o5mquy4st · 1 year
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dothemindything · 7 months
beatboxingheart replied to your post: "THIS IS MY HOOFBEAST. FOR THE CLUB. IF ANYONE..."
I love them.
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
I really put an uncomfortable amount of myself into hikari finalfantasy didn't I? A girl who did some super fucked up shit thinking it was for the greater good, realizes her mistake and starts aiming for an impossible perfection while still hating herself because she sees herself as a monster and it's hard to argue that that's not true because everything inside her is dark and violent despite her constant intentional facade of goodness? Gee where have I heard that one before?
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
We had the most egregiously evil little pony horse when I was growing up. I know everyone says that. Ponies are one of the animals that truly understand how to commit crimes but she was really deeply atrocious. One time she tried to murder me. Her name was Fancy.
I feel I should slightly explain here. See, my parents bought two acres with a house and a barn and pasturage and went “We’re farmers now!” They had absolutely no idea what they were doing. And at a certain point along that journey my mom got her hands on a horse. Technically she was half pony half horse so she was this weird middle size.
Fancy belonged to a friend of hers and he showed her how to saddle Fancy. And that was it. That was all we knew about this horse. So my mom brings her home and saddles her and we decide to go for a ride on this new creature in our lives. But Fancy, being the savvy bitch she was, was far too canny for our dumb asses.
Her maiden ride went to my older brother and ended rather abruptly when the saddle slid completely sideways and my brother toppled off her, miraculously unharmed but unwilling to ever try again. This made me like Fancy somewhat, because I hated my brother.
Those familiar with horse trickery would have caught her ruse but Fancy had deliberately held her breath to make the saddle seem tight enough. But in stride she let the breath out, the saddle loosened, and my brother came toppling down. She planned that fuckup.
I was a bit more game, being a dedicated horse girl. I wanted to succeed where my loathsome brother had failed. Keep in mind: none of us had ever ridden. We had no idea what we were doing, and in the only defense I’ll ever make of that hoofed demon it was probably not pleasant to have a human flopping on her back like a sack of potatoes. But I paraded around in a circle until she scraped my leg against a fence post. I lasted longer than my brother but had to admit riding an animal radiating malice at you is not comfortable.
We didn’t really ride Fancy much after that. She was a decorative aspect to the fields. Sometimes I’d sit on her bare back while she was eating. Every so often she’d buck me off for assuming familiarity with her.
But Fany's coup de grâce took several months. Most of the pasturage had electric fence running along it to keep the livestock from testing the fences or getting a taste for freedom. My parents were constantly moving fence posts and reallocating land to different purposes which is how one of the major gates ended up with electric fence running over top. During a move the wire got left up from the last border and now it was strung over what should have been an open passage.
I was taking a ride on Fancy, living in a fantasy that I had any idea what I was doing. My mom was out working in the yard, and as she passed through she left the gate open, forgetting the wire hazard. You know who didn't forget?
She beelined for the open gate and I realized a second too late what her plan was. I hauled back on the reins with all my strength but she powered through, charging at the wire. If I'd caught on sooner I could have tipped forward and probably cleared it.
It was roughly chest height. But she was too savvy, keeping a slow pace right up until the passage, and I didn't have time to react. The thought of getting electrocuted sent me down into a terrified backward limbo, desperately trying to flatten myself along her back.
It almost worked. But instead the wire caught under my chin, pressing back into my neck like a garrote. The only good news was that the wire wasn't live, but I was still in terrible danger. I squealed and wiggled and managed to twist my neck enough that the wire scraped over my face instead of pressing deeper. Once we were through Fancy stopped and turned to regard me, disappointed that her assassination had failed. My neck was bleeding but my head remained attached.
My mother was absolutely terrified and I was pretty shaken myself. We unsaddled Fancy for the last time, as full on murder was a bit more than I was willing to bear for the sake of pretending to be a fantasy hero on an epic journey. My neck still has a faint scar from her homicidal tendencies.
Fancy got to remain a decorative horse for many years after that, free of our attempts to ride her. Her last torment was when my mother decided to try to breed her to achieve an animal that was less interested in murder.
But Fancy, true to form, brutally attacked the stallion sent to service her, even when hopped up on horny hormones. There would be no foals from Fancy, and her saga ended when we sold her to another unlucky soul.
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darkverrmin · 1 year
Geralt, who isn't used to random displays of affection, panics every time Jaskier does exactly that.
Jaskier, watching Geralt unsaddle Roach: Geralt.
Geralt: Hm?
Jaskier: You know I love you, right? Truly and completely.
Geralt: ...What's wrong?
Jaskier: Nothing, just wanted to tell you that.
Geralt: *panicking* Are you hurt? Injured? Is it the drowners from yesterday? Dammit, Jaskier, I told you not to-
Jaskier: Geralt, relax! I'm completely fine! I just said that I love you because I wanted to, that's it.
Geralt: Okay. I love you, too.
*half an hour later*
Geralt: *bursting through the door into Yennefer's room*
Yennefer: What the actual-
Geralt: I think Jaskier is dying
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eachuisge-cc · 10 days
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Honestly I'm astounded that nobody has taken that name yet.
Do you dislike the look of vanilla Skyrim horses? Are you tired of riding some kind of Clydesdale/Belgian/Cob thing around fantasy Scandinavia for no clear reason? Do you want your beloved and loyal horse to stand out from the crowd as much as you do? Well great news, this mod covers all of those things.
Basically I made some significant edits to the horse model including a fuller, longer mane and tail, redone feathering, somewhat more realistic conformation, and entirely redone ears because at a certain point it was just easier to make new ones. None of the changes affect how the horse fits the vanilla rig so it still bends and moves without distorting weirdly. The textures are entirely painted from scratch and have new normals to go with them that are meant to give the horses a somewhat softer, more natural look that still fits with Skyrim's general vibe. I used references of primarily North Swedish and Dole horses, but also borrowed from the wider range of colors and patterns in Icelandics because I couldn't give up the pintos.
Current features:
Asymmetrical coats/markings, because I fully redid the UV while I was messing with the mesh (mostly because mirrored pinto horses in video games are the bane of my existence)
Five attractive but generic solid-coated textures that appear on most NPC horses in the world.
Unique texture for each purchasable player horse
Unique texture and model for Frost (he's now a mealy chestnut as his papers claim, and his conformation was adjusted to be more stallion-like with a neck crest and slightly heavier build. He also has. you know.)
Unique Shadowmere
Unique Karinda (this mod does NOT add Karinda into the game, but her texture should show up if you have CRF or another mod that does add her, as long as it doesn't alter her texture or base model)
Unique unsaddled stable horse in Markarth because uh, I just felt like it
Future plans (because I was in serious danger of never publishing this mod if I didn't stop there for the initial release):
Unique textures for some of the more popular modded followers that have their own horses (currently on the list are Lucien, Kaidan 2, and Khajiit Will Follow. the only reason these aren't out yet is that I'm bad at making patches but I will not let the machines defeat me)
Unique Hearthfire horses (the ones purchasable through the Steward)
A light horse variant for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma
More unique textures in general for specific horses (Cicero's cart horse, that one bandit horse in Whiterun, the rest of the unimplemented horses that some mods add back to the game)
MAYBE new stables for holds that don't have them with even more horse color options, but if I do add this it will be completely optional so as to keep the mod as compatible as possible.
This mod should be compatible with just about everything, as long as it doesn't also change the colors or models of the horses. Recommended mods:
Convenient Horses (it's popular for a reason, just overall a great mod)
Name Your Horse SE (does exactly what it says on the tin, a very simple mod that adds a lot to the horse-owning experience)
Simple Claim Horse (handy if you like the non-purchasable horse coats better, also lets you name horses you found instead of bought if you have NYH. or you can use it to cheat with wild abandon, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life and with this mod neither is the city guard)
Huge thanks to SassiestAssassin, who has been an incredible help in navigating the learning curve of editing nifs (and is continuing to be a huge help with solving my inability to make patches), and also has a lot of fantastic mods you should check out.
Nexus Mods
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The winter Sun (26)
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26. The Strength of certainty
Summary: The aftermath of the battle and the reunion
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, war and all that comes with it, mentions of burnt bodies, mentions of childbirth, implied non-con, use of the word bastard, death of characters, mentions and descriptions of injury, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3k
Notes: FINALLY I'm not going to hide it, they will see eachtoher again! can't wait for you to read it.
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As you commanded your dragon to fly back to your home in the Vale you couldn’t help the shake in your hands as you grabbed the reins tighter. 
You had been reckless in coming here, when you left your home this morning you didn't even believed you could make it, but as you approached Harrenhal you realized you had come just in the right moment, the perfect moment
As you commanded Vhaelar to jump on Vhagar, you felt a sharp pain between your thighs, you had just given birth.
And although your dragon did most of the job, your body was a tight as a bow, constricted on it’s own, your muscles were so sore you believe it was a miracle when you could unsaddle from your dragon when you arrived back in Runestone, it was already dark, the night had fallen over the seven Kingdoms
You were in shock still
You couldn’t believe what you had done
It’s like some sort of strange personality had taken over you, the rage, the fire within you had taken control and unleashed its savage self on Aemond
Aemond was dead
You had helped on killing the kinslayer
And perhaps you were one yourself now
You walked slowly inside the castle, all the soldiers and servants had removed the green dragon from their clothing and removed it with the classic red dragon one, of House Targaryen, in your honor
You didn’t even know the full extent of Aemond’s attack on your home and staff within, you didn’t know what was said and done to them, but they all seemed relieved to see you return, unharmed, and something told them  everything was over. 
You knew they talked amongst themselves, so, it was clear, they reverted their loyalties back to you, you were safe in the castle your father had built for you. 
You found the midwife sitting in a rocking chair, sewing something, right next to the crib. You decided right then and there that you had to put everything behind you, you needed to stay here until you healed and then you were going to reach out to Sara in Winterfell to see how you were going to proceed, your baby was yet too small to travel on dragon back and either way, he was the priority now.
And Rickon? your heart clenched in your chest every time you thought about him, you wanted to see him so badly, so terribly much it pained you, you missed him dearly, with every breath you took.
The Midwife found you looking and immediately stood up from her chair and bowed
“thank you for caring for him”, you said softly
“The young lord is delightful, princess”, she said with rosy cheeks and a sweet smile, “he never cries, and he is so quiet”, you were content as you walked towards the crib and found that actually your son was awake.
The midwife left and left you alone with the baby, you took in your arms. You cooed at him, and he seemed to be happy to be in your arms
“How am I going to name you, uh?”, you asked softly, and you frowned when you remembered all the names Aemond had suggested, Maegor, Visenya, and more that resemble… strong… characters of your family…
But Maegor?
You couldn’t curse him like that and furthermore… Why would you listen to Aemond? he was dad, he was not going to come near YOUR son
But still you had no idea.
Tears came to your eyes as you wished Cregan was here next to you, to name your child, and then you wondered if he would accept him, he might doubt the baby’s paternity.
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“Where could she have gone?”, Cregan was desperate, and he had trouble finding Daemon in the middle of the mayhem that surrounded the castle of Harrenhal
The Rogue Prince removed his helmet
“I don’t know”
He owned you his life, he would be dead if it weren’t for you, the scariest part?, he was prepared to die today, only to take Aemond with him.
He was never close to you, he couldn’t bear it, you reminded him too much of your own father, it was painful to him. But once he learned that one-eyed HIghtower bastard had kidnapped you? He saw red, and he decided right then and there he was going to kill him and it didn’t matter if he died in the process.
He had to take him down
But as your father before you, you had proven to be capable of handlings things yourself
He smirked, just thinking about
“Actually I do know”, he said, looking at the Wolf of the North, “she flew east, and there is only one place she could have gone in that direction”
But men were distracted when a handful of soldiers brought Aemond Targaryen to the castle, from the lake from which he had been recovered
The motherfucker was still alive
“One of his legs was completely destroyed”, narrated a soldier, as the One-eye prince had fainted for the pain and the fall, Vhagar rested in the bottom of the lake
Cregan and Daemon shared concerned looks
“We have to kill him”, demanded the wolf
“No”, said Daemon, “not here”
“What he had done to my wife? we have to kill him”
“Publicly”, he said, “we put him on trial and behead him in the King’s Landing square, or better yet… in Old Town”, Cregan wanted to fight him, he wanted to draw his own sword and kill him right then and there, a man injured and unarmed
“I promise he will pay for what he did, but we have to send a message”, said the Rogue Prince, and Cregan just dropped it, because there he stood, the One-Eye Prince, dragonless, eye-less, he had lost one of his legs which meant he was paralyzed.
