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GROSZ, GEORGE (1916-1917) Großstadt / Metropolis [Metrópolis] [Óleo sobre lienzo] Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, España
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honourablejester · 1 year
Starfinder Character Concept: Entropic Darksider
Because I was browsing around the class descriptions more, and my Vercite Darkside industrial worker is now a Vanguard instead of a Soldier/Mystic. Because it fits so nicely. Darkness, ice, isolation and decay. I like it. It’s so easy to imagine an incident, an accident, they got locked out of the installation in the polar night, or maybe less of an incident and more of a slowly building fascination, and the vast midnight ice sheets of the Darkside of Verces induced an almost spiritual understanding of entropy for them.
Yes. We’re doing this.
Character Concept: Xalke Syzon, Vercite Entropic Darksider
Name: Xalke Syzon
Age: 47
Starting Statistics:
Strength 8 (-1), Dexterity 16 (+3), Constitution 16 (+3), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 13 (+1), Charisma 10 (+0)
I possibly should fix the racial flaw to Strength, but it’s not going to be used until 10th level, so … frankly, I’m not gonna. I’ll put some in with ability boosts as we level, but at the minute I like Wis more.
Starting Skills:
We’ve got 6 at level 1. Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Stealth are the main four I’m going to level continuously. I’ll also put a point in Survival and Sense Motive, just for theme here. Later on, might put some in Intimidation, Mysticism, Piloting and/or Engineering?
Race: Winterborn Ryphorian
I wanted a Vercite race, but verthani wasn’t really doing it for me. I did consider shirren and strix, but they’re both more commonly found on Fullbright, not the Darkside. But there is a note that there’s a decent population of ryphorians on Verces, because the tidally-locked divisions remind them of the years-long seasons of their own Triaxus. And if we want a character themed around ice and polar survival, winterborn ryphorians do nicely.
There’s also an interesting thing where ryphorians are culturally rather communal, which might make an interesting tension with a character that’s drawn to isolation out on the ice.
For our racial traits we get Keen Senses (+2 to Perception), Low-Light Vision, Cold Resistance 5 from Winterborn, and a bonus feat. Just because we’re a Darksider, I’m going to take Toughness. We’re just a real hard-bitten sort of a gal out here.
A lean, rangy, hardbitten woman, absolutely snow-pale from stem to stern, dusted in white fur, and with short, thick white hair that she’s never bothered to dye. Xalke’s never been one for fashion, and there was never any call for it out on the ice sheets and industrial platforms of the Darkside. Of course, that might have been more reason to go for a bit of colour and individuality, but Xalke’s always been one to settle into her environment, always been a still, watchful, slightly morbid sort of presence, blending blithely back into the snowfields.
Theme: Death-Touched
I was really flip-flopping between this and Void Nomad. Both give Con, both fit thematically with a Vanguard’s entropy, and near-death experiences and/or undead encounters are both likely easy to come by working out on the ice sheets of the Darkside. In the end, though, Death-Touched won, just because I might prefer a Perception bonus to a Survival one, and the eventual cold resistance just feels thematic?
(If I’m reading it right, the ryphorian cold resistance will stack with it, so long as we don’t have any other source of cold resistance. The racial resistance stacks with one other source)
So at first level, we get +1 Con, +1 bonus to Perception, and we can use Perception to ID and recall knowledge about undead and negative energy effects.
Class: Vanguard
It’s a melee martial class but it’s Constitution based, and the theming is fantastic. “To you, the inevitable decay of the galaxy is simply a force to shape, control, and even temporarily reverse.” Something happened in your life and you got tuned into the wavelength of inevitable change and decay, to the point that you can reach down through the grounding of your own body and manipulate it. This is basically damage manipulation, either to cause or prevent, but I love the way it’s framed. Definitely A+ theming on this class.
On Verces, and specifically the Darkside, there’s possibly an influence of philosophies like the Ascetics of Nar, the ice cult in Fastness of the Ordered Mind. A compare/contrast sort of deal, maybe. The Ascetics see ice as a blueprint for the frozen oneness of the universe, and some allow it to ravage their bodies to allow that blueprint to remake them. The vanguard channel their senses of the entropic universe through their bodies to allow them to manipulate their surroundings. There’s … not a link, nothing direct, there’s two different philosophies in action, but there’s certainly some calls for comparison there.
Not that Xalke has anything to do with the Ascetics of Nar, beyond having heard of them and vaguely considering them a bunch of masochistic nutters. But maybe the ice does have an effect, whether you plan to let it or not. Maybe if you do commune with the ice and the darkness, gradually over time, or intensely for a brief period (such as, say, going out to check a facility’s fuel lines for ice-damage and getting snowed out for a nearly lethal amount of time, even for a ryphorian), then … maybe it does wake something in you. A sensation of vastness. A physical understanding of it. A touch of something incomprehensibly vast that you can nonetheless feel in your bones.
Maybe you come out a vanguard. And you can pass that understanding, some glimpse of it, from your flesh to other people’s. Heh.
So, as a Level 1 Vanguard, we have the following features:
Entropic Pool, the pool of entropy points that fuel our abilities. We have 16 Con, so we can have a max of 3 EP currently. We only get them in combat (in various ways), they do a bunch of different things, and as long as we have at least 1 in the pool, we get a +1 to AC, we can spend 1 to get a +10 speed bonus, or boost an entropic strike by 1d4 per EP.
Entropic Strike. I love this thing. You channel your field of entropy into a(n advanced) melee weapon that you always have. Vanguards don’t ever have to buy weapons (as long as they’re happy in melee). ES scales, as far as I can tell, just fine by its lonesome. Also, it’s Con based, not Str. It’s entropy channelled through your body. I love that. It does either acid (to emulate entropic dissolution) or bludgeoning (for raw crushing force) damage, or a mix of both, and you can choose each time. And you can deliver it with any bit of your body. You can headbutt someone for entropic damage, if you want. Is that a good idea? I don’t know, but it’s a hell of an image. And maybe kind of fitting on our icefield industrial worker. Heh. Though it might be more fun to flavour it as a calmer, colder sort of attack. Maybe not even attack. Gesture. A gentle kiss of the ice. A seeping breakdown of your flesh, gifted gently …
Or maybe not. Xalke isn’t sadistic. Maybe we’ll just headbutt people, like a proper blue collar worker who had no philosophical pretensions, she just got locked out into the serene black-and-white void of the ice for too long, and came away a bit touched.
We also get shield proficiency at 1st level, our first feat (I think we’ll take either Fleet, to get into melee faster, or Weapon Focus: Advanced Melee, to help out our entropic strikes a little) and our Vanguard Aspect, sort of a subclass. I kind of feel like I need more scientific or philosophical background than I have to parse what these mean on a flavour/philosophical level, but I think …
Xalke’s always been rather solitary. Strikingly so, for a ryphorian. She’s always been at home out in the silent darkness of the icefields. She’s the one people do send to check fuel lines, and stand watches, and pull stuff down from remote corners of the mining rig. And she came into her abilities as a result of near-lethal isolation, and the vast understanding that came with it. So I think we’ll go for the Boundary aspect, which involves manipulating the isolation of a system to protect it from entropy. So we get a(nother) Perception boost, we get EP from avoiding damage as well as taking it, and we can use our abilities later to help allies mitigate damage. Which is … it feeds back into ryphorians as communal people, too. As isolated as she is, Xalke still understands and feels, on a physical level, what community is for. She’s on the edges of it, but she’s not rejecting it. She just likes her space, is all. But she’ll help out where she can.
On the whole, Xalke is very much a tough, solitary, blue-collar sort of woman, someone who’s spent her life doing a hard job in a tough -but beautiful- environment, and who enjoys the isolation of it to a degree. But she’s not misanthropic, or sadistic. She has a sort of frontier helpfulness about her. If you need help she’ll do right by you.
How did she end up adventuring? Well, I’m thinking that after her little ‘incident’, the mining company wound up letting her go. For a couple of reasons, both wanting to distance themselves from her ‘incident’ and the possibility of having to pay injury benefit, but also because superstition is very much a thing out on the ice, and she came back tangibly changed enough that she unnerved her co-workers. If someone gets changed out on the ice, you don’t invite them back in. You don’t know what she is anymore. Not for sure. And maybe it was more than cold out there. She’s death-touched, too. Exposed to ‘strange radiation, dimensional rifts, or magic’. Maybe that wasn’t a normal storm that snowed her out. You can’t let something like that walk around the rig. No offense. You’re a good woman, and it’s not like we want to hurt you none. But you can’t let something like that on the rig. Even if she’s fine herself, you don’t know what else she’s inviting down.
