#uuuuh rant over? sorry
actualhumanyes · 1 year
MY BROTHER IS DOING THE ”as long as they don’t make it their whole personality” THING
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modern-inheritance · 8 months
"Dark Magic"
*Rubbing temples*
Paolini never really defines dark magic in Inheritance Cycle. It's most frequently associated with Shades and Galbatorix. Durza taught Galbatorix 'dark magics' before he went on his traitorous rampage. Durza uses 'dark magics' to give Eragon his curse (??? look I'm still not fully clear on wtf Eragon's seizures were, we could go into a full side tangent rant on this but I digress) and used it in a variety of other ways. There's scattered mentions of 'dark magic' throughout the books beyond these.
But we are never told, as far as I am aware, about what exactly it is. What we know of magic is that it is typically shaped through use of the Ancient Language, some creatures, like dragons, can effect the world through the use of instinctive magic, and that magic in other cases and places just appears in the world (floating rocks, etc, though come to think of it no wait stop sciencing).
In this TED Talk I wi– I'm kidding. We're here to talk about MIC adaptations again.
MIC has always been a bit of a science experiment. In the later books we can see Paolini really using science to explain what happens when Eragon or others craft certain spells. Hell, he even uses coding in Murtagh, which made me grin a bit. I'm awful at it but If/Then statements are coding 101 kinda things. But a lot of the time we are left in the dark (pun somewhat intended) on how certain things work.
I (have I??) explain some things via science/biology/etc in MIC. Elves bones have to be stronger to resist their innate strength or else they'd shatter their skeletons every time then did something with force, so I adapted the Spartan-III augmentations of Titanium Carbide replacing the typical materials of calcium and whatnot. There's a weird bit of their diet that changes because of that. I have a few others but that's the main one I think I spent ages going over in my head.
So what is 'dark magic?' How do we explain it scientifically, or in context of the mix of language and science that the IC magic system is based off of?
I just realized I don't remember what I was LANGUAGE!
I am currently writing a story about Eragon's seizures and what people are doing to see about finding a cure. This requires me to look at dark magic. And since we have no canon idea of if dark magic would draw from the same language as 'regular' magic, making it just...regular magic with inherently dark motives, which is boring, I decided to change it up a bit.
The Ancient Language is, well, ancient. One day I will spell Language properly without autocorrect but here we are. Although AL (it is not today) is considered locked in, I wouldn't be surprised if there were other languages and/or dialects of AL. The dwarves and the dragons are the 'true' inhabitants of Alagäesia (were-creatures?? more like where did they come from but again, I digress)–
and you know what I just read the Ancient Language and Grey Folk pages on the wiki and now I'm kinda mad bUT I'M DOING WHAT I'M DOING ANYWAY.
Long story short: there are several different dialects of AL, influenced by a lot of different factors. The dark magic Ancient Language dialect was created by shades and other malevolent creatures w/ sentience and magic usage, and is purposefully absolutely fucking convoluted, varied and jumbled with lots of uuuuh what's the word influence fuck I just had it
the caster can choose and mix and match their syntax and structure at will. to prevent their curses from being undone unless you were present during the casting and know almost word for word what was said and used for the curse/spell. The dragon's magic that undid Eragon's curse was basically like a cleanse and used dragon's instinctive world weave magic to rewrite Eragon enough that he sorta DNA mixed (sorry Paolini, in MIC we do get some fun DNA rewriting because Ket wants the science....mmm....science......) with elf code and a little bit of dragon code (possibly, I'm a little on unsure on this, elves are already a mix of their original base with dragon code due to the orignal bond and I'M GETTING OFF TOPIC AGAIN) and he became different enough that the curse no longer worked and because he was uh...well, he was kinda factory reset. It wiped any and all spells attached to his body.
okay. I...think I made my point. I'm...I'm sorry I just completely lost my train of thought after 'attached to his body.'
Have a good day, I guess.
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coinflict · 8 months
Hashtag low empathy personality disorder autistic evil person rant under the cut cw um at one point I briefly mention self harm and uuuuh suicide baiting at one point
I have this friend who I really really love but I can't stand listening to him talking about his problems. It drives me fucking nuts not because he treats me like a therapist or whatever but because he acts like his problems are completely unique experiences and no one's ever lived through that before and it's espetially insulting because I went through the same thing a few years ago and he just fucking ignores that. Like it feels as if he's not taking me seriously or thinks I'm lying whenever I say that I went through the same thing and it's so EXHAUSTING. Like
"Ugh I'm so burnt out and anxious I can't even respond to messages."
"I know, the same thing happened to me. I got over the burnout eventually, things never got better I just learned to live with it. You'll get better too, I'm your friend I'm here for you."
"Fair, but I *proceeds to reword the statement so it somehow sounds like a different thing*"
This was a few months back now it's all about how he NEEDS to be student of the generation like he'll kill himself if he's doesn't get it and at this point I genuinely wholeheartedly hope he doesn't get it because maybe it will give him a fucking reality check this shit's so tiring to me I get treated like a complete and utter idiot, both on a personal level and academically like literally fuck you. I can't stand this espetially because he's one of like five people who I've opened up to about how debilitating my anxiety is, how I physical symptoms next to mental ones, how I have to go to a cardiologist regularly because my HEART begins to act up because of how bad it is. Like it's genuinely a fucking disability. And on top of that I experience psychosis like I'm not fully lucid all the time one time I sliced my fucking leg open because I needed to check I was real. Yeah no fucking shit I get frozen before important events and competitions and my results are not a reflection of my actual intelligence and knowledge. And he'll be the nicest person on planet Earth all like "Oh it's okay you were sick." BUT I CAN TELL I CAN FUCKING TELL even when we're talking about things that are in my area of expertise he'll start explaining very basic shit to me. I can tell you think I'm dumber than you. I have eyes, ears, and a brain dude. And he'll say sorry but then he'll turn around and say "If I'm not the best I'll kill myself" FUCKING DO IT THEN JESUS CHRIST I KNOW YOU WON'T it's so fucking exhausting listening to this hashtag gifted kid burnout song and dance when I went through it years ago and am now supposed to pretend like it's the worst thing ever and oh no mine actually wasn't that bad because I'm clearly stupider than you please go on. And this is one of my best friends I know this he genuinely cares about me despite me making him sound like the worst person on Earth, we get along, we have fun he's a good friend but this is just incredibly tiring and I'm SCARED I'll say something I'll regret at this point I've learned I can't listen to myself when I'm mad have a nearly 100% regret rate there but it's TIRING and I genuinely don't think I can do this for much longer.
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idnek83 · 3 years
*Walks into a cat fan club* Hey do you guys like cats here?
lmao sorry it's just funny to me when I get asks asking how I feel about Soda cus like... yeah lmao
Sexuality Headcanon: This boy is a bi disaster Gender Headcanon: Trans dude who tries to make it easier for himself to pass by doing lots of toxic dudebro stuff after he first transitions A ship I have with said character: Gee I wonder 🤔 (lmao Gundham and Hajime get the top spots but Nekomaru and Fuyu are creeping up there) A BROTP I have with said character: I love Hajime being Soda's very supportive but very tired best bro 💕 Also Soda and Mondo being buddies has my whole ass heart A NOTP I have with said character: Look I don't know how to explain this but while I'm 100% here for Sonsodam I am also 100% NOT here for... whatever the ship name is when it's just Soda and Sonia... Sonsoda?? I guess I just feel like they need someone else to help them not treat each other terribly or something? idk like I said it's hard to explain A random headcanon: *tries desperatly to think of a headcanon I haven't already shared* Uuuuh he's actually really self conscious about the way he smells so a lot of the time he's just drenched in body spray which is almost more unpleasant then him just smelling like BO and motor oil General Opinion over said character: I have been ranting about my love for this boy for nearly a year and I plan to keep ranting for a long time. I love this dumb disaster mechanic 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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WELP you asked for this mist sorry in advance
Woah boy I have a lot of good quotes I like uuuuh “don’t judge someone before you know their story”, "it's so much easier to ignore your own problems when you're fussing over someone else's" (tgs) “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad” (Discworld) and “cruel hearted fun still requires a heart” (don’t starve) I got more but I don’t want to ramble too much NDJXJSJZ
Not a rant but I NEED more people to read the Discworld books (by Terry pratchett) because they are all absolutely amazing and talk so well about super important matters. I’d say ‘small gods’ that talks about religion and belief with still great characters and storyline and “guards! Guards!” That’s about law and the police as well as some politics. But they’re all so so good start ANYWHERE and you won’t be dissapoinyed
Great day! Worked for hours and now I’m tired :D
Uuuuuuh can’t really think of a story off of the top of my head but I did accidentally scare my cat yesterday from the other side of the house by playing the kazoo a bit too loud
“Streaks” by ANIMA! Is real good I recommend
I uh… accidentally snuck a large kitchen knife into a central train, I forgot to take it out after I went out with my family and the security didn’t notice it (I found out while on the train)
Hope you don’t mind me rambling to hell and back SKCJJDJDJ how was your day? :D
*casually taking notes on the song and quotes*
Huh, why does it look like everyone has read Discworld except me? I've already got a long list of books I want to read and haven't gotten to yet but seems I'll have to read them too some day /lh
Please tell me you gave your cat a lot of pets afterwards
Also I feel you about the knife story lol. The number of times I've accidentally snuck a knife somewhere~
As for me we're still in Austria so it's the same "wake up, spend the day hiking, go back, dinner, draw, sleep" as the past three days, though we did get to see some really cool waterfalls
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jse-element-au · 4 years
Summary: While on patrol, Jackie notices someone-or something-dragging away a dead body. Of course, he decides to introduce himself.
Warnings: blood, injuries (cuts, bruises), implied suicide
Jackie paced in a circle, trying to look for any problems. Looking around at the busy streets, he couldn’t see anyone causing any trouble. It had been a surprisingly quiet day, with only one mugging and a couple of shoplifters, so he decided to take a break for lunch. After a quick check of his phone to see if there had been any cries for help, the hero sat down, grabbed his turkey sandwich, and let his legs dangle over the edge of the building. 
He took a bite out of his sandwich as his mind jumped to how he even started as a superhero. It’d been-what, about a month now? My god, it’s been that long? Jackie thought. It felt like a week. At least he had more control over his powers now. Better to stun criminals instead of accidentally shocking random people on the street. He wasn’t entirely sure that everyone else was getting the hang of this whole powers thing as easily as he was. Oh! I should totally talk to Chase, Jackie realized. He’s definitely had the most trouble controlling his powers. Maybe I should give him some tips or something? Ooh! I could make a list of ways tha-
His train of thought came to an abrupt halt as he saw a shadowy black figure with smoke pouring off of it dragging away what looked like a dead body. 
