#unfortunately i worry at times this affects my own enjoyment of something
marsixm · 4 months
i love seeing stuff in a theatre but it also stresses me out when theres other people in there because im anxious someones gonna dislike something and start being obnoxious about it or just be obnoxious in general
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fatuismooches · 1 year
The idea was originally for my dottore fic but it got a but too long so I had to scrap it... So where else to share it than to you ofc (and the other dottore likers here)
I've always like the idea who works with/for Dottore. (This means you've been experimented/modified to keep you from dying, similar to the modifications he's made onto his own body) Ofc you would, you're his most trusted assistant among all others! Working with him though meant you partially work for the Fatui as well... As per order from the Jester himself, and sometimes Dottore, you're sent out on missions, but they're never big enough to take you too long.
One day though, after returning from a mission, you stumble inside Dottore's laboratory, all bloodied and littered with injuries. Of course, upon seeing your state, the segments go on a frenzy of panic, concern and rage. Everything else is forgotten and they're all immediately on you, and it was prettyyy overwhelming... Some of them are asking with concern if you're okay, and what hurts and if you could walk, others are scolding you for being reckless enough to get badly hurt from your mission. But you could tell they were all so concerned for you and they HATE to see you covered with YOUR own blood :(
I'm pretty sure you'll do fine, you have a bunch of doctors fretting and caring for you. A few segments are patching you up, disinfecting your woulds and wiping away your blood, while some are (mildly) testing your body and fixing the wires and mods attached to what's left of your organic parts... They're all soooo gentle and soothing, when you flinch or hiss from the pain, they're all frowning and muttering silent apologies and promising you'll feel much better afterwards.. Then they're 100% all making mental notes to make the people who hurt you for... No other reason :3
And then when you finally go to Dottore's office, covered in bandages, he's so fussy that you didn't call for him for his help. You try to reassure him the segments took care of you but... Yeah, he's pretty jealous and upset because he can take care of you 1000x better than all of them combined (he personally did all the modifications on ur body after all), but he's so glad ur okay and he's not letting you go outside of his lab for at least a month or so 😭😭😭
I just think there's something so intimate on dottore fixing your parts and body x3
Aww yes,,, ;( I so completely agree, I feel like having *the* Dottore work on your body is such a huge show of trust between the two of you! Like, you know what he's done to other people, but you aren't scared of what he'd do you to at all, because you really do trust and love him that much. It makes me think of that moment in your Dottore drabble that I really loved, when he put his hands around reader's neck but they weren't scared at all, being more curious and sassy than anything, i LIVE for displays of affection (which, to normal people, would not be 💀) between these two like that 🤭 Okay moving on- yes yes I agree... sometimes Dottore wishes he kept you a secret because he doesn't like how the Fatui just steals you away from him at all. But he and the clones deal with it.
For the most part, you never needed to worry about injuries, as you were quite strong. It kind of comes with being the Doctor's lover... unfortunately, you aren't as calculating as he, and sometimes things go haywire. Such as this time... For the most part, you really have nothing to worry about, you have a bunch of clones of one of the most knowledgeable men in Teyvat healing you with NO rest or stopping at all. What other injured person could say they've been treated that well? That's right, there is none. Ahhhh... but they also don't have to deal with all of the segments talking at once and doing 10 different operations and treatments on you and asking you 15 questions per minute, and also them swearing to do *censored bad things* to the people who did this to you, and then them fighting with each other for asking you dumb questions and "stressing you out". Yes, indeed overwhelming, but... at least they are cuties and they genuinely care for you.
OMGGG IDEK WHAT I CAN ADD FOR THE SEGMENTS TREATING YOUR WOUNDS THAT'S SOOOO CUTE 😭❤️❤️❤️ I am just. Disintegrating. Them turning soft just for you and giving you that royalty treatment fr ;( ahhh my heart <33 It's not everyday you see the segments working in harmony together, but you know it's a serious matter when they are!
LMFAO I bet you'd walk into Dottore's office like "honey im home! <3" and he'll look up and see you just smiling with a bunch of bandages and he'd just be .... blank for a few seconds. Oh he is so fussy. Mad you got injured, mad at the people who hurt you, mad at the Jester for sending you out which got you hurt, mad at the segments who got to treat you instead, mad that he let you get hurt... reader get ready because you're not leaving the lab for a bit! Ahaha !!! 😅😅😅
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thesoulesscollection · 8 months
Oooooo Soulless!!! Tell us more about Choc, Carol and Reginald! The people want to know!📸📸🗣🎤📷📸
Thank you for this lovely question. 😌🤲. I'm currently rotting my brain with Choc anyways so I've been wanting to do this. Also, thank you personally for allowing me to ramble and sorry this took me a while. I'm like mentally all over the place. 
Now they're growing on me now, as an odd couple dynamic I'm starting to love. This is kinda an Au I'm playing with since the ship is slowly growing on me. Hope this is what you asked for and it's enjoyable to read. 
The three are in a polycule. Kinda hard to explain here what they got together. Kinda somewhere in the queer spectrum 
Carol and Reginald were already in an existing, established relationship for some time prior. Where Choc was introduced way later on into it by Carol, smitten with him, “He makes me laugh” A line she uses to explain it. 
Reginald was hesitant to bring the man into their relationship, the two of them have a close bond and so he had felt out of place when the idea came across. 
^ I like to think that Choc & Reginald have an antagonistic, rivalry sort of  relationship. They get on each other like oil and water. Nearly always at each other's throats.
^ Understandably wary, it took quite some time for Reginald to really get at ease around Choc and was aloof with the man. (Choc appears to be more than he seems) 
^ Similar to an old married couple arguing but add onto some vicious snarkiness into the mix like you wouldn't believe. Unfortunately Carol has to act as the middleman between the two with the last brain cell.
Whereas Choc gets along surprisingly well with Carol who does enjoy that he can make her smile and the day a lot brighter so easily. 
Choc enjoys gifting the pair incredibly corny shirts with cheesy images or sayings that he gets from somewhere, he doesn't say. Carol loves them but Reginald cringes from it. Says it's not in his style, Choc thinks it's him being a finicky, prissy hardass
Whenever Reginald is busy at work or flying the airship, Choc is throwing out a pun/joke to pass the time. Nonstop chattering on his end, some jokes at the chief's aggravated expense
Out of the three, Choc is the type to initiate more intimacy and affection, while also taking stuff that belongs to them since it reminds him of the other two. 
Now onto a short one shot of the three together. It's simple and not the best but hey, I liked it. This is my first time actually writing Choc so you'll get to see him in more depth;
Reginald so desperately wanted to bash his face into the wheel of the airship but he resists the temptation. 
He never seems to shut up, he keeps going and going on, his voice projects loudly in the spacious area. His highly infectious laughter rings in the chief's ears. 
“Hey, chief. May I say something? I'm really worried about the airship’s well-being” Choc said, a toothy smile on his face, gold fangs out on display. The chief in question, eyes squarely up ahead, his only response, a tired grunt as the man shrugged, continued. “With the bright light from the sun reflecting off your forehead, aren't you worried as I am that it'll blind someone?” 
Suddenly, Reginald hears the chuckles by the other members in the room range from muffled and polite to outright and proud. He is shaking, tightening his hold on the wheel. Whatever Carol sees in the candy maker is beyond him. 
“What? I'm genuinely concerned here. Can't I be that now? Getting worse by each passing day. Can see my own reflection” As the joke is made worse, Choc leaned in, in playful mockery, checking himself out. 
“Kinsley. I am trying to fly. So please. Not at this precise moment do I want to do this with you” 
Choc hovers above him then stands, a smirk stretches the lengthy scars on his sun kissed face, “It's alright, Reg. It's a joke. C'mon now laugh with us” He laughs, roughly patting the chief's tense shoulder, “It's quite alright that you're so follically impaired” 
Another rumble in the room gave Reginald a stronger desire to hit something. However, in his fortune, his eyes flicker over to the corner of the room and sees Carol standing next to the door. She is smiling stiffly it seems, not laughing which Reginald is so relieved for inside and soon she's by them, tugging at Choc's sleeve to get his attention. 
“Choc. C'mon. Let him be,” She calmly states to the man, who in the good forethought nods and goes with her. “I need you for something anyways so come” Her hand is outstretched for him to take and he does, not before he takes a curious glance behind, catches the Chief's eyes. The expression on the candy maker's face is unreadable and Reginald couldn't stand it.
“Thank you” Reginald whispers, barely loud that only he knew Carol can hear him. She hums. 
How he's going to get along with that joke of a man, he doesn't know. 
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soulnb42 · 1 year
Bell Peppers Interlude
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but those poor words.
Summary: A deep conversation in the kitchen lead to some interesting trivia about bell peppers.
Hey everyone, here’s part two of the trilogy. It can stand alone, but it might be more enjoyable if you read part one.
It’s an Avatrice story, so if it ain’t your thing, don’t read.
Ava leant against the kitchen doorframe and grinned. Beatrice had her back to her, from the sound and her movements, Ava guessed Beatrice was cutting something on the chopping board.
Watching Beatrice was one of the things Ava liked to do, especially when Beatrice was lost in her own world. Ava was fascinated by the way Beatrice always put all her focus in the smallest task. Everything had to be perfect or perfectly executed.
What she liked most was when Beatrice was immersed into what she was doing and would sing to herself, like right now.
Ava indulged in her contemplation for two minutes. She watched Beatrice set her knife aside and grab the towel she had over her left shoulder to dry her hands. She silently walked behind her and set her hands on her hips. She then put her head against her back, listening to the soft echoes of her heartbeat.
Beatrice startled at the unexpected touch, but immediately relaxed. Ava’s arms tentatively snaked around her waist. The warmth and affection filled her with delight. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before her insecurities and the ugly voices in her head resurfaced. She tensed in spite of herself, and the feeling that she was doing something wrong took over.
Ava felt the shift and undid her embrace immediately. She moved to Beatrice’s side and leant against the counter so she was kind of facing her. Beatrice kept her eyes cast downward, focusing on whatever was on the chopping board.
“What are you cooking?” Ava broke the awkward silence with what she hoped was a casual tone.
“I’m… improvising,” Beatrice replied with a small shake of her head.
Ava nodded. She could walk away but the tension made her uneasy. “You okay?” she asked softly.
“Yup,” Beatrice’s response was immediate but unconvincing.
Inwardly Beatrice was reciting her new mantra, trying to fight off her inner demons. There’s nothing wrong with me…what I feel is normal… I am normal… there’s nothing wrong with me…
“Are we?”
“Of course.”
Ava frowned and hesitated. Something was off and worry was starting to twist her guts. “You think you could…say that again while looking at me?” she let out a nervous chuckle.
Beatrice’s head snapped up to look at her. “We’re good,” she flashed a lifeless grin before returning her a gaze on the bell pepper she was chopping.
Ava’s mind started to recall the past few days. They had kissed a couple of weeks ago. Beatrice had seemed fine with it then, just as elated as she had been. Ever since, Ava had felt the constant need to express her affection via little touches. A hand on Beatrice’s, on her shoulder, on the back of her neck or on her arm. Nothing exuberant, just small gestures to connect them physically. Beatrice would always grin before looking away, like she had just now.
However, Ava realised that maybe she may have misinterpreted discomfort for bashful reciprocity…which would explain why Beatrice never initiated anything or returned the gestures…
Oh damn… Ava was about to be sick.
“I’m sorry,” she said with contrition. “I thought…” she trailed off. She had thought that Beatrice had welcome those displays of affection, never considering otherwise until now. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable with my touches…”
There’s nothing wrong with me… what I feel is normal… I am… wait what?
Beatrice looked up again. She had been so locked up in her own head, her responses to Ava been automatic. Ava’s words were only now making it through the thick veil of her inner struggle.
“Ava, no,” her words tumbled in a rush, mingling with Ava’s as they spoke at the same time. “You didn’t…you didn’t make me uncomfortable…”
“I won’t…do it again… I…” Ava petered out.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable,” Beatrice repeated more firmly now that she had Ava’s attention.
Ava stared at her, gauging her. “Are you sure?” she bit her lower lip anxiously. “Your face and body are kind of saying the opposite, right now.”
“You didn’t, I promise.” Beatrice assured her. “I like… I like your touches,” she added in a whisper.
“Yeah?” a tentative grin pulled at the corner of Ava’s lip.
Ava let out a sigh of relief, she hadn’t misinterpreted anything. Now that Beatrice was looking at her, truly looking at her, she could see the affection mirroring her own. Though timid, it was there, resolute.
“Good,” she acquiesced with a soft grin.
After a long pause, Beatrice returned her attention to the bell peppers she was prepping. Ava kept her eyes on her.
Something was bothering Beatrice. Whatever it was, it ran deep, Ava could sense that much.
“Tell me?”
Beatrice ignored the soft prompt and kept cutting the peppers, clearly not wanting to talk. Ava didn’t probe again, but waited patiently. Sometimes silence was the best incentive.
It took almost two minutes but eventually Beatrice stopped her movement. When she spoke, her eyes remained on her stilled hands.
“When you spend a lifetime being told that something is wrong with you, that what you feel is wrong… that you’re some kind of aberration of nature… and you get daily reminders of those beliefs shove down your throat for long enough… after a while it becomes your reality.”
Beatrice raised her gaze sideways but didn’t meet her eyes.
“You become that ugly thing they say you are… and you hate that thing… even more than they do…” she snorted bitterly. “So, you do everything to smother that part of you, to fit into the right mould… to be acceptable… normal… or at least what they deem normal.”
She looked away, tilted her head up as if to hold back tears and cleared her throat. She turned her head back in Ava’s direction, but still didn’t look at her in the eyes.
“Even when you learn better… when you start understanding that they were the problem, not you… their voices are still loud in your head… the loudest… because of years of conditioning…”
Ava stood still. She could feel how taxing it was on Beatrice to open up and reveal so much. If she spoke, her words would be maladroit at best, and saying ‘sorry’ felt inadequate. So, she remained silent, because she didn’t want to spook Beatrice into a retreat, and she didn’t have the right words anyway.
She watched helplessly Beatrice wiping off her tears with the back of her hand in a delicate gesture.
After a beat, Beatrice finally looked Ava in the eyes.
“Objectively,” she continued “I know there’s nothing wrong with me… or the way I feel…I know that, I do… but it’s hard to shut those voices up…”
Beatrice put her hand close to the one Ava had on the countertop. She tentatively put her pinkie over Ava’s. “I like your touches, they help me being louder,” her sheepish grin made Ava’s stomach flutter. “Please…don’t stop…”
Ava smiled back. “I won’t.”
Beatrice stared at their touching hands, moving her pinkie in a hesitant caress. “It’s not that I don’t want to initiate, or return them… because I do…it…it takes time to readjust…to… recalibrate my brain.”
Ava turned her hand up to grasp Beatrice’s fingers, she ran her thumb over her knuckles soothingly.
She perfectly understood of where Beatrice was coming from. She had spent a decade being told she was unworthy and unwanted. She knew the permanent, invisible scars words left on one’s psyche. For her, they had left deep-seeded fears, Beatrice had inherited deep-seeded pain and self-loathing in addition.
When Beatrice retracted her hand and looked away again, Ava knew it was because she felt embarrassed at her display of vulnerability. Ava decided to provide comfort the only way she knew how: with humour.
“Well, I’ve come across some life-altering information recently,” she said solemnly.
“Have you now?”
Beatrice latched on the topic change. She felt bare and it was distressing. She didn’t want to hide for Ava, but talking about her shame and pain was unbearable.
“Brace yourself for this one,” Ava warned. “Did you know bell peppers have a gender?”
“They do?”
“Yes. If you lay them on their side and count the bumps at the bottom you can tell which is which. Four bumps mean it’s female and three means it’s male.”
“Uh, interesting.”
“I know, right?” Ava grinned. “The females are full of seeds, obviously. They taste sweeter and apparently, they are best consumed raw, whereas the males are best when cooked.”
“You’re a bottomless well of trivia,” Beatrice said with an appreciative pout.
“That got me thinking. Since they have gender… it begs the question: do bell peppers have sex?”
Bea burst out laughing unexpectedly at the absurd query.
