#used to try to get over 1k or 2k notes
shessoft · 1 year
2022 in Gifs
Tag your favorite and most popular posts from each month of the year
I was tagged by @anderwater (thank you! my gifs are all I am online haha)
I tag  @lexasdagger (idk when you last made gifs) @patiencecolorado (and you I think you have mutuals that gif as well so you guys do this its fun!)
most popular : Ryan’s gotta gay
fave : Ryan’s gotta gay and What do you want? (because it’s their thing 🥲)
most popular : smile n hearts (ofc it is the fandom died that night)
fave : Javicia dancing (I love her sfm)
most popular : day 1 of Wildmoore Week
fave : THIS ONE (the most detailed gifs I’ve ever attempted and I’m still in love with everything I made that week tbqh)
most popular : this is literally the only gifset I made in april??
fave : the edits of Javicia I was consumed with making haha this was the most popular of those
most popular : again no gifs but this was the edit with the most notes
fave : Meagan and Javicia’s birthday edits 🥲🥲
most popular : Sophie Moore pride gifset (her whole journey in a gifset I’m so proud of her)
fave : Ryan Wilder Pride gifset (I love them both actually. these were my only gifsets posted in June)
most popular : Batwoman characters as incorrect test answers
fave : On God! (LISTEN this song is about them explicitly idc)
most popular : Max and her dad
fave : She’s a 10 but (surprise its Wildmoore. I miss them.)
most popular : a bit too much
fave : my only gifset this month (otherwise I made aloto icons)
most popular : not flirting with Sophie (my last gifset of them atm)
fave : she’s got 8 kids and has to feed most of them (the only other gifs I made. I gotta do a rewatch already)
most popular : Leighton and Whitney have taste
fave : we love boundaries
most popular : my only gif this month is for Wildmoore Week 2
fave : I also made tslocg icons but yeah that gif for wmw is so pretty I miss them sfm
In conclusion, I miss Batwoman and WIldmoore. aloto and tslocg are my other loves. but Ryan and Sophie are first.
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france-unofficial · 2 months
my turn to do this because a.) my motivation is at the lowest it's ever been and b.) I don't have the confidence to do this without you slightly crazy people cheering me on
100 notes and i'll attempt to drink an adequate amount of water a day
edit: ✔ glugged a bottle of water and set reminders so I don't forget
200 notes, i'll turn my blog lime green for one week. (after that one week pasts, I'll try to make my blog aesthetically pleasing or whatever)
edit: ✔ turning it lime green for ONE week. shrek can live on my blog for now
300 notes, and i'll post a fanfic about a random character- just send me an ask and I'll write for whomever (not posting a fan fic about shrek.)
edit: ✔ character taken!
400 notes, and i'll stop procrastinating and do the missing assignments that've been piling up on me (I have... over seven overdue assignments 🤡 )
edit: ✔ working on them right now :')
500 notes, and i'll audition for musical theatre (surprise I can sing)
edit: ✔ in progress....
600 notes, and i'll start practicing my violin at least 5-6 times a week
edit: ✔ found my violin in its dusty cave and tuned it :D
700 notes, and i'll open writing requests on this blog for two days. (no more no less. anything after that, will be deleted.)
edit: ✔ requests are now open. please be specific who you want to be written, and I'll write it to the best of my ability. please keep in mind that nsfw/smut/dark content will NOT be written for. x readers, platonic relationships, and sfw requests only. thank you :3
800 notes and i'll start saving up for a new laptop
edit: ✔ started saving up so I can get a new laptop! the laptop I'm using now is alright, but I could use an upgrade
900 notes and i'll start a corpo blog
edit: ✔ its @furby-unofficial
1k notes, and i'll ask my parents to take me to a doctor to test if I have adhd
edit: ✔ just scheduled an appointment. thankfully it didn't take that much convincing and didn't turn into a argument
[bonus stuff:]
1.5k notes and i'll start a micro-nation blog
2k notes and i'll come out to my parents
2K notes · View notes
plounce · 22 days
rob plounce's ffxiv fic reclist
this will update as i continue to find stuff i enjoy. (it also exists as a page on my desktop blog!)
disclaimer: this is just stuff i’ve read that i’ve enjoyed! i have my own favorite characters and pairings, so my reclist skews heavily towards those. i’m not super into in wolshipping, so there won’t be much of that, sorry! i have not read everything in every pairing and character tag, so don’t take this as a comprehensive guide. these are just things that i liked and think are worth reading.
fics are noted with wordcount, pairing (or as gen), and rating (e = explicit).
spoilers ahoy!
lost and found (8.8k, T). gen, light moenuri - you know how moenbryda’s parents basically adopted urianger after they basically abandoned him? this fic is about that. also urianger autism :)
while eating (2.2k, G) gen - more baby autistic urianger with bastard parents. sob. at least moenbryda’s parents are there.
foster (1k, G) gen - pre-canon, thancred overhears fourchenault and louisoix talking about him.
second impression (4.8k, T) gen - fourchenault is a bit more of a classist bastard than in canon and is a dick to thancred, but gets past it. mostly. thancred does his best.
the stars in their abundance (2.7k, T) gen - pre-canon from the perspective of g'raha’s mom in corvos!
cross (1.1k, G) gen - minfilia and thancred clean up the mess of thancred’s possession.
your song, carried onwards (4.9k, G) gen - thancred’s rescue of alisaie from the WoD in the hvw patches.
a stranger in the woods (4.3k, E) thancred/marcechamp - you know, the guy from tailfeather in heavensward? they hook up. thancred gets taken care of.
dust in your eyes (8.8k, T). background ships include wolchefant, wolcred, and haurchefant/urianger, but is mostly about thancred being a sad bastard who is always too slow, too late, and trying to be his best self but not totally succeeding. and haurchefant being a great guy. good character stuff.
how massive is the spirit in us (2.2k, G) gen - ryne character introspection… makes my heart hurt.
testing the waters (1.8k, G) gen - thancred teaches ryne to swim.
the shimmering light (2k, G) gen, light thanuri - urianger settling into the bookman’s shelves. fun il mheg worldbuilding.
almost crystal, almost ascian (10k, T) gen - minfilia and the exarch meet up a few times over the course of a century. their parallelisms. the horror of being “minfilia.”
off the hook, provisionally (974, G) gen - y'shtola talks to the exarch in the wake of 5.0 about his deception.
among the shelves (5k, G). gen - the twins and ryne hang out and talk about the other scions.
portentous news (842, G) gen - urianger’s first morning on the moon in the middle of endwalker.
adventures in unlikely friendship (23k, T) gen - wol+cred friendship! i really like these. the bozja one is delightful. passively-suicidal bestiessss
void parsley sojourn (4k, T) gen, light thanuri - urianger hotboxes the rising stones. very charming depiction of urianger as a weed nerd. makes me laugh and smile every time i read it!
there is (maybe) an ascian among us (11k, T) gen, minor side pairings - post-endwalker, the scions try to get to the bottom of a conspiracy about thancred, who just wants to grill for gods sake! comedy.
two scions walks into a bar… (26k, T) gen, but eventually thanuri - a series where the author intended to just analyze and write about thancred & urianger’s relationship as gen, but then slid into shipping lmao. covers ARR-early STB with a bit of post-SHB. great character work for both of them!
respite, despite (25k, T) thanuri - urianger pining from pre-5.0 to the close of endwalker… good pining, good urianger misery, good romance. wagh!
erasing all the lines in the sand (30k, E) thanuri - mutual pining, miscommunication, coparenting! bookman’s shelves fic.
(in parantheses) (9.9k, M) thanuri - thancred's rescuing of minfilia, time in the first, and the mental stress that emet-selch gives him due to ascian trauma during shadowbringers. also getting together with urianger.
sleepy-eyed soldier (4.6k, M) thanuri - elidibus puppetting ardbert's body brings thancred’s ptsd over having his body used by lahabrea roaring back to the surface in the form of nightmares and hypervigilance. (mind the CWs)
trouble in paradise (2.3k, E) thanuri - transfem urianger!!!! :D :D :D great kind-of-an-asshole thancred character work. hurting each other but trying to fix it.
sole conundrum (412, G) thanuri - pre-edw garlemald scouting mission. urianger autism :D
three of swords reversed (3.2k, T) thanuri, moenuri - urianger dealing with grief over moenbryda and thancred in the later half of endwalker.
another sunrise (5.8k, T) thanuri - post-edw wanderings - urianger deals with a mystery, sudden solitude, and a crisis of doubt! ends happily.
take root in this barren soil (and grow back stronger) (7.4k, E) thanuri - thancred shares what the training regimen of a sharlayan spy entails, not expecting urianger to react so strongly.
to wander is a dream (46k, M) thanuri - post-edw. i don’t tend to enjoy hanahaki fics but this fic is so so so good. thancred being an emotionally stunted asshole, urianger being the world’s most beautiful martyr (for better or for worse), lots of fae stuff, both of them struggling to not be repressed.
why do we forbear? (9.3k, E) thanuri - modern au fake dating, which would usually not appeal to me but this one’s real cute. (currently unfinished)
on call (2.5k, T) hythades - emet-selch goes out of town, and hyth is asked to step in for a soul-seeing duty. and he futzes with emet-selch’s office.
mail run (840, G) hythades - “A young archival intern keeps finding completely legitimate reasons to do all the deliveries to a very specific Bureau of the Architect clerk. For no reason at all.” young love!
as stars to a sky (1.8k, T) hythades - little vignettes about life in the pre-sundered world.
the seat of destruction (13k, M) hythades - canon-divergent au where hythlodaeus is the one to take the seat of emet-selch, and the sundering still happens. my favorite ascian!hyth work.
affective memory (9.3k, T) hythades - pov from the shade of hythlodaeus as he wanders around emet-selch’s reconstructed amaurot.
for good health and opportunity (14k, T) pre-emetexarch - emet-selch visits the crystal exarch numerous times over the course of a century. frenemies!
other characters
“nero tol scaeva did nothing wrong”… (5k, G) gen - a bunch of job npcs try to arrest nero for driving without a license. goes about as well as you might think.
biohazard (1.1k, G) gen - nero hates valens’ ass. not because he has “morals” or anything he just thinks valens is a dogshit project manager.
left in the dust (3.9k, T?) cidnero - ARR nero finds amnesiac marques working in the lichyard. miserable little man.
adrift in memory’s fog (16k, T) cidnero - cid’s frequent bouts of amnesia have led to a patchy memory - enough where he forgets that he and nero were betrothed as teenagers. (trans cid!)
the troubled envoy (1.3k, T) gen - maxima’s diary entries during the stormblood patches, including his thoughts on his weird boss.
the last abandonment (1.9k, M) gen - maxima wanders the ruins of garlemald and reflects on his time in the garlean left. by the same author as above - i really rec all their maxima fics.
this cathedral where your face stains the windows (2k, G) ysayle/igeyrohm - “Someone had to teach Ysayle summoning.” great ysayle heresy stuff + toxic yuri.
this blessed day (80k, M) gen - lucia’s journey from a captured garlean spy to aymeric’s right hand. lucia……
cadavre exquis (6.4k, T) gen - emmanellain helps pack up haurchefant’s things at camp dragonhead ft ishgardian homophobia and an underground queer zine scene.
the lantern jar (19k, T) cirisadu - OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD. this fic is so good. cirina and sadu growing close. lots of development of steppe spiritual traditions and beliefs.
duet (13k, T) estivrtra - estinien encourages vrtra to live more fully as a dragon. cool dragon stuff.
a view of you (14k, M) estivrtra - estinien gets fatally wounded, and vrtra keeps him alive via a great sacrifice (sadly unfinished, but what’s there is a great read)
veteran advisor (15k, E) vrtra/estinien/gaius - really great gaius character work here where he and allie are on vacation in radz-at-han, and the impact that has on both of them. but also? it's mostly about big!varshahn getting railed. good for him!
this home wrested forth (2.5k, T) gen - sidurgu from DRK quests and alaqa from WHM quests meet up and deal with some gridanian wrongdoing.
a fervent desire (111k+, E) sanson/guydelot - an incredibly in-depth retelling of the BRD quests. great work developing these characters and giving them really in-depth motivations!
and love you shall find (9.8k, E) sanson/guydelot - BRD quests, but what if sanson journals as an accommodation for short-term memory loss?
