#uranus transits
astrolocherry · 4 months
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Position of transiting Saturn:The sadness and the despair is a message from the deeper self that something is making you deeply unhappy that you need to change
Position of transiting Uranus:Lack of inspiration and dissatisfaction is a spark about to blow and turn life upside down
Position of transiting Neptune:You never really know when you are under the influence because the trickster can fool even you into believing it never appeared
Position of transiting Pluto:Visceral, unspoken, internally sourced hunger that nothing else can imitate or fill. Can devour or even destruct every other realm of life to acquire its desire
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libra-stellium · 18 days
no bc I have beef with Uranus omg
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this whole time I've been like saturn saturn saturn meanwhile uranus has been sifting through my life with her dirty little fingers!!
Once upon a time on March 6, 2019 Uranus entered Taurus and took a vow to be a nuisance in my life for the next 6 years!
Tomorrow Uranus is going to be exact on my 3H until June 15 and I'm expecting something to happen with my neighbors that is going to be the most annoying thing I've ever dealt with. Now I could be right or it could be something worse because i'm expecting the neighbors issue and uranus is unexpected shit smh
ALSO on May 21, 2024 I started my Uranus trine Uranus transit and one of the things for it is "you may be inclined to throw over an existing personal relationship in order to liberate yourself from the restrictions it imposed" and I feel like I'm gonna have to go no contact with my aunt as well bc she's making the choice to be on my mother's side. Literally on May 21 she shared pics of my trip with my mother without my consent and I specifically told her multiple times don't talk about my business with this person i'm no longer in contact with and now my mother knows where I was, when i was there, what i was doing, who i was with like what the fuckkkk??? and my aunt had the nerve to be like "oh I'm tired of lying to my sister she was sad and asking for you so i showed her" YOUR SISTER IS A MANIPULATIVE NARCISSITIC BITCH and you can get cut off too!! Her and her sister with their aqua moons in my 12H are probably gonna be completely out of my life next year and that's insane to think about!! I literally won't have any immediate family in my life after that......bc they cannot stop themselves from fucking me over.....just wow
But Uranus isn't done with me!!! I've got a lovely (derogatory) Uranus opposite Pluto transit June 25 2024 - November 10 2024 and what can I expect??? "Change may come through persons with upsetting surprises" G R E A T bc my birthday is right in the middle of that with all the Libra transiting my 8H
It's not all bad (I guesssss) bc I just finished a Uranus sextile Saturn transit from April 14, 2023 - May 18, 2024 in my 1H and it was:
opportunity to make creative changes through a system
I tried many different routines during this time to work on my physical body and my mental health
superiors will be impressed with innovative ideas, you may be rewarded with a higher position in that particular system
Stuff at work came pretty easy and they did end up seeing me like someone the other staff could go to for questions
I also have a Uranus trine Neptune transit right now ending July 1 and that one is cute it's about being more involved in spiritual studies, working hard with others to actualize beliefs about how the world should be and try to help loved ones grow and that's honestly the norm for me lol I'm always looking up something for astro and tarot or literal religion, telling people what I think of the world events (free palestine) and telling friends what they can do to improve their lives!
I still want to throw hands with Uranus bc this is still ridiculous! I have 5 Uranus aspects in my chart I never paid attention to but they would explain a lot!!! I would like a surprise birthday party not surprise traumatic events lmfao
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
Everything YOU Need to Know about the 2024 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction
On April 20, 2024, Jupiter and Uranus align in earth sign Taurus, setting the stage for a potentially explosive, exciting, and electrifying weekend. A conjunction between these two cosmic juggernauts is rare—it only happens about once every 14 years—and it does, it initiates a new cycle of expansion, innovation, and breakthroughs.
In this episode of the Cosmic Cannibal Podcast, comedy astrologer Cosmic Cannibal dishes on this rare planetary transit, offering her witty and incisive insights into all things Jupiter, Uranus, and Taurus. She talks about the history of this transit, its impact on current cultural events and the geo-political landscape, and what YOU can expect to see in the coming days. Listen NOW on Spotify:
Work with the 2024 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction via this Jupiter-Uranus Guide on CosmicCannibal.com
Discover which zodiac signs are impacted most by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (and why), via The Cosmic Cannibal newsletter on Substack
Get Cosmic in YOUR Inbox! Subscribe to the Cosmic Cannibal Newsletter to get podcast episodes, horoscopes, exclusive promos and more.
Get a 2024 Birth Chart Reading: This reading examines the EXACT placement of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in YOUR chart, uncovering the themes, possibilities, and potentials it is bringing you. You’ll also get personalized tips for working with the transit, as well as advice for how to lean into Jupiter’s magnetizing abilities and Uranus’ innovation. 
