#using two dimensions of infinity is useless!!!
What really annoys me about the infinite monkey typewriter thing is that you wouldn't need an infinite amount of time for them to write Shakespeare. Since there's an infinite amount of monkeys, every possible key combination will be pressed in the exact same timeframe, so it'd take exactly as long as if you were writing it out without pausing. The average professional typist uses a typewriter at around 65-75 WPM, and there are 17,121 words in Macbeth, written by Shakespeare. With an infinite amount of monkeys, an infinite amount (but finite proportion) of the monkeys will write at that speed, meaning that it'll only take a total of 263 minutes, or roughly four and a half hours to get an infinite amount of the works of Shakespeare from the monkeys. You don't need infinite time, just an afternoon and infinite monkeys.
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worstloki · 3 years
Stephen, knocking: are you decent?
Loki: not morally, but i'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking
#AU where Stephen faked his death in Infinity War bc for things to work out he had to be out of the way#(he makes sure the rat gets antman out)#but he also couldn't leave the Earth undefended for 5 years ya know since he's Sorcerer Supreme so he just lays low at home#meanwhile Loki who faked his death ALSO isn't supposed to mess with things in the 5 year period so yeah you know those few minutes offscreen#Stephen explained the situation to Loki who was happy to agree to stay out of the way#Strange reaches the Kamar Taj after the snap and finds Loki ready to bunk over#and he's like... no?>??? this wasnt part of the plan you just have to stay out of the way of mostly midgardians and also some space people??#and loki's like.... ye so i stay here that works right?? anyways you guys are out of ice cream :/#and strange has to admit keeping them both closer would be better in case somewhere along the line things mess up so he rereverses time#''and they were housemates'' ''omg they were housemates'' trope commences#it really miffs Stephen that Loki CAN use his magic for basic things but doesn't meanwhile Loki is miffed Strange uses it for useless things#they absolutely find each other's form and theory atrocious (thank you Midgard magic for being A Whole Process compared to Asgard)#Stephen: *complex finger arrangement. moving his arms. makes a set piece of magic using energy from other dimensions. etc.*#Loki: *waves an arm which sends a generic blast over using his own seidr but it doesn't have a cool geometric design*#Stephen trying to get faster to match Loki and Loki trying to put some order to his spells ensues#just two guys trying to act civil and not tear the other's hair out#OH#potential angst moment where Strange gets irritated and hits Loki in the chest and sends his astral form out and it's B L U E#Strange doing his regular hand exercises and Loki making fun of it because he Doesn't Know why the man's hands shake#just picture Strange moaning about how happy he is Wanda got snapped or as a huge probability magic user she'd be here with them too XD#potentially strangefrost#but im thinking by the end of their 5 year stay-in they're going to have a sambucky dynamic so close besties that complain about the other
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pi-cat000 · 3 years
BNHA: Kakashi dimension hops crossover (3)
Summary: Kakashi gets dumbed into the My Hero Academia universe through random plot devise.
Characters:  Kakashi Hatake
Fandoms: My Hero Academia and Naruto
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence/injury
There was no latent natural chakra here. The air and environment were dry as a bone, meaning the only chakra he had access to was the stuff produced on his own. Kakashi is not entirely sure what impact this will have on the 1000 or so ninjutsu he has memorised. He suspects it might increase the chakra cost of external and area affecting ninjutsu. Any jutsu that relied on there being natural chakra present in the environment to supplement the user’s own chakra would be harder.  So, no large destructive or transformative ninjutsu. No earthquakes or earth walls, no freezing large bodies of water or creating whirlpools, most wind techniques would be out. Fireballs should be okay as they relied primarily on the shinobi’s chakra pool, but controlling large quantities of fire would be tricker. The same reasoning applied to lighting techniques, chidori would work fine but anything bigger might cause some strain. As long as he wasn’t aiming to wipe out a Division’s worth of enemies, he probably wouldn’t notice the limitation. Large-scale destructive ninjutsu had never been a specialty of his anyway. And he still has chakra to reinforce his body alongside genjutsu, taijutsu and the sharingan.
Well, he is pretty sure he still has the sharingan …
The only way to confirm his theories was to do some field testing.
Thus, Kakashi waits for Iori to do her final rounds and, just before the night shift starts, he ducks out of his room. It is at this time that the nurses would be at their most unobservant, tired out by ten hours of work. It is late in the evening, meaning most of the hospital staff  have left the building. It makes it ridiculously easy to steal down the halls, unnoticeable even in spaces lit by bight florescence.
After discovering that a Quirk Registry was a literal list of bloodline abilities stored on a digital database accessible to any medical professional, Kakashi has decided to stop applying Konoha’s information security standards to the hospital.  He is still a little weirded out by his execution of what was probably the easiest heist of medical information he had ever carried out. 
A few days of stalking Doctor Wada around the hospital at opportune intervals led to him discovering the man’s office. After that Kakashi hides in a corner and watches the man work. Because no one here had any sense of environment/spatial awareness, he has no trouble keeping in the man’s blind spot even with a limp. Thus, he can memories how the doctor goes about updating his patient information, which is all digital and stored on the computer, involving a passcode, a name and navigating through several screens worth of readouts and icons; all of which were infinity easier to understand when compared with the readouts produced by the computers in Konoha’s research division, encoded as they all were.  Three days later and he has access to all his medical files and the files of every one of Wada’s other patients.
Tonight, Kakashi has the time to properly read them. Hopefully, there would be no complications with his eye, and he could clear himself for experimentation. His chakra levels were good enough for it.
‘Name: ‘Kakashi [no surname]’/ Address: ‘[n/a]’ / Sex: ‘M’ / Blood type: ‘O’ / DOB: [n/a] /
No family or medical proxy located. Hospital billing to be covered under City of Hosu Villain/Hero Collateral Damage Register.
Quirk Factor: ‘Sharingan’ [Primary Effect: n/a]; [Activation: n/a] [Type: emitter] [Secondary Effect: passive regeneration]’
Kakashi scrolls through his report, committing the information to memory, eyeing the many notes on his physical and mental wellbeing, listing his various broken bones, sprains, and other injuries, most of which Kakashi is aware of, all of which were well on their way to recovery.
'...Early concerns expressed over collapse of right lung and damage to respiratory system are being reassessed due to passive accelerated regeneration....'
Ah yes, he vaguely remembers something going straight through his chest during the fight. He examines the surgeon's notes which recommend close monitoring and an extended hospital stay alongside various medications.
'...Additional concerns over potential complications due to prior injuries/scarring (see attached report)....’
Hmm, he skims over a note describing older scaring around his chest. The report has flagged quite a few of his past scars and bone breaks as concerning and evidence of past physical stress involving combat. Not too far off the truth. Something to keep in mind if they ever asked him about his past. Honestly, he is somewhat impressed by the thoroughness of the report and the efforts gone through to keep him healthy. Linked is to medical notes are details of the two surgeries he had undergone while unconscious alongside various other actions the hospital had taken in their bid to keep him alive.
‘Primary quirk factor confirmed by the patient as single-ocular quirk ‘sharingan’ located in the left eye. Quirk most likely to be a passive emitter type with line of sight or eye contact as an activation requirement. Quirk effect is unknown. ‘Sharingun’ was restored during surgy under the supervision of Sueno Manzo and predicted to retain its function upon recovery barring further complication.’
‘Patient exhibits the symptoms of memory loss, apathy, and confusion suggesting a case of post-traumatic amnesia. If quirk has a memory storage function as is typical of ocular quirks then there may be a link between the quirk effect, damage to eye, and memory loss symptoms. Diagnosis requires a second opinion. Requested consolation with Neurologist and Ocular-Quirk Specialist still pending.'
‘Secondary quirk or mutation factor ‘regeneration’ increases patient’s metabolism and bodily functions, resulting in increased cell repair and recovery. Without a baseline for recovery speed predicted recovery timeframe is unknown.’ 
Well, ‘predicted to retain its function’ was good enough. All the major concerns raised by the doctor were linked to memory loss that didn’t exist. Kakashi ducks out of the office, heading back to his room. It was interesting to know that his recovery rate was considered abnormally fast. Fast enough to be considered a ‘quirk’ in its own right. No doubt a side effect of chakra use. It was a well-known fact that shinobi with developed coils recovered from injuries faster than civilians.
He would have to keep this in mind when engaging the locals in combat. The people here would have slower recovery rates when compared with Konoha’s civilians, who still had chakra even if their coils were underdeveloped. He wouldn’t want to accidentally kill someone misjudging their ability to heal from an injury.
With patience born from his many years of field experience, Kakashi waits for the next shift change before sneaking out once more. His destination is the hospital’s roof. Guarded by one solitary security camera- which he had disabled two days ago and had yet to be fixed- it is the only place he can go and be reasonably sure not to be disturbed for any length of time. Generally, cameras were pretty useless against any shinobi who could pull off an academy level transformation or a basic genjutsu. Even when the cameras were hidden, most shinobi moved too fast to be reliably picked up on film. He is not sure if that reasoning applied here, seeing as the technology was significantly more advanced.  Regardless, as he was recovering and conserving both energy and chakra, avoiding them is his best bet. Most of the cameras he notes are on the outside of the building, placed in plain sight with no care taken to keep them hidden. He wonders if there is a purpose to that. Enforcement of compliance through a display of observation? Are they decoys and there is additional security hidden somewhere he wouldn’t think to look? Is he falling into some sort of trap sneaking around so obviously and gathering information? It was hard to answer these questions when he has no baseline to draw from. As he had yet to see evidence of extensive security or traps in the building he is proceeding with his plan.  
It is early morning when he ducks out onto an empty roof, having stolen the key from what he thinks are the hospital's maintenance lockers the day prior. The air outside is cool, devoid of the stench of disinfectant that had been clogging his nose for the last few weeks. He hated how smell played havoc on his sensitive nose, blocking his sinuses.
Shielded on one side by a taller, windowless section of the building he has a good view of a wide two-lane road where the occasional vehicle would enter or exit the building. At night the area is quiet save for the hum of a distant activity, probably more of the engine-run vehicles, which were irritatingly noisy and commonly used by the people here.
The sky above him begins to lighten. Soon the sun would peak between the tall glass-covered buildings opposite the hospital. The artificial structures shimmer, reflecting the whitening sky. A trip into the busier sections of the ‘city’ is still impending, all his attention being focused on scouting the hospital and absorbing as much information about the place as possible first.
The first test he does is an attempt at summoning his nin-dogs. He has a few ideas on how he might reverse summon himself between worlds or, at the very least, send a message to let people know he was still alive.
Quickly, he bites his thumb, crouches, touching the roof with his palm and pumping in the required amount of chakra. For a second, he thinks it might work. Lines of inked fuinjutsu characters blossom under his palm, spiralling outward, absorbing the chakra. However, instead of activating in a puff of summoning smoke, the energy disperses, sinking into the dead, chakra-less concrete, the seal failing. Frowning, he uses the remaining blood on his thump to sketch out a simple storage array. It activates, sealing in a loose piece of brick without a problem. No, it wasn’t the fuinjutsu that had failed but the nin-dog summoning specifically. There went that plan.
Somewhat disheartened, he begins unbandaging the left side of his head. Just as the sunlight begins to peak between the buildings opposite, he opens the sharingan.
The chakra drain creeps up as the world around him snaps into sharp focus. Every crack in the brick, every mote of dust, every wisp of cloud, is clearly outlined even as colour is dulled to increase contrast.  Kakashi glances around and waits, letting the image of the foreign skyline burn into his brain to be forever stored and remembered in crisp detail.
After a few seconds without significant pain, he lets out a long breath and prepares for the mental strain of activating the Kamui Sharingan. The process brings with it flashes of memory, Obito’s scared face twisted with hate, and a blurry battle. The memories were all faint and far off despite having the Sharingan active at the time. He rubs his chest in discomfort. He thinks he knows who might have stabbed him now. Obito…He releases a tired breath and shoves all the uncomfortable revelations off to the side where they wouldn’t bother him. There would be plenty of time to ruminate at a later.  
Kakashi lets the first stage of Kamui activate, making sure there is nothing in his eyeline. He doesn’t want to accidentally destroy the stairway that led back into the hospital by sucking it into a different dimension. After confirming that the technique is stable and the charka drain is manageable, be prepares to pull himself through, ignoring the beginnings of a faint headache. Despite it being a brand new technique, Kakashi is nothing if not a master at reverse engineering ninjutsu on the fly to suit his own needs. The world warps and shimmers, his chakra levels take a nosedive, and his eye aches.
 A field of unmarked stone appears in place of the hospital roof, displacing tall buildings with uniform blocks of grey, white and black. An eternal, unchanging landscape, dimly lit despite there being no light source, stretches out in all directions. The Kamui no Jikūkan, time–space dimension. There is no signs of destruction or the battle he now vaguely remembers occurring before he had been ripped away from the Elemental Nations altogether. He wishes he could recall how it had ended. Had Obito re-joined the fight with Madara? He hopes not. He hopes he at least managed to take Obito out and give his allies a better chance. Obito was his burden to shoulder after all.
As he tries to dig up something useful from his patchwork of memories relating to his battle with Obito, a faint secondary chakra source catches his attention. The thread of chakra is distance, connecting to something very far off. Obito’s eye? A lingering connection between the two eyes was the only thing that made any sort of sense. He vaguely remembers how he had been in the process of activating the Kamui no Jikūkan when the area had been flooded with demonic chakra.
This is good…If it is Obito, and Obito is still in the Elemental Nations, then he might be able to reverse the collection and pull himself back. The only problem with this plan was that he would need the same amount of chakra to return or risk killing himself. In other words, he needs a lot of chakra. Far more than he has or will ever have access to naturally. As he is the only being with chakra here, this is a problem.
Kakashi lets out another tried breath, “Always a problem…” the area around him remains silent. He knows the theory behind chakra draining and collecting seals. With a bit of patience and self-discipline, he would be able to slowly build up and store the chakra needed to return.
Well, he would definitely be breaking his record for lateness by a long shot. He runs calculations and comes up with a depressing year-long wait time. And that was if he dumped every ounce of his chakra into the seal the moment he got it. Obviously, that would turn him into a comatose vegetable and, as nice as he thinks these people are, he doesn’t trust them to look after his unconscious body for a year. So, it would be double, maybe even triple, that time.
Three years of waiting in this weird unknown word unless someone on the other end of the connection figured out how to bring him back. He had seen Naruto pull of miracles before so…maybe there was hope? Though, everyone might just think he had died given how badly injured he had been just before his disappearance. If that were the case, then no one was coming for him and he would be on his own for the foreseeable future.
“Mah, what a pain.”
He crouches examining one of the plain blocks, massaging the area around his eye. It stings and he is beginning to feel chakra fatigued. He can almost imagine the familiar names of the memorial stone etched into its surface. By the time he returned, the fourth great war would be well and truly over, assuming time moved at a similar speed between here and there. He supposed it was fitting. He wouldn’t be Kakashi if he didn’t let the people he cared about down one last time.