So she wound up cut loose. And, yeah, she could’ve got another job, there’s enough rigs and smugglers operations and what have you out on the ice, but maybe she took it as a sign. She’d touched something vast. She’d come away with magic in her body, in her bones. She’s no ascetic, she’s not one of them nutters in the monastery, but she does need to go out and maybe explore what she is.
And, maybe, help some people along the way. Pay it forward. It might come back around.
Xalke Syzon. Blue-collar death-touched vanguard from the icefields of Verces’ Darkside.
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prosegalaxy · 8 months
"Bonds Beyond Borders: A Tale of Unity in Apocalypse"
In the desolate wasteland that once was Earth, two groups of survivors had established opposing settlements. The hardened members of the Iron Fist faction believed in brute force and control, while the more compassionate hands of the Harmony Crew sought to rebuild society with love and unity. The tension between these factions had been building for months, but it wasn't until a mysterious figure arrived that the conflict came to a head. As the stranger approached the Iron Fist encampment, he was greeted by their leader, Kane. "You must be the newcomer we've heard about," Kane said coldly. "What brings you here?" The stranger, known as Ghost, replied with a stoic expression, "I seek passage to the Harmony Crew's territory." Ghost had a unique ability – he could traverse the treacherous wasteland without leaving a trace. This made him invaluable to both factions, but he refused to be used as a weapon against the other. The Iron Fist leader, intrigued by Ghost's determination, offered him a deal: help them infiltrate the Harmony Crew and learn their secrets, and they would provide safe passage to the other side. Ghost hesitated, knowing that betraying the Harmony Crew would mean breaking his vow of neutrality. But as he looked into Kane's eyes, he saw a glimmer of hope – perhaps there was a way to resolve the conflict without bloodshed. With a heavy heart, Ghost agreed to the deal. As the days passed, Ghost found himself growing closer to both factions. He began to understand their perspectives and realized that they were not so different after all. The Harmony Crew saw the potential for change in the Iron Fist members, while the Iron Fist came to recognize the importance of unity and compassion. With time running out, Ghost made a daring move – he exposed the true intentions of the Iron Fist leader to the Harmony Crew. Together, they confronted Kane, who was forced to admit his deception. In that moment, the two factions came together, united by their shared desire for survival and the realization that working together was their only hope for a better future. In the desolate wasteland of the post-apocalyptic world, Ghost slipped through the shadows like a wraith, unseen and uncaught. His only goal was to maintain peace, but the tension between the Iron Fist and Harmony Crew threatened to shatter it. "Ghost," whispered the leader of Iron Fist, his voice full of desperation, "we need your help." Ghost paused, sensing the gravity of their plea. "What do you want from me?" "We've discovered a new threat - the Wraiths. They're faster and more ruthless than either of us can handle alone," the leader replied, his voice trembling. "Can you help us take them down?" Ghost considered their request, feeling a strange sense of unease. "I will do what I can, but know this - peace is my priority." With that, he disappeared into the darkness once more, leaving the Iron Fist leader with both hope and trepidation. As the days turned into weeks, the Wraiths became an ever-present danger, forcing Ghost to make a choice. He knew the only way to protect the land he loved was to ally with one of the factions. The Harmony Crew's leader approached him, her eyes filled with determination. "Ghost," she began, "we understand your desire for peace, but we must unite against this common enemy. If we don't, we will all perish." Ghost hesitated, knowing that the Iron Fist might be beyond reason. But he also knew that the Harmony Crew shared his vision of a better world. With a heavy heart, he made his decision. "Alright," he said softly, "we fight together." And so, with Ghost's guidance, the Iron Fist and Harmony Crew joined forces to face the Wraiths. Together, they fought valiantly, their shared purpose forging a bond that transcended their previous rivalries. In the end, peace prevailed not just because of one man's efforts but because two once-enemy factions found common ground and chose unity over destruction. Ghost, a mysterious figure with the ability to traverse the wasteland without leaving a trace, found himself caught in the middle of a brewing conflict between two factions - Iron Fist and Harmony Crew. They both sought his help, but Ghost's ultimate goal was to resolve the conflict peacefully. He decided to bring them together against a common threat - the Wraiths, a dangerous group of mutated creatures that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Ghost, we need your help," said the leader of Iron Fist, his voice filled with desperation. "We can't fight this new threat alone." "And what if we join forces?" suggested Ghost, looking at the leader of Harmony Crew. "What if we all work together for survival and a better future?" Both leaders exchanged glances, realizing that their combined strength could indeed overcome the Wraiths. They agreed to put aside their differences and focus on the common enemy. As they began to strategize, Ghost shared his knowledge of the wasteland with both factions. "We need to be vigilant," warned Ghost. "The Wraiths are cunning and ruthless. But together, we can outsmart them." With newfound determination, the members of Iron Fist and Harmony Crew started training together, learning each other's skills and tactics. They formed a strong alliance, bonding over their shared experiences in the harsh post-apocalyptic world. After weeks of preparation, the united group faced the Wraiths in a fierce battle. The mutated creatures were relentless, but the combined forces of Iron Fist and Harmony Crew managed to defeat them, pushing them back into the depths of the wasteland. In the aftermath, both factions realized that their unity had saved them from the Wraiths. They chose to continue working together for survival and a better future, proving that even in a post-apocalyptic world, hope could still prevail. In the desolate wastelands of the post-apocalyptic world, two opposing factions fought relentlessly for control. The Iron Wolves, led by the ruthless and cunning Commander Vargas, sought to dominate the land with brute force and intimidation. The Silver Serpents, under the enigmatic and strategic Master Rennard, aimed to rule through diplomacy and manipulation. As the war dragged on, both sides began to realize that their struggle was tearing the already fragile world apart, and a new threat emerged from the shadows: the Wraiths. In the heart of the battlefield stood Ghost, a man whose past was as enigmatic as his present. He had seen the devastation caused by both factions and longed for an end to the chaos. As the Iron Wolves and Silver Serpents approached him separately with proposals for allegiance, Ghost knew he had a choice to make. "Commander Vargas," Ghost said, addressing the Iron Wolf leader, "I will not fight for you. But I can offer you something far more valuable: unity." Vargas' eyes narrowed. "And what do you want in return, Ghost?" "A chance for a better future. One where we all stand together against a common enemy." Ghost turned to the Master Rennard of the Silver Serpents and repeated his proposal. The two leaders hesitated, their pride and ambition clashing with the prospect of a united front against the Wraiths. "Very well," Vargas finally said, his voice dripping with reluctance. "We will join forces under one banner: the United Wasteland Alliance." Master Rennard nodded in agreement. The factions began to merge, their ranks swelling as more and more individuals chose unity over destruction. Together, they forged a new path, fighting alongside each other against the Wraiths and finding common ground amidst the rubble of their shattered world. In a world ravaged by war, two opposing groups, the survivors of the city and the scavengers from the wasteland, fought relentlessly for control over the last remaining resources. The city-dwellers, led by the enigmatic Ghost, sought to rebuild their once-great civilization, while the wasteland scavengers, under the ruthless command of Raider King, aimed to take advantage of the chaos and seize power for themselves. As tensions escalated, both factions found themselves on the brink of a cataclysmic conflict that would decide the fate of humanity. One day, as Ghost patrolled the city's ruined streets, he stumbled upon a mysterious figure, cloaked in shadows and shrouded in silence. The stranger, who called himself the Wraith, spoke of an even greater threat looming on the horizon – one that could destroy both factions and leave nothing but ashes in its wake. Haunted by the Wraith's words, Ghost returned to his people, grappling with the decision he had to make. The next day, Ghost called a meeting of the city-dwellers and the scavengers, presenting the dire message from the enigmatic Wraith. To their surprise, instead of inciting chaos, Ghost proposed an alliance between the two warring factions. The city-dwellers and the scavengers, each with their own motivations for survival, hesitated but eventually agreed to join forces against this new, unimaginable threat. Under the guidance of Ghost, the two groups began working together, sharing resources and knowledge. As they fought side by side against the Wraiths, a sense of unity and common purpose slowly took root. In time, the once-enemies found that they had more in common than they ever imagined, and the seeds of a new hope were sown in the ashes of war. In a post-apocalyptic landscape, two opposing groups, the Aegis and the Covenant, have been locked in a brutal struggle for control. The story revolves around Ghost, a skilled fighter who has managed to maintain his neutrality by hiding his abilities from both factions. However, when both sides approach him with a desperate plea for help, he is forced to make a decision that could change the fate of humanity. As the Aegis and Covenant leaders stand before Ghost, they each attempt to convince him to join their cause. The Aegis leader, a stern and calculating