#vengeance: a star wars story
intxrritus · 1 year
Vengeance: A Star Wars Story
Chapter 2: 13.2 ABY - Senate Capital, Hosnian Prime
A couple of years passed, new visions and dreams of the cave spread out among them. I became a reclusive child, even more than I was before. Out of fear of reprimand, I followed orders and remained obedient to my elders. Whether it was Duran or other officers that I interacted with, I did my best to stay out of the way or at least be as least frustrating to be around as I could manage. I matured with a military mindset, becoming highly educated in what it meant to be a good soldier in the eyes of my superiors. I spent most of my time growing up learning all I could about the different branches of the Defense Force, spending every day at the back of different classrooms and lessons given by instructors who were experts in their field of study. Weapon mechanics and sharp shooting were simple for me to pick up with the amount of time I spent in simulations to pass the time while advanced training classes weren’t readily available for me to visit. I also tried my best to stay physically fit, following the schedule and workout routines that I would observe new recruits doing when we’d return to HQ on Chandrila, which is what we considered to be home base. Interestingly, though, aviation was second nature to me. As soon as I had the opportunity to roam maintenance bays on the Air Force bases we would occasionally visit, I found that I knew the mechanics and engineering of all the ships we had on base.
However, despite spending all of my time over the years learning about every part of the military, I was never apprised of the political side. Being a kid still, I was never welcomed in on meetings or allowed to roam on my own. Wherever Duran would go, off base or not, I was left with special instructions to stay out of the way and never bother anyone. This of course made me grow to hate my age and position, feeling embarrassed when privates would give me a weird look when they’d see me at the back of their classrooms. Luckily, on the bases we regularly visited, the instructors grew to tolerate my presence, or so I assumed. It never made me feel less embarrassed about being there, though.
After arguably our longest stay on the current Senate Capital base on Hosnian Prime, Duran advised me that he would be going on a mission for an indefinite amount of time. A couple weeks after my eighth birthday, he brought me to Corellia to meet with a family named the Novars, the father being one of Duran’s old unit buddies when they were first recruits. They offered to house me while he was away. Without a word of when he would return, Duran warned me to keep my Force sensitivity a secret and to not use it around the family and dropped me off. He thanked Cyril, the father, and his wife, Ranna, shared a few hushed worlds with them, and left.
After they showed me to my room and gave me a tour of the large house, they led me out onto the balcony and down to the private beach and lake they had, where a child seemingly around my age was sitting. 
"Vera," Cyril began, "this is our son Urik. Urik, this is Vera. She'll be staying with us for a while."
The boy looked up at us from the sandy ground. He was my age, perhaps a year younger, had bright blond hair that caught the afternoon sunlight and golden amber eyes.
"Hi." He stood up, acting a bit shy.
"Hi," I replied back, feeling nervous myself. 
This was the first time that I was staying with an actual family that had children my age. It was a bizarre feeling to relax around people, to not have to explain or justify the things I said or felt. I would always apologize if I happened to be in the way or needed something that I couldn’t handle myself, in which Ranna would always brush my hair lightly with her hand and tell me I didn’t have to apologize.
The lack of physical affection I suffered from up until that point prevented me from truly connecting with the three of them at the start. Cyril was gone during the days, but Ranna and Urik stayed at home. After a week or so, I started to listen in on the few homeschool lessons Ranna would give Urik in the mornings. They had enrolled me at the local school shortly after my arrival, though, so I accompanied Urik there. It was rare for me to be on bases that had military families living on them that would have regular educational classes, but I had a few to get myself by aside from what I was able to learn on my own. My knowledge of weaponry, combat tactics, and military terminology surpassed the other education I had; I could disassemble and reassemble a blaster rifle in less than a minute, but I knew next to nothing about the history of the galaxy or the various sciences of the planets, nor the spiritual or philosophical ideas that were shared. 
This dissonance showed early on. I excelled in the physical classes, of course, but as soon as a teacher asked for my opinion on the philosophical nature of the Force, I would feel my heart drop. I’d say I was taught that it was an unnatural phenomenon that caused more harm than any benefits. The answer that flowed from my mouth was in Duran’s words and it killed me to say it. I was truly Duran's daughter, following the philosophy of my superior, and it dug into me deeply, just adding to the void of self hatred I had started to accumulate.
It was those moments, the stark realization that I wasn’t like other children like me, that I had been raised as if I were an adult soldier since birth, that truly made me feel isolated and alone. The larger part of me wasn’t aware of the way I was raised and how it affected others—how apathetic it made me. But there was a small part of me that did, that saw the aftermath of my actions and questioned why I was doing it. The dichotomy was only one of many pieces of who I was that I didn’t understand, that I still don’t. 
Through the first couple of months, I had the hope that I would grow to love the Novars. I wanted more than anything to become close to them to the point that when Duran returned, if he ever did, he would see how different I was with them and let them adopt me permanently. And the first months were wondrous beyond my wildest dreams; Ranna was the first truly loving and motherly figure I had interacted with and I felt her love as if I were her own. Cyril, while mostly away during the days, always said my name with warmth and welcome that created a sense of ease when in his presence. Urik was kind and playful and had become my best friend early on.
I didn’t exactly know when that all shifted. It felt as if I woke up one morning and there was complete discord within the family. A dark heaviness settled in the house and I no longer felt the same warmth from the beginning. Ranna and Cyril started to bicker whenever he’d return home, which led to him being absent for days at a time, then to full-blown fights that rattled the walls of the home. They’d have a brief sense of normalcy when they’d come home—as if leaving for a brief time allowed them to shed the negativity—but would always return to the same harsh ways.
Urik became obsessed with spending as much time with me as possible. In the beginning, he was quiet but friendly, easing into conversations with me with a sense of maturity that I appreciated. But like his parents, he, too, changed. He became far more rebellious, which caused strife between him and his parents. He’d convince me to stay out far later than we were allowed at our age, beginning to steal simple things like food, but escalated to other more expensive goods. There were times where he would get caught, both of us spending more than a night or two in jail as punishment from Ranna and Cyril. But Urik loved it all the same.