He was not going to hurt you or anyone else ever again.
He could wait until he woke up, he wanted to face him for what he did, to tell him he was going to get you back and he was never going to see you again. He wanted to tell the Kinslayer he had won, that love, and goodness preailed. 
But his state was critical, Cregan didn’t know when Aemond was going to wake, if he was even going to, and he couldn’t wait anymore
He needed to see you, he had to
So he abandoned Harrenhal without even having a rest, a group of soldiers, his most trusted men followed him.
He left his best friend Ben Tallheart on Harrenhal to oversee the taking of the lands and the army marching to King’s Landing afterwards. 
Cregan rode his horse for a week
A man possessed by the need of returning to his adoring wife, a man possessed by love and devotion, he needed to see you, he needed you to see him, to see he was still alive, that the nightmare was over, that Aemond was over, and nobody could ever hurt you again. 
He rested at night because he couldn’t see the road ahead of him and because his men and his horse deserved it, if not he would have rode at night as well, but the rocky roads of The Vale were treacherous even in midday.
But finally after seven days of a heavy march, he could recognize the castle Daemon had described for him, your home
He felt embarrassed that he never accompanied you to your own home while you had been married, then he was reminded that you two had been married for almost two years… incredible…
The doors of the walls surrounded your castle were close, he dismounted his horse to approach the gated
“I’m Lord Cregan Stark, and i’ve come to see my wife, the Princess (Y/N)”, he said firmly to the soldiers above the battlements 
They looked at each other, amazed, and opened the gates immediately to let him pass
“Welcome to Runestone, Lord Stark”, they welcomed
“Like I said, I would like to see my wife, but my men and horses…”
“They will be taken care of”, offered the young soldier. Cregan offered his thanks as he walked through the courtyard and towards the main entrance to the palace, where another guard offered to take him inside.
“the princess is recovering in her rooms”, he told Cregan as they walk up the stairs
“Was she harmed in the battle?”, he asked, fearfully, and he looked puzzled.
“No my lord”
As they walked through the hallways and corridors Cregan looked around amazed, it was a beautiful place, with many large windows and colorful paintings and tapestries, it was a comfortable palace, he even saw a painting of your father and you, who in it you were only a child hanging near the stairs that led to the bedrooms.
And soon enough, they were outside a set of double doors, two more guard guarding you
Cregan suddenly felt nervous, he wanted to see you, and for you to see him, but he was scared of surprising you too much, he didn’t know how you were going to take it… 
“I will let her know”, the soldier said, knocking on the doors and once he heard you telling him to go in, he entered your chambers
“Lord Cregan Stark”, he announced
You froze in your palace near the window. Was this some sick joke?
“What?”, you asked
“Lord Cregan Stark is here for you, your grace”
“Is this some joke?”, you asked, the soldier immediately regretted his decision, turning pale, not knowing what to say
And then Cregan let himself in, not wanting to put the soldier in any trouble. 
When you saw him you truly believed you had died, or that you were dreaming, or having an hallucination 
You lost your foot and had to grab onto the nearest table, not believing your eyes
“Cregan?”, you called
“My love, I’m here!”, he said gently, “I've come back for you”, you couldn’t help but ran to his embrace, and he hugged you tightly.
He was real, he was alive, he was here
“You are alive!”, you cried on his chest 
“I’m alive my love”, he whispered against your hair, caressing your silver locks and your back, “I’ve come back for you”
You finally released him and he released you, only for you to gaze on one another
“Aemond told me he had burn you”, you whined
“He did, from the skies, but, my men, they, covered me”, he explained, “Jon, the son of Lord Roderik Dustin he took my cape and covered me with his own body”, he told you, and you could see in his eyes the storm of pain and traumas from war. “Then I saw Aemond walking through the field of burn corpses and he took the cape from him”, he said, and you nodded, tears falling down your eyes
“I can’t believe you are alive!”, you cried, and he hugged you again
He could tell you were so shocked by the news he led you to sit on the edge of the bed, and you smiled warmly at him, but he stood tall in front of you.
“I was badly hurt, my men carried me east from Harrenhal, the only thing that kept me alive was the thought of seeing you again”, he saw, with such devotion in his eyes that made you tremble, “and I…”, he was interrupted by your son who began to cry softly, and just then Cregan noticed the existence of the baby in the room.
He was resting on his crib by the window, and Cregan looked at it as it was a beautiful thing. He began to walk towards it slowly
“Cregan…”, you called, but he didn’t even acknowledge you as he walked until he could see your silver haired son resting on his crib
“You were indeed pregnant”, he whispered, with a wide smile on his face, he leaned in, and took the baby in his arms, he didn’t seem to realize what the baby’s hair might say about his parentage. He only looked at the baby with such love in his eyes that made your eyes water.
“I’m sorry”, you cried, clawing at the sheets underneath you
“What for?”, he asked, and he looked at you innocently dubstruck
“Cregan…”, you called, wanting to cry, did he really not see it?, but he did, his face got serious, looking at you with sad eyes
“You have nothing to be sorry for”, he said gently, cradling the newborn babe in his arms, he looked down at his little reddened face, his eyes trailed the silvery hairs on his head, and he swallowed hard, he looked at you and found you looking at him with wide eyes and tears streaming down your cheeks
“It might be Aemond’s”, you whispered, with a choked voice. You saw sadness in his eyes
“We don’t know that”,  he said simply, shooking his head
“Look at him”, you demanded
“This is not your fault”, he said seriously, his eyes softened when he looked at you, “hey”, he called gently, “what do you want to do?”, he asked, hope in his icy blue eyes
“Regardless, he is my son”, you said, in whimpers, “and I love him”, but then you sighed, feeling a lump in your throat, “what do you want to do?”, he could do it, he could claim he is a bastard and he could shun you, for a split second you forgot who Cregan was…
“He is our son”, he said firmly
“What…?”, you asked, sounding hopefully
“I don’t care”, he said dismissively, cradling the babe in his arms, “he takes after you, his mother”
“What if he turns out like… what if he is evil like Aemond?”, you asked fearfully
“We are going to raise him, and he came out of you”, he said with a gentle smile, “how can he ever be evil?”. he smiled at you and now happy tears rolled down your face, “and besides, I’m certain he is mine, there is no doubt in my mind”
“He is my son”, he said firmly, “and we will never speak of this again”, he said firmly, hugging the baby against his chest, you nodded, He looked down at the baby that cooed gently, cuddling deeper in his embrace, looking for his warmth, “my dragonling”, he said gently, “he looks like your father”, he whispered, and that really brought more tears to your eyes, “hello there”, he whispered, cradling him in your arms, “what’s his name?”, he asked
“I don’t know yet”, you whispered
“I will ask you to call him Jon, but he has your Valyrian curls is kind of sad…”
“Jonaerys”, yous aid then, and he looked at you wide eyed
“Jonaerys”, he agreed, sitting by your side, with your child in his arms. 
The night had fallen over the castle, and you had just finished having dinner with Cregan, and you were walking up the stairs with him. 
“Can I stay with you?”, he asked gently, and you looked at him wide eyed
You knew he knew what Ameond had done to you, there was a reason that the baby could be Aemond’s, and you could see how cautious he was while being near you. 
“I don’t want to push you”, he said gently
“I want you to hold me”, you said back, with a shy smile on your face, he smiled back at you
And he held you alright, you hugged him tightly, not yet believing he was there right next to you, you couldn’t believe it. 
“He is gone, is all over my love”, he whispered, “now we go home”
“You keep saying…”, you started shakily, “he is gone, he is gone… but… you are not saying… he is dead”, you whined, and then you looked into his eyes
“He will never hurt you again”, he said surely
“Where is he?”
“He is being taken to King’s Landing where he will hold trial and surely be executed”, you nodded, “Vhagar rests in the bottom of the lake, where you sent him”
“I see”
“You will never see him again”, he whispered
“I know”, you said back, burying your face on his chest. Cregan was your home, your safe palace, and with him, nothing could harm you
“We need to go to King’s landing”, he said then
“We need to go and see our son”, you said back
“The war is most likely over, we need to go and bend the knee to Rhaenyra”, he said gently
“I’m sure she will understand”, you muttered
“There are still people in King’s Landing that call her a usurper”, he said with a warning in his voice, “there still the Lannisters held the treasury…”
“I want to go and see our son”, you whined, “we haven’t seen him in moons”
“I know”, he said softly
“Eight moons”
“I know”, he kissed the top of your head, “we will go home first”, he said surely, “as soon as the baby is stronger and you had recuperated, we will fly there”
The war was over
The fear and uncertainty was over, you had won, your family was safe, you had to believe it, you had to. The biggest threat was gone. 
“I will take you home, or rather, you will take me”, he chuckled, “You, me, Rickon and Jonaerys, our little family”, he said, so proud of his two baby boys 
You were distracted when Jonaerys started to cry, Cregan was faster and he got up, to grab him from his crib, he took it to the bed, and he cuddled him against his chest
“He is smaller than RIckon was when he was born”, he whispered softly, “was the labor easy?”
“A little more messy, but there were no complications”, you said, caressing your son’s head 
“He is beautiful”, he whispered, “my son”, he whispered, “I’m the luckiest man on earth”
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More notes: did you see something else coming from Cregan?? hehe
that is why I posted this picture in a publications some weeks ago hehehe
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shirefantasies · 2 months
Hi Marti! I think I've got a doozy for ya, hope your up for it. How do you think The Company of Thorin Oakenshield would go about trying to set two folks up, like romantically? What's everyone's like technique I guess- who's more straightforward with introducing people to eachother, who's a background guy like manipulating things so the two potential lovebirds end up sharing space at a public event, who's talking up the other person when they aren't around, who's explicitly like 'you and this person would make a cute pair.' and. and and and- most importantly- how does this change if this involves their brothers/relations? I'm grinning so damn hard rn, I believe in you!
I'm absolutely obsessed with this ok??? YES 🅱️LS (also, portraying this like it’s you & another company member hehe)
Warnings: a suggestive joke or two
How Thorin’s Company Would Set You Up With Someone
✧ Sensible, subtle, simple. His approach will be more along the lines of getting you and his target to spend more time together.
✧ He’ll ask you both to go complete a task like gathering firewood together.
✧ As you two (even if forcibly) are spending more time together, he might start bringing them up more, daring to ask a question about that.
✧ One tell he has is the proud, sly little smile that can sometimes be seen upon his face as you two interact.
✧ When you two actually get together, he makes his grand reveal, smugly telling you both he’s been around long enough to be able to tell when two are right for each other.
✧ Has no clue what he’s doing, frankly, and likely is only doing it because his brother or someone else roped him into it.
✧ Or else he has a really strong protective instinct toward you, the other company member, or both. Then it becomes a matter of greater urgency, more based upon the concept of making sure you are with someone he trusts. Simply put, no one else will do.
✧ Rather than wax poetic, Dwalin prefers putting you in situations that display his target’s skills and worth. If they’re a fighter, he’ll send them in to save you, for example.
✧ Very subtle with the stereotypical ‘wingman’ comments, but they're there. “Looks like you got rescued today, eh?” "You know, if there's anyone I trust for help with that, why it would have to be..."
✧ His eyebrows raise when you actually announce this very soul to the company as your one, but he's the first to clap hands to your shoulders and bring up a shout of celebration.
✧ By far the most awkward about it- he can barely process his own feelings, let alone others’.
✧ “I- I just want you to be happy.” Hopes you know what he means by that, but it’s a coin toss honestly.
✧ Relents and assigns you two joint tasks like unsaddling the ponies or gathering firewood, hoping that’s enough to help draw you closer.
✧ If one of you expresses any sort of heavy emotion, he actually does a really good job relating it to the other’s experience and directing you that way, prompting a heart-to-heart.
✧ Smiles widely and pulls you both lightly into his arms at the news, taking it as a sign of continuation and prosperity to come.
✧ Surprisingly one of the more discreet ones.
✧ Makes a lot of conversation as he patches you up anyway, so teasing questions about who amongst them you fancy most just seem to come with the job.
✧ Little do you know that the moment you spill, Oin turns around and starts teasing the other party about what a catch you are. What? He’s getting older, let him have his fun.
✧ He makes you his nursemaid of sorts to help the next time they get hurt. If you take great issue at such sights he’ll just ask you to keep them company upon being patched up.
✧ “I said it would be a match, and a match it is!” He calls out, fists pumped into the air at your revelation.
✧ Physically shoves you in the direction of his intended target under the guise of merriment. Not hard, just enough to get them to turn and look at you and see the moment's right.
