#vampire deity
redacted-coiner Β· 2 months
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Digital Deity , False Savior , Hacker Deity
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Eldritch Deity , Creation Deity , Chaos Deity
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Vampire Deity , Sleep Deity , Fox Deity
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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lovecoredeity Β· 3 months
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🩸once bitten twice shy doesn’t quite apply πŸ’‹
β™‘ if you like my art please consider buying me a kofi β™‘
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deityofhearts Β· 8 months
I’m gonna say it. more fantasy and supernatural characters should be southern
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boofindoopin Β· 19 days
Me: Oh yeah, I'm devoted to Apollo!
The sun: *shines*
Lord Apollo, probably: ...
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witchyfemking Β· 2 years
πŸŒΉπŸ‰Queen/Mother Lilith master-post πŸπŸ¦‡
There are many people saying that working with Queen Lilith is closed, id ask that you please go to the last link. A Jewish content creator goes into detail about why 1.) That's false and 2.) Why claiming this is actually antisemitic.
I understand that this deity may hold a negative context to different people/cultures(i.e. people of Jewish culture)/faiths etc. Please be respectful and mindful. Both the people and the divinity have the right to respect. Just because a divinity/entity has been the best thing in the world to you, doesn’t mean that’s the case for someone else(vice versa). Thank you for your consideration.
Mother Lilith is a divinity that I hold very dear. She has been a big help to me and has guided me in my journery of self love and reparenting myself.
Lore/mythology (briefly summarized)
Lilith originally was the first wife of Adam; made from the same primordial matter as her counterpart by the one who created her. She has left the garden in anger because she refused to lay under Adam; Lilith wanted to be seen as Adams equal but he refused. God sent angels to take Lilith back to Eden at Adam’s request. She was located near/in/at the Red Sea. Her children had been slain because of her refusal to return. ( I have heard conflicting info from different sources but I’ll recall what I think is to be more accurate at this point). Some of the fallen angels (a big figure being Lord Lucifer) had made themselves acquainted with her and they had gained each others’ trust. This is the point where Lilith had became a demon and was at least set on the path to becoming a highly ranked Infernal deity(if not at this point already). Lilith at some point after this whispered empowering thoughts into Eve during her dreams; leading her to eat the fruit.
Lilith also has an aspect tied to the Mesopotamian demon Lilitu.
Signs/Symbols of Queen Lilith(some i’ve personally experienced as well):
Snake imagery
Birds( robins, cardinals, blue jays, doves, owls or any corvid/black bird) I’d like to mention that she left me a robin who had passed, cause she knew I’d give it a proper burial.
Witnessing any of her other sacred animals (mentioned below) or frequently seeing imagery of them
Me and other devotees of hers have known her to send really animal that’s black as signs
rose imagery
sudden interest in her
sudden yearning desire to explore oneself/identity
speaking up/ standing up for yourself in circumstances in which you normally wouldn’t
for uterus owners; in my personal experience she had gotten terribly frustrated that i wasn’t noticing her so she started affecting my β€˜moon cycle’. I experienced irregularities, increased pain and moodiness. I also got much more fatigued during my time of the month in the time she was trying to get my attention. She may or may not feel the need to do something of this fashion to get your attention; My only assumption that she did so in my case is because I was extremely oblivious. However I highly implore you discuss things with your doctor before concluding that this is the cause.
You may notice the wind howling louder
Vampiric/Succubus imagery/energy
Draconic and/or primordial energy
Energy of water or the ocean
Feeling of not necessarily one certain element (maybe all of them together)
feelings of a motherly energy
dreams/visions of red or dark haired woman( i’ve honestly had her appear to me as blonde). She may be a witch, possibly a queen. She could be protecting you during the experience ( if you’re on her good side ofc)
Sacred animals of Queen Lilith
Cats of various kinds ( domestic, wild, especially with black or dark coats)
What does Queen Lilith specialize in? What can she help you with?
