#unless it was--no i shan't say
falllpoutboy · 2 months
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Jeremy Allen White talks about Ayo Edebiri directing in Season 3 of #TheBear
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oifaaa · 6 months
You don’t love Tsuna ???!
Oh I do I just also can't stand him you get it
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likesummerrainn · 3 months
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AEW Collision | 06.15.24
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hooved · 2 years
sorry but so many of you (including ppl who claim to be sex-positive and/or make horny jokes literally all the time ?) get so unnecessarily mad about ppl having weird but otherwise completely harmless kinks. like just because it's weird to you personally doesn't automatically mean it's immoral lmao. get over yourself
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dandyshucks · 3 months
i dont even really like kissing all that much. what am i doing here. its so dark in here help where am i. <- deep in the abandoned forgotten mines of Yearning and Pining
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glitteratti · 4 months
posting this on main as i feel like there's more pjo stans here. who is the best and/or funniest naruto character i could ship nico with. naruto would be good but i also think rock lee would be fucking hilarious
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aviculor · 10 months
Okay. Even with the correct program again, I'm still struggling too much against the hardware. The trackpad on this thing is awful. It's like trying to perform surgery with a butcher's cleaver. Plus, I've been reluctant to admit this, but gout is starting to claim my left pointer finger. I have no choice but to hang up my hat. Aviculor the fakemon spriter is retired.
Maybe eventually I'll sketch something up to give an idea of what I had planned for the part-normal mythical trio and caecilian wizard. In a way, it's almost fitting my last sprites were me trying to appeal to the masses only to get ignored anyway. At least I had one last swan song where I finished ideas like Bugbear, Burstank, and Necrophagus that had been in the queue for literal years.
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sinistersinister · 10 months
i hope jarvis doesn't google himself and find this blog because a) the mortification of it all (i'm not embarrassed about liking what.i like, that's just a line i don't want to force anybody to cross. imagine finding a blog where someone talks about how hot you are. especially if you're a woman. TERRIBLE! INVASIVE!), and b) if he sees all the other ghoulish shit i'm into he'll feel that not only are his fans obsessive and inappropriate, but fucking disgusting. i think if anybody is googling themselves to look for tumblr posts, it's gonna be someone on dragula.
i'm sorry if you're googling yourself man, you're so good at drag and pretty irl. pretend you didn't see anything
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bloodfreak-boyking · 8 months
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why did we need sam's reaction to his brother kissing cassie? unless...🤔 no, i shan't say
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physalian · 5 months
The Pronoun Game
*This is not about preferred pronouns, this is writing advice.
I don’t actually know if this is the official term but it’s what we’re going with, otherwise known as contrived vagueness on a character’s identity to keep the secret from the audience.
“You know… ~him~.” “Who?” “HIM.” “One more time.” “HIIIIIIIM!” “…”
Stop doing this. No one talks like this. Or at least come up with a better in-universe code name even if it’s just “the client” or “the target.” Anything is better than this glaring contrivance.
It’s not so much the secret name, it’s how clunky the dialogue becomes without it (ignoring when this is done for humor and supposed to be a little ridiculous).
This is a partner post to how to introduce new characters’ names and the point I’ll be making there applies here: exposition, including new character names, should tell us more about your story than just the information within the text.
But first: just stop doing this. Just name the character. Do it. Audiences will be as confused as if you use a vague “he/him they/them she/her,” but at least they have a name to keep track of, even if it’s faceless at the time they hear it.
It doesn’t even work as a mystery. Characters only play when they’re obfuscating the villain. It’s almost never a red herring. Sure you didn’t say the name, but by deliberately hiding it, you’ve shown your hand.
Real people don’t play the pronoun game unless it’s motivated. So? Make it motivated.
Best example in history: He-who-shall-not-be-named
Why? It’s not just a pronoun, it’s got lore and myths and mystery baked into it. There’s a plot-based reason to be vague. Everyone who says this moniker admits they’re at worst terrified of and at best spiteful of its owner.
I have my own "he who shan't be named" and, can confirm, it's born from glorious spite and satisfying to use every time it comes up.
You can’t copy the epithet, but you can learn from it. Give your characters a reason to be vague beyond preserving the secret for the audience.
Names have power, speaking theirs draws too much attention or bad vibes
Character f*cking hates them, and pronouns them out of spite
Character is being vague to mess with the narrator on purpose
Character fears eavesdroppers and is being careful
Character is testing whether they can trust another by being vague and checking if they’re in on the secret
Character is drunk/high/exhausted and cannot remember the name or care about it to save their life
Optional substitutes here can get quite creative, my personal favorite is “what’s-his-nuts” because I like the cadence but you get the idea
All of these reflect back on the story and the world you’ve built, to give an in-universe reason for the obfuscation.
Now stop playing the pronoun game.
Thoughts on the shorter format? I can’t tell if #longpost is supposed to be an insult or not. I have a few of these coming.
