#usually i don’t like sharing shit from my sketchbook
m4rgera · 2 years
ok so i’ve never really shared any of my sketches on here but…. here’s a oc and hopper sketch i did today. backgrounds a little shitty since i can’t afford nice markers but that’s not the focal point anyway. also there supposed to be in swimsuits not underwear
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headkiss · 1 year
Hello! For a Christmas prompt, I was thinking maybe secret Santa with Eddie (and the hellfire gang) or first Christmas gift with Eddie who employs the assistance of Dustin to figure out how to make it the most perfect gift ever?
hiiii i went for the second one and i hope u like it <333 | 0.6k words, fluff and fem!reader
“What do I get her?” Eddie asks.
“I don’t know. You’re the one dating her,” Dustin’s quick to reply.
Eddie should know by now that asking for Dustin’s help comes with his attitude and sarcasm. He should also, in theory, know what to get his girlfriend for Christmas but here he is.
“Obviously, but it’s our first Christmas together,” he picks at the hem of his three quarter sleeves. “It has to be good, you know?”
“How about some jewelry? Girls like that,” Dustin shrugs.
“Did you get Suzie jewelry?”
“No, because Suzie is not like other girls. Duh.”
“I don’t even know why I try with you,” Eddie shakes his head.
It’s later that night when the idea comes to him. You’re not someone who needs a gift, you’ve told him multiple times he doesn’t have to get you anything. What kind of shit is that? Of course he’s gonna get you something.
He was sitting on the couch in the trailer, mindless TV playing, fiddling with his guitar pick necklace when he thought about it.
You fiddle with that necklace of his, too. When you’re cuddling, your head on his chest or his shoulder. It’s a habit you share, and he’s noticed that you don’t have a necklace on usually. That maybe you’d like one, too.
He gets up and gets to work. Finds an empty chain in his collection of jewelry, grabs one of his many picks. He nicks his finger cutting the hole into it, but he doesn’t mind.
Then, because he’s Eddie, he has to include music as a gift, too. He makes you a mixtape. Songs that remind him of you, that you have memories of. Cheesy shit that he’d never hear the end of from Dustin or Steve.
It was all worth it to see your reaction when he gave it to you.
You’re sitting on his bed across from him when he hands you the box.
“Eddie, I told you not to get me anything!” Though your wide smile tells him this was definitely the right move.
“Just open it, would you?”
“Okay, okay.”
You rip the wrapping paper away carefully, as if you wanted to preserve his wrapping job even though it was messy and had much more tape than necessary. You see the mixtape first, reading every song title he scrawled onto it.
“It’s perfect,” you say and you mean it.
Even just months into your relationship, you’re sure that there’s nobody better for you than Eddie. He’s sweet, always seems to be able to make you smile or laugh, and he’s romantic even if he keeps it hidden. It’s clear in the way he holds you, soft and secure. In the way he looks at you.
“There’s more,” he points to the necklace that had fallen to the bed.
You pick it up, look at it and then at him. You didn’t think he’d notice how often you fiddled with the one he wears. Then again, he seems to notice a lot of things.
“You like it?”
“Love it. So much.” You hold it out for him to grab, “will you put it on for me?”
He moves to stand behind where you sit on the bed, sweeps your hair over your shoulder for you to hold out of the way. His fingertips graze your skin as he places it around your neck, fighting with the clasp a bit before getting it.
He leans down to kiss the side of your neck before pulling back. You turn to face him, your smile even bigger than before, if that was possible.
“Thank you so much, Eddie.”
“Looks good on you,” he taps the pick that now rests on your chest. “My girl.”
You reach up and pull him down by the back of his neck for a kiss. A thank you, an appreciation, sticky sweet.
You pull away before either of you get carried away, “my turn.”
Eddie grabs the wrapped box you give him, much neater than his was. He thinks his favorite gift ever is you, but the sketchbook and drawing supplies you give him are perfect, too.
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mikhailwrites · 5 months
Waiting for Connection 8 / Ghost x Soap NerdAU
Ghost is retired and plays milsim videogame. Soap is still in the force and sometimes plays that same videogame...
This is a bit of a mid-chapter, there will be a full chapter today as well - Soap and Ghost finally meeting face to face - but this was just... way too fun to write not to share.
Previous chapter | AO3
“Sooo,” Gary drags the chair closer, causing it to screech on the floor, earning several annoyed grunts from the other soldiers in the rec room. Soap looks up from his sketchbook, eyebrow questioningly raised. “Gonna confess, or do I have to work for it?”
“What are you on about, Roach?” Soap puts the sketchbook down before reaching for the mug on the table. He takes a sip, grimacing at the taste of the coffee.
“Ghost,” Roach clarifies.
Soap sighs; he should’ve seen this coming. “What about him?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Gary stares at him in disbelief, “how about you being totally smitten with him? Or the fact that he seems to be equally smitten with you?”
“What the hell? What are you talking about?” Soap straightens, brows knitted together and posture clearly defensive.
“Mate…,” Gary shakes his head. “Alright. Let’s not address your obvious crush on a man you’ve never even seen.”
“Gonna see him on Saturday,” Soap says and belatedly realises he just gave Roach a bloody bazooka.
Gary stares at him for a second, wide-eyed, before his face blooms into a shit-eating grin. “Are you, now?”
Soap runs a hand through his mohawk. Well, in for a penny and all that, he thinks. “Aye. It’s along the way to Glasgow. We’re just going to grab a pint or two, and I’ll be on my way.” He doesn’t mention that he usually takes a plane to Glasgow. He is actually going out of his way to see Ghost. But Roach definitely doesn’t need to know that.
“John…,” Gary leans to John, suddenly much more serious, “when was the last time you had friends outside the military?”
“He’s ex-military,” Soap objects.
“Answer the question, Sergeant,” Roach presses on.
Soap squirms a little, gaze dropping on the table. “Before I enlisted.”
“I’m not trying to talk you out of it, mate, just… be careful, alright?”
“I’m SAS, Roach,” Soap says a little defensively. He doesn’t need Roach to babysit him.
“I’m not talking about your physical safety. Anyway… we should also talk about that callsign of his.”
“It’s just a nickname for the game,” Soap shrugs.
“Jesus wept… remind me never to let you have my six again! You would probably shoot me in the back yourself, what with how daft you are! Look, I’ve spent one evening playing a stupid game with him to see that he owns that callsign. So either he’s a pretentious prick who took a callsign of only one of the fucking legends of SAS, or…,” Roach trails off, gesturing for Soap to draw his own conclusions.
“Yer not serious… he’s not…,” Soap shakes his head, “he can’t be…,” then he looks up at Garry with something akin to panic in his eyes. “Can he?”
Lieutenant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick was enjoying his book in the rec room in peace. Until he heard a single word uttered that dragged his attention from the words on the paper to words spoken not far from him. That word being, of course, Ghost.
Gaz doesn’t want to eavesdrop on his men, but it’s hard to let go once the callsign registers. And so he listens, and the more he hears, the harder it is to keep quiet and low-key. When Ghost asked to meet, Kyle knew something was up, especially since he was willing to come to London.
At first, Gaz thought it was just Ghost being paranoid and overly cautious about someone he had spent more than ten minutes with, which was pretty normal for Ghost. But the glint in his eyes when Gaz confirmed Soap is SAS? The momentary panic when Gaz implied Ghost likes Soap? Knowing what he knows now, Gaz can barely keep his face straight. Oh, this is going to be so much fun.
When John pauses to think whether Ghost can really be The Ghost, Kyle gets up and leaves the room. Gaz is really proud of himself because he manages to get all the way outside the building before he breaks into laughter. A bunch of recruits and some lower officers look at him with some bewilderment before scurrying away.
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miradelalune · 10 months
So uhh kinda been inactive (because I’ve been on vacation) but somehow school still gives me shit to do and uh I didn’t do any of it today baby! So… there is now 7 more filled pages in my sketchbook and I thought I’d share some self indulgent artwork of me experimenting w/ my persona. Thoughts?
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Also I usually don’t share my sketchbook art and it is pretty different from my finished pieces, how do you like it?
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kikyan · 10 months
Hiya, hope you're having a lovely day^^
Haven't done one of these before, so I hope I don't mess up (And that my request is still valid in-terms of the event end date).
I'd like to request a yan. mash up for TWST & ObeyMe!
I'm 18, my pronouns are they/them, I'm a Cancer and INTJ. I'm a pretty anxious person. Having social anxiety, agoraphobia, being a homebody and just being an overall introvert, I tend to keep to myself and avoid going outside much. Im an over-thinker and a night owl. When I'm around people that I don't feel comfortable with, I'm very much a quiet, shy, jumpy, awkward, paranoid, tired lookin' loner. But when I get comfortable and l'm with close friends or family, I'm quite the opposite. I'm bold, sarcastic, and have a witty sense of humor, I’m a cocky little shit that likes to tease the hell outta people (obv because that's how I show love ^ ^) | can also be reckless at times given the right environment. But aside from that I’m a pretty chill person. I love to learn and indulge in other people’s interests. At times I can be extremely overconfident and daring yet insecure and cautious^^ im also really loyal to everyone I care about, I value community and trust, caring and supportive, the list goes on. As for some of my (debatably) negative traits, I can be quite blunt and straight forward (I don’t like sugar coating ), defensive if I’m proven wrong, I can occasionally be indifferent, passive aggressive, reclusive and aloof if I get pissed/sad (even if it’s for something small). I’ve been told i have rbf •_•). I like cleanliness and neatness, but I can also be somewhat messy when I procrastinate cleaning. Hobbies: I love drawing, I have a crap ton of sketchbooks that are filled with drawings front to back, and some that have never seen a pencil before ^^; (I have my fair share of twst and obey me fan art =w=). Reading, reading, and ReaDing! I’m a book worm^^ i mostly read horror, thrillers, and mystery novels. Also, I’m incredibly obsessed with gothic literature and poetry (I’m a bit of a writer myself). I live for horror! Movies, books, shows, etc. I specifically like psychological, cosmic, and gothic horror. Music wise, I listen to rock, metal, alternative, indie rock, post-punk, and new wave. Though I’ve recently been more into 80’s post-punk (as of right now my fav band is Caifanes, definitely recommend them). Style: I don’t usually care much for the way that I look, i prefer comfort over style most of the time. I usually ware black, anime t-shirts, baggy jeans, leather jackets or oversized hoodies, and my go-to converse or docs. I dunno what else to include, so I guess I’ll talk about what kind of person I like. I like it when people can be honest and voice their feelings, concerns, wants and needs. I definitely appreciate a proper and mature way of communicating. My receiving and giving love language is quality time and physical affection, so having someone who loves to receive and give both is an immediate green flag in my book. I personally like clingier personalities to a healthy degree, I swear ^^; I definitely love people who are openly lovey and romantic, I find it adorable, especially cause I’d do the same right back. A person who loves to try new things, and who loves spicy food (cuz being a picky eater,,, that’s a deal breaker). I like someone who shares my same hobbies and is just as ambitious as me. And if not, that they at least support and encourage me to do what I like. Personality wise, I like a person who is soft and caring, romantic, honest, noble, creative, humble, cautious, a night owl (so that me can both stay up late into the night) someone more mentally stable then me (that or just as mentally unstable as me =^=) and lastly someone who would also indulge in my hobbies with me. I hope I added enough of the right things for this request and that it’s not confusing >x< it’s long I know. Anyways, thank you so much for your work, I love everything you write, hope to see more of it. Take care love ^,^)/♡
I have no words to explain why this took months. I don't know, but better late than never. . .right? You probably heard this before and it won't come as a surprise but I match you with Idia (TWST) and Levi (OM!)! 
When it comes to what I gathered from your personality, you probably relate to them more instead of simping but I see you with them! Side note, I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND OMG YOU SOUND SO COOL?? I ALSO WANT TO SEE THE ART PLS! PLS LET'S BE FRIENDS! 
Moving forward...I see how they would both love you. You love their hobbies but understand them like nobody else. With Idia, his love for you starts when you start to open up about your hobbies. He probably starts to think about you but not in the best way at first. When he notices you like the same things but he probably wouldn't see them as a reason to get closer. He may find it as an excuse to not approach you because he's not sure if you're a casual fan or a fan-fan. Would you be disgusted with him? Find him as one of those cringe fans who bring the fandom down. Are you a casual enjoyer who wouldn't understand his passion? Though he would love to share his passion, would you look down upon him like everyone else? I'm not quite sure if I included this in my headcanons, but Idia is an observer. Which I think makes him open up to you because he can see the real you. I want to say that if we follow the story of the game, you probably don't meet Idia until after you established some friends with Ace and Deuce. He probably has some image of you already established, no doubt you're very social. When you mentioned how you were someone very shy and quiet when first meeting someone, you probably do it to be nice or at the very least, respectful. He probably sees that side of you at first and doesn't think much of it. He probably thinks that his likes and dislikes would scare you away until he overhears maybe Deuce or Ace talk, "You like that? I never would have expected you to like that, [Reader]?" That's when he gains a little boost, you like the same thing he does. Not to mention you're a shy thing, so no harm in at least trying. I think once he finally does talk to you, he can see all the unique things about you as well as how similar you both are. Idia is the same, spoilers for the phantom bride card but he hated the whole ordeal. In his vignette, the rest of the students hyped him up so much that he kinda got overconfident making everyone regret saying anything. He didn't do it to be a bitch, but rather he said it because he was comfortable around the others. Who wouldn't? So he would return that sarcastic humor. He would probably love teasing the hell out of you. Stay up all night gaming with you, exchanging messages left and right, etc. I can already imagine the list of recommendations that both of you exchange. He would love seeing your art and hype you up, maybe even propose writing a story together. Of course, this is yandere so what is yandere without the horror aspect? Idia wouldn't exactly show you off but he would be so content with calling you, his. His friend, his S/O, his partner, his gaming buddy, etc. He's not like Leona who would strut into the room with his arm around your shoulder, but he would love it when you say, "Oh yeah, sorry I can't tonight. I'm hanging out with MY partner tonight." Of course, don't tell the others it's him because right now he can't handle that feeling! He would love spending quality time, he's not at all picky with what is being done as long as it's with you. Watching anime together? Done deal. He's gaming and you're working on something else across from him? God imagine he looking up to see you so focused, he just smiles lightly at the idea of you spending time with him and then you look up and see him. His face is BEAT RED, stuttering and looking back at his PC while his headphones have his online friends yelling at him to pay attention and to assist them. He's clingy to a not-so-healthy degree and will often set up scenarios to gain pity so you have to cancel and hang with him. I want to say that while his heart cannot handle the affection IRL he would love the idea of holding your hand and cuddling against you. Imagine he's pouting because he maybe received the worst news, but you're there to comfort him? His world is perfect if your attention and affection remain on just him and him only. 