woman named Commander Soren, argues that her group represents order and stability in the chaos that has befallen the world. "We've built our society around strength and discipline, and we need your skills to help us maintain control," she says with a steely gaze. In contrast, the Covenant leader, an enigmatic man known as the Prophet, appeals to Ghost's sense of loyalty and community. "We are builders, Ghost. We seek to create a new world from the ashes of the old, and we believe you share our vision," he says, his voice full of warmth and conviction. Ghost listens carefully to both leaders, weighing their arguments in his mind. As he ponders his decision, word reaches both groups of a new threat emerging on the horizon: the Wraiths, a mysterious and deadly force that has begun to ravage settlements and claim lives. Realizing that they must unite against this common enemy, Ghost chooses to reveal his abilities to both factions, offering his skills in exchange for their cooperation. Together, they join forces and face the Wraiths in a desperate battle, ultimately prevailing and finding a new sense of unity in their shared victory. In the desolate wasteland of what was once a thriving city, two opposing factions fought relentlessly for control. The Iron Wolves, led by the cunning and ruthless Alpha Ghost, were known for their brutal tactics and unwavering loyalty to one another. On the other hand, the Scarlet Ravens, led by the enigmatic and strategic Raven Queen, valued strength and discipline above all else. The tension between these two factions had been building for years, with skirmishes becoming more frequent and bloody. Ghost and the Iron Wolves were determined to claim the last remaining water source in this desolate land, while the Scarlet Ravens sought to protect it from falling into the wrong hands. As they clashed once again, their eyes locked, and for a brief moment, it seemed as though fate had intervened. "Ghost, we don't have to keep fighting each other," Raven Queen whispered through the dusty air, her voice echoing with determination. "Together, we can face whatever comes next." Ghost stared at her, his eyes narrowing as he considered her words. He knew that their resources were dwindling, and the threat of an unknown enemy was growing stronger by the day. The Iron Wolves and Scarlet Ravens had been at odds for far too long, and it was time to make a change. "Alright," Ghost finally said, his voice barely audible above the chaos. "We fight together." The air seemed to crackle with anticipation as both factions hesitated, unsure of what this new alliance meant. But as one, they turned to face a new and unknown threat - the Wraiths, a mysterious group of marauders who had appeared on the horizon, casting a dark shadow over their world. Together, the Iron Wolves and Scarlet Ravens fought side by side against this new enemy, discovering that unity was far more powerful than division. As they stood together, they realized that their common ground was stronger than any ideology or belief system. In the end, it was not about control, but about survival. In a world ravaged by war and destruction, two opposing factions fought for control over the remaining resources. The Red Wolves, led by the cunning and ruthless Raven, sought power and dominance at any cost. The Silver Eagles, on the other hand, were a more peaceful group, striving to rebuild society and protect the innocent. But amidst this chaos and conflict, there was a third force that no one had anticipated – the Wraiths. Ghost, a skilled and enigmatic scavenger, found himself approached by both factions. Raven offered him protection and resources, while the Eagles offered a chance to help rebuild their shattered society. After careful contemplation, Ghost chose neither side. Instead, he saw an opportunity to unite them against a far greater threat – the Wraiths. "Listen up," Ghost said, standing in front of Raven and the Eagle's leader, Falcon, "We don't have much time. The Wraiths are coming, and they're stronger than either of you could ever imagine." The two leaders exchanged skeptical glances but listened nonetheless. "What do you propose we do?" Falcon asked, his voice laced with caution. "We join forces," Ghost replied, "For the sake of our survival. We can fight the Wraiths together, and once they're gone, we can work on building a better future." Raven scoffed, but Falcon nodded in agreement. "Very well, Ghost. We shall join forces against this unknown enemy. But once the Wraiths are defeated, you must choose which side to join or be cast out of our territory." Though not ideal, it was a start. Together, they fought the Wraiths and prevailed, discovering that unity could indeed triumph over destruction. The seeds of change had been planted, and perhaps one day, the world would find its path towards peace once more. In a barren wasteland, Ghost stood atop a hill, scanning the horizon for any signs of life. The world had been ravaged by war and destruction, leaving only two factions fighting for control over what little remained. Despite their rivalry, both factions knew that they couldn't survive without each other. As Ghost moved through the desolate landscape, whispers of a new threat began to spread. Rumors spoke of a mysterious figure known as the Wraiths, who had appeared in the night and wreaked havoc among the settlements. Fear gripped the survivors, and tension between the factions intensified. Ghost knew that they needed to put their differences aside for the greater good. As luck would have it, representatives from both factions approached Ghost simultaneously, seeking an alliance against this unknown enemy. With a swift decision, Ghost agreed, hoping that together they could find a way to protect their people. "We must unite," Ghost declared, his voice echoing through the still air. "If we stand together, nothing can defeat us." The representatives nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with hope and determination. As the factions began working together, they discovered that their combined strength was far more formidable than they had ever imagined. With Ghost leading them, they prepared for the battle against the Wraiths, knowing that unity could triumph over destruction. The echoes of their voices would be heard throughout the land, a testament to the power of coming together in the face of adversity. In a world ravaged by war and destruction, Ghost stood vigilant on the hilltop, scanning the horizon for any sign of life. The once bustling cities were now ghost towns, their inhabitants either wiped out or scattered across the wasteland. Amidst this desolation, the remaining factions clung to power, their rivalry a constant thorn in the side of what remained of humanity. Rumors whispered amongst the survivors spoke of a mysterious entity known as the Wraiths. These phantom beings were said to be the harbingers of doom, the embodiment of fear and despair that haunted every corner of the devastated world. The mere mention of their name sent shivers down spines, intensifying the hostility between factions. As tensions reached a boiling point, Ghost stood firm. Aware of the looming threat of the Wraiths, he saw an opportunity for unity in the face of adversity. He knew that by uniting the factions, they could find solace and protection from this unknown enemy. With his unwavering conviction, he set out to rally the survivors under a common banner. Ghost approached the leader of the first faction, known as the Ravagers. "We stand together against the Wraiths, or we all fall," he declared. To his surprise, the Ravager leader agreed, realizing that the threat was too great to face alone. As word spread of Ghost's proposition, other factions followed suit, and one by one, they joined forces with the Ravagers. With each new ally, hope flickered brighter in the hearts of the survivors. Together, they stood stronger against the darkness that threatened to consume them all. And as they faced their fears and united, they discovered that even amidst destruction, humanity could still triumph. In a world ravaged by war and destruction, Ghost was a lone figure standing atop a hill, scanning the horizon for any signs of life. The once vibrant landscape had become desolate, with only remnants of civilization left behind. The remaining factions were constantly at odds with each other, struggling to survive in this new world order. Whispers and rumors began circulating about a mysterious and deadly group called the Wraiths, spreading fear throughout the factions. These shadowy figures seemed to appear from nowhere, striking terror into the hearts of those who crossed their path. The factions, once bitter rivals, now found themselves united in their fear and loathing of the Wraiths. Ghost, a figure shrouded in mystery himself, sensed an opportunity for unity amidst the chaos. He knew that the only way to protect his people from the Wraiths was to bring the factions together. So, he set out on a mission to convince each faction of the need for collaboration and protection against their common enemy. As the factions came together under Ghost's guidance, they began to share resources and strategies, forging alliances that had once seemed unimaginable. Together, they sought out the Wraiths, determined to put an end to their reign of terror. One day, as the united forces stood ready for battle, a voice called out from the shadows. It was the Wraiths, revealing themselves at last. They spoke of the destruction and suffering they had caused as retribution for the world's ills, and how it was only through unity that their reign could come to an end. In that moment, Ghost realized that unity truly was the key to overcoming the adversity of this new world. By coming together, the factions had found a way to triumph over destruction, proving that even in the darkest of times, hope and unity could still prevail. Ghost, a skilled scout for the Red Sands faction, stood atop a hill as the sun dipped below the horizon. The once-fertile land was now a barren wasteland, scarred by war and destruction. In the distance, the remnants of humanity huddled together in small enclaves, constantly on guard against their rivals. Rumors whispered through the camps that a new threat had emerged: the Wraiths, an enigmatic force known for their ruthlessness and cunning. These tales only served to heighten tensions between factions, who were already struggling to survive in the harsh, unforgiving world. One day, while scouting the outskirts of his own camp, Ghost came