#used this flag since the colors show best on it imo
LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 2, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Floofty Fizzlebean-Bugsnax
They are nonbinary (canonically use they/them pronouns) and during the plot they become an amputee.
Floofty is a scientist studying bugsnax in the hopes of discovering something that could better the world. They amputated their leg to test a hypothesis on bugsnax having regenerative properties. It works, but only temporarily, and they're shown to use a prosthetic leg post-game. They're a mad scientist. They're a mild autocannibal. They only experiment on willing participants, of which they are the only one. They're selfless to the point of self-destruction. Their color pallet is the nonbinary flag. Vote Floofty.
Anything Else?:
floofty is kinda mean but that's cus every bugsnax character has reasons to like & dislike them. listen I'm paranoid that someone's gonna be like "aha! they're bad rep because they're mean!" but everyone else is equally fucked up don't worry about it
Heart-Moonlight Chicken
He's deaf (and I think one of the first ever deaf love interests in a Thai drama) and canonically gay with a boyfriend.
hes canonically deaf and gay
Heart is a gay deaf character in the drama moonlight chicken.
Heart is canonically deaf and canonically has a boyfriend at the end of the series! :)
Canonically queer and deaf
He’s canonically deaf and the love interest of another male character (Li Ming)
A lot of his storyline is about the struggles of being deaf in Thai society. The show is only 8 episodes and he’s only a supporting character so it can't go super in depth to it but his arc was really well done imo. He lost his hearing due to illness like 3 years before canon (I forget th exact time frame), but his parents shut him away and never learned sign language so his storyline is about being able to come into his own and leave the house and everything. Like his love interest learns sign language for him and researches what to do to help him feel normal and supports him as his parents are forced to confront how they've failed their son with their lack of acceptance of being deaf. Like his whole story is just him finally getting to live his life normally again after being shut off from the world and having a supportive boyfriend. At the end of the show, he goes to a deaf college in America to study engineering.
he became deaf after a disease and since then is isolated in his home for 3 years. these years also coincide with the pandemic. and his parents didnt learn sign, just writing their messages in a paper and sliding it to him without hearing what he has to say. he was also presumably degraded for talking because it wasnt very clear because hes literally deaf. his parents by the end of the show try to talk better to him through sign but good god. he was so lonely
Heart is an amazing character. His story show us the hardships he faces with his family acceptance but also the importance of forming a community. His love story with ming is beautiful and heartwarming.
Heart is sheltered by his parents after losing his hearing due to illness. Throughout the series, however, his parents gain more understanding of him and his abilities and he gains a found family with his boyfriend Li Ming and Li Ming's family and it's all so heartwarming and wholesome. Although his parents see him as unable to live a normal life after he loses his hearing, he disproves this by seeking work, building relationships, and getting into college for engineering. He is the best boy!
When we first meet Heart, he is very sheltered from the outside world by his parents, who have taken pretty much no effort to understand Heart’s needs or wants since he lost his hearing. He is homeschooled and doesn’t seem to have any friends or sense of community. His parents leave him alone all the time, choosing instead to focus on their work. His bedroom is full of notes that his parents have left him. Hung up on the walls are different sign language posters, clueing the audience into the fact that he taught himself sign language. Over the course of the show, Heart develops a friendship and, eventually, relationship with Li Ming, a boy who works at a chicken rice shop. Li Ming sneaks Heart out of the house, where they do all kinds of things together – participating in a lantern festival, attending a community gathering for deaf folks, and learning how to drive a motor scooter, off the top of my head. While learning how to ride the motor scooter, however, Heart has a small accident and his parents find out about him sneaking out. The confrontation scene is one that is definitely best translated on-screen, but I’ll try to describe it the best I can. Basically, Heart, Li Ming, and Heart’s parents all hash it out. Heart’s parents accuse Li Ming of influencing Heart to disobey them, Li Ming explains that Heart wanted – and is capable of – doing the things they did together, Heart’s parents barely even look at him during the entire exchange, Heart finally gets fed up and tells his parents exactly how they make him feel, and Heart’s parents have to ask Li Ming what Heart was saying. After this confrontation, things get a bit better with Heart’s parents, though not perfect. At the end of the show, Heart and Li Ming travel overseas together, where Heart attends university and Li Ming works, a dream they talk about quite a few times over the course of the show.
He’s the first deaf love interest in a Thai drama! And he has the most adorable love story with another guy called Li Ming in the show who learns sign language in order to communicate with him more effectively. While he faces struggle from his parents being extremely overprotective after he lost his hearing a few years ago (also since he’s still a teenager) it ends up resolved with them changing their mindset and allowing him full freedom. His story shows struggle while not being a tragedy, and he ends the show going to study in America with his boyfriend being really happy <3
Anything Else?:
I feel like it isn't very often we see deaf queer characters, especially not ones who find love and a happy ending!
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @burnsuncomet is the second submitter.
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 7 months
i saw someone else do this and thought why the hell not. some fun things about me :)
1. Were you named after anyone?
My name is Haley, and its loosely after Edmond Halley, who discovered Halley's Comet. My parents just didn't like the double L.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This morning. I listened to a song I haven't heard since I was in kindergarten.
3. Do you have any kids?
I'm only 15, and plan to wait a while. I do love kids and want one or two when I'm older. I already have names picked out in my head
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played volleyball from 5th to 8th grade, and had 3 undefeated seasons and 2 conference championships. I'm currently on my high school's varsity bowling team.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Liberally, when in person. not as much online because tone is harder to get across.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
General level of colorfulness. Something about people who have a lot of fun with color in their clothes and hair and everything tend to draw me in pretty quick. being free and comfortable with clothes and color is a huge green flag for me
7. What's your eye color?
Brown so dark it looks black.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings every time. I'll watch horror if there's nothing else on, but it's not my go to. Give me the angst then stuff it full of hurt/comfort until they ride off into the sunset.
9. Any talents?
Pretty good at art and have a decent singing voice.
10. Top 3 fandoms?
Good Omens, PJO, then LOTR. This account is pretty much good omens even though it started for PJO, but I interact more with PJO and LOTR content on instagram and other apps. good omens certainly has the best stock of fic writers, meta writers, and fanartists imo.
11. Hobbies?
I crochet a ton, and have sold at a couple craft shows. Current obsession is crocheting replicas of the many sweaters of David Tennant. Other than that, I read and draw as much as possible.
12. Do you have pets?
I have a painted turtle named Oliver, a 21 year old cat named Claudia, and a crap ton of fish. We foster kittens occasionally, current babies are Squadcar, Squinty, Eddie, Beelzebub, and Hastur. i think its obvious which ones I was allowed to name..
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Current favorite classes are digital art and web design, but favorite mandatory class is AP World History.
15. Dream job?
Something in either animation or museum curation.
16. Favorite books?
Good Omens, LOTR, PJO, Lockwood & Co, The Reader trilogy, The Girl at Midnight trilogy, Song of Achilles. anything myth or fantasy based, really!
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lgbtelsword · 2 years
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boyflux bi chevalier for anon!
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Ml analysis: Native American miracle box
While is it obvious that the new miracle box is of native American origin I still went to do some research on it to see if I can narrow it down to a certain tribe and find more connections hidden in the lore.
So not to waste any time, here is my result:
The native American miracle box is in possession of the Souix Lakota tribe. Just like with the Ml Tibetan guardian monks represent not only 1 but 4 groups, the native American Miraculous tribe is a combination of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota and where we can safely say that the monks will primarily lean towards the Tibet representation, I would say here we will primarily lean towards the Lakota. Therefore, I will call the native America Miraculous tribe Lakota but know that the other two tribes are included in this as well.
So a dead giveaway for the identity of the ml Tribe is Jessicas Shirt. In general Jessica has the hairstyle, the physical features and the accessories typical for representing an “Indian” character and her shirt is a direct confirmation of that heritage.
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On her shirt is an obvious reference to the Lakota flag which pretty much tells us that this is the Tribe we are dealing with. Nice, why cant it always be this easy?
Under the cut I cover three more points to go into more detail, read more if you’re interested ^^
1. The medicine wheel
I must give it to miraculous, using the medicine wheel for the upper layer of the miracle box is one genius move imo.
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The Medicine Wheel is a sacred symbol and way of life used by the indigenous Plains tribes to represent all knowledge of the universe. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to really get into its teaching and living ways to be comfortable explaining its practice in more details, so in this part I want to cover only what has been directly acknowledged by Thomas Astruc. And that would be the animals (duh, obviously) and the elements.
The first thing I had to learn the hard way in this research is that there is not one "true" way for this symbol to be arranged. The way its used, what animal belongs to which color or element and even what KIND of animal is in it can vary STRONGLY from location to location.
So I accepted that the arrangement can not be pinpointed down to perfect accuracy through research. We were already given all the animals and colors, now all I can really do here is present to you a possible variation of the miraculous arrangement I put together after looking up and trying to understand the differences between the real life ones to continue from here on.
There are only two animals we know for sure the connected color of: The eagle, Jessicas miraculous of freedom and the Thunderbird. In his tweets Thomas mentioned the elements so I decided to include them in the arrangement, how or if they will be incorporated into the show I can not tell you though. But still I wanted the elements in here as well ^^
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As already said, the eagle is red and the thunderbird is in the green center. As you can see I put the bear to black, the Wolf to yellow and the Buffalo to white. Those seemed to me the most likely combinations and even if they don’t end up right, it wont do harm to any of this.
Buffalo: white and air because the Lakota have a white Buffalo woman legend where air was one of the main elements she controled and used.
Wolf: yellow and fire. Fire because in Lakota legends the wolf/ coyote is a very unpredictable animal. He's both a trickster and a hero, not always moraly sound but always clever. It's a dangerous but strong and lively nature that I do think the show could represent with the fire element. Yellow is one of the two cases where I was left with this option by default.
Bear: I choose black and water because that's a combination I have seen the most
Eagle: I already know Red and choose earth in combination. At first I thought about putting fire in this place because of its normal association with red but in the end choose earth because I think it's the element that fits the best to Jessica.
But the reason why I decided to include the elements is because of the green thunderbird in the middle. Because where the other 4 animals are connected with the 4 elements, the thunderbird would here represent inner balance and harmony. Of course this isn't it's power, but the layout makes it quite obvious that the thunderbird is the equivalent of the ladybugs and cats yin-yang. My assumption right now is that this is how the show will cover the different types of "balance" although the world cultures it incorporates, but let me come back to this one another time.
2. more cultural references and meanings
The thunderbird represents the most powerful one of this miracle box because the thunderbird is the one animal that is present in every Souix Lakota tribe and holds an enormous cultural and spiritual significance. It is a mythological bird and is associated with several legends starting from controlling the storms, lightnings and thunder to being the protector of the humans and even being a helper of the creation of reality (Reality in Ml are the LB and Cat hence why its place in the middle of the box is well deserved) It only makes sense that it would be chosen for this and I know it may seem cliché but please hear me out, which is why im convinced this is the miraculous of the chiefs.
A couple of details do support this for me but please remember I'm not exposed to alot of native American cultures I'll do my best to get things right but if I do interpret something(s) wrong feel free to correct me.
For one, well, the symbol. While looking up the clothing for a later point I did see a symbol like this on some of the feather headdresses.
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Definitely not on all of them, I couldn't figure out if there is a system behind the pattern usage or tied to a distinct area but I do know that it is THERE and not exactly rarely either. Noticeably it isn't a 1 to 1 fit but that is an all time returning thing in miraculous. Real life and historical things like this have to be slightly altered for the show to be able to incorporate them. A great example for this is the old English flag in "Darkblade".
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So at this point I'm used to this pattern, so yeah, this could very likely be a symbol they took inspiration from.
The second reason why I think it it's the miraculous of the chiefs is because the piece with the symbol on it looks like one of these
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In combination with the feather on it. The feather headdress is also called a war bonnet and was originally only worn in battles and only by the person who has truly earned that honor. Each feather represents a distinct honor earned in battle which is why we see feather headdresses in such different lengths. How this translates perfectly into a miraculous I think is obvious. The headdress is a symbol of true leadership and worthiness of such a status, hence why it were especially the chiefs to earn such impressive ones. Turning it into a miraculous wouldn't change too much about it since such a powerful miraculous is an honor and duty you have to be worthy of as well. Them being originally used only for battles is a perfect fit too, because so are the miraculous.
Then of course once again, the thunderbird.
The thunderbird being the great mythical protector animal of these tribes makes it naturally a perfect fit for the miraculous animal of the great chiefs. The chiefs were not only the leaders they also were the primary warrior in battles which is seen by the war bonnets. Having the Thunderbird be the miraculous of the chiefs highlights their status as the tribes protector in such a genuine way, I personally really really love it.
As the last point of 2. I want to bring up the outside top of the Miracle box and the way its designed. While looking through the clothing symbols and pattern I did notice some that looked similar to the ones on the box. I deliberately tried to find a more recent example of usage because in the end of the day Miraculous is a show for TODAY so if the show used patterns for example that may not have been used in the past but are now associated with the Lakota that’s still valid. So the possible matches for design inspiration I found stem from a picture of chief Arvol Lookinghorse who holds the responsibility of spiritual leader among the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota People to this day.
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3. Their location and monuments
Researching the lakota made me think of where this guardian group has its roots, which made me remember something I found on my guardian mountain - mount kailash theory a while ago (I swear right now everything comes back to that theory). In it I showed you the monuments-line around the world always separated by a length of 6666km between each other (basically the height of Mount Kailash) and while I didn't mention it there, there is also one of those "mythical" monuments in the USA.
The bears lodge butte (in Wyoming)
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I mean LOOK at this, that is out of this world and breath-taking in every sense of the word! That is a location of a miraculous guardianship if I had ever seen one. Also known under the (sadly) much more well known name of "Devils tower" but this will be the one and only time you will read of me calling it like that. The fact that this butte is still officially called by this disrespectful and bastardized white peoples name is a freaking insult. I'm calling it the bears lodge as this was its original english name.
The bears lodge is not just a monument in the USA it is the VERY FIRST official monument (1906) and the location of the butte also checks out perfectly with the areas the Lakota settled in real life. I couldn’t get the exact scale but I think you will still understand just fine.
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Adding to the Bears Lodge butte I also wanna bring up the "other" medicine wheel. Which is, just like Bears lodge, located in Wyoming.
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As we know the rest of the native American miracle box is made of the zodiac signs just like in our normal miracle box. Confirmed not only on Twitter but also in the very intro of the New York special.
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But the same way the miracle box is similar to ours the Medicine wheel as monument reminded me of something as well. Of course I'm talking about the ritual circle in the Kwami "dimension" of the box seen in “Sandboy”.
And just like the native American monument it is also of "astronomical" nature. Taking a closer look at the Chinese Kwami circle one can see that the outer ring is made of specific places for each Kwami signified with a picture of their "animal".
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And in the inner circle is obviously the moon circulation.
Meaning, put very simple, this is a design specifically meant to represent the Chinese calendar and culture this miracle box is based on. Therefor this should also exist for the native american one. My guess Is that for all the boxes/cultures Miraculous is gonna include they will also have an “ritual circle” equivalents for each based on all the different kinds of stone circle monuments around the world, including the medicine wheel of the Lakota.
But not only was the medicine wheel monument used for astronomical purposes, with it the people wanted to give things back to mother nature. They placed things right in the middle of the wheel under the stones so nature could take it back "spiritually" (for a lack of a better word on my part) through their rituals and chants. Which is something once again similar to what we see with the Kwamis.
First if all, when the Kwamis (who are the embodiments of the abstract concepts reality is made of) enter their "dimension" in the miracle box the guardian symbol opens right at the center point, letting them cross the layers of reality.
