#until you find him and show him soulmates don’t matter when you can FEEL the connection between you both???
kingkatsuki · 1 month
I always used to want to be Bakugou’s first love, and experience all those firsts with him— but now Kitten has me thinking about finding Bakugou later in life, when he’s been hurt by the person he thought was the love of his life. His only one.
And he’s given up, because why would he even try to replace them when they were it for him? There’s no one else in this world that could make him feel like they did, and even if there was why would he go through this pain again?
Until he meets you— and you’re all sunshine and smiles, but he can tell there’s a sadness behind your eyes. He’s always been a good judge of character, and he can tell without having to ask that you’ve been hurt before too.
I want to be the person to fix Bakugou’s cold, broken heart. And make him believe in love again.
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lunargrapejuice · 2 months
LUNAAAAA ily 🤭 anyway i've read a bunch of your fics and i never thought i would like sephiroth until i read what you write so pls pls pls if you can write smth smutty and sweet of seph it would kill me (p.s. preferably after him and reader have their first baby and they've been so pent up after almost 2 years of not being able to do it)
hi babes!! ily too!🥰🩷 im so glad i could help bring you over to loving sephiroth heheh🤭 i did take this idea but i did change it a bit and then kinda ran away with it? i still hope you like it! thank you so much for reading and requesting something!
the sweetest of dark dreams
sephiroth x fem!reader | 6.3k + words
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, porn with plot, un named daughter, hurt/comfort, post ffvii story, violence and drugging (not by seph), he's not pre-nibelheim sane but not crazy seph either?, possessiveness, explicit sexual content, mating press, cream pie, implied multiple rounds, i think that it but please let me know i missed anything!
synopsis: the first thing you saw upon opening your eyes is sephiroth with your daughter smiling at his side and tugging at his sleeve but you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t considered that maybe you never woke up in the first place and you’re still dreaming. is it a nightmare or a sweet dream? you wonder again and again as two days pass, questioning if any of this is even real because how could it possibly be real when your husband who should be dead is suddenly.. here, alive and breathing and making your daughter smile. you don’t know what to believe but all of this feels so unbelievably real it’s hard to tell your brain and your heart otherwise and he doesn't wait long to show you just how real this is.
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you’ve yet to decide if this is a dream or a nightmare or which you would even want it to be if you knew.
it started off as a nightmare. no it was so much more than that when you lost sephiroth after the nibelheim mission and somehow even worse than that when you found out you were pregnant. pregnant and utterly alone. on the run from shinra, desperate to ensure your baby would never be known by them, would never have to come close to one of their labs or needles.
then your daughter was born. a mix of you and your soulmate and beyond perfect. the rays of light in her eyes, his eyes, helping guide you through the darkness that had clouded the path in front of you for those first nine months without him and thus nightmare began to turn into a bittersweet dream.
the sweetness of it was easier to take in the more she grew, with each successful day that you’re both free of shinra, but a day never passed that you didn’t think of sephiroth or feel the permanent ache in your chest that had been present since you were parted. and you were never blind to the threats that still lingered. the truth that your daughter shares sephiroths jenova cells and if shinra ever found her.. well you would be sure they never got to her so you would not have to find out and she would never have to know any of the pain her father was put through.
it's what sephiroth would have wanted too. 
nearly six years of you and her, safe and sound, six years of giggles and smiles and you doing everything you can to protect her, a dream you live out for both you and your beloved and when you heard of the explosion of shinra, what sephiroth had done, you had hoped maybe the running could finally be over, but it only took one moment for it to turn into a horror you didn’t dare dream of, that you could hardly take and have relived every night since in your dreams.
“yes baby?” you replied as calmly as you could and prayed that your daughter couldn’t feel the rapidness of your heart beat under her hands that cling around your neck but you couldn't suppress it no matter how hard you tried.
“is something wrong?”
she’s always been more aware than you know how to handle at times but how could you lie when at this moment everything seemed wrong, so very fucking wrong, like everything you did to try to keep her safe wasn’t enough and never would have been. you remembered crying about how you couldn’t do this without sephiroth during her birth and maybe you were right all along..
you heard he died along with many others that fateful day but there was no mistaking hojo when you spotted him in the city you visited for supplies near the place you had called home for the last half year and the devilish expression on his face when your eyes met let you know he had not mistaken you either.
that sickening smile had only grown when his gaze came to the small child holding your hand, her silver hair so similar to her fathers if her slitted pupils weren’t enough to give her away to him. though you honestly don’t know how much of a look he got of her because so quick you had your daughter in your arms and slipped back into the crowd that frequents this market street.
you didn’t look back but you felt him and others following you.
“whatever happens, just don’t let go of me, okay?” you asked of your daughter, hugging her closer to your body. you had dropped your groceries somewhere on the side of the road to help lighten the load and get you moving faster as she wordlessly buried herself into your chest, holding on like her life depended on it.
she held on just as tightly when she was ripped from your hold by a man dressed in a shinra infantry uniform only minutes outside of the city. like they had been waiting for you, they cornered you against an abandoned building and before you realized it, hojo was behind you and you felt the prick of a thick needle sinking into your side. 
there were a dozen others that surrounded you, some pulling your weakening body away from your daughter as others tried to make her let go of you. you’ve never felt so helpless, so scared and even though you know it’s only a dream this time around, the emotions flood back like they had then. 
“what did you do to me?!” you screamed at hojo in your fight to reach for her but no matter how much you tried to move you couldn’t get your body to do anything and the place where hojo had injected you burned like the heat of it was draining every ounce of your strength and consciousness. 
you hardly heard his answer over the cries of your daughter and the adrenaline pumping through your veins with no way to release after whatever the hell hojo put inside of you. you screamed, unable to hold it back when your mouth felt like it's the only thing that could move or do anything at all. it made your lungs burn with dry heat, you thought they may even burst with how it rages inside of your chest but you could only hope in the explosion it would take hojo and these ass holes with you.
by some miracle it ignited your muscles and you tugged at the hands that held onto you, your strength surprising them and their hold slipped, allowing you a moment to tumble away towards your daughter, reaching out for her with bruised arms just as gunshots echo all around you. 
a gust of wind, like the beat of a giant wing, swirled around you, sending hojos lackeys flying in every direction but you and your daughter remained steady, not a hair flying in the wind. before your hands can connect with her she’s being lifted into the air by gloved hands and when you follow them to the person picking her up, feeling your body succumbing to the serum hojo injected you with, you see sephiroth holding her on his hip, reaching down for you with his other arm, a dark black wing surrounding you like a shield before the entire world faded away.
you awake with the same jolt you had once the serum had run its course, body jolting and gasping for air but unlike then, you’re quick to realize where you are and that things are okay. a weird, uneasy definition of the word but your daughter is safe and hojo is dead and that is enough for you. at least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
it had to be enough because right now nothing else aside from those two things make any sense to you and even the latter you’re only taking at the word of the familiar stranger currently asleep with your daughter in his arms on the plush chair in her bedroom. 
it’s only been a few days since you woke up after being asleep for two weeks thanks to hojos concoction and the first thing you saw upon opening your eyes was sephiroth with your daughter smiling at his side and tugging at his sleeve but you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t considered that maybe you never woke up in the first place and you’re still dreaming. is it a nightmare or a sweet dream? you wonder again and again as two days pass, questioning if any of this is even real. 
how could it possibly be real when your husband who should be dead is suddenly.. here, alive and breathing and making your daughter smile and claiming hojo is no longer a threat because he personally saw to it and you’ll all be safe now. he’ll be sure of it. you honestly don’t know what to believe but all of this feels so unbelievably real it’s hard to tell your brain and your heart otherwise and regardless of whether it is or not, you need to continue to protect your daughter. so even in this foggy state between reality and a fucked up beautiful dream, you do what you’ve always done to keep her safe.
she may be a heavy sleeper but sephiroth never has been himself and you doubt that’s change in the years you’ve been apart so when you sneak out of the house, you hold your boots against your chest as you tiptoe out of the front door and hold your breath with every step until you’re on the edge of the small garden you keep, sitting on the wood plank of the garden box and lace up your boots before making your way back towards the city.
two weeks you’d been asleep. two weeks of not earning any gil and you don’t even know how sephiroth has paid for or gotten the food currently in your pantry. it’s just another worry on your shoulders that makes it hard to breath or think straight but it’s one you can do something about at least. you’d have made better care taking plans for your daughter in your absence had you not been asleep all this time and the fights you planned to join in the undercity for gil being only tonight until next month. you couldn’t wait that long and having joined them before, you know you’ll be fine. thank the goddess there were no lingering effects of the serum as far as you could tell.
that doesn’t stop how sickly on edge you feel the entire walk, like hojo or sephiroth might pop up from the shadows, like you’ve done a terrible thing by leaving your daughter with a man you aren’t sure is real. a stranger, you had called him earlier but you’re just as much of a stranger to him now too. so long without him, your only focus being keeping your daughter alive and safe at any cost and despite your heart with a wound that not even time could heal. you’re not the same person and if he really is the man you once called your husband, the same one who had tried to destroy the planet, he isn’t the same either. 
he had been gentle with your daughter over the past two days of you carefully watching his every move though. she had hardly wanted to be away from him since you’ve awoken and he had seen to her care during the time you were drugged to sleep without as much as a scratch on her little body. she trusted him and though you aren’t sure that you did, you didn’t think he’d hurt her and you’d do your best to get back before either of them noticed you were gone.
your dream replays in your mind as you walk past the place where sephiroth had reappeared before you, right when you needed him. in the moonlight you’d never guess it was the place of a slaughter or the return of someone you never thought you’d see again. it looks almost peaceful in your slowed steps taking in the blades of grass that flatten under your footsteps but it does anything but bring you calmness. 
on the brink of losing it, your mind running a million miles an hour with how to wake up from this dream, how to discern what’s real and what isn’t, you’re thankful the undercity is filled with more life than the actual city is thanks to more than just the townsfolk being here to watch the fights happening in an arena that sits in the center of it all. no one pays you any mind and the endless chatter along with the announcers echoing in the background nearly drowns out your anxious thoughts.
you’d need to figure them out at some point. you know you can’t avoid it forever but it would have to wait for tonight, until you could control just one thing and be sure there was enough gil for whatever your family might need in the coming weeks, until you could feel something that was undoubtedly real to knock you out of this sorry state if for no other reason but your daughter.
like always, you would need to push through for her even when you’re breaking in ways you don’t know where to begin to cover up or fix. then again, maybe you’re just unfixable to begin with. 
having made your way through most of the crowd, you’re nearly at the carved out side entrance of the arena to look over the fight lists and sign up for one’s you know you’ll be able to win against other people and monsters but like he had been waiting for you to arrive, you see sephiroth leaning against the wall with his arms folded and his head down, silver locks covering most of his face just a curtain of starlight. he no longer wears his normal armor but there's no denying it’s him. in the busyness no one seems to notice him either but he’s all you can see.
in a blink, his attention is on you, as if he felt your presence, and you’re frozen in the street, unsure what it is that’s gluing your feet to the ground. fear? guilt? worry? you can’t begin to describe the feeling properly but it's like black tendrils root you in place and make your heart beat uncontrollably, uncomfortably.
unfolding his arms, he takes long strides towards you, his eyes never leaving yours, the expression on his face completely unreadable and as composed as ever. every conscious part of your body tells you to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction, all the while your heart whispers that he would never hurt you. run towards him. you push the urge down, remind yourself he isn’t your sephiroth, and when the nerves in your feet finally get the message and move, it’s away from him that they choose. he’s so close to you by then though and you know you only get away because he’s letting you.
you can’t get out the ‘excuse me’s and ‘i’m sorry’s that sit on the tip of your tongue as you hurry away from the arena and back towards the entrance you came from, accidentally knocking into patrons without looking back. you don’t even know why you’re running when you know there was no getting away from him. even if he’s letting you go now, he was faster. stronger. dangerous. and worst of all and more likely than anything else, maybe you’ll realize he’s just some twisted joke conjured by your subconscious or shinra in order to get whatever they want from you.
it’s just outside the dimly lit entrance to the undercity that sephiroth has had enough of chasing after you and before you can stop in your tracks, he’s standing in front of you, the lights of the undercity reflecting back on his handsome features, and he’s quickly changing your direction and backing you into metal wall of the normally closed off entrance with his steps only inches from yours. it’s only the two of you around with the arena growing louder, telling you the event is about to begin. 
he doesn’t touch you, there’s not a place your bodies connect, no where you’ve dared to reach for in the two days you’ve been awake but you can feel the warmth of him at this distance, smell his familiar leather and flora scent, and it wraps around you like a blanket you had nearly forgotten the touch of but you hesitate to melt into its comfort. his strong arms cage you in, not letting you escape his intense gaze and towering height, and on bated breath you wait for him to make the first move, to say something, anything because for two days you’ve hardly had any words between you but it seems he was not going to let that continue any longer.
“what are you doing here?” he asks and you feel your heart skip a beat at the sound of his voice that wavers with what you swear is worry.
but it couldn’t have been, you tell yourself.  he’s not real. this isn’t real. wake up - wake up!
“it looks to me like you already know,” your words are like venom on your own tongue. you hate the taste but you can’t stop it with the overwhelming feelings currently consuming you, that you don’t know where to begin to process. before he can say anything you continue, finally finding the strength to move and using it to shove him away from you with your hands planted firmly on his chest. it’s the first time you’ve touched him since waking up and you’re almost surprised that he feels solid. it steals the poison behind your words, makes you falter and they’re only defeated now. “you don’t get to judge my choices. i do what i have to for her. i always have and i always will.”
free from his caging, you don’t try to go back to the undercity. you know he wouldn’t let you and gods dammit your daughter is alone right now - your feet start to head back towards home at a quick pace, not waiting up for him or looking back to see if he is following you.
“that’s not the issue here,” his voice is close when he speaks again, as though he’s right on your heels.
you stop in your tracks, turning on the balls of your feet to meet his gaze. goddess how is he even before you.. 
“not the issue?” you can’t help but laugh. it feels horrible though, bitter and heavy and brings tears to your eyes. “then tell me, what exactly is the problem because i can think of so many bigger issues than earning gil to keep my daughter safe!” so quickly you’ve lost your cool, every word you speak brings you closer and closer to bursting into tears.
“you’ve done so much for her,” he says and despite the flinch of the words you used to claim your daughter without him, there’s a soft adoration in his tone that makes you think this really must be some kind of mirage meant to torture you further, to break you, and it’s working. he takes a step closer to you, reaching for you with his gloveless hand but his touch never connects. “but putting yourself in danger is no way of protecting her.”
your tears begin to shed without your permission, letting go with them the floodgates of your emotions. this was too much to take, too much to process when you don’t know what to believe or do when years of longing pain crashes to the surface in a suffocating wave. “what would you even know about it when you’ve been goddess knows where - what - trying to destory the fucking planet - while ive been in agony without you?! trying to get through every day-”
you take a step away from him, thankful there seems to be no one else around you to hear your loss of control, to see the way you run your hands over your face and hair and take in breaths that only seem to fuel the heat inside you that is cracking you with ever added degree.
