#unskilled immigration
theborderupdates · 2 years
Skill-Based Immigration _ A Fair Trade or a Long Con?
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All but a few of the wealthiest countries have immigration guidelines that take into account the skills of potential immigrants. Such preferences are so normalized among the public that few would question them. While skill preferences seem great on a superficial level, they are deeply unfair and troublesome at the international level. This migration process transfers the few skilled workers from many developing countries to the few most developed countries, allowing the rich nations to get richer at the expense of everyone else.
Since the 1960s, rich countries have widely adopted skills-based immigration policies to replace policies based on race or nationality. While such changes have eliminated the most explicit forms of discrimination, immigration policies continue to discriminate along gender, ethnic and class lines.
Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's Data About Immigration
According to the Canadian government’s department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, men were the majority (75%) of those granted employer-specific work permits in the period between June 2019 and March 31, 2020. The reason behind this is twofold. For one, women in “sending countries” usually lack equal access to education due to local gender inequalities. For another, “skill” as a concept is gendered; the type of work women do is often perceived as less skilled.
There may also be ethnic disparities in education access. For example, China and India, two of the world’s biggest “sending countries,” both suffer from great ethnic inequalities in education access.
Education, which is the most important factor in determining whether one is “skilled” or not, also reflects one’s economic background. Rich children have access to better educational opportunities and are therefore more likely to succeed at a higher level. Many rich countries also have explicit preferences for one’s economic status by offering “golden visas” to wealthy individuals.
While it is unrealistic to expect rich nations to fix the problems in the countries from which their immigrants originate, the blind acceptance of the status quo in these countries is tantamount to approving the existing injustice, one that barely aligns with the values of liberal democracies.
Skilled Immigration in Term of Healthcare
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Besides the blatant unfairness, skill preferences also lead to a devastating trend known as the “brain drain,” which hurts sending countries. Brain drain refers to the migration of highly educated and skilled individuals out of a country, resulting in a loss of human capital and the potential for economic growth. Africa loses around $2 billion annually from brain drain in the health sector alone. At the same time, more than one million people in Africa die every year due to a shortage of medical treatments.
From a utilitarian perspective, brain drain is almost certainly a bad reallocation of resources. A doctor in a low-income country could save way more lives compared to a doctor in a rich country, where medical resources are already comparatively sufficient. Brain drain has also stifled economic activity in poorer countries. Without a pool of professionals, it is impossible for low-income countries to catch up with wealthier countries, which further deepens international inequality.
Benefits of Educated People
Most people would consider education a public good; an educated populace benefits all members of society. It is for this reason that taxpayers fund public schools, from primary schools to universities. However, when educated people leave their home country to work somewhere else, they choose their own well-being and that of their family over all the taxpayers who have invested in their education. This essentially makes poorer countries subsidize the education of rich countries, for which they get little in return.
At an individual level, only allowing the skilled to immigrate is also philosophically dubious, if not indefensibly bad, from a utilitarian standpoint. In almost all countries, even those under the terror of war, those with skills are doing relatively well compared to other citizens. The chance to migrate to rich countries is, of course, a precious opportunity. Such opportunities should not be given to those who need them the least. This is even worse if we take into account that the departure of the well-off will make those who are suffering face even greater hardships.
Effect of Skilled or Unskilled Immigration on Rich Countries
Admittedly, as many critics of my view would argue, skilled immigrants have helped rich countries like America a great deal. This is most definitely true. However, it is important to note that unskilled immigrants also contribute greatly to society. Secondly, such a view is the result of a tunnel-visioned view of policymaking. While America benefits, those nations that people leave to go to America are left severely deprived. Often, the sending nation’s limited taxpayer funds have raised the few highly talented individuals. For them to then leave for America not only stunts economic prosperity, but actively drains growth and discourages investment in self-made innovation. Rich countries directly benefit at the expense of the hard work of the many whose living standards are already low.
Some would also object to my view based on the ideal that freedom of migration is a basic human right. However, the ideas presented above have no relevance to the number of immigrants that countries should take in. In other words, removing skill preferences won’t change the number of admitted immigrants. Paradoxically, if freedom of migration is a basic human right (which I wholeheartedly agree with), then all humans should have the same extent of such freedom, regardless of whether they are skilled or not.
Immigration To Rich Countries Help Economically
Some may also point out that sending countries may stand to benefit in some ways from the brain drain. For example, immigrants working in rich countries often send money back home to their relatives and friends. Such acts, called remittances, have a positive impact on the economy. However, considering the fact that unskilled immigrants actually send back more compared to their skilled counterparts, this cannot justify skill preferences. Furthermore, skilled immigration creates reliance on both sending countries and rich countries. For example, America relies heavily on Filipino nurses; such reliance would put America’s health care system at risk if there were any major changes in the Filipino education system. Skilled immigration has also made some sending countries overly reliant on remittance income. In the Philippines, for instance, remittances comprise nearly 10% of the country’s GDP. It should be noted that the Philippines is only a major sending country because of the skill preferences set by rich countries.