There of course was a part of me that enjoyed the rebellion. To break free of the constraints placed on me by Duran was an incredible change of pace. I didn’t care if we were breaking the law, getting caught, being reprimanded. I loved the attention Urik gave me, as if I were his best friend and partner in crime. I eventually started to use the Force secretly to get a feel for it for the first time. Every time I would use it, mostly the mind reading and persuasion, I would get a rush from it. Almost like a high; I wanted to use it more and more. Urik eventually caught on, which brought us closer. He didn’t shame me for having it; he reveled in the fact that I was more powerful than anyone around us and encouraged me to use it to my advantage.
God, did I love it. Being able to get away with anything I wanted, go wherever I desired—just the feeling of the Force coursing through me was like I had met my true self for the first time. I noticed the more I used it, the more the energy of everyone around me shifted much quicker and became more severe. It was then that I knew I was the reason the discord ripped through the Novars and touched everyone around me. 
A smaller part of me, the side of that was formed in Duran’s image and was more conscious of my actions and consequences, knowing it was inevitable that someone would notice and discover that the corruption of everyone was my fault. I felt as if the negative was bleeding out of me, through the words I’d say or simply with my presence alone. I’d wake up in the night feeling like I was between my reality and my Force dreams in the cave. The dark I felt around me from the cave echoed while I was awake.
The darker part of me reveled in it.
I had been away from Duran for so long at that point that I convinced myself he wasn’t coming back and I was now free to find who I truly was, to discover what the Force part of me actually was. At ten years old, I had learned to focus on that negativity, that dark echo. I’d sit calmly in the chaos around me and feel the sense of the cave around me. What was once only a dream became a place I could easily access while completely conscious. I’d feel the cool air around me, taste the water in the air, see that figure’s burning red core in my mind’s eye. Focusing on these sensations while literally watching the world around me, I found, made every person around me fall into shambles. Such passionate anger would erupt and fire out of everyone’s mouths. I watched in curiosity and wondered what else I could do with those who weren’t Force sensitive.
I never felt evil, whatever that actually meant. I wasn’t killing people or leading them to their demise—I was meditating on an inherent part of me that I never viewed as bad or evil. This part of me was a beautiful mystery that I was forced to repress out of survival. But this freedom allowed me to discover what it was and who I could become with it. How it affected those around me was no concern of mine.
Maybe I was selfish. But I just couldn’t find a reason to care.
“I can’t take it anymore!” Ranna yelled from the living room as Urik and I walked in from our lessons at school one day. “You tell him to come here now or I’m leaving!”
“Fine!” Cyril yelled back, fueled with the same caliber of frustration. We stood in the foyer that opened to the living room, but they were too blind with rage to see us. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“‘What you can do’ isn’t good enough! I’m going crazy, Cyril! I feel like I’m just being swallowed with hate and anger and I hate it, I can’t stand feeling like I can’t breathe.” She was panting at this point, her hand over her chest. “I only feel this way when I’m here. And I know damn well that you feel it, too.”
“Of course I do, I just handle it better.”
“Fuck off, Cyril.” She hastily turned but stopped as soon as she saw us. “Oh. I didn’t hear you come home.”
“You never do.” Urik rolled his eyes.
“I’ve had just about enough of you, too,” she said sharply, her finger pointing to him. “Both of you leave, please. Go find something to do.”
Urik grabbed the strap of my bag and pulled me towards the hall to his bedroom. He sat heavily on his bed, his bag dropping to the floor as I closed the door behind us. “I hate it here. I swear I’m going to run away as soon as I’m old enough.”
“Why?” I sat at the end of his bed, my back against his wall.
“Are you kidding?” he scoffed. “It’s hell here and it’s getting worse. They blame everything else but themselves for what’s going on, but it’s crap.”
“Why not leave now?”
He sat up. “We’re only ten. How would we get by? Where would we live or how would we eat?”
I shrugged. “It’s easy. We’d just steal food and stay in abandoned homes or sneak into inns. Or join a gang,” I joked.
He had a sense of excitement in his eyes. “You don’t think we’re too young?”
“You are, for sure. With the way they raised you, you wouldn’t last a day without me. But some day, I’m sure.”
He fell asleep in my room that night, talking to me about what life would be like if we ran away together. But early that morning, my door slammed open, waking us both up with a start.
“Your dad is here, Vera. Time to leave.” Cyril tossed a large bag into the room. 
“What?” I asked, confused. “Duran?”
“Yes. Come on, pack it up,” he ushered with a hasty tone.
“No, she can’t leave!” Urik protested, stealing the bag away from me.
“Go to your room Urik.” Cyril stared his son down.
“No, not without Vera.”
Cyril, who had never been one to lay a hand on anyone, grabbed Urik roughly by his shirt, ripped the bag away from him and carried him off to his room. Urik called my name, yelling at me to stay, but I knew it was my time. I had corrupted the family enough, and it was time to return to the one person who could control me.
I packed up the few things that were mine and left the room. Cyril stomped up the hallway behind me, Urik pounding at his door, while Ranna was standing beside Duran, looking completely disheveled. 
“Vera,” Duran said as I walked up to him. I couldn’t deny a small sense of familiar relief at seeing him, which I deeply resented.
“I appreciate all that you’ve done for me and Vera the last two and a half years,” he said to the two of them. 
“It’s fine, just please—” Ranna started but cut herself off. 
Duran gave a short nod before leaving the house with me in tow. We silently made our way from their house to the transport down the road. I knew questions burned within him—I could sense their presence, and I desperately wanted to know all of them. I wanted to confirm the disappointment I knew he felt of me, further vindicate my annoyance with him. But we remained quiet as we took the transport to the ship docking bay in the city. It wasn’t until we were settled into his ship and in hyperdrive when he finally spoke up.
“I shouldn’t have left you with them for so long.” It was a comment I didn’t expect—I would’ve guessed something more angry or accusatory, but his tone was more sympathetic than I was used to from him.
“Why did you?”
He sighed slightly. "I had to dedicate all of my time and focus on determining if there was an impending war coming. I couldn't spare any of my time watching over you."
“Why did you pick me up now, then?”
“It wasn’t my choice; I still have far too much to handle to also watch over you. But the Novars insisted that I come get you.”