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Please Note:
I am on hiatus until August 2023. Please feel free to leave comments and please do reblog my work if you enjoy it!
Thought it was about time to make one of these! So far, I only write Eddie Munson x reader. Gifs aren't mine but the writing is! Please don't steal it!
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Miracle Worker - Summary: Reader lives at the trailer park and Eddie blasts metal at one in the morning for the third night in a row. Reader marches over and bangs on the door to tell him to shut up. She ends up pulling an all-nighter w/him because he’s trying to study for a test.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: None.
Jumping At Shadows - Summary: Reader’s at work when Eddie’s father shows up out of the blue, looking for him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: ANGST, super insecure Eddie, mentions of past abuse and garbage parenting, self-deprecation, threatening behaviour, childhood trauma. Comfort at the end
The Damsel and the Dungeon Master - Summary: After losing a bet, Eddie makes Reader dress up and play the princess in his newest campaign. Furious, she plots a way to get back at him, but she’ll need the help of one of the party! Does Eddie have a traitor in his midst, and does their rivalry hide deeper feelings?
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: None
Guardian Angel - Summary: After the travesty in the Upside Down, Eddie is rushed to the hospital for surgery. Clinging to life, and still a wanted man, the ordeal is far from over, but just before he slips unconscious, he thinks he sees his guardian angel, come to look after him.
Word Count: 17.4k
Warnings: Blood, Injury detail, obviously hospitals, ptsd and nightmares, depression and self-deprecating thoughts, bullying, reference to childhood trauma and parental death, angst.
If you wanted me, you really should've showed - Summary: Eddie is head over heels for Reader but there’s one slight problem. Her boyfriend, Adam. Despite this, Eddie tries to settle for being a good friend instead but when Adam gets possessive, Reader has to figure out what she really wants out of a relationship.
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: Bullying, insecurity, controlling mildly threatening boyfriend.
How You Get the Girl - Summary: Eddie’s had a crush on Reader forever but doesn’t know where to start when talking to her. Luckily for him, she has the perfect advice and he’s in just the right place to overhear it!
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: none really. Spoilers for Star Wars original trilogy and my maybe controversial Star Wars opinions.
The Greatest Love Stories - Summary: Eddie has a run in with some bullies in middle school, but in the aftermath, reader helps him pick up the pieces. Little does he know, his life is about to change for the better!
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: bullies suck, angst with a happy ending
Safe With Me - Summary: Reader gets anxious when Eddie drives fast but is afraid to tell him in case he thinks she's boring.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: insecurity, descriptions of anxiety, reference to a parent driving dangerously when mad
Meet Me in the Pouring Rain - Summary: Hawkins has had a heatwave for weeks on end, when it finally rains, Eddie and reader dance in the storm.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none
Thicker Than Water -Summary: Eddie loves Reader but Wayne isn’t so sure about her. Anxious to gain good standing with her boyfriend’s father figure, Reader sits Wayne down for a heart to heart.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: references to a less than ideal childhood and bullying
Every Night With Us Is Like a Dream - Summary: Eddie and the band finally made it big and touring with him is everything you dreamed it would be! Little do you know, it's about to get so much better!
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: none
Dance Magic, Dance - Summary: Labyrinth (1986) is yours and Eddie's movie
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None. Vague spoilers for the movie I guess?
Wanted Man - Summary: Reader stays with Eddie after the gang find him post-Chrissy. She’s harboured feelings for him for a long time but always kept them to herself until now.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Pretty angsty at times, insecure Eddie
Comfort Food - Summary: Eddie’s ill and Uncle Wayne has to go to work, but luckily, he knows just who to call!
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: None. Pure fluff. Featuring my own comfort food recipe. I haven’t proofread for errors, I might reread later and fix any, but I wanted to post this before I went out to work.
Crazy Forever - Summary: Eddie’s been acting weird all day and Reader’s determined to find out why!
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Jason Carver sucks but that’s nothing new, mild self-doubt/criticism
Merry Christmas Sweetheart - Summary: Christmassy fluff! Getting a Christmas tree with Eddie and decorating it later with him and Wayne. Just some feel good fluff for the holidays!
Word Count: 2.2k ish
Warnings: reference to Eddie's mum having died, other than that, pure fluff!
Thank you for reading! Feedback is always massively appreciated!
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cerridwen007 · 1 year
Retired Javier Shorts #1.
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That time where you two spend the afternoon basking in the afternoon sun on the couch and Javi has to teach you a lesson for wiggling around so much.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Word count: 1K (18+) minors DNI
Notes warnings: SMUT, established relationship, teasing/dirty talk, fingering, unprotected p in v, no use of y/n.
A/N: Here is a little something to hopefully tie y'all over while I continue working on Corruption of Innocence Part 2. Truefully I'm not as far as I would like to be or thought I would be writing it but I'm hopefully going to get it out by late next week. This is a new series I’m starting with little 1-2k shorts about retired Javier and reader and I've already got a handful of other stories planned/semi written out for this series that I’m also working on so expect some more of these to come in the near future. Also I plan on creating a Masterlist for my fics soon, as I know it's the best way for Y’all to be able to track down what fics I have so also expect that soon. Thank you as always for your love on my work and I hope you enjoy!
It's a midweek afternoon, you and Javi are cuddled up on the couch basking in the warm afternoon sun fluttering in through the window. Exhausted after a long day working on the ranch. You are smiling so hard to yourself, wondering how you got so lucky to be here right now and thinking you wouldn't change it for the world. Javier sleeps behind you, his hot breath fanning your neck. You sigh happily and scoot back into him while trying to get even more comfy than you already are.
A few minutes pass by and you move again, trying to find another comfier position. This goes on a few times. After the fourth or fifth time you feel a hardening object pressing into your butt. You giggle to yourself knowing that you caused it. You move back into Javi this time purposefully trying to get him worked up enough that he wakes up and hopefully needs your help sorting out his ‘problem’. Suddenly Javi’s hand that was resting on your stomach grips and pulls you forcefully against him.
“Honey, are you purposefully trying to work me up, cause everytime you move around…” he growls playfully in your ear leaving a kiss below your ear.
You try to stifle your giggle. “No Javi, I don’t know what you're talking about.” You sarcastically say. “But I could help you with that problem if you want.” You tease, pushing your butt back further into Javier’s hard cock.
“Oh you sure are a teaser sweetheart, and you bet your sweet ass I'm going to take you up on that offer.”
You smirk pretending to get up from the couch. He stops you and pulls you firm against his flannel wearing chest.
“Ah ah ah cariño, don’t you know it’s rude to start things without intending on finishing them, don’t think you're getting out of this one easily.”
He caresses up and down your side, hooking his fingers in your pants and sliding them down. His lips leave soft, warm kisses on your neck. His palm circles the exposed skin of your ass, he smacks it quickly leaving a slight stinging sensation.
“I ought to teach you a lesson for getting me so worked up when I'm sleeping.” He whispers in your ear.
“Hmmm, what did you have in mind, Mr Peña?”
He chuckles, hand moving to the front of your hips, fingers dipping below your waistband. “How bout fucking you so hard on this here couch that you can’t wiggle round no more.” His fingers start circling your clit.
You let a quiet moan leave your lips. “That would..that would be a f..f.fair punishment.” you struggle to say, his hands working on your growing bundle of nerves.
He chuckles deeply. “I think so too, Mi amor.”
Before you can retort back, Javi has climbed on top of you and pushed you firmly into the couch by your hips. He leaves soft wet kisses on your mouth, cheeks and nose, you can’t help but smile lovingly at him as he does so. He then kisses down your neck as he pulls down your panties and pants below your knees. His hands make some room for himself, wiping up your dripping cunt.
“Fuck baby, you sure are excited about me punishing you.” he chuckles.
You kiss him on his Adam's apple hanging above you. “Anything I can get from you, punishment or not, makes me dripping wet, baby.”  A raspy moan escapes him, jaw clenched as you reach and grab his stiffness. Your eyes batting innocently as if you did nothing.
You bite your lips as he unzips his jeans and pulls out his pulsating cock. He rubs the head of his shaft through your glistening juices, and pushes the tip in. You both moan, grinning. He then begins to rock into you, slow and steady, inch by inch. Each small thrust makes the air catch in your throat. He begins to rock into you harder and faster. 
Your eyes roll back and your mouth opens wide, letting all the dirty sounds easily fall out. Javier smirks down at your arousal stricken face, eager to make it stay there as long as possible. He pulls on your thighs and adjusts them to clutch around his waist, the new, deeper angle provides you with even more pleasure as he reaches ‘that’ spot with each hard thrust. Javier moans along with you, feeling your climax nearing cunt flutter close around his veiny dick. 
“Oh..oh..g.god..jav..Javi!” you moan out. “Im so.sooo..close!”
He continues thrusting into you at a painstakingly pleasurable pace, his hands dipping down to rub your clit only adds to the overwhelming pleasure. Both of your whines turn into whimpers as you each simultaneously reach your high. He relentlessly continues to plunge into your dripping cunt, making you cry out and your legs shake.
“Fuck… Javi.”
“That’s right baby, scream out my name! The name of someone that makes you feel so good, who owns your pretty little pussy.”