Okiedoki, now Levi. They're the same but so different.  As I started to play Obey me again and literally from the beginning, I love their family dynamic. Though they all love each other, they're not afraid to tell each other their faults either. I think with Levi it's no surprise that he sees himself as inferior to his siblings. I mean Mammon is scummy but he's a model. Asmo has a vlog and is well-loved even if it gets to his head. Satan is hella studious and has a temper, Belphie is just there and Beel; he has a good heart but his stomach knows no bounds. No need to point out Lucifer, he's polished and pristine, with no flaws that he can vocalize without being strung upside down.
I mean why would you want to be with him? Like Idia, when he finds out you like the same content he does he's probably on the skeptical side as well. I mean, really? Do you like that? When he finally does talk to you about it, he wants to prioritize your time. "[Reader], did you want to-? Oh sorry, you probably already have plans huh?" It's no doubt he assumes you rather want to do anything else other than be with him. When you take him up on his offer, he's so overcome with joy. A blush on his face as he excitedly takes your hand rushing to his room to do the equivalent of setting up the table but rather dinner, setting up an anime marathon. He is smitten with you, another one with a not-so-healthy clingier personality. Another one who just wants to spend time with you, it doesn't have to be anything specific either. I think as time goes on he can become confident too, sometimes even challenging you, He becomes sarcastic, occasionally laughing at memes and sending them to you with a simple "reminded me of you". I think the biggest thing is that Levi could be 100% honest with you. At first, he may not want to voice his feelings, but when you reassure him, he just lets it all out. Though Levi may not love horror himself, he loves your style and appreciates your passion as well. He thinks you're so cool and to be able to stand next to you, gosh you have ways of getting to him. He would proudly march his ass to a movie theater to watch the scariest film as long as he can hold your hand during the entire movie. Let's talk about yanderes, he's the same with Idia where he would 100% say something that forces you to drop what you're doing to spend time with him. Another is, I like to think Levi has been on some sketchy websites, spreading rumors about people who approach you. When those rumors as well as "proof" start circling, you should stay away from them. I stand by the idea that the brother would help one another to keep their S/O trapped. Levi may ask of Asmo's services when digging up gossip and possibly Belphie's to stalk the victim in their sleep and torture them from the inside. While all this happens, Levi will continue to play the role of the perfect boyfriend. 
I hope you enjoyed your matchup!! Thank you for your continuous support, have a wonderful day!
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the-void-writes · 1 year
• there's no heroes or villians in this place
I can't thank you enough for all the prompts 💖 They're helping me get a better idea of where to take this thing. With that said, here's a short and somber piece with Jason's patients because the idea really fit for them (even if my dialogue's clunky lol)
Freaks of Preston - Heroes and Villains
The patients of Division 6 always looked forward to their free day. None of the soldiers were there to instruct them, there was no schoolwork to do, and no scientists were around to collect samples or do tests. It was just the children, and sometimes their caretakers if they weren’t busy. They trusted their caretakers more than anyone else in the building— Jason, especially.
Since everyone else was stuck in a meeting, the kids decided to hang out in their training room. Granted, Jin was the only one training, while the others rested around her. Colin was using his free time to study an old cookbook that Julie had gotten for him, making a list of ingredients that Jason could hopefully find for him. Sarah drew in her sketchbook, and even though her face was hidden behind her thick coils, everyone knew her eyes were fixated on Jin. Riley sat on a nearby bench with his knees tucked to his chest, sharing an earbud with Thomas as they played music beside him.
Kevin laid across the table Colin was sitting at, taking up every last bit of space. The overhead lights made his goggles look like the headlights of a car. He was abnormally quiet, his friends noticed. Usually, he loved to joke or tease or gossip about one of the other divisions, but he had been silent all day. Colin poked his cheek.
“Feeling alright?”
Kevin smiled up at him. He had the grin of a crocodile, and if his eyes weren’t so sensitive to light, he would probably have the stare of one.
“Peachy, Cee,” he said. “I’m just thinking.”
“Oh shit,” Riley said, “someone call the news. Blondie knows how to think.”
Kevin stretched his arm across the room and yanked Riley’s ear. Riley stood up, sparks charging between his fingers, but Thomas pulled him back onto the bench.
“What were you thinking?” Thomas asked.
“I don’t think I should say it. Your little terrier might make fun of me.”
This time, Thomas had to push Riley against the bench to keep him from running. Jin leaned against the weight machine and caught her breath, stretching out the right stump of her arm.
“We won’t make fun of you,” she said, “and I’ll make sure Riley doesn’t, either.”
Colin closed his textbook and straightened his glasses. “Go ahead, man. Shoot.”
Kevin’s grin softened, reminding them all of the shy boy who had first arrived at their division. His question was quiet, like he was afraid someone else would hear him.
“Are we the bad guys?”
Everyone sat silently, even Riley. They never wanted to consider it, not after they had already been saved from their own horrible homes. Nothing could have been worse than their parents, in their eyes, though they still shared the unspoken fear that they had walked out of a lion’s den and into the mouth of a larger beast. Sarah tried to smile, hoping to comfort her friends— and herself.
“No, honey, I don’t think so. You may laugh like a supervillain, but you’re too nice to be one.”
She was expecting him to prove her right, letting out his traditional loud and infectious laugh, but he barely mustered a chuckle. The others could tell from his shaking hands that his anxiety was spiking again. It hadn’t been as bad as his first few nights, but when he was frightened, it shook him up terribly. Sarah stood up and squeezed his hand.
“Kev, talk to us.”
He sat up, swinging his short legs over the table’s edge. “It just doesn’t make sense otherwise. This place is a villain’s wonderland. There are weapons in this building that I’ve never seen anywhere online.”
“Is that something you look for often?” Riley asked, before he was hushed by Jin.
“And what guy with a million-dollar military facility just shows up at a broken home and takes in the children for free? And the training, and the army of Freak-soldiers? What’s it all for if we’re not the villains?”
“Maybe we’re the heroes,” Thomas said.
“Heroes being led by a walking corpse? Yeah, can’t wait to buy that action figure.”
“Well, what do you want, then?” Riley asked. “What answer is gonna satisfy you?”
Kevin lowered his head and stuck his hand under his goggles, wincing as he wiped something away.
“I just want to make sure that I didn’t leave a monster for another monster.”
Sarah brought his head to her shoulder. “Oh, Kev…”
He hugged her back, laughing to himself. “I know it sounds stupid, but— I don’t want my mom to be right. I don’t want to be a monster.”
“You’re not.”
The soft, low voice belonged to Jason. He joined his patients by the table, leaning against his cane as tears shimmered in his icy eyes. The children made room so he could sit. They always listened intently when their caretaker spoke, even when his words were too quiet to hear.
“What are we, then?” Kevin asked. “I don’t feel like a hero.”
Jason closed his eyes. “There are no heroes, dear— or villains, for that matter.”
“But our powers—”
“They’re real, yes, but heroes and villains are just roles in stories— they’re a fantasy. Your mother wasn’t a fantasy, Kevin, none of your parents were.” His voice got caught in his throat. “Neither was the man who killed my son.”
The children nodded in sympathy, taking his hands to hold until he could finally open his eyes again.
“You all deserve so much better,” he said, “and I pray that we’re able to give you that.”
“You do,” Kevin said. “There may not be any heroes, but there’s you. If you’re here, then I trust this place.”
Jason smiled, and his children brought him in for a hug. As grateful as they were to him, they knew he was just as grateful in return. They were one big, unorganized family, and as long as they had each other, Kevin was sure things would be okay.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
🙃🌟🍏🍎❤️ 👁‍🗨 🍻🌜💃🏹👻☢️🐇📔🖤
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
An embarrassing secret? Really my dear? Fine, I guess I will have to tell you: You were my first kiss! I... I never kissed anyone before you, okay? I know it's probably dumb for a 23 years old woman to say this, but that's the truth, you're the first person I actually developed this kind of feelings for and allowed to get this close to me to actually experience romantic gestures.*sighs and blushes intensely*
🌟 - For a secret wish or desire of theirs
A secret wish of mine would be for you to tell me that you love me back, but I know that'll probably remain just a wish and a dream... Oh well, dreaming is free I guess.
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
Bullies. I wish all of these scums would just disappear off the face of earth, or even better, rot and burn in the darkest pits of hell like they deserve! Especially that little piece of shit Hina....*realizes she's started to speak without thinking to much, under the influences of the strong feeling of anger that took hold of her in the moment, and shuts up before she says something that might come back to slap her back later* Uhmm... I-I mean...*clears her throat awkwardly* Yeah, bullies should just disappear.😅
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
I think a mind reader could come in handy sometimes. It would spare me a lot of trouble and anxiety.
❤️- For a secret crush
Really dear? Are you still going to ask me this question?*raises an eyebrow* Fine, his name starts with an "N" and ends with an "i", you can fill in the rest.
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
I usually don't 'play pretend'. I'm a pretty honest and open person, so if I like something I will say that I like it and if I dislike something, again, I will be open about disliking it. But fiiiine...*sighs* I do like your teasing sometimes, even if I pretend to be annoyed by it. It's rather... hot.*blushes*
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
Okay, this one is a goofy one! There is this one aunt I have that I just can't stand and she hates me too. When I was around 6 or 7, she got on my nerves so bad that I went and poured an entire bowl of tomato broth into her new at the time designers' purse that probably cost her a fortune. You should've seen her face when she found out about it!XD And no one ever knew it was me because I blamed my idiotic, prankster cousin and everyone believed it was him because he did similar stuff too.
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
A weird habit or tic I have?*sigh* You are quite curious with these questions, aren't you? I like to tap my nails on objects when I'm stressed or nervous, but I don't know how much of a 'weird' thing this is.
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
I know some interesting tricks with knives, if you want me to show you!*smirks* But you'll have to keep quiet, carrying blades around isn't the most legal thing out there, is it?
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
I guess making people like me? I don't know, sometimes I feel like people don't really like me that much and I can't help but wonder how can some people be liked by others soo easily.🤔
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
Arachnophobia, I hate spiders, but it's a rather silly fear by some standards so I don't really share it much.
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
I'll tell you about that incident one day... But now's not the right moment. I guess you're not the only one with a 'sitting you down' kind of talk.XD
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
I have a comfort blanket I like to cuddle during thunderstorms, since they scare me and make me feel uneasy. Please don't make fun of me for it!>////<
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
You really have no mercy with those, do you? *Kukki's face goes as red as a tomato from embarrassment* I-I do have a sketchbook in which I draw sometimes and since I know you won't stop pestering me until I admit it... My latest doodles have been of you, okay?>////< I'll show you the best of them, I guess...😳
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(( Mun intermission: Please do not blame Kukki for the poor artistic skills since I had to go meta with this one and use one of my personal drawings I have, so if it's bad, it's on me. Yup, this 'masterpiece' is part of my personal sketchbook of 'wonders' and it's the only decent doodle/sketch I have of Niragi so far. In a way this might be the best "cute anime boy" face I've ever drawn in my life, so that's the best I can offer for now: a more bishonen anime/manga version than what we've got in the manga for Niragi to fit Dori, (not that Niragi's manga version isn't smug either! But I was going more for the Dori version and since I don't do realism, this is the best I could do to try to approximate Dori's godliness). ))
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
Something I wish to do with you my dear? Well, I would like to go on a romantic date with you, but then again, I can understand very well that this will probably remain just a dream and a fantasy!>///<
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cjwolfwrites · 1 year
Made for eachother
Juice Ortiz X Damien “wolf/Lobo” Martinez  (oc ) ft. Father figure Chibs
Premise -  A day in the life of Damien “Lobo” Martinez
Just a fluffy self-indulgent mlm fanfic setting up some backstory and character relationships   
This is probably going to turn into a  multific and its my first tumblr fic so please be gentle 
Damien rolls himself out from underneath a worn down raggedy old pickup truck with a sigh before pulling a bandanna from his back pocket and wiping the sweat from his forehead. It’s a quiet day at Teller Morrow as Damien finishes his workload for today he tells the club prospect to take the truck he finished and put it outside for pickup. When he is done with everything he puts his tools in their right places and heads to his boyfriend's workspace. “Hey, J whatcha working on?” Damien asks with a smile. Juice jumps at the other man’s sudden appearance. “Jesus Damien you scared the shit out of me love”. Damien laughs at the other man’s reaction “I’m sorry honey I don’t mean to sneak up on you it just kinda happens”. Juice laughs as he says “man I really need to put one of those cat collars with a bell on it on you so I hear you walking” Damien laughs as Clay walks into the shop to gather the guys “Juice,Lobo grab your cuts and meet us in the church now” clay barks at the two men “ you heard the boss man we need to go get changed let’s go hun” Damien smiles holding the other man’s hand as they walk towards the clubhouse dorms. Damien goes into his and juices shared room and quickly changes into a plain white sleeveless shirt and black denim jeans before slipping into his nice leather boots and cut before discarding all his work clothes in the duffle at the foot of their shared bed and tucking his work boots in their place beside the desk. Damien walks over to juice who is waiting for him at the door “let’s go get this meeting over with “ Damien sighs wanting. Nothing more than to take a nap and go home both men enter the church quickly and quietly sit in their respective seats as they are waiting for the rest of the guys to show up Damien quietly pulls a field sketchbook out of his pocket and starts mindlessly doodling to pass the time Jax is the last one to enter the meeting room. Before the meeting starts Chibs looks over at Damien and asks. “Aye lad your always drawing in that book during meetings what are you drawing in their kid ”. He smiles as Damien is seemingly snapped from a daze “oh I just draw stuff from around the room usually. It helps me with my focus you can look through it if you want Chibs “ Damien smiles handing off the sketchbook to his sponsor and the closest person he’s ever had to a father figure. As Chibs flips through the book he sees various drawings of the club's logo, the table, different pieces of decor and memorabilia that lined the walls, and even detailed drawings of different club members. Chibs stops on the page Damien was working on 5 minutes prior it was a rough sketch of Damien and Juice from when they both got patched in with a list of materials needed To make an oil painting for the other man and with a smile he says  “damn lad you are a talented bugger aren’t you”. Damien smiles looking at the page Chibs had in between his thumb and forefinger “heh yeah I guess”. Clay suddenly clears his throat and everyone’s attention snaps to him “ today is the day we’re going to go on our monthly gun run and delivery. I want Jax, Chibs,Lobo, juice, Tig, and the prospect to come with me for this. it should be a quick in and out but in case things go south i’d like to have some extra manpower. If no one has any concerns then this meeting is adjourned and if I mentioned your names go grab your things and meet me in the parking lot in ten and oh one last thing Tig, Juice, and half sac you’re in the van and lobo you are escorting with Chibs. Jax and I will lead ” clay bangs the gavel against the table adjourning the meeting.  Damien grabs Juice's hand as they walk back to their room to grab their guns. Damien slips his shoulder holster around him before speaking. “It sucks we couldn’t escort together love” “yeah but at least we’re both going this time and I'm not stuck here”. Juice sighs. They walk to the parking lot join the others as clay says one last thing before they are dismissed to go to their respective  vehicles. Before Damien walks away he gives juice a passionate kiss. “To remember me by pretty boy”. He  grins like an idiot walking away and mounting his bike  Juice stands there while he   blushes like a mad man before snapping out of it and hopping in the back of the van. Jax and clay hop on their bikes and signal for everyone to go. When he got on the open road his mind started to drift back to when him and juice first met.