He lets out a long sigh and reverses the Kamui technique, letting himself fade back to his new world and reality. 
The chakra exhaustion hits him like a landslide and he stumbles onto one knee. His eye, which had been aching since he initiated the Kamui no Jikūkan, is now wet. The wetness turns out to be blood, which is pooling like tears and running down the left side of his face.
Maybe he had been pushing it, using the full Kamui after wasting a bunch of chakra on summoning when he had barely been at half his capacity to start. That, and he was obviously still healing.
Blearily, Kakashi wipes his face with the back of his hand heaving himself back upright. He has dealt with way worse. With one last glance at the sun now shining brightly from between the strange buildings of his new temporary home, he heads back inside to find something sterile to clean his eye with.
He collapses back into his hospital bed where he causes a stir as the nurse checking in on him notices the blood soaking through his hastily applied bandages. He lets them fuss in contemplative silence.
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darkshadow90 · 3 years
A very long Rant about Loki’s nerfed sorcery in the MCU and his show
Hey guys I wanted to make a post about a big issue I had with the Loki show. I still really enjoyed it, but I also wanted to share a major criticism I’ve had with MCU Loki for a long time. All my feelings about this over the years came to roost after the season finale. I know things are really tense in the fandom right now, and I don’t hate the show. I just want to share my criticism. I want to talk about how I’ve had this issue for awhile before I talk about it in the actual show because I’m hoping I’m not the only one who’s kind of pissed, considering I was hoping to finally see it happen in his show, and that would be the fact that Loki’s sorcery is STILL so fucking nerfed. First though, I’m gonna talk about Loki’s nerfed sorcery in the MCU, and oh boy there’s a lot. Get ready for an overly long rant. I’ve really needed to get this off my chest.
I’ve been on the Loki train since the very beginning. I’ve loved him since the first Thor movie. I may have mentioned this before, but a big thing that always irked me about MCU Loki was how nerfed he was in terms of his sorcery. We’re always told how he’s a very powerful sorcerer and he barely uses his magic. He does one awesome thing in each Thor movie. In the first movie, in the end credits scene it’s implied Loki was influencing Selvig while he was in another  dimension. Is it ever mentioned or seen again? No. There’s a scene in Thor: The Dark World where right after he finds out about Frigga’s death, he destroys his cell using telekinesis. Does he ever use it to fight? No, and if he does it’s just to throw his knives at people LOL. Or in Thor: Ragnarok when he looked into Valkyrie’s mind and saw her memories. Odin also mentions that Loki put him under a spell, and Frigga would have been proud because it took Odin a long time to break the spell. It really would have been nice to SEE that happen, but no, we just get to be told about it. Every time I saw Loki use an awesome ability, I would think “Oh wow, that’s so cool! I can’t wait to see more. I can’t wait to see what else Loki can do!” And then the MCU is like, “Yeah Loki can do all these cool things. But were not gonna expand on his abilities, and this is the only time you’ll ever see him use them. You’ll never see them again so just forget you saw anything LOL” God it’s such an aggravating tease. 
This isn’t a new issue I’ve had with Loki being nerfed in the MCU. It’s always bothered me. Yes, I know certain characters being nerfed isn’t new, that Loki isn’t the only one. But to me he’s one of the most nerfed characters in terms of being able to use his magic. I would always mention to people that I didn’t like how nerfed he was. What was the point of telling us he’s one of if not the most powerful sorcerer in Asgard if he BARELY uses it? And they would say, “Well, they can’t make him as powerful as he is in the comics because then he’ll overshadow the heroes.” Okay fine, I can cut them some slack there as we did need to see the Avengers come together. Or they’d say “Not everyone reads the comics, so MCU Loki isn’t gonna be exactly like comic book Loki.” Okay, but people shouldn’t have to read the comics to see how powerful of a sorcerer Loki is. Is there some kind of unspoken rule that says if there are characters who use magic or sorcery in the MCU, only the heroes are allowed to be extremely powerful? Because Wanda and Doctor Strange still get to use their abilities, and in Wandavision, Wanda becomes even more powerful, and it’s amazing. 
Why can’t Loki ever use his powers? Because he’s a “villain?” What would be so bad about allowing Loki be the sorcerer he’s supposed to be? You mean Loki would actually be able to be a powerful villain? Sorry, but I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. I don’t think giving people more of a reason to love Loki is a bad thing. If anything, if they do read the comics, or are at least somewhat familiar with what Loki can do, they might be a little upset about how much the MCU has nerfed him like I was, and still am. Maybe if Loki was actually allowed to use his magic, he wouldn’t get his ass kicked all the time, and he’d actually be a threat to his opponents.
 I don’t think Loki really needed to use the Mind Stone to control people in the Avengers, he probably could've done it using his magic. I actually think it would’ve been cool if Loki used his sorcery to amplify the negative emotions Bruce was feeling to manipulate him. Bruce knows something is wrong, and maybe Thor seeing Bruce struggling, trying to fight whatever is harming him is able to figure out Loki is exploiting Bruce’s negative emotions to manipulate him. Thor knows how powerful Loki is and he’s trying to help Bruce fight off Loki’s influence, but he’s too powerful. Bruce can’t fight the anger Loki is making him feel so he transforms into the Hulk and Loki is able to bend the Hulk to his will. I think that would’ve been a lot cooler than the Mind Stone being the thing that was responsible for amplifying everyone’s negative feelings, but that’s just me. How cool would it be not just to have a master manipulator but an extremely powerful sorcerer to deal with? I thought that was initially what was happening.  I thought at first Loki was using his magic through the scepter, that he was actually using his magic and his skills as a master manipulator. But no, apparently he was just using the Mind Stone. 
Also I know that there was only so much time for that small scene between Loki and Doctor Strange in Ragnarok, and it was really cool to see the two of them on screen, but Loki should’ve been more powerful than Doctor Strange. Don’t get me wrong, I love Doctor Strange. He’s very powerful and could put up a good fight against Loki if the two of them ever had to fight each other. But Loki should be more powerful. He’s a god. He’s lived for thousands of years and studied magic for a very long time. He should have centuries of not a thousand years more knowledge and skills with sorcery. I think he might find Strange’s sorcery impressive for a mortal, but in terms of his skills and abilities, Loki should be much stronger. I think the dialogue should’ve been more like, “Oh, so you went up against Dormammu? That’s cute. I’ve been able to do all the things you can do for centuries, but if it’s any consolation, your sorcery is impressive for a mortal.” But no, instead Loki is once again played for laughs and just takes out those useless daggers again before being yeeted though a portal.
 Also yeah I’m gonna say it. The fight with Valkyrie is a fight Loki should have won. If he used his magic he would’ve won. He wouldn’t even need to use violence. He could’ve just restrained her and put her to sleep and she could wake up from a nice nap or something. I’m so sick of Loki ALWAYS getting his ass kicked by everyone and being treated like a joke. He’s so fucking weak when he doesn’t need to be. He capable of so much more. We know he is because they always trolled us in each Thor movie when Loki would do one awesome thing one time in the movies and then never again, always hinting that he’s much stronger but they’re afraid to show more of it because god forbid he become even more popular. 
And the final part of the nerfing of Loki’s sorcery before I finally get to his show, and that would be his death in Infinity War. Now listen, my issues isn’t that Loki died. I understand the point of his death. They had to sell Thanos as the big bad. Infinity War was Thanos’ movie. Loki died trying to save his brother. Loki probably knew there was a very good chance he would die. My problem is with how it was handled. Loki is supposed to have tons of magical abilities, right? So why didn’t he at least try to use his magic? Why didn’t he cast an illusion, or shapeshift? Why didn’t he use a teleportation ability or something? Was I expecting Loki to beat Thanos? No, but goddam it, anything would’ve been better than those fucking useless butter knives. God, they couldn’t let him use his magic one last time before he died could they? Also I hate that Loki and Thor never got to have that brotherly hug and Loki never had the chance to reconcile with the Avengers. Wouldn’t it have been cool if Loki got the chance to fight along side the Avengers and died, so they could see he really did change for the better? Apparently not, I guess.
And now, we finally come to Loki’s show, which actually pisses me of more than the movies. You know, I would be more forgiving about all the bullshit excuses people have said or tried to give for Loki being so nerfed. I let it slide because the movies weren’t completely about him, and I could see where Loki’s popularity overshadowing Thor, the Avengers, or the heroes in general might be an issue in terms of sales and getting people to care about the other movies. Hell, Loki was the reason I watched the Thor movies in the first place. That was when he wasn’t the main focus. When I heard he had a show coming I had hope that I would finally get to see Loki be the sorcerer he was supposed to be. There’s no other characters to worry about Loki overshadowing, so now there’s really nothing standing in their way of showing how powerful he is right? After 10 years, I’d finally get to see all the focus on a character I love, he’d no longer be nerfed, right? Wrong. I was so excited, practically giddy when Loki fired green magic beams in a fight and used Telekinesis to stop a building from falling on him and Sylvie. I was so happy because it was a taste of what I had been wanting to see from Loki for so long. I was excited to see more.
Unfortunately, that was really all we got from Loki. Well, except for when he used teleportation to try and stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains. Guys, I’ve loved Loki since the first Thor movie. It always bothered me that he was so nerfed in the movies, but I was able to look past it because he very well may have overshadowed the other characters if he was allowed to have all his powers. I can understand that. But the fact that he’s so nerfed, maybe even more nerfed in his own show than he was in the movies really pisses me off. I think it’s cool to see all the different Loki variants using magic, but there’s absolutely no reason for Tom Hiddleston’s Loki not having the same powers and abilities as the other Loki variants. What really burned my ass was in Episode 5 when Loki said he couldn’t enchant or didn’t know how to enchant. Fucking really? He did it to Valkyrie in Ragnarok. And before you come at me “Loki in Ragnarok was older than 2012 Loki so Loki probably didn’t know how to enchant before Ragnarok.” Okay fair enough. The thing is though Loki is thousands of years old. He should have centuries to at least a few thousand years worth of knowledge about sorcery. And we’re supposed to think after all that time studying it he wouldn’t know how to enchant someone? Bullshit. Loki should’ve had all of these abilities  and more all along in the MCU and especially in his own show. There’s no excuse for why he’s not just as powerful as the other Loki variants.
Look, I really hate that I had to make such a long post about this. I hate being negative. I really appreciate that we got a Loki show. I’m really happy to see Tom Hiddleston so passionate about it. There’s a lot I appreciate about this show. But the fact that Tom’s Loki was always so nerfed and not really allowed to be the powerful sorcerer he was supposed to be always bothered me. I’m not even saying I’m upset that MCU Loki isn’t exactly like Loki in the comics. I’m saying that  I always wanted to see Tom’s Loki kick ass as a sorcerer for the past 10 years. I was upset that I never got to see him do it in the movies. And when his show was announced I was excited to see him finally use his magic particularly in fights, and to see it even more underutilized was really disappointing. I was patient for 10 years and all I got to see was Loki firing green energy balls, and use telekinesis, and teleportation ONE time, and all the other Loki variants are so much more powerful than him. Not to mention he gets knocked around like a ragdoll all the time. Is it too much to ask to see Tom’s Loki actually be allowed to be a powerful sorcerer and be able to hold his own in fights? Can I see him use cool abilities MORE than once? Can I see more than just illusions and daggers? Can Tom’s Loki be allowed to be a threat instead of being used for laughs? If  the writers for the MCU are gonna mention that Loki is a very power sorcerer, then they should stop nerfing him, and let him be a sorcerer.
I know the first season was basically used to set up the multiverse and the next phase of the MCU which is cool, but I really hope they focus more on Loki and his abilities in season 2. I’m really trying to stay hopeful when people say Loki will use more magic in season 2, but I don’t want to get clowned again. But I’m also starting to think when they say Loki will use more magic in season 2, it won’t be Tom’s Loki. If Tom’s Loki isn’t allowed to be the awesome sorcerer he deserves to be in his own show, then at least we still have fanfiction and the comics. By the way, I’m not throwing shade at fanfiction writers a lot of them write great stories and do a far better job showcasing Loki’s sorcery than the MCU. I have a lot of respect for you guys :) Sorry this was so long, but after the finale I had a lot of frustration to get off my chest.
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aspenforest732 · 3 years
A few of you liked my other fanfic post so figured I'd share one I'm cooking up now. The Marle one is dead in the water, probably won't go back to it at least until I read Dawnshard.
Lemme know if you want more Phoenix lore. I didn't realize how much I had until I was scrolling back up through this post, and this is just on two of the 6 subraces
New one is going back to my Phoenix race, but this time it's a young Orator named Xava who climbed the ranks quickly in the Marvel universe, especially considering they lost their Listener companion I guess is the right word? Orators can only speak through the force/magic, and their speech is imbued with mind-type magics that allow them to convey meanings to groups or individuals beyond their actual words (like advanced subtext). They can also be understood by anyone and pick up languages quickly. Listeners can only hear through the force and can hear all the subtext in someone's words (yes, this is overwhelming at young ages). They can understand everyone and pick up languages quickly. Listner/Orator pairs comprise most of the operatives in a functional universe unit, usually taking an advisory role in some capacity or placing themselves in a seat of power that is deemed suitable by the Council. The pairs are bonded for life, and if one dies, the other usually retires to help the next generation due to skill gap and loss of their other half. They share a more intimate pseudo empathy/telepathy than Phoenix at large due to their bond and ability to pick up on each others' nonverbal cues.
Onto the actual story, Xava fought in a war with the TVA in one timeline, and their partner, Lexal died saving another group (only one could go and Lexal hid the underlying message that the one would die from Xava). Since they were so young, Xava decided to push forward with their career and use the skills Lexal taught them as well as supplemental training to do the work of a pair.
I originally started with a story in the aftermath of the Season finale of Loki, but then decided it would be more interesting to do one somewhat based on a fanfic I'm reading. We'll go chronologically.
Minor AU where Loki is able to harness the time stone to go back in time (haven't settled on the exact circumstances, but it's either on the statesman and Thanos has the mind stone instead of another or Loki is the one to kill him instead of Thor almost doing it in infinity war). Xava is sent due to the possibility of a new tertiary branch developing, and they go back to right after the failed coronation as Thor would be raging about going to Jotunheim.
BUT as they arrive, he's embracing Loki and Xava sees a pair who were supposed to be taking Thor to a branch 2 over. Enough moments have passed with such deviation that they've now skyrocketed away from the other branches, so sending him to the original would destabilize this one too much.
Now with a keystone pair, the three Phoenix have to work together, despite the other Orator's distaste for Xava's age and knowledge base due to their different fields of expertise (Avengers: Thor and House of Odin: Loki, respectively). The Listener is more or less a peacekeeper between the two as Xava tries to make things work smoothly but loses a lot of respect for the Orator when it's revealed he intentionally stayed in the dark about who saved his unit (Lexal).
There are a number of shenanigans I've thought up in that storyline, but it's still pretty new.