He pulls out suddenly and pulls your drenched centre to meet his lips. He licks up every drop of your mixed juices that falls out of your aching hole. Your back arches up to his touch, so overstimulating yet addicting. He tenderly kisses and bites down gently on your throbbing clit. Your lips quiver, pleading, pathetic whines leaving them. He finally pulls away satisfied with your pleasure drunk state when your thighs squeeze his head firmly and your hand that holds his soft brown curls pushes him away. He crawls up to your panting chest and lets himself down softly. 
“What do you think, Cariño? Do you think that punishment was adequate for your behaviour?”
“I know I won’t be able to walk for the rest of the night, and my cunt will be aching for days.” You say both chuckling.
“Good. Think of it as a reminder of what happens when you tease me.” he taunts you.
You swallow excitedly knowing that you will very much tease him again, hoping for a similar punishment as soon as your trembling hole would allow it. You both sigh happily, your hands stroking his silky hair content. You and Javi’s eyelids soon flutter close again as the afternoon sun sets upon your conjoined bodies.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Let's talk about this blog
Out of the last 8 fics I've released, I've only gotten 64 reblogs, with the average being 8 per fic, and the most having 18 out of 178 notes.
No wonder my blog is dying.
One of my most popular fics recently hit 4k notes. Out of those notes, 224 are reblogs. Which is only 5.5% of the total notes.
For some fandoms I would release fics that used to get 100+ notes in less than 24 hours, its now taking them 3 days at minimum to reach that. Fandoms that used to get 200 notes in a week now barely reach 60 in two. And most of the notes are likes anyways.
My average notes per month on my blog at one point was 2k+, then dropped to be around, or just over 1k and now I barely hit 400 notes in a month and over 70% are always likes.
My followers are continuing to grow, but my blog is continuing to die.
And people really wonder why writers suddenly or slowly disappear off of tumblr.
Now, I HATE being one to complain. I get annoyed at myself. I try to resist reblogging every writers rant about reblogs and interaction. Because I'm the one who decided to start writing, I'm the one who decided to start releasing content.
But, I loved the community of writers on here, so when I started writing I became a lot happier than I was. And I often used tumblr as a place to escape my life, and I still do. I would and still do relish in the comments, reblogs, asks, messages etc, that I would get from followers and readers.
I used to be able to log on and spend a long time reading reblogs, comments, messages, etc. Now I log on each morning and have almost none.
And now I practically have to beg for any at all, and that almost never works now anyways.
Tumblr is becoming less of a place to escape and find motivation, and more of a place to just kill my boredom.
I'm not going to stop writing, at least I hope not. I still have over a dozen requests I would love to write and release, even if barely anyone reads them. Because even though people don't seem to care about my writing, I do, so I will continue to write as long as I still get joy out of it.
But if you really want writers on tumblr to keep creating things you apparently love so much. At least give back a little.
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inklore · 9 months
hi my love! do you have any writing tips? and words of encouragement when fics flop :(
hi darling <3 i feel like i always suck at giving writing tips but i'll try my very best for you ok. i hope some of these help! also very honored you'd even ask me 🤎
first and foremost: don't compare your writing to anyone else. everyone writes different, everyone has a certain style, a niche. if you're worried you don't have a 'style' don't, because you do. everyone does. it's not something you can make yourself have or take from others, it comes naturally with how your brain works and how it curates words and prose and scenes. that's why no book, no writing, is ever the same even if it's the same source material. it's a beautiful thing so don't stress about trying to make your writing sound or 'read' like other writers. it'll only ruin the enjoyment of how you write!
if you want to write more detailed just remember that not everything in a scene needs to be put down. the more you give the reader room to fill in the blanks and set the scene themselves the better experience for them (at least that's the case for my brain, others may feel different, but doing it this way makes me feel like i'm not adding too much detail or being repetitive). but visualizing, setting the scene for yourself through music or daydreaming is another great tip to write more detailed.
when it comes to smut i am a huge stan of you don't have to say the anatomically correct part they're using (like the p words or c word), and describing what it feels like to have that part touched, grazed, etc is really great. i struggle with fear of repeating myself so i try to find creative ways to describe body parts without actually calling them like flowery/nouns/different synonyms. i hope that made sense lmao.
don't worry about edits or making everything flow completely well in the first take. i highly rec everyone editing their own work and reading it back to themselves, yes it's tiring but it helps you find flow mistakes, add more detail, take something out that you thought fit in the moment but doesn't really. that's why i get everything out the first get go in a kind of fever dream manner and then when i go back to edit it then i buff out everything, add more, take away something, add more details that will make a scene pop off more.
now for the encouragement when it comes to flops: it's going to happen. there's no secret to making something do amazing or something failing. there really isn't and someone who says there is has just had a few lucky posts. because having a big following means nothing, writing a long fic, a short one, only using small font, being super aesthetic, really means nothing. i've seen writers with the most amazing aesthetic and beautiful prose with 100 followers write something and get 2k notes and then get 90 notes on their next post. same with someone who doesn't have a big aesthetic but a big following and writes short fics get 100 notes on their last ten posts but then that eleventh post randomly gets 1k. like it's really just up in the air on here if something is going to do good or not, unfortunately. so that's why i don't let it get to me when something i post gets 100 notes or 1k because i'm happy with both, less, or more. i don't expect anything anymore because that only leads to disappointment and i'm here to write and to have fun.
that's not to say i don't rec curating your own little community on here. make friends, block ppl with bad vibes, join discords of supportive friends. talk to writers who encourage and understand your feelings and discourse and who keep you going, give you inspo, etc etc. if only my friends ever rbed and read my stuff and there was only 10 of them? i'd say hell yeah and that'd encourage me to write more. having a good space of friends and community is amazing and can do a lot to fight off the writer scaries and the feelings of obsessing over numbers and success.
now this is just something i do but it always works for me; i post something and then force myself not to look at it for a day or two. i post it and move on to the next thing i want to work on. i do not dwell on how it's doing. i may q up some rbs for it but i don't even look at the notes when i do that. i deliberately never look at it because yes while it matters in the sense that we love encouragement, we love seeing people love something we spent hours on, we wrote this for ourselves but hello we want that validation too and that's okay, but like i said above and i'm going to say again notes mean nothing in regards to talent. these notes are not simon cowell judging you on your performance. so when i finally do go back to rb comments and reply to things, or if i just want to look at how it did, and the number is low i'm just like ok shrug at least those 20 people enjoyed it and that's better than 0. and if no one commented or rbed yeah that sucks and is disheartening but i can either dwell and be sad on it or i can continue to do what i love and write more. why let the annoying little brats on here who refuse to show their love on a work they read get you down? because there's a dozen of them out there and they're not going away. and you may have made someone's day for this little fic even if they didn't say something about it. it does suck that content creators on here don't get the rbs and comments and credit they deserve, and unfortunately if you want to keep doing what you love you gotta work around it and remind yourself why you're creating, continue to feel that joy. it's hard, believe me. but don't let your creativity be repressed because of it, because you'd be doing a disservice to yourself!
i'll say it again though: a high note count / following doesn't mean the fic is good or bad, neither does low notes / no following. no one's talent is ever in question here. we are here to write, have fun, fill the void of the rl scaries.
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thekristen999 · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
Thank you to @spotsandsocks for the tag and I see @pirrusstuff just got me while I finishing up with this. :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
Over 100
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,362,622 on Ao3
Another million on ff.net that not on Ao3.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1/Buddie at the moment.
But in the past: ER, CSI, H50, SGA, Daredevil Huh. I see a pattern :-P
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Most are from older fandom:
Most kudos in 9-1-1/buddie : Alone In The Dark With You 888
Beneath the Trident 2k+ H50/McDanno
Reluctant Allies (Or the Time Frank Had to Bring Home the Devil) 1.1k Daredevil
Shadowboxing 1.1k Captain America & Daredevil
Navigating Domesticity 1k H50/McDanno
The Space Between Us 1k H50/McDanno
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time. There have been sporadic tines when I haven't but I try to be consistent. It can be a little harder to respond to comments on older fic, but I read and appreciate every one .
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. All my fc have happy endings. I feel like that's the big payoff. There are a few that end on happy notes after a ton of angst.
The Hoku was a very dark post apocalyptic fic. H50/McDanno
bro·ken Buddie/ 9-1-1 ends on healing, happy note, but it was a pretty big angst fest.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have no idea :-P
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I used to get some pretty serious unwarranted critique in other fandoms, but not the current one.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. Not a ton, but if the story calls for it, I follow the Muse.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The Killing Game
A Daredevil, The Punisher, Jessica Jones crossover with The Predator.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A few times.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Russian and Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In the SGA fandom I had a wonderful co-writer everybetty on some pretty huge epics.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I really do love Buddie. Followed by McDanno.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don’t have any WIPs except the current one. I have an idea that I have outlined and have talked about in the past. My epic Sci-Fi of doom. But the Mafia AU which took me a long time to write and I don't have the motivation to write anything that will take me months again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Immersing the reader in the scene. Writing detail in a concise matter. Research. Action scenes. Gritter topics that don’t get glossed over.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a mild form of dyslexia which means I write weird sentence structure and a ton of homophones that my amazing beta fixes :)
It also takes me a long time to write, but I'm also in my 40's and I'm don't have a lot of writing time. Which is also the reason it takes me a while to read longer stories.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Very, very sparingly and if only, it makes an impact in the scene.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
We Found Each Other (Over There)
my 9-1-1/ Buddie epic WWII AU. I feel like it's my best work.
Just tagging a few who might want to play: @mellaithwen @renecdote @homerforsure @eddiebabygirldiaz @andavs @spaceprincessem @wildlife4life
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
that one request where sherlock comes back after the timeskip to his wife who had a baby gave me inspiration for my own request! so this would probably work better for one of the moriarty brothers or mycroft or any character of “noblity/status” but feel free to do whoever!
so the scenario, just a warning, it’s LONG: Y/N is a woman of poor/middle class status and she’s dating one of the moriarty brothers/someone of status. she becomes the subject of gossip for all of upper class society and a bunch of nasty rumors are spread about her like how she’s a gold digger or how she’s only using him to social climb etc. but Y/N doesn’t tell her bf all of the shit that happens cause she doesn’t want to worry him. and he proposes to her and Y/N hesitantly but happily accepts, except the bullying and rumors just get worse until it hits an all time high where someone threatens Y/N telling her to break up with her fiancé of they release a bunch of scandalous stuff about him. so she basically breaks it off with him saying a bunch of stuff like how she only used him for money and how she never loved him etc and then runs away. and Y/N REALLY doesn’t want him to find her going as far as to moving to America or even faking her death so he would stop trying to find her. and i was thinking it could end in 2 ways but you can also write your own if you want! these are just what i thought of! so there’s 1 ending where he figures out what happened, manages to find Y/N, and they reunite and it’s all super cute. or 2, for a LOT more heavy angst, he finds out what happened, manages to find Y/N, but she’s dying in childbirth/has died already and left a newborn baby behind and it’s very angst filled but also bittersweet
sorry that was like SUPER long. i felt like i had to set the scene first but you don’t have to make it super long if you don’t wanna! thanks a bunch!
