#ursula kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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fashion for : ursula / vanessa (the little mermaid) without specifications
hairclip | leggings | corset belt | dress ring | earrings (converters) | shoes | necklace
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cosmicwhoreo · 2 years
I- i want you to give me some caviarpearl hc’s if you want to,,if not,,,you good :)
(I also love ur art)
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I may have a few. -Firstly and foremost; NONE OF THEM KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Like, at all. The one with the most experience with even the slightest bit of romance (and I use that word VERY lightly) is Pearl, who got trust issues from it SO BADLY it inverted her colors. Caviar's been too preoccupied in being a Captain and glorified babysitter to his misfit crew among other things to so much as give a toss about romance, and she literally secludes herself in the literal wreckage of her past relationship as a reminder of how naïve she was and horrible people are. The slowburn is REAL and neither of them realize until it's too late. As in, they could be literally dating for a good 2 or 3 years and a second party would still have to spell out what's going on for them.
-Black Pearl is touch-starved AS FUCK. She hasn't had or given any physical affection in literal centuries, so when say; Caviar like gives her a reassuring shoulder pat when she's in one of her "murder moods", she blanks. Completely forgetting what she was angry about and now has a MIGHTY NEED for more but refuses to acknowledge it. Cue when they FINALLY are on a more rrrromantic ground, and she's hanging her head off his shoulder like your household cat demanding attention and affection.
-The good old classic; Villainess that playfully flirts to make the hero annoyed or uncomfortable, until he goes and flirts back and WHAT THE HELL, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT!! (//0m0//)
-Mayhaps my son, my beloved boy, Caviar would be the last to ~realize~. Mainly because he first has to figure out that's what he's feeling first. But, he would probably be somehow more stubborn about admitting it than BP. Don't get him wrong, he's good at picking up on more emotional cues from others, but he's absolute garbage on how to handle his own. So, he just kinda sits on his more complex feelings until his ass is sore. Not sure if acknowledging them would be more trouble than it's worth. Ever the crispy captain that never admits to having a soft spot.
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duskstars · 2 years
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tiodolma · 2 years
i can't believe that Kilgharrah and Gaius were technically Merlin's uncles on both his Father's and Mother's sides.
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c-rowlesdraws · 10 months
so I did some research on hyenas and I found a some stuff saying Brown hyenas have been eating vegetables, so their is that, plus Grills are more human like, so their teeth and digestive system would be a bit different of me their wild kin.
I don’t know about brown hyenas eating vegetables— but that may well be true, even if I haven’t come across it in my own research. My interpretation of gnolls has them keep a lot of hyena physiology, though, because I think it’s cool— they might be anthropomorphized, but not everything about them is the same level of humanoid. Also, I’ve thought a lot about this and I actually don’t even really think there are “normal” hyenas in the world Sweet Pea and her people live in… I might even just go with them simply being called “hyenas” in-universe, instead of “gnolls” or a gnoll-adjacent fantasy word. Like how the anthro hyenas in Ursula Vernon’s Digger are just called hyenas, and nobody comments on there being any other sort of hyena that isn’t sapient and walks on four legs instead of two.
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What is Twisted Wonderland and how would you sell someone on it?
Ohoho. Ohohohoho. Anon. You have activated my trap card >:D
(I'm about to be soooo annoying/unhinged and I'm sorry. I'm not.)
Alright, so:
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Twisted Wonderland is a Disney mobile game made in Japan and co-produced by Aniplex. (Yes, that Aniplex.) I'm not here to sell you on the game, so much as the story, but it is a sort of story-book rpg with turned based fights and rhythm games, where you build character units from a gacha pull. As far as gameplay goes, it's very simple, and most of the emphasis lies on the characters and the story. And it's wonderful.
The on-the-box description of this game doesn't do it justice, per se, but that might be because Disney has a little bit of influence on it and they suck at knowing who their target audience is. It is about a high school based on classic Disney villains—but no, not in the way you're thinking, because I once made that mistake too. It is not a villain school. Rather, the world of Twisted Wonderland is its own entity, with characters built as sort of nods or foils to classic Disney characters. The world itself is somewhat built with these films as its past, and history has become so twisted (ha) that modern society views some of these classic villains as the heroes or supporting characters of their stories, and respect them as The Great Seven. (The seven in question being the Queen of Hearts, Scar, Ursula, Jafar, the Evil/Raven Queen, Hades, and Maleficent. None of them are remembered by name, though.)