Get the Cosmic Cannibal Planets Cheat Sheets & the Taurus Ebook: quickly learn the themes and energies of Jupiter, Uranus, and the other planets in astrology with these printable cheat sheets on the planets in astrology. Plus, get invaluable insights into Taurus (including its mythology, symbolism, and shadow side), and finally learn the true meaning of the fixed earth sign, with my ebook. 
Learn more about the Taurus ebook, here. Find other astrology cheat sheets here. Be sure to follow the Cosmic Cannibal podcast on Spotify and follow Cosmic Cannibal on social media @cosmiccannibalcamille
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taurussoulastrology · 5 months
Personal Uranus Transits
On a personal level, Uranus transits are associated with change and disruption. It's a phase of our lives when something new and eccentric needs to break thru our conscious awareness. It is a time for us to be curious and experiment. When new things arise, that should and can be tried, even if there are risks that need to be taken, that's what Uranus is calling for.
Whether we consciously choose to make these changes or if they're forced by external events, it's due to Uranus and his intent of putting us in touch with the unexplored parts of our nature. Uranus tells us when it's time to break out of old patterns that are limiting us. Some parts of us prefer to keep things the way they are while another part of us wants growth. If we try to repress those changes being called for by a Uranus transit, we'll develop a bitterness and resentment inside of us. That kind of resentment being held within causes psychological and physical health problems.
If a Uranus transit is felt as depression, sickness, or fatigue, these are signs that energy and expression are being blocked within you. And if that's the case, then change is warranted and called for.
#Uranus #UranusTransits #Astrology #AstrologyCommunity
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elminx · 3 months
Incidentally, Uranus has been lighting up my "everything" (Sun, Ascendant, Mercury and Chiron in conjunction, Saturn by trine, and natal Uranus by opposition) for the last year and a half.
I'm learning a lot about Uranus transits and I would definitely call it NOT the fun way.
Everybody talks about how hard Saturn transits are (and they can be) but you can still work with Saturn. In fact, that's the SECRET to Saturn transits: they are hard work. If you do it, you can gain a fuckton of life experience. I feel like I have always ended up better for a major Saturn transit even if it felt like crap at the time.
Uranus though?
It just feels like being in the line of a Category 5 hurricane with no place to evacuate to.
This is to say that you should be really nice to your Taurus family and friends because we have been going through it and it's not over yet.
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therhetoricofmagic · 2 years
Future Desires
Journal Date: Friday, December 11, 2020 I’m thinking about my desires for the next 1-2 years. Every day I’m getting more clear about what I want to do and how I will use this time. I’ve been trying to get rid of clutter and all the things I don’t need anymore, so I can focus on what I do want to grow. And I can feel things shifting even more. Every day, I feel just a little bit better. I’m…
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spirit-of-phantom · 5 months
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uranus, the planet of innovation and disruption, invokes change through sudden breakthroughs, unconventional thinking, and radical shifts that challenge existing norms, inspiring progress and revolution in various spheres of life. its influence prompts unexpected awakenings, urging societies and individuals alike to embrace originality, break free from conventions, and embrace forward-thinking approaches to create groundbreaking transformations.
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aries / 1H: sparks ideas of self image and identity, promotes individuality and independence in personal matters, sudden and bold changes on how one presents themselves to the world
taurus / 2H: disrupts traditional values and financial systems, innovation in material and personal resources, challenges stability and security regarding one’s own worth and values
gemini / 3H: intellectual breakthroughs and communication within immediate surroundings, need for adaptable thinking in everyday interactions, changes in local community dynamics, education, and siblings
cancer / 4H: disrupts traditional family structures and the concept of home and roots, seeks progressive approaches to domestic life and emotional security, changes in the family environment and inner emotional foundations
leo / 5H: innovations in creativity, entertainment, and self-expression on a personal level, encourages unconventional approaches to hobbies, romance, and children, challenges traditional notions of ego and individuality in personal pursuits
virgo / 6H: stimulates advancements in health, work routines, and service to others, encourages unconventional methods in daily habits and workplace dynamics, provokes changes in technology related to personal wellness and efficiency
libra / 7H: disrupts traditional relationships and partnerships in a one-on-one context, emphasizes the need for fairness and justice in personal interactions, changes in personal unions, contracts, and open enemies
scorpio / 8H: transformative changes in shared resources, intimacy, and psychological depths, innovations in joint finances, sexuality, and occult matters, challenges traditional views on the use of power in personal transformation
sagittarius / 9H: stimulates unconventional ideas in higher education, travel, and personal beliefs, emphasizes the need for freedom and exploration of personal philosophies, changes in personal journeys, spirituality, and worldviews
capricorn / 10H: disrupts traditional structures in career, public reputation, and authority figures, encourages innovations in long-term goals and aspirations, challenges traditional values regarding personal ambitions and societal roles
aquarius / 11H: reinforces its own energy as uranus rules aquarius, encourages radical social changes and humanitarian efforts within personal networks, sparks innovations in personal connections, technology, and communal involvement
pisces / 12H: stimulates imaginative and spiritual breakthroughs in personal realms, encourages unconventional ways of compassion and empathy on an individual level, changes in personal introspection, artistic expressions, and dreams
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© spirit-of-phantom 2023
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bessiejoan · 5 months
Astrology: Uranus in the houses
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Uranus is righteous. Uranus is compelled to uphold values and beliefs for the greater good. Unlike Pluto, which destroys for the purpose of transforming, or Mars that destroys for the purpose of overcoming, Uranus destroys for the sake of what is considered right and fair. It will destroy in the name of truth and equity. It is the ultimate rebel and anti-authoritarion. It causes chaos in the face of resistance.