✧ Comes up with team games so you two can be on a team against him and whichever friend or brother he's roped in that time.
✧ Finding out if your feelings are true is in the interest of his betting pool, so Gloin is not above asking you the occasional alluding question, usually a small one like what your type is.
✧ The first to laugh heartily and slap you on the back if you display any sort of flirting behaviors!
✧ Shouts with wild abandon when you come out with it, racking up all his sacks of coins with glee before he grabs you two and gives you an affectionate, proud shake!
✧ Silent observers are some of the most deeply perceptive individuals.
✧ Thus, whoever’s end it’s on, Bifur can see feelings blossoming, his head bobbing back and forth between you two with interest at nearly every interaction.
✧ Eagerly employs some rather…unorthodox… methods of seeing you set up. “I can steal his socks and give them to you so you can be the hero who finds them!”
✧ Begins telling both you and his intended match heavily exaggerated stories of each other’s great feats, completely unaware of the separate conversations about them you’ll then have.
✧ Grabs your hands and joins them when he hears the news, nodding and clapping proudly!
✧ Can be obvious about it, but still one of the most natural.
✧ Throws an arm around you both, all but dragging you over to the fire to sing and dance with him…and more importantly each other!
✧ He’s often off doing the laundry, so he oh-so-innocently spills something one day and asks his target to surrender their shirt…right in your full view, of course!
✧ Pulls you into more jokes with whoever fancied, teasing them and then calling you out by name to join in: “Isn’t that right?” He winks at you the moment you look at him, the scoundrel!
✧ “See, didn’t I tell ya it was meant to be? Nothing but blessings from me, you two.”
✧ Finds himself smiling and clasping his hands whenever you two interact. Maybe he can help it along...
✧ Excuse king. “Say, could you go fetch ‘im for me? …Why? Oh, because I borrowed something the other night.” “Can you sit there? It’s just I’m a bit warm, so I’d like to be further away from the fire if you please.”
✧ Being married himself, he understands some of the best how a good relationship starts, i.e. with a firm friendship. Thus he starts talking to you both and joking around more to make memories that bring you together!
✧ Also gives his targets credit for anything. “Lost one of my gloves the other day ‘n’ you’ll never guess who found it!”
✧ Beams and offers the biggest bear hugs he can when you announce your relationship. Bragging rights who? Bombur just loves love.
✧ Lives for the drama anyway, but general investment would grow tenfold if that person happened to be one of his little brothers.
✧ The questioning sort, suddenly asking you things like if you’ve ever considered settling down after this is all over and if so, any inklings with what type of person?
✧ Suddenly he can’t speak highly enough of this person even if it’s not one of his siblings, tossing it into your teatime conversations how they’re that strong or this skilled or he hears that family crafts the finest courting beads if he’s one of the dwarves.
✧ It’s enough that you pick up on what he’s doing and tell him that well, if that company member is interested then they’d best just tell you, prompting Dori to rush to them and try to convince them to confess.
✧ Whether they need the push or not, Dori’s target eventually makes a move, leaving the older dwarf to brag like a proud father, uncle, big brother, you name the dynamic he can do it!
✧ Not shy about any part of the whole affair. Watches you both with a shit eating grin.
✧ “So, if it had to be anyone there, who’d it be? …what, I can’t be the first one to be asking that, can I?”
✧ Heavily contemplates going the jealously route. Barring you getting uncomfortable, Nori starts being far more friendly with you and putting his arm around you more often to see what his target does.
✧ Proceeding, of course, to teasingly confront them about it later. “What, did it bother you? Wonder why. Maybe you oughta take that up with ‘em, then.”
✧ Some company members bought his act a little too well, gazes swiveling between you and your match and Nori himself as if expecting him to now be jealous.
✧ Surprisingly great at matchmaking- his fear of being discovered keeps him very very discreet, and he has a great sense for love.
✧ “Can you two sit right there? I’d like to get some drawings while we’ve got the time. Thank you! Oh, just a little bit closer. Little bit more. There we go!”
✧ The moment you need help, Ori knows someone who can help you! Sends you right their way with an innocent little smile.
✧ Has made it his business to have a general idea of what everyone likes, which comes quite well in handy pointing out to you that someone else in the company's got a similar interest or hobby. Grins to himself when he sees you actually approach them about it.
✧ Feels no need to come out and announce himself to you once you're together, but he brags about predicting and matchmaking you two endlessly to Dori, who listens with great pride.
✧ Having the absolute time of his life.
✧ He’s likely gotten up to this due to gaining the knowledge- or else it simply being that obvious- that one of you has feelings for the other or is attracted to them. Thus, teasing abounds!
✧ “Ever thought about it? …what? Why, you two, of course! Everyone else has, after all.”
✧ Leans on his sword or against a tree, giving his best attempt at a smooth pose as he whispers that they like you too. Yes, even if he isn't certain that you like them as well.
✧ "Finally!" He calls out the first time he sees you two kiss. It may earn him a smack, but it's worth it.
✧ Likely doing this teamed up with Fili and also having the absolute time of his life.
✧ Jokes around any time you two are paired for things. “Well you two make quite the handsome couple, don’t you?”
✧ Plays sides with whoever he's closest to, possibly with his brother falling to the person's other side. "Be honest, who do you think is the best looking of us all? What do you think of that one there?"
✧ "Come on now," he asks you directly if you have any interest in his target, especially if he knows you do, "you can tell me." This, of course, is punctuated with a wink.
✧ He wasn't expecting to actually become your confidant, but when you tell him you trust him with your news and that he's the first to know, he can't help beaming and pulling you into a hug.
✧ Insists to all the other company members that hobbits are the best at matchmaking, thank you. But that, of course, leaves him to prove it.
✧ Step one: food. Food is one of the greatest bonding agents known to hobbits, so Bilbo will task you with bringing your potential interest dinner and thus sitting at their side for the meal.
✧ Step two: common interests. Bilbo himself becomes something of a double agent, talking to one of you and then the other and dropping names at any good opportunity. Perhaps both of you knit. Maybe you need your blades sharpened and they've just done theirs. You could simply just have the same favorite animal and the both of you will know it by the time Bilbo is through.
✧ Step three: strategically moving your bedrolls to be right next to each other. What? It works! That night his target ends up rolling against you in his sleep and you lean up against him.
✧ When you wake up the following morning, shock overtakes you, then shy smiles and a private conversation that has Bilbo smirking to the rest of the company triumphantly.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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ccghastly · 1 year
Van Der Linde boys (include Arthur please and the rest is up to you!!) x reader who can't ride a horse, what do you think about that? Whenever I reader fics from rdr2 I'm like "damn, this ain't me" cause I was riding a horse once in my life 😭 thank you!!
Van der Linde fellas with a S/O that can't ride (a horse)
GN Reader
Arthur, Charles, Hosea, & Bill
Misread the prompt and thought this was 'reader asks for riding lessons', so the most of the fills lean in that direction.
I take requests! Feel free to ask!
Tries so damn hard to be helpful, but he's really really not.
He's been riding a horse for longer than he's been walking, it's all muscle memory and he's horrible at trying to get it into usable words.
Prepare for a lot of, "You kinda just…" "No, uh, you gotta lean with it" "Steer with your hips" "No, not like that" "... That's… Almost better?"
You're frustrated, he's frustrated.
"I'm real sorry, Darlin'. I ain't got no clue how to make any of this make any kinda sense."
If you stick with it you'll probably get there, but you probably would've made the same progress without Arthur's help.
Arthur later gets you a horse that's so incredibly far from wild it could be a nursemaid in its next life and you're happy to accompany him on his little journeys around the countryside. It's exciting to experience his strange encounters in person, rather than as funny stories he brings to the fireside.
A more patient teacher you couldn't hope to find.
He starts you with horse care. Brushing, picking hooves, tack maintenance, feeding, feeling for injuries. Just getting you used to being around horses.
He's very keen on posture and being as helpful and kind to the horse as a rider possibly can be.
Taima is a sweetheart throughout, long pauses for explanations are immediately grazing breaks, but she listens when you try to ask her to do something.
You make great progress and are riding with some confidence by the end of the month, following Charles and Taima for short trips out of camp on your own borrowed horse.
Eventually you get your own horse and it becomes common practice for you to follow Charles on any of his outings, just to keep him company. You get surprisingly good at reading while your horse follows Taima.
Strange techniques, but he's too enthusiastic to turn him down.
You didn't even ask him to teach you, just mentioned in passing that you didn't know how to and you were suddenly penciled in for lessons.
Unsaddles Silver Dollar to make room and has you ride in front of him as he guides the horse.
"Just get a feel for the horse, Dove. Feel how I move with him."
Silver Dollar is confused by the many many circles he's asked to make, but as long as there peppermints at the end of it, he's happy.
Hosea's teaching style is dubiously helpful, but you do eventually learn how to sit a horse.
Once you're comfortable steering your own horse there are many long strolls to 'scout the area' and 'look for game', that usually end with cuddling up in front of a pretty view.
Feels guilty about it, but kind of likes that you can't ride on your own.
Enjoys being useful and likes being able to help you like this.
Really likes that you don't ask anyone else to take you where you need to go, always asking him with such sweet manners, if when he has a free moment if he could please take you into town please
Yes. The answer is always Yes. Immediately Yes. As soon as he's physically capable of making it happen.
"Just gimme two shakes, Honey. I gotta ask Sean to take the rest of my shift, the layabout owes me a few."
Also really really likes lifting you onto and off of Brown Jack. If you wanna make this man light up, give him a kiss while he does it.
It's a very badly hidden secret that he enjoys getting to act like a gentleman and take care of you, so this is right up his alley.
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon - Worm Witcher Worm
Jaskier wrote Burn Butcher Burn after The Mountain Divorce, and spent the next two years singing it in every tavern and inn he came to. It became one of his most well-known songs.
Geralt spent his time wandering the Path alone, and heard people talk about a popular song, but he never paid much attention. After he made up with Jaskier and they started traveling together again, he eventually found out about the song.
It was awkward. Really awkward. They couldn't look each other in the eye, and conversation was painfully uncomfortable for days afterwards. They had a nice long talk one evening, only after Roach got tired of watching them wallow and took matters into her own hands...er, hooves.
She'd trod heavily on Geralt's foot while he was unsaddling her, then shoved him toward Jaskier with her head. Geralt had taken the hint and started the most awkward converstation in history.
Under Roach's watchful eye, threatening snorts, and laced back ears, words were exchanged, the figurative Olive Branch was extended, given an encouraging shake, and apologies were made along with promises to be better.
Fast forward months later. Jaskier and Geralt were back to being besties, and Jaskier was spending another winter with his surrogate family. Jaskier had gotten up late, had a late breakfast, and then drank some wine to get rid of his hangover.
He'd harrassed Lambert about his hair, lecturing him in the middle of the Great Hall before dragging him down to the hotsprings.
He'd gone wandering the corridors and empty rooms of the keep, playing out the stories in his head that would inspire songs and ballads.
He'd gone to have long, philosophical discussions with Roach, who was a very good listener, and agreed with him on everything.
Jaskier skipped down to lab to f**k with Yennefer, getting in the way, bantering, and generally being a nuissance.
"Will you get out of here? I'm trying to work, you irritating, insufferable, c*ckwomble!"
"Oh, please! You know you can't stand to be parted from me!"
"I will part you if you don't leave immediately!"
"Ooooh, it that a proposition?"
"Get out before I throw you in the garden, and plow you-!"
"That's anatomically impossible for you to do, but I'm always open to new experiences. I'm sure we could figure something out!."
"I'm going to turn you into a worm!"
Jaskier ran for it when Yennefer lunged at him, and ducked out the door, laughing. "You'd still love me even if I was a worm, right?"
Yennefer chased him out the door, throwing an empty bowl at him.
Jaskier retreated to his room, deciding it was best to stay out of Yennefer's way for a while. He worked on one of his new songs for a while, then went down to the kitchen to pinch a bottle of wine and some bread and cheese.
He took his time, enjoying his snack, and as the level of the wine in the bottle slowly dropped, he started thinking about what Yennefer had said about turning him into a worm. Would she really do it? Would it be permanent, or would it wear off?
Would the spell work on Witchers? Would they be normal worms, or would they be different? They were Witchers, after all. Would they keep their Witcher qualities? Would they be Witcher worms?
And that begs the question: would he be regular worm sized, or would he be, like, a giant worm? With a hat? Would he still be able to sing? Would he be just a giant worm with a fancy hat and a lute that went around singing songs?