Fast forward about 5000 years, and the universe is stable enough to have endured 300 merges and is strong enough as a tertiary branch to not need representatives specifically for the keystone pair.
Xava is promoted to Ishvar (manager of timeline) and is transfered to the new trunk split (MCU, MCOU(comics), MFU(fanfiction), and now MMU(multi)) of Loki season finale. They will be working as both an Ishvar and a keystone representative due to their experience with Lokis and unusual circumstances.
Things are going pretty much according to plan with teams pouring into the universe to stabilize the trunk split while new branches rapidly form and collapse back into the trunk. This started before I watched What If?, so that would probably be considered a primary branch.
Loki returns to earth post endgame with a few must haves (AU before his appearance), forming a primary branch. Xava starts coordinating with the couple Phoenix already on earth, and things are still going pretty well, minus the mistrust sowed by their frequent consultation of a command sphere to direct movements (part of Ishvar, essentially giant collective mind database, call center, map, etc.). Then they get a Listener intern under 100 (age of puberty for phoenix). Which is the last thing they wanted right now, and they know they will royally screw up this kid if it's not sorted out.
Xava tries to figure out what's going on and reaches out to home world, only to be shortly cut off by a complete universe isolation message and every Listener screaming before falling unconscious. Homeworld is offline for the first time in Phoenix history (this is a result of my star wars fanfic tl;dr a Seer Phoenix lead a sith invasion of Homeworld, and the Council yeeted it into a different pocket dimension only taking the adults).
Now Xava can't send the kid back, who not only wasn't sent here by the Council since they would've sent a pair, but who is also linked to the SWU (Star wars). So they can hear but not understand any nonPhoenix is saying and struggle to use the magic here (enough to not be dying but not much more). They were born with the ability to hear everyone in the universe at all times (normally activated once they hit puberty), and while they have better control of it now, it's still a lot, especially before they got a translator chip.
That's pretty much where I left it since I wasn't sure where to go other than lots of meetings, a hidden message from Homeworld revealing their predictions for MMU, and discovering what the council had done. Of course, the delay in information caused the predictions to be largely useless as bringing Loki to the meeting prevented him from doing something that didn't seem vital at the time on earth.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
WS Chapter 40: A Home in Hell
Previous Chapter
A lotta lore coming your way! Thank you X for being the only one with a braincell in this group to explain world mechanics in a way that even I- the author- hardly understands. 
And sorry for yet another cliffhanger! I just love them too much! (wonder how many people caught the foreshadowing a few chapters back)
Ecto belongs to @cooler-cactus-block 
Red belongs to @theguardiansofredland​
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Red picks up his head as he hears the sound of fireworks. The late afternoon sun blocks Red’s vision, whiting out the sky and making it impossible to see who is flying by. He feels like a castaway, trapped on this mound of sand with only an ominous nether portal and an unlit campfire. He doesn’t even have the ability to start a fire. 
Glimmers of white rain from the sky, forms slowly descending from the heavens. Well, most of them are. One dives straight for Red, wings tucked in like an arrow shot from a bow. The grey elytran wings only open at the last second, just enough to slow the descent and save the flyer from experiencing kinetic energy. Not enough to keep Ecto from barreling into Red, sending them both skidding across the sand. 
Red squeaks, gasping for air as Ecto hugs the breath out of her. Red feels something wet on his shoulder, and realizes that Ecto’s crying. She isn’t sure she’s ever seen Ecto cry, even when she was iced out of her own home. “We thought you were gone.” 
Red’s lips thin out. She should be gone. Out of everyone’s way. But even death didn’t want something as useless as her. Avon’s wings eclipse the sun a moment later, oscillating to lower her to the sand. She crosses the sandy island in a few strides, lifting off the ground to reach Red as fast as possible. Avon wraps her arms and wings tight around the other two wanderers, cocooning all three in the embrace. A weak chuckle escapes Avon’s lips.“We have got to stop losing each other in this world.” 
They only break up when Red has to push them apart. She needs to breathe, and Ecto’s vice grip is definitely not letting her do that. The hermits take slow circles to lower in altitude before landing on the short spit of land. Grian does the best landing, sliding across the sand and using the grains to skid to a stop. Stress’s landing is more of a stumble, coming in too hot for her liking. 
Ecto lets go, but stays close to Red. “I...I can’t believe you’re alive. How...how does…” 
“Our world has a few different rules than yours appears to have. Differences in the laws of nature, and all that.” Xisuma states, sitting down next to the wanderers. The other hermits crowd close. Even Mumbo, despite nearly being killed by sixty six percent of the trio. “Most deaths here aren’t permanent. You die, but you can come back.” 
“Is that what world magic can do?” Red questions. “How does that even work?” 
Iskall pulls out a pair of flint and steel, striking it to start the campfire. Keralis and Stress pull up logs for them all to sit on. And Grian reveals pockets full of food. He can’t help but notice Avon’s gaze never faltering from the potatoes in his hand. He starts cooking while Xisuma fills them in. “I don’t know how all it works, but I know my spells work and it eases the tension on all of us.” 
“You don’t want to know how many times I’ve died. I’ve kinda gotten used to the tingly feeling of reviving.” Scar chuckles, leaning back and watching as the sun sets on the world. That reminds Scar of something. He picks up a bag from behind the log, tossing it across the fire to Red. “Here you go, little fish. Keep that little guy close in your world, you hear?” 
Red looks down, seeing the gilded statue glinting in the sunset colors and fire flames. He notices that it has little wings on it’s back, like an angel with wings outspread. Cute little wings, smaller than his wide nose. He can’t tell if the nose was a mistake or intentional. It’s endearing, but Red isn’t sure why Fred is so important for Scar. Did he make it? 
As the cooked meals are being passed around, Avon looks across the fire to Tango. He reminds her so much of Blu, especially the way that the flames frame his face, his blonde hair and eyes the color of heated netherrack. Xisuma said something about Tango spending lots of time in the nether. She bites into her baked potato, swallowing it before she speaks. “You worked in the nether?” 
Tango perks up, noticing the quietest camper suddenly speak. He takes a bite of his steak, and leans back. “Yeah, a few worlds back I made this massive nether style base and humongous big farm-ificators in the dimension.” 
“Were there other people in the nether? What was it like working there so long?” Red adds, scooting closer to Tango. 
“I mean, it was a pretty long time ago. My mind starts to wander and mix things all up into a bunch of gobblty goop. It was really hot, for one. And yeah, there were other people. They didn’t really talk to me much, but they liked to watch my work. They were pretty chill people, the ones I met. Gave me lots of books and told me all sorts of things, like how they would just- pop!- appear in hell. Called themselves hellspawns because of that.” 
Xisuma hums, looking at the wanderers and Tango. “I think there’s a reason why hellspawns exist. Every world is a bit different. Different rules of nature, and different ways of keeping those rules. But as every world mage knows, each universe needs to keep its balance. I may have a theory as to why the person who attacked you may exist.” 
“Ohhh, if it’s an Xisuma idea it’s got to be all sorts of cool wizardy spells and potion things.” Tango is on the edge of his seat. He doesn’t exactly know why these people appeared and lived in the nether, but his time spent with them made him want to make the best of his own life. Live on his own terms. And he feels he has, here among the hermits. 
“There’s three dimensions. All in balance with one another. Too much of one thing can be bad, and too much of another isn’t good either. The nether and the Overworld are equals and opposites. Mirrors, counterweights. Keeping the universe in balance.” Xisuma picks up a handful of sand, watching the grains fall through his fingertips and return to the millions of others among the beach.
“But what about the End? Where is it in all this?” Avon questions, leaning against a propped up knee.
“If the overworld and the nether are the weights, then the End is the scale. Measuring, taking, adding. The liminal space between both, but just as integral as either side.” Xisuma looks around. Most of the people listening seem to be lost, but still listening
“So hellspawns….” Tango whispers.
“Probably appear to give the world balance. To be the counter to the universe. A hellspawn can’t exist without it’s overworld counter being born. And the overworld needs the nether to ease the weight of creation. Both are needed to keep balance.” 
“Why would Blu attack us then?” Ecto seems to understand the gist, tossing out all the weird theoretical stuff. “If both need to be balanced, why attack us? Why kill the ender dragon and freeze an entire desert?” 
“That...I can’t understand.” Xisuma shrugs, pulling off his helmet to finally dig into the mushroom stew he’s been preparing. Long, fluffy brown hair falls from his helmet, curling around his face. 
The wanderers look to Tango, but he shakes his head. “I don’t think any of my books or conversations can help, friends. It’s been ages since my nether base and those massive farms, leaving to join the other hermits in the new world. I really wish I could help more, but this is way out of my league man.” 
The wanderers look at each other, before looking back at the fire. It’s not the answer they were looking for, but it’s information they needed. Now they know, hellspawns are from the nether. Some way of their world balancing itself. Stress changes the subject to something lighter, and Scar adds on his own quirky stories until the air is filled with laughter. Calm respite after so long the wanderers struggled. Retreating into the hermit world, wounded and defeated. Quickly becoming lost in the jungle, only to find new friends willing to help them. In more ways than just getting back on course. And now, they can return to their world. Healed and with a new understanding of what they’re facing. 
With the dawn light, Scar guides the wanderers back to Larry. The giant snail still eeks over the infinity portal, guarding it with a fierce, lopsided gaze. Scar presses a crystal into each of the wanderer’s hands. “ The heart of the warrior for Avon, Luck for Ecto, and water breathing for Red.” 
Red looks at his crystal, then up to Scar. He doesn’t have the heart to tell him that he can already breathe underwater. He just clutches the crystal close, nodding as the rift warps and shifts between them. As much as Red loves being with the hermits, he’s ready to go home. Ready to face whatever is waiting for him. 
The wanderers step back through the portal, falling between worlds and back to their own. It’s dazing, and they can’t help but stumble back into their world. The portal disappears, leaving them in the forest. Ecto winces, rubbing her head after nearly cracking it against a tree. “Ugh, what’s that awful scent? It smells like dead fish.” 
Red looks around, breath catching in his throat. He recognizes where he is. He remembers the river, flowing through the forest towards the sea. The giant boulders tossed aside and trees growing from the fractures within them. And he smells the horrible scent, making him gag, his nose burning and eyes watering. The tide is turning.
Red scrabbles to his feet, leaving Ecto and Avon behind. Stumbling through the sand of the beach, only to collapse at the interface of the water. The water swirls with a rusted red color, waves brushing dead fish and seaweed against the pristine beaches. It’s already too late. 
Red was too late. The tide has turned.
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higanbanawritings · 4 years
Under the Shadow of The Moon
Chapter Two: Interlude
I'm so sorry this is short, but I am going through writers block with this chapter and I felt this was the best way to end it without ruining it. And with some final papers that I'm doing its hard to focus on this story at the moment. Hopefully, within the nest weeks I'll be able to give you something better. Enjoy! You can also read this on AO3 under the username camelliasspring. Kokushibou sat in the Infinity Fortress waiting for the arrival of Lord Muzan. It was only him and Nakime, sitting in the comfortable silence of the alternate dimension. His thoughts quickly drifted to the girl that was under his care. The first time that he met her, he had expected her to beg for her and her family's lives, however he hadn’t expected her to give herself to him. And he hadn’t expected her to let him feed on her blood. Kokushibou licked his lips at the thought. Ryoka’s blood was sweet and its scent fragrant. It invigorated him and satisfied his hunger. Drinking her blood was like eating fifty...no a hundred humans. He had to force himself to not suck her dry. Her blood was just that irresistible.
The strum of biwa strings rung throughout the room. Lord Muzan has arrived.
“Kokushibou, have you finally gotten the girl.” Muzan asked. His voice is smooth yet monotonous. Kokushibou noted that he seemed to be in a good mood.
“Yes, my lordship. And as she stated her blood is definitely rare. I found myself being nourished and gaining strength from her blood.”  Kokushibou answered curtly.
“That is good to hear and I hope that she will be cooperative in giving her blood to our cause. The Demon Slayers are on our tails now and I fear that the Lower Moons are becoming more and more useless. Hunting for food is now dangerous. It is good to have nourishment that we don’t have to stick our necks out for.” Muzan stated, a hint of relief was in his voice. Lower level demons would not be able to catch it, but Kokushibou was Muzan’s “business partner” and there were things that the Demon Lord revealed to the Upper moon that others would never dream to learn.
Kokushibou held the cloth of his hakama tighter. Although the girl has been cooperative in coming with him and allowing him to feed on her blood, he can’t say the same for allowing Lord Muzan let alone the other Upper Moons feed on her as well. However, Kokushibou didn’t want Lord Muzan to detect his wavering confidence. It was during this moment that Kokushibou was praying to whatever gods would listen that Lord Muzan wasn’t reading his mind.  
Muzan trusted Kokushibou enough to not have to read his mind, but there was no such thing as being too careful for the latter.
“Yes, my lord I will make sure that she is of use to you.”
“That’s good to hear. I would hate for you to disappoint me Kokushibou.”  Although, it seemed like a slight warning Kokushibou would be a fool to disregard the veiled threat that hid behind the words.
The light of morning hit Ryoka’s eyelids making the flutter open. She blinked through the haze, eyelids so heavy she could barely hold them up. Her head was throbbing, and her entire body felt dull and sluggish. It took a few moments for her to regain her bearings. When her vision stopped being as fuzzy, she took the time to look around her surroundings.  It was different.
The sound of her mother’s humming was missing. As was the laughter of Momiji playing a game of shoji with her father. There was no scent of breakfast cooking in the air.
“ So it wasn’t a dream.”
She was really living with a demon, away from her family and friends. And she didn’t know how long she’ll be here. It was too much to think about and she’d rather take a relaxing bath and get on with her day after what she’s been through. Still, half-asleep Ryoka headed towards the bath and started her day.
She needed some sense of normalcy. Even if this situation was anything but normal.
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mysaldate · 5 years
(UM seduction methods anon here) Im in awe over how much you write for so many character, every day! Do you have any hc on how they live? (where they live? living conditions?) BUT please dont push yourself or anything either!
Thank you so much for worrying about me! I’m simply trying to do my very best for all of you! And thank you also for such wonderful and original requests!
The living conditions of the Upper Moons headcanons
This one will be short since we know quite a lot about them. They’ve lived in the red lights district for their whole lives. In the streets and usually with little more than just their clothes on but they had each other.
They stayed in even after they became a demons. No surprise, there’s plenty of food and nobody will really care if a couple girls disappears.
They don’t have separate rooms of course. These two are literally inseparable so of course they wouldn’t bother with something like that. There’s nobody to tease them about it either since people are not aware of there even being two of them and as for their fellow demons, those just don’t care. Except maybe for Douma but he wouldn’t tease them about it.
We got to see their room so there’s not much to be said about the decorations either. Daki is a stylish girl and she likes to show it off even in the way she sets up their room – even if nobody much gets to see it.