The game takes place in the modern era, a society with both technology and magic. Specifically, it takes place in a magic high school called Night Raven College, an all-boys dormitory prep school where the only requirement to get in is a magic mirror that peers into your soul and determines whether or not you can a) do magic and b) kin the Great Seven. And, of course, the player character is a regular-ass human who gets isekai'd in and gets stuck with a talking magic cat direbeast named Grim.
Now. That is the general synopsis. I, on the other hand, affectionately call this the Mental Breakdown game.
See, here's the kicker. The magic system is pretty nifty; while it's functions as a standard magic-is-magic sort of soft system, it has ✨consequences✨
Magic has this byproduct called blot. It's this icky stuff that builds up when you a) use too much magic and/or b) are emotionally distressed. But less so in a "I'm panicked right now" sort of way and more so in a "I have chronic depression and/or anxiety" sort of way. And, when a mage is powerful enough, and sad boi enough, and then goes and uses way too much magic and sad boi juice in one sitting, this amazing phenomenon occurs called "overblot"—which is pretty much a super-powered evil form that turns the mage into the darkest form of themselves and then uses magic until they die.
Naturally, this happens in the game. A lot. The formula is pretty much that each "book" of the story, there is an overblot. One for each of the seven dorms, which are based off of the seven villains/the movies they come from. (And "based on" is pretty loose. Yes you can see the similarities, but these are dumb teenage boys with their own hopes and aspirations, and, sometimes, the game completely lies to you about what character they emulate the most. The guy who's Jafar? Well yes but he's actually just a really stressed out Genie stand in. The Hades guy? Whoops that's Meg. Is that a card soldier or the White Rabbit? Doesn't matter, he's got problems.)
The characters are so well written. I could gush about them forever, and they are the driving points of this plot and it means everything to me. They are some of the most traumatized and messed up individuals, but also, they are dumb teenage boys who do dumb teenage boys things. It is all incredibly well balanced and startlingly realistic for a game that amounts to beating the emotional constipation around people. Mostly because it cannot be beat out of them. The blot can, but they have to deal with their emotions with their own two hands, with varying levels of success.
And the shenanigans!!!! Oh, the shenanigans. I call this the Emotional Trauma game but I have once laughed so hard someone heard me through the floor. It's not all doom and gloom for sure. Sometimes you're watching your friend fall apart because his toxic mother instilled debilitating perfectionism and slowly start making enemies of everyone and sometimes you're sending three of the most gremlin students plus one cinnamon roll to infiltrate a gala that a bunch of weather fairies are throwing in the greenhouse because they stole your temperature regulating magestone to be shiny jewelry and you want it to stop snowing inside your dorm room. And sometimes you can have the exact same character who experienced losing his little brother right in front of him gush about a magical girl sledding anime and all of his gacha games. It is the best of both worlds.
And, that's not all! No, no. We get amazing character interactions. Not just pre-determined friend group interactions, but also random interactions. Yana Toboso (the writer/artist) really likes to stick names in a jar sometimes and make them interact and it is the best thing ever. Every single one of these characters I hold in my hands. Every single one of them gets to have their moment to shine. You can emotionally invest in all of them and be rewarded for it.
The game itself is free and pretty easy to get into. There's not really a bad power creep so you can get through it with what you got. Of course the fun part of collecting cards is that there are stories attached to them that you can watch, and those are also sources of joy. (And it's well documented, so you can find things online pretty easily to catch up and see more.)
I just think it's neat. (Read: I accidentally became wholly obsessed with this game and its characters and they are all blorbos to me.)
You should definitely fall into this rabbit hole with me :))) It's so worth it :)))
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aspiritdrawings · 5 months
About 1 year ago i made a fanfic of 'the little mermaid' as Madoka Magica. Sayaka was Ariel, Kyousuke was the prince, Madoka was one of the other mermaids, Hitomi was the woman the prince would marry instead **NOT URSULA**, Kyubey is Ursula, and Kyouko would be a pirate doomed to die with Sayaka.
And i was thinking...
...What if i rewrite it? I still love the idea, and Sayaka is my number 1 kin and one of my fav characters ever, so i was thinking that maybe i should give it a revamp!