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Warnings : lots of internalized misogyny and envy from women, period-typical classism, blackmail, this is not proofread, reader uses she/her pronouns!
Genre : angst (to mild fluff)
Word count : 4.1K words (ouch)
Additional notes : Thank you so much for requesting! After I had a quick look at my masterlist, I realized that I never wrote for Albert, so I went with him. He’s also the one who’s the most in the public eye, given how he was born into nobility and has a well-known job. However, I hate to say this, but this request also goes against my rules and guidelines for requesting🫣 To work on such a heavily detailed piece, I need to write a minimum of 4K words for it to be cohesive, which is the typical length of a ficlet, whereas a regular oneshot would have significantly less details and require a maximum of 1K to 2K words. I have stopped taking requests for ficlets for a year now, seeing as writing them takes up so much time, and I end up totally drained for days afterwards🫠 So please be sure to check my rules for requesting, linked in my pinned post! 🥰 However, the idea was absolutely wonderful, and you’ve been quite sweet about it, so I would’ve felt horrible saying no to that. Anyways, I hope this ends up being to your liking, and I hope you enjoy reading it!💗💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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Being courted by Albert James Moriarty meant that she’d had firsthand experience in seeing the disparity between the English social classes. A wealthy, charming nobleman like him had—for some reason or the other that she couldn’t quite recall—taken an interest in her some year ago, despite her being born to a factory worker and a seamstress.
It had surprised her when he’d first flirtatiously complimented her for her beauty while they’d both been helping out at an orphanage during their spare time, effortless charm flowing through his every word and motion. The man was every bit as magnetic as it was whispered among the public, particularly the women of them. Though she’d had her reservations, she wasn’t immune to the sweetness in his words and how affable he was. What she expected to have become friendship soon bloomed into something more, her unease melting with every kind gesture, every wonderful outing, and every kiss upon her palm every time they parted.
The ‘Ton seemingly shared her surprise at the development, seeing as they soon became a household name for gossip. Horror and disdain always followed the discovery of the fact that they were openly together, with none holding back the sentiments of disgust.
“Her?! But she’s so terribly plane, and awfully poor! She can’t possibly be right for him when she’s a commoner with filthy blood!” She couldn’t count on her hands just how many times she’d heard the angry whispers—whether by the customers at the bakery where she worked, out about in the marketplace when noblewomen haughtily passed by, or by passersby near the mansion gates whenever she stepped out of the carriage Albert had her brought in.
Though the words left a sting that wouldn’t quite go away no matter how hard she clenched her fists and dug her nails into her palms, she always tried her best to brush them off. After all, what did it matter if the masses thought her unworthy, when Albert himself looked at her like she cradled his whole world in her palms? Why should she care, when his hand always sought hers and his thumb carressed her knuckles whenever they went on a walk together?
It made no difference if the word spread around that she was leeching off him for money, because she knew her pride and dignity would never allow that to actually happen. She always asked him to keep his lavish gifts to a minimum, and as adoring as Albert was, he’d never go against her wishes. Word has spread that she was only using him to pull herself out from the shroud of the working class and into the dazzling nobility, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth, given how repulsed she’d been by the false glamour and shine that seemed to settle down on the rich whenever they attended the balls held at the Moriarty household, causing her to politely request from her lover that she be excused from them after a few appearances at his side as he’d wished.
Ever the understanding companion, not once did he express disgruntlement, accepting the fact that she simply did not feel comfortable enough to mingle in such places—and she was unlikely to ever know it, but perhaps that was part of what Albert liked so much about her; she shared his exact feelings towards the accursed nobility that he’d been equally fortunate and unlucky to have been born into.
Through all the terrible name-calling and rumors that flew around her, she absolutely refused to let Albert in on them. Sure, he had his connections and could’ve easily found out under normal conditions, but the nobles seemed to be extra careful to not let him know. Not a single word was spoken when he was in the vicinity—a wise decision from them, really, because she was more than well aware of Albert’s capabilities; she knew he could have them fall into ruination should he hear a malicious word about his beloved. That deadly glint to his emerald eyes that she sometimes saw when he was displeased with a nobleman who’d swindled another client wasn’t an empty threat.
More importantly, she simply didn’t want him to worry. If she told Albert of the rumors circulating, his primary concern (before disposing of the perpetrators) would be her well-being. He would fret over her, and would almost smother her with his well-intentioned concerns. If he had it his way, he probably wouldn’t even leave her side at all, something that wouldn’t do given his high standing in society. No; it was best to stay quiet and shrug the vile words off.
And shrug them off she did on a particularly pleasant Sunday morning after she’d attended mass at her local church. The collective hushed voices and cruel glares were nothing unfamiliar, but she hadn’t wanted to dwell on them, seeing as she was going out with Albert right afterwards. He’d asked her out for lunch at a fancy restaurant, something that was both overwhelming and yet thrilling. She always enjoyed trying out new cuisine with him, even if the setting was a little daunting at first; she wasn’t about to spoil her fun with the man she loved with thoughts of how out of place she might’ve felt.
His brilliant smile as he held her gloved hands in his sent her heart fluttering in her ribcage. “You’re looking extra happy tonight,” she pointed out, though she had no room to say it when she herself was grinning from ear to ear.
“Well, I happen to always be happy when I’m with you.” His reply was smoother than she’d expected, and she felt herself flushing. Albert’s expression remained open and earnest, and she wondered how easy it was for him to charm her socks off. It didn’t take long for her to go down that line of thinking, because he soon stunned her as his hand momentarily left hers to pull out a small velvet box from his tailcoat.
“Albert…” she breathed out, heart thumping wildly in her chest. She watched as he slowly opened it to reveal a breathtaking ring, with a clean-cut dazzling diamond in the center, surrounded by smaller pieces that formed the shape of a delicate flower.
“I would’ve probably bought something bigger if I was left to my own devices, but Louis had to physically restrain me and remind me that you would probably hate that,” he laughed out, the tender look in his green eyes hypnotizing, “But I suppose it doesn’t matter as long as you like it. What matters is whether or not you’d be willing to be my wife.” Albert reached out once again to squeeze her fingers affectionately, lifting them to leave a soft kiss against her glove and immediately warming the spot. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Swallowing thickly, she could feel her stomach flip with a mix of anxiety and pure elation. She briefly thought of all the nasty words she’d heard just by being his lover, and though she knew that things would get infinitely worse now that they were officially on the road to marriage, she squashed those thoughts. It wouldn’t do to hesitate; not when she loved him so incredibly much. It was her choice to grasp her happiness by the hands, and she could only imagine it with him.
And so she hurriedly nodded. “Of course. Oh, Albert!” she cooed, adoration washing all over her, as she squeezed his hand back, the most stunning smile on her face matching his.
Only a fool would’ve thought that becoming Albert’s fiancée would make things quiet down, and a fool she was not. However, she certainly hadn’t foreseen the fact that they’d only grow crueler and more condescending as soon as he’d introduced her to high class society as the future Mrs. Moriarty. How foolish of her, to not realize that they’d only grow more bitter and hateful the more her beloved solidified their relationship and showed that they weren’t to part.
She could’ve sworn that now whenever she locks up the bakery after a rainy day, some women wait until she turns around to order their carriages to leave at that exact moment, the wheels splashing the ends of her skirts with murky water. Sneers were always directed in her direction, and she’d been called a “filthy mutt” more times than she could count. The ladies, in their pristine clothes and flawless makeup, made it their job to remind her of how utterly inferior she was to them, and how undeserving she was of Albert’s affections.
One particularly sour-looking woman went out of her way to visit her daily at the bakery. She was the wife of a huge upstanding figure in society; a merchant who’d had close business relations with Albert in the past, and had supposedly remained a steadfast ally and partner to him. Since the girl wasn’t the owner, she could do nothing to deter the noblewoman from coming, seeing as she wouldn’t want to risk the business.
“You’re nothing but a gold-digging hound, pawing after its master before it sinks its teeth into him,” she’d hissed at her, roughly a month after their engagement, “I know what you lot are like, lecherous women with no honor and all the greed there is in the world.”
“My lady, I would rather not mix business with personal affairs,” she’d gritted her teeth as she said, “Your change.” And as she’d handed the woman back her coins, the furious lady had already taken off her gloves, long nails deliberately scratching her palms enough to draw blood, before haughtily turning her back on her.
Her malicious visitor at work had then persisted, injecting venomous words into her every single morning, her glare hard and loathing—until one day, she walked in with an oddly smug look on her face.
“Shall I get you your regular, my lady?” she sighed, preparing to turn around and take out her pain au chocolat, but the woman waved her off, that strange expression not wavering.
“No, there won’t be any need for that anymore. I won’t have to ward you off, because you won’t be seeing Albert again.”
A confused look came on her face. “Excuse me? You’re very mistaken if you think—“
“No, my dear girl,” she interrupted, her sickly sweet voice alerting her brain, “You’re the one who’s mistaken. You will end your engagement with him, tonight.” She had a steely glint in her eyes, her grin merciless. “Or else my husband will have a lot to say to the public, regarding the deals with firearms that haven’t been released to them.”
“My Albert would never do anything that conflicts with England’s interests,” she firmly said, all civility left behind the moment the noblewoman decided to bring her lover’s honesty into question.
“You poor thing,” she leered at her, a victorious smile on her face as she knew that she had her backed into a corner. “You seem to think that anyone cares to verify the statements. With a news story regarding his unscrupulous visits to your home at night, his honor will be in question the entire time. A false accusation after that will be more than enough to shatter his public image permanently.”
A sour taste fills her mouth as she paled. She knew that if anything were to be said against Albert, no matter how hard he’d try to negate it, there was little he could do when the entirety of the upper class turned on him. His power lied within his social standing, a good portion of which he had labored endlessly to maintain, and she would feel sickening guilt for the rest of her life if she ended up wrecking that for him.
“You’re a smart girl, and you know what to do.” The woman leaned back as she smirked. “End things with Albert tonight, and he shall not be harmed. That is my vow. Stick to your end, and we shall have no problems.” And so, parasol in hand, she clicked her heels away as she exited, leaving the girl to slump against the countertop, her heart beating wildly in her ears and fear turning her legs numb.
“Darling, where’ve you been? I sent a carriage for you hours ago. Were you not home?” Albert’s worried face was the first thing that greeted her at the doorstep, dresses in only a shirt and pants and his houserobe over it, before he took in the blank look on her face and frowned deeply. “Has something happened? Come in, love, it’s warmer inside.”