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quinloki · 9 months
I wasn't going to say anything about Taz, but I feel like I need to.
I don't know all the details - I won't, unless it gets worse, but what I've been able to gather is that he made a donation, made a statement, it was taken poorly (and likely worded poorly), and he made an apology of sorts, and now people are scrutinizing everything about him.
Rule #1 - Never assume malice when ignorance will do.
No one knows everything. Not even the things you think they should know as well as you do. There's a famous comic about "lucky 10,000" by xkcd that I suggest you look up.
What I've seen suggests he isn't sure what he did wrong, and responded in a way that reflected that, and then deleted it because... well, who knows? He might've just panicked.
I didn't say or speak on anything about Gaza for weeks because I knew Nothing, and didn't want to assume anything. It took me a long time to form a stance and then take action based on that. It's a complicated issue. (that had been going on for WAY longer than I even realized.)
Rule #2 - "It's simple -" is the worst way to start ANY statement regarding humans, ESPECIALLY human conflicts.
Taz made a donation based on what he knew, and that he wanted to help. There's innocent people on all sides of this conflict just trying to live, and it's not their fault they were born into a shitty-ass government.
What scares me, honestly, is that for MONTHS y'all lifted him up onto a pedestal like some god, and no human is perfect. It's impossible. The second there was a flash of a flaw you collectively sought to nail this man to a tree, and then started screaming for the blood of the entire cast.
The 180 knee-jerk reaction isn't healthy.
Never assume malice when ignorance will suffice, and you can't combat ignorance if you scare people away the second they make a mistake.
I lived 30+ years before I learned a term the Polish side of my family used endearingly was a slur.
It does not matter your situation, you're not born knowing it all, and the internet doesn't mean that the knowledge falls into your head with all the need nuances automatically either.
Now, all that said, if he continues to do worse, and doesn't learn, and just doubles down over and over Like A Certain Fantasy Author Who Shan't Be Named, then sure
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But until then... maybe give the bitch a minute to breathe and learn?
And honestly, please don't determine MY worth based on my government. I don't like them either. (I say as an USAian.)
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god-syndicate-if · 27 days
But mc can blow up some steam while fighting or wrestling with johnny because they can't really hurt him
Fighting? We'll see! Wrestling? No. Unless you mean... no I shan't say...
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sandbees · 1 year
What I think the Dark Mirror would say to my different AUs of Yuu's:
Disney Fanatic! Yuu - The nature of your soul is bright, such as a shooting star. I sense no magical power within this one, but your soul is imbedded with imagination stronger than any bestown upon me. Therefore, they belong to no dorm.
Blot! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...shapless, but a dark ink has surrounded this boundless soul. You have potential, but it is blocked by the fog around your soul. There is no magic, therefore, they belong to no dorm.
Addams Family! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...a darkness that streches out beyond your body. It reaches for those that attempt to harm you. It protects you, becoming a beast that would die for you. Your soul does not fit any dorm, therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.
Gem Hybrid! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...a pink rose, healing and calming. Your soul glistens like a diamond, however the pressure upon your soul dulls the potential you have. Your magic is purer than those in this room. Therefore, no dorm shall be assigned to this one.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Griffindoor) - The nature of your soul is...brave. Red and gold, your soul screams for adventure, willing to rebel against those who oppose you. The magic within you has shaped your soul to a Griffin, one that gives a cry that has already sorted you. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Ravenclaw) - The nature of your soul is...wise. Blue and bronze, your soul has settled to seek knowledge, your magic shaping it to a raven. The raven caws, a knowing look in its eyes, and it already knows that once you've been sorted. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Slytherin) - The nature of your soul is...cunning. Green and silver, your soul plans for the future fate has handed you. Your magic within the soul is strong, twisting it to a snake. The snake hisses, defensive as you have belonged to another. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Hufflepuff) - The nature of your soul is...loyal. Yellow and black, your soul can feel that this year will not be like others. The magic within you shifts in this world, forming a badger. The badger huffs, welcoming, but stern that you shan't be sorted. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Card Collector! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...interesting. Very, very interesting. The magic you possess is akin to Unique Magic. However, your soul is unable to wield it. The shape of your soul is boundless, nothing, unless you learn to wield it in the future. Therefore, your soul is fit for all dorms once it is shaped. Otherwise, there is no dorm that fits in the present time.
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whitevelvet-ly · 2 years
polaroid pictures
PAIRINGS: aether x reader, kaeya x reader, venti x reader, scaramouche x reader
HEADS UP: gn!reader, romantic, slight crack, probably a modern au unless you imagine the pictures were taken from kameras instead, headcanons
A/N: I'm running out of ideas HAHAHAHA
SUMMARY: the types of pictures he takes of you.
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⇒ this man takes the most breathtaking, jaw-dropping, gorgeous, awe-inspiring, eye-widening, and spectacular pictures of you. ever.