He never really had much of a home per say. He became an orphan at a young age (if he wasn’t abandoned as a baby already) and then was chased out of Gyomei’s temple as well. Jigoro took him in but unfortunately enough, that relationship didn’t really work out either. Strangely enough, he felt most at home when he was outside, travelling from one mission to another.
After he became a demon, he stayed with Kokushibou for a short period of time but that was just before Muzan approved of his existence. After that, he had to find his own territory – which wasn’t really too hard anyway. He picked a run-down old house as his shelter from the sun for the day but he didn’t really care much how it looked, at least not at first.
It’s not that he wouldn’t like company but there’s not really anyone to share his place with. Humans wouldn’t hang out with him, other demons literally can’t. Other Upper Moons won’t.
He first didn’t care at all how the place looked but after some time, he decided that since he didn’t have anything to do during the day anyway, he could at least try to decorate the place a bit. So while the sun is up, he does little things inside, like sweeping the floors or painting the walls. He even learnt to sew to make curtains. And at night, when he’s not out hunting, he does other reparations. Even he is surprised by how much fun he can have, giving the place a personal touch.
Being an artist, it’s not unlikely that he lived in an open, arid room before he became a demon. Lots of sunlight too. And occassionally, a companion or two but those never really stuck around for long. His place was filled with various unfinished art pieces.
Now that he’s a demon, he can’t have the luxury of a sunny appartment. His pots, however, work as a little pocket dimension so that’s an upgrade? Of sorts? It doesn’t really have a set shape either, it’s a little bit like Nakime’s Infinity Fortress but shapeless, like the walls are made of water or another liquid and constantly change form.
He lives with plenty of goldfish. The entire place is nearly filled with aquariums of various shapes and forms. You know how people make mazes for hamsters, guinea pigs or even cats? Well, those are nothing when compared to the lengths Gyokko goes to for his fishies. It’s not just glass, coloured or plain, either. Sometimes he would use the nichirin blades or pretty hairpieces of his victims’ to decorate the elaborate fishtanks as well. If a human ever strays in, it’s the last thing they say.
Gyokko LOVES decoration. Aside from his fishtanks, he has numerous statues, paintings and just about everything else you can think of. Both handmade and stolen. For his handmade art, he usually uses bodies or bodyparts of his victims, possibly their blood too. It serves both as an artpiece and a food reserve just in case he ever gets to a position where he’s forced to starve. Surprisingly enough, his pots are great at preserving things. Oh, and let’s not forget about the amount of detail he puts to the exterior of his pots! 
Back when he was a human, he didn’t really have a home, naturally. He couldn’t afford it. And most people wouldn’t let him stay more than one night, chasing him out often with sticks and stones. He had to travel all the time and preferably somewhere far away where the rumors about him didn’t reach yet. Due to this, he becomes restless when he has to spend a long time in one place.
Now, as a demon, he also doesn’t stay in one place all the time. He usually sneaks in a house, kills the family and stays there for a few days before moving on to the next one. Some of his other personalities, namely Sekido and Karaku, find this a little useless and bothersome but they wouldn’t really fight him on it.
Speaking of whom, his other personalities split when they have time to be alone as well, taking care of him and the house. It’s a great way to keep him safe as well since at least one of them is always on guard for possible intruders. They get along... somewhat well. There are the usual conflicts between Sekido and the others. Karaku is careless about their cover, Yoroko likes to make pranks on them and Aizetsu tends to lock himself in his room for hours on end. Poor Sekido is left with the task of housework, making sure they don’t get discovered too soon, acting as the voice of reason... and he still has to go out hunting and stay on guard when it’s his turn.
Yoroko likes decorating stuff and Karaku loves to watch him but their taste is strange to everyone but them. Surprisingly enough, Hantengu as well as Aizetsu both can actually create rather beautiful tapestries and Zohakuten sometimes paints when Sekido is just too done with the three useless dorks.
She used to be your typical hikikomori. Nakime spent all her time in her room, with nothing but a pile of books and her biwa. It wasn’t a big room either. While her room did have windows, she prefered them covered and read in the light of an oil lamp. As expected, it wasn’t too good for her eyes...
She lives in the Dimensional Infinity Fortress now. A place she can fully control and knows everything about, one that bends to her will and where she can transport anyone anywhere at any time, just as she wants. The only exception seems to be Muzan who comes and goes as he sees fit (at least until the current arc but y’all already know how I feel about that). It’s not that she minds it, she still knows where and when he enters and leaves and even if she didn’t, it’s not like he would ambush and kill her for no reason (right?).
Despite providing rooms specifically suited for the Upper Moons, she much enjoys her solitude. Even when they’re in and she has to keep an eye on them (I’m sorry, I’ll stop with the puns now), she keeps her distance. Try to annoy her, or even just seek her company, and you will mercilessly get thrown out. An exception, again, is Muzan. He doesn’t live there with  her though and only seeks her out when he has work for her to do.
Decoration of the rooms varies greatly, mostly based on what are they used for. Most of the Fortress is not decorated since Nakime sees no reason to waste time and effort on that. However, there are special parts that deserve special attention. Just as an example, there’s Muzan’s upside-down lab, Douma’s lotus pond, that traditional japanese area Kokushibou first appeared in... And of course, the execution platform that’s now decorated with the red of the Lower Moons’ blood.
Again, we have a very good canon idea about his life as a human. First living with his father and then spending some time in the streets, he eventually ended up staying at Keizo’s house, taking care of Koyuki. He had his own room there too but it didn’t really matter because he spent most of his time by Koyuki’s side anyway. Rumor has it he dragged his futon to her once when she was having a nightmare and never moved out until she got all better.
He’s pretty much a street rat as of now, looking for challenges and new foes to fight for the most part. During the days, he usually stays still outside, in dense forests or deep caves. He’s not particularly picky. Sometimes he stays there during the night too, setting up a campfire and waiting for someone to wander close. For some reason, he doesn’t really like cities, especially during the festival season.
So yeah, he lives alone. At least usually he does. It’s not all that rare for Douma to find and bother visit him. He doesn’t want company. Getting attached would make him weak. The more people you care about, the easier it is to take advantage of you.
The only thing he cultivates in his surroundings is his own body. No, I’m not talking about the tattoos, though those certainly are a decoration as well. Rather, it’s his muscles and strength. However, he still prefers to have some manners over raw power, hence why he keeps refusing Douma’s more than generous offers to hunt down some girls together even if that could make him stronger.
Grew up in the temple in the forest. High up on a mountain overlooking a small town, it’s not a place with the most access to society. But cults are usually like that. When he was about three years old, his father planted two magnolia trees in the courtyard so that the place is a little more lively and the trees can grow tall to provide lots of shade in summer since the sun could be quite annoying. If only he knew...
Loyal as he is, Douma stays at the temple even now. He had it expanded a little and even had a lotus pond build right behind his room so he can calm his thoughts at least a bit after every session. He used to need it more than he does now, especially since he now also has the one made by Nakime that is way better and more spacious.
Canonically, there is at least one temple servant staying with Douma at the temple. But honestly, it wouldn’t be quite like him to satisfy himself with a single person. There’s probably a number of people taking care of the place, both temple servants and maidens. They also serve as a source of entertainment and possibly even as a last-resort snack just in case. There also used to be Kotoha and Inosuke for a short period of time but well...
While he is quite childish and it might sound just like him to go overboard with decorating stuff, that’s not entirely true. Really, the most he has is the skull closet with engraved golden door. That and the pot in which he planted Kotoha’s head but that one is a gift from Gyokko so it doesn’t really count.
As with most of them, we were blessed with enough info on Kokushibou’s, or rather Michikatsu’s, homes. Growing up a samurai, he never had time to spare, little to no friends and a bride who was most likely found for him without him having any say in it, it’s really not that much of a surprise he would elect to leave it all behind and become a demon slayer since it gave him significantly more freedom.
Even as a demon, not much have changed. During the day, he stays at a mansion like the samurai lord he is, and at night, he goes out to hunt down the pests in the area, more often than not treating himself with a bountiful feast while he’s at it. He also has a room in the Infinity Fortress but like the majority of the Upper Moon demons (actually everyone but Douma), he enjoys his solitude way more.
He has a few servants at the mansion. Ones that get replaced every once in a while when they mysteriously disappear. But the salary is high enough to let any major rumors die out in a blink (I know, I promised, I’m sorry) so the most he has to deal with are whispers about him overworking his servants to the point where they rather abandon the money and run away under the cloak of the night.
You would probably find the house eerily plain but he’s used to it. The backyard is where he spends most of his time aside from his room and those two are the only actually decorated places in the house. And they’re still kept neat and practical for the most part. He rarely has anything that wouldn’t serve a purpose, both when it comes to items and people.
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transjinako · 5 years
I’ve been feeling kinda sick lately but hey here’s Masamune i really hope you guys like her 
Saber: Masamune 
Strength: B
Agility: C+
Endurance: C
Luck: A
Mana: A
Territory Creation EX
Sword Creation EX: It is believed that Masamune had perfected the Nie style of sword making. Her blades gleam with the utmost beauty and divinity, they all share a trait of being extremely capable against Evil aligned beings while also being empowered specifically when it is swung with truly good intention and action. When wielded by someone with ill intent or action, or when swung onto the innocent, it won’t even cut, reflecting the wishes of it’s creator. If wielded by someone who is truly good, then the sword also acts as though possessed, guiding it’s user to wield it expertly and giving even normal people the ability to defeat the evil they would swing it against. 
Infinity: The opposite of Zero attained by swordsmen, the thought process of it goes, “If I am victorious once, I will never be defeated”. In practice it is akin to the second magic focused entirely on the sword. It causes the blade to appear as though it were a whisp or a constantly shifting illusion, in reality it is constantly both passing through many casualties and cutting through them to a single point that is the blade. Essentially, this means that to fight against this technique is to fight it across infinite realities. Losing even once causes that reality to impose itself on all others. 
To fight this technique one on one without also using it or Zero will assure your defeat, although, a great number of variables on the fight can help to defeat this technique. 
Also, the user is able to cut space between one area and another creating a passage between the two points. 
Noble Phantasm: 
Densetsu no Yawarakai-te伝説 十千夜寒  (Legend of Gentle Hands) 
Type: Anti Unit 
Rank: EX
Masamune pinpoints her sword on a future in which the opponent is cut by it, and once it is decided, it is repeated throughout the many parallel dimensions in which it was decided as well. The sword itself gains a great amount of divinity in that moment as it swings toward the opponent. Once cut, thousands upon thousands of cuts are applied all at once, only a god or one with a truly ridiculous level of the Battle Continuation Skill could hope to live through this attack and even then there would be little left. 
Description of Servant: 
Masamune is more of a reclusive sort. She doesn’t quite enjoy large crowds of people nor does she really like showing off, however don’t mistake this for any out right shyness. She cares for others quite a lot, and subscribes mostly to the tougher sort of love at times, she makes what she thinks of others known and can be quite scathing at that. Still, she’s always happy to lend a very patient ear to anyone who might be troubled or simply need someone to talk to. Masamune of course is interested in swords and swordsmen a like, but mainly swords, she can be a bit pompous at times though, if she perceives a sword with faults that her own don’t contain. 
She can’t help but love the heroic, selfless type either. In her own opinion, if you aren’t fighting for good nor for a love of others, then there’s no reason to be fighting in the first place. On that note she can forgive those who fight for themselves and their own beliefs, but sees that as a dangerously teetering scale. 
About that Patient part also, there are only two people who can truly test her patience and that’s Muramasa and Musashi, who she also sees as her children. 
Interactions with Other servants.
Musashi: Chipper as always, Musash-chi? I hope you haven’t been causing trouble for anyone in the kitchen, or troubling that poor hime, or troubling others at random to start fights you know you can win? Ara? Is that sweat on your brow, Musash-chi? Mhm, come here, i’ll dab it right away with Musashi-Muramasa, hows that sound?
Muramasa: Agh, my most foolish student has arrived. Huh, I should repeat that? I said MY MOST FOOLISH, BULLHEADED, OLD MAN OF A STUDENT HAS ARRIVED. Ohoh, your still as funny and small as always though, thinking glaring up at me like that. Hm? Another duel? Fine, embarrassing you in front of master is a nice pass time. 
Artoria(non altered) Servants: You there, white girl. Your weapon. Give it. I’m no thief, I only wish to look. Hm...yes...hmm...You europeans do enjoy your large weaponry, although, I can understand the need. This weapon however...it was cut from something quite….hm. I’ll give it back now, thank you for indulging me. 
Artoria(Altered) Servants: You, white girl, your weapon. Drop it. Can’t you feel the energy coming off of it? Its like a dog biting at the air waiting for a hand to come close enough. Eugh. I can’t be near you, these energies….disgusting…
Oda Nobunaga(Avenger): ...My student, I am troubled by something. Oda Nobunaga’s sword...whenever I am near them I feel the urge to tell them...that thing is trash. Anyone can see it plainly, its like a decoration in a room meant to start conversation. But. They seem to love it so much...urgh...student, you tell them. I can’t stand to watch this any longer.
Emiya Archer: Eh? Muramasa? You cook? You never cooked for me, tch, useless student. Oh no, don’t pretend to not know me. Well, since you apparently have taken up a knife than a hammer, I expect you to make your mother and teacher a lovely meal for all her efforts. No complaining, hop to it. (Clap Clap) 
Emiya Alter: Urgh, Muramasa, to think you’d let your emotions get the better of you. No, don’t say anything, I’ll kill you right here right now. I could not call myself your teacher if I did not. Come, my student, show me your still in there...
Scathach: ….Oh, were you looking for me student? Ah, sorry. I have recently found myself spending time with the Queen of the shadow lands, particularly in having her teach me the methods on how to create her famous Gae Bolg. Although, I always instinctively mold them into blades. We did have fun using them on each other afterwards though. Hmhm~ 
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Darkness”
The Messengers of Darkness have a clear purpose: to always create havoc and destruction no matter where they go. Lately one of them slowed down for a weird reason: the entity fell in love with a mortal. Such transgression is bound to attract unwanted attention from its peers, yet the Dark One posing as The Joker won’t let anything stand between his kind and the woman he will protect at all costs.  
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The sound of distant thunder makes you snuggle to The Joker’s chest; you feel your forehead being kissed before another rumble disrupts the gloomy dawn.
“Is there a storm coming?” you yawn and open one eye. “Should we close the windows?”
“No, it’s fine,” J replies, carefully listening to hidden whispers scattered in the breeze making its way around Gotham.
“Ok…” you mumble and pull the covers higher until your nose sticks out from behind the thickest comforter. Your steady breathing queues J you’re dozing off again and he rolls out of bed, displeased about the unwanted presence he senses nearby.
“I know you’re here,” he growls while sniffing the air.
A low humming confirms his suspicion and The Clown Prince of Crime sneaks outside on the terrace in order to greet the emissary sent with a clear assignment.
“Why are you hiding?” the question echoes in the quietness. “Show yourself!”
“I’m not hiding.”