taking back your power
shadow work ( specifically the feminine side of the side)
tapping into/ welcoming your dark feminine energy
welcoming dark femme energy into your life
dark femme workings
defends women/femmes and children who’ve suffered abuse(especially s3xually)
Improving sexual relationships
asserting independence
support in women/womxn’s/femmes rights
fighting oppression/sexisim placed on women/fem identifying people by the patriarchy(or in general)
assistance in gaining respect and/or recognition for contributions
exploring/awakening sexuality (especially if you need assistance with you libido)
sex magic ( more specifically feminine dominance)
Assistance with menstrual magic/spells/rituals
Help in any women/female health issues ( menstrual issues, moods swings, feritility, MtF/FtM etc.)
( i recommend you be treated by a medical professional along with the last point; mundane before magical; magic/spirituality shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment, simply as support.)
Correspondences/ Offerings
Belladonna (POISONOUS)
Nightshade (POISONOUS)
Mugwort ( still use with caution)
Sandalwood(Red + White)
Dragon’s Blood
Fire opal
Red Jasper
Red Carnelian
Black Moonstone
Black tourmaline
Clear quartz
Chocolate ( Especially anything Dark and/or spicy )
Pumpkins/ Gourds(idk if gourds are edible tho, but to a deity it doesn’t matter lmao)
Red velvet sweets
Chocolate cake
In my personal experience, she loved these Sriracha Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcakes I used to be able to get.
Spicy foods
Pomegranates/Pomegranate juice
Reds (Especially blood red or velvet tone)
Dark pink
Dark Grey
Witching hour (either Midnight or anytime 3-4 am)
Dark/New Moon phase
Beltane Sabbat/May Day ( sexual theme of the holiday)
Oct. 24 ( some sources claim this is the day Lilith left Eden)
Feb 29 (on leap year. Woman are known to break traditional norms during this time)
Empress (Tarot)
High Priestess (Tarot)
Moon ( Tarot)
Strength (Tarot)
Any Queen Card ( More Specifically to my UPG, Swords and Wands suits)
Air and Fire are her main elements. However, she does not limit herself to one specific element, she has traits of all.
Vampiric/Succubus energy
Draconic/Primordial Energy
What is she like?
To me, Lilith is very much like a mother. Im sure you could probably guess by how I addressed her in the beginning of this post( which I call her Mother Lilith for personal reasons). She very much holds the energy of a firm mother who cares very much for her children. Lilith is very much stern when she feels the need, but knows when you need her to be gentle. Many times she has been a source of comfort and encouragement for me. If you show her the decency and respect she deserves, she will give it to you in return. If she sees you as her child (or holds you dear in anyway) she will go to distant lengths to protect you or to show your abusers not to mess with you again ( at times on her own accord). There are times where she made things difficult for people who wronged me on her own(probably a lot more I don’t know about). Mother Lilith is extremely supportive and will be there when needed, but she will not coddle you. She will not baby you. I see a lot of practitioners say β€œ she wont hold your hand” that’s true in a sense. Yes there are things you need to face alone, but a mother wont deny holding your hand if needed, she just wont do things for you. She will empower you to do things with independence. Lilith is definitely the kind of mentor to give you a rude wake up call when you’re not acting like yourself or doing things that wont benefit yourself or others. She is not afraid to be mean and wicked with you if need be.
Lilith’s energy generally feels airy and fiery. She carries herself regally and a sense of pride. Like i’ve mentioned, she doesn’t necessarily tie herself to one element, I’ve felt energy of all elements come from her, I assume this comes from her shapeshifting nature.
Sources and links
My own personal experience and UPG
Lilith Queen of the Night
Lilith and Witchcraft
Lilith: The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Lilith ( Occult world entry)
Tumblr users entry on Queen Lilith (i’ve honestly had a rocky history with the author of this post, I hadn’t realized who this was until after I recorded the information, but I still am going to give them credit where it’s due because it’s only right and their post gives solid information)
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thatghostelizabeth Β· 5 months
Read a post that said something like:
Don’t turn off my light
And then complain about the darkness
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the-nocturnal-writer Β· 1 year
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Evenfall Grove
An 18+ Dark Fantasy, Mystery Interactive Fiction WIP (with a side order of romance).