I crossed my arms, a bit annoyed but also vindicated. “I know it was because of me.”
He gave me a slightly derisive look. “Good. So you’re aware of it.”
“ It. ”
“You’re old enough to be aware of it.”
“What, the��Dark ?” I mocked.
“That is nothing to joke about, Vera.”
“There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Haven’t you seen what happened to the Novars in the two years you lived with them? I’ve known them since I was young and they have not once acted like that.”
“I can’t help it, everyone else seems to get angry or chaotic when I’m around. But what am I to expect when you’re so controlling and isolate me all the time? If I had the chance to socialize and learn to control it on my own, it wouldn’t be a problem.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Neither do you.”
“I do, actually. The discipline I have raised you with is what’s best for you, and I expect you to return to the same attitude we had prior to your stay with the Novars. Understood?”
“Yes,” I sighed and fell silent. 
As he promised, things returned to normal after the trip home. We moved from New Republic military bases fairly often but centered on planets where the Senate was prevalent. I kept to myself while focusing on the rudimentary education with children my age and the training I’d see of the adult soldiers. Duran’s presence was always around, whether he was with me in person or not.
Within the first month, I began to test how far I could go in evoking the Dark without raising Duran’s suspicions. I started with only doing it at night when I knew he was asleep—I’d sit on my bed, close my eyes and meditate until I felt the coldness on my skin and could see the cave in my mind. Then I began to branch out to imagining myself walking into the cave while in classes or around soldiers in simulations and feeling the air of the room completely shift, whoever I was around quickly turning frustrated or a touch hostile. But I’d always ease up, gathering that negative energy back and watching as things returned to normal. 
The playful depravity I continued with to keep myself sane and entertained didn’t go unnoticed by Duran. I despised how easily he knew when I was using the Force, or even letting it flow through me without actively using it. But without fail, he’d always catch me and reprimand me. I began to only use it every so often at night, feeling like that was the only time I could connect with it. I avoided thinking about Duran in any way and made sure to block him, his presence, and mind away from me in an attempt to protect myself from him during those rare nights. It was a relief when I’d never get a stern talking to in the morning about it from him.
         Are you there?
I sat up in my bed one night, slightly startled at hearing the words echo in my mind. Was I dreaming? The words felt real, as if someone were speaking to me directly, but I felt the timbre of their voice resonate in my soul. It evoked the same kinetic feeling the Force had.
“Who are you?” I whispered aloud, focusing on the feeling.
         I don’t know what you see me as.
I knew in some innate part of me that it was the figure from the cave. I closed my eyes and focused on his voice, attempting to talk to him telepathically.
I think you’re a dark figure with red burning at the center for me. I see you in my Force dreams in a cave.
         I see you in my Force dreams, too. I’m surprised that I’m able to speak to you now.
I thought you were part of my imagination. You’re real?
         Just as you are.
Why are we able to talk to each other now?
         We're connected by the Force, so perhaps it's because we're both using it now?
I don't use the Force at all, except for visiting the cave a couple nights a month. But maybe you're right; we can speak when I accidently tune into it. Do you use the Force?
         Yes, I've grown up using it. Why don't you?
The way I was raised, I guess. My caretaker has always held the notion that the Force is a negative thing and shouldn't be used. I hate to admit it, but he's been right... at least with me.
         Wow. I've had a completely different experience with it.
How so?
         It's… like breathing. I feel that it's a necessity for me; that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't using it. It connects me to everything in the universe, physical and non-physical. 
Oh. I frowned. I want to know more about it, but it's just corrupted and ruined everyone around me.
         Are you going to train with it? That would probably help you on the right path. 
No, I'm sure my caretaker would rather me die than train with it.
         That's tragic. I'm deeply sorry.
It's okay. It at least allows me to connect with you. You're not evil though, right? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you were. It’s seemingly all I attract with the Force.
         No, of course not. I felt his energy lighten.  
Good, I chuckled. I want to get to know you, but I'm terrified of being found out. He somehow knows when I use the Force.
         I want the same. But I would want you to be safe.
Maybe we can talk at a later time?
         When you feel ready to. Just tune into the Force and speak as if I were with you.
I hope that's soon.
         I do, too.
Being safe, I closed off the connection and buried the Force inside, hoping that Duran wouldn't have sensed me using it. What he said regarding his connection to the Force made me curious—it was the complete opposite than what I was raised to believe. It was something I deeply resonated with and wished more than anything could live that way. But the uncomfortable cot beneath me in unused quarters was enough of a reminder of how my life truly was: secret and oppressed by the cold military mentality.
Every so often when I would feel comfortable enough, I would tune in. I’d immediately feel his energy, which always caused a bright burst of excitement. Our conversations were short, basically just saying hello—I wanted to know more about him after six or so months had passed from our initial contact, so I tried to push for him to open up.
         I can’t. I’d like to, but I have a bad feeling about it.
         I can’t explain it. I already feel that what I know about you is building to something dangerous. I’ve started to mentally block all of our conversations and what I learn about you because I just… I have this feeling I need to.
Are you ashamed of our connection?
         No, absolutely not. I want nothing more than to talk to you until the Void calls us. But I foresee trouble ahead if we do.
That probably means we should keep conversations at a minimum and nothing of importance, right?
         Unfortunately. But you'll at least always feel my presence, as I always feel yours.
That’ll be enough, I think. I hope.
After that decision, our direct contact diminished. He was right, though; if I ever felt the need to tune into the Force and feel him, he would always be there. He radiated warmth and comfort and harmony unlike anything else I had ever experienced and all I wanted to do was live with that feeling for the rest of my existence. I found that as years passed, that was enough for me to feel like I wasn't alone in the world.
Even with finding this connection and having an overwhelming desire to leave everything behind and find out who he was, I knew I had to learn to find purpose in my life outside of him. I took our decision to remain anonymous for each other's safety to heart; I suspected if I knew any identifying information about him, Duran would inevitably find out and I couldn't bear the thought of him being hunted down or something to that effect. Duran never explicitly said that the Force was bad and those who were Force sensitive shouldn't be allowed to use it, but god, the way he raised me to do just that made me think otherwise. So ultimately, keeping the Force figure a secret was best and kept him safe as well.