Would he sing about people, or would he only sing about worms? Would he have to change his songs to be about worms instead? And how would he play his lute? Would he use his a**end, or would he have some sort of little arms? His brain, marinated in alcohol, started exploring the idea.
Several hours later, Jaskier found himself back in the Great Hall, sitting at the dinner table with his Wolf family. He listened to the stories from the Path, laughing along, and teasing the Wolves about one thing or another. They drank and sang, and played games, and made fun of Lambert.
Long after they should have been in bed, all of them to a man were sh*tfaced off their a**es.
It was too hard to play Gwent when the cards wouldn't hold still long enough to get proper look at the suits, and you couldn't remember how to play anyway.
Telling stories of the Path had lost it's appeal after the stories only got more confusing because no one could remember which story they were telling and in what order the events happened.
Fighting was out of the question when the floor kept tilting and rolling under your feet and the b**tard you were trying to fight kept changing places everytime you blinked.
All the while, Jaskier's slowly pickling brain kept circling back to his earlier thoughts about worms. The thoughts wriggled in and squiggled around, burrowing deeper into his thoughts, brining new thoughts and questions, new things to wonder about.
Eskel tossed back the last dregs of his White Gull and plonked his tankard down, called cheerfully "Jask, sing us a song!"
"A song, bard!" the other Witchers called out in agreement, then started chanting, "Sing! Sing! Sing!"
Jaskier, brain embalmed at this point, heard the crowd calling him, and could not resist. The next thing he knew he was standing on top of the table, thoughts still falling down the rabbit hole of worms. He cradled his lute, and, with his last functioning brain cell only able to remember something about worms, started singing.
The song was familiar, especially to Geralt, but he was confused. They lyrics were different. He didn't remember the song being about worms. Still, it was catchy. It was one of those songs that stuck in your brian and kept you awake all night, playing over and over.
There was something about it that just made you want to get up and move. No, it was like some sort of magic spell: It compelled you to get up and...
Jaskier's voice rose and boomed through the Hall as he hit the chorus, "WORM, WITCHER, WoOoOrRRRMMMM!"
Jaskier could not explain the phenonemon that resulted in the weirdest form of locomotion that he had ever seen. Witchers all thourghout the Hall were throwing themselves to the floor and undulating across it like sine waves.
Jaskier marvled at the magical sight, belting out the next verses and following up with the chorus.
Yennefer and Vesemir, hearing the noise came into the Great Hall to see what f**kery was afoot and were greeted by the oddest sight.
Jaskier *Standing on the table*: "WaTcH ThAt WiTCheR WoOoRRRMMM!
Geralt and his brothers: *frantically doing The Worm*
Yennefer stood there watching out of horrified fascination, speechless as Geralt 'wormed' as if his life depended on it. If he wormed any faster, she feared he would go airborne. Jaskier hit the chorus line again, belting out "WoRm, WiTcHeR WoRM, WoRM, wOrM, WoRm..."
Vesemir dipped out without a word. He was going to bed. He was just too old for this sh*t.
Yennefer watched for a few moments as her two idiots went on with their nonsense. She wondered what was going on inside their heads, then decided she didn't want to know. She marveled at how easily she had let these two imbeciles into her life. She sighed. Love was so complicated.
Yennefer left moments later, not wanting to bear witness to what ever disaster was going to happen if one of them Wormed too close to the fire pit, or over the piles of empty bottles of White Gull.
The next morning, the Witchers woke up with massive hangovers, wondering why they felt as if they'd been bludgeoned by rock trolls. They could remember nothing of the previous night's activities, but for some mysterious reason, they all had had odd dreams about worms.
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lunaerys-archeron · 9 months
The Shadow Queen - Chapter I
(Daemon Targaryen x OC! Lunaerys Novak)
Prologue | Chapter two
For caution, most of this is fictional not included in the books or show!! So there will be more than a few of my original characters that have last names of main characters.
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The sounds of neighs and hooves pouding against the grounds echoed throught the nature, several horses moving just as happily to return to their home, as much as their riders were. The sounds of armor being clunked together, banners of a single wolf surrounded by bones and ash, colors of black and gold being waved by the cloaks on the shoulders of the warriors returning. Eyes beamed with excitement as they followed their commander to the gates of their home.
"Great warriors of the East. We have returned undefeated once again!" A strong voice boasted as she halted for her giant black wolf, stopping by the gates of her home. She wore a proud and victorious smirk under her helm.
"Once we pass through those gates, you will no longer be stray men and women. But strong and willed warriors of a won battle." Her voice had been filled with leadership, her men and women warriors cheered for their commander, pounding their fists against their armor.
The gates to their Kingdom had opened. They were home.
"Princess Lunaerys Novak, heir to the ash-blood throne, future Lady of the Shadow Hills, Warden of the East, and Commander of the mercenaries." Ser Rickard Starlight announced loudly to the people that had gathered to witness the arrival of their future Queen and the warriors of Adrithe.
"Blessings to the four gods princess."
"May the four be with our undefeated warriors."
"May the God of war honor you."
The free folk began to chant as their princess and her mercenaries rode past them towards and through the entire city. They cheered in relief and pride, their protectors had once again defeated a great threat to their Kingdom.
Lunaerys Novak unsaddled her great wolf, patting her head as she did so, giving her comfort after a long time being away in battle. "Rest my dear friend." A young boy comes her way, Alan Vaulant, her squire and the soon-to-be lord of his house, learning under her guidance.
“Princess Lunaerys, welcome home.” The boy greeted with a polite bow and smile.
“Alan, it seems she missed you as well.” Lunaerys laughed when her wolf, Pandora nudged the boy with her snout wishing to be greeted as well, “watch over her will you? And you Pandora, take care of him.” She bid both a goodbye as Alan and Pandora walked to the fields of grass to roust in.
“Princess, your father, the King, wishes for your presence in the throne room.” A knight named Aethen Starfyre called to the young woman.
Lunaerys gave a nod to her childhood friend, "Thank you Aethen, do be sure that Ser Rickard and Ser Harland don't cause too much trouble. We've only just returned."
"You have my word princess." Ser Aethen chuckled, joining the Starlight twins into the ale house.
Lunaerys made her way to the throne room, she knew who was expecting her after her arrival to Adrithe. Her father. King Aelor. As she walked her way through the godswood the servants and maids all bowed when she walked past them, earning small smiles from the Princess. Her armor made a small noise as her black and gold cloak waved behind her.
"Ser Fergus, I see you're still alive old man." Lunaerys teased with a grin as she caught the eye of her father's friend guarding the throne room door.
"Princess I see you were victorious." Ser Fergus Redmond scoffed playfully. "I was sure the rogues would've killed you this time, I lost coin because of you." His grin matched her own.
"Careful Ser, I can have your head for your words."
"Oh but who would put up with you then?" Ser Redmond laughed.
"Is he angry?" Lunaerys asked, her bright mood changing instantly, remembering why she had come to the Throne room.
"He was for a short time, you're his only child, Lunaerys." Ser Fergus wore a glum look remembering the way his friend suffered after Lunaerys went off into battle, not knowing the status of his only child.
Lunaerys faced the ground in shame.
She never meant to cause her father any pain. She then faced forward as Ser Redmond opened the throne room doors. "Thank you, Ser."
She walked down the short steps, where her eyes met those whom she inherited it from. Her father, Aelor Novak, King of Adrithe. Many would've found him slightly intimidating, as the great King sat on a throne made of bones.
Lunaerys shuddered as she took in the presence of her father. His once bright blue eyes, now dull with worry.
She was to kneel on one knee, her head ready to be bowed preparing herself to apologize to her father for her doings. She never met the ground. Instead was buried into familiar arms, feeling the warmth of the wolf blood flowing through his veins.
"My girl. My little warrior." Aelor whispered, holding his daughter tightly to him, too afraid to let go. One year. A year that his only child had gone to war never once hearing word of her status. Paranoid thoughts ran through his head during the twelve moons. Was she hurt? Was she even alive? "You are home. Thank the gods."
Lunaerys did not hesitate another second and wrapped her arms around her father, returning his embrace. There a father and daughter had reunited.
"I'm sorry father."
Her father stepped back slightly, his hands holding onto Lunaerys' shoulders.
"No need for your apology. I should've understood, having a warrior as a daughter would never be easy. I just never wanted to lose you, like I lost your mother."
Lunaerys smiled sadly at the mention of her mother, she had died of a fever that plagued their Kingdom, leaving peacefully in her sleep.
"Would she be proud of me?" Her mismatched eyes, one gold like every member of house Novak and the other blue as the seas, just like her mother had the. Her eyes were filled with sadness and hope.
"Very, my little warrior." Aelor smiled before he placed a gentle kiss on her head.
In the throne room, a father and daughter had been reunited. But soon they would be separated as the girl would soon be of age to begin her own journey.
"Welcome to you all! For tonight's feast will be in the honor of the return of my daughter and her mercenaries. For they have slayed another enemy, vanquishing the threat to our people!" King Aelor announced to the court that it had been settled for tonight's evening.
The noble houses all clapped and cheered for their princess and her mercenaries, either slamming their fists or their cups on the tables. They were proud that their Kingdom remained as they always had been. Unconquered by their enemies, protected by the wolf of the East.
"Tonight we shall thank and honor those who risked their lives for our Kingdom. May the God of War honor them and the others to allow them a place in their heavenly Kingdom" Lunaerys and the rest of those present had joined their King in his toast lifting their cups of ale into the air, "let tonight's feast commence."
With the words of their King the noble houses had begun their feasting, making conversations within their own house or with people from others. Though men and some women would sneak quick glances to the royal family's table, hoping to catch the beautiful eyes of the Princess. She had surely changed over the years in war, her face strong, jaw defined. Her beautiful mismatched eyes seemed brighter than ever before.
Lunaerys held a small grin behind her cup of ale, it was amusing as she felt the not subtle looks being thrown her way. Her grin grew as Aethen gave an amused snort her way. House Starfyre had been sworn to her own house since her great-great grandfather was King of Adrithe, she would find herself missing something, if Aethen was not by her side. They had been long friends ever since they were mere babes, their mothers friends before them. To add, they were born on the same day.
"Princess Lunaerys, would you so honor me. And join me for a dance." Ser Rickard had asked from a few feet away from the royal table.
Lunaerys nodded and joined the knight on the floor.
Music began to play, drums bearing like hearts of winds, calling out to the souls of the people. The particular song was one of Lunaerys' favorites, a song created for Adrithe's victory against the Dragons.
Lords and Ladies joined the princess and the knight on the floor, as the dance was turning to a switch in partners. The melody softened to something that was known by history, this particular dance was to resemble the one that was once shared between King Silas Novak and Queen Visenya Targaryen.
Forever forbidden love.
"You look radiant tonight, Lunaerys." Rickard whispered to the princess' ear.
"You clean up well Rickard. I almost did not recognize you." Lunaerys stifles a chuckle when the knight glared at her playfully.
"You wound me princess." Rickard lifted Lunaerys in his arms as the others followed in suit, the dance replica of the wolf and dragon. "You have once again lead us to victory, how does it feel?"
The eastern princess sighed deeply with a small smile.
"Good. Our home remains its own. Though my father has informed me, this will only add to the incoming ravens of betrothal offers."
Ser Rickard laughed, twirling the princess around a few times, before taking her in his arms again. "Anyone would be honored to have a woman such as yourself as a wife. I know of someone that would die for your hand.." It was now Lunaerys who lightly chuckled under her breath, "Who did you have in mind, Ser Starlight?" She teased, but before she received an answer she was spun to the next partner,
Now she was in the arms of the other Starlight twin, Ser Harland. One thing that was acknowledged by the people of Mordun, was that everyone knew the closeness the Starlight twins had with the princess. Though small rumors began that it was either Rickard or Harland that was in a secret relationship Lunaerys, but none were so brave to whisper these rumors in the Starlight twins’ faces, nor for it to make word to her father, King Aelor, who would surely cut the tongues of those who whispered of his only child, meeting their death soon after.
“Harland.” Lunaerys greeted with a smile.
“Princess.” Harland returned with a cheeky grin, without ease lifting the young woman in his arms and circling both of themselves around.
The two teenagers were completely oblivious to the many stares they were getting, the others in attendance either whispered the countless rumors made in their minds, or they gushed how beautiful Lunaerys and Harland would be together. They saw as they danced together, their height was laughable, but an adorable one. Two fierce and strong souls. They had grown together, and fought together. They were always seen near one another when Aethen was not by her side. They were Princess Lunaerys Novak and Ser Harland Starlight. A wolf and hound. A princess and knight. Friends for eternity.
