#uni may have me feeling like crap but hey…..
pyporapy · 4 months
I got my pc…..🥹🙏
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foxounderscorecube · 1 year
Hi Foxo, I have a question - not sure if you're on Autism and/or ADHD spectrum but regardless seeing as you clearly read a lot in quick time, do you maybe have advice for someone like me who wants to get back into reading but keeps getting distracted and rarely able to finish and often gets tired from reading even not that long pieces of text [like less than 10 average pages]?
Hello! I am definitely autistic and it is plausible that I have ADHD.
So, for one, I am currently just on a reading kick. This is the longest-lasting one I've had for a very long time now, which is nice. I read everything all the time when I was younger and only struggled to around the time I developed chronic fatigue syndrome - I wasn't really able to focus as well after that, likely due to both the CFS and that was when I was doing A levels and then uni after that.
As for why I'm able to read again now, a big part is that I haven't really got much going on right now, which is not very useful from an advice perspective. Even so, I still had to make myself read to start with, and still sometimes do. I benefit from setting time specifically as Time to Read. Typically, this is before bed. Despite having the tired sleepies in devastating quantities, I am not someone who can just get ready for bed and sleep instantly, for the most part, so I generally lay in bed and chill out for a bit, and that's a great time to read (and a childhood classic for me, too!). This is not perfect in that, like when I was little, I do sometimes stay up too late reading, but hey, what can you do. Train journeys are a good Time to Read for me (but aren't especially frequent in my case) because what else am I going to do? stare straight ahead and pick at my skin? Sometimes it's literally just that I say to myself "this afternoon/evening/whatever I am going to read" and I set myself up in my room and that is what I do.
Not sure how useful this is as advice, but I avoid reading sitting in the living room or workroom, especially at my desk. I am way more likely to get distracted by my PC or by the stuff around me. I also try to optimise my comfort levels, which sounds way more effort than it is! Stuff like, I know I am more likely to be comfortable reading laying down/reclining than sitting up, and I'm more likely to struggle with concentrating if my glasses are at all dirty.
None of this makes me immune to being unable to read for very long or getting distracted by scrolling through social media apps, and sometimes I get myself all set and comfy and then my brain's still like "haha nah m8". But it helps.
I've already written a total novel here, sorry, but one last thing that may or may not help for you? I have a notebook that is just a Miscellaneous Things notebook. I do shitty drawings and collages and stuff. I also write my thoughts on what I'm reading after I've finished, which is mostly to help me remember things better. I have fun thinking about what I'm going to talk about when I write my silly little review, too. For me, that's fun, so it's motivation in itself, but for other people, that would be like homework!!
In short, it's probably going to take some effort to start with. If routine/setting a segment of time aside helps you, lean into that. It might feel like a lot of effort at first. If you have any favourite books, maybe start with re-reading them rather than gambling on something that could be crap!
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loulicate-recs · 2 years
Hello love! It's December 6th and I hope you had a great day. If not, I'm sending you all the kisses and hugs you need. I'm glad to see you back! I was scared you were feeling poorly, but I'm glad it was only a technical issue. Still sorry Tumblr inconvenienced you in such a way!
That's amazing you might be able to leave Malaysia, if you don't like it there. Where do you dream of going, if I may ask? I hope your wish comes true one day and that you'll be happier then :>
I don't really know what to say to answer your question, because I'm not quite sure what you mean by being busy hdjdjs I am a uni student with about 18 hours of classes so that's not a lot but I happen to have quite the work load in relation to these classes so that keeps me moving for sure but I'm not busy as in making many plans, going out a lot, etc... I am a little bit of a couch potato 🥔 mainly because I am lazy but also because I very much enjoy moments spent my own company (except when I feel like crap that sucks them). Did I answer this correctly? And are you comfortable with me swearing? These messages make me realize I swear like a sailor so I'm trying to censor myself djdjdk
I agree with you, day dreaming and making up scenarios is an amazing way to relax and take your mind off things! I have read your fic and I didn't know taking a stroll was part of the creative process. Could you tell me more about it? I'm so curious, especially as a fervent reader of yours hihi :>
And I agree with you sooo much! I'm quite ashamed bout the fact I love reading so much but pretty much only read fics because that is why I find myself enjoying at the moment. I never dare telling people I like reading to begin with for that reason! To me, it's the best way to chill and I love feeling things because of fics, the happiness, the fondness but also the anguish and second hand embarrassment. We don't thank authors enough (you included) for bringing us all of this content for free! This makes me want to ask even more questions :> What are your favourite tropes? Is there any type of fics you don't like to read (canon, historical...)? Tell me if you want to!!
I also absolutely want to mention that I'm in love with yesterday's pics of Lou, I want to kiss his eyelids and the apple of his cheeks!!
Thank you for your time and take care, you’re so important and deservr the world <3
hey secret santa! before i forgot, you can actually call me hanis if you want. i’ve been wanting to tell you this since day 1 but kept forgetting 😭 also thank you! today was better, i laughed a lot over random stuff. and i hope yours has been treating you greatly!
i wish to go somewhere cold but not too cold! maybe somewhere like the countryside of england because all the pictures i’ve seen from there have never failed to perfectly capture my dream place. i would do anything to just be there at least just for a minute 😢🤍 what about you? do you have any place that you really really would like to visit?
oh you’re a uni student so of course you’re busy, we both are! 😕 like we deserve all the rest in the world… and i get you! i prefer to stay in most of the time, even when i have no tons of assignments to finish. i would rather be in the comfort of my bedroom while reading fics. but i don’t *hate* going out too despite not doing that pretty often. my irls just have to let me know at least 2-3 days prior our outing day so i can *mentally and physically* prepare myself. and of course i don’t mind my love curse words just blend perfectly within our everyday sentences in my fucking eyes mwah
omg you’ve read my fics thank you so much! i really appreciate it <3 hope they didn’t disappoint you that much! hm, i’m not sure if you’ve read my fairy louis fic or not but if you did, the blue little bee character (fairy louis’ animal bestie) was inspired by a real blue bee i saw sucking honey on a bush during one of my evening walks! that’s a first, also when i’m lucky, the path that i usually use has this array of growing wild flowers and the end of the path brings you to a direct view of the sunset! the beautiful scenery is what inspires me to write descriptive sentences in my fics. and since i walk alone and all the flow of thoughts that run across my mind (including non fics related) has never been interrupted by anyone, i learn how to write a person’s point of view. as in, how louis/harry perceives things that they see/feel/touch. idk if this makes sense, but yeah 🫡
and waaa you’re such a sweet person! fics really do make us feel things more profoundly, furthermore when we really know the characters in the fics. i never dare telling people about my interest in fics too, i did that once with a classmate who claimed that she loved to read so i thought i could trust her as readers i knew were usually really open minded. but she just straight up said “i actually judge those who read fanfics” and well i tried to cover my emotions (thank god i’m a theatre kid) but god that shattered my heart i swear ☹️ ever since then i never talked about fanfics anymore even to those who i really really trust more than that girl. anyway, sad story’s over! thank you for your nice words 🥺💞 i honestly really love historical, fantasy, royal a/b/o or folklore adaptation! they’re my favs 🫶 but i also do i enjoy some contemporary tropes, exes to lovers, best friends to lovers, mommy louis (god!) and my newly discovered favourite trope: when h is mean at first and louis is the sweetest boy to the point i would justify anything that he did! it’s because they’d have so many fluff and i’m the biggest most miserable sucker for fluff 😢💓 i wouldn’t say i dislike canon/ famous-non famous/ 1d fics but my attention has never been pulled to those 3 tropes i guess, what about you oh my god i need to know!
YOU GET ME. louis was so so. TOO pretty yesterday, the day before that and today too 🥹 secret santa i am so in love with him like every time i see his pics i want to chew something aggressively he’s just too perfect 😣💞 and not just that, he is too sweet too kind too nice to the fans too, it breaks me to think about his broken arm :( baby is such a sweetheart for still doing all the signings, like i’m sure the fans would understand his pain but still! he’s such an angel ☹️ would literally give up everything for him… i need to stop myself from ranting about how i love him so much i swear i’m already tearing up just thinking about him he’s always been my number 1 in everything since YEARS ago <3 i’m even majoring in english because of him like everything i do i always have him in mind it’s so so. unhealthy but i would d word for him anyway so? okay i’ll stop ✋
YOU are important and so so loved, i love u ❤️
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester – Part 21
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,856
Warning: Pregnancy, Angst
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A week had passed since Cillian found out about the pregnancy and he had been nothing but gentle, helpful and responsive since. Every day, he asked you how you were feeling. He brought you prenatal vitamins and constantly reminded you to drink enough water. He even risked a black eye on several occasions when running into your father who was struggling with the situation and has refused to speak to Cillian again. He was furious and blamed him for everything, thinking that he should have been the responsible adult.
You weren’t sure whether Cillian did all this simply for the fact that you were pregnant or whether he wanted to get back together with you and, whilst you hoped that the latter was true, you wouldn’t make it so easy for him this time around. He had to fight for you if you were what he wanted.
You loved him, but part of the trust you had built throughout your relationship had faded after he pulled away from you for the second time when he faced what you thought were just a few small hurdles. What you didn’t know was that, in fact, the hurdles he was facing, weren’t so small at all. He was deeply conflicted and being with you could cost him much more than his friendship with your father. It could also cost him his career and this was something he began to slowly realise.
It was a Sunday afternoon and Cillian was waiting for Nadine, his ex-wife, to pick up the boys from his home.
As usual, she was late and his sons were getting frustrated having to wait around for her once again.
‘This sucks dad’ Charlie growled, causing Cillian to calm him down whilst, deep down inside, he hoped that Nadine would arrive soon as he had invited you over for dinner that evening and, the last thing he wanted, was having you and Nadine in the same room together
Until recently, Nadine had again broken court orders, withholding contact to the boys on several occasions. If it wasn’t for the fact that Charlie had his own mobile phone, Cillian wouldn’t have been able to communicate with them at all for weeks.
It was like a game to her. Whenever Cillian was even remotely happy with someone else, she would come out to play and he soon regretted having given her another chance earlier that year before he took the teaching position in London.
When she found out about you, all hell broke loose. She felt humiliated and embarrassed especially knowing that her attempts to get him back were futile.
And the worst of it all was that she knew about you for a very long time, using you as leverage against Cillian until he finally gave up and let you go.
It was that night, when he called you, breaking up with you when he found out that you were his friend’s daughter, that he slipped. He slipped with Nadine because she was there to pick up the pieces when he was at his worst.
Whilst this little hiccup didn’t result in anything more than a few kisses, it was a mistake and he knew that it was a mistake. The worst of it all was that it gave Nadine hope in a situation where there was none. After all, he loved you and not her.
Of course, Nadine was willing and able to use this against Cillian. She had already threatened him on many occasions to make public the many façades of their marriage and how he chose a young girl over the mother of his children.
This was exactly what his agent was worried about. He knew Nadine for many years and he knew about the skeletons in Cillian’s closet and, whilst there weren’t many, they could become quite scandalous.
Being with you and loving you was too difficult. It was an against all the odds type of situation. A twenty-year age gap was hardly going to be successful. Was he going to risk everything to simply give it a try?
Finally, at 6 o’clock, Nadine’s car pulled up in Cillian’s driveway and she quickly jumped out of her seat and ran towards the front door.
‘I am sorry I am late. I got caught up with a friend’ she said in a haste.
‘You could have called’ Cillian then said before allowing her inside.
‘Why, do you have a date?’ she then chuckled, causing Cillian to sigh and call out for the boys.
Just as they emerged from their bedrooms, you also pulled up in the driveway and Cillian immediately knew that this would be problematic.
You noticed Nadine’s car but walked towards the front door of the house anyway and Cillian was quick to let you in after giving you a polite kiss on your cheek.
‘Hey’ you said, greeting Nadine who didn’t bother to say anything to you but, instead, roll her eyes.
‘What is she doing here?’ Nadine then asked Cillian, ignoring your presence.
‘I invited her. Why?’ Cillian asked somewhat annoyed and Nadine immediately huffed in disapproval.
‘I don’t want her to spend time with my children. It sends the wrong message to them’ Nadine explained.
‘And what message may that be Nadine?’ Cillian asked rather irritated before Nadine escalated the situation and, once again, insulted you.
‘You think it’s a good idea to show the boys that this is ok? Being with someone that much younger who clearly isn’t compatible in any sort of way?’ Nadine then said before Cillian told the boys to wait in the car as he didn’t want them to hear the conversation between him and their mother.
‘Can you not do this in front of the children?’ Cillian asked angrily after the boys left with their Gameboys.
‘Do what? You are the one who is fucking a uni student, not me’ she then shouted and it soon became too much for you to listen to.
‘Hey, listen, I am going to go. This is awkward and I don’t want to be in the way, really’ you then said, feeling uncomfortable.
‘Wait on Sweetie. I am not finished’ Nadine said and you turned around at the door, rolling your eyes at her as you did.
‘Did he tell you that, when he visited Dublin a few months ago, he spent time with me? Just the two of us?’ Nadine then asked before telling you how she was very well aware of Cillian’s needs and that you were likely too young and inexperienced for him and he would have realised this by now.
‘Nadine, that’s enough!’ Cillian growled, interrupting Nadine as she went on.
‘I am going’ you then huffed out, irritated and upset. She was taking it too far and you didn’t need this in your life.
‘Y/N, hold on’ Cillian said, trying to hold you back but you shook your head and left. You didn’t want to deal with this.
‘Just remember what I have against you Cillian. Surely, if this becomes public, Y/N might get some ideas. Poor thing, so young and innocent. Also, the boys are staying with me for the next two weeks’ Nadine chuckled somewhat amused.
