple.
"You understand how hard it is?"
"I never doubt you, love. I know how hard it is and I try to be there for the both of you but-"
"Work...I know..." She smiles and kisses his lips.
"I'm sorry, love."
"For what?"
"For not always helping you."
"It's okay, Ghost, I know and understand..."
"Anyways, come on let me tell you everything that happened on the trip."
"Okay," he smiles
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bowtiepastabitch · 4 months
Good Omens Fanfic Data: 2023
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Top 5 Tags Per Month
Excludes basic a/c ship tags. Common tags coded by color. Interesting changes or patterns are in bold.
January: fluff, human au, humor, post-canon, established relationship
February: fluff, angst, human au, established relationship, hurt/comfort
March: fluff, human au, angst, post-canon, first kiss (honorable mention: pining)
April: fluff, human au, angst, hurt/comfort, first kiss (honorable mention: humor)
May: fluff, human au, blairamok's #IneffableMay, established relationship, hurt/comfort
June: fluff, human au, established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst
July: fluff, angst, fix-it, hurt/comfort, s2 spoilers
~~~~SEASON TWO~~~~
August: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, post s2, s2 spoilers (honorable mention: fix-it) (@neil-gaiman you know what you did)
September: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crowley is a mess, ineffable idiots
October: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, post s2, crowley is a mess
November: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crowley is a mess, post s2 (honorable mentions: angst with a happy ending, hurt crowley)
December: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, ineffable idiots, crowley is a mess (honorable mention: Christmas)
January 2024: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crowley is a mess, human au (honorable mention: anal sex)
At time of posting there are still a couple hours left on the poll that I plan to use for additional GO fic data, so please go vote if you haven't already. Info about how the process for this is under the cut:)
Data was collected on February first, 2023, using Ao3's filtering system. Each month represents fics updated from the first through last days of the month. Please note that fics are filtered by when it was updated, not originally published, so longer running fics will be sorted under when they were finished or last added to. Unrated fics are not included in the graph, an oversight on my part whilst collecting data, but make up a very small portion of total fics and are often podfics or artwork.
Tags excluded in tag rankings are: "Aziraphale loves Crowley", "Crowley loves Aziraphale", and "Ineffable Husbands", which were consistently ranked among the top tags and I found unhelpful for determining patterns in fan engagement since they are, after all, simply facts. Honorable mentions are tags that ranked within the top 10 tags for the month which were unique to the month or contributed to an interesting trend.
Data collection is all done by me, so slight errors in copying down information are possible. Yes I made teen purple instead of yellow, I found it aesthetically pleasing. So sue me.
January of 2024 was included because I thought the additional data provided interesting information, especially the return of the human au tag (officially "alternate universe-human"), the higher ratio of explicit to nonexplicit fics, and the debut of "anal sex" in the top ten tags. It was a great month for the fandom.
Current other data projects include average word-counts by month and estimation of the total number of words written by members of the fandom. If there's any data or patterns you'd like to see, or questions you'd like answered, drop them in my ask box!
All of this is dedicated to the wonderful amazing writers in the fandom, including lovely mutuals whose work I totally recommend @voluptatiscausa @fellshish @phoen1xr0se @indigovigilance @ineffabildaddy (if I didn't tag you don't read into it, I've got a medically-concerningly bad memory and just popped through my recent reads on ao3.)
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toomuchracket · 8 months
autumn mornings (dad!matty x reader smut)
day 7 of promptober and it's a bit of a doozy. basically... you and matty wake up at 6:30am. your daughters are still fast asleep. you flirt a bit. you have some really good sex. bon appetit! <3
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you blink the sleep from your eyes, half-sitting up to look at the digital alarm clock on your nightstand. 6:30am. makes sense, you think, glancing towards the thin blinds shielding your bedroom from the outside world. no faint morning light is beginning to creep under them. there's little birdsong or traffic piercing them, interrupting the tranquillity of the room. it's quiet. peaceful, even.
but it's a sunday. so why the fuck are you awake?
in fairness, you're not the only one. there's a shuffling noise behind you, then a pair of warm lips press against the nape of your neck. "what time is it?" matty asks, tiredness slightly slurring his words together.
"half 6. you can go back to sleep, baby."
"mmm, no, i can't," matty murmurs against you. "been awake for a bit already."
"you should've just woken me up, babe," you say, turning to face your husband. at the sight of him, heavy-eyed and softly smiling, hair messy and shirt absolutely nowhere to be found, you can feel your heartbeat increase its tempo; it goes without saying that you fancy matty all of the time, but there's something especially alluring about him when he's just woken up, always has been.
"nah," matty smiles, languidly trailing his index finger along your bare leg. "you're cute when you sleep, far too cute for me to disturb. and you always get really grumpy when i wake you up before you actually need to be awake."
"no i don't!"
"sweetheart, not once in the almost twenty years i've known you have you ever responded well to anybody waking you up early. even me."
"you're fibbing."
"go on, then," matty challenges, smirking. "name one time you've actually been happy when i've woken you up before your alarm's gone off."
you smirk even more mischievously. "the day after we got back from our honeymoon. i woke up to you eating me out from behind, and then you fucked me so hard i couldn't walk properly for three days. d'you remember that?"
matty's jaw goes slack. he closes his eyes and inhales shakily as he nods, slightly dumbfounded, before he looks at you and speaks again. "you wore that cream silk number to bed the night before, the same one you wore on our wedding night. that, and nothing else but your ring."
"seems to have made quite the impression on both of us," you giggle, running a hand through his hair.
matty huffs out a laugh. "darling, you have no idea. i just remember thinking… that's the sexiest woman in the whole world right there, and she's my wife," he says, pulling you onto his lap for a kiss. although it's a fairly chaste liplock (for the two of you, at least), you can feel him getting hard under his boxers. "couldn't not go down on you, lying there all bare and wet like that. quite in the mood to recreate it now, if i'm honest."
the memory of the events that followed your totally-not-calculated-whatever-do-you-mean move is enough to make you wet as is, but the thought of recreating it with the matty of right now, all gravel-voiced and grey-flecked curls and gooey eyes whenever he looks at you and muscle? it takes everything in you not to start grinding on him, or the pillow, or anything you think would effectively ease the wanton desire rooted between your legs and quickly blooming to your brain.
but as much as you want to pretend you're still newlyweds… not everything is the same as it was in the literal honeymoon phase. you rub the sleep from your eyes in an effort to recalibrate your brain somewhat. "but the kids-"
"will absolutely be asleep for at least another hour and a half," matty says softly, thumbs circling over your hipbones reassuringly. "they had a late night, after all, out at their first non-daddy concert. we might be raising a pair of party girls, babe."
you smile. matty's right, you know that - despite frequent and loud proclamations throughout the paramore gig that she was "not tired, mum!", seven year old elena was asleep in the backseat before matty had even reversed out of the car park after the show, and your nine year old didn't fare much better. unlike her sister, though, dylan at least had the good grace to stay awake until the four of you were back in the house and in your respective bedrooms, well after midnight given london traffic. such a late bedtime for them, plus their maternally-inherited need to stay asleep until the last possible second… yeah, their dad's assessment about today's wake-up time is likely to be spot on.
grabbing matty's face in your hands, you pull him in for another kiss, slightly less innocent than the last. "alright," you murmur against his lips. "but at least let me go and check on them first."
"please be quick," matty whispers, desperation evident in his voice. he smiles sweetly, though, as you climb off the bed and head towards your bedroom door. "but give them a kiss from me."
you nod, quickly darting across the landing towards elena's half-open door. dodging various barbies scattered across the floor (and making a mental note to get her to clean her room later today), you tiptoe towards your daughter, cocooned in her duvet with her wild curls poking out, fast asleep. after gently placing the requisite kiss on her hair, you tread carefully back across the threshold and into dylan's room. 
the floor there is far tidier than in her sister's room, but there are books and cd's (a mix of her own growing collection and some you and matty have loaned her) piled haphazardly on every flat surface; there's even a jacqueline wilson novel in your sleeping daughter's hand, still open to the page dylan was reading when she nodded off. picking up a stray bookmark from the bedside table, you gently peel her fingers from the book - kissing her hand as you do - and quietly place it next to the alarm clock. dylan stirs slightly, and you freeze mid-backing out of the door, but she just pulls her duvet closer to her and settles back into sleep. you close the door behind you as quietly as you can, and pad back to your own bedroom and your husband.
your husband, lying with the covers bunched around his waist and his hands behind his head, looking delectable. his eyes trail up over your bare legs as you lean against the back of the closed door, over your hips, accentuated by the cut of his old brown t-shirt, over the curves of your tits, straining against the fabric, over your face, surely displaying some expression of lust towards him. matty's gaze is almost predatory as he looks at you; the intensity of it sends a burst of heat shooting through your core, so strong you can't help but cross your legs slightly. he notices, of course he does, and smirks at you.
god, he's so fucking hot. you aren't sure whether to rush to him immediately, or just continue to look at him.
matty makes the choice for you. "get over here, healy, i want to kiss you."
your heart flutters at the familiar phrasing. but you raise a brow, still lingering by the door. "isn't that my line?"
"well, see, one of the joys of marriage is the sharing, sweetheart. last names, seduction lines…"
"that's a seduction, to you?"
matty winks. "got me into bed with you, didn't it?"
"fair point, babe," you nod, peeling your t-shirt over your head - matty's breath audibly hitches, and you can practically feel your ego inflate. "and i guess it works on me, too."
matty groans when you climb onto the bed and crawl towards him. admittedly, it's overkill, because you know damn well he's more than willing to fuck you, but you also know that the more you rile him up, the harder said fucking will be; judging by the way the pupils of his eyes have almost swallowed up the beautiful brown irises at the sight of your tits swaying as you near him, you'll be surprised if you can walk later today.
you can't fucking wait.
neither can matty, apparently - before you can even register what's happening, you're on your back with your head against the pillows, your husband slotting himself between your legs as he leans down to kiss you. there's no sweetness in this kiss at all, only lips latching and teeth biting and tongues swiping the oxygen from both of your brains, hands grabbing blindly, hips grinding against each other and dragging moans from both of your throats.
a particularly enthusiastic one of yours has matty pulling away from your mouth to speak. "shhh, sweetheart," he coos, lips finding a new home on your neck. "can't wake up our babies, yeah? not until mummy and daddy have had some fun, at least."
"m'sorry, i know," you whimper, hips circling upwards, chasing matty's, chasing friction. "just… just need you. now. need you to fuck me, please, please."
"you don't want my mouth?"
"baby, you can - fuck, that feels nice - you can eat me whenever you want, later," you pant, trying as best you can to speak clearly. "tonight, tomorrow morning to wake me up, in the car after the school run…"
the whine that leaves matty's mouth at that is almost enough to trigger an orgasm for you.
"... but right now, i just need to be fucked," you plead. "hard."
your husband kisses his way back up to your lips. "well, if that's what my girl wants, that's what she'll get. flip over for me, darling, and pass me a pillow."
excitement coursing through your veins, you do as asked, giggling a bit deliriously when matty responds with a "good girl" and slides the pillow under your lower stomach. briefly, cruelly, you think of some of your older female friends, the ones who've spent many a coffee morning or night in a cocktail bar bemoaning their now-stagnant sex lives and bitching about the husbands beginning to lose interest in making them feel good; you hope you never turn out like them, never lose the giddiness you still get every time matty makes any effort to make you feel good.
given the way he whines when he pulls your panties down, though, you don't think you're at any risk of turning out like them anytime soon. "jesus christ, babe," matty whispers, almost reverently. "i can't believe how fucking wet you are."
"all for you, baby."
"yeah? that right, sweetheart?" you can hear the smirk in matty's voice, as well as the rustling of fabric, and then you suddenly feel his hands on your hips and him, bare and rock-hard, against your backside. god. "mmm, you feel so fucking perfect, and i'm not even inside you yet. wanna be, though, wanna fuck you so badly. you want that too, darling, don't you?"
your eyes roll further back into your head with every swipe of his cock through your soaking slit. "mhmm."
"words, sweetheart."
"yes," you whine, shuffling around some sort of desperate attempt to get him inside you. "want you to fuck me. please."
"always so polite, perfect girl. alright, babe, i'll fuck you."
a final swipe up - or down, rather - to your clit, and matty's pushing into you slowly. even after all these years of fucking him and nobody else, the initial feeling of him inside you leaves you breathless; you regain it by the time he's bottomed out, though, moaning in harmony with matty as you process just how fucking deep he's gotten.
yeah, you won't last long at all.
you tell matty as much, and he laughs deliriously. "haven't even properly started fucking you yet, and you're about to cum? god, baby, you really did need fucked hard, didn't you? bless."
cheeky bastard. you frown, throwing your head back and arching your spine in an attempt to look your husband in the eye; you don't quite manage, but he giggles and kisses your forehead anyway, before gently pushing your head back down so he can whisper in your ear as he fucks you slowly. "but you know what, sweetheart? i'm not going to last either; you feel too fucking good for me to be able to control myself."
"so don't," you whimper, matty's words going straight to both your ego and your cunt. "make me feel it."