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minzart · 1 year
saw you bored, so!
how do you think the cast of twst would react to MC referencing the villains in ways that go against the dorm's fundamental ideals
In heastlabyul I can see ace, Trey and Carter agreeing with Yuu's "THE QUEEN BROKE THE RULES ALL THE TIME! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THERE ARE SO MANY RULES THAT CONTRADIC EACH OTHER?!" Riddle however is fuming with rage and ready to absolutely behead you with his own bare hands, Deuce believes but he's having a hard time remembering wich rules Yuu's referring to
In savanaclaw I can see them not beliving Yuu or not giving a shit, "so? What if the king of beasts might have been a coward in his dieing breath? Were you there? Are you sure? No? So shut it"(Leona probably). Jack's probably more curious on were Yuu is getting this ideas from, everyone is tbh but he's the only one admitting it
Octavinele, Azul specifically, I can see him making excuses for Ursula like "SHE'S A BUSSINES WOMAN OF COUSE SHE IS GONNA TRY TO MAKE IT HARDER FOR WHOEVER THE HELL "ARIEL" IS?? THAT'S JUST HOW BUSSINESS WORK!" Jade is filming and Floyd is throwing more fire into the circus, sometimes siding with Yuu others with Azul.
Now Scarabia, I can see Kalim being more curious than anything, he would be more inclined to belive Yuu's words since they are friends, and bc he's the more emotionally intelligent I can see him believing these stories bc even The sorcerer of sands was probably a person with feelings and emotions that can get turbulent as anyone else. Jamil won't outright tell Yuu they are dumb but lord he is thinking about it and just would be like "alright but if he did when MAD with power then what about the stupid ruler?"
I can only see zero fucks given by the Pomefiore trio, "oh? She was jealous of someone's apearence? Sounds familiar to me-"(epel probably), Vil has Neige my guy of course he gets jealous, specially if the compliment came from someone you actually care about (see aparently in some versions the Mirror is Grimhilde's father), in other words he kins her, Rook is Rook he will wax prety poetry of the human nature still being beautiful even at it's ugliest
Ignhyde, I can see Ortho searching for this info online and either stating he found it or that the record has been lost to time and being frustrated by it, Idia will still say that the underworld king still invented that counter so Yuu can't say he WASN'T a genius, even if the way he made his plan was dependable on luck and organic matter.
In Diasomnia, Lilia didn't expected anything diferent knowing the draconia line he probably assumes every dragon fary is that petty, Silver doesn't doubt it happened but doesn't really care that much, sebek is siding with Maleficent bc he is a simp for the Draconia Bloodline and Malleus is pouting bc in his head she was absolutely justified to curse a fucking baby for not being invited.
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onaperduamedee · 7 months
The Kin as a concept is probably my favourite organisation of the books. The sheer power of a secret network of runaways from the magical church who have to change identities to hide their incredibly slow aging. They are also a game-changer in the way they approach magic hierarchy in the Westlands. I love that experience is so important for them and that they honed their skills instead of trying to accumulate more power. And their growth in confidence when confronted with the figures they had revered and feared from afar is just delicious.
In some ways, they seem to belong in Ursula K Le Guin's world and I adore that
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troutfur · 11 months
Friendly rivalry between alderpaw and needlepaw in an au where clans are friendly and collaborative with eachother.
I'm writing this preamble before writing the ficlet so I don't know how much of this is gonna reflect on it, but I do want it to be known that my immediate thought seeing this prompt was not to focus on the Needlepaw and Alderpaw of it all but rather on the aspect of the Clans being friendlier and more collaborative.
See, half because a while back my friend group got really into thinking about shipping dynamics based on Ursula K. Le-Guin short stories and half because that's what I was reading about for my class on anthropological theory I have thought about the idea of Clans as a type of moiety that evolved out of a gradual cooling of the political tensions at the creation of the Clans.
I usually group the four forest clans into two sets of two based on the alliances towards the end of TPB, LionClan with WindClan and ThunderClan and TigerClan with ShadowClan and RiverClan. I'll have to brainstorm a name for what the two larger Clans with ShadowClan and ThunderClan on one side and WindClan and RiverClan on the other as their halves would be.
(Want to see me overcomplicate your AU premise? Check my guidelines and give me your prompt! You may just be the one chosen next.)
“Alderpaw, come on!” Molewhisker stopped to encourage his panting apprentice. His trudging step and panting tongue betrayed right away how over-exerted he was from the exercise. Or it would if he didn’t look positively ragged, with fur sticking out everywhere and leaves and even bits of grass caught up all across his pelt.