across a group from the Blue Ravens faction in desperate need of help. They had stumbled upon a Wraiths ambush and were left with few survivors. With no time to waste, Ghost led them back to Red Sands territory, hoping that his faction would take them in and provide shelter. Upon their return, Ghost approached the leader of Red Sands, a grizzled warrior named Cael. "Cael," he said quietly, "I found survivors from the Blue Ravens. They need our help." Cael's face was hard, but his eyes betrayed a glimmer of understanding. "We're stretched thin, Ghost. But you bring them here, and we'll make room." Ghost nodded and returned to the wounded Blue Ravens. As he helped guide them into Red Sands territory, he couldn't help but think of the ancient proverb: "In unity lies our strength." He hoped that by joining forces against the Wraiths, the factions could find a way to survive in this unforgiving world. Ghost's eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of movement or danger. The air was thick with tension, as if the wind could carry whispers of the Wraiths themselves. As he scanned, he noticed a faint flicker of light in the distance. His heart raced, both with fear and hope. He couldn't shake the feeling that something important lay ahead. As Ghost approached the source of the light, he discovered a group of survivors huddled around a makeshift campfire. Their worn faces told tales of hardship and loss, yet they stood resolute. One by one, they introduced themselves as members of the Blue Ravens faction, a group thought to be long-lost in the chaos of war. Ghost hesitated, torn between his loyalty to Red Sands and the responsibility to help those in need. He knew the factions were rivals, but the Wraiths threatened them all. With a heavy heart, he decided to lead the Blue Ravens back to Red Sands territory, hoping that their combined strength could face the Wraiths together. Upon their return, Cael, the leader of Red Sands, stared at the strangers with suspicion. "Why have you brought them here?" he demanded of Ghost. Ghost took a deep breath. "Cael, these are survivors from the Blue Ravens. We need to unite against the Wraiths." Cael hesitated, his gaze flicking between Ghost and the Blue Ravens. He knew that their unity could be the key to survival. "Very well," he said at last, "We will shelter them, but we must remain vigilant." With each passing day, the factions worked together more seamlessly. They shared knowledge, resources, and strategies, strengthening their defenses against the Wraiths. The whispers of the mysterious enemy spread fear among them all, but it was a united front that ultimately triumphed over destruction when faced with adversity. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the desolate landscape. Ghost, a skilled scout for the Red Sands faction, moved with quiet precision through the debris-laden wasteland. His ears pricked as he caught the distant sound of gunfire, followed by cries for help. His heart raced; it could only mean one thing - survivors from the rival Blue Ravens faction. As he approached their location, he noticed the firefight had subsided. A single figure lay motionless in the rubble. With practiced ease, Ghost retrieved a makeshift medkit and tended to the wounded man. "You're one of them?" Ghost asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The survivor, Cael, nodded weakly. "Red Sands territory is our only hope," he whispered. "We need sanctuary from the Wraiths." Ghost hesitated, but he knew that united they stood a better chance against the unknown enemy. He led them back to Red Sands, where Cael and his people were given shelter despite their rivalry. The tension between the factions was palpable, but as the threat of the Wraiths loomed closer, it became clear that they needed each other more than ever before. "We've fought for so long, haven't we?" Ghost said, looking at Cael across a makeshift table. "But maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to stand together." Cael stared back, his eyes hardened by years of battle. "If there's even the slightest chance," he replied. Together, they formed a plan to face the Wraiths and protect their people. As the sun rose, casting its golden light on the newly-forged alliance, Ghost knew that the line between enemy and ally had blurred in the face of adversity. And perhaps, just perhaps, it was the beginning of something greater. Once inside, Cael studied the man's wounds. "We must tend to him," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "Agreed," Ghost nodded. The two men worked together, their hands moving with practiced efficiency as they bandaged the man's injuries. "I am grateful for your help," the man murmured, his eyes closing as sleep claimed him. "Line: Cael studied the man's wounds. 'We must tend to him,' he said, his voice filled with resolve." The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape as Ghost, a skilled scout for the Red Sands faction, ventured out in search of survivors. His keen eyes spotted figures in the distance, and he realized they were from the rival Blue Ravens faction. Ghost approached cautiously, his weapon at the ready. "Hold your fire!" he whispered urgently, his voice carried by the cold wind. The Blue Ravens froze, their weapons trained on him. Ghost extended his hands, showing that he meant no harm. He noticed a wounded man among them, and his heart went out to him. "We need help," the leader of the Blue Ravens, Cael, finally spoke up, his voice laced with distrust. "Our numbers are dwindling, and we can't fight the Wraiths alone." Ghost glanced at the wounded man, then back at Cael. "You have my word," he said, extending a hand to help the injured man up. The Blue Ravens exchanged glances, hesitant but hopeful. Cael reluctantly agreed, and the wounded man was brought into Red Sands territory for treatment. As the sun began to rise again, casting its golden light on the newly-forged alliance, Ghost knew that the line between enemy and ally had blurred in the face of adversity, and perhaps it's the beginning of something greater. In the midst of the desolate wasteland, Ghost trudged through the debris-filled streets, his eyes scanning for any signs of life. As he rounded a corner, he spotted a man lying on the ground, his body marred by wounds and pain. Ghost knew that the man belonged to the rival faction, the Blue Ravens, but the call of humanity was stronger than the need for rivalry. "Hey," Ghost called out softly, approaching cautiously. The wounded man's eyes fluttered open, fear evident in their depths. "I won't hurt you. We can help each other." Carefully, Ghost bandaged the man's wounds and offered him a sip of water from his canteen. As they shared their stories, a bond began to form between them. It wasn't long before more wounded Blue Ravens appeared, seeking refuge from the dangers that plagued the wasteland. Ghost returned to Red Sands territory with the wounded survivors and pleaded with Cael, the leader of his faction, for shelter. Though reluctant at first, Cael agreed, knowing that their combined strength would be needed against the Wraiths who threatened all factions. Together, they began to form a plan to face their common enemy. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape as Ghost stood with the man from the rival faction, their arms interlocked in solidarity. The line between enemy and ally had blurred in the face of adversity, and perhaps it was the beginning of something greater. As Ghost limped towards the horizon, he spotted two figures in the distance. They were wounded survivors from the rival faction, Blue Ravens. He knew that bringing them back to Red Sands territory would be risky, but they needed all the help they could get in this desolate wasteland. "Hey, are you with the Red Sands?" one of the figures called out as Ghost approached. "Yes, I am," Ghost replied, his voice hoarse from days of screaming into the wind. "We need shelter and supplies. We'll all be safer together." Reluctantly, the Blue Ravens agreed to follow Ghost back to their territory. As they trekked through the barren landscape, stories of past battles and losses were shared. The Wraiths had been a constant threat, terrorizing both factions until they united against this common enemy. Upon reaching Red Sands, the survivors were greeted with suspicion at first, but soon found acceptance as they shared their experiences and hardships. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the faint sound of laughter could be heard around the fire. The once-feuding factions now sat together, breaking bread and forging new bonds. As the moon rose, casting its silvery glow on the camp, a plan was formed to take down the Wraiths once and for all. United against a common enemy, the factions worked together, their differences forgotten in the face of survival. And so, the sun began to rise on a new alliance, casting its golden light on the promise of something greater. As Ghost hobbled through the barren wasteland, he noticed a figure in the distance. It was a member of the Blue Ravens, their sworn enemies, and they were badly injured. Ghost hesitated, torn between loyalty to Red Sands and his duty as a human being. Eventually, his compassion won out, and he limped towards the stranger. "You're one of us," the wounded figure whispered, their voice barely audible above the howling wind. "I never thought I'd say this, but you've got my thanks." Ghost nodded solemnly, silently acknowledging the mutual understanding that had formed between them. With a combination of determination and desperation, they made their way back to Red Sands territory together. The sun was setting as they arrived, casting long shadows across the desolate landscape. Inside the makeshift shelter, Ghost introduced the stranger to the others. At first, there was suspicion, but the wounded Blue Raven quickly proved themselves a valuable ally. Stories were shared, laughter echoed through the night, and slowly, the walls between factions began to crumble. The Wraiths' constant threat loomed over them all, forcing rivalries to take a backseat to survival. "We need to stand united against these monsters," Ghost declared during an impromptu council meeting. "It doesn't matter where we came from or which colors we wear. We're all that stands between life and the Wraiths." The others nodded in agreement, their voices blending together like the colors of their fading sunset. In the face of common adversity, old enmities dissolved as bonds of trust and camaraderie formed. It