‘Fuck this, Nadine. I have had enough of this crap. Fucking do it, eh! Send it to the fucking paper just as you have threatened for years. I no longer give a shit and in so far as the boys are concerned, I will be in contact with my lawyer tomorrow. A fit and proper person doesn’t use their children as leverage. Fucking wake up, would you’ Cillian growled before storming outside with the boys’ backpacks and putting them into Nadine’s car before giving each of them a hug and saying goodbye to them.
‘Love you guys, see you on Wednesday’ he said with a warm smile before getting into his own car with the view to drive after you to apologise about Nadine’s behaviour and having you get caught up in this.
As expected, just before Cillian arrived at your house, he received a call from his agent Brian who was clearly upset and annoyed.
‘We have a problem Cillian’ he said with an almost terrified voice.
‘I know. Her name is Nadine’ Cillian chuckled.
‘I have seen it. Just then. She sent it to me via email’ Brian said concerned.
‘Did you enjoy it?’ Cillian laughed.
‘You need to take this seriously Cillian. Nadine also told me that you are back with the girl’ Brian then said.
‘She held this against me for fucking years and I played along for the boys’ sake, but I can’t keep going like this’ Cillian then explained, causing Brian to sigh.
‘This and the fact that you are with a 20 fucking something year old who also happens to be your friend’s daughter is a fucking disaster mate. You need to break it off’ Brian argued.
‘She is pregnant’ Cillian then said, knowing that this would annoy Brian even more.
‘You are fucking kidding me. Fuck mate. For your career’s sake you need end it with this girl quietly, pay her, get her to sign an NDA’ Brian explained.
‘No Brian, I won’t be doing any of these things. Let me tell you something. I married Nadine because she was pregnant with Charlie. I never loved her. I simply did what others told me was the right fucking thing to do. This is probably why our relationship was so messed up. I was about to do this again, listening to what others tell me is right or wrong and what is good for me. Listening to you, to Nadine, John and my mother. But, luckily, this time, I just came to my fucking senses’ Cillian said just before he pulled up in front of your apartment building.
‘She is twenty years younger than you, what do you think will happen in twenty years? Will she still be around? Will she be worth all this?’ Brian then asked somewhat upset.  
‘I don’t know, but I am keen to find out’ Cillian said as turned off the car.
‘This could be career suicide Cillian’ Brian said.
‘Perhaps. So, I suggest that you work hard for your commission while you still can and use these connections of yours to make publication of what Nadine has sent you hurt as little as possible’ Cillian chuckled.
‘It’s a sex tape Cillian. What the fuck do you want me to do about it? Censor it?’ Brian asked.
‘If you do, keep the good parts, eh? I need to go’ Cillian said.
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cheoliehae · 3 years
121U! - jeon wonwoo // seventeen au
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❖ soulmate: you are able to communicate with your soulmate via a special chat room but you are both unaware of who you are due to the username
❖ a/n: hi everyone, so if you been here since the beginning of my blog you know that i used to write bts text au and that I also have skz au writing account. well since im in my 3rd year of uni i started to write to relieve stress and it’s really fun. so enjoy this idea i had that was og for my skz blog. if you haven’t figured it out yet I took inspiration from Day6 song 121U (aka a bop) as well as A Cinderella Story (you know the one with Hillary Duff, a CLASSIC). It is unsure how much i will write on this blog since again i only write when i am relieving stress so until next time enjoy :)
❖ word count: 1.6k (legit one word away from 1.7k)
❖ paring: jeon wonwoo  x gn reader
❖: high school au, soulmate au
Ah, high school, a time where smarts and social status do not mix well together. You are either lucky enough to be a part of the popular crowd, being invited to all of the hottest parties, and dating the hottest people. Or get a normal student focusing on their studies and not giving a crap about any social status that one may obtain. Walking down the hallway with your earbuds in your ear you didn’t care about the people around you. You were just at school to study and graduate knowing that you were destined for greatness after high school.
“Excuse me,” you heard a voice coming from behind you. Pulling out your airpods you were faced with Mina and her group of followers. “Can I help you?” you questioned her as you had no idea what she wanted from you. You have never even said two words to her before this moment so you were highly confused about what was happening. “You are walking slowly and my locker is right there so can you please use your two legs and move faster please,” Mina motioned for her hands to move. Rolling your eyes you did just that and proceed to walk into class.
“Hey y/n you look, not good,” your best friend Joshua as he saw you sit down at your desk. Setting your head down a small sigh left your month “I hate Myoui Mina with a passion, I get it she is popular but does that give her a reason to freakin pick on everyone like come freakin on”. Joshua extended his arm and gently pat you on the back “there their y/n, rant to your best friend,”. Raising your head up you saw Mina walking into class with her boyfriend Wonwoo as his arm was around her. “Great this is going to be a long day,” you set your head back down and moped.
As time passed by you started to get bored in class as you finished all of your assignments. You opened a new tab on your laptop and entered into a chatroom. A smile grew on your face as you got excited seeing your friend mrbookworm was online. A bit of backstory mrbookworm is actually your soulmate but you felt really awkward calling him your soulmate since you had no idea who he was.
ouasunshine: hey i see that you are alive
mrbookworm: yeah i finished my classwork a bit early so i wanted to see if you were on or not
mrbookworm: and just like i expected here you are :)
ouasunshine: i am highly convinced that you are just on this chat room 24/7 waiting for me to come online
mrbookworm: you would be disappointed if that was false ;)
ouasunshine: dont get cheesy with me.
A chuckle left your mouth knowing how much mrbookworm made you feel. But it sucked that you did not know him in person cause you really did believe that if you did your whole world would be different. He seems like the type of person who really did not care about social status or what others think of him. 
mrbookworm: how are your classes today?
ouasunshine: the normally but I did have a lovely run-in with one of the ‘popular’ at my school
ouasunshine: let’s just say it was not really the highlight of my day
mrbookworm: :( im sorry you had a rough day I wish there to make you feel better
ouasunshine: i have to go, the bell just rang
Packing up your backpack and quickly walked out of the classroom trying your best to avoid any more interactions with that clique. Which for once was in your favor as you didn’t run into any of that crowd for the rest of the school day. Your absolute favorite time of the day was when the last bell rang and you were able to go to the library. It was quiet and wasn’t too crowded unless it was midterm or final season. The librarians were also very appreciative that you came during your free time and helped out. “Y/n, I just wanted to let you know that we are going to close up a bit early so don’t be alarmed okay,”. “I won’t Mrs. Park,” you said with a smile on your face and then returned to your book. 
As time passed you were getting lost in your book. “Excuse me,” looking up from your book you say Wonwoo standing in front of you “Um can I check out a laptop?”. “Sure but the library is closing early so you have at least 30 minutes before I have to ask for it back. ID please,” you held out your hand. He handed it to you and once you scanned everything you handed it back to him. You watched as he walked away and returned to your book. Looking over at the desk that was in front of you you saw your phone buzzing. You moved forwards to see if anyone was in your line of sight and if anyone could see you, let’s just say you were in the clear.
mrbookworm: if you were picking out a book for me, what book would you recommend?
ouasunshine: what makes you say that I am a reader?
mrbookworm: well for one thing your soulmate is a bookworm aka i am a bookworm 
mrbookworm: i kinda hope that my soulmate is one too
ouasunshine: Are We There Yet? by David Levithan. It is about two brothers who go to Italy and they end up falling for the same girl but neither of them knows. It is pretty good. I give it a solid ⅘ but it definitely breaks the love standards that we are used to.
mrbookworm: wow i can’t imagine a system without soulmates
ouasunshine: i feel like the system of soulmates will still exist but people won’t know see the signs unless they are truly in love
mrbookworm: do you think there will be a possibility that we would be soulmates without this whole soulmate system.
ouasunshine: that is really hard to say
The clock hit 15:30 and you had to leave. So you logged out and looked around for Wonwoo to get everything back. “Um hey so,” you said walking up to where he was sitting out. “Oh is it time already?,” he said looking at his watch and then back at you. “Yeah, sorry for kicking you out I guess? I mean I know we are open later than this but you know closing hours aren’t my rules to make,” you said looking at him. “No no I understand, do you think I can check out a book or will it be easier to get it tomorrow morning?”. “Probably come tomorrow morning then you have more time to actually look for your book if you have no idea where it is located,”. “Yeah I think that will be my best bet. Thanks for the help y/n,”.
You were taken aback by him saying your name was this was one of the first time that you have ever had a conversation with him. “No problem, Wonwoo,: smiling back at him as you walked him out before locking up.
As the night was drawing to an end you were laying in bed finishing up an homework assignment. It was a simple reading so it was nothing heavy but you did wish that time would pass faster. A ding from your computer and you saw the lovely notification from your soulmate.
mrbookworm: two truths and one lie?
ouasunshine: hello to you too,
ouasunshine: what are you doing lol
mrbookworm: i’m bored and I don't feel like bothering my friends
ouasunshine: so you wanted to bother me?
mrbookworm: you’re my soulmate ;)
mrbookworm: you are kinda stuck with me forever 
ouasunshine: i mean i guess i can spare a minute or two
ouasunshine: ummm
ouasunshine: my favorite cake is red velvet, i played soccer as a kid and i’m 75% certain i was a butterfly in my kindergarten school play.
mrbookworm: oh that is an easy one
mrbookworm: it's the butterfly one
ouasunshine: i wish you can hear me laugh
ouasunshine: it is actually the cake one
mrbookworm: you’re lying
ouasunshine: no i believe that i have a picture somewhere.
ouasunshine: i was either a butterfly or a flower but i have a picture somewhere
mrbookworm: well when i meet you in person you will have to show me
mrbookworm: but what is the lie?
ouasunshine: i really don't like red velvet cake
For the rest of the night, you were talking to your soulmate. And just like you wished for at the beginning of the night the hours did fly by when you were talking to him.
Arriving at school early you walked straight to the library. You unlocked the door and headed to the main deck and pulled out the book that you were reading last night. And to your surprise the first person who entered was Wonwoo.
“Good Morning,” he said, walking up to the desk with a smile on his face. The soft curls from his hair lightly hit the top of his glasses. And the grey sweatshirt that he wasn’t helping his case and we really did look nice. “Hey morning, are you here to look for that book from yesterday?”. “Yeah I am looking for Are We There Yet? by David Levithan,”. Your head lifted from the computer and stopped typing mid-sentence. “No there is no way,” you thought to yourself. “Is there something wrong? Is it checked out?”. “No it’s not that, it’s just I recommended that book to someone yesterday, it is one of my favorites,” you said looking away. “Oh same, well not me recommended but it was recommended to me,” Wonwoo said looking down at the ground.
“This is a very out of the blue question but are you mrbookworm? Again totally random questions and if you aren’t that this is highly embarrassing,”. Wonwoo just looked at you and smiled. “Hi ouasunshine, I’m expecting to see that picture of you as a butterfly one day, maybe over coffee?”. “I would really like that,”.
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 5
Harry and Hattie are friends with benefits. Until she gets pregnant and breaks it off although Harry is trying to prove his love he has to battle with others for her attention.
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It has been three weeks since Harry had asked her and she hadn’t responded. She was upset he hadn’t asked her about the idea to her first, she knew he had found her the dream house and it’s because she had always claimed their current house was a bachelor pad. Harry had been so upset when they got home he had gone to the pub and avoided her until he left for SNL. Harry didn’t like it when he couldn’t read Hattie and she knew she had left him confused. She was so confused and the hormones weren’t helping, the fact she couldn’t eat and the nauseous was keeping her up was leading to her constantly crying and feeling crap.
She had been watching SNL with Gemma who Harry had been sending round even though she knew neither him or Gemma would admit it. Hattie had been cracking up the whole time she even pissed herself when he mispronounced Shawn Mendes as she had tried many times to help him pronounce his name in the past but he just couldn’t seem to pronounce it. Her Gemma and Micheal were eating take out happily even though she knew she was being babysat, all Hattie could eat was the prawn crackers and she had sat the furthest point away from Gemma as she couldn’t stand the scent of her food and muffin had taken to sitting right on top of her as she kept feeding her little bits of prawn cracker. They were having a good evening/ morning until the pregnancy skit, then she stopped his arms over the other women even though it was just acting was rubbing her the wrong way plus the fact their legs were entangled she decided it was the pregnancy hormones but it seemed so real to her it felt like that woman was stealing her baby daddy for her own.
“Gemma, I don’t feel well I am just going to go for a quick walk to get some air.”
“We can come with you?” Gemma began getting up and clearing the plates.
“No honestly it is fine thank you though. You guys stay you can stay the night if you like? I will be back in twenty this baby just loves to make me sick.”
Hattie threw on her scarf and began to walk, she felt sick and for once it wasn’t the baby’s fault. After seeing that skit she began to think of the future and when Harry settles down and has a baby with someone else he will forget spud. She and spud will be alone and rejected and it’s because she rejected him. Although, she had to reject him he had her for so long and never did anything. She heard the album as much as she wished she hadn’t it was a jumbled love poem to Camille with aspects of sex which were her. She was his sex thing he would never love her like he had Camille and Kendall.
Harold: Did you like SNL?
She picked up her phone and dialled AJ, it was currently 6:30 as SNL hadn’t been on till 5am London time. She knew if AJ was still like uni he would be up by now probably just finished the gym even though it was a Sunday morning.
She waited outside Starbucks for him she had been right he was heading there after the gym and luckily he only lived a 15 minute walk from hers. She was nervous and not ready to see him but she needed a friend right now and one who wasn't aware of her growing problem. She wasn’t exactly looking her best the nauseous had meant she had limited sleep recently her hair was in a ponytail on her head and she was dressed in leggings Harry’s fleetwood mac shirt and his striped cardigan.