His siter had convinced her own mentor and Molewhisker to make the trek to ShadowClan camp into a training exercise, though perhaps that’s too strong a word for how easily Cherryfall jumped on the idea. Alderpaw would be lying if he were to say he didn’t resent that about his sister just a little bit for how she had made a trip he was already dreading all the worse.
He understood, of course, the need to do so. It was as vital for a warrior of any Clan to get to know their sister Clan as it was to get to know their own territory and their own prey. But nothing he’d heard about their siblings from the other forest had been the least bit encouraging.
After every single gathering the senior warriors would return complaining about Consul Rowanclaw’s inability to keep the peace among his crowd, especially after the kits from their unusually fecund year had begun into apprenticeship. Most of ThunderClan held no particular love of his father but considering the alternative they dreaded the coming year when Consul Bramblestar would have to step back as Brambleclaw, letting Rowanstar enact his year of primary leadership.
When Alderpaw finally came to rest, almost collapsing without a care for the fact the floor was strewn with endless pine needes instead of the more familiar leaf litter, his peace was short-lived for he was soon faced with an unfamiliar silver-gray she-cat making faces at him. “This is a ThunderClan cat?” she said with an eyeroll as she turned around and slapped him across the face with her tail. “And I thought this was going to be a challenge.”
“The real challenge is going to be having to live with them,” another one jeered.
“They’re even worse at the gathering,” a third one of the apprentices piped up. “All goody two-paws trying oh so hard to impress their mentors. It’s sickening really.”
As they each took turns hurling insult after insult, Alderpaw could hear his sister swishing her tail across the pine needle cover. He knew that kind of look on her face, eager to jump to her own defense, and by extension that of her kin and Clan. But she also looked to her mentor who had not yet done anything about the insolent apprentices in spite of the authority conferred by her rank even over the youth of another Clan.
With a subtle eye signal from his sister and a tap of her foot, Molewhisker sprung into action, bringing the apprentice currently taking his turn at a jab under his grasp.
“Are we done with this distraction now?” The other apprentices tensed seeing the warrior currently grasping their friend but as Cherryfall flashed her claws they backed down.
Molewhisker released his grasp on the apprentice and soon enough Cherryfall was instructing everyone on the training exercise they would be performing together. “Don’t you think just because you have them to intimidate them that I’m going to go easy on you,” the silver-gray molly said to Alderpaw.
Just his luck that he had been paired with her of all possible cats...
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kopidense · 11 months
I've therefore conclude (with three dots) that after seeing literally everyone get Wriothesley despite me literally asking the salon to give me his haircut last week and still lost the 50/50 I have therefore decided that Arlecchino is my beloved wife. Navina did not lie when they assigned me as an Arlecchino kin. This is the start of my villain arc
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illwilledomen · 2 years
The Wormwood Family
The Wormwoods are an immensely wealthy illager family in my world. A few of my illager OCs belong to the bloodline, including Percy. They own a sprawling estate and what is essentially a personal militia, and are the closest thing to royalty you can get with the way illager society works.
Illager factions are usually run by, to put it simply, extremely wealthy and extremely powerful gangs, typically lead by the head of a family and named after the family’s surname. The lord or lady who is the head of the gang will live in the woodland mansion and as will their next of kin (children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, etc).
The Wormwood manor is owned by Giovanni Wormwood, an old and powerful Evoker who is 109 years old. His old age does not show - physically he is in his mid sixties.
He is kept alive by magic and while he is sharp witted and cruel as ever, his health is slowly deteriorating from the effects of his dark magic.
He runs the house with an iron fist, and is a sour and arrogant man - the house is also run by his second in command, Lady Andrea. She is his wife, and is around 103 (once again, kept younger by her magic) and often runs the place when he is unable to. She is even colder than her husband, and is not afraid to eliminate anyone who stands in her way, including her own family. She had her first born son murdered (attempted murder, he may or may not have survived and got into the art of …..illusion..) because he could not succeed in his magic studies, and often dangles this looming threat over her other children. Rumour in the mansion has it that she might be behind Gio’s health failures, some whispering in hushed tones that she has put some kind of curse on him to ensure her side of the family takes over, but for now, that’s all it is - just rumours.
Next in the line are Gio, Andrea and their siblings (all of which are dead) children. They are part of the highest league of Evokers. The council, as they call themselves, consist of the lord and lady, the high mages, and also a top vindicator general, Hemlock, who often joins meetings, being close friends with the lord and lady and is highly respected in the mansion despite not being of the bloodline.