The house with uranus in it must act righteously, and the desired results must be righteous. Otherwise, volatility occurs.
1st house - You see the world differently and sometimes can't believe that you are forced to live in the constraints of society. Use your presence righteously to help others who are alienated.
2nd house - Spend money unselfishly. What you give to others will come back unexpectedly. Perhaps you don't even "believe in money," and you understand it as a created concept that keeps the poor suffering and the rich richer. You value unusual items and gifts.
3rd house - Others find it difficult to understand you and follow your chain of thoughts. You may get frustrated and exhausted by this, but you try to always speak your truth no matter what. Do this, and those who understand will love you. The ones that do not understand will be left behind. Use your words to advocate for others less fortunate in your community. The more you are involved in sibling drama, the worse it will get.
4th house - It's hard to find solid ground to call your home, but the more you hold onto the past is the more sudden and unexpected shake ups will occur. Practice empathy towards your family, and you will be truly empathetic to yourself.
5th house - Be respectful and kind in love. Do not fuck with others hearts, or it will come back around. Be open about the strangeness and taboos that you seek from the beginning. Sudden wins and loses in gambling. Unexpected accidents with children or pregnancy. Consider revolutionary ideas around these topics and how you can advocate for others in such positions.
6th house - You're compelled to fight authoritarian figures in your day and in your society because you hate being controlled. Step outside of the defensive fight and come up with your own routine and process without expecting others to agree to follow along.
7th house - Approach others with a fair and equal attitude. The more you celebrate the difference in others, the more it will be celebrated in you. You seek unusual partnerships and have open ideas about marriage, however, this must be actioned with consent.
8th house - Respect the property of others and do not fight over inheritance for selfish reasons. Embrace the sudden changes and loss. Fighting against it will cause more chaos.
9th house - Take ownership of your own learning. Your views and beliefs are against the norm and for the bettering of society. Just don't let your ego get so attached to your opinion that you close yourself off to learning. Otherwise, a greater force will have no choice but to continuously shake up your beliefs.
10th house - You are viewed by others as "different" or "strange." You should work to change society's perceptions, not to justify your strangeness, but to free others of stigma and discrimination.
11th house - You are the natural humanitarian. Its easy to get suddenly swept up in revolutionary ideas. Earn your money outside of the norm. Be careful when you dream strange and big for society. It must be with the purpose of benefiting those who need it, not just anarchy for the sake of defiance.
12th house - You have a strong hidden desire to break away and be free. You want to travel and explore alone. However, you can not avoid your generational karma. It follows you everywhere. The more open you are to understanding this, the more pleasant surprises will be delivered to you in unusual ways.
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starsworldd · 1 year
☉ Stelliums in houses☉
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1!
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇꜱᴏɴᴀᴛᴇꜱ <3 ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴘʀᴇᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴀꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ ᴛᴏᴏ
stellium in 1st house:
✧˚ · . Throughout your life, there could be more of a spotlight on you. Developing your confidence and sense of direction in life could be prevelant themes. How will you take the reins of your own life? What defines your identity? Maybe how you appear to others could be prominent themes in your life too (insecurity/overconfidence). This could also influence your personality and developing certain traits about yourself too. While there is an emphasis on you, there could also be a lack of energy on your part when it comes to compromise and partnership with others (7th house).
stellium in 2nd house:
✧˚ · . There may be an emphasis on material comfort (this can be sensory too, like food, clothing, etc…), self-esteem, and even your body. The second house is succedent to its neighboring 1st angular house, meaning that the 2nd house supports themes regarding the 1st house. The second house shows us what things support our identities so maybe there’s an emphasis on your talents/skills throughout life too. Your life may tend to focus a lot on things that are within your comfort zone (2nd house), but you must also be willing to experience transformation and uncomfortable experiences in order to grow (8th house).