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jewishcissiekj · 8 months
For anyone looking to read/watch/listen to everything Asajj, I wanted to post my checklist for both Legends and Canon Asajj and tag them properly for convenience
Canon Asajj checklist -Dooku: Jedi Lost (Audio Drama) -Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu #5 (Comic) -Brotherhood (Novel) -Hyperspace Stories #5 -Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #2 (Comic) -The Clone Wars S1 E16 (TV) -The Clone Wars (Movie, Novel) -The Clone Wars S1 E1 (TV) -Sharing the Same Face (short story, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark) -The Clone Wars S1 E5 (TV) -The Clone Wars S1 E9 (TV) -Worthless (short story, Stories of Jedi and Sith) -The Clone Wars S3 E2 (TV) -Tales of Villainy: Give & Take (short comic story, Star Wars Adventures (2020) #12) -The Clone Wars S3 E12-14 (TV) -The Clone Wars S4 E19-20 (TV) -The Lost Nightsister (short story, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark) -The Clone Wars S4 E21-22 (TV) -Dark Vengeance: The True Story of Darth Maul and His Revenge Against the Jedi Known as Obi-Wan Kenobi (short story, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark) -Sisters (short comic story, Age of Republic Special #1) -The Clone Wars S5 E19-20 (TV) -Kindred Spirits (short story, Star Wars Insider #159) -Dark Disciple (Novel) -The Bad Batch S3 E 9 (TV) -Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #1 (Comic) -Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #3 (Comic) -Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #5 (Comic) -Obi-Wan #4 (Comic) -Star Wars (2015) #47 (Comic, only depicted on playing card) -Star Wars Adventures Ashcan (Comic) -Halcyon Legacy #1 (Comic) -Halcyon Legacy #3 (Comic)
Legends Asajj Checklist -Restraint (short story) -Star Wars: Clone Wars chapters 6-7 (TV) -Star Wars: Republic #51-52 (Comic) -Jedi: Mace Windu #1 (Comic) -Star Wars: Republic #53 (Comic) -Rogue's Gallery (short comic story, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3) -Dark Heart (short story) -Star Wars: Clone Wars chapters 11-19 (TV) -The Cestus Deception (Novel) -Star Wars: Republic #58-60 (Comic) -Star Wars: Republic #64 (Comic) -Jedi Trial (Novel) -Yoda: Dark Rendezvous (Novel) -Star Wars: Republic #69-71 (Comic) -The Clone Wars: Shadowed (Webcomic) -The Clone Wars S1 E16 (TV) -The Clone Wars (Movie, Novel) -The Clone Wars: Prelude (Webcomic) -The Clone Wars S1 E1 (TV) -The Clone Wars: Shipyards of Doom (Graphic Novel) -The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 2: Curse of the Black Hole Pirates (Junior Novel) -The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock (Junior Novel) -The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 4: Guardians of the Chiss Key (Junior Novel) -The Clone Wars: The Fall of Falleen (Webcomic) -The Clone Wars S1 E5 (TV) -The Clone Wars: Crash Course (Graphic Novel) -The Clone Wars #7-9 (Comic) -The Clone Wars S1 E9 (TV) -The Clone Wars: The Valsedian Operation (Webcomic) -The Clone Wars #11-12 (Comic) -Keep the Faith (short comic story) -In the Air (short comic story) -The Clone Wars S3 E2 (TV) -Hunted (short comic story) -Fashion (short comic story) -The Only Good Clanker (short comic story) -Under The Hammer (short comic story) -The Clone Wars S3 E12-14 (TV) -The Clone Wars #5-6 (Comic, retconned) -The Clone Wars S4 E19-22 (TV) -The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters (Graphic Novel) -The Clone Wars S5 E19-20 (TV) -Star Wars: Obsession #1-5 (Comic)
And a guide: -In no way these are my recommendations, I actually unrecommend a certain book here, my recommendations list can be found here. this one is the Wookiepedia list just less confusing (I hope) -She isn't a main character in all of these. At all. And some are just cameos, I didn't get into specifics about that. -Most of the canon books & short stories can be found in e-book/digital form, or in physical copies pretty easily, just look them up. -The same thing that goes for the canon books goes for the canon comics, although most of the issues listed are part of a series (as might be evident by their numbers). That doesn't mean you need to read the rest, because they're pretty stand-alone and usually just reference the other issues of the series/have a framing story related to that. -I'm not sure where you can find the Star Wars Insider issue or the Adventures Ashcan, sorry about that. -The Legends list is much more complicated than canon, since anything related to The Clone Wars series may contradict the prior Legends media. That's why I marked those in bold, as they are only officially part of that timeline, and don't make much sense with the rest of it (most of it, other than the actual episodes, were mostly de-canonized when Disney bought Star Wars with the rest of Legends). -There are ofc the original printings of those, but I also I believe most of the Legends books listed were reprinted as a part of the Legends brand, but if they weren't then idk what to tell you. -The Legends comics were also reprinted, mostly in big, pretty expensive collections. So it might be harder to buy those. I think there are digital copies of those collections, though, so you can buy them for cheaper that way. -The Clone Wars webcomics can be found here , through @clonewarsarchives (a great resource overall) -The short TCW stories (in bold under short comic story) can all be found here (once again through clone wars archives) -The Restraint short story can't be found anywhere I looked, only in the 2nd printing of Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. One of 2 things on the Legends list I've yet to read. -The Dark Heart short story was originally published online, so it's here legally (link straight from Wookiepedia I sure hope it's legal). -I have no idea how to get to the Graphic Novels normally but I trust they're on eBay and co. -I've only talked about legal options but obviously, there's more. Act with discretion and I'm not posting links like that here. I might be able to help more through DMs but you know.