Gio and Andrea’s eldest son is Mervyn, an exuberant socialite with a loud and pompous personality. He loves expensive gifts and booze, is extremely gullible and is a bit of a fool. He often boasts about his magical prowess and charm (none of which are anything special, he often relies on magical party tricks to get people to tolerate him) and has a habit of getting extremely drunk and running his mouth about things he shouldn’t. He gets scammed a lot. He has two body guard vindicators, who are silent, imposing and are also twins.
Ursula is the second eldest child, she is not of the bloodline but is the wife of Mervyn and so that makes her a step-child. She gossips a lot and loves to spread rumours. She spoils her eldest daughter Yolanda and her youngest son Charleston rotten, and also spoils her vex, despite being advised not to waste her magic by summoning the, when she shouldn’t. If you dare criticize her sweetie-poppet-darling-angel-Charlie-bear Charleston you will probably get thrown into the ocean with weights attached to your ankles.
Then we have Eugene, the middle child. He’s a complete loser and gets 0 bitches. He is constantly complaining and grumbling about something, and due to this, Ursula takes great pleasure in making him be the target of her passive aggressive warfare. He works as a scrollkeeper and has an extensive knowledge on many things - if you can get past his complete lack of charisma, permanent expression of disgust and nasally drone of a voice, he contains an ocean of knowledge.
The second youngest son, Marrow. Marrow is a Casanova, always trying to woo any illager who catches sight of his award winning smile and chiseled jawline. He plays into peoples egos, praising them and watching them intently, making them feel important to put them under his spell to do his bidding, like a siren. Behind his facade of romance and charm hides a cunning and sadistic character, who takes pleasure in watching things suffer. He shows this in his Vex, who often take the form of the illager’s inner personality. His vex are absolutely vile and go out of their way to upset, hurt or frighten people physically, emotionally or verbally whenever he summons them. Due to this, he only takes them out on the battlefield or when he wants to torment his employees, nieces or nephews. He is an immensely cruel man and is not to be toyed with.
Marrow had a wife, however she’s out of the picture. No one really knows what happened to her.
The youngest son is a recluse. His name is Ferguson and he stays away from his siblings. Like Marrow, he is a twisted individual, however he is more obviously so than his brother. He has a disturbing fascination with anatomy and mutation, and dreams of making a biologically ‘perfect’ creature. His studies and experiments have helped refine the… ‘model’… for the Ravager, and when he is around people he is often can seen staring them down in an immensely creepy and violating way, particularly if they’re a human or a villager, or taking notes frantically with his notebook that he carries. He is a pasty little beast with gaunt features, even for illager standards, and he giggles like a complete maniac. No one really knows what he does in the dank, dark corners of the mansion laboratories, but it can’t be good. Stay on your guard around this peculiar character.
Luckily, he’s a coward, so if you look tough enough you probably won’t get mysteriously knocked out cold with a slowness potion at night and wake up on a dissection table.
Finally we have the youngest of the bloodline, all ranging from teens to their late twenties.
The eldest child of Marrow is Persis, of whom prefers the name Percy. She’s 28 and she’s a vindicator. She is tall and broad, and her personality alone could fill up a room. She’s loud, raucous and both extremely unlikeable and charismatic in her own kind of way. She has a short temper, and also flirts a lot but never actually bothers to be courteous or respectful to her love interests - she’s the kind of person who will leave without so much as a good morning after sleeping with someone. She is an adept warrior, and is extremely strong. Given she has pure direct Wormwood blood she would have become an Evoker, but she was extremely burly and violent from the start so it was decided she’d get dibs on a higher up position in vindicator training. She likes to bully anyone who’s smaller than her in size, with the exception of her cousin Charleston, who’s her boss.
The second child, and youngest of Marrow’s children, sister of Percy, we have Ivy, a female evoker who is exceptionally gifted. She is stoic and cold, and Percy cannot recall ever seeing the girl smile, cry or even so much as express more than the occasional scowl or grimace in disgust. She is very powerful for her age (being 18) and due to this she is often seen as the favorite child. However she is constantly pressured by her elders and is put through the painful and abusive training that comes with learning the dark arts, hence her numbness. She speaks very little, and when she does, she usually puts that effort into bruising someone’s ego. Her vex are aggressive and unstable in nature, often wailing and shrieking. Due to this she uses fangs the majority of the time.
Percy and Ivy don’t get along. Percy thinks she’s a ‘prissy little cow’ and Ivy thinks Percy is a ‘lumbering moron’.