“did you even come back for me after nibelheim? did you know i was pregnant or about our daughter?!” you’re sobbing uncontrollably, unsure if he can understand your words but you couldn’t stop them just as much as you couldn’t control your weeping eyes. you can’t meet his either when you continue, “i - i don’t even know if you’re real sephiroth! the only thing i know that's real is her and even if this, right now, is some kind of messed up dream hojo’s put me in, i have to take care of her in the chance it’s not and if it is then- then i have to wake up so i can save her. i have to do something! - anything - i -”
the touch of his hands on your face, cradling your jaw with gentle strength, stops you in your tracks before you can fully succumb to fear and grief and every little emotion firing off inside of you, before you drown in your own tears. 
sephiroth says your name and though you can’t tell if it’s helping or making your tears worse, you don’t fight him. “you don’t think i’m real?” he asks, his voice deep and eerily tranquil but before you can protest or reply, his lips are on yours, pressing together in a deep, claiming kiss. one of his hands carding into your hair while the other grabs your trembling hands and brings them up to his chest. 
you can feel his steady heartbeat under your palms, taste him on your lips with each kiss you return that’s coated in your tears and the way he handles you feels like a distant memory. you want to melt into it, let yourself be weak and handled by him like you had years ago but you can’t bring yourself to give in. it’s not real and it hurts that much worse because of it. 
with unreserved strength, he presses you against him with a hand now at your back, splayed across you in a possessive grip, keeping you completely flush against his larger body, your feet nearly off the ground in your reach for him. you gasp against his lips at the sudden contact and when he takes in a deep breath, he affirms you as though he had read your mind, “this is real,” you feel the pressure of his forehead on yours and hiccup in your sobbing at the contact. “and you will never be without me again.”
“sephiroth..” you hold onto the shirt he wears, the fabric bunching in your fists as if he might disappear in the wind if you did not hold onto him. in this state you don’t know if you can believe him but so badly do you want it to be true and you think maybe for a moment you can give in, let yourself believe it for the sake of your heart that’s filled with a hope you worry might break you like you never before if it turns out to not be true.
you couldn’t bear to lose him again. even if neither of you are the same as before, there is no doubt in your mind that he is a part of your soul and heart just as you are a part of his. that you will always be tied to one another in a bond you can’t explain in words but that you’re certain transcends lifetimes and universes.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
the front door to the house creaks open slowly and for the first time since you gave in, you break from sephiroths lips, trying to catch your breath in quiet gasps thanks to the tears still flowing from your eyes. he’s carried you the entire way home, with your legs wrapped around his thin waist and his ever present strength helping him support you with minimal effort. he isn’t keen on letting you go now that you’re home either. 
the house is quiet and in his walk to your bedroom at the end of the hallway, you both peek into your daughter's room to see her sleeping peacefully where sephiroth had tucked her in before following after you. you reach down and shut the door and in his next step, he captures your lips once more in a kiss that makes you light headed and dizzy.
he’s quick to press you against your bedroom door as the click of the lock fills the room and is quickly replaced by your whimpers. aside from when you slept here for those two long weeks, unmoving but with your heart still beating, he hasn’t stepped foot back in your room despite the fact it was torture to be so close and yet so far from you. he had wanted to devour you from the moment you first woke up and looked at him with those eyes that were so closed off but still so full of the love that changed him, that made him realize there was something he could not live without.  
he wasn’t well without you by his side either and regardless of whether you believed him or not, he hadn’t known of your daughter but when he found out, all he had done was search for you until he heard the planet vibrate with your scream that shook his soul and brought him to you, never to be parted again.
“have you remained only mine angel?” he asks low against your lips, with an urgency that tells you he needs you to tell him. he gives you the chance, lifting up further up on his waist and stepping away from the door, latching his lips on the base of your neck, nibbling and sucking on your supple skin.
you’re quick to nod, your words following after he has you on the bed and is on top of you, not letting an inch between your bodies. “only ever yours,” you promise and you mean it whole heartily. there could never be anyone but him in your bed or in your heart.
“only mine,” he echoes, the words vibrating through his chest and then his teeth are sinking deeper into your flesh. you hold back a cry, feeling your body break out in goosebumps as you writhe underneath his broad frame, trying to keep quiet. he shifts and presses his hard, clothed cock over your sex, rolling his hips with a soothing lick over the marks of his teeth on your flesh. “all mine.”
the way he strips you of your clothes is such a stark contrast to how he handles your body. the fabric is carelessly ripped and torn in a ravenous fashion, the fibers easily giving way to his strength but when his fingers touch your skin that lay beneath, they’re acutely aware to your fragility compared to what had become of his own body and maps out every change in your own since sephiroth last saw you like this.
he remains completely clothed above you, his pupils the thinnest of slits underneath thick dark lashes that grow heavier with aching hunger the longer he stares at you. a piercing gaze that makes your entire body tremble and burn with heat. a predator gaze. the eyes of your other half that you only saw in your dreams for so long. but your dreams had never been this real. your heart had not beat like this in six years, not even your endless tears could begin to replicate the feelings coursing through you right now and you couldn’t control a single one of them but you didn’t need to when you surrender all of yourself to him.
the pressure of his body against yours once more grounds you, the warmth of his breath and lips on the skin below your ear, his hand that travels down your inner thigh towards where you want him the most making you whimper in a plea for more. at this point you aren’t sure you’ll be able to stop crying but your tears are slower now, your hands tugging at his clothes for purchase or to get them off of him or some mix of them both.
“i’ll show you how real i am darling,” he whispers against you, placing a kiss to the space below the lobe of your ear right as you feel his fingers on your cunt, slowly parting your folds from your entrance to your clit, groaning at the soft and wet feeling of you. “be a good girl for me.”
in all the time you’ve been apart you’ve never forgotten the feeling of him but have never been able to mimic it with your own hands and could not even dream of it with another, let alone follow through with it just to sate your needs. there’s nothing compared to the way he knows your body better than yourself, the intense adoration he shows it and how easily he finds the perfect pressure against your clit that has you clenching around nothing, arching into his chest, and soaking his fingers.
and when he finally sinks two of his digits into you, you have to bite your bottom lip to keep from screaming out. it feels so good, so right, so real. his body lifts from yours, spreading his legs and yours thighs on top of his follow, giving him the perfect view of your glistening cunt. 
“‘s real,” you don’t mean for the words to be spoken out loud despite the fact they echo over and over again in your mind and you say them so quietly he might not have heard you had he not been so keenly aware of every inch of you.
his other hand comes up to your face, the pads of his thumb soothing below your bottom lip in a gentle caress that coaxes your jaw to slacken and hear the your sweet noises as he thrusts his fingers in and out of your tight hole, curling them when they’re buried knuckles deep inside of you.
“i’m real,” he confirms, running his thumb along your bottom lip.
your hands hold onto his muscular arms, your nails leaving crescent shapes in his skin with every lewd squelch from between your legs each time he pulls his fingers away and pushes back into you with skilled movements until you’re coming so quick, so hard, around his fingers. he massages that perfect spot inside of you that has you seeing stars behind your closed eyes, his thumb pressing against you clit in time with his movements and your orgasm rocks your body, adding to your tears that he begins wipes with his hand on your face as he watches you break around him, feeling himself growing impossibly harder behind the confines of his pants at how beautiful you are. 
his chest is full of the anguish and relief of all these years without you, what he thought he had lost that only drove him to further madness but that was here before him now, that he would never be let out of his grasp again. 
a whimper escapes your lips when he leaves you so very empty with the withdrawal of his fingers but you can’t bear to take your hands off of him. you need to feel more of him, all of him, and don’t stop your pitiful movements that pull at his clothes, shaking and needy. you can’t hold onto him tight enough but it doesn’t bother him, he doesn’t make you stop, and his much steadier hands help you take off all of his clothes, revealing every last bit of porcelain skin that you thought you would never see or touch again and the silken strands of hair that tickle your skin nearly everywhere your hands roam.
settling between your legs, he helps you stroke his cock in languid movements, his larger hand enveloping your own, mako filled eyes entirely focused on you, slitted pupils blown wide taking in the sweet divine bliss on the beautiful features of your face, the delicate curve of your breasts with every deep breath you try to take, the sticky slickness of your pussy that makes his hands on you tremble in held back strength and makes his mouth water. 
“spread your legs for me,” he instructs, his free hand supporting your leg helping you move as he wishes. “spread them wider,” his voice falls deeper, your legs shake but not from the stretch. you do as he says and you let go of his big cock to reach your hands up around his neck to bring him down to your lips. his hair falls around you like streaks of moonlight, bringing you back to the place you always belonged and the softness of his lips on yours, the pressure of his leaking tip at your entrance, all reminding you how real this is. “just like that sweet girl.”
the thickness of him stretches you in a lovely ache that you only want more of and he takes it slow sinking into your tight walls until he’s buried to the hilt, all while kissing so passionately to muffle your shared moans, to feel and claim all of you that he could. his strong grip keeps you still, at the mercy of his movements. even when his hands travel from your hips to your legs while he begins to pull out of you just to sink back in with a powerful thrust, they have you at sephiroths will and you easily give it to him.
grabbing onto the fat of your thighs, relishing in the feeling of you in his hands once more, so pliant and desperate, he pushes your legs to your chest, spreading them wide, and sets a deep and brutal pace when he gives into everything he’s feeling that's only amplified by taking you like this. 
at this angle he’s so deep, fucking you into the matress, and with how unchecked his power is, you don’t doubt you’ll have bruises where his hands hold you open for him but you want the proof that he’s yours again. that you won’t wake up to and he’ll be gone. you hold onto him with just as much fervor, your grip moves from his arms and bury in the thickness of his hair, tugging at the roots with every time you feel so full of him, so close to your release again already, and it only seems to spur him on more.
the bed posts move along the ground in time with his thrusts and when it’s somehow still not enough of you, his chest meets yours, his arms barely holding the majority of his weight over you that has you folded in half, whimpering underneath him with every jolt of his hips inside of you, the slap of his heavy balls against your ass joining your quieted cries of his name and his heavy breaths, his sweet praises. 
“you’re taking me so well - ngh, fuck,” you clench around him, greedily sucking him back in when he’s pulling away from you. “my good girl.”
“‘m so close,” the words are breathless, barely there when they escape past your lips and the heat of them soaks into his own that can’t stop kissing you, delving his tongue into your mouth and tasting you again and again.
“i know,” his voice is octaves deeper, sensual in a way that only brings you that much closer. “don’t hold back. cum for me angel,” it feels like a gentle command, even with all the desperation and love behind his words. “need to feel you cum on my cock.”
“ah! s - seph-!” you can’t get out his name before the pressure between your legs bursts like it never has before and when you feel him throbbing inside of you, painting your walls with his seed, it only adds to the ethereal heat that washes over you and leaves you trembling in the drugging, hypnotizing atmosphere of him still hard inside of you, the feel of his body against you, the numbing tingle of your legs as he helps them unfold and settle comfortable around his hips.
he doesn’t stop there. your heart skips far too many beats at the loss of his chest on yours, not knowing where you began and he ended and your hands that try to pull him back to you are too weak to do anything but follow the way he moves you but he soothed you with his lithe fingers caressing your skin as they help you move onto your stomach.
you mewl at the sensation of his cock moving inside of you while he shifts you into this new position. the sticky mess between your legs drips onto the sheets below you but makes it easy to sheathe himself fully inside you with a gentle and small pull of your hips upwards.
most others would be terrified to be in such a vulnerable position with sephiroth but you’re nothing if not pliant and perfect when he plants his hands beside you, leaning down to kiss your neck as he bucks his hips into your sensitive pussy and whispers against your skin before sinking his teeth into your tender flesh again.
“i’m not done with you yet.”
in the morning you wake up alone but the noise that erupted from somewhere else in the house and caused you to stir eases your heart before your mess of thoughts begins to come back to you. your daughter's giggles and though quiet compared to her own unrestrained shriek of laughter, you could still make out the deep chuckle of sephiroth.
slipping out of bed, you move slowly thanks to the ache in your muscles and between your legs, your steps a bit wobbly with each one you take to dress in something more decent and walk to the door. the more you move, the steadier you become and by the time you make it to the living area, stopping in your tracks to watch your beloved peel an orange for your daughter who talks to him animatedly, it’s a pleasurable hum throughout your body with every movement reminding you of the words he told you last night.
there’s still a lot to consider. a lot of questions to be answered. a lot of healing to be done. maybe you’ll never be back to normal or you'll be stronger than ever. you don’t have any answers, not for yourself or from him but for this morning, you can let yourself hope this will be the start of the dreams you shared with sephiroth since his days in soldier, whatever version of a normal life might be left for your little family.
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r3starttt · 5 months
Don’t delete the kisses
a/n: I got my inspo from “See You In My 19th Life” also, felt too personal. Basically reader inspired on me lol
Pt 2. | Prt.3 | Prt.4
Warnings: mentions of bullying, suicide, lots of angst and fluff
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“I see the signs of a lifetime, you ‘til I die”
You’ve had seventeen lives so far. You’ve been all kinds of people in all kinds of places, and you always remember each one of them. It always happens for different reasons, it could be a smell that reminded you of a perfume, a new dish that apparently you’ve already tried before, a face that felt familiar, a song that made you feel weirdly in love.
At first it was horrifying, it was so confusing and you made so many mistakes. You told people about it. You tried to find your loved ones, tried to approach to them again because your heart still missed them. But eventually you learned to handle it. Eventually the pain of past life losses disappeared and you just learned to ignore your not so nice gift.
You’ve also learned to adapt to every life, which was becoming easier every time because the knowledge, talents and hobbies from every life apparently stayed with you. Maybe it was your soul?
You stopped having complains and learned to value and enjoy everything. You appreciated every mistake you made because it helped you learn for a future life, you enjoyed feeling everything so deeply because it would help you remember the next time you reincarnate, you showed your love for everyone and did everything you wished so you wouldn’t have any regrets. You learned to be positive and take advantage of everything that was offered to you on each life.
Until now.
Ever since you were a child you’ve felt empty. Loved but not enough to fill your heart, admired but feeling like you’re not worth it, with friends that care for you and a lovely family that provides you all you need and all you could ever ask for but feeling like you don’t deserve them. Maybe you were born sad?
It seems like your whole life happened in the blink of an eye. Maybe it’s the sadness that hasn’t allowed you to enjoy this life properly, but where does that come from?
Maybe you’ve got used to sadness so much that you don’t know how to handle it on this life? It’s frustrating, not even all the knowledge in the world, all the abilities you’ve learned and your old soul can handle such feeling. It’s the first thing you’ve been unable to control, ever.
There is a reason why it got out of control though. When you were eleven you were bullied by your whole class, including some professors. And it didn’t matter how much privilege you had, neither you or your parents could do anything about it.
That’s the moment all the lonely, angry and sad in you became overwhelming, the moment you started to believe in god again just to beg him every day to kill you, to let you die.
And even if that was almost ten years ago it still haunts you. The humiliation, the anger, the loneliness. And you can’t handle it, not because you don’t know how to, but because your body doesn’t allow you to.