"shit," matty groans, the combination of your demand and your increased wetness getting to him. "are you sure, darling?"
a kiss to your bare shoulder. "alright. you asked for it."
no sooner than the words have left matty's mouth, he pulls almost completely out of you and slams back in hard, eliciting a broken wail from your lips. you get a second of reprieve to get used to the feeling, and then it happens again, and again, until matty's established a rhythm and tempo he's happy with. and when he's hitting your sweet spot with almost every thrust, and the force of him is making your clit brush against the pillow below you every time he moves, you're happy, too. matty knows this, although he can't see your face - the way you're clenching like a vice around him and stuttering out broken moans of his name is indication enough of your ecstasy.
a particularly hard thrust makes you cry out, the sound even louder than the constant slapping of skin against skin as matty drives his hips into your own. matty winces at your noise, quickly moving one of his hands from your waist to cover your mouth and leaning forward to talk to you. "know it's difficult, sweet girl," he coos, sweet tone at total odds with the way he's fucking you. "but you need to stay a bit quieter for me. can you do that?"
you nod enthusiastically against his hand, but continue to moan against his skin; it takes matty a second to break through the sex haze clouding his brain and work out what you're saying, but he manages to discern that you're just repeatedly whining "please". well, whining is the wrong word - it's more like begging. 
"what are you asking for, sweetheart?" matty breathes, moving his hand from your mouth to tenderly brush your hair behind your ear. the gesture seems sweet enough, but it's actually very calculated of him; matty knows fine well that the combination of sweetness and roughness during sex is a shortcut to getting you off.
which, as it turns out, is exactly what you want from him. "please, please, baby," you moan - at a more appropriate volume for the time of day, just as matty had asked. "please make me cum. want to cum. want you to cum, fucking fill me up."
christ. how could he ever deny such a request, from the woman he loves? matty takes a deep breath, muttering a quiet "oh fuck" as he exhales. "whatever you want, darling. tell me when you're close, yeah?"
"mhmm. i love you."
matty smiles tiredly. "i love you too, sweetheart. put your arms behind your back for me, hold on to me."
you oblige, crossing your wrists just above your tailbone; matty holds them for leverage as he fucks you with the last of his energy. he'd keep going for you as long as you needed him to, he thinks, just out of sheer need to make you feel good, but he's admittedly glad when your legs begin to shake under his own, a telltale sign that your orgasm's approaching.
"matty, baby," you whimper. one of your hands is beginning to tremble, so he holds it instead of your wrist as he feels his own climax begin. "m'gonna cum."
"hold it just a second longer for me, sweetheart," comes the reply through gritted teeth. "and we can cum together. you'd like that, wouldn't you, getting off while i fill you up?"
"fuck, yes," you clench tighter around matty as you speak, determined to delay your release until he's ready. "i'll hold it."
"that's my good girl."
the praise nearly tips you over the edge, and you have to tighten every possible muscle in order to stay on the precipice. thankfully, though, you being so tight around matty is the thing that rips the orgasm from him; his thrusts slow and fall out of rhythm as the pleasure races through his nervous system, and he groans (incredibly sexily). "you're close, aren't you, darling? cum for me, my girl, let go."
you don't even have time to respond verbally before your body responds to your husband's instruction; it's as if your brain has shut down everything except its pleasure centre and thoughts of matty. you cum, and you cum hard, limbs convulsing and face firmly planted in a pillow to muffle your screams of ecstasy. matty follows suit immediately, groaning your name and holding his hips flush against yours as he empties probably every last drop of cum in his body inside your own.
he collapses on top of you once he's done, sweaty bodies sticking together. usually, that would ick at least one of you out, but you welcome the extra body heat on this chilly october morning. that, and it's nice to be as close as possible to matty after you've fucked, you think. matty seems to think that too, judging by the way he's contentedly stroking your hair and humming to himself.
"s'that song?" you ask.
matty huffs out a laugh. "just something i thought of just now."
"is it about me? and what we just did?"
"definitely about you, babe," matty kisses your shoulder. "about the sex? i don't know yet. but it was definitely good enough to warrant a song or two about it."
"mmm, yeah," you smile. "thank you. i love you."
"i love you too. and thank you, darling, you were so good for me. d'you fancy a bath? we've still got… roughly 45 minutes until the girls will be up."
"too tired. wanna stay like this, please."
"sweetheart, i came in you," matty says. you can hear the pride in his voice. what a boy. "it'll ruin the sheets when it drips out."
"s'fine," you absent-mindedly wave. "need to wash the girls' sheets anyway. might as well do ours, too. set a good example and all."
matty laughs, a proper chuckle. you turn around as best you can to look at him. "what?"
"i just love you a lot, that's all."
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Can I have a one shot if sanji x black plus size reader where she pregnant with triplets and she wakes up horny and ask sanji to relieve her since he is her husband
Triplets gah lee bro i may do just one baby 💀 but I just seen this video and it SCREAMS Sanji w his pregnant wife so i gotchu.
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“Needy” Sanji x Pregnant! Plus Sized Black Fem Reader (NSFW)
CW: Reader is mentioned to have braids, Soft!Dom Sanji, Cunnilings, Praise, Sensual Massage, Fingering, Creampie, More of the reader being called "mama" don't hate me rn, Reader has sensitive breasts WC: 1.4k
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You’re only 2 months pregnant and you’re already ready for your baby to just come out. Its constant back pains, constant mood swings, and you don’t even know when your cravings became so distorted.
As happy as being parents made you both you also had alot of issues trying to keep yourself in good spirits, you tummy has began to already poke out more, now only wearing dresses and other loose clothing to cover how big you’re rapidly getting. Your husband of course notices how much MORE clothing you started to wear and it bothered him a bit. Only because he seen the sorrow in your face.
It was a tinge of guilt he felt knowing you were going through this, and though you both have throughly talked about having kids and becoming parents he couldn’t help but to want to make sure your pleasure and comfort was his number one priority for you.
No matter what it was.
You have recently been reading more on pregnancy and youve seen where sometimes women’s libido can sky rocket. And tonight was just the prime example of it.
You were cuddled soundly in Sanji’s strong arms, his hand now always softly rubbing the sides of your belly. But your thighs just kept rubbing, his scent was more pungent and he felt so much bigger to you right now and it was a small ache in your lower body that was starting to annoy you.
You felt embarrassed, this morning you told Sanji he didn’t have to take a break from cooking to pleasure you when you felt a bit needy, using the “I’ll be fine” excuse, he even offered again before bed but you said no.
Your body was changing so much you just didn’t want to see the look of disgust when Sanji sees your poking belly, your stretch marks, your cellulite.
But you needed it. You needed some release.
You wiggle out of his grasp, unfortunately your husband has became accustomed to being a light sleeper for you. When you wake him for snacks, needing to use the bathroom, or anything he is woke to almost any subtle movements.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Sanji’s tired rasped voice, you felt instant regret hearing him sound so sleepy, you grimaced at yourself in his neck.
"I'm fine.."
Sanji couldn't explain how annoyed he got when he kept hearing your "I'm fine" excuse, he knew in an instant you weren't. So he got up, holding himself up on his side to look at your face, "Tell me."
It was eating you up inside, waking him up for such foolery, you played with the hem of your his night shirt while laying on your back and that's when your pretty blonde man cupped your cheeks to look at him.
"Talk to me, baby."
"....I..I'm...I..I need..."
By the looks of your thighs rubbing and the gloss under your eyes he caught on, his eyes softened on you figure leaning in to kiss you with his hand rubbing your tummy, making you flinch, "Did I press too hard? I'm so--"
"No, it's not that I....."You sigh, " I...been wanting you all day, but I was afraid to ask because...I didn't...want you to..."
"Didn't want me to what?" His eyes searched for yours in concern, afraid of what you may spill, "Baby--"
"I'm afraid you won't find me attractive anymore." You turn away from his gaze, "I'm only 2 months pregnant and look at me, I'm swollen all over my arms, my legs, my breast, my stomach and I'm no longer attractive to you! And it sucks because I--Mmmm!"
Sanji couldn't take hearing anymore slander fall through your teeth. Such lies! Kissing you oh so slowly he cages you in his arms as he rolls on top of you, looking down at your teary eyes about to cry himself, "Don't you ever speak that way about yourself again, you hear me? You are as beautiful as the day we met, your skin is glowing, your body is so supple and perfect I couldn't have it any other way....you're carrying OUR child. OUR baby is growing inside you and I couldn't find you any more perfect because of it and I don't want you to ever feel anything less than beautiful because I am here to serve you,so ...please...allow me..."
His lips attached to your neck, your hand pushing back your braids to get more access to you, "You taste so good, mama.." Humming into your skin you then gasp feeling his hand creep under your shirt, smirking at the sweet surprise of you not only wearing no bra, but,
"Y/n..where'd your panties go? I saw you put them on before we went to bed..."
His voice was nothing, but a tease, seeing you turn your head in embarrassment he playfully tsk'ed at you, "Vilaine fille..."
The corner of your lips curl, damn.. him speaking that language is what got you pregnant with his child now, you giggle at the thought as your watch him rub your inner thigh to ghosted his hand over your body, leaving you goosebumps at his gentle touch, taking off your shirt, exposing your body to him as his sits on his knees between your legs.
"Ji..." You cover your face, he chuckles lowly before rubbing your sides, "C'monnn.."
"Oh nowww you're impatient." Sanji smiles leaning over you to kiss both breast, as quick as he licked your sensitive nipple you threw your hand in his hair, "mmhmm.."
Wasn't long until he finally gave your clit some attention as well as your aching wet slit altogether, he toyed with your pussy with his index and middle finger as he sucked on one of your supple breast.
"All f'me..." Sanji popped off your breast to smile as your blissful face, "This body is all mine....remember? This sexy body is all mine.."
he peppered kisses all your over nude state not missing an area where you bad talked it just before he finally reached the area where you needed him most, his warm hands held your thighs down and he quickly came to suck on your lower lips and then clit.
"O-oh!" your back arched, you wanted to feel grossed out that your small belly hill was nearly covering Sanji's face, but you were already too fucked out on his tongue that slithered inside you. The tip of his tonge wiggling on the hood of your clit before suckling, you whimpered his name, "Ji...!"
The orgasm you felt just from his mouth alone had you so sleepy, even coming down from the high though, tasting yourself on his mouth as he left wet kisses on you, you still wanted more,
and your husband of course read your body perfectly.
He slide off his underwear, climbing back on top or you leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, sliding his cock inside you with ease, you clenched down on him so quickly you heard a gasp of your named from his lips on your ear.
"I...love you.." Sanji strained out a moan, holding one of your hands and his other hand rubbing and holding your hip carefully, not to hurt you, "I love you."
You couldn't even respond, the sting of overtsimulation just had you hold him against your body closer as he did deep long strokes inside you, with each pump came out another moan from you both.
It has been a while since you both had sex, so sensitive wasn't even the right word to describe how you both were. It didn't take long for that same familiar knot arise inside your tummy, wrapping your legs around his damp hips to keep Sanji inside you, as a warning you were close.
Nothing but your moans and his cries of your name filled the hot room, you felt his cum nearly overflow inside you so much you whined at the sensation of being so full.
You wanted him to stay inside you, but your blonde didn't want to lay on top of your of course so he pulled you atop him, his hot hands rubbing your lower back.
"..thank you, Ji.." You kissed his scruffy beard making him giggle, as he looked at the blank ceiling, "I love you."
"Always come to me...for whatever you need okay? I'll always be ready to make this pregnancy easier for you." You hum in agreement at his stern words, "I love you, too mama...I love you."
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parkersbliss · 2 years
Rich People | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x fem!reader
wc; 2.6k
warnings: violence?
synopsis: five hargreeves is tasked with a mission of playing husband to you and he’s not exactly thrilled about it
013: “I love you.” “Lying doesn’t suit you, babe.”
070: “Married life, am I right?” “We’re not married.” “Not with that attitude we are.”
a/n: five and reader are physically and mentally in their 20s !
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list 
Five Hargreeves was a lot of things.
Arrogant, rude, and egotistical were some of them. He was also a loner who preferred the quiet of his room then the sound of his siblings screaming.
This was why when Five was assigned a partner for a mission by The Handler, he was not happy. Some might say he overreacted, but Five felt his little fit was reasonable. He’s never worked with anyone before, and there was no reason to. He got his work done just fine on his own. So why now was he having to be paired up?
See, that was the real kicker for him.
“This mission is a little… different from your other ones,” The Handler explained.
“Different how?” Five pressed, leaning on her desk.
She clicks her tongue. “I need information extracted before you complete your kill.”
“So? I’ll torture it out of them.”
“See, that’s the issue, Five. Your methods can be rather violent.”
“They work,” He protests.
“Not in this case,” She tuts. “Which is why I’m sending you with a partner.”
Five shakes his head. “No, I can get the file just fine without someone else.”
“I’ve already made up my mind,” The Handler said, sliding the file towards him. “Besides, this could be good for your lone wolf appearance.”
Five glares at the woman as she pats his shoulder, heading for the exit. “Just remember, when you’re in love with someone, you can’t kill them.”
Five furrows his brows at her statement as her heels click down the hallway. He shrugs, flipping through the file. Target’s name, personal information, location, and mission statement.
Number Five and (Y/N) (L/N).
Find Rowan and Danica Bruegge, extract the file, and DO NOT terminate.
Five still didn’t understand the part where his partner came in, but as his eyes kept scanning the file, he saw it. Rowan and Danica weren’t siblings. They were married. And it appeared in order to coax them out of hiding, Five was going to be too.
The boy swears under his breath, snapping the file closed and pushing himself out of his chair.
“That disappointed? We haven’t even met yet,” A voice said from the doorway.
Five narrows his eyes at you, pushing the file into your chest. “Disappointed doesn’t even begin to describe it.”
You scoff, holding the file to your chest as he disappears down the hall. He was going to be a joy to work with. You jog back to him, already having been informed of the mission and your role.
“You know we have to work together, right?” You asked.
