#v; elseworld
legaciestold · 6 months
@everythingheard​ (for constantine)
cat screeches as thunder sounds, woman suddenly thrown from dream to waking with such a shock that the blanket flies off the bed. rose. rose. rose. something isn’t right. cold sweat drenches body, skin too pale. there’s a girl just out of focus with dark hair. she can see her as if she’s standing there in her dark bedroom. a flash of crayons. there’s pictures. drawn pictures on a wall. lightening illuminates her empty room. angela’s somewhere in-between sleep and the waking room, some place in the middle where sight reveals secrets. cat jumps back on bed, nuzzles against her as if in worry. she doesn’t react. she knows duck is there, but she’s not quite there. she raises off the bed, goes to the window. reflections dancing upon glass. john. she can see him, but younger standing there talking to a woman. she doesn’t understand. as if something is trying to show her the pieces of a puzzle in time but for what purpose she doesn’t know. 
she doesn’t know a very many things. 
her sight growing. her returned sight distracting. reawakening her to a world denied for so long. head tilts, there’s the girl again. she’s drawn another picture, this one of who angela thinks is the girl’s mother, it’s the same woman john was talking to, but he’s in the picture too. why was she seeing this? another crash of thunder, she turns away from the window and looks back upon her room. it’s darker now, the ruminants of light somehow seeming to be consumed by something dark and malevolent. it wants the girl, she realizes though she doesn’t know how she knows. the girl’s in trouble. angela thinks her mother is too. and john.. he knows them. at least that’s what her investigative skills piece together. 
she’s cold, so cold suddenly, dread washing over her in that same way it had the night isobel left this world. she feels connected to this somehow though she doesn’t understand why. maybe it’s the fact she’s connected to constantine, that he saved her sister’s soul and now someone close to him is in trouble. it seems strange though, she might not know him especially well even if they were starting to, but she can’t imagine him hanging out with a some lady and a kid and there’d been nothing in his file about him having a child though there was a mention of him talked to in a missing person’s case in newcastle, england. but then, there’s many things she doesn’t know about him. 
slimy hand touches shoulder. 
angela gasps and turns and sees something that reminds her of the half rotted faces that stared at her in hell. it comes at her and then disappears through her as if it’s warning her to stay away. as if it’s saying that there’s a rose and the rose is theirs. whatever wants the girl has seen her too now. 
mind reels, senses chaotic and on fire. she loses herself in them as if they are consuming her. she hasn’t fully learned how to control them yet, how to focus her mind and not be lost to them when they carry her away. she’s not self aware when her body darts out of her room or when she passes her keys and leaves her apartment still in her pajamas and socks, no shoes. she isn’t aware as cold rain soaks her clothes or that she’s running. ironic and perhaps a blessing in disguise when her and john had discovered their apartments weren’t that far away from each other. images play across her mind. 
danger feels looming. 
closer and closer. on some level, angela understands her sister so much better now. on some level she fears what would happen if her parents came to visit and saw her like this– she’s an adult but so had isobel been the countless times they’d committed her.
footfalls beat against pavement, drowned by the storm sounds around her. if anyone saw her they’d call the police– she is the police but she’s more than that right now. she’s sight itself. she’s a warning. palms beat against his warded door. pounding in the night with little care for his neighbors. she hits the door again but doesn’t speak. her mind is a frenzy. her body is freezing. she doesn’t notice. he opens the door and it’s as if some huge weight that’s been upon her gives way, her stumbling forward into him.
“something’s coming for them! it knows something. it knows what a rose is. it wants to take her or kill her?  i can’t see– i can’t see clearly.. there’s a rose. and you were there! i can see the drawings… rose. there’s a rose, there’s a little girl. it wants to hurt her. it wants to hurt you—” her words come out in a frantic ramble, her body there but her voice far away. she’s still lost, lost in haywire senses. lost in sight without a tether to bring her back. 
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groundrunner100 · 2 months
A bigger debate than real world politics.
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Clois : Popping the question.
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geekcavepodcast · 9 months
DC Comics' Elseworlds Line Returns in 2024
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DC Comics has announced the official return on the Elseworlds line of comics. Elseworlds comics are out-of-continuity stories featuring DC's characters. To celebrate, DC also announced upcoming Elseworlds titles - Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, Batman the Barbarian, Green Lantern: Dark, Batman: Nightfire, and sequels to Dark Knights of Steel and DC vs. Vampires.