Your heart always reminds you of it, like it happens with your past lives, there’s always a smell, a word, an action. The way those kids made you feel, they things those adults said to you, the way your parents broke in tears when you first told them, the awkwardness at home whenever they tried to make you talk to them. It all stuck to you forever.
“What if it’s not meant for me? Love”
However there was someone that was worth trying to live. Her name is Ellie, and you’ve been dating her for some years now.
She’s your childhood best friend, the person you trust the most on this world and the only one that doesn’t make you feel overwhelmed. Your girlfriend and the lover you’ve feel more connected to or all your lives.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” You’re both laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and talking about random stuff, whatever goes trough your minds “Or…. reincarnation”
“None of them, do you?” you could see her moving her head towards you from the corner of your eye “Yeah, I’d like us to be soulmates and find each other on each life” a chuckle came out of Ellie’s mouth “you’re so cheesy ughh” you laughed back, kicking her shoulder with your arm to which she complained.
“I know but, I’ve never loved someone this much el” you turned your head too, smiling at the look of Ellie’s shy smile and and her slightly tainted cheeks “you’ve really saved my life, you know it” Just as those words were spoken, her face changed completely.
“all good?”
You could see the worry on her face, in the way her eyes studied yours and on the pout that slowly appeared. You just sighed back, hesitating a bit and debating if you should tell her the truth or not.
“It’s probably my birthday, I’ll be fine” the reassurment in your voice didn’t seem to convince her, so you spoke again “el, things have been good in the past few years, it’s not gonna change suddenly”
“What if they do?” she’s right, what if they do?
“They won’t, I would already know and I would tell you, I promise” you do know, but you won’t tell her, not now.
“You tell me to get over it and to take you out, but I can’t and I’m too scared. “
You’ve tried to take your life some years ago, before Ellie and you started to date. Honestly, to this day you still don’t know how you managed to not die. It was late at night, right before your birthday, it always makes you feel extremely sad for some reason, you believe is the fear of growing up, of things getting harder.
“And here’s the night bus, I have to go. And the doors are closing and you’re waving”
You’ve had that feeling for over a month. All your healing process falling apart just for your birthday? you still feel ashamed about it. You just took some random blade you’d saved for this moment and started to practically stab your wrists.
All your thoughts mixed with the weirdly feeling of pain and satisfaction and the blood dripping down your arms blinded you, and in the blink of an eye you just loose the balance and fainted.
But you promised yourself that if you didn’t make it back then, you would try it again, no matter what. Or at least you tried to convince yourself.
“What if it’s not meant for me? Love”
“What are you gonna gift me?” you decided to better change the topic before your thoughts could overwhelm any of you “What do you want?” Her hands tangle with yours.
“You haven’t got me anything yet?” a laugh scapes your mouth “I do but…. I don’t know” Ellie loved handmade gifts, however she always does something different for you. “You know I love your gifts el, you can give me a rock and I would admire it forever”
Your hands slowly move from Ellie’s, cupping her face and making her look at you. She’s so pretty, with the light of the sun coming through the window snd hitting her freckles just perfect, making her eyes look shiny too.
“So you want a rock then?” of course she had to make jokes, she can’t handle romantic moments, gets to nervous. You just roll your eyes.
“You know, a perfect gift would be that you stopped using those crusty converse” she immediately groans, pushing your hands away from her face and leaning on her back
“What’s wrong with them?”
“They smell, they’re broken and they’re dirty as fuck because you never clean them”
“They don’t smell! and I glued them recently”
“Ellie, please”
“But don’t call me by my full name”
“I’m not! And I’ve always called you Ellie”
“No you haven’t, you call me El”
“El, please buy some new converse for my birthday”
“And what do I get for doing it?”
“Your girlfriends happiness”
“I think that’s a sign. I’m losing self control and it’s you”
And that’s how you it was for the rest of the day. Ellie pouting every time you teased her but calling you dramatic if you said anything about her teasing you. Also, Ellie suddenly telling you random facts about dinosaurs and space and just random stuff in general.
That was the las time you saw her, until your birthday. She’d come earlier than anyone else to have more time alone with you. It’s not that you had many friends but your family always came too so they’d keep you busy all day.
A day before you were looking through your closet, finding all the cute gifs Ellie had made you, admiring the details of all her drawings and reading the letters. Watching all the Polaroids your mom took of you two, the gift she made for you when she asked you to be her girlfriend, a bracelet she gifted you when you asked her to be her friend, a letter you made for her from when you first fought.
And it made you feel horrible, because the decision was already made, the letters for all the people you cared about were already written and saved in your desk. Your phone was already unlocked so everyone could have access to it, your room was tidy and your closet clean.
You were just waiting for her, for tomorrow, for all your family to be together when you left so it would be hopefully easier to everyone. For everyone to be there and get their letters, for Ellie to not be alone when she got the news, for your parents and your girlfriend to be comforted by each other’s presence.
You went downstairs, looking for Ellie since you heard your parents already speaking with her. They were all siting at the dining room.
It made your heart melt to see you happy she looked the moment she saw you. Her eyes, her pretty nose scrunching a little, her smile widening.
“Can I see my gift already?” Your parents laughed in disbelief, telling you to at lest greet her properly before asking her about a gift.
“Your parents told me you’ll open them later” she chuckled, looking at your parents and then back at you, you did the same.
You stepped closer to her, grabbing her hands and taking her to your room.
“Can you at least tell me what is it? I’ll act surprised I promise”
“A rock”
“Haha so funny el”
You closed the door behind you, watching Ellie sitting on your bed. She just stared at you, with puppy eyes of course. You really hoped you wouldn’t remember this when you reincarnated, or at least that It wouldn’t hurt as much as it does right now.
“What’s that box?” her finger pointed at the box you were just looking trough last night. You walked towards it and took it to the bed, sitting besides Ellie.
“All your gifts” she looked at you in pure shock “This is something I did for you when we were like…. Seven or something, why’d you still have it?”
“My mom saved all this things, it’s cute isn’t?”
“I feel exposed”
“What’s wrong with it? I love all of it”
“Your gift is not gonna fit in here”
“So it’s not a rock and defined not a new pair or converse” your eyes moved towards Ellie’s shoes, she just sighed
“Stop it, you’re the only one that notices them”
“My parents do, my mom asked my why you never changed them” that was a lie, but how could Ellie know?
You did the same thing as last nigh, take a final look to all the gifts that Ellie had made to you, not now with her. You’d made fun of her and she would just frown her eyebrows and eventually pout if she felt really ashamed of it. You’d make her read the letters out loud and ask her about the process of every draw she’d made of you.
“This letter is for me, why didn’t you give it to me?” Now you understood the feeling, karma. “We fought, I decided it was better to apologize in person” her hands leaned the letter towards you, making you read it out loud just as you’d made her do to you.
“January 13 2020” you stopped as she laughed “don’t laugh, you wanted me to read it I’ll read every detail then”
“I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you mad, I’m still not sure what it was- Ellie, you’re such a dramatic person”
“Me? You’re the one that’s dramatic for making a whole letter even though you hate writing just to randomly apologize”
“This just proves how much I love you, shut up”
“Right, keep reading”
“I’m still not sure what it was, but I feel like apologizing because Dina told me how much you’ve been crying and how awful I made you feel-“ you got interrupted by a loud gasp
“Why would Dina told you?” She slapped her hands on her face, groaning “only fucking fake friends these days” you laughed
“Hey don’t say that! I love Dina, she’s the sweetest and I bet she also tells you all I tell her about you, you’re overreacting for something that happened three years ago”
“You speak about me with her?” You nodded
“I want you to know that I’m so fucking grateful for having someone like you in my life. For a long time you were the only one that made me laugh, the only one that made me feel happy and loved and like life was worth it. You’re the reason I keep trying” you could feel the knot of tears forming in your throat, so painful “I feel like you got mad for what I said, but I want you to know that I didn’t mean it in a bad way, I wanted you to know how I truly felt about you and us and my life. I didn’t want to lie to you, I can’t. I was hoping you could understand that I didn’t tell you that before because I was afraid of how would you react, because I care for you snd I don’t want you to get hurt just for my weakness-“
The door of the room got opened after some small knocks were heard. Everyone had got there already. You didn’t realize how long you’ve been in your room with Ellie, totally worth it though.
You just saved the letter in the box again. You’ve purposely let it in your room for Ellie to take a look of it later that day, for her to have something left from you.
You both went downstairs again, Ellie went with your friends and you went to greet each family member, having some small talk with everyone and thanking them for being here.
And the time today felt extremely fast. Maybe this was the first birthday you’ve properly enjoyed, maybe you were excited or anxious, maybe it was the calm you’ve felt for the first time in years, maybe-
“I wanna eat the cake already, can’t you hurry them?” Ellie’s hands positioned around your waist, hugging you from behind and pulling you closer to her. You could see her pretty face resting on your shoulder, staring at you.
“You smell like gummies” you smiled without even realizing, now looking at Ellie. Her lips pressed in yours, the sour and sweet flavor invading your tongue “I ate gummies”.
“There’s tons of food El, why don’t you just eat something that’s not candy? Instead of asking for cake that by the way you won’t get to eat” she pinched your stomach slightly “why won’t I get to eat cake?” “I don’t think there’s enough for everyone
“I deserve it more than them, I’ve been with you, listening to your annoying voice every day” now you pinched her back “shut up or you really won’t get any”
“Do we really have to stay here with everyone? Your grandpa freaks me out” you chuckled “stop being rude to my family” “do we?” “let’s go outside”
And so you walked to the small garden behind your house, sitting on the cold grass with Ellie
“You seem happier this year…. do you feel happier?” you can see her toying with her fingers, staring at them to avoid eye contact “are you worried about me?” your gaze is now focused on your family, inside the house. You can see your friends almost eating each other on the closest window, it makes you laugh.
“The letter…. am I really that important to you?”
“You’re my best friend since forever el, you’re my girlfriend, why wouldn’t you?”
“I don’t know, I thought I didn’t help you at all”
“You do”
You turned around again, facing Ellie. She was picking the grass. How were you supposed to leave her? How were you supposed to ever live without her?
You grabbed her face with your hands, pulling her closer for a kiss. Her lips felt just perfect for yours, her skin was so soft, her face just the right size for your hands to fit, her hair the right strength for you to feel it every time you two kissed. You couldn’t do this to her
You tried to break the kiss, but her hands moved behind your back, pulling you closer to her again and deepening the kiss. You could feel her smile trough the kiss, she’s so fucking pretty.
“I love you Ellie, I’ve always loved you, don’t ever doubt it” she laughs in confusion “I love you too” It was the third time you probably said it out loud, you really wished you would’ve told her sooner.
“I’m electric, a romantic cliché”
“Take this, I was planning on give it to you later but…. I guess it’s the right time” you looked confused at her, she was looking for something on her hoodie pockets. A rock
Maybe you should wait, just a little more, just for her.
The rock was painted with your favorite colors, it was your face. Why is she so lovely? Why can’t her love fill your heart? What’s wrong with you?
She slowly puts it on your hands, studying your face, looking for any reaction. You lean on her, hugging her as both of your bodies fall on the grass. You can’t see her but she’s definitely smiling.
“I can’t imagine a life without you Ellie, don’t ever dear to leave me” she thought you were just being romantic because of the gift, but you mean it, you hope you fin her always and forever. To hopefully have the life you won’t be able to enjoy with her this time.
Her hands rubbing your back, her nose smelling your perfume, nuzzling on your neck “I won’t, I promise”
“Let’s go for the cake, I can hear your stomach” you rest your arms on the grass, positioning each one besides Ellie’s face and giving her another kiss. Her eyes look so pretty.
The sky turns orange as you get inside the house again. You hate this part of the day because it means it’s almost over, and today specially you want everything but the day to end. You hope every smiley face in the house can forgive you for what you’re about to do, you hope they understand.
So now you’re siting in the middle of the table, with everyone you love around you as they sing happy birthday to you. Ellie is sitting besides you, taking pictures of you. And you can only thank her in a small whisper, and thank the universe in your mind for letting her have that picture as her last memory of you.
The minute the song is over everyone claps, watching you turn off the candle. You always wished for happiness, but today you’re just wishing for forgiveness. Your smile is wide, it hurts to lie to everyone there.
Before your mom cuts the cake for you as she usually did, you grab the knife and cut a big slice of cake for Ellie. “Can we open the gifts?” you ask loudly to everyone, knowing that way your parents wouldn’t make you wait more.
Everyone’s eating cake, sitting on the couches in the living room, most men in the room staring up, Ellie sitting besides you on the floor and offering you to open the gifts to “help you” but you know she’s just gossiping.
Whenever you didn’t like a gift you’d look at Ellie and she’s look back at you, like you could communicate with each other just with your eyes. She’d laugh and pass you another gift.
If you did like a gift then she’d take it from you and would stare at every detail of it. She’d separate discreetly the ones you liked from the ones you didn’t, she’d usually keep those or Insist you on selling them online.
However the more gifts you opened the more anxious you got. “Where’s your gift el?” you whispered as your mom passed you another gift, that seemed to be the last one. But it was way to small to be from Ellie “mine goes last, open that one, come on”
And so you did, it was a set of some pink pijamas, and the moment you opened them you turned your face at Ellie, she was already laughing “Shut up”
“Wait, there one more” you heard your mom speaking as she walked to the kitchen. Everyone looked at her, waiting to see what it was.
She returned with a big rectangular canvas. Did she just made a huge fucking painting for me? you thought, looking back at Ellie who seemed clearly nervous.
“I’ll give you the letter later, I didn’t want to get exposed in front of your whole family” she whispers
You take the canvas and turn it around. It was a portrait of a picture she took of you the day she asked you to date. It was so detailed, so colorful and just so right. You showed it proudly to your family. Everyone cheered Ellie and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her shy face, her cheeks covered in blush as she looked at her fingers, just as she did whenever she felt nervous. Your friends making fun of Ellie and you for being so “adorable” as you heard them say.
And the rest of the night Ellie just stood close to you, listening to everyone share all the fun memories and stories they had with you. She shared ridiculous things she’d lived with you, making you cover your face ashamed. But also making you laugh as she always did.
And you couldn’t be more grateful at the end of the day because finally, for one whole day you could finally be happy again, you didn’t felt pressured or anxious or sad or overwhelmed at all, and you were with everyone you loved. You could finally go, you were just waiting for living one happy moment in your life before you took such an important decision, and this was it. Today had been all you’ve ever wished for.
So when everyone left and your parents stayed cleaning you could only feel peacefulness overcoming your body. You went to your room and laid on your bed, Ellie was still there. She had to give you her letter and you couldn’t leave without reading it.
The big canvas was already in your room, right next to your bed. You were cuddling her as you read the letter.
“Happy birthday baby. I hope this year can be different, I hope you can get better, I hope you can be happier, and I hope I’m still here every day to see you smile more and more.
I remember starting the painting and regretting immediately because it was gonna take so long and I’m lazy as fuck. But I made it :)
I had to lie to you many times and tell you Joel needed my help with some stuff just so I could finish it, hope you didn’t get mad at it.