Five continues walking. “Oh, I’m well aware.”
You purse your lips. “So why do you keep walking away from me?”
“Because,” He starts. “I have no desire to spend any more time with you than necessary.”
“The file says married couple. Not newly divorced with one kid.”
Five rolls his eyes, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning to face you with a snaky grin. “I don’t give a shit.”
You expected that. So you just shove the file back into his hands. “I’m getting a briefcase for us. Meet me outside in ten.”
“Whatever,” He grumbles.
You sigh, turning the other way. Working with Five was going to be a nightmare, but you did volunteer for it. In fact, you might have had a little work crush on him for a while. You’d seen him around the office or in the field, and he was… attractive, to say the least. Though his personality was certainly a fixer-upper. Five was known to be bitter and violent. He’s had a history of doing everything solo and is notorious for being a pain in the ass. You grab a briefcase from the room, signing your name in before meeting Five outside on the pristine lawn.
“Are you ready, Mr. Dayton?” You joke, watching his face contort into one of disgust.
“Who even picks the names here?”
You shrug. “Probably The Handler. I bet she’s laughing now.”
“I have no doubt,” Five sighs. “Get on with it.”
You roll your eyes before opening the briefcase and letting it whisk you away.
You land in front of a rather fancy country club. Dozens of golf carts are displayed up front, along with plenty of sports cars and convertibles. The actual building sits on top of rolling green hills, a fountain obstructing the view slightly.
“Rich people,” You mumble, adjusting your dress.
“We’re one of them now,” Five said.
“Hooray,” You sarcastically replied, following him up the pathway. The entrance offers a stone-tiled floor with an arched doorway and pristine white marble. You loop your hand under Five’s arm, gently grabbing it and flashing him a smile.
“Married life, am I right?” You sighed dreamily.
Five rolls his eyes. “We’re not married.”
“Not with that attitude we are,” You snort, kicking him in the shin. “Get your attitude together, or we’re both dead.”
“Fuck you,” Five said through gritted teeth, approaching the front desk. You laugh and pat his arm. The lady greets you with a smile, and you hand her your IDs. She glances over them, handing them back and waving you both off.
As soon as you’re out of the way, Five shakes your arm off, hating how it made him feel inside. It was like a butterfly swarm in his stomach, and he’d rather die than admit it.
“Do you know how to play golf?” You asked, walking down the hall and approaching the patio that overlooks the field.
“No,” Five answered.
“Well,” You smile, grabbing his arm. “You do now.”
“Oh my god,” You gasped. “Danica?”
The said woman turns to you with a confused smile. “Hi.”
“It’s been forever!” You squeal.
She frowns, turning to her husband, and Five stands there awkwardly. He really wishes he could just stab them in the neck instead.
“I’m sorry. Do I know you?” She asked.
You nod. “High school? C’mon. 4th block chemistry and varsity cheer. Coach Spindel?”
Of course, those were all lies, but most people just agree because they don’t actually remember. Given enough details, they’ll convince themselves that it’s true.
She snaps her fingers. “Oh! How could I forget?”
You wave your hands at her. “Don’t worry about it! What brings you here?”
She smiles, grabbing her husband’s arm. “Well, my dear husband can’t resist a good game of golf in this weather.”
“Oh, mine too,” You joke, squeezing Five’s arm to give him his cue.
Rowan holds out his hand, and Five grasps it with a shake. “You wanna play a few rounds?”
Five grins. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Let the ladies here catch up.”
Rowan laughs, “My kind of man. What’s your name?”
You turn to Five with wide eyes, praying to God he doesn’t say Five.
“I’m Lucas.”
“Nice to meet you, Lucas.”
“Likewise, Rowan.”
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If Five was bad at golf, Rowan didn’t say anything when you returned. He only laughed, and slapped Five on the back, causing the boy to almost fall. You grabbed his hand and pulled him into a seat before he could slap Rowan back. You could tell by the look on his face he was a second away from finishing the mission a little too early.
You giggle, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Yeah, we’re just married. Not even a year yet!”
“Aw,” Danica coos. “I love newlyweds. Still in your honeymoon phase, huh?”
“Yeah,” Five answered, patting your arm. “We’re so happy.”
You try not to laugh at the sarcasm in his voice and keep up your smile.
“Well, now that we’ve caught up, you should come by some time! We can have dinner overlooking the lake.”
“That sounds lovely,” You said. You would rather gouge your eyes out. “Tomorrow night?”
Danica nods, grabbing her purse from her seat and handing you a piece of paper with her address. “Tomorrow night.”
She waves you goodbye, Rowan leading her out with a hand on her back. Once they’re gone, Five shoves you off of him.
“This is so stupid,” He said. “Why can’t we just break in?”
You sigh. “Because Five, despite your powers, this is just easier. Leave no trace.”
He snorts. “I wouldn’t leave a trace if I blink in.”
“I think you underestimate the Bruegge’s,” You said.
“I think you underestimate me,” He retorts.
You push your chair back, standing up. “If you weren’t so bitter, maybe you’d have a little fun with this.”
“With what? Pretending to be your husband? Hardly my definition of fun.”
You wave a hand at him, already walking away. You exit the country club, Five trailing behind with his hands in his pockets.
“Mind taking us to the hotel?”
You hold your hand out for him, but he grabs your arm instead and blinks you into the hotel room. You shake yourself off, groaning at the feeling. At least the hotel was nice enough.
“No,” Five suddenly said.
“What?” You snap, peeling off your heels. “What could possibly be so bad now?”
“Do you have eyes?” He asked, gesturing wildly to the bed in front of you.
It takes you to register the significance of the bed, but it’s not the bed. It’s the lack of another one.
You click your tongue. “How cliche.”
“Really?” Five said. “That’s all you have to say?”
You shrug. “I’ll take the bed. You take the floor. Easy as that.”
“No, I get the bed,” Five argued.
You force out a laugh. “Hilarious, but no.”
“I’m not sleeping on the floor. Unless you want me to be extra grumpy tomorrow.”
“I honestly don’t give a shit,” You said. “So get comfortable.”
You flop down on the bed, closing your eyes and letting yourself relax. Your peace only lasts a few moments because the next thing you know, Five’s grabbing your ankles and dragging you off the bed.
“What the hell!” You shout, thrashing in his grip.
“You can get the floor,” He said through gritted teeth as your knee almost collides with his jaw.
“No way!” You protest before kicking him in the stomach. He groans, doubling over and catching himself on top of you.
His face is inches from yours, and your eyes widen. His arms support himself on either side of your head. You swear his eyes flicker to your lips for a millisecond and meet yours again. You gulp, feeling small under his gaze.
“Five,” You breathe out.
“We can share the bed,” You whisper, trying not to shiver under the feeling of his warm breath on your face.
“As long as you don’t kick me in your sleep.”
“No promises.”
He narrows his eyes at you and awkwardly coughs, sitting back. You scoot back, hitting the headboard. You could probably cut the tension with a knife in the room.
Five notices and doesn’t dare meet your gaze, finding interest in his shirt.
“I’m gonna shower,” You finally spoke, swinging your legs out of the bed and heading towards the bathroom. Five only nods.
You shut the door to the bathroom behind you, letting out a sigh. Your heart was racing inside your chest as you thought about how close his lips were to you.
You had definitely escalated from a little work crush. This was a full-fledged crush on Five Hargreeves of all people.
You turn the shower on, stepping in and letting the hot water wash away all your thoughts about him.
Five wasn’t even your friend. If anything, he was a colleague — one that hated you at that. And although you think you saw his gaze fall to your lips, you could’ve equally imagined it.
You get out, dry yourself off, slip into pajamas, and exchange places with Five. By the time he finishes, you’re already curled up on your side of the bed facing the wall. The boy doesn’t say anything and gently lifts the cover and gets in.
He flicks off his light. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Goodnight, Five.”
Unlike most cliche films with the single bed trope, you did not end up cuddled up to Five. Rather, you woke up in basically the same position you fell asleep in. Which was curled up on your side of the bed, back facing Five. However, Five was facing you, and his hand was dangerously close to yours. Almost like he wanted to wrap it around you but didn’t. You try not to stare too much at the boy, but he looks so pretty asleep. His cheeks are a little puffed with a pink flush to him and his hair falls wildly around his face. His brows are relaxed and he almost looks like he’s smiling.
Five groans, burying his face deeper in the pillow, and you practically jump out of bed.
“Wake up, old man,” You said.
“We’re the same age,” He replies, opening one of his eyes to look at you.
“I’ll get coffee.”
“Now you’re speaking my language.”
You laugh lightly as Five rolls out of the bed. You spent the morning with Five working out the finer details of the plan. You were able to pull up a blueprint of the Bruegge’s house and conclude where you thought Rowan’s office might be. The plan was to take them out before dessert, grab the file and get out.
You were never coming back anyway, so why did it matter if they saw you?
At about six o’clock you header over and greeted them much the same. They hugged you, ushered you in, and sat you down at the dinner table. There was small talk, questions about how you and ‘Lucas’ met, and other finer details.
“Yeah,” Five chuckled, grabbing your hand in yours. “Can’t believe she’s all mine.” As if to really sell the act, he presses a quick kiss to your cheek. You try not to melt in your seat and smile, squeezing his hand.
“I’m so lucky,” You gush.
“You guys are so great for each other,” Danica said. “Now, how does dessert sound?”
“So, how do we do this?” You whisper, pushing yourself out of the chair.
“Well,” Five starts. “If we can’t kill ‘em—,”
“Knock ‘em,” You finish. “I got Danica.”
“I’ll handle Rowan.”
“Let me help you with that,” You offer to Danica.
Danica smiles polity at you as you follow her back into the kitchen. Once you’re gone, Five blinks across the room, grabbing one of Rowan’s golf clubs and grinning.
“What are you doing?” Rowan asked.
“Oh, you know,” Five said. “A little golfing.”
“Hey!” Rowan shouts. “Those are expensive.”
Five teleports right behind him, swinging the club. “Unfortunate.”
Rowan ducks just in time, grabbing the club as Five knees him in the stomach. He stumbles back, grabbing the wall for support and then a statue that he throws at the boy.
Danica hears the commotion and tries to leave, but you shake your head. You make a come here motion with your hand at Danica, smirking when she goes for a hit that you easily grab. You uppercut her in the jaw and use her caught fist to push her back into the wall. You swing you first again, but she ducks, and you hit the wall.
Five blinks out of the way of the statue. He was now leaning against the doorway next to Rowan and twirling the club. He hits Rowan in the knees, then uses the end of the club to jab into his stomach and finally knock him out.
Danica kicks you in the chest, and you stumble back, glaring at the woman. She approaches you again, and you block both her punches and smack your heads together.
She’s stunned, and you take the chance to roundhouse her across the face and pivot back again.
She falls to the floor unconscious.
Five drops the club on the floor, letting out a sigh.
“Man, I’m gonna miss being your wife,” You said, coming to a stand next to him.
“Oh, shut up,” Five snorts.
“Oh, c’mon,” You tease, wiggling your brows. “I love you.”
Five rolls his eyes, ignoring the warmth in his cheeks. “Lying doesn’t suit you, babe.”
“Maybe not,” You shrug. “But how would you know I’m lying?”
Your gaze is serious and Five chuckles, not bothering to hide his smile anymore. “Fine,” He agrees. “Would you like to go on a date with me after this?”
You grin, hooking your arm through Five’s. “I thought you would never ask dear husband of mine.”
“Not your husband.”
“Not yet.”
— END —
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lewmagoo · 2 years
return to me | bob floyd
description: in which there is only one pilot you trust to bring your husband home safely
warnings: mentions of death, brief allusion to mental health struggles, angst with a happy ending, mentions of pregnancy, military/navy inaccuracies
pairing: robert "bob" floyd x wife!reader, platonic natasha "phoenix" trace x reader
notes: this story touches on the aftermath of the bird strike that phoenix and bob went through. i thought it would be interesting to explore what phoenix's feelings might have been after the fact, and show just how much she cares about bob. i didn't expect this to go anywhere but an entire fic was born from the idea, much to my surprise
Natasha’s hands were shaking. 
She hadn’t even realized they were, until the ever-observant Bob pointed it out. She looked down, and sure enough, there was a tremor. Annoyed at his observation, she folded her arms and tucked her hands under them. 
Bob only shook his head, bracing himself on his elbows so he could fully look at her. “You’re thinking too loud,” he mused, “I feel like I can hear what’s going through your mind from here.” 
“I’m fine.”
“We quite literally just hurtled through the sky to our deaths. You’re not fine, ‘Nix.”
“The hurtling through the sky thing isn’t what’s bothering me.”
“I know. My wife is what’s bothering you.”
Natasha narrowed her eyes at him, annoyed that, yet again, he was right. She let out a sigh when he raised his brows at her. “It’s just messed up that the first time I have to meet her is in the hospital after I almost killed her husband. Why couldn’t we have met over dinner at your house or something normal?!”
Bob shook his head. “She understands. She’s not—”
But Natasha cut him off. “Does she? Or are you just saying that?”
He wanted to roll his eyes, but he didn’t. He could see how much she was struggling with this. 
Natasha had taken a liking to Bob from the moment they met. She took him under her wing, and he let her, because he was happy to have someone like her looking out for him. He didn’t talk about his personal life with any other squad members, save for telling Bradley a few details here and there. But with Natasha, he’d opened up to her about a lot more. Such as the fact that he had a wife and two children, not to mention another one on the way. 
