#vegan nutrition
devoted1989 · 6 days
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snekdood · 6 months
thinkin about a post i saw earlier of someone saying they get really weak when they go vegan... my friend, you are doing everything wrong if that's the case. aside from whatever health issues you may have that prevents you (i've yet to actually hear of any specific health issues that prevent someone from going vegan, maybe being allergic to legumes and soy? or an allergy to nuts etc.? otherwise... i remain kinda skeptical when someone says this, I often feel like ppl say this so they dont have to keep thinking about it), there's lot of things to consider when going vegan and its really important to talk to a nutritionist if you can before you do it.
some things to consider:
you will need to find a source of iron. theres plenty of veggies when eaten in high enough quantities that will provide iron (spinach, an obv choice). it's also wild to assume that you're supposed to get iron from ONE source of food, ideally you eat multiple things throughout the day that have an ok amount of iron that when added up over the day = the daily value you need, you dont need one big block of iron rich food to get all of your iron (and this goes for all food honestly, no reason you need to get all of your nutrients from one food per se. I dont think convenience should ever really be favored over whats ethical)
you'll need a source of omega vitamins. typically this can be found in seaweed, seeds or nuts, but ultimately it might be easier to just buy some supplements (if ur like me and dont like eating nuts a lot :/)
you'll need a way to get vitamin K2, I trust that you're able to do your own research enough to know where to find it, for now I'll tell you it can easily be obtained from saurkraut, natto, kimchi, and dandelions
there are multiple types of protein. this is probably whats tripping you up if you've already covered everything else. these proteins, or more specifically amino acids, are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. you will need to eat complete proteins that have all of these covered, which is why often people tell you to pair rice with beans since together they are a complete protein. there used to be a website I knew of that listed the different sources of each amino acid, but if you're up to it (im not rn) id suggest looking each amino acid up and finding what food sources have them in it, you'll likely find that multiple amino acids are in one food and that another food has the rest of the amino acids- combined they make a complete protein. oh and also there are some protein powders out there that have all of the amino acids you need, so i'd suggest searching those out (make sure to look at the nutrition info, I used garden of life protein powder) bc you can easily dump that in a smoothie and there ya go.
the problem with going vegan isn't not getting enough nutrients typically, it's that it can be very hard and costly to buy everything you need. it's likely not that you CANT go vegan (unless you have specific allergies or something) just that you were never taught the best way on how to. it all boils down to nutrition, and if you're able to get all these nutrients locked down and be consistent about eating all the nutrients you need, you'll likely not have any issues being vegan, if you do that's something to bring up to a nutritionist, because vegan diets are healthy insofar as you can get all the nutrients you need, and some of us are too poor to consistently be able to buy all these different things. in that case, i'd suggest being a "reducetarian" (thats basically what I am, i'm vegan philosophically and would be more vegan if I had the cash...), rely on vegan alternatives but eat eggs or something here n there if necessary. what I do know is most people dont need to eat meat consistently every day and distrust anyone who tells you otherwise, quite frankly. eating it 2-3 times a week is sufficient from what I've read.
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healthcareblog12 · 1 month
Dr Rajeev Gupta health care
We evaluate our product formulations for efficacy and continually work to leverage the latest innovations in science and clinical research. We are confident that our products live up to their claims and deliver incredible results.
We partner with leading professionals in skin and holistic wellness to keep us on the cutting edge of science and innovation. These partners lend their expertise and insight directly into our research and development processes, while also helping with education and outreach.  
vegan nutrition
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vegantipsandmore · 5 months
What Foods Do Vegans Avoid?
Introduction The vegan lifestyle goes beyond just avoiding meat and dairy; it encompasses a holistic approach to ethical living. In this post titled “What Foods Do Vegans Avoid”, we delve into the range of foods and products that are excluded from a vegan diet and lifestyle. Understanding the ‘whys’ behind these choices is crucial for anyone interested in veganism or looking to make more…
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ianmelchizadek · 6 months
A-Z of nutrients | Viva! The Vegan Charity
Handy list of vegan dietary sources of various nutrients
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veganfoodyeats · 8 months
The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Nourishing Body and Soul with Plants
Picture this: It’s 7 PM on a Sunday evening. You’ve recently decided to go vegan. Your stomach grumbles as you open your refrigerator, only to realize that your dinner options are limited to wilted lettuce and a lone tomato. Sounds disastrous, right? Well, welcome to the crash course in veganism: understanding why some dive headfirst into plant-based heaven while others stumble and fall. 1. The…
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
Please hear me.