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Second, the Kwamis are obviously able to take material objects with them to the in-between dimension. Supporting and verifying the Lakota’s ritual because at the very least in the ML world its actually true. And thirdly, when the Kwamis try to reach Nooroo they chant as well and once again the collected energy is combined in the middle to cross the layers of reality. Gabriel is transformed though so he, as Hawkmoth, is able to almost take over the connection and therefore the miracle box if the Kwamis hadn’t blocked him.
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This shows that the spiritual dimension layers are interactive from both sides under certain circumstances. A normal human being wouldn’t be able to cross the layers and take control like this but the more a person is involved with/ powered up by the miraculous the more power they hold interdimensional. Which is the idea of a ritual to reach the spiritual side of nature brought to a new 11 as TV shows usually do.
 4. The design of the guardian.
I'm definitely not the right person to properly judge this in depth therefore I will just showcase my opinion based on the research.
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The way I see it for the guardians design they tried to combine the guardian "look" with the native American one.
The pants, staff and robe-like upper part are obviously influenced by the guardian we already saw through Fu's flashbacks, whereas the colors, the hairstyle and shoes (etc) are kept more Lakota-like. Though, as far as my opinion counts in this, the much darker skin and the eyebrows in comparison to Jessica does make me question if he is supposed to represent the same native American tribes as her. His bushy eyebrows are a physical characteristic I recognize in rarely any real life photos and neither did I notice such a noticeable difference in skin color.
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Jessica and the guardian simply do not really look like they are of the same heritage to me, but again, who am I to say this isn't a legit representation? Besides that, it makes alot more sense that this guardian wasn't lost for almost 200 years like the ones in Tibet, so it is a fair option to consider that this black guardian may not be of "original Lakota heritage" but he is simply a worthy man born in this area of the USA (who knows in what year considering the guardians life spans) who was chosen and trained for the guardianship simply because he was the right fit for it just like Marinette.
I think it's only fair to consider that option as well, especially since we have NO official background on him. But that's just my opinion.
 And as the last thing I want to bring up is the symbol on his robe because this is something I'm going to need help with.
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We can hardly see it and I've tried my best to find something in my research but I just couldn't find anything fitting.
If anybody has the means and knows if this is a cultural reference as well, I would appreciate it if this knowledge could be shared here as well. I really would love to know ^^
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
Cammy I swear to God I'm not trolling but I really wanna know why is using rainbows or colors of LGBTQ flags queer baiting? And I'm just asking but the LGBTQ community is a minority compared to the hetties so how is taylor supposedly queer baiting gonna make her more money? Targeting a small demographic in comparison to the general public isn't the best business strategy imo, can you explain this or link me?
I hope you have a nice day and I'm sorry you had to read some nasty comments or asks, you are sweet and I love your blog, all the love my dear ❤️.
there is a lot of discourse about what is queer baiting vs idk rainbow capitalism vs gay cultural appropriation and i am not the expert opinion nor do i really care about the semantics of the argument - it all bundles up to me as “straight people or businesses run by straight people abusing gay stuff to make money/profit/drum up press without doing proper allyship or anything to help gay people (and it’s case by case some people may do allyship well and still cross a line)”
imo (that stands for in my opinion meaning this is my opinion and not something i’m stating as a fact for anyone who is confused about that - i do say it quite a lot) she’s queer herself so she isn’t REALLY doing any of it.
however it’s VERY profitable to woke and gay friendly (in the right way) in the states and taylor didnt just wear pride colors. taylor spent the entire lover era using gay imagery to promote the album. imo (see above) that’s fine because she’s some brand of gay. however if she were straight it would be a fine line she’d need to walk.
straight people waving a pride flag, taking part in pride, or even leaning on gay culture to express themselves is FINE of course. but if they’re going to enter queer spaces and make themselves the center of queer imagery and conversation they need to do it respectfully and carefully. they need to walk a fine line and be ready to put their asses on the line for us, speak up for us, and leverage their power and privilege into support for us.
yntcd is clumsy at best and offensive at worst. taylor compares hate she gets on twitter to actual violent homophobia, claims that shade never made anybody less gay - if she’s straight how would she know? “shade” (homophobia) literally can make gay people hide away, closet themselves for their entire lives, kill themselves or leads them to be killed so yeah it does make people less gay… now if she’s gay and that’s her personal experience great. if she’s straight that line is… not something i personally want to hear from someone with straight privilege - likens being poor and country to being homophobic when many gay people most harmed by institutionalized and systematic homophobia are poor and from rural areas, and aligns herself with queer people being picketed by homophobes. all of that, if she is straight is just… ew. straight people do not get to insert themselves into the conversation like that, at least not without some criticism. however since it is my opinion that yntcd is taylor’s personal experience and musing about dealing with hate and homophobia as a fellow queer person then i say “ok. fair enough. i can’t deny your personal experiences.” so it’s not really that she wore a pride flag on her head or had some queer people in her music video it’s the whole package.
and ofc that’s just a single music video! the entire lover era is chock full of gay winks, nudges, and moments and every time she did that she would get a press bump as journalists all rushed to write articles (all ofc mentioning lover - out this summer!) talking about taylor and what she’s up to with her gay little winks. and she sold records from it. and merch. and promo’d her line with stella. and sold concert tickets. and prompted spotify streams. she probably made millions off each “me! out now!” on lesbian visibility day and bi pride bracelet ig post that happened. and since i believe (believe but don’t know for sure) that she is queer i’m fine with that. queer people should be able to leverage their queerness and queer experiences and queer imagery and culture for profit. but imo straight people should not. they should be able to proudly show their support but they should not profit off of our imagery.
now let me add a disclaimer that i’m not a queer studies professor or a sociologist. these are just my opinions. i’m not saying taylor ever queerbaited or that any one individual can. i don’t mean that word when i say “profit off us” since i know that queerbaiting is a different thing. i’m just trying to respond to anon with my thoughts on taylor’s use of queer imagery during the lover era - not divulge into a semantics based argument.
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youjustwaitsunshine · 4 years
Seb helmets: shiny/chrome edition
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Germany 2012: shes beautiful. gold but not loud and ugly. could be easily boring but the asymmetrical design on top and at the bottom gives us some excitement. simple. beautiful. showstopping.
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Italy 2017: a really pretty one. the big scuderia ferrari logo is kinda killing the vibe but we move. german flag was switched out for the tricolore with a chrome finish, but since the chrome is contained it doesnt look cheap. absolutely in love with the “five“ on top, imo one of the coolest 2017 choices for the helmet. also big fan of the perforated metal sheet look that was revisited in a more recent abu dhabi helmet.
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Italy 2016: sebs best italy helmet. there i said it. we have well-placed chrome elements, we have the italian flag clearly separated in the back, we have the “five“ on top -but make it italian-, we have the 2016 version of the german flag with the black stripe taking up more space - shiny, beautiful, classy.
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Germany 2016: uh. she, uhm. i absolutely despise the font and in general the writing on the sides, it looks cheap, it looks like a pamphlet from a weird church youth group, it does not have the glamour of home grand prix. this was the first time seb had a predominantly green helmet and i gotta say i love the color but the design? eh.
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Detail France 2019: the race might have been boring but this helmet sure isnt, look at those funky lil squares! id look at this helmet for the duration of the french gp and feel more entertained than i was from the race.
Spain 2016: i like that its a bit of a change of pace, the cavallino here is from an original photo of the cavallino on a ferrari enzo. the red is nice too, especially because it makes the ugly santander logo look a bit less annoying.
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Sakhir 2020: sexy. this one is the one. the one where i see an all chrome helmet and dont think it looks cheap af. the color change from that beautiful blue color to the silver/grey, the way the colors of the flag are separated, the red number five and cavallino - jens munser made a masterpiece with this one and it shows. also the helmet colors contrasting the ferrari garage and complimenting sebs eyes jesus fuck this is a beautiful helmet.
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Singapore 2019: It’s alright, my main point of criticism is the flag not really matching the rest of the helmet but it’s fine i like most of it, the 5 really stands out and does look very pretty
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Belgium 2015: this doesnt deviate that much from sebs 2015 standard design but it gradually changes from solid white in the front to chrome in the back and i gotta say it does look very very nice, also the pearlescent logo and the number five un top. a very nice, well-rounded design
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Monaco 2018: pretty. very aesthetic and calming, i LOVE the pearlescent finish but the “Monaco“ font is ugly, but the extremely beautiful “five“ on top more than makes up for it.
back to the masterpost
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gayflagblog · 3 years
Plain Flag Poll Response Breakdown
This post is a breakdown of the data collected in the Plain Flag Poll [linked here] as of 5/5/2021. For the breakdown of the Symbol Flag Poll data please click here. Because I am concerned about the readmore breaking and the length of this post, it will not be put into the main tags.
All images are transcribed. (This post may be reblogged with additional data when more unique responses are collected, you’ll be able to see this in the notes)
Poll Info: Participants were asked to pick which flag from each “category” of proposal/variant they felt the most connected to, or which was simply their “favorite”. If they wanted to, they were also given an optional question in which to explain their choice from the previous section. At the end of the poll, participants were asked to pick a flag out of the overall selection based on the previous criteria (connection/favorite) and, optionally, explain their choice.
Overall, 54 unique responses were recorded.
Question #1
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[ Image Description: A pie chart is shown. The question at the top is “Out of the ‘Original’ flag proposals, which is your favorite/which do feel the most connection to?”. The response data is 43.4% for “5-stripe simplified”, 39.6% for “Original”, 15.1% for “6-stripe simplified #2″, and 1.9% for “6-stripe Simplified #1″. ]
Participants who choose to explain their selection in Question 1b. responded with the following.
Participants who selected 5-stripe simplified (10 participants did not respond)
"easy to remember”
“simple with good color contrast, easy to replicate“
“I like that the teal/green and blue each have 2 stripes instead if one having more than other other. The original just feels like too many stripes”
“Most aesthetically pleasing and personal connection due to using it!“
“it's a good amount of stripes IMO. not too little, not too many. plus, it's an uneven number, so it feels symmetrical, too.“
“White is centered, more eye-catching contrast.“
“I prefer 5 stripe flags, I like the symmetry, 5 stripe is easier to draw, easier to make merch in, simpler, bolder, looks nicer to me. i also like to put the trans flag and other flags side by side and so it's nice for me when they have the same stripe number.”
“aesthetically it matches the trans flag with the 2 stripes above and below the white trans line and makes it look nice when used with the trans flag“
“There’s less stripes which stops the colours blending together in my eyes.“
“I generally prefer more compact flags. they're easier to replicate irl, like on merchandise, and are better for icons and edits online.“
“I think a part of pride flags should be simplicity and reproducibility. Too many stripes might be difficult to remember and reproduce.“
“I like either the original or the 5 stripe simplified; slightly prefer the 5 stripe simplified because it's more "readable" if that makes sense. Like if I was describing it I could say Its a flag made of ‘dark green, light green, white, light blue, and dark blue stripes’ vs ‘dark green... medium(?) green, lighter green...’.”
“I think this version is easier to be made in large scale.“
Participants who selected Original (10 participants did not respond)
“I think the symmetrical ones with the white stripe in the middle look most aesthetically pleasing!”
“I like the 7 stripe best, but the 5 stripe is good too. I don't like the 6 stripe designs because they are unbalanced“
“I love the mirroring and balance, as well as the fact it reminds me of old leather and bear flags. plus I kinda hate that there are so many five stripe flags, it feels like they’re all mirroring the trans flag. the five stripe ones are really abrupt in colour change as well, and having more than five stripes really sets this flag apart. other five stripe variant flags were rooted in art theft, so using this five stripe might encourage use of the others, which upsets me. I also like that it’s similar to the lesbian flag; like two sides of a coin!“
“I really like the original and also the blue/purple six stripe!! I just really love the blue on it and also odd numbers make me really happy so the 7 stripes just feel right to me.”
“absolutely hate asymmetry so definitely neither of the 6 stripe simplified flags. The 5 stripe simplified doesn't have enough / the right colors to convey the same thing the original does. The 5 stripe is duller and more shallow somehow.“
“I think the original is the best out of these, but I think the 6-stripe simplified (more green/teal) could work if you were able to keep the light blue stripe somehow, since i liked the symbolism of the light blue to purple transition but the top stripes in the 6-stripe simplified (more blue/purple) don't look too good. i think the white stripe is better as the 4th stripe not the 3rd.“
“I like the colour variation“
“I like the evenness, and I just like the look of the thinner stripes on the original in contrast to the 5 stripe simplified.”
“I feel it to be the most coherent and aesthetically pleasing.”
“I use both the original and the 5 striped version but I have a physical version of the original and I love being able to show the meaning behind the stripes“
“I feel a connection with the colors and I like the transition they make into white. I chose the original, but my second option would be the second 6-stripe version because it's more different to the lesbian flag and I feel less connected to the blue parts (not purple).“
Participants who selected 6-stripe simplified #2 [more green/teal] (3 participants did not respond)
"IMO the 6-stripe flags are much better to use to differentiate from the lesbian flag and to match other gay mlm flags (autistic gay, she/her gay, etc).”
“I prefer the 6 striped flag because then the flag doesn’t “look like a hue shifted lesbian flag” like so many people claim it to be. -J“
“I think it eliminates the "it's a recolor of the lesbian flag" argument as there is a stripe number difference, plus the placement of the white stripe looks more "pleasing" there !“
“I think the colors on the version with more green/teal are my favorite out of all of them, although i love them all! I like the greens.”
The one Participant who selected 6-stripe Simplified #1 [more blue/purple] did not respond.
Question #2
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[ Image Description: A pie chart is shown. The question at the top is “Out of the ‘Warm’ flag proposals, which is your favorite/which do feel the most connection to? (proposal credit @undeadedits)”. The response data is 41.5% for “Warm Original”, 37.7% for “Warm 5-stripe Simplified”, 13.2% for “Warm 6-stripe Simplified #2 (More Teal)”, and 7.5% for “Warm 6-stripe Simplified #1 (More Purple)”. ]
Participants who choose to explain their selection in Question 2b. responded with the following.
Participants who selected Warm Original (17 participants did not respond)
“the greens and purples are really nice, plus same reasons above“ (see Q1, Response #3 of “Participants who selected Original”, shown above)
“same reason as above“ (see Q1, Response #5 of “Participants who selected Original”, shown above)
“Similar answer to before, though I do also like the 6 stripe simplified with more purple, as it makes the blue toned colours look nice. “ (see Q1, Response #8 of “Participants who selected Original”, shown above)
“honestly i just really like the Vibes this one gives off. :)“
“For the same reasons as before. I also prefer the warm versions of the flag because they make the purple more obvious.“ (see Q1, Response #11 of “Participants who selected Original”, shown above)
Participants who selected Warm 5-stripe Simplified (13 participants did not respond)
"I feel the 6-stripes original has a more solemn vibe and the mid-color gives a better blending feel. For the warm, the 5-stripes simplicity actually helps giving that softer vibe, and it helps the aesthetic.”
“simple to remember but this time better because it is warm :)“
“Most aesthetically pleasing- other options are too busy in my opinion“
“same reason as above“ (see Q1, Response #8 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
"Same as the other flag. Less stripes better.” (see Q1, Response #9 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
"For the same reasons.” (see Q1, Response #11 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
"I think this version is easier to be made in large scale.”