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bpdbeehive · 2 months
I made a list of every single Greek god ever
Keep in mind some of these may be different from what you know because they have multiple different stories
Eros- god of love, passion, and fertility
Tartarus- god of darkest part in the underworld
Thalassa- goddess of the sea
Phanes- god of creation, new life, procreation, fertility, and light
Caligine- goddess of creation
Gaia- goddess of earth
Erebus- god of darkness and shadows
Nyx- goddess of night and darkness
Pontus- god of the seas
Hydros- god of water
Uranas- god of the heavens and sky
Achlys- goddess of the death-mist, misery, sadness, and deadly poisons
Aether- god of light and the upper sky
Ananke- goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity
Chaos- god of the void
Cronus- god of time, fate, justice, and harvest
Caelus- god of the sky
Coeus- god of the North, intelligence, and resolve
Hemera- goddess of daylight
Hypnos- god of sleep
Nemesis- goddess of vengeance, retribution, and rightful fate
Thalassa- goddess of sea
Rhea- goddess of motherhood, fertility, childbirth, comfort, and good living
Oceanus- god of freshwater
Tethys- goddess of fresh water and nursing mothers
Hyperion- god of heavenly light and watchfulness
Theia- goddess of sight and vision
Lapetus- god of mortal life
Crius- god of constellations, stars, and the south
Phoebe- goddess of intellect, prophecy, and the moon
Themis- goddess of justice, law, order, and divine will
Iris- goddess of rainbows
Mnemosyne- goddess of memory
Zues- god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, and law and order
Demeter- goddess of the harvest, agriculture, and fertility of the earth
Poseidon- god of sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
Hades- god of the underworld and the dead
Hera- goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth
Apollo- god of sun and light, poetry, healing and disease, justice, archery, music and dance, prophecy and truth
Artemis- goddess of hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty and passion
Ares- god of war and courage
Hephaestus- fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, metalworking, craftsmanship, sculpture, forges, and metallurgy
Hermes- God of wealth, trade, thieves, and travelers
Athena- goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
Dionysus- god of wine, festivity, and theater
Hestia- goddess of domestic life, home, and hearth
Hecate- goddess of magic and necromancy
Aeolus- god of the wind
Asclepius- god of medicine and healing
Eris- god of discord, jealousy, and strife
Pan- god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music, fertility, spring, and theatrical criticism
Eileithyia- goddess of childbirth, birth pains, and midwifery
Enyos- goddess of war, violence, and bloodshed
Evrynomi- water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Psyche- goddess of the soul
Hedone- goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Dolos- god of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, guile, and treachery
Senectus- god of old age
Oizys- goddess of misery, grief, anxiety, and depression
Moros- god of doom
Momus- god of satire and mockery
Tmolus- god of Mount Tmolus
Nereus- god of the sea
Phorcys- god of the sea and the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the waves
Ceto- goddess of sea monsters and other marine life
Eurybia- goddess of power over, and mastery of, the sea
Eurus- god of the east or southeast wind, fall, and storms
Aergia- goddess of laziness, idleness, sloth, and indolence
Eos- goddess of dawn
Astraea- goddess of justice, innocence, purity, precision
Boreas- god of the north wind, winter, storms, ice, snow, and cold
Chione- goddess of snow
Orithyia- goddess of cold mountain winds
Zephyrus- god of West wind
Notos- god of South wind
Euros- god of East wind
Hesperos- god of the evening and the evening star
Morpheus- god of dreams and nightmares
Pasithea- goddess of relaxation and rest
Icelus- god of nightmares
Phantasus- god of dreams that feature inanimate objects
Aigaion- god of violent sea storms
Achelous- god of fresh water
Alpheus- god of the Peloponnese
Clymene- goddess of fame and renown
Eurynome- goddess of water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Idyia- goddess of knowledge
Metis- goddess of wisdom and cunning strategies
Styx- goddess of oaths and the River Styx
Helios- god of the sun
Selene- goddess of the moon
Atlas- god of strength, endurance, astronomy, and navigation
Prometheus- god of fire, forethought, and crafty counsel
Astraeus- god of astrology and stars
Pallas- god of witchcraft
Zelus- god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal
Nike- goddess of victory
Via- goddess of force and power
Perses- god of destruction
Asteria- goddess of falling stars, nocturnal divination, and the connection between the heavens and the earth
Leto- goddess of motherhood, childbirth, modesty, and fertility
Eirene- goddess of peace
Dike- goddess of fair judgment and law
Persephone- goddess of grain and agriculture
Alatheia- goddess of truth
Asopos- god of the river Asopos
Ate- goddess of blind folly and ruin
Britomartis- goddess of hunting and fishing
Elieithyia- goddess of childbirth
Eirene- goddess of peace
Ersa- goddess of the dew
Eunomia- goddess of good governance
Harmonia- goddess of harmony
Hebe- goddess of youth
Hephaistos- god of smiths
Eunomia- goddess of law, governance, and good order
Kairos- god of opportunity
Aglaia- goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, adornment, good health, and the glow of good health
Lakhesis- goddess of life and fate
Phasis- god of the river Phasis
Despoine- goddess of certain Arkadian Mysteries
Macaria- goddess of a "blessed" death
Melinoe- goddess of ghosts, nightmares, and propitiation
Zagreus- god of rebirth
Ploutos- god of wealth, riches, and abundance
Albion- god of the sea
Tilphousia- goddess of vengeance and justice
Phobos- god of fear, panic, flight, and rout
Pothos- god of sexual longing, desire, and yearning
Anteros- god of reciprocal love
Himeros- god of sexual desire and unrequited love
Hermaphroditus- god of effeminacy, androgeny, and hermaphroditism
Rhodos- goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes
Priapus- god of fertility
Erichthonius- goddess of earth
Tyche- goddess of fortune, luck, prosperity, chance, and fate
Horkos- god of oaths and the curse that befalls those who break them
Epione- goddess of soothing pain
Hygieia- goddess of hygiene and cleanliness
Panacea- goddess of universal remedy
Aceso- goddess of healing and wounds
Iaso- goddess of recuperation from sickness
Machaon- god of surgeons
Pandia- goddess of the full moon, dew, and youth
Telesphoros- god of recuperation
Enyalius- god of soldiers and warriors
Phosphorus- god of the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star
Triton- god of the sea
Carpus- god of fruit
Bia- goddess of force, power, might, bodily strength, and compulsion
Narcissus- god of vanity
Cephissus- god of the Cephissus river
Ismenus- god of the river of the same name
Eucleia- goddess of good repute, glory, and honor
Eupheme- goddess of good omen, praise, and acclamation
Euthenia- goddess of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
Philophrosyne- goddess of friendliness, welcome, and kindness
Euphrosyne- goddess of joy, good cheer, mirth, and merriment
Hephaestus- god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Delphin- god of Dolphins
Aristaeus- god of beekeeping, cheesemaking, olive growing, and hunting
Electryone- goddess of the sun and morning
Circe- goddess of magic
Silenus- god of forests, wine-making, and drunkenness
Triptolemus- god of agriculture
Lyssa- goddess of rage, fury, and rabies
Soteria- goddess of safety, salvation, deliverance, and protection from harm
Leucothea- goddess of hope
Palaemon- god of harbors and sharks
Pasiphae- goddess of witchcraft and sorcery
Perses- god of destruction and peace
Phaunos- god of the forest
Maron- god of Maroneia
Astraeus- god of stars and planets
Limos- goddess of famine, starvation, and hunger
Benthesikyme- goddess of ocean waves
Amphitrite- goddess of the sea
Kymopoleia- goddess of violent sea storms and storm waves
381 notes · View notes
novaursa · 28 days
The Last Dance
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- Summary: The Dance of the Dragons is over. You and Aegon finally find peace.