Woah, who is that? Jackie wondered. Is that even a person? It doesn’t really look like a person. Maybe it’s some sort of cryptid? He stared at it for a bit, mouth agape, when he realized-Oh shit! I should be going after them-it, whatever it is. It’s probably up to no good. He chucked his sandwich onto the ledge (the birds would eat it anyway) and leaped to the next building in pursuit of the...thing.
As he got closer to it, he realized how odd the creature truly was. He-they-it, whatever it was-tried to avoid direct sunlight and stay in the shadows of buildings, like some sort of vampire. It seemed to be made of some otherworldly substance, too, even though it was shaped and moved like a person. Black smoke poured off of it, and it didn’t look super solid. It almost looks like it’s made of shadows, Jackie noted. What the hell is this thing? 
On the contrary, the man that the creature was dragging along didn’t look so good. He was unconscious, and Jackie could tell that there had been a struggle of some sort. He could see some cuts on the man’s arms from being dragged along the ground, along with a weird, thick, black substance that was leaking from his eyes and mouth. 
Oh God, Jackie thought. What the hell happened? He quickly caught up to them, and decided to watch for a bit to see if he could corner it somewhere instead of confronting it out in the open, where it could easily run or hide. Obviously, it was a malicious being of some sort. What else could have caused that weird black stuff to leak from that person’s eyes? He watched it walk further ahead and turn into an alleyway right in front of the building Jackie was standing on. It propped the body against the back of the alley so it was facing him. Jackie was about to jump down and pull his whole “Drop the civilian and no one gets hurt!’ schtick, until the creature solidified and formed into a man.
He was about average height, with pasty skin and dark green hair that was spiked up with hair gel. The sides of his head were shaved, and were a medium brown. He was facing away from Jackie, but was clearly hyperventilating. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, shit, fuck, fucking HELL, shit, holy shit, FUCK!” he was saying. His voice was hoarse, with pauses here and there. It sounded like his vocal chords had been destroyed somehow. His volume fluctuated without control, so it sounded like there were gaps in his words. It almost sounds like his voice is glitching, Jackie thought with interest. What the hell happened to him?
He was saying to the other man, “Are you ok, dude? I have no idea what happened, I’m so sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear!! Please just...say something…….” The man burst into sobs.
Jackie was thinking about whether he should call the hospital or approach the men when the other man groaned. He had long, black, messy hair, and dark tan skin. He appeared to be a bit shorter than average and somewhat overweight. He opened his eyes slightly and said weakly, “It’s okay, man. I know you didn’t mean too.”
The first man choked and stopped sobbing. “Max! Holy shit, are you ok!? How are you feeling?”
“Eh, I’ve been better,” the second man joked. He chuckled, but it quickly devolved into coughing.
“That’s not very helpful, y’know,” the first man said with a slight smile in his voice.
“No, seriously, I’m fine."
“You look far from fine. How do you feel?”
“My head’s a bit foggy, everything aches, and my eyes really fucking hurt, but that’s it. The scratches all over my arms hurt, too. Did you have to drag me along the ground?” Max said.
The other man shrugged. “I panicked. You were heavy.”
Max smiled, then sighed. “I’m gonna take a nap. I’m really fucking tired.”
“What else is new?”
Max snorted. “You okay with just chilling here?”
“Yeah, I’ll figure something out,” the man said. “Just-don’t die on me, ok? I don’t really want that on my consciousness.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t. I promise.” Max smiled and closed his eyes.
Jackie watched on in silence. He was about to leave, thinking, It seems like they’re fine, and I don’t really wanna bother them. Just as he was about to jump away, he remembered, Wait, that guy didn’t seem too healthy. He sounded really weird. Maybe he needs help or something like that. And the other guy, Max, doesn’t look too good either. 
He got ready to just jump into the alley. Shit-no, I shouldn’t do that. It’ll probably scare that dude. Instead, he just yelled down, “Hey, civilian! Need any he-”
Before he could get any farther, the man looked up in alarm and saw Jackie standing on top of the building. 
“HEY!!!” he yelled. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!”
“Shit,” Jackie swore under his breath. Out loud, he said, “Hey, civilian! I didn’t mean to disturb you. I was just gonna ask you if you needed any help! So, uuh, do you need any help?”
The man wasn’t even listening to Jackie. Instead he was ranting to himself, sounding extremely panicked. “Shit, shit, shit, FUCK! What the FUCK am I gonna do now! The cops are gonna be on me now, because YOU,” and he pointed at Jackie,  “are probably going to call them, because of COURSE you will, an-and what am I supposed to say?! ‘Oh, I’m so sorry about this unconscious person next to me, officers!!! My roommate hugged me after I got into a fight to get me to calm down and all of a sudden black tar started coming out of his fucking eyes and mouth, and when I tried to drag him back to our apartment, I turned into some weird otherworldly fucking substance!! So sorry about that! I’ll just be on my merry way now, thank you!’”
Jackie waited until he was done. “Uhm, are you okay dude? I’m not gonna call the cops, I was only asking if you needed help. Okay?”
The man took a couple of shaky breaths and calmed down. “How did you find me?” he demanded.
Jackie blanked. What the hell am I supposed to say? I can’t tell him that I followed him or he’ll freak out! “Uuuuh...I was on patrol, standing on this building, and I just saw you walk in the alleyway…?” 
“Bullshit. You totally followed me! You're not going anywhere ‘till you promise you won’t tell anyone!!!”
“Okay, okay, I won’t tell anyone anything! Jeez!! Can I go now? Please? I need to save someone,” Jackie said. He had felt his phone beep in his pocket while talking to the man, and at this point, he was ready to use any excuse to get out of the mess he caused.
The man paused, thinking. “You’re that superhero dude, aren’t you?” he asked.
“Uuuh….yeah? I’m Jackieboy Man. Why are you asking?”
The man reflected on this (again). “You have actual powers, right? None of that ‘I have some nifty gadgets and I’m stronger than an average person’ shit?”
“Yeah, I can generate electricity. Can I please leave now?”
The man thought for a bit more. “Maybe.”
“Oh for God-Why?! I have to leave, dude. Unless I’m helping you, I can’t just do whatever you want me to do. I’m going, okay? I hope your friend’s alright.”
“But by sticking around, you would be helping me.”
Jackie sighed, and hoped that the person in trouble wasn’t about to die or anything drastic like that. “Okay. What do you need help with?” he asked in a friendlier tone.
The man shifted on his feet uncomfortably. “I-I wanted to talk to you about your powers.”
Jackie thought about how to break it to the man that he couldn’t do it. “I-okay,” he said. “I can’t do it this second, since I’m still on patrol, but I’m having a meet and greet Saturday in Clive Park. If you can’t make it, I’m usually roaming around the city. My patrol hours are always 9 till 10, sometimes later. Okay? I’m sorry I can’t help you right now.”
“Wait! It’s urgent! I swear!!” the man called out. But Jackie was already running towards the other end of the building.
Jackie’s phone beeped again. He stopped halfway to the ledge and checked it. Turns out that it was a false alarm, and someone just wanted to meet him. He muttered to himself, “Damnit, I thought Chase fixed that.” He thought about what to do now. Should I go back to that weird dude, or go to a coffee shop somewhere and get some actual lunch? After some deliberation, he decided, Ehh, whatever. I’m bored, and started to walk back towards the two men in the alley.
When he got there, he called down into the alley, “Hey, I’m back. I’m free to discuss my powers.” 
“I thought you had your hero duties or whatever,” the man sarcastically replied. He was leaning against the building that Jackie was standing on, and all Jackie could see was the top of his head.
“Well, they’ve been cancelled. Do you want to talk to me or not? I’m only available for a limited amount of time,” Jackie shot back.
The man sighed. “Fine. Come on down. Just-don’t get too freaked out when you see me.”
Wait, what? How bad was that fight he got into? Jackie thought to himself. He shrugged it off and said, “Okay. I won’t. If I come down there though, will you tell me what happened? I heard some of what you said before, and I’d like to know exactly what happened.” The other man started to speak, but Jackie cut him off, “No, I won’t tell the cops anything. I don’t really like cops, anyway. I’m technically a vigilante.”
The man nodded with respect. “Nice. I’ll tell you what happened. I’m Anthony, by the way. Not sure I ever mentioned that.”
Jackie started to climb down. “No, you didn’t actually. Cool name though.”
Jackie reached the alleyway, and turned to face Anthony. “So, what exactly did you want to talk abou-oH SHIT!”
Anthony’s neck was sliced open. Blood was pouring out of it, and the collar of his dark blue shirt was soaked. As well as that, his eyes were...weird. The right one was bright blue, and looked like a normal eye, but the left one was completely black. No pupil, no iris, nothing. It didn’t look very solid, either. It was constantly shifting and churning, almost like the weird creature he was before, Jackie later realized. 
He looked pretty beat up, too. There were multiple cuts on his arm, and his left eye had already turned into a black eye. There were lots of bruises of different sizes and colors all over his legs. 
“I told you not to freak out,” Anthony sounded hurt. At least the weird way he talked with the stutters and pauses made more sense now.
Jackie was momentarily speechless. “I-I...Your throat is slit wide open. How can I not be freaked out? You should be dead!”
“You think I don’t know that?” Anthony snapped. More blood started to pour out of his neck. He took a deep breath. “Ok, ok. I’m sorry I snapped at you, I just-today has sucked so much, and way too many things have happened. I swear I’ll tell you everything.”
Jackie hesitated. “Can I ask you one thing?”
“Fire away.”
“How the hell are you-”
“Not dead?” Anthony finished Jackie’s question. “I have no idea. I think it was a month and a half ago-ish, and I had an...accident...and my throat was sliced open. About 7 minutes after I died, I just..woke up! For no fucking reason at all. And then, a-all of this weird stuff started happening.”
“Like, all of a sudden, you could manipulate some element and you could do all of these weird things now?” the hero asked.
“Wha-yeah, exactly. How’d you know?”
“Same thing pretty much happened to me. Instead of getting my throat sliced open, I was struck with lightning. All of a sudden, electricity was bursting out of my hands and causing my phone to short-out.”