Warning ahead for dark themes (blood, violence, murder, death), swearing, alcohol consumption, and optional sexual content.
(List will be added to as I write and release chapters)
You are a local witch of Evenfall Grove, a small town deep in the forests of Darkrow. Not the most gifted or strongest in any particular thing, but you have a rare talent in this world, one you were told was a curse since youth. Visions of death within the past, present and future plague your nightmares and recently you’ve seen the faces of those you know.Β 
Residents of Evenfall have begun to turn up mauled to death, the guards concluding them as wild animal attacks while the locals all feared the worst.
You, however, already know the truth. There was a murderer in town. Visions of a strange creature far too sentient and smart to be a mindless monster, it has a purpose here in Evenfall.
This is where the mystery comes in. Why is the creature killing the people of Evenfall? Who and what is this creature? The small team of guards are doing nothing and to send for help would mean waiting for an answer from the main city and weeks of travel for them to get here. Besides, who’s to say they’ll believe anything from one witch?
Guess it leaves just you and maybe the help of others you seek out along the way, the town is full of interesting and mysterious folk.Β 
Use your visions to gather clues. Investigate Evenfall and question locals for information. Find who or what this strange monster is. Be wary of the night.
Pick to play as a Female, Male or Non-Binary witch.
Customise your witch's appearance!
Be Straight, Gay or Bisexual/Pansexual.
Pick from a variety of romanceable characters (list to be released soon)!
Form friendships with others to gain assets for what's ahead.
Traverse your visions to find hidden details and information.
Don't get killed (fear the night).
Demo (TBA)
RO Profiles (Under construction)
Hope you enjoy!
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purrfectdollie Β· 12 days
I don’t feel human at all.
It used to be from my constant dissociation a year or two ago but now I’m not fully sure as to why I feel like this but honestly sometimes enjoy the feeling.
I’m an alterhuman in general, therian, and otherkin (fictionkin && conceptkin)
It’s hard to explain how I feel my identity connects to these things under the cut besides just the words (e.x: β€œvampire”, β€œwolf”, etc)
My theriotypes are: red fox && black cat
My fictionkins are: tomoko kuroki , lee hooni , nepeta lejion , vriska serket , mafuyu asahina , ​kanade yoisaki , fischl (from genshin) , randal ivory , kangel , menhera chan , yumekawa chan , loki laufyson
My conceptkins are: obsession && nighttime
My otherkins in general are: ball-joint dolls , vocaloid idols , vampires , dogboys , catgirls, bloody wolves , obsession deity , raccoons , angels
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teenagedracula Β· 1 month
I want to try to recount and organize my kintypes, since im still trying to figure myself out
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// Going from the most to least sure
- Fictionkin
Dracula, 1931, 1948, and the related broadway performances. Entirely sure of this one. My memories here are the least foggy
Also, Sydney Sargent from camp here and there
- Vampirekin
- Wolfkin
- Batkin
These three are entirely draculakin related
- Ghostkin
Partially draculakin related?It was my form for some of my time as a ghost, in-between lives and such
- Wingkin
Constant, Large, feathered phantom wings
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I'm trying to be more positive about my identity and my memories, since it's been more of an ailment than a coping mechanism these days
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proton-emoticon Β· 21 days
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nonhuman wordmojis
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redacted-coiner Β· 9 months
Hihi! Could I get a vampire deity flag :3
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Vampire Deity
[PT: Vampire Deity]
Other labels contain, Vampire God, Vampire Goddess, Vampire Xeity, Vampire Fewity, and Vampire Odity. This is under the Deity Umbrella(link)!
A flag for those who a vampire deity, a deity from vampirism, a deity of the vampires, etc. This can be kin, delusion, religious beliefs, etc. anyone who can fall under this and anyone can use it!