I’ve been noticing you off lately, but if I’m honest I’m too scared to ask. But you know you can always tell me anything, I’ll always understand and I’ll always listen, no judgment.
I’m proud of you for making it another year, and I’m the happiest person ever because I have you and I’m watching you try again and again. I know you’ll get better.
I still remember how nervous I was when I asked you to date, I can’t stop thinking about it lately, maybe it’s because of the painting? but I feel the same even after dating you for years, too cliche for you make me feel the butterflies on the stomach, a lot.
I’m glad we’ve got to grow up together, I can’t imagine this life without you. The other day you told me about this, about reincarnation and soulmates, I don’t believe on it, but if it’s real I’ll make sure I’m with you always. I promise.
I can’t wait for your birthday, I wanna see your reaction and I’m containing so much for not telling you already what it is. If you’re reading this then I didn’t regret writing you this or you found it without me noticing like you did last year, don’t do that again pls :(
Anyway, I want you to know that you’re the fucking best, the prettiest girl ever and I love you so fucking much.
Ellie :)”
She saw how you folded the letter, looking at your face for any response “I love you so fucking much too” you moved your head slightly up so you could properly kiss her. You’ve never kissed her so much in one day, you also wished you would.
She stares back at you, with those puppy eyes you love so much, and her dumb smile now a bit shiny due to the kiss.
Her hand moves to your neck, pressing your head on top of her chest. Her other hand moved to the puffy pink blanket that you had in your bed, moving it up to cover both of your bodies. Your hand moves on top of of her tattoo, caressing it softly with your thumb.
And before you realize you two fall asleep, not knowing how your life’s were about to change in less than twenty four hours.
Maybe it was the anxiety coming back but you woke up earlier than usual. You slowly removed Ellie’s arms from yours, placing them over your pillows.
You stood there for some minutes, just staring at her, at her gift next to your bed. Were you being selfish?
You slowly walked towards your desk, picking the letters and placing them on top of it so everyone could see them easily, you also placed your phone on top of them. This was it.
You hated yourself for not waiting for Ellie to leave, for making her see it and be there, but you had waited enough already.
You walked quietly and slowly to the bed, placing Ellie’s letter besides her. Then you walked to the bathroom, locking yourself in it just in case anyone woke up and went to look for you.
You regretted not taking your phone with you, maybe some music would help.
You slowly remove your clothes. You hear the water run. There’s so thoughts on your head right now.
You don’t even realize but the cuts are already there, making the blood run all over the tub and covering your body with it. Your eyes close and the only sound echoing in your ears is your own breathing.
This is nothing like what you’ve done before, this is it.
“Dear loved Ellie. El, Els
I love you so much, don’t ever forget it, don’t ever doubt it. I’m always gonna be with you and I promise, I swear that we’ll meet again. Please read this first before you do anything else. I’m probably not in bed right now, I knew you would stay, don’t panic.
Ever since you know me I’ve been sad, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I told you how I remember mas past lives when we were younger, remember? and you just laughed at me, but I want you to believe it this time. And I want you to never forget me, I want you to meet me again, in another universe where I’m happy and we can get to live anything we didn’t lived here.
I waited just for you, I tried my best, I promised myself I would only try once, and if I failed then I would take it as a signal to say, but I can’t.
Your jokes, your laugh, your pretty face, the songs you played for me with your guitar, you made me stay and try so many times, but I gave up.
I can’t live lifte this forever, and it hurts me deeply to leave you, because you don’t deserve this and I don’t want to leave, but the pain I feel every day is bigger than what I want.
It’s not your fault, it’s no one’s fault actually.
You told me that whenever I could say things out loud I should write them, but never keep them just for myself, and so I’m doing it right now, hoping you, Dina, Jesse, my mom, my dad, my family, you all understand. I know you will.
I want you to find someone else to make happy, some one that’s worth your fucking amazing and pretty self, someone else that truly deserves your time and your jokes, and your songs on your guitar. Someone that stays with you forever.
I feel so ashamed, I just couldn’t say to anyone out loud how tired I felt, how badly I wanted to die. How my first and kiss though if the day was death, how exhausted I feel every day for no reason. I can’t tell you that the moment you leave I feel overwhelmed again, I feel weak and alone. I just can’t.
I also wanna thank you for being with me every time, for teaching me how to live, for not giving up on me and for being always with me.
I remember the first time we kissed, the first time we slept with each other, how shy you got after that and how much you wanted to tell me but couldn’t so I found out by reading your diary. How mad you got for me reading it but how much you thanked me once we did it. I remember every single one of our dates. I remember the first time you talked to me and I talked to you, the first time you slept and my house and the first time I slept at yours. I never forgot anything, I won’t ever forget.
I remember how you told me you wanted to go to college just so you could work and make us my dreamed house, with an art studio for both of us and a room to have many cats. How you told me that you didn’t want any kids but since you dated me you could only think of having a cute baby that looked just like me. How you got mad when I told you I wanted my last name to go first.
And I want you to live that with someone that’s really worth it.
I’m so sorry for making you stay with me for so long, for making you waist your best years of adolescence and childhood trying to cure me and my sadness. And I’m sorry I’m leaving you like this. But I know you’ll understand.
Words cannot express how much I adore you, how happy you made me, how much I’m in love with you.
Please forgive me.
I swear we’ll meet again, I swear I won’t leave you again, I swear I’ll stay.”
She woke up your parents, your dad unlocked the door. They couldn’t take it.
Now they didn’t understand. Why would you do this? Why didn’t you tell anyone? Did you ever asked for help and they didn’t notice?
Ellie was too broken to cry. She wanted to look at you but her eyes could only stay at your wrists. She could never forget.
Your parents were on their knees, unable to think, unable to move, just crying.
And so was Ellie. She couldn’t believe just a couple of hours ago she was cuddling with you and now you were gone. How did that even work? There could never exist something more terrifying that your parents sobs. Should she leave? Should she stay?
Should she even try anymore?
She felt so much anger, so much desperation and anxiety in her body. She was so shocked she couldn’t do anything else than stare.
You were gone, forever.
It’s been just a month since you died. She’s been unable to move from her bed, not wanting to eat, not wanting to sleep, feeling dead. She’s been reading your letter nonstop, over and over again, almost memorizing it already.
And your parents? Your family? They’re all broken, how could any of this even happen?
Your funeral was shocking for everyone. Everything had happened so fast, in less then a week, just right after your birthday.
Did you really had to do this?
Everyone felt so sick, for not knowing, for not saying a proper last goodbye to you, for not giving you a proper gift, for not taking enough pictures and videos of you, for not speaking to you enough that last day. For not noticing snd for not helping you.
And Ellie could only hope that she’ll meet you again as you always assured her. That all this pain will disappear eventually. That the love she feel for you would actually help her.
“Me and you were meant to be in love. I see the signs of a lifetime, you ‘til I die”
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midmourn · 5 months
in every universe
♡ nct dream ﹒ gender neutral!reader genre fluff, angst, slice of life, suggestive cw suggestive words, brief mention of skz seungmin note soulmate au with dream 😈 mark: name on wrist renjun: anything on your sm’s skin shows up on yours jeno: first words on wrist haechan: red string of fate jaemin: share dreams chenle: timer on wrist jisung: color blind until you meet your sm. ( library )
mark is such a generic, common name that when you first realized it, you thought you’d never find the right mark. so when mark first introduces himself to you, you hesitate, wondering if he’s the one— but no, it can’t be. mark is too handsome, too sweet, too funny to be fated with you. it doesn’t matter that you feel all warm and fuzzy when he smiles at you. you can still have crushes, you just shouldn’t act on them. this is probably the only time you’ll see mark, anyway. it’s only when you tell him your name, his eyes widen in disbelief and he repeats your name in a breathy tone, “i … that’s crazy, that’s the name on my wrist.” when you don’t say anything, staring at him with wide eyes, he stares back and blinks. “oh. holy shit—”
renjun is embarrassingly desperate to show your admirers that you’re his soulmate. so desperate that he writes RENJUN on his forehead. and when he gets a call from you only a few minutes later, he smiles to himself, looking up at his reflection in the mirror and answering the call. you don’t even let him speak, “oh you’re so lucky i didn’t leave the house without looking at myself in the mirror! wash it off, now.” renjun laughs, leaning back in his desk chair, “do you think those guys will back off now?” there’s a silence on the other line before you speak, the eye roll so evident in your tone, “you really wrote your name on me so they’d stop flirting with me?” he hears shuffling on your end before your voice is clear again, smugly telling him, “go look in the mirror.” his cheeks flush when he sees all of the hearts with your name in them. he knows you think this is a way of getting back to him, but he likes the idea of other people just being able to tell he’s yours and you’re his.
“you could crack an egg on your abs” were singlehandedly the most flattering yet embarrassing words to have on jeno’s wrist. so just imagine having it come out of your mouth and only realizing it a split second later, clamping your hand over your mouth. did you really just say that? your disbelief grows when jeno then says all too casually, “think you could get off on them, too?” your mouth drops open in shock, cheeks flushing red as he stares back at you, equally surprised at the words coming from his mouth. “i—” he goes to apologize when your shoulders start to shake from laughter, putting your hand over your mouth. “oh, you’re never going to live this down.” jeno slowly joins in with your laughter, eyes scrunching as he stares at you. yeah, he thinks he could live with that.
as haechan pulls the red string down lightly, it bounces back up, making him jump in shock. it’s tied to his pinky, and he follows it, dodging students as he tries to find where it leads to. or rather, who. he’s only ever heard of stories of soulmate marks being the red string of fate. as the string gets shorter, he hears familiar laughter and he smiles involuntarily, hope rising in him. if he could hear you, that meant you’d be close by … maybe it was you? he quickens his pace and his eyes raise when he gets towards the end of the string, following up the hand it belongs to. to his delight and also utter disappointment, the string was also tied to your pinky. the same pinky that was interlocked with kim seungmin’s. as you look up to make eye contact with him, your brows furrow at the look of complete heartbreak on his face. “haechan? what’s wrong?” your hand falls from seungmin’s as you stand up, but haechan takes a step back. your face falls. haechan winces at the look, mustering up the courage to force a smile and say, “nothing. i just remembered there’s a math test tomorrow.”
jaemin’s always eager to fall asleep, and there’s no question why on when everyone else realizes what his soulmate mark is. for as long as he could remember, you were always the center of his dreams. he didn’t know your name, or where you lived, but he knew everything else about you. but he wanted more— to be able to hold you in real life, show you off. but every time he tried telling you something about his personal life, he was rudely interrupted by waking up. “baby,” his hand stops right before he can caress your hair and you swallow roughly, eyes blinking rapidly as you look up. you’re surrounded by your childhood home, but he doesn’t know that. “i know we’ll meet one day, why would fate give us to each other but never have us be with one another?” you don’t tell him that you’re uncertain of that. it’s been years, and you have yet to come across each other in person. you have to try again, “… look, my name is—” you start to say the first syllable of your name, but then you blink and you’re awake, staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom. you promptly turn around and scream in your pillow. why does the universe hate you?
two minutes. this was the worst two minutes of your life. you had been waiting since you were eighteen for this moment, and time couldn’t get any slower. you wonder how you’ll meet your soulmate? maybe a cute meet like bumping into one another? he’ll think you’re cute and come up to you? as you’re aimlessly wandering the crowded mall, you fail to watch where you’re going and bump into another body. your heart stops, realizing as you look up, and there in front of you, holding your arm so you don’t stumble back into someone else, is your soulmate. you hear the beep of the timer, meaning it’s at zero. you blink, “um. hi.” he stifles a chuckle, “hey, i’m chenle.” his friend, beside him, looks between the two of you before at something in the distance, “huh, isn’t this awkward? you were going to talk to that one girl by the panda express—” your soulmate quickly elbows his friend in the ribs sharply, still smiling at you and saying through gritted teeth, “shut up.” he then says to you and your amused raised eyebrows, “you were being blocked by other people, i didn’t get to see you until now.” you tilt your head, heading around him, knowing he’d follow, “uh-huh, right.” “no, seriously! i—”
all you saw was in black and white. from your birth til the moment you met your soulmate, you couldn’t see colors. maybe you got lucky and met them young, or maybe you weren’t and didn’t meet them until your 40s. it also meant that your technical only worth was to be with your soulmate. you only existed because of your soulmate, and vice versa. it left you bitter once you thought into it, which was often due to your parents, supposed soulmates, divorced when you were thirteen. soulmates were so dumb. you had more worth than that. ultimately, you had long lost the enthusiasm and excitement for meeting your soulmate. as your hand went to pick up your coffee sitting on the counter, another hand tried to at the same time. you looked up, making eye contact with a boy with brown eyes and blonde hair— and, what? blonde … you blink, colors expanding right before your eyes. so many new colors were right in front of you, you looked down— you were wearing light color jeans with a red shirt and white shoes, just like the tags said you were. you look back up at the boy who is still staring at you, but you chalk it up to him seeing the same thing you are. “you’ve gotta be kidding me,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth, not even meaning to. the boy’s brows furrow, “what?” you shake your head, looking down at the coffee in his hands, the name written on it saying jisung, “nice blonde hair.” one of his hands fly up to his hair, smiling slightly, “oh, you can see colors? that’s so cool! i haven’t met my soulmate yet—” what? your stomach drops heavily, a terrible, heavy feeling of dread creeping in, “but i’m excited to finally see colors … i bet they’re amazing.” your mouth is dry, eyes a bit teary and confused. why are you being emotional? you don’t even care, right? you clear your throat, “yeah, right.”
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undercover-smutlover · 9 months
Captain John Price...🏷️
main masterlist📌
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*·˚Don’t forget to reblog, follow, like, and comment on the authors’ or artists’ pages. Show them some love!
*·˚Broken link or @? Pop a note in the comments or my ask box.
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Works by @miniwheat77
Sweet: Price is harsh on y/n until a mission goes sideways
Sensitive: The only person reader can confide in is her captain
Maneater + Gaz: Reader is a mechanic on base who takes a break with the boys
Give ’em hell Pt.1: Reader and Price are exposed to a weird chemical
Give ’em hell Pt.2: Repercussions of the weird chemical
Red Lipstick: Reader and Price keep one another company
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Works by @captainfern
Lake Of Fire: Price isn’t happy about working with another team
Heart-Shaped Box Pt.1: You help Price feel better
Serve the Servants P.2 + Ghost: The aftermath involving Ghost
Breed: You and Price meet up off base
Marigold Pt.1: Price asks you to meet him upstairs
Marigold Pt.2: Crying becaouse you missed him
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Works by @halcyone-of-the-sea
Songs That Sound Like Sea-Foam: Fisherman Price meets an unexpected person
Our Remains: You are hiding something big from John
Lions and Ibexes: Your voice cuts through and John’s shoulders sag under a non-existent weight.
See No Evil Pt.1 and Origami Boats Pt.2: But you’d been hurt because he had been too late. Nearly bled out. 
I’ll Take the Night Shift: It doesn’t matter what I feel…Where is my John?