stellium in third house:
✧˚ · . Stelliums in this house can often indiciate someone who loves to write (songs, plays, poems, etc..). Maybe your someone who loves to learn about different topics and can be a lifelong student, as an example. A lot of your energy in life may be put into being out n about in your hometown (stores, malls, etc..) or meeting with different people, whether that be in person or over the internet since this house also represents the media. Maybe you have a passion for social media and content creation, or it played a significant role in your life. It’s important that you expand yourself by going beyond what’s in your immediate environment (3rd house) and expanding yourself through abroad travel and what is foreign to you (9th).
stellium in fourth house:
✧˚ · . Homebody. Lemme just start off with that hehe. But no, there’s more to that don’t worry. This is the house of emotional comforts and of the physical home + family. It’s all about where you came from and your origin story. A lot of your energy in life may be pulled internally, meaning that you want to focus on what emotionally fulfills you and what helps you feel safe and protected. Your family could play a big role in your life and maybe that’s where the majority of your energy is at too. Maybe you too also crave a solid foundation and/or a strong familial connection. You may want to focus on things that happen in your private life (4th), but it’s also important to build a name for yourself publicly and to go after your calling/vocation in life (10th).
stellium in 5th house:
✧˚ · . Some type of production is essential to your life. It can be your hobbies, like music, crafting, acting, etc.. or maybe children (whether they be your own or someone else’s) have a siginificant impact on your life. This house also represents romance and sex so those may also be important things to you in life. Stelliums in this house often demand attention, leisure and fun throughout the native’s life, and while that may be fortunate it’s important that you also don’t procrastinate too much and still keep up with your responsibilities. I often find that stelliums in this house indicate some sort of talent in the arts which are a big part of the native’s lives. While it’s important to cultivate creativity and fun for yourself (5th house) it’s also important to share that with others and/or to truly pursue your dreams/aspirations (11th house).
stellium in 6th house:
✧˚ · . A lot of people say that natives with a stellium in this house could work in industries that do with service (particularly doctors/nurses) or with animals. This house deals with themes of productivity, “practice makes perfect”, and habits. You might care a lot about your productivity and/or whether you are helpful to others. You could also be very health-oriented and care a lot of fitness or improving your physical state. This could be a rarer manifestation of this stellium in this house, but the 6th house also deals with open enemies (12th house = hidden people) which could be a part of your daily life. Your daily routine is very important to you and you may prefer to keep things tidy and neat. It’s important to focus on daily tasks and routines (6th house) but it is equally important to give yourself rest mentally and/or physically (12th house)
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
jupiter conjunct uranus
you've likely felt some of this from the last 5 or so days, but the conjunction perfects today. so you might also feel it for several more days.
it is full of surprises. not everyone likes surprises. but where jupiter is involved, it is easier to reframe them as miracles, or manifestations bubbling into reality. the caveat with jupiter in taurus is the big appetite - when you get a miracle express gratitude (say a little prayer, say thank you to the messenger, just keep a gratitude list, etc) and move on. don't ask for more, just be appreciative. demanding will get things taken away from you just as shockingly. appreciation can allow more to cascade in.
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astrolocherry · 1 year
~ Uranus: It’s the major transits of Uranus that seem to create the most intense and uncomfortable periods of life;
the energy is characteristically chaotic and abrupt. You can prepare the best you can for the transits of Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. You can never completely predict how these forces will manifest, but with Uranus, you can rarely foretell anything at all…
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black-lake · 1 year
astro observations 9
hey folks, I found new stuff to talk about. this is more of an outer planets and generations obs 🚀
✮⌁ when uranus conjunct pluto happened during 1964, we saw a lot of rebellious music, fashion and other forms of expression, the beatles, bowie's debut album, twiggy, bob dylan.. etc. It was an important decade for many changes and revolutions. It's why so many people are still influenced by the art, music and appeal of that era. Even though it was a relatively short period, the intense need for freedom was loudly expressed that decade. I think with pluto in aquarius we may see similar events, but on a larger scale and with a far more lasting impact. 
✮⌁ neptune will move into aries in 2025, and boy when I tell you I can't wait, I terribly mean it. I think neptune in pisces wasn’t doing it for me, I had creative expectations for it but it was all about spirituality and faith practices on the internet and an unhealthy addiction to it. this was right after neptune in aquarius which we all know made the internet an addiction in itself. 