Participants who selected Warm 6-stripe Simplified #2 [More Teal] (4 participants did not respond)
"I dunno what draws me to the 4th option, but it just feels right to me. I think it fits :)”
(repeat of Q1, Response #1 of “6-stripe simplified #2″, shown above)
“Same as 1b, plus I also prefer the darker blue and three greens to the darker green and three blues cuz it feels more equal?? As if the white is a reeeeeaaaaally light blue. -J“
The 4 Participants who selected Warm 6-stripe #1 [More Purple], did not respond.
Question #3
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[ Image Description: A pie chart is shown. The question at the top is “Out of the ‘Philadelphia’ flag proposals, which is your favorite/which do feel the most connection to?”. The response data is 24.5% for ‘Warm 5-stripe Philadelphia’, 22.6% for ‘Original Philadelphia ‘, 20.8% for ‘5-stripe Philadelphia’, 15.1% for ‘Warm Original Philadelphia’, 9.4% for ‘Alternative Original Philadelphia’, and 7.5% for ‘Alternative 5-stripe Philadelphia’. ]
Participants who choose to explain their selection in Question 3b. responded with the following.
Participants who selected Warm 5-stripe Philadelphia (8 participants did not respond)
"again it's simple/easy to remember and also warm colours >>>”
“Most aesthetically pleasing (but not a POC so my opinion carries no weight!)“
“again I hate asymmetry but the black and brown stripes look really really awkward when separated. the reason I chose the warm one is because it makes the color contrast easier on the eyes.“
“I prefer the brown stripes to the philly flag's black and brown stripes since the black stripe originally represented victory over aids, and tbh, the colors are much more appealing. as for stripe count, it's pretty much the same as above. the expanded flags are especially cumbersome when you add the two extra stripes on top.“
“I feel more connected to the warm flags and I think that 9 stripes are maybe too many.“
Participants who selected Original Philadelphia (10 participants did not respond)
“I’m not a fan of Philadelphia flags in general (I'm not in the US and it isn’t used in my country), but the original variant keeps the stripes in line with other Philadelphia designs. black stripe still might be an oof bc of the aids flag black stripe, but that’s not well known anyway”
“I think the original one with the inclusive stripes on top just feels much better. I like seeing the inclusive stripes on the top in their original colors, without any tints, so this one happens to be my favorite and I would definitely buy it.”
Participants who selected 5-stripe Philadelphia (7 participants did not respond)
"The original 5 stripe is my favorite of the flags, and adding two more stripes really makes the original flag look like a barcode haha”
“It's the most visually appealing, and easiest to look at, plus it mimics the original Philly Pride Flag in having the black and brown stripes before the regular stripes.“
“This version has the black and brown stripes at the top, which matches with the idea of black visibility and black representation.“
“For the same reasons, even tho there are more stripes, it's just the 5-stripes version (easy to remember) plus the two stripes for black and brown communities.“ (see Q1, Response #11 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
Participants who selected Warm Original Philadelphia (5 participants did not respond)
“The warmer browns go better with the overall tones I think”
“I don't really think I have an input since I'm white, but I just find it the most visually appealing“
“The warm allows the colours to blend more cohesively, where the original seems to contrast in an awkward way.”
Participants who selected Alternative Original Philadelphia (3 participants did not respond)
“The alt design of the “Philadelphia” flag feel more equal and less of being added on. -J“
“I just think it looks cool! the original Philadelphia is also really good.“
Participants who selected Alternative 5-stripe Philadelphia (3 participants did not respond)
“I like symmetry. i don't think my opinion matters much here bc I'm not BIPOC“
Question #4
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[ Image Description: A pie chart is shown. The question at the top is “Out of the ‘Pink’ flag proposals, which is your favorite/which do feel the most connection to? (proposal credit @IanBlazquez)”. The response data is 62.3% for ‘Pink/Purple 5-stripe’ and 37.7% for Pink/Purple Original. ]
Participants who choose to explain their selection in Question 4b. responded with the following.
Participants who selected Pink/Purple 5-stripe (23 participants did not respond
“I think you see the trend it's easier to remember the layout of and stuff”
“I think all the 5 stripe flags look better than the 7+ ones as they're simpler and easier to look at“
“the 5 stripe simplified pretty much conveys the same thing as the original so i don't have much of a preference beyond it being simpler so it's a lot easier to process.“
“again, i like less stripes. don't like either of them very much though“
“same reason as above.“ (see Q1, Response #8 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
“For the same reasons, even tho I'm not a fan of this design overall, it reminds me too much a reversed genderqueer flag (if that's the purpose, I'm sorry and I understand it).“ (see Q1, Response #11 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
“I don't really like these but the 5 stripe is better“
“I think this version is easier to be made in large scale.“
“I think the pink/purple original might feel a little too similar to the lesbian pride flag, which people have felt uncomfortable with/ complained about before. so I would prefer the five stripe design for this one.“
“It is simpler and easier to reproduce.“
Participants who selected Pink/Purple Original (15 participants did not respond)
“I like the more carnation-y green, but this one is a bit eye-strain-y tbh”
“I don't have too much of a connection of either of them (they look a bit similar to the genderqueer flag IMO), but I have a slight preference for the seven-stripe one.“
“once again, odd numbers.... I think this is so pretty!!“
“While I would love a six striped flag (reasoning for this on 1b), I adore the seven striped flag. It almost feels more inclusive in a way, I guess? -J“
“Similar response to the previous Original type flags, nice thin stripes.”
Question #5
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[ Image Description: A pie chart is shown. The question at the top is “Out of all of the above, which is your favorite/which do feel the most connection to?”. The response data is 28.3% for ‘5-stripe Simplified’, 26.4% for ‘Original Draft Proposal’, 17% for ‘Warm Original’, 9.4% for ‘Warm 5-stripe Simplified’, 7.5% for ‘6-stripe Simplified #2 (more green/teal)’, and 1.9% for ‘Warm 6-stripe Simplified #2 (More Teal)’, ‘5-stripe Philadelphia’, ‘Pink/Purple Original’, and ‘Warm 6-stripe Simplified #1 (More Purple)’. ]
Participants who choose to explain their selection in Question 4b. responded with the following.
Participants who selected 5-stripe Simplified (9 participants did not respond)
"I like the 5-stripe simplified one best as I feel it's the most aesthetically pleasing, and I feel its colours represent the gay community best out of all of them. I've also used it for a while so I feel a strong connection to it! <3″
“good amount of stripes + the color scheme that I'm most familiar with“
“same reason as above“ (see Q1, Response #8 of “5-stripe simplified”, shown above)
“I actually really like Ian's 5-stripe pink/purple iteration of the flag. the colors are pleasing and I like that there's a bit more variation in the stripes, but the pink triangle being part of the symbolism for the pink stripe makes me feel kinda weird. Jewish LGBT people have repeatedly expressed discomfort with gentiles using/claiming the pink triangle since it's holocaust imagery. I do like pink as a stripe color overall, though. it's just that point that makes me unwilling to use that particular design. I do think, overall, that i prefer the cool colors of the original design, and I'm a big fan of the symbolism there.“
“Definitely easy to reproduce, simple and relatable. Love it.“
“The less colours in a flag for me the better; It's easy to recognize among all the others! I would also add that I really like a version of the flag that uses the colours of the original without the darkest purple and green.“
Participants who selected Original Draft Proposal (10 participants did not respond)
“myself one as soon as pridenation started selling them, and it makes me feel really represented and appreciated when I see this flag anywhere. thank you for making it. “
“the original one just really captures my attention :)“
“It's the prettiest I guess? second choice would be the warm version of the original because it's a lot more purple which is nice.“
“Seeing this flag finally made me feel like I had my own flag! The original was the first one I saw, and I became attached to it. I tend to see the rainbow as an all encompassing flag for the LGBTQ, in contrast to people tending to see the rainbow as only for gay men.“
Participants who selected Warm Original (7 participants did not respond)
“As a gay man, I would probably use the warmer flags. They strike me as more friendly without straying too far from the more recognized variant. I'm also biased because, well, I'm a lowkey twink, and I like the pinkish undertones. Personally, I'm against any flag that looks unbalanced, where the white stripe seems "off". My second choice would be the pink & purple one. The history of the color pink is incredibly important.”
“I prefer the warm colors because they emphasize the purple and I feel more connection to purple than to blue. I also like the structure of the original flag.”
Participants who selected Warm 5-stripe Simplified (4 participants did not respond)
“it is just simply better idk”
Participants who selected 6-stripe Simplified #2 [more green/teal] (2 participants did not respond)
“IMO the 6-stripe flags are much better to use to differentiate from the lesbian flag and to match other gay mlm flags (autistic gay, she/her gay, etc).”
“if the six-stripe simplified flag with the philly stripes were an option i would totally pick it, otherwise this one is my absolute favorite. it feels much more like its own flag and I really just appreciate the composition of the colors and stripes more.“
Participants who selected Warm 6-stripe Simplified #2 (More Teal)
“it makes the purple more apparent.”
Participants who selected 5-stripe Philadelphia
“I rather those shades of blue than the purple ones and I think it's important to add visibility to black and brown people.”
Participants who selected Pink/Purple Original
“I like the pink/purple flag because it makes it feel less of the stereotypical blue masculinity for men. Purple especially is nice because it can be both pinkish (“feminine”) and blueish (“masculine”). I’m GNC and I love when I’m able to show that and be represented in such, even with a shade of color! -J”
Participants who selected Warm 6-stripe Simplified #1 (More Purple), 6-stripe Simplified #1 (More Blue/Purple), and Warm 6-stripe Simplified #1 (More Purple) did not respond.
Participants who responded showed an interest in
Reproducibility of a flag/ability to easily make physical flags
An “easy to remember” and “easy to recognize” flag
Flag aesthetics/personal color preference
Number, symmetry, and size/thickness of flag stripes
Personal connection, feeling represented by the flag
Ability to connect and show the flag alongside other pride flags (e.g. the trans flag)
Many participants expressed that they used multiple flags.
[ If you’re wondering why I’m not sharing or linking the poll spreadsheet, this is because personal emails are collected by Google Polls from each participant as they respond and I don’t want to make these public. I apologize if any numbers are slightly off. Some participant’s responses were un-censored for the sake of screenreaders. ]
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Survey #340
“wash the poison from off my skin  /  show me how to be whole again”
What is one thing that you took to show and tell as a kid? I have this oddly specific memory of bringing my little Snorlax plushie for one in pre-k. I remember thinking everyone thought I was weird for liking Pokemon as a girl. Do you remember losing your first tooth? I don't. Have you ever been addicted to a game? What game? I think I was addicted to World of Warcraft at a point, but it's honestly hard to tell. My depression was just so abysmal that it was the one thing I got even a smidge of not even joy, but active distraction out of because the options of what you can do in the game are essentially limitless. Are you afraid to pop a balloon? Not really, but it does make me jump because I don't like loud noises. Name one person you’d like to see this month. Bitch we fighting Covid, stay away from me. When was the last time you laughed when you shouldn’t have? I don’t know. Which was better: the first The Lion King or the second? They're nearly tied, honestly, but I prefer the original. Do any of your grandparents have a tattoo? I KNOW my maternal grandmother didn't, and I don't believe any other grandparent did, either. When was the last time you had a bubble bath? Not since I was a kid. What do you usually buy when you go to the corner store? You mean like, a gas station or dollar store? Something small like that? In that case, I'll usually look for a Mountain Dew Voltage sometimes along with something Reese's-related. Do you believe that your pets feel love towards you? My cat, absofuckinglutely. He so obviously loves me. I know my snake doesn't though, considering reptilian brains just physically aren't capable of creating that emotion. She does, however, obviously trust me and definitely seems to enjoy coming out of her terrarium and thus hanging out by me. Bubbles or sidewalk chalk? I loved drawing with chalk, but I like bubbles more. I just love how they catch light and have such beautiful colors to share. What do you use to tell time when your gone out somewhere? My phone. Are you proud of your body? FUCK no. I wish I still was, goddammit. I used to be so fit, and it's funny, because even back then at like, 118 lbs at 5'4'', I thought I was kinda chubby. Like bitch shut the fuck up. Watermelon or cherries? I honestly don't like either, but I'll definitely pick watermelon over cherries. They're disgusting. What is your all-time favourite song? "False Flags" by Massive Attack. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Biiiiiitch guess lmao. I think everyone has, though. What is the band you’ve listened to most lately? Definitely 3TEETH. Love 'em. Favourite brand of cookies? Hm, good question. They've gotta be good at making SOFT chocolate chip cookies, though. I don't enjoy crunchy cookies nearly as much. If you could meet anyone who lived before your time, who would it be? I don't really know. Oh, y'know, chatting with Edgar Allan Poe would probably be cool. Do you pay for your own things? I literally can't. It's embarrassing. Have you ever been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance? No. What is one thing you’d never want your parents to find out? Certain sexual things I've done, probably. When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? Of course. Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship? I felt that way in my friendship with Colleen, but no romantic relationships. What would you consider unforgivable? Rape. Like no, go to hell. Do you like eating out at restaurants? Pre-Covid, yeah. What do you dislike the most about being the gender that you are? Probably how heavily judged women are for having ANYTHING "wrong" with their appearance. You could be five pounds over what is "normal" for your height and you're seen as fat. One strand of body hair, and you're disgusting. Bushy eyebrows, you're now manly. I could go on and on. Do you think that weed/marijuana should be legalized? Yes. Rate your typing speed on a scale from 1 - 10? 10. Do you enjoy tanning? Ugh, no. Just sitting there doing nothing but sweating. Have you ever written anybody an anonymous note? I have not. What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Ketchup. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeah; we used to have one. It was the best when we lived in the woods. Do you blow dry your hair or do you let it air out? I just let it air dry. Candles or incense? I prefer incense. Can you juggle? No. Your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Do you catch lizards? No; I don't like terrifying wildlife. I'd much rather just take pictures of the little guys and let them go about their business. If we returned to a world without internet, what aspect of online life would you miss the most? YouTube, haha. It's more unique and personal entertainment than television, imo. Are you craving anything aside from food, and if so, what? I want a new piercinggggg. What was the last change you made to your lifestyle? I'm *trying* to get back into regularly making art, along with reading. I'm also really trying to implement drinking more water into my day. What was the last thing you gave up doing? *shrug* What was the last thing to boost your self-esteem? What sort of things typically make you feel good about yourself? It really, really helped to hear my PHP group enjoy my poem about gay rights so much. I was so terrified and did NOT want my therapist to share it, but it turned out being very beneficial. To answer the second question, it's pretty much stuff like I just mentioned: positive reactions to things I create. When it comes to food, do you prefer crunchy or softer textures? Definitely softer. Do you prefer savory or sweet things for breakfast? Hm. Depends on the day, ig. What is something small that you take extremely personally? I'm blanking. What was going on the last time you couldn’t sleep? I just... couldn't sleep. That's not rare for me. Have you drawn anything recently? I recently drew a picture of a still from Rammstein's "Mutter" music video, and I'm now working on Sara's 'kat Alucard. If you're going somewhere close by, do you walk? No. One simply does not walk in this town and not fear being shot. Do you prefer colorful notebooks over plain ones? I like colorful ones, particularly those with a nice pattern or something on it. What's your most ambitious goal? I'd consider wanting to be a successful freelance photographer to be rather ambitious. Do you know anyone named Alex? Well, knew, by this point. One of my closest online friends that just got a boyfriend and fell off the face of the planet when we used to talk every day. I'm still hurt about it, honestly. What's your favorite kind of pie? I don't like pie because of the crust being so, well... crusty and crumbly. Have you ever chatted someone up and scored a date? No. How far would you go with someone you just met? Not very far at all. All you're getting is a hug, if even that. What's your favorite meal to have for dinner? I mean, it depends on what I feel like having. I don't have a set favorite meal. What do you daydream about? The future, mostly. People I miss. Have you ever known someone online and then met them in person? If so, which website did you meet on? Yes, Sara. <3 We met via YouTube back when it had much more social connection. Have you ever been to the beach? Yeah, a good number of times. When was the last time you were sick and what illness did you have? I don't believe I've been ill in any sort of way since I had that ungodly ear infection a few years ago. Have you ever been kicked out of somewhere? Yeah, Colleen's house. Mom once tried kicking me out of the car one night otw home, but I didn't listen. Have you ever intentionally trolled? No. How many siblings do your parents have? Mom has two brothers and I think one sister, and Dad has one sister. Who last held your hand? My niece or nephew, dragging me somewhere, haha. Have you seen all the Lord of the Rings movies? No, not interested. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? I'm watching John Wolfe's playthrough of Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. It's so funny how like... every let's player I watch doesn't enjoy the game, like they miss the incredible symbolism and shy away from the advanced language, and sometimes it's just frustrating to watch them; I only do because I enjoy the game and want to see more people experience it and relive it vicariously. It's very high on my list of favorite games. What sport do you find yourself best at? I wouldn't know; I haven't played any sports in years. I was pretty good at softball as a kid, though. Do you think makeup on guys is freaky or sexy? My opinion shouldn't matter; a man can wear makeup whenever he damn well pleases without worrying what others think. But anyway, I tend to find it attractive, especially if it's goth makeup. Have you ever been accused of a crime you did not commit? No. Do you like pickles? I love dill pickles. What was the craziest moment of your life? Probably just lying in that hospital bed following my OD, my mom and two best friends just sitting there with me. It was such a weird, weird feeling. Like I was just so done, frustrated beyond what I can say. I remember thinking it was almost funny, just how it all built up and went wrong. Where do you spend most of your time? In my room on my bed. What is your favorite muffin? Chocolate chip. Would you ever get a boob job? I already know when/if I lose the weight I want to, it will be kind of a big deal to me and my atrocious body image to get a breast lift. Being overweight ~does things~ you know, and god knows I want every trace of it that can be erased gone. Would you ever go on a reality TV dating show? That's a massive "no" from me, buddy. Would you rather be inside or outside? It depends on where I am and the temperature outside, but generally, inside. Do you like the current president? Well, I voted for him, so I can't shit-talk much. I don't know the true depths of him as a person and all he stands for, though; when I decided I needed to vote, I just did some research on his core values. I don't have any complaints yet, from what I've seen at least, which isn't a lot. Do you whiten your teeth? I've used whitening strips before, but I don't now because they're not that effective. If it's financially plausible at some point in my life, teeth whitening is another thing I want to have medically done because of my previous horrible self-care. My teeth have a clear yellow tint and I hate it. Do you get cold easily? No; it's actually the opposite: I get hot easily. What was the worst sickness you ever had? Probably this one stomach bug I had where I just threw up relentlessly. Like eventually barely even bile would come up; it was just dry heaving. My stomach muscles were in agony. Was your childhood wasted by something? No, thankfully. Would you rather die during an adventure or die like a normal person? A normal person. The idea of having such a sudden death stresses me out for multiple reasons; I mostly don't want my family to just be suddenly devastated, and I honestly want to come to peace with the fact I was dying. Like, find my life's own closure instead of just having it ripped away. Have your parents ever tried to commit suicide? Jesus, I sure hope not. Do you have a gag reflex? A very strong one. Do you ever fantasize about trying drugs? I've wondered before what the effects of weed would be like for me, but "fantasize" is definitely the wrong word. Would you rather have sex before you’re married or wait till marriage? It'd be up to my partner, honestly, because I'm fine with either. What is the nastiest dare you have ever committed? I never did dares because I thought they were stupid. Like I'm not gonna do dumb shit just to show you I can. Do you know anyone who has been raped? I think I might? Have you ever asked someone for a tampon? Yeah. Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? No. Are you more of a phone or a computer person? Computer. Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Earbuds. Headphones are just big and clunky and in the way when you use a laptop in bed, plus they irritate my skin. I like how earbuds actually go in your ears for more direct hearing. Would you ever consider adopting a child with a severe mental illness? If I wanted children, no, because I don't think I'm capable to give a child like that adequate care, being so mentally ill myself. I wouldn't want to risk worsening their condition. Favorite thing to do with a significant other? Play games together, particularly cute multiplayer ones that are more about the experience of playing together versus getting past difficult obstacles and such. Like for example, one of my favorite memories with Jason is simply playing Little Big Planet together. Favorite ice cream topping? I don't like many toppings on my ice cream, but I do love melted hot fudge. First boyfriend/girlfriend’s name? Aaron. Do you support PETA? Considering they are incredibly self-righteous extremists, no. Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Well, I believe in some sort of "god" figure that created the universe, so I don't think so. A condensed ball of nothing exploding to create something so extravagant? It sounds pretty far-fetched to me. But then again, maybe that semblance of a "god" I believe in created the universe through that, idk. It doesn't really matter now, though, does it. What happened happened, I'm not very concerned with it. What insect can you not stand the site of? It's more so larvae that I can't stand the sight of, like maggots and stuff. They make me squirm. Do you like Doctor Who? I've only seen one or two episodes, so I can't say. Do you approve of gay marriage? Of course I do. I'm bisexual and would like to get married, so I might marry a woman. Are you into politics? I'm really not. Do you think the world is ending soon? Nah, even though it sure does feel like it sometimes. Ever been to a mosh pit? No, they don't seem very fun at all. Do you like to debate? NO. NO NO NO. Do you like the band System of a Down? Yeah, I do. Are you German? It's a big part of my heritage. Do your parents like your best friend? Yes. Who’s someone you can act your complete self around? Sara, 100%. She's the only person I feel entirely comfortable around when it comes to being myself. Do you believe in Friday the 13th? I don't believe in there being any supernatural power to it, no. Who is your favorite rapper? Eminem. What age is your youngest aunt? Uhhhh I have no idea. Do you like bowling? Sure, it's fun. Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire? I do. What shows or characters scared you as a child? Ghostface from the Scream series was my worst fucking nightmare. I couldn't even see pictures of him without crying. The King Ramses guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog also gave me a number of nightmares. Something about the way he was animated was very unnatural and unnerving to me.
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canonlgbtcharacters · 5 years
Trans and genderfluid characters in kid-friendly cartoons (Compilation)
BMO - Adventure Time - Genderfluid - BMO uses both he/him and she/her pronouns, and is referred to as “m’lady” by finn at one point. He is directly said to change gender depending on the game hes playing / the mood hes in here ! I haven’t watched adventure time so I can’t attest for how much his gender identity means in the grand scheme of things, but hes a really cute character and good representation IMO. Other rep: Princess Bubblegum is WLW, and Marceline is bi / pan. Hints were dropped for a long time that the two were dating, and it was happily confirmed in the series finale when they kissed.
All the gems - Steven Universe - Nonbinary - Steven Universe is a beacon for nonbinary representation. Rebecca Sugar, the creator of the show and herself a nonbinary woman, has stated that all gems have no gender, though almost all of them present femininely. While some people don’t consider this adequate rep since the gems still look feminine and use she/her pronouns, I think it’s more than adequate - it is made specifically by a nonbinary woman based on her experiences as a nonbinary woman. There are also a few characters who use they/them pronouns. Specifically, Stevonnie, Smoky Quartz, and Rainbow Quartz 2.0. All are fusions (this should help if you don’t know what fusion is) that involve the main character, Steven (a boy.) Stevonnie is between him and his friend Connie (a girl), while Rainbow Quartz 2.0 and Smoky Quartz are between him and NB gems. It is safe to assume that Sunstone, another Steven/gem fusion, also uses they/them. Other rep: Of course, there’s Sapphire (NB lesbian) and Ruby (NB lesbian), who are in a relationship and make up the character Garnet. They are very explicitly in love and even got married in a more recent episode !! Rose Quartz (NB and bi / pansexual) and Pearl (NB lesbian) once had a relationship that is widely considered to have been mostly unhealthy, due to (among many other reasons) Pearl still obsessing over Rose years after her death. Getting over Rose is a big part of Pearl’s character arc. There’s also an episode that’s mostly dedicated to Pearl working up the courage to get a cute girl’s number, and a LOT more. This entire show is basically built upon LGBT+ relationships and metaphors, and it isn’t even subtext.
Zadie and Milo - Danger and Eggs - Trans woman and nonbinary - This show has 13 episodes and two trans characters. The first is a young trans girl named Zadie, who explicitly sings about being a trans girl (that is, unfortunately, the best link I can find) and who also talks about chosen families (a concept very important to LGBT+ people) at some point in the show. As far as I know, she makes her appearance in the season finale. The other is Milo, a nonbinary teen who uses they/them pronouns and is kind of rare NB rep in that they are entirely human and not a robot or alien. They appear in multiple episodes and have an important role as a friend to the main characters. Both are played by trans people, too ! Zadie by a trans woman, and Milo by an agender person. I haven’t seen this show in its entirety but from what I have I’d say this is top-notch rep that I’d highly recommend children see. Other rep: I don’t think there’s any other specifically named LGBT+ characters, but the last episode literally takes place at a pride parade !
Marco Diaz - Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Trans woman - While this isn’t confirmed, there is a buttload of evidence to support the idea that Marco is a trans woman who hasn’t discovered / fully accepted her identity yet, or at least hasn’t come out to her friends and family. If you’re interested in learning more, I’d highly suggest reading this whole post. I’d also like to take note of this piece of concept art that is literally a doll based on Marco with trans colors and the trans flag on her purse. Apparently the show recently ended, I haven’t seen much of it myself, but I really think that the writers did the best they could to give us a closeted trans girl while under the iron fist of Disney. Other rep: Star (the main protagonist) is bi/pan (evidence in the link.) Jackie, a supporting character, is bi and gets a girlfriend by the end of the show. Starfan13, who is WLW, has explicitly stated she has a crush on Star Butterfly.
So this is what I could come up for for this list ! There is, unfortunately, a notable lack of representation for trans individuals in cartoons. But every lovingly-portrayed trans character is a small victory that I’m happy to celebrate. If anyone has anything to say about these characters, or can think of anymore trans cartoon rep I didn’t list, please feel free to add on !
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ladybender · 5 years
I just watched beast with a billion backs for the first time and i was just wondering if there's any general fandom opinion on why fry was so quick to jump into other relationships and forget about leela right from the start of it?
i’m so sorry i’m only responding to this ask now… i was crafting the perfect response for days, because this topic rocks and i have so much to say, and then life got weird, and then i forgot… but now I’m here nonny, and this ask will get ANSWERED
Let me just start by saying, I have one solid hot take for this movie, but it wasn’t first formulated by me, but by my very fav fic author The Sophisticated Shut In, a longish time ago. i’m putting it together again from scratch and memory, so maybe now it belongs to a mix of the both of us? idk. It was her big brain that shock me into belief tho so she should get credit too. That said, let’s start!
So! a month had passed between BBS and BWABB. during this time Fry and Leela most likely didn’t talk much. Leela was mourning the death of Lars and she needed time to sort out all of her emotions (MANY of which are related to Fry). So, she does what most would do when things change drastically and you feel unbalanced, you wish for things to go momentarily “back to normal” just to have some stability and time to think.
But! if Fry and Leela have a weakness, is that they are so terrible at communicating. so while Leela’s seemingly pretending everything that happened actually never happened, Fry doesn’t understand why Leela is leaving him out of her life and is not talking to him. 
I’m gonna take a big step back here. after the opera, Fry most likely left it up to Leela to decide what she wanted to do with their relationship. the opera itself is the last big grand gesture Fry made in the show. after that, he thought he has done everything he could, and pretty successfully told Leela what he felt in a way she understood. So he stood still, giving Leela the chance to step forward. I’m never sure what really happens here, but they must have lost the moment somehow, because Fry's waiting for Leela to make a move and tell him how she feels, and Leela's waiting for fry to maybe prove that he meant it (don’t hate on her, she is basically going the equivalent of “but do you like me, like me?” in this moment and tbh i relate to that level of deep insecurity so much). The result on this: they got stuck.
Now, idk if that gap between TDHAIP and BBS really was 3 years long, that’s a bit to much imo, but if it really was it would make sense (in a sad, frustrating way) why Leela all but jumped into Lars’s arms, and Fry made those drastic and dramatic decisions like, in this order: leaving the future, staying in the past, leaving the past, pretending to be someone else for years, catfishing Leela, not telling anyone he’s dying and instead lying some more, “i’ll only tell the truth in the form of a video-confession at my own funeral” (I mean, I love the guy, but he made some questionable choices. i can understand everything and cry forever if you think it has been 3 + 12 + 2ish years total since he wrote the opera for Leela with no response).
Now, back to BWABB. Leela in ignoring Fry, with all the best intention in the world, but *surprise*, it turns out that it wasn’t a wise move (who would have thought!!), because now Fry is acting out of the ordinary and it confuses Leela more. and instead of saying "calm down mayhaps, i don’t hate you you big baby, i just need to think”, she goes ahead and only indulges him when they are with the others, playing along with the ‘everything is fine’ facade, but when it’s just the two of them and he needs her help (as a friend), she shuts down or lashes out at him. I mean look at this shit
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She is outright telling him to leave!!! red flag
Fry, on his end, doesn’t really know what Leela is going through (bc talking? I don’t know her), so if you look at it in his POV it’s pretty depressing. Leela was about to marry Lars, the man she said she loved and was the only one for her, he thought that meant things would change between them now. But as it turns out, things were just the same after. until they turned worse than ever.
Just think about Fry and Leela most representative quote: “you are lonely and I am lonely, but together we are lonely together.” This is not true anymore in this movie. For the first time they are lonely apart. And really, their themes are all about that. For Leela it’s isolation, specifically. She is constantly isolating herself (at Amy’s wedding, for example. Or how she’s the only one not to “love the tentacle” AND to not want to go to heaven and be with Yivo. The only one. In the entire universe. immovable object).
As a contrast, Fry’s loneliness is unbarable to him, and is expressed in this constant and desperate need to have something that will return his love (this is where both his relationships with Colleen and Yivo fit. unstoppable force lmao)
Not but really, Fry’s relationships are so rushed, and clearly just an attempts to push his loneliness in a corner. Fry even put up with an open relationship (something he visibly didn’t want) to stay with Colleen. he was pretty desperate. This relationship with her is also a regression for fry - the way he didn’t want to break up with Colleen resembles a lot Michelle. but that isn’t even the worst of the two because then you look at Yivo, and I cannot even begin to laugh at how big of a Leela mirror shklim is (but I’ll get to that later). All I have to say about Yivo and Fry’s relationship is contained in this quote:
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Fry says “it loves me” before he says “i love it”. That kinda says it all.
And finally let’s talk about mirror and color coding bc I thrive for that shit!!
So I think I can safely say Fry is represented by orange and Leela is represented by purple. nothing new under the sun. and those colors play a major role in this movie!! And they are about as subtle as you might think lmao
First let’s take a look at Colleen:
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She is literally always wearing purple??? (only when she is in her cop uniform she isn’t). And if you think that’s not enough to prove my point look at this
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I KNOW,, what the hell, right?!!
the animator coloring this, probably: “just a little bit of purple to show Fry is trying to get over Leela and failing big time *drops whole palette of purple into the frame* WOOPSY”
PLUS (and here comes the most subtle but BLATANT thing this movie has done so far) look at what Fry sees in the montage after he and Colleen break up
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Fry just sees generic couples being happy and kissing!! No colleen resembling anything! Fry is not missing her, he’s missing something else 👀👀👀. all the women in this are wearing purple…. the guy making out with his psychiatrist is one of Leela’s ex-lovers……… the two characters fighting and then making up are orange and purple…..??? I JUST DON’T KNOW WHO COULD IT BE!
and this is not even touching the whole Yivo business. Can I talk about Yivo , I’ve been dying to talk about Yivo with you all day! One eye,? check. purple? check. tentacles??? Check. fry finding shklim after wondering alone in a strange new world, and the lonely monster will help him feel less alone??! CHECK!