It was a cold night in queens New York and they were both 17. Damien had just gotten kicked out of his house for being gay. With nowhere to go he hopped into his old beat up 1969 mustang mache one fastback. That  he had bought off an elderly man for dirt cheap after scraping together all of his savings driving to nowhere in particular  when he saw  a boy his age running down the street with  several bags hung off his person. Against his better judgement Damien stopped his car and leaned over the other side to rolling down the window .”hey are you okay dude it’s not safe to be walking to alone around here at night. Do you want a ride? ” Damien smiles lopsidedly wincing in pain from the bruise blossoming across the right side of his face. Juice looks back the man taking in his battered features .The man sitting in the car in front of him looked vaguely familiar and he was trying to figure out why  briefly before deciding  to say fuck it and except the man’s help. Damien gets out with a limp  to help Juice put his bags in the car juice stands there shocked that there was already duffle bags in the car. Juice laughs dryly “heh i guess we both had the same idea “ “you get kicked out of your home too”. Damien smiles solemnly “yeah more or less” Juice says with a sad smile the other man speaks up “The name is Damien by the way “…. He pauses for a minute before continuing “Your Juan Carlos right…we had science and trig together” . “Yeah Damien I remember you “ juice smiles and  Damien takes in the other mans features as he moves back to the drivers seat and motions juice inside. “So Juan Carlos where to” “I don’t care as long as its somewhere far away from New York”
*flashback ends*
Chibs motions up ahead and breaks Damien out of his  thoughts “Aye Lobo we’re here lad”. Damien slows down to a stop behind the van hopping off his bike and waiting for clays command before starting to unload the guns and hand them off to the niners .  The gun run went off without a hitch and soon everyone was back at clubhouse drinking and having a good time.  Damien was sitting at the bar waiting for Juice to finish talking to Clay and Jax about some dirt digging that needed to be done and ignoring the croweater who was trying to get handsy with him as he was nursing his third cheap beer of the night “please leave me alone Leah you know I’m not interested why are you doing this”. Leah smirks “come on baby please let me show you what you’re missing”.she reaches for the button on his jeans before getting pulled back by Chibs. “Leah darling the kid isn’t interested now go find someone else to bother for the night” Leah scoffs and walks away and chibs sits to the right of Damien waving over the prospect to give them both another beer “thank you Chibs I appreciate it she just wouldn’t take the hint”. “Aye, it’s nothing kid I don’t like to see my family being harassed and you’re like a son to me”.  At that the two men drink in silence . Ten minutes pass before Juice is finally able to slip away from Clay and Jax and walk up to his partner at the bar. “Hey love you okay?”He asked concerned  “yeah it’s just Leah again . She refuses to take a hint that I’m not interested”. Damien sighs. “God I’m sorry you  had to deal with her again babe”. Juice says apologetically  “It’s fine”. Damien says burying his face into Juices chest. “Let us go enjoy our night together okay” Juice smiles while holding the other man tightly.
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basedklee · 2 years
i read your infertility imagines. they were ok i guess (actually i didnt like them) but i believe your writing can be put to better use. can i request something? yandere genshin men reacting to just being mc's little side piece. like mc already has a committed, steady relationship, her men are just little boytoys she keeps around for when she gets bored.
it’s honestly truly terrifying how i can’t tell if this is a real ask or a joke ask sent by a friend, like i genuinely can’t remember if i’ve received a discord message informing me this would be sent and it shakes me to my core. regardless, i hope you enjoy these imagines anon! eat shit and die <3333333333
he’s very hurt, but he also feels like he should have known this was coming. throughout his upbringing, rhinedottir made it clear to him that if he could not perform at a level she was satisfied with she would abandon him, the implication that she would just start fresh with a better version of him always there.
it seems natural to him -- after years of being taught that it’s normal for your value as a person to be based on what you can do for the people around you -- that you would toss him aside as soon as you found someone better than him
but still. despite knowing he should just bow out as gracefully as he can, he tries to appeal to you until the very end.
during what he estimates to be the last few months of your relationship, he begins to study the new man in your life: your Snezhnayan Borzoi/Pug mix, Buttons, that you adopted a year after the two of you married. he follows the dog around the house with his sketchpad and pencil, jotting down notes and drawing sketches of the odd, gangly beast as he slept or ate or played
he takes careful note of everything about the creature you seem to find endearing -- the way he snorts and wheezes when he runs too fast/long, the way he scrabbles around on his spindly limbs and trips over his own paws as he runs, the way he often bonks his head on pieces of furniture and walls because of his night blindness -- everything so that he can make those traits his own and make you his once again
the “transformation” he has planned is almost complete after about four months, but you happen to go through his sketchbook while he’s in the shower and come across his plans, seeing the sketches of his multiple plans to replace Buttons (plan a was a fursuit, plan b was to change his physical form with alchemy, plan c was to fuse himself with Buttons... it went on through the alphabet to plan 20)
fear grips him when he walks out of the bathroom and sees you sitting on your shared bed with it in your lap, your beautiful face twisted up in an expression conveying an emotion even you yourself can’t name
Albedo... you say, shaking your head in disbelief as you lift up the sketchbook. What the hell is this?
the two of you stand there very, very awkwardly for about five minutes and 33 seconds as he tries to come up with an excuse. Any pretty lie that he can spit out that will save him from having to watch you walk out the door right at that moment.
he can’t come up with anything, though, and just starts crying. I had no choice. You were going to leave me for him, I just knew it.
My god. you say as you pull out your phone and schedule an appointment for him with the therapist you’ve been trying to get him to see, knowing he can’t weasel his way out of it by claiming he’s perfectly fine and normal any longer. I don’t know what exactly this is, but it must be the mommy issues again.
he snorts when you tell him he’s only your number two in a heated argument, not taking his gaze away from the sword he’s hammering. the rhythm of his strikes never breaking, he mutters just loud enough for you to hear, And did you think you were the only one for me?
you bite your tongue to keep from screaming at him, not wanting to disturb anyone. it’s dusk, the streetlights lining the roads around the smithy slowly blinking on and the people that are usually around, loitering the streets or tending to their own businesses, have turned in for the day. even schulz, who usually acts as an unwilling mediator between you two during fights like these, has left for the evening
it’s just you and wagner now, but even with it being just the two of you you still can’t seem to catch his eye. I did this for you! you mutter, stifling a sob. So you would look at me! So you would show me that you care.
Foolish. he grumbles, hammer still beating steadily against steel. If you want to go around, throwing yourself at any man that will take you, be my guest. I will never care.
you stagger back a half step as you struggle to swallow down another sob. maybe you brought this all on yourself. maybe this is all your fault for falling into swan’s arms in that single moment of weakness five months ago. maybe you should forget about wagner. finally give in and marry swan like he’s been asking you to for the past few weeks.
wouldn’t it be better for you to be loved by a man you only like than to love a man that can never even look at you? wouldn’t it be better for the baby to have a father that was willing to actually be there and attentive than a father that most likely wouldn’t even claim them if you told him the truth about your recent weight gain? wouldn’t it be better for wagner if you would just let him go? if you would just stop clinging to him uselessly and distracting him from his work? if you would stop deluding yourself into thinking you’re anything special to him
Did you ever love me? you whisper, unsure if he can hear over his hammering but deep in your hear knowing it doesn’t matter. you already know the answer
...Never. Not even for a second.
you swallow down one last sob and, shaking, turn to leave. I know it won’t mean anything, but I love you... Goodbye Wagner.
he waits until you’re streets away -- hurrying to Swan’s apartment where he awaits you with open arms -- to drop his hammer and brace himself against his worktable, a strangled sob wheezing out of him.
he hated hurting you and he detested allowing swan to have you (if any of you have forgotten this is a yandere post so he’s possessive and crazy but in a sexy way y’know?) but he just couldn’t be the man you deserved.
not after losing that drunken bet with cavalry captain kaeya six months ago that forced him to stand at his post in the workshop 24/7 for the next ten years
he tries to be strong when you tell him you’re dating not one, not two, but all three of the male members of his gang and that he’ll have to settle for fourth place after he casually asks you to be his one day
he tries to laugh it off, even. asking you if you’re joking or something because you must be, right? his boys -- his precious, precious boys. his buddies. his amigos -- would never keep such a big secret from him! especially when he had told them how he felt about you as soon as he fell in love at first sight seeing you totally wash the competition in the mochi eating competition you met at. they would never sneak around behind his back!
his heart sinks when the three of them peek their heads around the corner and start shuffling over to the two of you, each of them giving you a (tasteful!) slap on the butt as they walk up and take their positions around you. genta puts his arm around your waist while mamoru links arms with you and akira stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders
We’re sorry, Boss, we didn’t want you to find out like this... mamoru says, staring remorsefully at Itto (taking a quick pause to give you a tender kiss on the neck). It’s just... Y/N confessed to us and, well, you should know how irresistible they are since you wanted them first and all...
We... were definitely... going to... tell you... eventually... Boss... genta continues, giving you a kiss on the lips during each pause.
We really hope this doesn’t change things between us. We all still have nothing but the deepest respect for you, Boss, akira finishes as he massages your shoulders.
itto’s stomach twists, his heart severely conflicted.
on one hand, he was yandere for you. ever since he met you his body and soul has ached for you, the pain greater than the time he ate all that tofu and had the worst allergic reaction of his life. you were beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold. you had a magic that couldn’t be controlled. stronger than one... stronger than ten... stronger than a hundred men you were perfect and he wanted so desperately to have you but.
on the other hand, he was yandere for his gang. for a large part of his life, they and granny oni were all he could call truly his. they were some of the only people that truly understood him, or at least, made the effort to understand. their loyalty (outside of this little slip up), kindness, and bravery that he’s become so intimately familiar with throughout the years has entranced him just as his own greatness has entranced them
he couldn’t tell who he was more jealous of and who, as a yandere, he should get rid of
I... Need time to think... he says before walking away, his heart dashed in many ways.
Oh dear... you say as he finally leaves from view breaking away from genta’s lips to stare after him. I hope he’s not too upset. We did our best to break it to him delicately.
the members of your harem nod.
He just needs time. they assure you as they lead you back to the hideout to cuddle.
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Hi dear! I’m not too sure if this is too specific or odd for you to write, but if not may I request Vincent comforting his pregnant s/o after Bo makes a rude comment about their baby bump size? Thank you so much and take care 💕
Anon, I'd love to do more 'mature' kind of stuff like pregnancy and other related kinks -Lactation kink and such- This fic is just fluff though! Take care of yourself and thank you! 🐇💕
Vincent Sinclair x Female Reader (Pregnant Reader)
Underthecut - Fluff, Angst, Jonesy being a good girl, Pregnancy stuff, Bo being a dick, Mentions of Killing and noncon (Brief and not with the reader)
"You know, I wouldn't doubt if half of that bump was from all that food you've been eatin." Bo snarked as he caught you mid-waddle down the streets of Ambrose with Jonesy in tow.
Jonesy whined and gave Bo a soft ruff. Her wet nose tickled your fingers.
You froze. Shoulders slumped as you spoke with a vulnerable tone, "I'm pregnant you backwoods bastard." The tears welled up, bottom lip trembled as he shuffled back to the house of wax.
Bo hollered out to you, "Aw, c'mon, sweetpea! I'm just messin around!" Jonesy, tell er!"
Jonesy barked and growled at Bo as you two made your way up the street.
Every sniffle and tear made you feel like shit as if you didn't already. "Thanks, Jonesy." You patted her head, "God, your uncle sure is a dick. And he's basically my stupid brother-in-law"
You broke out into a sob, Jonesy pressed her weight against your legs, her whines telling you she understood. Might not fully understand why you were upset, but upset nonetheless.
Vincent busied himself with his latest creation, a teddy. He wanted it to be perfect. It was for her firstborn child after all, and that little munchkin deserved the best.
The best...
He pounded, a slight frown as he sat back in his chair. Could he give the best? Could he give his child everything their little heart desired? Realistically he knew no parent could.
It still ate away at him. Festered deep within him after the rush of excitement at the pregnancy news had worn off.
It had taken months of talking to calm him down about his appearance. Would the baby be scared of him? Screech and scream as he neared, as he neared you.
"Vincent, the baby doesn't know the concept of 'normal' They'll simply see you as their father."
He wanted to cry when you spoke those words to him.
He wasn't usually soft, years all walls being put up made him cold and calculating. No one was to tear them down.
No one but you.
"Vincent, stop worrying. Things will work out, you and Bo have been at this whole thing for years now. Sure a Baby is hard work but, we can do it."
More words replayed in his head,
"You know, Vince, I'm just as nervous. I too worry if I'll be good enough."
He cursed himself, he wished he could verbally to you just how amazing you'll be. How beautiful you look pregnant and how much more you'll look while carrying the baby in your arms.
He knows you'll look pregnant while you breastfeed, how naturally it will come to you. How the baby will cry when out of your arms.
Prayed the baby would never cry in his arms. Prayed you were right and the baby just saw him as a dad. Not some freak.
"The mask will scare him, Vince. So don't wear it around the baby!"
Vincent shook his head, snapped his attention back to the little teddy bear he was working on.
It had beige fur with buttons for eyes. Two blue-coloured buttons to match his eyes. A white snout with a sewn-in pink nose. It had a little black side smile, like the one you gave him when you were being smart with him.
Vincent perked up, the sound of his two favourite girls entering through the basement door elated him.
his heart stopped as your wobbly voice carried down the stairs.
"Vincent, I need you."
Vincent moved quicker than he could have imagined. A hand ran over Jonesy as he dashed up the stairs to place his large hand on your belly.
"Is...it...time?" He coughed as he held a powerless look. His heart sank as he watched the tears freely flow from your eyes, down your delicate cheeks.