King Aelor sat in his council meeting the following morrow, rather focused to the conversations happening around him. As custom he sat at the head of the table, his closest advisor Lord Ambrose Redmond, brother to Ser Fergus, his sworn protector, and another dear friend. He tried to stay focused on the Master of Whispers speaking to him about something unimportant to the council. He ran his fingers against the russet colored fur of his large wolf, Allyan, who even kneeling to the ground reached past Aelor's height.
“What point are you trying to make, Lord Peter?” King Aelor huffed, leaning forward on his arms that rested against the table.
“A raven was spotted late at night, your grace.” Lord Peter Lagos began to backtrack to his reason for this meeting, handing the letter to Ser Fergus, who then handed the letter to the King.
“A three-headed dragon seal?” The Wolf King said in slight surprise. It has been long since the Dragons of King’s Landing ever tried to contact the Kingdom of Adrithe, since after his father became King.
“The Targaryen’s?” Lord Lucas Starfyre, the Master of Laws, asked in wonder. Why have the, above the gods and men believers, send them a raven? It has been nearly twenty years since their last attempt.
The council watched in anticipation as Aelor unraveled the letter. The Kings’ eyes followed each letter as he read them, his eyes widening in shock, then in slight annoyance as he reached the end. “Of course, another raven asking for my daughters’ hand.”
The council looked at each other before looking at their King worriedly.
“Surely the King does not offer his grandson to take her as a second wife?” Lady Myriah Vaulant, the Mistress of Ships asked. The Kingdom had known that Prince Viserys’ wife had failed to bring a son, and gave birth to a firstborn daughter instead. They did not shame the lady Aemma, but they felt some sort of pity as she was forced to another pregnancy shortly after the miscarriage of her lost child.
“No. But Jaehaerys does offer his youngest grandson, Prince Daemon Targaryen.”
The name of the dragon prince caught the attention of Aelor. It was no secret that the adventures of Westeros’ Rogue Prince made it all the way to Adrithe. The prince was said to enjoy his freedom and liked to cause trouble with that advantage coming with being of royal blood, many called him a womanizer for bedding many women in the brothels, but no one would dare shame him as not only was a prince, but he was also not married.
Though King Jaehaerys Targaryen had hoped with the things he heard of the intelligent and strong minded princess of Adrithe, Lunaerys would be able to hound down his grandson to become a good man. But Aelor would not have his daughter forced into a loveless marriage, nor one of convenience, he would give her the same opportunity he had.
“It seems our princess has made quite the impression during the battle, impressing a member of the Targaryen family takes quite a lot.” Lord Redmond snickered towards the KIng, but then sent him a small glare when Aelor kicked him from under the table.
“Who knows of the reasons that King Jaehaerys has to offer his grandson, but I will not give my daughter, unless she decides it is what she wants.” The council nodded with agreement to their King's words.
“Where is the princess, if I may ask your grace?” Lady Solia Darros questioned.
King Aelor smiled, his daughter was not one for meetings just yet. He had given her a break from her duties after being away for a year, his daughter deserved to be a young woman with freedom before she was backed into her duties forever.
“My daughter spends her time as she wishes, Lady Darros. She has a free spirit, just like her mother, one that can never be diminished.”
As the council continued with their conversations, a certain Princess had left her chambers and took her loyal companion for a small ride into the forests.
She was truly a free spirit.
Lunaerys held her bow close, drawing to the target in front of her, her eyes stilled on the sight, a large boar sniffing away to the trails the young woman made to draw it in. She held her breath as it came closer, then, with one breath out, she let her arrow loose. The boar let out noises of pain as it began to scurry away, but it was met with its end when a large wolf pounced onto it. Wails of its strangulation were heard loudly, before it limped in the locked jaws of its killer, crimson liquid appearing on the snout of the wolf drawing lines down into the grassy ground.
The princess walked closer to her companion, “You did well my girl, enjoy your catch.” She walked close to a tree sitting on its sprouting roots, she relaxed against the tall life. The scenery around her was beautiful, that is something she loved about her home, the beauty of the surrounding nature. The trees moving with life with the winds coursing movements, the bright skies glowing bright with the sun's radiance.
“You always preferred the outside world.” A teasing voice made Lunaerys open her eyes and sigh in announced.
"And you always had a way to rekove my peace, Aethen." Lunaerys joked her eyes closing once again, as she leaned back to the tree behind her. She chuckled when hearing his scoff.
"Well, who would protect the dear princess of Adrithe better than I? Her sworn guard and her most cherished friend." Aethen praised himself as he practically invaded Lunaerys' calming space by taking a seat right next to her. They both bumped their shoulders together playfully, trying to push the other away. "Hello Pandora, at least someone enjoys my presence." Aethen exclaimed with glee when the large wolf greeted him with a nudge to his side, he ran his fingers against her black fur.
"Traitor." The Novak scoffed with a pout. Pushing Pandora away when the wolf tried to nuzzle her head to her side as well. But the princess gave in, and began to scratch Pandora's head behind her ears. Lunaerys chuckled at the wolf's pleased huffs, and as Pandora layed behind both she and Aethen, her body curling around them.
"What is on your mind, Lunaerys?" Aethen asked with concern. The young man had noticed the way Lunaerys had been acting since they returned to Adrithe, she seemed different, more so than any time they had left to battle, "Is it Wayland again?"
Lunaerys eyes opened suddenly at the particular name. She had nor heard anyone else say the name in almost three years. It still hurt, hearing that name. One she had once cherished so deeply.
"No—no Aethen it is not Wayland that had been plaguing my mind. But rather my realization of the duties I will be expected to meet."
Aethen smiled lowly, "Ah yes. Your father has informed me of the many ravens that he received of Lords all over Westeros offering the hands of their sons. You are quite the topic, my dear friend."
Lunaerys scoffed in distaste, "The only reason for that many offers is due to those Lords wanting to see their son as King to an unconquered Kingdom. It is all they lust for in Westeros, power and their ambition bleeds to make it possible."
"Yes but Adrithe is different, Lunaerys. They may become your future husband, but it is you that we will all see as Queen. It is you that we will follow, not them, but you."
The Princess smiled at her friend and protector, she leaned her head against his shoulder, "Thank you, Aethen. You're always helping to ease my mind."
"It is my duty Princess, not only as your sworn shield, but as your friend." Aethen said resting his cheek against her head, "I heard that you have received another betrothal offer this morrow."
Lunaerys snorted a chuckle, "Yes those pesky Lannisters do not know when to stop do they?"
"I do don't speak of the Lannister's, I speak of the offer Jaehaerys Targaryen has made to offer the hand of his youngest grandson." The knight mumbled before Lunaerys moved her head away, and looked up to him suprised.
"Jaehaerys Targaryen sent my father a raven?" Lunaerys asked out loud, but mostly asked herself. Why would Jaehaerys try to offer his grandson? Perhaps this was another way of the Westeros King to men the broken treaty that his uncle long broke. "Interesting. How it would be to marry a man of dragon blood."
Aethen raised a brow in question, though he was equally concern when he saw Lunaerys look in thought. "Surely you're not thinking of accepting Lunaerys. Daemon Targaryen is wild, they call him the rogue prince for reasons, my dear friend."
The Princess only ignored him, she truly wondered what all the gossip about the Targaryen Prince was about. He surely couldn't be as handsome as they say, but she did believe the Whispers of his lustful ways in the brothels. Lunaerys knew that Jaehaerys wanted this marriage as a way to tame his youngest grandson, to better control his ways and become the ideal Prince.
"Of course not, who do take me for? While this would do well for duty, as Daemon Targaryen is to be known as a fine knight within his realms, but, I am not sure he will do well here in Adrithe." Lunaerys stifles a giggle imagining the trials that Daemon would have to go through in Adrithe to become her husband and a knight on their terms, not in Westeros.
How fun it would be to see it.
"Ah, the trials of earning the knighthood," Aethen sighed remembering the day he passed his own and earned his knighthood, "not many succeed the trials. But it would be entertaining to see him try completing the trials for your marriage."
Lunaerys and Aethen laughed together, but as they did so they stopped when King Aelor stepped into their view, his wolf Allyan standing tall behind him.
"Your grace." Aethen bowed now standing on his feet.
"Aethen, do mind to leave me and my daughter for a moment?" Aelor asked with a small smile at the knight.
"Of course your grace." Ser Starfyre sent once last look to Lunaerys before he walked away, leaving the King and his heir alone.
King Aelor let out a deep sigh, as he sat next to his only child he looked around. The small sounds of the water from the river clashing softy with the rocks in between. The area was quite beautiful, the greenery around seemed to grow even more beautiful with the sun's rays. He remembers this place.
The only place where he took his wife, Erys, the day he asked for her hand in marriage. Then after their daughter was born, they brought her here and would spend their days away from the stressful court.
This was the place they could just be together.
"I'm sure you either heard, or Aethen has informed you of the raven that was sent to Adrithe?" The king asked his daughter as they both stared towards the flowing river. But he received no answer from her only more silence, "Lunaerys, know that I would never force you to marry."
"I know", Lunaerys turned to look at her father. She wore a smile, one that resembled her mother's, "but I understand my duty father."
Aelor took his daughter into his arms, basking her in his comfort filled warmth that only a father could bring to his child. He tried to keep his daughter happy, he knew she appreciated the things he did for her, but he so hated the ways things were. He loathed that his daughter focused more on things that were yet to come, rather than to live her life in the slight freedom she had. But he knew that his daughter was too loyal and too wise to go against her duites, from a young age she was taught the things an heir to a Kingdom should be. She learned too much before she was to live happy life of a child.
"My daughter. My only child and solace in this world, you will make a fine Queen to this Kingdom."
Lunaerys smiled and held her father just as much as he held her. She enjoyed these moments when it was the to of them, a father and daughter just being themselves, carefree.
"Linōt eyssīa, mīedys." I love you, my daughter.
"Linōt eyssīa, lokto." I love you, father.
The father and daughter sat in the peaceful silence.
They enjoyed the breathtaking world around them, for they both knew that soon they would not see it again in many years.
It had been two moons since King Jaehaerys Targaryen sent raven to Adrithe. It had been nearly one hundred years since anyone from Westeros has seen a person of Old Flame blood, Jaehaerys had remembered the last time he saw a member from the house Novak. It was when he first became King, and he tried to reconcile with King Lucian Novak to bring back the peace treaty his grandfather, Aegon I, had created. But the wolves of the East were not ones to forgive and forget if without good reason, for House Novak was one of loyalty and trust. Maegor Targaryen had long broken that bond.
It was early morrow, Jaehaerys sat in his own chambers breaking his fast in silence until a servant of his house came in silently.
"Your grace." The young man bowed standing next to the King's sworn guard.
"What is it?" Jaehaerys sighed tiredly, he only was visited either if important news came to King's Landing, or his youngest grandson Daemon had done something Daemon like.
"A falcon was spotted before the sun's light had risen, it carried this in its hold." The young man walked closer to the King handing him the rolled parchment.
The eyes of the King widened.
A black and gold wolf sigil. Unbroken at that.
"Thank you, you may leave." Jaehaerys dismissed the young man with a wave of his hand, he waited until the doors to his chambers closed shut to open the letter.
Jaehaerys Targaryen,
It is to my understanding that you have long wished to fix what your uncle had long broken many years ago. War had been called against your Kingdom and mine, for things that were mistaken and took to far. Both our families and Kingdom's suffered for such mistakes.
Though, we both wish to make things right.
My house, House Novak is not one to easily forgive nor forget. We have not forgotten what your house has done to mine, but it seems you bring a well enough reason to fix what was broken. But know this, if it is your wish to give the hand of your grandson to my daughter he must face many challenges and trials against our most fine fighters in our realm. For the hand of my daughter is no prize, for she does not need anyone to rule greatly beside her.
But alas my daughter understands her duties, as any good heir should.
In the name of King Aelor Novak and his heir Princess Lunaerys Novak, we fully accept your offer. For your grandson will wed my daughter if passed the trials given. Pray to your gods of the Valyrian or the Seven, for if your house takes our forgiveness to an dismay. We will finish what my ancestors had long started.
— King Aelor Novak, First of his name. King of Adrithe, Lord of Morukk, and Warden of the East, the Protector of the Old Flame.
Jaehaerys Targaryen was relieved, House Targaryen and House Novak would be untied as they were longed to be. But he knew the grieve consequences this could have on not only his Kingdom, but to his family. For he knew if his blood would continue their rebellious ways, filled with anger, betrayal.