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai & @liom-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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pink-apocalypse Β· 26 days
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𝐼’𝑑 π‘™π‘–π‘˜π‘’ π‘‘π‘œ π‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘‘π‘’π‘π‘’; π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘›π‘π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π΄π‘ β„Žπ‘’π‘‘ π‘ƒπ‘™π‘Žπ‘›π‘’, π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘šπ‘π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘ π‘ˆπ‘›π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘™π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘‘, π΄π‘šπ‘œπ‘ β€™ π‘π‘Žπ‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘›, π‘™π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘Ÿ, π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘ π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ, β„Žπ‘’ π‘€β„Žπ‘œ π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘™π‘’π‘  π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π·π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘˜ π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘œπ‘™ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π΅π‘ŸοΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½π‘‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿβ„Žπ‘œπ‘œπ‘‘, π‘‡β„Žπ‘’ π‘‰π‘œπ‘–π‘‘π‘€π‘Žπ‘™π‘˜π‘’π‘Ÿ,
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Hey guys! Meet Amos’s toxic big-titty goth boyfriend <3
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magpie-murder Β· 1 year
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toyhou.se β˜† artfight
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cryingatships Β· 1 year
gmm saw gawin and said well this is one fine man who can go around kissing everyone and making people lose their minds
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sangaverage Β· 16 days
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Look what showed up in the mail today!
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weavercobra Β· 7 months
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Original art by Aria Wraithe, modified by Shinris Starlight
Mother of Vampires, Great Hunter in the Dark, The Bloody Bat
Vampirism, be it considered a curse or a blessing, is not a natural condition. It fundamentally transform those who receive it into something else, something predatory, something powerful, something ageless. And the patron of these dark beings is Myoticia.
On Myoticia
The chiropteran goddess is an ancient deity, born in the primordial past of the universe. A predator at heart, she stalked the darkness of the chaos, preying on the great monsters and other deities of the era, feeding on their blood to grow stronger. Sometimes she traded favour for favour, lending strength in exchange for the intoxicating taste of ichor. Other times, she ambushed and hunted, taking by force what would not be freely given.
As the world settled and mortal races began multiplying, they caught Myoticia's eyes. Among them were those who were hunters like her, people of strength and will, of cunning and brutality, who by varied means chased their prize,whether that chase be literal or metaphorical. Myoticia found herself fascinated by these beings, so much weaker than her, yet striving so hard none the less.
The exact story of what happened next varies. Certainly, the number of vampire families who claim direct descend from this event are far too numerous for all of it to be true. And the story has been muddled by the passage of time. But broad strokes are that Myoticia was so taken in by a hunter that she offered a drop of her own essence. Why they choose to accept is also a matter of debate. Some say it was an old hunter, longing for the power of their youth. Other an arrogant but accomplished noble, who wished for more power. And yet others suggest a dying warrior, desperate to prolong their life. Whatever the case, they accepted and was forever changed.
The first vampire had been born, but alongside their new strength, enhanced senses and magical power came also a prize. Myoticia was a deity of the dark and so her new children were also tied to it, weakened and even harmed by the sunlight. Their hunger too became as great as their progenitor's and vampires were to forever hunt and chase the lifeblood of others to sustain their immortal life.
Myoticia truly sees vampirism as a gift that elevates those who receive it and her policy on the embrace is that it is a mutual process. The vampire must embrace a mortal as much as the mortal must embrace vampirism. Forced conversion is a good way to earn her ire. Myoticia has often offered vampirism to mortals whom she's grown fond of, but has always accepted a no.
The Myotician Faith
Central to the Myotician faith is the concept of predation and the hunt. The exact tenets of these can vary depending on the local congregation and, especially, how much they deal with vampirism. But in broad strokes, the faith holds that rarely are things in life freely given and that one must be prepared to take. This can take many forms. More beneficially, its an encouragement of ambition and personal development. If you have goals you want, strive to achieve them. Figure out how to accomplish them. Don't hold yourself back. Less so, some variants of the faith encourage taking advantage of others, however you can get away with it. If you want something, take it. Their pain is not your concern.