✮⌁ It had its positive impact, being open-minded about different beliefs, exploring our intuition and faith and other abstract topics. but we've already seen the negative impact. It's mainly the spirituality addiction on the internet that has became almost inescapable, replacing reality, practices performed and consumed by really young individuals which could distort their view on the world at an older age. living in an illusion and assumption of everything and everyone, believing everything you hear blindly, because of your or someone else's false sense of intuition will make the world more closed-off and less likely to evolve. it can create a reversed effect, inducing fear of real life interactions, closed-mindedness and seclusion.
✮⌁ with neptune in aries, we will come out of our shells and live in the real world, we will explore the world with a new set of eyes and a fresh sense of passion and childlike wonder. We're less likely to listen to our fears and other people's assumptions and bs. It's a new astrological cycle. Our collective hopes, dreams, fantasies and passions are reborn. Now especially when uranus moves into gemini, the same year, people will be more encouraged to become social and intimate, more fun talks and activities, I hope 🥹 this will also help fuel the inventive ideas pluto in aquarius brings with it.
✮⌁ y'all there's more to astrology than just money, success and fame. you can explore the world with that tool, thousands of things to talk about. there're topics that aren't given as much attention here. if you have something interesting and new you posted or you wanna talk about and are shy plssss just share it in the comments I'm all for ittt I wanna see it. 
✮⌁ last time pluto was in aquarius 1778-1798, there was an industrial revolution going on, the peak of "the age of enlightenment", the french revolution, and many other political revolutions. the battery, hot-air balloon and parachute were some of the things invented. uranus was discovered in 1781. fun fact, the airplane was invented when pluto was retrograde in gemini in 1903, which makes sense since it rules over flying and air travel, also uranus was in sagittarius which rules travel as well, so interestingly enough there was a uranus-pluto opposition.
✮⌁ when uranus moves into gemini (ruling air travel) and with pluto being in aquarius, we literally may see spaceship inventions or spacecrafts and rockets that will launch to space. we may even be able to travel to a certain planet or at least find something new about it. we may find creatures or living things in space. air travel may look different, hydrogen-powered planes, cleaner and eco-friendly energy sources. at the very least we may hear of new scientists, and keep up with them.
✮⌁ any outer planet in libra, is a timeline I'd like to skip if I ever lived in, which I won't thankfully. It's by far the least sign that has potential to bring evolution and advancement to a generation, excluding aspects, it just ain’t doing much. Idk what it is, but maybe people are less likely to do anything considered immoral or unaccepted, they're more likely to do things like pleasing the generation's expectations and opinions. It brings a sense of connectivity, an understanding of comprise to connect and relate to our environment, and a focus on relationship matters, which of course is a building brick to bigger changes like all the transits are. but for me, not an exciting time, ig it's why I'm born in neptune and uranus in aquarius gen 💀
✮⌁ many of us have parents that have uranus or pluto in libra, and tbf, they likely were closed minded, people pleasing or even racist at times. but our pluto sag ass knew how to deal with it. how many of y'all gen z's gave your mommy a lecture on lgbt+ rights and the people with other cultures and backgrounds? 🖐🏼 also butting heads over someone wearing something on the streets, I'm like "THEY CAN DO whatever they want, let them live" 
✮⌁ speaking of pluto in sagittarius, I'm a little underwhelmed. dgmw we made so many changes and paved the way for future generations, but moreso, perspective wise. I didn't see many tangible changes from this gen compared to pluto in scorpio, which was wild in terms of sexual expression, experiments, conspiracies, institutional corruption, societal and medical change. pluto in sag was kinda mild, we allowed everyone's voice to be heard, explored other cultures and lifestyles, probably have friends from all around the world, we're willing to learn and are open to all sources of knowledge, we're truth tellers and we won't shut up. I guess our mission was too easy for us.
✮⌁ pluto in sag gen probably have challenging experiences relating to higher education, college years may have been dark and even traumatic for many esp if you also have it conjunct chiron 🏴‍☠️ even our sense of belief in ourselves and optimism is wounded, we put on a happy front because we see a better future for the world at large, but not for us, like we're some type of teachers or gurus raising a child.
✮⌁ if you have pluto conjunct chiron, you may feel dismissed or misplaced. things can hurt deeply with this. this also may indicate some family karma that needs to be resolved. your ancestors may have done shady stuff that cost them a lot. you are here to change that and find the light that future generations will thank you for. you got the resources to do so since conjunction is the most beneficial of all. you got a lot of healing and transformative powers. since it's in sag, it may be about clearing up nasty beliefs and perceptions of people and the world, even harmful actions and disrespect towards different individuals. you're the truth-seeker that refuses to take on outdated traditions and beliefs.