"No, it was," A hiccup and a long sniffle, "Bo. He implied I looked fat!"
You collapsed into Vincent's arm with an audible thud, your heavy sobs muffled as you buried your face into his chest.
Vincent rolled his one eye and scooped you up. He bit his lip, his unscared cheek went pink as his chest rumbled.
He set you down on the bed next to Jonesy. He playfully shook his head as he looked down at you.
"What? Go kick his ass!"
Vincent clenched his chest, a wide smile, soft huffs from his mouth, he was laughing, to the best of his ability.
"It's not funny, Vince! You don't say that to a pregnant lady!"
He knew you were right, Bo shouldn't have said it. Was still funny how your hormones got the best of you. Normally if Bo would say such a thing to you, it would turn into a full-on verbal showdown.
Vincent sat behind you on the bed, pulled you into his chest, rested his chin on your shoulder as he pulled up the large t-shirt you wore. His. To rub your swollen belly.
You shifted uncomfortably as his fingers traced over your stretch marks. A slight whimper as his free arm wrapped itself around your chest, "Vinny, those are sore too," You gestured towards your breasts.
"M..sorry." He eased up but kept your firm against him.
His gentle strokes on your tummy, a figure pattern on your large baby bump had you sigh, your muscles eased as you shimmied closer in his arms.
The heat rose to your face, "Thanks, Vinny." You kissed his cheek, "I'm not fat?"
He coughed in an attempt to chuckle, "No...You...look beautiful."
"Hey," You shuffled around Jonsey, an impromptu dance as you kept giggling when she pushed her snout under your large shirt. Her wet, cold nose on your sensitive skin making you shriek and jump. "I think she's excited for the baby!"
Vincent sat on the large rock outside, his sketchbook in hand, the charcoal dusting his fingers as he captured the scene in front of him.
Each stroke was careful, each tiny detail was deliberate.
The way you moved in tandem with Jonesy was captured on the worn page.
"Well?" You shot him a look before you screamed, Jonesy's wet nose making contact with your belly. "You think she's excited or what?"
His smile made your chest tingle, your heartbeat out of synch for a few beats.
"You excited to meet your baby sister or brother?" Jonesy sneezed, her tail whipped about like a weed wacker gone loose. Her brown eyes held a warmth to them.
That was it.
Vincent worked furiously on the page, the way his two favourite girls shared a moment made his creativity course through him.
He silently cursed Bo. This would be a perfect opportunity to captured these moments on camera. But, "Hey, I need a momento of me and this blonde!" If momento he meant a porno slash snuff film...well fuck him then.
Maybe it was fair. He did hog the camera. From making Sex tapes with you, from basic sex to one long video of him drugging you and dressing you up. Many videos featuring the aftermath of his kills.
your voice snapped him out of his recollection.
"Vincent!" The way you joyously called to him as Jonsey greedily kissed your tummy with her nose had him carefully set down the sketchbook. "You better get over here!"
He grabbed you, you back against his chest as he held up your bump. The way he sighed and leaned back told him the action was appreciated. But, it held you in place and, allowed Jonesy to give you all the kisses she wanted.
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nctsworld · 3 years
✩‌ renjun ‌x‌ ‌reader‌ ‌|‌ tutor!renjun | college au | fluff | ‌1k
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ in which your art tutor gathers up the courage to ask you out. WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ an almost-kiss, hyuck is a kissblocker, swearing RATING‌ ‌⇾‌ teen+ FOR ⇾‌ anonymous
AUTHOR’S NOTE ⇾‌ yeah im taking 20 years to finish my bday celebration, no one look at me pls n ty
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Sitting at the top of a grassy hill that overlooks much of campus, you embrace the light spring breeze and warm sun as you sketch the scenery in front of you. 
Beside you, your art tutor—donning his thin-framed glasses, a loose white t-shirt, and light blue ankle jeans—is also sketching, albeit clutching his book tightly towards his chest, as he always does.
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Today’s the last day of his tutoring since the semester is ending soon. On the upside, Renjun’s been a great help over the last few months and you’ve improved immensely. On the flipside, your success signified that you didn’t need him anymore.
But if you could be honest, you didn’t want sessions to end for more selfish reasons. To be in his comfortable presence, to be able to laugh with him, to be graced with his beauty...
You don’t know Renjun too well, but you yearn to.
Unfortunately, you don’t have any other reason to see Renjun outside of tutoring. He is nearing his graduation, while you’re in your second year. If you didn’t decide to minor in Art the last minute, you wouldn’t have met him in the first place.
Well, the best thing you could do is simply savour the time you have with him now.
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“What are you sketching today?” you ask casually, like you often do.
And he answers nonchalantly, as he often does:
“The usual, you know”—he shrugs—“whatever I find beautiful.”
You’re too focused on your sketchbook to notice him quickly glancing over at you, smiling to himself. His eyes fall back onto his artwork. “How are you doing?”
You pause and squint at your work so far. “Something’s off... I think it’s my shading?”
Your tutor carefully shuts his sketchbook and places it face down onto the grass before he moves closer towards you. For a few moments, Renjun scans your work that’s leaning against your thighs with a cute tilt of his head.
“May I?” he asks, holding out his hand.
Instinctively, you gesture your pencil for him to draw onto your work. Instead, to your surprise, his hand wraps around the back of yours. Without a word, he shades in a handful of areas darker and defines some of the lines more. 
As he does so, you hold your breath. Although you can’t look at him, your eyes still waver; you’re completely unable to focus on your art at hand.
When he’s finished, you hear a small gulp. Peering over your shoulder, you note how Renjun’s blatantly avoiding eye contact.
“Do you think it looks better now?” he squeaks in a whisper. 
It takes a bit, but his luminous eyes ultimately meet with yours—the same pair that you’ve constantly get lost in when he speaks, and it’s no different this time around. 
The wind blows slightly stronger against your back, giving you the push to inch nearer. While your eyes flutter to a close, you swear you see his form and kissable lips approach you too.
“Renjun!” A sudden voice calls out nearby.
Simultaneously, you both pull back and face the source of the shout, who is currently waving frantically. The stranger steps closer and stands on a lower angle of the hill.
“Oh, shit.” The young man brings a fist to his mouth, then whispers, “Am I interrupting?”
Your gorgeous tutor shuffles away from you, but still sits in your proximity. He runs his fingers through his hair.
“Not at all, Hyuck,” he replies behind a forced smile, pushing his glasses up. “What’s up?”
Renjun’s presumed friend shrugs, sinking his fists into the pockets of his trackpants. “Nothing, just wanted to say hi.” He faces your direction and gives you a small wave. “Hi, I’m Donghyuck.”
You flash him the same and introduce yourself. “Nice to meet you, Donghyuck.”
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Donghyuck admits. He points a thumb at your tutor. “He talks a lot about you. He says you’re so amazing and so beau-”
“Okay!” Renjun suddenly cuts him off, rushing to stand up and hurries over to his friend, already pushing him away. “Time to get going, you’re officially interrupting.”
You giggle as Donghyuck groans in disagreement, but not forgetting to yell a good-bye at you.
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The sun dips deeper into the horizon, but not quite fully, when the tutoring is officially over. After you two pack your things up and you give him your final thank you’s for being your tutor, there’s a long beat before Renjun speaks up.
“Since this is our last session...” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Did you wanna hang out with me sometime?”
Renjun cautiously looks up, fearful to see how you’re looking at him. He’s ecstatic to witness you beaming back at him, as bright as the yellow and orange hues glowing around you.
“Like a date?” you ask curiously.
“It doesn’t have to be a date, we could just hang out.”
With a smirk, you challenge playfully, “So, you’re saying you don’t want to date me?”
“No, no!” he half-shouts in clarification. He coughs, lowering his voice. “I mean, I’m down to go on a date, if you’re down to, but it’s also fine if we just hang out as—”
His eyebrows perk up as you abruptly kiss his cheek in a soft peck, resting your fingers on his shoulder.
Retreating back in front of the now jaw dangling man, you proclaim, “I’d love to go out with you, Renjun.”
He blinks himself back to reality, stammering, “Yeah?”
“Text me,” you say, nodding and beginning to walk away, “and we’ll figure it out, okay?”
In disbelief, Renjun is glued to the top of the hill with a huge grin on his face. He watches you from behind for a few seconds until he grips onto one of the straps of his backpack and wills himself to leave in the opposite direction.
“Renjun!” you holler from almost the bottom of the hill. He turns back around to catch you smiling still.
“Maybe when we go out, you can share some of the sketches you’re always drawing of me?”
It doesn’t take long for his whole face to heat up. Embarrassed, he rubs one side of his face and nods shyly with his mouth pouting to one side.
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
Choosing which prompt to send you from list was an impossible task!! They’re just all that good🥺 but if u feel inspired, maybe 15 or 76 would be really cute for stevetony?
Also, hope you have the best and loveliest day, friend 💖💝
thank you for sending one!! for #76 - "thank you for making me smile" - here's 1.6k words of getting together and absolutely terrible jokes
also i hope you have the loveliest day too 🥺
"I'm never listening to your advice again," Steve says the second he walks in the door. He lets it slam shut behind him and stomps off to his bedroom with another rough bang.
Tony and Bucky exchange a look on the couch, and Tony pauses their video game.
"Me or you?"
"Probably you," Bucky says. "Your advice is usually shit."
Tony scoffs, "Please, I'm a genius for a reason. All of my advice is amazing. Or are you forgetting that I'm the reason that you have a boyfriend right now?"
"One time in the last three years and you won't let it go."
"It'd be you and your right hand for the rest of your life if it wasn't for me."
Bucky rolls his eyes, "I would have made it work with Sam on my own eventually. But that's besides the point. I haven't given Steve any advice lately, so it has to be you. And in case you forgot, I don't even live here. He didn't know I was here when he said it."
"You don't live here?" Tony says with mock surprise. "Wow, you eat an awful lot of our food then."
Bucky grins, "It's payback for all the times you did the same to me before I moved out. Now go fix Steve. We'll rematch tomorrow."
"I didn't break him," Tony argues, even as he sets his controller down and stands from the couch. "I am a beacon of wisdom."
"You started a fire in the microwave twice last week, beacon."
Tony flips him off on his way to Steve's bedroom. He knocks once and ignores it when Steve tells him to go away.
Steve is sitting at his desk with his back to the door and his sketchbook open in front of him. He has a pencil in his hand, but the page is untouched.
"So, uh, what's up with you?"
Tony nods slowly, "Right, okay. Care to share what advice of mine went wrong exactly? Cause I gotta say I'm drawing a blank."
"I was talking to Buck."
"Oh," Tony says in relief, then he frowns. "How'd you even know he was here?"
"When isn't he here? Our fridge is always empty because of him."
Tony smiles and flops down on Steve's bed, propping himself up against the pillows with his arms folded behind his head. He pushes the back of Steve's chair with his foot, making it spin his way.
"So what did Bucky do?"
Steve looks like he's about to say, but then he bites his lip and shakes his head instead. "Really doesn't matter."
Tony looks at him for a long moment, taking in all those subtle tells of his. The slight downturn of the corners of his mouth and the crease between his brows, but they don't come with any tension in his jaw or shoulders, which means he's more disappointed than angry. His eyes never hide hurt, but there's none to be found in them. Whatever it was didn't crush him, and Tony knows just how to fix him when he's like this.
He pokes Steve's arm with his socked toes. "Hey, Steve, why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?"
Steve sighs, but there's already a hint of a smile. Further evidence to support Tony's hypothesis.
"Why, Tony?"
"In case he got a hole in one."
Steve presses his lips together and shakes his head. "That's not very funny."
"Why do bees have sticky hair?"
The look Steve gives him is long-suffering.
"Because they use honeycombs," Tony grins, and Steve relaxes back into his chair a little. "What kind of music do planets like?"
"Neptunes," Steve says, smirking a little, and Tony pouts dramatically.
"Nooo, how did you know that?"
"Used it on me two months ago. Remember when you broke the sink and you didn't want me to be mad at you anymore?"
"I also remember fixing the sink in the same day, but fine dwell on the fact that I broke it in the first place."
Steve laughs, and Tony feels the knot in his own chest loosen. He hates it when Steve's upset. It throws him off his own axis, because his world revolves around Steve's sun.
He gets up from the desk chair, and Tony shifts over to make room for him on the bed. They reach for each other's hands at the same time, interlocking fingers in the small space between them.
It's moments like these when the longing hits him the most. When Steve is this close, but it doesn't mean nearly as much to him as it does to Tony.
Sometimes he pictures what it would be like if he leaned over a little more. If Steve's eyes would flicker down to his lips, then away quickly like he didn't want to be caught. He wonders what Steve's cheek would feel like under his hand as he pulls his attention back, silently telling him it's okay to look.
It always stops there in his mind, right before a first kiss that he just knows would change his life. Guilt creeps in, because he should be happy with what he has. Happy with all of the pieces Steve lets him have now. It's more than most people will ever get.
"Thank you," Steve says. "You're the only one who can ever get me to smile after a day like today."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Tony asks, tilting his head to the side to look at him.
Steve bites his lip again, staring up at the ceiling. It takes a long moment for him to talk.
"There's somebody that I like, but they don't like me back. Not like that, anyway."
Tony's heart sinks, but he tries not to let it show. "You told them and they rejected you?"
Steve shakes his head, "No, I don't need to tell them to know how they feel. But Bucky said that I should find someone else to get over them, so I asked out that girl in my art history class."
"The one with the nose ring?"
"That's the one, yeah. We went for coffee this morning."
"How was it?" Tony asks, and more guilt accompanies the fact that he's actively and selfishly hoping Steve is about to say that it was awful.
Steve shrugs, "It was fine, technically. But then she tried to kiss me, and I sort of freaked out and ruined it. She looked at me like I was insane, and, god, it was so embarrassing, but I just couldn't do it when I know that I don't actually want anything like that from her. I didn't want to lead her on. It's not fair to her."
"Not fair to you either," Tony says softly. "You shouldn't force yourself to like someone you don't. And whoever the other person is, the one that doesn't want you back, they're missing out on someone really amazing, and they're stupid to let you go."
Steve smiles, but it's tinged with sadness as he turns his head to look at Tony. "I don't know about that. They can do better than me."
"Hey, no, don't say that. You're incredible. You're funny and smart and gorgeous, and I've never met anyone as kind as you in my entire life. There isn't anyone better than you, okay? And if they don't see that, then fuck them. Clearly, they're dumb as hell anyway," Tony rants, getting progressively louder as he goes and his free hand gesturing wildly.
"They're kind of a genius, actually."
Tony rolls his eyes, "Yeah, sure they are. Way to miss the point."