“No, it’s… fine,” she almost choked on her words, before she cleared her throat. “I’ve only got something to say.” Before he could look at her with his kind eyes and render her weak, she had to get done with this. Avoiding his confused stare, she twisted the ring off her finger and took his hand in hers, saying, “We’ve got to part ways, Albert.”
“Pardon?” he laughed as she opened his palm, but it sounded weak and a little hurt, “I’m not sure—“
She steeled her resolve and met his eyes, willing herself to keep any tears at bay and not allow herself a moment of weakness. “It’s been going on for far too long. All I’d ever wanted was a taste of what being rich felt like, of how the upper class was. The money was far more interesting than you’ve ever been.”
Albert recoiled a little at the words, and she was sure now that she hadn’t imagined the wounded look that flashed in his eyes. “Darling! You can’t mean that, you’ve never even touched my money, you can’t—“
“Can’t you see, Albert?” she snapped at him, frustrated at how it was dragging out. She wanted to get it over with; to bury the hurt before it could resurface. “I’ve used you as a stepping stone. I’ve never once loved, and yet here you are still deluding yourself that I still want you.” With a shake of her head, she dropped the ring into his outstretched hand, before stepping back fast as her knees began to shake and her chest began to ache. “Goodbye, Albert. May we never meet again.”
The sight of his stunned and heartbroken expression would be one that she’d never forget. It had been burned into her memory, to remind her of what she’d lost. Still, she couldn’t give up now. She had to leave. And so, with her fist clenched around the cheapest steamship’s ticket to New York, she turned on her heel and disappeared into the chill outside.
New York was just over two centuries old, but it still held the novelty of a brand new city. For some odd reason, everything about it tempted her and spoke to her of new dreams and a different life. And perhaps, had she not been nursing a broken heart and struggling to make ends meet, she would’ve come to love it. But for now, she loathed it and everything it meant for her.
It was nothing but a mere substitute; a place she’d fled to with nothing more than a tattered trunk that held what little she owned, and enough tears to fill the Atlantic twice over. If it could keep Albert and his reputation safe, however, she’d do it all over again without a single beat of hesitation.
Working at a bakery was a little bit better paying than it was in Durham, seeing as the general American public was better off with its economic boom than England’s limited upper class. The rent, however, took up a great portion of her pay, seeing as she was a single tenant that wasn’t splitting with anyone else.
What she most found befuddling was the cultural shock. Everyone was a lot more lax about the rules of propriety and etiquette, they spoke without inhibition with their peculiar accents, and the country advertised freedom above all else. What that freedom actually entailed, she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out.
Still, it was at least a place where she could pretend that life was alright without her fiancé—or rather, ex-fiancé—holding her in his arms. She could never atone for her doing him wrong, or for lying to his face that way. Many a time she’d entertained the idea of running back home and confessing the truth, but then she remembered that sinister noblewoman’s face and shivered.
Before she knew it, she had spent three months in solitude in her small New York apartment. Her nights after closing shop was spent by the fireplace, knitting a scarf in an emerald color that was the same shade as a certain someone’s eyes.
Damn it all, for leaving her still so hung up on the man she’d never once stopped loving. She dropped her needles to her lap, hunching over as she squeezed her eyes shut. With so much she wished she’d never had to say, she wanted to cry her eyes out in despair, but knew that no one would hear her call for help but herself and these four walls.
A banging on her door caused her to jump in her seat, knocking the ball of yarn at her feet. She frowned. Her rent wasn’t due for another two weeks, and she hadn’t asked for the evening paper to be delivered to her doorstep. There wasn’t anyone coming to mind that could want anything from her at this hour.
As the rapping against her door grew more insistent, she grabbed her shawl from the couch and wrapped it around her shoulders.
“Coming, coming, Jesus,” she mumbled under her breath, before finally swinging the door open.
And there stood none other than Albert, his tie crooked, hear terribly disheveled and much longer than she recalled it being, and face looking clearly haggard and unshaven. He looked dazed, eyes dull but wide as he stared at her as though she were a mirage. Disbelieving that he stood right there in front of her, she couldn’t help but gape at him for almost two minutes, before he visibly shivered, and she remembered that he was standing in the middle of the cold.
“Come in,” she cleared her throat, gesturing for him to enter, something he seemed more than happy to obey.
As he sat down on the couch and she sat back in her chair, he kept his eyes trained on her, unmoving. While pretending to busy herself with tossing another log in the fireplace, she couldn’t help but think of just how much weight he seemed to have lost. He looked far worse for wear than she’d dreamed he’d be.
“Please look at me,” he softly said, and it seemed more like he was begging her. She stilled in place, slowly turning around to face him, and her breath hitched. Nothing in the world could get her to turn away when he looked at her so earnestly and with so much vulnerability in his eyes.
“Two weeks after you left, a woman, whom I recognized as being the wife of someone I’d had a good relationship with, came to talk to me.” His voice was low as he spoke, a little deeper and more tired than she remembered it being. His words, however, caused her stomach to sink as she imagined what could’ve happened.
“She told me how happy she was that you were out of the picture. That now she had a better chance,” Albert smiled derisively, “It seemed she didn’t care that she was admitting to desiring infidelity.”
“I’m not quite sure what’s that got to do with me, my Lord.” Trying to sound as distant as she could, she prayed she wouldn’t go weak in the knees. The last thing she wanted was to get him into any further trouble by being entangled with her.
Hurt flashed behind his eyes. “I’m not your lord, and I never have been anything other than your Albert. And you, my beloved fiancée.” He leaned in his seat, the firelight reflected in his eyes. “She must’ve threatened you, hadn’t she?”
She sighed, “No, Albert, she hadn’t.” Not her, at the very least. “I wouldn’t cower when I am threatened because I don’t particularly care what happens to me.”
“And that’s why our dear friend Sherlock argued that she most likely threatened to harm me instead. Am I correct in believing his theory right?” Her tongue was heavy in her mouth as he eyed her carefully, a calculating look on his face. “Your response was a confirmation. You said you don’t care what happens to you, which means that the threats were never directed towards you.”
Remaining quiet and biting back her tongue was the only way she could prevent herself from admitting to the truth. His expression turned desperate as he stood up to walk over to her.
“Did you think I’d fear anyone? I’ve never been at any danger. Why did you not come to me with what she’d told you? We would’ve disposed of her immediately.”
She turned her face to the side. “If you had no fear, then I had enough for the both of us.” Taking in a rattling breath, she could hold back no more. “The truth wouldn’t have mattered, but the people’s trust in you should never waver. She wanted to put that to the test in the cruelest way possible.”
Fingers found her chin, tilting her head towards him. Emerald eyes bore into hers as he firmly said, “Even if she’d carried that out, I would’ve dispelled any rumors with little effort.” Albert then smiled sadly, “But then again, ignoring things was how you’d always dealt with rumors, wasn’t it?” It felt like she couldn’t breathe as he spoke, bringing to light everything she’d hoped she could bury in the past. “Fred had found that out over a year ago, but he’d been withholding the information, as he was under the impression that you had already told me.”
“Don’t berate me, Albert,” her bottom lip wobbled as she said it, and she mustered all the strength she had to keep as straight a face as she could. “If I had told you, you would’ve worried incessantly.”
“And that’s my job,” he softly said, going down on his knees to sit on the carpet beside her, his calloused hands gently cradling her face, “I’m not berating you, love. I’m only saddened by the fact that you didn’t think you could communicate these things with me. I would’ve never done or said anything that you didn’t wish to see or hear.”
When he held her face like this with that kindness in his eyes she’d missed having directed at her, a small part of her cracked. Wondering why she ever thought it a smart idea to hide things from him and lie to him, her shoulders slumped in defeat. His fingers began to caress her warm skin, and she began blinking back tears at the affection that swelled within her that moment.
“How did you find me?” she managed to croak out.
Albert shrugged, “I had a couple of connections in this city. One of them seemed to know about our relationship from a few noble English acquaintances. I’d once done him a favor, so he promised to pay me back by finding your whereabouts. After all, you were registered to have arrived at the port of New York.” He sighed heavily as he leaned in, his expression growing more solemn. “I’m sorry it took me so long to find you. It hadn’t crossed my mind at the start that you’d have left the country. Only when I had enough courage to entertain the idea that you’d left everything behind did I think of America.”
She couldn’t help herself. Perhaps it was his gentle voice, or perhaps that she’d missed his handsome face too much, or perhaps because she’d been secretly wishing all this time that he’d come find her, but for whatever reason, she found herself choking on a sob, flinging her arms around his neck and falling forward.
With an “oof!”, they both fell back onto the carpet, though neither of them cared, as they got entangled in each other’s limbs. Tucking her head in his neck, she cried to her heart’s content, wringing out all the sorrow and loneliness she’d had to shoulder on her own in an unfamiliar place that could never be her home. Albert’s grip on her was firm but loving, and the sound of him slowly inhaling her in as his hand rubbed her back was the most soothing thing she’d never even known she’d missed.
“Wherever you want to go from here on out,” he murmured in her ear, “You have all my love and support, if you’ll take me back.”
“You silly man, of course I will,” a watery laugh escaped her, sniffling as she only held onto him tighter, “Please take me back with you. Home is wherever you are, anyways.”
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Taglist: @sherlockscumslut @lilias-highlights @whitecelluyu @wifeofkyojuro
103 notes · View notes
Fetus 5sos Masterlist
Always Been You (ao3) - AWeekendInMay michael/ashton T, 1k
Summary: Every memory they had ever had as a band was all here in the scrapbook. And on the very last page was a picture of the four of them, or the four boys they use to be anyway. It had been taken after their very first gig at the Annandale. Luke, Calum, and Michael were all smiling at the camera with huge goofy grins, a little blurry because they were too hyped to stand still enough for the picture. And Ashton, sweet handsome Ashton the only one not blurry, was looking at Michael.
Best Worst Mistake (ao3) - rosiethewriter michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: Michael makes a drunken mistake, and it might be the best mistake he’s ever made
Go Out On A High Note (ao3) - paperstorm T, 2k
Summary: The song is still unpolished and he’s iffy on a few lines, but it’s finished enough for Calum to feel like he actually did this. Even if it sucks, which it very definitely does, he wrote a song. A whole song.
How Do You Not Like FIFA? (ao3) - DontGetTooCloseItsDarkInside michael/ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: “How do you not like FIFA?” Michael asked Ashton, trying to keep the scandalized tone out of his voice. It wasn't working.
“What?” Ashton asked in confusion.
i don't wanna be wasting my time alone (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/ashton G, 1k
Summary: Luke is sat curled up on the sofa next to the french doors, nose almost pressed up against the glass, staring into the dark. Ashton can see his reflection in the doors, lit by the side lamp casting Luke in a glow, his tired eyes blinking slowly and chewing slightly on his lip.