“Yeah! It was super weird at first, but I kind of learned to control it and use it for good! See?”
Jackie spread his hands out, and concentrated really hard. Crackles of electricity started to form in between his fingers, growing stronger and brighter. Since he was just showing off, they were a bright cyan. He smiled up at Anthony.
“Holy fuck!” Anthony said. “That’s insane!!”
Jackie dropped his hands to his sides and the electricity instantly disappeared. “Thanks!!! I usually use it to zap bad guys,” he said with a prideful grin.
There was a pause, where Anthony looked around somewhat uncomfortably. Is that all he wanted to see? Jackie wondered. If so, he coulda just looked at my Insta or something.
“So…what kinda powers do you have? Is it based off of some sort of element? Like electricity, or fire, or water, or something like that?” Jackie broke the silence.
“I...don’t really know.” Anthony replied, sounding irritated. “Everything weird that’s happened has happened involved this weird, black, goopy stuff. I have no idea what it is, which makes controlling it about 10 times harder.”
“What about your eye?”
“Oh, I have no idea how it’s doing this. I lost my eye the day after the accident, and it just formed out of nowhere about a week after I lost it.”
“Dude! That’s super cool!” Jackie said eagerly. “Can you still see out of it? Does it ever go away? Is it solid? What does it feel li-”
“Oh my God!” the man cried. “Do you ever fucking shut up?” He mumbled something that sounded like “I wish it had worked” as even more blood poured out of his neck.
Jackie was taken aback. “O-okay, I’ll stop talking,” he said hesitantly. “You could’ve just asked…”
After a pause, where he continued to stare at the floor and mumbled. Anthony looked up, seemingly confused. “No-I didn’t-ahh fuck, I’m so sorry,” he apologized. “I’m not usually like that, I swear.”
“Well then, why did you say that?” Jackie asked, hurt.
“I’m getting a bit tired of saying this, but I don’t know. I’ve been just like-angier, I guess, after the...accident. Is that a side effect of your powers?”
“What, being an asshole? No, no it’s not. Seems like a convenient excuse for you, though.”
Anthony looked guilty. He mumbled, “I said that I was sorry…”
Jackie sighed. “Alright, I’m sorry I said that. Thanks for apologizing.”
There was another pause, longer this time. That’s a weird side effect, if he isn’t lying, Jackie thought. Maybe he can control something different than the rest of us. 
“What do you know about your powers?” he suddenly asked Anthony. “Like what consistently shows up when you use it?”
“Uummmm, it’s always black, it shows up at night more often than daylight…what else…it’s usually either smoke-y or goopy, stuff usually happens when I get emotional…uhmmm…I think that’s it?” Anthony said.
“Hmmm…” Jackie was lost in thought. Okay, so it’s obviously something completely different compared to anyone else’s powers, he started. It seems pretty different, except for the responds to emotions thing. Maybe smoke? No, he said that it’s goopy sometimes. It usually shows up at night…darkness? That’s not really an element though. What other elements are there anyway? I think there’s like, talking to animals, levitation, lightness...
“Shadows!” Jackie cried out.
Anthony jumped slightly. “What?”
“That’s what you can control! Shadows!” Jackie excitedly said.
Anthony thought about it, and a smile appeared on his face. “Oh my God-that makes so much sense! You’re a genius, kid!”
“It was nothing,” Jackie said bashfully. “I’m just glad that I could help you out.”
Just then, there was another beep from his phone. He checked it, and someone was being mugged only 2 blocks away. 
“I’m so sorry dude, I’ve got to go,” he said to Anthony. “I have to go off to do my ‘hero duties.’ I hope you’re ok with it.”
“No, you’re good man. Go ahead,” Anthony said to Jackie. “I’ll always owe you for figuring out what the fuck’s going on with me. It’d be nice to get some tips for how to control my powers, but I understand that you have to leave.”
Jackie stared at Anthony. “Uuuh, you could’ve just asked me for my phone number.”
Anthony stared back at Jackie, and burst out laughing. “Right, right-Sorry about that! I can be such a moron sometimes.”
They exchanged numbers and shook hands. Jackie was glad he met Anthony. He seems alright, he thought. Not quite as nice as Henrik or Chase, and a bit weird, but still…
Jackie was about to climb back up to the roof, when he remembered that he still wanted to ask Anthony something.
“Can I ask you one last thing before I head off?” 
“Of course. What’s up?”
“What was that accident that caused your throat to-uuuhh...end up like that?” Jackie asked. “That cut looks pretty deep.”
Anthony froze, scared out of his mind. He quietly mumbled, “I don’t really wanna talk about it...”
“No no, it’s okay! You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Jackie said gently. At least reassuring people was something that he’s good at.
“Thanks man. That means a lot.” 
“No problem, dude.”
After a somewhat uncomfortable pause, Jackie said, “So...see ya around, I guess?”
Anthony gave him a warm smile. “Yeah...see you around.” His right eye swirled around ominously in its socket as Jackie leapt off to save another civilian.
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mooifyourecows · 4 years
Uuuuh ok I'm so mad at these people complaining on Twitter I mean wtf You don't complain like this when one of the haikyuu fandom's most talented and prolific and amazing and hilarious writers focuses almost exclusively on daisuga ok (I mean u) So they can go fry themselves an egg, alone (that's what we say in french when we wanna tell someone to get lost and I thought it applied well here) I always love to receive an email from ao3 telling me you updated and I absolutely love your work !
me: complains for the thousandth time about the same thing
Tumblr media
you’re a sweetie pot pie and i love you
sorry i’m boutta use your ask to RANT 
Nah but i’m totally a broken record at this point and i will probably go to my grave saying the same stuff over and over again but i really really dislike seeing people complain about a lack of content when they’re the same people who don’t support fic writers.
and i know i sound so whiny! wah, wah, wah, i get lots of support so why am i whining so much???
because it’s not about me.
i keep trying to drive this point home to readers because every fic writer i’ve ever spoken to, and there are a lot of them, have said the same exact thing. They are inspired and motivated though the feedback readers give them. and when they see that their story has hundreds of hits but less than a handful of kudos and comments... they feel like giving up. they start to harbor these sour feelings about readers and how greedy they are, consuming and consuming and consuming and never giving anything back to the person feeding them. 
And then those same readers go complain about how there’s not enough content. there’s not enough. and it completely undermines the hours and hours and weeks and months and even years that writers have worked to supply them with the few stories that do exist.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wishing there was more content for your consumption. I have said a few times that I wish there was more daisuga art in the world because i’m a greedy, grubby little gremlin who is never satisfied. i’m a big complainer so i’ll probably say it a lot for years to come too! “I wish there was more, and more, and MORE DaiSuga content in all shapes and forms!!!!”
THE DIFFERENCE IS... I try my best to support the artists that HAVE supplied us that sweet Daisuga content. I reblog their art and I stuff the tags with my praise. I send asks and i commission and i do what consumers SHOULD do when they are gifted something that has taken time and effort and passion to create.
that might sound like me tooting my own horn but ya know what? TOOT TOOT, MOTHER FUCKER. we are at a point in fandom where doing the literal bare minimum is toot worthy, so toot fucking toot
Artists deserve so much love and attention and praise. they really do. i would give my left leg to have any sort of artistic ability, i tell you what. these people who can spit out a masterpiece and caption it “20 min doodle, tee hee” are seriously on another level and i both fear and admire them.
Artists have this amazing ability to put out full and complete pieces in rapid succession. a “20 min doodle” sometimes looks like something that ought to have taken hours, days, weeks! Even the more detailed and tricky art pieces that take far longer can usually be done in a week or two with concentration and time. and that’s INCREDIBLE. I can’t even fathom people having the power to make such beauty in the first place but when they make it in less than a month’s time? uhhhh okay show off, we get it, you’re on another plane of existence and we are trash beneath your feet (i say, with love) (also i know that some artists and some pieces take longer but i’m talking about the majority of the pieces that fan artists give to us measly worms here on the internet.com)
and let me tell you this heavily guarded secret that only everybody knows...
Writers don’t have that.
we can’t bust out a gorgeous short story in 20 minutes. maybe an hour if we are on a groove, do only minor editing, and limit ourselves to just a few thousand (often much less) words. and one shot fics are great! people who write them are wonderful and deserve a tsunami of love and praise! but short one shots account for only a small portion of fics in high demand in fandom. Readers want to read long fics with detail and development and writers want to write them too. but it’s physically impossible to write a long fic in a day, let alone an hour.
personally, my fics take months, sometimes years, to write. (lookin at you open tab, gmb, summer rain.... just another, and those wips i havent posted yet.......) That’s me waking up 5-6 days a week and sitting at my computer for 6-8 hours, writing, rereading, erasing, rewriting, editing, hating myself, swearing to never write again, writing again anyway, etc. it’s a full time job. it takes forever. and in the end it still isn’t perfect and i still harbor doubts about whether or not its good enough to share. but i do anyway. and then i wait for the validation telling me that it wasn’t a mistake.
don’t get me wrong, i love writing. i write for myself. but the thing is... i could write for myself and keep it to myself. but i, and other fic writers, choose to share our writing with others. and then when those months, maybe years, of effort get peanuts from the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people that read it... i mean... everyone HAS to understand how discouraging that would feel, right?
just... imagine spending all day baking pies. 
you use your own money to buy the pie ingredients (its expensive, you’re making 50!) and you meticulously cut up all the fruit and you do everything from scratch, making a mess of your kitchen and dirtying all of your dishes. and at the end of the day you’re exhausted and covered in flour and you burned your fingertips and your skin feels scorched from all the times you’ve had to open the oven to fetch yet another finished pie... but you’re finally done! everything smells great and you’re sure they taste great too so you set up tables on your lawn and put out all your pies to share with anybody passing by that wants a slice! 
they’re free, friends, come and get them! 
You stand by, watching as dozens of people arrive. They quietly take a slice, eat it in front of you... and then walk away. ten, twenty, thirty pies disappear while you look on. 
Then finally one person carries their slice up to you, takes a bite, and says, “this is the best pie i’ve ever had!”
it feels good to get validation and you wait with bated breath for someone else to approach you. 
eventually, they do. 
“when’s the next pie day?”
you don’t know... you are still tired from this pie day. you kinda want to rest and recover before you do another...
“have another pie day soon, please. i need it.”
“this pie is pretty good but i would have cooked it longer. kinda doughy.”