Being tired isn't normal. It doesn't matter that you're aging. Being fatigued is a serious sign.
It might be difficult to judge "normal tired" from "bad tired". Rule of thumb is that if you notice that other people seem to be on another plane of existence with alertness, you're not "normal tired".
I slept for 10-12 hours a day at least and still was tired for most of the day but "functioned" (went to work).
It turns out it wasn't just one thing. It was a lot of things. I went on liquid vitamins first because that's all I had energy for—to throw money at something that can be delivered to me. And it was crucial. I went off my heart medication after my doctor let me know my active heart rate was way too low (prior to the vitamins). I felt super improved and this went from feeling super improved to extremely improved after I began to eat more healthy fats (avocados, eggs, nuts, vegetarian-friendly animal products). I cannot emohasize the eating more fats thing enough. Did you know that due to our biology women are supposed to have way more healthy fats than what we're typically told?
I had struggled with other symptoms I brushed off as normal too. My hands and feet being cold all the time. Turns out this wasn't normal. How many women and girls have cold hands and feet constantly? I was "adoringly clumsy". Balance issues from vitamin B12 deficiency. Foot cramps. Magnesium deficiency. Generalized anxiety disorder. Still have it, but significantly improved because my body isn't fighting for it's life. Lack of focus/concentration issues to the point where I worried I had ADHD or something since that's all I know about that mental health condition.
Constant cravings I blamed on emotional eating. Increasing my healthy fat intake all about cured this—helped more than protein. I began to lose weight when I increased my healthy fats because I was no longer seeking out sugar or bad fats. Iron deficiency and vitamin D3 deficiencies were also confirmed on blood tests before I started liquid vitamins.
When I went off my heart med and bought those dumb electrolyte packets for my water, my arrhythmia is now hardly noticeable physically.
And to circle back—I am awake. And I sometimes break down and cry because I can't believe how I was functioning now that I understand what having energy feels like. I didn't know. I didn't know there was even anything wrong with me. I thought I was just a tired person. That being tired was normal to being female and aging.
Chronic fatigue is extremely serious. It's not normal. You're not just a tired person.
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incognitopolls · 28 days
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foodfuck · 4 months
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lemony oregano vegan meatballs · the first mess
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awesomecooperlove · 8 months
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morethansalad · 1 month
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Pickle Panzanella Salad (Vegan)
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devoted1989 · 1 year
the ultimate guide to vegan statistics 2023
fascinating facts about vegans & veganism
By Supplements 101.
The article may be found here: https://supplements101.net/vegan-statistics/
All images found on Unsplash.
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sunkissed-abs · 2 years
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ricoydelicioso · 3 months
Mushroom Shawarma Recipe
Mushrooms are life aren’t they? They need to be appreciated more for everything they do to the human mind, body and soul!
This mushroom was so meaty and so incredible you won’t even think about needing meat ever again! 🤯
1 Punnet oyster mushrooms 1 Tsp Cumin 1 Tbsp Thyme 1 Tbsp Cajun seasoning 1 Tsp zaatar 1 Tsp smoked paprika 1 Tsp garlic powder 1 Tsp Celery salt
Oil Pita Some salad, olive oil and lemon Yoghurt, cucumber and lemon Chillies Pickled red onions
Start by mixing together your spices. Add a glug of oil to your mushrooms and then sprinkle the spices on top. Mix well to coat every bit of the mushies.
Now grab a skillet and a bit of oil add in the mushrooms. Add something heavy on top, like another pan or a bowl and press down, let cook for 3-4 mins until charred slightly and then flip the mushrooms and repeat the process.
Now mix together your salad ingredients in a bowl and your yoghurt ingredients in another bowl.
Heat up your flatbread, load on the salad and yoghurt, then the mushroom shawarma and then top with Chillies and pickled red onions and ENJOY!!
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vegantipsandmore · 5 months
What Is A Vegan Who Only Eats Fruit?
Introduction The term “Vegan Who Only Eats Fruit” refers to a specific dietary and lifestyle choice known as fruitarianism. This unique approach to veganism centers around consuming primarily or exclusively fruits, nuts, and seeds, while abstaining from all animal-derived products. It’s a lifestyle embraced for various reasons, including ethical concerns, environmental sustainability, health…
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ianmelchizadek · 6 months
Magnesium - | Viva! The Vegan Charity
More foods to keep in mind when I'm on a break from bananas
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