Though she’d never voiced it out loud, Bob knew that she felt obligated to protect him, solely because she wanted him to be able to come home safe and sound to his family. She didn’t want to be the reason his children had to grow up without a father. So she vowed to be damn good at her job and always bring him back safely. 
Until today, when she almost failed at that. In her mind, at least. Bob didn’t view it as a failure whatsoever. She’d pulled out and they both made it to the ground with some run-of-the-mill bumps and bruises that came from having to eject from an aircraft that was spiraling through the sky. Neither of them had lost their life that day, and that was what mattered. 
But Natasha couldn’t help but picture the way you must have felt to receive that phone call. She imagined your mind had immediately gone to the worst case scenario. And she would be right about that. 
When your phone rang that day, you were at the park with your two small children. Henry, who was four, and Juliet, who was two. It had started out as a normal day. Bob had kissed you goodbye that morning, hugged the little ones, and headed out the door with the promise of being home for supper that evening. 
You went about the day as usual, but when your phone began vibrating in your pocket as you were watching your little ones play on the playground, you pulled the device, and your heart sank when you recognized what number it was, by the area code. 
Your hand shook as you pressed the phone to your ear, only to hear the words, “is this Mrs. Robert Floyd?”
You answered affirmatively, until you realized no sound came out, because your voice had failed you. So you cleared your throat and tried again. “This is she.”
You were prepared for your world to crumble. Prepared for the life-altering news, informing you that your sweet Robert was dead. 
But to your utter, all-consuming relief, the person on the other end assured you that your husband was very much alive, albeit banged up from a bird strike that had forced him to eject from his aircraft. 
“Thank God,” you breathed, placing a hand over your racing heart. “Can our children and I visit him?”
You were given the all-clear to visit, so you quickly gathered up your kids. Henry seemed to be on the verge of tears when you told him your park trip had to be cut short, but those tears quickly faded at the promise of seeing his father. 
“Daddy got hurt at work, so we’re going to go see him at the hospital,” you assured the little boy, every bit the spitting image of Bob, complete with his own tiny pair of glasses. 
“Did he need a Band-Aid?” Henry asked as you buckled him into his car seat. 
You smiled at his innocence. “He needed a few of them I’m sure. You can ask him all about them when you see him.” 
With the kids safely fastened into the car, you climbed into the driver’s seat and headed for the hospital. Your mind was racing as you drove, and you were thanking your lucky stars that Bobby was okay. It could have been so much worse, you knew. The thought of losing your husband was nearly unbearable. Especially when you imagined raising your little ones alone, or delivering your next babe without him. 
He’d been very involved in the births of Henry and Juliet, and the thought of him being absent for the birth of the one you currently carried was not a thought you wanted to entertain. 
Of course, you knew it was a possibility. Especially now, with him being summoned back to Top Gun for a high-profile mission that he wasn’t allowed to talk about. It could mean him leaving and never coming home again. But you chose not to dwell on that. Instead, you focused on the fact that he was alive here and now, thanks to the quick thinking of his pilot, Natasha Trace. 
You hadn’t met the woman yet, but Bob spoke very highly of her. He informed you that she was always looking out for him, in the sky and on the ground, and just from what you’d heard, you had grown to admire her. 
You would, of course, have to thank her when you saw her at the hospital. She deserved a thank you for bringing your husband home safely. 
Until then, you were thrumming with anxiety, all too eager to be reunited with Bob, and see with your own two eyes that he was, in fact, okay. It felt as if you held your breath the entire drive to the hospital, and you didn’t let it out until you stepped foot in the room and saw your Bobby sitting upright in bed, usually neat hair falling in soft waves, a few loose strands across his forehead. 
He looked up when you walked in, and his face lit up at the sight of you and his babies. “Oh, Bobby,” you breathed, immediately rushing to his side. 
You wrapped your arms around him, and he hummed, instinctively placing a hand over your rounded belly. “I’m okay, darlin’,” he assured you. 
You pulled back only to brush his hair from his forehead. “Thank goodness. You had me worried there for a minute.”
Two little faces peered up at him from beside you, both wide-eyed and very concerned for their father’s well-being. Bob reached out to take Henry’s small hand. “Hey, buddy.”
“Did you need lots of Band-Aids to help you feel better?” the little boy questioned. 
Bob smiled softly. “Just a few. But I’m fine, I promise. Just got some bumps and bruises.”
You noticed a woman seated on the second bed in the room. She was beautiful, with dark hair and striking features. Even in a pair of sweatpants and a stark white shirt, she had an air about her that exuded a certain assuredness. 
You offered her a smile, which she returned, but hers seemed a little forced. You wanted to say something to her, but you were interrupted by Henry asking if you could help him climb into his father’s bed. 
While you helped both children up into the bed, Natasha took that as her moment to slip out of the room. Seeing Bob reunited with his family put everything into perspective for her, and she couldn’t bear to watch the scene any longer. Not when she could have been the reason those sweet children lost their father. 
She rushed out into the hall, needing to be anywhere but that room. She walked so quickly the breeze from her movements blew her hair back over her shoulders. Finally, she found herself at the end of the hall, right by the window, where she decided she was going to remain until you left. 
One particular instance kept replaying in her mind, like a record whose needle had slipped and kept skipping over one part of a song. It wasn’t the bird strike, or the fact that she and Bob had to eject. No, she kept replaying something Maverick had spoken to her just the other day, when he was grilling the team.
“Don’t tell me. Tell it to his family.”
When he said that, she could barely stand to look at Bob, who was seated right beside her, because she was afraid she’d cry. She had never been an overly emotional person, she always knew how to keep things in check. But for whatever reason, she was deeply affected by this.
Natasha already felt responsible for Bob’s safety, and she’d already known about his family. But the Captain’s words truly put it into perspective. While she was well acquainted with the risks their job presented, that didn’t mean she wasn’t allowed to worry about what might happen.
She wasn’t sure if she could face you. And if, God forbid, there ever came a time when she made it out of a situation alive and Bob didn’t, she knew she’d never forgive herself. It made her anxiety about the upcoming mission spike, because the stakes were so much higher. This wasn’t a training exercise. This was life or death.
“Get it together,” she hissed to herself as she gazed out of that hospital window. She was usually able to rationalize things in her mind. She remained cool and collected in most situations. But this time, she felt like she was spiraling out of control, and she hated it.
Back in Bob’s room, you looked at him curiously, questioning Natasha’s sudden departure. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of just how much to reveal. 
“She…she’s struggling a little. She feels responsible for me.”
“Oh,” you quietly hummed in reply. “Maybe I should go talk to her.”
“Give her a few minutes to pull herself together,” he suggested. “I think she needs to be alone.”
You nodded thoughtfully, glancing after her retreating form. However, you soon turned your attention back to your family. Both little ones had nestled themselves against Bob, and he spoke to them softly, calming their worried little minds. 
He was so good with them. He always knew how to soothe them, even from the time they were newborns. Sometimes they even preferred him over you for comfort. But you were okay with it, because it was truly a wondrous sight to witness.
“C’mere,” he told you, reaching for your hand. 
You gave it to him, and let him pull you over to sit on the bed. He could see the faraway look in your eyes, so he reassured you. “I’m okay, I promise.”
“I know. I just…I’m glad you’re here. Glad you made it back safely.”
He smiled softly, though his baby blues were glimmering with unshed tears. “I’ll always come back to you, remember?” 
You squeezed his hand. “I know, Bobby.”
His attention shifted back to your children, who held onto his every word as he described what had happened to him that day. He didn’t go into too much detail, but he explained it in a way that they could understand. That was another thing he was good at. He seemed to know the right thing to say to them at just the right time. 
Despite the stress of the situation, a sense of peace fell over the room. That was just the way it was with your little family. Were there times when you and Bob had spats, or the kids misbehaved? Absolutely. But your family unit as a whole was tranquil, and it was something that you and your husband cherished. You wanted to give your children as calm of a life as possible, especially with the career their father had. 
They already experienced enough in the form of moving from place to place and dealing with interruptions in their routines. Knowing their parents loved them, and each other, no matter what came their way, was the most important thing in the midst of it all.
But there, seated beside your husband in that hospital bed, you couldn’t help but allow your mind to wander to the woman who’d left the room. Who very clearly was grappling with something. And as you enjoyed the peace within your own little family, you felt the need to invite her to be part of it. 
“I’ll be right back,” you murmured, leaning in to kiss Bob gently on the forehead. “The kids need a snack so I’m gonna grab something from the cafeteria. Do you want anything?”
“Just a ginger ale,” he replied with a smile, “the pain meds they gave me kind of made me feel nauseous.”
“You got it, babe.”
You slipped away, leaving your family in the room as you headed out into the hall. What you said wasn’t a lie, you really were heading to the cafeteria. But you planned to check on Natasha first. 
As you stepped into the sterile, white hallway, you glanced around, hoping you’d easily find her. Sure enough, at the end of the hall, there was a window, and she was perched on the sill. You stood there a moment, debating your next move, before you finally began making your way toward her.
Natasha was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear you approach. Your voice made her jump, and her head lifted to look at you, brown eyes wide, and filled with so much emotion.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you assured her, holding your hands out in surrender. You then motioned to the window sill. “Do you mind if I sit with you for a bit?”
She was silent for a moment, and you feared she might turn you away, until she finally relented with a nod, moving over a little to give you space to sit beside her. As you did, you let out a soft sight, hoping to break the ice gently. 
“I really should thank you for making sure Bobby made it back safely today.”
That was exactly what she was afraid you’d say. “Don’t thank me,” she whispered.
“But I feel like I should. It gives me such peace of mind to know that you’re up there with him. He tells me all the time just how great of a pilot you are, and–”
“Please, just stop.”
Her abruptness made you freeze, and you looked at her, concern written all over your features. When you realized she was crying, your heart ached for her. “I’m sorry, I overstepped. I’m sure you want your space still, so I’ll let you have it.”
But when you rose to leave, her hand came out to grab your wrist. “No, don’t leave,” she said, catching your gaze. “Truth is, I’m the one that should be apologizing. I’m not the hero you think I am. I…I hesitated up there, today. And when you’re flying, you don’t have time to hesitate. But I did, I thought I could save the aircraft, and I put your husband’s life in danger because I couldn’t just pull the ejection handle like I was supposed to, and I–”
She went quiet, lifting her tearful eyes to meet yours. You reached out to place your hand over her own. “It’s okay. None of that matters now. The important thing is that both you and Bob are alive. It could’ve been much worse.”
That’s what I’m afraid of! She wanted to exclaim. I’m terrified of it being so much worse. I’m terrified of being the reason you end up a widow! But Natasha wasn’t sure why she was so upset over this. She had years of training under her belt. She’d been prepared for situations like this. Even so, she was grappling with it now.
“I-I don’t mean to be cynical, but please don’t put your faith in me. I will do what it takes to bring me and Bob back home safely every time, but I’m not some master pilot who never makes mistakes. One day, I might…might mess up.”
You realized what this was all about, and you shook your head. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m putting unnecessary pressure on you.” You could slap yourself, really. “Natasha, I need you to know something. We only just met, but I can tell you have my husband’s back. I know you’re not perfect. I know you’re capable of making mistakes up there. And that’s okay. All I ask is that you be careful up there, for both your sakes.”
She took in a breath, closing her eyes for a moment. Her hands rested on the edges of the window sill, gripping tightly. “But what if I end up being the reason you lose your husband?”
“I won’t blame you for it.”
“Why do you say that?”
You let out a soft sigh, deciding to be candid with her. “Years ago, my dad was in a crash where his WSO died, but he survived.”
That got Natasha’s attention, and she lifted her head to look at you. She didn’t say anything, so you took that as your cue to continue. 
“I saw what it did to him. He blamed himself for it, even though it was an accident.” You looked down at your hands, though your vision was blurred from the sudden wave of tears that surfaced in your eyes. Memories of that time were difficult to relive. “It really sent him on a downward spiral. He let it destroy his life. So, I say all that to say, I will not blame you if something should happen to Bob. I would never make you bear that burden. Not after seeing what that kind of guilt does to a person.”
Natasha nodded thoughtfully, letting your words sink in before she finally spoke again. “I’m sorry for dumping this on you. I don’t know why this has me so emotional.”
“You just went through a traumatic experience. It’s normal to be emotional, honey. I’d be concerned if you weren’t.”
“It’s just…I really care about Bob. So by default, I care about you, and your kids, even though I just met you. I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I actively can to bring him home to you.”
You reached out, placing your hand over her own. “Make sure you’re looking out for yourself, too. I want you both to come home safely. Bobby would be devastated if anything happened to you. And so would I, because his hurts are my hurts.”
She managed a smile, despite herself. “I’ll do my best,” she assured you.
“That’s all I could ever ask from you.” After a moment, you rose to your feet, giving Natasha a kind smile. “I’m going to head down to the cafeteria to get some food for my babes. Wanna come with me?”
She considered it before she stood. “I’d like that.”
Together, you headed to the elevator, bound for the cafeteria. 
Natasha finally felt some peace wash over her after your conversation. She had been so deep into her head, expecting you to point your finger at her and berate her for putting Bob in danger. But you’d done nothing of the sort. You’d been warm and understanding. There hadn’t been a judgmental bone in your body. Although she was still struggling with what had happen, and she would always feel that heavy weight of responsibility for Bob, the sting was eased a little by your reassurance. 
And she decided that instead of avoiding you like she initially had attempted, she was going to follow you back to that hospital room, and she was going to meet your sweet children, and get to know the people that Bob loved so deeply. She needed that wholesomeness after the events of the day. She hadn’t allowed herself to fully process it, as it was. She’d been too concerned about her backseater to focus on herself. 