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Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age is a 12-issue series from Andy Diggle and Leandro Fernandez that will expand the world created by Brian Augustyn and Mike Mignola. The greatest heroes of the world will come together, forming a 19th-century Justice League to face the greatest threat that the world has known. In the process, the heroes will learn of the world's secret Kryptonian history.
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Batman the Barbarian is a 6-issue series from Greg Smallwood. The comic is a retelling of Batman's origin set in a medieval Earth.
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Green Lantern: Dark is a 7-issue series from Tate Brombal and Werther Dell-Edera in which the DC Universe is a dark fantasy wastland where monsters overrun a post-apocalyptic Earth. "Now, darkness prevails as humanity struggles to survive on a corrupted planet. Only one hero remains, the one who wields the green flame that can return light to a dark world—The Green Lantern. But she’s been missing for years, and, on the isolated island of New England, the horrors only get worse by the night." (DC Comics)
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Batman: Nightfire is a 6-issue series from Clay Mann and Seth Mann. Bruce Wayne tries to "rectify a devastating tragedy by traveling to the past. What secrets does this Batman hold so tight that he would watch Gotham be reduced to ashes? What truths are exposed when there is nowhere left to hide?" (DC Comics)
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Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter is a 6-issue series from Jay Kristoff and Tirso Cons set in the world of Tom Taylor's Dark Knights of Steel and inspired by Norse mythology. In the series "the snows fall thick, blood runs black, and color itself is only a distant memory. The legendary assassin Deathstroke stalks a frozen wasteland, killing for coin among a nation of ever-warring jarls. But when our murderer for hire finds himself cast in the role of reluctant guardian, will he fight to end the icy curse destroying his land, or be consumed by the sins of his own dark past?" (DC Comics)
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DC vs. Vampires: World War V is a 12-issue series from Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt that serves a a sequel to DC vs. Vampires. Sunlight has been restored to Earth, but did it come too late? "As a new Ice Age dawns, humanity faces their most deadly threat yet—Barbara Gordon Queen of the Vampires!" (DC Comics)
(Images via DC Comics - Covers / Promo Art for DC's Elseworlds Logo, Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, Batman the Barbarian, Green Lantern: Dark, Batman: Nightfire, Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter, and DC vs. Vampires: World War V)
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smashpages · 7 months
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DC vs. Vampires was the brutal first chapter in a larger war for the fate of Earth! In this upcoming sequel by Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt, sunlight is restored to the Earth, but was it too late? As a new Ice Age dawns, humanity faces their most deadly threat yet—Barbara Gordon Queen of the Vampires!
Coming from DC in 2024 as part of their relaunched Elseworlds line
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graphicpolicy · 9 months
NYCC 2023: DC returns to Elseworlds in 2024!
NYCC 2023: DC returns to Elseworlds in 2024! #comics #comicbooks #nycc #nycc2023 #nycc23 #elseworlds
At New York Comic Con 2023, DC announced the return of Elseworlds, the lineup of comics that featured classic DC characters with new twists often creating classic reads. The announced comics include Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, Batman the Barbarian, and Green Lantern: Dark. Also being added to the line are the follow ups to Dark Knights of Steel and DC vs. Vampires. Eslworlds was…
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
one entertaining thing abt this legends rewatch is that they Always have the last episode of crossovers (when they're in them lol) so i'm just gonna be catching the end of all of them
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legaciestold · 7 months
@everythingheard​​ (bruce)
it was bad enough that kryptonite was in possession of anyone, though, she supposed if it had to be, her fears were tempered mildly by the fact it was bruce and lex. bruce wouldn’t use it against her, or her cousin unless kal gave him a reason to– something of which kara was confident would never happen. they may have been cautious of kal at first, however, he’d gained her trust, and she felt at least a certain level of trust was granted him by bruce now too. and lex…  he wouldn’t use it against her. of that much she was assured of her own judgement of him. they’d known each other since they were young, a time which felt a lifetime ago and they survived the trials and tribulations of zod’s invasion and ramifications of discoveries made in the aftermath. no, he wouldn’t use it against her, but that didn’t mean kara liked the uncertainty which lingered in the back of her mind when the question of other kryptonians was supplied. 
oh she’d raged at both of them when she’d found out lex’s team had pulled the chunk out of the ocean and he’d been harboring it, only calmed after a brutal argument and bruce’s mediation. 