I know the movies are weird in a shippy pov (took me so long to understand what the fuck was going on in Bender’s Game from a freela prospective, and i dont even know for sure if i have it right lmao) but the movies make a lot more sense if you look at them as Leela realizing her own feelings for Fry in BBS, and the next three films as her dealing with that until finally!!!!
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#21: Season 2, Episode 15 - “Sibling Rivalry”
In an attempt to settle their never-ending rivalry, Ren and Louis compete on a ridiculous game show called “Sib Wars.” There’s also Ren/Bobby/Mandy drama on the side which is beyond juicy. Meanwhile, Donnie has a date with a French girl and has Nelson translate for him. 
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This one opens with Louis "Flossercising” -- A combination of flossing your teeth and exercising. Right off the bat, you know this episode is gonna be an outlandish one. He’s just chillin’, incorrectly lifting weights in a bathroom full of dental floss lol
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How do you even buy that much dental floss? Also, I can’t deal with Shia’s face in this screenshot. ALSO, I’d like to talk to Sarah and Suzie and ask them what drugs they were on when they came up with “flossercising.” 
Ren starts freaking out at Louis because she needs to get ready for a date with Bobby and he’s cramping her style. They chase each other into Donnie’s room where we see Donnie super focused on learning French. I love how he’s dressed in the stereotypical black and white striped mime shirt -- sitting in front of a pile of French books, Eiffel Tower statues and a bowl of french fries while doing so. As if it’s a freaking séance to reach the ghosts of French experts. 
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Cutting off his head was the only way I could get everything in the screenshot lol. 
This scene is pretty funny. After Louis and Ren come running into his room, Donnie tells them to knock it off because he only has one day to learn French. “That’s realistic” Ren says so sarcastically, I crack up every time. This is also where Ren calls Louis “infuriating” and he tries to call her it as well, but butchers the word and says “In-flirt-in-ate-ter-ing.” I remember this being used on a few ads for the show back in the day. Just then, Donnie grabs a VHS tape, shows it to them very dramatically and says “You guys need to see this.” And Louis is all “What? You lifting weights in your bathing suit? We already saw that.” HAHA!!! I love how Donnie is so obliviously vain, it’s great. Imagine subjecting your brother and sister to that. He quickly picks up the VHS he meant to show them, which is an accidental taping of a show called “Sibling Sessions.” 
This show within a show is so freaking hilarious. It’s like Dr. Phil if it were a show within a soap opera and filmed in a therapists office. The brother and sister (Kevin and Wendy) who appear on it are so lame and fake, it’s so good. The host makes Kevin apologize to Wendy and I died laughing. 
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“It’s nothing against you, Wendy! You’re the BEST! I guess the reason I act the way I do, is because of my own insecurities. Deep down... I’m just a loser.” HAHAHAHAHAHA. The acting is purposely incredibly bad here, almost like an infomercial -- which makes it even better. The kid looks like he’s about to burst out laughing when he says “I’m just a loser” lol. 
Even Stevens seriously wins the award for Most Original Humor on Disney Channel. Ever. No other show has a strut quite like this one. I also thank god every day that ES didn’t have a laugh track. It simply doesn’t need one. 
Ren thinks the show seems professional and is down for appearing on it. Louis, on the other hand, is vehemently against it -- Until the host announces that Kevin and Wendy will receive two tickets to Happy Mountain Amusement Park for being on the show, lol. 
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You just know this was an ad-lib, tbh. How does Shia even think of this stuff? What even is that facial expression? He’s too much...
I also just realized that Ren is definitely wearing the necklace Louis bought her in Swap.com. Ya know, the one she gave back to Ernie? Oops. 
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Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Ren is expecting it to be Bobby, but *dun dun dunnn* It’s Nelson. This marks the start of the DRAMA!!! Bobby sent Nelson as the bearer of bad news. He’s there to let Ren know Bobby had to cancel their date because he has work to do with his lab partner. Hummmmm... Ren is immediately suspicious. Clearly, she does not trust Bobby and this relationship ain’t healthy. 
Somewhere around here, Donnie finds out that Nelson can speak French. So he asks him to translate on his upcoming date with some ~beautiful foreign exchange student.~ We also get the “HAAAAPPY MOUNTAIN! THE BIG OLD ROCK OF FUUUUUUN!” from Louis which is iconic. I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that most of the things Shia does in this episode are ad-libs.
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The next day at school, Ren happens to catch Bobby working with his lab partner... who he conveniently forgot to mention is Mandy “Always-Gets-Her-Man” Sanchez. RED FLAG!!! MAJOR RED FLAG. 
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When class lets out, there’s this awkward/passive-aggressive/mean girl moment between Ren and Mandy -- and it’s gold. Mandy says “Ren, love the lipstick! That color works so well on your THIN lips. :)” To which Ren responds, “You know? I wonder what it’d look like on a FAT LIP :)” hahahaha. Salty overload. Ren decides to privately confront Bobby about the situation after. Asking why he neglected to say that Mandy was his lab partner because Mandy is definitely into him, and he essentially tells her it’s all in her head. “Come on, it’s just Mandy. She flirts with everyone!” So, Ren convinces herself that she’s just overreacting. THIS IS SUCH A TEXTBOOK CASE OF A BAD RELATIONSHIP. You can clearly see that Ren is still suspicious though.. and it only gets worse when Bobby kisses her goodbye on the cheek instead of the lips. Oh, boy. Bobby sucks. 
Ren and Louis go to an audition for “Sibling Sessions” but when they get there they see that the show has been rebranded as “Sib Wars” -- a competition show. Apparently the ratings were in the toilet. Can’t imagine why!!! Who wouldn’t want to watch a low-level, PBS knock-off of Dr. Phil?! The show is on the verge of being cancelled all together, unless they can find two bickering siblings to compete ASAP -- and Louis and Ren answer their prayers. They come barging in like two arguing tornados. I love their little fight here though, lol. Ren claims that Louis got ice cream in her hair and Louis says “Did it ever occur to you that YOUR hair got in MY ice cream? Did that enter your skull?!” He has a point. Ren obviously considers herself to be the superior sibling, so she has no doubt that she’ll win the cheesy competition. “I could even grow a mustache before you!” she threatens. And Louis comes back with one of my favorite burns everrrr: “You could. In fact, it’s coming in quite nicely!” HAHA. Shia and Christy go on to totally ad-lib a heated argument and I love it. 
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The host, David Blackburn, is so over the top with everything he does. On “Sibling Sessions” he was over the top melodramatic and on “Sib Wars” he’s over the top excited. It’s like he’s incapable of acting like a normal human. Normally, I cannot stand when shows go overboard with obnoxiousness.. but I can’t help but laugh at this guy. He starts wearing a cheap, short, dreads wig to try to seem more ~hip~ and young, (”Is my hair on straight?”) which is hilarious to me. And this dude delivers every single one of his lines with such a perfect balance of fake enthusiasm and the insecurity that comes along with trying way too hard to be cool. It just gets me for some reason, lol. I’m also almost positive that HE’S doing the voiceover announcing HIMSELF as “the handsome, the talented -- DAVID BLACKBURRRRRNNNN!” haha. I have to gif the footage of his introduction because it’s honestly so meme-worthy and hysterical imo: 
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If I had the power, I’d make nearly every other moment of every Even Stevens episode a popular meme. It’s beyond deserving... Yet, the only meme that’s come out of Even Stevens is Beans. Great. This show is truly one of the greatest, overlooked TV gems ever. 
Anyway, I’m pretty sure the “TV G” was edited in for “Sib Wars” specifically. I don’t remember Even Stevens ever having a rating pop up like that before, so that’s pretty awesome lol. I’m not sure what part of this gif gets me the worst, though. When he flips his “hair” back, the zoom-out shot of him like “ :D ” or the “THAT’S ME!” It’s all brilliant. I’ve been laughing at this for 5 minutes straight.
The game show ends up being incredibly stupid with the dumbest questions and categories ever... So it’s basically tailor-made for Louis Stevens. Therefore, he literally leaves Ren in the dust -- 500 points to 0. There’s also a “Pudding Pit of Doom” round where yet another bad Louis stunt double flips into the vat: 
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I never noticed how many stunts happen on this show until now. This guy is obviously older and has a completely different build than Shia. They really don’t even try lol. 
David Blackburn announces that Louis and Ren will return the next day for the “Ultimate Humiliation” round -- where they have 1 minute to totally mortify the other on public access television. Fun! Louis is scrambling to find some dirt on Ren, and he fails. The closest thing he gets is her “brushing her teeth inefficiently” on tape. This bit always stuck with me though!! He explains the footage to Twitty and says “Look at the technique. She’s doing that upward thing, you’re not supposed to be doing that! You’re supposed to do the little circles!” I think about this every single time I brush my teeth and have since always brushed in a circular motion lol. 
The drama reaches the climax right about now when Louis and Twitty catch Bobby and Mandy walking down the hall together very flirtatiously. Their first thought is to start recording -- and boy did they end up capturing the most DRAMATIC TEEN DRAMA MOMENT THE SHOW HAS EVER SEEN: 
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Is this Even Stevens or Degrassi???
When I rewatched this episode for the first time in a few years, I was genuinely shocked. I knew Bobby was “cheating,” but I always remembered it as only flirting or a lingering hug. (Ya know... because Disney.) But, NOPE. It was an actual kiss on the lips. Bobby is a RAT and I never liked him. It’s really too bad they didn’t end the series with some comedic plot where Ren and Larry realize their feelings for each other because trust me..... the feelings are there. That’s way better content than Bobby freakin’ Deaver. HE WAS NEVER FOR YOU, REN!
Louis’ plan is to be a slimeball and use this footage in the Ultimate Humiliation round. That’s honestly so messed up, I can’t even fathom that idea. Imagine video of your significant other kissing some other person airing for everyone to see. Dang. I told you this was dramatic. 
This subplot is really, really short. So I’ll wrap it up now as usual. It’s just Donnie on his date with Sandrine (played by Danica McKellar from The Wonder Years) with Nelson translating. Basically, Nelson’s allergies to everything flare up. He takes over the date and steals Sandrine’s attention away from Donnie. That’s it. There’s this one screenshot that’s pretty great without context tho: 
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Back to the main plot. Ren decided to use Louis’ nasty bed sheet as her way to humiliate him. I love how she titled the exhibit "Louis: An American Tragedy" lol: 
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When it’s Ren’s turn to sit in the hot seat, she takes a moment to give a shout out to Bobby. Saying how happy she is that they’re together and she hopes they can stay together. Of course. Meanwhile, Louis is standing there holding the VHS tape of Bobby cheating. It’s intense. Ultimately, Louis makes the right decision and doesn’t show the tape. He just gives up and says he didn’t come prepared with anything. I LOVE SEEING GOOD LITTLE BROTHER LOUIS, MAN!!! Ren is declared the winner. 
Louis knows that Ren doesn’t deserve to continue to be lead on by Bobby. So at home that night, Louis simply gives Ren the tape. The footage is pretty self explanatory. It fades to a very dramatic shot of Ren breaking up with Bobby by giving him his letterman jacket back. I hate Bobby. He’s standing there all sad. Like... Come on, man. Don’t act like you're upset about what you did. You knew full well what you were doing. 
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Ren’s head to toe light blue ensemble is... something. 
Ren thanks Louis for not showing the tape on TV and he says “Ren, you’re my sister. I wouldn’t do you like that.” MY HEART. That vibe changes quickly though when Louis asks if he can be her plus 1 to Happy Mountain lol. 
And that’s it. The episode ends with Donnie watching the video of him lifting weights in his bathing suit. haha. 
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I really like this episode. It’s not one of my personal favorites, but this episode is most true to the series' premise. If you look at it literally, it’s the most "Even Stevens" episode ever tbh -- which is why it's higher on the list. I also just cannot get over the level of legit drama here with the Bobby/Mandy stuff! Crazy. Louis is a great brother here, too.. which is so amazing to see. There aren’t any giant laugh-out-loud moments, but the dialogue here is so snappy and smart. I found myself laughing quite a bit due to how great the writing is and the delivery from the cast all around. Everyone is on point here. 
Thanks for reading!!
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beauzos · 7 years
Please tell us about your punch out pokemon au!!
I APPRECIATE YOU ASKING… I wrote a post about it but I didn’t finish it so it’s just been in my drafts haha but I have a lot more stuff to say cause I’ve been thinking on it more
anyways this got long cause I have a lot to say so it’s under the cut!
now like the major question to be answered is how the whole thing works. like is this a Pokemon League?? is it still boxing?? is it a weird hybrid of both??
for sake of this I kinda think it’s like >pokemon battle >then a match
like idk I feel like they’d be into doing both. I’m not sure though, if there would have to be travelling involved, cause how would you obtain a team (aside from a starter which you’d get from Doc), unless maybe a challenge was you’d be given an option of like
anyhow I think Little Mac’s starter is a Mienfoo or a Tyrogue. tbh I just in general like Mienfoo more but Tyrogue makes sense cause it can evolve into Hitmonchan which has… you guessed it… fucking boxing gloves. he could have a Mienfoo later at some point.