Then, we have the children of Ursula and Mervyn.
Yolanda is the oldest daughter of the two, being 24. She loves jewelry and expensive things, is spoiled rotten by her mother and father, and like her mother, she’s always in on the gossip. Out of all the illagers here, however, she’s probably the nicest. She isn’t as mean spirited as the rest of her family, is quite emotional and while she isn’t the brightest she usually means well. Because of her softness and naivety, she’s subject to cruelty from her peers and often looked down upon in a condescending way, even by her own parents. It doesn’t help that she’s not a very good mage, either.
Youngest, we have Charleston, whos 21. Charlie is your classic spoiled rich pretty boy. He’s entitled and boasts a lot, and has a Napoleon complex (he’s quite small - not Arch-illager levels of manlet, but enough to make him a target for cruel jokes). Percy works for him as his body guard, and it’s a good thing he’s a cousin and pays well because Percy can’t stand him and would love nothing more than to punt the little bastard. Charles is terrified of his uncle Marrow and Fergie. He also hates ravagers. Probably because they remind him of Fergie’s ‘projects’. It’s very clear that Charlie is Ursula’s favourite child, and due to this, Yolanda gets jealous and often picks on the boy.
Okay, that’s all I have for now. Thanks for reading!
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bon-bons-kindiner · 9 months
Hey hey hey! I was wondering if I can get some names for Golden Freddy, Puppet, Funtime Foxy and Cassidy kin! If possible Greek mythology related! Have a faz-tastic day!
Hello, Hello! Please let me know if you want anything changed and have a faz-tastic day!
Golden Freddy names:
Arthur (“bear” in Celtic)
Artis (“bear”)
Ursula (“little bear”)
Puppet names:
Aoide (means “song” and the name of one of the muses)
Atlas (means “to endure”)
Funtime Foxy names:
Louis (means “fame, loud”)
Cassidy names:
Alastor (means “avenger” and was the name of several characters in Greek mythology)
Alecto/Alekto (means “unceasing” and the name of one of the furies)
Daedalus (means “to work cunningly”, made the labyrinth for the Minotaur)
Deimos (means “terror”, a son of Ares)
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rainydaystudios · 11 months
Remus headcanons!
Has a witch coven with Janus. Virgil used to be in the coven, but when a hex backfired extremely, he left.
A sucker for pretzels.
has a wall with all the sides, Thomas’s friends and Thomas’s hair taped to a wall in his room with labels for each person.
kins Ursula
does moss graffiti on Roman’s side of the imagination to rebel against the system.
since he’s canonically allergic to soap and eats his deodorant, he uses toothpaste as soap.
has a truck load of sleepovers with Janus.
collects plushies.
building off the last one, he names them and has tea parties with them. Also, makes telenovelas with them.
Lonely boy.
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let-me-iiiiiiiin · 1 year
15 Questions - tag game(?)
My apologies for any weirdness, this is my first time participating in a tumblr game. Also I'm late by 84 years. Tagged by @vivantesopales !!
Nickname: snowy
Height: 5'5 (I'm beginning to notice a pattern)
Last thing I googled: what is celestial kin
Song stuck in my head: the pacer test remix
Followers: fighting off the girl horde with my blood sweat and tears
Amount of sleep: 8 hours or so, but I woke up at 11.00 AM :(
Wearing: black shirt green hoodie green trousers
Book or movie that summarises you: fanfiction??? baby nothing can summarise me
Favorite song (currently): way too many, I get obsessed bunch by bunch. Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain, Black Fire by MegaGoneFree, and Gold by Chet Faker are the newest. Not songs, but Unbecoming and Heralds by Wordclock are perpetually in my head
Aesthetic: uhhhhhh attic-wife-core
Favorite authors: I've been reading fanfic for the last 10 years, they're all fic authors. Ursula le Guinn though. And Mona Awad's "Bunny" has me going feral so maybe her. I also really enjoy Julia Kristeva's cryptic indecipherable prose in Powers of Horror, the translation of her essay ♡
Random fact: poplar is a disease prone tree but the wood is good at heat and sound insulation apparently
I'll be honest here, I have no idea who to tag. I'll try though. @creatro @itsevanffsbutspam
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gaysonlyocean · 1 year
its ok!! joner would.
"look at me adam. sure hope no sea wit-" "say i kin ursula and you're being vibe checked" /j -silly
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