“And if they do have sex… what does that look like?” Ava kept on her roll. “Or, are we talking about a literal ‘birds and bees’ situation here?”
The fact that Ava was speaking with a straight face, and made her questions sound genuine only made her laugh harder.
“And… if you have a full patch of bell peppers does that mean there’s an orgy going on or are they all ace? And what about genderfluid bell peppers, do they have five bumps? And…” Ava kept pushing her silly questions to the extreme.
Beatrice was laughing so hard her sides were hurting. “Please…stop talking,” she wheezed.
“So many questions, I can’t even begin…” Ava mused with a shake of her head.
She watched Beatrice laugh and felt warm at the sight. She loved that sound so much. Beatrice’s laughter always made her heartbeat go a little crazy. Not to mention how it enhanced Beatrice’s beauty.
It took almost two minutes for Beatrice to get her laughter under control. When she did, she was breathless, her eyes brimming with tears.
“Whatever am I going to do with you?” Beatrice sighed with a shake of her head. She wiped the unshed tears from her eyes with a knuckle.
Silence filled the room again, but this time the bad tension was gone.
“Thank you,” said Beatrice in a much sober tone.
Ava smiled tenderly at her. “As I’ve said, don’t hate what you are, what you are is beautiful,” she stated softly but firmly. “I don’t mind saying it every day, every minute of every day even… if that’s what it takes for you to accept those statements for what they are: the truth.”
She straightened up so she could kiss Beatrice’s forehead. She cupped her cheek before resting her forehead against Beatrice’s. After a moment she leant back and ran the back of her fingers on Beatrice’s cheek.
Looking at Ava, Beatrice felt grounded again. She couldn’t find the words to express her gratitude to Ava. She didn’t feel deserving of all the kindness and affection Ava was bestowing upon her. Be as it may, she treasured it as the most precious gift she’d ever received. And it was.
Ava’s eyes drifted briefly on Beatrice’s lips. She was about to lean in but Beatrice moved back a bit, breaking the contact. Undeterred, Ava leant back against the counter and simply grinned.
“And the real question is what would you do without my awesome, mind-blowing bits of trivia? Say what you will, I know you’ve been thinking about bell pepper sex for the past 2 minutes,” Ava waggled her eyebrows.
“Oh, hush!” Beatrice rolled her eyes.
“Can I help with anything?”
“Chop an onion and then mince the meat if you don’t mind”
“On it!”
Ava straightened up again, Beatrice caught her wrist before she could walk away completely. Beatrice was looking down, a deep frown marring her face.
“Bea?” Ava called her after a beat.
Beatrice looked up, her eyes set on her lips and Ava held her breath. Beatrice moved to lean in but closed her eyes with a deep sigh of what appeared to be resignation before letting go of Ava’s wrist.
Even though, Beatrice hadn’t followed through her clear desire to kiss her, Ava appreciated the effort. It was yet another assurance that they were on the same wavelength.
There’s nothing wrong with me… what I feel is normal… I am normal…
Beatrice took a deep breath and a step back, then she put a hand flat on Ava’s chest and pushed her gently. She didn’t stop to think, when Ava was back against the countertop, she leant in and captured Ava’s lips in a soft kiss.
Ava exhaled sharply in surprise, her eyes fluttering shut at the contact. In a second her entire being was humming with some indescribable feeling. She felt warm, her head was spinning and all her nerve endings tingling. She could feel the halo amping everything up and just like that she knew she was glowing, literally.
It was, wow.
The kiss came to an end to soon to her taste. When she blinked her eyes open, Beatrice was grinning bashfully. “I guess, we can call that a… light kiss.”
Ava’s face lit up instantly at the pun.
Beatrice made a show of rolling her eyes. In truth, she knew how much Ava loved puns and to see her smiling from ear to ear was worth the lame joke.
Ava was high on euphoria. Beatrice had kissed her and made a pun out of it. Life couldn’t get better than that at this very moment as far as she was concerned.
“You’re such a bad influence,” Beatrice muttered.
“And proud of it,” Ava beamed.
“Whatever… just get to work, please.”
“Aye, aye, Captain!” Ava replied with a wink, a gigantic smile plastered on her face.
I shall be back with part three soon.
Thanks for reading!
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asachuu · 1 year
Alright, BSD/AO3-related “confession” time, although this shouldn’t have really become a confession.
While my works over on AO3 are occasionally quite dark, the full extent of which is entirely subjective, yet still one I could describe as such objectively, I do sometimes try to water a lot of it down out of fear I’m starting to sound “edgy for the sake of it”, as nonsensical as I personally find that description. Though I’m aware the thought process goes against what I personally believe on these matters, I still don’t want anyone to look at anything I write and assume it’s nothing but a mindless pile of brutality treated without proper seriousness and/or something to exaggerate for “no real reason”, and I often find myself worrying whether or not it’ll come off as such, even though I understand each author has their own visions and motives, me included, and not everyone will assume those correctly, nor will people ever universally agree on them, enjoy the content or even have the willingness to accept the mere existence of art that isn’t pure or sanitized, therefore one shouldn’t feel anxious over this when nobody owes any sort of explanation or justification for their creations to strangers anyway, but…let’s just say I’m still trying to get past that. Unfortunately, I suppose spending too much time around audiences who consider going into any type of ever-so-slightly darker territory in one’s works as an act only terrible, cruel individuals would do may have had its long-lasting effects…but I digress.
There was one work which was initially meant to be entirely unfiltered, “uncensored”, if I should say so, and that work was meant to be what would eventually become both A Second Chance and No Retakes, given the two are merely two varying iterations of an alternate universe I wanted to create for the ship I’m writing about. I suppose it’s the third, never spoken about version of it, and although there are four to five total versions as of today, this one in particular had almost made it through, had I not completely washed everything I were to include away just a few days before I got to writing my “first” fic. In fact, it was precisely the fully clean version which became A Second Chance; the series is essentially only different in its beginning, past and subsequently the way said past would affect what was happening, yet the more general events stayed intact, unlike No Retakes which is still not being too truthful to its original introductory disclaimer as of the last update.
Now, I felt like I had to tidy this one up, and if I am to be honest, it was mainly thanks to my only “enthusiastic” audience at the time always focusing on any sadder element of my writing and pinpointing how much it ruined the whole work, which was…a rather demotivating experience, aside from all else I could say about it. Considering this was a work I would be posting publicly with the intention of actually having others see it and associate it with this chain of accounts instead of someone’s random throwaway I could just ditch at any time, and not only that, this would also be something of great personal importance to me, I didn’t want to discard what I assumed to be my only chance at making something I could look back and be satisfied with. There is certainly far more to this story, but all that is to say, I didn’t want— and frankly couldn’t even afford— this to be dismissed as someone’s “horrible” work with such “unnecessary cruelty” in it, or however else it would have been described.
Even after a long time, after I had started publishing far more “risky” things, such as my whole Rimlaine-related series, and detached myself as much as possible from an audience which would ultimately never find any enjoyment in what I actually wished to be creating and would only serve to bring me down or make me dislike my own content, there was one thing I didn’t change my mind on, and that was feeling as though I still wouldn’t have been able to write the original concept of the ChuuArt series/fic/etc. I had in mind, even after everything I had written by that point and even after many chapters of No Retakes. In fact, I changed my mind a mere four weeks ago, which is the only reason I’m writing this.
If you’ve never heard me describe what the original consisted of, I’ll have to slightly disappoint you this time as I definitely don’t have enough confidence to actually state what it could have been, but as is probably very obvious, it wasn’t for the faint-hearted. I feel as though it’s no exaggeration if I say it was far more dark than every single Rimlaine fic I have ever written combined. I don’t believe I ever considered it “unreasonable” or any other such descriptor, not even when I was too afraid to write it, though— in truth, I sincerely believe both A Second Chance and No Retakes are extremely unrealistic and don’t represent practically anything I had been envisioning. Right now, I’ve decided to see if it’s possible for me to rework the outlines for the latter as it’s obviously very far from done and nobody apart from me would know what the original was meant to be, steering it a little bit closer to its long-lost predecessors, but even if I do manage to pull this off, the concept has been lost from the very beginning, and nothing can replicate it unless I somehow wholeheartedly try to overwrite people’s memories.
Of course, not stating it directly doesn’t mean I can’t imply it, and I will have to, just for the sake of what I’m trying to get at. The initial premise was always having Arthur survive the events of Fifteen, that much is obvious, and while there is one other version of the AU in which he survives on his own accord without any interference from the Port Mafia, the rest of them did require him to fall into the organization’s hands. Now, here is where I feel like ASC/NR completely fail at being anyhow logical, and this has hit me more than ever recently, though I’ll explain why afterwards, despite being somewhat confident that you could figure it out even without my input from here.
Naturally, there is absolutely no reason for Arthur to have been entirely safe and intact until meeting Chuuya in any iteration (…maybe aside from that one exception, but I think you’ll get what I mean more specifically), and no horrible living conditions I place him in are even remotely comparable to what I believe an organization such as the Port Mafia would do to a traitor if he were to be kept alive for any reason instead of immediately assassinated, as implied in Fifteen. I will give off somewhat plot-important spoilers here for No Retakes, so please beware, but NR tries to give some flimsy reasoning for this as I seemed to have become more and more self-aware of it while writing the initial outlines— I thought that perhaps, if Arthur regained his memories and could have potentially held some valuable information about other organizations, it would have made sense to try and keep him alive and well, and while it would have definitely been more straightforward for any PM member to just…let’s say…“standard-mafia-procedure” the information out of him, nobody would have had any reason to do that if he’d either been completely unconscious or he forgot everything again, right…? And one more “spoiler”, although it’s been slightly hinted at in the fic itself already and I heavily regret giving it such little relevance— even that much didn’t sit right with me, so he doesn’t escape entirely unscathed, but nonetheless, all of it is extremely tame, in my opinion. (Spoilers end) It feels more like a last resort to attain more realism points which simply aren’t really there, or so I believe.
The original, however, went all-out with this “realism” I so speak of, and I’ll just say that every variation of this AU has a five year gap between Fifteen and its present at the very least, but in both I’ve written about so far, Arthur isn’t particularly conscious for any of those five or more years. In that version, for one reason or another that hasn’t been properly worked on before being discarded and turned into one of the newer ideas, he’d been reluctantly kept alive, but not a soul would have given him the luxury of just leaving him be for ages until he would have most likely rotted away like in ASC, or until he’d woken up again like in NR. I believe everyone can have their own interpretation of my words here as I don’t even know how I would type this out in the first place, but essentially, at that point, Chuuya wouldn’t have simply carried him away for the sake of it or been tasked to watch over him, it’d be more of him just outright saving whatever was left of his life. I’m sure that anything one could imagine here would also lead to an obvious difference between how this AU’s Arthur would act, as opposed to both AU versions of him currently existing, yet to write all that simply felt…wrong. Not wrong because it didn’t make sense and felt like a pointless gore fest— the complete opposite, actually, but wrong as in, according to my mind and my mind only, something “too dark for AO3” or the BSD fandom as a whole. I probably would have had the tendency to overdescribe it as well instead of letting the reader make up their own mind, which would have added onto that factor, and I was too worried to even dare venturing there. Some of it certainly also had to do with fearing I wouldn’t be able to pull it off as a more amateurish writer, but it wasn’t the main driving force.
Now, anyone could sit here and tell me that my reason was complete bullshit, and I can’t believe I’ve only arrived to this conclusion myself so late. What led me to it, you may ask? Simple— Bungou Stray Dogs itself.
I’ve drafted this very post those four weeks ago when I changed my thoughts on these matters and just edited it to make it fit recent events, but at the time of writing this initially, I was only on chapter 40 of re-reading the manga, and that has been enough to convince me none of my fics, not even the original AU I had in mind, are “too edgy” for anything to do with BSD (and AO3, of course, I think that site has seen it all). Though I firmly believe no such thing even needs some kind of “justification” to be written in the first place, as for my observation, all of my harsher ideas would still be reduced to mere dust if compared to that or the light novels. There is not a single thing I could have ever written that would have gone “too far” by my own anxiety-driven standards, and even if I genuinely took that entire concept and wrote it to the full extent I’ve had in my mind, it would only be dreaming of being on par with something like Atsushi’s backstory or Q’s treatment, both of which are basically at the mere start of the manga. If not that, it would absolutely pale in comparison to the entirety of Stormbringer, for example, and if one was to put it simply, the amount of missing limbs, dead bodies, torture, on-screen and described gore in this series would make my own concepts…I want to say laughable, but it’d actually make them just a tiny bit more BSD-worthy.
Nothing I’m writing feels like BSD itself from this perspective, and I understand that I’m writing fanfiction— I’m in a space where people don’t always want to match the mood and tone of the media they’re making their own spin on, and there is not a single thing out of place if I make any of my works more toned down, peaceful and whatnot, but at the same time, there will also be nothing out of place if I don’t. Honestly, this may be somewhat clear already, but I don’t want to write works which are fully sanitized, clean and light-hearted only, and while yes, I believe a couple of those exist on my page, those aren’t meant to be the majority as that was never my goal to begin with. I didn’t even have one at first, but when I both actually tried to think of one somewhere along the way and reflected on all my old drafts and notes, the answer I got was to make the opposite of what I look for while browsing AO3 myself, ironically— as I don’t usually spend my time reading much, not even on there, I only ever read short fics that I can go through in one sitting which don’t leave me thinking about anything surrounding them and I feel as though I’ve read them from their true beginning to their true end, with the plot being only what was in the 4000 or so words I skimmed through rather than something much different, something I’ve only looked through a window into, and, simply put for what I think is my case, something far more pretentious than that, of course. Hopefully, there is no need for me to clarify I clearly do enjoy the shorter, less complex fics and am in no way trying to devalue them, they’re just not what I personally would like to write myself— I would be delighted if someday, I could feel as though I have created something which has a full, proper story in itself, and additionally, seeing as it’s BSD fanfiction, absolutely not have this story be one in which you could almost believe all the characters are regular office workers with rather mild problems in their lives. The only thing which is closest to this, yet which still fails to meet the former criteria, is probably all to do with Rimlaine that I’ve written, but that was not the initial plan, and now I’m seeing that it didn’t really have to be this way.
Not that I regret it too much, seeing as I could fix this if I truly wanted to— No Retakes was mostly born out of late regrets after I’ve fallen in love with that version of the AU and spent months wishing I had worked on it from the very beginning instead of having a thousand separate worries about it, all before I realized there were more people encouraging me to write it than people who would have insinuated I’d already written a ChuuArt AU and another “similar” one wasn’t necessary anymore. I could undoubtedly go back and show everyone one more of the originals, the one which would have rivaled every single work of mine in terms of just how dark it would have been, but I’m not sure whether it’s my ongoing WIP or general exhaustion stopping me more here, aside from the fact that I simply don’t have that much of a desire to do it when I could still try and pray to salvage said WIP a little bit and find a middle ground that doesn’t require me to start another project I will inevitably have no time to work on without getting too worn down.
Anyhow, I suppose I’ll get to looking through the outlines again, perhaps cut out some chapters on the way if I can and hope not to add more by accident. For better or for worse, while the reason should have probably been a bit different, I’m glad to be a bit less willing to censor half my works now that I’ve at least realized what media I’ve actually been using this whole time, and I’m hoping it will have some impact going forward as I really want to write what I alone want to write, not what people who don’t even care about my works want to see me create.
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tigerkirby215 · 2 years
5e Pablo Simon Bolivar, El Brujo Especial build (Ash vs Evil Dead)
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(Image from thedeaditeslayer.com)
I’ve really been getting into the Evil Dead franchise after Ash vs Evil Dead was released on Netflix, and that interest only further increased after playing Evil Dead: The Game. I’m not going to preach the qualities of the TV show nor the game to you and simply say it as I see it: Evil Dead is an iconic of horror with Bruce Campbell’s iconic role of Ash Williams affecting generations of horror enthusiasts and action enjoyers.
The Evil Dead IP has lasted for so long, stretched through so many mediums, and affected so many aspects of popular culture to the point that chainsaws in zombie media go hand-and-hand. This is why I’m going to do my best to release a Dungeons & Dragons build based on one character from The Evil Dead franchise over the next 5 weeks of October, in honor of the franchise and the spirit of Halloween. (Although knowing me I’m probably going to miss a week lol.)