“Hey, didn’t expect you to call me?”
“I didn’t either but I could do with a chat and there is no way Emily is going to be up before 11.”
“You’re right there how is she anyway is she still traumatised from catching us against the sink” He giggled and Hattie blushed six shaded redder.
“Sadly she has caught me in a few more compromising positions, she has a way of walking in at the wrong times.”
“What do you want to drink I will get it no arguements?”
“Can I have a toffee nut latte with soya milk, please?”
“Shit make it decaf”
Hattie had remebered how sadly her love of coffee was slowly being stripped away for Spud although Spud seemed to enjoy the sweet toffee taste of starbucks and for that she was thankful. As they couldn’t seem to agree on food but drinks they had found a good compromise.
“Decaf it is.”
Aj smirked Hattie had always wondered if her and Harry had not met whether her and AJ would have been together. Two feisty solicitors  they wouldn’t have time together though with AJ law was his main love and Hattie admired that in her friend.
“Here is your disgusting decaf coffee, I mean you’re a solicitor Hattie you need coffee.”
“That’s why I am cutting down all I do is drink coffee I was getting the shakes. How have you been anyway AJ?”
“I’ve been good thanks, a bit lonely working hard you know me. How about you? I see you every now and again in some paper.”
“Perks of having a famous best friend I guess.” You shrugged and took a big sip of your coffee.
“I particually liked the photo of you in The Sun.” You knew exactly which photo he was refering to but everyone had assumed it was Kendall and not you. You and Harry were hugging and his hand was groping your bum. It wasn’t a family friendly photo but because you could not see you at all it was just some brunette.
“You’re the first person to realise it was me.”
“The birth mark on your butt sold it to me. I would remember that anywhere.” Hattie was unsure how to feel about his flirting she was flattered but it also made her heart want Harry all the more.
“So are you and Harry still mates after?”
“After what?”
“You know after you dated.”
“We never dated, I haven’t had a boyfriend since Uni.”
“Well I guess that’s good for me, I mean you know I like you and I would like to see where we could go.” The fact he had said this to her like it was no big deal over coffee and for Harry it had taken him to knock her up before he could even suggest such a thing made her madder at him.
In this moment spud had also decided to forget her compromise which had forced her to dart out the door and relieve the contents of her stomach onto the pavement.
“Well that was not the reaction I was after.” Aj took to her side gently rubbing her back and holding her ponytail and she continued to vomit.
“Fuck, I am sorry. Look it wasn’t what you said honestly it was nice for someone to be upfront.”
“Why do I sense a but?”
“It no but its just I need to tell you something which may change your mind.”
“I am pregnant and sadly morning sickness is no joke apart from the fact it is all day not just the morning.”
“Umm congratulations I suppose, who is the lucky father?”
Hattie and AJ had spoken in Uni about how children were a future plan for him something he wanted when he was 35 and not a moment before. So it was unlikely he would want to date a knocked up Hattie.
“If I say please do not tell a soul, I know I can trust you it’s Harry’s.”
“I thought you didn't have anything.”
“We never dated just hooked up I guess, he never wanted more apparently it was for my own protection.”
“I am surprised you are here now, if I was him I would lock you in my house until you were mine especially if you had my child.”
“He wasn’t happy when we bumped into each other the other day he even refered to you and sink Aj.”
“Of course he did.”
Aj drove me home said he would like to see her even if it was just friends. When she opened the door she didn’t expect to find Gemma and Micheal still up as they had all stayed awake for SNL and it had been three hours since she had left for her walk.
“Oh my gosh Hattie, it’s ok Harry she is home. Hang on one moment I will pass you to her it will be easier.”
Hattie shook her head at Gemma and motioned she was going to be sick and fled the room.
“Harry she doen’t feel well the morning sickness. Is catching up to her.”
Hattie closed her door and jumped into bed feeling at peace.
When she saw all the notifications when she woke up she knew that Harry and Jeff would be livid once they saw the article she was getting tagged in it left right and centre. A fan had obviously caught Aj holding Hattie hair when she was being sick and it had gone mad Harry was being tagged left right and centre.
One fan had even said the SNL skit was obviously practice for Harry and Hattie and her new Boy friend were expecting a baby. Other headlines were not so kind
Harry BFF Wild Night!
This is one lawyer without class
She was terrified what would Harry say or her boss.  She sat in bed waiting for a call she knew he was going to kill her one for being with AJ but also for being out at that hour alone.
Harold: Him…….
Hatters: We were just friends Harry and he actually seems to care about me and he didn’t have to knock me up to realise.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Don't shit on your own doorstep
So this one's been happening over the past few months, and it's hilarious. It's a loooong one, TL;DR at the end.
So I live on a little street with about 7 houses. We're the only student house in the area, and so we're often a target for people looking to make quick money by blaming us because they think it's easy to get us into trouble.
This lady thought WRONG.
Cast: DB - our neighbour, AKA Dumb Bitch TB - My housemate, a genuine teddybear CW - Council Worker Me - Many Earthworms
So I'm walking back from university when I'm accosted by a middle aged woman in her dressing gown and slippers.
I stop, because I'm trying to be polite to the neighbours (the locals have a *location* Hates Students group who vandalise student property to try and make us leave so I tend to overcompensate to make our household look good)
'Hi! How are you?'
(are you seeing the irony here?) I cross the road to where DB is stood - and where her car is parked - and ask 'pardon?'
'You dumb bitch, did you not hear me? I said you vandalised my car'
She was really trying to sell that I vandalised her car when I was on the other side of the road and she KNEW that.
'I'm... Sorry? I think you've got the wrong person.'
DB points at a HUGE scrape down the side of her car and I wince, that poor thing must have been beaten up pretty badly, but I had nothing on me that could have inflicted that much damage. I explain that the binmen destroyed my moped (still in for repairs) so they might have caught her car too and her eyes light up.
Our house has a driveway big enough for 4 cars and is, obviously, right outside my house. So I tell her no, that I haven't been parking on her drive, especially because my bike was destroyed and has been gone for over 2 weeks.
'You're a liar,' she's like, spitting in my face at this point. 'I have photos of your bike blocking my drive from 3 days ago. That's why I was parked on the road and that's why my car got totalled.'
'Okay,' I nod. 'May I see the photos?'
DB is all too happy to whip out her phone and show me the photos of what she proudly believes to be my moped (A fire engine red piece of scrap that, to be honest, was well beyond saving even before the bin men mangled her).
Except... It isn't my bike.
'Ma'am, I hate to be rude but... That's a mobility scooter.'
Cue the screaming and shouting about how rude teenagers are (I'm 21) and how we university students always disrepect the locals. She tells me that I must think she's an idiot (I do) for thinking that she's wrong about my bike (she was). So I take a deep breath and say:
'Ma'am I'm in a rush, but you really are wrong about the bike... Maybe ask [her next door neighbour, a kind old lady who owns that mobility scooter but is a little forgetful] about why she parks her scooter on your drive.'
I walk away and think nothing of it. Except now she's left her totalled car on our private property instead of her own drive, after running our fence that blocks the drive down and complaining to our landlady about anti-social behaviour - there isn't any, btw, we're 4 reclusive students who stay in all night watching netflix with our headphones in, and she's also like 5 houses down from us so she definitely wouldn't be able to hear the noise she was describing.
Pretty much the whole neighbourhood is shunning us at this point, as DB had been spreading lies about our behaviour - telling everyone that we vandalised her property so it's only fair that she uses our driveway as compensation. I feel responsible for her behaviour, as I should have shut her down immediately rather than letting this drag out. So I sit in my room (nothing new there) and hatch a plan.
The next morning, I walk past her house and watch as DB lets her dog out, watches it take a crap on public pavement, and then shrug and walk away. BINGO. According to our local council, this is an offence she can get fined for, as it's vandalism and obstruction of council property. So every morning as I walk to get my train, I take a photo of the turds - some fresh, some crusty, and some smeared across the pavement by some poor sod who's stood in it. Then I email EVERYTHING to my local councillor who is FUMING that someone fully able bodied is allowing their dog to do this without cleaning it up. She gets fined £1000 with a threat of MORE if she continues to do so (I heard this from my neighbour as he was friends with CW, who handled the case). And guess what? She did. And the more that dog pooped, the more I reported it. She racked up £4000 of fines just for dog shit alone, and I didn't even report her trespassing on private property.
But apparently she'd spoken to CW, who was a newbie, and pressured him until he let slip that 'a neighbour' had reported it and of course she happened to 1) realise it was me and 2) know where I fucking live.
She hammered on my door, screaming about how she was going to drown my cat (I don't have one, my neighbour's cat just loves me), smash my window, and then catch me when I was walking home. Now TB is also a recluse, I've said in previous posts that he basically stays in his room and only leaves to go to uni or grab a beer and some food. But he is PISSED at the way this lady is screaming at me. He stomps downstairs, yanks the door open while she's midscream and glares down at her. He's 6'7" tall and a rugby player, so he's basically a walking muscle. If I didn't know that he liked to cry at anime while hugging us on the sofa, I'd think that he was terrifying. But this lady wasn't privy to this information. So she looks up at this angry, MASSIVE Northerner and just trembles as he says in a very low, threatening voice:
'You need to get off our property, and take your car. If you so much as blink at writerlysnitch and I hear about it, I'll not only call the council for the dog shit you flung on our driveway, but I'll call the police for damage to property and harassment. Now FUCK. OFF. LADY.'
Safe to say she ran faster than I've ever seen her run.
Last week I heard from the neighbour that CW had sold her car for scraps (she never got the thing fixed) just to pay off the eventual £4200 of fines she'd racked up, and every time I walk to the train station and see the mobility scooter parked on her drive it feels like another little win!
TL;DR - Nasty neighbour loses her shit, so I report her dog's shit.
(source) story by (/u/WriterlySnitch)
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Stage Left
Pairing: Reader x Harrison Osterfield
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Nothing 
Synopsis: You and Harrison grew up doing theatre together. 
----------------- You and Harrison had been in drama class for as long as you could remember. In elementary school the both of you always dreamed of different plot ideas for the future plays you would write. Then come summer you would both attend the same theatre camp. You remember the first time you went to camp together and being paired together for all of the dance numbers. You had always had a crush on Harrison, but you always just played it off as the fact that he was a boy that was a friend and cared about you. He was the typical boy next door. Cute goofy grin, shaggy dirty blond hair, and the brightest blue eyes you had ever seen. In every play he was always cast as the prince or lead. He had this charisma and passion in everything he did. You knew he was meant for something great, but you kept that to yourself.
When middle school came along you both did the drama thing more and more, Harrison still getting the lead roles, and though your roles weren’t always the ones front and centre you were always in the wings watching and cheering him on. After school you would run lines and go over the songs and choreography if there was any. It was routine. Do whatever homework you had and then practice for the play.
Come high school theatre began to take up even more time. Four days a week after school, strict dance routines, the stakes in each audition higher. To your surprise you managed to land one of the lead roles in your first year which was very rare, and of course Harrison was right there with you. You fell into the same routine again. Come grade ten your school was doing Sound of Music, and every girl and their dog wanted to play Liesel, which was weird, but “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” was the song everyone wanted to sing. To your surprise you managed to get the role of Liesel. Harrison was so excited for you. He landed the role of Ralph which was very fitting, but what you didn’t count on was being paired together for the run of the shows. The two of you hadn’t auditioned together, you figured it would be for the best in case one got the role and the other didn’t. Everyone was always complimenting how well you worked together, and how good your chemistry was. As you practiced the play you both held off on the whole kiss scene at the end of “Sixteen going on Seventeen”, not because you didn’t want to practice it, but it was just a little weird to have to kiss your best friend.
The day you moved into the theatre though the moment everyone was waiting for was your scene. You were both so nervous but neither of you said anything to the other. You did the song and dance, and when that moment came you just embraced it, what was the worst that would happen? It was for a play it meant nothing. Right? Except when you kissed you swore fireworks went off. You knew Harrison wouldn’t feel the same so again you kept your thoughts to yourself, and never really talked about that moment. You continued the play as it was never mentioning how your little crush, might be turning into something a little more.
After that year Harrisons acting career began to take hold. He began auditioning for bigger things like large community plays, commercials, and small roles on television shows. He was good, but the more he auditioned the less time he had for school shows, and theatre camps, and slowly you began to drift apart. Harrison was hanging out more with Tom Holland and his crew, while you remained in the world of the theatre kids. You loved theatre and acting but your parents weren’t exactly big on the whole auditioning in the city for things so you just lived your life, and prepared for the safe future they wanted for you.
As the years went by you would see Harrison posting on social media that he was working with Tom on some movie, or was doing some auditions, and modeling. You were happy that he was living the life you knew he deserved and wanted. You always knew that Harrison was going to be something and he was surely proving himself. Sure he may not be huge like Tom was, but you knew that his time was coming. As you continued your life in the world of uni, you couldn’t help but wonder what your life would have been like had you gone down the path that Harrison did, or if you were even good enough. Life continued, and you made your way home for the summer holidays, there was an envelope left on your bed.
“You have been invited to the Premier of Spider-Man: Homecoming”
You were in shock, who the heck was inviting you to a premier? You flipped the card over to see if there was a name or some indication of who it was, but then it clicked, it had to have been Harrison, but why the heck would he invite you? You took a few deep breaths and managed to text him.
“Hey. Uhm...did you invite me to the Spider-Man premier?”