wasn't long before the factions began to work together, their combined strength a beacon of hope in an otherwise hopeless world. The sun rose on a new alliance, casting its golden light on the promise of something greater – a future where enemy and ally were one and the same. In a post-apocalyptic landscape, Ghost finds a wounded Blue Raven and brings them to Red Sands territory for shelter. Despite their initial rivalry, factions unite against the Wraiths. As they face adversity together, unity triumphs over destruction, and the line between enemy and ally begins to blur. The sun rises on a new alliance, casting its golden light on the promise of something greater. As Ghost hobbled through the barren wasteland, he noticed a figure in the distance - a badly injured Blue Raven. Despite their sworn enmity, his compassion won out and they made their way back to Red Sands territory together. Inside the shelter, the wounded stranger quickly proved themselves a valuable ally, and stories were shared as walls between factions began to crumble. "We need to stick together," Ghost whispered to the Blue Raven, as they huddled around the fire. "If we don't fight as one, we won't survive." Their eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between them. The Wraiths' constant threat forced rivalries to take a backseat to survival, and the factions began to work together, their combined strength a beacon of hope in an otherwise hopeless world. "We can do this," the Blue Raven said, their voice steady despite their injuries. "Together, we're stronger than any enemy." The sun rose on a new alliance, casting its golden light on the promise of something greater – a future where enemy and ally were one and the same. The Wraiths were relentless, but together, the factions stood firm. "We are not enemies," Ghost declared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "We are survivors, and we must protect each other." With newfound determination, they faced the common threat side by side, forging a bond that transcended rivalry. In time, the sun rose on a new alliance, casting its golden light on a future where enemy and ally were one and the same. As the sun rose on the horizon, Ghost and Blue Raven stood together, ready to face the challenges ahead. Their once-strong rivalry had faded, replaced by a shared sense of purpose. The Wraiths were relentless, but together, the factions stood firm. The line between enemy and ally began to blur, and unity triumphed over destruction. "We are not enemies," Ghost declared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "We are survivors, and we must protect each other." With newfound determination, they faced the common threat side by side, forging a bond that transcended rivalry. In time, the sun rose on a new alliance, casting its golden light on a future where enemy and ally were one and the same. As the sun rose on a new alliance, casting its golden light on a future where enemy and ally were one and the same, Ghost and Blue Raven stood together, their weapons at the ready. "We've come so far," Ghost said, his voice filled with pride. "And we'll go even further, as long as we stand united." ``` In the desolate wasteland, the sun began to set, casting its warm glow across the barren landscape. Ghost, a skilled scavenger, had always been wary of Blue Raven and their territory, Red Sands. However, when he stumbled upon an injured member of Blue Raven, his priorities shifted. With a heavy heart, Ghost carried the wounded warrior back to Red Sands for shelter. Upon arrival, the factions' rivalry was put on hold as they tended to the injured. As days turned into weeks, they discovered that their fight against a common enemy, the relentless Wraiths, required them to unite. Through shared hardships and moments of camaraderie, the initial enmity between Ghost and Blue Raven began to fade. One evening, as they huddled around a dying fire, their guard down, Ghost approached the Blue Raven leader. "We are not enemies," he whispered, his voice echoing with sincerity. "We are survivors, and we must protect each other." The words hung in the air, and for the first time, it seemed as if they might just stand a chance against the Wraiths. Together, the factions stood strong, their unity growing stronger by the day. As they fought side by side against the Wraiths, an unbreakable bond formed between them. The sun continued to rise and set on this newfound alliance, casting its golden light on a future where enemy and ally were one and the same. In a world ravaged by destruction and chaos, Ghost found himself wandering through the desolate wastelands. His heart ached for companionship and purpose, but all he could find were the remnants of a civilization long forgotten. That is, until he stumbled upon a wounded Blue Raven, their once vibrant feathers now faded and tattered. Ghost's instincts told him to help this stranger, even if they hailed from a rival faction. He knew that only by setting aside differences could they hope to survive the ever-looming threat of the Wraiths. With a newfound sense of determination, Ghost carried the Blue Raven on his back as they made their way towards Red Sands territory for shelter. Upon their arrival, the leaders of both factions put aside their differences and welcomed the wounded Blue Raven into their midst. As the days turned to weeks, they fought together against the Wraiths, discovering that the enemy they once feared had begun to fade away. The sun began to rise on a new alliance, casting its golden light upon the remnants of the once-great factions. "We must unite," Ghost said, his voice echoing through the gathering of former enemies, "for it is only together that we can hope to rebuild and find a brighter future." And so, they began to mend their fences, forging new bonds and forgetting old grievances. The line between enemy and ally blurred, as they realized they had been fighting the same enemy all along: destruction itself. Ghost, a member of the Blue Raven faction, was trekking through the desolate landscape when he stumbled upon an injured fellow traveler. He knew that he had to help, even if it meant putting aside their long-standing rivalry with the Red Sands faction. With heavy breath and determination, Ghost carried the wounded individual towards the Red Sands territory for shelter. Upon arriving at the territory's entrance, Ghost cautiously called out, "We come in peace! We need help for a wounded traveler." The gatekeeper hesitated, but after seeing the battered state of their guest, he reluctantly agreed to let them pass. Inside, the factions set aside their differences, working together to treat the injured person and find a way to defend themselves against the relentless Wraiths. As the hours passed, the unity between the factions strengthened, and they began to understand that their common enemy was a far greater threat than their internal rivalries. The once-bitter enemies started to share stories, laugh together, and even engage in friendly competition, which soon turned into camaraderie. The sun began to set, casting an orange glow over the territory as the factions joined hands, forming a circle around their newfound ally. With a shared determination, they vowed to protect each other from the destructive forces that threatened their existence. And so, in the face of adversity, the line between enemy and ally began to blur, paving the way for an unprecedented alliance. In the heart of Red Sands territory, a haze of dust and debris hung in the air like an ominous shroud. Ghost, a seasoned scout for the Red Sands faction, had always been resourceful, his instincts honed by years of surviving in the unforgiving wasteland that was once known as Earth. He knew the terrain better than anyone and had become the beacon of hope for the struggling community. One fateful day, while scouting for resources, Ghost stumbled upon a wounded individual from another faction - the rival group known as the Stormhawks. The stranger lay unconscious, battered and bruised by the harsh elements and the relentless pursuit of the Wraiths, a ruthless band of marauders who had terrorized both factions for years. Ghost, in spite of the bitter history between their people, knew that this was an opportunity to save a life and perhaps gain an unexpected ally. Ghost hastened back to Red Sands territory, his heart pounding with anticipation and fear. He knew that bringing the stranger into their camp would be met with resistance from some of his comrades, but he also believed it could be the first step towards unity. As they approached the wounded individual's side, Ghost glanced at the others warily, sensing the tension in the air. "He's not one of them," Ghost said softly, his voice barely audible above the wind that howled through the ruins. "He's our chance to show them that we won't let fear divide us." The stranger slowly opened his eyes, and for a moment, it seemed as if he was looking into the very soul of each person present. The Red Sands members exchanged glances, unsure of what to say or do. Then, the stranger spoke. "I am Thorn," he rasped, his voice barely audible over the storm. "Together, we can stand against the Wraiths and forge a new path." In that moment, the line between enemy and ally began to blur, and hope flickered like a spark in the darkness. In the heart of Red Sands territory, Ghost stumbled upon a wounded stranger from the rival faction, the Elysians. Despite their long-standing animosity, Ghost knew they had to help the man. Ghost carried the unconscious Elysian into their camp and sought the help of their medic, Raven. "We can't let him die," Ghost whispered urgently. Raven nodded, setting to work with a gentle touch and a skilled hand. As the stranger regained consciousness, he looked into the eyes of his saviors with gratitude. His name was Larkin, a scout from Elysia. With the Wraiths closing in, the factions had no choice but to set aside their differences. The situation demanded unity. Ghost approached Larkin and began talking in hushed tones. "We need to trust each other if we're going to survive." Larkin nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "I never thought I'd say this, but I trust you, Ghost. Let's show them that together, we are stronger than any threat." And so began the alliance between Red Sands and Elysia, their combined forces determined to fend off the Wraiths. As they fought side by side, they discovered common ground and shared stories of loss and longing for a time when peace reigned. The line between