Steve's smile turns amused. "No, but they really are."
"What is this?" Tony asks with narrow eyes. "Are you trying to make me jealous by saying you know other geniuses? Cause I'm the only know-it-all in your life. I claimed the spot. It's mine."
"Definitely yours," Steve agrees, and he shifts a little to turn on his side. With his left hand, he tentatively reaches up towards Tony's face, and Tony's breath catches at the brush of fingertips against his cheek. "I think I might have been wrong, though, about how they feel about me."
It takes a few seconds for it to click in Tony's, but even when it does he doesn't believe it just yet.
"Why's that?"
"Apparently they think I'm incredible, and they get really angry when anybody else thinks otherwise."
Tony smiles softly, "Yeah, they really don't like that."
Steve's thumb strokes across his cheekbone, then his fingers drift back to run through his hair.
"They think I'm funny, too, but they've also got a terrible sense of humor, so I don't know how accurate that is."
Tony laughs, then says, "You know what I think?"
"What's that?"
"I think you should kiss them. Just go for it and see what happens."
Steve smiles, slowly leaning down, "You really think so? It could make things weird. We might not be able to be friends anymore."
Tony puts his hand on the nape of Steve's neck, drawing him further in until he's a scant inch away. "Trust me, they don't really want to be just a friend, anyway."
He finds out that Steve's skin is smooth and warm beneath his palms, and his lips are unexpectedly soft. His hands are constantly in motion, slowly mapping out Tony's hips and sides and back like he's memorizing the feeling. As if it's his one chance to learn what Tony feels like he won't let it get away from him. But it won't be the only one. There will be second, third, and hundredth kisses, because Tony knows better than to let someone like Steve slip away.
"Hey, Tony?" Steve whispers after.
"What's the best thing about Switzerland?"
Tony smiles, "What?"
"I don't know, but the flag is a big plus."
They stare at each other, and Steve is the first to crack, but his laugh makes Tony follow right behind him.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Albedo. I just rolled him and finished his quest.
I would love to talk about travelling with him, or at least being someone who brings in the ingredients for alchemy. Someone who goes out of their way for him and gets the best. Maybe the only gardener in Mondstadt to grow alchemical roots and grasses.
I'm happy for you, rolling the cute alchemy boyo ywy I only rolled in his banner to get Bennett in five rolls I'm sorry Albedo, my primogems are for Xiao and Hu Tao- *shot*
Back to business! I really, really like this cute idea awww thank you for distracting from the angst fics in my head haha (TUMBLR DIDN’T SAVE IT PROPERLY AND SO THE POST IS HORRIBLY SHORT WAIT- FIXED IT WOOHOO)
Albedo's Personal Botanist
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Most ingredients in alchemy usually come from ores and liquid ingredients formed by chemistry methods. Stuff like Tuttia, Bismuth, all that shindigs-
So while plant life can be useful for alchemy, not everyone recognizes its utility straight away, and provide for the common plants for arrangements rather than scientific inventory
I can imagine that you'd be a normal gardener at first but very passionate of their properties.
Might be a Dendro vision wielder too, the Dendro archon loves those who wield the power of knowledge, more so when they use it on nature.
You carry with you a lil book about all the plants and shrubs that you've personally cared for, down to their finest detail and properties. But you're a gardener, not a master of Alchemy, so some parts of the notes you couldn't really figure out yourself.
The first time you met Albedo, he was around a year into staying in Mondstadt. He was forced to go out and take a breather because of his workaholic schedule, and instead of relaxing in a bath, he ended up drifting to the market area to get more ingredients local to Mond.
Unlike the other flower stalls, he was pulled into yours because of the wide variety of your wares. Roots, grasses, shoots, plants you couldn't just find outside of the walls.
You were tending to your mini greenhouse in the back and left your botania book on the shelf outside, and this LIL SHI- Albedo, having no proper training for social interactions, straight up just opened that shit and read it all.
"Oh, hello there, mister- HEY, THAT'S MY STUFF, WHAT THE HECK"
Flustered, confused and alarmed, Albedo tried his best to quickly reason with your garden-spade-wielding self. And with his pretty boy self, you managed to calm down and listen.
You may or may not had smacked him with a bouquet of horsetail for good measure.
"Such vast knowledge and detail orientation, why waste away your talents in selling productive fauna when you can wield them into something more?"
Master Phytologist of the Knights of Favonius acquired!
Working with Albedo!
Your greenhouse in the Knight of Favonius HQ is most definitely connected to Albedo's laboratory! And very spacious too.
More than one occasion, you've seen the Chief Alchemist casually sneaking around the area, plucking a Flaming Flower or scraping dandelion seeds from the pot while you were busy tending to other flowers on the other side of your area.
65% of the time you caught him red-handed and you will be met with the rare sight of a fumbling, queasy Albedo.
30% of the time you just find out something is missing after checking inventory for the day, usually ends up with you hunting and shouting for Albedo. Because the guy seem to have a sixth sense as to when you find out his thieving adventures.
5% of all of that, Kaeya would be the one stealing from your 'safer' floras to woo a random citizen in Mond. And as a master of botany, your precious babies are always in tip top shape. Top quality bouquets all day, all night.
Those moments are the ones Albedo hate more than getting smacked with your spade. Those are your flowers, and by association, his. Grown to their maximum potential by your calloused yet gentle hands FOR HIM-
Kaeya: *reaching out to pluck a perfectly healthy glaze lily*; Albedo: *his short ass of a shadow looming over him*
The atmosphere of your work area is significantly different from his own messy laboratory. The glass walls and roof that lets in just the right amount of sunlight, with a perfect view of the scenic landscape of Mondstadt and beyond.
When Albedo reaches a wall on his research, he picks up his sketchbook and just- waltz in to your workshop through the door connecting your workspaces.
The fresh air, the soft kiss of the sun, your humming, it was all a symphony of heaven concocted just for him.
He’ll find himself sketching your babies, dozen or more times you are included.
Your notebook’s illustrations are mostly courtesy of him, and he greatly basks in your pure admiration of his drawing.
To help him focus, you once took on the great task of organizing his laboratory, to no avail. Even if you manage to fix and align his inventory, it’s gonna go back to chaos after three days minimum.
It’s okay tho, it’s normal for him, more excuse to visit you-
Guilty, he wants your spacious and refreshing greenhouse and often asks for a redesign of his laboratory to share similar workspace with you.
Acting Grand Master Jean had to decline this idea just because it costs more than a million mora.
He’s definitely gonna sulk in your greenhouse after that, back leaning on the warm glass wall as he does nothing but sketch you and your plants the whole day.
Don’t stop him
Just admire the pout
Actually Working with Albedo! (Finally)
Whenever Albedo discovers/explores a new area, you’re always sure to tag along whether willingly or by force
I imagine that despite being his assistant/student, Sucrose and Timaeus are more focused on research and the application of Alchemy, so they’re not much of the resource gathering type. That said, Albedo is very thankful of your existence, it’s a breather to his already full schedule.
Albedo is both considerate and inconsiderate unconsciously : While he may run off to experiment on the traveler and leave you scouting the area yourself, he doesn’t willingly set you on fire from the inside.
Every time he comes back to camp after finishing the step by step experiment with/on the Traveler, he makes sure to check up on how you are doing.
TAKE NOTE: Our prince is very occupied and busy with his own work a lot, so he’s never really seen you in action when you go out to get the the materials he needs-
So he is purely horrified when he saw you hanging off the cliff with nothing but a rope around you to keep you safe, carefully investigating a petrified tree branch up close.
Suddenly, elevator.
Again, Imma bet, he’s gonna be accompanying you in all your expeditions after that. He’ll need to know where and how you acquire every ingredient outside of your greenhouse.
Does it require you to climb a mountain? Are there any Hilichurl camps nearby? Maybe mobs that are attracted to that type of flower?
He would be very attentive of your inventory reports and would recognize if a dangerous gathering journey is near. He’ll be right there with you.
Violetgrass x1000
He’s gathering more than a month’s worth just to make sure you don’t go back to make that dangerous trip. It’s very impractical, but let him rest his heart.
You and Albedo: Resource Gathering Expedition; Other Knights: Outdoor Dates Disguised as Work-Related Outings
Flower crowns are good and all but have you heard of flower bracelets?
Omg so cute hhh imagine a Flaming Flower Stamen bracelet for his Dragonspine expedition- it’s not gonna last forever but it’s so precious he’s definitely keeping that shit even when the heat already dissipated from it gah-
“Paimon wonders, what’s that thing around your wrist?”
“A flame bracelet, made to keep the cold away.”
“Woah! Sounds very useful! Sure would be handy for exploring, you think we can borrow it-”
Something angst-y: Albedo has yet to make a Dendro affinity potion and he’s really, really devastated about it and himself. You’ll have to forcibly pull him out of his self-deprecation, force him to get a breather.
Overall, Albedo greatly appreciates not only your utility but also your consistent company. He values your tenacity and comfort, sharing unadulterated curiousity as you both venture the great unknown. There’s a lot of stuff he can pray about to thank whichever archon has graced you. And despite his Vision lacking the function to actually help in the advancement of his research, he is now thankful for it, for he has found with it a greater purpose: Ensuring the safety of his precious Gardenia.
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imjeralee · 3 years
i request that you drink plenty of water and take care of yourself !!! ·o·b after thats done, came i pretty please get headcanons with link, Kaeya and maybe Childe about an s/o who draws them one day as a confession and gives it to them? :) (maybe they already knew and saw them drawing them before ? who knows) thank you in advance!!
Thank you anon! *looks at cup of green tea beside laptop* yep I think i’m doing well in keeping myself hydrated recently hehe but thank you :3
Anyway please see below for the ask! (it’s pretty long)
He was grooming one of the ponies when he saw you standing behind a tent peeking at him curiously and when he turned round properly, you quickly scampered away and he got worried so he followed you to the room you share to see you sitting on the bed with a wine red book propped up in your lap but upon his return, you immediately hid it behind your back, smiling widely at him
He wonders what it was but decides not to pry, but he later discovers it was actually a sketchbook when he’s packing up for tomorrow and you’re taking a bath and the sketchbook drops out of your pack and onto the floor, opening at a random page
He picks it up with the intention to return it to your bag but then he sees the various drawings of him in his Ancient Armour set, Hylian and Snowquill set. They’re fully coloured and it looks like you’ve spent hours on them. He didn’t know you were this artistic and wondered why you hid this from him
The date you wrote on the bottom of the page indicates that you drew all this in one day! He’s super impressed
Then he sees the note you wrote below: “To my Dearest Link, I hope you like my drawings of you. All I can think about is how lucky I am to be able to be by your side, you’ve changed my life for the better and-”
Obv half complete so now he knows why you didn’t want to show him and he respects your privacy, so he puts the sketchbook away 
Outside, he sees Beedle and goes over to see what’s new for sale. Beedle has some cool art stuff (well, it’s more like stuff that can be used for dye but can also be used as paint) so he buys some for you as a present which he will give to you later.
Next day, you get chased by a group of Bokogoblins and the book and all your drawing supplies drops out from your bag. 
You didn’t see it drop and returned to the stable, ransacking your bag like crazy only to find your stuff missing
When you realise everything must have dropped out when you got chased, you quickly leave the stable to go back to the area but it’s thunder and lightning so Link chases after you
“Link, what are you doing? Go back, the weather’s awful.” You tell him but he shakes his head, unable to leave you alone in the rain like this
He helps you with your search and you end up locating your book and your supplies which are lying in the mud
The book has been trampled over and some of the pages have been torn out. The remaining pages are soaked with dirt and grime. Your pencils are snapped in half and your paints have been left to bleed all over the grass. All of your drawings are ruined, too. This is your worst nightmare.
Link observes you silently as tears begins to form in your eyes and you look at him, sniffling slightly.
You’re experiencing a mixture of devastation, frustration, anger and exasperation - from your carelessness to the stupid bokogoblins - and this incident infuriates you so much you throw the book to the ground angrily
Before you can march away, Link grabs your wrist 
Turning round, your gazes meet and he looks at you softly, intently.
‘What’s wrong?’ he is saying. 
“I was going to use those to confess to you!” you end up roaring out by accident. 
Link looks at you, a little stunned
“N-Never mind! Everything’s ruined!!!!” 
You’re about to storm off again when Link suddenly pulls you into his chest and gives you a hug
“!” you’re so shocked you can’t speak
He pulls away though, and leads you to the hollow of a nearby tree trunk where he gestures for you to sit down to shelter from the rain whilst he glances around, then sprints back over to where the ruined sketchbook is
He picks it up and holds it against his chest as if it’s dear to him. That’s not all, you watch as he begins to pick up the remaining pages that were torn out and once he’s collected them all he returns to you, clutching the pages tightly
"Link...” you murmur breathlessly as he he kneels down in front of you before he fishes around in his pockets to reveal a random bunch of paint pots in his hand.
You’re a little confused, but realise he has some spares which he must have bought from a merchant
it’s not much but...
he nudges it to you for your offering
You gawp at him for a few moments before you smile and chuckle and upon seeing you back to your usual self again, Link smiles and helps you back onto your own feet to stand
You thank him as you cradle the paints to yourself. You will need to restart from scratch from somehow it feels ok and something tells you you don’t need to hide it from him anymore
And you return to the stable, sheltering from the rain by sharing a large leaf together
Let’s begin with the fact that alongside you, there is a maid who also likes Kaeya as much as you do and she’s a bit of a sneaky bugger and you don’t show your drawings to anyone or watermark your artwork until they’re complete. You can probably see where this is going
One day, Kaeya finds out you are drawing a picture of him when he comes to your office to inform you that there’s a group of abyss mages outside Mondstadt so you hurry off to dispatch it and leaving Kaeya in your office
He accidentally comes across your drawing when he sees his face on a piece of parchment and his interest is piqued so he heads over to check it out
It’s a really good sketch!!! the amount of detail is insane! he had no idea you possessed such skill and who knew that you could create such beautiful art like this? He also finds some rough doodles and sketches you made earlier on some scrap paper you had also written on so he knows it’s you
Anyway, he puts everything back to join you in battle, but not before passing a maid along the way who is heading to your room to clean up
She comes across your drawing and she’s always fancied Kaeya herself, so for some reason other than just thinking she might be able to get away with it if she’s sneaky enough, she takes your drawing and sets off with it
Meanwhile, you return to your room after the battle, take off your coat and sit comfortably in your chair, reaching for your quill
“Ah, time to get back to my drawing of Kaeya.” you say with a smile, looking at your desk.
Wait a minute.
Something is wrong.
Very wrong.
It’s GONE!