And who else to start with but Pablo? I absolutely loved the supporting cast of Ash vs and I honestly haven’t met a single person who didn’t enjoy the performance of Pablo. Ray Santiago puts so much personality into the character and one could honestly argue that Pablo goes through more of a character arch than Ash himself in the show. I mean, I’m not going to get into that argument, but one thing’s for certain: without the help of Pablito’s El Brujo and his amulets the Chosen One wouldn’t have gotten far. It also helps that Pablo is easily my second most played character in Evil Dead: The Game, right behind TV Show Ash (IE Leader Ash.)
Anyways: Pablo’s a lovable support character who goes through way too much for his own good, and we’re all happy you’re still around buddy. Goddamn it’s going to be so hard to avoid accidentally saying spoilers, assuming calling Pablo “El Brujo Especial” isn’t already a spoiler... Seriously just go watch Ash vs on Netflix.
Pablito’s Fish & Chips - Pablo isn’t just some guy who works at an electronics store: he’s got a lotta brains to him. He event built Ash a new hand!
A Foot in Each Door - It sure was nice of your uncle to give you an amulet that makes you invisible to the evil dead. Pretty helpful thing to have!
El Brujo Especial - Leave the beer to Ash and Cheryl: Pablo uses the magical guidance of his uncle to protect himself and his allies.
Pablo is a human, and trust me: I wish I could reasonably make him something else. But at least Variant Human will carry us to some extent. Increase both your Charisma and your Dexterity by 1, the History skill to see if you can recall anything Ruby might’ve mentioned, and speaking of which I’m sure the Necronomicon gifted you some knowledge of Abyssal with the time you two spent together.
For your Feat of choice I’m actually going to suggest the Inspiring Leader feat! Pablo does his fair share of inspiring for Ash but the main reason I suggested Inspiring Leader is because it lets you play support some more, passing out temporary hitpoints at the end of a Short or Long Rest and generally being an asset to the team. Plus it lets you roleplay as Ray Santiago which is a plus in my eyes.
15; CHARISMA - Everyone loves Pablo. He’s your little buddy!
14; INTELLIGENCE - As stated above Pablo is the brains of the group. We need it both for roleplay and to multiclass.
13; DEXTERITY - Evil Dead leans on the “dodge out of the way seconds before you’re hit” style of horror. 13 DEX is also enough to get the maximum bonus from Medium armor along with the +1 from our race.
12; CONSTITUTION - Look: there was a point where you literally died and came back to life. Stuff like that will give you some hardiness.
10; STRENGTH - Pablo may be a big strong vagina but we unfortunately need everything else more. Don’t worry: we’ll get a way to use a spiked bat, although you won’t be using a rusty chain at any point.
8; WISDOM - Wisdom is needed to keep a level head, and it’s not that Pablo can’t do that. Just that when evil descends and the dead rise it’s pretty hard to keep calm in the face of demons from hell.
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft is going to be a good friend to me during this month. One cool thing about Van Richten’s is that there’s a bunch of generic background traits that don’t come with specific skills or equipment but can still be used for roleplay, and one of those generic backgrounds is the Trauma Survivor background. Put simply Pablo isn’t really the “Haunted One” type but this works quite well for “holy shit demons started murdering people in the streets and this cool old dude is a prophesized hero of legend.”
The Trauma Survivor makes you a bit of a resident expert in whatever shit you’ve dealt with, and in Pablo’s case it would be deadites. Folks know to ask you for advice on what to do and what not to do, and if needed you can find a place for someone to hide out and maybe get an exorcism done. Your uncle didn’t exactly tell you how to open your mind and escape evil, but you can probably find someone willing to take you on a drug trip.
As for your skills take proficiency with Athletics (you’ll need it if something grabs onto you) and Survival because... well yeah duh. You could also grab another language (Infernal fits to some extent) and another tool, which I’m going to use as an excuse to grab Land Vehicle proficiency because Pablo should always be the one driving. (Which is why I never drive as Pablo because I suck at driving in video games.) You could take more tools or more languages as you see fit, I suppose. I won’t tell you what to do.
Starting background equipment? You can figure that out with your DM. If all-else fails just copy-paste the Clan Crafter background or something.
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(Artwork from Evil Dead: The Game.)
Starting off as an Artificer before you get in-touch with evil. You can grab proficiency in Arcana and Medicine here too.
Your time at ValueStop helped you learn some basic tech tricks that you can manifest in Magical Tinkering. The tricks you can do are pretty small and junky but they may be helpful in a pinch if you use your wits. But if you need something more reliable it would be better to talk about Spellcasting: You can learn two cantrips from the Artificer spell list like Guidance to help El Jefe or anyone else who might need it, and Mending. For Duct Tape.
You can also prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier plus half your Artificer level (rounded down), and while you can swap them out on a Long Rest you can only prepare two of them currently. So like, just take Cure Wounds and Detect Magic for now, really. Basic medical knowledge and the ability to sense danger is in fact more than enough to survive many horror movies at first.
Oh and as far as combat goes your best bet currently is probably to stick to a “gun” (IE a crossbow) for now. We didn’t take any damaging cantrips but your “firearms” (crossbow) will do more at this low level anyways, considering that you have the same hit chance anyways. Don’t worry you’ll be getting something better later on but these first few levels will admittedly be on the weaker end.
Second level Artificers can make artificial hands and other Infusions. You can prepare 4 infusions known and make two of them per day, although you might find some use in swapping them out. Anyways I’d suggest improving your firearms in the form of an Enhanced Arcane Focus and a Repeating Shot weapon, and improving your defenses with a Mind Sharpener and... the Enhanced Defense infusion. Remember that much like Pablo you can share your intellect with your friends, who might get more use out of your inventions than you! And you’re welcome to grab other infusions if you think they’d be more useful.
Speaking of useful: another spell known! Feather Fall is good in-case of an emergency if you’re thrown off a building or your car goes off a cliff or something.
3rd level Artificers get to choose their specialty, and it may strike you as odd but Artillerists get to provide their team with amulets, and provide themselves with guns! Along with getting proficiency with Woodcarver’s Tools and learning both the Shield and Thunderwave spells (one of which is far more useful than the other) you get the ability to make an Eldritch Cannon!
You can either make a Small or Tiny object (but it would be more in-character to make a tiny one) that you can activate as a Bonus Action. The Force Ballista will fire a shot at a single target, the Flamethrower is... well, a flamethrower that does AoE damage in a short cone in front of it, but the Protector “canon” is the main option you’ll be going for. When you activate it as a bonus action everyone within 10 feet of the turret will get Temporary Hitpoints equal to a d8 plus your Intelligence. Basically this is how Amulets work in Evil Dead: The Game and it was kinda too perfect for Pablo to provide shields to his team. There’s some other nuance to the turrets that you can figure out by reading the subclass feature, but all you need to know is that you’re usually going to be providing shields to the party and also sometimes get the option to shoot with your canon-gun... assuming you can actually hit since its aim is based on your Intelligence.
And to top it off you can make yourself the The Right Tool for the Job with an hour of work. I’ll tell you right now that jerry-rigging a set of lockpicks (IE Thieves’ Tools) is probably your best bet with this ability, but if you think there are other tools that will help you this ability will let you grab them as you need them.
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(Artwork from Evil Dead: The Game)
Now that you’ve handed in your resignation letter (reason for leaving: boss got possessed by a demon) it’s time to embrace your roots and channel the magic of drug trips. How? With the magic of the Archfey, obviously! As an action you can force each creature within a 10-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom save or be charmed or frightened by your Fey Presence. Either up the charm or channel evil through you as necessary, but you can only do so once per Short or Long Rest.
More importantly however you get Pact Magic: you can learn two cantrips from the Warlock list like Mage Hand to grab things in dangerous locations more safely, and Eldritch Blast to blast your guns with eldritch power instead of just regular old firearm power.
You also get Pact Magic slots which come back on a Short Rest, unlike regular spell slots that come back on a Long Rest. You can use them to cast your Artificer spells, or some Warlock spells... I’m going to be honest: the only 1st level spell I really want is Hex. Other than that you can take something like Hellish Rebuke I guess, but we’ll be ignore the spells you can learn until you can get better ones.
2nd level Warlocks get Eldritch Invocations like Devil’s Sight to see with your dumb human eyes, and Agonizing Blast to agonize your blasts. Yeah you could also learn more spells, but we’re going to wait for...
Third level Warlocks get to choose their Pact Boon and I mean, we’re kinda forced to take Pact of the Talisman for amulets, aren’t we? Currently all it does is provide a d4 when the wearer fails an ability check, and the benefit can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a Long Rest. But what’s cool about the amulet talisman is that you can give it to someone else who might need the bonus. And additionally it stacks with Guidance, which can be pretty big at these low levels.
Much more importantly however your Pact Slots are now at a 2nd level, meaning you can learn 2nd level Warlock spells! Grab Misty Step to get away from danger, Mirror Image to protect yourself, and Hold Person to keep deadites in place! (Remember: Deadites are humans possessed by demons, meaning that they’re technically still humanoids. If you’re dealing with a demon like Ruby however she counts as a Fiend, and won’t be affected by Hold Person. Unless she can be affected by Hold Person because she’s a Half-Demon? Better not to try unless desperate really...)
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(Image from cupofmoe.com)
4th level Warlocks get their first Ability Score Improvement (finally by total level 7) and if you haven’t picked up on we’re going to mainly be going down the Warlock route, so more Charisma would benefit us more overall.
You could also learn another spell but truthfully we’re going to be replacing them with 3rd level spells soon, so better not to. You can grab the Prestidigitation cantrip though, to show off your eldritch knowledge with some basic parlor tricks.
5th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation, and to be invisible to demons (and most other things) grab the One with Shadows invocation. It only works if you keep still and keep in the darkness, but invisibility from evil is great to stay alive!
You can also learn 3rd level spells now! I’d probably drop Mirror Image to grab Hypnotic Pattern (for now), Counterspell (for good), and Blink from the Archfey list, which will be a far more effective defensive spell than Mirror Image. (Although it doesn’t upscale so we will ditch that too with time.)
6th level Archfey Warlocks can turn invisible to gather more amulets, as Misty Escape lets you use your reaction to teleport away from danger and turn invisible until the start of your next turn, refreshing on a Short or Long Rest. Use this if you think you’re in the line of fire to get behind Ash.
Additionally you can learn another spell, and if you think we’re going to skip out on this level to get better 4th level spells to cast with your Warlock slots then you’re goddamn right we are.
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(Artwork from Evil Dead: The Game)
7th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation and it’s time for your amulet to not be completely worthless thanks to Protection of the Talisman. When the person wearing your amulet talisman fails a saving throw, they can add a d4 to the roll and potentially turn it into a success. They can only do it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per Long Rest, but the added protection can be great to keep your party’s El Jefe alive.
Additionally you can now learn 4th level spells: drop Misty Step for Dimension Door as the greater distance traveled far outweighs the use of a full action, and you also might want to drop Hypnotic Pattern for Greater Invisibility from the Archfey list, to keep hidden while you blast away deadites. Heck you might even want to replace Blink with something like Banishment too. Honestly for the most part I just want to wait until we get the big boy 5th level spells to play with.
8th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement so it’s finally time to cap off your Charisma for the best old magic to protect from the worst old evils.
You could also learn more spells but again: going to wait for...
9th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation, and Whispers of the Grave is very in-character, can be very useful, and is a lot of fun! There’s a lot of good info you can get from the dead: your dead uncle, your dead self, the dead that wrote the book of the dead... Just gotta know who to listen to.
Speaking of listening you now have 5th level spells, meaning all the spells known we skipped out on can now be filled up! So I’d suggest you take the following:
Hold Monster is like Hold Person, but better. (But it does affect less targets, so if you think Hold Person will work then use that instead.)
Dominate Person is like Hold Person, but better because you can get them to serve the forces of good instead of the forces of evil. (No it’s not possession shut up.)
Mislead can be good if you need to sneak around to grab Ash’s shit... again. It will also give the demons something to try to attack while you gather more supplies.
And Teleportation Circle can be useful if you need an escape plan.
The last two spells were added to the Warlock list via Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, so if you don’t see them listed on the Warlock spell list that’s why. Just figured I’d mention it here since it would be kinda weird to mention it alongside those two spells.
10th level Warlocks have seen enough evil to avoid being possessed. Or well, avoid being charmed at least. Beguiling Defenses gives you immunity to the charmed condition and when another creature attempts to charm you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the charm back on that creature. They need to make Wisdom save against your spell DC or be... well, charmed by you for a minute! (Unless they take damage.) Considering that you should probably have at least a +1 focus from your Artificer abilities any deadite attempting to persuade you will have to think twice. Ash though...
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You can’t grab any more spells yet, but you can get one last cantrip. I’d suggest 
Mind Sliver in case you find an armored deadite with a weak mind, or if you just want to make it easier for your teammates to use magic against your enemies.
(Image from Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3, Episode 5)
11th level Warlocks get their 6th level Mystic Arcanum, which looks like a spell slot and acts like a spell slot but isn’t actually a spell slot. The difference is that you can’t upcast any of your Warlock Pact Magic, and you can’t upcast your Mystic Arcanum with higher level slots that you’ll get.
With that explanation out of the way there’s a lot of good 6th level Mystic Arcanum options but... look, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise is just fun. You can finally go in with a bat (or a sword, or a rusty chain) and hit some deadites very hard, getting an extra attack, more AC, some damage resistances and immunity to conditions, and flight! (Because why not.) Sure maybe Eyebite or Soul Cage would be more useful but even the support should upgrade melee damage eventually.
Speaking of more damage: Wall of Light does a good bit of radiant damage and can also be good to blind deadites and generally hide behind while your friends prepare to face off against evil. And if you think you’re not going to cast it well, you just got an extra pact slot little buddy! Congratulations!
12th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement and seeing as your Charisma is maxed out increasing your Intelligence is an option? You could also alternatively grab some feats: I personally opted for War Caster to keep concentration up for longer and to also be able to shoot any anyone who runs past you, instead of just trying to stab them with a knife or something.
You also get more Eldritch Invocations! It’s hard to justify Ascendant Step as anything other than magic, but being able to slowly float around is useful for transportation, evading deadites, or just reaching things in high places.
13th level casters get 7th level spells but you’re special so you get Mystic Arcanum instead. There’s a lot of fun options to take: Crown of Stars, Etherealness, Plane Shift, Power Word Pain... but Forcecage is probably the most useful overall. If you need to keep a particularly nasty deadite in place with (almost) no questions asked? That’s what you have Forcecage for. But even then the other spells I mentioned have their use and you should give them a glance if interested.
Dream is perhaps less relevant, but it will let you send messages to whom it may concern as needed while they sleep. Sure this is maybe more of your uncle’s thing, but El Brujo Especial can afford to borrow some tricks.
Speaking of your uncle: wasn’t it cool when he put you in a coma and forced you to drink from weird bowls alongside a naked lady? Well Dark Delirium will let you force anyone you want into that trial, just like they’re in a hit asymmetrical multiplayer game! As an action you can choose a creature you can see within 60 feet. They must make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed / frightened of you (your choice for which one), lasting for 1 minute or until your concentration is broken (like a spell.) The effect also ends early if the creature takes any damage.
Until this illusion ends, the creature thinks it is lost in a misty realm, the appearance of which you choose. The creature can see and hear only itself, you, and the illusion. So basically they’ll be lost in their visions unless someone makes you snap them out of it, or if they get hit. But it’s a good way to get some alone time with someone and to potentially lock them down if their friends aren’t willing to punch them awake. A sledgehammer to the face tends to be a good cure for possession.
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(Official promotional artwork for Evil Dead: The Game)
15th level Warlocks get their 8th level Mystic Arcanum, and unfortunately unlike the previous levels your options are... kinda trash? I guess Dominate Monster fits the best, although Feeblemind works decently enough as well. Much like before you can also pick up another 5th level spell and... I dunno. Planar Binding works well enough if you find a demon that you want to surround in salt for Ash to talk to.