For the only thing that could bring the end to the house of the dragons, was itself.
Lunaerys and House Novak would be the savior his house needed.
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anabdaniels · 7 months
Cowboytober Day 31- "It's a lasso."
Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader
Word counting: 3.9k
Rating: 18+
Warning: Oral (f receiving), fingering, movement restrains, soft face fucking, use of safewords, very slight exhibitionism (aka Jack liking to be observed while getting naked), smoking, slight nipple play, rough sex, aftercare, teasing, Dom!Jack, overstimulation, cum eating my pathetic attempts of made Jack sound southern, high chances of grammatical errors.
A/N: Yes, this is longer than the damn bible. I can't believe Cowboytober is over (what's the purpose of life now?) and I'm deeply grateful to everyone who read it, y'all have a place in my heart. I'll keep posting Agent Whiskey fics, so everyone is more than welcome to stay here and appreciate the cowboy with me. Feedbacks, DMs or requests are always highly appreciated. Thank y'all so much for the support❤️️.
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That was supposed to be a calm Friday afternoon, but of course, life does not always follow as one wants. The old gentleman who was a neighbor to the ranch appeared with his son at the door, asking Jack for help; his cows had broken the fence and were near to the ranch. Promptly, Jack confirmed that would help them and, after Horace, Jack’s beloved black Clydesdale, was saddled and the two dogs Gus, a ten-month-old Bernese Mountain, and Lola, a two-year-old Australian cattle were already excitedly following Jack, they proceeded to catch the cows.
You sat on the porch while watching Jack and both neighbors herding the cattle back to their property. Safe to say that you always had enjoyed watching those kinds of activities, but when your handsome husband was the one doing the job, it was a hundred times more enjoyable to see, especially when he was wearing that all-denim outfit he frequently wore to work around the ranch.
Faster than you expected, almost all the cows were back home, but two of them refused to follow the leading of the dogs or the horses. Noticing that would be a waste of time to try to herd them, Jack went back home to grab his lasso.
Once in front of the house, Jack easily got off Horace and walked inside the ranch. No more than two minutes later he was back with his lasso in one hand while straightening his hat. When he was about to get back on his horse, you approached him with a playful expression.
“Jack” you called and he promptly turned to look at you with a soft smile.
“Yes, honey?” he questioned laying one hand on your waist.
“I was just wondering how much I would have to beg for you to tie me with this lasso.” Immediately Jack’s grip on your waist tightened and you could see the devilish smirk forming on his lips. He leaned slightly towards your face, looking at your mouth for a moment, then back at your eyes.
“Just wait ‘till we’re done with the cattle, and I’ll show why you shouldn’t tease a cowboy while he’s working, sugar.” He winked at you and got mounted on Horace again, leading to what he had to do, and praying for the god he didn’t believe to the effect of your words on him wasn’t visible on the fly of his jeans.
Your attention remained fixed on Jack, admiring how easily he manipulated his lasso even while riding a horse. With the agility of one who had done that throughout his whole life, Jack lassoed the two remaining cows, helping the neighbors to take them back. After a lot of acknowledgments and a very brief conversation, the other men led back home, while Jack unsaddled Horace and released him to the field, then walked towards the house, more precisely towards you, with his rolled-up lasso hanging on his arm.
“That was very unpolite of you, little lady.” He said at the moment he stood in front of you, caressing your cheek and grabbing your hand, walking inside home with you.
“I was just curious.” You answered with a smile, frowning when, while passing through the living room, Jack grabbed your one-liter bottle of water “What is that for?”
“Oh, trust me, once I got done with you, you’ll need that, honeybee.” You could only bite your lip while following him without questioning. Once in the bedroom, Jack sat on the edge of the bed with you mounted on his lap, calmly getting you rid of your clothes, and placing his hands on your waist once he was done. “First things first, are we keeping our usual safe codes for this one?” after you nodded your agreement, Jack smirked, promptly entering the mood for the adventure about to come.
With no rush at all, Jack placed you on your back on the bed, lassoing your wrists together and tying your hands above your head on the headboard, making sure that the knot was tight but not enough to hurt you. The only thing you could do was observe his every move with full attention, already feeling pathetically turned on, still not fully believing that you were finally being tied up by your handsome cowboy.
From all the things you imagined Jack would do after got you restrained, the last one you expected was what he really did. You watched with a slight frown as he picked up his lighter and a cigarette, resting one hand on his hips once the cigarette was lighted, observing you with a calm expression.
“Now, what I’m going to do with you, sugar?” His voice came out neutral as he walked around the bed, taking a slow drag of his cigarette.
“I have a ton of suggestions.” You answered with your gaze fixed on him.
“I know you do.” He chuckled and shook his head, stopping on the bed foot “But I’m afraid we have different plans here.” Jack walked around the bed and sat next to you, planting his free hand on your thigh “Look, darlin’, you haven’t been precisely well-behaved earlier, and I shouldn’t be too generous with you.” As he spoke, his hand moved up your body, rubbing your lower stomach softly and moving further, until his fingertips were caressing your breast “Problem is that having you so worked up just for being tied, I can’t help myself.” Jack chuckled as he heard the first quiet moan coming from you as he slowly rubbed and pinched your nipple.
“Jack…” you mumbled looking at him with a pleading expression, involuntarily pulling your hands, sighing when the rope just pressed your wrists.
“Easy, sweetheart.” He smirked while moving his hand to your other breast “We’re in no rush here.”
“I can disagree on infinite levels about the rush.” You said while squirming on the bed as his fingers worked on your hard nipple.
“Y’really don’t know how to wait do ya?” Jack shook his head with a smirk, taking another drag of his cigarette before letting it sit on the ashtray on the nightstand.
Calmly, Jack grabbed your hips and turned you to lay on your stomach, spreading your legs and kneeling between them. Both of his hands rested on the mattress close to the sides of your body, and he leaned his body forward, kissing the back of your neck slowly, exhaling slowly just for you to feel his breath against your skin. 
You closed your eyes, squirming once more, feeling shivers all over your body caused by both his warm kisses and the feeling of the cold metal of the buttons of his denim jacket tickling your back. Involuntarily you moved your hips, moaning quietly when you accidentally touched his fly with your needy core, and without a second thought, you did it again, moaning louder this time with the feeling of the harsh fabric of his jeans rubbing against your cunt.
“Not that easy, love.” Jack laughed and grabbed your hips, preventing you from moving again.
“Daniels!” you complained and sighed, looking at him over your shoulder.
“You’re complaining without even knowing what’re my next plans.” He said while turning you on the bed again.
For your total desperation for more, Jack placed his lips on your neck, kissing your skin with no hurry while his hands caressed your sides. You could only contort and pull your hands as he moved further, taking his time while licking and lightly nibbling your nipples, only making you more miserably needy and almost regretting having put so much power and control on his teasing hands.
Once he got down only to kiss your stomach cruelly slowly, you were moving and whimpering in a mix of satisfaction and impatience, keeping constantly pulling your tied wrists, until, somehow, one of your hands got free from the lasso. Jack looked up with a raised eyebrow and shook his head with a smug smirk.
“I knew you were thirsty, but not at that point, sweetheart.” He said while getting out of the bed and approaching the headboard, calmly grabbing your hand and putting it back together with your other hand, tying it once more. “You better not get loose again.” You didn’t know what were his plans behind that phrase, but now you wanted to untie yourself again just to see where it would lead.
Back on the bed, Jack resumed his task of ruining your patience and rational thoughts, kissing your skin more slowly than ever, planting a few soft hickeys and nibbles on the sides of your hips before settling between your legs, kissing from your inner knees to that sensitive spot on your inner thighs, a few inches away from your pussy, enjoying the desperate moves of your hips, trying to get some relief.
Keeping his tranquility, Jack moved one hand between your legs, softly moving his fingertips over your outer lips, taking a satisfied sight out of you and another failed try of freeing your hands. While holding one of your legs to keep them spread open, he moved his fingers through your inner lips, provoking a louder sonorous response from you as he approached your most sensitive parts.
With a small crumb of generosity, Jack finally got further, circling your soaked entrance, you whimpered with the warm feeling of his rough digits caressing you, arching your back slightly and trying to move your hips further. Without you having the time to foresee it, Jack slid two fingers inside you, smirking as he felt you pulsing around him, and calmly started to move his hand, slightly curling his fingers just to mess with you a bit. And it worked damn well. Thanks to your desperately needy state, his slow fingering was more than enough for you to moan, and felt your pussy clenching involuntarily, not to mention that the man knew very well what he was doing.
As he started to notice you getting more relaxed on the bed, Jack took the next step, licking your clit with no pre-warning, making your back arch as you once more pulled your hands, at that point without care with the high possibility of your wrists end up with the mark of his lasso. You raised your head from the pillow just to take a look at that view, as if just using that all-denim outfit wasn’t enough to make him look immeasurably hot, Jack saw no problem in sinking his face between your legs while wearing that, doing unspeakable things for your libido.
You didn’t bother to try to keep calm or hold back, just moaning loudly and squeezing his head between your thighs, as you tightened his fingers inside you and felt your clit throbbing a lot against his tongue. With the passing time being married to him, you had learned how to deal with Jack’s advanced skills on cunnilingus, managing to not be about to come in least than five minutes, but when he decided to join his abilities with unfair teasing, your resistance was turned into a joke, precisely as it was happening on that moment. You just savored every sensation you were able to notice, feeling your heart beating fast, a few drops of sweat on your back and temples, and your womb reacting more to all of that at each passing minute. You whined and choked on your breath while your whole body tensed up and then melted on the bed as you got taken by an intense orgasm, having some little spasms during the process. With a satisfied smile, Jack got to sit on the bed, admiring you all boneless as he pulled his fingers off you, savoring your taste on his fingers.
Once your senses were in their place again, you opened your eyes to take a look at what was going on when you noticed Jack moving out of the bed and, for your positive surprise, you found him kicking his boots to the side while taking off his jacket. Realizing he had your attention, Jack didn’t rush on what he was doing, keeping his glance on you as he started to open the buttons of his shirt with all the tranquility one could have, and it certainly awakened something in you; the joint of his hands working and the result of this work being his skin getting uncovered was making you thirst for him once again, even that your legs still were heavy from your recent orgasm. When Jack got done with his shirt and started to work on his belt buckle, you had abandoned your dignity and were contorting on the bed and unceasingly trying to move your tied hands while staring at his every move, as if you had never seen him naked before. 
After what seemed an eternity for your thirsty self, your handsome man was finally totally undressed and took the first step to approach the bed, making you move suddenly and bit your bottom lip as you realized you had, somehow, untied your hands again.
“Now this is gettin’ way outta hand, sugar.” Jack shook his head, chuckling softly, at all he wasn’t expecting you to achieve such a feat twice on the same day.
Jack stood next to the bed, resting on of his knees on the mattress as he finished undoing the knot on his lasso, and the most you were attracted to him doing anything with a lasso, you couldn’t focus on anything more while having that astonishing erection just a few inches away from your face, so without a second thought, you leaned forward and sucked the tip of his cock, catching him hundred percent unprepared for that, resulting in a surprised groan coming from him and one of his hands grabbing the headboard tight as he looked down at you.
“Tsk, tsk, someone is gettin’ way too naughty for ma taste.” Regardless of his remark, he didn’t stop you, brushing a few strands of your hair back to take a better look at your face, letting out a heavy breath as you moved slightly further. “I wasn’t plannin’ that, but now you made me tempted.” Slowly he moved his hips back, until his cock was out of your mouth, proceeding to cup your face and rub your bottom lip with his thumb “It’s okay for you if got into your pretty mouth?” he had barely finished the question and you were already nodding “Words, my love.”
“Yes.” You answered solicitously “Please.”
“Very well.” 
With a noticeable smirk on his lips, Jack moved to the bed, straddling your upper body, being careful not to let his body weight on you, while untangling your hands from the lasso so you could sign if you wanted him to stop at any moment. Softly, he grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger, running his tongue over his lips as you opened your mouth and let your tongue stick out. Jack placed his cock on top of your tongue and slowly moved into your mouth, moaning quietly once your lips were wrapped around him, sinking one of his hands into your hair and caressing your scalp as he started to move his hips, thrusting in your mouth on a steady calm pace. You couldn’t help your moan, feeling your cunt throbbing at his every move, such as your mouth getting watered, making his cock more drooled every time Jack slid himself back inside. 