“i like this pie, but apple isn’t really my thing... you should make rhubarb.”
why are people criticizing you? why are they complaining? being picky? you made these pies all by yourself, even though you’re not a professional baker, and then gave them to people for free.
maybe you just... won’t make pies for people anymore. doesn’t seem worth it, even though you had such high hopes.
then someone comes up to you and absolutely RAVES at you all about your pie. “i’ve never had a pie quite like yours! the crust was perfectly flaky and buttery and sweet. the peaches were the perfect texture and it reminded me of the pies that my mom used to make every thanksgiving. she was the best cook i ever knew and now i think it’s a tie between you! i was having a bad day but then i saw your pies and decided to give them a try and i’m so happy i did. i don’t care what pies you make in the future, i will be here to eat them every single time! i look up to you as a baker and i hope one day i can get some pointers on how to get a crust like yours! thank you so much for all your hard work, please rest up!”
.... you go to the store the next day. 
and you spend your own money on pie ingredients. (it’s expensive, you’re making 100!)
and you have another pie day that weekend.
writers live off of the table scraps. feed them. they’re starving.
give writers even half of the attention and praise that they deserve and never complain about a lack of content ever again. because you’ll be drowning in it.
i promise.
(sorry to turn your ask into a rambly PSA, Babe, thank you for your support i appreciate you a lot okay bye 🖤)
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Just some rant ignore it
Ok SO what follows doesn't have to do with bashing ships at all ! As long as they don't condone pedophilia and incest, all ships are valid ! If it comes to noncanon or crack ships, I myself have a lot of those, I too ship characters who met 2 seconds in canon, just stood next to each other one second or even never met at all in the same scene of episode just because I imagined the alchemy between them would fit ! And I too ship a few ships the creator themselves didn't like or when they only are friends in canon ! As well as people who canonly ended up with someone else but I thought they fit more with somebody else ! And all of that both for gay and straight ships ! So it would be hypocritical from me to bash you for loving any of those I will never shame you for loving what you ship and anyone their ship
That said
I noticed that a majority of fandoms seem to erase the concept of friendship. Don't get me wrong as said I too ship some characters who only are friends in canon (Toriel and Sans, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Red and Chuck etc). But... not only most of the time I ship them not just because they are close friends but because I do find a chemistry (Toriel and Sans have the exact same humor and even Asgore and Undyne think she dates him, Rainbow Dash have the same competitive spirit and used to be rivals but they got more and more soft to each other even travelling together in their older days, Red and Chuck are litterally the chore of many gay jokes even in canon for Rovio's part...) but I often precise "how I see them", "to me", "in my HC", "I ship it" or "I got converted to that ship". I may have said it I don't remember it but in my mind at the moment (and even if I did that's not what I meant) I never wrote "they are a couple it's canon" (unless it was basically semi-canon like Rempy back when I shipped it or Brinky)
However I sadly see a lot of people (again free to them to ship them, it's the wording and conclusions that sadden me) shipping non canon ships but as if they WERE canon claiming how much they and their canon significant others are only friends and never something else (uuuuh why did they say they date then ? Couldn't you at least HC they end up breaking up ?) and that these 2 are "BOYFRIENDS/GIRLFRIENDS/LOVERS AND IT'S CANON" but no it is your headcanon, by stating it is canon it both feels like you are imposing it as well as erasing friendship
Many times I saw people ship canon friend characters (often gay ships I noticed) and consider it as an obvious fact over nothing with either no chemistry just because they talked and either are allies or enemies, or because they are close friends. How many times I saw people state "they have to be boyfriends ! A did everything for B to be safe and survive, and they hugged a lot !" Because that's what friends do !? I hug my friends and in school I was ready to kick the asses of the bullies who harrassed my still current best friend, does that mean I want to bang them !? Some authors even stated they absolutely wanted to habe 2 characters be friends and people called them cowards or unassuming, I'm sorry wtf there is a difference between shipping despite what the author says and harrassing the author who STILL created the characters ! In fact I suspect it is because of that many friends don't dare being affectionate to each other fearing people would label them as a couple. As for my own ships, sure I will reblog a post about my non canon/crack ship but if the description is something like "omg they are canon" while it never was stated it will irk me deep down
Notice I don't quote any ship for these one examples not to trigger anyone who ships what I don't because again shipping is beautiful and they have the right to. I just... Don't understand why friendship doesn't seem to exist anymore for the sake of shipping, whether was it thought through or not, and act like it is not an opinion/HC but a fact
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jaxl-road · 5 years
Scar Tissue chapter 4
The boys reluctantly deal with the fallout the next morning. The road is looking long and rocky for all of them, but hey. They’ve got each other.
Pairings: Slash/Duff, side Axl/Izzy, side Nikki/Tommy
Warnings: ((not in this chapter)) Implied/discussed past abuse (non-explicit)
Read on AO3
“Please tell me I just smoked some bad weed last night and I didn’t actually punch Vince in the face.”
Slash was still half asleep when Steven barged into his room. “Uuuuh,” Rubbing his eyes, he glanced around and wasn’t surprised to find that Duff was already awake and out somewhere, “I mean, I don’t know if you technically punched him in the face. There was definitely some hair pulling, but…”
“Fuuuuuuuuuck…” Steven let out a long groan, shuffling over to fall face-down next to Slash on his bed, “Shoot me, Slash. Just put me out of my misery.”
Sitting up, Slash pat his back sympathetically, “Hey, we were all fucked up. Everything will be fine-”
“No it won’t!” Steven wailed into the mattress, “God, what the fuck is happening? I was acting like you last night.”
“Wait, what?” furrowing his brow, he shook at Steven’s shoulder, “What the fuck does that mean? I rarely get in fights!”
“I meant I was acting stupid.”
“Hey!” This time he shoved him harder, “That’s not better!” He may have been offended, but he couldn’t help but be a little relieved when Steven giggled softly. “Seriously, dude. What happened?”
It took a minute for the drummer to answer, “I have a crush and it made me act dumb,” he finally turned his face to look at Slash, smiling wryly, “just like you,” he explained.
Slash paused, “Oh,” he said, “that’s fair actually.”
“Yeah, I know,” Steven huffed out a laugh, but it quickly dissolved into a whine as he buried his face in his arms, “But at least you haven’t fucking decked your crush.”
“Wait, wait, hold on,” holding one hand up, Slash used the other to pinch the bridge of his nose. It was too early for this. “Vince is your crush?”
“Uh, yeah?” Looking up again, Steven looked confused, “I thought it was obvious?”
“Nope, definitely not obvious at all.”
“Well, you’re a bad judge, you’re so distracted by Duff I don’t think you’d notice if I dyed my hair green or some shit.”
“Am not!” He cried as Steven stood up, walking out of the room. Slash quickly followed after him.
“Izzy!” The drummer skipped over to the rhythm guitarist, the other man sighing into his coffee as he was approached by his band mates, “Izzy, did you know I have a crush on Vince?”
“I didn’t want to know,” he mumbled tiredly.
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a fuck off.”
Slash snickered as Steven huffed, “Oh come on! If you knew you have an obligation to help me out! You and Axl somehow manage to be in a more-or-less stable relationship. Who else can I turn to? Slash??” he gestured at his friend, “He shares a room with his crush and he still can’t get it!”
“What the fuck, shut up, asshole!” Slash covered Steven’s mouth with both hands, head whipping around wildly in search of the tall bassist in case he had overheard.
“He’d not here, dumbass,” Izzy smirked, “Apparently he got called into work today.”
“Oh,” Slash should have been relieved, but instead he deflated at the realization that Duff would be gone all day.
“See! This is what I’m talking about!” Steven exclaimed.
“Shut up! You fucking punched Vince, I think I’m a step above you at this point.”
“You punched Vince?” Izzy raised an eyebrow, “Nice. I should tell Axl, it might help cheer him up.”
As Izzy walked out of the kitchen, the other two followed after him. They were surprised when they walked past Izzy and Axl’s shared room to find it empty; they had expected the singer to still be holed up. But when they entered the living room, their eyes immediately fell on a lump of blankets sprawled out in a patch of sun on the floor, a few strands of red hair peeking out.
“I put him out here since our room doesn’t get any sun,” Izzy explained with a shrug.
“You two are sickeningly adorable,” Slash pouted.
Izzy ignored him, crouching next to the mass, “Hey, Axe, Steven punched Vince in the face.” It took a moment, but the fabric shifted just slightly. If Axl spoke, his words were too soft to reach Slash or Steven, but Izzy responded, “Last night, I think.”
“There was also hair pulling involved,” Slash chimed in, grinning when Steven shoved his shoulder.
There was more shifting, until a pale arm managed to escape to give a thumbs up in Steven’s general direction. Chuckling, Izzy gave his boyfriend a soft pat around his shoulder as he wormed his arm back into his cocoon. Standing, he gestured for the other two to sit on the couch with him.
“Alright, I’m awake now. Tell me what the fuck you lovesick idiots got into last night.”
“Yeah, I actually want to know the details, too,” Slash agreed, the three of them lounging on the beat up couch as Izzy sipped his coffee and Axl stayed in his motionless heap on the patch of sunlit carpet across from them.
Sighing heavily, Steven dropped his head into his hands as he explained, “We were both drunk and high and shit, and he kept talking about who he could hook up with since Duff was gone, and he mentioned practically every fucking person in the room except me. And so I tried to like, be cool or some shit and mention that, hey, fuck, I’m available, y’know? And that stupid fucker offered to set me up with some chick, and then I think I called him a slut, and then it just… escalated.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Izzy nodded.
“At least you were interacting with him,” Slash mumbled, still feeling bad about his actions the previous night, “I was so determined to impress Duff I ended up ignoring him the whole night.”
“That also sounds right.”
Glaring at Izzy, Steven and Slash both slumped onto the couch, resigning themselves to wallowing for the day.
Izzy shook his head at the two of them, “You two are a sorry sight. I can’t believe you go out for one night without me and Axl and you both manage to fumble your nonexistent love lives. That’s gotta be some sort of record.” Steven shoved him weakly as Slash flipped him off, making Izzy roll his eyes, “Oh for fuck’s sake,” he grumbled, “Coffee’s not enough for this, I need a drink. Or a hit. Actually both. All of you just…” he glanced around at his three band mates, each in some sort of lifeless heap, before sighing heavily, “...stay here.”
After a few minutes of silence, Slash rolled his head over to look at Steven, “This is dumb. We should just, like, find someone else. We get enough hot chicks crawling over us after shows these days.”