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now, however, the issue of kryptonite had come up again, with perhaps more dire ramifications. “i’ve received intel that the d.e.o. has kryptonite.” there was a reason that, despite the fact she had aided the organization a few times, kara had always been extremely cautious of them just like bruce was of institutions like a.r.g.u.s. the d.e.o. existed to deal with alien threats on earth, which, was not something that was unneeded, but they were also controlled by government oversight. what would happen to the aliens they monitored if control over the organization became corrupted? if the military decided someone was a threat that wasn’t one in a rush to judgement? and now they held the very thing that could harm both her and her cousin if they were so ordered. 
kara trusted bruce explicitly. 
she trusted lex too, at least where she was concerned. but the government with kryptonite? kara might be willing to hope for the good in people, but she’d also grown up in a city full of corruption and trained by bruce who always had a contingency for the ‘what if’ scenario. call her cynical in this situation, but that, kara did not trust.
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whipbogard · 1 year
do you have a bruharvey comic reading list ?
Lmfao I personally feel like every Harvey-centric comic is somewhat a BruHarvey comic if you squint 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This list is in no way exhaustive and I'm pretty sure I've missed out some very important stuff but nevertheless, this is what I could think off at the top of my head:
Disclaimer: I'm bad at continuity. And I won't call some of these excellent writing but they did give me all the delicious bruharv moments.
Batman - A Lonely Place of Dying - Some nice parallels between Batman and Two-Face were made in here when they're busy trying to outwit each other. This is mainly focused on Bruce's angst post-Jason's death and it is rather delicious for the angst-lover. And also origin story for Robin Tim.
Batman: Year One - That infamous scene where Batman hid under Harvey's desk. That's it. That's big reason enough for you to read it. (Harvey is also exceptionally hansum in here. Will always be one of my fav Harveys).
Two-Face: Year One - Chummy college days, Bruce hanging out at Harvey's office late and night and also the one where 2F didn't listen to the coin and spared Bruce's life :^)
Batman: Eye of the Beholder - The one where Jim introduced Harvey to Batman and then they started hanging out together and left Jim out. JK JK JK LOL but it sure felt like that 🤣 In all honesty though, this is one of--if not--the best Harvey story out there so please read it anyway!!!!
Batman: Face The Face - This takes place sometime after Batman: Hush (where if you recall, Harvey betrayed Tommy to save Bruce's ass uwu). Harvey is somewhat "cured" now that his face is fixed. He go about protecting Gotham in Bruce's absence. And oh, Harvey recalling the 30 days whirlwind of a romance with Bruce where they trained together and also went for dinner dates and movies (I KID YOU NOT)---and obviously got 2F very upset LOL.
All-Star Batman: My Own Worst Enemy - The one where Bruce and Harvey went on a cross-country trip while being handcuffed together. Also a look into their childhood together at that very weird school lol
Batman and Robin #24 - #28 (The Big Burn) - This is 2F's origin story for current continuity. The one where Harvey called Bruce a Prince (while looking at his own reflection on a knight armour) and Bruce called Harvey "dummy" affectionately. Also here we learn that Harvey had known that Bruce is Batman since forever and has been protecting that secret from 2F.
Detective Comics #989 - #993 (Deface The Face) - My beloved Gotham Justice Triumvirate reuniting and working together!!!! The ending to this arc truly fulfilled my love for that chasing game between a hero and a villain tbh uwu
Detective Comics #1020 - #1024 (Ugly Heart & Prelude to Joker War) - It started out weird enough with 2F having a cult of some sort and having real weird erotic ritual involving the coin (lbr you know I'd join this cult in a heartbeat LOL). Again, this arc emphasized on Harvey's struggles to protect Bruce and his identity from 2F. And Harvey teaming up with Bruce to beat Joker's talons!!!!! It ended with 2F being suppressed and a somewhat "reformed" Harvey in Blackgate being visited by Matches. I like this arc for a lot of shippy reasons lmfao ("Promises, promises" hehe)
Detective Comics #1062 - present - The current craze. An excellently written Harvey by Ram V and Simon Spurrier. I look forward to where this is heading! (As of now, seems like Harvey has stopped making an appearance but I sure hope he'll come back again!!!)
The Doom That Came to Gotham - This is a depressing Elseworlds story with Lovecraft elements but the BruHarvey in here is absolutely golden and even more so in the movie version.
Batman 1989 Newspaper Comics - I have yet to go through this tbh but there are a lot of good bruharv moments in here and thIS ONE RIGHT HERE I s2G GETS ME ALL THE TIME
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THAT IS ALL!!! Thanks for asking me this because now I have a proper record to refer to since I'm so bad with arc names and issues etc 🤣
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karaspal · 3 days
kara zor-el is the final girl ever. she can survive any horror movie you throw her in. she can probably survive a whole trilogy without breaking a sweat. dc should give her a black label elseworld horror mystery book. it’s what she deserves. and they should have someone like ram v write it.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 months
DC Comics Releases More Info On "DC vs. Vampires: World War V"
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DC Comics' Elseworld series DC vs. Vampires is expanding with DC vs. Vampires: World War V from writer Matthew Rosenberg and artist Otto Schmidt.