After checking the rest of your office (and its clearly not there), you rush outside, wondering what happened to it when you see Kaeya and a maid talking in the corridor
they didn’t see you, so you quickly hide
“Please accept this, captain Kaeya!” gushes the maid, presenting your drawing to him. “I drew this picture of you to show how much you mean to me.”
What in the Samachurl shit is this? 
You’re about to storm over when Kaeya takes the drawing with a delicate brow raised, studies it intently and goes, “Oh? But I’m not so sure about that.”
“W-what do you mean, Captain Kaeya?”
“There’s no watermark on it,” he points out, “....one could’ve taken anyone’s artwork and claim that it’s theirs.”
“T-That’s - ! Ah, Captain Kaeya, h-how could you think so lowly of me?”
“I’m only just stating some simple facts, that’s all. You won’t hold that against me, will you? And I’m certainly not accusing you of anything...unless you...?”
“Oh....uh....I...I-I’m so sorry, Captain Kaeya, you’re right! I-I....please excuse me!”
The maid’s too embarrassed to proceed any further and leaves, running away.
Indeed, what in the samachurl hell had just happened? 
It goes quiet and you wonder if he’s still there; you step out of your hiding place only to go nose-to-chest with Kaeya.
He greets you with a smirk. “if it isn’t the little kitten, what are you doing here?”
“Um...uh, I....that....that drawing - “
What he said is right, there’s no watermark. How can you prove it’s yours? Would he believe you if you told him?
“Hm? Ah, yes, this drawing. I was going to keep it for myself.”
“No, wait! I mean...er...it’s not finished yet-”
“So you drew this then?”
“Yes, I did. it was me.” Though you wonder if he would believe you after everything you had just heard.
You lamely tell him you really like him and wanted to use it to confess to him.
He watches you for a few seconds, then hands the drawing to you. “I’ll wait until you’ve finished then.”
“Huh?” You gasp. He gave it back to you so easily despite what he said to the maid! “You...you’re not-”
“I knew it was you who drew it. I recognised your style.”
“Then why didn’t you say so earlier?”
“If I said so earlier, how else would I get you to confess to me?”
(from then on he’ll want you to draw him more often)
Saw you sitting on the grassy hill near Qingxu Pool drawing earlier and because he is good at sneaking up on people, you didn’t hear him as he casually leaned over to peek over your shoulder and said, “Hey girlie, what’re you up to?”
You’re like “UWAGH!” and quickly close your sketchbook before turning round to see Childe.
“N-nothing!” you exclaim, before you get up and run down the hill, leaving a very amused Childe on his own
Later, when you’ve finished your masterpiece, you nervously approach Childe and tell him, “Um....this is for you, let me know what you think.” before rushing off in a blushing mess and Childe will open the sketchbook to see that you’ve drawn a very nice portrait of him in a battle stance, wielding his bow, surrounded by his hydro blades
Childe stands, staring at the picture
Then he sees the words ‘do you like me?’ scribbled at the very bottom
Childe staring hard now
He’s used to giving people gifts but now that he’s received something so thoughtful, he’s a bit overwhelmed. he can tell you put so much effort and hardwork into this. Ah, what is this feeling? 
He closes the book without further ado and scrubs a hand over his face
he actually wasn’t expecting you to do this. he knew you were drawing him but the result is really....something else
You don’t hear him from Childe in a few days and you are so nervous and worried.
Is this a rejection? Maybe he didn’t like your picture after all...
You’re walking in the streets and sigh and sit on the stone steps of Liyue, staring at the sea, upset and dejected
But then you hear a whistle from behind and throw a glance over your shoulder to see Childe standing on a higher step, a hand in his pocket
“Hey girlie, heads up,” he tosses a paper plane into the air which makes this little loop before you stand to catch it
Looking up, Childe has gone
You unfold the paper plane to its proper size to reveal that Childe’s drawn a little sketch of you in return and he has written: ‘Yes I do’.
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blue-pastel-cat · 3 years
Xiaobedo Fanfic Recommendation
Welcome to my personal “if you are new to xiaobedo peeps please read these” list. As said before this is my personal list so please feel free to reblog/comment/hit me for not including any gem here. I might miss a lot of them because I am drunk or blind. (mostly have them on my to read and then forgot as I am being assault by real life shit).
I would like to say first that so far there are 150+ Xiaobedo fics on Ao3. I can’t review all of them but I can say that I have read a majority of them. Most of them are just pure love and I would like nothing more than a thousands thank you for all the fic writers who spent their free time writting these gems for us to read for free. But these...these takes the cake as it finds a special landing spot in my heart that I would just thrust them into someone’s hand if they say “I am new to this ship can you recommend me?”
1. Orange dust by bobamilkteas (Wes)
In which Xiao learns to open himself up to the world a little more after the collapse of Rex lapis's contracts but it was not always easy for a soul doomed to eternal damnation. Meanwhile, Albedo liked to tempt fate where the extraordinary are concerned.
If only the traveler's comrades are made of saner bunch.
Comment: Long ago when I like both Albedo and Xiao as a character, I was wondering hmmm....will anyone actually even write about them lmao they never met each other. I am surprise to see this one as the 3rd fic in the whole 3 Xiaobedo fic on Ao3 (yeah back when there’s literally only 3 fic for this couple). I was like I’ll read it for the curiosity, I’ll probably won’t ship them. And that people is how I put my clown make up on my face upon finishing reading it. This ONE fic alone convert me into a devotee of Xiaobedo. Please consider joining me in this circus if you want to know what is Xiaobedo. I would put this as the first of my “Big 3″
Orange Dust also come with its compliation of short stories over the course of the game and a big sequel to it. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
2. Solar Wind by birdpriestess (Sparrow)
For the yaksha, his duty was his life, and his life was his duty. No human could ever hope to understand the eternal war he fought out of sight and in silence.
So why, then, did he feel that Albedo would understand?
Finding himself at death's door once more, Xiao is saved by a surprising person, setting off the unlikeliest of adventures.
Comment: Do you like crying? Do you like the feeling of getting your heart ripped into pieces as the author destroy your emotions over the end of each chapter as the story picked up the climax? Yeah, this one is for you masochists. The action, the characterisation, the drama THE EMOTIONS OH WOW. I kid you not that it was so good I read this while workinng when I am not suppose to me. Also, this fic has my favourite characterisation of Gold ever. I love that dramatic queen Mad Alchemist. AND DAIN. I LOVE DAIN IN THIS FIC. Our dearest Sparrow manage to toy with our feelings like how I bully ruin guard for big numbers lmao. This is the secound of “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list.
Again, just like Orange Dust, Solar Wind comes with its own compliation of short stories of what came after that. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
3. Castle of Glass by AlchemicalStardust (Morgie) 
A black shadow rises over Huaguang Stone Forest. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Albedo flees the shaking ground and the crash of boulders tumbling form the sky. As the dust settles, Albedo finds a young man – an Adeptus – amidst the carnage. Despite the karmic agony ripping his body from the inside, Xiao’s only question is “How?” How did a human survive after witnessing his battle?
Comment: The last of the “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list. And it is still on going! Castle of Glass? More like I AM IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS! Have you read a fic about 2 people yearning, longing, reaching out for each other so damn well that you just want to throw your phone in the air as they both had their impending doom coming down upon them? Yeah this is one of them. You will like want to be stuck in the moment they express how much they just yearn for each other’s love and care that you want to shake the author for what comes next. Like...everytime Morgie update I am expressing my gratitude at the end of the chapter by writing on Xiaobedo discord “MORGIE COME HERE AND LET ME BONK YOU WHY ARE YOU ENDING IT THERE”
trust me when you read you will def feel the same. With just Big 3 and their compliation alone that would give you like a LONG list of reading already LMAOOOOOOO
4. Find a place to call it home  by yamajiroo 
Our room, he said. Xiao’s brow twitches. Zhongli never said anything about this. But then again, perhaps he should anticipate this from the beginning...
Xiao looks over at Albedo, who is now tilting his head, his look as innocent as ever.
“Are you not okay with sharing a room?”
Comment: College AU for Xiaobedo! One thing that I love this is the slow burn and what made me LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic more is how cute Klee is in this fic. Their relationship in this one is very simple, but that simplicity highlight why their chemistry work. Xiao is someone who was just very gentle, who was largely misunderstood by his lonesome nature. Albedo was someone who like peace and quite in his introvert bubble. And how they respect that bubble that each other has actually made their relationship work. I love it when fic highlight this and this one captures it.
5. I Can't See Your Face From the Other Side of the Classroom by MissWeaver  
When Albedo and Xiao unexpectedly start eating lunch together, they begin to find that they have more in common than anyone would have realized. They both struggle in their own ways with blossoming feelings, too many assignments, and annoying classmates as they navigate a relationship for the first time.
Comment: I’ll be honest, I usually hate high school au just because its so cliche. I don’t even watch and drama/anime surrounds high school student anymore LMAOOO (unless it’s very good). So if there’s an high school AU that I actually keep come back and read after a couple of chapters, it means that the cliche that I hate wasn’t there or barely was there at all. The pinning in this fic makes me want to bang their head together sometimes LMAOOO The tag wasn’t kidding when they said both Xiao and Albedo are bad at feelings. Also that’s a lot of heart broken caused by these two idiots XD
6. new world, same me, same bullshit  by  bobamilkteas (Wes)
At the belly of Dragonspine, Albedo lost control to the festering corruption that permeated his senses and watched, from the recesses of his mind, as his devoured body turned his allies into enemies. Before his rampage reached its climax, he is sealed in a crystalized confinement by the last hand of Reindottir, where he then reawakens centuries after, in a rebooted Teyvat.
Comment: Yeah I know it was list in Orange Dust but here me out. This sets out in an entirely different universe. And if you like Polyamory, this one has Zhongli joining the duo and I love it because I also love ZhongXiao with my life. Time Travel is my biggest kink. Especially when I am the person who love it when people explore Archon War era/ Alatus!Xiao. So this one hits double of my kink. Of course it is still on going and I will bully Wes whenever I can to see that new chapter. Albedo is a total fucking badass in this story and I completely agree from using him in Abyss so often. Everyone should write badass Albedo.
7. misplaced heart of mine by  inkburn           
“If you are ill, then you should be resting at home. In Mondstadt.” He emphasized Mondstadt with a pointed look in his direction.
“I assure you I won’t be troublesome, Adeptus Xiao,” Albedo said, “You’ll find I’m a rather low-maintenance traveler.”
“Travel,” Xiao scoffed, “without airstep?”
Albedo looked him up and down. “Are your legs just for decoration?”
(albedo is sent to liyue on mandatory vacation. xiao is his unfortunate bodyguard.)
Comment: Most of the time you will see Albedo and Xiao starting their relationship with one of them taking interest in another. But this one took another approach, they starting off by make them hating each other’s guts LMAOOOO and I live for every second of it. There’s only 1 chapter so far but wow it was SOOO GOOD. I am really really excited for next chapter and is waiting patiently ;w;
8.  Blossom of Grace  by birdpriestess  
One day in Liyue Harbor, Albedo watches a street performance by an enigmatic dancer named Xiao. And he becomes completely obsessed.
Comment: Have you ever look at Xiao fight and thinking that he’s one of the most beautiful deadly thing ever? How it was like he was dancing around the battlefield? How about actual dancer Xiao being so absolutely beautiful and perfect and that slow burn of Albedo falling in love with that beauty with a touch of Modern AU and cute Ganyu as the Wing woman. Yes, Sparrow delivers yet again another beautiful slow burn and while it’s still ongoing it is worth the read.
9. i think we could make this work (could get used to this) by outspaced               
“Xiao? What are you doing out here?”
“It’s raining,” Albedo says, as if it isn’t obvious. “You could get struck by lightning.”
“What are you doing out here then?” Xiao does the only thing he knows how to do, he challenges Albedo. “It’s raining.”
Albedo just hums. “If I get struck by lightning, it’s for science.”
Comment: A short one-shot where I read the summary and went “This is it... this is their relationship.” I am sold immediately. Oh god Albedo why are you like this.
10. Ephemeral by criedprinz        
“It’s not for your investigation, is it?” Aether asked mildly.
Albedo traced a finger around the sketchbook, considering the question. “No,” he admitted finally. “I... I just want to see them again.”
He opened the sketchbook to reveal the drawing he’d just finished. Aether nodded, clearly recognizing the sharp golden eyes.
“Xiao,” he said. “You were rescued by an adeptus.”
When a visit to Dragonspine goes horribly wrong, Albedo is rescued by an unknown stranger, wielding powers he's never heard of. Led on a search to find out who it is, he finds himself in the middle of an unforgettable encounter..
Comment: A really really well written one-shot that I love. The yearning oh godddd the yearning from Albedo side is just so so much that I have to put it here. (I think you can see the trend here lmao. I am a sucker for yearning). And the moment they get to meet each other again is just chef kiss. MWHAA
11. Idle Yaksha, Brilliant Yaksha by Pit0fTheEarth
Alatus didn’t have a lot of responsibilities to keep. He spent most of his days dancing across the sky and eating away all nightmares that plagued a person’s sleep.
But one fortunate encounter led to too many unfortunate ones, taking his carefree existence and plunging it in darkness. His wings, stripped from him. His gentle touch, replaced by an unforgiving grip of destruction.
There was a lot of blood on his hands. With each passing moment, it became harder for Alatus to recall the last time someone gently held him.
Comment: This is one of the ongoing fic where I am very very much excited on the take of Naberius. And the way the author portray Xiao when he’s still the innocent Alatus is just *clench fist*. Baby ;w; Baby why do you have to lose all that innocence. Also the fic has long LONG flashback to Xiao past and his relationship with Naberius. We are unwielding more what happened to both of them and why perhaps does this have to do with Albedo.