What is the alternative policy, then? If rich countries will take the same number of immigrants, they should prioritize those who need help the most: those fleeing the horrors in Ukraine and Myanmar and those facing the worst economic hardships. Besides, rather than the discriminatory practice of skill prioritization, we should create equitable policies that take into account other countries’ economic developments, prioritize family reunification and create a lottery-like system to ensure this life-changing opportunity is equitable for all.
Source: https://www.michigandaily.com/opinion/skill-based-immigration-a-fair-trade-or-a-long-con/
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autisticlee · 1 year
I want to be rich enough to afford my own business, then live off that so I don't have to work for anyone else and can make my job meet my own needs/comfort that other jobs cannot. getting and keeping a job as an neurodivergent and/or disabled person in a neurotypical and ableist society is so frustrating and overwhelming. they refuse to meet your needs, accommodate you, blame you for your struggles, and are hardly ever accepting, because you're a "burden" to them and don't meet their ridiculous expectations so you get rejected or fired! the only choice is to do it yourself!!!!! but even starting/running businesses seems to be greatly gatekept by them too 😭
one problem is that it seems only people who are already rich can start their own physical business, in this world today. only people who don't really need to work because they're born into money can make money off their own work. then they call it hard work and pulling their boot straps or whatever 🙄 so they just hire others to do all the work for them and take most the profits. then tah-dah, they have a successful business and only had to tell some people what to do and let them all do the rest for them. I can't afford anything that goes into my own business, especially the physical shop and hired help. my living situation makes it difficult to work from home because I live in a walk-in closet sized room with the entirety of my belongings squished into the small space. i'm trying my best to make things to cell (currently stickers, art prints, 3d anime/video game figures, etc) but it's so difficult and stressful.
or alternatively, get lucky, or have social skills and spoons, to get popular enough online so you can start online first or even full time. you usually have to be super social and interesting online to gain a following who supports you and becomes your fan. not everyone is lucky to have an enticing personality (I barely have one at all 😔) and the spoons to consistently keep up with the demand to keep people interested and continuously supportive. most people online treat it all as a competition and won't help others. they refuse to share your stuff or give advice or work together. they just care about themselves and their business.
the only real advice I got is "be consistent," which i'm sure any chronically ill, disabled, or ND person knows that's basically impossible. some days are good, some weeks are horrible and you can't do anything. that's why i'd work better with a team of others so we can fill each others gaps and stay seemingly consistent, if that makes sense. if there's multiple of us, at least one of us should have the spoons to keep things going! right???? but most online businesses are single-person run and they don't want to share and split anything, even if it's just a small collab for fun (I experienced first hand how gross fellow creaters can be to each other because they treat it as a competition instead of a collab and opportunity to enjoy working together and boost each other up. I will never forgive the bts fanart community for how snobby, childish, and bullying many of the "bigger" were behind closed doors! and smaller ones that licked their boots! ive also heard similar stories about other communities and places, like twitch, youtube, etc.)
then there's the whole business managing thing and promoting and all that. i'm a nobody on the internet, so even if I did online business only to start, no one will notice me or help! (I've actually tried before multiple times in the last almost decade and sold nothing but still struggled to keep up 😅) i barely have the executive functioning spoons to take a shower more than once a week 😭 running a business all alone with all the factors pitted against me? how! i can't hire help if no one pays me lmao
when i've asked for help before, even just asking friends to share my stuff, I get slapped with the whole "stop caring what people think about your work/numbers aren't important/do it because you want to and enjoy it/etc" and that's so insulting because it makes me feel like they're trying to say my work is horrible and worthless and I don't deserve to live off my hard work!!!!! (I'm no longer friends with these people)
what it comes down to is, I always feel like my only choice to actually work and possibly afford to survive is to start my own business????? I can't live off my parents forever and part time minimum wage jobs that I could *maybe* get (even if I was rejected from 200 of them in 2 months...) including the one I fo now are so painful, boring, unfulfilling, and/or stressful and not worth it! but no one will hire me for anything better because no experience and you need experience to get experience. or you need a degree and need money to get a degree but need degree to make money. and it's a whole paradox that is impossible for someone like me to get through. I get rejected at every interview for being autistic. i'm burnt out trying. I feel like i'm at a dead end and don't know what i'm supposed to do?
do any other autistic/ND/disabled people feel the same way?