"It’s the dead of winter, and any hope for a fragile truce between the Green Arrow-led human heroes and vampire queen Barbara Gordon’s army has been dashed by Damian Wayne and his guerrilla fighters. Damian is the only one fighting back against the bloodthirsty hordes, leaving Green Arrow with a choice: Does he stand and fight or sacrifice the boy in the name of peace?" (DC Comics)
DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1 (of 12) goes on sale on August 14, 2024. Issue #1 sports a main cover by Otto Schmidt, variant covers by Steve Beach, Jae Lee, Riley Rossmo, and Nikola Čižmešija, and a foil variant cover by Homare.
(Image via DC Comics - Otto Schmidt's Cover of DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1)
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smashpages · 4 months
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DC vs. Vampires: World War V #1 (DC, August 2024) cover by Otto Schmidt
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 months
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I can't believe that after years of not shutting up about this stupid crossover event to countless people who did want ask not want to hear me talk about a cheap, if ambitious, publicity stunt from the 90s DC has buried Quesada's hatchet with Marvel and is reprinting DC -v- Marvel and Amalgam, and in the same breath as they've announced the return of the Elseworlds label. Is it possible, however slim, that we could end up getting new Amalgam content?? Even if it's just a few characters worked into the background of some bigger multiverse brawl, I'll fucking take it!
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The Dark Claw lives again...
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thevindicativevordan · 20 hours
What are your favorite Wonder Woman stories (runs, books, etc.)?
Perez's Wonder Woman
Marston's Wonder Woman
Both of Rucka's Wonder Woman runs
Tynion and Ram V's JLD runs
The Legend of Wonder Woman
Simone's Wonder Woman run
Wonder Woman: Forgotten Legends by Kurt Busiek
Most of Wonder Woman: Black & Gold was enjoyable
Most of Phil Jimenez's run but even he admits it's editorially compromised, I hope he gets another chance to write Wondy
KSD Wonder Woman: The Historia (please give us the other 6 issues DC!)
Tom King's Wonder Woman
Orlando's Mayfly issue in his Wonder Woman run made me a Mayfly fan
The Afterlives arc of Cloonrad
And pelt me with tomatoes all you want, I fully understand why people hate it and agree it's opposed to Wondy as she should be, but I enjoyed Azz's Wonder Woman run as an Elseworld story that recast Diana and the gods as a mafia family
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okay so question
what is happening in comics right now
bc according to dark crisis batman is dead
but also we have batman vs robin??? among other things…
Okay, so this is a complex question and sorry it took me a minute. I want to answer this seriously, so much so, I busted out my actual laptop (it has dust from over a month of no use [I solely use my phone and tablet]) This may seem like a half hearted answer, but know that it is 100% serious because DC is just an absolute clusterfuck.🙃
My understanding is that since Death Metal, everything both is and isn't current continuity. If this somehow makes no sense, you are welcome! You now understand perfectly and have the same basic understanding of what is happening as I do (which for context, I read roughly 30 active DC runs a month, I am putting in the work 😭)
The best and only way I know how to explain it is to go over what is occurring in each active run/series that features batman. It doesn't really clear anything up, but I feel it is the only way to address this. I am also probably wrong on some of this. Please comment any corrections, I am trying… (unless otherwise noted, I am reading all titles listed and am current on all issues)
*Lastly, I am trying to make these as educational as possible while also giving away as few spoilers as possible. There may be some if you are not caught up or have not begun a series.