- Paring: twin!sister reader/Aegon II Targaryen
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is twin sister and wife to Aegon II, and is bonded with dragon called Starfyre. These events happen right after The Searing Flame. To read all of the chapters in chronological order, or more of my works, visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 5 119
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
- A/N: This is the chapter that finalizes this series. That being said, there will be more twin!reader/Aegon II stories to fill the gaps.
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The air is filled with the scent of salt and smoke as you stand on the balcony of Dragonstone, the sea churning below in restless waves. The horizon is cast in hues of deep purple and amber as dusk sets in, but your attention is wholly on the sky, where two golden streaks dart through the twilight. You feel Aegon’s presence beside you, a warmth against the cool stone at your back. His scarred arm is under your hand, his skin rough and uneven beneath your touch, a harsh reminder of Rook’s Rest and the countless betrayals that led you here.
Yet there’s still strength in him, a burning defiance that never faded even after all the wounds. You rest your head on his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles, the way he seems to hold his breath as he watches Sunfyre and Starfyre circle above. It’s not just the raw power of your dragons that grips him—no, this is something more primal. It's the joy of seeing them together again, as they were always meant to be: siblings, mates, war-dragons forged in the heat of fire and vengeance.
“There,” Aegon murmurs, his voice low, strained. He points to a shadow in the clouds—Grey Ghost. The wild dragon had stayed hidden for so long, slipping through the cracks of Dragonstone’s defenses, but not tonight. Sunfyre and Starfyre had scented him out, and now there would be no escape.
You tighten your grip on Aegon’s arm, feeling the thrill of it, a dark satisfaction blooming in your chest. The shadow resolves into a shape—a dirty, scarred creature with wings tattered from battles long lost. Grey Ghost is no match for your dragons, but he’s quick, darting between clouds, trying to outmaneuver the gleaming pair that pursue him.
Starfyre leads the chase, her silvery form a flash of brilliance in the twilight, her scales glimmering like starlight against the darkening sky. The alabaster undershine of her wings catches the last of the sun’s rays as she twists and turns, a deadly dance that lures Grey Ghost into false confidence. Her movements are elegant, fluid—every beat of her wings purposeful, calculated. The Star Dame, as you’ve come to call her in the intimacy of your thoughts, is a creature born of night and light, her presence both ethereal and deadly.
Sunfyre is close behind her, a shimmering blaze of gold that seems almost unnatural in its brilliance. The awkward bend in his healed wing does nothing to diminish his ferocity—if anything, it makes him all the more terrifying, a creature that defies the laws of nature, a king among dragons that should have been crippled but refused to be. His roar echoes across the sky, a sound of pure fury that reverberates through your chest, making your heart race.
“They hunt as one,” you whisper, awe lacing your words. You lift your head from Aegon’s shoulder to look up at him, catching the gleam of pride in his eyes. “It’s beautiful.”
Aegon’s mouth curves into a small, crooked smile, a hint of the man he was before the war marred him. “Beautiful, yes. But more than that—vengeance.” He says the last word with a bitterness that lingers in the air. Sunfyre and Starfyre had been denied their chance to fight side by side for too long, much like the two of you. But now, the skies belong to them again, as they should.
You don’t respond, letting the sight before you speak for itself. Starfyre suddenly plummets, diving at a steep angle that seems reckless until Grey Ghost veers, startled by her speed. It’s then that Sunfyre strikes, a burst of flame searing the air as he barrels into Grey Ghost from above, jaws snapping at the smaller dragon’s neck. Grey Ghost shrieks, a sound full of desperation as he tries to shake free, but Sunfyre holds on, his talons digging deep into flesh.
Starfyre swoops in, her silvery wings flaring as she joins the fray, her jaws clamping down on one of Grey Ghost’s wings. You watch as she tears through it with merciless precision, ripping membrane and bone with a single twist of her head. Blood sprays across the sky, dark and ominous, and Grey Ghost’s struggles grow frantic, but they’re futile. Starfyre and Sunfyre tear into him together, a dance of coordinated destruction that speaks of deep, intrinsic connection.
“Together, they’re unstoppable,” you breathe, unable to tear your gaze away. You feel Aegon’s fingers intertwine with yours, his grip tight and possessive. He’s watching them too, but you know he’s seeing more than just dragons tearing apart a weaker foe—he’s seeing the future, the strength you still hold, the power you’ll wield together to take back what was stolen from you.
When Grey Ghost finally falls, his body torn and mangled, he drops like a stone into the sea below. You both watch in silence as the waves claim him, dragging him under until he’s nothing more than a memory.
Starfyre and Sunfyre wheel in the air, circling each other before flying back towards the keep. The bond between them is palpable, a mirror of your own with Aegon. Sunfyre’s awkward wingbeat matches Aegon’s own struggles, while Starfyre’s radiant strength reflects the resilience you’ve both clung to, even in the face of loss. The dragons’ victory is your victory, and as they draw closer, you feel a sense of unity, of destiny.