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Works by @xyziiix
ARDOUR: He could already hear the pleading edge in your voice
Three Is A Crowd: Well your Captain always liked proving you wrong
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Works by @the-californicationist
He Opens the Mail and Part 2: It was hard to concentrate when he was nearby.
Wonderland: He chuckled, and you enjoyed seeing his eyes shine with his laughter
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Price Eating You Out by @catsnkooks: Too blissed out to notice a guest
Civillian Reader Is Hurt by @lvlyghost: She believed he would save her. And that was enough
Jealous by @stormiwaves: “I like it when you’re jealous”
Angel of Small Death Pt.1 by @whynot-tryit: Price hires a team medic
Not Meant to Be Here, But Glad You Are by @paranoid-borderline-insane: You need to remember all the tips John gave you to survive
Breaking and Entering Pt.1 and Reprieve Pt.2 by @sprout-fics: No place safer in the world than with him
Doll by @blingblong55: It started as innocent stares
No Hero, Just Me by @firsttimewriter92: Price rescues reader from an abduction
Duty Over Heart by @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world: Your lives were forever changed afterwards
Million Dollar Man by @qilinxingg: John gave a satisfied smile as his arms tightened around your small body
Price’s Young Housewife by @moongreenlight: Weekly manicures and pedicures that he’s put his card on file for
My Girls by @bearieio: happy just being able to share moments with your 3 favorite people
Hell on Earth by @ghostlywhiskey: His demeanor and lack of response to your attitude caught you off guard
Designer Dress by @halfmoth-halfman: You can’t think of a better place to start your new life
I Think I Might’ve Inhaled You by @agentmarvel: It eats at him daily, knowing his own indecisiveness is the root of anguish for both of you
Nobody Does It Like You Do by @bunnyreaper: In his embrace, firm and reassuring, you might actually believe him
Spread Your Wings by @crashandlivewrites: “Besides, I find my scene partner enjoys it more when there’s a lot more sensual physical contact involved.”
Mafia!Price x Assistant!Reader by @charliemwrites: In general, you’re like a breath of fresh air. A smiley little charm of colour and delicacy in his world
A Warm Heart by @flowermiist: That clicks in John’s head, it really was you and he was almost amused to say the least.
Soulmate AU Part 1 by @shotmrmiller: your vision distorts with the tears that threaten to spill and bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
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lyomeii · 1 year
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-> warnings: yandere theme, manipulation, obsession, kidnapping and much more.
-> request by anon! Hello! I really like your theme and writing style and those little a/n notes makes me laugh sometimes! Can you do Dylan Sean blade Yandere Headcanons? (I tamed a tyrant and ran away)
-> a/n: got excited to do this one but a little short since it’s been a while since I read the manhwa, so I’ve to catch up. and don’t worry i am going to write for anastacius soon. and request still open btw.
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-> honestly Dylan never expected to be obsessed fall in love with you, you were the heir of a baron and an obligation noble unlike many he already met. Maybe that’s why he got interest in you in the first place, you weren’t like the others, always finding the best on people and gentle to those who need.
-> talking with you is so relaxing, specially when he brought you to met his mother and his mentor. you were so happy to meet them and spend time knowing more of the two women. dylan won’t lie, as much he adores seeing you smile, he isn’t happy that he ain’t the one making you feel happy.
-> so dylan decides to bring you to live with him at his palace. your father couldn’t help, but accept his request, your old man is only a baron and dylan is a prince, so you left your home with a farewell and won’t seeing them for a while.
-> the new life with dylan is unique if you say. spending most of the time inside his palace, the gardens or with his mother. Mostly of it is good, you enjoy it and the palace is way bigger than your originally place, yet you feel something is out the place.
-> guards were always escorting you when dylan wasn’t around you, maids whispering to each others about your actions during the day and of course, you can’t leave the palace grounds, not with the many assassins that Dylan’s half siblings send to kill you, but you don’t know the last part until an incident happen.
-> during what you called a normal day, you went to the garden to collect flowers and gift it to dylan, however an assassin show up and almost killed you that day. thankfully, the many guards hiding in the shadows appeared and saved you from the shadowy figure then took you back to your bedroom.
-> dylan wasn’t happy about it. knowing that his siblings were stupid enough to send a threat to you, they will suffer when he become the next leader of his people. his mentor, lady charlize, use it as an inspiration to him to become better and stronger in he future, he has to protect you in any way and from anyone who dares to lay a finger on you.
-> and that’s what happened. when dylan took over the throne, killed his relatives and lost his mother, he made sure anyone would ever try to hurt you again. he made you his significant other, his soulmate and the only person who has the same power as him as you are now the emperor/empress/leader of the empire with him.
-> but the title only serve in the paper since he doesn’t allow you to work in the papers, show up alone in party or galas nor walk alone in the capital, you basically let you roam palace, all of them if you wish, but you won’t be able to walk away from the royal grounds by yourself, no matter you wish or beg him.
-> he hates when you cry for not letting you go out by yourself or when you ask them to visit your family. dylan wants to see you smile, but he can’t let you leave him in any occasion. maybe one day, he would let you go by yourself, but for now, you only leave if he is around.
-> then he asks you to stay in his office whatever he has to work, you don’t need to say anything or talk with him. dylan only needs to know that you are safe with him, at the same room as him. often, he will glance at you whatever when you are pay attention and gets a little red, knowing that now you are his and you won’t be able to escape him anytime soon.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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okkotsui · 1 year
miya osamu ⇄ fieriness.
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synopsis : rich bf!osamu that understands your situations, creating an emotional bond because that is what you always do and one of them is finding out what you are feeling.
tags / warnings : gender–neutral!reader, fluff, a bit of a jealous reader, just literally full of emotional developments with each other.
author’s notes : miya osamu’s love language is all of them, no one can tell me otherwise (there is no favoritism here /s)
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osamu always reminds himself to check up on you when he gets home from work or when he is accomplished working at his shop when the day ends whenever you assist him at the store.
it’s not that you are emotionally available, you can’t just identify what you are feeling and are sometimes overwhelmed on any occasion when something happens.
when the two of you got together, he seems the one who doesn’t show emotions but— you thought very wrong, it was the way around. well, you can feel and show emotions but you just cannot comprehend them and osamu, the service dom that he is, helped you at his inordinately best.
it was his goal, to heal your inner child as he knew that you’ve been overlooked as a child, he wants to help you to be whole, with him until you two got married in the future.
it was just another at the shop, it was packed with people until closing time but you couldn’t help but notice— this is not the first time and would be the last time that some customers started to be touchy with him and then attempted to flirt with him that just makes your blood boil and stomach churn.
osamu notices it, without a doubt— like the usual observant man that he is. he know’s what’s up, from your silent treatment to short replies to your conversation, it was obvious just from your body language.
just after the closing, he called you to his office where he was arranging his papers which you obliged to sit down. he looked at you with a softened gaze every time he was questioning how you were feeling.
“baby, what are you feeling?” he started, he sat in front of you, holding your hand softly as you sighed, shrugging your shoulders whilst pouting at him.
“i don’t know, ‘samu. i’m having mixed feelings but i know that i’m jealous...” you whispered the latter and of course, he was right.
“i know baby, saw it earlier, you can‘t hide that from me.” he chuckled, kissing your forehead as he caressed your cheeks tenderly.
“am i too obvious?” you asked, your eyes already weary from helping him around as he hummed, nodding.
“you know that i won’t replace you, ever. there would be no next girlfriend of mine.” you pouted, a little bit convinced by his words.
truth to be told, osamu truly believes that you are his soulmate, the one who will grow old with him, spoil you to death and be together in the afterlife, he was down bad for you the first time he was interested in you.
“don’t look at me like that, baby. you already know how much love i’ve given you ever since, right? it won’t change— ever.”
your brightening eyes and lashes fluttered at desperation from his voice to affirm you as if it is a medicine that is healing your heart purely from everything. he looked at you adoringly as if you were his most precious gem— capturing it with his whole heart. no matter what you say or look, the love in his eyes won’t go away, you will always look beautiful to him.
sad to say, he was wrapped around your finger— so tight that he refused to let go.
he is not that great with words as he believed that they should be shown with actions, not just with words and he did not miss anything when it comes to that.
“i’m sorry if you felt that way, i also hate it when they disrespect our boundaries, i’ll stop them and let them know they’re disdaining our relationship, i hate it.” he sighed, shaking his head to avoid the negative aura around you two.
“it’s not your fault, it’s okay, you don’t have to say or do anything, it’s that customer’s fault” you replied, holding his hand as he indulged it, feeling your hands once him.
“we cannot control the people and things around us, ‘samu, it’s okay.” you gave him a tired sweet smile his heart just beating with glee.
“‘kay baby, let’s go home then?” without any words, he carried you out of nowhere, making you squeal from the sudden action as you just wrapped your arms around his neck to support yourself along with him carrying you bridal style.
he placed you down on the passenger seat of his car gently, setting the seat belt to keep you safe as he quickly talked to his staff about fixing everything from the kitchen.
“do you want anything?” he asked and started driving home to your shared penthouse.
you just shook your head, nearly dozing off with the neck pillow he had given you before he drove on the way home.
“want to sleep and cuddle,” you mumbled which he quickly gave attention to that just made him grin at you.
“okay, we’ll cuddle soon, just sleep there until we arrived.” he was supposed to ask what you wanted— food or things at the moment like your routines when you helped him at his shop, just like a little reward but you are sleepy so he won’t both anymore more to complete your sleep.
and he did what he told you, you both cuddled until the morning just like you wanted. that is just one way to fill your heart with happiness and miya osamu is always there to help you in his way, until the end of the day. every time he does that, your body and heart set out on fire from his love that keeps you warm all the time.
did i also mention that every now and then that a customer would hit him up or flirt with him would just receive a cold stare and announce that he has a significant other? no? now you know.
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Hello and congrats to 1K. Requesting for a Tom Grant prompt from List 1 - "Touching Foreheads" "Intertwining fingers when making love" "saying i love yous in between kisses" Thank you!! 💕💕
regan's 1k followers celebration
ugh this was the PERFECT tom request! thank you for your support anon!!! hope you enjoy :)
pairing: tom grant x fem!reader
prompts: touching foreheads, intertwining fingers when making love, saying i love yous between kisses
rating: 18+ mdni
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In his heart, Tom knows that you love him. He knows that the two of you really are it – you’re truly soulmates. And though you haven’t made anything official, you’re both planning on spending the rest of your lives together.
But every once in a while the doubts creep in.
You can’t blame him at all, you get self-conscious about things too. And you know the heartbreak that came from his last relationship fucked him up in ways he probably doesn’t even realize. He can’t help but worry that one day you’re gonna disappear too, leave him with his heart in two once more.
Tonight is one of those nights.
You can sense it coming on. Tom’s quieter, and he is practically glued to you. You can tell he’s not really watching the movie, his mind someplace else entirely.
When you ask him if he’s ready to head to bed, he responds with a quiet nod and refuses to let go of your hand as you pad towards the bedroom.
Once under the covers you shower him in kisses, all over his face, his neck, his chest. His hands roam your body, touching you everywhere he possibly can, pulling you as close as you possibly can be. You murmur praise against his skin as you undress him, telling him how beautiful he is, how you can’t believe he’s yours. He keens into your touches, and he practically whimpers at your words.
He rolls on top of you and reaches between you to guide himself into your core. You let out twin moans as he bottoms out – he always feels so perfect inside of you.
But then you realize he’s stopped.
You open your eyes, not sure when they even closed, and find Tom’s big, brown eyes staring at you, rimmed with tears.
“Baby, what’s –”
“You’d tell me, right?” he says, his voice shaky. His eyes fall, almost as if he’s afraid to look at you. “You’d tell me if you didn’t love me anymore.”
Your heart breaks at his words. This wonderful, beautiful man deserves the world and yet he’s so afraid it’ll be taken away from him.
“Baby,” you practically cry out, taking his face in your hands and bringing it closer. You press your forehead to his.
“I will never, ever, ever stop loving you,” you tell him, your own voice beginning to waver. “You’re it for me. I’m never going anywhere.”
You feel him nod against you. You know he already knows it’s true, but sometimes he just needs to hear it to believe it.
Tom’s hands find yours, intertwining your fingers and pressing them to the bed. He begins to move, his hips thrusting lazily but deep. You know when he gets like this all he wants is to be as deep as he possibly can.
“I love you,” he says before capturing your lips with his. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you,” you respond, kissing him hard, wanting to show him just how much you love him through your kiss.
The two of you continue to trade kisses and “I love yous” while his hips buck against yours. Eventually you wiggle a hand between your bodies, and with a few swipes against your clit, a wave of pleasure flows through your body. Tom’s not far behind you, giving a few more sloppy thrusts before finishing inside you with a groan.
He cuddles against your chest, staying inside of you as you caress his back.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers against your skin. “I just –”
“You don’t need to apologize, baby,” you assure him, planting a kiss to his hair. “I’ll never tire of telling you how much you mean to me. No matter how many times you need to hear it, I’ll tell you.”
You feel him smile and sigh against your chest, and you continue to run your fingers along his skin until he drifts asleep in your arms.
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cinnamonest · 2 years
Eventually I'll make another full hybrid post for multiple boys, but right now I specifically want to focus on the (actually kinda wholesome) idea I had for Tighnari... I rewatched one of the videos I watched for the profile and seeing them run around chasing each other is so adorable and I realized Tighnari deserves his soulmate Fennec Foxgirl
It feels... perhaps ironic isn't the best word, he thinks. Surreal? No, that's too strong of a term. Likewise, 'humorous' is too weak to the describe the bizarre emotion this interaction brings him.
 Just... Odd. A weird, uncanny feeling.
 He stoops down further, crouching on his feet, tilting his head to get a better look at you. This is not what he expected to find when he set a cage trap. He would have figured it was just a normal animal eating his research plants and the communal trash away, but here you are. You're crouched in the back of the metallic crate, stiff and snarling. It feels so strange to look at you.
 You are, all in all, the same creature. You just so happened to be a lineage that went down the path of separation from humanity and chose to be feral instead, it seems.
 ...is this what he would have been like, if his lineage had done the same? He can't help but wonder. You growl and snarl and snap your jaws at his fingers when he reaches out to try and pet you through the bars. So lowly and animalistic, lacking in human intellect. You feel worlds apart to him, as if there's no way you are the same, and yet he knows you are. Is it really possible that mere upbringing is truly the only thing that separates you from him? Could he just as easily have turned out to be this creature, naked and unspeaking, rummaging about through trash and gardens like a common pest?
 Your ears, although a sandy golden color, mimic his own, comically large and twitching atop your head. Your tail swishes behind you. You snarl and show your pointed teeth. You really do share all the same traits.
 ...But you look so afraid. He now sees how badly you tremble, despite putting on a ferocious act to try and scare him away. After a moment, you seem to drop the facade of toughness as you start to curl in on yourself, eyes watering, whimpering and quivering.
 Not only are you sickly-looking, you're far from home, too. You should be in the desert, but you ended up here... you must have gotten lost and ended up in an unfamiliar place, how unfortunate. And it seems you can't hunt anything here either, hence the need to steal food (primarily garbage from the bins, and from his own property mostly medicinal herbs at that, you wouldn't eat that unless you were really desperate). 