Current continuity- Main Timeline
Batman #125- This is a start of a new storyline and puts the previous storylines at an end (can we put Gotham Girl to rest) Batman begins the investigation of the killing of Billionaire's in Gotham featuring the Penguin as his main villain (from what I know from solicits. It comes out in full tomorrow July 5th) Status- Alive
Detective Comics 1062- This is a start of a new storyline and puts the previous storylines at an end. It releases July 26th. RamV begins a run where Bruce begins questioning demons and if one is inside him, idk man, the solicit was odd. Ram V is generally a big horror/suspense writer so this part 1/4 of his Gotham Nocturne series is along those lines (I assume) and I have very high hopes. Status- Alive
Dark Crisis: Has some cross over with the Flash, but seems mostly an entirely contained storyline that is not affecting other continuity. Bruce Wayne is dead. Stems from events that occurred in the current timeline of Justice League. Status: Dead
Batman Vs Robin- This title will be released in September, so we only know what has been released in the solicits. The crossover event of Shadow War just ended as well as will be Robin. This is the fallout of both of those regarding Damian. Not much is known yet as it has yet to be released or even solicited much, but we do know Bruce Wayne's status at the beginning of the story: Status- Alive
Batman: One Dark Knight- Batman is assisting an escort of prisoners. Status- Alive
Task Force Z: Harassing Jason Todd after putting him undercover on a mission. Status- Alive
Nightwing: Bruce is in like one issue. He is proud of Dick. He is pretty much the only batfam to not feature prominently in this which is surprising as Tom Taylor (derogatory) loves to write anyone except for Dick in his Nightwing run. Status- Alive
Superman Son of Kal El- Bruce is "looking out for" Jon as Superman is off planet. Tom Taylor (derogatory) writes Bruce as incredibly incompetent… color me surprised. Status- Alive
Timeline Jumps/Elseworlds:
Batman: Urban Legends- This is a collection of short stories that are all current continuity, elseworlds, and timeline jumps regarding the batfam and Gotham, and sometimes neither of those things. Status- Alive, but could change depending on individual storylines
Batman/Superman World's Finest- Fighting Crime with Superman, Supergirl, and Dick as Robin. Status- Alive
Jurassic League- The justice League as dinosaurs. It is awesome. 10/10 would recommend. Status- Alive- but as a dinosaur 😲🦕🦖
Batman: The Knight- Bruce Training to become batman, but he is not yet batman. This is my favorite Bruce-centric series at the moment. Status- Alive
Future State Gotham- *I am a bit behind as went through and read each Future State series before allowing myself to go deeper in this, I am only like 6/14 issues in. Bruce has stepped down as Batman. Jace Fox is currently Batman. Nightwing wants to be Batman. Status- Alive, I think, but not as Batman
Batman: Killing Time: When Bruce was in his early days as Batman. Currently tracking The Riddler and Catwoman after a crime. I have really enjoyed this despite it being a Tom King run.... Status- Alive
Batman Beyond Neo Year: Bruce has been murdered by Gotham (yes the city as an entity) Terry McGinnis tries to put the pieces together. Status- Dead
I am Batman: *I haven't read this as I am still behind Future State Gotham. Jace Fox is batman as a companion storyline to Future State Gotham. Status- Alive, I think, but not as Batman
Flashpoint Beyond: Thomas Wayne is Batman. Status- Batman is alive, because Thomas is Batman, but that is because Bruce is dead
DC vs Vampires (and related spin off series): Vampire King Dick Grayson has taken over earth. Status- Dead
Dark Knights of Steel: More trash from Tom Taylor (derogatory). The art is pretty though and Tim gets wrecked once again. Status- Alive
Batman Beyond: The White Knight- Bruce is old and no longer Batman. He has escaped from prison with the assistance of Jason Todd. Status- Alive
Monkey Prince- Batman is tracking down Monkey Prince's parents and Monkey Prince, but it is mostly Damian as Robin. I am unsure if this should go here or under current timeline, but seeing as it has Damian in Gotham and as Robin, I assume it is slightly prior to Damian's own series. Status- Alive
Unsure because I have not read these:
Batman: Fortress- I haven't had time to get into this yet. I think batman is trying to stop an alien invasion. Idk if it is main or elseworld or time jump. Status- Alive
Batman/Catwoman- This just ended.I am uninterested. I have zero idea honestly. I assume he is alive otherwise what is the point? Status- Alive
Edit- I have been informed Bruce is dead in this, but as it takes place over multiple timelines he is both alive and dead
Justice League vs The Legion of Super Heroes- Batman is fighting the LOSH with the JL. Status- No idea, but pretty sure it is Alive
I hope this makes some sense and helps a little. I know it does neither.
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graphicpolicy · 2 months
DC vs. Vampires: World War V kicks off in August. Get a first look!
DC vs. Vampires: World War V kicks off in August. Get a first look! #comics #comicbooks
DC Comics has revealed more news about the anticipated Elseworlds comic, DC vs. Vampires: World War V, confirming that the first issue will arrive at participating comic book shops and digital retailers on Wednesday, August 14. Writer Matthew Rosenberg and artist Otto Schmidt reunite in this 12-issue series to tell a brand-new tale, extending the lore created in the original DC vs.…
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