“True,” Steven sighed, “maybe if we find someone hot enough to fuck we can just forget about these bastards.”
“You’re both pussies,” Izzy deadpanned as he reentered the room, coffee spiked to Hell and back and a fresh flow of dope in his blood. Dropping onto the couch, he stretched his legs out over the other two men’s laps, “If you really thought that would work you’d have done it already.” Receiving two groans of reluctant agreement, he continued, “And besides, you’re barely trying. You don’t get to give up until you actually put an effort into it.” Immediately they both started arguing.
“I have to put effort into it!” Steven exclaimed, “Were you not listening to what happened yesterday? The asshole was just too dense to notice it!”
“I spend everyday talking to Duff and I’m still getting nowhere!”
“He literally flirts with everything that breathes except me!”
“And I can’t even like, get a little handsy cause he’s jumpy as fuck!”
“He even flirted with Duff-!”
“Vince fucking flirted with Duff-!”
“But he didn’t even notice me!”
“And he didn’t even realize how jealous I was!”
“What else am I supposed to do?”
“What else can I do?”
When they finally ended their rants, they found Izzy giving them an unimpressed stare. He took a long drink from his mug before responding, “Steven,” he spoke slowly, like he was talking to a child, “I’m pretty sure next to no one knows you have a crush on Vince. You’re all loving and happy and shit with everyone. The only difference between the people you’re friends with and the people you bang is whether or not you bang them.”
Steven sputtered, wanting to deny Izzy’s words but, unfortunately unable to. Taking another drink, Izzy turned his sights on Slash, “And you,” he pointed almost accusingly, “your crush is obvious to us because we know you. Duff probably just thinks you’re being a nice roommate or some shit.”
“But,” Slash frowned, “even as friends, I feel like no matter how close we get he always…” he hesitated, casting a quick glance towards the mound of blankets on the floor, “he’s always closer to someone else. Like, he’s always more comfortable with other people than he is with me,” he finished sadly.
Humming thoughtfully, Izzy debated his response. But before he could say anything, a snapping sound cut through the room. Looking over, they saw Axl’s arm had emerged again, snapping his fingers to get their attention. After a moment, he waved his hand in a ‘come here’ motion.
Izzy raised an eyebrow, “All of us or just Slash?”
Axl held up two fingers, and Izzy kicked at Slash’s side, pushing him off the couch. Frowning in confusion, Slash crept over to Axl’s side, kneeling next to him and leaning close. Shuffling, the singer tugged the blankets down to reveal the top half of his face- eyes red with dark circles under them.
“How relaxed are you around Duff?” he asked, his voice soft and slightly raspy.
The question surprised him, “Uh,” Slash blinked a few times as he considered his answer, “I mean, I’m not… not relaxed around him? But like… I like him a fucking lot, so I guess I’m usually a little more nervous around him than you guys?”
“Hm,” Axl raised a tired eyebrow, and then, before Slash could say anything else, he burrowed back into the comforter, “Okay. Now go away.”
Slash spread his arms in confusion, turning to Steven and Izzy with a look of offended confusion. Returning to the couch, he repeated the short conversation to the other two, “Like, what the fuck was that about?”
Izzy leaned forward, putting his head in his hands and sighing long and hard while Steven giggled, “Oh my God, dude. Dude.”
“Jesus fuck, I feel way better about my own situation now.”
Slash shoved at him, Steven still laughing as he ran into the kitchen, the guitarist following him still bickering and clueless. Shaking his head in amusement, Izzy stood and made his way over to Axl, laying down and stretching out next to him. The red head shuffled a bit to flop his head and one arm across Izzy’s chest.
“...We weren’t that dumb before we got together, right?” Axl mumbled into his chest.
Laughing, Izzy pressed a kiss onto the top of the singer’s hair, “Oh babe,” he grinned, “We absolutely were.”
By the time Duff got home in the early evening, the sun had gone done, leading Izzy to carry the Axl burrito back into their room, and the kitchen was in disarray from Slash and Steven throwing things at each other as they bickered about their respective romantic stupidity. On the plus side, they had at least worn themselves out and come to a reluctant understanding that they were both dumbasses.
“Um…” Duff looked around at the mess, before turning to look at Steven and Slash, who were sitting at the kitchen table with a few empty beer bottles between them, “Hi?” The two boys mumbled out a greeting. Clearing his throat, Duff held up a paper bag almost nervously, “I brought food?”
That had them perking up. “Really?” Steven grinned excitedly, “Fuck, Duff you’re the best!”
Chuckling, the bassist set the bag down on the counter, “I mean, it’s not much. Just leftovers and shit from work.”
“It’s food, therefore you’re my new favorite,” Steven insisted.
He and Slash cleared the bottles off the table, allowing Duff to unpack the paper bag, “I’ve got some lasagna, a few pieces of garlic bread, and a bit or ravioli.”
Faced with actual food, Slash and Steven didn’t even bother with plates, each grabbing a fork and eating right out of the containers, expressing their gratitude through mouthfuls of food.
Duff laughed at their enthusiasm, “Save some for Izzy and Axl, you fucking animals!”
Some of the food was reluctantly set aside before the two continued devouring their meal, “You gonna eat any, Duff?” Slash asked.
Shaking his head, the bassist leaned back in his seat, “Nah, I ate at work.” The three band mates chatted amicably for a few minutes as the food steadily disappeared before Duff finally turned to the drummer hesitantly, “So, hey, Stevie, are you, uh, alright? After last night, I mean. Things got kinda intense at the end there.”
“Oh,” Steven blinked in surprise. With all the morning discussion and bickered they’d had, he’d sort of forgotten that Duff hadn’t been around to hear all the details, “Yeah, no, it’s cool. I mean, I’m gonna hang with Tommy tonight to get a feel for how bad I fucked things up but,” we waved a hand, smiling wryly, “just love and war bullshit, y’know?” Steven tried to keep his words lighthearted and nonchalant, but he could still see little flickers of fear, or sadness, or both, flash across Duff’s eyes.
“Hah, yeah, of course, that… makes sense,” he tried to laugh, to stay natural, but Duff's whole body seemed to deflate in something like defeat.
When the bassist looked down to fiddle with his bracelets, Steven sent a look of thinly veiled panic towards Slash. They had been friends long enough for the guitarist to hear the words in his head loud and clear: Holy shit did I fuck things up with Vince AND Duff??
Before they could press the issue further, Izzy wandered out, pausing when he saw the containers of food, “Oh Hell yes, something that’s not ramen,” he said excitedly.
“We were even nice and saved some for you and Axl,” Slash pushed one of the takeout boxes towards him.
“Awesome, hold on,” slinking back into his room, they could hear some shuffling, murmured words, and then soft curses. When Izzy returned, he was carrying a familiar bundle of blankets, but this time it was squirming and releasing a series of muffled expletives. Izzy paid it no mind though, unceremoniously placing it on the kitchen counter before turning to sit at the table with the rest of the band. The grumbling continued, and when he noticed the three sets of raised eyebrows, Izzy merey shrugged as he pulled the tray of lasagna towards him, “Axl is mad ‘cause I’m not letting him isolate himself for once in his fucking life.” A hand wormed out of the comforters just long enough to give a firm middle finger in the man’s direction.
It was strange, Slash thought. Steven was nervously chatting with Duff, scooting his chair closer to try to bridge whatever gap he’d accidentally created, rambling about how Tommy was going to help him fix things. Slash tried to insert himself in their conversation while also chatting with Izzy to keep the other guitarist’s mind off the unmoving, silent, hidden body on the countertop across from them. The dirty, run-down kitchen was packed with five kids who all seemed to carry their own flavor of deep exhaustion and pain with them.
But they also carried the same flavor of ambition and drive and determination. They still managed to fill their hellhole of a house with laughter and creativity, drawing each other out of their own heads, even managing to literally draw Axl out of his shelter after a couple hours (well, the top half of his face. But still).
When the night ended, Steven was still trying to figure out what to do about the Vince situation as he left to find Tommy, and Izzy still had to carry Axl back to their room, and him and Slash still shot up together to take the edge off, and Duff still got wasted before he went to bed, and Slash still didn’t know how to move forward with the bassist. Honestly, things still weren’t great.
But still. Still. Slash couldn’t help but feel like maybe they would be. He couldn’t help but have hope.
They'd get there.
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xxgothickxx · 4 years
About me tag
I was tagged by the lovely @nomimits7 ! Thank you for this, I'm in bed waiting to fall asleep and I need something to calm me down from my gaming hype❤️ (also this is the reason if there is any spelling errors)
What do you prefer to be called name wise?  Kara, just Kara. This is my name I prefer. I chose it for myself and that's that 😂
When is your birthday? It is the 26th of October. And yes I am a 95's baby 🙂
Where do you live? South Africa. And no I do not live in a hut with wild animals as my friends (listen I know it sounds ridiculous but can you imagine how I feel when there's people who ask me this)
Three things you’re doing right now? Typing up this whole thingy. Cuddling about 3 cats in my bed (the 4th one is in the house making a mess somewhere) and contemplating if I should get up to go have a smoke.
Four fandom that have piqued your interest? Let's see. ARMY has been my dedicated fandom mostly for the last 3-4 years. I've always been a bit of a Potter Head 🤪 The Pretty Reckless is a Alt Rock band I've been listening and supporting since I was 14 (check 'em out) and Star Wars? I say that with a question because I've been out of the loop since the new movies came out
How’s the pandemic treating you? Well I mean if you've read through this thing I call a blog, you'll see how it's been treating me. I use this space to rant and to fangirl over BTS. But if you need to hear the short of it - I'm going broke due to pay lost, I might be retrenched and I might need to move out of my province because I can't afford to live here anymore.
Songs you can’t stop listening to right now…. Uuuuh Yoongi's whole mixtape D-2. Specially What do you Thing regardless of all its controversy it's still a fucking bopand I will spasticly dance to it, fight me
Reccomend a movie Oh god, I'm terrible with movies and series. I don't own a TV and I haven't watched TV in over 8 years I think? But I have a phone and a laptop. If you want me to recommend you YouTube videos I'm your girl. But yeah movies I have nothin'
How old are you? I am a whopping 24 at the type of this typing. I will be 25 in Oct (referring back to the date of birth question)
School, occupation or other? Oh boy, OK at the time of this I'm still employed. I am an Operations Assistant and Procurement at a medium to large phone service company. We are an extention of one of the bigger brand cellphone companies in South Africa. Real proper office job, but they let me have my hair funky colours and let me walk around with my piercings so yeah.
Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold. Excuse to cover every inch of my body in black fabric or any colour/shade close to it. I love staying in bed with 5+ blankets and all my cats to cuddle and stay warm. Also my Bf is furnace and I'll actually melt in hot weather if he wants to cuddle.
Name one fact others might not know about you? Oh, this can reference back to the name thing. Most people don't know my birth name, I can count on 1 hand how many people now it and 2 of them are my mom and baby brother. I've gotten rid of A LOT of toxic people in my life and my birth name carries a lot of that toxicity with it. Very long story I don't like getting into. And thus only a handful of people in my life now know my birth name, fact.
Are you shy? I am. I'm hella shy even though I come across as I'm not. Through the years I've kinda mastered fake confidence? It's kinda like a defence mechanism for me at this point. When I'm scared, hurt, afraid, unsure etc but I need to look and act strong in front of other I will push all that down to under the surface and fake my not-so-shy self, unless we're every close friends then I'm one crazy bitch.
Preferred nouns? She/Her
Favourite “-dere” type? Hands down Yandere. I try and cosplay one any chance I get. I guess I crave being that dangerously obsessive loving? I find it very hard to love someone, so I kinda 'idolize' the way they can do it even if it's unhealthy and dangerous. This is getting weird, moving on...
Any pet peeves? People that won't stop moving or touching your shit. LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE THEN I WON'T KEEP LOSING IT.
Rate your life 1-10 I always saw my life as a 6-7, but 2020 really got that shit way down to like a 3 now.
Main Blog? Yeah this is my 'main blog' cuz it's my only blog.
List your side blogs.… Ain't got those hunny, I barely have time to shower and manage this blog (lol I say manage but all I do is just rage and fangirl)
Anything people need to know before becoming your friend? Where to start? I'm a quiet person. But I'm always there if shit goes really south for my friends. You might not have heard from me in like 3 months but if you need a should or an ear I'm always there. I act tough and scary but it's because I'm extremely fragile and I've learned I'm the only one that can protect myself, so don't ever feel offended when it feels like I'm shutting you out, I'm really just battling my inner demons and I'll comeback to you if I won. I cut people off and out of my life with in seconds and I don't think twice about it. If you've crossed me in the most hideous way possible(in my eyes) you are actually dead to me. No second chances unless they are deserved. Regardless of everything I said up here, I'm really a nice girl, I just need nice people that understand me and will be patient with me. I'm a broken human that's trying to fix myself.
WHHHHOOOOOOOOWHEEEEEE that took a turn 👀 I'm so sorry I turned a fun thing quite negative 😅😅 but hey this is part of getting to know me! Thank you again @nomimits7 I enjoyed doing this! 💜💜💜
I guess it's my turn to nominate? Well, I nominate the person reading this. Yes YOU
If you feel like doing this, knock yourself out I'd love to read what you type and get to know you better ❤️💜 just tag me 😘
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sebfiction · 5 years
Hey, Doc!
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Chapter 13
It had been a week since that day at the botanical gardens. And what a week it had been. You’d finally agreed to meet Max for coffee, and you were still not sure if it was a good idea or not. You’d barely seen Sebastian. Your scheduled hadn’t matched up that well, and the few times you had seen him had been with all your coworkers around, either at lunch, at set or in the medic trailer. He would make a point of always sitting next to you, letting your knees rub against each other. It made you feel like a middle schooler every time. But then you’d start thinking about Max, about the ways she’d make you feel and you’d pull away. All that feeling and thinking had exhausted you, and Sebastian had probably noticed something as well. In the beginning of the week he texted you a lot, but now he hadn’t texted in at least three days. You felt guilty for abandoning him like that, but you figured you’d text him after you’d gotten the whole Max thing out of the way.
Right now you were taking inventory of the drug cabinet, seeing what needed to be reordered and what you were stocked up on.
“Tylenol, Tylenol, Tylenol...” you muttered to yourself as you were searching the highest shelf.
“It’s on your left” someone said from behind you. You jumped at the sound and almost knocked down all the medications you’d been sorting.
“Thank you...” you replied as you turned around slowly. Guilt and shame washed over you. Sebastian was wearing dark washed jeans and a white tee, slightly damp from the drizzling rain outside.
“You’re a hard woman to find alone” he mused. He smiled gently towards you as he leaned against the door opening.
“I know, I’ve been, it’s uuuuh, I’ve had a weird week, I’m sorry for blowing you off” you began ranting. He cut you off with a laugh.
“You don’t have to apologize for being busy” he said, walking over to sit in one of the chairs you had. “But, if somethings going on you can tell me if you want. Or if you don’t want to that’s cool”. Your heart started beating in your throat.
‘Do I tell him about Max? I should tell him about Max.’ You thought.
“Nothings going on, don’t worry. I’m just busy, really” you lied.
‘Or I can pull that bullshit’ you mentally scolded yourself. Here was this great guy, who actually cared about you and wanted to listen to your troubles and you lied to his face for no good reason. Dumbass.
“Good!” He exclaimed, but his eyes looked a bit sad. Maybe he could tell you were lying. To clear the air of the tension you walked over to him and sat down on his lap.
“But it’s nice to finally see you” you told him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Maybe next week we can do something again. See a movie, order food, something like that” you proposed as your fingers slowly tangled in his hair. Sebastian hands slowly slid over your hips and up your back.
“I’d love that” he hummed, his eyes slowly closing. You sat there for a minute, your hands stroking his hair, his fingers running up and down your back, watching his face carefully. You allowed yourself, just briefly, to enjoy yourself. Then he opened his eyes again and leaned forward to place a kiss on your lips. Max, your job, your dissertation, the illegality of this very moment, it all faded away to leave only room for this. This kiss, this silence. His lips started to move slowly against yours, as his grip around your waist tightened. Your pulse quickened as his tongue pushed gently against your lips. You parted your lips slightly, deepening the kiss. His chest vibrated slightly as he hummed with pleasure. Footsteps outside made you jump off him and step backwards to the side of the trailer. He looked up at you in confusion before he heard it too.
“So anyways, the shoulder is feeling quite alright again, and the physical therapist you recommended is great actually” he said, just as Amanda walked in. She stopped at the doorstep when she saw the two of you there.
“Hi Sebastian! Didn’t realize you’d be here” she said cheerfully.
“Hi Amanda! Long time no see!” He replied and they started chatting. You turned back to the medicine cabinet, hoping your flush would calm down. When the heat had faded from your cheeks you turned back around smiling. Sebastian was standing in the doorway now, looking at Amanda while she was talking like a waterfall. He shot you a glance, and tried to suppress a smile.
“Anyways Seb, I’ll see ya around all right, you know the whole gang should go out again it was a whole lotta fun, well for the most part ya know” she continued.
“You’re right Amanda, I’ll see you around” he said before turning to you.
“And thanks again for the pain relief” he winked, effectively raising your heart rate again.
“No problem, Sebastian” you said as he turned and left.
— — —
A/N: soooo I’m sorry for not updating this in literally a year, lmao, but here’s two chapters in one day! Also, I’m genuinely trying to write more and update more regularly, and I have a clear idea of where I want the story to go, but I would love to hear what you guys want to happen! If you have something you’d like to read I’d love it if you messaged me about it! 💙 anyways, enjoy!!
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pandem--onium · 6 years
Uuuuh, my brain is losing it. Granted that I went to bed in a terrible mood so the sleep paralysis does not surprise me,
when in heaven's name did my brain decide to dream about Pennywise?! Like, I've never been afraid of clowns, I saw IT like a year ago or something and never had a dream about it.
The only part that makes sort of sense is that Pennywise looked like a doll at some point. I hate dolls with a passion and they creep me out.
Plus, Pennywise, i'm sorry to disappoint you but I think you missed your target audience by a few years LOL
Rant over.
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dedeimagines · 6 years
guess what
it’s another rant with dede
you don’t have to read this if u don’t want to, it just like uuuuh???? idk??? me trying my hardest to???? say how i feel???? ya know??? 
firstly, i want you guys to know how sorry i am for the lack of content in these last few months. ive been working like 45-60 hours a week while trying to find time to apply to college and get my life rollin ya know
i feel incredibly bad for not posting fics as often as i used you, it seems like now i only post dumb shit like ‘wrow [insert name here] is the loml’ and thats it lmao oR its me complaining about work
second, ive just been like sad????????? for multiple reasons i wont get into in this post but yeahhhhhh sad times for me yall
there are just somethings i can handle and not get upset or cry over but other shit makes me ballllll yo like holy shit i wish i wasnt such a cry baby like you have no idea
oH also yall im starting college on the 30th of this month so woot woot to that ill be graduating in april of 2022 sooooooo thats a while away ahsjahdkdasjkhfkjasfh
ive been drinking a lot of espresso at work like a LOT like 10 shots a day even more depends on how long im there for
i also dont have any friends outside of work ive realized, like the only time i socialize is at work and thats it
some old lady called me cute the other day bc my hairs green anD some girl said i was pretty and my eyes were like the ocean so like i want to marry heR ahKJSDHAKJSDHkA
ive been trying to draw and paint more recently, as well as digitally so thats fuuuuunnnnnn
i bought smash bros ultimate yesterday too 
uh i think thats all i need to let out for now
if you made it to the end of this post, i love you and i hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!!!
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yoosungimagines · 6 years
Omg I'm so glad you made this tumblr! Uuuuh. I've got a request: imagine Yoosung finding out that the MC is a few years older than him (either before they have even met and he's developing feelings or when they're already a couple)? Hope it's not too much I'm asking for ;-;
took way too long to finish I’m sorry!! This is fairly long cause well, oops? i’m dramatic haha
also i made it so they’ve met but they’re not a couple i’m sorry if that’s not what you want aaaaa
this is actual trash i’m sorry
Rating: PG13
“Say, Seven, I’m not what they call a…”
Your voice was sheepish as you spoke into the phone, your eyes resolutely trained onto the ceiling and away from Seven’s picture displayed on your phone. There was an expression of defeat mixed with pure embarrassment on your face and your grimace would’ve made for a fun blackmail picture for the redhead.
“A what?”, he drawls teasingly, and you can practically feel the mischievous smirk on his stupid face. “Spit it out ______. I won’t know what you’re trying to say until you say it clearly.”