“Hey. Ya, thought you’d enjoy it. Plus it gives us an excuse to catch up.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. He was still the same boy you had known forever. You decided to meet up a few days later so that you weren’t meeting for the first time in ages on the red carpet. For whatever reason you were so nervous, you kept fixing your hair, and makeup because nothing felt right. You changed your outfit at least five times before deciding that jeans and a t-shirt was going to be fine. As you made your way to the coffee shop you had decided upon, the nerves were taking over again, but as soon as you saw Harrison everything melted away. He was already waiting with his coffee, looking down at his phone. His hair darker then when you were younger, he had definitely aged well. When he noticed you he smiled and waved. His eyes still as striking as ever. You smiled and made your way over to him.
Your catch up ended up being a lot more then just some casual meeting, you talked for hours. Him talking about life as Tom’s helper, and the world of auditions, and modeling. You talked about school, and work. You shared memories about your days in the theatre together, and some of your embarrassing moments. Having to do a quick change in the wings and almost flashing someone because your undergarments had caught to the costume mid-change. Or when one of the leads mics crapped out and and important moment had to be changed in order to keep the play from going awry. Both laughing, and talking like nothing had changed. When you were about to leave you confessed how nervous you were. He laughed and said that he figured you would be, you were always nervous in new and unknown situations. You were surprised he noticed that, or more the fact that he remembered that. You called him on it and he just blushed and looked to the ground, shoving his hands in his pockets. He admitted that he remembered a lot about you, and the fact that he may have had a crush on you growing up. You were taken aback and stated that you had a crush on him but never thought that he ever felt the same way. You mentioned how everyone had a crush on him, and how he was always there in the spotlight. You never thought he saw you that way. He laughed and said that he had always noticed you and that when you were on stage he was always stage left in the wing watching you be the star he knew you were whether you believed you were or not. He always saw you as the star even if you didn’t see yourself that way.
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tobeheard · 5 years
you got ocs to share mate?
Hey Anon!!! I’m super sorry about how late this is, usuallyI can’t stop telling people about my OC’s when they ask but I’ve been busy forthe past few days with uni work so I’ve been slowed down!
Before I begin though, I should probably let you know that Iregularly change the themes/plot/setting of the world my characters are set in.While they may be human (or not) today, they could be something drastically differenttomorrow. I do this mostly in an effort to try and find a story that “clicks”for me, and while this hasn’t quite happened it has been really helpful withcharacter development!! Anyway, onto the OC’s!
Originally Kit was designed as an 18 year old maleconscientious objector drafted into World War One (Christopher Frederick Barrow).Now Kit is a grumpy lesbian wood nymph who lives in a small little houseamongst the woods, filled with books and various trinkets that she likes toinvent with. She’s kind of inspired by Kit Marlowe (name inspiration!!) andTinkerbell XD She’s very quiet and instead of jumping straight into scenariosshe likes to stand back and watch a situation first before she can decide onwhat to do. While she can be very logical, and sometimes even a little bitremoved from a situation, that is not to say that she is emotionless. She isvery quick to get frustrated with things. Sometimes she gets quickly frustratedwith books she can’t decipher the language of, or if her inventions don’t workout. She especially gets frustrated and huffy when it comes to the girl shelikes. She can’t stand the fact that she’s so easily flustered by this one girlwho likes to go on hikes through the woods sometimes. Whenever she gets a lookat her she feels like she’s swooning, and then she’s immediately red faced andirritated because this girl is a human and “how dare she” make Kit havefeelings!!! Looks wise, Kit is quite tall and slender, she’s got bob length curlybrown hair, wears glasses, has these goldeny brown eyes, is deaf in her rightear and has mid-dark tanned skin. Last time I drew her she was wearing dungareesand she’s a cutie pie and I love her very much!!
Oli (Oliver Delaney) was my OG OC!! He came aboutwhen I was around 15 so he’s a good 7 years old in my brain now! He’s quiteshort, probably at around 5’3, and a bit stocky. He’s got the sides of his headshaved and this floofy blonde curly mess up top! The funny thing about Oli isthat he’s changed the absolute least out of everybody. He’s bisexual, anabsolute sweetheart that pines after many a person and tries to woo them with badlywritten love poems that he immediately tries to unsend. He’s from quite ageneric nuclear family. Two happily married parents, and a younger sister thatdrives him mad. His parents work in a bakery, and it was always the intentionthat he would take over the family business but he wants to desperately be a professionalballet dancer despite all the odds against him. He’s quite sweet and mildtempered, and a little bit of a push over if I’m being quite honest. He and Kithave always been the best of friends in every changing story I’ve had, so itwould be much the same with wood nymph Kit (he would be the “human friend”) asit would for the university au I had planned (he was a Dance student and shewas an English Lit student and they met in a module on Early English Performances).He originally had a crush on her but is absolutely not bothered at all withacting on those feelings. He knows she likes girls and he wants to help her getout of her shell and get a girlfriend! Anyway, I love Oli. He has my heart.
Short for Adelaide, originally she was an assassinprincess! I honestly have absolutely no clue how she fits into the wood nymphlesbian love story tbqh! She swings from being the love interest to a friendand honestly I have no idea what to do with her atm but she’s my Queen so I’lljust list the things I do know about her. She’s from a very rich andinfluential family. She’s extremely close to her father, but her mother overthe past few years has become nothing more than a puppet for her grandmother soAda is always dubious around them. They have quite traditional ideals where shehas a role she’s expected to play but Ada has absolutely no regard for them.She’ll wear the clothes and the make up she wants to wear, have her hair allsorts of crazy colours (it’s currently pink and orange) and genuinely live herlife however tf she wants. She has a lot of unchecked privilege which she hasto work on over the course of her life, but she’s willing to admit her mistakesand grow as a person. In terms of temperament, she kinda reminds me in ways ofErica from Teen Wolf. Relationship wise, she didn’t get on the best with Oli atfirst (she likes people who fight back and Oli kinda lets her walk all over himwhich she views to be absolutely pointless) but they’ve formed this sort offriendship now where she respects his choices and will kill for him (he’s apuppy).
The other OC’s I have aren’t as fleshed out as these guysbut here you are:
Theodore, Irish, ginger hair, from a big familyand is the oldest of all his siblings. He takes great pride in caring for his youngersisters (he has 4). His dad isn’t around and his mum works 2 jobs so he’spractically raising them. He’s very tall, demi, and dislikes Ada strongly. Hesees her as a rich kid who comes from a world that doesn’t give a crap aboutkids and families like him and he’ll repeatedly make his feelings clear. He andAda do form a sort of reasonably amicable friendship but there is always thisunease coming from him and this sense of indifference coming from her so theynever 100% click. Theo is very attached to Kit and basically “adopts” her andlikes to make sure she’s fed. He’s the type of person to facebook stalk hissiblings love interests to see if they’re good people.
Kit’s ex-girlfriend. Their relationship was toomuch too fast and they burned eachother up in the atmosphere. The relationshipended practically in flames and while both suffered towards the end, Kit verymuch got the brunt of it. They were 15 at the time, so they’ve both grown as individualsand Lonnie last I checked was a fitness enthusiast but I don’t know much else.
an OC from 6 years ago, heavily influenced byMerida. She’s Scottish and her personalities was kind of a mix between Lonnie’sand Ada’s, so she’s never really come into the forefront but she’s always here.Loitering.
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Hey! It’s been a long time since I wrote a master post here... And I’m really sorry about that. I had a pretty busy summer and honestly, I wasn’t that inspired. I barely had time to manage my new studygram (btw it would mean the world if you follow me!!).
However, I’m back now, stronger than ever as I got the opportunity to live tons of new experiences this summer... Good and bad. I learned a lot and I’m grateful for everything this period brought to me.
Now, let’s get to the true subject of this post, which is how to get ready for September!
Why September ?
Because September is a month that I personally love since it means that a new school/uni year will start, and I think it’s the best season to try something new or to switch your routine a bit. I’ve always been better at taking new initiatives in September than for the NYE and I noticed that every year I apply the same kind of ritual. 
We’re in the middle of August right now and I think it’s the best moment to prepare yourself a bit so you can start September in the best way possible :)
I also think you can link this article to a previous one that I consider super important and you can read it here if you haven’t already done it! :) 
Step 1 - Reflect
Take a step back and think about what you did during this last year. If you were at school, think about what you want to get better at, what skills you may want to improve and/or which study method really worked for you and which didn’t. 
Think about your current routine and/or the one you have right now and ask yourself if it will be sustainable once you start school, or how you’ll be able to do it whilst going to school every day. 
This will let you reflect on what you learned during this year, what you’d like to know more of, and what mistakes you may have made. Be thankful for every experience you have faced, and always remember that experiences make you grow as a person. Don’t criticize yourself, don’t judge, just observe, say « thank you » and use this as a way to become more mature and closer to the person you want to be. 
Also, don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself as this “reflection” time will really help you to set up your goals for this new fresh start.
Step 2 - Write down your goals
What do you want to improve? Do you want to start a new routine? Do you want to get rid of a bad habit? Do you want to get better grades in maths? 
Write down everything and be as clear as possible. You can also separate each goal by its specificity. I like to make 3 columns, one for each kind of goal :
My new routine goals : ex. Waking up earlier, eating more home cooked meals, doing homework right after going home, etc.
What I want to stop : biting my nails, neglecting maths, etc.
What I need to maintain : day-by-day planning, studying a little every day, actually reading the textbooks, etc. 
The most important thing is that your goals have to be achievable. Start slowly but surely!! 
Think about how you’re gonna achieve what you want, find new strategies, do some research and/or ask for tips! 
You can also start working on your goals right now so it will be easier once school starts. For example, my goals for September are to be able to wake up earlier, going to the gym more often and also trying to do more meditation. In order to achieve that, I’m already changing my routine because I have a lot of free time so I can “test” this routine and see if I’ll be able to stick to it once I start uni again. I’ll then adjust it in function of how it feels :)
Don’t be afraid to dream big!!
Step 3 - Get into the mood
September means a new start, and new starts mean that you’re allowed to change your environment! Here’s my non-exhaustive list about what you can do :
Review some topics that have to be well known for the incoming year. You’re late with the math program? It’s the best time to get in touch with it again! I know it may be super boring but you’ll be much less stressed when you start the year :)
Download apps and/or buy some books that will be useful for the incoming year! Ask to previous year students what helped them and ask for advice ! You may know super useful tips you never thought of!
Upgrade your studyspace/bedroom (check my article about this!) - it’s like buying new workout clothes : it motivates you much more. I remember when I switched my desk and bed I actually wanted to spend all my free time in my bedroom! 
Buy new stationery - new planners, pens, agendas, notebooks! Of course, don’t buy tons of useless stuff and make sure you’ll actually use them (even if having 10 super cute notebooks seems really tempting :P ) 
Make a September playlist!! I always love doing this, most of the time I add happy and motivating songs so they get me in the best mood ever :D
Make your vision/dream board!! This is the most amusing and creative way to help you visualize your goals! Save images/pictures/quotes that you like, and print them or make a collage and make it your new computer wallpaper or hang them in your bedroom. You just have to put it in a place where you’ll be able to see it every day!! By doing so, you’ll actually wake up every morning seeing your dream board and you’ll start the day feeling more inspired !
Talking about inspiration, I think September is a good moment to get rid of toxic stimulations. We may not notice it but most of us tend to spend a lot of time on social media. I don’t know you but I had a period in my life where I just woke up in the morning and the first thing I would do was checking Instagram and most of the time I fell so upset about my life when I was seeing all the “dreamy” pictures taken by “influencers”. It made me feel so bad that one day I decided to unfollow all these pages that made me feel like crap. For each page/person that you follow on social media, try to ask yourself if it actually inspires you or it just makes you feel bad/anxious about yourself. Unfollow every page that doesn’t bring you anything positive or that is not helping you get motivated. Follow instead pages that support the same things as you and that inspire you to be the best version of yourself!!! Remember P-O-S-I-T-I-V-I-T-Y is the key to success :)
Start a bujo, and plan your year ahead. Write down all due dates, exam dates, vacations and everything you want! Make reading lists, movie lists, new recipes, challenges, etc. I find it to be so practical and also creative. 
Start a new TV show! Since I started this studyblr I discovered Gilmore Girls and I absolutely love it!! It’s really relaxing to watch and Rory Gilmore is definitely my inspiration character haha. Just remember that watching 3 seasons in a row is a bit anti-productive :P 
Get informed about college applications/internships/jobs or everything related to your academic future. It’s always better to be informed soon so you can already prepare yourself.
Start a studyblr/studygram : I found it to be the best source of motivation I’ve ever had. Starting this blog is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!! This community is honestly amazing and I love how supporting and genuine it is! I find it to be so inspiring and you guys share so many great tips!
So that’s it! I know that you may be very upset that school/uni/work starts soon but you can make this new start more fun! Personally, I always get a bit stressed in September because of the all coming deadlines but following these tips always helped me figure out what I need to do or what habits I need to change in order to SLAY this new academic year :D
I hope these tips will help you and that you’ll have a great fresh start on your first day!
Margot X
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curatedjournal-blog · 6 years
World Mental Health Day - Some thoughts for students
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So, likelihood is you’ve seen these before or they don’t matter/apply to you BUT in the off chance that you may need to hear it today, tomorrow, yesterday or 5 years from now let me tell you a few things about self-care and dealing with ill mental health not just as a student but as a human being.
DISCLAIMER/WARNING: I have been on and off depression and anxiety meds for the past 5+ years, have been through counselling, CBT, you name it. Also, some of this may be TRIGGERING so please be kind to yourself and stop/don’t start reading it if it feels wrong or painful. Also, these are as much for me as they are for others so there’s that...