As soon as the words are spoken, the sinister apparition materializes in front of The Joker: it has human shape, yet is made only of Darkness. The being and its counterpart posing as The Clown Prince of Crime were born from the same abyss: one could say that makes them siblings, although the notion of family doesn’t exist in the Shadow Realm.
“What do you want?” J mutters, unhappy his early morning is interrupted by a visitor bearing ill news.
He can tell.
“The High Council demands your attendance for a meeting.”
“Regarding?” the green haired King bites on his cheek, already guessing on the answer.
“Your relationship with the mortal.”
J is watching the lightning chaotically striking inside the creature’s body since The Dark Ones are in a permanent state of mayhem: their blackness is carried within and enables them to travel between different dimensions.
“What relationship?” The Joker huffs, pretending to brush off any attachment that’s out of character for his kin.
“I was told you slowed down your activities in the past six months after you’ve met the woman.”
“I didn’t slow down. I’m actually planning for more anarchy,” the explanation prompts advice from the entity:
“I hope you won’t dare lie to the members of The Council like this; they will immediately know just like I know.”
The Joker exhales, glaring at the grey clouds above.
“What are you doing anyway?” the wraith lectures out of pure spite. “We don’t engage with these maggots; they’re useless and their lives are gone in a blink of an eye! We’re immortals and unstoppable, designed for a simple purpose: to reign this miserable planet and ensure its doom! So I’m asking: what are you doing?!”
For the first time in the whole eternity, he doesn’t have a reason for his behavior.
“I can’t rationalize what I feel,” J approaches the specter, “but allow me to demonstrate,” he transforms into the wretched monster that he truly is, identical to the one standing before him.
There is a big difference though: the fire bolts illuminating his frame are not randomly striking at once, they keep on hitting the same spots in a very organized pattern.
“What… what is this?!!” the uncanny sister marvels at the view.
“Not sure, it happens when I’m around Y/N. Here, you can feel it also,” he takes her right hand and places it on his chest.
She gasps at the unexpected sensation: quietness. Complete quietness; no crazy havoc, no evil thoughts, no urge to kill.
“How did you do this?!!!” she inquires, dumbfounded.
“I have no clue,” The Joker reclaims his human shell, waiting for her to snap out of trance.
“The Council won’t like this,” the evident truth is spoken aloud. “How did you even connect with the girl on such a level?!”
J lifts his shoulders up, confused.
“I really have no idea.”
Awkward stillness.
“We must leave,” the apparition urges a troubled Joker; it’s strange for him to worry about someone and for the moment he’s concerned about you while dreading the encounter with his kin:
How did a twisted devil like him actually learn the definition of such complicated emotions? How can he justify such abomination to his peers?
It most than likely won’t end well because The Council is already suspicious regarding his bizarre actions.
“I’ll return shortly,” he snarls. “I have to say goodbye.”
You stretch under his weight, J yanking at the sheets to expose your face.
“I have an emergency meeting,” he grumbles in your ear.
“Baaaby…”, you cuddle to his neck half snoozing. “Can I take a shower and join you?”
“No… Stay in bed; I promise I’ll come back for you.”
Y/N smiles, totally oblivious at the meaning.
“You’d better Mister J; your girlfriend might get cold and she’ll need company,” you pout and he stands up, bending over to kiss you.
“I will,” the grin disappears from his face as your eyelids close; he wishes he could linger on the premises yet the messy situation requires hasty measures. Another kiss and he vanishes into thin air, abandoning the woman at The Penthouse.
You sigh in your sleep, the sudden cold gust of wind filling up the room. In a few minutes the chillness intensifies and Y/N is unaware of the grave danger she’s in: another Dark Messenger is there to annihilate the target she became after changing the laws of nature.
The meeting with The High Council was a pretext to send your protector away; The Shadow known as The Joker is a powerful entity among his kind and they didn’t want to risk any trouble. Your faith was sealed the second you bonded with him and although you aren’t guilty of anything, it doesn’t matter: you are guilty to them and that’s the sole logic they bow to.
Invisible to the human eye, the enemy is near: it watches you turn on your side, wondering what’s so damn special about an average mortal; nothing peculiar to indicate you could create trouble and switch the balance hanging in their favor. A woman like so many others.
And yet unique in a way The Dark Ones will never understand.
The wraith awaits for a little bit longer: your guardian has to be far, thus he won’t have an opportunity to save his cherished human. Ten extra minutes… fifteen…twenty…thirty…
The creature unravels his claws, quickly closing the distance between the two of you. Another step and it’s here, smelling your scent with disgust.
“Repulsive being…” he sneers, touching the lump of skin and bones peacefully resting without a care in the universe.
There is no warning, no escape: your body instantly disintegrates, the silver ashes flying on the pillows you were hugging.
The specter chuckles at the sweet victory, reckoning the reward for its mighty deed will be greatly remembered in the centuries to come.
If only…
Ironically enough your demise will set things in motion unseen neither in the world of the living or the Shadow Realm: the ordinary girl might have been just a grain of sand passing through infinity, but they forgot one important detail: she was HIS GIRL.
The two companions are almost reaching their final destination at the end of the 7th Gate of Darkness, when the twisted spirit posing as J halts.
“Something is wrong,” he mumbles, the unbearable emotion of impending doom growing stronger.
“What is it?” his escort curiously inquires as the lightning inside his celestial shape strikes chaotically again: no more steady pattern since you are gone.
“Something is very wrong; I can’t feel her anymore!” he shrieks, preparing for an interdimensional jump. “I’m going back!”
“We’re practically home; I’m sure she’s fine,” the soothing lies have the exact opposite effect. “We are expected and The Council hates delays.”
“I don’t care! I’m going back!”
“Wait, I’m coming too!” she offers because the whole charade points out at the ugly reality: they used her to lure him out of the nest without sharing their plan.
************** Ten minutes… fifteen…twenty…thirty…
“I told you I can’t feel her anymore…” his sister hears as soon as she catches up to him in the master bedroom where you were left to nap. “Did you know about this?”
He keeps on caressing the soot scattered on the blankets, numb to her sentences:
“I didn’t know! They just entrusted me with an easy mission and I obeyed. I was only told to bring you in front of Council for questioning; they didn’t share the bigger picture with me.”
The more she defends her innocence, the more her voice fades within the infernal ruckus shaking the building from the ground up.
“Ummm… What are you doing?!” she asks even if she can sense his intentions.
The decorative objects scattered around The Penthouse shatter into tiny particles drifting towards The Joker and he buries his face in the lifeless ashes on the bed, the only proof you were once there.
“You can’t do that!” she screams over the deafening commotion. “You can’t turn back time, it’s forbidden!”
“I want her back!!!!”
“Stop!!!! You can’t control it! You’ll lose your powers for the transgression; how will you even find her?! You’ll end up before you’ve ever met and she won’t know you!”
“That’s my burden to worry about, not yours!” the Dark One hisses amidst the hellish storm created in order to reset The Clock: the sands of time are moving backwards and he doesn’t care about consequences.
It’s better to take the risk and try to recover the lost connection than endure ages of solitude in the eternal murkiness.
You drag your feet on the concrete, squeezing the bag full of groceries to your chest; three more blocks and you’ll finally be home after another exhausting day at work. You keep on admiring the nice clothes and shoes exhibited by the chic boutiques on Main Street: that’s all you can afford anyway….lots of window shopping.
You manage not to cry at the harsh disappointment of finding yourself in a desperate situation courtesy of your boyfriend Mark; I guess ex-boyfriend to be more specific. God knows how difficult it was to save money together for almost a year for a downpayment on a condo situated in a better neighborhood since this one is going downhill!
And the unthinkable happened: you had another terrible fight thus he took his stuff and moved out the following week. You were at work so Mark came to gather his last items; he was supposed to leave the spare key, take half of the money prepared for him and flee. But he didn’t have the decency to split the cash: he snatched his envelope and also searched for your share hidden under the stairs, grabbed it and skipped town.
All ten thousand dollars and the hope for a better future is gone; right when you think you know someone… damn…
Why do you have to be stuck in this district you hate?! So many weirdos popping at every corner, for example the creep that just stopped behind you. You can discern his reflection in the glass: a strange man with toxic green hair, his mouth slightly opened like this is the first time he sees a woman. Jesus!
You shiver at the view, taking one last glance at the pair of earrings displayed by “Zales Jewelry Company”. Maybe if you speed up the guy won’t be able to track you in the crowd. Or maybe you’re paranoid and a glass of wine in the safety of your apartment will make you laugh at how stupid you are while watching a movie on the couch. And then you’ll probably sobb until you doze off…
Every few moments you look to ensure he’s not pursuing; the spooky man gave out an unsettling vibe you can’t shake off. Although you’re dead tired, you find the energy to hurry and you’re finally home.
You place the grocery bag on the counter and freeze: the anxiety you felt earlier is crawling back in your heart. Oh, you know why: did you lock the door?
You instinctively glare at the exit, concealing a scream: the individual you saw earlier sneaked inside! He’s staring you down and it clicks: the mace in your purse! If you can get to it before he does, you could have a better chance of escaping the intruder.
You count to three in your head, gathering your courage; you rush for your handbag yet the guy is faster: he cuts you off and pulls you in his arms, tightening the grip as you fight to break free. You are completely terrified when he swiftly kisses you; you struggle to escape but you realize he’s not attempting to do anything else. He loosens his embrace, still firmly holding on to Y/N’s waist.
Does it sound insane that his touch feels familiar?!
You part from his lips and gaze at the hypnotic blue eyes, faintly whispering:
“Who are you?...”
The devilish smirk gets wider as he utters the words:
“My name is Jay.”
You can also follow me on Wattpad and AO3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Dr. Fate and Hourman, trying to enlist the Justice Society's help in finding the vanished Firebrand, come upon a group of four villains in the JSA headquarters plus a flying microphone broadcasting the voice of one "Mister Mind".
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The Crisis has reached 1942 Earth-S, and Green Lantern, Johnny Quick, and Liberty Belle join Captain Marvel in his battle against the Anti-Monitor's shadow demons. Later, Captain Marvel takes the heroes to the wizard Shazam, who is apparently aware of the Crisis and sends the three to present-day Earth-One via the Rock of Eternity.
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The All-Stars continue their battle with the Monster Society of Evil. Mr. Mind escapes, only to be thrown across the dimensions once more, landing on Earth-S, where he will, months later, encounter Captain Marvel for the first time. Meanwhile, Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle are absorbed by a burst of white light and deposited aboard the Monitor's satellite, leaving Green Lantern to return to 1942 Earth-Two. Quick and Belle join their teammates "Tarantula and Amazing-Man: then, in events paralleling segments shown in Crisis, the Earth-Two heroes combat the Red Tornado, who has been sent on a mad rampage by the Anti-Monitor. Finally, Harbinger dispatches Liberty Belle, the present-day Green Lantern of Earth-Two, Power Girl, Per Degaton, Star Sapphire, and Deathbolt on a mysterious mission.
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Boy, Roy Thomas has a history of choosing the wrong words to talk about other races. As far as I know, “negro” was no longer in use in 1985. Also considering the way he writes women, I am starting to understand why, by reading these comics. (Sure, the characters are talking in 1942. But while it may be historically accurate, there was really no need for it).
Roy Thomas is a nostalgic. He loves the golden age so much, sometimes it is hard to take him out of that era. I do think he learns from thinks that other writers had to improved after him. After all, the female characters in Infinity Inc and All-Star Squadron are not useless. They do talk a lot about men though.
In any case, Roy Thomas loves this time period, but in a crossover that happens in 1985, it is a bit confusing at times. Especially when some characters on the Monitor’s satellite are from 1940 and others from 1985, and they all look almost the same (I dare you to tell apart which Johnny Quick is talking on each panel of #53).
Speaking of the art, the transportation to the Monitor’s satellite looks too much like the anti-matter wall. At a certain point I thought those characters died!
Mr. Mind’s story of basically how he ended up on Earth-S is kind of funny, but the Evil Society of Monsters is BORING.
I am also impressed that the issue is written by two people, yet all the dialogues are inhuman and too expository.
I give these issues a score of 4
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douxreviews · 5 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - ‘The Other Thing’ Review
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"I've been to a lot of worlds. Some good, some garbage. But I've never been to one where people recognize my face."
Now, this was more like it, wasn't it? A solid, confident episode that goes right into the arc story and doesn't disappoint. Three parallel plots unfold and converge to the same place, while propelling the characters forward in great directions.
May vs. Coulson
May started off this year in a placid state of mind. Happier, more relaxed, ready to enjoy the goodness of life. The arrival of Sarge, though, changed that. It didn't send May back to an unhappier place, but I've never seen her so focused against an opponent before. One could presume that Sarge wearing Coulson's face would soften her, but she is repelled by Sarge's methods and cruelty. He is the antithesis of Coulson in many ways, which is why she wants to take him down so badly. When Sarge says "I thought you loved his face," May unleashes all her rage and beats him until he passes out. Then she puts his fallen arm on his lap, the same thing she did for a very tired Coulson back in Tahiti. I didn't read that as a sign of affection, but it is curious nonetheless. It's a reflex, a muscle memory, something she's ought to do, and she does it nonchalantly.
That's terrific writing for a character that becomes more interesting with each year. May could be a one note character, the stone cold archetype, but she is so much more than that. I loved how she subverted Sarge's accusation that Coulson was an impostor and had him question his own existence for a bit. He didn't let her see, but when he turned to get the radio, you could tell her words had hit him. Sarge may say that he doesn't look his age, that he's been around for 100 of Earth's years, but I still believe he's a version of Coulson from another dimension. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but it can't be a coincidence that the word "Coulson" ringed a bell and May's verbal attack affected him.
The use of the flashbacks to Coulson's final days in Tahiti was clever. Coulson and Sarge echoed one another but the phrases had different meanings, another sign of how these two characters have something in common (beyond the looks) but are not the same. It was nice to see Coulson again, so loving and caring. Coulson, you are dearly missed. Dare I say, though, I think Clark Gregg is doing an even better job as Sarge. He plays Sarge with such confidence and distinction that I can't help but appreciate his work. Sarge could've been a poor excuse to keep Gregg around and not scare away the already small audience, but the writers and Gregg's efforts have paid off.
It turns out that Sarge and his team – as it was obvious since last episode, but for some reason the writers only wanted to spell it out here – are not creating the evil birds, they are hunting them. Sarge says they are called the Shrike and that they serve their creator, a monster whose purpose seems to be destroy planets. Bring death to everything. The problem is that Sarge's approach to take down that monster and stop the plague from spreading to other planets now involves destroying Earth. This is a good development, for it keeps Sarge someone our heroes must fight against, even though he is not the actual villain of the tale.