You wanted to slap him, but alas, his cheek was too far from the palm of your hand. “A-A,” you take a deep breath. Your next words come out in a high-pitched squeak, your fingers clenching around the fabric of your shirt. “A c-cougar!” Your eyes squeeze tightly and your hands fly up to cover your reddened face, a loud stuttering groan of embarrassment leaving your lips.
Seven’s hysterical laughter fills the room, making your ears bleed; you knew putting him on speakerphone was a bad idea! “Oh my god!”, he spits through his giggles. “I can’t believe- haha! A-A cougar- HAHAHA!” You groan again and the urge to hide yourself under the sheets have never been stronger.
“Shut up Seven!”, you cry, his laughs growing in volume at the sound of your suffering. After what feels like forever, his laughter slowly starts to subside, but you can still hear his small giggles between his panting breaths.
“Wh-Why do you ask? What makes you think you’re a c-cou-”, he snorts and you can hear a loud BANG. “C-Cougar-HAHA!” You roll your eyes in exasperation and you consider hanging up on the redhead. He obviously isn’t much help now. Laughing at you isn’t going to do anything for your crippling sanity.
“If you’d just stop laughing, I’d actually tell you.”
“O-Okay, okay, lemme just,” he pants, chuckling under his breath. “Calm myself down… Hooooo~ I can’t breathe.”
“I wish you’d stop breathing.”, you mutter bitterly and he snorts again.
“So cruel ______! I thought we were friends!”, his dramatic yell does nothing but annoy you even further and you tell him so, resulting in another heartbreaking shout.
“Seriously Seven, am I one or not?” His pondering hum makes you nervous and you pull the fabric of your bedsheets taut between your fingers. “You’re gonna have to explain to me why you think you’re a cougar first ______,” he says. Your mouth twists, displeased. “Because personally, I haven’t seen you do anything ‘cougar-like’ in the chatroom.”
You muster up the loudest, most tired sounding sigh you could make and you hear him chortle in amusement. “My friends joke around a lot. About me being a cougar and all,” you explain reluctantly, letting the silk in your grasp fall from your fingers. You instead pick at the stitches in your shirt, a worried lilt in your voice as you speak. “You know how I’m one of the oldest members in the RFA? I told my friends that and well, yeah…” The way your voice trails off is suspicious to say the least, as if you were hiding something from Seven.
“That still doesn’t explain why they think you’re a cougar. You do know what that word means, don’t you? It means to be sexually interested in younger men,” he rattles off, so casually that you wonder if anything can embarrass Seven. Then, his voice turns into something mischievous. “So? Who’s the lucky guy?”
Your flustered sputtering confirms his accusation. Mortified, you turn your body and bury your face into a pillow, your shrill screaming muffled. “______?”, you hear. “______, c’mon it’s not bad to be interested in someone younger than you. And knowing you, you’re probably not interested in just sex, right?” You squeal at the lewd word, pulling another chuckle from him.
Eventually, you turn your head away from the pillow, inhaling to calm your nerves. “Yoosung…”, you breathe out.
“What about Yoosung?”
“Th-The guy I’m interested in… It’s Yoosung.”
Your teeth snags onto your bottom lip when a lengthy silence comes from the other end. “S-Seven? You there?”, you ask, voice shaky. “I know it’s weird bu-”
“I hate you, I hate you so much,” you hiss into the phone. “Laugh one more time and I’m keying your cars!”
He chokes on his laughs, struggling to plead with you through hacking coughs. “W-Wait ______! Let’s be reasonable here!” Seven’s frantic tone in his hoarse voice brings a smug smile on your face. “My babies don’t deserve this! Take me instead! Please!”
You haven’t your rolled your eyes this hard since… Well, ever. “Will you just-! Help me?!”, you huff, the desperation clear even through the annoyance in your voice. “I… I really like him and I don’t want him to be creeped out when he finds out that I’m like 6 years older than him.” You cringe at the thought, heart aching at the image of Yoosung’s face twisting in disgust.
“You mean you haven’t even told him your age?”, Seven asks softly. He sighs, clearly disappointed in you. “______… Yoosung won’t be creeped out.”
“How do you know that?”
“Have you not figured out what type of stuff this boy’s into? Trust me, you’re fine ______. Just tell him. It won’t change his feelings for you at all.”
“His feelings? For me?”
His chuckle feels more reassuring now, the slightest bit of confidence seeping into you from the deep sound.
“He likes you too ______. Probably way more than you think he does.”
“And then he shouts at me for not getting the item in time! Like, how was I supposed to get it when I was literally carrying his sorry butt?!”
Yoosung’s whiny rants were nothing but adorable to you. Admittedly, you were a little disappointed that the only reason he invited you over was to vent, but Yoosung is Yoosung and you’re weak.
You sink into the comfy couch, head lolling to the side to watch as he talks animatedly about his LOLOL raids, hands flailing about and lilac eyes alight with passion.
It’s been a week since your… Enlightening conversation with Seven and it’d be a lie to say it hasn’t been crossing your mind ever since. In fact, it’s concerning just how much you keep thinking about it. Every waking hour - in the shower, while you eat, while you work - it refuses to leave your head.
“He likes you too ______. Probably way more than you think he does.”
If what Seven had said was true, then…
You wet your lips nervously as Yoosung stops his babbling, your silence concerning him. “______? Are you okay?” His eyes peer deep into yours, worry shining in his hues. His pretty pink lips were pulled into a frown. You want to kiss it off of him.
‘He likes you too…’
‘Just tell him.’
‘It won’t change his feelings for you at all.’
“I’m 27!”, you blurt.
Oh shit.
“Wait- Shit! Fuck! I didn’t mean to-!” With a loud, excruciatingly painful groan, you bury your flaming red face into your hands. You hadn’t meant to admit it so abruptly! Stupid Seven!
You can hear Yoosung shift next to you, his movements making you even more anxious. “Uhm,” he finally says. “Well, I’m 21…?” You can hear the question in his voice and you groan even more in embarrassment. Great, now you confused him…
“______? C’mon, tell me what’s wrong!” Yoosung’s hands reach out to grip at your wrists, his touch sending electric shocks up your spine. His thumb rubs soothing circles into your skin, each stroke shooting an arrow through your heart. “You know you can tell me anything right?”
You quiver under his stare, teeth latching onto and chewing your bottom lip to shreds. “My friends,” you manage to choke out, averting your gaze. His wide violet eyes were not good for your sanity. “My friends were teasing me… A-About how I’m a cougar.”
“A cougar?” He cocks his head in confusion. “What’s that?”
You want to D I E.
“Well you see Yoosung, when a woman loves a young man very very much…”
His eyebrows furrow. “So you’re telling me, you love someone and your friends are teasing you about it?”
“W-Well yeah, but the thing is he’s… He’s way younger than me and they just like to joke about that.” Yoosung looks strangely conflicted now, eyes downcast and mouth a thin line; it’s worrying. “Yoosung…?”
“Who is it?”, he asks, painfully hushed.
You could only stare at the blonde, confusion clear in your eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Who’s the guy?” He looks as if someone had stabbed him, betrayal and sadness embedded in his violet hues. “Who’s the guy you… you l-love?”, he practically spat out the word.
A sudden, dawning realization falls upon you and wow holy shit I’m an idiot. Yoosung was jealous. Kim Yoosung was JEALOUS.
You couldn’t help the smile that split across your face and you shake your head at the ridiculousness of it all. “Yoosung,” you laugh, reaching out to cup his face in your hands, pressing your foreheads together. “His name’s Kim Yoosung.”
You watch his expression transition from hopeless to shock to finally, glee. “M-Me?”, he sputters, his cheeks a beautiful red. “You love me?”
Your nod had him beaming up at you, your heart stuttering at the sight. He places his hands atop of yours, staring into your eyes with adoration. “I love you too.” he sighs, pretty lips curved into a dopey smile. He leans in to press a kiss to your nose and you nearly cried from how precious he was.
“Kiss me properly.” You grin when you see how flustered he’s become, puckering your lips to tease him even more. Warm lips capture your own in a tender kiss and you hum, pleased with his boldness.
He pulls away to kiss your cheek, then along your jaw and up to your ear, your little gasps fueling his actions. His warm breath against your skin send shivers down your spine, your ears a bright red.
“You know,” he sighs, his hands sliding down to take ahold of your hips, tugging you closer. “If you were a cougar, I wouldn’t mind if you pounced on me.”
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blu-b · 7 years
I was tagged by @snowfox001 - thank you so much :-) I already did one that had similar questions, but since there are some new ones here, I’ll just do it again.
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 amazing followers that you would like to get to know better. 
Name: Caitlín
Nickname: I don’t really have any irl. On tumblr, blue or blu or bluie.
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Hogwarts house: Uuuuh, I’m not into Harry Potter, never read the books, never saw the films, so....I don’t know? Sorry.
Height: 5’ 4"
Orientation: Pan
Ethnicity: White / (Northern) European
Favorite fruit: Apples, strawberries, plum
Favorite season: Summer because I need to drink in all the light and the warmth. Spring because I love seeing nature wake up. Can I have an eternal Sprummer, please?
Favorite book series:  Since this is asking explicitly for series, I would have to say the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike.
Favorite fictional characters:  I still haven’t been able to think about any others than the one I named in the previous thing, except one: Victor from Underworld is pretty cool as well.
Favorite flower: Peony, lilac, harebells, bluebells, snowdrops, lavender.
Favorite scents: That’s a tricky one because I want to name the same as for the flowers, but actually some of them don’t smell really good and some don’t smell at all, so....well, bluebells smell lovely, but I have yet to find any product that mimics their scent perfectly. I love the scent of wild cherries though, also vanilla (in winter mostly), melon, tangerine.
Favorite colour: Green
Favorite animal: Cats, deer, lions.
Favorite artist/band: Pfffffffuuuuh, hm. Inkubus Sukkubus are pretty cool, though I don’t really have an ultimate fave.
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: Hot cocoa if it’s available, but only if made with milk, not with water. Otherwise, tea.
Average sleep hours: As many as I can get. Recently, it’s between 5 and 6 and that’s definitely not enough.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Between 2 and 3.
Dream trip: One day I want to go to the Altai Mountains.
Last thing Googled: “How much water does a blanket flower need?”
Blog created: 4 or 5 years ago.
How many blogs do I follow: 146, with a lot of dead ones though. I used to follow only 80 or so because too much content stresses me out, but so many have gone or never been updated over the years :-(
Number of followers: 897, because I lost two since the last time. One couldn’t take an opinion and the other one apparently disliked my lengthy George Warleggan rant. Ah well. Two overslept themselves and then there were......