1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Sadly, all around the world, ill mental health is misunderstood, mocked and disregarded by many. Sometimes you may not be able to find support in your family or friends. Often not because they don’t want to support you but because they don’t understand what you are going through. However, there are multitudes of online and offline communities that can help for free and with no strings attached (I don’t want to recommend any service in particular for personal reasons but Google
can be a great friend in these cases. Also, your school/uni often has free psychological support for students).
2. Stress and anxiety are more common among students than you think. The pressure can be awful and it comes from all sides - family, money, professors, yourself. It sucks. Which is why you NEED to...
3. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Dude, self-care is everywhere these days. In a way, it almost lost it’s meaning! What is it really? Going on a shopping spree? Having a spa day? Exercising? Eating your favourite snack? Watching an episode of your fave show? All of the above? Well...
4. ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL. For me self-care is not binge watching Netflix as a way to avoid my to-dos, not letting shit accumulate, staying moderately on top of things and not kicking myself in the ass if I don’t. It’s also practicing kundalini yoga as OFTEN as I REMEMBER, journalling WHEN I feel like it, engaging in a hobby for 5 MINS to take my head of things, cooking a healthy meal IF I have time, etc.
5. SELF-CARE DOESN’T HAVE TO COST MONEY. Students are broke, we ain’t got no money (or time) for expensive massages and weekend yoga retreats. There’s so many free stuff that DOES NOT REQUIRE A SUBSCRIPTION which you can engage in to help you relax. Find a free exhibition to visit on a weekend, go to the local library and read a couple of soothing poems, go for a walk in the park (I’m a big believer in FOREST THERAPY). Also, if that’s your thing, youtube has LOTS of free self-care content: yoga classes, guided meditations, tips, soothing music...
6. If you’re STUCK IN A RUT, motivation doesn’t come, you can’t face leaving your bed because you fear something awful will happen well, I’m sorry but I’ll give you some tough love... Motivation won’t come. You have to do the thing even if you don’t feel
like it or are scared to do it. Likelihood is it’s not that big of a deal once you get started so... Take the first step (also, look into BEHAVIOURAL ACTIVATION a tried and true CBT technique).
7. EAT ONE FROG A DAY. You know that awful, anxiety inducing shit task you’ve been post-poning for ages that lingers in the back of your mind, eating at you and your sanity, neuron by neuron? Just get it over with. It won’t get any easier to do so may as well do it now and at least you can tick one off.
8. Frogs come in every size and SMALL WINS ARE IMPORTANT. Maybe your frog is making your bed in the morning or getting up before 7am or doing the dishes. Small victories accumulate and will make you feel accomplished step by step, no matter how small that step is. This can REALLY IMPROVE YOUR MOOD. Also, small frogs can easily become major frogs the more you put them off.
9. If it applies to you, TAKE YOUR MEDS and REMEMBER YOUR REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS. Many times have I forgotten to take mine or reorder them to then feel like shit and completely useless for a week. What works for me may not work for you but here are my tips anyway - keep a water bottle and your meds by your bed next to your alarm clock/phone so you take them first thing when you wake up. Keep some extra meds in your bag so that IF you forget to take them then you have them with you and can easily get on top of it as soon as you realise.
10. KEEP HYDRATED. Honestly, I get majorly moody if I haven’t been drinking enough and it’s good for you eiter way so, do it!
11. BE ACCOUNTABLE. Find a buddy to help you keep in check (if you don’t have regular medical appointments or therapy sessions). Someone who you can talk to about how things are going or share experiences. Hey, I’m here if you’re desperate for a bud!
12. TRY TO DEVELOP AND KEEP A ROUTINE. Developing new habits takes a lot of effort and time. So it’s gonna be hard and you’ll feel like you want to give up and just hide under your covers (again, I speak from experience). Try and visualise what you’d like your daily routine to be - write it down, monitor it daily and if you fail try again...
13. TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY and a new chance to do things better. Try again and again until you succeed. And don’t beat yourself up everytime things don’t go exactly the way you want them to...
14. FOCUS ON POSITIVES. Remember those small wins? Write them down at the end of the day (or simply go over them in your mind). Keep a gratitude journal - as cliche as it sounds, remembering the good things at the end of a shit day will help you go to bed on a good note. I once heard of a lady who kept a journal where she only wrote positive things - all the negative crap she left out - I think that’s a great idea and something I am eager to try.
15. DECLUTTER FOR 5 MINS EACH DAY. A clean space makes for a clean mind. I always feel more anxious and moody if my space is messy.
16. EMBRACING MINIMALISM CAN HELP. Having lots of things doesn’t equal happiness or peace of mind. Lots of things create clutter and chaos and, in my case, mind clutter and anxiety.... which is why I’m currently actively trying to be more conscious about my possessions and purchases.
17. LEARN TO SAY NO. A lot of students in this community are perfectionists, overachieving, ambitious young people. It’s very easy to be seduced by cool opportunities, collabs, requests, invitations... Think twice before saying yes - can you realistically do what you are agreeing to? Will it contribute to your anxiety? Will it truly be beneficial for you? Be a bit selfish if you have to. It’s okay to focus on your wellbeing.
18. DON’T LET IMPOSTER SYNDROME TAKE THE REIGNS. We’ve all been there: I don’t deserve this, I’m not good enough, everyone else is smarter, I CAN’T DO THIS. Yes you can! Tell that voice to shut up. Say it in front of the mirror everyday: I AM ENOUGH AND I CAN DO THIS.
19. BREAK THINGS DOWN. Instead of writing on your to do list “clean bedroom”, break it down into as small tasks as possible: “pick up clothes from floor”, “change bedding”, “organise books”, “dust surfaces”, “vacuum”, etc.
20. ASK FOR HELP. I end it as I begun it. When it gets too hard, reach out. Whether it’s a close friend or an anonymous support line you don’t have to go through it alone. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, YOUR LIFE MATTERS.
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albionscastle · 6 years
First Impressions Part 9
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been in a dreadful funk since getting back from Scotland and I haven’t written hardly at all. But I was putting up the tree and thought of a scene which turned into this.
This chapter doesn’t really further the story much but gives an insight into what Lizzie and Jack are thinking. 
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Winter had officially arrived, several weeks early in fact. Lizzie sat in her window watching the children walking to school, bundled in their coats and scarves, happily throwing snowballs at one another. Shop owners were salting and shovelling the sidewalks while the trucks came along to give the same treatment to the roads. The first decent snow of the season the week before Thanksgiving was almost unheard of. Since Lizzie had been in high school it had only snowed before Christmas maybe three times. Up at 6am she’d already shovelled the sidewalk outside the theatre, the landlord was far too old to be having to worry about it and if she was honest she enjoyed the simple labor of it.
What she didn’t like, however, was driving in the snow, especially in or around Chicago. She’d admittedly been called a crazy driver more than once but she had nothing on the idiots who came out in the bad weather. It was far safer for her and everyone else for her to just, not. The museum had already been informed that she wouldn’t be back until March, and honestly Lizzie was looking forward to taking the time off to explore some online classes, anything to pad her resume. Today, though, she was free just to relax and watch the flakes fall while she nursed her tea.
A ping from her phone distracted her, no-one usually texted her at 7am unless it was an emergency, or they wanted her to work.
Brad: Hey Red! It’s snowing!
Lizzie rolled her eyes. In the weeks since Charlie’s birthday, the weird feeling she’d had about Brad had almost vanished and she’d engaged with him a lot more. Though she had yet to take him up on his offers of dinner, she had allowed him to sit beside her at the movies once or twice. For his part, Brad had eased off while still making his attraction clear. Lizzie couldn’t understand why she was so reticent about getting involved with him. On paper he was a hell of a catch - gorgeous, charming, successful, friendly and fun. Brad Wickham ticked a lot of boxes, except two. Attraction and trust.
The truth was - she just didn’t think of him in that way. If he brushed her hand or touched her she felt nothing. Literally nothing, it just wasn’t there for her and no amount of trying had changed that. There was also the niggling feeling in the back of her mind that she just couldn’t trust him. Whether it was because he was just too perfect, or her own personal fears, she just couldn’t tell, but it was there.
It didn’t stop her from enjoying his friendship though.
Lizzie: Your powers of perception are second to none. I never would have guessed.
Brad: Ha ha, there’s talk they may cancel filming today.
Lizzie: It’s barely a dusting! And wouldn’t that just put production behind? Brad: Nah, we only have a few days of filming left and today is just us lowly bit part actors lol
He was right, Lizzie realised suddenly. Even Tom had mentioned more than once that the whole thing would be done by Thanksgiving, which was only seven days away. She made a mental note to ask Maya what plans her and Tom had made.
Lizzie: I forgot you will all be out of our hair this week.
Brad: Well our mutual ‘friend’ will be, me, I might stick around for a while.
She didn't’;t even realise that she’d said the word out loud the thought was so sudden. But Lizzie knew without a doubt that deep down she didn’t want Brad to stay in town once production finished.
Lizzie: trust me, there’s NOTHING here in the winter. Just ice and assholes, other than that, nothing happens.
There was no text for a while and Lizzie hoped that she’d gotten the message across diplomatically enough. She knew damn well what he meant when he talked about staying and she didn’t want to give him false hope.
Brad: Subject change, are you going to the wrap party?
Lizzie: Half the city was invited so yes. What about you?
Brad: Well it's sure to be awkward but I’m determined to. After all, Jack’s the one who should be ashamed, not me. If he doesn’t want to see me there he can leave and hide in his hotel room.
Lizzie: Now that would make the night perfect lol
Brad: Gotta go, we just got called. TTYL
The wrap party had been a bone of contention for Lizzie since the invitations arrived. Her mother and Lydia were over the moon, naturally, but when Lizzie had suggested she stay home with Ben she had been vetoed across the board. Reluctantly she’d had to agree to go, even though she wanted to avoid a great many of the people who would be there.
Still, maybe the night would be bearable with Brad and Charlie there. Maybe.
As expected, the snow had eased off by mid-morning and would be melted away by late afternoon. Maya had arrived at lunch, arms stacked with books and looking all flustered.
“Can I study here? If I go home Mom is just going to distract me and I’ll get nothing done, I’m behind already.”
Lizzie couldn’t say no to Maya, even if her presence meant that her planned day of solitude had gone out the window. Leaving her sister with her law books spread out all over the dining table, Lizzie had pottered around cleaning the apartment and hauling the Christmas boxes down from the storage room. Chloe was strict about the tree not going up until December and Colin had never allowed one. This year she was going to have it her way, Christmas was her favorite time of year.
It was dark by five and finally Maya shut her books.
“I’m done. All caught up, thanks Lizzie.”
“No probs, are you hungry?”
“Famished, I should get home for dinner.”
“I’ll rustle something up, stay and relax for a while.”
Lizzie could see Maya’s forehead wrinkle nd she knew what was bothering her.
“You have plans with Tom?”
“Just dinner with him and Jack.” Maya looked guilty.
Taking a deep breath, Lizzie made the decision.
“Invite them here.”
The thankful look on Maya’s face was worth any irritation that Lizzie felt at the prospect of Jack being in her apartment. Besides there were just a days left and she was, as always, willing to put up with anything if it meant Maya’s happiness.
Lizzie busied herself in the kitchen, making sure she was busy when the men in question arrived. She could hear their voices, the difference between their accents always so clear. Despite herself, she enjoyed the burrs and lilts when Jack spoke and loathed that she actually found his voice quite comforting.
“Could ye use a hand?”
Speak of the devil and he’ll pop his head into your kitchen.
“I’m actually good.” Lizzie didn’t even look up  from chopping the carrots.
“Are ye sure? I think those two want some time alone, if ye ken?”
You could have stayed home, she thought bitterly.
“Fine, can you chop these for me?” she sighed.
“What are makin?” he took the knife from her hand and got to work.
“A coconut curry, nothing special.”
“Sounds better than McDonalds again.”
Lizzie couldn’t help but snicker. Whiting wasn’t known as a hub for the discerning diner, and their McDonald's even had a Facebook page declaring it the worst in existence. For good reason.
“You’re gambling with your life eating at that shithole.”
“Take it up wi’ the young’un, he’s go a stomach made o cast iron.”
“And apparently the taste to go with it if he willingly eats that crap to begin with.”
“Well, to be fair, the lad’s no had a lot of experience past uni, and ye know how tha goes.”
“I remember. I existed on a diet of ramen, takeout and toast. Oh and chocolate, naturally.”
“Naturally.” he chuckled, sliding the veggies into the skillet at Lizzie’s beckoning.
The conversation lapsed into a comfortable silence as the meal came together. Jack seemed able to anticipate her needs and they worked together like a well-oiled machine.
“It’s almost ready, let me check the rice.”
Lizzie lifted the lid on the pot and held her hand out for a fork. Jack handed one to her, fingers sliding over hers as he placed it in her palm. The jolt that hit her made her catch her breath, hand shaking as she gripped the utensil. The last time he’d touched her this hadn’t happened, but she’d been upset and his touch had been comforting in the face of Colin.
This. This was trouble.
Lizzie waited until Jack went to set the table before she let out her breath, her hand still tingling and her body far too warm for comfort.
What the fuck had just happened? JACK
His hand was twitching, literally twitching as he flexed his fingers. He’d seen Elizabeth take a deep breath and he knew that she felt it too. The attraction that simmered was white hot and coursing through his veins and it was all he could do to slow his breathing. Jack barely even paid attention to what he was doing, his mind wandering to far more interesting thoughts.
Stop it! He muttered to himself before his body betrayed his thoughts.