Either way, he can't just release you into the forest, you'd most likely die out there, even if you didn't come back to disturb the research. Sigh... no choice but to take you in, at least until someone makes a trip to the deserts and can take you along then. Of course, it does strike him that this also makes an interesting source of observation, and he is admittedly curious to know more about you. But primarily, he can't just let you die.
 It poses issues, though. First there's the matter of getting you to calm down and not attack. Once he first lets you out of the cage, you try to run away, and you have the audacity to bite him when he tries to grab you by the arm and hold you still. He still has a scar to this day where your teeth nicked his shoulder.
Eventually, the only way he could get you to calm yourself was throwing you back in the cage and forcing you to inhale some sedatives, keep you limp and loopy for a couple of days while feeding you and petting you to get you used to his presence. By the time you can be brought off of it, you're grumpy about the matter, but it seems that giving you food is a very quick fix to any bad moods you may have. More importantly, you don't try to bite him anymore, or even flinch at his touch. In fact, he learns you seem to appreciate some head pats, as well as ear rubs (of course, he knows how to give the best ear rubs and scratches, seeing as his are just like your own).
 You're fairly compliant now, too, which is nice, it's not some huge struggle to tame you. You have now registered him in your mind as "the guy who feeds me and makes my wounds feel better," which means that you are very receptive to his touch and presence, and as soon as he goes back to his daily routine, you follow him around without him even needing to drag you along. You're always right there by his side... especially as you're still a bit afraid of others. Each day you follow him from place to place, entertaining yourself with... whatever it is you do, usually napping at his feet or chasing bugs around on the ground... well, you occupy yourself with that while he has important conversations and does his work.
Unfortunately, though, he can't risk taking you with him for patrols, even though he feels bad about leaving you there. He spends less and less time doing so, and tries to come back sooner, assigns other people to his usual roles unless it’s a genuine danger that needs to be dealt with. People are a bit surprised he would transfer that job to others, but it’s not as if he’s lazy, he just has something else to take care of... besides, they’re very grateful for it, because whenever he leaves he has to lock you in your crate, and you (how on earth it doesn’t bother your own ears, no one knows) decide to express your discomfort by screaming out that little high-pitched cry of yours over and over until he returns (to complaints of headaches, irritated glares, and being begged to never ever leave them alone with you again). He tries to make it better for you by making the crate softer, more padding, leaves in those dog toys he got someone to purchase from the city that you seem to like, but you have no interest in them when he’s gone, so the only way to pacify you is to be there.
Speaking of the cage, the first night after letting you out of it, he tried to put you back in so you could sleep... but you fought tooth and nail, yowling and whimpering and biting again dammit -- anyway, eventually he let you follow him to his own lodging, pulled out a cot for you to sleep on, lifted you up and sat you down on it. You spent about ten minutes there before he's pulled out of half-sleep by the sound of your feet on the floor as you shuffle your way over and promptly wriggle your way under his blankets and curl up beside of him. Of course, he stiffens at first, shifts backwards and stammers to say something, but... the way you open your eyes and look at him all hurt, let out a whimper, confused why he's trying to move away...
 Well... he can't just hurt your feelings like that... so, although his face feels hot and he's fidgeting awkwardly, he still moves back towards you. Fine... just this one night. You'll be comfortable with sleeping on your own soon enough, and no one will have to know about this.
 Much like him, you sort of pull your knees up, wrap your tail around yourself as is instinctive... your bodies sort of fit together, like how puzzle pieces align perfectly. Your tails overlap, your legs intertwine, your head presses against his chest. He just has to deal with the occasional ear twitching in his face.
 One night turns into the next... and the next... on the third night, he tries to set you down on the cot again, but as soon as he sets you down, you swing your legs over the side, stand up, and sure enough, make your way over to what you seem to now consider your shared bed. He can't communicate to you to try and get you to understand, but... well, that's fine... it's not a big deal, he tells himself.
 What's more important is that you aren't well-adjusted to human living, of course. For starters, getting you to wear clothing was a battle in and of itself, you hated it at first, tore the first shirt he gave you to shreds while trying to pull it off. He ended up having to go the route of conditioning -- giving you small morsels of treats for not tearing clothes off, and denying them when you did, until you got the message and now can consistently wear a single layer of oversized shirt that comes down to your knees. Anything more than that, though, and you start fighting it again. Additionally, you're okay with him and his presence, but you have to be slowly acclimated to other people, seeing as you growl at them... he had to grab you to stop you from biting yet another person several times. What is it with you and wanting to bite? Sigh...
 Those ears end up presenting a challenge too. Over the years, he's reached a point where he's learned to handle it well and even knows how to mentally tune out some noises, just try to ignore it, but you're not used to the usual level of noise in the area at all, and even more sensitive than he is. Early on, whenever there's a lot of activity going on in the village, you start to whimper and whine and grab at your ears, pulling them down to block the sounds. At least he learns to tell when you're uncomfortable, and takes you over to a quiet room whenever you're distressed and waits it out with you.
 Other people take notice of your interactions too, of course. They snicker and make offhanded comments about how funny it is to watch the two of you go around everywhere together, how you look alike in some ways but are so different in others. They tease him about how he takes you with him everywhere, make him all flustered and red in the face when they comment about how sweet it is for him to care for you, and how attached you are to him. He just says it’s his responsibility.
 But internally, he wonders if you, too, realize the similarity between you two. Do you understand that he's different from the other humans? What about yourself? And more importantly, do you understand that you two are the same? Do you see yourself as different from both him and the others and merely associate him as the same as the other humans, or do you recognize that the two of you are different from everyone else in the same way? He has no way of asking you, so he has to gauge by your actions.
 You do seem to take notice of his features, even if he doesn't know if you've realized they're the same features as yours. Once, as you sit next to him while he works, you tilt your head in curiosity, eyes widening when your attention is captivating by his twitching ears. You reach a hand up to paw and swat at them. And on multiple occasions, you've tried to pounce on and wrangle his tail. Much to his irritation, that is. He's still embarrassed about how the first time you did so, he was mid-conversation with someone else, and yelped rather loudly at the sudden surprise, turning in circles in an attempt to grab you and detach your grip while the onlookers tried to hold back laughter.
 So you do seem to recognize specific features, but do you possess the cognitive capacity to realize you're the same sort of creature? That is the question... but there's no way to know for sure.
 He finally seems to get somewhat of an answer on one day like any other, just the normal routine of walking from one small building to the next, carrying out some daily tasks. And all of a sudden, for no discernable reason, you bolt. You turn on your heel and take off in the opposite direction, feet pattering the ground as you go.
 At first, it sparks immediate concern as he goes running after you, calling out for you to stop, even though he knows you don't understand the words themselves. But you keep running. Every few seconds you dart in a different direction, drawing him out and away from the cluster of dwellings among the trees and out into the wilderness itself, the otherwise quiet and empty forest. After a few more minutes, you disappear behind a tree. He stops, panting, goes to walk up to you, but you then take off and get behind another. It repeats again and again.
 He's starting to feel frustrated, but he sees you poke your head out from behind the tree... and can now see that you're smiling at him. Your eyes are wide and you're breathing heavily with excitement. He turns towards you, but you take off again, and he chases you from tree to tree until you slip behind the cover of one of the larger ones again, poking your head out to look at him again, tail visibly swishing in delight behind you. You make a high-pitched little sound, like a squeal. He starts to feel warm.
 You're trying to... initiate...
It's an... appreciated gesture, but he can't allow himself to engage in such behavior. He would never do something so undignified as to indulge in animal desires, run all around in the woods and chase after you. What if someone sees? No, he can't.
 No, no. He corrects himself in his head. It's not about the chasing part, not about appearing undignified, it's about what comes after that... it would be wrong to... do that, wouldn't it? You're not at the same coginitive level. You're just following your instincts, but he can't take advantage of that. It's his responsibility to abstain and control himself. Right?
 Even if it sounds really really really nice. Even if he feels his heart start to beat faster.
 But as you take off again, his resistance snaps. It becomes too tempting to resist.
 He trails right behind you, matching your pace, frustration gone, replaced with an unmistakable excitement. There's no one out here. No one will see. So that makes it okay, the first part at least. No harm being done by playing like this. It feels exciting in a primal, innate sort of way, like his body moves on its own. Letting go of all inhibition.
 When he finally catches up to you, leaping on you and tackling you to the ground, you make that same squealing sound. It makes a shudder run down his spine, but after a moment he shoves himself up off the ground and takes off as well, listening to you squeal and run after him as well. After a few minutes, you leap and land on his back, just enough to topple him over too, falling into the grass, wrestling around and rolling over a few times until you're looking down at him, propped up on your hands. You whine as you lay yourself down and nuzzle your head against his neck.
 It's so warm. It's overwhelming. It's too much. You really smell nice. It's as if it intoxicates his brain to inhale. He finds himself laying staring up at the sky, heaving heavy breaths, every nerve in his body tingling, heart pumping hard and fast. You have his thigh locked between your legs, you whimper as you grind against it and he feels like his soul might leave his body just hearing and seeing you do it.
 Is this really okay? It feels wrong, somehow. The last little bit of reason and sense prods the back of his mind. No, this has to be wrong. You can't realistically consent to it, can you?
 And with the way your brains work, then if you do, then... for the rest of your lives... forever...?
 But... But you're the same sort of thing, so it's okay, right? It's nature. You need one of your own kind. You're supposed to couple together like this. You're supposed to be together for your entire lives and never want anything else. Besides, isn't that better? After all, you're simply compatible. If it were a human, they might be bothered by him and his habits and nature, they might even leave him one day, and that would destroy him psychologically in a way humans could never understand.
This way he can have someone who will be okay with the things that would bother a person -- you'll want to stay inside all throughout mating season, you'll be just as needy as him, your body will be compatible for a knot and lots of kits, you both like the same quiet environments, he doesn't have to feel embarrassed about the ways of expressing affection that come naturally to him. You won't mind if he's overbearing, you'll want to be in his presence every waking moment just like he does yours. It would be perfect.
 And you -- he can protect you. His mind flashes back to how he first found you, how you were emaciated and injured and afraid. He can make sure you're always happy and safe and never get hurt or go hungry ever again. Isn't that what's best for you, then? Is it really taking advantage of you when you're whining and grinding like this, when you're so desperate?
 He says it to himself in his head, that if the others could see me right now, doing something so unseemly... well, he can't bring himself to care what they'd think for very long. His brain is too clouded.
 Thus, he ends up giving in.
 No one will see you two as he ruts into you, still laying sideways in the grass. He still has just enough awareness left to use his hand to cover your mouth, seeing as you have no concept of volume control and cry out so loudly they may just hear all the way on the other side of the forest. No one will know, at least not for now. Maybe they'll figure it out... but he can't bring himself to care in the moment. Even if they think badly of him, well, he can just deal with that when the time comes.
 And surprisingly, even when it's over, even as the knot swells down and he slips out of you, turns you around and holds you close, he doesn't find himself feeling any regret. Maybe a bit of worry about the future and concerns about how things will work now, and perhaps maybe a bit of guilt, but... you're so warm, you fall asleep pressed up against him like that. It makes it all feel worth it.
 A quick glance around confirms that, thankfully, there is no one around -- it briefly crossed his mind that he might look up and see someone standing there watching shocked and stunned, which would be horrific, but thankfully there isn't. He knows he needs to get you back home before people notice and come looking, though, seeing as this is an area not usually patrolled and he has no real reason to be here. It's better no one knows for now. Or so he decides as he sits straight up, shakes you awake and lets you sleepily crawl up onto his back, hooking your legs through and over his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck.
 Yes... better not tell anyone or anything... try and keep it a secret. He's still not sure what people will think of him for this. But right now, he's still riding the chemical high too much to be too concerned, he feels lightheaded and warm in the best possible way. Those concerns fade away as he makes his way back. All he can think of right now is how he can't wait for winter to come around.
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anincompletelist · 5 months
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2023 writing roundup :D
hi all! thank you to @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @rockyroadkylers @songliili @littlemisskittentoes for the tags on this! I loved getting to go back through all of the works you guys have shared with us this year (and hearing about some of your upcoming projects as well!)
I realized that I did do a year in review post, but that was mostly stats, so I figured I'd participate in this one as well since it'd be nice to have all of my fics linked in one place for organizational purposes!
thank you guys for everything this year, I can't wait for all that's coming in the next one! <3
sarah / anincompletelist xx
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Sure As The Stars in the Sky | E | 20k
It shouldn't matter that Alex has been present for each and every one of Henry's most important life milestones, sometimes the singular catalyst for them. It shouldn't be important that he's grown to be more familiar to Henry than even some of his own family members, that part of him is burrowed so deeply into Henry's subconscious that he can taste it sometimes, that even when Alex crashes in, spirited and passionate, it feels like an easy exhale; like coming home. It shouldn't matter, but it does.
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praying our bridges don't make waves | E | 82k
When June gets sick, Alex knows he'll do whatever it takes to make sure she gets the care that she needs. Even if that means convincing his nemesis/sexuality-crisis-inducing/clandestine hook-up partner/somewhat of an actual friend to pretend to be his soulmate in order to pull it off. It's both more and less complicated than it sounds.
kiss me like you've got nowhere to be | M | 3k
In the three years they’ve lived together, he thinks it’s safe to say that he and Alex have gotten… close. The kind of close that other people like to point out sometimes when they’re in public, and not just their overinvolved older sisters and overly suggestive friends. A few of Alex’s colleagues have made comments when Henry shows up at the holiday parties or after a stressful work day to make sure Alex is eating and staying hydrated, just the same as Henry’s clients each know little bits of odd Alex-facts that he lets slip sometimes in his sessions. Regardless, it’s all terribly domestic, and the twinge of satisfaction Henry gets when Alex’s dates don’t go well is most definitely not appropriate, even if they are kind of in a weird, probably mostly platonic, very codependent relationship. If he’s not careful, Henry’s going to get himself so, so hurt one of these days.
I feel the beating of your heart, I see the shadows on your face | M | 18k
It’s certainly not what Alex would have predicted a few days prior. If someone had told him he’d be tenderly embracing his self-imposed enemy after switching bodies with him for seventy-two hours and embarking on an unintentional journey of self discovery and then finally finding their way back to each other to ask for a True Love’s Kiss that may or may not break the curse that flipped their lives upside down - Well, Alex would have told them to fuck off.
but I can count on you to tell me the truth when (I've) been drinking and you're wearing a mask | M | 8k
The room goes quiet again, Alex too focused on the sound of his own breathing. He’s already started, he figures, and the person still hasn’t left. But this next bit is a little more personal, and Alex isn’t positive what the parameters are for one-sidedly conversing with a masked stranger about your best kept secrets at a halloween party when you’re so drunk that the floor is beginning to look like it may open up and swallow you whole. Isn’t sure if that might be better anyway.
who ya gonna call? | M | 7k
Henry is a ghostwriter. Alex is a little confused on what exactly that means.