✮⌁ pluto in capricorn gen understand the value of monetary resources because they experienced a restriction of it at some point in their lives. there's this feeling of restriction coming from societal rules or memories of such repressive time, which they may feel the need to go against and prove themselves by working and gaining more power. they know how to survive in times of chaos and make the most out of what they have. they may have goals of creating some type of legacy for themselves and future generations. also maybe capricorn ruling the skeletal system is why caps give the 💀🩻🪦🏴‍☠️ impression, sry I keep making jokes about y'all, but ya dgaf 🫶🏼
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
astro notes: sun uranus conjunction 5/13
This conjunction, exact on 5/13 can inspire us to try new ventures and goals, encouraging us to step outside of our comfort zones. It can bring sudden bursts of inspiration and insight, akin to a lightning strike illuminating the darkness. This illumination can lead to breakthroughs in areas where we've been feeling stuck or stagnant, providing clarity and direction.
However, this energy can also lead to feelings of cocksure self-righteousness, where we may become overly confident in our own beliefs and dismissive of others. It's important to temper this energy with humility and openness to differing perspectives.
Aries Rising (Taurus in the 2nd House): This conjunction can shake up your sense of self-worth and values, urging you to reassess what truly matters to you. It may prompt you to break free from limiting beliefs about your worth and explore new ways to create stability in your life.
Taurus Rising (Taurus in the 1st House): This alignment directly impacts your identity and self-expression. You may feel a strong urge to break free from old patterns and embrace a more authentic version of yourself. It's a time for personal revolution and liberation.
Gemini Rising (Taurus in the 12th House): This conjunction can bring unexpected insights from your subconscious mind, leading to a deeper understanding of your true self. You may feel a strong urge to explore your spirituality or delve into your dreams and intuition for guidance.
Cancer Rising (Taurus in the 11th House): This alignment can shake up your social circles and aspirations, urging you to break free from outdated goals and align yourself with your true purpose. You may feel compelled to seek out new communities or groups that resonate with your authentic self.
Leo Rising (Taurus in the 10th House): This conjunction can impact your career and public image, urging you to break free from traditional expectations and pursue a path that aligns with your true calling. You may feel a strong urge to redefine success on your own terms.
Virgo Rising (Taurus in the 9th House): This alignment can bring unexpected opportunities for growth and expansion, urging you to break free from limiting beliefs and explore new horizons. You may feel a strong urge to travel or pursue higher education to broaden your perspective.
Libra Rising (Taurus in the 8th House): This conjunction can shake up your intimate relationships and shared resources, urging you to break free from old patterns of control or manipulation. You may feel a strong urge to transform your approach to intimacy and embrace a more authentic connection with others.
Scorpio Rising (Taurus in the 7th House): This alignment can impact your partnerships and relationships, urging you to break free from codependent patterns and embrace a more independent stance. You may feel a strong urge to redefine your relationships on equal terms.
Sagittarius Rising (Taurus in the 6th House): This conjunction can shake up your daily routines and health habits, urging you to break free from unhealthy patterns and embrace a more holistic approach to well-being. You may feel a strong urge to prioritize self-care and make positive changes to your lifestyle.
Capricorn Rising (Taurus in the 5th House): This alignment can impact your creativity and self-expression, urging you to break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace a more playful approach to life. You may feel a strong urge to pursue creative projects or hobbies that bring you joy.
Aquarius Rising (Taurus in the 4th House): This conjunction can shake up your home and family life, urging you to break free from old patterns of behavior and create a more nurturing environment for yourself. You may feel a strong urge to redefine what home means to you and prioritize your emotional well-being.
Pisces Rising (Taurus in the 3rd House): This alignment can impact your communication and mental outlook, urging you to break free from negative thought patterns and embrace a more positive mindset. You may feel a strong urge to express your ideas and opinions more freely and confidently.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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wrotelovelytears · 1 year
Nymph on the track
Literally don't know what I'm doing
‍♀️The 22° does represent a type of death (and y'all can cry about it). Death isn't always the leaving of the physical plane, it could be the active suppression of something that leaves one feeling not complete/whole.
🐍I have this degree on my Moon, and when I tell you people constantly try to make me suppress my emotions AND when I actively do so I don't feel as complete as when I'm being my normally expressive self. It feels like part of me is gone not that I'm physically gone.
‍♀️As someone with a Jupiter in my first house I have no idea where people got this happy go lucky idea from. I've been told countless times I'm more of a realist or even a pessimist at times. And no my Jupiter doesn't have a ton of negative aspects (there's more positive ones).
🐍I believe Jupiter First house is more of a sign of hyper awareness of self (hence the realism) not ignorance.
🐍I am very aware of my limits and literally will not push myself if I know something is pointless.