“I thought you were watching a movie with Mikey,” Ashton says, and Luke jumps, having been so absorbed in watching outside he didn’t hear Ashton approach.
“It’s meant to snow tonight,” Luke says, turning his big eyes to Ashton, glimmering with wonder and excitement, fringe just flopping in them slightly before he hurriedly pushes it out of the way.
is it cool if i hold your hand? (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 2k
Summary: Michael gave Luke a soft smile and hesitantly intertwined their fingers, watching Luke’s face for a reaction.
Michael could feel that his hands were kind of sweaty but Luke didn’t seem to mind. If anything his face seemed to light up a little more. He gave Michael’s hands a squeeze and lowered them down to his sides.
“Is this cool?” Michael asked cautiously.
Love me (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum M, 2k
Summary: 2013 Cake making out gets heated.
More Than Just Cuddles (ao3) - HPFangirl71 luke/calum E, 1k
Summary: When Luke says he wants to cuddle, Calum knows he really wants more but its Calum who wants it all from Luke.
Puzzle Pieces (ao3) - paperstorm michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: A bit of pointless fluff based off this text post that gave me feelings.
stick together (ao3) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) G, 1k
Summary: When Ashton comes home one night and finds Luke upset due to homesickness, he steps in to comfort him.
this night's almost over (ao3) - loafers michael/luke E, 19k
Summary: london 2012, luke takes up residence in michael's bed. it gets complicated.
When You're Looking Like This, I Just Can't Resist It (ao3) - flowercrownmikey michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: "He tried to channel the attraction with badly timed insults and petty fighting, and it worked. They were good friends who insulted each other and annoyed their other friends and nobody suspected a thing. It was boyish and natural and fuck, Michael wants him so badly."
OR// Michael has a crush and they're banding with pretty girls in the woods... (The fetus camping fic nobody asked for?)
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ormspryde · 1 year
May I get 9 and 19 for the writers asks?
9. what's your writing process like?
The amount of words I put out in a day can vary wildly, from a few hundred words to up to 3000 if I'm really motivated. However, the process is pretty similar in all cases.
For my current 'big thing', Seer of the Dead, I started by writing a very loose outline. I scrapped the majority of it partway through, but it was a jumping off point, and my second outline is much more secure. Either way, it was a jumping off point, and I have found outlines to be absolutely essential.
When I go to write, I try to think if there's a scene or maybe even a side story that jumps out at me. Like many other AuDHD people I know, I have difficult getting started; and working up something specific, even if it's going to be heavily edited later, helps to 'break the seal' on the day's writing, so to speak. If nothing appeals, sometimes I'll read through and do some editing, and that also helps get me started.
Editing for me happens in two or more passes - usually at least three, but up to five if I'm feeling insecure about my writing that day. The first pass or couple of passes, dealing with the roughest of rough drafts, I'll go through and look for consistency mistakes, places where I could stand to add more detail (I suck at describing stuff tbh, so I try to add more description at this point). Sometimes I'll find a place where the transition between one paragraph and another seems abrupt and write more to put there, or a good place to put some foreshadowing. Basically anywhere the story needs something more. Sometimes I'll find something that needs to be cut during this part; usually I like to take that and save it in my notes folder.
The last few passes, I use to check for spelling or grammatical errors. That's not to say that I don't correct those if I see them, they're just not my focus until I get to the end of this process. A lot of the time, my very last read through is just to satisfy myself that the writing's as good as I can make it and to appease the anxiety demons before I send my baby out into the cold, cruel world.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
You know, it's really hard to say. Right now, I think Seer of the Dead is the closest I could get to an ideal fic for me; I'm getting a ton of very enjoyable practice with description, worldbuilding, giving characters backstories, and just generally writing something that's a bit lengthier and heftier in plot than the 1k-2k character exploration fics that I've been writing since I started writing fanfiction in college over twenty years ago. (I'm old, yes) Tbh I wish I'd realized the power of outlines decades ago, but I'm realizing it now.
As well as being great practice, I'm enjoying a lot of self-indulgent moments with this fic; putting in references to things that please me, still writing those character explorations but putting them in the middle of actual plot...it's really really great. Not too long ago I wrote up a 3000 word chapter that included great detail of one of the characters going to an open-air market in Zaphias and I enjoyed the hell out of it too.
So there's that; something that allows me to improve my craft AND be self-indulgent.
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kimikommissions · 2 years
✰ story ideas but can't put into words? ✰
Well look no further!
Hi, I'll be opening commissions for anyone interested in having original stories, characters, or fanfic ideas come to life! I have a few years of experience and am flexible in my writing. I can cater whatever you wish to see, and will write what you need :D
∘◯ Anything below 1k ◯∘
∘◯ 1k-2k ◯∘
∘◯ 2k-3k ◯∘
∘◯ 3k-4k ◯∘
∘◯ 4k-5k ◯∘
∘◯ 5k+ ◯∘
~$70+ (extra $10 per 1k)
*Note: These are the bare minimum prices and will vary depending on what specifications you have. I also have a 200 word wiggle room over the ranges set (ex. if I write a story that is 5200 words I will only charge you $60 NOT $70) ♡
All transactions will be purely through Zelle and I expect to be paid half up front and half when I'm finished. I will send updates for the story when necessary.
Again, I am open to anything but there are certain things I will absolutely NOT write about:
Any crimes against children (rape, porn, molestation, strong physical abuse, etc)
Rape in general
Animal abuse/pain
Very detailed gore or violence
In general, I won't write really messed up stories, but you can message me for clarification and I will let you know if I am willing to write it! Otherwise, everything else is fair game.
It depends on how long the story is, but it should take me about 1 and a half weeks to write a story. Obviously, the shorter the story the quicker I will write it. I will give you a proper estimation once I am given your guidelines ^-^
Email me or message me with any questions or inquiries! I have never used Tumblr before to get commissioned for fanfics, so please be patient with me as I try to figure this out. >.<
Kimi Nadine
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tyonfs · 2 years
bitch hunters
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huang renjun, lee jeno, lee donghyuck, and na jaemin are determined to have girlfriends by the end of their college years, but that’s easier said than done when they’re known as the biggest players on campus.
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, crack, college au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, sexual content (smut), alcohol consumption 
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello !! welcome to my nct dream 00 line series that i’m super hyped for !! since i never did anything for my 1k followers milestone.... or 2k.... or 3k.... or 4k.... consider this my 5k milestone ♡ these are going to be like mini fics (around 5k??) so it’s a refreshing break from the long fics :’) the stories are loosely connected but you don’t have to read in order. send me an ask or comment to be added to the tag list! thank you for reading & i hope you enjoy!!
COMPLETED ▸ november 27th, 2022
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PAIRING ▸ huang renjun x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, crack, college au, strangers to lovers au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, alcohol consumption, sexual tension, teasing, dirty talk, one night stand trope, fingering, palming, oral (fem. receiving), more oral (m. receiving), choking, raw sex (pls use protection), in this society we make important decisions with rock paper scissors, copious amounts of anime references, ft. jaemin, hyuck, and jeno tormenting poor renjun
SUMMARY ▸ huang renjun might be the least committed to all this “bitch hunting” bullshit, and he doesn’t want to stoop to the level of stupidity his friends are at. that’s why he’s pissed when you’re strutting around in those high waisted shorts wherever you go, making renjun lose all sense of reason.
STATUS ▸ bitch attained
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PAIRING ▸ lee jeno x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, crack, college au, strangers to lovers au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, smut, couch sex, wall sex, shower sex, fingering, dry humping, lots of teasing!! and some degradation and praise, oral (fem. receiving), choking, size kink, bulge kink, hyuck is insufferable, i’m sorry this is pure filth, despite the warnings there are fluffy moments
SUMMARY ▸ lee jeno doesn’t want to give up the carefree life of a single man, not tied down by emotional entanglements and commitments. that is, until he sees you smacking a man twice your size with a stack of engineering paper. he kind of falls in love, so jeno does what any normal person does and invites you over to netflix and chill. 
STATUS ▸ bitch attained
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PAIRING ▸ lee donghyuck x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, some angst, crack, college au, strangers to friends to lovers au, slowburn
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, alcohol and weed consumption, “opposites attract” trope, mentions of anxiety, nahyuck are extra stupid in this fic, hyuck has his euphoria moment, momentary fwb, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap), slight corruption kink, high sex, fingering, oral (fem. receiving), and lots of fluff !! 
SUMMARY ▸ lee donghyuck’s competitive spirit to find the best girlfriend results with him setting his sights on yoo jimin, the hottest girl on campus. however, trying to get close to her ends up with him being pushed in her roommate’s direction. donghyuck has never considered dating someone as quiet as you, but, for whatever reason, he’s infatuated.
STATUS ▸ bitch attained
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PAIRING ▸ na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, angst, crack, college au, coming of age, best friends to lovers au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, slowburn, alcohol consumption, lowkey fwb, hints of found family, jaemin has douchebag tendencies, love triangle ft. sunwoo from tbz, sex, fingering, oral (m. receiving), oral (f. receiving), dirty talk, commitment issues, jaemin’s a vet tech, mentions of throwing up, bitch hunter shenanigans 
SUMMARY ▸ na jaemin, resident playboy and serial heartbreaker on campus, thinks he might have a crush on you. this is concerning because he’s slept with your roommate before, who called him something along the lines of “a waste of a human.” another reason why this is concerning is because you happen to be jaemin’s best friend of seven years, and you know far too much about him to ever consider dating him.
STATUS ▸ bitch attained
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These unspoken rules ranged from locking themselves up in one of the library’s study rooms to cram five weeks of organic chemistry into their brain, to opening their window and screaming out profanities during finals week, to praying to a higher power out there in hopes that, no matter what, they wouldn’t black out at a party the night before their lab final.
For Huang Renjun, Lee Jeno, Lee Donghyuck, and Na Jaemin, they practiced their own tradition: bitch hunting.
This term wasn't coined in a demeaning way. In fact, it stemmed from the fact that the four of them were bitchless, and to overcome being bitchless, one must attain a bitch (respectfully).
A wise man named Jeong Jaehyun once said, “You can fuck around during your first few years of college, get your shit together for your third, but your fourth is cuffing season.”
Jaehyun was one of the founding bitch hunters along with Johnny Suh, Yuta Nakamoto, and Lee Taeyong. The four of them lived in the very house whose lease they ended up passing down to Donghyuck and his roommates. They created a set of laws in their household that stated that they all would get cuffed by the end of the year, and all four of them fell in love. Since their success story was so good, they allowed their house to be a representation of their legacy, and passed it down to Mark Lee and Lee Donghyuck.
With five people living in one house with four rooms and a four-person lease, Jaemin had to crash with Jeno until Mark graduated. For Mark, while everyone else was trying to secure internships and pass their classes, he was meeting girls left and right until he fell in love with the one.