Jack forced himself to calm down before going back into the kitchen. Elizabeth had her back to him as she transferred food to serving dishes. He took a moment to appreciate her, even all covered up she was a treat. For a brief moment he allowed himself to imagine walking up behind her, lifting her braid so he could press his lips to her neck. In his mind she leaned back into him with a smile as his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her as he whispered in her ear.
“Can you get the others?”
His bubble burst and reality came into sharp focus as he called out to Tom and Maya, taking a serving dish from the counter. He gave himself credit for rallying well during dinner, telling stories from different sets that had the women howling with laughter. There were moments he noticed that Elizabeth would have her brows furrowed in confusion, and he definitely noticed her watching him when she thought he wasn’t looking.
Bolstered, he not only dragged Tom to make sure they did the cleaning up, but he also broached the subject of the Christmas boxes in the corner.
“Lizzie always was gung ho about getting Christmas up and moving.” Maya laughed. “Mom would never even let her look at tinsel until December.”
“I’m all fer decorating early ma’self.” Jack shrugged, noting Elizabeth’s surprise. “There’s summan magical about Christmas an I think the longer ye can experience it each year the better.”
He didn’t add that he hadn’t decorated his flat since Lisa buggered off and even then it had been all her, designed purely to be shown off and with no warmth or charm. There had been no magic to it.
“Lizzie! Why don’t we do it now?” Tom suddenly piped up with excitement.
Good boy, Jack thought as he murmured his agreement to the idea.
“Well I guess we could.” she seemed uncertain at first but he could see the excitement brimming in her eyes.
That was all it took. Within minutes the boxes had been dragged into the center of the room and the corner emptied.
“I prefer real trees,” Elizabeth sighed she cut open the huge box containing the tree. “But I couldn’t justify the expense when I already had this.”
As it was, her fake tree was impressively real-looking, and large. Jack could see that it had been packed away for quite some time as even the scent packets in with it had lost their smell. It was a lovely tree but in the back of his mind all he could think was that he deserved the real thing.
Maya lit pine-scented candles, while Tom turned on a Christmas playlist. Jack helped Elizabeth piece the tree together, pulling and fluffing the branches until it looked perfect. For the next hour or so, lights and tinsel were hung, and box after box of baubles opened. Many were the typical colorful glass balls, glittering stars, pretty but impersonal. The last couple of boxes were different. He watched the sisters as they lifted each one out, some hand made and some old and well loved. There was even a box of ornaments that were nothing but Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, a wonderland of pop culture. Jack’s personal favorite was a Darth Vader in an ugly sweater who spoke about presents and Sithmas every time someone moved past him.
“When did you get all these, Lizzie?” Maya was hanging a golden Snitch beside a sparkly Merida.
Tom was unboxing a Captain America and jack was playing with a shark that played the Jaws theme.
“I’ve just bought them at sale over the years, Mom never wanted them on the tree and Colin…” Jack watched her visibly gather herself. “He wasn’t big on Christmas.”
It occured to Jack that this might well be the first time Elizabeth had her own tree, in her own home, and he wasn’t sure how it was making him feel. Shaking his head to try and clear his thoughts he handed her the shark, watching her while she hung it. After it all was done and the boxes carted back to storage, Jack stood back looking at what they’d done.. The tree was a hodge podge, with no apparent style or theme and he had to admit he thought it was perfect. The result was warm, inviting and somehow uniquely Elizabeth. This apartment wasn’t designed to please anyone but her and it worked, in the fact that one felt so much at home here.
His flat in London was pathetically sterile, had been even during the time he shared it with Lisa. She’d been all for the ultra modern, with white everything and the place had looked like a damn photoshoot. He’d been afraid to even sit on the fucking couch. In the year that she’d been gone the only thing he’d done with the place was buy a couch and a tv, most of the time that was where he slept too. If he was with a woman it had always been at her place or a hotel, somewhere that he could make a quick, discrete exit. There had been no morning afters, no desire to have a woman in his space.
Until now.
Elizabeth would hate his place, he knew by looking at her jewelled throws and little knick knacks, and he’d be embarrassed to take her there. But here, he could see something more than taking her to bed and sneaking out while she was asleep. He could see snuggling on the couch as a movie played, he could see cooking together again.
He could see a future and it scared him to death.
It wasn’t possible, least of all with her and all of this had to be some weird side-effect of being in close quarters to the woman he wanted to shag and couldn’t. There was no future with a woman who lived in a different country and whose whole family belonged on some trashy American talk show. Not to mention that he was never ever going to put himself in that position again. He could never allow himself to be blindsided and betrayed again - especially when the woman in question was already friendly with Wick.
While the others dug into dessert, Jack excused himself to the bathroom, finding that he needed a few moments to be alone with his thoughts. Strolling down the hallway he ran his fingers along the wall, taking in the gallery of photos. Most were of Elizabeth and her family or friends. He chuckled to himself at one of her and Charlie as young teens, skinny and awkward looking, their teeth in braces. Further along, closer to her bedroom door were two framed documents. With some surprise he realised they were diplomas, from Northwestern University. Somehow he’d known in the back of his mind that she’d been to school, something he’d overheard maybe. He hadn’t considered a place like Northwestern, or that ‘gone to school’ meant a Masters degree in History.
He was honestly taken aback. What on earth was she doing working in a bakery with a masters degree? Jack couldn’t wrap his head around it, or around why the hell he cared so much what she did or didn’t do with her life. Splashing his face with water in the bathroom, Jack tried to shake some sense into himself. With a resigned sigh he instead gave into curiosity and opened the bathroom cabinet, all the while telling himself that he was a despicable human being.
“What on earth?” he murmured aloud as he took in the row of prescription bottles on the shelf.
His brow furrowed as he read the labels; Hydroxyzine, Lexapro, Amitriptyline, Naproxen - that one, he knew was for pain. The others though, he had no idea what they were but it didn’t bode well. Whatever was wrong with Elizabeth, she did a good job of hiding it, he’d certainly seen no signs of illness or weakness.
“That was a nice night, even you have to admit Jack.” Tom remarked later as they walked back to the hotel.
“Aye it was. Say, do ye know if Elizabeth is sick or summan?”
“She looked fine to me, a bit tired maybe.”
Jack just shrugged, surely if it were something  like say, cancer, Maya would have mentioned something to Tom. Whatever it was it apparently wasn’t bad enough to cause anyone any real concern.
Again, why did he even fucking care?
Short answer, he didn’t. The woman had gotten under his skin, yes but for no reason other than him being horny, wanting to scratch the itch. Anything else was simply sentimentality, maybe a touch of loneliness.
“Nuthun, jus thought she seemed a bit, off, probably jus tried like ye said.”
“Awe how sweet of you to care you big softie.” Tom laughed, despite the dark look that Jack shot him.
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.” Jack muttered, shoving Tom good-naturedly.
As much as Jack hated to admit it, Tom had a point. He did care, despite his better judgement and every argument against it. He cared. Very much.
And he was miserable.
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tpwkwrites · 6 years
Never Sometimes Always - Chapter Six
Woohoo! Two in one day! What a legend I am! Enjoy! Masterlist and full series at the ennnnnnd!
d x
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Never Sometimes Always - Chapter Six 
“Wait! You did what!?” Violet was taking the train to Harry’s Hampstead home on Saturday, but the pair have been talking nonstop. Through text, calls and now facetimes. This newfound confidence Violet has is foreign to her. She’s facetiming a boy who she may or may not (definitely may) fancy while in the most unflattering angle with messy hair and disheveled pyjamas. And it was comfortable. It was so comfortable. “I didn’t mean to offend him!” Violet says a few octaves higher than her normal speaking voice. “I just didn’t know it was...a him!”
“Goodness, Vi.” Harry’s snort-laughing, his face half covered by his gigantic hand and Violet just imagines what it would be like to be beside him, snuggled into him and his beige sheets. When Harry’s laughter dies down they share soft smiles. “Hey.” She giggles, shoving her face further under her duvet so he didn’t see her blush. “Hey.” Harry sighs, looking around his room. “You should come over now.” “Now?” Violet questions. “It’s half eight. Surely the station is closed. And I’ll see you tomorrow anyway.” Harry huffs. “But I’m bored, and I wanna hang out with you.” “You are hanging out with me,” Violet retorts quickly. Harry rolls his eyes. “I mean in person. I’ll book your tickets.” “Uh! Harry!” Harry has his phone perched up against his laptop screen. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration as he searches for tickets to him. “How do you feel about leaving a bit after nine? Like fifteen minutes?” “Harry, what can we possibly do this late at night? I’d have to spend the night.” She adjusts the glasses on her face and plugs in the fairy lights above her head. “So.” He shrugs. “Or I can come to you. I’ll spend the weekend. You can show me around Cambridge. Show me ya classes and stuff.” “That sounds awfully boring.” Harry grins at the younger girl. “I just booked tickets.” “Harry!” Violet’s heart is fluttering in her chest. He’s going to give her an aneurysm. “Will you get me from the station? I won’t bring paps or anything. Promise.” “Harry, where are you going to stay? In my flat?” Harry’s now packing a duffle rather quickly. “Yep.” Violet groans. A boy is now coming over for the weekend. No. A man. A really attractive man. A really attractive man will be in Violet’s home for the entirety of three days. “See you in...” Harry glances at the ticket details on his laptop screen, “...an hour, twenty.” And then he hangs up. Violet immediately rings Amber. “Vi?” “Amber, please help me. Harry’s coming over.” “Over? Over!? Like over over!? To our flat!?” Violet gets up and begins to clean the sitting room, organising things that were already in perfect order. “Yes! With a duffle for the weekend!” Amber is silent for a short while before saying, “shit, Vi. You’re gonna have sex with literally one of the hottest men on the planet.” “Shut up, Amber! I need actual help. Should I change? Do we have extra linen? Should I sleep in your room? He can take my bed. Oh my gosh, my sheets have crisp crumbs all over them. Crap, I need to—oh my gosh, the rubbish is literally a mountain. How am I –“ “Violet,” Amber laughs, “chill out, first off.” “Amb,” Violet slouches down in the couch feeling absolutely defeated, “I don’t know if I can. I really fancy him. And I don’t want to mess this up.” “And you won’t. The boy is droppin’ thirty quid just to come and spend the weekend with you. He must find you at least a bit interesting.” “You really think he fancies me back?” Violet lies against the arm of the chair. “One hundred percent, V. He’s proper up your arse, literally coming all the way to that stuffy old school just for you. No offense.” Violet and Amber laugh. “What will you even do? Will you guys be, like, public cause that’s another thing.” “I’ve never really thought of that, to be honest. I don’t think so. He wanted to see the campus so I was going to show him around.” “What, like tonight?” “...yes?” Amber sighs. “You lot are the cutest. Remember I’m your maid of honour. I’m going to give you the best hen-do ever.” “Oh, shut up. We’ve only known each other for two weeks maybe.” “Which better proves my point. You’re both moving so fast. I really do support this. I’m telling Jen.” “Okay, I’m hanging up.” Violet grabs her phone. “No, no! Wait!” Violet rolls her eyes. “What Amber?” “I have condoms in my bedside table.” “Oh my gosh.”                                                             * * * Rockstar H: I don’t see you. i’m in the black mini Rockstar H: No wonder I can’t see you. you can walk you know Violet jumps at the sudden rapture against her back windscreen. She grins when she spots Harry. He sends her a small wave and she unlocks the car, allowing him to toss his bags in the boot of her car. Harry makes his way to the passenger side of the vehicle and slides in with ease. “Vi.” Harry leans over the consul and embraces the younger woman. He even smacks his lips against her cheeks, taking her by surprise, but she doesn’t miss a beat before placing her lips on his cheek as well. “It’s so great to see you.” “It’s great to see you, too, Harry.” Violet blushes and unplugs her phone from the auxiliary cable. “You can deejay for the next fifteen minutes to campus.” Harry grins, snatching the cord from Violet’s hand. “Is it weird that I’m excited?” “Excited for what?” Violet chuckles. A soft guitar melody that Violet recognises to be Jason Mraz fills the car. “I don’t know,” Harry shrugs, “touring a university campus.” “It’s not that cool I promise. Unless you like thousand-year-old schools and large lecture halls.” Harry looks out the window, leaning his head back on the seat. “I just think it’s cool. I never got to do the whole university thing, you know.” “Yeah.” Violet smiles and glances at Harry. “I hope I make it worth it. Give you the full broke uni student who only eats minute noodles and stresses every two seconds experience.” Harry chuckles. “Can’t wait.” The conversation ended there, and for about two minutes Violet was racking her brain, trying to find something to say. She realised though, once Harry had started playing Better Man but Little Big Town, that she didn’t have to say anything. The silence they were in was peaceful, and not forced, and needed. The two of them have been down each other’s throats (not literally, but Violet wouldn’t mind) since Monday, so this bit of silence is very appreciated. The campus was a ghost town; exactly what Harry and Violet wanted. Violet parked her car in the handicap spot (considering no one was here to use it) and got out the car, Harry following in suit. “So you come here every day?” Harry asks as they walk down the unnecessarily long walkway to the first common area. “No. Just when I have class. Last semester I had four classes. Three regular classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and a night class that only met Monday nights.” Violet explained. “Wait, so you just stayed home Tuesday’s and Thursday’s?” Violet ponders. “Sometimes. Most of the time I was doing my student internship at whichever hospital they sent me to for the month.” “That’s crazy,” Harry says in a far-off voice. “So,” he whips his head to her, “that’s a lot isn’t it?” “What, the classes? No way,” Violet chuckles. “Four is insanely easy. I had ten classes my first semester, which, in all honesty, made me want to off myself.” Violet and Harry laugh, passing through the main archway into the courtyard. Harry looks around in amazement and Violet was so infatuated. She thinks it’s so interesting that he’s never see anything like this, this mundane world of hers. “I’m just imagining myself with a rucksack and laptop in hand, rushing to class,” Harry admits. Violet smiles. “Well, if you were to go into law you’d be about a mile or two away from here. This is the pre-professional medicinal wing.” Harry’s mouth forms an O. “So this is future doctors?” “Mhm,” Violet hums, taking a seat on one of the benches under the large tree in the centre of the courtyard. Harry follows her, taking a seat next to her, closer than he had to be. “This might be the weirdest date I’ve ever been on,” Harry says suddenly, his voice making Violet jump. Violet smiled. Date. “Yeah? Why’s that?” “Cause,” Harry looks up at the glass ceiling of the common area, taking in the design and the way the moon shined over them, “cause I’m asking you all the questions, and it’s usually the other way ‘round. And like, you’re giving me a tour of your campus. Like that’s kinda weird. Not a bad weird. It’s cool. I wish I went to school sometimes. Probably wouldn’t go for law though.” Harry rambles. “Why not? What would you go for?” Harry ponders for a minute before leaning back on the wooden seat, closing his eyes. “Music therapy, maybe. Maybe education.” Violet nods. She can see that.