Aegon turns to you then, his scarred face shadowed but his eyes burning with resolve. “We will reclaim what is ours, Y/N,” he says, his voice a quiet promise. “With our dragons, with our strength—we will not be broken.”
You meet his gaze, and there’s a fierce pride in your chest as you nod. “We are not broken, Aegon,” you reply softly, but with steel in your tone. “We are fire and blood.”
As the night closes in, the sky dark and filled with stars, you stand together in silence, hand in hand. Sunfyre and Starfyre land on the courtyard below, their golden and silver scales gleaming even in the dim light. They are kings and queens among dragons, just as you and Aegon are meant to be.
And as long as they soar, so will you.
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The dread in the throne room is thick enough to choke on as you stand beside Aegon, your hand resting lightly on Daena’s shoulder while Baelon clutches the edge of your gown. The echo of footsteps and clinking chains resound through the stone chamber as Alfred Broome and his men drag the remnants of Rhaenyra’s forces into the hall. They are bruised, bloodied, and defeated—a pale reflection of the power Rhaenyra once held. Among them, her young son Aegon clings to her, his eyes wide with fear as he takes in the fearsome sight of the dragons looming in the distance outside, their golden and silver forms visible through the open arches.
Sunfyre and Starfyre wait like harbingers of death, gleaming in the twilight.
You feel Aegon’s arm tense beside you, a flicker of pain passing through him from his old wounds. But there’s more than just physical pain here—there’s a deep, simmering rage that’s been brewing since the moment Blood and Cheese ripped your family apart. You and Aegon have been waiting for this moment, dreaming of it in your darkest hours. And now, it’s finally here.
Rhaenyra is forced to her knees before you, her once-proud visage a mask of defiance even in chains. She looks older than you remember, her face gaunt and hollow, but her eyes still blaze with the stubborn arrogance that led her here. Her remaining Queensguard lie dead, slain by your forces as they tried to resist one last time. There is no one left to protect her.
You meet her gaze with cold satisfaction, leaning forward slightly as you speak, your voice sharp as a blade. “We have long awaited this moment, Rhaenyra. Ever since you sent those assassins to kill our sons—two innocent boys, slaughtered because of your ambition.”
Rhaenyra’s lips tremble, but she doesn’t back down. “My sons died as well, Y/N,” she retorts, her voice shaking with fury. “Jace, Luke, Viserys… you cannot know that pain.”
“You dare to compare?” Aegon’s voice cuts through the air like the crack of a whip, silencing her. He steps forward, the limp from his injury barely noticeable as his anger gives him strength. “This war began because you could never let go of our father’s lies. He promised you the throne, and you clung to that entitlement like a drowning woman clutches driftwood.”
Rhaenyra opens her mouth to speak, but Aegon doesn’t let her. “You speak of your lost sons as if their deaths were a justification for your madness, but it was your own hubris that led them to the grave. If you had shown even a hint of reason, none of this would have happened. Y/N and I never wanted the crown. We only wanted to love each other and grow old with our children. But the crown was pushed onto us—pushed by your ambition and vanity.”
Your heart twists as you think of the peaceful life you and Aegon could have had, far from the bloodshed, if only Rhaenyra had accepted the reality of your father’s death that relinquished her claims. But that was never an option for her, was it? Pride, ambition, and greed had consumed her until there was nothing left but this hollow shell of a queen.
Rhaenyra’s defiance cracks then, her eyes filling with desperation. “Please, Aegon—Y/N—my son—”
But Aegon’s gaze hardens. “It’s too late for pleas, Rhaenyra. Your choices have brought us to this point, and now they will swallow us all. Even your precious children.”
You see the flicker of fear in her eyes, the realization that there will be no mercy here. This is no place for mercy. This is retribution.
With a nod from Aegon, the great doors are opened, and Sunfyre’s golden form stalks into the throne room, his scales gleaming like molten gold in the torchlight. His eyes are locked on Rhaenyra, filled with a burning hunger that reflects the rage in Aegon’s heart. Starfyre follows him, her silvery wings brushing the stone walls as she moves with lethal grace, her pale blue undershine glowing like moonlight on water.
Rhaenyra tries to scramble back, pulling her son behind her, but she is chained, her movements futile. “No… please… not like this…”
The lords and ladies captured alongside her begin to cry out in terror as they realize what’s about to happen, but their voices are drowned out by the low, rumbling growl from Sunfyre. Aegon takes a step forward, his voice cold and resolute as he gives the command that seals his half-sister’s fate. “Dracarys.”
Sunfyre’s roar is deafening as flames erupt from his maw, engulfing Rhaenyra in a searing blaze. Her screams are short-lived, drowned in a cacophony of dragonfire and crackling flesh. Starfyre joins in, her breath cold and silver, mixing with Sunfyre’s golden flames in a mesmerizing yet horrifying display of raw power.
The smell of burning flesh and melting metal fills the air as the dragons tear into what remains of Rhaenyra, their jaws snapping and rending flesh. The lords and ladies bound beside her wail in despair, some of them collapsing to the floor as they are forced to watch the gruesome feast. Elinda Massey’s shrieks are especially piercing as she claws at her own eyes, unable to bear the sight.
But it isn’t over. Not yet.
Young Aegon, Rhaenyra’s last remaining son, stands paralyzed with terror, his small body trembling as he stares up at the dragons. You feel a pang of pity—he’s just a child, after all—but that pity is fleeting. This is the price of war, of ambition that knows no bounds. There can be no loose ends, no heirs to continue the cycle of bloodshed.
You turn your gaze away as Aegon gestures for the guards to push the boy toward the dragons. Sunfyre sniffs him, his nostrils flaring, but it’s Starfyre who moves first. She lowers her great head, her eyes glinting as she opens her jaws wide and snaps them shut around the child in one swift motion. There is no scream this time—just silence as she swallows him whole.
A hush falls over the throne room, broken only by the crackling of fire and the quiet sobbing of those left alive. Aegon turns to you, his expression unreadable, but you see the weariness in his eyes, the weight of everything that’s passed. “It’s done,” he says softly, and you feel the words settle like stones in your chest.