I usually get told to "wait and it will happen one day" but this is life we are talking about!!! life doesnt wait!!!!! i'm not a teen/20s with ~my whole life ahead of me~ i'm getting older fast and have zero openings or paths that I can take alone. I know my disabled limits and it means I can't just make things happen like other people. I can't live independently or get a normal job, etc. I cant wait around forever and hope I get lucky. i've never experienced any luck so I don't believe it will help me. so I put in what work i'm capable off all the time instead of waiting, but see no useful results. I do my best despite what people on the outside see and tell me (I'm so fucking tired of hearing i'm Not Trying, Giving Up Too Easily, Being Too Negative, Refusing To Leave My Confort Zone, Not Believing In Myself and etc. it's NOT true. I don't care if that's how it looks. being disabled is NOT those things!!!! just because normal daily things takes more spoons and energy and effort for me than you, I need more help, and I dont have the ability to physically or mentally do certain things, (which means doing things beyond that is nearly impossible in most cases,) doesn't mean Those Things. no one understands how hard I try, how much I struggle, and how frustrating it is for it to all crash down, never work, and not matter. only very few people in similar situations understand and don't try to push me. I NEED SUPPORT not someone to remind me of how much I fail because I can't meet NT and abled expectations and do things THEIR way!
anyway, I fell into huge rant....is it possible for us to come together and make a ND/disabled-led business and only hire others like us? that would be cool and helpful. if I could start my own business, I want it to be mostly friendly/inclusive/accommodating to ND/disabled people. NTs/ableds have to follow our "rules" for once. a safe business/work space made for us, by us. it would be hard, but so beneficial to those involved 😭
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How to Immigrate to Canada as an Unskilled Worker | Unskilled Jobs in Ca...
Are you interested in moving to Canada but don't have a degree? This video will guide you on how to immigrate to Canada as an unskilled worker and land a job in the country. Discover the various unskilled jobs available in Canada for foreigners and learn the steps to take toward a successful move. Watch now to start your journey to a new life in Canada!
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moineauwrite · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪across the sea𓆩♡𓆪
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summary: immigrated reader anonymously gives lynette a gift, and she can't stop thinking about you.
lynette x gn (gender neutral) reader
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A/N: Hi! This was really a practice, and might be messy and unskilled. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy it and I'm open to kind, constructive criticism!
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Easing into show-business had never been your intention.
Escaping narrowly through the thundering seas, powerful lightning dangerously striking the waters; advancing electrostatic towards your barren, wooden canoe. The waves seemed to taunt your misfortune by swaying you to and fro in sadistic swings- high waves that had been deprived of light and matted a stormy grey. Its void seemed to be an omen of death, a cold embrace of solace awaited you- and would still, for all eternity.
It was in the name of eternity that your god, with an iron fist and unchanging heart; challenged time itself- and locked Inazuma in place, crystalised in the silence like disciples of Havria. Lost at sea, and lost in somber thoughts- a proximate crackle invoked a startled blench, your arms lost composure and your dearth cargo tumbles- sliding fluidily through the gradual puddles of water, some slid into the water- sinking into the depths, into the sky of merfolk, never to be seen again. And some you can scramble to just barely. Your grip is shaky and unstable as you gather your supplies into your familar rucksack.
Your heartrate rivals the speed of light, anticipation brims, floods your mind as you await the next strike- and perhaps a melancholic finale.
However, it never shows. Your boat steadies; it glides smoothly across the water like a vivid memory. Through relief, your eyes droop and mind wanders as your body releases tension over unanticipated time. The stars align above you, bright embers, just like you. You close your eyes as the fading brontide lulls you to sleep, accompanied by a feeling you had almost forgotten, an inspired serenity.
Now, you wouldn't call yourself rich- far from it, actually.
Having arrived in Fontaine- unexpectedly at that- with diminished pockets and limited knowledge, you had only expected to be blessed with freedom and nothing more. But then he had extended his hand to you, perhaps a spark of familiarity in his amethyst eyes as he offered you a role in an entourage, a place in this nation. It would take a lesser fool to decline.
You graciously accepted. And, like magic, your life started from zero.
Your colleagues backstage knew you had an affinity for percision, and a keen eye for detail. Though anyone could tell today was unlike any other. February 2nd. Judging by the plethora of red ribbons and decorated boxes lined backstage- there was no doubt it must've been Lyney's birthday. Guilt of your ignorance seemed to crawl on your back- though the weight was somewhat lifted when his viola eyes wandered to you, gleefully- as if he could sense your unnerved heart.
You started, he seemed satisfied you had gained the courage to speak to him, and so casually. Lacking the formality taught like ritual in Inazuma.
"Why preform on your special day? Why not take the day off and savour your gifts?"
Lyney simply chuckles, his arms reach up and adjust his hat to perfection. His eyes gently pinch.
"Is seeing the golden smiles of my audience, and playing new tricks not the best gift of all?"
He contendly recounted as he spins on his heel, facing you in all his splendor. His dashing smile makes the lights seem dim, a trait natural of a preformer.
"Speaking of gifts.."
He draws you back, you tense up preparing to break the awkward news; you didnt know it was his birthday.
"Is that for me?"
Lyney questioned in a honeyed voice, a tone which almost seemed genuine.
"What?" You reciprocate, your confusion true.
'That rose you have there!' Lyneys eyes glimmer, and notion down to your hands, which are empty as expected.