The one, as the Four Horny Bitches of the Apocalypse realized, was what they desired most out of this venture.
A year passed, and Na Jaemin could finally be part of the lease and have his own room. Additionally, it was also time for the four of them to commence their season of bitch hunting.
So, they all sat down together and created a set of guidelines that they would follow and abide by.
“I can’t believe Mark went bitch hunting all by himself,” Donghyuck complained, staring down at the contract that Renjun was scribbling on. “He didn’t have to do stupid shit like this.”
“This is just so that we can all bitch hunt in peace,” Jeno reasoned. “I mean, I don’t want to hear you guys blowing out someone’s back if I’m studying for a test or something.”
Jaemin raised a brow. “So, this is basically a housemate contract.”
“Basically,” Renjun confirmed. “Except it’s less ‘who’s washing the dishes’ and more ‘who gets to fuck on the couch.’”
“The couch? No way,” Jeno complained. “I sit on that couch!”
“We all sit on this couch, Jeno,” Donghyuck retorted.
“Can we just agree to keep the sex to our rooms?” Jeno bargained, and Renjun hurriedly noted it down. Jaemin reached over and crossed it out immediately, and Renjun glared in response to his sheepish grin.
After hours of talking it through and arguing (and then arguing more because Jaemin proposed some absurd rules), the four housemates finally curated a proper contract that was left for them to all sign and follow.
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Fall is here. Classes are starting. Hormones are on the rise.
Let the bitch hunting begin.
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GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, angst, crack, college au
STATUS ▸ bitchless
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GENERAL TAG LIST ▸ @leeknowsredeyeliner @wownajaemin @geniejunn @huangberryyy @halbae @sehunniepot @jjaeyoonoh @subhyuck @itskkung @channiedani @jaemboi64 @n0hyuck @hyuckinx @domhyuckie @justhereforimagines @daegalfangirl @nctevia @legbouk @wanlore @wannabeursugarbaby @mippidimop @bockhyun @yuhuzu @tacojisung @66hycks @jenosbliss @punnshine @jenoxygen @tiramisubox @baehaechannie @studywoo @kkakkdugi @jenoslutie @luvenshiti @uglyratlmao @vantxx95 @jenlvr01 @njmcockring @swimmingkpopblog @aliceinwhateverland @bbyjayb @sayyysss @keemburley @luvjeongjaehyun @cosmicwintr @lenonie @smolpeyy @dnylwoo @nayuinchains @rbf-aceu @aerev @soobin-chois @lunarlxve @zelqueenofspades @so-showme-ill-shownu @nominsgirl @oohyansi @hiqhkey @rosiie @bellepluie @aminihhj @yixingtion @lumineuxes @lachimolalas-posts @iveivory @pckeia @jenorenle @rioderiver @fairysunooo @eternalhongshine @alyselenai @multihoe-net @ttae-yong @count-your-shadows @kindawack @jaeymark @nanascupid @yunopouts @youngandkuripot @cuteejeno @secretnovelliteraturenerd @hyuckscore @aadya-alaris @shawkneecaps @pewpewpwe00 @yourelate @jenojaeminrenjun @deaaaan @chezzontop @chims-kookies @bffbangtan @donutswithjaminthemiddle @lynniensfw @bellamendoza @spicyutas @bethm5 @bananaxsydeee @carelessshootanonymous @otchae @staysstrays @galifreyp0tt3rh3ad @jenoleeaesthetic @fullsunld @jusaminki @alexameliamg @hwasatiny @stealercore @jae-bam @airpodbaekuwu @jenosbunny @lovecherrytion @justalildumpling @fkwplctmjz @flower-lise @bmgyubear @evergreeneyesx @tamakofever @sunnylixxx @yunhon0​ @mingilingy​ @deobitiful​ @jsjcue​ @hyckio​ @liyinzen​ @baehaechannie​ @soobinscutedimples​ @sundamariis​ @popunkzz​ @baekhyunstruly​ @yunho-1999​ @artgukk​ @rinjeolmi​ @lmkworld​ @baekhyuns-lipchain​ @kpop-bambi​ @beomgyus-crayola​ @its-taeil-time​ @brightestmark​ @friseealamode​ @the-genderfluid-fox​ @loxoxove​ @kaislinging-slasher01​ @dearalice​ @thiccfullsun​ @ishireads​ @jisungprod​ @confusedbansheee​ @neomorning​ @cdellee​ @byunfirstlady​ @luvdroids​ 
CAN’T TAG ▸ @irrealitys @lilacboba @jdance01 @greentealattae97 @betweenminds @heestoe @yongsfiles @basskickswingingbrucelee @sycasz @nachotequilaqueso @artsenthusiastk77 @luminousannie @themessigurl @markleesluvur @nothingwasnotfound @morklee127 @untitled-blog9836 @slowlyweepingnacho @thatdreamerbxtch @moonlightgreleric
being added to this tag list means you will be mentioned in the tag list of all of the fics listed in the series
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— Stepdad!Bucky
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This is my side blog for writing so any follows/likes/replies/comments/asks are from @just-another-fangirl-69
This blog and my writing is intended for people over 18+ only. If you are a minor, do not interact!
All my work are with Female!Reader in mind! I try not to describe the reader in detail since I want to be as inclusive as possible.
I do not consent to have my work posted, translated or published anywhere. The only place you will find my work is on Tumblr and on AO3 under the same name. If it’s found anywhere besides those mentioned, it has been reposted without my permission.
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
More AUs
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Fluff || 🧸
Smut || 🔥
Angst || ⚰️
Dark || 🖤
Trigger Warning || ⚠️
Fic over 500 notes || ⭐️
Fic over 1K notes || 🌟
Fic over 2K notes || 💫
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• Yes, Stepdaddy (🔥) 💫
↳ Summary: Your new stepdad sinfully fucks you for the very first time.
• His Little Plaything (🔥🖤) 💫
↳ Summary: His toy. His property. His little plaything. That’s all you are, and love being for your Stepdaddy. A piece of meat to be used as he pleases.
• Stepdaddy’s Birthday Girl (🔥🖤) 🌟
↳ Summary: You’re his girl, his only. No one gets to touch what belongs to him.
• Mirror Sex (🔥) ⭐️
↳ Summary: Day 18 of Kinktober 2022
• Breeding Kink (🔥) 🌟
↳ Summary: Day 24 of Kinktober 2022
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• In The Night (🔥🖤) 💫
↳ Summary: He comes, late in the night, to take you as he pleases.
• Just A Toy, Just An Object (🔥🖤) 💫
↳ Summary: requested — stepdad!bucky absolutely defiling reader into a perfect sex object for him?
• Teasing (🔥) 🌟
↳ Summary: Day 1 of Kinktober 2022
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autisticgayngel · 3 years
Canonverse Castiel-centric/pining/loving Cas fics
some of these are Dean's POV and a lot are alternating POV, but all of them really delve into Cas's emotions and his love for Dean. All canonverse and all happy endings. Categorised by post-confession, pre-s15 curtain fic and other canon-era. Descending word count within each category. If anyone has any recs for things I should add lmk!
Post-Confession Fics
things happen (they do, they do, and they do) by sobsicles 28k rating E
Everyone has recced this, and for good reason, it's stunning. Cas gets back from the empty and Dean sort of lets him down gently and is very worried about breaking his heart. Despite this Cas is finally able to express to Dean how much he loves him and takes full advantage of this. He's earnest and sweet and so intense about it, but also incredibly hurt about the lack of reciprocation, though he tries to hide it. He does get the love he deserves in the end and it's so good!
closer (isn't close enough) by fleeceframe 18k rating E
Again, Dean's POV, but very much focused on how much Cas loves him. Has the gorgeous Cas line: “When you are hungry, you eat. When you are tired, you rest. When you are dirty, you bathe. But what are you supposed to do with love?”
My unintended by DeanaWinchester, Jeanne_de_Valois 10k rating E
Really good Cas POV, he’s obsessive and insecure but also deeply loving.
my heart a compass by lagaudiere 10k rating T
The empty torments Cas with visions of Dean and of the family he longs to have with Dean. Dean saves him.
I said show me something by ilovehowyouletmefall 7k rating E
Sparked by the debate about whether or not Dean thinks Cas can feel. Cas is hurt by Dean saying he thought he couldn't feel and vulcan mind melds to show him exactly how he feels about him. It's a really interesting exploration of both of their feelings and fears.
Gift by thisisapaige 2k rating G
Very sweet little fic of them trying to work things out once Cas returns from the empty.
Pre-s15 Curtain Fics
take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden 95k rating E
Dean tries to retire with his family but finds himself alone as Sam and Jack take a road trip and Cas goes hunting in order to prove he's still useful as a human and to avoid thinking about his feelings for Dean. Really agonising and harrowing at the start as they both feel so rejected and miserable. Cas gets into situations where monsters use his feelings for Dean to attack him. Eventually, they're able to tentatively work out their feelings and settle down together and it's very sweet.
Morning Glory by edgarallanrose 26k rating E
Dean and Cas retire together. Cas becomes a beekeeper and Dean starts to use the honey he makes to bake goods, which they sell at the farmer's market. Cas is very much in love with Dean but it takes Dean a bit longer to work things out.
Other Canon-era
A Winter's Tale by NorthernSparrow 64k rating T
This one hurts a lot, so fair warning for that. Cas falls ill while human and homeless and is hospitalised. Dean finds the journal Cas kept as he struggled to survive in this time. Pre-Destiel but Cas does write a lot about his feelings for Dean. Sam and Dean shower Cas with love and kindess as he recovers. Also a destiel epilogue that is very sweet and fluffy.
In the Shadow of your Wings by Enochian Things (Salr323) 57k rating E
Cas confesses his love to Dean post s11 finale but the timing is terrible and Dean is very repressed about it all and breaks Cas's heart. Cas gets an Italian man of letters boyfriend in an attempt to get over it and Dean is insanely jealous (which Cas is oblivious to) but they all have to work together to try to save Sam from the BMOL. Dean eventually gets his shit together and treats Cas the way Cas has learnt to understand he deserves.
That Black Dog Ache by SaltyWords (agent4hire22) 28k rating E
This is very much Dean's POV but I'm putting it here anyway because it has a really intense love confession from Cas, which I'll include an excerpt of that drives me insane:
'“I listen to your music, and I close my eyes. I try to imagine I’m in the Impala, hunting with you. And, sometimes,” his throat jumped, “I lay on your bed. I think about what it would be like if I got to have a place on it beside you... If you ever let me get close enough.”'
Kelp!I Need Somebody by andimeantittosting (Saylee) 27k rating E
A really sweet fic in which Sam, Dean and Cas go to investigate a case on Jesse and Cesar's ranch. Switching POV with really good mutual pining as they tentatively begin to realise the other feels the same.