For now, however, she would find joy in the fact that she and Bob were okay.
So, she followed you down to the cafeteria, and she helped gather some things as you described what each of your children liked. Soon, with an armful of food and ginger ale, you both headed back upstairs.
When you made it back to the room, Bob looked up to see you walk through the door together, and he caught your gaze, offering a relieved smile at the sight of Natasha by your side. You must’ve gotten through to her, he thought.
“There you are, Momma!” Henry exclaimed. “You were taking forever!”
You smiled as you set everything down on the table. “I had to stop and talk to a friend, first,” you replied, leaning down to kiss him on the top of the head. Only Bob and Natasha caught what you truly meant.
“Hope you and this friend worked everything out,” Bob mused, glancing between you both.
Natasha smiled then, nodding her head as she glanced at you. “Yeah. Yeah, we did.”
Bob felt himself relax at her admission. The tenseness she held in her shoulders had lessened, and there was a genuine smile on her face. Whatever you’d said to her had made a world of difference. He made a mental note to thank you later for taking the time to reach out to Natasha.
That evening, you all enjoyed a peaceful time in that hospital room. Natasha listened to the story of how you and Bob met, she got to know your children and their vastly different personalities, and she learned that you were expecting another baby girl, and that you hadn’t chosen a name yet.
Spending time with your little family was like a breath of fresh air, and by the time you left that night, Natasha felt a warmth in her chest. She could see how important you and your little ones were to Bob. You were his entire world, and he clearly cherished every moment he had with you. It reminded her that she needed to live in the present, and not spend so much time terrified over what the future might bring. 
She watched you bid him goodnight before you left, and it brought a smile to her face.
You’d just gathered the kids up, after they’d given their father multiple hugs and kisses and begged him to read them a bedtime story. He made one up on the spot, about a brave fighter pilot and her WSO.
Then, he looked at you, blue eyes full of wonder, as if you’d set the very stars in the sky. He reached out for your hand, pulling you in to kiss you sweetly. His warm hand stroked over your cheek, and he let his forehead rest against your own. “I love you, sweetheart,” he earnestly said. 
“Love you too, Bobby. Sleep well.”
As you ushered Henry and Juliet out the door, you turned to Natasha. “Goodnight. Take care of yourself, okay?”
“I will,” she assured you.
Satisfied with her answer, you finally left, and quietness filled the room again. Natasha let out a soft sigh, leaning back in her bed. She glanced over at Bob, and said, “your wife is something else.”
“Isn’t she?” He happily agreed.
Then, she fell serious, her brow furrowing. “I’m sorry for how I was acting earlier. I was just really in my head and this stupid fucking bird ordeal threw me for a loop. Which feels really stupid, because it could have been so much worse. But it just really messed up my head, for some reason.”
“Hey, it’s okay, ‘Nix. I get it. You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“I’ve got your back, Bob. I want you to know that. No matter what happens in the sky, or on this mission, I’ve got you.”
He nodded. “I know you do.” There was no doubt in his mind. 
All too soon, the events of the bird strike faded into the background, and it was back to business as usual once they were cleared to return to work. The pressure was on, and both Natasha and Bob threw themselves into doing the best that they could, preparing for what would likely be one of the most difficult missions of their lives. 
Bob had a lot on his mind, which was clear to you when he came home to you each night. He was a numbers guy; he’d calculated the odds of this mission in his head, and he had a feeling that someone wasn’t making it back alive. Of course, he didn’t tell you this, but you already knew. 
In the days leading up to that mission, you were a pillar of strength for Bob. He leaned on you for support, and you gave it all to him. He cherished every moment with you, no matter how scarce they were. And the night before he was to ship out, as you lay together in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, he whispered a promise against your skin.
“I’ll fight to make it back to you.”
“I know you will.”
The goodbye that followed was tearful. But they always were. Whenever he left, you always cried. And so did your babies. Especially Henry, who was beginning to finally grasp the idea that his father was going to be gone for a period of time.
Bob held you close, trying his best to keep his own tears at bay, only because he knew that if he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop. “I love you, darlin’. Always have, always will.”
“I love you too, Bobby. You come back to me, you hear? Come back to your babies.”
He nodded before he leaned in, hands coming up to delicately hold your face as he kissed you deeply, fervently. When he broke away, he bent to leave a kiss against your pregnant belly, before he squeezed your hands and knelt to bid goodbye to Henry and Juliet. 
“I love you, buddy,” he told Henry, kissing the boy’s forehead. “You take care of your momma and sister, okay?”
“I’ll miss you, Daddy,” the boy tearfully confessed. 
It broke Bob’s heart right in two. “I’ll miss you too.”
Then, he moved to craddle little Juliet in his arms. She began to cry as well, because she saw the tears her brother was shedding. It took everything in Bob to force himself to stand. He knew if he remained here, he’d never get on that aircraft carrier. 
“Love you,” he said again, kissing you on the temple before he slipped away like a whisper in the wind. 
You watched him walk away, but when you caught sight of Natasha nearby, you were quick to call out to her. She turned, surprised to find you approaching, your children in tow. When you finally reached her, you touched her hand. 
“I just wanted to tell you to be careful. Bring both of you back home safely.”
She paused, smiling sadly before she nodded. “I’ll do my best,” she whispered. 
“That’s all I ask,” you replied, repeating your words from that day at the hospital.
She allowed you to hug her before she finally set off toward the carrier. You stood there with your children and watched until your husband, and his front seater, were out of sight. Then, you turned around, heading back to your car, silently praying that the love of your life would return home safely. 
You knew he was in good hands. Natasha would look out for him. And he, her. 
The next several days were agonizing. Bob was radio silent, and your anxiety was through the roof. You did what you could to stay busy, and to keep the kids occupied. You tried your best not to let your worry rub off on them, but inevitably, it still did. 
They felt the absence of their father, and they were both restless and more fussy than usual. But the three of you weathered through it, and eventually, there was light at the end of the tunnel. 
When they were close enough to shore, Bob was able to call you. When you saw his contact light up your phone, you lept up from your chair to grab it, interrupting your quiet dinner with the children to receive the call.
“Bobby?!” You exclaimed as soon as you pressed the phone to your ear. 
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he greeted. You could hear the smile in his voice.
“Oh, thank God. I’ve missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too. I’m just calling to let you know I’m coming home.”
Your eyes blurred with tears of happiness, and you couldn’t hide the overjoyed smile that spread across your face. “Let me put you on speaker so the babies can hear.”
You hit the speaker option and brought the phone over to the table. “Say hi to Daddy!” You exclaimed. Henry’s little face lit up, and he jumped up from his seat, rushing to stand beside you and put his face by the phone. 
“Hi Daddy!” He all but shouted into the receiver. 
“Hey, buddy. I missed you!”
Juliet giggled at the sound of her father’s voice through the phone. It was a sweet moment to witness the excitement of your children. Bob continued on to assure them that he would be home very soon, and that he couldn’t wait to hold them in his arms and tell them bedtime stories. 
Finally, you stepped away to finish the call privately. You found yourself in the hallway, listening to Bob speak. “I can’t talk for much longer, but I just want you to know that everybody’s okay. We all made it back in one piece.”
“That’s really, really good to hear,” you whispered in reply, relief evident in your voice. 
He took in a breath before he continued. “I…I’ve gotta go, darlin’. But I’ll see you real soon, alright? I love you more than anything.”
“And I love you, Bobby.”
The line beeped, signaling that the call had ended, and you pulled your phone away from your ear, breathing out a sigh of utter relief. Your Bobby was coming home.
Sure enough, not long after that you were standing amidst a sea of people, eagerly awaiting your husband’s arrival. You were bouncing with happiness, unable to wipe your smile off your face. Around you, other sailors were reuniting with their loved ones, but you hardly cared about that. You just needed to find Bob. 
It took a few moments, but finally, there he was. He looked a little worse for wear, but he was handsome as ever, and when his eyes landed on you, his face lit up into the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen. He took off at a jog, wanting to reach you as quickly as possible. 
Once he did, his arms were around you, and you laughed with joy as he rocked you back and forth. “Oh, I missed you,” he gasped as he pulled back to kiss you. His eyes were shining with tears. 
Abruptly, he dipped down, opening his arms to welcome his babies into a bear hug. He held them close to his chest, kissing the tops of their heads and whispering how much he’d missed them. You couldn’t stop your tears if you tried. 
But while he was talking to Henry and Juliet, you spotted Natasha not too far away. Though you didn’t want to leave your family, you also knew you needed to speak with her. So you began to wave, calling her name.
She heard you over the hum of the crowd, and when she saw you, her face broke into a smile. She wasted no time in weaving through those around her, reaching you quickly. 
“Welcome back!” You exclaimed. You reached out, pulling her into a hug, which she gratefully accepted. 
While you stood there, arms around one another, she leaned close to your ear, and whispered, “I brought him back to you.”
You pulled back to look her fully in the face. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,” you told her, your voice raw. 
She nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything more. But she didn’t have to. The silence spoke volumes.
“Would…would you like to join us for dinner tonight?”
She wiped at her eyes and shook her head. “I wouldn’t wan to impose on your family time.”
“You wouldn’t be imposing. Please, come have a home-cooked meal. The kids would love to have you, and so would Bob.”
She relented, her shoulders dropping in surrender. “Okay. I’d like that.”
You looped your arm through hers. “Let’s go then, yeah?”
She smiled. “Yeah.”
And so, off you went, back toward your little family, with Natasha in tow. When Bob learned she was joining you for dinner, he beamed. And as she followed you out to the parking area, she couldn’t help the warm feeling that bloomed within her chest. 
Bob, the unassuming WSO, had managed to change her life in just the short time she’d known him. He’d introduced her to his wife and children, who’d welcomed her with open arms, even after she’d been terrified you wouldn’t. 
The kindness you’d shown to her had made a world of difference in her life. In the end, she was grateful you’d insisted upon talking to her in the hospital that day. It had helped change her perspective, and now that she’d brought your husband home safely, she could look you in the eyes with confidence, knowing she’d done all she could, and succeeded. Just like you’d believed she would.
After all that she’d endured in the last few weeks, she realized that she’d found a family along the way, and that made it all worth it in the end.
@halfway-happyyy @natasharomanoffisbaebby @oliviabelova @robertbobfloydlover @supernaturaldawning @marrianena @mys2425 @n3ssm0nique @ice-mans-world @lovemesomevesey @straightforwardly @mochi-de-bisou @christinafaucher @emmmaturtle @fantasias-creativebubble @worldmadeofmemories @tarohemianrocketmanapsody @m0chac0ffee @not-leaprvt @i-simp-much @soaharleys @colorfultyrantearthquake @obxsuperfan07 @juniebugg @marchingicenotes7 @airedale17 @jamiedontbeacracko @monosjoons @dilfsandtherapy @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @unluckymonaghan @utterly-in-like @chxosunbound @thesewordsareallihavetogive @unordinare @currentlybradshaw @elevens-strangerthing @the-hottest-lieutenants @glodessa @peachiestkeen @alexxavicry @cherrycola27
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Home alone
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Tags - Modern AU, swearing, threatening children (in a joking manner), reader is called Mommy by children
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When you first walked in the front door, before you were able to even slip into a pair of house shoes you were always bombarded with hugs and kisses of greeting, ones you were always happy to receive. When you walked in today, however, the house was unusually quiet. Which was not what you expected. “Sanemi? Shinya! Seina!” You called out to the whole household, heaving the bags of groceries into the kitchen as you looked around. The house was tidy, toys put back in their usual spots, and no blankets scattered around the sofa and floor. There wasn’t a single stuffed animal sitting in a random spot in the house. It was suspiciously spotless. “Sanemi Shinazugawa!” you called out again, wandering down the hallway towards the wing of the house where the bedrooms were. Peering into each room for any sign of a small human or even your owl-eyed husband. Going back to the kitchen you pulled your phone from your bag, dialing your husband's number. It was picked up after 2 rings. “Hey babe, what’s up?” “Where are you? Where are the kids?” You put the phone on speaker so you could put away the groceries, organizing the many snacks for the twins and even snacks for you. “We went to the park. I bet them that if they could clean their rooms faster than I could clean the living room we would go to the park. They won, don’t check under their beds though. They both shoved most of their stuff under them. I didn’t even want to correct them, they did it.” You laughed, knowing that even though they no longer shared a room, they still shared ideas and personalities. Your neighbor had mentioned a twin telepathy thing that you denied, but it seems you were being proved wrong once again. “Oh, alright. Thank you for cleaning my love, it looks beautiful. Not one single block for me to step on” Sanemi laughed this time. You could hear children screaming in the background, high-pitched laughter, and squeals of joy. “Is that mom!? Tell her hi!” “Hi, Mom! Dad lost! Izumi is here too!” “Get out of my face, don’t scream in my ear you two. Go play with The Tomioka’s you’ll see Mom later.” Sanemi continued scolding the twin, Seina’s sharp tongue lashing right back at her father. She was a crybaby most of the time but when she was riled up she had an attitude that could rival her father's. “Seina be nice to daddy! He doesn’t like loud noises they give him headaches.” You called out, hoping she could hear you. “You hear that brat? Be nice” You didn’t have to see to know Seina was pulling a face, the grumbling that resonated through your speaker made you shake your head. Thankfully Shinya had chosen to remain quiet. Although he was 10 minutes older than Seina, he had your temperament, more docile and quick thinking rather than emotional. “Alright babe, I’m gonna throw Seina in the lake, go ahead and make dinner for three” Sanemi interrupted your thoughts with a maniacal laugh. “DAD! NO!” giggling ensued on the other end of the line, a few squeals accompanying it. “Dad! MY turn, spin me!” Shinya was joining in. “Alright bud, hold on. Let me say bye to your mom first.” “Bye, Mom!” “Bye, Mommy! Love you” You gave them your love “Okay, baby we’ll be home in like an hour. I love you” “I love you too Sanemi, Be safe.” The line cut off, letting you continue with the task at hand.