Fair to say that both of you were aroused on almost unbearable levels, because, if Jack was loving the vision of your taking his cock in such goodwill and seeming so pleased for doing it, your libido was once again unfairly attacked with the incredible sight of him looking so dominant straddling you and looking into your eyes while fucking your mouth, and the safety of knowing that even on a position that gave him unrestrainedly power over you, Jack would never try or trespass your boundaries just provided you with tranquility and relaxation to enjoy the moment without having to worry about anything else, but the feeling of his twitching cock making your mouth filled.
The most he was loving every second of that, Jack wasn’t planning to come at that moment, and it would unquestionably happen if he remained any longer enjoying the fabulous feeling of your warm mouth accommodating his cock so well, so he needed to move his hips back, pulling out of your mouth the slowest possible, grinning when you leaned your head to give a last suck on the tip of his length before let him go. Jack dismounted of you and turned his attention on tying your hands again, this time being less gentle and restraining your hands firmly than before with a slip knot, making sure to tie the ends of the rope together so the only way you would get rid was if he released you or if the headboard was brooked.
“Honestly, sugar, an untamed horse is easier to tie than you.” Jack mocked while moving back to the bed, making you laugh while he was settling next to you.
“Maybe it’s just your knots that are not that good.” You couldn’t help but tease him.
“If you manage to untie yourself this time, I may agree with this affirmation.” He said calmly and leaned to kiss you as one of his hands moved down your body. He smirked against your lips once his fingers were between your legs and only then he realized your soaked state. “Seems that someone enjoyed having her mouth full.” Before you could retort, Jack already had turned you on the bed, letting you lay on your stomach and putting a pillow under your hips, pushing your legs apart and placing himself between them. “Let’s see watcha feeling when your pretty pussy is the one fulfilled.”
Once more you didn’t have the chance of came up with one of your usual sharped teasing answers, because the only thing your mind could process was the feeling of Jack doing exactly as he said, burring every inch of his cock inside you, making you squirm and pull your hands, feeling the tight rope rub on the skin of your wrists. Without ceremony, Jack braced himself in one elbow, leaning forward so his chest was pressed against your back, while he caressed your hips with his free hand, then, planting a soft kiss on your shoulder, he started to slam his hips against you, making you whine and sank your face on the pillow, moving your hands and hips involuntarily as if it would help you deal with the almost overwhelming feeling of him so comfortingly lying on top of your as he railed you relentlessly.
You tried to focus on the warmth of his mouth as he kissed, nibbled, and sucked from your jaw to your shoulder and back, but nothing was helping you to keep your cool. His restless thrusts, your desperate wish to squeeze or scratch something that you were unable to fulfill, and the rubbing of your clit against the pillow under your hips caused by your involuntary moves and Jack’s intense pace were surely working well together to end up with any self-control you could have.
So, if you can’t defeat your enemy, then you join with them.
You stopped trying to rationalize anything at that moment and let yourself go, enjoying how your body got more taken by the pure intense pleasure you were feeling and paying attention to all the things you could: the good feeling of your husband’s body all over you, the way his mustache and breath tickled the skin of your neck, your sensitive hard nipples rubbing against the bedsheet, your throbbing clit rubbing a lot against the pillow, your cunt clenching hardly around his cock. Everything felt so intense and so good, in a way you didn’t remember to have ever felt, so, when that tension on your lower stomach became more pronounceable, you just focused on feeling it blossoming into another breathtaking orgasm, making your legs tremble as you were almost screaming.
While you still were highly boozed on your post-climax, Jack moved away from you for a moment, just to turn you on the bed and let you lay on your back. On a gentle pace, he moved inside you again, cupping your cheek and kissing you passionately, resulting in your lazy body starting to react more intensively.
“Gimme another one, sugar.” Jack mumbled without moving his mouth off yours, still kissing you and mercilessly moving his free hand to touch your clit. You arched your back, moving your hips against him, aware that it wouldn’t take too much for you to come again.
Contorting and moving your arms the most you could while being tied, you felt that tension starting to grow once more in your womb as you whimpered and squeezed Jack’s cock inside you more and more. Being a total mess of irregular breath and incomprehensible whispers, you hit another orgasm, this time getting boneless with it. Taken aback by the beautiful scene of his wife so out of her mind due to pleasure, Jack allowed himself to go, keeping his lips glued on yours and his hands all over your body, filling you with his warm seed.
You got slightly confused when Jack moved away, only understanding what was his goal when you felt his tongue sinking on your entrance, savoring every single drop of your mixed tastes. The most you loved everything he was capable of with his mouth, you couldn’t take anything else at that moment, so, at the very moment you felt his attention moving to your hipper-sensitive clit, you had to prevent him from going further.
“Red.” Faster than the blink of an eye, Jack moved to your side after hearing the safeword.
“You’re okay, my love?” he questioned while caressing your face.
“Yes, I just can't take it anymore.” Jack nodded and pressed a gentle kiss on your lips, already in the aftercare mood.
Carefully he unrestrained your wrists and only then did you realize how heavy and tired your arms were feeling, aware that you’d be sore next morning. Knowing that you were too drained to get out of bed, Jack walked to the bathroom, coming back probably less than a minute later, sitting on the bed, gently moving your legs apart, and taking a relieved sigh from you as you felt the fresh wet towel calming your highly sensitive core. When you were cleaned, once more surprising you with how attentive he could be, Jack softly massaged your already slightly sored arms with something that you recognized by the scent a few seconds later as muscle pain ointment. With that done too, he helped you sit on the bed, grabbing your water bottle from the nightstand and patiently holding it while you drank. At the moment you were satisfied, Jack moved back to lay by your side, tenderly pulling you close and smiling when you got nestled, laying your head on his chest.
“After all that, I’ll be used as your pillow too?” he joked in a soft tone, caressing your hair.
“Thanks to you I’m exhausted, so yes.” You answered with your eyes closed.
“Fair enough.” He smiled and pressed a loving kiss on your forehead.
Cowboytober Masterlist
A/N: Now I'll go cry 'cause I'm already missing Cowboytober.
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0dde11eth · 11 months
Geralt: *unsaddles roach*
Geralt: hee hee you're nakey
Jaskier: you know i can hear you right?
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decks-writing-blog · 5 months
Taming Houndeyes
Summary: Kleiner shows Eli and Alyx his tamed houndeye puppies.
[A/N] We were robbed of houndeye guard dogs so I wrote this. Also, big missed opportunity on how little Elisaac content there is with all the family fluff opportunities it brings with since Kleiner's her stepdad. Also, also, referring to Kleiner as Isaac, because that's most likely how he thinks of himself, felt weird. I'm sure I'll eventually get used to it though since if I want more content for this ship I have to do it myself so I will probably do more.
Having never owned a dog before Isaac couldn’t know for sure but if he had to make an educated hypothesis, he’d say training a houndeye was more difficult than even the most stubborn of dogs. It was certainly more difficult than taming Lamarr had been. Not impossible though, no matter what Barney said or how many times Eli said the same but in gentler words. Or how many times either them suggested he spend his time doing something important to help their budding resistance efforts. How Isaac had ended up becoming an important part of the team guiding those efforts, he still wasn’t sure, but he was helping.
Proper dogs were in rare supply these days. Not that houndeyes were particularly more plentiful but they were less conspicuous. Unsaddled by the precedent of humans using them as guard dogs, no one who didn’t know would easily suspect they were filling such a roll. … Mostly though Isaac just couldn’t bear to let the learning opportunities provided by having a small pack of houndeyes at his disposal go once he’d already acquired them. He was a scientist first and foremost after all. So he kept trying.
His efforts finally started to bear fruit once he successfully got a pair of them to mate. Turns out, like their Earthly namesakes, houndeyes gave birth to a live young and produced milk for them. Once weaned, getting them away from the pack for training was difficult but Isaac had long since discovered how to protect himself from the houndeyes’ shock waves and what foods could be used to distract them for a time. Once he had them alone, training still wasn’t easy but he did make good progress until finally…
“Eli,” he says as he burst into the room they’d decided would act as Eli’s lab and office. It still wasn’t much yet and they didn’t dare put too much into it until they were sure this place would be safe enough to allow them to stay for a while – unlike their last attempt at maintaining a safe base – and it was small but it was good enough for now.
Inside, Eli sat at his desk. Alyx sat in the other chair across from him. Between them were a strewn out mechanical parts that they both looked up from to turn towards Isaac instead. Considering how she’d responded to the robot Eli had finished building for her last year, that she’d affectionately named Dog, Alyx would likely enjoy this news too. And so before either of them could ask…
“Come with me. I have something to show you two.”
Alyx immediately hopped off her chair and rushed over to look up at him, excitement twinkling in her eyes. “What is it?” How much she took after Eli was endlessly heartening. How could humanity possibly be as doomed as it at times seemed when there were still young people like her so eager to learn everything there was to learn?
“Yes, Izzy, what is it?” Eli said as he stood much more slowly.
“Follow me.” Isaac turned and left, trusting them to follow. Which they did of course.
It took all of Isaac’s self control to hold in an explanation until the reached the young houndeyes’ kennel. Thankfully a short walk even with going at a slower pace to allow Eli to easily keep up. Alyx made a small, “Ooh,” sound as he opened the door and lead the way in. Normally she wasn’t allowed in here lest they hurt her but Isaac was pretty damn sure they were safe before deciding to do this. Eli, apparently trusting him, made no complaint as he stepped in next.
Once the door was shut, Isaac raised his fingers to his lips and let out a quick sharp whistle. Immediately the young eyehounds stopped what they were doing and rushed over. As trained, they stopped a foot or so away from him and sat, looking up at him, waiting for their treat. He obliged them of course, reaching into his lab coat’s pocket and tossing each on single small silver of meat. Luckily they liked rat meat best, the easiest animal to still come by.
“You really did it, huh? You tamed the beasts.” Eli said, putting his hands on his hips as they watched the houndeyes eat. “I suppose I never should’ve never doubted you.”
“No, you most certainly shouldn’t have. I forgive you though, it was difficult. And I still haven’t taught them to alert for Combine approaching but they can do simple tricks. So it’s only a matter of time before…”
“Can I pet one?” Alyx interrupted.
Isaac took a breath to say ‘yes’ but Eli interrupted him. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t. They’re not exactly domesticated even if they are tamed.”
“They’re Izzy’s pets though so he gets to decide.” She turned to look up at him, turning on her puppy dog eyes. “Please, Dr. Izzy, can I pet them? I will be good and gentle, I promise.”
The combination of that look and her calling him ‘Izzy’ – something she’d picked up from Eli and knew could be used to get him to do things – made it really hard to say ‘no’. Especially since Isaac hadn’t had a problem with the idea. But even if he was helping to raise her, did he have any right to call the shots on what she was allowed or not allowed to touch? He loved her but even he had to admit he wasn’t always the best at knowing what was safe for adults, let alone young children so… “How about you come in here to help me train them a few times to make sure they’re comfortable with your presence before you pet them?” He looked up at Eli for approval.
Alyx turned to look at him too. “Can I?”
Eli thought about it for several seconds before replying. “Sure but one of us has to keep a close eye on you whenever you’re in here with them, got it?”
“Got it!” And just like that it seems Isaac had a new houndeye training assistant. “Could we keep one as a pet once it’s all trained too?”
“Uh… let’s see how they’re training goes first, huh?” Eli said and was probably right with his caution as he often was. Isaac liked that idea though and would certainly be looking into having one ready to just hang out in the lab, as a pet and as another bonus line of protection should the Combine forces find their hideout. … Mostly, yes, as a pet though.
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joyfulapostate · 6 months
James 3:3 If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well.
I was a broken horse: docile and saddled with 2 thousand years of baggage. I was corralled, walking in the same worn circle as previous generations and getting nowhere.
After leaving Christianity, I had to learn to lead myself. It was hard, but oh so worth it. I am unsaddled, uncorralled, and free to make my own path on this Earth.
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The Jealous man, but the love of my love part 3 ( Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin X Reader)
Things you need to know: Y/N is having a bit of a hard time figuring out how she should feel about the love of her life saying he love her back but wants to do nothing about it. Jealous Jake make a guest appearance. And Jake’s mom sends him on a quest for answers. Also there is a POV switch  
Part one  two and Four  my loves
AN: (So of right now) 325 notes!!!! Guys um wow thank you for that!! You don’t know what that means to me. I will tell you it means a lot!!! Thank you! Thank you! Please keep it up! The likes and reblogs have been the motivation i need to write and i am loving it. 