‍♀️ I've been stuck in a Saturn ruled year/pattern for the past two years and in two years I'll be starting my Saturn return. I no longer like the number two
‍♀️This applies to the doms/venuses of these modialites Cardinals attract people in the same age range. Fixed attract people older. Mutable attract younger.
‍♀️As a Venue square Ascedant I can tell you now, I love the way I look until someone says something negative then I'm mad the rest of the day. In vice versa if someone says something positive that makes my whole day.
‍♀️I've also notice I get a lot of stares outside (regardless of what I wear), yes my Venus is in the 10th house, that might play a larger role in why others perceptions of me impact me so much.
‍♀️Pluto makes people really blunt and forward with you.
‍♀️Just because one has fame degrees it doesn't mean you'll actually be famous. Depending on the signs/planets/houses it's found in
‍♀️Aqua first house traits: Being called "UniQUe", Major rbf, diamond shaped head (yes you got a big head), coming off different than others in the room (if everyone is bubbly, you mean;if everyone is mean, you bubbly), calling people out then being upset about getting attention
‍♀️Aquarius placements might like the whole "-core" idea a lot. I have no idea why (it's literally just regular traits and interests being turned into a personality but that's just me)
‍♀️Having all three modalities in your big three can show you have great intuition. However your mars sign impacts how much you use said intuition.
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‍♀️Sun and Neptune are to intuition while Uranus and Mars are to expedition
‍♀️Despite an empty 11th house I tend to care too much about friends. Then I realized I have a 7th house Mars and North Node, therefore relationships are the focal point of my life. So no the 11th house isn't about friendships completely it's about your broad socialization.
‍‍♀️Having a first and seventh house stellium make you an ambivert. You wanna be around others but on your own terms.
‍♀️7th house NN is completely about using relationships to shape yourself into your best version. It's about experiencing all the social parts of life and learning the lessons that come with it.
‍♀️I might be biased but I've never met a Taurus I (out right) hated. I vibe so well with them (unless they start acting goofy).
‍♀️Having Neptune and Venus heavily impact you can make you idealistic, fluid, and
‍♀️Saturn is the most ghetto planet. I have nothing else to say in this.
‍♀️Heavy Pluto influence makes one seek out others reactions. Not that they're insecure they just love attention (don't even lie about it).
‍♀️That also applies to Scorpios, they do shit just for a reaction. The only case it might be out of some form of insecurity is if paired with Aquarius or Leo.
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
‍♀️As Pluto transits Aquarius we might see more people diagnosed with nerve problems and long term illness.
‍♀️Another thing about Pluto in Aqua is the increase in cultish behavior/ organizations, terrorist attacks, and standoffish actions. Like I've seen people become real... racist, classist, sexist etc. Almost like all the behaviors we agreed were gross are now okay.
‍♀️North Node in Aries isn't helping with the lack of sociability. I wouldn't be surprised if people started being more individualistic to the point of isolation.
‍♀️Geminis got big ass ears (better to hear everyone's business with)
‍♀️Gemini kids may be vocal a lot sooner than their peers
🐍May also be more curious than other children
‍♀️Sag kids might really like fixed sign adults. Sag adults on the other hand...
‍♀️I mentioned a lot of Scorpios/Pluto doms may work well/with kids but I've noticed the sister sign Taurus might do just as well and work with kids too.
‍♀️Gemini adults are great with babies/toddlers, older kids not so much (because of similarities in disposition)
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‍♀️I've seen a lot of memes about kids "suddenly being aware of their surroundings" and the most notable ages that come up are 3,4 and 5 year olds. The magical astrology thing that happens around that age is your first Saturn square. That's why you'll see those kids asking a lot more why and essential questions
‍♀️Y'all gonna be mad, but the Sag/Gemini axis has more.... "familiar" issues than the Cap/Cancer one. I'm sorry I don't make the rules.
‍♀️I'm sorry but having a 5th house stellium is not an indicator of creativity. I've met and seen quite a few that couldn't draw a fucking line if you gave them an outline. They tend to be more gifted in whatever the sign is over their fifth house rather than "creativity" in general.
🐍My mom has a fifth house stellium but can't draw, color OR paint (despite taking plenty of art classes) to save her life. Yet she is an extremely good person with health based and routine problems (isn't a doctor but can easily tell you something a doctor would).
‍♀️The fifth house really can tell your preferences. I don't just mean "intellectual" or "sympathetic", it could also talk about the appearance and disposition of individuals as well.
🐍Gemini over the 5th can indicate the preference for androgynous (presentation, gender, energy) folks. That could be someone who dates gnc/non binary people more than cis or aligned trans folk. Or be with people who don't conform to gender roles (in a societal sense) by having equal masculine and feminine traits.