"I don't have..." Your voice gradually fades into a whisper as you focus on looking around your person, scavenging for the aforementioned floral
"Yes, you do."
He quipped, and with a confident step forward he takes a rose from behind your ear- regardless of how many times you've seen him do it, you fell for it. That fact alone felt like real magic.
"I appreciate it."
His tone solidifies with honesty, there's no room for question. And you understand the message he's trying to send, he really doesn't mind.
Nodding to show your understanding, his smile perpetuates and he strides away after brief time of confering with other assistants, one being the wondrous- alluringly secretive Lynette, his sister of the shadows.
Lynette was a true disappearing trick. Eveloping you with her calculating, violet eyes, before vanishing without a trace. Witnessing her before you, a perfect posture and felinus steps; such elegance was better seen only for mere moments. If not for an interrupting thought, you may have become hypnotised.
'Surely,' You thought, 'If it's Lyney's birthday..It's Lynette's too.' You concluded, arising another query; your eyes dart to the assortment of presents. Bundled together in an embrace of warm red- heartfelt tags signed all with the same celebrated name, Lyney. Why is that? Why is it that each box is intricately wrapped in red, and not blue? Yes, she was enigmatic, stealthy and succinct- mysterious, an ember of her brothers flame, but she was the very blood of magic itself, with every step she took away- it made you want to draw closer, and understand her..isn't that what everyone felt? Thoughts of her plagued your mind, the knot you tied so regularly fell loose as your eyes landed on her once more.
Something was different this time.
Blurs of violet soothed your senses, glowing, attentive, and looking right at you. It felt like she could see right through you- and in that moment you wish she could, if you were a ghost, the heat on your cheeks would fail to glow so gently, giving light to your fluster. Fortunately, she didn't seem to notice how you perked up. Or maybe she just didn't react, her unchanging stoic expression reminded you of home.
"Having trouble?" She started, quietly. You shake your head and quickly jerk yourself back to work. Trying to focus was seemingly impossible, feeling her eyes burn into your back before leaving scorched skin. Nevertheless you finished what you'd started, and moved onto your trivial investigation.
The tale was all the same told: Not so far back, someone had brought a generous assortment of Lumicode Bells and surprised Lynette with it, her ears seemed to twitch. And she seemed to be reacting almost allergically to the pollen- sneezing uncontrollably and sniffling for a while afterward. She seemed even more aloof on stage. And rumor has it, she was irritated and begrudged for the rest of the day. You found this story to be a trivial mistake, though what was Fontaine if not for the dramatics?
A roar of applause and a burst of inspiration, you have a vision, and two hours to do it.
Boarding the aquabus home, you make haste into your bedroom, your hand reaches into the familar gap under your bed, scurrying around until it latches onto a familar fabric, your rucksack. It was a bitter remnant of your past, but also the only one you had. Emptying its contents onto the ground you sort through the inazuman trinkets- some fabrics, local recipes, family photos- your eyes lock onto something.
Amakumo tea leaves. Despite her enigmatic presence, it was no secret Lynette valued tea, as a virtue, as a principle. The way she would soothe in its presence, smile slightly in its flavour as it it was god given, it was incredible.
The leaves seemed well preserved despite your ruthless trip, you waste not a second longer- and place the tea into a carefully woven Ritou tapestry, wrapping it snugly before briskly writing a sweet wish, tucking it inside. You smile, finally able to give use to the collection from home, giving it new meaning.
As the night grew deeper, it made the trip back to the Epiclesis even swifter than anticipated. Bestowing the box beside Lynette's unfinished tea- which emitted the plesant scent of Romaritime, your escapade was completed just in time. A familar laughter rings out backstage, perhaps being a magicians assistant taught you to bide every moment like it was your last.
Lyney's voice chimes of passion, bells which lift everyones spirit for even the smallest effort. Normally, you'd be a sponge to your bosses prattles- though your eyes fixate on her.
She walks aside, with prowess; looking ahead like a woman on a mission. Lynette approaches the gift with such tranquility, only for her eyes to flare, her ears twitch as she stares intensely at the box, gently unfolding the fabric and investigating the trinkets as if they were treasure. The tip of Lynette's tail sways with intrigue as she gently holds the box with resolution- And like that she disappears once more, Although her escape is noticeable and even slightly audible.
Hours had kept Lynette preoccupied with curiosity, her usual daydreams halted by that disturbance. Though, those issues had been settled. She had come to a revelation, and as she walked into Lyney's hotel room, who had recently returned and was removing his conspicuous makeup- she awaited an explanation. Time dragged on, and for once the silence has seemed loud. Lynette begins to grow slightly irritated, her tail quite obviously swaying as her ears wilt like petals. Lyney notices this, an astute observation.
"Lynette." He greets, his eyes once again returning to his face, making sure it was cleansed of additional charm that his pillowcase wouldn't need.
"Lyney, we've talked about this." She seems to collect herself again, and continues. "I don't need you to anonymously send me gifts."