It's all connected, within the TV series, at least
I wasn't expecting the Monoliths to have anything to do with this new threat, and I appreciate that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. constantly goes back to elements from previous seasons to create new storylines. They did that really well last season, to the point that I didn't think there were any lose threads left (except for that Inhuman dude in the bottom of the ocean), but now here we are dealing with Monoliths again, and then it hit me that they are kind of a lose thread because we never learned what that third Monolith did. It deepens the mythology of the series and gives me confidence that the writers know what they are doing.
But how exactly are the Monoliths connected to what's going on? Is the rift that created the fear dimension last season responsible for bringing this Shriek plague to Earth? I'm lost and intrigued. How does an Incan word fit into all this? Pachakutiq means "the death of everything," but how would an interdimensional traveler know an Incan word? I can only assume he came from a different version of Earth, and the same could be said of Sarge. Luckily, Dr. Benson's research will give us some answers.
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In the Lighthouse, Mack checks on Yo-Yo to see how she's doing – spoiler alert, she is totally not dealing with Keller's demise –, but ends up opening up about his own struggles. I have the impression that the writers are still figuring out how to write Mack as a leader, and so far they have relied on his broken relationship with Yo-Yo to show how he has been processing his new role. He wants to keep a distance, be responsible, but can he keep it all together on his own? I thought it was very telling that he couldn't be there for Yo-Yo and instead their conversation went completely off the rails. It was a weird dialogue, I'm not sure how much of that weirdness was intended, but it worked as a moment between two ex-lovers who don't speak the same language anymore. It looked like Mack was willing to bring some barriers down, but Yo-Yo wasn't having it.
I have great respect for Yo-Yo as a character. She is even more loyal to her work ethics than Mack is to his, and that's saying a lot. Being someone willing to do what's necessary no matter the cost demands a lot from her, but she doesn't let her spirit get broken. Her relationship with Keller wasn't developed enough, but her reaction to his death is well written here. She doesn't allow Mack to comfort her, but Dr. Benson is able to reach out to her. I liked how he brought the death of his husband as a parallel to Yo-Yo and Keller's situation. Both Benson and Yo-Yo had to end the life of their significant other who wasn't really there anymore. Now they have to live with the burden of that choice, even though they know it was the right one.
Enoch, the Traitor
The third plot of the episode revolved around the Space Crew, and now that storyline started to fit into the big picture of the season. Many Heads, One Tale is how this show rolls, isn't it?
The Chronicoms had their home planet destroyed, and Atarah, who seems to be the leader of the surviving few, said that minor distortions in the fabric of space released a plague, which is pretty much what is going on on Earth right now. Initially it looked like the Chronicoms were after Daisy et al. to punish them for tampering with the universe... but they too want to tamper with the universe: go back in time and save their planet from destruction. Kidnapping Fitz was part of their plan to get Daisy and Jemma to tell them how to travel through time. Interesting that the noise Daisy had been making on their search for Fitz backfired and turned them into targets. Of course, they couldn't know someone else had their eyes on time travel and, consequentially, on their intelligence.
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The agents find themselves cornered, and it's a trap they can't escape of. They didn't create the technology that sent them to the future and then back to the present, how can they help? In order to keep Fitz alive, Jemma says that he could figure out how to build the technology. It all leads to Enoch's betrayal, who sides with Atarah on a move of loyalty to his race. It's a switch of sides that makes sense. Enoch left his home behind to observe humanity and now that his own planet met a similar fate to the one he helped stop on Earth, wouldn't he try to help? I also believed him when he told an enraged Fitz that he did what needed to be done to keep them all alive. Enoch is a decent being and I felt for him when Fitz called him a useless automaton.
The noble move of the episode comes from Jemma when she realizes that she needs to surrender herself in order to keep the others alive. I loved that she gave credit to Daisy, Piper and Davis, acknowledged their help, thanked them and said that she couldn't keep putting them in danger. This is enough of a redemption after dragging them to another place of the galaxy against their will, and a nice bookend to their adventures together. It's also a necessary development for Simmons: her likability rises just in time for the Fitzsimmons-centric episode coming next. It is set up perfectly when Simmons says that, whatever happens, she will be with Fitz. For the two of them, that's all that matters.
Intel and Assets
- Could the Monoliths have some connection to the infinity stones? There is a Time Monolith, a Space Monolith and the third one has something to do with life and death, like the Soul Stone.
- Chronicoms have no gender.
- Chronyca-2 was destroyed by a plague. What about Chronyca-1?
- I liked the continuity of the Confederacy trying to exploit the remnants of a destroyed planet. Also convenient to save some money on set design.
Yo-Yo: "I've made hard choices before. Being right doesn't stop it from feeling wrong."
Enoch: "They will never release Fitz." Simmons: "And I'll never stop fighting."
Sarge (to May): "You keep staring like that, my head is bound to catch fire."
Atarah: "Lies. A favorite human pastime."
Sarge: "Our tracker shows [Deke] is not from here, but he's no Shrike. What is he?" May: "Exhausting."
A good ol' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode. Three out of four flashbacks.
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kattaloop · 6 years
Lexa matters. Clexa is still relevant, dear haters. And yes, we could even see her back alive, with Clarke, canon-compliant -- if it were something they wanted to do, and I’m not saying they do. This is just me having a play with a few scenarios which could reunite Clexa in the series -- in theory, all chill.
It should be relatively trigger-free, but as my intention was to disprove the nay-sayers who can’t look past Rothenberg’s ego, I didn’t change the story so far, except using a loop hole here and there -- and three scenarios play along with Lexa’s death. To make it a little more interesting, two scenarios see Lexa survive the stray bullet, one leaves both Lexa and Clarke’s fate ambiguous, none use dark magic to resurrect dead bodies, and all could still happen going forward.
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The stray bullet hits Lexa. Convinced she’ll die, she says goodbye to Clarke. She looses consciousness, Titus removes the Flame. We see the Flame, still active. It should have deactivated the second Lexa died. Titus does not share this information with Clarke, instead rushes Lexa out of the room to bring her to the Elders, a secret group serving the line of Commanders.
Lexa is stabilized and taken out of Polis, out west to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Like Mount Weather, people here survived the apocalypse. Unlike Mount Weather, they had Becca’s nightblood serum and ventured outside soon after. Here, Lexa survives Praimfaya. Along with other Nightbloods, she finds pockets of life that were spared from the firewall, similar to Eden. And just like the Ark thought that the apocalypse had wiped out all life on Earth and the planet would not be inhabitable for another 100 years, Monty overlooked the slow reestablishing of life on Earth. Three years after Eden was destroyed, Clarke returns to Earth, having been thrown back in time after traveling through a wormhole.
ALTERNATIVELY: Time on the new planet works and affects the human body differently. Clarke travels back to Earth. Clexa reunites. BOOM. OUT.
Unbeknownst to Clarke, Lexa survives the stray bullet. Titus rushes an unconscious Lexa to the Elders, a secret group loyal only to the line of Commanders. Foreseeing Praimfaya’s destruction, they take her to an undisclosed Eligius facility, set up as a contingency plan for Eligius III. A lab, not unlike Becca’s on her island, fully equipped and running, but part of an elaborate underground system, able to sustain about one hundred people through another cataclysmic event. Because why not?! We see cryo pods, vials with the nightblood serum, screens showing DNA sequences -- and a glass door, prominently featuring an infinity symbol. It leads to a small chamber, holding a single workstation, it’s main purpose to back up the data from ALIE 2.0. Because what kind of genius would design a device to store data without a backup solution? To help Lexa’s body and mind to heal, they place her in a cryo pod that connects to the workstation. When Clarke returns to Earth, Lexa is busy rebuilding a sustainable society.
ALTERNATIVELY: Lexa could follow Clarke to the Eligius planet. There could even be portals. No matter what, Clexa reunites. BOOM. OUT.
Lexa dies, her body is burnt, Earth is destroyed -- what were they thinking?! But space is a wondrous thing and opens up many possibilities. Life on the new planet isn’t what the brochures advertised and Clarke finds herself back in space yet again. She passes through a wormhole, only to end up back in Earth’s orbit. To Clarke’s immense surprise, the planet she sees through the looking glass looks healthy, greens and blues, satisfying her artistic eye. Longing to go home, she packs up and takes a drop ship down to Earth. Nothing could have prepared her for what she sees when she steps off the metal ramp -- a Grounders welcoming committee, with a few familiar faces: Anya, Lincoln, and, yes, Lexa. Clexa reunites. Together, they find a way to save their people. BOOM. OUT.
Lexa dies, her body is burnt, Earth is destroyed -- Jason still sucks! But Lexa’s spirit lives on the Flame, she’s real, and Eligius III is big on cloning. Becca’s work in biotechnology had been instrumental in establishing the thriving colony. When its leaders learn about the existence of the Flame, they use the DNA information also stored by ALIE 2.0 to recreate the bodies of the previous Commanders, embedding their spirits -- think Altered Carbon, if not more organic.
ALTERNATIVELY: The planet is home to an alien life form that manifests itself as people’s loved ones, feeding off memories and emotions. Holy shit! Clexa reunites. BOOM. OUT.
Lexa dies, her body is burnt, Earth is destroyed -- what a shitty world! But luckily, it’s not the only world available to us in this science fiction universe. What Monty did not realize is that the Eligius III coordinates take them to a parallel universe. Imagine Clarke’s shock when she runs into her parallel self. Imagine her delight when she eventually runs into a very alive Lexa. And you’ll be pleased to hear that, in this parallel reality, Gustus has kicked Titus’ useless ass off a cliff a long time ago, although Anya will insist that he couldn’t have done it without her. Clexa reunites. Long live Clexa. BOOM. OUT.
Lexa dies, her body is burnt, Earth is destroyed -- imagine how much stupid that takes! But space is still largely undiscovered, allowing us to get a little inventive. For whatever reason, Clarke finds herself back in space again and is sucked into a black hole, or similar. In a nod to Interstellar, love is the 5th dimension and the strongest power in any universe. In this dimension, we see Lexa waiting for her, smiling. Clarke takes off running into Lexa’s open arms. That could lead us to any kind of Clexa scenario, on Earth, or elsewhere. Is it real? Are they alive or dead? We might never know, but they are together.
ALTERNATIVELY: Clarke dies and finds herself on some metaphysical plane or other. More importantly, Lexa is waiting for her, smiling. Not the someday she imagined but she finally reunites with her love, her soulmate. The ultimate endgame. BOOM. OUT.
In conclusion, whoever claims that it’s impossible to narratively bring Lexa back, other than by using flashbacks or through the Flame, lacks imagination and/or simply chooses to be ignorant about Rothenberg’s proneness to plot holes and retroactive continuity. The concepts above are my own and a byproduct of too many sleepless nights of cursing you know who. Thanks for reading.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Welcome to Chaos
@chromium7sky, again a HUGE thanks to her for allowing me to use the Batlings for this story!
Spoilers for Hopes for a Bastard!
Doppelgängers Bewear!
Jason parked his bike, discarded his gear and pulled on his hoodie and sweats as he pulled on socks before jogging up the stairs of the Cave to the house.
“What do you think this is about?” Damian asked, scowling as Jason tugged off the forgotten domino mask. He got it, wearing them was habit.
“Well, it’s magic shit, we’ll find out when we get there,” Jason stated shoving Damian's head a side to push the brat away from him. They opened the clock and there was a squeal.
“JAY!” Terry ran at his legs.
“Duck,” he responded as he caught the kid with his foot, and Terry securely wrapped himself around. Jason walked with the little anchor there. “Oi, sunshine! Get your ass over here!” Jason shouted.
“JAY! Jay! Jay!” Lian chanted as he walked into the hall.
“Fuck!” he yelped as Ace knocked him off his feet in his flying leap of excitement. He hadn’t yet trained the dog not to leap at him, and the German Shepard was a growing giant to be.
“Jason!?” Raven rounded the corner with a floating Mar'i, a purple haired baby on her hip and Helena toddling at her legs. Suddenly all the kids were off him and shadows had everyone going calm.
“Useless,” Damian muttered kicking his shoulder.
“Back of demon brat,” Jason growled as he slowly got to his feet, feeling every ache. “And Rae, I know you’re not new to Earth so you do know it’s not customary to steal a baby that you want, right?”
“Don’t be an ass Jason, I didn’t steal him,” Raven sighed.
“Uh-huh,” he nodded scratching Ace’s ear as he walked towards Raven, shoving his hands in his hoodie’s pocket. The kid stared up at him with brillian, impossibly bright verdant eyes, and seemed to glare at him as he nuzzled Raven’s shoulder.
“Yeah, and it’s kind of the problem.”
“I do not like this,” Damian decided peering at the kid. The baby suddenly looked exceedingly smug and seemed to deliberately cling a bit more onto Raven. Raven looked a bit annoyed.
“You can stop that!” she snapped.
“I didn’t do anything!” Jason growled.
“Not you, Ingo. I’m not your mom!” she growled the warning at the baby who pouted then.
“Mama!” he squealed.
“That is enough Ingram,” a suave, smooth cultured voice stated icily, which had Jason’s head snapping up as he stared at the figure past Raven’s shoulder. Instinct had him pulling Raven behind him, because everything in Jason screamed that this man was a threat and an Assassin, and sunshine was good, but she stood no chance against an Assassin.
“And you must be the little bird’s problem,” Jason deduced, his eyes narrowing on the man.
The man was about Dick’s height; shorter than himself. Black hair, spiked, and the same icy combination of ice and emerald eyes, the hich cheek bones, narrow jawline, sharp nose, full lips, arched brows, and dangerous eyes that belonged to the kid were on the man. Just the features were older, and more… more cultured, they belonged now. Also, the same scar over the left eye was there.
Damian stared at this version of Todd, and almost sneered. But there was something about this version of his elder brother which had him carefully selecting where to move and what to do. There was a more lethal edge to this man, one he’d have associated with Cain or Shiva, not his brother.
Todd’s short hair was black, messy, with the red undertones there still, there was brush of freckles over his cheeks and nose, the same pouty mouth, scars and nicks speaking of this one’s missing time and battles. That was something his brother didn’t have, Pennyworth had seen to taking care of the scars. But there was something more interesting here, this Todd’s eyes. They were blue, with the ring of green from the Pit pulsing in them, illuminating them dangerously.
This Todd wasn’t just dangerous, he was lethal, and Damian could respect that.
Especially with how this Todd put himself between what he perceived as a threat and Raven and children.
“Ibn al Xu’ffach, but you may call me Damian Wayne,” he said primly as he bowed a bit towards his brother and watched Raven peek around Todd. She was so impossibly small here, his wife had never seemed small, but this Raven was small. “You have my son.”
“Uh-huh,” Todd growled, the German Shepard was following it’s master’s lead, fur bristling and teeth being bared, Damian sensed if he did not say something of value soon he’d be in for a hell of a fight. Even his brother was a challenging opponent, and this Jason Todd seemed more lethal, he was impressed.
“I am from a different universe.”
“He’s not lying Jason,” Raven’s smokey monotone stated as she sidestepped Todd. “In his universe he’s married to his Raven, they have a child, Ingo, who is, here,” she said gesturing to the baby.