But the far more notable thing is that you now have access to 15th level Warlock Invocations! For one I would replace One with Shadows with Shroud of Shadow which is all-around a better invocation. And Visions of Distant Realms will let you summon another eyeball out of another asymmetrical multiplayer game to scout ahead and see if any deadites are in any of the rooms ahead. Maybe you’re seeing through an old friend; who knows?
Witch Sight is also a really strong invocation that’s probably far less situational than some of the other ones you have. All the other ones you have fit in-character so I’m not going to tell you to replace any of them, but it stands to reason that higher level abilities are stronger.
16th level Warlocks get one last Ability Score Improvement, and honestly by total level 19 you can pick just about anything you want and it’ll still be good. Get more Constitution, more Intelligence, or a feat for all it matters. It won’t matter if you’re dead by dawn.
We went all the way to level 17 (instead of grabbing more ASIs that you honestly don’t need) because you can get 9th level spells at level 17! Or well, Mystic Arcanum anyways. There’s a lot of options that fit in-character but in my opinion Imprisonment is the ultimate choice to seal away evil forever. Dunno how many hit die Ruby has, yet alone the Book of the Dead, but Imprisonment proves that money can solve all your problems.
Oh and you can learn another spell but by total level 20 you can honestly pick whatever you want. I guess if I have to make a suggestion you can take Synaptic Static? I dunno. But the true ultimate prize is finally having a whole 4 spell slots!
Arcane Knowledge - Artificer levels surprisingly pull their weight despite your (relatively) lacking intelligence. Proficiency in Constitution saving throws is universally useful, infusions are constantly strong even late-game, and the Arcane Canon gives you a constant use of your bonus action (mostly to shield your allies) as long as you’re good at hiding your fancy gadgets.
Fear No Evil - I’m going to be honest: the last 3 levels of Warlock are kinda worthless, so for all intents and purposes purposes you are a full caster (even if your spell slots are weird) with a strong yet situational 9th level spell and plenty of other strong magics to keep the dead at bay.
Infernal Camouflage - Along with free invisibility being very strong you have plenty of tools to evade evil and protect both yourself and your allies. Teleporting out of danger and turning invisible will keep you alive for awhile, and your amulets can keep your chosen ally (or yourself) safe.
Wicked Fast - Warlock is a Warlock and Warlock has no spell slots. You have strong tricks up your sleeve yes, and being able to replenish your spell slots after a Short Rest is very strong. But you still have a limited number of shots before you’ll be forced into Eldrtich Blasting.
Weak-Minded - Playing an Artificer with middling Intelligence is obviously not a good idea. If you opt to use any canon other than the shield generator it’ll essentially be useless due to your low hit chance, and your low-level spell slots are incredibly limited and will often be used to either make more canons or cast Shield.
Kandarian Fury - Basically all your stats other than Charisma are kinda bad? While this does mean your magic will be good anything else you try to do will be middling at best: getting grappled will be a tough challenge if you can’t cast Dimension Door, and any skill checks will probably be left to the Leaders of the group. Not to mention that your Wisdom is pretty bad, leaving you quite open to being frightened or possessed.
But you’re not the Chosen One, you’re the one chosen to help the Chosen One! That might not make any sense but what matters is that you’re El Brujo Especial and have all the tools you could ever need to vanquish evil for good. Be the big strong vagina everyone knows you can be and teach them to fear no evil, because evil should fear you! And if you ever find that you’re having trouble do know that a good night’s sleep with a face mask can always help put your head in the game.
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(Artwork from Evil Dead: The Game)
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babytaes · 3 years
†hê Ðêmðñ (the beauty of sin)
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𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: You're a guardian angel who's never been tasked with protecting anyone. Since you've been here since Creation, sitting around in heaven hasn't brought you any rewards. You were looking forward to the day when you'd be assigned a human to look after. When that day finally arrives, things take an unexpected turn when you are assigned to Heeseung, a demon from the underworld.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: heeseung x female reader
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: angst, suggestive/smut
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 4k
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: profanity, smut scenes, bad boy heeseung (lol), 
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: click me before reading!
➳ part of the drunk & dazed series
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
Sin is a spiritual virus that invades the whole being. It makes you morally and spiritually weak. It’s a deadly disease that infects every part of you: your body, your mind, your emotions, and your motives—absolutely everything. Nobody has the strength on their own to overcome its power.
Nobody should ever commit sin, never giving in to their worldly and sinful impulses. It's unjust and wrong. However, what is it about sin that makes it so fascinating and enjoyable?
It gave you joy to see it in his smile or the way his hands caressed your body. What a lovely thing sin is!
Even though some sins are innocent and enjoyable, sometimes regulations are supposed to be broken. Everyone, after all, is a sinner.
“WHAT!?,?” You began to sweat as you worriedly communicated your concerns to your overseer, “You must be mistaken, High Lord.”
“I understand the protocol; angels are supposed to serve as "guardian angels" to beautiful or broken souls on Earth. You know we're expected to look after them and keep an eye on them to make sure they stay on track. With all due respect, ma'am, I don't believe I'm qualified for this position; at the very least, someone of level 10 would be ideal.”
Her cream-colored wings swept her off her feet as she chuckled and waved for you to follow her. You sighed as you flutter up and away with her, trailing behind her, feeling a twitch in yours.
As you eventually caught up to her, dodging angels left and right, you apologized to random angels in your path, uncomfortably smiled at the people you bumped into with your wings.
You retracted your wings closer to you and walked uneasily beside your overseer as you carefully stepped down on the golden road.
Before you could say anything, she quietly took your hand in hers and gently kissed it, assuring you that everything would be alright. As you approached the center of the commotion, you bit your lower lip and remained silent.
Looking around at the community, it warmed your heart to see so many people, young and old, out here. Some you've known since the beginning of time, while others were born only last week. Everyone had gathered to witness the masterpiece that would emerge in an instant.
“You know Y/N I have complete faith in you that this first expedition will be a breeze,” you smiled, looking up at her with excitement and a tinge of fear in your eyes. “We wouldn't have suggested you for the job unless we knew who you really are, and you've earned it.” Don't worry, you were expecting this; now have a look.”
With her finger pointing to the stage forward, you were treated to yet another spectacular show. They're known as the "Grand Turning" in Heaven. This is where a new or seasoned angel has completed his or her training with a human or demon and earned their proper place in the community.
It could be a badge, a ribbon, or something more unique, such as the opportunity to talk with the all-powerful, our God.
Despite the fact that you were assigned to him, you were determined to get those jobs because they were the only way for you to ever get that honor. You weren't going to allow Mr. Unperfect take away that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Nobody could and will ever be able to make you fail this assignment; you were meticulously prepped. You were taught the correct and only way to do things, and now was your opportunity to shine. You were not going to be a Lucifer, cast from Heaven
“I'll do it,” you said to your supervisor, a smile on your face and confidence in your eyes. She turned to face you and hugged you passionately, rubbing your wings with a motherly devotion.
“I knew you could do it; now it's time to get you ready.”
When people have a near-death experience, they always remark that life flashes before their eyes. Unfortunately for angels, it's the contrary; when we're approached with a high-alert danger or warning, it's more of a gentle whisper in our ears. Normally more attentive while traveling to Earth.
The best place to be humans say.. What is with these fickle minded words?
You take a deep breath and turn to face your overseer, who is polishing her wings to ensure that they are kept in order. When having wings, a routine is taught from the beginning to keep them in a good up do. Nobody wants to look simple when you can look stunning.
She took your hand in hers and walked toward the end of the route, issuing some documents to the Pearl City Gate guards. You noticed the circular orb while glancing around.
"How can some humans believe in the world being flat, we literally have an air-like view. To me, it's definitely round.” She chuckled as she pinched your cheeks and turned your puzzled face to her.
“When you get down to earth, you'll see a lot of that, people with a lot of opinions. But what did you learn in your training?”
Standing up and smoothing your wings, you calmly shouted out the words as if they were written on the back of your palm.
“Although humans are the destroyers of their own precious planet, everyone's opinion matters, regardless of race, gender, or identity.”
“Well, not all,” you began scratching your head, “I've seen some harsh individuals in our study books, God should strike them down-“
“Um no ma'am, let us put it aside for the time being and focus on what needs to be done.” She started going over a list of laws and regulations for your descent to Earth. As you gave her a thumbs up, you were attentively listening and mentally bookmarking everything in their designated area.
I believe I have a good understanding of everything, and I think I am prepared.” She offered you a short hug before letting you go, showing her affection for you. You were going to miss her, despite the fact that it was a mutually-surface relationship.
“Last but not least, this ordeal will be different in that people will be able to see you. But if you have to use your wings, the lad is the only one who can see you. When you arrive, he will be waiting for you. My child, best of luck and may God bless you.”
You let go of her and moved toward the road's edge, gripping your bag as you turned to face her and waved farewell as you stepped over the brink.
“Wait a minute, what if-“
When you felt a push from behind, you tumbled off the ledge and spun around in the sky, where you saw a smiling face as you glanced up. They didn't tell you that you'd have to be pushed. As you plunged to Earth, you closed your eyes, terrified. Oh, how nice.
Screaming, you descended into the atmosphere, your narrowed eyes seeing glimpses of land here and there. Not letting up you let your wings cover your whole body as you plopped down onto soft green grass.
You peered out from your wings, gasping for air, and glanced up.
“Oh, Heavens”
His physique was slender, active, and well-groomed, with a trace of bad boy behavior in his scent. The first thing that struck your eye were the rips in his jeans. How could a man-made mistake seem to be so appealing? As you raised your eyes, you noticed tattoos splattered across his arms and up to his neck. His black velvet-like wings fluttering in the breeze, he raised his palm to his hair and stroked through the old curls, deconstructing the pattern they had once formed.
“Did you just pull a Lucifer or was this all planned?” he coughed as he put out his hand to you, taking a good look at you.
Stuttering in your words you quickly got up and patted yourself off and finally looked him in the eyes, noticing his dark eyes.
“Well, that wasn't supposed to happen, I hoped to fly down here and appear more Angel-like, but I think my overseer had other ideas.”
He said, "Ah," with a bored expression on his face.
“My name is Heeseung, and if you don't mind, I assume you don't.” I guess my name is well-known in Heaven. You're probably the fifth Angel who has appeared in the last year to “assist me.” What a load of bullshit; you can't hide what's already there, you know.”
He made a pouty look as he smirked closer to you before covering his hand with his mouth and saying, “oh forgive me, I suppose I have a potty mouth.”
Panicking at this new light, you smiled and coughed loudly and suddenly, “Before you say anything else, I'd want to inform you that I'm not like those angels we don't talk about. I have a holy standard that I adhere to.
He rushed to your face, rolling his eyes at your innocence, and murmured to you, "well see about that little Ms. Purity."
As you moved back and shook your head, spurring out prayers, you tugged the strings of your bag close to you, seeming irritated. Looking up, you noticed him hovering in mid-air with his arms crossed, waiting for you.
“Whether you're coming or not, I'm in the mood for a cup of coffee. Allow me to go fetch you one so that this whole ordeal between us may be over soon and we can both return to our respective worlds.”
You instantly snap open your wings and shot up into the sky, scoffing at his rudeness, and dash by him, racing to the left.
“It's this way, dummy,” he cackled as he immediately shot out. Embarrassed and annoyed, you flipped over to his side and flew alongside him, praying to the Lord for peace as your rage subsided.
“Lord, so help me”
 “So, what's on the agenda, Ms. Purity? There are a lot of things I'd want to do with you. You know, if you just ditch this whole act, we might be able to have some fun. He winked at you as he sipped his drink while peering across the table.
You shook your head and chuckled, gagging at his remark, "You must get all the girls, you appear really, what's the word, competent" I'm astonished since I assumed everyone down under was inept.”
He smirked and crossed his legs as he lay startled in his chair, cocking his head to the side. It's not that you were trying to be mean; it's just what you were taught. There are no hard feelings.
“Well, as much as I'd like to keep this delightful little date going, I have a commitment to fulfill. You know, duty calls.” You quickly got up and hurried after him, confused as to where he was going, as he shot up in the air and chuckled, waving farewell to you.
“Wait, Heeseung, you can't just go away like that. We need to figure out how I'm going to find you. You're being impolite by getting up and leaving.” You made yourself look insane since you didn't realize no one could see him. You wouldn't want to be labeled as one of these Earthlings.
You beckoned him down, mentally terrified, “Please can you just come down for a damn second.” Your jaw dropped as you hurriedly covered your mouth. Heeseung's jaw dropped when he appeared in front of you, stunned.
“Gasp, I'm hearing a term I'm sure they don't say in Heaven. Hmm, I suppose the Earth changes people.” He went closer to your ear, his warm arm bouncing on your skin as he giggled, his lips inches away from yours.
“I've already entered my phone number into your phone; you do understand what a phone is, right?” Doesn't matter,  I have to get somewhere, and you can locate me later. Okay, I'll see you later.” He swept up in the air and rushed over to the bridge as he vanished into the horizon, rushing out in a haste once more.
You sat back in the coffee chair, wiped your brow, and focused mentally and spiritually, pleading with the Lord for help and forgiveness. You had a feeling this mission was going to be a disaster.
Whining, you threw your hands in the air and sat face down on the table, groaning as you realized this trek. It's no surprise that these honors are well-deserved; it takes a lot of effort.
You cautiously lifted your head and faced the barista after hearing a soft tap on your table. She smiled at you as she set down a piece of paper. You scowled as you inspected the weird set of paper.
“What a jerk, he didn't just leave me to pay for both drinks.” With a shake of your head, you reached inside your bag and drew out a wallet. Your overseer informed you that many people like flaunting and spending their money, so she provided some for you just in case.
As you cleaned up, you began to mentally map out your route through town, mentally picturing the locations and navigating your way home. As you walked over to the cashier, you handed her some money and thanked her before heading out the door.
At the very least, you landed in a fantastic location. It was in the heart of South Korea, and the city was called Seoul, a wonderful metropolis to be sure. You were taught to master specific languages for specific tasks, so communicating wasn't a problem. Despite the fact that you were new in a strange place, you were determined to make the most of it. The first step was to return home and examine the situation.
How to manage Lee Heeseung. 
Arriving at your small abode was an adventure in itself; it didn't take long for you to connect your GPS and get going. It was actually fairly pleasant and provided a change of scenery to enjoy. It's not quite Heaven, but it's still lovely. When you finally arrive at your destination, you look up to see a little, charming apartment in front of you.
They really went all out for you, and it's very much in your style. You'd felt right at home as soon as you stepped inside, as it was more modern and sophisticated.
To be honest, you had no idea what you were doing, but it felt good to have your own little place to do anything you wanted. You could get used to this, no wonder why humans never leave their house. Who would want to leave when you have everything here. Food, entertainment, and a BALCONY!!
As you finished exploring the apartment and basked in its magnificence, you laughed to yourself as you made your way to the couch, sinking into its coziness as sleep took over your mind and body.
*Crunch, thud, bang*
As you lurched forward, you flew up your wings in defense mode, trying to understand what you'd heard.
“Who's there? I have a weapon, and I'm not afraid to use it.”
When you hear a familiar giggle, you look up and see the attractive intruder. Walking over to you and snatching the pillow from your grasp he took your hand and pulled you over to the island where he had prepared some food.
As you took it all in, you smelt familiar scents and smiled, completely forgetting about it until you were reminded again.
“Wait, what are you doing in my apartment, and how did you get in?”
He began to remove some pots and pans from the stove while he placed some food on a platter, saying, "I have my methods."
“I'm not sure what you eat up there in Heaven, but I'm guessing it's all healthy and nutritious food.” You laughed and shook your hand in disbelief while shaking your head.
“I don’t think out of all places we would be eating so strictly. It's basically whatever you can get your hands on.. It's guaranteed to be better food than what you'll find in Hell.”
Pulling the dish away from him, you began to pick at the fries, popping one into your mouth and savoring the flavor, “not bad.”
He bowed in front of you, wiped the sweets from his brow, and returned to sit next to you, grabbing a dish and feeding himself some. As the night progressed, you told him the rundown for the next three months.
“So, despite the fact that you're definitely one of the worst jerks I've ever encountered. For this to function, we'll need to create certain ground rules.” Aiming a finger between you and him. “I'm not sure whether you've ever had to do anything for anyone else in your life, but it's all about serving people around here, and that's why I accepted this assignment. Even if you don't want to help yourself, I want to help you.”