enemy and ally blurred as they found strength in unity. With each victory, the factions grew closer, their bond unbreakable. Together, they stood against the darkness, casting light on a new future where unity prevailed, and hope burned bright in the face of destruction. In the heart of Red Sands territory, Ghost stalked the desolate landscape, her senses heightened by years of survival in this hostile world. A faint cry echoed through the air, and she followed it, her instincts guiding her towards a wounded figure from the rival faction. Despite their differences, Ghost knew that the common enemy, the Wraiths, posed a threat to them all. Upon discovering the injured individual, she dragged them back to Red Sands territory, seeking refuge and healing. The factions set aside their long-standing feud and focused on their shared goal: defeating the Wraiths. As they worked together to fend off the common enemy, a sense of unity began to grow between them, blurring the lines between friend and foe. "We may have been enemies before," Ghost said, her voice soft as she tended to the wounded individual's wounds, "but we must stand united against this threat." The injured person nodded, their eyes filled with gratitude and determination. Together, they forged a new alliance, casting aside the shadows of their past and embracing a brighter future where unity prevailed. In the dimly lit tunnels of Red Sands territory, Ghost paced nervously, her gaze fixed on the figure lying in the corner. The wounded stranger from the rival faction looked vulnerable and lost. As she approached cautiously, she whispered, "We need to tend to this person's wounds. Our unity against the Wraiths depends on it." The others in the room hesitated, their eyes darting between Ghost and the stranger. Finally, one stepped forward, his voice barely a whisper. "What if they betray us?" Ghost met his gaze firmly. "We face a common enemy. We must set aside our differences for now, or we'll all fall to the Wraiths." With a sigh, the man nodded, and together, they tended to the stranger's wounds. As days passed, the stranger slowly recovered, and an uneasy alliance formed between the factions. Through shared hardships and constant vigilance, the factions learned to trust one another, their rivalry replaced by a common purpose. In time, the line between enemy and ally blurred, and they began to forge friendships. United against the Wraiths, they discovered strength in numbers and hope for a better future. As the sun rose over Red Sands territory, the factions stood together, a beacon of unity in a world consumed by destruction. In a post-apocalyptic world, Ghost finds a wounded individual from another faction and brings them to Red Sands territory for shelter. The factions set aside their rivalry to face the common enemy, the Wraiths. As they overcome adversity together, unity triumphs over destruction, and the line between enemy and ally begins to blur. Together, the factions become a beacon of hope for a better future where unity prevails, casting light on a new alliance that rises against the common threat. In the dimly lit tunnels of Red Sands territory, Ghost paced nervously, her gaze fixed on the figure lying in the corner. The wounded stranger from the rival faction looked vulnerable and lost. "We need to tend to this person's wounds," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper. "Our unity against the Wraiths depends on it." The others in the room hesitated, their eyes darting between Ghost and the stranger. Finally, one stepped forward, his voice barely a whisper. "What if they betray us?" Ghost met his gaze firmly. "We face a common enemy. We must set aside our differences for now, or we'll all fall to the Wraiths." With a sigh, the man nodded, and together, they tended to the stranger's wounds. As days passed, the stranger slowly recovered, and an uneasy alliance formed between the factions. Through shared hardships and constant vigilance, the factions learned to trust one another, their rivalry replaced by a common purpose. In time, the line between enemy and ally blurred, and they began to forge friendships. United against the Wraiths, they discovered strength in numbers and hope for a better future. As the sun rose over Red Sands territory, the factions stood together, a beacon of unity in a world consumed by destruction. Ghost, a seasoned survivor in Red Sands territory, wandered the desolate landscape in search of any signs of life. His keen senses led him to a wounded stranger from another faction, lying injured and vulnerable. With no time to waste, Ghost approached cautiously, his heart pounding with anticipation. "Hey," Ghost whispered, trying not to alarm the stranger. "I'm not going to hurt you. We need to get you back to Red Sands for shelter and medical attention." The stranger, visibly tense, stared at Ghost, unsure of his intentions. "Trust me. We're in this together now," Ghost reassured him. As they trudged through the barren wasteland, Ghost could see the stranger's resolve weakening. They shared stories of their faction's struggles and losses, slowly chipping away at the animosity that had once divided them. The common threat of the Wraiths loomed over them, pushing them to set aside their differences for survival. Upon reaching Red Sands territory, the stranger was met with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. But as they all faced the imminent danger from the Wraiths, the lines between enemy and ally began to blur. The factions united, learning to trust one another and discovering strength in their numbers. "We must stand together," Ghost declared, his voice echoing through the camp. "Together, we are stronger than any force that seeks to destroy us." As one, they vowed to protect their newfound unity and fight against the darkness that threatened to consume them all. And with that, hope began to cast its light upon the horizon. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a dim light over Red Sands territory. Ghost, a seasoned warrior, had seen many battles in this post-apocalyptic world, but none quite like the one she was about to face. As she scanned the desolate landscape for any signs of life, her keen eyes caught sight of a wounded figure from a rival faction, lying motionless on the ground. Despite their past enmity, Ghost couldn't ignore the vulnerability etched across the stranger's face. In the days that followed, the two factions began to work together, sharing resources and knowledge, and forging an unlikely bond. The sun set and rose over Red Sands territory, casting its warm glow on this newfound unity. The line between enemy and ally blurred as they stood against the Wraiths, fighting side by side. As the battles raged on, the factions discovered strength in their numbers, hope in their shared purpose. Together, they fought for a better future, where the whispers of the Wraiths would be silenced, and the echoes of unity would ring loud and clear. In the heart of Red Sands territory, Ghost stood watchful and alert, his senses heightened by the impending danger that loomed over their land. The Wraiths had grown bolder, their shadowy figures haunting the once peaceful settlements. As he scanned the horizon, a sudden cry caught his attention. A wounded stranger lay just beyond the territory's border, their faction's emblem torn and tattered. Ghost hesitated, weighing the risks of bringing an enemy into their midst. With a sigh, he approached the figure, knowing that their common enemy demanded an uneasy alliance. As he pulled the stranger to safety, they stirred, their voice crackling with pain. "Who... who are you?" The stranger whispered, eyes filled with fear and confusion. "I am Ghost," he responded softly, "and I have brought you here for shelter." The stranger's gaze sharpened, sizing up the ghostly figure before them. "You're from Red Sands?" They asked cautiously. Ghost nodded, watching as a flicker of hope kindled in the stranger's eyes. "Yes," he replied, "but we must put our differences aside to face this threat." The stranger nodded slowly, their gaze locking with Ghost's, understanding dawning. "We will fight together?" They asked tentatively, and Ghost smiled faintly. "As long as the Wraiths breathe, we will stand united," he vowed, his voice a whisper carried away by the wind. As the sun began to set, casting its final rays of hope over Red Sands territory, Ghost, a seasoned fighter from this faction, stumbled upon an injured stranger. The wound on the individual's chest was still bleeding, and Ghost knew that if they didn't find shelter soon, it would be fatal. With no time to waste, Ghost carried the stranger into their territory, hoping against hope that they could save a life. Upon seeing the wounded stranger, the inhabitants of Red Sands were wary, as this individual hailed from a rival faction known for its ruthlessness and cunning tactics. However, with no other choice, the leaders of Red Sands decided to offer shelter and care for the stranger, who they would later come to know as Rennick. In the days that followed, Ghost and Rennick found themselves sharing stories around a fire, their shared hatred for the Wraiths slowly giving way to mutual respect and understanding. As they spoke, it became clear that both factions had suffered greatly at the hands of the Wraiths, and in this newfound commonality, an alliance was born. As the days turned into weeks, Rennick's wounds healed, and he took up arms alongside his former enemy to fight against the common foe. Through shared experiences and hardships, the lines between enemy and ally blurred, replaced by a sense of unity and purpose. The factions of Red Sands and Rennick's faction became a beacon of hope in a world ravaged by war, where trust and unity prevailed over destruction. Together, they would face the Wraiths, finding strength in numbers and hope for a better future. In the dimly lit tent, Ghost sat next to Rennick, who was resting on a makeshift bed of straw and leaves. The air was thick with tension, but an unspoken bond had formed between them. They looked at each other, neither daring to break the silence first. Ghost: "So... why did you come here? To us?" Rennick: "I... I heard about your territory from a scout who passed through. Said you were different." Ghost: "Different how?" Rennick: "Not as harsh as the others. You... you help those who are wounded, even if they're from another faction." Ghost smiled slightly. "We believe in unity against our common enemy, the Wraiths. It's not easy, but it's