“Mommy we’re home!!” Shinya ran into the living room where you were seated, jumping onto the couch next to you. “Daddy took us to the park and we got to play with Izumi because she was there too. There were ducks and even a bunch of frogs! Daddy said I can’t keep one” Shinya was pouting as he cuddled into your side, resting his head on your shoulder. Sanemi finally showed up, Seina fast asleep on his shoulder. You waved him over to you, motioning to the seat on your other side. “we can go back and visit the frogs. But you can’t take them from their home, their parents will miss them. Just like Daddy and I would miss you if you left.” Shinya nodded, letting out a yawn. “are you guys hungry? I made Beef curry.” Sanemi shook his head laying his head on the back of the sofa. “They wore me out just as much as the park wore them out. Did you know that Izumi bites? I’m so glad they don’t, I would have to bite back” You giggled, reaching over to smooth back his hair. before looking down at your son who was passed out on your shoulder. You cooed smoothing his hair down as well. “And you bite hard my love, I’m pretty sure I have at least one scar of your teeth on my shoulders” “ah, that is supposed to be there, no one is going to fuck with a woman who has my teeth in her. No one should fuck with you anyways” You nodded “Very true, I also don’t think anyone would mess with a woman who has two screaming 4 year olds. No matter how cute they are, they were terrors when they are well rested. C’mon, let’s put them to bed, then we can eat and pass out on the couch” Sanemi didn’t waste time getting up from the couch, offering you a hand as you lugged the children to their rooms.
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loudblonde · 1 year
Could I request anyone in the 141 with a non military/detective s/o who just finished a dangerous case. and like how they react to it idk 💀
thanks 👍💪
In honour of Sherlock Holmes becoming public domain, you dear Anon will get more than just one of the boys with a detective s/o. Male!Reader is vaguely if not outrightly stated to be a Holmes much like Sherlock Holmes, he is not BBC Sherlock.
Warnings: mentions of child porn, human trafficking, and torture. Canon typical violence.
Hurt/comfort and some fluff
All stories are under 500 words long, so they might just be drabbles.
Male reader,
~ Captain John Price ~
John Price was sitting in his office with the small radio turned on low, just filling out paperwork from work from his most recent mission with the team. It had been a success but he still had a ton of paperwork. John never quite paid much attention to the radio until a familiar name came up, (Y/N) Price. 
John abandoned all thoughts of paperwork as he turned the radio on. 
“-great news to announce that Detective (Y/N) Price has once again done the impossible after disappearing off the radar for two weeks, (Y/N) located and personally gathered information on a human trafficking ring, allegedly going undercover despite being a very well known man.” One of the hosts said. 
Price sucked in a deep breath and listened carefully, his mind filled with static as gore filled images of his husband getting brutally tortured and killed because he was discovered crossed his mind, Price knew the reality would be that, he knew that (Y/N) wouldn’t have made it out alive had it not been for his husbands sheer dumb fucking luck. 
“I know right, Kelley,” The other host said. “From what we know, Detective Price is a married man, he wears a gold wedding band, I sure wouldn’t wish to be married to someone who just disappears all of the sudden for weeks on end!” The hosts laughed together and John looked down in his hands.
They both had a tendency to disappear for work, rarely ever saw each other but when they did, between missions and cases, especially with (Y/N)’s freelance work, much like his older brother. 
Price reached over and grabbed his phone, dialing his husband's number. He placed the phone to his ear and listened as it dialed 3 times before it was picked up. “Hmmm, John it’s 3 in the night here.” His husband's groggy voice came through. 
Price smiled a bit as he turned the radio off. “I heard the news about your latest case.” 
(Y/N) chuckled, voice sounding rasped. “I wasn’t alone, despite what they say, my brother was with me and not Sher.” 
“Ah, so the oldest Holmes made it out of his fancy office to help, that is at least somewhat comforting.” He said. 
(Y/N) hummed for a moment. “It was scary, I won’t lie to you, I knew this kind of work was gonna take a lot but wow… I can’t imagine your mission being easy either.” 
“Hmm, no my mission wasn’t easy but we all made it through, minimal injuries and we recovered the intel.” Price said. “I have some saved up vacation time, why don’t we take a break, the both of us and go somewhere just the two of us?” 
(Y/N) smiled. “I would like that, just the two of us, it would be nice… I love you John, you know that, right?” 
John touched his necklace where the ring was. “I love you too, with all my heart.” 
< Simon “Ghost” Riley > 
Simon was sitting with the team watching some telly when the news came on, the picture of his husband looking stoic as ever came on as the reporter smiled. “Today the Brother Holmes were successful in taking down a child porno ring that extended as far into minor positions of our government. The brothers went undercover while posing as people who could give access to child porn, they worked closely with Scotland Yard in catching over 150 pedofiles in the UK alone. It has been reported that both their lives were at risk during it and that (Y/N) Holmes was almost killed several times during this investigation, though I am happy to tell you that any hospitalisation lasted less than 24 hours and that the young detective is not in any danger.” The reporter finished and ads started playing. 
Simon sat, staring blank at the screen, (Y/N) had mentioned a case that had been dangerous but he was never told his life had been in danger. Logically he knew that (Y/N) was a capable man who could not only keep up with his brothers and their crazy shit, but also knew his way around several fighting styles and weapons, Simon logically knew all that and still hearing his husband, one of few people who knew Simon’s face, who Simon trusted with all his life, had been in danger and almost killed… it made his blood boil. 
Simon stood up, spooking Soap who cursed after him, But Simon didn’t care, he couldn’t care, he was just making a beeline for his room and as soon as he got there he took out his phone and called one of few numbers even saved in it. Their house phone, a secure line.
“Holmes Residency, (Y/N) speaking.” A pained voice came out. 
“Are you okay?” Simon asked before anything else. 
“Ahhh, Simon, yes, just a few bruised ribs.” (Y/N) said and Simon could hear his smile. 
“He was also poisoned.” Came Mycroft ever so helpful. 
“And stabbed, twice, I have him on bedrest.” A much clearer Doctor Watson said. “Well, as much as you can keep a Holmes on bedrest.” 
Simon took a deep breath. “(Y/N)... you are single handedly going to make me go grey before Price.” He knew his comment would make (Y/N) chuckle. 
“I am fine Si and I love you too.” (Y/N) said as he chuckled. “I love you more than I could ever express to you…. I love you more then (favourite food/movie).” 
Simon smiled a bit. “I love you too… but be careful, I don’t want you getting killed… I can’t lose anymore people.” 
(Y/N)’s smile softened a bit. “Don’t worry Si, I won’t take a case until I am healed. Apparently there is a high reward for people who help out with catching criminals, who would have thought?” 
) John “Soap” McTavish (
John was sitting in the police room as (Y/N) finished up whatever he was doing. The mission had been too close to his own line of work for comfort. Laswell had gotten the 141 to bring out (Y/N) Holmes from a person who had kidnapped him. His own husband had been kidnapped and he didn’t even know. 
Sometimes John hated their line of work, it was cruel and left little contact with loved ones. 
“Relax Johnny.” Ghost said from beside him. Both still in full gear. “Nothing is gonna happen while we sit here.” 
John looked at Ghost and cracked a small smile. “Yeah I know, it’s just two weeks in a long time.” 
Ghost looked at him and slowly blinked. “Yes it is, but he is a Holmes, I thought that was a given or they were trained for that.” 
John shook his head. “No, no they aren’t, they are just civilians who everyone thinks are-” John stopped talking as (Y/N) stepped out of the room, looking worse for wear, but with a big smile on his face. 
John instantly stood and walked over, hugging (Y/N) close and a tad too tight. 
“John, my ribs.” (Y/N) groaned as he hugged back. 
“Oh right sorry.” John pulled away and took (Y/N)’s face in his hands. “Don’t ever do something like that again!” He said loudly. “I was worried sick when I heard you had been missing for 2 weeks!”
(Y/N)’s eyes softened. “I didn’t mean to get caught, but Sherlock managed to get away and get to safety, he ensured that I was kept alive.” 
John rested his forehead against (Y/N)’s. “Remind me to thank him when we see him.” John chuckled a bit, just happy to have his husband back in his arms. 
“Hmm, you can thank him at the wedding in 7 months. Him and Watson are finally tying the knot, I won the bet between everyone by the way.” (Y/N) said, smirking a bit. 
“I love you so much,” John said. 
[ Kyle “Gaz” Garrick ]
Kyle was just standing and talking with Soap as he saw his long time boyfriend (Y/N) walk up with a newspaper in hand. Kyle tilted his head slightly and stopped talking, causing Soap to turn and look at (Y/N). “Hey, why is a Holmes walking directly towards us? Is he even allowed on base?” Soap asked. 
Kyle shrugged. “He should be. Hey (Y/N)!” He called out as (Y/N) got closer. 
“Kyle!” (Y/N) said happily as he practically bounced over. “May I?” 
Kyle nodded and they hugged close. Kyle missed (Y/N) whenever he went away but he couldn’t exactly stop (Y/N) from taking on case after case, they paid far too well. 
(Y/N) showed Kyle the newspaper from that morning. “I just finished a case for the king of Sweden, didn't even know it was the Swedish king, he is very… eccentric but normal. He is just a person, it was nice.” 
“Soooo.” A certain Scottish man broke through their conversation. “How do you two know each other?” 
“(Y/N) meet Soap, Soap, this is my boyfriend, (Y/N) Holmes.” Kyle said. 
(Y/N) smiled brightly and shook Soap's hand. “I have heard a lot about you lot and the 141.” 
“Only good things I hope.” Soap said. 
“The best of things. Oh and Kyle, no reason to worry, a doctor that wasn’t my brother's close friend cleared me. I am not injured even though you will undoubtedly hear about a very large fall I had in tonight's news. I just wanted to tell you that before you hear it from someone that isn’t me.” He said. 
Kyle’s eyes widened. “(Y/N) you promised to be careful.” 
“I was… ish… okay maybe not as much as I should, but I was safe during the whole thing, no large injury or bed rest needed.” 
“No case for at least 3 days, please.” Kyle said. 
“... Okay, no case for a week. I love you, alright? I am always going to return home to you.” 
Kyle smiled at that. “Good. I love you too.”
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funnyjb · 26 days
My loves
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The offseason was going great! The kids were happy to have there daddy be around and Levi was happy play with Joe and I know Joe was happy to spend some time with them to. Levi our oldest (5) was throwing footballs in the backyard with Joe everyday once Joe was cleared and our youngest Lily (6 months) was of course laying around and doing what newborns do. I was soaking in some family time before the new season starts. I feel like there is a lot riding on Joe this season to go out there and play and hopefully get to the Super Bowl. I have full trust in Joe that he is capable I just don’t want him to get frustrated if he can’t perform the way he used to. I know he will but after an injury like that you never know.
Joe is starting practice up again at Paycor tomorrow. I’m so excited and proud. He’s been waiting for this moment for months and it’s finally here, but that does mean the offseason is coming to an end and it’s time to play ball. So Joe decided to take me on a date tonight before it’s gets crazy here for the next couple of months.
I was getting ready in our bathroom. It’s was around 5:30 and Levi was on the couch watching some Dora and Lily was taking a nap. Robin and Jimmy are taking care of them tonight which I am forever grateful for. I was curling my hair with my Dyson when Joe walked in. His hair was growing out so it was covering a side of his forehead and he was in some blue seats and a white t-shirt. I on the other hand was just wearing one of his basic long shirts and my pj shorts.
“Hey, babe.”- joe kissed your cheek
“Hi!”- you
Joe pulled himself up on our bathroom counter facing me.
“Haha, what are you doing?”- you
“Admiring my beautiful wife, is what I’m doing!”- joe
“Well hope you got a nice view.”- you
“I definitely did.”- joe
We both laughed
After a couple minutes of Joe filling me in on his workout today and me finishing my hair and makeup I was finally ready to put my dress on and head out.
I slipped on a pair of black heels and grabbed my purse and headed out the closet. Joe got dressed a couple minutes before me. He was wearing a white shirt and his muscular arms looked so good under the short sleeves. He paired the shirt with some black jeans and his Off White shoes.
As I walked out Joes mouth hung open.
“Wow..you look beautiful.”- joe
“Thank you, you don’t look to bad your self QB1.”- you
“Thanks, and you always look beautiful, just thought you should know that.”- joe said tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear
“Thanks, Joe! You always look handsome! Especially in that number 9 jersey!”- you
“Oh really!”- joe smirked
“Mhm.”- you smiled
He leaned in for a kiss
“I love you.”- joe
“Love you too! Let’s get going.”- you
Joe and I walked down the stairs to find his parents sitting on our couch with the kids. Robin was holding Lily while Jimmy was talking to Levi.
“There they are! You guys look amazing!”- Robin
“Thank you, robin!”- you
“Thanks, mom.”- joe
I looked at how cute Lily was bunched up in her blanket and how Levi was fascinated on what Jimmy was saying. I couldn’t leave them. They are to precious.
“Aww,Joe look how cute the kids are. I don’t want to leave them.”- you
“I know,I don’t want to either honestly.”- joe chuckled
I went over to kiss lily’s forehead and to give Levi a kiss.