As Heeseung shuffled around in his chair, avoiding eye contact with you, the atmosphere became tense.
“Harsh, but keep going.”
Smiling you continued as you tried to wrap your head around this complex creature.
“I understand that we are supposed to protect and guide you to do good, but it appears that we have progressed far beyond that, and we need to start at the source of your problem, which is most likely your heart or mind. What's going on in both?
As his words danced across your lips, he smirked and drew you closer to him.
“Now there's a secret.” 
Smirking as your face felt warm, you cocked your head to the side and touched his shoulder before getting up and setting your dish in the sink, cleaning up as piercing eyes stabbed your back.
“I understand what you're thinking, and I've got it all under control.”
He approached you and said, "If you say so," as he put his head against your ear.
2 months later 
Everything was certainly out of hand, and he was to blame. Your strategy not only failed, but it was only a matter of time until your overseer found out. And you didn’t want to end up like the last guy tossed from Heaven.
It wasn't all that bad, but who were you kidding, it was a disaster. It wasn't a major shift; rather, it was a series of modest changes. Things like accidentally cursing or hanging out with him at ungodly hours. You convinced yourself that everything was OK.
He drew you into your room and sat you down while hovering over you, gently caressing your body and kissing you.
You smiled and drew him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist and bringing him down on you, closing the distance between you.
Heeseung has been on a mission to damage your "innocent demeanor" for the past two weeks. He intended to show you that it was all a charade and that no one is actually perfect. Despite not knowing what he was going to do, you were up for the challenge. That core part of you didn't take long to succumb to his immoral impulses.
What was the problem as long as you were both happy?
“Heeseung,” you say as he draws you closer to him and unclasps your bra with his free hand. As you slowly rise to assist him, you toss the material to the ground and reach for his sweatpants.
“Someone a little needy, but we are not doing that today. Today is all about pampering my lovely angel. Is it all right?”
Nodding your head, you keep an eye on him as he goes between your legs, halting at the bottom as he eyes your breast and grasps softly as your body adjusts.
“Hurry up,” you grumble as you stare at his sinister grin. As you moan, he places gentle lips along your folds, leaning down to your core. As you twitch under his touch, his finger makes a fast dive between your folds, inciting dampness.
As you whine from the pressure, your eyes flutter shut as he switches his finger out with his tongue, softly licking up your surface.
“mm, close,” you exclaim, your lips wide open as he notices your clit, tongue flicking lustfully against it. As he presses harder on your sensitive region, he laughs as you break apart under his power.
“Oh God, right there.” 
“Please don't involve Him in this.” He hits a place as your high comes crashing down on you, chuckling at your reaction. Heeseung is holding you down and watching you quiver wildly as you release juice, which causes him to swallow it before wiping his mouth. As you fall onto his body, overwhelmed and still sensitive to the sensation, he pulls you up.
He lays your exhausted body next to his and wipes any excess arousal from his mouth before kissing your lips.
You both lay in a comfortable stillness for the remainder of the night, your breathing slowly returning to normal as you sign into his arms.
“Perhaps you're right; we're all just horny, messed-up creatures; I mean, even though what we're doing is completely wrong, it was fun to break the rules. My entire life has been focused on doing the right thing and being this upstanding angel. It's fun to deviate from the norm.” As Heeseung witnessed you erupt in rage, you became agitated.
“You’re cute when you’re mad, also I told you.” You both chuckled as you pushed him to the side before coming to a halt in the middle of your conversation, looking concerned at him.
“However, I leave tomorrow and I don't think I'll be ready to see you off, and this was not in my plan.”
“Shhh, I figured it out; just stick to my plan and we'll both come out on top.”
You sat closer to him, nodding your head and clasping your hand in his as you allowed sleep to take over your body.
As you may know, angels and humans have quite distinct punishments; some humans are never punished for their wrongdoings, whereas angels' actions are usually discovered one way or another.
And you were terrified that they would find out. The person who fell from the edge was not the same person who was returning back and everyone was going to know it. Just not right now, you had to maintain your composure as you approached your overseer.
As you were greeted with the overseer and some guards, you held Heeseung by his chains and whispered something into his ear.
“I see you were having a good time?” You shook your head and looked down, worried. You looked up at her with sad eyes.
“Yes, High Lord, I am aware of my error and what needs to be done in order to be purified once more. I accept complete responsibility for this assignment, but I crack him first, and we have all the secrets we need.”
As he observed you return to the opposite side with the overseer, Heeseung's gaze shifted up in fright. Fearing for his life, he flailed his wings in an attempt to flee.
“What the hell, Y/N, I thought we were on the same team.” How could you betray me in such a way?” You walked over to his trembling body and pushed him down so you were above him, laughing loudly. You patted his shoulder as you cackled.
“And they said angels could be trustworthy. I know what I'm worth, and it has nothing to do with you. Heseeung, please accept my apologies. Get him out of here.” The guards grabbed his chains and dragged him to a chamber across the room from you.
As she began to compliment you on your efforts, the supervisor wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
“I'm proud of you, Y/N, even though you used some terrible techniques. I knew you'd be able to pull it off.”
You grinned joyously and thanked her for her faith in you as you looked up at her face. You cast another peek at Heeseung as she stepped forward, and he winked at you. Smirking before he disappeared into the room you chuckled at his behavior.
Everything was going swimmingly, and no one had a clue. I suppose taking over Heaven would be a simple task; if you can blow up the inside, everything will fall apart on its own.
"How could you hide this from all of us?" "Oh God, you underestimated me."
The Beauty of Sin.
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
➳ Navigate to the Maze
280 notes · View notes
red-doll-face · 4 years
Here is a request for slashers if they're open. My brain does a thing where I am affectionate w a person but if I get nudged away (even if it's just to readjust the position), it goes "oh no. They don't want u to touch them. Do not touch ever again or they will get mad at u. U disgust them." Even tho touch is my love language & it hurts, I just won't touch. If confronted, I will get confused & panicky cuz "u didn't want me to touch? Im respecting ur wishes? Did I miss something?" Its a mess.
Requests are indeed open, I’m sorry I take foreverrr to do these but i hope u enjoy! I don’t know what to call this tho. For simplicity’s sake I’m calling this nervous reader lmao, idk what else to call these.
Slashers x gn nervous Reader
Jason Voorhees:
Jason can very much relate to the feeling. When he first meets you, he’s sure that you’re frightened. He restrains from being too close to avoid coming off as overbearing, doesn't want to touch you because if you flinch he’ll be so hurt. He just assumes he disgusts you. Based on the reaction all of his other victims have when they see him, he’s sure you’ll probably be the same.
Once Jason is sure that you don't feel that way, he’s a cuddle monster. He wants to be close all of the time, holding hands, letting you sit in his lap, you name it. He’s so starved and quickly decides that touch is his love language too. He’s not even sure how he’s lived this long without it.
The only time I can see Jason maybe gently sort of setting you down elsewhere and walking off is when he senses strangers on the property of what once was Crystal Lake. He’s out the door before he can even see your hurt expression, Which is worse because this might lead you to jump to conclusions.
If you distance yourself from Jason, he immediately is thrown off. He can’t directly ask you if he’s done something wrong and when he tries to initiate affection with you and you don’t reciprocate whole heartedly, he’s at a loss.
He’ll get on one knee while you sulk on the couch and give you a silent plea to tell him what's wrong. You can panic and try and avoid it but he is certain there's something going on and he wants so badly to know what he’s done to put you off. You tell him and he immediately is shaking his head no, he could never be mad at you, never be disgusted with you. You’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever had the pleasure of holding, the first, most likely.
Jason nods because he understands how you feel. In the future, he’s persistent about how you feel when he untangles himself from you, making sure you’re ok.
Michael Myers:
In the later stages of your relationship, Michael is insatiable when it comes to being in contact with you. For a long time, towards the start of your relationship, he didn’t like it. It felt weird. All of the touch he's experienced prior was so clinical and sterile that he doesn’t quite know how good touch is supposed to feel. He’s so touch starved that he’s almost positive he doesn't even need it.
Slowly, he builds a tolerance for it, much like one does with alcohol, constantly checking his boundaries and letting him control the situation and he’s all for movie night, huddled up on the couch, or waking up with his head on your chest. His own personal pillow.
There are, however, moments when his need to make someone tremble with fear and then blodgeon them to death with a can opener from their own kitchen becomes too strong, so he tries to keep away from you. In the past, he might have used you to satisfy similar desires of a sexual nature and may have really hurt you but he knows that it’s not always enjoyable to you.
Then, you stop touching him. Much like Jason, he starts to think you’ve become sick of him. Sick of his coldness, his muteness, his withdrawn demeanor. Maybe you’ve moved on and he tries to tell himself he doesn’t care but he doesn't think he can see himself touching anyone but you now.
It gets to the point where he comes home one day and you look heavily troubled, expressions he’s seen on your face before, only in the event that something terrible has happened. You ask to speak to him and he obliges.
You explain that you don’t think this relationship is working, that you’re pretty sure he’s disgusted with you and how difficult this event is because you didn't even want to talk about it but it's been hurting you for too long.
His response is to stand up very slowly, pick you up and lay down with you over him, simply laying there. Hopefully, knowing you’re the one person he would ever allow to participate in this intimacy is enough to show you that you mean more than you think you do to him.
RZ Michael Myers:
This Michael is more perceptive to your touch than his counterpart, your touch sends little shivers down his spine and as soon as he gets pretty used to it, he’s eager for more. This also takes some time but significantly less. He’s enamored with the idea of returning to a somewhat normal life. Your affection grounds him in that fantasy as much as being a murderer might take him out of it.
As he establishes a relationship with you, he may even be the one to start touching you instead of the other way around. He’s read books and always wondered what it might feel like to have someone genuinely touch him without fear in their eyes. Without malice.
An unsuccessful ‘day at work’ might have Michael feeling a little het up though. He can be moody and more rageful. Neither you nor his hobbies can calm him. He seems colder than usual in these states and can come off as very standoffish.
So when you try and touch him and he shrugs your hand off his shoulder, he can’t or isn't in the state of mind to address your frown and worried look. Michael, instead stomps off somewhere to be alone for a while; maybe take his anger out on something else. Some unsuspecting soul or maybe even a poor animal in the wrong place at the wrong time.
After he’s calmed down some, he returns and almost forgot about that sad little gleam in your eye before he left. Michael remembers when he sees you blankly staring at the TV, pointedly avoiding his gaze even as you utter a weak welcome home. It’s not very welcoming. He sits stiffly beside you, watching you from the corner of his eye. You’re closed off from him and he doesn't like it at all.
Migrating towards you slowly, he eases you into a familiar hug, his big bear hugs that are a little tight but inviting all the same. His huge torso and long arms seem to swallow you in his warmth. You hardly reciprocate. You look a little surprised. Though he never addresses it verbally, (which is probably better for you) Michael offers a single glance that communicates everything he needs to say. Don't ever think that again.
Thomas B. Hewitt:
Thomas’ self esteem issues and self image are not good. He honestly doesn’t like to imagine what he looks like to other people unless it can be as a threatening man you don’t fuck with. Meeting you, he realizes that it’s good to protect his family but he’d rather you not see him as someone only capable of harm. Tries his best to get the point across that while Hoyt may be adamant that horrible things happen to you, he’s not going to let them.
Thomas has received affection but always a familial affection. A pat on the back from Monty, proud claps to his shoulders from uncle Charlie, and hugs and kisses from his dear Mother. Nothing so foreign as a strangers touch over his arm or a soft embrace.
Unfortunately, Thomas can get reactive when you attempt to touch him without his mask on. He’s absolutely settled on the false reality that you’ll see his face and immediately decide that you never want to touch him again. Interacting with you with his bare face? That's a no for Thomas.
He puts on his mask that covers the scarred skin over his face and you look dejected. He was preparing for you to pressure him but instead finds himself trying to find out why you won’t touch him now. It’s not his face, is it? You respond with your reasoning. Thomas is so confused. How could you think that you disgust him? That he doesn’t want you to touch him?
He’s quicker than the others and immediately sweeps you up into his arms and holds you as close as humanly possible. Feeling disgusting and like some sort of burden is a feeling he’s so familiar with and if he can take it away from you, he will.
Will aggressively initiate touch with you for the next week or so just to solidify the fact that he cares about you and won't reject you just as you didn’t reject him.
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba is a great cuddle buddy and partner. Hugs are his favorite and he hugs his brother all the time, lifting both Nubbins and Chop Top into the air for some brotherly love. If you’re smaller than them he’s all about picking you up and perhaps a little rough housing with you. He’s careful though or at least there are attempts made to be careful
Bubba, though he could easily spend the whole day doing nothing and everything with you, has work. Chores, butchering. Cooking, and tending livestock. Plenty to do at the sawyer house and he does most of it. Suffice to say there are times when you want to lather attention all over him yet he has to go back to work.
So caught up in work that he doesn't get what's going on til way later, when you’ve had time to stew in your emotions, firmly telling yourself that Bubba is annoyed by you probably. He’s baffled and confused at your silence, your crossed arms. The little furrow in your brow. He can already tell there’s something upsetting you.
Honestly, Bubba is so affectionate I can’t see him being the kind of person even capable of alluding to the fact he might be disgusted by you. How, if all he wants to do is love you? You may bring it up as a joke that you thought he didn’t like you and he almost seems offended. Not like you?
Bubba can squash any feelings you may have about that and then some. He will not let you drown in insecurities, not on his watch. This man will do everything in his power to make you feel beautiful because you really are.
I’m sorry these are super long but thanks for requesting!
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Ok. A little different but I was thinking about Top Gun and I was wondering if you could do an Iceman x Mavericks little sister reader where they meet at a local bar near the base and slowly start falling in love
I hope you like this!😊💛
You Beat Me To It.
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption (moderate)
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As cliche as it sounds, it had all started with an unfortunate accident in the popular little bar near the airbase. 
It was a busy night in the small place, as it usually was, the room filled to the brim with pilots, RIOs, ground staff and civilians. Music blared somewhere overhead, garish lights illuminating the area in their own peculiar way, casting an odd glow over every person there. People gathered and collected around the bar itself, the tenders never kept idle, money flowing in from a variety of hands, the alcohol and beverages keeping spirits alive throughout the bustling room. It had been here that Iceman found himself.
Slider had insisted they went on that night, despite his own reluctance; it had been a long day at the base and all he had really wanted to do was to sleep and rest. Of course, he knew there was no arguing with his RIO, the young man far too persistent for his own good, so naturally the pilot had found himself dragged into the busy bar, a beer shoved into his hand almost instantly. It hadn't taken long for the girls to start flocking to him. 
Iceman knew he was good-looking, so he wasn't surprised that he was quickly engulfed in a crowd of eager women, all of which flirting and baying for his attention, though he could already tell none of them would tickle his fancy. He kept them entertained, joking with them and keeping them on their toes the entire time as he peered at them over his sunglasses, which he insisted on wearing inside, smirking as they swooned over him. Hands seemed to be everywhere, pressing at his shoulders, chest and stomach, feeling over the muscle in his arms, creeping up his neck until he batted them away with a pointed look. Eventually, he had tired of this, however, and went to push out of the gathered group. Misjudging himself, Iceman had then collided with someone else, a surprised yelp escaping the person as moisture spread between them.
Turning to them, Iceman had been ready with a sharp quip, finding himself tongue-tied when he actually saw who had bumped into him.
"Careful, big guy." Is all she said before she collected her composure and left, heading towards the other end of the room, where some others from the airbase were. 
Frozen in place momentarily, he had watched as she went straight to Maverick and Goose, the former slinging an arm around her shoulders as she approached, grins appearing on their faces.
From that moment onwards, the two seemed unable to avoid meeting each other in the bar.
Not even a week later, Iceman had been sat at the bar, thankfully alone for once, slowly drinking from a beer bottle in front of him, the pilot deep in thought. Once again wearing his sunglasses inside, Ice never realised someone had come up beside him to order drinks until they spoke to him directly.
"Last I checked, the sun tends to stay outside." She had commented, tapping her fingers on the countertop as she waited for her drinks.