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I walk into the barn taking  a quick look around to see if I am alone. I am in no mood to try to have a nice conversation with anyone. When I see the coast is clear I move farther into the barn making my way to Radish’s stall. I tie him to his stall door as I make quick work of getting him unsaddled. I’m going over any other task I can do today to keep busy. I’m giving it my best shot of trying not to think about me and Jake’s fun little conversion earlier. Trying not to think  about the fact that the one dream I have had since I was 16 will never happen. I shake my head trying to rattle it out of my brain but it doesn’t work. I haven’t cried yet, something I am hoping to save till I am alone tonight. Although I feel like crying now, it would be pointless. It’s not like crying will get it out of my system. It’s something I get to live with for the rest of my life.  
One thing I am grateful for now is how naive I was. Jake did the one thing he has always been good at, protecting me. My hand still stings from where I slapped him and guilt pangs in my stomach. I want to say I hate him. More than anything I feel stupid, he loved me all that time and I didn’t even know. I feel like I can’t even say I know Jake better than I know myself now. I know he didn’t do any of this to hurt me. If anything he was trying to do the opposite. Now I'm trying not to think about the pain in his eyes as he was telling me about the letters. He was fighting so hard with himself I could feel it. But I had to keep pushing him. A heavy sigh leaves my chest as I move into the tack room. My goal of not thinking about today and Jake was no use. 
When I walk out of the tack room I hear his mom yell that lunch is ready. 
I could just make a run for my cabin. I would hide in there all day if I knew no one would come looking for me. I hear laughing from behind me. I knew I shouldn’t have, but for some reason I did, I turned back to see who it was. It was coming from Kate. She was walking in the front of the group with Bob by her side. Behind them was Phoenix, Roster and Jake all side by side. Phoenix looks more like a kicked dog than she did the last time I saw her. I feel bad for her, I can only imagine she thought she was doing a good thing. Roster is watching the two in front of him with a soft smile on his face. Then there is Jake, if Phoenix looked like a kicked dog Jake looks like he got trampled. I can see his pain just by looking at him. Hell I was going though it too.  It also didn’t help that one side of his face still had a red tint to it. 
“Where the hell have you been? It never takes you that long to ride fences.” Kate calls me as they get closer. I try to look at her and ignore the way Jake's head snapped to me as Kate spoke. 
I waved her off and start walking beside her as she goes to walk past me. I can feel Jake staring at the back of my head. It takes everything in me to not turn my head just a little to get a look at him. I try to focus on what Kate is talking about, but the only thought in my head is that the walk from the barn to the house never felt this long. I hear the crunching of gravel. I turn my head to look down the driveway to see a truck making its way down. “Who else is coming in today?” I look at Kate. She just shrugs her shoulders in response. When it gets closer I now know who it is. What the hell is he doing here? This can’t be right, he doesn't even have his trailer with him. As soon as he parks his big truck he hops out like he owns the place. He always acts like he is the best thing in any room. He walks over to us all with that cocky look he always has. Oh this will not go well. 
“Blake, what are you doing here? The cows haven’t even been brought in yet and you don’t even have the trail.” I asked. 
Blake, one of the many extra hands we hire to help out with the farm, just puts his hands in his pockets and lets out a laugh. He laughed like what I said was the funnest thing he has ever heard. Which is very unsettling to hear as it was a real question. 
“I'm not here for the cows. I'm here for you.” He smirks. 
Oh the oil field would be really nice right now. Not to take me to take him. Without even thinking I turn my head slightly to look at Jake. He looks like he is ready to set a fire. Jake has never liked Blake. He felt he was too cocky for his own good. Well, with the new information I got today I now know that wasn’t the whole truth. “Though we could go for a ride.”
“I just got back.” I say quickly. 
That's all I could come up with. It's not like Blake lived far away so I don’t feel too bad about wanting to send him home. I’m just trying to think of the nicest way of doing it. “Radish needs his rest. I worked hard with him this morning.” I should start praying now, that's all I need to say to get him to leave. He starts looking back to the horse barn.
“Well this place has like 12 horses. We can borrow 2 of them.” He lets out a little chuckle. Poor boy doesn’t know when to be quiet. He tries to give me this flirty look but I have seen him do it too many times for it to work on me. I go to give him an answer but Jake steps up to stand at my side. 
“She only rides Radish.” His tone was harsh. I can tell by that alone he thinks this convection has gone on longer than it should have. 
“There's other horses, Flyboy.” Blake says dismissively. 
Oh Fuck. Blake you are a stupid, stupid man. 
“Take a hint kid.” Jake warns. 
“Jake, your protective big brother act is getting a little old.” 
“Oh this isn’t a big brother act. You wish it was.” 
Jake moved to stand face to face with Blake. They looked like dogs waiting for someone to make a move. It took me longer than I would have hoped to realize that Jake said his act wasn’t one of a big brother. He had never been outright dismissive like that before. I turn to look at Kate. Her face says it all. She picked up on what Jake said. The others didn’t look as shocked as she did. Phoenix even had a little small on her face.  
“What are you boys doing?” I hear my dad yell. He was walking up from the barn with Jake’s dad in tow. Jake and Blake gave each other one more mean glare before they stepped apart. 
“Blake, it is good to see you. You came to hang out with Y/N?”  My dad asked as he came to stay next to Blake. 
He clapped his hand on his shoulder. I shot my dad with the look of confusion I had on. Never once in my life has Blake come here to ‘hang out ‘ with me. He in fact has never come here for me at all. Suddenly something dawned on me. The conversation I had with dad two weeks ago about finding a husband. He said something about me settling down. He wanted me to find a husband before Jake got out of the Navy and added that it would look bad if we moved into the big houses without families of our own. I told him it wasn’t the 1800s. Now I would like to tell him that we don’t pawn off our children. 
“I was just telling him I have already taken Radish out for the day. He wanted to go for a ride.” I look over at Dad. I have a feeling he can tell I just put the pieces together of what he was playing at. 
Jake's dad stepped up beside mine. “We have other horses you can ride sweetheart.” Jakson spoke. My head almost snapped to look at him. Everyone on this farm knows I don’t ride any other horse but Radish. Radish doesn’t do well when he sees me riding another horse. Last time he almost injured himself. 
“You know she doesn’t ride any others but him.” Jake bit out to his father. 
I could feel the argument he had with his father 8 months ago coming back to the surface. Jake looked like he was about to fight anyone who came near him. I turn my body to face him fully. With my back to the other men I place my hand on his chest. He doesn’t break eye contact at first but I give my hand a little shake. That got his attention. He then looks down at me. I give him the smallest of smiles. He just stares harder at me. I try again this time shaking my head no. He finally drops his shoulders and takes a step back. He turns to go back to our original group. 
I shoot dad a look. I was hoping it told him ‘Please get this man away from me’. Dad seemed to get the hint as he wrapped his arm around Blake and started to pull him to the barn, Jake’s dad following behind them.  I don’t really care what he’s going to tell him to make him go away. My new problem is when I turn to walk back to the house I am jumped on. I didn’t see it coming so I feel right to the ground. When I open my eyes, after closing them bracing for impact, I see Kate on top of me. 
“What in the hell are you doing on top of me?” Per usual she pays no attention to what I asked her. She just starts shaking my shoulders very violently. “I will throw up on you if you keep doing that.” This gets her to stop. 
“I’m sorry did you not hear Jake?” She whispers loudly. 
“I was standing right there.” Shooting her a bored look I shrug her hands off of my shoulders. 
“He isn’t protecting you like a sister!” I look around her to see that everyone has gone into the house. “He likes you.” She grins. 
“Wow, nothing gets by you.” I deadpan. 
“YOU KNEW?” She shrieks. 
“I only learned it like 3 hours ago.” I feel so tired now, I just want this day to be over already. 
“And you didn’t tell me?!” 
“You know I have a job here right? I don’t just ride a pretty horse all day.” I snap. 
“Bitch, you can be my sister!” That hurt. That hurt more than it should have. I hate that I didn’t think about how she would feel. I can’t feel happy that she isn’t mad about it. I will always have the displeasure of knowing I can’t be her sister. 
“It’s not going to work like that.” I stare at my feet. 
“What do you mean?” I hear her confusion. 
“Kate not right now please? I will fill you in tonight. Just not right now. I need food, and a shower.” I sigh. 
She looks like she wants to fight back on what I said but she drops it. With her off my case, I throw my arm around her.
 “So you and Bob.” I tease. 
She just laughs it off. I know there has to be more there. I didn’t really notice it at first because I was too distracted by Jake. She totally had heart eyes when she first saw him. It was nice seeing her like a boy that wasn’t a total douche canoe. She’s got a bad habit of zoning in on all the wrong guys. 
We walk into the house and Jake is missing from the group in the dining room. I look around for him and lean back to peek into the kitchen. He is talking with his mom. It looks like a very heated conversation. They’re both waving their hands wildly and that is a sure sign of a passionate discussion. His mom sees me over Jake’s shoulder, he follows her eyes and lands on me. Just like always my breath catches in my throat when he looks at me. For just a few moments it's just me and him. Just how I like it. The reality of life doesn’t exist in those moments. His mom starts talking to him again so he gives me a sad smile and turns to look back at her. I take that as my que to move on to the dining room.  Everyone is talking but they stop as soon as I walk in the room. 
“Please don’t do that.” They all give a smile as they murmur apologies. 
“So,” Bob starts, “What was it like growing up here?”
 I move to my chair and sit down. 
“It was nice. Wouldn’t know any different,  we have been here our whole lives.” Kate said as she piled food onto her plate and I followed suit. 
“Our families have been here for 100 years or so? This is the same house actually and my parents live next door.” I said. 
“You live here?” Roster asked
“Not in the main houses. I have a cabin out back. It is tradition that the kids move out to a cabin when they are 18. They can pick one or have one built. I had mine built. Kate's is one of the ones you pass when you come down the driveway.” 
“Well that’s a nice tradition.” Bob chimes in. 
“It has its perks.” I shrug. 
There is one tradition that I would like to burn to the ground right now, and I find myself pushing my food around my plate. 
“Also the oldest of the families take over the main house when the parents step down from running this place.” Kate states. 
“So it will be you and Jake?” Bob asked, not noticing  the glare he got from Phoenix. That poor man, if looks could kill. I smile to myself at the interaction. 
“Yes, me and Jake will run this place together someday. We will live in each of our parents' houses with our own spouses.” I am really done with this conversation now. It was so much easier to think about when it was just going to be me longing for Jake. Now I know it will be both of us. 
A loud sound, thankfully, distracts all of us from our conviction. I look to the front door to see it swinging back into place. I look past the screen door to see Jake walking to his truck. We all looked at each other in confusion. He revs up his truck and flings gravel as he drives away. 
His mom walks in as calm as ever. “Jake had to run into town for something.”  
We all look at each other with even more confusion than before. 
“Drop it for now he will be back later.” We all do as she said. I have never been one who wanted to argue with his mom. She could be scary if you did so. 
Jakes POV
I walk into my parents’ house to be greeted with a bone crusting hung from my mom. When I am finally released I turn to introduce her to my team. She says hello back and sends them into the dining room. She grabs me by my arm and pulls me into the kitchen.
“You have to stop picking fights with Blake.” She hisses. 
I raise my eyebrow at her.
“He is the one who can’t take hints, mom.” I say calmly. 
“Nonetheless, if she likes him, you have to let it be.” She says gently. 
I face her fully. “She doesn’t like him.” 
“Oh Jake..”
“Don’t ‘oh Jake’ me. I know she doesn’t.” I say firmly. 
I look out the kitchen window to see Kate on top of Y/N shaking her very enthusiastically. 
“Well, then why don’t you do something about it Jake?” She asks. 
I look back over my shoulder at her. “We all know, baby boy. Do something about it.” She smiles. 
“You know I can't.” I glare. 
I see her looking off behind me and I turn to see what she’s looking at. There she is. God, there she is looking at me and I can feel my whole body being set on fire. At the moment she doesn’t look mad at me. That is what I love to see. 
“Jake, I have to tell you something.” I give her a sad smile before I turn back to mom. 
“What mom?” I sigh. 
“Well, I really can’t tell you. But I need you to do something for me.” 
“Okay?” I frown. 
“I need you to go into town and go see Sherry. She is the town historian. Ask to see the family contract.” 
“Why? So I can burn it?” I huff out. 
“No baby, You just need to look at it.” Mom says gently. 
“I want to burn it. Why show it to me?  What are you not telling me mom?” 
“Well I can’t tell you now can I? Just do as I asked.” She says firmly. 
I storm out of the kitchen and head to my truck.
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I hope yall love it!!! Please let me know if you want to be on the tag list. it is still open!! Alright I love you all!!
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