OH YOU KNOW WHAT THEY COULD DO. if there wasn’t a travelling aspect (or even if there was), maybe after each fight you win, you can pick a (base) pokemon that your opponent had. not like, it’s not theirs, but the same species if you feel me. Little Mac is not kidnapping people’s pokemon. so like for example if you beat Piston Hondo and he had like, Mienshao, Samurott, and Dragonair, you could pick either a Mienfoo, Oshawott, or Dratini.
he wouldn’t have to use whatever he chose but yeah. he could probably still catch stuff but this is like… an incentive and maybe you only got the choice if you got a TKO or something. and these guys you know, sometimes they have some pretty rare or powerful pokes so it would be to his benefit. but you could choose.
and I think that the WVBA would be like a hybrid, sort of unofficial pokemon league. like if we were translating the universe to the Pokeverse, this would not be an official Pokemon League, like this would be an offshoot of the Unovan league. or. something. but like they still give out badges and shit (coincidentally there is the exact right amount of boxers to make a complete league) anf like if you became Champion it’d be a big deal but it wouldn’t be “official” as being a League Champ. I could imagine there being smaller offshoots of Leagues throughout the world, especially in a country as big as America/Unova, so it’d be still considering pretty important but also
Little Mac deserves to just be champ, but I think if the boxing element still exists then it’s like chill. imo the two (as a boxer/trainer) add up to make something really important, if that makes any sense.
oh, and evil teams.
the evil team is all the other Punch Out fighters who don’t appear and the boss is Gabby Jay (/s)
or you could just say that the bitterness of losing to Little Mac forced the boxers to come together and be dicks but idk. probably no villain if you ask me! or if there seriously is, Mr. Dream is the boss.
anyways enough about the baseline
probably something that’s just the Style™ of the WVBA is that everyone uses seals and each boxer has their own unique seal. Glass Joe probably just has like the letter A during his first fight cause it’s all he had, and Little Mac is like “what does the A stand for?” and Joe is like “…………it’s the only seal decoration I have”, but later has his actual name and then some sparkles to make up the French flag’s colors, Mr. Sandman has tan sparkles (like sand, obviously) and letters to spell out DREAMLAND, Disco Kid has a bunch of music notes, etc etc
And tbh in my opinion, no one specializes in one type which is what makes them distinct from a typical/”official” Pokemon League, though they can have multiple of the same type to the point of it dominating their team (Don Flamenco, for example, might have a lot of Fire types or Aran Ryan might have a lot of Dark types).
but IF THEY DID specialize in types, Joe wouldn’t specialize/Water, Von Kaiser is Normal, Disco Kid is uhh, King Hippo is UHHH Ground maybe, Hondo is maybe Dragon, Bear Hugger is Grass, Great Tiger is UHHHH Psychic, Don FLamenco is Fire, Aran Ryan is Dark, Soda Popinski is Ice, Bald Bull is…….. Rock maybe, Super Macho Man is Fighting, and Mr Sandman is anyn type he damn well pleases
I don’t know. I made some mock teams for everyone and tbh they all vary, it’s based on theme more than type. I couldn’t come up with full teams for everyone. it’s really hard and I can’t be assed to do it but generally, this. idk when these teams would be but like, this generally the pokemon they’d use, whether it’d be pre-evos or whatever depending on the time.
in Contender Joe has 5 Magikarp, one of which is shiny and his signature, and a Feebas, all level 15 during Contender. They all can’t do anything but Mac’s Pokemon is like level 5. so it takes a little to beat them and it’s like (7 hours later) AND THE WINNER IS LITTLE MAC. Boxing Glass Joe is considerably easier. Title Defense I think he has like, Magikarp (he likes Magikarp), Gyarados, Milotic, Furfrou, Blaziken. or if my shitposts are true at all it’s 6 level 100 Magikarp and he just stalls and all of them has Focus Sash. everyone hates him
Von Kaiser’s team (td, I guess, a lot of his pokes are just evos so it doesn’t need to be split into two) is like Staraptor, Octillery, Gogoat, Diggersby, and Stoutland as his signature. I always pictured Von Kaiser, like, during the contender he lets out his last Pokemon which is his sig Herdier, and the dog isn’t super well trained so it runs off and VK freaks out and Mac has to go catch the dog. He comes back like thirty minutes l8er exhausted with this pleased lookin pup. The dog just immediately goes to sleep and Mac wins but then like……. boy he’s lost a lot of physical energy for the fight. also Von Kaiser and the dog have the same exact mustache.
Disco Kid is a bit tough to pick out but he’s got like… Wigglytuff, Chatot, Bouffalant, Oricorio (Pom-Pom), Ludicolo, and maybe Primarina. Meloetta would be super fitting but it’s a fucking Legendary but let’s say he had it, it’d be his sig for sure. idk which of these would be his sig otherwise, maybe Oricorio since it was like the first one I thought of for him. Not terribly remarkable because I can’t think of SHIT I’m sorry I’ve failed you Disco Kid
King Hippo has Toucannon, Passimian, Alolan Exeggutor, Loudred, Snorlax, and his sig is Hippowdon. Hippowdon is fucking terrifying. It’s like clear King Hippo and the Pokemon are having a conversation and it is horrific and Little Mac is alarmed. Hippowdon creates a sand pit in the ring that makes it hard for Mac’s pokes to move, and it eventually takes uprooting the hippo from its sandpile to knock it out. King Hippo is fucking rough too, its pretty much like fighting an upright Hippowdon. Mac wins by the normal means but also by King Hippo slipping on the sand and fucking wiping.
then comes Piston Hondo. He takes his Pokemons very seriously, Leagues originated there after all. He probably was a brief champ of Kanto or some shit, and it kind of shows where shit starts getting real or w/e. He’s got Oricorio (Sensu), Mienshao, Gallade, Dragonair, Ninetales, and Samurott as his sig. He’s got a hard-hitting style, but he also strikes me as the type to be a staller just to fuck with people. I figure that KOing a whole team isn’t always reasonable, so sometimes the best option is to stall, and at the end of the Trainer match they figure out who wins based on the number of fainted Pokes (and how much helath the other pokes have) but idk. I’m not sure his Pokemon are terribly good for stalling but you kno what I mean.
Bear Hugger’s team is Swanna, Pachirisu, Bibarel, Stantler and Beartic as his sig. Little Mac watched him physically fight the Beartic once it was terrifying. The Pachirisu helps BH fight in td. I think his Pachirisu is reminiscent of that Pachirisu that was super badass in that pokemon tourney. Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu. yeah that one. so it’s like “oh ok– OH GOD NO” because it is Powerful™ so like overall I feel like Bear Hugger’s style is extremely unpredictable, he always goes against the grain and does stuff unexpected to catch you off guard.
Great Tiger specializes in…….. yes, you guessed it: cat Pokemon. He’s got Persian, Purugly, Liepard, Luxray, Incineroar as his sig, and… Medicham. because why not. idk how many of these fucks can learn Double Team but yep that’s like 90% of his strategy is just using Double Team 500 times and then fucking you up cause you can’t hit them. regardless you kno he’s cheatin so they ALL know it. his style is also, Double Team-ing Medicham and then spamming Focus Punch. Better stock up on tms for moves that always hit!
Don Flamenco was probably one of the easiest to make a team for. He’s def got Tauros, Oricorio (Baile), Pyroar, Talonflame, and Roserade as his sig. Not sure about the 6th slot. Oh maybe Luvdisc. It’s useless but maybe Carmen likes Luvdisc so he uses one in honor of her. That’s so adorable I feel good just thinking about it! dnsjfndjk what if his team got Super Edgy™ for TD. Gothitelle, Pangoro, Charizard X, Bisharp, Absol, shiny Roserade lol. He’s one of the only people who violently changes his team cause he’s gotta show that he’s not like the other boxers!!11!!!!
Aran Ryan is a cheatsy motherfucker. this must be established first and foremost. His Pokemon, in and of themselves, are not cheatsy. But he probably cheats like hell during. His team is Sawsbuck, Crobat, Muk, Midnight Lycanroc, Gengar, and his sig is Zoroark. Zoroark, of course, transforms into other Pokemon. Probably what he does is put Muk or Crobat in the last slot so Zoro will transform into one of those. There’s a likelihood Mac will switch to a Psychic pokemon to fight the Poison, but JOKES ON YOU MAC!!! IT’S DARK TYPE AND IMMUNE TO PSYCHIC!!! this is not a cheatsy strategy tho. but he probably teaches his Pokemon to do dirty tricks and like, try to legitimately injure the other pokes. it’s total bs. why won’t anyone stop this mean fuck (because it’s fun). i also imagine he might try and have the Zoroark pretend it’s him for the first bit of a match for NO reason other than because it’s hilarious
So for Soda Popinski we’ve got Arcanine, Midday Lycanroc, Stantler, Mamoswine, Mandibuzz, and Ursaring as his sig. Not super set on that but yeah. His strat is just Hyper Potions, Hyper Potions, Hyper Potions! Mamoswine also has lots of hp, and I wanted to give him more pokes with huge amounts of hp but they just weren’t fitting. but wouldn’t it be cute if he had a Blissey or something? but he just heals relentlessly and it is infuriating. JUST LET THEM FAINT!! You’ve got to go with hard-hitting moves and stop him from healing!
Bald Bull’s got Feraligatr, Dusk Lycanroc, Kabutops, Gyarados, Hydreigon, and Tauros as his sig (of course!). Generally lots of strong, vicious Pokemon! His only strategy is hard-hitting physical damage. If you’ve got a physical wall then you’re in business! But still you’ve got to be careful. This dude ain’t fuckin around and his Pokemon are strong. He probably also uses Bide and Rage a lot, those are quite useful for his set up.
For Super Macho Man I bet his theme is Pokemon that are considered status symbols. But I don’t really know a lot of Pokemon like that off the top of my head! So maybe just in general, Pokemon that aren’t easy to obtain! He def has Alolan Persian (this is just a status symbol Poke), Milotic, Volcarona, Machamp (his signature), Porygon-Z, Dragonite. stuff like that. But his Pokemon are still decent, but they are his because they’re rare and they made him feel special! you can’t afford these pokes! get fucked! He’s a very flashy style of battler, focusing more on how cool moves look, but he’s still a huge threat! don’t underestimate him! (I feel like I’m starting to sound like Doc Louis with these tips haha)
Mr Sandman is almost a bit tough to pick Pokemon out for. He needs tough guys but also some Pokemon that he’d like to attach to his whole sleep/dream theme! He def has Hypno, just cause he likes Hypno!! But then he’s got Pokemon like Slaking, Garchomp, Lucario, maybe Spiritomb, and Scizor. all of the pokemon that can mega evolve have a mega stone, and depending on which is the most beneficial he’ll use that one, but he often goes to mega Garchomp. he relies on status conditions and hard-hitting moves and Pokemon.
whew!! and once Mac beats them all, he’s the Champ! idk what his team would be, I never really though about it aside from like… Hitmonchan (maybe), Mienshao (maybe). but yeah! this is generally kinda what I was thinking. I hope this all makes sense, I ramble a lot and sometimes I’m not super clear! thanks for asking!!!!
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furederiko · 7 years
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*GASP* Great goodness!!! Kyuranger just refuses to let up, doesn't it? Episode 30 delivers a heart-shattering entry, all wrapped up in a graceful power-up package...
- I'll start with a somewhat unrelated rant: I couldn't watch this episode live last Sunday! Aaaarggh. My internet provider changed the fee (AGAIN... that I'm not even that much surprised anymore), so I'm stuck using free public wifi until yesterday noon. And get this, when I decided to renew it with such heavy heart, let's just say... I got duped BIG TIME. To the point that I'm still slapping my own face in utter disappointment and anger, for falling into the company's sneaky stupid ploy all over again. *SIGH*. Now that THAT's out of the way, on to the recap-view then... - Since the opening scene focuses mainly on Orion and Tsurugi, let's talk about what I forgot to mention on my previous recap-view. That sweet friendly river-side moment between them! Some audience might think that the conversation they brought up regarding Orion's newborn felt... a little on the nose. If you ask me, it's actually NOT. IMO, if you think about it logically and/or chronologically, that dialogue actually made good sense. How? After the supposed final battle with Don Armage, a wounded Past-Tsurugi was brought by Orion to Earth, and put in a cold-sleep aboard the Argo. Fast forward 333 years later, the Rebellions awakened Tsurugi in the present time. He likely spent at least 2 weeks after he woke up, in which during that time he: clashed with the Kyurangers, but eventually became one of them; went to Planet Tocky, and searched for the Horologium Kyu Globe; and along with the 'Time Travel' team, went back to the past to recheck history. Meanwhile, from Orion's side of things, having just completed his deed to the Past-Phoenix Soldier, he spotted the ORION crashing, ran into the Kyurangers, and was reunited with Tsurugi again. If one easily compares the two separate timelines from Tsurugi's and Orion's point of view, then it's become clear. Eventhough they have indeed been 333 years apart, thanks to Horologium, the reality was far more shorter than that! For Orion, it was merely hours if not minutes since he last left Past-Tsurugi in the Argo. Tsurugi on the other hand, had only advanced a month at most due to the cold-sleep. Logically, he still had all the memories prior to the sleep (of 333 years ago) in tact in his mind. THIS is the reason why the dialogue about family between them flowed very naturally! It's just a casual chit-chat between friends who haven't seen each other... fairly briefly. That's all! - Of course, that dialogue still serves as the key for the two of them to deduce that Lucky... might have been Orion's very own descendant. That means, Lucky isn't Orion's son, as the rumor suggested (for now at least, it's still a giant mystery anyway). Regardless of that, he's still an important figure who serves as a catalyst for the Kyurangers, due to having the blood of two Constellation Systems. That's the main reason why Tsurugi, the Kyurangers, and later Orion wants to protect him at all cost. - And that is also where the episode hurts. From the beginning of the episode (or the preview last week), it is teased that Tsurugi might give away his life to heal Lucky. Using the power of Phoenix Kyu Globe is taking the toll out of him, so the chance of him getting out unscathed is minimum at best. We even get to see Tsurugi's quick origin story, of when he first obtained the Kyu Globe when his spaceshuttle crashed. Basically, 'death flag' has been fluttering over Tsurugi, which is why the actual death comes totally unexpected and a lot more shocking. It's Orion's final moment instead!!! - On one hand, Orion IS hiding a severe bloody wound, due to shielding the Kyurangers from Don Armage's devastating attack. So he pretty much has been waving his own giant death flag too. On the other hand, he's a crucial legendary figure who will pass on the legend of the Kyurangers throughout the entire universe. Even the team smartly points out that, without Orion, the Kyurangers wouldn't have existed in the first place. Preview for this episode even showed him in battle, helping Leo Red debuts his new power-up. The general assumption is, there's no way, he's going to die, right? That's where Kyuranger throws us off balance once again, because Orion passes away anyway! It's a HUGE, and genuine "OH MY GOODNESS... NOOOOO!!!" (if not blatantly "WTH!!!") moment, and I'm positive the dead silence or echoes of jaws dropping are reverberating throughout the audience. My heart literally stops! And I'm still mulling over it until now... NOTE: Only several movies (like some Marvel Studios ones, though usually Oscar contenders) and TV shows (mostly anime titles) have managed to make feel so... heartbroken like this. Kyuranger positions itself nicely into this exceptional category, which is a rare accomplishment for a Tokusatsu series. I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, but huge thumbs up for TOEI! - Not only Orion's unfortunate demise works as a twist, but also as a major shakeup to the entire story. It is an unexpected alteration in the past, so there will be massive ramifications going forward. It raises even more questions that will make every fans feel concerned. If Orion no longer lives another day, then who would hand over Carina Kyu Globe to Eris' safekeeping? If Eris never has it, then that means the Argo would not be revived in the present time, and Tsurugi would never be reawaken! More importantly, as has been pointed out before, without Orion, the Kyurangers' existence is in danger. Which urgently prompts Commander Xiao to stay behind, taking Orion's place to spread the heroic legend. Ignoring the fact that it's another giant change to the past, does this mean his role as a Kyuranger also comes to an end? *gasp*. In a way, Champ (who will be part of the "Episode Stinger" V-Cinema, which apparently takes place some time later) is already hinting that he and Xiao will surely find a way back to the present. But it doesn't stop making me feel very... anxiously curious. With the two of them being left in the past... is the show trying to throw either of them as the possible face behind the new Don Armage? That would... still be a possibility, right? One more thing, the loss of Orion pretty much rules out my theory that he is the next Don Armage. For now, at the very least. Unlike Kuervo, the Kyurangers actually bury him for good, so he's truly dead. Then again, lest we forget HOW Darth Vader was created... - The grand power up, The Miracle Star Leo Red Orion debuts! It is channeled through the #315 Supreme Kyu Globe, which is realized through the unity of Lucky and Orion's powers and shared resolution to protect the universe. And of course, through the latter's sacrifice... *sobs*. It's undeniably a GORGEOUS design, with fluttering mantle and all. Probably one of the best White member I've seen throughout Super Sentai history. Assigning the color white is also a very wise decision. Not only because white is the combination of prime colors, but in case of Kyuranger, it also adds balance to the team. No wonder Phoenix Soldier gets to be another Red, because when Leo Red uses this form, each of the original colors are still represented. Speaking of combination, it has a dang fine-looking transformation sequence that unites all 12 powers of the Kyurangers too. Turns out, despite many fan-speculations, Supreme doesn't require Naga to be with the team to pull off. It likely falls inline with my theory that Lucky serves as a catalyst for the other Kyurangers, meaning he's the only one necessary for this upgrade. And that is also one wicked finisher. Nope, not the Gate of Babylon-esque with the Kyu the Weapons, which was... nice. I'm talking about that "ALL STAR GALAXY! IN-FINISH BLAST!" that channels the entire 88 Constellations. Dang it... I feel goosebumps when all those stars lit up and create a big bang. Wonderful, simply wonderful! Fun fact: Supreme Kyu Globe, or SAIKOU KYUTAMA in Japanese, has an odd numbering of #315. If you're wondering the reason why, then well... highly likely the answer is: because it's a nifty pun. 3 - 1 - 5 is SAN - ICHI - GO in Japanese, but it can also be read as SA-I-KO. Get it?! LOL. Also, 3 + 1 + 5 equals...? Yep... NINE or KYU in Japanese. Brilliant, right! The finisher "In-Finish Blast" is also a clear pun for the word 'INFINITE', which explains Leo Red Orion's ability to bend space and time. There's also one theory that the Supreme Kyu Globe is modelled after the 9 planets of the Earth's Solar System. It's unconfirmed for now, but I think it makes a lot of sense... - Before I move on to the last point, allow me to point out several bits of the episode that I find to be really interesting: 1) Don Armage's hideous humanoid form seems to be the extent of his power. He claims that he can't hold back his power in that state, which is probably why he's also more vulnerable to attacks. We also see him reviving Akyanba and Tecchu for the mecha battle, giving us explanation to why the Vice-Shoguns keep showing up and are still alive to the present time. And before anyone complains that he's so easy to be defeated, do remember one thing: we're not even in the finale yet, as the new/present-time Don Armage is ALWAYS meant to be the true big bad. 2) I LOVE how a wounded Lucky doesn't want Tsurugi to sacrifice himself. That's a powerful scene, amped up by Lucky's genuine emotion. The concern and also pain on his face feels so real, which means the actor does a truly fine job. Say anything you want about Lucky, this proves he's definitely one of the better Reds in the recent years. Meanwhile, Tsurugi himself is showcasing a wonderful growth in character. From someone who used to be self-centered, into a team player who would risk his own life for his comrade. 