“I love you, buddy.” You
“Love you too, mama.”-Levi
I can’t leave them they are so cute I thought.
Joe then made his rounds to give kisses to his kids and hug his parents.
“Ok, you two, get out of here! Go have fun!”- Robin
“Yeah, we can take care of them.”- Jimmy
“Ugh I know, I know, thank you guys,truly.”- you
“Of course!”- robin and jimmy
“Bye!”- you and Joe
Joe opened the door for me and we were out.
“I don’t know how we are going to survive.”- joe
“Hah yeah, but it will be nice to be with out our kids for a bit.”- you
“Yeah, I’m excited to take my hot wife out on a date.”- joe
“Well, I’m excited to be with my hot husband tonight.”- you
We both laughed
We got in the car and turned on the radio. We were about five minutes in when Joe spoke up.
“I miss them.”- joe
I looked over at him
“Same.”- you
“I love our family. I know I don’t really tell you a lot but I’m really grateful for you and lucky to call you my wife and the mom to our kids, y/n.”- joe
“Aww Joe, I’m grateful for you to and I’m so incredibly lucky I get to call you my husband.”- you wrapped his fingers in to yours
“I love you, Mrs Burrow.”- joe
“I love you more, Mr Burrow.”- you
Request: @elly-grace
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kurocamille · 1 year
❝i want a family…❞
shoto todoroki x reader mdni
1.7k words
Shoto comes home in a bad mood. You find out that it’s because his father wants him to have grandchildren. Despite his dislike for him, Shoto decides he wants to start a family with you.
afab reader, no mention of pronouns, bit of angst at the start, oral sex (f + m receiving), fingering, hand jobs, ingestion of fluids (?), breeding, mating press, pet names (my love), established relationship, husband!shoto
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After a hard day of hero work and fighting villains, all Shoto wants is to come home to your loving arms.
Today is different, however. The door slams shut to announce the arrival of your husband. His harsh entrance contrasts the embrace you would normally receive.
Shoto haphazardly takes off his jacket and trudges upstairs, completely ignoring you watching him. After a few moments, you slowly follow him to your bedroom. Something is wrong.
“Shoto?” You call.
He doesn’t reply, but you see his eyes trail over your form as you walk through the door. He’s sitting on your bed in a fresh pair of sweatpants, his hero costume balled-up beside him. The dim light of a single lamp illuminates his stoic face.
“Are you alright?” You say, receiving a blank stare in return.
At times when Shoto is too agitated to give you his undivided attention, you know to let him cooldown and to comfort him silently.
And so, walking over to join him on the bed, you place a gentle hand on his bare shoulder. Shoto doesn’t flinch when your skin makes contact with his. Even when he was drained, Shoto couldn’t resist your sweet hold.
Your hand rubs soft circles into his skin. You stay like this until his breathing evens out and his eyes soften.
“Thank you, my love,” he finally says.
You press a kiss on his neck and whisper against the skin, “Of course. Anything to make you feel better… Do you want to tell me what happened?”
Shoto recounts his stressful day as you continue to trace shapes on his back. He’s saying something about the increased rate of crime and his father pressuring him to have children.
You falter when you hear him mention children. Shoto turns around, noticing the absence of your contact.
“Is something wrong?” He blinks.
“No, I just didn’t know your father was that interested in grandchildren,” you reply stiffly, placing your hand against him again.
Children and starting a family had been off the table with Shoto since as long as you could remember. You knew about the abuse that Endeavour had made his family suffer through and that Shoto would never want to have that. You, of course, would oblige his wishes but that wasn’t to say you weren’t a little jealous of the happy families on the street.
“I know I said I was against having children,” Shoto interrupts your thoughts. “But I’ve been thinking about it… Whether or not I’m granting my father’s wishes… and I think I’d like to try.”
Your head perks up. “For a baby?”
“Yes, I think I’m ready. Do you think you’d like that, my love? A family?”
You beam up at him and give him a peck on the lips. “I think I’d like that a lot.”
Shoto returns your kiss, lovingly placing his hands on your sides. The kiss deepens and you’re now laying under him as he slowly strays from your lips.
He switches between sloppily kissing your neck to biting and sucking on your supple skin. The contrast has you already writhing under him. Shoto lifts himself from you and you know from the smirk on his face that there are a decent number of love bites on your neck..
Shoto hastily goes to unbutton your shirt. His nimble fingers pull away at the buttons, leaving you in a white, lacey bra—his favourite.
“Keep going, Sho,” you encourage him.
The bra makes its way to the floor as he latches onto your nipple. The feeling of his tongue against you is far too pleasurable. You let a few gasps escape whenever he dons a particularly hard suck.
“You look beautiful under me, my love, ” Shoto remarks.
In no time, he’s kissed all the way to the top of your waistband. He keeps his eyes locked on yours while he pulls them down, silently asking for your permission.
His next obstacle is your panties that are covered in your arousal. He has no problem taking them off, leaving him face-to-face with your cunt.
“Sho!” You cry out when you finally feel his tongue at your core.
He’s lapping at your pussy like it’s his job, reaching every place that makes your eyes roll back.
“Tastes good,” he mumbles.
You flush and can’t help but feel your insides clench. He’s now expertly licking at your folds and sucking on your throbbing clit.
Suddenly, you feel Shoto pushing a digit inside of you. The wetness coating your pussy allows him to easily push into your depths. Your walls clamp down around his finger, making irregular movements.
Shoto recognizes this as a sign that you’re close and tasks himself to make you cum. Changing between playing with your clit and licking your folds, he looks up at your bashful face, hoping to bring you to the edge.
Your moans reach a higher pitch as you reach your high. The wave of pleasure hits you hard and fast you realize you’ve left a mess on his face.
“That’s it,” Shoto whispers, continuing to lazily lap at your core.
Soon, your breathing evens out and you sit up on the bed. Shoto is still peering up at you but that won’t work for what you have planned. Grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the covers, you copy his previous actions.
Small huffs are heard from Shoto as you kiss down his toned chest. You waste no time in bringing him to your state of undress, quickly pulling him out of his sweats and boxers.
He hangs half hard and longer than average. With a dick as pretty as his, you’re on your knees stroking him as soon as possible, earning you a deep groan with that first contact.
“Mmh, slower, my love. We have time,” He grunts when you give a squeeze to the base.
You continue for a while, fully enjoying the view of tousled hair and a heavy breathing chest. Every time his cock twitches you see Shoto’s eyes squeeze and he groans, propelling you to force a greater reaction from him.
Just when Shoto thinks he’s had it all, you place your lips on the tip, sucking, just like he did, and moving your hand along the shaft.
Slowly you take more in your mouth till he’s hitting the back of your throat. The moans he’s eliciting are getting louder and the hand that was once fisting the bed sheets comes to hold your head.
“Just like that, nnggg,” Shoto tilts his head back in pleasure. You oblige, reaching up to lightly touch his balls.
You can tell he’s close by the way he throbs in your mouth and the way his balls are pulsing, ready to release his cum.
Much to your dismay, Shoto pulls you off before he reaches his peak. “We have to save this for you,” he touches the mix of spit and pre cum that hangs off your chin.
Shoto pulls you from where you kneeled and places you on the bed. He cages you in, placing one last open-mouthed kiss on your lips before he lines up with your entrance.
The noises you both let out are sinful and wanton. After a painfully slow penetration, his cock fills you to the brim. Shoto stills himself inside of you to control himself—after all, he’s still recovering. His hunched figure looks at you lovingly, waiting for you to give him the green light.
When you start to squirm under him, Shoto takes it as a sign to languidly thrust into you. Both of you gasp at the friction. No matter how long you’ve been with Shoto, neither of you will ever be able to get over that first thrust.
Your husband brings his hands to wrap around your thighs and has them sit around his waist. All of a sudden you feel him deeper inside.
As his pace speeds up, you and Shoto share a searing kiss. If it weren’t for him keeping you against him, you’d easily be crumbling into the mattress.
Skin against skin, groans and moans, the wetness of fluids—these are the only things that can be heard in your bedroom for what feels like a blissful eternity.
With one intentional thrust, Shoto hits harder than before, brushing over the spot that makes you clench the tightest.
“Fuck, you just got so tight.” His groans are louder than ever.
In one fluid motion, Shoto pushes you back till you’re in a mating press with your hands placed on his warm chest. If you weren’t in heaven before, you were now. It’s incredible how deep he is when he’s thrusting into your pussy this expertly. The rhythm he’s going at builds and you feel so close to your peak.
The continuous brushes against your g-spot have you clenching uncontrollably. You can see that Shoto is faring just as badly from the way his chest heaves and his cock throbs angrily.
“I’m close, Sho,” you breathe out shakily.
“Me too.” Shoto pulls you closer and kisses you.
The thrusts that were once a steady, rhythmic tempo, are now losing speed. You feel Shoto’s hot cock twitch in you, signalling his orgasm. With your tight pussy clamping down on him, he loses sight of everything and seeks to reach his high.
A few last thrusts have you cumming together, the forceful orgasm crashing through you.You bite down into your husband's shoulder to prevent yourself from screaming and disturbing the neighbours. He, in turn, stills himself inside of you, making sure his seed fills you to the brim.
The two of you bask in the afterglow and gaze at each other lovingly. A sheen of sweat covers your skin but you don’t care when he pulls you onto your side, pressing his chest to your back.
“I can’t believe I just came inside of you,” Shoto laughs softly.
“Neither can I,” you reply, followed by a stretch of silence.
You wonder if he’s fallen asleep while he’s still inside. But you’re pleasantly surprised to hear his husky voice in your ear.
“Can we do it again?” He asks, unconsciously grinding against you.
You reply with a nod, allowing him to pull out and reposition. Shoto’s eyes follow the cum that drips from your pussy and onto the bed.
“Better not leak any more…” He hums while slowly filling your hole again, inevitability, preventing any more seed from escaping.
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a/n: oh my god this is my first smut ever. i know i use an excessive amount words but it’s okay, right???? thanks, lmk what you think.
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TokRev Boys as (songs about) Cheaters (again)
but lil drabbles this time! (<400 words each) for multiple characters bc i haven't written anything in a whole ass while p suggestive at points and obviously lots of infidelity.
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Follow me;; You're feelin guilty and I'm well aware; But you don't look ashamed and baby I'm not scared
“Baby,” his voice cooed into your ear, “hey, look at me.” You dug your face deeper in your lover’s neck to catch your breath from exertion taking advantage of your position on top of the man to dodge his eyes. You were sure that, given your history, when he felt the heat of your cheeks burn his neck he’d understand. And he did. He knew the weight of the rings nestled on your left hand were heavy with guilt. He knew you weren’t proud of how often you found yourself under him or in this case on top of him knowing your husband would be home in just two hours, hungry for the dinner you didn’t even care to start yet. But he also knew that when he was fucking you, you never looked so happy. He knew that you’d met your match with him, that your husband could never compare to him sexually. He knew you wanted, no needed, this arrangement even more than he did. “Come on angel, talk to me.” The dulcet tone he spoke in washed over you and with a sigh, you spoke slowly against the junction of his shoulder.
“You know already, s’just not right. I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”
He hummed at that and lifted your hips to slide himself from your warmth, “What’s not right is him having someone like you and not giving her what she needs.” He countered shaper than he meant to. Falling back into his routine of soothing your conscience, he softened, “I know you feel guilty,” he coaxed your head from his neck and brush some hair behind your ear, “but don’t deny yourself this tiny bit of happiness,” big hands cup your face and pull your foreheads together, “because he doesn’t know. He won’t know. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt any of us. And baby,” he brought his lips to ghost over yours, “I’m not scared of him.”
mikey, baji, RAN
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Lips of an angel;; Well, my girl's in the next room/Sometimes I wish she was you/I guess we never really moved on
“Sweetheart, why’s your boss calling you so late?”
Oh. A half-rehearsed huff of annoyance left his lips as he thumped down the stairs of his shared apartment to pluck his vibrating phone from his girlfriend’s hand. “Who knows.” He grumbles and excuses himself with a pained smile.
Having safely absconded to his office, he picks up the phone, “Hey, it’s late, what’s up, angel?” His tone is hardly more than an airy whisper and tinted with concern at the edges. A soft whimper of his name puts him at full alert, but god he’d never get over hearing his name tumble for your lips, “Honey are you crying?” He curses the situation, knowing he can’t realistically leave his place at 10 pm to comfort the ex he’d never fallen out of love with under the pretense of work.  
You let out a whiny noise of disagreement and he snaps into understanding, imagining the way your teeth catch the plush of your lower lip with your hands between your thighs. “Oh, my girl’s needy.” He coos into the receiver, “You know,” his voice drops an octave and listens carefully for signs that his girlfriend was busying herself in the kitchen as he palms at himself, “I dreamt about you last night after you told me yours. Dreamt that you were my girl again. That I could paint that pretty pussy white whenever the fuck I wanted it.”