That seems to catch his attention, he looks at her through the mirror, as his hands cease.
"I didn't."
Lynette raises her eyebrow as if to challenge him, unexpectedly he doesn’t reciprocate. He seems awestruck, fascinated.
A box is settled onto the vanity, the fabric is soft and sewed with each thread carefully considered- blues and purples intertwine eachother, reminding Lyney of Freminet's abstract descriptions of sealife, and the beauty that lies below the surface- always looking down, while Lyney sought to look up, towards the future. Nevertheless; Lyney could tell by the electro symbols that decorated the regal fabric occasionally, he knew exactly who had sent this present. His face relaxes once more with resolve as he turns back towards his reflection.
"Thats a new flavour, secret admirer?" He teases, and although a famed trickster, he could not fool his sister. And that was exactly how Lynette knew, that it really hadn't been him.
It was such a mystery, she hummed thoughtfully. Lynette was never one in pursuit of social interaction, preferring to keep to herself and function independently. However, the fact she couldn’t, the fact she didn't know who had sent her this, only made her want to know more, to know you. Lynette fixes her posture and cups the box gently between her palms, if there was one thing she knew; it was that nothing could escape her observant eye, and she was determined to find out who you were. No matter what.
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stormysapphic · 2 years
saw a post that used the phrase "overqualified for a job" in regard to like a person with a phd in physics working at a fast food place..... and i'm like hmm i don't think that's the correct way to illustrate that concept. being overqualified would be someone with a phd in physics only getting unstimulating internships and low paying entry level jobs in their field. that same person could totally suck at their present job flipping burgers bc uhhh.... you're not suddenly (over)qualified for that just cuz you have a degree in smth completely different. maybe y'all should once again think about how you view certain jobs.
the existence of so called "unskilled labour" and our legitimate need for it is not the problem. the problem is employers underpaying staff, the exploitation of vulnerable workers such as disabled ppl, the elderly, and immigrants, mindnumbing "bullshit jobs" and higher ups getting paid six figures for doing nothing, ppl feeling alienated from their labour, and so much more.
imo by implying that jobs like food prep or sanitation or construction are somehow inherently "lesser" instead of just different from what a person w a physics degree might be actually interested in and passionate abt, you're contributing to so many harmful myths. such as that those jobs are "unskilled" or even unnecessary, that no one wants to do them let alone enjoys them, and that getting a degree is in everyone's best interest bc god forbid you end up as the "uneducated" fry cook you look down on.
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theflatbrokeoldguy · 6 days
Is there anything legally that can be done to stop our cretinous prime minister and the other communists in his administration and insane lefties from calling the illegal’s entering our country ‘ irregular ‘ immigrants, the vast majority of them are unskilled wastes of space who the country doesn’t have the capacity to absorb. It’s also lies that they keep telling us that these people are escaping war torn countries or they have families in this country.
They have no interest or intention of adopting our cultural norms, indeed they would happily flood the country with their own ideas and change this and every other country they invade towards their own prehistoric Stone Age style of governance.
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Since you talk about labour issues a lot, do you have any tips or resources for organizing where there's little history of unions? For context, I work at a large-ish tech company (not a gigantic one or twitter, but one people would have heard of). I'm a SWE so I do okay for myself, but non-engineer coworkers do less so. I'm not sure what laws/orgs to look at because I'm in Canada working for an American corp. That's probably outside your expertise, but maybe you have suggestions where to look?
Sure! Before I give a list of recommendations, I do want to start by saying not to worry unduly about organizing in areas outside of those traditionally organized by labor unions; before the advent of industrial unionism, it was widely believed that the only workers who could be organized were skilled members of a craft, and that unskilled and semi-skilled immigrant factory workers couldn't be unionized. And the 1930s happened, and all of the sudden those exact workers became the bulk of the labor movement. After that, it was widely believed that public sector workforces, largely composed of women and racial minorities, could not be unionized - and the 1960s and 1970s happened, and all of the sudden those exact same workers became the bulk of the labor movement.
If you're working in Canada, Canadian labor law applies even to American corporations - but it's important to research the labor laws of your specific province or territory as well as the Federal code, because there are regional and industry-specific variations.
In terms of organizations to reach out to, you probably want to start with the Canadian Labour Congress, which is the main Canadian trade union federation. In terms of which Canadian unions have tech worker organizing projects, I know of CODE-CWA, and UFCW-Canada, but the CLC would know more than I do.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The question of whether your government has the will or the ability (the desire) to strictly define boundaries was answered in the spring of 2020. The market test that followed framed a series of restrictions pursued in some locales with militant enthusiasm for a number of years. It did not limit itself by age, race, sex, or origin. There was no shortage of reasoning or justification for any or all of it, no matter how absurd or contrary. So Yes, the government, from top to bottom, is more than able to define constraints and, even under the most ridiculous of circumstances, enforce them.
With that as the foundation, what, then, is the deal with unrestricted immigration?