3) Although I'm not quite sure why Xiao doesn't just use his Draco Voyager to form Ryutei-Oh, him being assigned to use Leo Voyager and form Kyuren-Oh is indeed a wiser choice. This way, other Kyurangers (including Raptor who spends most of the time repairing the ORION) get to participate in the big battle. It's supposed to be a final-battle-esque showdown with Don Armage after all, so they need all manpower available. 4) It seems that contrary to what Tsurugi said, Phoenix Kyu Globe does NOT have the power to restore/revive life. It can only be used to regenerate health, as shown by Lucky's critical state, and also Tsurugi's own condition when he was adrift in space. Otherwise, Tsurugi can always use it again to revive Orion and keep the flow of history. Am I right? 5) I have a feeling we'll be seeing Orion again in the future. I doubt TOEI cast a great actor like Kai Shishido for brief appearances that lasted only two episodes (three, if we count that cliffhanger ending in episode 28). Heck, we even get to see Eris several times again. Which is why the theory that either he or Kuervo might be the new Don Armage is still very much in play. Then again, noone can really tell much when it comes to Kyuranger. This show tends to startle audience with genuine surprises... more often than not. LOL. At the very least, I hope we get to see him again somehow, because even in such a short time, he has truly left a strong impression. 6) A good amount of time must have passed between the moment the team discovered Orion, and the flower scene in front of his grave. I doubt Raptor is able to completely repair the ORION for their return trip in a flash, because it was left in such a bad shape before (notice that the ship visually looks much better?). Critical audience might want to consider this before they start complaining about how fast Lucky gets over Orion's death. I doubt that grave scene is Orion's funeral anyway. It's more likely the team comes there to pay tribute for one last time, before departing home (to their era). Oh and yeah, turns out this grave is very similar to a certain character's from "One Piece". Concidence? I doubt. 7) Lastly, regarding Xiao's new role in the past. Things are starting to make much clearer sense the more I think about it. Some folks at RangerBoard (Dukemon, TealMystechRanger, and TavionJackson to name a few) back this up, by speculating that the whole scenario could be a 'bootstrap paradox'. Meaning, it has always been Xiao, and not Orion, who started and spread the "Legend of Nine Saviours" that refers to the Kyuranger. This explains why it's NINE, instead of Ten, Eleven, nor Twelve, because Xiao knows that the team would start out with the number Nine (him being the Tenth and all)! Also, remember his story about Mr. Pega? That might not be a random tall-tale after all, but part of his quest to collect the Kyu Globes. But what about the history that says that it's Orion, and not someone who comes from a dragon-tribe who told the story? Like the whole situation with Eris that I've pointed out above. That would only mean a huge contradiction, right? Now this is where things get surprisingly interesting. Turns out, there IS a particular Kyu Globe that grants its user the ability to... SHAPESHIFT. It's still a speculation/theory for now, but I honestly won't be surprised if Xiao used that to disguise himself as Orion (thus bringing him 'alive' again to do the job), in order to prevent the new flow of history from erasing the Kyurangers in the present time. This one in particular, leads us to the final point... - As if the loss of Orion isn't enough, the show delivers another terrifying surprise. The present... remains the SAME. Jark Matter is still rulling the universe. Akyanba and Kukuruga are still alive and well as they did before. Dark-Naga is now taking Tecchu's place as a new Vice-Shogun, possibly their leader. And Don Armage is still reigning, despite his clear defeat in the hands of Leo Red Orion. It seems NONE of the alterations the 'Time Travel' has done in the past affects the present. Does this mean, everything actually goes... according to the way it should have been? Thus... that causal loop theory that I've stated above gets even more plausible! One thing for sure, Armage's sinister laughter in the cliffhanger, can only mean one thing... it's back to square one for the team!
Overall: To be honest, not unlike that wicked finisher, all kinds of logic was flying off the table in this episode as well. But dang it, if that wasn't another mindblowing rollercoaster episode. One that took my breath away, torn my heart into broken pieces... like a fierce punch in the gut that I haven't been able to fully recover ever since. For an episode that served as a power-up debut (which was simply marvelous on its own), it's still packed with all the right flavors. The humor, intensity of emotions, the high stakes? And yes, I totally couldn't hold back my tears when Orion closed his eyes for good... which says A LOT. If this were another show or Super Sentai season, this episode could easily serve as a finale or some sort. But nope, Kyuranger is not stopping anytime soon. The past might have been altered, yet the present remained the same. If the real Don Armage was eliminated in the past, that means the current Don Armage's identity is someone else entirely. Still a massive question mark that is shrouded in mystery. Personally, I can no longer predict what's going to happen next. It's one surprise after another, and to think that we still have (at most) 19 more episodes after this! This show is NOT pulling any punches, and continues to be a delight week after week. That's why I honestly can't believe some audience are still looking down on it despite a streak of strong features. Oh well, I guess it's their loss... Next week: 'Save Naga' Team is back on center stage! PS: Tsurugi makes his very first spotlight in the ending sequence, pairing up with Lucky. Oh and yeah, Gigant Phoenix and Kyutamajin have already been added to the opening since episode 28. I don't think I have mentioned about it before. LOL.
Episode 30 Score: 8,5 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: September 22nd, 2017 - Version 2.14. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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badrpstories · 7 years
Hiya, so a friend of mine brought up one rp here and now I’m real salt so let me vent about this for a little while.
So we’re gonna ignore how he messed with the experience because tbh my problem wasn’t even his character. Yeah I didn’t like the character at all but once I learned “Hey just have my character avoid his” we stopped having conflict for the most part.
I’m instead going to rant about the host of this rp and how he did because god was it a disaster.
Note: The only reason I’m okay with naming the canon (besides the fact that my friend already did it) is because this rp is hosted offsite and is nearly impossible to find without knowing anything about the rp, if it’s even still up.
So let’s start with the people involved in the story, I’m going to name them for colors.
Red: Host of the rp and a very bad host at that. Character: Bella
Blue: My friend who submitted the story. Red’s best friend. Character: Braig
Green: My best friend, very much my main confidant in everything. Character: Shintaro
Yellow: Me! Basically just claiming my color even though I doubt I’ll mention myself by name at all. Character: Blake
Black: My twin sister, who’s background mostly. Character: Selene
Orange: Somebody relevant only to how badly this rp was hosted. Red’s best friend. Character: Kirito
Pink: Also only relevant to how badly this rp was hosted. Red’s Kohai. Characters: Sakura, Light
Okay so before we start with the rp itself, let’s just start with inaccuracies to the source material. (Ignoring the extra lore added to make it its own “unique” thing.)
So the changes to canon in this rp were just bad. So let’s start with why Blue got a questionable view of the canon, which makes everything make a lot more sense. The reason why his view was so messed up was because of how the team building exercise was done.
In the show RWBY, the team forming exercise is a literal team forming exercise. It featured people partnering up with the first person they ran into, and then forming a team by grabbing an item that matched another duos item. They then fight off the Grimm while going on this treasure hunt.
In the rp, it was a combative capture the flag where teams were encouraged to fight each other rather than cooperate to survive. It also destroyed the teambuilding aspect of the game because teams were already formed according to the random algorithms (read: host choice) that were used to pair people up, meaning the entire meaning behind the formation of teams and everything else was lost.
This in turn made the teams already a lot more cut throat, especially given some of the powers that Red gave his character and how it affected one of Pink’s, and created the violent environment that bothered Blue so much, that in the end created the conflicts between my character, and his.
He also butchered the White Fang completely (he made the White Fang leader a kitsune, not a fox, a kitsune with multiple tails), several RWBY character’s personalities (Ozpin in particular), and he added so much convoluted bullshit to the lore (as I mentioned with him making it his own “unique” thing) that it didn’t even feel like RWBY anymore, it felt like generic fantasy Hunger Games/treasure hunt, yeah it got that bad.
Oh yeah, and then there was Bella’s semblance, aura manipulation, which is not a thing. At all.
But now we can go to outside of canon critiques and go into the actual issues with the rp began.
So the issues all start off with the fact that the host could pick the teams. This problem started since the Red very obviously had ideas on what he wanted the teams to be. Almost immediately, he’d picked out the people he wanted on his teams based on his preferences within the players in the rp, at the time his preferred allies being myself, Green, and Pink. Now, Pink was pretty inactive and taking a while to sign up, and Green and I really wanted Black on our team, since we wanted to interact with Selene. Selene had had great interactions with Bella in a past rp (Bella’s only good ones, imo) and Black and I had wanted Selene and Blake to interact, and Green loved Selene before. Not to mention combat build would’ve been a lot better with Selene as well, since we would’ve had one whatever the hell okay fighting Bella did, one long ranged with Blake, a strategic mind in Shintaro, and a close range with Selene. This would’ve been a great team build with a lot of room for growth, and considering the majority of our group wanted it, we should’ve been able to get our way.
But then Pink entered Sakura and he was thrown into the group and that was it. Selene got cast off to a side group with Black’s other character, Green’s other character, and Red’s other character, and we’ll go off more into Selene stuff later. This decision actually almost made Black quit the rp because a) she hated any interaction with Bella/Sakura together because of how Red baited her with a ship for Selene and Bella in the previous rp, and b) she was annoyed at being cast off, but Green and I convinced her to stay.
Anywho, Red decided his teams, casting people like my now boyfriend and some other people (including my second character) into the irrelevant “nobody gives a fuck about you” teams for all the care he gave to them, put Blake, Shintaro, Sakura, and Bella into a team, and put Pink’s other character (Light) and Orange’s character (Kirito) into a team alone (impossible but done at the time because Blue wasn’t in the rp with his character yet and they couldn’t be excluded), and then shoves them into the exercise.
Now this makes it very clear with the capture the flag game the agenda for this rp. You can almost immediately tell who the favorites are when the two irrelevant teams are out first, followed by Light’s and Kirito’s team of two. I should also point out that these very clearly align with his favorite people in the rp, with both teams holding Red’s characters being the last two in the game. My team won and we got our reward which led to the incident that sparked all the shit between Blue and I, but he elaborated on that enough on his story so I won’t harp on that.
Anyways, the rp continues onwards, and it seems from this point on it’s literally just ripping off the plot of RWBY at this point. But with a few minor details, like the White Fang’s foil being Selene as opposed to an actual Faunus (like Blake). Most of the team dynamics are bad with the exceptions of a few here or there (my secondary team had a nice dynamic, as did Shintaro and Blake) but they were still very bad overall. The one thing that had me want Blake and Bella interacting (Bella being a Faunus racist) were removed because of the bad tensions between our team and Orange/Pink/Blue team, and Sakura in all honesty had zero interaction potential with anybody (Blake can only do so much with a cinnamon roll who never interacts with her, the ship between Bella and Sakura which was the whole reason for him being on the team is bad, and while Shintaro and Sakura could have a few cute interactions, they overall didn’t work.) Unless my boyfriend touched your interactions, you were blessed with shit and that was it, that was how badly Red picked the early teams.
But then finally, tensions were alleviated in favor of in jokes between Braig and Blake and my boyfriend’s character (and not so coincidentally, the three of us), and the Vytal Festival arc arrived. The favoritism again was painfully obvious as Red moderated the fights and made it very clear it was rigged in favor of the players he chose, and it wasn’t long until the irrelevant teams were eliminated in favor of my team and Black’s team.
 And if you all know what happens in RWBY, you can guess what happened next.
Red decided for me, that Blake was going to take Pyrrha’s role in the show, and fight against another of his ocs, and thanks to the manipulation of the villains, kill him. I never got a say in this, she was just shoehorned into a role that I never got a say in. That would’ve fit Selene’s goals so much better. That also completely reset any luck I’d had at smoothing over things between Braig and Blake.
So we finally keep moving and I’m like “alright you know what, I can take this, I’ll give Blake her crux of an arc and have her die a tragic death, I can work with this” because I’m expecting her to get Pyrrha’s tragic sacrifice as well, but no, she doesn’t. Bella sacrifices herself for Sakura while passing on her powers to Sakura to make him bullshit powerful, and then somehow this rp’s version of Cinder dies, I don’t really know.
And then Selene runs into the White Fang leader who is somehow the only member of the White Fang left and partners up with her even though they were hated a little while ago. So there goes all those plot threads.
And remember those two ocs I mentioned, Snake and Kirito, yeah remember how they weren’t relevant to anything and only talked to each other? Well guess who got mystical chosen device.
And yeah, everybody else’s ocs still get fucked and split up too besides Team Treasure, because like I mentioned earlier, generic fantasy treasure hunt.
Anyways, Blake, Shintaro, and Sakura are now cut off from the rest of the group (forcibly, I might add, Red threatened anybody who might have chosen to stay with them with death if they didn’t split off) and get the same plot dump everybody else did. How the world needs seven treasures to stop all the Grimm (what happened to RWBY lore?) and blah blah blah when chosen one trope decides Sakura is the chosen one because of Bella giving her aura powers to Sakura, and he’s just so enamored over the fact that Bella sent this bitchy oc to guide him that he gets mad at Blake and Shintaro being cautious.
So bitchy oc introduces the generic fantasy Hunger Games elements I mentioned (also known as the Fate series) and Blake and Shintaro try to tell Sakura to be careful and that they don’t trust this new person, but that they’ll work with him anyways, he gets mad because “Bella sent her so she must be okay” even though Bella is dead and Shintaro (who randomly lost an eye without Green’s permission) and Blake (who just murdered somebody in cold blood and lost a friend) get upset and leave for their own mental health since it’s not like they had much time to know Sakura because he clung to Bella.
This action is highly frowned upon by a lot of the players, which sucks and starts getting to Green and I, but in spite of this we keep persevering even though we’re no longer having fun, hoping we can get to the point where they Blake and Shintaro can get to Team Treasure so we’re not putting undo pressure on the plot and getting them to the point where they’re away from Sakura and can recover from their own issues.