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I'll bet it all on me and you, I'll bet it all you're bulletproof | M | 11k
“Let’s do this,” he says. “Let’s,” Alex agrees, pushing down on the handle until the door swings open. “After you, boyfriend.” This is most definitely not his finest idea. Henry usually practices much better self preservation skills. Much better common senseskills. He steps over the threshold of Alex’s room and it feels like sealing his fate. They’re doing this for Alex to win over their bosses in a lighthearted game with a harmless lie, but Henry can’t fight off the bitter knowledge that, regardless of how tonight goes, Alex will be fine, but Henry has so much to lose.
(+ listen to the podfic here!)
but if you could see us from a distance you'd know I've always been so close to you | E | 10k
Objectively, standing half-soaked from rainwater with a stitch in his side and an uncomfortable, raging hard-on outside his worst enemy’s door is not Henry’s finest moment. It’s not even on the list. [or, henry is afflicted with a curse-gone-wrong that stipulates that only his sworn enemy, alex claremont-diaz, can touch him.]
you make it look so easy, I know it's not | T+ | 8k
Bea’s to his left, speaking frantically on the phone with who Henry hopes is the fire brigade or someone else trained to deal with these— situations. In front of him, Pez is fumbling frustratedly with the water hose, showcasing his colorful vocabulary with a flourish of jerky hand movements and chaotic pacing. On either side of the fence, his neighbors are peaking over the sides to ask if everything’s okay, and Henry feels the resolution to make a good first impression crumbling and slipping rapidly out of his grasp. Even David watches on from inside the house, his sage eyes and patriotic bowtie appraising the scene and looking back to Henry as if to say I told you so. And the fryer — the fryer itself is up in flames, thick gray smoke swirling up into the air and soaring high above the tree line now. In the distance, the echo of sirens. Henry may faint right here, in the middle of his backyard at his new home before he's even unpacked, with all the neighbors and his family and friends watching on, on his first official American Thanksgiving. It is, by all means, not what he’d envisioned for the day.
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somehow I'd get by (part one) | E | 13k
Henry should have known, probably, that accepting a job offer from Pez would have its nuances. It’s his own fault that he hadn’t asked more questions, that he hadn’t regarded it as a red flag when he’d had to sign several very thick NDA’s at the onboarding, when Pez had smiled so big and so secretively when they went out to celebrate afterward that Henry had to physically look away from it. Though he’s new to the city, he’d thought that working as an accountant wouldn’t offer all that many opportunities for any sort of overly odd, eclectic jobs. So he’d shown up on his first day at the provided address, a big, nondescript brick building in front of him with a duffel bag full of his sign-on papers, his computer, and a framed photo of his dog, David, ready to take up its rightful place on yet another boring, blank desk. He’d made it all of two steps inside the door before realizing that he’d just accepted a contract working for some kind of sex club. He’d stood his ground despite the burning flush that bloomed on his cheeks and then, miraculously, he’d stayed.
take my hand if you can take me as I am | E | 14k
It would hurt less, Alex guesses, if he wasn’t head over heels for the guy he’s supposed to be fucking through an ancient one-sided sex curse with that was partially — a lot, actually — his own fault. But. It’s not like there’s a fucking handbook. Alex has looked. 
if you take a life, do you know what you'll give? | M | 9k
It would have been one thing had Alexander’s job description been simply to stay in his hotel room and operate the funds covertly, an exceedingly safe distance away from Henry and any of Le Chiffre’s men. As it is, they’d instructed Alex to play the part of Henry’s date for the night, subsequently granting him the access he’d need to the private cardroom within the casino in order to report back to headquarters the funds needed in the precise moment Henry would need them. It's too dangerous, and he knows it. Henry's had a lot of blood on his hands in this life, but he refuses to have Alex's as well.
miles to go, but we're almost home | M | 5k
Texas is a bit of a last minute decision. As in, at the actual last minute, Henry had begged them at the station for whatever ticket they had left to get out of the city, shoved his credit card at them expeditiously, and promptly boarded the vessel just as the doors slid closed behind him. Turns out it’s the best decision he’s ever made.
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something borrowed, something blue | (to begin posting jan 1!)
dom!alex part two
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING HERE TO WITNESS ME SCREAM INTO THE VOID! this space has meant so much to me since I first read the book when it came out, but even more so once I started writing again these last few months. 2022/2023 was a very long, very lonely time in my life and I just didn't have words for a while. when the movie came out, I remembered how much I loved the book and finally opened a blank page again! I needed an outlet, and I found so much more than that <3
PLEASE consider this an open tag to brag on yourselves, but also (no pressure) --
@firenati0n @affectionatelyrs @kiwiana-writes @daisymae-12 @read-and-write- @inexplicablymine @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @wordsofhoneydew @nocoastposts @firstsprinces @sparklepocalypse @ninzied @getmehighonmagic @iboatedhere @magicandarchery @matherines @zwiazdziarka @raysletters @cricketnationrise @xthelastknownsurvivorx @gayrootvegetable @lizzie-bennetdarcy @eusuntgratie @whimsymanaged @priincebutt @duchessdepolignaca03 @leojfitz @user-anakin @anchoredarchangel @tinyarmedtrex @rmd-writes
cheers to a wonderful year, friends! I am so grateful for all of you and for this space that we've created to share and connect with each other and the art that inspires us. here's hoping 2024 has a lot more of that! <333
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flowerinjuries · 1 year
Hello i hope you are doing well. I’d like to request how NCT 127 would act around their crush. Thank you ☺️
how nct 127 acts around their crush
very flirtatious
but also a gentleman
he’s definitely not subtle about his crush on you
but you like how he treats you like royalty so you lead him on before you share your feelings
he loves doing small things for you like pulling out your chair for you to sit in or asking you if you’re comfortable
he loves to buy you things for sure
all the guys are in on your teasing of taeil
but taeil is very patient with you and respects you no matter if you reciprocate his affection or not
(of course you reciprocate!!)
he’s kind of an annoying asshole
likes to think he’s a funny guy
seriously he tries to be so witty and won’t quit making jokes until he sees you crack that smile he loves so much
calls you ‘bro’ to hide the fact he has a crush on you
says he treats all his friends the way he treats you but you see right through his lies
you know he has eyes for you
johnny loves to show off in front of you
whether that means shotgunning a beer or what idk but this guy wants to impress you
asks if you think he’s sexy
you just roll your eyes at him (but duh you think he’s sexy)
johnny is just a big flirty goof
when you finally confess to him his smile is so big and he just gives you the warmest hug
superrrrr shyyyyy
he can barely talk around you :((
he just stares at you from afar
you might be a little creeped out at first but then you think it’s really sweet
taeyong asks the guys about you all the time “out of curiosity” but they all know he’s obsessed with you
taeyong doesn’t have the balls to do anything about his crush though
he longs for you
he loves to daydream about what it would be like holding your hand or how soft your lips would feel
you love to tease him to get a rise out of him
his ears turn so red and his cheeks blush a dark pink
he stutters on all his words
he’s so so cute when he has a crush :((
everyone knows he has a crush on you
hell, yuta tells you all the time
reminds you that he’s always there if you ever want him and that he’s the best person for you
says you two could be soulmates
he’s so annoying omg
talks as if you two are dating even when you’re not
he knows you’ll be his someday whether it’s sooner or later
you play hard to get but he’s confident and knows you like him back just as much
you definitely do
you just don’t want his ego to explode
he compliments you so much
has cute nicknames for you
he’s so loyal to you even though you’re not an official couple
yuta is patient and very very into you
very quiet
but he observes everything you do
you just really intrigue him and he wants to learn more about you
he also thinks you’re really pretty
he barely talks to you though
finds that he would rather observe you
actually he might try pushing back his feelings
he thinks crushes are stupid
so you kind of anger him
because why do you make his heart flutter?
he’s very short with you and acts irritated
but you’re just too cute and you make him soft
this is when the guys notice somethings up
once you find out doyoung likes you, all you want to do is try to keep his attention
it isn’t long before you two finally get together lol
very mellow
also pretty straightforward
jaehyun knows what he wants
but he’s not pushy about it
he knows that you turning him down is definitely a possibility, but that thought doesn’t bother him
it would make him upset because he really likes you, but he’s very mature and just wants what’s best for you
but he’s dumb for even thinking you couldn’t like him back
you’re the one who kept trying to make moves on him, this guy just couldn’t take the hint
but once he realizes he wants you as his, he acts on it immediately
finally you two can be a happy couple <3
tells all the guys about you allll the time
you’re on his mind 24/7 literally he has no other thoughts
you just consume him
he’s so curious about you
sure he thinks you’re gorgeous, but you also interest him in a way no one else has ever done before
he wonders what you’re doing when you’re not in the same room
he loves loves loves talking to you
he babbles though and doesn’t shut up because he’s so nervous around you
you think it’s cute
he can barely make eye contact :(
so yeah it’s definitely you that has to initiate the relationship!
tons of nervous laughter and awkwardness
he gets jealous when he sees you talking to literally anyone
because he just wants you to like him
having a crush makes mark insecure :(
he starts to get down on himself and thinks he’s not enough for you, that you deserve better
but he doesn’t feel that way when he’s around you
you just make him feel so so happy
if you flirt with him even just a little bit, he gets beat red and loses his mind
hes sooo cute when hes around you
one day though he decides he can’t take it anymore so he makes his move
you act ecstatic and this surprises him, but god he’s the happiest guy on earth!!!
he’s definitely not romantic lol
he’s kinda rude to you
loves to play fight or straight up argue with you
he just doesn’t know how a normal person should flirt
it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have romantic thoughts about you though
he thinks about you all the time
you make his heart swell and his palms sweaty
he’s so possessive of his crush lol
the guys will joke that they’re gonna ask you out, then donghyuck acts like he could kill them then and there
finally he decides to take some advice and ask you out
you jokingly say you’ll have to think about it… but then you punch him for being so stupid for not asking you out earlier lol
i hope you enjoyed this anon!! and to my readers, please please please leave asks!! i seriously love writing prompts! i want to know what you want to read! thanks <3
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takarahase99 · 8 months
Dreamful Memories
A story in which childhood friends find out they are soulmates.
Soulmates are two individuals who are predestined to spend the rest of their lives together. At least that is what we are taught as we grow closer to the age of sixteen. It was greatly stressed that both individuals have to be sixteen in order for the ‘dreamful memories’ to start. Two days ago I turned the lucky sixteen. Unfortunately, my predestined person has not.  Therefore, I am left with the built up anticipation that has been distilled in my mind since the age of ten.
“Happy birthday Kacchan!” Midoriya Izuku’s voice excitedly bounced off the classroom’s walls.
Bakugo grumbled his appreciation leaving Midoriya smiling brightly. It’s not everyday that the hot tempered blonde shows any form of gratitude. Growing up with him, Midoriya and I quickly caught onto this character trait. So it was only natural that the interaction between the two left a smile of my own plastered on my face. 
“How’s it feel to finally be sixteen Kats?” I cooed in his ear.
“Not any different.” He spat back.
Chuckling, I sat back in my chair satisfied with his answer and reaction. The hairs on the back of his neck had stood up and the tips of his ears flushed bright red. Unlike Midoriya, I never let my admiration for Bakugo and his quirk render me standing my ground against the blonde. Over time my admiration turned into something more. I don’t recall when or how but soon after the realization every wish upon a star was dedicated to him.
“What if Bakugo is Y/N’s soulmate!?” Mina exclaimed as if she had read my thoughts. 
“That’d be so awesome! Childhood friends turned soulmates!” Denki chimed in.
Before Bakugo or myself could respond, Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom. The start bell chimed soon after. Instead of focusing on the review for our upcoming exams my attention was used on calming the rapid pounding in my chest. The previous comments circled my mind and made it difficult to calm my heart.
“One could only wish.” I mumbled with small hopes that my words were heard.
~Time Skip~
She wore a sweet knee length dress. One that was made in her favorite color. Her hair was loose from its normal pulled back style. She was sitting in her usual place in the park. Under the tallest cherry blossom tree. My feelings for her only grew stronger day by day. But I couldn’t tell her that. We have three more years until we both turn sixteen. Which means we find out who our predestined life partner is. 
“Stop standing over there like a creep and come join me.”
Without any hesitation I strided over and sat next to her. The book in her hands being one of her favorites. Her delicate hands traced under the words she read. Once she was done with the page she placed her marker and closed the book.
“Something’s wrong. What is it?”
“I dislike how well you can read me.”
She giggled softly. Her laugh is a sound I can listen to on repeat. The way her eyes squint when she’s really happy. 
“Will you be my soulmate?” I blurted
The light in her eyes shined brighter. The pounding in my chest quickened in pace and the temperature of my face rose. That was such a stupid thing to ask.
“You know it doesn’t work that way. No matter how much either of us would like for that to be the case.”
She’s right. No matter how much either of us want to be each other's soulmates it can’t happen. Our soulmates are predestined way before we’re even born. Only the deities in charge are responsible. 
“One could only wish though, right?”
She pushed herself up from the ground and dusted her dress off. She looked back down towards me and extended her hand. I hesitated before taking her hand and using her help to pull from the ground. Her hand was soft. They always were. 
“One could only wish.” I repeated softly.
Nearly falling from my bed I jumped out very clumsily once waking up. The dream. The memory. It was one that I led Bakugo to believe I had forgotten about. So many different emotions flowed throughout my entire body. To say I was happy was an understatement. Bakugo Katsuki is my soulmate. I swung my door open to leave only to find myself tumbling backwards. I looked to see who it was I had run into. Staring back at me were the all too familiar crimson eyes I grew up staring at.
“K-Kats, what’re you doing here?”
“Probably for the same reason that you’re rushing out.”
The Dreamful Memories. He turned sixteen yesterday which meant that both of us saw a memory in our sleep. I wonder what memory played for him. I don’t have too many intriguing ones. 
“It was the day you got your quirk.”
He looked away shyly. I remember the day very vividly. It just so happened to be the day that the two of us met. I took notice of his pajamas and disheveled hair. He rushed across the dorm the moment he woke up. 
“For me it was our conversation under the cherry blossom tree.”
His attention shot back towards me quickly. The surprise was well written across his face. Relief washes over me once my mentality grasped the fact that he was not upset.
“You remember?”
“Mhm. It’s a conversation that’s filled me with so much hope and sorrow at the same time. I realized my feelings for you that day and began to wish on every star that night. Every wish I made was in hopes of having you as my soulmate.”
“What now? Now that we know? What happens next?”
The smile across my face only grew in size. I’m unsure what it is that soulmates are supposed to do after their discoveries. But I do know what I want to do at this moment.
Without a second thought I grabbed ahold of his shirt collar and pulled him closer. I then pressed my lips against his gently. His lips were soft and tasted of spice. Pulling out of his daze, Bakugo started to kiss me back. I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anyone else’s soulmate.” We both mumbled. 