Without taking up any ideological tropes (or trying not to do that), what is the point of this open border policy? Why is it being allowed? Democrat mayors and governors long ago said their sanctuaries were bursting, more than filled to capacity. Inner-city residents are seeking redress for the strains the swarms of new arrivals have placed on their communities. The volume has more than exceeded any argument that we need cheap labor (which is undercutting low and unskilled Americans’ pay and opportunities in a down economy). Financially demanding school districts are screaming for more money as they attempt to accommodate a multi-national army of non-English speaking children who lack even basic skills (or any concept of the culture of schools and learning). Taxpayers, in a remarkably shitty inflationary economy, are supposed to part with more dollars to house, feed, cloth, and train significant numbers who appear to have no interest in assimilating. And we would be naive to believe that 1) our enemies are not using this influx to their advantage; 2) that what we’re doing is better for anyone, especially the new arrivals; and 3) that it is advantageous to dump millions of people with no connection to our history or culture (and often little connection or desire to cohabitate with each other) wherever we can find room. And they are still pouring in.
Yes, one could make the argument that the response to COVID was based on the presumption that there was a public health interest, but unvaccinated illegals were piling into America throughout the pandemic – and not just carrying COVID. We have seen the rise and or spike in illness and disease once rare and most certainly carried here from the third world as a product of open-border policy. Drugs, gangs, crime, and overdoses rise exponentially in parallel to the increase in illegal entrants. All of these present a public health threat, none of which inspires the sort of draconian control exercised upon actual Americans under the premise that it would slow or stop the spread of an airborne virus.
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hottubraccoon · 6 months
Great Kettering; land of Artistry and Pride
south-east corner of the continent, primarily orc citizens
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discofairy on Unsplash.
The social structure mostly mimics the classes of England in the late middle ages. Outsiders will call GK citizens / most orcs spies and eccentric artists, mostly vulgar and sarcastic, although others say they are teachers and healers, genuine and hardworking. GK calls themselves a sturdy and creative nation. The most attractive qualities for GK is dedicated, homely people willing to 'think outside the box', and physically, being neatly groomed and covered in tattoos is beloved. Higher class citizens like to think that respect is universal, they give it freely and expect it in return just as freely. Although that outward respect often turns into whispers and rumours behind closed doors. Orcs born outside GK, other races born within GK, immigrants, even just younger GK orcs will be written off as 'not getting it like we do' or 'trying to hard to fit in'. The need to improve in your skills, whatever they may be, is expected tenfold in these people as well. This mentality will have lots of orcs ultimately staying in / settling down in GK, whilst younger citizens will travel to learn and hone their crafts before returning to their true home. Tattoos are incredibly meaningful for orcs as they show social status, heritage, and personal challenges*. Lacking tattoos makes you too young, immature, or somehow 'lacking character' enough to hinder your tattoo journey. However, for children this is rectified with makeup, as it is considered to be the 'practice tattoo' to mimic their parents patterns, therefore using it as adult can be seen as immature or being so unskilled you have nothing to mark yourself with. Perfume is for lower/middle class citizens as they 'have something to hide' or are not nearly as groomed as the higher class. Jewelry and piercings are a highly sort after accessory in GK, the more gemstones the richer you are to spend so much on something so 'useless'. Especially as they are made to mimic an orcs tattoos.
*to learn more in depth, read about maori tattoo practices in New Zealand
Most lower/middle class people teach their children the trade of the family and that's the best they will get. With more money and influence comes more opportunities and these children can go into areas that their parents send them to. The royal family gets a great education in how to rule, economy, trade relations, politics etc. but also how to FIND someone who can do the job for you. Families will spend some time everyday, practicing their crafts together in their home. For this reason, there are generally no school buildings in GK. Some families will 'trade' promising children to either broaden their horizons, or to find a more specialised skill from others. GK is the land of art; visual, writing, musical, dancing, anything that can be 'presented' as such is highly valued among citizens. Art where is meant to be shared, to be seen, there is no such thing as 'showing off' here. Most religious sites will have a gallery section, and noble homes will occasionally open themselves for galas and festivals.
The main 4 languages of Klenith are human, elvish, orcish, and dwarvish. The language in GK is Orcish. Imagine having a mouth full of tusks. There are lisps and a focus on throat sounds in the Orcish language. The written form uses lots of straight lines and circles or dots*. Poets like to turn the circles into small flowers for flair. There's a GK specific, fishing specific sign language for sailors and fishers. While it is difficult to use while on the open seas, smaller fishing boats will use this to communicate between village waters. There's the 'general' sign language for the nobility** allover Klenith. Most hand signs are reserved for the Spies or fishermen/sailors or the hard-of-hearing nobility. The Spies slang is also never spoken, purely a written dialect stemming from orcish and the equivalent hand sign, that is ever changing. 'The sign of a good fisherman is how vulgar he is and how many fingers he has.' A lot of swearing is against the seas/oceans or allusions to tragedies that happen in the rain, while happiness is in sunshine. There are also religious curses referring to various religious texts of Aeons. The royal family bare a purple crest of three down-facing arrowheads, each a different shade of grey, the palest at the top and the darkest at the bottom, encircled by small red berries. The GK royal colours are purple and red, though many foreigners believe that grey is included. The arrowheads are the cliffs that lines GK, the berries from their Aeons religion, and the red is later attributed to the Spies institution (although it was red long before the Spies rose to power/popularity).