He never meant for things to go this far when he insisted you two ‘stay friends’ when you broke things off, but fuck if it didn’t feel like the most rewarding gamble of his life every single time he got to hear your adorable pitchy sounds when he made you cum. Even if it was sparsely in person these days.
draken, MITSUYA, kakucho
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Got my number;; If you need someone who can love you while he's gone/Baby, you got my number, got my number
Your fingers hover over your keyboard, inspecting the generic greeting text you’ve typed out for the fourth time and once again find some flaw. Or, maybe it wasn’t a flaw in the text but your conscience telling you to keep you proverbial mouth shut and not reach out to the hot guy you hit it off with at that girls’ night out a week ago. You don’t get to consider the origin of the feeling that keeps you tapping backspace with fervor for long, however, because suddenly you see the green ring around his profile picture in your messaging app. He’s in the chat. He’s seeing you flounder. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You close the app and throw your phone at the other end of the couch. Fuck it. No booty call is worth that shame, especially with the stakes as high as they were with your boyfriend’s uncertain business travel plans. Forget it. It was stupid to take that chance anyw-
Your damned phone rings and you know exactly who it is before you even look. You answer with the most obvious faux unbothered “hello” that has ever been spoken and curse your nerves for betraying you.
“Darling,” his voice drawls and you can hear his fucking smirk, “I may bite, but I don’t judge. Now what was it you were wanting to ask?” He questioned, fully aware of your answer.
“I thought about your offer the other night and thought we could maybe meet in the middle and hang out sinc-“
“Since your bed is empty?”
“-Since I happen to not have plans and could use some entertainment.” You said with a diplomatic and only mildly indignant tone to hide the embarrassment of being seen through.
“If it’ll make you feel better, I can take you to that nice Italian place ya told your friends he’d never agree to go to. You can pretend we’re having a nice proper date before I fuck you senseless. How’s that sound?”
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So that's a thing I did.
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creative1writings · 7 months
Seeking Revenge
A/N based on a fic I read by @ponderingmoonlight , I wanted to put my own twist on it. I hope that's alright.  not fully proof read, so apologies in advance.
Warning: angst angst and more angst, no happy ending.
Summary: During the events of the Shibuya incident a certain curse is out for revenge after learning that the reason for his current battered state and misery has a wife.
Word count: 1477
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“Tell me the numbers of your allies and their places.” Nanami seethes through clenched teeth, all while holding the curse by his hair and landing a blow to his stomach causing the wall behind him to crater. The curse fell to the ground, which in turn had Nanami crouching down to grab him by the neck and hoist him up into the air, the curse could do nothing but dangle there. 
“On the way here, I saw several assistant supervisors were brutally killed.” Nanami stated, with a balled fist. 
“It was you right?” He finished. 
“So… Sorry..” the curse choked out, forcing a smile as tears made their way to his eyes. Before he can say anything else Nanami drops him reaching his arm back and punching him square in the face mid air, launching him through the mall into the building right across from them. In the moment it took for Nanami's fist to come into contact with his face his eye caught onto something glistening under the light, that being a silver band laying on Nanami’s ring finger. He lay under the rubble for a few minutes to gain composure and to make sure they were gone before wiggling his way out from under it. Hobbling to the location of one of the many dead assistants he killed prior, searching his pockets for his phone. Finding his intended item, he scrolls through the contacts, with an amused chuckle he unironically finds the contact he was hoping he would. In bold letters is written ‘Y/n’ with a picture of you and Nanami as the picture profile, Nanami is looking at you with the utmost adoration, a look that someone would reserve for the person they love the most. Upon further inspection he sees that there is in fact a precise location. A sickening grin makes its way to the curses face. 
Not to far away from the chaos that has become Shibuya, is a small apartment complex where you lay worried sick for your husband, you were no stranger to the world that is Nanami and the curses he encounters, but you were no jujutsu sorcerer, having no power and little knowledge on combat, you were a sitting duck to what's to come. You were watching tv, the news to be exact, watching in horror as a simple halloween festival turns into blood and mayhem. Knowing that the sudden interruption to yours and Nanami's day in, was about. You sit too intent on the tv to notice the figure lurking in the shadow. One misstep of his foot sent a loud creak to echo through the now silent apartment, you stiffen, not having heard the front door or the steady yet sweet voice of your husband. You turn toward the sound, scrambling to your feet fast when you see a roughed up stranger with a sword in your home. A violent glistent in his eyes and stomach churning grin on his face. 
“Don't you look like such a sweet treat.” the curse purred, before throwing his sword, you were able to jump out of the way in time, sword barely missing your leg, you ran towards the front door, hand on handle before being yanked back by your hair and thrown into the wall. Your body landing on the ground, sending a loud boom through your apartment. You coughed out trying to catch the breath that was just taken from you with the impact, trying desperately to get up and away from this stranger but faltering when he had his sword pointed at you, too close for you to be able to make any fast movements, as you sit there looking up at the blonde boy you couldn’t help but let out a strangled sob. This causing the curse user to chuckle lowly. 
“Oh, how I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds you here, the single thought alone is just so exciting.” He laughs smoothly, voice picking up in pitch at the end of the sentence. Pulling his arm in the air he swings at you, slicing across your shoulder blade as you roll out of the way, a cry leaving your lips as you try to get to your feet bolting towards your shared room with Nanami. Being able to shut the door and lock it, you hurried towards your phone that was plugged in, picking it up and speed dialing Nanami's number, before you heard the receiving line pick up, the door shook on its hinges as your attacker tried kicking it down, not succeeding at first he tries it again and harder, this time round the door gives in and slams open, the doorknob embedding itself into the wall behind it, you let out a loud yelp and a small whimper when you saw the dark look in the boys eyes and grin plastered on his face as he strides towards you. 
Back in the chaos of Shibuya Nanami's phone rings, he was in the middle of making sure the two young girls were alright and able to get to safety on their own. Still in his crouched position he pulls his phone from his pocket, looking down at the screen, eyebrows pulling together in confusion upon seeing your face and name on the screen, ‘you know he’s on a mission and you dont ever call, you were to only call when..’, his thoughts were cut short as a sickening feeling settled deep in his gut. He answers the phone in time to hear what sounds like a loud bang followed by your own yelp and whimper, heart sinking as he hears these fall past your lips. 
“Y/n.. y/n, are you alright? What's happening?” He rushed out as he stood making his way towards an exit, his usual calm and steady persona crumbling every passing second. 
“KENTO.” You shout back before the sound of the busy signal makes its way through his phone's ear speaker, he pockets his phone before sprinting to your only known location. 
As he approaches the apartment complex he can't help but pray to whatever would listen, that you would be okay, that you were able to make it out unharmed, but it turns out the universe had other ideas as he enters your shared apartment seeing only what he could presume was a struggle, breath catching in his throat when he sees a blood trail leading to your room. Nanami, with a fast pace, follows the blood to the end of its location, looking down at your mangled body, his throat hurt and his eyes burned trying to keep it together, dropping to his knees Nanami carefully gathered you in his arms, tears falling onto your face as he looks down at you. The only thing Nanami could feel right now is mind numbing grief. He pushed the hair that had fallen, gently placing it behind your ear, running his fingertips across your red stained cheek. He let out a quiet sob, you were supposed to be safe, no one but his very close allies were supposed to know about you. Looking down at the hand on your cheek he noticed he didn't take off his wedding band, an act he usually does before accepting missions so the identity of his only weakness was kept a secret. Mentally cursing himself Nanami has no one to blame but himself for your current state. His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp gasp from you as you startle awake, through blurry vision you look up frantically at your husband, your body visibly relaxes when you realize you're being held by Nanami.
“Hi.’ you let out softly a small smile making its way to your face, body numb along with your mind. 
“Y/n.” He whispers the pain evident in his voice, his heartbreaking even more hearing you struggle to catch a breath. 
You look into his eyes all around his face and back into his eyes as you try and keep yourself awake, you feel yourself slowly slipping into the unknown. Eyes fluttering and breathing slowing. 
“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I loved you, I love you so much Kento Nanami.” You breathe out. 
“..y/n?..n..no..no, no, y/n.. Please.” Nanami begs tears streaming down the first grade sorcerer's face, the blank look on your face along with the dull still look of your eyes only confirms the worst that could ever happen. He rests his forehead against your own and places a tender kiss upon your cold lips. Sobbing louder. Nanami can feel the darkness consuming his own life as he watched yours leave your eyes, the only light he has ever known in his life has left him violently and painfully. 
“I love you so much more.” Nanami whispers. Kissing your forehead one last time.
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yourforeverokay · 1 year
What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas (Elvis Presley x Reader) pt.3
word count: 1,1k
warnings: light cursing, mentions of abuse
summary: What happens when Elvis hears about the abuse that Y/N went through after arriving back to her own room?
a/n: Hey my loves! It has been a while once again, especially with this series. I promise to be more active from now on and focus on writing more in here! I've been so focused on writing my poetry that I haven't been on this app for a while but I'm so happy with all the love you guys have shown me and my writing! I love you all <3 Hope you enjoy this part, and more is coming. Sorry for the short length of this. Thank you <3
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"Please, open the door sweetheart." Elvis was pleading you behind the door. You got off the floor, taking slow steps towards the door. Not because you were scared or worried of the consequences, but because you felt weak. You opened the door, slowly revealing yourself. After Elvis saw the state that you were in, his first instinct was to embrace you. He felt the need to hug you and protect you from any harm that was aimed at your way. This meant that he took a step towards you, but it was too quick for your liking, which made you jump. You knew Elvis wasn't going to hurt you like John did, not after last night you spent getting to know each other. Elvis was different. He...cared.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart." He took a step back. "I didn't mean to be that fast with you. I know the image that I carry but I promise that-" His speech was interrupted by you jumping in his arms. You held him tight and let your tears fall once again. Elvis was startled but quickly hugged you back, even tighter. "Oh Elvis, why would he do something like this to me?" You cried to him, holding him and grabbing the back of his shirt with your hands. "Who? Your husband? What did he do?" Elvis' voice sounded concerned. He took a hold of your face but his touch was gentle, unlike your husband's. He stroked your cheek and looked deep in your eyes. "He- he h-hit me." You tried to hold back your tears so that you wouldn't stutter, but it didn't work. Your emotions got the best of you. Elvis' eyes went dark. He looked angry, sad, disappointed and worried. "Sweetheart, I'm going to have to ask you to wait for me? Will you do that for me?" His eyes scanning yours. You nodded and let go of the man in front of you. The beautiful man, who seemed to understand you better than the rest. Elvis kissed your temple and left the hallway with quick but powerful steps. "Wait for me Y/N!" He quickly shouted before disappearing behind the staircase.
It didn't even take 10 minutes, before none other than Jerry Schilling was behind your door knocking frantically. "Hello again Y/N, Elvis sent me here. I need you to pack your bags and follow me, is that okay?" Jerry said to you after you opened the door for him. "Where is he?" You asked confused, but nonetheless, started packing your bags. Afraid of the fact that your husband might return any minute. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Elvis has everything under control. I will just take you to another, better, room." He sounded very professional saying that. His posture was straight and his sunglasses hid his eyes from you.
"Right this way." Jerry guided you to an elevator which was huge compared to the regular elevators in the hotel. Jerry lead you to a room number 333 and left you to unpack your bags. The room was a suite filled with beautiful furniture and a view that you had never experienced before. You took everything in as you looked out of the window. While you were taking everything in, you also remembered your state. Clothes from last night, smudged makeup and messy hair. You quickly went to the bathroom to freshen yourself up. You took a hot shower, and took off the makeup that was left on your face.
You stepped out of the shower and before you were about to blow-dry your hair, you heard people coming in your room. You put your ear close to the door and listened what the people had to say. "Did you get rid of him like Mr. Presley ordered?" You heard Jerry say. An unknown voice replied: "He has been taken cared of. This is the letter for the girl." "Thank you, I'll meet you downstairs after Elvis arrives, Red." A door opened and closed.
You didn't know how to feel nor what to think. You didn't even have a clue of what had happened. You blow-dried your hair and stepped out of the bathroom. "Y/N!" Jerry had been sitting on a couch, smoking a cigarette. He stood up fast as you walked over to him. "I don't know what's going on." You said to Jerry, unsure of your situation. "Don't worry miss, Mr. Presley will explain everything. He should be here soon."
You sat down on the couch, took the cigarette off the tray and looked at Jerry. He nodded and you placed it in your mouth. Smooth smoke covering your lungs. You hadn't smoked in 3 years and you had decided to quit after getting married. John himself had always smoked in the house but he forbidded you from doing it. He always said it wasn't "lady-like".
You let your head hang low as you wondered: 'What on earth has happened in these past 24-hours?'
The door opened and you quickly hid the cigarette, it was an old habit. Elvis stepped inside the room and he was wearing a dark suit with sunglasses. Once he noticed you on the couch, he quickly took off his glasses and his gaze softened. "Y/N, are you okay?" He got on one knee infront of the couch to get to your level. You took a hold of his hand, which had expensive looking rings on it. "I am, but what happened? I heard some men talking that you have done something?" You asked concerned. Elvis gave Jerry a side-eye and looked down for a moment. "Honey, you don't have to be scared of that abusive son of a bitch anymore. I'll protect you. The mafia and I talked to him about his...behavior..and he now deeply regrets it." He rubbed your hand with his thumb. A sense of relief came over you. For a while John has been abusing you and using you for whatever reason. John was the boy from the neighborhood and you parents loved him...or at least the side that he showed to them. Your parents got you and John together, so that your future would be secured. Little did they know, that John could be so evil, mean and violent.
"They also said something about a letter?" You asked with a small voice. Elvis didn't say anything, he just handed the envelope to you and looked at you with an expression that you couldn't analyze. "There you go honey."
You opened the letter with mixed feelings. What could the letter contain? You opened it slowly, while Jerry left the room quietly, letting the two of you have some peace and privacy.
"Oh my god..." Your hand flew over your mouth.
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @moonchild-daniella @dramaticpandabear @xbunny-k @elvispresleyblog @csmt-m @vintagelizziesblog
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