#unhappy vent
lepetitdragonvert · 2 months
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Les plus beaux contes du monde, recueillis et contés par Vratislav Stovíček
Éditions Gründ, Paris
Artist : Zdenka Krejčová
A Legend of the Dandelion : The Love of the Southwind God
Pampélichka ou les amours malheureuses du Vent du Sud
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iamstargirlposts · 9 months
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I don’t really know how to say this in a better way so imma just say it
If you think John Dory is a bad character then respectfully, you have no idea what being an oldest sibling is like.
He didn’t abandon his brothers. He was pushed to a point of having to be responsible for four younger brothers, ranging from baby to teenager, trying to coordinate and pull off good if not perfect shows, trying to help Rosiepuff raise both them and himself while also dealing with trollstice and the troll tree while also struggling with an ever growing *need* to be perfect. It doesn’t matter how much you love your siblings- if you’re stressed enough, you’re going to snap and you’re going to snap at them. And you know what? He probably hated himself for that too. And for the fact that he couldn’t be perfect. Any oldest sibling knows the guilt of not being good enough and presumably tearing down their younger siblings in the process…it’s awful. No fuckin wonder he walked away, bro was what, 17?? 18??? He shouldn’t have had to do that. And he didn’t just abandon his brothers knowing what was gonna happen to Branch. From his perspective, he walked away knowing full well Spruce and Clay could step up, and that Rosiepuff would still be there. He had no way of knowing Branch would end up alone and gray, because if he did, he never would have left.
John Dory is not a bad character. He loves his brothers.
Edit: some people are saying he didn’t come back until he needed something. He came back to an empty troll tree- he thought his brothers were dead. He probably only left for a few months or so! He didn’t abandon them. He had every intention to come back and did. His family was just gone.
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f4gwithf4ngs · 6 months
wish i had top surgery so when i make out with someone they can have their hands roam under my shirt (or even be shirtless) without me shriveling into a dried up worm
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bitter-and-dumb · 1 year
Is this person actually problematic or am I just looking for signs to run away because of my fear of commitment and my dislike of people?
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temiree · 1 year
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I was feeling pretty meh last week, emotionally, so I drew this to get some of those feelings out. I'm okay now! But I do need to work on resolving the thing(s) that caused the emotional dip to happen in the first place.
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blogging-time · 6 months
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Controversial take, but-
Poor community interaction, a lengthy hiatus, non-existent promotional material, a failure to deliver on past promises, and an overdependence on merchandise ads have seriously impacted "Sanders Sides" public reception.
"Sanders Sides/Sanders Asides" used to be one of the most promising freely available ongoing series on YouTube. However, the team has seemingly failed to keep widespread community interest alive in 2023.
I understand that there are numerous reasons behind the hiatus. I'm not faulting Thomas for needing time. We, as fans, are not entitled to free content. That is not the message I'm trying to convey here. Instead, I am merely venting over the fact that this series may not survive to see its long anticipated conclusion if Thomas and his team don't take further action to keep it at the forefront of peoples' minds.
While active Patreons have allegedly been informed of major upcoming plot points, very little is said about "Sanders Sides" publicly. I'm unsure why decisions such as these were made, or if Thomas even has a dedicated social media manager.
87k views within 48 hours is remarkably low for a series that used to hijack Tumblr's "Trending Now" page within an hour of a new episode releasing.
As someone who really wishes to see this series succeed, I hope things improve in 2024.
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todostoast · 1 month
moment of silence rn for everybody who has mommy issues
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taldigi · 6 months
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kosomolski-dolls · 8 months
So... last year, I've been bad and got 2 Luts dolls that I planned to make into Hagi and Matsuda.
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Matsuda, I wasn't too sure about at first, but the sculpt worked better than I had anticipated.
Hagi, I was sure would work, the Bliss sculpt has these droopy eyes and slight smile, and after making the wig, I was confident.
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I only didn't really like that his eyes were soooo small, so I thought I'd open them up just a bit to make him look just a bit more awake...
Well, already after doing the mod, I got second-guesses about my decision because now he looked a lot cuter and younger.
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But I thought, ok, let's try anyway, so I have him a faceup and... yeah. Very much second-guessing my choices 🥲 he looks very young and kinda too feminine (I know the face is also too round for Hagi, but since it worked for Hiro as well, I overlooked that).
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Yeah... we will see what I'll do now.
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dolxiba · 3 months
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oopsarboreal · 20 days
grief doesn’t always come in waves. you can see waves coming. sometimes you’re in still waters and it drags you down outta nowhere
the daydreams stopped working. it’s just real, it’s very real
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bunnighost · 1 year
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keldae · 9 months
We are sickly and require pictures of cats. Go forth and obey.
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rotwhyler · 2 months
sent my biology teacher a message yesterday to be like, hey, this is a lot of information to take in all at once and i am feeling nervous and a bit like a fish out of water, do you have any tips or resources that could help. because i haven't taken any sort of science class in damn near a decade and it is a little scary to be thrown right into biology!
and this motherfucker replied to me "welcome to my class! first of all, read things more than once." and then a couple more lines that weren't as outrageous but also were not helpful (he kinda ignored my whole question about tips or resources) but like...is it just me or is that really assuming/rude? to imply that i did not have the common sense to go over the learning materials more than once. i have been told that yes, that was rude, so i feel a little less crazy but man. it kinda put me off and made me feel like an idiot, and now i'm having a hard time getting started on schoolwork today because i am feeling sore over it.
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Having a friend with mental health issues is actually terrible, because you have a normal, everyday conversation, and then they make a self-depricating joke or a joke about suicide. And they laugh, and you should laugh too, you know about coping with humor, but you can’t because you worry too much. You know them from a long time, and you remember the highs and you remember the lows, and your stomach gets tangled into a knot. You should laugh, but it’s too late, the mood is ruined now, they stop smiling and you hate yourself for making things awkward. So force a smile, but it’s fake, and they know you too much, and you actually just made the whole situation worse, and you hate yourself. You wish you could lie better or care less or just be different but this is how you are, and you had loved ones before struggling with this shit, and you are worried, and you don’t know how to give them what they need. You don’t even know what they need, you never understood people, and you want to, but it’s like there is a glass wall separating you. And you’re scared that you’re gonna let them down, and you try harder. It’s like walking on eggshells, but you don’t actually see the eggshells and you aren’t even sure there are any eggshells at all, because you’re overthink everything and this was supposed to be a normal conversation. You can’t have a normal conversation, because you overthink. So you try to be better, and next time you laugh, but still aren’t sure, if this is what they need, and your stomach is in a knot.
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