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Together - Crockett Marcel x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @cosmic-psychickitty @celilice1 @kabloswrld @anime-weeb-4-life @fredandgeorgeweasley11 @99-reasons-to-live @legit9thlunaticwarrior @telepathay @teti-menchon0604 @depxiety @lelaart @mortal--soul @iworldlywriter @nu1freakshow @kylieramey @nothinbtannika @thebewingedjewelcat @irishavengersassemble @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @callsignartemis @kmc1989
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Crockett is deliberate in the way that he worships you, with teasing fingertips that linger over sensitive skin and an exploratory mouth that savours every taste. He can’t get enough of you, how soft you feel under his lips, the noise you make when he finds just the right spot. He smiles to himself because this feels like a homecoming of sorts, like he’s always meant to have be here in your bed.
He chases your pleasure, drinking it in with languid kisses as he moves in unhurried strokes. He's already made you come once with his mouth and he endevours to spend the night bringing you to climax over and over again until the only word he hears is his name on your lips. He wants you to forget the men before him, those silly boys, and remember only him. The man that gives you exactly what you need, when you need it.
“Oh darlin.” He whispers, his hand clasping your jaw so that he can look into your eyes. “You’re perfect you know that?”
He sees the flush beginning to blossom across your skin and he realises it’s the intimacy of the moment that ruins you. It’s been a while since it’s been about you, that someone has actually give thought to your desires.
He tuts at the thought because that’s simply criminal.
A woman like you deserves the world, to be treated as if she matters, as if she’s loved.
It’s only the first time but Crockett has no doubt that he’s in love with you, that he has been since you called him on his bullshit in Molly's back in the spring. It’s almost winter now, and he’s spent the entirety of autumn getting to know you.
He thinks that the evening the two of you went to watch the Arts in the Dark parade was the turning point. It’s the first time he’s been, and it was sensational. He’s always had an appreciation of the creative, a love of jazz and soul but this had blown him away. There was an excitement in the air, a raw energy and when he looked at you, he knew you felt it too.  The music, the artistry, the clash of styles and textures it spoke to Crockett in way that he’s not felt since he left New Orleans.
It’s in the aftermath when the two of you are sipping hot chocolate to ward off the cold that he realises he’s in love with you. You’ve given him back a part of himself he didn’t even know he’d lost by bringing him to the event. He’d forgotten how much joy there is in the world, how much beauty. He’s been moving so fast, burying his head in surgery after surgery that he’s forgotten to actually stop and take a breath, to get out there and live his life. He can’t find the words to express how much that means to him, so he tries to show you through his actions.
Offering to make dinner after a tough day because you’re too upset and overwhelmed to face being around other people. Walks in the park by your house through the crisp autumn leaves because he knows you like the sound of them crunching underfoot. It’s a form of stress relief you tell him and when he has to agree because it is one of the most satisfying noises he’s ever heard. Now when he sees one on his way to Med, he has to step on it, because there’s a tiny pop of dopamine when he hears that crinkle under his shoe.
انگار هزاران عمر منتظرت بودم
بخش دیگر روح من، فردی که مرا کامل می کند.»
He knows that you don’t understand the words, but you read the sentiment in his voice. It’s too early for him to tell you how he feels, to admit that he’s found his هم روح, his soulmate but he feels it deep down inside.
He whispers against your lips and he means every single word of it.
It feels like I’ve waited a thousand lifetimes for you. The other part of my soul, the one who completes me.
You tighten around him, gripping him so perfectly he’s almost delirious with the pleasure. When you cry out his name, it sounds like sonnet flowing from your lips as the ecstasy builds in his synapses. He’s close, too close. He needs to be with you when it happens. He needs you to feel it too. He stills, his hand coming to rest on your jaw, guiding your gaze back to his as he holds you on the cusp, the pinnacle of euphoria just out of reach.  
“That’s it darlin.” He murmurs as he starts to move again. “This time together.”
Love Crockett? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
Part of a trade with the loverly @cakeboxie! <3
Thanks so much for both reaching out to me AND agreeing to do this with me! You’re an exceptionally talented writer and artist, and I can’t wait to see what you make in the future! Thanks again <3
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Vil Schoenheit 
Now THIS…this is enemies to lovers slowburn, 100,000 words, tagged with hurt/comfort and soulmates. 
At first, his arrogance leaves a negative impression on you. His confidence in himself and his own ideas very much mirrors your own, but given his haughty attitude about his fame, you hate him at first. 
Any time you’re both in the same room you’ll glare at him until you can escape to somewhere where his presence doesn’t pollute your mind. 
Even then, just the thought of him enraged you. 
And it’s mutual. You don’t back down to his authority, no matter what. You stand strong and hold onto your beliefs regardless of what anyone thinks, and so Vil finds you ignorant and foolish at first.
I imagine it would all change after the VDC, ESPECIALLY if you witnessed his overblot. He sees the world a little differently after that, and his judgment and resentment towards you wanes just as it did for Neige. He’ll apologize to you for his earlier behavior. 
And yet…you don’t forgive him. 
Vil is stunned. You’re clearly still holding on to some resentment from how he treated you in the past, but he’s changed, if even a bit. Shouldn’t you cut him some slack? 
But as days pass and he realizes that you still hold on to that grudge, he declares a new goal for himself: to get you to like and appreciate him. 
(It’ll be a challenge, if nothing else) 
From there on out it’s a constant struggle to avoid him as he compliments you at every turn, offers you gifts, and makes sure you’re never lacking in anything. It’s bizarre, and you get the sense he’s just trying to fuck you over. So you confront him. 
And he’s astonished by you once again. You tell him you won’t fall for his tricks, and that if he was actually sorry, he’d put some effort into his apologies. 
And THAT flips a switch in him. 
Vil is more earnest after that. He pays attention to what you have to say if only so he may talk to you about it later. He compliments you when he really means it, and goes through genuine effort to show that he does want to connect with you. 
When you finally relent, and you decide you can trust him, you two are INSEPARABLE. Whether it’s him listening to you talk about your hobbies, or staying up late to simply be in each others presence, you two can be found with one another often. 
And even though you hated him at first, you’ll find no one who is more genuine and honest than Vil. He doesn’t keep secrets and communicates so well that any issues you two may have had are over before they even begin. 
He also appreciates your practical solutions to problems. He isn’t excitably the most emotional person, so having someone like you who can think logically in the face of stress is an immense help. 
You can’t pinpoint when you start to fall for Vil, and though he knows he’s been a bit enamored with you for a while, he can’t say when he truly fell for you either. 
There’s just one day suddenly when you realize that you wouldn’t mind spending the rest of your life doing this with him. You wouldn’t mind laughing at his remarks, or criticizing him when he’s a bit too snide.
And when he looks at you, Vil finds that he can’t imagine a future where he isn’t next to you. 
And so when one day he asks you to go out with him - to be his significant other - it’s not dramatic or loud. It’s a simple question, and your answer feels just as simple. As if there was no other question to the answer. 
You two spend the rest of your time chatting, and then kissing, and then falling asleep next to one another. And the next morning, you’re ready to be by Vil’s side, and he’s thrilled to be by yours. 
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May I request Z from soulmate alphabeth with Undertaker?
z…zz (in which soulmates first meet each other and share memories in their dreams before meeting each other in person—sometimes difficult to accomplish as dreams are hard to remember).
anyway this hit me right in the heart-
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You met him in a cemetery.
The two of you were young and carefree, only children. You darted behind tombstones and laughed with one another. He pushed you down into an open grave, only to jump in after you so you could throw handfuls of dirt at each other.
You remember climbing up on a header carved into the shape of a cross. He followed you eagerly, and it felt like you were sitting on top of the world. He gave you a tight hug while telling you to call him Adrian.
Of course, those were only dreams. You know from the way soulmates work, though, that he belonged to you, because time passed, and he kept visiting you in your sleep.
You and he grew up alongside each other in dreams, you think. He was your friend before anything else, even though you never knew how to explain the dreams.
What you do know how to explain is him. He matured by your side, but he never really changed; you always knew it was him. He has silver hair, so long that as a child he would trip on it, with braids interspersed between the free locks… and the most beautiful emerald eyes, flecked with gold. His clothes are all black no matter what style they’re in, usually with long sleeves he can hide behind.
Sometime in your young adulthood, there was a period of months where your dreams were entirely devoid of him. You’ve never been sadder in your life.
At last he showed up again, and he was different. His eyes seemed to glow, their fluorescent green light reflected by squared-off glasses that he never had before. The energy with him was different too ― heavier, and he was no longer content to climb headstones or explore caves.
Instead you would dream of running after him, having to fight your way through armies of people who moved about despite looking dead. You would dream of following him up stairs only to slip and fall and hear him crying and telling you not to leave him. You would dream of him holding you so tightly you thought he was bruising you, while he kissed you and begged your forgiveness.
You never knew what to think after that. He’s the one you’re supposed to be with, and… the dreams you’ve had when he returned to you are frightening.
The one which comes tonight is the worst… yet, it gives you hope.
The road before you has been winding for so long, without a trace of your soulmate to be found. You’re scared, jumping at every noise.
Then suddenly, when you take a step, the ground crumbles beneath you. You fall into what looks like an abandoned chapel. What shocks the fear into your heart is that this chapel is filled with water.
It dances and sparkles with light from nowhere. Flower petals float on an invisible current, passing you by and engulfing you in a whirlwind. You can breathe, but you feel like you’re being suffocated when you open your mouth to scream for help.
“Adrian… Adrian… Adrian…! Help!”
Black starts to eat in at the edges of your vision. You can feel yourself sinking, until someone’s hands coil in a vise grip around your wrists. The black vanishes and leaves only the image of him in front of you. Holding your wrists, there he is, long nails scratching against your skin.
His eyes sparkle at you, and you realize in an instant that despite his new danger, he’s just as beautiful as ever. And when you meet, he will stand by you, no matter what.
“There, there. It’s alright, love. We’re fine as long as we’re together.”
When you wake up and it hits you that it was just a dream, you want to cry. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so important and loved as you did when he was holding you in the water. It felt like his feelings for you saved you from being drowned.
The desperation to find out who he is in real life draws you to the graveyard by your home; close enough to walk there, surrounded by fog, empty of all life.
There lies a headstone shaped like a cross… and all you see is the image of your child self, sitting atop it without a care in the world, next to the little boy who would rescue you from loneliness.
As your hand traces over it, silently paying a respect to whoever is buried here, there comes a soft laugh from behind you. “Sentimental for someone y’ never knew?”
You turn quickly in embarrassment at having been caught, but… that fluster is caught dead in its tracks. There he is. It’s the same one from your dreams, the man who used to be a boy, with flowing silver hair and sharp chartreuse eyes behind clear lenses. Dressed all in black, right down to a pair of gloves and thick-heeled boots.
He smiles like he’s Death.
You almost wonder if he might be.
“What… what’s your name?” you finally ask when your voice returns to you. (Like your heart, he may have stolen that as well.)
His head tilts to one side, and that smile of his could very well be your downfall. Accompanying him is an ornate sickle in his grasp, long-handled and decorated at its crown with a ghastly skeleton. If there were a full harvest moon shining behind him, you might swear you were in another dream.
“Why, love,” he chuckles, “mos’ people just call me the UNDERTAKER.”
And so you meet him in a cemetery.
This time, there won’t be any waking up.
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aenariasbookshelf · 1 year
you say you want (me) (part six of ?)
title: you say you want (me) (part six of ?)
author: Aenaria
rating: G
Weekly prompt: Catch up week for the @darcylewisbingohq - Ancient Times and Antiquities Week
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Thor, Jane
tags/warnings: Darcy/Steve, soulmate AU
Summary: In a world where having a soulmate mark is the norm for most people, Darcy Lewis is one of the rare few unmarked people. Of course, this doesn’t stop her from finding the right partner. 
Previous parts can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/aenariasbookshelf/717951969679032320
“Jane, come on, you have to go!”
“Nope.” Jane can’t meet her eyes as she speaks, so Darcy’s unsure if she’s just offering up an excuse to get out of the Stark sponsored fundraiser or is actually so entrenched in science that nothing else matters. “There’s a celestial event that night that I’ll need to get readings on.”
“A celestial event? Really?”
“Yes.” Jane waves a hand. “You go, represent us. Go as Thor’s date for the night.”
“I hate fancy fundraisers.”
“So do I, but one of us has to go, and it’s not going to be me.”
The fundraiser’s down in the city, at a museum filled with antiquities and people who are rich enough to probably be able to keep all of these artifacts hidden away in private collections, which serves to make Darcy feel supremely uncomfortable. Still, it is fun to arrive at the party on Thor’s arm while wearing a slinky evening gown.
(Steve gives her an appreciative look and a wink from across the room. They’re not ready for their relationship to be that public yet, exposed to the critical eyes of the paparazzi and the rest of the world, so for tonight they’ll have to be content with longing glances. Until later, at least, when he’ll be stripping this slinky gown off of her.)
Still though…this isn’t Darcy’s world, and she feels it in every bone of her body. It’s a fight to not mouth off to the people that Thor’s trying to schmooze for charitable donations - they should use their excessive money to help people without needing to be hardcore convinced to do so by a goddamn alien prince she firmly believes. So eventually, she wanders off into the halls of antiquities, preferring the quiet of the objects to soothe the grumpiness that’s taken up in her mind.
The one object that really catches her eye is a decoration that was from atop a shared tomb, possibly Mesopotamian or Sumerian although the curators make a specific note to say that they are unclear of exactly which culture it came from, a stone plaque showing entwined hands, and each hand has half of a stylized sun design on it. The hands are joined together so that the halves of the sun become a seamless whole.
“‘Believed to be one of the oldest depictions of shared soulmate marks’,” Darcy reads off of the card attached to the plinth. She gives the plaque a pursed lip, unamused look, because it seems like everything in her life these days leads back to soulmate issues and just how much importance civilization seems to put on them.
“It is a funny thing, is it not?” Thor says from somewhere behind her, “this whole importance of finding your one and only.”
“You’re telling me,” Darcy concedes with a tilt of her head, as Thor comes up to stand next to her, joining her in staring at the stone plaque. 
Thor sips at the cut crystal tumbler in his hand, which is no doubt enhanced with Asgardian liquor from the flask that he always carries to these events. Darcy can’t blame him for that, because she could use some enhancement herself right now. “It seems to be a very Earthbound conceit as well. I can’t think of any other realm that has the concept of soulmates.”
“So I’d fit in perfectly on Vanaheim then.” She nods, crossing her arms over her chest. “Maybe I can say I’m an alien next time anyone asks why I don’t have a soulmate.”
“That is an option. Or you could just say that the relationship you choose and put the effort into making work is just as valid as being predestined to have a soulmate. I think your Captain would agree with that too,” Thor finishes with a flourish, raising his glass to his lips as he gives Darcy a smirk.
She grins back. “Yeah, he would.” 
A thought flashes across Darcy’s mind, and she turns to Thor with confusion in her eyes. “Hold up a second though - you were born with a soulmark too, the one you share with Jane. But earthlings are the only ones who believe in soulmates?”
Thor flushes slightly, the blush coloring his cheeks right above his beard. “Yes, well…until I met Jane everyone thought I just had a rather amusing birthmark.”
Darcy bursts out laughing, the joyful sound echoing throughout the gallery.
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