What do I usually post about: Pfft all sorts of stuff, mainly Hobbit / Hobbit actors and their other projects, Aidan Turner, Dean O’Gorman, Jack Farthing, my ships, Poldark, fashion, historical stuff, gay stuff, ballet, cats, and lots of unpopular opinions ^^
Do you get asks regularly: I used to, and because I’m terrible at answering them or keeping up a conversation, the number has gone back over the years. Nowadays, I keep getting the odd few, but it’s not a lot.
What is your aesthetic: Forest fairy
Thanks for tagging me!
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tomboy-writer · 8 years
Can You do a Roman Reigns Imagine? Where we have to share a hotel, and we get into a heated arguement which leads to rough , passionate sex?
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  A/N: I’m so sorry that this took so long to get done. But I hope you love it!
Warnings: Daddy kink, strong language, shower sex (is that warning??) uuuuh, can’t think of anything else. I write before the requests before I give the warnings so sometimes I forget :P
      “I have to do what!?! No, there is no way that I’m gonna share my room with her! Come on, Triple H, can’t you just get her a different room? Hmm, I didn’t think so,” I said to Hunter over my cell phone. He had just informed me that I had to share my room with Y/N, the new WWE Diva. I guess with her being new and everything, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon forgot to book her a room so now I had to share mine with her.
     "Can’t she just sleep in her car,“ I asked, continuing my rant. But, of course, Triple H said no. (I just hope that he knew that I was joking.) He then told me to ‘be a man’ and deal with and it and said that Y/N should be up to my room in a few minutes. So I hung up the phone, unlocked the door, sat down back on my bed and kept an ear out for the newbie.
     The knocks on the door came half an hour later ('in a few minutes’ my ass). Already I knew who it was, so I said 'the door’s unlocked’ and in walked Y/N. She had her bags in her hands and a towel around her neck, telling me that she just came from the gym. That and Y/N was wearing a tank-top and shorts. Plus, she was drenched in sweat; which, I hate to admit, was kinda hot.
    “Hey, Roman,” Y/N said to me after she closed and locked the door.
       “Hey,” I said back to her. I leaned back on my -or I guess I should say our- bed and started to play a game on my phone just to show the new comer that I wasn’t interested in anything that she had to say. Unfortunately she wasn’t getting the message.
    “Sorry you have to share your room with me,” she said. “I know that this wasn’t your idea, but-”
“You can say that again,” I retorted with a roll of my eyes.
    “I know this wasn’t your idea, but-” Y/N annoyingly repeated herself and then laughed at herself. I narrowed my eyes at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.
“What,” she asked. “You said I could say it again.”
    “You know  I didn’t mean it, smart ass. Now, why don’t you go to sleep on the couch so that way I won’t have to hear your voice anymore?”
  “Seriously, Roman? The couch? I thought that you would be a gentleman and let me have the bed.”
      “Normally I would, but you’re such a newbie that you just don’t deserve it,” I said laughing to myself.
  “Whatever,”she scoffed back, “I have to take a shower first, anyways.”
   “In that case, I think I have to pee.”
  “No you don’t; you’re just saying that cause I said that I want to take a shower!”
      “Probably. But you’re still not going in the bathroom, and there’s nothing you can do about it, Newbie.”
    I was completely wrong on that part cause after I said that, Y/N came over to the side of the bed that I was on, lifted one of her legs up and slammed it down onto my stomach.
   “Fuck,” I groaned in pain. Then I rolled on my side and watched as Y/N walked into the bathroom with a smirk on her face.
          A few minutes later and I could hear the shower running.
                                         *                *                  *
      It had been a whole hour after Y/N had started her shower, and I had to piss. Badly. But she still wasn’t out of the bathroom. So I went to the door and heard the shower still running. I knocked hard a few times, but Y/N wasn’t responding. Look, I’m a gentleman and everything, but when a man’s gotta piss, a man’s gotta piss and I ain’t tryna piss through the window. I tried the doorknob and noticed that the door was unlocked, so I opened it and saw something that made my dick hard: Y/N had the shower head in her hand and it was pointed at her pussy. The look of pleasure was all over her face. Moans were escaping her lips, but it was hard to tell what she was saying exactly, so I listened more closely. “Fuck! Ro- Roman,” she purred my name. She purred my name!
   “Me,” I accidentally asked out loud. I still couldn’t believe that shit.
       “Shit! Roman? What the hell are you doing in here,” Y/N asked in return as she dropped the shower head. She quickly covered herself up with her hands at first and then with the shower curtain.
     “Uh, I had to take a leak,” I answered, “and you were takin’ way too long. By the way, were just playin’ with yourself….and thinkin’ about me?”
    “No! Now fuck off!”
      I took a few more steps into the bathroom and and put a smirk on my face. “Baby girl, I’d rather get you off,” I replied with a wink.
    Y/N let out a nervous gulp but had let go of the shower curtain, letting me see her in her whole naked, wet, beauty. “What’re gonna do to me, Roman?”
       “Pick that shower head back up and hand it to me, Newbie.” She did what I told her to do and I chuckled. “Baby girl, you got this on the wrong setting.”
   “What do you mean, I got it on the wrong setting,” Y/N asked impatiently, making me chuckle again.
      “Cause yo got it on spray when you should have it on massage.” I changed the setting and aimed the nozzle at Y/N’s clit. I smirked when she instantly moaned. The look on her face told me that she was enjoying this more than when she was doing this to herself.
       After a while I decided to get in the tub with the newbie. So I handed her the shower nozzle, got shirtless and pants-less and sat on the side of the tub. I took the nozzle back from her and watched as she started to rub herself. I licked my lips before I smacked her hand away and put two of fingers in her glorious hole.
   “Roman, oh my god,” Y/N screamed.
     “You like that, Baby-girl,” I asked her while I pumped in and out of her. God, I wish it was my cock filling her pussy up, but I had to wait til I got her good and ready and I had a great way to do that. I slowly pulled my fingers out of her, stood up and put the shower head back where it belongs.
     “What’re you doing, baby,” Y/N asked me in an innocent voice.
       “Nuh-uh, Newbie,” I said with a wag of my index finger. “You only get to call me Daddy.”
        “Yup, just like that; sounds fuckin’ hot too. Now, bring you fine ass closer to so I can eat you out.”
     Y/N smiled as she said “yes, Daddy”.
      She moved close enough so that her lightly trimmed bush was on my chin. I dipped my head a little to give myself a small taste of her dripping pussy. It was a quick swipe of my tongue and Y/N couldn’t help but to whimper.
    “Damn, baby, you taste so good!”
           “Fuck, how do you go from hating my guts to eating me out,” Y/N wanted to know.
    “Who cares, baby,” I answered, “just let me enjoy my feast.”
     Y/N rapidly nodded her head and I lapped up her moist opening. I went slow at first, but Y/N told me to stop teasing, so I went faster earning many loud moans from the newbie. She moaned my name plenty of times, holding on to my long hair as she came on my tongue with shakes and screams.
     “Damn, Newbie. I would’ve been doin’ this to ya much sooner if I had known that you were gonna taste so sweet and sound even sweeter.” I laughed while standing up in the tub.
      “Well, I would’ve let you do it sooner if I had known that your tongue was so powerf-” Y/N cut herself off when she saw my hard cock spring at my abs after I removed my briefs. “Holy shit,” she whispered, eyeing my dick, “you’ve got a mighty hammer there, Thor.”
    “Haha, thanks, Newbie.”
      Y/N groaned in annoyance. “When are you going to stop calling me that, Roman? You know that I’m great in the ring and I’ve beaten almost all of my opponents!”
   The whole time that Y/N was ranting, she was also looking at my naked body body up and down. She saw how my cock was dripping with pre-cum and licked her lips.
    “I’ll start callin’ you by your name once you prove to me that you can take this dick. Oh, and you can stop callin’ me Daddy while we fuck…unless of course you want to keep callin’ me Daddy.” A smirk made it’s way on to my face as Y/N made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth. “Now come on, Newbie, lets get started.”
   I helped Y/N wrap her legs around my waist and I was back in her glorious hole, but this time with my thick dick. When it got in her, the newbie gasped and asked me to give her some time to adjust to my size. Once she was ready, I slowly went in and out of her and both instantly moaned. I picked up the pace some after a few more slow thrusts, and I loooooved the way she felt around my cock. I told her that and she moaned while sucking on my neck.
    “I love the way you fill me up,” she finally said. “Your cock feels so fucking          good in me, Daddy.”
    “Mmm, I see you have no problem with still callin’ me Daddy, Newbie.”
    “Aw, fucking shiiiiit,” she moaned as I continued to pound into her and suckin’ on her nipples. “Can you blame me? You’re so fucking hot!”
     Y/N saying that got my motor running faster than before. So I made it so that Y/N’s back was right on the shower wall, picked up my pace and really pounded into her tight, wet pussy. God, it felt so fuckin’ good. My long hair got in my face and I so desperately needed to see the newbie’s sex face. So I flipped my hair over and saw her staring straight back at me with a tear falling down her cheek. I knew it was from pleasure, but I still felt the need to ask.
    “You okay, Baby-girl?”
      “Fuck yeah, Daddy,” she answered, out of breath. “You’re just really hitting my G-spot and it feels so fucking good and I -ah, shit!”
    I hit Y/N’s G-spot several more times, that’s how she cut herself off that time: cause she was enjoying my D too much. But I was enjoying her P just as much, maybe even more.
    “Come on, Newbie,” I growled, “cum all over my cock!” I told her that cause I knew that she was close; I could feel it. But I wanted her moans to be captured in my mouth, so I quickly put my mouth on hers and continued to thrust into her hole.
  Our tongues fought for dominance as we kissed and moaned in each other’s mouths. A few more thrusts later and I had the newbie shaking with pleasure. Her moans vibrating in my mouth added with her pussy pulsing around my cock had me cumming my own damn self.
    “Fuck, that was hot,” I said after I finished shooting my load in Y/N’s dripping pussy. I let Y/N back down and kissed her passionately on the lips.
   “I know, best sex ever,” Y/N replied. “But I took your dick. Hell, I loved taking it. So, I guess that means that you’re not gonna call me Newbie anymore, right?”
   I smirked at her before caressing her cheek. “That’s right, Y/N.” Her eyes lit up when I said her name. “Now lets get washed up and then go to bed together, Newbie.”
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