It is however important to remember that Myoticia is a hunter, not a parasite, despite that being a common comparison. The faith heavily disapproves of those who do nothing to earn, who just take and take without actually putting in an equal amount of effort. In some areas, this puts the faith at odds with the upper classes and the powers that be. The faith is not inherently against hierarchies, as such is seen as a natural expression of power, but a leader who does nothing but eat what their underlings bring them is not a leader at all. If the church doesn't attempt to oust them, they will often back whomever will. Not even vampires are immune to this, as Myoticia takes a dim view on any of her children who'd squander her beautiful gifts by sitting back on a silken pillow and letting the blood and money just roll in.
Vampirism is an unavoidable but thorny subject. In areas where vampires are disliked or hunted down, the Myotician faith is rarely welcome and worshippers are often treated as vampire allies by default. This is not entirely unearned. In lands where vampires rule, the Myotician faith often gains power, in return supporting such rulership theologically. How well that works out for the common people depends then entirely on the nature of their vampiric rulers.
Myotician churches tend to be dark, lit by enchanted candles that glow red or, for especially important rooms, purple. Sermons are usually held at night, especially under the new moon. Facilities vary, but usually at least one room is equipped with a blood font. This basin is filled with blood which never putrefies. These a said to be direct links to Myoticia and her faithful freely give of their blood to these fonts, either as an act of worship or penance. Some churches, especially those with wealthy patrons, can be quite elaborate. Many vampire castles often include a dedicated church as part of them, though some extremely grand projects involve adding entire cathedrals to the structure as a demonstration of either faith, wealth, status or all of the above.
Vampires or people who aspire to be vampires are unsurprisingly common. Many even relatively faithless vampires offer at least lip-service and the occasional offering to Myoticia, just to stay on her good side. But besides them are also those who worship her in her aspects as a goddess of the hunt or the night. This can include big game hunters, adventurers, anyone on the night shift and so on.
The colours of Myoticia are red and purple, and so her priesthood tend to wear the same. Capes are popular, especially designed to mimic the wings of bats. Some worshippers, especially those following her more predatory tenets, may file their teeth if their species don't generally have sharp fangs.
Paradoxical as it may seem, some vampire hunters also worship Myoticia. All her aspects are relevant to their job, after all, and Myoticia do not consider vampires above being hunted themselves. While they are more likely to receive her blessing if she's personally annoyed with their target, she has also been known to aid those who just displays the traits she favour. Other vampire hunters find this blasphemous to say the least.
Leo Carver: Myoticia sometimes develop such a fondness for a given mortal that she elects to court them, or let them court her, depending on circumstances. By the time most mortals can even attempt to try and get her attention, however, they're usually at least middle-aged, and thus most dalliances are either short lived or end in vampirism. Not so with Leo, who during one of his adventures was cursed with immortality(Cursed in Leo's opinion, anyway). The stubborn, grumpy treasure-hunter slash shopkeeper has steadfastly refused giving up his humanity and Myoticia has fully respected his opinion, though she is delighted that she can keep him around anyway. Leo in turn finds comfort in having an intimate relationship he won't outlive yet again.
Myoticia in my Settings
Spheres: While still goddess of all vampires, she is especially considered the patron of the vampires of the sphere of Arnyekfold. Each lineage of vampire in the Spheres setting takes after a specific blood-drinking animal, bats in the case of those of Arnyekfold. The Sanders family can claim the most direct lineage from her, though all families that have splintered from them claim some descent. Her church, likewise, is most powerful in Arnyekfold and is in a state of open war with the Soarelian Compact, a powerful alliance of faiths that would see vampires eradicated.
Panepithumia: The Myotician faith is most prevalent in Überwald and it is where most vampires can be found. The land is ruled mostly by various vampire clans, houses or whatever they choose to call themselves, and the church often has to use its influence to get everyone to play nice with each other. Her most famous church is the Church of the Night in the town of Greyburgh, which has grown considerably through donations by several powerful groups, such as the vampiric Sanders family.
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