Looking up, Iceman had once again gone to say something sharp, only to be surprised when he immediately recognised the person standing beside him. 
"Maybe it's not the sun I'm protecting my eyes from." Is all he can manage, pretty stuck under the intensity of her gaze, a somewhat familiar feeling he had when talking with a particular pilot.
"No? What, then?"
"When I've figured it out, I'll tell you."
She had given him a quick smile, then, thanking the bartender as he gave her the drinks, before leaving, returning to the group of aviators she was with. 
Everytime after this moment, every conversation between the two had been started by a sarcastic or teasing comment on his choice of eyewear, both of them often finding themselves at the bar at the same time. It had been after their fifth time meeting that she actually stayed with him for more than a minute, placing herself into the stool beside him as he fought off a couple of persistent girls, her face creased into a barely concealed smirk of amusement. When he'd finally gotten rid of them, she'd passed him a beer with a knowing look.
"You ever gonna take those off?" She had asked him, gesturing to his sunglasses, sipping her own drink.
"Only when you finally tell me your name." Iceman had replied, smirking at her. In their last few meetings, he'd found he'd started to enjoy her company, often looking out for her when he first enters the bar.
"You only had to ask." She shrugged, holding out a hand, "I'm (Y/n)."
Taking her hand, he told her his name before reaching up to remove his sunglasses. 
"Well, I can see why you always have a fan club." (Y/n) acknowledged, smiling at him to show she meant no harm.
"Thank you, but they're a right pain." He laughed, placing his glasses in his breast pocket.
"I can tell." She chuckled, sipping her drink.
"You often come here?" Iceman inquired, curious as to her reason for coming.
"Yeah, pretty often. I meet up with my brother here." She casts him a look, "You might know him. Pete Mitchell? I guess you'd know him as Maverick."
Iceman had done a double take.
"Maverick? He's your brother?" 
"Yep. And before you say anything, he's just as annoying out of uniform as he is in uniform." (Y/n) rolled her eyes, gesturing to the pilot across the room.
"I thought he might be." 
Following this meeting, it wasn't too hard to arrange a repeat of it, the two finding that they enjoyed themselves a whole lot more than they thought they would. Of course, as soon as Maverick had found out his sister was hanging out with his rival, there had been some trouble.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The young pilot had snapped at him a couple of months after he and (Y/n) had first met.
"What are you talking about?" Iceman had responded, looking up from the beer in his hand to acknowledge his fellow pilot.
"My sister, you asshole! What's your deal with her?"
"My deal?"
"Yeah, your deal! What the hell do you want with her?" At this point, Goose had come up to stop his pilot from going too far, laughing it off as he always did.
"She's my friend. I don't want anything with her except that." He had told Maverick, though he knew it was a lie: he had developed a particular affection for the girl, finding her presence very enjoyable to be in at all times.
"Bullshit. I know what you're like, you want to get laid." Maverick had been quick to spit back, this comment feeling particularly unfair.
"No, I don't. (Y/n) and I are friends. Suck it up, dickhead." Iceman bit back, scowling at his fellow aviator angrily now, standing up so that he loomed over him.
"And even if we were more, that's none of your concern, Pete." (Y/n)'s voice cut through their argument, the girl coming to stand beside Iceman, an action that clearly irritated her brother.
"He's not good for you, (Y/n). Stop hanging out with him." Maverick tried to reason with her,
"No, he's my friend, and you don't control me." 
"Come on, (Y/n), I'm just looking out for you." 
Sighing, (Y/n) had then done the one thing that stuck with Iceman for months to come.
"No, you know what? Fuck you, Pete." And with that, she had kissed Iceman on the lips, right in front of her brother. 
It hadn't been a particularly long kiss, or a particularly passionate one, but it had left him wanting more, his lips tingling with want as she pulled away after a second. And Maverick's face afterwards had been totally worth it. 
(Y/n) had quickly left after that, leaving Maverick to go sulk with Goose, Iceman fighting with his morality, before he also got up and followed her from the room. Catching up to her just outside, he had taken her arm in his hand gently, pulling her into him. Without letting her speak, he had kissed her again, glad when she had reciprocated, heart skipping a beat when their lips had moulded together almost perfectly. For what felt like years, they had kissed, neither wanting to let go, not until they had to, at which point they'd pressed their foreheads together and stood still, breathing heavily into each other's faces. At that moment, their relationship had become much closer.
In all honesty, he wasn't expecting her to turn up. 
(Y/n) had been distant in past months, but that was understandable - her brother lost his best friend, so it made sense that she'd want to be there for him to help him through it. Unfortunately, that had meant that interaction between her and Iceman had been sparse, though he had managed to ask her along to his graduation, which he was very much looking forward to. He was certain he'd won the Top Gun trophy with Slider, and he wanted her to see that.
So when he notices her sitting at the back of the crowd as he takes the award, he feels a burst of pride flare to life within him. With her slight absence in recent weeks had come a revelation, a revelation that he intends to tell her today, whilst the confidence of this win is still rife in his body. Nerves run rampant through him, worried that it will go wrong, though he is mostly sure of what he wants to say; somehow, this is worse than flying a plane into battle, the reaction here totally unforeseeable for him for some reason.
As the crowd gathers to congratulate everyone, he politely pushes through them to the back, focused on (Y/n) as she waits for him, a smile on her face. Quick to reach his destination, he laughs as she swiftly runs to him and climbs into his arms, holding him tightly.
"Congratulations, Ice. I'm so proud of you!" She says to him, looking up into his eyes with a broad smile, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Thank you, (Y/n)." He grins back, unsure of whether or not now is the right time.
"Reaching up to play with the hairs at the base of his neck, (Y/n) seemingly considers something, before she leans up to whisper to him.
"I love you, Tom."
His heart nearly stops at her words, body filling with happiness, relief flooding his mind at the thought that she feels the same way.
"You beat me to it. I love you, too, (Y/n)." He hums back, pulling her in for a deeper kiss.
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belfrygargoyles · 3 years
*whispers* I would like to hear what you have to say on reader inserts in the SW fandom because I too have a problem with them and I feel like not enough people are calling it out 👉👈
I’ve made a few posts about it in the past but I think it’s high time I actually Do This and really get into it.
Before I start: 1) This will be in specific reference to fanfiction written for the Star Wars fandom, particularly tcw and the mandalorian eras, 2) A lot of the issues come down to racist fetishization of men of color by white women; I am white, so there is much that is simply not my place to make statements on. What I can speak most on is my take from the gender side of things.
I’d honestly recommend reading this post by @nibeul with addition by @clonehub first, as they discuss the core issue with reader inserts in the Star Wars fandom.
And 3) some of this will involve discussion of sexual acts (as they relate to fanfiction) and sexual fantasies. These discussions will be non-explicit, and no pornographic text or content will be displayed.
Also. I’m GNC and nonbinary. I’m also a very feminine looking person that falls under the generalization of “small and petite.” I don’t have dysphoria, I like my body and the traits I have, and treating them like inherently female sends me into a blind fury. This is, unfortunately, important.
For the sake of making sure I come across as clearly as possible, I will be writing as though the reader of this post has never read or is broadly unfamiliar with reader-insert fanfiction.
Without further ado.
Hey, Star Wars reader insert fic writers? Please get your shit together.
I’ve been reading reader-insert fanfiction since I was a grade schooler waking up early to check Quizilla. I love it! It got me into fandom, kept me engaged, helped me make and develop some of my oldest OCs, and it’s just fun to read and write- it’s like a self-indulgent little gift you can give to a bunch of people all at once. Because who doesn’t like the idea of starring in their own little adventure, usually alongside some of their favorite characters? It can be fun, immersive, get you attached in ways other ways of fandom interaction may not, make you feel just a little bit special, or be a way to express some feelings you might have about canon and the way the story went.
Like any form of fiction, it ends up saying more about the author’s feelings than anything else, whether the author realizes it or not. For many, many authors of reader-insert fanfiction, the primary enjoyment comes from writing “themselves” into the story- before the readers, the author most often makes the “reader character” someone they, themselves, can relate to and substitute for themselves. They write to live out a self-indulgent fantasy they have, and their readers can come along for the ride.
Some writers do actually try to write as diverse or as vague of a reader character as possible- as few details about the body, identity, etc. as possible so anyone could superimpose their image without the narrative directly contradicting it. This is not the kind of reader insert author I will be discussing.
The kind of author I will be discussing is the one most common in the Star Wars tag on Ao3: White, AFAB, cisgender, gender-conforming, able-bodied women who assume all of their readers are also White, AFAB, cisgender, gender-conforming, able-bodied women. Yes, you can tell.
ISSUE: fetishization of men of color
Again, this post puts it in the best words, but there is a rampant problem with Star Wars reader-inserts, particularly those involving the clones, Boba Fett, and Din Djarin, fetishizing characters played by men of color as either “physically aggressive and threatening, hypersexual and dominant, big strong men who are scary because they do violence and fuck constantly when they’re not” or “completely inexperienced baby who doesn’t know anything about things and needs a gentle nurturing guiding touch to introduce him to the mere idea of a vagina.” The former is common across all of them, the latter most common among clone trooper fics or Din/Reader.
I went into the Boba Fett/Reader tag on Ao3, because I like him and hoped to find something alright. Here are some stats I tallied up (give or take some) based solely on tags, summaries, and warnings:
There are 284 works in the Boba Fett/Reader category as of the time of this post.
198/284 are rated E for explicit sexual content. 69.7% of all Boba Fett/Reader works are sexually explicit.
259/284 are in the F/M category. 91.2% of all Boba Fett/Reader works involve an explicitly female or AFAB reader.
24/284 are tagged with or mention “Age difference,” “Older man/Younger woman,” “Innocence kink” or “Virginity kink.” 8.4% of all Boba Fett/Reader works are written explicitly with an age gap, with Boba Fett as the older party
26/198 E rated fics are tagged with or make reference to “Daddy kink” or involve the reader being called some variation of “little girl” by Boba. 13% of all E-rated works under Boba Fett/Reader are daddy kink fics, or allude to Boba Fett being a daddy dom/sugar daddy.
102/198 E rated fics are tagged as, make reference to, or suggest in the summary that Boba Fett takes a dominant sexual role with a submissive reader involving rough or painful play, or make reference to Boba Fett being frightening, physically intimidating, having a power dynamic over the reader, or being possessive or violent. 51.51% of all E-rated works under Boba Fett/Reader portray Boba Fett as sexually dominant and/or enacting use of physical force or pain play.
Just using this as an example, because it’s the easiest stats I can gather and also what made me realize there was a pattern.
The problem isn’t even necessarily that people write explicit fic about Boba- it’s that 1) over half of all fics in the category are explicitly pornographic, and 2) the way those pornographic fics are written. The two things compound on each other. They’re dominance fantasies projected onto a character of color in which he becomes extremely sexual, physically rough with the reader, possessive, and demeaning towards a reader character who is always written as White, AFAB, and petite.
This brings me to the next issue.
ISSUE: The way sexual relationships are portrayed.
Let me clarify so there is no chance of me being misunderstood: sex is good. Liking and wanting and enjoying sex isn’t bad. It is not bad if you are AFAB and have submissive fantasies. It is not bad to be sexually attracted to a man of color. You can write about sex even if you haven’t had it. Writing about sex can be a good way to express some more complicated feelings you could have about certain things. It doesn’t even have to be realistic. It has its time and it has its place.
This being said.
Sexual relationships as they are portrayed in the vast majority of E-rated Star Wars reader inserts are… not great.
The reader is always AFAB. I can think of maybe one fic off the top of my head where an AFAB reader was written with they/them pronouns and not just she/her.
The reader is almost always submissive, the dominant character is almost always portrayed as cis male. Even when the characters are supposed to just be having spontaneous casual sex, D/S or BDSM aspects will be introduced with no prior discussion or talks about it afterwards. Sometimes characters will start using dirty talk and it just does not fit at all, but it’s what the author thought was hot.
Sometimes, it just reads like a quick smutty oneshot. More often than that, it reads like the author doesn’t realize that sex… isn’t always a dom/sub thing. Or that someone can take the lead in sex and that doesn’t automatically make them a dom.
It’s not bad to be inexperienced. It’s not bad to have preferences or kinks or specific turn-ons.
But it gets… tiring to read, over and over and over and over, because that’s all there is.
That and… I dunno, it just has me a little worried? It doesn’t make me feel good knowing so many people can only portray a sexual relationship if it’s dom/sub. I don’t know why it makes me so uneasy.
Vanilla sex isn’t a bad thing I promise. It's this feeling of insistence that something "spicy" absolutely has to happen for it to be worth writing that gives... some weird vibes.
I’m going to move on to the next Big-
ISSUE: Every “reader” character is exactly the same
By which I mean the following:
Always cis AFAB female
If a character is written with gender neutral pronouns they will always be AFAB and written like Girl Lite
I have never seen an explicitly stated nonbinary/gnc reader character unless it was a request specifically for a nonbinary reader
I have never seen a gender neutral reader insert fic where the reader was AMAB
I have seen a grand total of 1 cis male reader fic and 1 trans male reader fic. The trans male reader fic was about dysphoria.
The reader is allowed to have one of the following backstories: slave/runaway, mechanic, medic, ex-Rebel, secret Jedi, bounty hunter.
The reader is allowed to have one of the following personality traits: throws knives, babysitter, completely civilian, WOMAN, says curse words.
The reader is never written with any narrative agency- things only ever happen to the reader character or around the reader character, they are never written to take charge and actually affect things on their own. Essentially the sexy lamp trope.
Remember when I said the majority of people writing Star Wars reader-insert fanfic on Ao3 were White, cisgender AFAB women who are gender-conforming and able-bodied? This is how you can tell.
It’s at this point where you can tell they’re really not meant to be reader-inserts, but author-inserts with the names removed- they were only meant for a very narrow selection of readers.
I’m nonbinary, I’m gnc, and I’m a very feminine looking person, generally speaking. I’m used to people looking at me and assuming oh, girl. I’m at peace with that.
I can barely stand reading some of these fics just because of how much the author emphasizes that the reader is FEMALE shes a WOMAN with BOOBS and a VAGINA and FEMININE WILES. There’s barely ever even a chance to give myself room to mentally vault over all the “she”s and “her”s because then I’m getting hit with Din or someone calling the reader “girl” or “the woman.” It’s unbearable, and I even fall into the general description every fucking fic author uses for their generic protagonist!
Even with the “gender-neutral reader” fics, it is just. Painfully clear that they just wrote a female character and changed the pronouns- no, there is no such thing as “male behavior” or “female behavior,” and I quite heartily rebel against the concept of gender essentialism. And honestly, I can barely even begin piecing together how I know it and what it feels like, because it’s just one of those vague conglomerates of cues and writing patterns I can’t consciously pick up on but I know it’s there- it’s frustrating, it’s demeaning, and it feels like you’d have to threaten these authors at gunpoint to get them to write a reader character who was any major deviation from the same three cutouts they use every time.
It seems like they can’t possibly force themselves to write a reader character who isn’t meek and submissive or has the sole personality traits of “mean and can hit things”- you can actually strike a balance between “absolutely no personality” and “fleshed out oc” you know? And you don’t actually have to tell the reader what their hair looks like or how full their figure is
It’s like 2:20 AM and I started this at like 8something PM but.
I’m someone who loves reader-inserts. I enjoy them. I still check for new ones regularly. I’ve been reading them for well over half my life now.
So many of these authors are just locked in on exactly one way to write things and it fucking shows. It’s like a self-feeding loop, they just keep writing the same things and the same dynamics because they see each other doing it and they never think about taking a step back.
It’s… exhausting. I’m exhausted. If you’re a reader-insert fic writer and you want to improve your reader character inclusivity and have also read this far, you can DM me or shoot me an ask.
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mcbreedme · 3 years
why do you seem so aggressive again cis people? Mainly cis men? It’s not like every since one of them did something that warrants all this hate that you post all the time
Serious answer: because every single day of my life I am surrounded by cis people and their culture, and with that comes the heteronormalisation and binary enforcing of gender, and I am Queer, which goes against every tenet of their societal norm. If you’re sincerely curious about this, I’d recommend reading up about Queer culture in history, and how it was reacted to by the hetero- and cis-expectant norm in society. Read up on Genderfuck, and the response to the AIDs crisis and who it particularly affected, and lavender scares, and the gay panic response.