⇒ every photographer on teyvat be jealous rn /j
⇒ aether thinks you're very beautiful, and his photos reflect that perfectly
⇒ he'll often take pictures of you even when you notice
⇒ if you tease him about it he'll start becoming shy but smile and still do it
⇒ even though you notice sometimes, he prefers it if the photo is natural
⇒ his photographs usually consist of you walking around, staring off into the distance, or smiling and laughing
⇒ will he show them to you? yes; if you ask
⇒ so yes, basically he's your paparazzi
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⇒ kaeya doesn't take as much pictures as aether does.
⇒ he still has pics of you though
⇒ you know what his gallery shows? ugly candid photos of you
⇒ but he listens to your begging and doesn't show anyone HAHA
⇒ don't worry though, he doesn't just have those photos
⇒ almost a third of his gallery are those kinds of photos, but he also has nicer photos of you in the rest
⇒ mostly consists of you talking to someone, reading books at a library, bird-watching, and all the little things
⇒ he uses those pictures to show you off hehe
⇒ will he show them to you? yes, but the goofy photos only 🤭 but if you mention the other photos he'll show them to you
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⇒ I think you already know what venti's pictures of you look like
⇒ gallery is full of zoomed in pics of you
⇒ menace
⇒ takes a photo of you even when you lunge at him 😁
⇒ if you have a resting b face, he will zoom into your face and take a picture 24/7
⇒ he will take every chance to take goofy pics of you
⇒ has a bunch to show you
⇒ as compensation he also takes pics of himself and shows them to you
⇒ does bird eye views on top of his forehead and below his chin
⇒ will he show the pics he took of you? definitely, even out of nowhere
⇒ anyway, so my point is: a goofy man takes goofy photos
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⇒ no.
⇒ scaramouche will never take photos of you
⇒ that's what he says
⇒ his gallery is actually sprinkled with lots of pretty pictures of you here and there
⇒ it's like a hobby for him to take photos of you without you looking
⇒ but if find you out that he does have photographs of you he has stupid pics just in case
⇒ will he show you the pics? no. absolutely not. shan't.
⇒ when you try to get a glimpse of his gallery he will punch you so don't even try /j
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promptling · 11 months
CARMILLA by j. sheridan le fanu, edited by carmen maria machado
did you realize he killed her off?
who reads an introduction?
i long for the door to open.
i did not know that it was possible.
i did not realize my soil was not salted.
she is already dead.
someone did lie there, the place is still warm.
lord hear all good prayers for us, for jesus's sake.
the poor young lady is dead.
the letter appears to me to have been written in distraction.
i'm in one of my moping moods tonight.
i forget the rest.
was ever a being so born to calamity?
i cannot, dare not, delay.
it would be so delightful.
where am i? what is this place?
how do you like our guest?
tell me about her.
how very odd to say all that!
i hope i have not done a very foolish thing.
how wonderful!
i saw your face in a dream, and it has haunted me ever since.
i could not forget your face.
i don't know which of us should be more afraid of the other.
if you were less pretty i think i should be very much afraid of you.
i wonder whether you feel as strangely drawn towards me as i do to you.
i have never had a friend.
i shan't require assistance.
it is very hard to part with you.
young people like, and even love, on impulse.
heavens! if i had but known all!
your little heart is wounded.
if your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.
you are mine, you shall be mine, you and i are one forever.
what can you mean by this?
i don't know myself when you look so and talk so.
don't you perceive how discordant that is?
i think it very sweet.
you pierce my ears.
you must die - everyone must die - and all are happier when they do.
i don't trouble my head about peasants.
tell me nothing about ghosts.
i hope there is no plague or fever coming.
sit here, hold my hand.
that comes of strangling people with hymns!
i shall demand redress from him.
then you have been ill?
let us talk no more of it.
you would not wound a friend?
you are afraid to die?
girls are caterpillars while they live in the world, to be finally butterflies when the summer comes; but in the meantime there are grubs and larvae, don’t you see—each with their peculiar propensities, necessities and structure.
are you glad i came?
how romantic you are.
i have been in love with no one, and never shall, unless it should be with you.
i live in you, and you would die for me, i love you so.
is there a chill in the air?
it is the last time, perhaps, i shall see the moonlight with you.
i have been thinking of leaving you.
do you think that you will ever confide fully in me?
you do not know how dear you are to me.
i am under vows, no nun half so awfully.
you will think me cruel, very selfish, but love is always selfish.
how jealous i am you cannot know.
you must come with me, loving me, into death; or else hate me and still come with me, and hating me through death and after.
there is no such word as indifference in my apathetic nature.
you are going to talk your wild nonsense again.
were you ever at a ball?
i was all but assassinated in my bed.
love will have its sacrifices.
no sacrifice without blood.
you see it now with your own eyes.
you must not plague me with questions.
you are not to trouble your head about it.
i should tell you all with pleasure, but you should not believe me.
you puzzle me utterly.
i had no hope of meeting you so soon.
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