And then Red has the oc they’ve been traveling with try to get mad at Blake and Shintaro go right back to Sakura. Keep in mind this was a decision that Green and I both got a lot of flack for towards our characters ooc and hurt us because it was based in our own model of thought (that there comes a point where your mental health is more important than helping others) and this was not kept private either, and having Blake and Shintaro get yelled at was the final straw. Green quit, and I strongly considered it. So there was that aspect of railroading and character voicing for the player.
And then there’s continuing the favoritism, let me post the list of people who got the plot relevant roles.
Braig (Blue)
Villain (Red)
Selene (Black)
Kirito (Orange)
Sakura (Pink)
Random OC (Red)
Selene’s Teammate (Red)
Aside from Selene (who was likely picked out of guilt for the ship baiting from the earlier mentioned rp), they’re all people who were Red’s best friends or closer to him than Green and I were, the blatant favoritism in this couldn’t be anymore obvious. And Kirito was basically irrelevant, Braig wasn’t loved by a lot of people, and three of the people who have these characters belonged to Red. And that’s not even talking about the fact that Selene should’ve had somebody not White Fang related and Sakura was such an incompetent cinnamon roll that he shouldn’t have even been considered for this role. Literally Braig was the best character for this position of the ones chosen because at least he was relevant and his choice of partner character he got didn’t basically fuck with plot. It was so bad and so frustrating that when Red cancelled the rp tbh I was glad.
And while I’m at it regarding his plot, he decided that his trainwreck of a generic fantasy Hunger Games/treasure hunt/maybe RWBY fusion was such a good plot that it was the best plot we’d ever had in any rp…because you know, generic plots with bad main character choices are such a good story.
Tl;dr: Red outright ignored the canon of the world he was hosting for, rigged the rp to favor specific people who were his friends or who he felt the plot needed to do it instead of letting it be a fair match up or the choice who would’ve made more sense for the story, railroaded everybody to the spots he wanted them in instead of letting them go to somewhere that made more sense, forced people into things without permission, often times without purpose, and just in general fostered so much conflict with a bad plot that it was a travesty of an rp.
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kxlebcross · 4 years
for the quarantine asks, multiples of 2, please :)
are you fucking serious???? i’m gonna get back at you for this, i’m smol and ready to fight!!!! (under the cut >:3)
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese, always... idk, maybe i’m too european for that but pb&j just seems gross to me (noah fence to anyone who likes it tho)
4.  Your go-to bar order, if you drink? usually it’s a mojito, a gintonic or a vodka-tonic, depending on the place and its’ prices... and if i’m not that low on money sometimes an absinthe slips in, but that’s really rare, i’m not that young anymore and my body just can’t keep up with the alcohol anymore dfsdfd
6. Top three cuisines? uhhhh..... italian, hungarian and..... i don’t actually have a third hdgfhsd can i just generally say that ‘asian’? tbh i tried like 3-4 dishes from various asian countries which imo is way less than enough to choose a fave, and there’s also a lot more i’d like to try sometime... but my city doesn’t have many places to go to, and the only “chinese” restaurant we have is a cheap ripoff which never served a proper chinese dish in their life.... ordered from there twice, beforehand researching each dish i ordered and let me tell u.... they weren’t even close to what they were supposed to be......
8.  What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?  i once worked at a strip club..... no, not as a stripper, i was a waiter/bartender, and honestly i wouldn’t even mind talking about it if the place wasn’t shady as fuck.... one of the national tv stations even made a full time documentary series about all the illegal shit that’s going down there..... but i never really did any unconventional jobs so there’s nothing fancy, but if i were to tell stories about what i’ve encountered during my ordinary jobs...... oh boi.......
10.  Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? i have a signed photo with Flowsik from his Warsaw concert.... and i think that’s the only thing like that, if i ever had anything else it’s long forgotten and probably is laying in some box in my mom’s basement lmao
12. What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? i only have bagels in the kfc breakfast offer so it’s usually some chicken, salad, cheese, egg and mayonnaise? i think? or was that the ciabatta? fuck me if i remember...... but if i could choose anything i’d probably go with smth similar, some chicken strips, veggies, bacon, cheese and moyinnaise? yeah, probably, im a man of simple tastes dsfdfg
14.  Favorite mug you own i wish i wasn’t so lazy and just take a picture of it, but i’m a lazy fuck so here i go explaining XD so its actually a middle-sized coffee mug, it’s pastel greyish-pink with two cats on it, and one of the cats is chilling on a guitar.... it was a bday present from my mums friend and it came in a cat head-like box which i kept.... it’s now on the top shelf in it’s all grotesque cat box glory..... like the ceiling cat meme
16.  Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)  uhhhh tbh my mood is usually a blank space, apathy be fun like that... so ill just list some that i’m generally vibin’ with
Take a knife in the back, wanna feel my pain Make a slice to the wrist to reveal those veins I could see your face, man I feel insane
Such a mess when I'm in your presence I've had enough, think you've been making me sick Gotta get you out of my system, yeah
MGK - In These Walls
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Lexie Liu - Like a Mercedes
And it's nights like this when I'm on my own And I realize that you'll never feel like home No, I can't feel you now (Feel me now) And I try my best to stick around But when you're broken like me, you just gotta get out 
Bring Me The Horizon -  ±ªþ³§ feat. YONAKA (but i’m generally vibin’ with the whole album that this song is from)
18.  What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?  okay so i’m probably not gonna rewatch it ever again, but... when i was a kid there was this german series on tv and it was called medicopter 117.... so in exam season i realized that as a kid i never got to finish it so i decided to rewatch... listen, it’s a 1997 series... but damn it was actually better than some of the crap ppl call tv show now....... not gonna rewatch tho, some moments and plotlines were frustrating as fuck
20.  Do you match your socks? yes! but only because i either have them all black (which will match anyway) or funky colorful fruit patterned ones that look a bit much even on their own so i wouldn’t really wanna mix’n’match those in fear they would just look tacky as fuck
22.  What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) well for a while i was the horse kid, then the cat kid, then the car kid and then i ended up being the resident class emo with a weird obsession over Lord of the Rings.... it was a wild ride, though the emo phase sort of stuck with me even now
24.  What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? the what? i stg i never encountered it in my life so i’m not really having an opinion on it, sorry to disappoint
26.  You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? definitely orange... apple has a weird aftertaste, tomato is gross, banana feels like having jizz in ur mouth.... yeah, we’re sticking with orange (also please don’t ask me to elaborate on the jizz part)
28.  What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? i’m actually trying to get better with some overwatch heroes i never learned before... since the lockdown started i got a lot better with snipers and i1m actually pretty proud of it
30.  Where could someone find you in a museum? most likely in the souvenir shop trying to find the cheapest thing..... or chilling on some bench/chair after watching all the art pieces, i’m usually way too lazy to stand around and wanna get out pretty fast, but i think it has more to do with the fact that i don’t really like to hang out around people and museums tend to always have a few of those
32.  Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? stars and clouds.... but man i actually really miss stars........ that’s the only thing that’s shitty in living at the city that i can’t see the stars
34.  Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? i think art.... i mean i have three movie posters, an overwatch one, a religious calendar from my mum, and then a pride flag and some tacky painting the landlady insisted on keeping on the wall.....
36.  Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... okay i’m gonna admit, i’m not really into superheroes so i’m not that well-informed about their sidekicks either.... can i just hang out with loki instead or smth?
38.  Favorite mid-2000s song oh no.... assuming it was around 2005.... i was like 7 at that time? what the fuck did  i listen to back then? uhhhhhhh i’m pretty sure that was a basshunter time back then? so i’m gonna go with Basshunter’s Now You’re Gone as i remember having it on my mp3 player dfjhjkdf
40.  Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? usually at my pc, even when i have guests over because i don’t trust anyone with the playlists...... and when i’m over at someone i usually choose a fotel or smth and lay down in it as if i’ve never used a fotel before or couldn’t sit like a normal human being.... and if there’s no fotel then i’m sitting on the armrest of the sofa because apparently i can’t sit like a normal human being sdshfghsdf
42.  A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving  it’s this one.... one day just popped up in my youtube recommended and i was like what the fuck??????? but i’m not gonna say what it is, see for yourself ;)
44.  Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i..... try not to post at all??? but if i do it’s either no caption or “i randomly decided to post some pictures at 3am without thinking about a concept or caption so i’m just gonna wing it” kind of bullshit, no inbetween, i just can’t write meaningful shit under my pictures 
46.  What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? fries..... i’m a slut for fries, best food ever......... give me fries......... i think i actually might buy some later now that we’re talking about it
48.  Do you like Jello? once again i’m way too european to have an opinion, sorry.....
50.  How are you at climbing trees? when i was a kid i was doing pretty well..... now, around 15 yrs and a few fucked up joints later i’m not sure how would i do....... if this stewpid lockdown is over i might actually convince my friend to find some trees to climb and then we’ll see....... (and then i hopefully won’t accidentally k*ll myself because he will be there to catch me if i fall lmaoooo)
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poundface-blog1 · 7 years
MMA Team Tounry Concept
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I have been an avid MMA enthusiast and fan. I am proud to say that I was fortunate to see the first UFC back in 1993 on a black box at a friends house. Since then I've been a pretty engaged supporter and have followed every UFC and all fighting in general. I've noticed something recently with the MMA world and it has to do with the presentation of the sport. First of all, I like fighting. So it isn't too much of a concern who I'm really watching as long as the fight isn't a snooze fest. My problem with the sport is in it's presentation and marketing. It's grown stagnate. In the beginning (IMO) it definitely was an individual sport. Fighters were liked, from my perception, for their personalities and fight performances. It was essentially using boxing's methods for presentation. As the sport materialized and the performers got better I've noticed there has been a shift in what works. The UFC has the best fighters. I don't mean on individual fighting ability or merit. They have the best fighters to watch. Unfortunately Bellator, Invicta etc., and really anyone else just don't have the complete packages in terms of talent (with exceptions obviously.) The UFC's current problem is the talent below the top 10 rankings. Anybody who's seen the pre-preliminary fights should have noticed that Joe Rogan and Anik could call the fights without microphones as there is zero audience to drown out their voices. So I see this as no one is really interested in Bill Sanders (made up) from Ohio with a record of 4-1. However, I do see a solution to attracting more viewers to these unknown fighters and really building up MMA as a whole. MMA needs to viewed as a team sport.
I believe it was Ultimate fighter 21, the Blackzilians vs American Top Team that I noticed that there was something there with teams being used in MMA. This was one of the better shows in terms of the fighting. Pride was involved. The fighters didn't really seem to care about making the UFC roster. They seemed more focused on being better than the other team. I thought it was brilliant. These unknown up and coming fighters had purpose to the casual fan. Initially these unknown fighters were exactly that, unknown. If a team was the driving force for promotion, suddenly these unknown's have a fan base simply by association. Super Stars will naturally separate themselves so there is no threat of losing visibility for elite fighters. It's no different than football and basketball. Super Stars become a brand but they are never stronger than the brand of the team. I think MMA should explore this concept. I think fight clubs e.g. Team Alpha Male, American Top Team... they should consider forming professional fight teams separated from their training facilities. Brand these teams and market these teams just like the “Big 4” do. The politics of the teams are handled at the facilities and with whomever is running/owner of the teams. The individual champion would only be a selling asset to these fight teams for exposure and attracting new talent. I understand the concept of a fight team already exists. It's the promotion I think is done wrong. I believe more emphasis on the team and less the individuals would strengthen their brands more than the other way around. Again, Super Stars will always separate themselves so there is no loss to their star power. But the association on the team will help other, lesser known fighters to get fan support they wouldn't normally get.  
To market this (I'll use UFC as the example) it's very simple; The UFC needs to remove itself as the face of marketing material. No one is out wearing NFL jersey's with just the NFL logo. I believe the UFC should follow suit. Instead of the UFC/Reebok attire fighters wear with the giant UFC logo plastered all over it (with terrible design's mind you) Team logo's and colors should be the key visuals with a little UFC logo at the neck tag or on the side of the attire. It's no different than any jersey you'd buy from the “Big 4”. The Yankee's are one of the biggest sports organizations in the world and that MLB logo is on everything sold by the team. So there is a natural cross promotion that only benefits both the promotion, the UFC, and the individual team. I believe with teams being the emphasis you get stronger more dedicated followings a long with better rivalries which would ultimately lead to better fights. The logo's of teams, or symbols, would be better to follow (for casuals) than individuals. I believe a symbol is stronger to get followings than individuals. Think of the presentation of fighters having a team logo to get behind.  Remove the country flags (the countries can still be mentioned) and have the Teams logo's be in the fore front. Team promotion in MMA helps build up unknown's by having them be a part of something meaningful; in this case teams will naturally have rivalries. There is also a team structure for points and rankings and team champion in all of this.
So this is really the reason I wrote this; the team championship tournament. Again, I'll use the UFC as the sample. Initially I see this tournament as a part of the Ultimate fighter series. I believe the show has grown stagnate and this could be a good platform to test this idea (if all the teams and the UFC get all their ducks aligned with marketing and profit sharing.) 4 teams are selected by the organization to participate. That's on the UFC to determine who. In my example you can see the layout of how it would look. So, 3 fighters for each team along with 3 alternates in case of injuries. Each team will have a fight with the other teams. The example shows with 3 member teams there will be 6 fights to get every team to participate against each team. To choose fights, I thought of a like a lottery deal similar to how the world cup chooses match ups; 4 stations for the teams ping pong balls and each ball has a name. This of course works if every fighter is the same weight. If there are different weight classes being a part of teams e.g. one 145lbs, one 170lbs and so forth, then the weight classes are what are drawn not the team individuals. As you can see from the example, it wouldn't be too hard to make fights at random so no team has an advantage over the other in making match ups. Now the idea is to focus on the team to win. From the example, if women were a part of the team, the gold team wouldn't need to fight every team's woman entrant. What's important is that the team has matched up against every team in some way. Pointing the fights are simple; KO/TKO-10, Submission-8, Majority
decision-5, Split decision-3 (again this can be tweaked). Tie breakers will come down to team over all stats; strikes thrown total, take down total's ect. In the end of all this, the team is crowned champion, they win millions and hopefully fighters get paid more. Now for the UFC (or anyone willing to try this) they can hold sub-tournaments to build up points along with having individuals representing teams build up points to gain entrance into the next team tournament. So, during UFC2--, if Carlos Condit gets a knockout win for his fight, his team JacskonWink gets 10 points for the fight. The team rankings will be a simple table with the top 4 teams gaining access to the team tournament.
So what about the elite? It's easy, teams will now have to think of strategy for fighters and who they fight and when. Champions have to full fill their defense obligations so they are subjected to those time lines. But really these team tournaments won't need the champions or top ranked to participate. There's still money in being an individual so pursuing individual titles still has benefits. These team tournaments are to boost new fighters similar to Ultimate Fighter. With the team oriented focus, there will be naturally more fan investment regardless who fights. So back to Bill Sanders, him fighting for American Top Team against Team Alpha Male suddenly means more. I'm kind of hoping this becomes something. I believe it has a ton of potential and can really change MMA for the better and hopefully get fighters paid more (through marketing and promotion). I think this would really boost smaller promotions if implemented correctly. Bellator had a good idea with their Gand Prix tournaments but time seemed to diminish the hype a long with injuries. This team concept is all done in one night.
NOTE- I know Rose is not a Blackzilian. I could not find a woman representative for that team. Also, I know the fighters used have a bunch of different weight classes. They had the best pictures to use for their teams for the concept that was made. They were used to show team structure.  
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