*similar to written korean
**deaf or HoH people elsewhere default to the fisher's sign language
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ktabori on Unsplash.
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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one-divides-into-two · 7 months
"[B]y bringing to our attention the successive forms which make it possible for capital, against workers’ struggles, to foster competition among workers as the basis of their exploitation, the question of immigration shows us why, once again and on a concrete basis, the workers’ movement must lead a constant struggle against the pitfall of economism: giving the trade-unionist struggle its proper and indispensable place, it demonstrates at the same time the absolute necessity of the united political struggle of national and immigrant laborers for socialist revolution, which alone will open the possibility for the destruction of all forms of exploitation.
I will cite Lenin for a final time, from October 1917 concerning the revision of the Bolshevik party program: 
Having thus concluded our analysis of Comrade Sokolnikov’s draft, we must note one very valuable addition which he proposes and which in my opinion should be adopted and even developed. To the paragraph which deals with technical progress and the greater employment of female and child labour, he proposes to add the phrase “as well as the labour of unskilled foreign workers imported from backward countries”. This addition is valuable and necessary. The exploitation of worse paid labour from backward countries is particularly characteristic of imperialism. On this exploitation rests, to a certain degree, the parasitism of rich imperialist countries which bribe a part of their workers with higher wages while shamelessly and unrestrainedly exploiting the labour of “cheap” foreign workers. The words “worse paid” should be added and also the words “and frequently deprived of rights”; for the exploiters in “civilised” countries always take advantage of the fact that the imported foreign workers have no rights. This is often to be seen in Germany in respect of workers imported from Russia; in Switzerland of Italians; in France, of Spaniards and Italians, etc.
We see here, through Lenin’s view, that it is ultimately on the terrain of political struggle and organization that workers of all nationalities can forge their necessary unity. But this unity is not spontaneously acquired, it must be won against the relations of exploitation developed by imperialism, and at the price of a difficult political and ideological struggle. More than ever, this is the primary objective of communists who, according to Marx’s slogan, “in the national struggles of the proletarians of the different countries…point out and bring to the front the common interests of the entire proletariat, independently of all nationality”; and “in the various stages of development which the struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie has to pass through, they always and everywhere represent the interests of the movement as a whole.”
Confronted with the development of struggles led by immigrant workers in their nascent form and with all their difficulties, “left opportunism” wants to see in immigration the “true” proletariat, the realization of a mythical idea of the proletariat: it extols [exalter] the divisions, and reinforces them to the ultimate benefit of capital. On its own side, “right” opportunism denies the reality of these divisions, these contradictions developed by imperialism in the working class itself, either to leave the immigrants to their fate, or to consider that they pose a simple problem of economic, juridical, and social inequality, only calling for the betterment of the lot of the most “disadvantaged.” As for us communists, we see all the better these contradictions right in front of us, in order to identify their objective causes and limits, which every one of our actions seeks to overcome."
Étienne Balibar, "Lenin, Communists, and Immigration." (1973)
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kheelcenter · 3 months
Founding of the IWW
On this day in 1905, the Industrial Workers of the World, or the IWW, was founded at a 12-day convention in Chicago.
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Their platform was radically different from that of any other contemporary union, and called for the organization of all workers, regardless of skill, gender, nationality, and religious creed, along industrial lines. Nothing less than the abolition of the wage system and of capitalism were the ultimate goals of the new organization, which became famous for its radical general strikes, militant tactics, and great appeal among new immigrants, women, and unskilled workers. Its members were nicknamed "Wobblies".
Learn more in our collections, particularly Collection #5210.
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I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Illegal immigrants aren't "stealing our jobs". Construction labor. Farm labor. Etc. It's jobs most US citizens can't do because it's highly skilled and highly specialized labor. Shit, the pay is so shit that most Americans won't even accept these jobs because they know it's exploitive (the immigrants know they're being exploited to but they know they're also being taken advantage of because they're immigrants).
That's not to mention it's literally back-breaking labor in sweltering temperatures and most citizens can't handle the physical labor or the heat.
DeSantis banning immigration labor is going to
Cause prices to go up because American citizens won't do back-breaking labor for less than minimum wage.
Cause a labor shortage because most Americans just can't fucking handle the work he immigrants do.
Cause a produce shortage because they can't get anyone out to harvest the crops and truck drivers are refusing to travel to Florida because this law will cause any Hispanic person trying to work in Florida to be harassed.
Don't ever fucking tell me this shit is unskilled labor.