what we must do to survive." Rennick: "I... I never thought I'd find a place like this. A place where... where we can work together." Ghost: "It won't be easy, but together, we stand a better chance. The Wraiths are a threat to us all." Rennick nodded, and they sat in silence again, each lost in their thoughts. As the night wore on, they began to trust one another, laying the groundwork for a future where factions worked together, united against a common enemy. In the dimly lit tent, Ghost leaned against the wall, his eyes locked with Rennick's. Despite their opposing factions, they shared an understanding - survival in a world ravaged by the Wraiths. "Why are you helping me?" Rennick asked, breaking the silence. "We should be enemies." Ghost sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "The Wraiths are our common enemy. We have to put our differences aside if we want to survive." Rennick narrowed his eyes, considering Ghost's words. "I don't trust you," he admitted. "That's fine," Ghost replied, "Just do what's best for you. And remember, the Wraiths are our greatest threat." In that moment, a strange alliance was formed - two individuals from opposing factions, bound together by necessity. As they ventured further into the post-apocalyptic world, their uneasy truce slowly transformed into something more. They began to trust one another, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses. The line between enemy and ally blurred as they faced the relentless Wraiths together. Their bond grew stronger with every encounter, forged in fire and hardship. As the sun set on their old lives, they found solace and hope in each other's company. Together, they fought against the darkness that threatened to consume their world, and in the process, discovered a glimmer of light - a beacon of unity that transcended factions, and offered a glimpse of a better future for all. In the heart of Red Sands territory, Ghost, a skilled scout, trudged through the wreckage of what was once a bustling city. The world had changed, and with it, so had the relationships between factions. As he walked, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. A figure, clearly wounded, lay in the dirt. It was Rennick, from the rival faction known as the Vanguards. Ghost hesitated, but then decided to help Rennick. "I can't leave you here," he said, his voice low. "We need to get you back to our territory." Rennick looked at him, eyes filled with suspicion. "Why are you helping me? We should be enemies." Ghost paused, considering his words carefully. "The Wraiths are our common enemy. We have to put our differences aside if we want to survive." Slowly, Rennick nodded, and together they began their journey back to Red Sands territory. As they trekked through the desolate landscape, Ghost taught Rennick about the ways of the Red Sands, while Rennick shared his knowledge of the Vanguards' tactics. An unlikely friendship began to form between them, born out of necessity and forged in the fires of survival. One evening, as they huddled together in a makeshift shelter, Ghost asked Rennick about his past. "What made you join the Vanguards?" Rennick hesitated, then replied, "I joined because I wanted to protect my family. But after joining, I realized it was more than just protecting them – we were fighting for our very existence." Ghost nodded, understanding the sentiment. He reached out and placed a hand on Rennick's shoulder. "We're all fighting for our existence now. Together, we can survive this." And with that, they continued their journey, the line between enemy and ally blurring as they faced the relentless Wraiths together. As the factions slowly came together, the unity they found became a beacon of hope for their people. The line between enemy and ally blurred as they fought side by side against the Wraiths. Their bond grew stronger with each encounter, forged in fire and hardship. Together, they fought against the darkness that threatened to consume their world, discovering a glimmer of light - a beacon of unity that transcended factions, and offered a glimpse of a better future for all. In a dimly lit tent, Ghost and Rennick huddled together, discussing their situation. "We can't keep running," whispered Ghost, his voice barely audible over the sounds of raindrops on the canvas roof. "We need to do something." Rennick nodded, his face a grim mask despite the pain that still wracked his body. "I agree. But what?" Ghost leaned in closer, his eyes meeting Rennick's with unwavering determination. "We find the Wraiths' weakness and exploit it." "And how do we do that?" Rennick challenged, his voice low but filled with defiance. "By working together," Ghost replied, a hint of pride in his tone. "Our factions must unite to stand a chance against the Wraiths." Rennick shook his head, disbelief etched across his face. "You trust me? After everything?" Ghost sighed, running a callused hand through his hair. "I don't trust you, Rennick. But I believe in the power of unity. And we both know that together, we can fight off the Wraiths." For a moment, they sat in silence, the rain continuing its steady drum on the tent. Then, with a slow nod, Rennick agreed. "Alright, Ghost. We'll work together. But it's going to take more than just trust. It's going to take a true alliance." Ghost smiled, the first genuine smile he had shared with anyone in months. "That's all we need." Together, they began their journey towards unity and victory, their footsteps echoing like thunder as they marched into the storm of war. And though they knew the path ahead was fraught with danger, they moved forward, united by a common purpose: to fight against the darkness that threatened their world. In the dim light of their makeshift camp, Ghost and Rennick sat across from each other, the remnants of a fire between them. The air was thick with tension, but also an unspoken understanding that they both needed one another. "I never thought I'd say this," Ghost began hesitantly, "but we need to work together." Rennick looked at him, his eyes narrowing. "Why should I trust you?" he asked, voice low. "Because if we don't unite against the Wraiths, there won't be a world left for either of us," Ghost replied earnestly. "We can fight them together and maybe, just maybe, find some hope in this bleak world." For a moment, Rennick seemed to consider it, then he nodded slowly. "Alright, we'll do it your way." Together, they strategized, plotting their attack on the Wraiths' encampment. As they fought side by side, a strange thing happened - they started to see each other as more than just enemies from rival factions. They began to understand that, in the face of a common enemy, alliances could form and bonds could be forged. In time, their uneasy alliance became a symbol of hope, not just for their own factions but for everyone living in the post-apocalyptic world. The Wraiths were defeated, their darkness replaced by the light of unity and cooperation. And it all began with a simple conversation between two enemies who found common ground in the face of destruction. In the dimly lit tent, Ghost and Rennick shared their thoughts, forging an unspoken bond as they fought against the Wraiths. The tension between them slowly dissolved, replaced by mutual understanding and respect. "I never thought I'd be working with someone from Vanguards," Ghost admitted, his voice low. "But you're different." Rennick nodded, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "You're not what I expected either. We need to put our differences aside for the greater good." As they spoke, the Wraiths drew nearer, their shadows cast long and menacing across the deserted landscape. The two fighters exchanged glances, determined in their resolve. They knew their alliance was a beacon of hope, a symbol that unity could triumph over destruction. "We've got to make a stand," Ghost whispered, his voice resolute. "We can't let them take over." Rennick nodded again, the weight of the decision heavy on his shoulders. "I won't let my people down. We'll fight together, for all our sakes." Together, they stepped out of the tent and into the night, their alliance shining like a beacon in the darkness. They knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but they were ready to face them side by side. The future of Red Sands and Vanguards, and perhaps even the entire post-apocalyptic world, now rested on the shoulders of these two unlikely allies. In the dimly lit tent, Ghost from Red Sands territory and Rennick, a wounded individual from rival faction Vanguards, found themselves forging an unspoken bond. "You're not what I expected," Ghost admitted. "But you're different." Rennick nodded, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "We need to put our differences aside for the greater good." As they spoke, the Wraiths drew nearer, their shadows cast long and menacing across the deserted landscape. Ghost: We've got to make a stand, we can't let them take over. Rennick: I won't let my people down. We'll fight together, for all our sakes. Together, they stepped out of the tent and into the night, their alliance shining like a beacon in the darkness. They knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but they were ready to face them side by side. The future of Red Sands and Vanguards, and perhaps even the entire post-apocalyptic world, now rested on the shoulders of these two unlikely allies. In a desolate wasteland, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting eerie shadows over the remnants of a once-great city. Ghost and Rennick sat side by side on a crumbling rooftop, sharing a cigarette as they gazed at the vast expanse before them. "You know," Ghost began, his voice barely a whisper, "we could've been enemies for life." Rennick nodded, taking a drag from his own cigarette. "But fate brought us together in this hellscape." Their shared hatred for the Wraiths had united them, an alliance that neither could have foreseen. The once-bitter rivals now stood as brothers in arms, fighting for survival and the hope of a better world. "What do you think our future holds?" Rennick asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Ghost smiled, his eyes glinting in the dim light. "I believe it's brighter than we ever dared to imagine." As the night enveloped them, their conversation continued, a testament to the power of unity in the face of destruction. The words they shared ignited a spark of hope that would soon become a flame, illuminating a path towards redemption and resurrection.