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‍♀️I've been wondering when people were going to stop (over) hyping the K *insert literally anything* industry. And I realized it won't be until Neptune is out of Pisces. I made a post a hot minute ago about Korea being specifically the arts being linked to Neptune. And seeing that Neptune in Pisces high key started the globalization (the idea even) of many Korean based arts, it's not going to chill out until Neptune dances its way into Aries.
‍♀️Speaking of Neptune in Aries, we can expect a drastic change in media, the likes and overall expectations of the entertainment industry (that includes physical and digital artists as well). Since more "warish" "rough/hospitable" countries are ruled by Aries we could see the rise of heavy metal, folk (that includes heavy drumming not the more gentle one that's Cancer's domain), and loud, rough music.
🐍We would see a change from fantastical beauty being the standard to people who look like they've seen some shit. There would definitely be a decrease in cosmetic surgery HOWEVER it might also be an increase in steroid usage (everyone wants to look strong).
🐍We could also see more wars, aggression and overthrows during this time. The last time Neptune was in Aries was the mid 1800s. That was a time of government overthrowing, revolts around racial/ethnic inequality (Haitian Revolution, Civil War, Qing dynasty getting jumped, etc etc).
🐍We might actually see true differences made in the world due to this shift.
‍♀️I haven't really seen people talk about Uranus since last year so I just wanted to talk more about what this Taurus and future Gemini transit means.
🐍We have already seen banks and economies crashing. It's only been a few months of Uranus in Taurus and financial stability is looking like a whole joke. While this may not seem big to some or others may be looking forward to this, it's a very big cautionary sign. Since the world does rely on paper/coin currency having banks and whole economies flat line doesn't just mean we'll have some communist revolution, it means we'll have to quickly adapt to a skill base trade or watch the world go up in flames. We could see more wars, famines and disease due to this. I haven't seen anyone touch on the increasing tensions in the world due to the high inflation rates. Yes I mentioned more wars in the Neptune observation but with it corresponding with the current economic instability, yeah. We do have to learn trade/life skills because other things are becoming obsolete.
🐍Another Uranus in Taurus observation is the increased use in technology. You might be confused why this is being mentioned with Uranus and not Pluto, but I'll explain. Taurus is linked to stability and comfort (very similar to the 2nd house), and due to the ease technology gives many folks, it's not surprising we see more and more being used. This leans more into Uranus in Gemini, but AI technology will (for better or worse) become integrated into everyday life. That means communication will change drastically because teachers most likely won't be mostly humans but AI and robotic. Many languages might end up fully dying out by the time Gemini Uranus comes around because no one will be writing and verbalizing them anymore. In the near future I can already tell people will get more lazy in certain aspects leading to a decline in creativity and diversity. Because why should I have to think harder and be uncomfortable when there are things available to do that for me. We could see the rise of more mega cities (think Tokyo) due to human population clustering in certain areas and leaving others. Honestly the thing I can see happening and kinda fear is lack in biodiversity leading to us just cloning to make up for life lost.
‍♀️I said in a previous observation that Aquarius is linked to Nuerodivergence and now I figured out how. It relates more to the "physically visible" ones. I'm taking Tourettes, Epilepsy and Alzheimer's.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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elminx · 7 months
Starting tomorrow, retrograde Uranus will no longer be exactly conjunct to my sun and I have never been so happy to see a transit end in my entire life.
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dreamypisces888 · 2 months
The Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus - A 14-Year Cycle!!!
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On April 20-21st, 2024, we are about to witness a highly significant transit - one that may be the most important of the year, and quite possibly, of the entire decade. During this time, Jupiter will align with Uranus at 21° Taurus.
For some of us, something tangible and concrete may occur on the day of the conjunction or within the following weeks. This is especially true if you have planets or angles around 21° Taurus. However, for most of us, the impact of the transit may not be immediately apparent.
Why is the Jupiter conjunct Uranus transit so momentous? Well, it involves two outer planets. Unlike the personal planets such as Mercury or Venus, outer planets move at a much slower pace, which means their conjunctions occur very infrequently. When they do converge - as they are doing now - they inevitably bring about substantial shifts.
Jupiter and Uranus come together in a conjunction every 14 years, but in different signs of the zodiac each time. The last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction took place in 2010-2011.
For my chart they will conjuct on my 2nd House and I am really hoping to get a new job that pays way better that my current one ! I am not delusional because 2 days ago I had the first job interview so I feel that this change in my career and my finance is coming after landing awful and abusive CEOs ! I hope this will break that cycle !
Tell me in the comments in which house do you have this conjunction and how this will affect your lives?
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