(This isn't to say immigrants deserve the exploitation they're receiving. They're human and should be treated as such. This is just to say our economy depends on immigrants because they're the only ones that have the fucking skills to do it efficiently.)
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thanakite · 30 days
Immigrating to the US and gaining citizenship is such a shit show that I blame exactly 0 (zero) people for doing so illegally
Why doesn't someone become a citizen when they marry a US citizen? (Besides racism)
Why isn't the process simple, quick, and easy? (Besides racism)
Why don't we want skilled and unskilled people becoming citizens, when we so desperately rely on them and their labor? (Besides racism)
Like really?
Wouldn't it save time and money and effort to make this whole process simpler and easier?
Like literally the only arguments I hear against immigration (that don't center around the idea of it should be easier so we don't have to have people come in illegally) are like super racist or based in white supremacy and are therefore illogical to me
What would it matter to me (a white disabled person) if there are more black or brown (or whatever other skin tones) people in the US than white people? Like truly? Literally would probably have 0 (zero) impact on me and even if it did impact me it would only likely be in a manner that addressed the whit privilege I and all other white people deal with in which case I'm fine with giving that up
Also I firmly don't believe that only criminals come from other countries to here (because that is idiotic) but like the way anti-immigration people want to deal with the issue is completely illogical. Like if the process of becoming a citizen was quick simple and easy then it would be REALLY easy to tell if any criminals were entering illegally because there'd be no reason to do so otherwise
But yeah all of this is so stupid to me
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disasterghaster · 3 months
Though Devang believes in command structures in non-private matters, she is very much against oppression, social abuse, and discrimination. Command structures are to be based upon merit, ability, and character.
Other factors such as gender or ethnicity is not agreeable to her.
In Dekro, society is extremely divided based on one’s pedigree–Or how “Native” to Dekro they are. Some equal rights extend to non-Native dimensional immigrants provided they undergo a processing system upon arrival not unlike a system for immigration between Terran countries. However, ‘mixed’ status individuals are not afforded this luxury in the least when born. ‘Mixed’ births are regarded with distaste or disgust. Such individuals who are not afforded a protected upbringing until able to prove themselves of some value to the Native-government are not typically treated as people so much as objects or property; Shunted directly into slavery or live paths in menial unskilled hard labor.
Devang is a ‘mixed’ pedigree individual. Originally protected by her parents, but no longer so when they were no longer able to due to death/separation.
She spent the better part of her younger years into young adulthood as property–a slave. Treated about as good as one could imagine, if not worse than other ‘pure’ pedigree slaves.
Additionally, the society is sexist. Though an individual may identify as any gender they are expected to adhere to expectations assigned tot he role. If the individual largely identifies and present as masculine then they are afforded a vast amount of freedom similar to that of Terran expectations and freedoms. They are considered inherently stronger and smarter as well as more capable in matters of war, politics, and science. A individual that presents and identifies as feminine is expected to put reproduction, child rearing, and home duties before those of their careers–seen as more efficient at these roles. However, unlike Terran concepts of female, should the individual be of a career based in military works then they are afforded more masculine benefits. Unless they become pregnant.
Devang was a female mix pedigree. She went into the military once she became a Freeperson. But that did not mean she was treated any better of viewed with any more positivism. She was expected to remain a infantry canon-fodder solider.
Her ascent through a glass ceiling that thick was not an easy one. One more than one occasion she was violated and humiliated for even attempting to progress herself through the ranks. It took her centuries. Centuries and actions and decisions she was not always particularly proud of.
She was the first mutt to achieve the rank of General; as high as she could go int he military corporation. She reached her goal and set a precedent to pave a way for others like her, but Derko is still struggling to progress past it’s discrimination.
But it is for these reasons and these experiences that Devang really hates a couple of things.
The above mentioned abuses of command and power. The above mentioned discrimination.
Being called ‘mutt’.
Being treated as a lesser individual to any other individual for any non-merit based reason.
And when anyone she meets either regards her with too much respect; such as deep bowing, kneeling, usage of overly formal titles, ecetera.
Or when anyone she meets behaves too submissively; posture, tone, head down, avoiding looking at her at all, ecetera.
Being kowtowed to or being submissive to Devang will make her uncomfortable at best and agitated at worst.
She is to be respected for her merit, but never dominated over, nor subordinated to, to any excessive dehumanizing degree within a social setting.
She cannot change Terran’s situation as a whole due to inter-dimensional law as an other-dimensional being, but she will also not tolerate such treatments in her physical vicinity toward other people. 
Including, and not limited to, some indirect participation in world conflicts. Such as being a solider of the Allied forces during WWII to have some impact upon the disbanding of the Nazi Party. Or boycotting all of her involvement with Indiana.
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ceevee5 · 4 months
Farage is interviewed at 710am (1hr 10min in), and is actually asked about the fine detail of Reform’s immigration policy. That is, who exactly is skilled or unskilled?
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