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muggycuphead · 10 months
weird flex but ok i guess pt.35
War…Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXX]
A break from the main lore, have some secondary characters made for side stories woo
1. Addel Duchahut
Remember Lezor, the guy I made inspired on the Dadaist movement aesthetic-sorta? Well, have a character based off an ACTUAL artist from the movement, one of my favorites of such if that
The sir this fellow is made after is Marcel Duchamp, one of the most influential Dadaist since 1914, way before the movement was even a thing (talk about advanced to ur time ayo).  Nonetheless, the outfit I drew Addel in here not only implicitly references the pieces Marcel had made and the styles he had involved himself into, but also the “alter ego” he had made for himself and was also known for back then: Rrose Selavy (1920) who he also used as an “author name” for some of his dada art pieces. The outfit is mostly based on a photography he got taken by Man Ray, one of the first ones if I’m not wrong.
But hey, don’t get the wrong idea –Addel does have his own independent set of self on the setting he’s on (the current century, lol); he’s more of a “successor” kind of guy, but he’s mostly an eccentric folk that’s just as fascinated of experimental and cinetic composition. Just saying so you guys don’t take him as a historical replica of Duchamp, because he’s not and I don’t pretend to have him as such.
As for why he’s a rodent...I honestly have no clue exactly. I’d say because of going after a not-so-aesthetic kind of animal for the sake of taking the contrary, of maybe I was slightly influenced by Ratatouille. Either way, it was for a metaphoric regarding rebelliousness... and maybe also out of satire.
Also case you wonder, his surname means “of the shouting” by a rough translation from French (and yes he’s French btw)
His appearance is on a really further part of the story, though it isn’t much deep important…but still
Truth be told, he was a ride to draw, I luv him <3
2. Pipsqueak
A random idea I had, probably based off the sport that’s most popular on this side of the land –baseball ye
TL;DR, it’s a vegetal golem that’s a baseball player aspirant, no specifics if it’s a she or a he though
I enjoyed doing the directions of the leaves, they look funny
3. Kleevin BredPitz
JK, he’s one of the references for this silly ass though
If you guessed this dude is a “alpha male” ideology advicant, you’re right on the money. For short, in one of the events of BF’sH Hollow Present, BF has to take down this mofo, and well…you can guess this bulky ass got quite the derrogatives for BF in more than one sense...his sexuality included (but we’ll talk about it later dw :) //hhhhh)
He’s a overdeveloped leech by the way…which is ironic in a lot of ways, you’ll see way once we get there C: (and if u know enough of biology, well….hehehehehehehe-)
4. Gus Schmillers
Another Dadaist artist based character? Sure why not
This time it’s Kurt Schwitters I took for this, who was a German Dadaist, his most known pieces being his “Merz”, which consisted on collages of things he found meddling around in the trash, from paper-based things to little trinkets and just anything that could fit in a canvas, this under the philosophy of “building a new world from the shards of the one he was living in” (keep in mind, Dada happened during the World War as an anti-belicism/anti-war protest, hence the metaphor), and also his “Merzbau” –basically the same thing but instead of stuff in a small canvas it was ROOMS filled with stuff, they looked really surreal and neat despite how chaotic they were…most of those got destroyed in the war by orders of the Nazi regime sadly :(
Anyway, just like with Addel, Gus is a character on his own, and basically does similar things as Kurt, though he’s a little more into mechanics when building his interpretations of Merzbaus… I’ll leave that to y’all’s imaginations :) (?)
As for why he’s a ferret, probably because of how I interpreted him as an energetic kind of guy (I refer to Gus, not Kurt himself, but maybe a bit on that too).
He’s Addel’s “roommate” and mildly personal friend. He’s also German jic you wonder so.
5. Gus’ icon
Gus’ icon, idk why I numbered it but there you have it
6. Lynx Adamont’s icon
A character I created out of spite, TL;DR she’s a walking art person stereotype. Once I post her design I’ll explain further on what she’s like, but for now we’ll stick with her icon thingy
7. them
I can’t say who they are yet, this was to have an idea of their design
but still
8. Casual Addel miniature
Him on his casual attire
It’s kinda rough but it was for the sake of the essential idea
9. Kleevin lose icon
>cobra potato when his shit takes actually backfire on his ass
10-15. Funky calligraphy practice
Subtitle says it
10.- Addel
11.- Gus
12.- Kleevin
13.- Pip
14.- Lynx
15.- S’UP?!
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
Official Ludinus and Liliana art!!! 🔥
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eumenidaes · 2 years
My brain is always like “damn, what if we turned this story concept into a comic series”
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telestoapologist · 8 days
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saint and failsafe having pet playdates together will be the death of me 😭😭😭 i love them SO much
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yodaprod · 11 months
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Source: Youtube
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autumnmobile12 · 3 months
My Hero Academia AU: Sleeping Habits
A short comic for Ambush Simulation.
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Summer Camp with UA and the Wild, Wild Pussycats.
This one’s a parody since this is a scene from Durarara x2!! and therefore this part will not be appearing in the Ambush Simulation fic.  It’s still funny to think about, so here's a little bonus while I work on the next chapter.
I don’t know if there’s a market in the simping community for post-shower hair Spinner, but if there is…you’re welcome?
I have no explanation for why Compress would wear the mask while asleep. (The original was a dude wearing a gas mask because he was worried about polluted air.)  Maybe he knows Dabi sleeps like a maniac and, on realizing he got the futon next to his, opted to wear some facial protection to avoid getting slapped in the face by the oblivious little shit.
Also, the headcanon that Dabi talks in his sleep...sure, why not?
Dabi:  Why are you wearing that mask?
Compress:  Nothing to be concerned about.
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revvethasmythh · 5 months
I think it's inevitable that a certain group of people will take Orym's statement about not being able to put down the lens he see the world through as further proof that his perspective is subjective and therefore untrustworthy as it applies to the Vanguard, but imo it serves as a stronger indictment toward those who are able to view the Vanguard as anything other than awful and predatory and murderous. Other people have the luxury of being able to see this through another lens if they so want to--Orym cannot. Because once a group like this has murdered your family, for the sake of a practice run no less, a test, it is impossible to view the situation in any other way. He is walking proof of the harm that the Vanguard does. His loved ones have been deemed "necessary collateral damage." His lens is not one that can or should be set aside in the assessment of the Vanguard, because if they are willing to commit such heinous crimes and excuse them as necessary collateral for ends that are so uncertain, then they are fundamentally not an organization that can be reasoned with or even should be sympathized with
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bread-wizards · 1 month
I actually think Dorian and Orym should fight more.
Remember when their slowly building tension over and entire episode (full of passive aggressive remarks and blame throwing) led to threats? And how after, Orym thanked Dorian for handing over the crown sadly because he knew Dorian would be mad at him? And Dorian couldn't even look at him because he was legitimately hurt, thinking Orym was disappointed in him for doing what he thought was right? That was peak.
The fact they went from that to their current closeness and trust is the best part of their entire dynamic. Their relationship was hard fought and still will be. They will fight for it because they respect and care for one another deeply, and their disagreements don't change that, only improve it.
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ltwilliammowett · 11 months
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Two ship lanterns with Fresnel lenses, 19th century
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kaiserouo · 6 months
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i can't survive in crucible for more than 3 seconds without healing and dash
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lodium · 2 months
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Oryx statues
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fourfoldfires · 13 days
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guy with a postgrad degree in ancient allag, seeing literally anything: "getting a lot of ancient allag vibes from this..."
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jennydolfen · 1 year
Demons run when a good man goes to war
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