That’s it for now, might add more later! Thank you <3
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channiebbang · 3 years
synopsis: y/n has a massive crush on renjun and renjun has too much going on to care, or alternately, y/n courts renjun and gets him to like her, with a small misunderstanding in the middle.
characters: Huang Renjun, Na Jaemin, Main Character and a lil bit of Lee Jeno and Lee Haechan.
pairing: collegestudent!renjun x collegestudent!maincharacter
genre: fluff and a lil bit of angst
word count: 6.7k
warnings: noneeee
author’s note: it took me whole damn minute to write this lol initially i wanted the story to go differently but i kinda forgot along the way lmaooo this was supposed to be a han jisung one shot at first but then renjun inspired me more 🤠 i hope you enjoy reading this! let me know what you think about it! 🥺💛
she still remembered the first day she saw him. the first day she knew what love at first sight was.
renjun had always been a very reserved person. he liked to keep to himself and only hangout with his few friends. that ofcourse didn't mean he had no popularity around campus because holy shit did everyone know the boy.
he was known for being donghyuk's bestfriend, for being a clever student, for being a witty genius, a straight A student, a bookworm. but most of all he was knows for being the handsome dude that like silence, and being by himself when he wasn't with his friend.
y/n, like everyone else, knew of a huang renjun, but she had never had the honour to see him. see, y/n too was always immersed in her studies, and when she wasn't she liked to chill with her friends or be home with her family. she was a simple girl.
so imagine her surprise when one day, as she waited for her friend, she saw the most beautiful, handsome boy walk by. she was surprised because how could she, in her last two years of being in the same campus, not have seen this beautiful man. he must have been new, he had to. spoiler alert: he wasn't, she just never paid attention to her surroundings.
it was a few days after that she had seen him again and thanks to her friend she got to know that he was the huang renjun.
so, being the smart person she was, she decided she would court him. yes, court. like they did centuries ago. she would court him. despite not knowing anything about him, other than what people told her, she wanted yo get to know him and hopefully date him. simple as that.
huang renjun on the other hand, couldn't careless when word got around that a certain y/n had a crush on him. it never bothered him when other people came up to him so he didn't see how she would be any different. he just wanted to be chill.
he already had a lot on his plate with trying to balance his studies, art assignments, work, social life and family back at home to care about some fleeting crush someone had on him.
with having to live alone for so long he had already too much stuff going on and really couldn't be bothered to add more to it.
with the start of the new semester came the news that it was recommended to take another course for some extra credits and as much as renjun didn't want to he resigned himself and took a photography course. now, don't get him wrong, he loved photography. but he had already so much on his plate he didn't know how he was going to balance it all. thankfully, his friend jaemin was taking the course with him. and jaemin, being the sweetest, most caring, friend he was agreed to renjun's request to always group together if there was need. payment fee: be his model for the fashion course he was taking. renjun begrudgingly agreed. it was only just trying on clothes after all.
so on the first day of the new photography lesson the two boys walked in and sat somewhere in the middle, waiting for their professor to arrive.
"don't go back on your words," jaemin sent renjun a pointed look, his hands working on taking out his stuff.
"yeah, yeah," renjun muttered not looking up from his bag.
the sound of laughter made him look up towards the door, his eyes shifting back down to his bag when he saw a few girls walk in.
"oh, that's y/n," he heard jaemin mutter. renjun only hummed while finally putting his bag down by his feet.
"what?" jaemin asked as he turned towards his friend, brows furrowed in confusion. renjun shared the same look.
"what what?" he asked, kinda lost.
"that," jaemin subtly nodded towards the group of girls that sat a few seats in the front, on the side, before continuing, "is y/n," renjun followed his gaze only to look back at his friend.
"so?" he asked, not knowing where this was going. jaemin scoffed rolling his eyes.
"just showing you who your admirer is," he explained, renjun smiled before shaking his eyes.
"thank you for you kind service, sir," sarcasm dropped from every word, jaemin turned to him with a smirk.
"hmm kinky. call me that more," he slightly nudged him with his shoulder, leaning his elbow on the desk and resting his head on his palm. renjun's smile disappeared and he faked a punch to him, jaemin flinching away.
"get lost."
it took her a few more days for y/n to build up the courage to approach the boy.
she was nervous but she also told herself that if she got rejected then, well, it was a new experience. i mean, she had a 90% chance he would reject her. how she knew? well for starters, he was known for rejecting people, he made it very clear he wasn't interested in a relationship at all. people also said he was basically unapproachable, intimidating and cold.
she had mixed feelings about the last few; she had seen him multiple times with his friends, and he always seemed to have a soft smile on his lips and a glowing aura. so how could he be cold and intimidating?
but. now that she was standing a few feet away from him she could totally understand why they said he was unapproachable.
the boy wasn't with any of his friends. his expression was set to stone, to say the least.
y/n gave herself a little cheer before she started walking towards where he was going.
it's alright, just be yourself. people like bright people, right? it's gonna be okay. she told herself.
renjun's head snapped to the side when someone fell in step with him. he turned his gaze forward again thinking they might be walking by.
"hi!" y/n smiled brightly at the boy. renjun turned towards her again, his eyes looking around him in case she was talking to someone else but they were the only two walking. he slowly came to a stop.
"are you talking to me?" he asked, finger pointing at his chest. y/n giggled before nodding. she raise a hand, waving.
"hi, I'm y/n," she introduced herself. renjun sent her a skeptical look before nodding.
"renjun," he spoke uncertainly wondering why she was approaching him.
y/n felt at a loss of words after that. honestly speaking, she had never flirted with anyone or even tried to win anyone over really.
now, it's not like she had never dated, that she has, but she never made the first more.
her exes had told her that she tended to be a bit oblivious when people flirted with her, what with her being always friendly.
so being on the other end felt a bit nerve wrecking. she had a lot of respect for people that made the first move all of a sudden.
"i don't know if you heard about it, people really seem to like gossiping around here but i kinda like you," she said with a smile on her face.
renjun blinked. once. twice. a third time, before coughing awkwardly.
"what?" he spluttered caught off guard. y/n snorted.
"i like you," she repeated, the smile never wavering. she hiked up the strap of her bag on her shoulder.
suddenly her name clicked in renjun's head and he remembered seeing her in his photography class. he cursed under his breath before turning forward again.
"not interested," he muttered under his breath before stepping around her and walking towards where he was going before. y/n cursed under her breath before stumbling after him. the both unaware of the stealing glances people were giving them.
"i know you aren't," she fell into step beside him again. renjun took a deep breath before speeding up. y/n watched him before clumsily shuffling and taking two steps every one stride he took. renjun noticed and a smirk pulled up the corner of his mouth, before falling just as quickly.
"i will court you, if that's okay with you," she started again, "i know you're not interested in me. i will put in the effort to get you to like me," she giggled facing him as she followed.
renjun threw her a confused look before shaking his head. y/n checked the time on her phone before her eyes widened.
"shoot! my class starts in a bit, i gotta run! i'll hear from you again, bye renjun!" she waved before turning and running away, without waiting for the boy to say bye back. renjun scoffed at her childishness before getting in the hall where his class was going to be.
so that's how occasionally renjun would find chocolates or flowers on his desk in photography. jaemin had made it his job to tease him every time the two came into the class to find the little gifts. the blue haired guy even telling their other friends about it.
renjun had made it a routine to hand over all the chocolates he got to jaemin everytime, even though his favourite was among the little bunch. upon jaemin's question as to why he wouldn't eat at least the ones he liked, renjun's answer was, "i don't want to give her false hope and think i appreciate it."
and as much as he liked the flowers he gave those to jaemin as well, only to take them back saying they would be nice as props for art inspiration.
just like every other photography class, y/n had walked into the class with a few girls before they all walked to their spot. she looked over where renjun and jaemin usually sat, smiling when she saw the both sitting there. she fished out the little sketchbook and small flower ensemble from her bag before putting the latter on the desk and getting up.
"why do you do this all the time? it's clear he doesn't like you," one of the girls inquired, a smile on her lips. y/n shrugged, her eyes trained on one person only.
"i know he doesn't, but he also doesn't like anyone else," she winked down at the girl before stepping out of the desk, "which means, i still have a chance," she giggled as she turned around before walking towards the two boys.
the two bickering boys looked up at the sound of the chirpy voice before renjun rolled his eyes and jaemin smiled big at the girl.
"hi, y/n, what a surprise," jaemin teased as he winked at the girl. y/n giggled, a slow blush creeping up her neck.
"hello, jaemin," she politely waved before turning her eyes towards renjun, "hi, renjun."
renjun looked up towards her before averting his eyes again, "hi," he politely said.
his eyes shifted to his desk when y/n put down her small gift on his desk, his brows furrowing.
"why are you giving me this?" he asked, a slight tone in his voice. jaemin nudged him with his knee.
"thought you'd like a small sketchpad to have on you wherever you went. just in case you got a sudden burst of inspiration," she explained, the smile never leaving her lips. renjun looked up at her, a stoic expression on his face. y/n's smile faltered a small fraction but she hoped she masked it before her could notice.
renjun's eyes remained on the girl as he picked up the sketchpad and slowly pushed it aside on the desk, on jaemin's side.
"i don't need it," he deadpanned. y/n cleared her throat before brining up her smile again.
"then throw it away," she shrugged her shoulders before turning away and going back to her seat as renjun started after her, jaemin snickering beside him.
"well," he chuckled, "didn't see that coming."
it was at the end of the day, when renjun was walking around campus on his way to the library, that someone fell into step with him. he already knew who it was as a slow breeze wafted a floral scent his way.
he threw her a fleeting glance before making a double take. he felt his breath hitch in his throat before he masked it away.
the girl beside him looked ethereal in her baby blue shirt and high waisted loose fitting gray pants. her hair flew softly around her shoulders and face as the wind blew. the golden hue the sunset casted on her making her skin glow in contrast to her top. the cherry lip stain she had on brought accent to her lips in the most beautiful ways. renjun looked away as her eyes met his. she giggled. and renjun would never admit that to jaemin or his other friends but the sound was slowly growing on him.
"the weather is very nice today," she spoke taking a big breath, "want to get some ice cream?" she asked hopefully. renjun turned towards her only to be faced with big, bright eyes, shining in a way he could not put into words.
clearing his throat he turned away again as they made their way down the sidewalk.
"what are you doing?" he asked, his voice low and calculated, genuinely curious. y/n threw him a look before stepping behind him as a woman with a stroller passed by them. she peeked from behind him as she stepped beside him again.
"courting," she spoke with an obvious tone as they stopped in front of a streetlight.
"why?" he asked as they crossed the road. he came to a stop on the side of the street when he realized she had been following him.
"well," she started, "of course because i like you," she nodded, adjusting her bag strap.
"you don't even know me," he deadpanned. y/n rolled her eyes, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips and renjun's brows furrowed.
"well, of course not, that's the whole point of me courting you, dummy," her voice dripped incredulity as if he had asked the most obvious question.
he rolled his eyes as he started walking again, ignoring her words. she scurried after him as she tried keeping up with his steps. five seconds passed before she nudged him with her shoulder, grinning. a groan left his lips in response.
"so," she stretched out the word, "can i? court you i mean," her eyes went big as she waited for his answer. he let out a big sigh.
"it's not like you haven't been already doing it," he murmured. y/n's brows furrowed.
"you're right, i'm sorry about that," she apologized, and renjun could hear the pout before he even turned to look at her, "i'll stop if you want to. i really want your permission though. i wouldn't want to do anything you wouldn't like," she grumbled, upset she had unintentionally invaded his space.
renjun stared at her clear upset pout before he sighed again. he had been doing that a lot lately.
why am i agreeing to this, he thought as he closed his eyes for a second before he opened them again and turned a corner, y/n turning a second late.
"you can," he muttered as he stopped walking. y/n's eyes grew big as she gasped. her eyes lit up and a smile stretched over her lips as she looked up at him with big eyes.
"i can?" she asked in wonder.
"sure, be my guest," he shrugged his shoulders.
"really?" she asked again and renjun only nodded, his expression blank.
"but," he brought his index finger up and she looked at it before nodding, "i won't put aside my studies, job or anything just for your delusional attempt at flirting."
"courting! COURTING!" she corrected him after a loud groan and an eye roll. renjun doing the latter as well.
"yeah yeah whatever, that," he waved at her dismissively. she smiled at him.
"that's okay, but don't shut me out. you have to give me opportunities to court you, you have to be fair," she pointed at him as she pouted. renjun looked from her face to her pointed finger before he pushed it down. y/n's eyes shifting to the finger before muttering a sorry.
he glanced at her sideways a snort leaving him, "yeah, okay."
she smiled before a confused look took over as she looked at their surroundings.
"uhh, where are we?" she asked unsure, renjun looked back at the store they stopped in front.
"didn't you want to get ice cream?" he asked and y/n's eyes lit up a cheer leaving lips as she bounced on her heels.
"yes yes! let's go! it's my treat," she laughed as she pushed him aside and walked inside.
"sure," renjun muttered following her inside.
and that's how her courting began. sometimes it was ice creams, other times it was afternoons at the library, evenings in the art lab. and it went on for a few months. renjun's friends would sometimes tease him about y/n and he would begrudgingly tell them he wasn't dating her. he had explained times and times again what y/n said she were doing and they had told him the same thing every time.
yeah yeah dating, we get it.
word was getting around campus that the renjun was dating y/n and it was safe to say it was the hottest news. renjun, who had never cared about what they ever said about him, this time too, didn't bother to correct anyone.
y/n checked her phone as she speed walked. she was late to meet renjun and she knew how much he hated tardiness. she cursed under her breath as she skipped around the corner. her eyes searched around in hopes to catch a glimpse of the ash brown color haired guy. a smiled adorned her lips as she saw him. she was about to call out his name when she noticed him talking to someone. she jogged up to him and smiled as his eyes shifted to her.
"you're-," he started before she interrupted him.
"late. i know, i know. i'm sorry, i had to talk a bit to the TA," she giggled in apology and he rolled his eyes as he bid goodbye to the girl he was talking to.
"i'll get back at you about it. try to find as much as you can about the topic," he stretched his lips in a make shift smile for a second in greeting and the girl nodded, a teasing smile on her lips.
"don't get too lost in your date. i won't do the whole project on my own because you're out dating," she smiled jokingly. y/n pressed her lips together as her big eyes watched between the two.
the stranger's smile slowly fell as she noticed renjun wasn't smiling in the least, his face stone serious.
"don't worry about my date, worry about doing your part, bye."
and he turned and started walking away. y/n watched between his retreating back and her baffled face, an embarrassed blush adorning her cheeks.
"he's like that with everyone, don't take it too at heart," y/n sent an encouraging smile.
"y/n!" her head whipped to see renjun waving at her to be quick. she smiled for a last time to the girl before she ran up to him.
they walked in silence for a few minutes as she pouted. renjun took a deep breath before he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes.
"what?" he asked already knowing why she was pouting. she sent him a narrowed stare.
"you didn't have to be that rude," she sighed as she grasped the bag strap across her chest.
"yeah, well she was being nosy," he shrugged his shoulders.
"she was trying to be friendly."
"yeah, well she was trying to be friendly by being nosy and i don't like it."
y/n snorted at his pouted reply.
"ah!" y/n suddenly remembered as she rummaged into her bag, renjun watched her with curious eyes.
"here, this is for you," a small bag was pushed towards her and renjun carefully took it before opening it.
"what is this?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"what do you mean? it's food, silly!" y/n giggled.
"yeah, why?" he asked, slowly fishing out one of the corndogs in the bag. y/n rolled her eyes jokingly.