This is one blog, on one website, on the very large internet, and it’s not even my main blog. I’m not here to make political points, but I’m also not here for the enjoyment and fetishising of straight, cis people on this website, and unfortunately, a lot of the viewing of trans people in n-s-f-w spaces (and even otherwise!) is through a fetishising, ogling lens. Just look at the response in the real world to the idea of gender neutral bathrooms: immediately what comes up places trans people as predatory, dangerous, deviant sexual beings. Viewing us as a porn category, rather than just people. Wondering specifically about what’s between our legs, and how we navigate it in the bedroom - which, unless we decide otherwise, is no-one’s business but our own.
So that’s why I’m “aggressive” toward cis people, and mainly cis men on my blog: because cis men are the most likely to be fetishising of trans people online, and I do not exist to be the kink of a cisgender individual, and I’m not going to spend my valuable time on determining who’s got good intentions and who wants to fuck me as a trophy for their shelf - a serious thing I’ve seen cis people say about trans people.
The reason I ask cis men not to DM me out of the blue in my bio is because any time a cis woman or trans person has DM’d me, it’s usually about something funny, or a compliment, or just to chat. Every single time a cis man that I’ve never spoken to or interacted with before DMs me, it’s either
- instantly a photo of their penis
- instantly telling me how they want to have violent sex with me, or
- sending a few nice messages to lower my guard before sending one of the above.
And the reason I talk about how much better trans people are than cis people is because, genuinely? In my experience? Almost every trans person I’ve ever met has been a good person, and it comes back to my previous point: a lot of cis people aren’t. Obviously, not every trans person is good, and not every cis person is bad, you’re right! But I’m assuming you - the anon who sent this - are cis. If not, my apologies. But if you are, and you’re a normal, good, sensible human being with respect for boundaries and other people, you have nothing to worry about - and, I’m sorry, but the world is built for your comfort far more than mine, so you’ll allow me this little corner of the internet that I’ve made for myself.
Hope that clears it up. I’m probably not going to answer further questions on this.
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lvnatiq · 3 years
Modern!au Felix Escellun x tattoo artist!gn!reader | Headcanons
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a/n: Hey!!! I’m back at it again with my beautifully fucked up request fill. I’m still working on three other things, while I make you wait I took it upon myself to not starve this fandom. So here you have it. Please reblog or comment so that I have a crumb of motivation to keep up.
Should I do a smutty pt. 2 ? Who knows lmao.
Your hand slipped through the pile of designs that your colleague (and your close friend) had sent you to choose and pick apart from.
Unfortunately you were spending the night at the beautiful library of your uni, trying to balance off your school work with your actual work.
You didn’t mind spending your time under the faint scent of books and the mere sound of wood beneath you feet, but what you ‘do’ mind is the fact that the library is way colder than you thought it would be after the midnight.
Good thing that the yearning for finishing your work and leaving as soon as possible made it easier to concentrate on the task at hand.
It also made it easier for you to not notice the presence of an unexpected company.
That was until you felt the warm floral yet musky scent invade your senses as you felt the weight of cotton drape around your shoulders.
You slowly turn your head towards the owner of the coat who’s already making their way out. Desperately trying to find a way to make them stop but failing to raise your voice because of the circumstances.
The last picture of the person buried in your head was their hair caressed by the wind and their quick steps.
Fast forward to a week later, going completely out of luck with finding a place to stay you decide to ask help from your friend whom interestingly has a lot to offer.
With things going a lot smoother than you expected you stopped by the tattoo shop to finish your appointments with couple of customers before you left to meet up with your possible candidate.
“Don’t bother I’ll just call him here so you could talk comfortably.”
Your work seemed to take a lot longer than usual. So you kindly accepted your friends offer as you wrapped up the leftover stuff, finishing up the last customer.
“Hey, oh-“
The sight of your guest tickled your memories as you kept glaring at the glorious figure in front of you.
Felix, completely avoiding eye contact, placed the fallen hair strand behind his ear as he kept his eyes on the table of the tattoo equipments.
You quickly got up as you grabbed his coat from the hanger and walked back where you left him.
“Thank you for the coat, you really saved me back there.”
“Oh- no problem.”
That day you two chatted and melted the ice in between. Deciding to rent the close by apartment and start your roommate era.
Your friend smiled to themselves knowing all too well that felix was completely crazy about you.
Your encounter at the library wasn’t a coincidence either, well don’t think of him as a stalker now, he just dumped a couple of coins in the fountain wishing that you would be there that night. That’s all.
As you two moved in together you realized that there were a lot of things to be ‘caught off guard’ about him but you were most baffled by the tremendous amount of books felix owned.
“Hey Lover boy ! Would you mind recommending me some of them ?”
Felix blushes terribly and you love it so much that you constantly bother him in order to catch a glimpse of his flustered state.
Unbeknownst to you, the pile that felix left on the doorstep of your room was consisted of the books that he thought of you as he read.
Felix, abandoning his night owl habit, decided to fix his sleeping schedule for the better. Definitely not because he wanted to see you at morning before you got off to the work.
Insisting on offering you a ride on your way back home with his nice car.
Nearly every single day.
He knows that it may annoy you but he knows how much you are devoted to your responsibilities so he at least wants for you to save a bit of energy before you dive into the work.
Speaking of his nice car, it tickled your curiosity so you decided to check the price tag on the web and... well...
“Felix... you don’t so some sketchy illegal shit for a living right ?”
“It’s nearly impossible for me to work at the moment because of my studies. Why did you ask ?”
“Your car costs more than the apartment we are living in right now.”
With that, you discover that Felix’s father owns one of the most prominent chains of pharmaceutical companies and that he basically flee from his fathers mansion because he was pressuring Felix to take over his position in the future.
Being his puppet was not a thing to be tolerated in Felix’s book.
That being said, your domestic life with felix was pretty soft to say the least.
Cleaning together, cooking while talking about how your day went or getting to enjoy his expressions while he spilled his frustration against authors that didn’t affect him well.
Occasionally noticing the new cooking books appearing out of nowhere
and the delicious smell of food welcoming you after work, quite often than you expect.
Finally, more skinship.
One day whilst you two got through the gates of your apartment block you noticed the open doors of the elevator so instinctively you held Felix by the hand and ran into the mirrored box.
What you didn’t notice was the fact that you didn’t let go of his hand as you two went up.
From that day on Felix used every single opportunity to sneak his hand into yours.
Don’t blame him, it’s just that your hands are warm and the feeling of security that radiates from your fingertips is his medicine.
You absolutely avoided to tease or point it out to him because you knew that he would never do it again so you went with the flow.
You really enjoyed it though.
Snaking your arms around his waist while he is organizing the bookshelf. Feeling him shutter into your arms.
Nights became more and more enjoyable once he started to accompany you.
Everytime you caught him slacking on the sofa, you used his lap as a pillow.
Felix is extremely easy to figure out, mainly because he can’t hide anything.
Also, well
He is ticklish and you use his weakness against him, a lot.
Diving your fingers down to the sides of his tummy you started to tickle every possible sensitive spot you could catch on.
“Spit it out.”
“I-I wan’t you to- give me my first tattoo.”
Telling his words apart from his adorable giggles, needless to say you were ecstatic.
“Alright. What do I get in return ?”
“Name your price.”
You thoughtfully stared at the ceiling, humming as you blurted out your very obviously well thought out response.
“I want you to show me what keeps you up all night.”
You can’t be serious.
If you asked for an organ, he would’ve been more compliant.
You didn’t know what you got yourself into.
You basically asked for him to show you his ‘masterpieces’ that he showcases on AO3. Something that you were already well aware of.
“Deal ?”
“No !”
“Good ! Let’s see what you got.”
Felix anonymously contributed to the community by writing some of the most famous slow-burn stories on the web.
Just so you know, his author persona blew up thanks to the mind blowing, earth shattering smuts he wrote.
Yeah you heard that right
Well he is fucking panicking now.
Nonetheless days kept on going as felix prayed each night to every single deity that you forgot your ‘deal’.
The days go on even if his worries don’t.
Did I say that Felix is a whimpering, whiny mess ? he struggles to stay in one position as the needle drags upon his skin.
“If you plan to keep on moving, I might as well strap you down felix. 5 more minutes and then we are done. Please behave.”
When you put it like that how can he refuse I mean you made things worse he is internally screaming at what you just said but he is not going to refuse a command when it’s given by you.
In exchange for giving him a tattoo you decide to let him give you one even though he’s inexperienced.
He’s terrified because he thinks that something would go wrong, his hand would slip or something and he would scratch that pretty skin of yours with a horrendous tattoo.
But you assured him nevertheless and offered him to draw something very minimal and easy. He accepted eventually.
As it turns out Felix is a natural. His hand is extremely steady and the tattoo turns out great.
Throughout the process he’s constantly asking if you’re hurt because he thinks that he’s doing something wrong but in fact he’s very delicate and gentle with the strokes and his touch.
You decide to be evil and use it against him. After you touch up your tattoo you lean in very closely and turn your cheek towards him.
“What are you doing ?” He stutters.
“I can’t possibly ask you to kiss my freshly made tattoo, so won’t you give me a kiss so that it heals faster.”
If his hands were steady before they weren’t now.
As soon as his lips left your cheek you held him by his wrist and pull him back close again so that you can lean in onto his ear.
“Don’t think that I’ve forgotten our deal. I am excited to see what you have in store for me tonight.” You winked.
Then the worst thing happened
The “tonight” came.
Felix was running in circles around the living room with one hand on his forehead wondering what could get worse after this.
Maybe you’ll be disgusted or scared hell if he knows.
He wanted to do nothing to harm your relationship in anyway because you and what you two have is all he ever wanted.
...and he believes that he has a tendency to ruin things.
But what happened was beyond his expectations.
Your eyes followed every single sentence throughout the screen, the white light traced your expressions as your eyebrows raised up and down and the corners of your lips inched closer to your ears. Your lower lip became a victim of your teeth’s assault.
He was so confused. Still waiting for you to lash out or make fun of him, at least.
“I used to think ‘what am I gonna do with you’ when it comes to you. Mostly out of frustration.”
Yet here you were with the laptop closed shut and your arms behind your head as you closed your eyes and groaned.
Slowly the smile plastered on your face grew.
”Now I know what to with you.”
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Romanced Companions reacting to Sole sitting on their lap while they're sitting on a couch or chair? 👀
"Well look at you, Youre more than welcome to sit on me anytime lad/lass."
Cait takes this as invitation of "be as dirty as possible". Have no fear, she will back off if you don't indulge the first time. Honestly? It's more of an automatic response for her, however you reputable showing her genuine affection that doesn't lead straight to sex will break down this subconscious wall and soon you'll find her being the one that wants to be held.
"Oh..oh wow. Excusez-moi, Curie didn't expect you to do this. Please, stay..this is quite enjoyable."
She had no idea how nice it felt to be so close to someone. Sure, she had kissed you and such- but there was something so sweet yet light hearted about this that made her little synthetic heart sing. As such, she'd simply wrap her slender arms around your shoulders and settle into the contact.
"It's a good thing I don't have my power armour on. Come here.."
Believe it or not, Paladin Flustered wouldn't actually get too..well..flustered when you do this. I think it's fair to say that Danse is touch starved, so having you be so straightforward with your actions pleases him. He probably wouldn't admit it, but Danse often times craves your affection. So, to properly savoir the moment, Danse would wrap his muscular arms around your waist and give a gentle squeeze. He'd then lean into to press a kiss to your cheek before resting his head in the crook of your neck, his stubble rasping against your skin as he did. Be careful, he might go to sleep if you don't watch him close.
"I think I can get used to this.."
I think we all know that Deacon isn't entirely fond of physical contact. Thankfully, you seem to be an exception to his intolerance. At least..Youre getting there. As silly and light hearted as Deacon is, affection is serious- as such, he'd hold you in a gentle grasp and just sit there.
"I think I can think of something a bit better for you to sit on, but hey, suit yourself."
Sitting on Gage's lap is almost a sure fire way of initiating sex. Nevertheless, he'd torture you for a while. Keeping you flush to his chest as his whispers sinful things to you, all the while his hands begin to wander. Just slap him if you're not in the mood. He'll laugh it off.
"Whatcha think Sunshine, am I a comfy seat?"
Oh boy. What have you just done? Hancock eats this up with devilish delight. Provided the two of you secluded, he may just push his luck and start pressing little kisses to your shoulder, which then lead up and..well you get the gist.
"Fine, but you're not going anywhere anytime soon."
He's so chill with it, it's almost unlike Mac. He'd just roll his pretty crystal like eyes and lay back on whatever he was sitting upon. Alas this means you don't really get to sit on his lap..however you do get to cuddle him.
"Well, you've definitely succeeded in distracting me of my duties. Well done. Unfortunately for you, this is a welcome interruption- so I win."
The very second you try this, Arthur will stop you. Don't worry, you won't get pushed away. Instead he'll causally guide you to turn around so rather than sit on his lap per se, you end up more or less straddling him and facing him. Once he succeeded in this, he'd grace you with a self satisfied little smirk of his..but most noticeably, his eyes held no hint of mischief. His eyes granted a peek of what he was- just a young boy in love with something other than military prowess.
"I've missed you too. Now, would you be interested in helping me out with this file?"
The sheer amusement Nick got out of your antics made his robotic heart feel as though it was skipping a beat. Alas, he was as composed as always. He'd simply place his head over your shoulder, completely enveloping you in his arms before pointing to specific lines in the mentioned manilla folder containing the "file".
Old Longfellow:
"Now that's what I'm talking about.."
You kidding? You just made that old drunk's day. His ocean blue eyes would ignite in an obviously pleased mischief, a smirk forming at his lips as he purposefully maneuvered you flush against him.
"Sheesh, I know, I'm irresistible."
Piper would be taken so off guard by you doing this. However, she is nothing if not capable of "going with the flow." Even if she wanted to do a little happy dance on the inside. Instead she'd settle for kissing your nose and calling it a dub.
Being "smooth" ordinarily came quite easy for the charismatic man, however in your presence that seemed to all but take a flying leap out the metaphorical window. Bewildered by his own nerves, Preston would just sort of grin with a silly laugh- a blush ever so slightly creeping up his face all the while.
"Hey baby.."
By the time the two of you have time to relax like this, it's probably well into the evening whenever Sturges has finished up his daily repairs. This may mean that he is sweaty, a little smelly..but honestly? Who isn't nowadays? Regardless, he'd languidly wrap his arms around you and give a gentle grin- maybe even close his eyes and bask in the moment as his sore muscles began to gain some reprieve.
"What..what am I supposed to do with my hands..?"
Don't take his words to heart. He truly doesn't know what to do. His heads spinning, his mouth running dry..it's unlike anything he has  ever felt. In hindsight, he probably could've been smoother but oh well. You make him weak, isn't that good enough?
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
A Kiss at Midnight
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: At Tony’s New Year’s Party, you notice Loki is upset. He’s hesitant to tell you what’s wrong, but when he finally confesses, the coming year suddenly seems so much brighter. Warnings: mainly fluff with just a tiny bit of angst A/N: Happy New Year everyone! May it be filled with nothing but love and joy. Thank you all for supporting me. I’m looking forward to producing even more content in the coming year! Enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Yet another party was raging on around you. There had been far too many this past year, in your opinion. At least this one wasn’t just because Tony was throwing it on a whim. No, tonight was New Year’s Eve. Even so, you would argue that the music was blasting just a little too loud, and everyone was shouting just a little too much. Maybe those were directly affecting each other, you thought with a small laugh.
You glanced over to where the God of Mischief, your best friend, was standing, looking rather glum. After having made the rounds, you were on your way to the corner he had sequestered himself in. If there was anyone who disliked these parties more than you, it was Loki. Too many people, too many glares, he would tell you. It made your heart break a little more every time. Despite your best efforts, you’d only found one reporter willing to write an article on Loki in a positive light, and they only ran a small, though considerably popular, blog. Everyone else just seemed to think it too much of a risk. All these depressing thoughts brought a frown to your face as you approached the god.