Being Dean Winchester by Anonymous 26k rating E
Set early s4, Cas has to possess Dean temporarily. While doing this, he has to work to hide his feelings from Dean. Cas is already obsessed with Dean and in love with him but is embarrassed by it and struggles to keep Dean from seeing all of this, especially when Dean wants to have sex with someone while Cas is possessing him.
Après by imogenbynight 24k rating E
Set after the angels fall in s8. Cas falls to earth in Paris and realises he's in love with Dean. Dean comes to get him and they find love together in Paris.
desiderium, lost by atlasian 20k rating T
Castiel confesses his love for Dean and Dean tells him to move on. Cas tries, fairly unsuccessfully, before Dean gets it together.
No Other Worthy Quest by MajorEnglishEsquire 15k rating E
Cas just loves Dean very much.
'“For fuck's sake,” his skin is heating. Cas can feel it. “Stop saying lovey-dovey shit.”
“I know,” Cas rolls his eyes. “It’s so mortifying for you when I want to tell you I love you. I’m using all my self-restraint, I promise not to embarrass you.”'
The Arrow by jscribbles 12k rating T
Valentine's day and Cas has been hit by a Cupid's arrow and is literally sick with love for Dean.
and all this devotion by dothraki_shieldmaiden 10k rating M
Dean gets hurt on a hunt and Cas takes care of him in a cabin. Very sweet, delightful Cas POV of him being very much in love.
Cuckoo And Nest by komodobits 10k rating E
Cas struggles to work out why Dean deems some things meaningful and some things worthless, and where he fits into this apparent dichotomy. Really gorgeous and agonising Cas POV that deals with their constant issue of Dean just wanting Cas to stay and Cas wanting Dean to want him to stay but they're both too afraid to express it.
Breathe by turningthepages 9k rating G
Dean and Cas platonically sleep together to help with Dean's sleep. Cas both likes the situation and longs for it to mean more.
First Date by aeli_kindara 9k rating T
Dean asks Cas on a date and they're both trying very hard to make it all work. The sequel is stunning too.
'Dean says, “We should do that. Go on a date.”
Something in Castiel’s chest fuzzes, like static on a TV, and stops.'
weights on my ankles by dothraki_shieldmaiden 9k rating M
After 15x3 The Rupture, Cas goes back to Rexford. While there, he thinks about how Dean hurt him all those years ago and how he hurt him more recently. Partly a 9x6 Heaven Can Wait fanfic-gap fic.
Let it Linger by OmniscientOranges 8k rating M
Cas starts sleeping with men out of jealousy when watching Dean pick up women at bars. The way the fic describes how in love he is and how hopeless he feels about it is both agonising and very sweet.
He Thought He Was Reckless by MajorEnglishEsquire 8k rating M
Cas plays up injuries so that Dean will coddle him. Self-woobification from the Angel of the Lord and it's so sweet!
Something to Protect by Sass_Master 6k rating G
Cas tries to work out how to make Dean feel less unsafe so that he no longer has to jolt awake. Sweet, tentative intimacy and Cas enjoying it so much.
lonely hearts. by outpastthemoat 5k rating G
Deals with Cas accompanying Sam and Dean on hunts and feeling incredibly lonely and longing to be with Dean. He finds solace in romance novels.
Some People Would Call This Romantic by almaasi 5k rating G
Human Cas goes to the beach and finds it rather overwhelming. Taking a romantic walk with Dean along the beach is also overwhelming.
The Tea is Decaf by mnwood 4k rating T
Really sweet! Cas and Eileen talk and gossip about Sam and Dean in the bunker at night over tea.
A Place to Rest by Inessencedivided 3k rating G
Dean and Cas talk through things after the Stuck in the Middle with You love confession. Cas cries some more.
White Noise by domesticadventures 2k rating G
Cas struggles with feelings of worthlessness in the aftermath of Lucifer's possession.
Receipts by surlybobbies 1k rating G
Cas writes little notes about how much he loves Dean on receipts from meals they share together. Dean finds them.
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dedkake · 2 years
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I posted 8,808 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 99 characters
#post trinity more like rodney mckay's mission to show up for john sheppard 24/7 without being asked
My Top Posts in 2022:
do you ever just remember that it's john's biggest fear that rodney dies and it’s his fault and everyone knows and blames him (and he’s going to lose his friends over this too) and also his boss comes at him and says the situation has compromised him and he's fired. he's afraid that losing rodney will mean losing atlantis and i caNNOT
102 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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always getting in trouble | a somewhat silly mcshep reclist
Exotic Species by 30toseoul | <1k, t
It wasn't that Rodney enjoyed how things regularly jumped up and tried to kill him in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Queer readings of Tolstoy in the Pegasus Galaxy by SquaresAreNotCircles | 1k, t
Rodney’s mouth is wide and wet and hot. His hands are broad and agile and surprisingly strong, and it’s a scorching shivery shock when one of them moves from John’s shoulders south, walking down his ribcage and reminding him he’s ticklish and-
He snatches up Rodney’s wrist and puts his other hand flat on Rodney’s sternum and wrenches his mouth free.
Or: Why else would you take a book like that with you to another galaxy?
Euler's Jewel. by Basingstoke | 1k, m
In which John is a geek.
Snappy Comeback by mific | 1k, e
Rodney went still. "Wait, hang on. This isn't just you wanting a partner in crime to play hookey and sneak a midnight swim, is it?" He blinked up at John, his eyes wide and dark. "This is a date!"
Nash Equilibria Are For Losers by Persiflager | 1k, m
This was Rodney’s life now - reduced to the cable repair guy, surrounded by people who unironically fist-bumped, and doomed to die alone and get eaten by cats.
Through a glass, weirdly by valdomarx | 1k, t
Ronon ends up in the home universe of Rod McKay, the alternate version of Rodney that visited them a while back.
It's a pretty strange place.
Low-Slung, Surfer Boy by sheafrotherdon & thegrrrl2002 | 1k, e
The boys take a vacation, and all it takes for everything to come unraveled is one pair of swim trunks.
Collider by busaikko | 1k, e
Large Hadron Collider, large hard-on collider, practically the same thing... if you're John Sheppard and are trying to irritate Rodney into bed.
How to Date an Asshole by Punk | 2k, e
They're at an impasse.
Attack Of The Giant Robot From Outer Space by skoosiepants | 2k, t
John wants to hug it, and possibly use his tongue in inappropriate ways.
Cred by Resonant | 2k, e
What it takes to get Rodney's full attention.
John Sheppard vs. The Magic Ball of Love by SquaresAreNotCircles | 2k, t
John grimaces. “Magic ball of love?”
“It’s that artifact thing from yesterday.” Rodney finds the time to tut in between bites and actual words. “This is what happens when Zelenka approves the underlings’ paperwork before I’ve officially decided on a name.”
Or: There’s John, there’s Rodney, there’s an Ancient glowy ball, and a lot of very successful non-communication. Just an average week on Atlantis.
See the full post
158 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
favorite little humanizing sga character bits
john is bad at directions and has a guitar he never plays
teyla is bad at cooking and is Very Obvious when she has a crush
rodney has disgusting eating habits and keeps framed pics of his cats
ford is bad at simple math and also bad at telling jokes
ronon is always trying to set people up and is a film connoisseur
carson loves his mum and loves to gossip
jennifer loves her dad and is afraid of scary movies
elizabeth plays solitaire to procrastinate and doesn’t Get Sports
sam has framed pics of all her friends and likes getting her hands dirty
woolsey relaxes by getting fancy and is bad at technology
181 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
season 1 john: remembering what it’s like to have a family 
season 2 john: remembering that boundaries are important in relationships
season 3 john: living his best life 
season 4 john: desperately clinging to his team as they develop their own lives outside of team
season 5 john: isolating himself so it hurts less
196 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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too loud for words | a grab bag of mcshep emotions reclist
Exit Wounds by Powderpuff | <1k, m
When John thought about sleeping with Rodney, it was usually frantic, furious, and biting; aggressive and demanding, like Rodney himself often was. John expected bruises; expected it to hurt the next day, in that pleasant, “I just got laid” sort of way. In short, he expected it to be like all of the other times, after Nancy. He wasn’t so foolish as to imagine it wouldn’t matter, because everything with Rodney mattered—all John could hope for was that it didn’t scar.
September 20th, 2011 by velocitygrass | 1k, t
It's the end of DADT and nothing will really change for John.
start me up and watch me go by sabinelagrande | 1k, e 
Rodney discovers a new equation.
Sleeping Arrangements by Brumeier | 1k, t 
Of all the risks John faced in the Pegasus galaxy, having to share a small bed with Rodney while offworld was definitely the most dangerous.
Get You Back by lamardeuse | 1k, t
John nearly loses everything.
Lessons in Waking Up by Siria & dogeared | 1k, e
Keller crashes first, hiding a yawn behind one hand while she makes her excuses about early morning clinics and paperwork and half-jokes about not even being able to read her own handwriting. Sam's not far behind her; then Teyla, trailing Ronon in her wake, looking for peace through meditation, though John knows the only thing she's likely to find is irritation with Ronon's snoring.
Touch by astolat | 1k, e
Rodney McKay was a cuddler. Which was more than John had wanted to know.
The Whole Story by unadrift | 2k, t
John shows up at his door that night, carrying a sixpack of beer. Rodney follows him into the transporter and out to the pier. They settle down, feet dangling over the edge, and John hands him a can.
"So," Rodney says, after they each have finished off a beer. "I figure this is your subtle way of telling me that you want to talk?"
Talking Dirty by Toft | 2k, e
“It’s a major obstacle to successful porn dialogue that there are so few attractive words to describe anything to do with sex.”
Better Than Ice Cream by DesireeArmfeldt | 2k, t
Episode tag to Remnants: McKay wants to know what Sheppard saw in his hallucination. (Gen/friendship or pre-slash, depending on the color of your goggles.)
Just Hold Me, Please by christinchen | 2k, t
It just so happens that John desperately needs some human contact and Rodney's back is kinda sore. It's just a simple massage between two friends. No, really!
It Doesn’t Change a Thing by luredin | 2k, e
If Rodney had expectations about what life on Atlantis was going to be like before he got here, Major John Sheppard giving him head on the down low would not have been one of them. Nothing makes sense anymore, and if this is going to be a regular occurrence, Rodney thinks he should probably start returning the favor.
Or, five times John gets Rodney’s cock in his mouth, and one time Rodney has the pleasure.
That's MY cold by Saxifactumterritum | 3k, g
I wrote a fic. Mcshep, post The Eye/The Storm (Stargate Atlantis series one. John's got a cold, Rodney's annoyed, then there's snuggling
Hand Wash Only by LogicGunn | 3k, m
See the full post
288 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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