After showing Harry several lecture halls and small classrooms, they decided to leave the campus. But of course not without pictures. Harry even went back to the car to get his rucksack because “it has to be authentic.” Violet took several photos of Harry standing in front of the giant lion statue, one of him in a desk, looking very concentrated, and one of him pretending to be asleep over a set of lewd textbooks they’d found in that classroom. Harry even took some of Violet in front of the digital board pointing to nothing and then some of them together around campus. Her favourite is the one in front of the waterfall fountain. It was the hardest photo to take because they both wanted to be in it, but they didn’t have a photographer. So, with the brilliant idea of stacking objects and balancing Harry’s really expensive phone on top, plus the countdown timer, the pair got the perfect photo.
“Promise not to judge,” Violet says, standing in the corridor of her tiny shared flat. “I had no intentions of you coming here anytime soon.” 
“I’m not judgy.”
Violet gave him a sassy look. “You made fun of me for liking tea the second day I’d known you.” 
“Okay, but you brought that on yourself. Now let me in.” Violet groans and opens the door with much haste.
Harry looks around the flat with a smile. To very honest, his wardrobe is about the size of their entire kitchen/dining/living area, but he wouldn’t tell Violet that.
“Okay so you walk in here, and tada, the kitchen is immediatly to your left. It’s not that cool, and don’t mind the dishes. I need to load the dishwasher at some point. Keep going straight and here’s a really pathetic excuse for a dining table, and then the family area. We’ve got a nice little telly and a guest loo there.” Violet begins by describing all of the photos on the wall. She thinks this is her favourite part of the flat, the giant wall behind the double sofa covered in photographs dating further back than Violet could even imagine. “If you’ll follow me down this hall please, sir.”
“Of course. Lead the way.” Harry smiles at Violet and trails hot on her heels as she pointed out her flatmates' rooms.
“And this little room is mine. This is where you’ll be sleeping. I didn’t really take into account how tall you actually are so your feet might hang off the end. Sorry.” Harry chuckles and drops his bags on the bed, plopping down on the blush pink duvet beside his things. He smiles up and the girl and she sends one back, opening her arms wide. “Welcome!”
“Thank you for having me.” Harry grins.
“Mhm,” she hums. “I didn’t have much of a choice to be fair.” Harry laughs softly while looking around the room. Violet shoves his shoulder, a bit embarrassed that he’s seeing her space. “What?”
“Nothin’,” He smiles at her yet again. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get enough of that smile. “You’ve got a cute room.” 
“Thank you,” she says. “I don’t have a lot of food. I need to do a food shop tomorrow, but I’ve got pizza from yesterday in the hob.” 
“Sure, let's have that.”
Harry follows Violet to the kitchen and watches as she warms the pizza up in the microwave oven, shoved in the corner of the cluttered worktop. He suggests, “let's go to the store tonight.”
Violet takes the pizza out and gives Harry a questioning look. “To the market?”
“Yeah, why not? It’ll be fun.” Harry shoves a bit of Pizza Face into his mouth and Violet shrugs. “How many people could possibly be out this time of night?”
Violet checks the microwave and sees the digits 0127. So, with that Violet and Harry travel to the store, Waitrose specifically. There were four cars parked outside the store, so Harry felt safe enough to remove his paddy cap and extremely warm black jumper. Violet grabs the cart while Harry scans his Waitrose card.
“I don’t know what kind of food you like so you’ll have to get whatever you want for this weekend. Also, I don’t know how to cook anything beyond breakfast foods so…”
Harry chuckles and Violet follows him to the produce section. “I’d like to think I eat anything, but I can be picky when it comes to greasy foods.”
“You, Mr. Taco man, don’t like greasy food?”
Harry rolls his eyes. “Not a lot of the time.” 
“Well, just so you know, I can live off pizza.”
“Oh, I know.”
Violet slaps Harry’s shoulder with her hand and the pair continued their shopping in peace. Violet wasn’t sure what Harry was really expecting out of her, a friendship, a relationship, or what. But she hopes it isn’t temporary, because she hasn’t felt like this with anyone in a long time.
                                                      * * *
I know it’s been a minute but I’ve really had a lot going on. Camp started a week before uni, then uni and now we’re in the second week of uni and wow im so stressed because im a double major and im trying to go pre professional and study abroad for my masters but theres like a long process that comes with that and yeah. Im stressed, but it is what it is. I hope you guys enjoyed these. Sorry again its been so long but im baaaaaack :)
 masterlist here!
full series here!
d x
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selenecrown · 6 years
Fandom Tag! It's been a while since I have been tagged, huh?
Hey guys! I got tagged! Yay! I was tagged by @thehuggamugcafe ! Thank you so much!
Rules: Pick 3 (I'm going to do 4 because I feel like it) random fandoms you are in, and answers some questions about them! Then tag some people you want to get to know better!
The fandoms picked were:
- Persona 5. (Huh. Cool.)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (I know you guys have many questions about this.)
- Durarara!! (I wasn't expecting this. Okay, I can roll with it!)
- Diabolik Lovers (Interesting! Okay, I'm cool with it.)
Question 1: Favorite Character?
- P5 - Ren/Akira, as you can tell for my blog being surrounded by him. But, the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts have a place in my heart too. They may as well have stolen it.
- HDN - Vert! She's my favorite CPU. I also like Nepgear and Uni as well as Rom and Ram. In other words, the CPU Candiates, but the Oracles are cool in my opinion, too!
- DR!!! - Mikado, Anri, Kida, The Orihara Family, Celty, Shinra, Shizuo. Basically most of the main cast. Durarara!!! was a very good anime in my opinon.
- DL - Yui, The Mukami Brothers, Subaru and Shu. All for very different reasons, but the Mukami brothers are still a favorite family of mine to this day (even though It's not in my tag system that I need to finish up!).
Question 2: Any Expected Favorite Characters?
- P5 - For one, Mishima and Shiho were a big one, also if I am being honest most of the Akira/Ren's Confidants. Namely the Phantom Thieves.
- HDN - Uni and Ram. I thought their personalities would make them somewhat unlikable in my opinion. But Nope! I got used to it after a while.
- DR!!! - Izaya, Shinra, and Shizuo. At first, I thought I wouldn't like any of them because of how the series portrays them as adults with problems who sometimes will lend a hand if asked, but later on with much backstory later I was able to appreciate them as characters.
- DL - Honestly? Kou and Yuma. I also thought that I might not like them too much since Kou is two faced and Yuma has a temper. But, it kinda just didn't bother me after some time.
Question 3: Most Relatable Character to You?
- P5 - Ann, mainly because in real life I do some modeling for a family friend that I'm not too dedicated to, I am indecisive at times but still really good at talking and negotiating with people, I am a huge sucker for sweets, I have had and/or still have friends with issues on sensitive topics and I have had many people I know move away, and most of all, I too have had bad people in my life I didn't push away that really dragged me down until I realized my situation.
- HDN - Neptune! Because I too want to be lazy and not be responsible and everyone seems to underestimate me and my abilities until I get off my lazy butt and be productive. Also, when the time comes, I can be responsible and take charge and I am a good person if you get past my lazy self. I just don't do it often enough for people to respect me.
- DR!!! - Kida. Kida is filled with many problems in his life and even though he is probably depressed and probably has PTSD (from what I get from some situations or that's what I think in some scenes through out the series), he still cares very deeply for his friends and just wants them to be okay. He doesn't care too much for himself, he cares for his friends so much he would die just to save them from themselves. Kida, while I can't relate to being in a gang or having PTSD, I can relate to him because of his depression and his loyalty to his friends that I have, too.
- DL - Um, this is a hard one for me. Let's go with Kou. Not because I am two-faced, but because I do feel like sometimes I am two-faced. I act very differently to each person I know and it can feel like I'm not being as honest as I could be with one person as I am with another. Sometimes I have to fake a smile because of what exactly I am hiding from them. Most of the time I hide jealously, insecurities, and my true feelings about how I think about them. My kind nature won't let me tell them how I feel until I have gotten over it and have let go of those feelings. And sometimes, I lie and can't admit I have problems because I don't want others involved because of what might happen. In essence, I can't admit my true feelings unless it goes through a filter. And it is a filter that I can't really change, until I have gotten comfortable with a person enough to let my filter break. 
I maybe over emphasizing a very common thing like depression or how most people feel sometimes relationships are, but it's something about myself I want to acknowledge and learn to deal with. 
Question 4: Characters You Would Slap If Given The Chance?
- P5 - All the Villians minus Akechi. Seriously, FUDGE them. They are cruel people who really don't need to be in society. Also, Mika from Ann's Confidant. Fudge her. I dislike with a passion.
- HDN - This is a hard one. Um, well, I guess I will go with Noire. She is a tsundere, but she doesn't treat her sister too well compared to others like Neptune and Blanc. I personally like Noire, but at times it seems like Noire isn't really being fair to her sister. Which for me, is kinda sad. Other than that, I would probably slap most of the bad guys in the series minus Arfoire because she is funny most of the time. But, I would slap her too.
- DR!!! - Izaya is a big one, since he is the villain of the series, but at times I did want to slap Shinra, and the Raira Trio because literally most of how much in the whole series could have been prevented if they sat down, beat the crap out of Izaya, and talked their problems out.
- DL - Kino is a big one. But I would slap most of the boys because they aren't the best of people to Yui. Also most of the adults in the series, too.
Question 5: List Your Three Favorite Characters, Go!
- P5 - Akira/Ren, Ann, and Futuba.
- HDN - Vert, Nepgear, and Uni.
- DR!!! - Mikado, Anri and Kida.
- DL - Yui, Subaru and Ruki.
Question 6: Any Characters That Grew on You?
- P5 - Most of the confidants did that to me, and so did most if the Phantom Thieves. But if you are asking for one particular person, Goro Akechi. Through my first run hrough of the game, I didn't like him. I had this feeling he wasn't a hero but not a compete villain either. To find, I was right. But the backstory didn't really get to me until the second playthrough. Then, pretty much after the TV station I liked him a little more. Then, he kept growing on me until he had grown on me enough I liked as much as any other Phantom Thief. Goro still holds a place in my heart next to all the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
- HDN - Noire. At first, I saw she was kinda a butt to everyone. That is, until I took a step back and realized she was a Tsundere and was the leader of a country. Of course she was uptight and sometimes had a stick up her butt. She kinda had sometimes to get things done. After that, I respected her more as a character and a CPU.
- DR!!! - Simon was a big one. Shinra was one too. And the Van Gang! I love those guys. Saki is in second place, holy crap you guys remember that if you are going to start this series. But the biggest one to me was Shizuo. I thought he just was not really a good person, but then I realized Izaya was kinda a jerk, and got the backstory behind the two's relationship and was like, hey, Izaya's an asshole. No wonder Shizuo wanted to beat the living shit out of him. And the backstory of Shizuo's past also got me, and now he's a favorite of mine.
- DL - Yui. At first, I didn't like her because of how she was presented at first. And the fandom didn't help that, either. But, when I actually went back and looked at Yui's actions, I realized I probably would have done those same things too. And not long after, a lot of Yui Appreciation Posts came out that ponited out a lot of things about her I didn't know. So, I like her a lot more now!
Question 7: Three OTPs, Go!
- P5 - AkiraxLove and Appreciation from the seriesxRyuji, GoroxFreedom and Love, and AnnxCrepes.
- HDN - Vert + a sister of her own, Unix More Love from Her Sister, and PlutiaxSleep.
- DR!!! - The Raira TrioxLove and Support from One Another, IzayaxAny Trashcan, and The Van GangxMore Love and Support from the Fandom.
- DL - YuixBeing a Badass, AzusaxEating more food, and YumaxHis Garden.
[Sorry guys I have no ships, but I do have these crack ships I support a lot.]
Tags: Well, I can't think of anybody right now. But hey, if you want to do it, go ahead! This was pretty fun for me.
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aliveprofessor · 7 years
so this is for @dailyshyan‘s triad tuesday challenge
(i wrote this in a few hours with no betaing so i apologize if it’s crap)
title: Puttin’ On The Ritz
description: Shane and Sara make a... bet.
rating: teen or mature depending on how you see it (it’s 11 pm cut me some slack)
tw: a little mention of sex 
word count: 2216
Sara’s hair was soft as Shane kissed her after the car ride home. Shane didn’t know how she could be so gorgeous, even after a day of working.
“You’re adorable,” Sara giggled, and there was a prick of guilt at Shane’s chest. It felt almost like cheating - even if they’d talked about it before. But they had talked about it before.