“Ew,” a new small voice grimaced in distained.
“What?” Todd twisted around on that.
“I would NEVER Marry Raven,” the voice stated with disdain only an al Ghul could present and Damian found himself face to face with a younger version of himself. The child glowered at him with great disdain.
“My Raven is merely a year older than myself,” he chided. As opposed to the decade this Raven was to this version of himself.
“Raven would never marry you,” younger Damian snidely pointed out, then winced as Todd smacked him upside the back of the head. “What was that for!?”
“Sorry little bird, been working with on that,” Todd growled.
“He’ll grow out of it,” Raven merely sighed, and Damian did not understand this interaction. Merely that Todd and Raven looked annoyed.
“So what are we gonna do about grumps over there?”
“Well, I need to get him home,” Raven sighed.
“I got the kids,” Jason said shoving Raven’s shoulder lightly as he tossed McGinnis over his shoulder and caught Mar'i then took Ingo, Ingo screamed.
“Zip it, come on!” Todd snapped which had Ingo going quiet and solemn. His younger self scooped up Helena and Lian as he followed Todd and the dog.
Raven stared at him as they stood alone for the first time.
Damian scowled at the child as Jason dropped Terry and Mar'i on the couch with Ingo before falling onto it with a low groan. Setting Helena and Lian on the couch before grabbing a movie and popping it in. it was Incredibles 2, unsurprising as Terry squealed in delight. Lian clambered up to sit on Jason’s abdomen, and Damian sat on the ground when Titus padded in.
“What do you think this means?” Damian asked.
“I think it means the exact same thing it usually means, the multiverse is fucking me over; again,” Jason answered tiredly as he held Lian on his stomach and put his feet up on the coffee table.
“Jay!” Terry tapped Jason’s shoulder.
“Yeah,” he nodded as the movie started.
He didn’t like the information that he had married Raven, it was just disgusting to think that.
“I would never marry Raven, it’s wrong, and weird,” Damian cringed.
“Obviously a version of you thought she was hot,” Jason sniggered as he caught the purple haired baby.
“You and Raven belong together,” Damian stated.
“Not this shit again,” Jason groaned and Damian scowled at his big brother as Jason rubbed his eyes.
“She is your perfect match! You are an imbecile!”
“And I’m smart enough to know it’s a bad idea, come back an talk to me after you actually get a girlfriend pipsqueak.”
“You are an imbecile,” Damian muttered again as he scratched Titus’ ear as the Dane put his head in his lap. Damian knew that Jason was his dumbest brother; next to Drake, but he couldn’t figure out why it was something Jason was fighting so hard.
And all the bullshit reasoning from two Christmases ago was not a reason.
Jason was just ignoring the obvious that they all knew. Raven was meant for Jason and Jason was meant for Raven, it was that simple and obvious.
“I just think you are a coward,” Damian decided.
“Or I’m just older and wiser than you at this shit, and you need to stop presuming that you are all knowing. You’re twelve, talk to me when your twenty,” Jason warned sharply.
Damian scowled and accepted that as he caught his sister and pulled her onto his lap. Helena snuggled into him and smiled at him, her dual colored eyes bright as the pale blue and brilliant green stared at him.
“You and Todd?” Damian started.
“Don’t even go there or I’ll just send you to hell and bypass searching the multiverse,” Raven warned as she walked past him.
“It is nothing to be ashamed of, beloved,” he chuckled. This Raven did not look amused.
“What is it with everyone thinking I should date Jason?” she growled. “First Damian, now the Bats! What’s next!? The Outlaws!? No, we aren’t dating. Jason is my best friend, though I suppose that it’s different on your world.”
“Todd is tolerable on my world, and very good with children, but he and my wife are not friends,” he answered honestly.
“Well, here, he’s my best friend.”
“This universe seems very… different from my own. But same basics,” he admitted.
“That’s good.”
“What are you intending to do?” he asked her.
“I intend to get you home, and the kid, and hopefully we’ll never see each other again,” Raven offered him a smile.
“Beloved,” he scoffed, and saw her eye twitch. He was amused, this Raven’s apathetic façade was near perfect, but she had minor slips. His wife’s face was expressive, this one was not.
“I’m sorry, but I really have had enough trouble to last a life time with the Bats in my life, I don’t need multiverse issues as well,” she sighed.
“What is wrong with Bats?” he growled.
“Your entire family is a lightning rod for trouble.” Okay, he couldn’t argue with a true statement like that.
“Ingo is the most troublesome,” he admitted.
“He’s now a dimension hopper, if you give me permission, before you leave I’ll give you something that’ll seal that power away until he’s old enough to learn.”
“That is barbaric!” he snapped.
“Or you lose your baby in the infinity of the multiverse with no way to find him,” Raven countered.
“There is that possibility,” he sighed tiredly now that he saw the reality of what this Raven was saying.
“Children of demons, are tricky, highly intelligent, highly motivated, with powers manifesting young beyond their control. It’s like a Nephilim but worse because they’re honest children. Unlike Nephilim though demon children are often subjected to the darker impulses they possess because of where they are born, usually in Hell. Your child is lucky, Ingo has a home and family that loves him, it give him the chance to be more than the evil thing people will assume he is.”
“I have three others at home,” Damian admitted to her. “Casmir, Rayno, and Fawke.”
“Four horsemen,” Raven deduced.
“According to a prophecy they’re a seal on our Trigon, there’s three more parts to the Door to Hell we don’t know about.”
“Prophecies come to clarity in time, and do not define our Fates. The harder one works to avoid their fate the more they seal it. Answers will come, Damian, not immediately though,” Raven admitted.
“Thank you,” he nodded to her.
“Of course, now remove your hand from my person,” she growled and he noticed that he had a hand on the small of her back.
“Habit,” he said stepping away from him.
“Which is the only reason I don’t beat you to death with your arm.”
“You sound like Todd,” he grimaced.
“Sister!” he whined as he reached for the tear, seaking the power.
“Sister!” the brothers cooed as the slid through the portal and he stared at the dawning, grime filled sky as rain poured from above.
“Sister…” they hissed as the moved forward.
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gray-anxiety · 6 years
A Valkyrie and a Mischievous God | Loki X Reader Chapter 15: Sacrifice *EDITED*
You walked to your room and grabbed your journal from out of the bed. A sad smile donned your face as you remembered that this might be the last time you’ll ever see anyone again. You summoned your pen and began to write.
'Dear Journal,
       This might be the last time I write in this journal ever. In a few weeks time, the battle will ensue in full force. Scott ensured us that the people we lost will not be affected by anything we do in the past, but we will affect the future itself. Basically, we'll go back to our old ages from two years ago but will still have the memories of these events. It's confusing, but at the same time, it makes sense. I will give my life for Loki's if anything happens because I cannot lose him here too.
Until maybe,
~Weeks Later~
Loki's eyes shown fear; he had never been so terrified in his life before this. You hugged his arm, letting him know you felt as terrified as he. Thor, Nebula, and Rocket manned the ship, as the rest of us were tense beyond belief. Nat curled up into Bruce, Clint rocked around a bit, Tony was mumbling something, and Cap's face only shown determination. He's been in a war before, but not as serious as this one. Tears started to fall as you now hugged Loki's torso -- terrified something might happen to him or Thor. 
"Love, listen to me," Loki mumbled, looked straight at you.
"Do not fear for me, fear for yourself and your comrades. I might've died in the future, but I am myself in your past, and nothing will change that. This being named The Ancient One has us in the mirror dimension for a reason. I've wiped all memory of my escape from every S.H.I.E.L.D member's brain, and I also conjured my strongest illusion yet. The past won't be changed at all unless we somehow manage to end Thanos's life for good. Life will carry on like it did for you, and nothing will change, except for the future that is," Loki explained, hugging you.
"Your me is in Asgard right now, Loki. I'm sorry that we're bothering you," you apologized, burying your head in Loki's shoulder. 
"I've already talked to my Y/N, and she isn't happy at me currently. She thought I was dead after she went missing for 1000 years," Loki explained, before telling you about what Thanos did to him before coming to Midgard. Horror flooded your body as the color drained from your skin. Loki never went crazy... he was controlled by Thanos the entire time in New York. You hugged Loki and stayed like that until Thor mumbled: "We're here..." you sauntered towards the opening doors. The air was still and quiet; you could only hear the worried breaths of your allies.
Brilliant light and tremendous heat overwhelmed your senses as a force faster than any other relinquished your form off -- eventually impacting the arid terrain once again. A scream tore through your throat as your only anxiety was for Loki at that moment.
 "You think you can stop my quest, Tony?" Thanos rumbled, rising out of his chair. "I wield the strength of 1000 of you. Simply discoursing, my children will be doing the greatest amount of the work, but I could simply wipe you all out as well," Thanos sighed, allowing his ‘children’ to attack at full force. Your ribs were cracked, and so was your legs. You had already begun to heal, but you blacked out before you had any time to protest. ~~ Scott and Rocket were the first two to go down, falling like tiny flies. Thor stood by Loki, never once leaving his side. Tony grabbed one of the stones and crushed it, sending a blast of energy right towards the swarming Children of Thanos. Screams, blood, and sweat filled the air; except one scream stood out above all the other. Cap was holding the rest of the Infinity Stones and was pressing it into Thanos's head. 
"Cap! What are you doing?! Stop, please! You'll die!" You screamed, bolting to try and get there before it was too late. 
"Y/N, I want you to live. I've lived for over 100 years, and it's my time to go. Please, keep Bucky safe," 
"Steve!" Tony yelled, trying to fight off as many opponents as possible to get to Steve.
“Forgive me,"
And just like that, it was finished.
A ringing noise filled your head as one final explosion erupted from Thanos. Steve had eliminated the one greatest threat but had also eliminated himself too. You screamed as uselessness overtook your very being. You were too weak to even stop a Midgardian from dying. You could have prevented Frigga's death, Loki's death, and even Steve's death if you weren't so weak. You curled up into a ball and sobbed, knowing that Steve wasn't the only one on the team to die today. Nothing had changed from all those years ago, you’re still weak as ever and couldn't be the real Valkyrie you were supposed to be. 
~~~ Sorry I haven’t updated much. 
Anyway, next chapter will be the last chapter of this book! Apologies for such an awful fight “scene” and just all out romance with Loki. I tried focusing as much on the reader over anyone else, and her development and how she overcomes issues, but it just looks like she needs Loki to do anything. *cue my utter disappointment* and yeah.
So, the next chapter might be long, but I don’t know. So, thank you all for the support of this book throughout everything. :)
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cipzi-shop · 4 years
Librarian Find My Soul Poster from AmazinkShirt.com
Well it’s about damn time estimate two half years ago I made this marble synthetic universe in chronological order video ever since then the question is in the most is wins election coming out so with avengersand Cindy working out in about a Librarian Find My Soul Poster from AmazinkShirt.com weekand that is a big sign is a need to do one last one of theseand yes this will most likely be the last of theseand seek analogies because after this this university to be weighted a trick out this video is high enough to make already just be the moviesand TV shows in the short filmsand even the tying comics as this video is ridiculously hilariously long but considering everything a document here in total is about 256 hours long condensing ends in two hours I think is not bad but maybe to watch this on one setting or do be impressive to just put a few disclaimers upfront if you must get themand find the video you can click to this time go had I will be too offended 170 states are to be 100 accurate that you might be assumptions recipe name hereand there because there are a lot of weird names of artifactsand planets also considering the stuff I need to cram into this I will be painting with a pretty broad brush for some of these especially TV shows I can go into every tiny subplot of agents of shield as much as I’m I went to’s that wasn’t super obvious spoilers ahead for everything like having everything I know I said sit back relaxand let’s get this thing started before we had to get into the eventsand everything are few things you should know about this universe is elite think of this universe is having two main sections there is the normal universe first which has earth that branches off to the rest of space goes to the galaxiesand planetsand guardians even further to planets like Asgardand the restaurants now in other card realms not planets but for my researchand understanding that realms are just planets deep out in spaceand is not specifically are connected to each other by Qaeda system called Yggdrasil basically just think nine important different planets connected to each otherand it got names from Norse mythology for the sake of not starting massive argument in the comments plan arounds from the out the nameplate around his Asgard with aliens living there have technology so advanced that they appear to be godsand also yeah have some magic powers that make them pretty godly then be on this regular universe in this other section there are hundreds thousands infinite number of parallel dimensions to this world all this is called the multi verse we mainly say our dimensions at this but in the story to be a lot of references to other dimensions basically universes that existed Dr strange portal with Myers so there planets switched rounds find twoand then there are the dimensions which will point out along the way okay I don’t Arity lots of people not set up but now it actually it started before the universe existed several billion years ago there were six singularities that eventually morphed into tiny gems with the powers of the universeand the powers of time power reality space the souland the mind in this pre universe darling on us to call it is a race of aliens called the dark elves who rule this place cousins are comprised of darknessand the love that I can’t get enough of darkness then the universe starts the dark elves don’t like this is no more infinite darkness so they would return the universe to how was before without of these planetsand speciesand whatnot so the albino leader of the dark elves Malikand gets his hands on the reality stoneand turns it into a substance called the ether basically turns a stone into a substance he can use as a weapon then as the universe evolves these giant spaceguard type things called celestial startup where we don’t really know the power to manipulate huge massand energyand so they are able to use the most powerful objects in the universe the infinity stones these into planetsand civilizations wherever they want is there just got pics like that of the celestial’s called egoand he finds being spaceguard disk kind of lonely he discovers he can manipulate the matter around himand create shells ponchos himself until he is an actual planet being a planet boring though so creates a smaller avatar from self to explore the universe over the next millions of years he finds tons of planets around the universeand decides he must conquer all of them he does this with a well thought out plan we start supplanting little seasonal planets that can turn this planets into extended versions of himself but to activate them the power of another celestial so how do you get another celestial you bang anything that moves in the entire universe apparently ego gets busy across the universeand since people church or the kids he makes for him one of these retrievers is eventually undo but were getting out of ourselves as pre pesto because none these kids inherit his celestial powersand so their useless 10 so he kills them all in stores the corpses in the lower part of the planet just technically inside of himself ill I at this point earth has finally formed kind of an immediate right filled with a superstrong element called by brainyand crash landsand what will become Africa because it’s awesome the rebellion gives the pilot around it special powersand extra strength had a few million yearsand now humans have evolved on earth in Africa five tribes of humans discovered the vibratingand decide to build a home around itand call it Wakonda that drives us fighting until one day one of the tribes warriors gets a message from the panther goddess passed to consume this plant affected by the librarian called the heart shaped herb okay pods yes there is apparently a panther goddess maybe this was just a hallucination as guy had a something because there’s really no expiration plan is universe whatever maybe does exist in part but anyway is he consumes the vibrating power plant superstrength speedand enhancing sinks from losses like yeah right as prequel he should be arcaneand so the tribes are united under his ruleand live in peace in Wakonda except for Jabari tribe who decide to live in the mountains instead a guy who eats the heart shaped herb also becomes the Black Panther the warrior protector of a condo over the centuries the natural kingand Black Panthers passed down with the help of the heart shaped herb also because they have a boatload by brainy him over the centuries work on it develops into an incredibly technologically advanced country far more advanced than anywhere else in the world however they decide to hide themselves so they don’t assure the techand wealth with the otherwise pretty sucky world of timeand so discuss themselves as a poor Third World country meanwhile this being somewhere else in the world who might be human might not it’s not really clear called out tomorrow discovers the Mystic arts basically realizes magic Israel Mr guards essentially allows you to manipulate those alternate dimensions I mentioned beforeand also do other cool stuff like make magic shields because this secretes a little club called the Masters of the mystic arts with a bunch of humansand start training in this art of energy manipulation magic really at some point he uses his magic powers to get his hands on the time infinity stone which he uses to make the