"because you like them," she said after a sigh left her lips, wondering how he could be so oblivious. he nodded not feeling like arguing with her. no matter how many times he had told her not to spend money on his she never listened.
when he realized she just was a giving person he figured he would just buy her ice creams on the times they would go together.
"this is my stop, i'll see you around," renjun nodded at y/n as they stopped in front of the bus stop. y/n smiled as she nodded and waved. the bus stopped in front of the two and y/n watched as he walked up to the doors and into the bus, not once looking back.
as the doors closed and went away, so did her smile. she took a deep breath wondering if she had been too forceful on renjun.
was I too pushy? should I have backed away when he said he didn't like me?
and somehow she figured that really, renjun didn't need to like her. he had never said he liked her. it was all her.
she had been the one to push herself into his life, she had been the one wanting to court him, she had been the one to always wait for him after his classes, she had been the one dragging him to the ice cream parlor every other day.
renjun had always been clear on his feelings. he had said it in the beginning he didn't like her. he had only agreed to it all because he was nice, only going to get ice cream because she dragged him.
"hey! why the long face?"
y/n turned towards the sudden voice, her smile back on her lips as she crossed eyes with jaemin. she shook her head.
"got lost in my thoughts," she smiled, "it's getting late, i'll see you tomorrow!" and she was gone jogging to her bus stop.
jaemin let out a deep breath, wondering if she knew she was very bad at concealing her feelings from showing on her face.
golden rays seeped through the curtains in the silent home. a sweet melancholy atmosphere buzzed in the atmosphere. the silence creeped up the walls and enveloped the whole apartment.
the beeping of the main door unlocking sounded like a shrill sound in the otherwise mute surrounding. feet shuffled in before closing the door. soft steps sounded loud, the switch being turned on illuminated the whole flat in a bright light.
a sigh left her lips as she let her bag fall on the couch, walking to the bathroom.
twenty minutes later she was sat on the couch, a towel in her hand as she dried her hair. the silence made her ears ring, she hated it. hated this feeling.
she hated not being able to trust anyone, hated that she had nobody she could call friend at college, hated how she knew the people she hung out with during those few hours talked behind her back, called her naive, stupid, loser. she knew it all but she hung out with them either way.
y/n thought about calling her boss and going to work, being busy sounded like a thrilling idea instead of sitting in this silence, but she knew they were full.
she took a deep breath willing her mind not to fall in the deep hole she knew it was going to if she didn't busy herself fast.
so she got up and discarded her damp towel on the rack in the balcony before walking to the kitchen, wondering if cooking something would take her mind away from memories she wanted to keep locked away.
"renjun ah!"
jaemin walked into the room in search of his friend, his mind set on getting his words across the thick headed idiot.
he closed the door behind himself, his narrowed eyes set on the boy playing a game on his couch. renjun's eyes fled to jaemin before focusing back on the game.
"jeno and haechan said it will take half an hour and then they'll be here," he informed the blue haired male as he angrily pressed the buttons on his controller. jaemin nodded before taking four strides in front of the tv and turning it off.
"bro! what the fuck!" renjun shrilled, mouth hanging open in surprise.
"you're losing anyway," jaemin deadpanned before looking him straight in the eyes, "we need to talk."
"about?" renjun threw the controller aside, wondering what was this serious.
"what about her?" renjun sighed as he leaned back against the couch, curious where this conversation was going.
"don't you think you're being a bit unfair to her?" jaemin asked, his tone calm.
"how? i didn't do anything," his brows furrowed as he stared at his friend. a slight sliver of irritation hit him as he wondered if she had gone to whine to his friend about him.
"exactly, you don't do anything while she does everything!" jaemin exclaimed, his arms spreading before falling by his sides again.
"i don't know what you're reaching at, jaem," renjun sighed as his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose.
"what i'm trying to say, jun, is that the poor girl has been trying to woo your ass so hard for so long and you won't do anything about it!"
"what do you want me to do!" renjun exclaimed, suddenly feeling attacked, "she was the one that wanted to do all this courting bullshit! i never asked to do it! i told her i didn't like her!" he defended himself and jaemin rolled his eyes at his friend's stupidity. and he was supposed to be the top student huh?
"at least tell her again before she falls more for you while you don't care then! the poor girl has tried everything to make you like her! she knows your habits, your order at the café, pays attention to what you say, what you do. hell! she even knows when you crave your stupid milkshake because you had a bad day at college!" jaemin tried to reason with him.
"did she complain at you about all this? i swear!" renjun groaned as he stood on his feet, beyond angry that she had the audacity to complain when she was the one to start all this. jaemin looked at renjun as if he grew a second head.
"what? no! why would she say anything to me? it doesn't take a genius to figure all this out when the moment she's not with you she has sadness written all over her face."
"oh so now i'm the bad guy, great!" renjun laughed mockingly.
"nobody said you're the bad guy, jun," jaemin's voice softened up as he stared at his friend, clear anger on his features, "all i'm saying is to take into consideration her feelings too, and if your feelings still haven't changed for her then to tell her so she can move on."
renjun snatched his jacked from the armrest of the couch before storming towards the door.
"where are you going?" jaemin asked, his tone alarmed at the anger renjun was displaying.
"tell her to fuck off and not complain to my friends," hw muttered as he pulled away the door.
"oh! hey guys," jeno's eyes widened as renjun pushed away from him and haechan on his way out of the door. the two standing on the door stared as he walked away before turning towards jaemin.
"what's going on?" haechan asked as they stepped inside their den. jaemin waved his fingers in his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh.
"i think talking to him was a bad idea."
it was almost 11pm when y/n's phone rang. she was almost falling asleep on her couch when it started ringing, waking her up right away. she smiled softly as she read the name of the caller, clearing her voice as she picked up the call.
"hello? renjun?" she softly asked, wondering why he called her at this hour.
"send me your address, we need to talk," his cold tone made a shiver run down her spine as she muttered an okay before he hung up.
thirty minutes later he texted her to come out front. in the chilly breeze he stood in front of her apartment complex. she was wearing a hoodie and sweats as she walked out. she smiled at him as she stopped to stand in front of him.
"hey, it's cold, you can come inside-,"
"what do you want from me?" he interrupted her. a look of confusion fleeting across her face as she stared up at him.
"what?" her voice was small as she spoke. renjun rolled his eyes.
"why would you go and rant to my friends about shit that you could've told me?" he accused, and her confused expression just angered him more as he scoffed.
"ah yes! now comes the 'i don't know what you're talking about'. you wanted to do this courting crap, i told you before that i didn't like you! i don't understand why you would antagonize me to my own friends when i never even wanted this in the first place!"
"what? renjun that's not-"
"i don't care! just stay out of my life, will you? stop whatever you're doing, i don't care about any of it. this was stupid anyway," he mutter the last few words before turning away.
he had taken just a step before y/n grasped his arm.
"renjun," she called him, "i don't know what happened but this is not what-"
"are you saying my friends lied to me?" his head whipped back and y/n let go of his arm right away at the nasty look he threw at her. she softly shook her head.
"that's not what i said," she muttered adn renjun scoffed before turning away again.
"then stay the fuck away," he spat as he walked away and y/n stared after him as she felt a sharp pain on her chest, the familiar pain of heart break happening all over again.
she had stayed away from his as he asked. she didn't reach out anymore and she didn't approach him either. figured out if she was forcing herself on him, the least she could've done is listen to him and stay away.
jaemin regretted talking to his stubborn friend when he had pushed his shoulder against the girl's and greeted her just to receive a tight lipped smile and a soft hi before she had speed walked away. seconds later renjun had stood by his side, his eyes on the girl as he scoffed.
"what did she want?" he sneered and jaemin's furrowed his brows as he turned to face his friend.
"renjun," he called his attention and the latter turned around to face him.
"she never said anything to me," jaemin went straight to the point and when renjun made to say anything he held up his hand.
"i'm not covering for her. she never said anything to me or anyone. hell, she never even talked about you to me. all i know about what you teo had going on was from what you told me," jaemin took a deep breath at renjun's furrowed brows.
"that day you wouldn't listen to me. I don't know why you were that angry but she really didn't ever say anything. whatever i talked to you about was all because i wanted to say it. so if you have feelings for her tell her and if you don't then at least apologize to her," jaemin tried to reason with him
"we're best friends, i'm gonna tell you when you're wrong and being an idiot. and now, you're both," jaemin smiled at renjun before clapping his arm and walking to their photography class. renjun didn't say anything, too immersed in his thoughts.
they walked into the room and renjun's eyes were right away on y/n. she sat in her usual seat, surrounded by her friends as they laughed about something. y'n smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, she laughed but it didn't sound genuine and renjun wondered how he was able to tell. he shook his head and walked behind jaemin to their seat.
"hey, aren't you going to say hi to renjun?" one of y/n's friends. y/n's smile dimmed a little before she masked again and shook her head.
"i'm not doing that anymore," she shrugged her shoulders as to not seem too sad. the girls around her snickered and y/n felt a chill run down her spine.
"why? did he reject you?" one asked and y/n sent a tight lipped smile as she hummed.
"y/n! come here for a moment, please!" the professor called her and she thanked the heavens she got saved like that.
she got off her seat and walked down the steps carefully. what she didn't miss is the girls next words. they intended for her to hear it and they also wanted renjun to hear.
"of course he would reject her, she was so pushy with it."
renjun's brows furrowed as he heard those words, wondering how did friends talk about their friend like that, but what angered him more was that it was obvious y/n had heard them but she had just kept walking to the professor.
renjun shook his head telling himself he shouldn't care. he knew he had to apologize at some point but he also knew he didn't care for her, he had no feelings for her... right?
but as he watched the girl talk to the professor with her smile painted on, his heart tightened.
it was late at night when renjun lied in his bed, facing the ceiling, his body aching from slaving away at work, his shoulders in pain from the hunched evenings he spent in the library and the heavy feeling in his chest from having to balance so many things at once, that he longed for someone to rely on. finally he was coming to terms with the truth.
the truth was that y/n had been that one person that made it all go away; the aching, the pain, the heaviness and the emptiness. she had taken all of it away without even trying to. renjun thought back at that evening when he had went to a shop with his friends and as his eyes caught sight of the little fluffy keyring he had grasped it and with a small smile he had thought 'y/n will like this' only to remember y/n wasn't there anymore. he had pushed her away.
renjun's brows furrowed as he suddenly sat up, a determined look on his face. he had to make it right. he had to apologize.
so with a new found adrenaline pumping through his veins he got up from his bed and quickly threw on a hoodie and his shoes before running out of his home.
y/n secured the lock on the convenience store she worked at, shaking the door to check if she had locked it correctly, before taking the short walk to her building.
the chilly breeze felt refreshing against her cheeks as she walked the uphill street.
she stepped under the streetlight in front of her building when she noticed a crouched figure in front of her main door. she slowed down as she got creeped out, wondering where the security guard was.
the sound of footsteps made renjun snap his head up only for his eyes to cross y/n carefully stepping up to him, her eyes unsure before realization dawned on her.
"renjun?" she asked confused and surprised. renjun stood up before dusting off his jeans.
"hey," he whispered before realizing y/n was probably waiting for an explanation, "uhh, i rang up but nobody answered s-so i just thought about waiting here for you," he stuttered before clearing his throat and looking away, his eyes shifting to look around himself in emberassment. y/n smiled comfortingly and nodded.
"did you need anything?" she asked softly, and renjun stared at her for a moment before his brows furrowed.
"don't smile," he murmured and y/n's eyes widened before she blinked away.
"uhh sorry?" her tone unsure before renjun shook his head at the misunderstanding and waved his hand in front of him.
"no no, that's not what i meant. i meant like- if you don't mean it then don't. you don't have to fake it," he explained and y/n nodded her smile returning.
"i'm not faking it, i couldn't with you," she giggled before nodding with big eyes, encouraging renjun to continue.
"i- uhh, i wanted to apologize," he took a big breath, "for the way i snapped at you that day, without knowing anything. i shouldn't have been so rash on you. jaemin cleared things with me and i have to say, it was a total dick move of me to just assume you did something," he rambled on and y/n nodded.
"it was," she interrupted him and he nodded, looking down.
"but you don't have to worry about anything, i won't bother you anymore. i'm sorry too for pushing myself on you like that."
renjun's head snapped up at her words, his brows furrowed as she shifted on her feet, her fingers tight around her bag strap.
"no," he muttered and y/n's brows raised in question, "let's- let's try again, this time i'll meet you in the middle," he nodded and y/n stared at him, her lips parted so renjun took it upon himself to elabprate.
"i realized," he licked his lips as his eyes looked around before settling on her, his eyes screaming determination, "that i didn't realize how much you helped me until i pushed you away. i didn't realize how much i relied on you for comfort. until you were gone. you were there for me in so many ways, a-and i realized how much i liked having you around, how much i thought about you, until you weren't there anymore. i realized how much just the thought of you brought me calmness until i couldn't turn to you anymore. and calmness is what i needed, is all i needed to balance my crazy everyday life, and i want you in it again, but this time for good, and the right away," renjun took a deep breath after being done, feeling like if he didn't say all that at once he wouldn't be able to make her realize how much he needed her.
y/n's eyes shone as she looked at him.
"jun," she whispered and her tone panicked renjun. it was so quiet, so frail and it sounded like she had just given up, "you don't have to force yourself to make me feel better, i can handle rejection. it will hurt for a bit but i'll be okay," she reassured him and renjun shook his head.
"no, no, i'm not doing this because i feel bad for you," his brows furrowed and his tone laced with offence. he took a step towards her and wrapped his arms around her all of a sudden. y/n's eyes widened as her hands rested on his sides, taken by surprise at his sudden hug. renjun wasn't really known to be affectionate, "i really wanna give this a try. this time the right away, please, let's try," he murmured against the side of her face.
y/n slowly pulled away and looked at his eyes, shining like the stars above, he was absolutely breath taking. and she smiled, her usual soft smile as she reached up a hand to shift away a loose hair strand falling in front of his eyes.
"okay," she nodded and renjun smiled as he nodded. his cheeks suddenly went up in flames when he noticed his arms still around her frame and she giggled, slowly pulling away.
"have you eaten?" she asked as she turned away to put in the password to the building doors, and renjun smiled as the heaviness that once settled on his shoulders felt lighter and his chest hurt less.
"are you inviting me up?" he asked hopeful and she turned her head around to throw a funny look his way, "i'm telling you, i'm so exhausted i will eat everything in your fridge, sure you wanna risk that?" he teased as she opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.
"i'll take my chances," she smiled as he took a hold of her hand and pulled her towards the elevator, a smile adorning both of their faces.
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