Shane may have had a crush on the new guy. A tiny, eensy, weensy, little bit of a crush on him. Even if he smiled like the sun and threw his whole body into his laugh and had magical deep brown eyes - and, okay, maybe Shane had a bigger crush on him that was anticipated.
Sara settled on the couch with a glass of red wine, Shane soon following her.
“Meet the new guy today?” Sara asked, taking a sip out of her glass.
Shane nodded. “Dark hair? Great smile?”
Sara looked a bit taken aback. Shane felt the prick grow, until she spoke again. “Laughs like he hung the sun? Wearing the baseball hat?”
Shane was stunned into silence. There was a beat of it, both of them settling on their goal within the span of a second. “He’s mine,” They said unanimously. It seemed they’d forgotten how to share, but Shane didn’t really give a shit.
“Bet,” He said, and Sara’s eye glimmered with… something. Mischief?
She spoke with the same thing in her voice. “Winner take all?”
“Winner gets a little something special,” Shane winked.
“A long hug?” Sara asked, playing into the joke.
“As long as that hug involves the loser’s mouth and the winner’s genitalia,” Shane grinned, Sara dissolving into laughter.
She set her wine on the coffee table and stuck out her hand. “You’re on.”
Shane shook it. “Now, let’s talk rules.”
The next day, Ryan noticed something peculiar. His deskmate, Shane, kept sneaking glances to him. Perhaps the first thing Ryan had decided about Buzzfeed was that everyone was too attractive and that if Eugene hadn’t existed, he’d be officially to bisexual to work there. And Eugene was pushing it.
At least he could entertain himself with the thought of Eugene. He’d feel too guilty to do the same to any of his other coworkers.
That being said, he didn’t discount Shane from the list of people who made him want to quit his job and earn money solely from waxing poetic about those around him.
“Hey dude,” Shane greeted when Ryan went to grab a coffee, “How’s things here? Settling in all right?”
“It’s going great!” Ryan grinned, “Everyone here is so nice!”
Shane smiled back, handing Ryan a mug full of sweet, sweet caffeine. “That’s good. I figured someone like yourself would fit right in with all the pretty faces around here.”
Ryan blinked. Was Shane flirting with him? He laughed, just in case he was joking. “Thank you. Y’know, sometimes I think the people here are just too pretty. Like - how does Andrew even exist?”
Shane let out a barking laugh, eyes crinkling. “You’re right. You’re so right. I’m so glad you’re here, though - you’re definitely the best-looking person I’ve seen around here in a long time. And you have the best laugh.”
Okay, definitely flirting.
Ryan honestly didn’t know how to handle it - so he backed out. “Hey man, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a lot of work to do. They put me on as editor for a lot of projects.”
“It’s not really a job people want to do,” Shane wrinkled his nose, “I get it. But don’t worry - you’ll only be the new guy until someone else rolls along.”
Ryan nodded, hurrying back to his desk and slipping his headphones back on. And on his desk, he found a note.
Text me
Ryan blinked at the paper, too. That was two people flirting with him. He didn’t know how to handle one - nevertheless, he found himself pulling out his phone and saving Sara in his contacts and decided there couldn’t possibly be two people flirting with him in one day.
Ryan: hey! it’s ryan bergara. you asked me to text you and i was just wondering what that was about? is there a problem or something
He put his phone on sleep mode and turned back to his project, getting a considerable amount of work done before the urge to check his phone overpowered any will he had left.
Sara: No, no, no problem :) you’re just a cutie and i wanted to get to know you!
Two people. Two people were flirting with him. Ryan vaguely remembered meeting a Sara - smaller, with curly hair and glasses. If this was that Sara, then he was definitely in danger of developing a crush. In a flurry of panic, Ryan immersed himself in his project again, finishing it in a record amount of time for him.
At least, he assumed it was a record amount of time. He looked up and it was almost time to go. Running a hand through his hair, he decided to call it a night and clock out. He leaned back in his chair and bumped into someone - the curly-haired girl he thought was Sara.
“Sara!” Shane grinned, standing up and murmuring something to her. She shook her head, and Shane escorted her out of the building. Ryan felt like he was missing something - like there was a piece of the puzzle he couldn’t quite grasp.
Shane and Sara laughed over their dinner. “You think he knows?”
“He does seem a little oblivious,” Shane pondered, looking at Sara with a kind of enchantedness she hadn’t seen since they had first started dating.
“Good Lord,” Sara said, taking Shane’s hand in her own, “You really are absolutely fucked, aren’t you?”
Shane, apparently caught off-guard, let out a cackle. “I sure am.”
“Nice,” Sara picked at her chicken.
After a pause, she spoke again. “I think I am too.”
Ryan was lonely. There was no way to beat around the bush with it, Ryan was fucking lonely. He was so tired of coming home alone - it’d happened during Uni and it’d happened during his barista job and it was happening now. He knew he’d only been at his new job for two days, but… still.
He picked at a microwave dinner, sulking in the corner of his silent apartment. Mac ‘n Cheese was always so tasteless when there was nobody to laugh over it. Ryan wasn’t just lonely - he felt truly alone.
His phone buzzed in his pocket - just a spam email. But it got him thinking.
He took his phone out of his pocket and pulled up her contact name.
Ryan: u want to know me better?
And, as if the universe was rewarding him for good behavior, she sent a text back right away.
Sara: Of course! Do you want to go out this weekend? Maybe saturday?
Ryan felt absolutely starstruck. Something inside him didn’t quite believe someone like Sara would give him the time of day, and, yet, here she was. Asking him out.
Of course, Ryan was new in town. He didn’t have anything to do. So he confirmed with Sara, and he felt something akin to getting a drink of water after being thirsty for three days. A little spark in his body, toes curling with excitement.
He didn’t know, of course, that Sara was rubbing it in Shane’s face. And Shane, Shane was devising a plan.
Sure. He knew the rules of their bet - Ryan had to initiate the kiss, they weren’t allowed to do anything illegal, they weren’t allowed to get him drunk or high, and they weren’t allowed to sabotage one another. But Shane had the advantage of proximity.
What a thrill, He thought, knowing Sara was just as lovestruck as he was. It was almost a bonding experience, like thirsting after Gal Gadot. Shane kissed Sara with a special kind of joy that night, feeling his heart soar.
Even if Ryan didn’t love them back - even if they weirded him out, even if he ran away - Shane would be happy. He’d still be tits-deep in love with Sara and he’d be happy.
That being said, Shane would absolutely give any one of his limbs to be the one who kissed Ryan first. Of course, according to Sara, he had until the weekend.
According to Shane, he only needed the week.
The next day, Ryan found not one, but two notes on his desk. One read “kisses!” from Sara with x’s and o’s after it, and the other said “I couldn’t splurge on real flowers, but I drew these just for you” with some admittedly charming flowers drawn in the space where the message didn’t take up.
Ryan felt like he might just explode. He buried his face in his arms, blushing and smiling like an idiot. He heard Shane’s footsteps, heard him sit down in his chair.
“You flirtin’, Madej?” Ryan asked, turning his head so Shane could hear.
Shane grinned back, that small grin that somehow spoke wonders. “You’d think we’d be on first-name terms after I got you flowers.”
Once again, Ryan felt himself torn. He’d have to tell Shane about Sara, at some point.
Ryan figured it was better to turn him down early. Even if it did hurt like Hell.
“Hey, man,” Ryan said, smile slipping from his face. “Uh… I really do hate to tell you this, but -”
He paused at the look on Shane’s face. “I’m going out with someone this weekend. Sara. I think you know her.”
The look of relief on Shane’s face was almost alarming. “Oh - oh, yeah. Probably should’ve told you this earlier - me and Sara are in an open relationship. Feel free to lust after both of us, buddy.”
Ryan was speechless. How could he have gotten so lucky? This didn’t happen to normal people like Ryan - Ryan wasn’t sure who it happened to, really. Just that there was absolutely no way his bisexual ass was allowed to fall in love with an amazing girl and a stunning guy.
“I…” Ryan started, breaking out into a smile, “Who said I was lusting after both of you?”
“I dunno,” Shane smirked, resting his head on his hand, “I think you’re pretty far gone. Or, at least, I hope so. If I’m not, then I’m projecting way harder than I usually am.”
Ryan wheezed. “I sure am far gone on you, dude.” And then, Ryan leaned in so close to Shane’s ear that he could feel Shane’s beard on the side of his face. “I’m starting to think if I let myself, I could fall in love with you. And Sara.”
“That sounds heavenly,” Shane grinned, “Why don’t we talk out on the roof during our lunch break?”
Ryan thought that sounded splendid, and the rest of the morning passed slowly, Shane’s knee bumping into Ryan’s. Shane was still recovering from Ryan putting his face that close to Shane’s face and he’d almost won the bet right there. Part of him couldn’t resist the urge to kiss Ryan right there, in the middle of the office - but if their previous actions hadn’t drawn enough attention, Shane didn’t want to push it.
And then they were sat on the roof, the wind ruffling Shane’s hair. Ryan leaned back on his arm, observing Shane’s face almost passively. His eyes, amber in the sun, his light brown hair, his button-up floral shirt. Everything about Shane, on someone else, would be unbearable. But somehow, Shane had grown on Ryan instantly. There was a charm to him that Ryan didn’t quite get.
“You’re marvellous,” Ryan said, and for the second time that day, he let his libido think in place of his brain. He lunged forward and pressed his lips to Shane’s.
Shane’s eyes widened in surprise before he quite realized what was happening, and then Shane was kissing back, hand reaching up to cup Ryan’s face.
Kissing Shane was pleasant - it was far more than pleasant, but Ryan didn’t have the language to describe how pleasant it made him feel. Shane’s stubble pressed against Ryan’s face, his hand warm on Ryan’s neck, his other hand drawing him closer, slotting him against Shane’s body so he fit into the empty space like the puzzle piece he’d been missing.
“Dammit!” Sara yelled from the other side of the roof, just coming up from the stairwell.
Shane grinned. “Fuck you!”
Ryan pulled back in confusion. “What the hell is going on?”
“We - uh - we made a bet about who could get you to kiss them first,” Shane grinned, “Because we’re competitive idiots. Winner gets head from the loser.”
And then Ryan was blushing again, partially from flattery but mostly from Shane’s ludeness. “You’re both assholes.”
And then, just because Ryan felt he could, he crossed the roof and kissed Sara. The sun overhead burned into Ryan’s shoulders, cementing the moment in his head forever. Kissing Sara was different from kissing Shane - she was shorter than Ryan, her body fit into his like he fit into Shane. She was curvier, less harsh lines. Ryan loved it all.
Ryan didn’t want to be lonely again - and he was starting to think he wouldn’t have to be. And, oh, how he was looking forward to that weekend.
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purecerealkids · 7 years
Today’s College/Uni Tips
18 credits of lower level classes is different from 18 credits of higher level classes. Keep this in mind as you progress through school.
DO YOUR HOMEWORK! You have to set your priorities, and sometimes you cannot go hang out with friends. I’m sorry, but that’s how it is. If you wanna do well in school, you have to be responsible and learn how to properly balance your schedule.
PLEASE GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!!! I cannot stress this enough. You may think you can live off 4-6 hours of sleep every night, but it will eventually catch up with you and take a toll on your health. SLEEP IS NOT OPTIONAL! I understand sometimes you have to stay up late to finish something, but if you balance your time well, this will be a much less frequent occurrence.
Try to go to the gym at least 1-2 times a week. It’s good for your health, and it makes you feel good. I know it’s easy to get self-conscious, but literally no one is looking at you. They’re all busy doing they’re own thing. And don’t worry if you can’t lift as much as the guys next to you or run as fast as the other girls. You will improve, I promise. Back when I went to the gym regularly, I could run like 2.5-3 miles (4-5km) in like 15-20 minutes which is apparently good?? And I was only going twice a week for like an hour, so you don’t even have to go all the time to get fit. Oh, and it took me like two months (8 weeks/16 visits/16 hours) to get to that point so…you can do it!
Don’t eat trash. Try to make at least okay food choices. Eating crap makes you feel like crap, gives you less energy, and puts you straight on the path to the freshman 15. Some fries from the dining hall are okay every now and then, but don’t make them your entire meal every day. I promise you, it’s not worth it.
Make friends in all your classes! Make at least one or two. You don’t have to be best friends with them (but hey if that happens you have more roommate options later), but it’s wise to get to know one or two people in each class. AND GET THEIR NUMBER/FACEBOOK/KAKAO/SOME WAY TO CONTACT THEM. If you skip or miss class, you can probably get them to give you the notes and other important information pretty easily. Try not to skip class unless you have to, and don’t skip class unless you have a plan for catching up on what you missed.
Have fun. Enjoy yourself! College, for the most part, is great, and I’ve met so many people here that I wanna keep up with after graduation. It really helps to broaden your perspective on the world to meet lots of new people, especially if you’re from a small city like I am. Try to make the most of it, but remember to take care of yourself and take care of your grades too. But also don’t be like me and go to class when you’re contagious and feel awful and can’t concentrate. Take care of yourself!
And if this is your first time away from home, it’s gonna be okay. I feel like going to college (especially moving off campus into my own apartment) was a good way to transition from living with my parents to living on my own. I’ve always been pretty independent, but there were some life skills I didn’t have. Like I couldn’t really cook much. I could make simple stuff life ramen and toast and eggs and cereal and anything microwaveable, but that was it. It wasn’t until my roommate that always cooks for me said she was moving out that I started learning. So learn now how to make a few meals and pay bills and what to do when your car (if you have one) breaks down. The sooner your learn, the better!
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