Iraq Amato so he can control it as their fancy necklace he puts of three symptoms around the world to protect the world from threats from other dimensions these are symptoms in Hong Kong Londonand New York or what will eventually be displaces threats from other dimensions you ask my ass like for example this big amorphous that called her mother who is the Lord of the dark dimension that our dimension is one as many dimensions that exist out there in the multi verse time does not exist there that’s important detail the mother wants to conquer every dimension in the multi verse is he’s a giant superpower for bad guyand so he just wants to consume worlds it’s also possible to draw power from the dark dimension that old let’s say let you live for superlong time by is generally not a good idea to do so because the memo can influence youand come throughand destroy literally everything it’s not recommended now over to I called Oden who is the heir to the throne of that plan around the mentioned before Asgard currently the king is this guy called bore Asgard is a tale told of ragged rock this event that will destroy Asgardand sci fi demon called starters can do that using the eternal flame which basically gives them loads of powerand can resurrect that people like the sound of any of that so he fights orderand locks up on another plan around called Miss Lewis behind Danny Locke’s eternal flame is big screen textile vault back homeand Asgard will be stubborn rock from ever happening please take note as does the first of countless times Oden sucks at hiding stuff fast forward of itand the convergence is happening physically this means that all the nine plant rounds align with each otherand so they’re much easier to get to like literal portals open up between themand the fabric of reality starts getting weird so that race of aliens from before the universe called dark elves who are credentialing on the planet realm of content it take this opportunity to try destroy the universe again using the ether reality stone their stop by these guardians led by King Borer who also take ether from corpus either way were known find it kind of delicateand some of his troops managed to escapeand put themselves in hibernation until the next chance comes now back outthere’s a space of aliens called the Cree what you need to know about them is that they’re just the worst like pretty much all the time there also were with some other aliens at this particular time their suffering huge casualties in the war anyway to get the upper hand so they’re trying to search for that eventually they come across Earth set aside humans aren’t exactly good weapons but if the modified they can become good weaponsand so they decide to make in humans is not because the next part of this is slightly gatedand very important to the rest the story Cree experiment humansand give some of them powers that only manifest exposed to a missed called carriageand missed this mist is released by Turgeon crystals this process is called terror Genesis when she becoming human usually does get some sort superpowerand maybe deformity does the Cree put these Turgeon crystals in these weird shipping is called diviners while they were there the Cree decided also to go to Puerto Rico where they built a giant underground city where you can easily release the Turgeon list to activate your dormantand human powers if human with the inhuman Jean touches this divider Turgeon crystal carrier they had visions of a big that cities so they go thereand get their powers confused or just going started the Cree are happily making superpowered humans but after a while they like a these kind of suck let’s get out here when the first humans are made from this mine Hunter turns out to be a super powerfuland dangerousand human called hive who has a tentacle face is so powerful that the Cree want to get rid of them so they find a planet called Navistar Mavis found the universe call Mammothand build a portal called the monolith to easily transfer the human there to get rid of him they do soand he destroys the entire planet turning it into a barren wasteland however this hive has some followers back on earth that they believe that eventually can be brought back to rule the world so they started trying to get them backand built a whole society around the idea this secret organization became known as Hydra yes Hydra wasn’t always crazy Nazis they were originally crazy tentacle monster worshipers one point Hydra gets its hands on the monolithand transitionsand people to get hive but they never come back anyway the Creekand hallway from Earth but one poor Cree died while thereand so’s corpses just left behind at some point years well something humans that are left on earth find a way to get to the moon or a portal maybe anyway they get to the moon build a city thereand set up their own monarchyand society where the people who get good powers get to be royalty in divorceand lives while the people who get less can powers have to work in the mindsand remember you’re supposed to root for the rich people here for some reason back Asgard has become the King he has a daughter called hello who is now the heir to the throne decides he wants to expand as God’s powerand brings kingdom more glory does run the nine plant rounds of helloand conquers them sometimes that means that aren’t necessarily very sanitary eventually though multi lung style house a mission goes too bigand she gets a little too let’s say crazy with murdering so I banishes her to the plan around of hell is only capable realized yet is kind of a bad dude I was getting ashamed of all the terrible stuffand held it together so we just covered a lot then act like it never existed like the hero hits out finally were in the 80s metal multi verse thing where there are bunch of different dimensionsand another one of these dimensions theirs is awesome mystical city called Conlon which appears on earth somewhere in China about every 15 years or so in the city this group of monks called the order of the Crane mother teach the art of G this mystical life energy in every living thing is we can help you heal people superfast or can be used for fighting purposes also did I mention that dragons live in the city because they do that without style dragons over the years often die out except for one college shall allow is also always one special trainee in the order of the Crane mother who if there super amazing at punchingand kicking testified the Dragon shall allowand when the powers of the immortal iron fist the damage eventually achieve one fist to make it really strong busing heal peopleand you’re really good at fighting the orifice job is to defeat the enemies of the order of the Crane motherand got a secret passageway to come onand the metals passed down from generation to generation think of it as the city’s Black Panther minus the cloth it but things are all sunshine shall beatings and their five students one immortality using the Chi door of the grandmothers likeand so these five get banished to earth those five are called because no madam gal Alexandra Murakamiand so one day they been together to form an evil organization called the hand very sinister name figure out around the world their opponents while those dragons died scattered undergroundand through these bones they can get an elixir that lets you bring that people from the dead take elusive on time which is what they want has to strive to conquer Asia getting their own little army of ninjas together so the group called the chaste who don’t like that stand up against themand they battled for centuries to come the chased a big believer’s income line in the iron fistand they’d really like iron fist to help them out they had to go around being able to one point destroy the city of Pompeii is still a twin helland she hates it so she tries to escape ownsand his army of super bass worriers called the Valkyries to stopper they do it but all the Dina process except for one of them called Brunhild make a medical doctor for the rest of this she’s pretty shaken after seeing literally all of her friends get murdered so she goes off of the universe as her faith in Asgardand all that is shaken Jens Obama’s junk planet on space called cigar more or less all the garbage in the universe goes where she slowly turns in a Han Solo mixed with archer also has another kid with his lovely as guardian wife Freda called Thor Thor is now the heir to the throne of Asgard as hell it totally doesn’t count later on in another plan around cardio nine there’s a species called the frost giants who want to conquer earth they came that guard which again guest yes Earth is another planet realm so they start invasion in the heart of the earth Scandinavia in Norway these guardians meet themand paddle them all the way back to your nine where they defeat them also licking the frost giant has a baby but he just is not to die outand find that baby is like God’s cute so he keeps in the namesand Lokiand he raises him with his actual son Thor never telling him that he’s actually frost giant nice of negotiate a peace treaty with frost giantsand take their source of power at the casket of ancient winters he also present on his vault Loki grew up togetherand they love each other even though they don’t always get along snake transformed into himselfand make Loki’s generally just kind of envious of Dorcas secretly gets more attentionand Thor also gets kind of writing area as he grows up as a is a prince those blue aliens called the Cree welder still hated by actually everyoneand so the end of starting a war with this huge Empire space called the no vampire this empire spends a lot of planets that were last for a long long time don’t worry we’ll get back to it Asgard also has his army of special soldiers a bit super enragedand store everything called the berserker Army one member of this army after a battle on earth decides to stay thereand he ends up living in a quaint little monastery in Ireland is berserker staff makes a person superstrong so he split it up into three piecesand distributed around the world is still a pretty busy kingand so he gets his hands on another infinity stone the space stone which is also called the Tesseract is IK the subject of insane power the most secure place in the universe Norwayand so he does also this as guardian woman whose voice ensnares men called Laura lie goes around nine plant around collecting an army of slave men she stoppedand imprisoned by as guardian where your name sift though still in Asgard yes a bunch of as good stuff happens this time there’s this blacksmith called how dear which if I was using my Danish voice would probably be had to buy this videos in Danish so hold dear anyway this guy finds artifact called the cup of glory but Loki seizes him because he’s Loki things a plan to steal it insults hold yearand gets chased by Holger sunblock Thor stuff the Chaseand Loki says it should have a contest of skill intelligenceand virtue to settle the matter in teams together this challenge enters tricksand schemes Loki steals a cup of in the process however through circumstances that really unimportant here Thor is arrogantand tries to take the cup they are realized the companies at the worst of them looking at what he did how do those crazy with power because the cupand trust sealed until Thorand then Thor was the fightand that’s the end of that Burger King time comic I’m not getting nothing really important happened for about 300 years by the 1800s hydra still sitting people through portals to the novice to get their tentacle leader back I on the other side keeps killing themand taking on the bodily forms to stop himself from dying some pieces also cut off from the monolithand given to the biggest fatcatsand Hydra now over the next 100 years hydra sort of moves away from the Holton Gloucester thing becomes more focused on just world domination as you do still doesn’t the above there are still big passing also the hand still rock about just being eviland stuff just don’t forget in the 1930s this kid called Howard Stark make some pretty crazy inventions because he’s a genius uses these at his other brilliant ideas to become a multimillionaire at a relatively young age there’s this sickly skinny sad kid called Steve Rogers in Brooklyn who has a heart of gold this other guy called Bucky Barnes helps them with some bulliesand so they become testes for decades to come like a lot of decades 1934 one of the biggest members of hydra is a guy called Johann Schmidt now that the Nazisand taking over Germany you want to join up with them Schmidt meets with Hitler is IK unable your evil let’s do thisand it was like sounds good to also needs the scientist called Arden Zola yes Arden not Armen starts working closely with him Hydra is now the Nazi deep science divisionand Schmidt has quite a few things on his to do list was a turn itself into a super soldier weapon for hydra he wants to adopt special weapons for the Nazis to use is looking defining the mythical Tesseract since it’ll probably be pretty useful in the whole taking over the world thing Howard Stark in his billionaire ring also meets Dr Abraham or Scott a German scientist was working on a serum that enhances a person’s physical abilities to the max super soldier serum if you will that is like KS it was a serum convenientand so Schmidt capturesand forces her skyand make the serum threatening to kill as a family Hydra continues to develop high tech next suits weapons but don’t have the extra to make them super laser heand cinematic yet the rafters Steve Rogers’s mom Sarah Rogers dies of tuberculosis is not often but Bucky helps to get through the tough times is with them to the end of the line over in Soviet Russia the red room program is started by the Soviet government is designed to brainwashand train young women to be super deadly assassin’s physical tank of shooting forceful sterilizationand ballet a little girl who would later be called Dottie Underwood is draining this program to become a superspy out Stark has all this moneyand all this tackling around so he starts of the company for all his awesome inventions called Stark industries which start stealing scienceand eventually weapons with the help of his own resources Stark also comes across in that I bring him that still left over in Africa takes the tiny man he finds back USA to work on now there’s this woman called Peggy Carter she’s a code breaker in England working for the British she doesn’t get married to this guy called Fred her brotherand BFF Michael recommends her to be a field agent because she such a badass the pays like I can fight this guy you hate Michael but then Michael diesand this pushes Peggy to become field agentand call for wedding needs to start working with Chester Phillips in the US Army. Important treatment and the patient is all in and he in vision and that made an egg on his interest optimal division is going what you want me on cannot get invited process is improves that the evidence you can maintain a nice thing is I anything I can feel collecting data about a penny on family desk. But I’m immune more and more people are getting better we have a problem that’s a worldwide problem this is a worldwide problem but I’ve been congratulated by the heads of many countries on what we’ve been able to do that with the if you if you take a look at what we’ve done in terms of goggles and masks and downs and everything else and in particular ventilators were now making ventilators all the real thousands and thousands a month distributing them all over the world it will go away as I say were rounding to turn where rounding the corner it’s going away from you as you leave the country out of this crisis 220 000 Americans dead here nothing else I say tonight to this anyone is responsible for not taking control in fact not saying I’m I take no responsibility initially anyone is responsible for that money should not remain as president of United States of America were a situation where there are 1000 deaths a day now thousand yesterday and there over 70 000 new cases per day compared to what’s going
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Through the summer every single day were increasing testing every single day average flights are coming into the country there like I can promise you with presence direction there will be no letting up on on making sure that our hospitals had the equipment at the personal protective supplies for medical personnel of the no letting up on the development of therapeutics by our great pharmaceutical companies are driving toward a Librarian Find My Soul Poster from AmazinkShirt.com vaccine as soon as it is possible to make available to the public and on the be no letting up on continuing to scale testing already more than anyone in the world but by next fall will have a a broad range of testing variety of different means and that’s why we say with confidence that should the coronavirus reemerge at any point next fall or next winter we will be prepared to deal with it identify it do the contact tracing and isolation to ensure that that we we deal with this epidemic in the manner that we are that we deal with infectious diseases are promoting for your happens. More that November it was pretty good I the special I know this said it was actually soon realized that this is the bow release G herbal when he got arrested him and I got into now course heard it almost he didn’t get talking about yes sex with a couple weeks ago Jerry back in August it what was your initial thought Kiki all that you spelled all three United that you heard this buddies very big game product that is not the right when a bad man doing right by Concetta bring you that this man is happy he will be doing stuff but a key and successful relationship Godbey got something from year ago and didn’t talk about it on the radio because I know that it will be a part of a bashing to do with his girl time to the right year ago I’m sorry he was hired as he was questioning his manhood that you know you you know we you only you great like being the main you know you you know you shall that nice advice the blanketed life began to give you herbal advice radio either as are doing their job imagery that now ladies at. Often learned after the fact presence had serious health problems in the White House everyone from FDR to JFK I and then even now Ronald Reagan’s will that this is the most serious public health crisis for president probably since Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981 no question about it on the other incidents where the 25th amendment has been has been enacted is when Evan scheduled surgeries that this is the most serious condition and present has faced since rally was shot and there been other presidents are Dwight Eisenhower varies serious heart attack when he was in the White House and there was no 25th and at that point since this is something to take seriously but it is it is important to remember most people have it do recover and the president of the best medical care in the world we are told I should say George by the White House the president has not invoked the 25th amendment to temporarily transfer the powers and duties of the president to VP Mike pence and then make sense as long as he is capable of taking See Other related products: Everything Is Fine Earth 8 Bit T Shirt
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