“Darling, is everything alright?” he questioned once you reached him. “Are you feeling ill? Or perhaps it is just this blasted party?”
“The second one, I suppose,” you chuckled. “I’m more worried about you, though. How are you doing?”
It still always took Loki aback for a second when you asked him something like that. He smiled at you and took your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. It made your heart skip a few beats. Yes, he was your best friend, but you wished he was even more than that. But he needed this friendship, you knew, and you wouldn’t take that from him if the feelings weren’t reciprocated. And let’s face it, it was unfathomable that he did return them. After all, you were just you, and he was a literal god. You pushed the thought out of your mind as he replied.
“Oh, same issue as you, really. You know these parties are not really my speed,” he said, wrinkling his nose. “I must say, however, that they are far more bearable when you are by my side. Dare I say, even enjoyable.”
You giggled a little as that beautiful glint you loved returned to his eyes. “Then perhaps you’ll indulge me and join me for a dance?”
“I suppose I will,” he sighed in mock exasperation. “But only because you asked so nicely.”
Still holding your hand, he led you to the dance floor. Of course, as soon as you made it there, a slow song began to play. Just your luck, you thought, though you weren’t sure if it was good or bad. On the one hand, you were getting to dance with your crush. On the other, it was a painful reminder that was all this was; you weren’t actually dating the beautiful god.
You shyly smiled up at Loki, afraid you were about to make a fool of yourself. Knowing he was far more graceful than you, you let him take the lead. Your right hand stayed clasped in his left, as his other hand guided your left one to his shoulder before settling on your waist. He gently tugged you closer so that your chests were pressed together, your head naturally dropping to rest on his shoulder. It seemed to surprise him that you didn’t mind being so close, but once he got accustomed to the idea, he placed his head atop yours. It was a perfect moment, and you pushed all your anxious thoughts out of the way so you could just enjoy it.
“Thank you, Loki. For dancing with me, I mean,” you said as the music stopped, lifting your head but standing just as close. “That was amazing.”
“Thank you, too, darling. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I do not suppose you would want to stay and dance again?” he asked, uncertainty obvious in his voice.
Before you could answer, Peter came pushing through the crowd, calling your name over the constant noise. You gave Loki an apologetic look and pulled away to greet the boy as he reached you.
“The foosball table is finally open!” Peter exclaimed. “Mr. Bucky is just finishing his game with Mr. Rogers, and then it’s all ours. Oh, and hi Mr. Loki. Do you want to come too? You can play the winner.”
“That is alright, spiderling. I will skip, but thank you for the generous offer. You two have fun.”
“Ok. If you’re sure,” you said. You squeezed Loki’s hand one more time before leaving. “I’ll see you later, ok?”
He nodded his head and walked in the opposite direction Peter led you. You sighed, assuming that he went back to his corner. Was it bad you already missed being held against him? Probably, but you couldn’t help it. Maybe if you were lucky, he’d still be in the mood to dance again later. Even if it wasn’t another slow dance, maybe he would hold your hand as he spun you round the floor.
After three games of foosball with Peter, two of which you lost, you got a couple Shirley Temples: one for you and one for Loki. Unfortunately, he wasn’t where you expected him to be, and your eyes scoured the room to find him. It was like he had disappeared. Then you spotted the door to the roof and were struck with the gut feeling that you’d find him out there. Still holding the drinks, you pushed the door open with your back. Your eyes immediately landed on Loki, his arms leaning on the railing as he stared off to some unknown point in the distance.
“Hey,” you said, offering him a glass, which he accepted with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. You leaned back against the railing, too. “I was looking for you. What are you doing our here?”
“Just taking a break from the crowd, I guess,” he replied with an unconvincing shrug. “How did your game go?”
“I lost, but it was fun.”
“That is good.”
You lapsed into silence, some unspoken issue in the air between you. The last thing you wanted to do was pressure Loki into telling you what was going on, but you could see something was wrong. It upset you that he didn’t trust you enough to let you in, but even more than that, you were upset that he was going through anything in the first place. Instead, you decided to focus on something positive.
“Here’s to another year of friendship,” you said, raising your glass in a toast. “I look forward to it, Loki.”
“Yes. Another year of...friendship,” he echoed, halfheartedly lifting his drink, too, though you could tell he was doing his best to be more enthusiastic.
“Ok, that’s it. Tell me what’s up. You know you can trust me with anything, right?” you asked, laying a hand on his arm.
“Yes. After all, it is like you said; we are friends.” He practically spat the last word, and you involuntarily flinched away from him a little, feeling bad when a look of hurt danced across his features. “I am sorry, darling. I should not have lost my temper. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Maybe so, but something’s wrong. I know you didn’t mean it, but I also know that something is bothering you.”
“Oh, darling.” He set your drinks down on a nearby table and cupped your cheeks. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You were just yourself, Loki,” you replied, putting your hands on top of his. “That’s what you did.”
He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he reopened them, his blue-green irises bore deep into your soul. “If I confess something to you now, do you promise to tell no one else?”
“Loki, of course. Your secret’s safe with me.”
His eyes searched yours for another minute before he backed away from you. Your hands dropped to your side as he paced a little. You already missed the contact. He was still obviously on the fence of whether or not he should tell you whatever was on his mind. You nervously rocked back and forth on your heels as you felt his own palpable anxiety in the click click click of his shoes on the floor. Suddenly, he stopped in front of you and stared at you for another moment more.
“I am in love with you,” he blurted out, visibly cringing at his lack of eloquence. He took a deep breath and tried again. “What I mean to say is, well, what I said. I am in love with you. And while I value your friendship more than anything else in this world, I have come to desire more.”
“What?” you gasped in utter disbelief. “Loki. I don’t believe this.”
“It is ok if you do not feel the same,” he said, taking a step back. “Nothing has to change if you do not want it to. But, please, I do not want to lose you completely.”
“No, Loki,” you hurried to fix the misunderstanding. You took a step forward so that the distance he’d put between you was gone. “I don’t believe it because I do feel the same. I just never imagined that you did.”
“You truly do?”
“With all my heart.”
At the same time, you both moved to close the gap between you, kissing each other with a passion too long hidden. As you stood there, two hearts becoming one, you could hear the people inside begin the countdown. You pulled away, eyes shining and lips red.
“I propose a new toast,” you began. “To our new relationship in a new year. To our love.”
“To our love,” he echoed again, much happier this time. “Forever and always.”
“Forever and always.”
As the countdown reached its end, you and Loki kissed again, sealing the promise you’d made. Here with Loki, you knew one thing for sure: This was going to be a good year.
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
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Thank you so much for the nice words! I really care about Uta so they really flatter me. And thanks for the request! I hope you like it!
36- Tokyo Ghoul- Uta, Itori x Human!Reader headcanons
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- Uta has very delicate and sweet manners, even if he is not the type of blatant gestures and romantic acts, there will not be a moment when you will doubt his affection. The time you spend together is of quality, both in moments of joy and in those of seriousness, both enjoying each other's presence.
- Once you are in harmony with him, Uta will give you a mature and stable relationship. He is good at reading people, and for you who enjoy his intimate affection, he will always have an eye. You will each be a mutual support for the other.
- Uta has very delicate and sweet manners, even if he is not the type of blatant gestures and romantic acts, there will not be a moment when you will doubt his affection. The time you spend together is of quality, both in moments of joy and in those of seriousness, both enjoying each other's presence.
-His ghoul of him will be a subject he will deal with delicately with you, trying not to scare you too much, but at the same time he expects to be totally accepted by you. You will not change his pessimistic view of the world, nor will you erase the sadistic and hedonistic side of him, but you will have priority for him and you will come first of all this.
-Your human being, on the other hand, makes you extremely special in his eyes. You are the person he honestly did not expect, that he did not expect to fall in love with. In a way, however, deep down, he believes that he could never fall in love with anyone else but you.
-Uta has an extremely complex personality, but that does not mean that he is not aware of himself. He knows exactly where to go with you, how to treat you and what he has to protect you from. You will never see the violent side of him, unless it is necessary for your own safety.
- Yours is not a secret relationship, but neither is it overly proclaimed. Only close friends and people Uta trusts blindly will know about you, particularly if they could protect you instead of him.
- Being with him means giving up a lot. No dating with friends, no introductions to families, no romantic dinners between the two of you ... that's why in your intimacy he tries to make your relationship as normal as possible. At the end of the day, for example, when the two of you can get together, the moment you share coffee (or coffee and your favorite drink) becomes extremely important and enjoyable for the two of you.
- It is right that the difference in nature that exists between you two should be forgotten. Despite this, Uta certainly enjoys teasing you with his words that are always so calm and pungent at the same time: "I could eat you, you know?", "I eat you.", "You are edible, that's why I am with you", are phrases that could going out of him multiple times, but never once would he allow you to feel like a simple meal. Being able to joke about this is also a demonstration to him that you are the right person.
- Kisses are something extremely delicate and precious. They are not that frequent, more for his sensitivity than yours. His lips in direct contact with your skin frighten him, and he can't explain the feeling he has. Despite this, however, it is pleasant, and that awareness of the danger that exists within him becomes stimulating for both of you as your intimacy increases.
- In general, the relationship with him tends to be quiet and peaceful (as long as you are not involved in things greater than you). They are not frequent, but there is no lack of affectionate words from him when it is necessary for you to hear them.
-Also, it's something he'll struggle to admit out loud, but he loves to see you laugh. If he sees you cheerful and happy, it will be natural for him to smile without even knowing it. This is how important you are to him.
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- "My precious human." You will often hear it from her, in different tones of voices and with different expressions on her face, but she will always tell you.
- If for Uta falling in love with a human can be a surprise, for Itori it becomes even bigger. Maybe it will take her a while to understand how much she actually cares about you, not so much for naivety but rather for disbelief. Despite this, once she has decided that she wants you, it no longer matters to her whether you are a ghoul, human or whatever, the important thing is that you belong to her.
-She will remind you very often, however, that she is a ghoul quite explicitly -of course once this is established and accepted-. It's tempting for her to wield that kind of power over you and gleefully tease you with that kind of humor of her.
-Obviously she too expects to be accepted by you as she is, and once you are able to do this you will really have her more total trust.
-Her behavior changes dramatically when she feels that something threatens your safety. You are her human and her lover, she needs you and she needs you to be happy. Now she wants to spend her life laughing and having fun with you, and won't let anyone take you away from her, nobody can take the right to hurt you.
- She also likes it when you are considerate of her, however. As mentioned before, she likes to feel important, so when you are the first to give her gestures of affection, you will see a very sweet smile appear on her beautiful face.
- The relationship between you two is undoubtedly quite obvious, with due caution. She may talk to some people about you as if you were a toy, but that's just to protect you from both ghouls and humans. Unfortunately, she is not able to hide too well the relationship you have from the eyes of others so she must necessarily find some tricks. The true feelings she has for you are only revealed to a few close friends however - probably the only ones who could really understand what she feels would be Uta and Renji -.
- Once she has chosen you she will completely put her trust in you. This also means that she won't be hiding not only her ghoul side, but her sadistic side as well. That doesn't mean she'll ever really show it to you – it might be dangerous to you - but she'll tell you about it often and willingly. It is also her part of her, and she is sure that you can love her despite this, otherwise you would not have chosen her.
-Her kisses will know how to be tender and sweet, as provocative and dangerous. She might even think about biting you every now and then - obviously safely - or licking your blood, just to play with you for a while. It is however something intimate between you two, and she will always do it with awareness of her state at that moment.
- In general, being with Itori could really lead you to new and extraordinary experiences - in all areas -. As dangerous as it is a relationship, one that could end badly for both you and her, the two of you are careful to enjoy it at any moment. Now that you've found each other, it would be a waste of time to spend your time together worrying about what's going to happen.
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
Do you do requests for Megumi? If so what about reader gets hurt on a mission and he rushes to their side when he finds out. Reader is assuring him it’s fine but he loses it realizing he could lose them at any time. And maybe they could comfort each other through some loving smut 😅
Feel free to delete if you don’t do this!
Absolutely!! My spiky haired bby 🥺 anoni, sweets, I couldn’t bring about the smut, my brain just isn’t going there for some reason 😭 I’m sorry!!
Megumi going off after his s/o gets hurt!
It happened before, Megumi watching on as a particularly strong curse or curse user lands a hit on your frame and leaves you with some type of wound. The murky swirling in his stomach as he sees your blood seep out of your skin while the thought of losing you has happened before, too. Yet that swirl of nausea, hate, worry, and fondness for you never wavered; he never grew accustomed to it. Like exorcising curse after curse, instances like these (not to mention those with your places swapped) had happened more times than either of you could count. It was just part of the trade. Or so that’s what you told him every time as a means of calming him. It had the opposite effect.
Fushiguro Megumi’s vision completely blurs as he sics his cursed hound on the fiendish being that hurt you, that dared lay a scratch on you. His ears ring, tongue dry, as he rushes to your slumped-over body, and it takes him a moment to discern whether you’re conscious or not. The cracked crater nestled in the concrete wall behind you was of great concern, seeing as it was created by the impact of your body slamming into it. He called your name, over and over, to get something out of you when he knelt down to you and shook your shoulders, the surprise his Demon Dog brought to its opponent giving it the opportunity to strike it dead. Or exorcised, rather.
Ten minutes.
You had split up ten minutes ago - and yet this happened. Damn it! This particular curse was of a much higher level than you’d been informed, and it had enough intelligence to band with other curses. Hence why you separated.
You jolt back to awareness, not having lost consciousness like he thought, and squeeze his wrists lovingly as you look up at him with a smile to tell him you’re okay. You see relief wash over him momentarily, but it’s muddled with something else. Concern or fear - maybe both. You brush some of his hair back out from his eyes, gentle smile still in place. “Hey,” you grab hold of his cheek, “I’m fine, really.”
“Seriously!” You gesture at your body. “Probably a hairline fracture here and there, a couple bruised ribs, maybe some cuts and scrapes, but nothing bad! I’m fine, babe!”
He obviously doesn’t buy it, as that almost comical, classic “I call bullshit” trademark Fushiguro expression is sent your way, before he sends a characteristic remark of, “You call all that ‘nothing bad?’”
Your enjoyment of exasperating him is short-lived, as it’s not soon after that he pulls you into his chest, hand cradling your aching (and probably concussed) head while the other grips your shoulder hard enough to almost hurt. “Stop trying to be cool by pretending you’re fine,” his tone is chiding and if you’re honest, it kind of smarts. “This kind of life isn’t one that forgives. No Jujutsu sorcerer dies without regret.” The mention of regret obviously meant his own, if you were to die at a curse’s hand, or every time you were wounded. “And very few of us get to die on our own terms. Do you understand?”
You bring an arm to reciprocate his affection. Unfortunately for you, the shoulder of your other arm was dislocated; otherwise, you would’ve hugged him as tightly as you could, as if to say, “it’s alright, I’m still here.” But you’re unable, so you settle with just one arm. “Megumi-“
“That’s means that, at any moment, any day, any minute, any hour, I could lose you.” Megumi pulls away from you, eyes intense as they glare into yours and glisten in the moonlight. His hands lay firmly on your shoulders. “And don’t tell me it’s ‘just a part’ of what we do! I’m tired of hearing it. I know that. But it doesn’t scare me any less when you get hurt.”
“Yeah, well, it’s the same for me, you know,” you mutter, looking away and furrowing your brows.
Megumi sighs - not at you, but at himself. Had he gotten so wrapped up in his own worry that the fact you could relate to his worry became drowned out to his awareness?
With that possibility running through his also-probably-concussed head, Megumi drops onto his rear end next you and leans his back against the wall. He’s quick to apologetically wrap an arm around you, and you accept by nestling your head on his shoulder as you both fall silent. After a while he seems to relax, the previous tension in his muscles being from his high guard, and he places a gentle kiss on the crown of your head.
“You’re pretty beat up yourself, mister,” you jab playfully, poking him in the ribs and earning yourself a pained grunt to prove your point.
“Yeah,” he breathes with a hint of acknowledging humor, “that’s nothing new.”
You giggle.
But you’ll both make it. That’s nothing new.
And you could only hope it stays that way.
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