“Yes,” you whisper, your voice distant, “it’s done.”
The war may not be over, but this chapter has ended in blood and flame. You can only hope that, when the ashes settle, there will be something left to rebuild. Something more than this endless cycle of death.
But for now, all you can do is hold your children close and hope that the fire will fade, that peace will come in its wake—even if that peace is a fragile dream, trembling on the edge of a knife.
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The sun is low in the sky as your carriage finally creaks to a halt outside the Red Keep. The city is cloaked in uneasy silence—no cheers greet your return, no banners wave in celebration. King’s Landing feels hollow, as if the ghosts of those lost in the war still linger in its streets. You step out first, the weight of the crown heavy on your brow. Aegon follows, his limp more pronounced after the long journey, yet he holds his head high, his expression a mask of stoic resolve. Your children, Daena and Baelon, cling close to you, their wide eyes taking in the somber scene as they disembark from the carriage.
Ahead of you, standing at the base of the steps leading up to the Red Keep, is your mother, Queen Alicent, her face drawn with lines of sorrow and weariness. Beside her is Helaena, her once-luminous eyes now dulled by grief and loss. They are the last remnants of your family, the survivors of a war that has cost you all more than you could have imagined.
Alicent's breath hitches when she sees you, her eyes scanning you and Aegon as if needing to assure herself that you are truly there, alive and whole. Tears glisten in her eyes, and she covers her mouth with trembling fingers as her composure shatters. “My children,” she whispers, and it is as though the weight of years collapses in those words—years of fear, of war, of loss. She hurries forward, her regal bearing breaking into a desperate, motherly rush as she throws her arms around you both, clutching you as if afraid you might vanish like so many others.
“Oh, my children,” she sobs, her voice cracking with emotion. “You’ve returned to me.”
Aegon wraps his arm around her, his scarred hand shaking as he holds his mother close. “We have, Mother,” he says softly, though there’s a hollowness to his tone. The joy that might have been there is tainted by the ghosts of those who aren’t here to share this moment. “But we return to ashes.”
Alicent pulls back slightly, looking at the both of you with tear-streaked cheeks. “I prayed for this day—prayed every night that you would survive, that you would come back to us.” Her eyes flit to the children—her grandchildren—and fresh tears spill over. “But at what cost? Daeron, Aemond—” Her voice breaks entirely, and she covers her face, unable to continue.
Aegon’s jaw tightens. You see the storm of guilt and grief flash across his features as he looks away, unable to meet her gaze. You reach out and grasp Alicent’s hand, squeezing it tightly as you fight to hold back your own tears. “We all bear the weight of those losses,” you say quietly. “But we are here now, and we are together. We must hold on to that, for their sake.” You glance down at Daena and Baelon, who watch their grandmother with wide eyes, not fully understanding the depth of the grief surrounding them.
Helaena, who has been standing silently, finally steps forward. Her movements are slow, almost ghostly, as if she is a shadow of the woman she once was. Her gaze lingers on Aegon for a long moment, searching his eyes, before drifting to you. “The dreams never lie,” she murmurs, her voice distant and laced with sorrow. “They all fade, in fire and blood.” Her words are eerie, a chilling echo of all that has transpired, but they carry a truth that cuts deep. Helaena’s prophecies have always carried an edge of tragedy, and now, you see the weight of them fully realized in her vacant stare.
Aegon steps toward her, gently taking her hands in his. “We’re still here, Helaena,” he says softly, though there is a break in his voice. “You, Y/N, me, Mother—we’re still here. We will rebuild, for their memory.”
She nods slowly, but you see no hope in her eyes, only resignation. “They dance no more,” she whispers, looking past you as if seeing something far beyond the physical realm.
Alicent wipes at her tears, her hands shaking as she does so. “Come inside, all of you,” she says, her voice thick with emotion. “You need rest, and there’s much to discuss. But first, let us be together as a family.”
You nod, though the word “family” feels strange on your tongue now. So much of it has been torn away—brothers, sisters, sons. Yet, you follow Alicent and Helaena up the steps, Aegon at your side, your children between you. Inside the Red Keep, the warmth of the hearth contrasts sharply with the chill that clings to your soul. The familiar halls seem both comforting and haunted, each shadow hiding memories of the past.
Alicent leads you to the council chamber, where a small, intimate table has been set, not for matters of state, but for a quiet meal. Servants flit about with anxious glances, aware of the tragedy that hangs in the air like a storm cloud. You all sit, and for a long moment, no one speaks. The silence is heavy, broken only by the crackle of the fire.
Aegon is the one who finally breaks it, lifting his cup. “To those we’ve lost,” he says, his voice hoarse, barely more than a whisper. “And to those who still remain.”
You lift your own cup, feeling the burn of unshed tears behind your eyes. “To those who remain,” you echo, and the words are a fragile hope, a thread of unity in a world torn apart by fire and blood.
As you drink, you feel a sense of finality settling over the room. The war is over. The Dance has ended. But you know, deep down, that the scars it has left—on your family, on your kingdom, on your very soul—will never truly heal.
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The chamber is dimly lit by the soft glow of a few scattered candles, their flickering light casting something akin to ghots long forgotten on the walls. The room is familiar, yet it feels almost foreign after all the horrors you’ve endured—so much time lost to war and death, to bitterness and grief. But now, for the first time in what feels like ages, you’re alone with Aegon, away from the eyes of lords and courtiers, away from the weight of the crown and the ghosts of the past.
The door clicks shut behind you, sealing you both within the warmth of the chamber. Aegon pauses by the threshold, his hand still resting on the handle as he takes a deep breath, as if he’s trying to steady himself, to remember that he’s home. You watch him in the flickering candlelight, the lines of his face etched deeper from the burdens he’s carried, but he’s still the man you fell in love with, still the boy who smiled at you with mischief in his eyes.
He looks at you then, and the tension that’s been holding him rigid melts away. His gaze softens, filled with a longing that nearly breaks you. Without a word, he crosses the room and pulls you into his arms, burying his face in your hair as if he needs to feel you, to know you’re truly there. You wrap your arms around him, holding him tight, and for a moment, neither of you speak—there are no words for the relief, the overwhelming need to be close after so much time apart.
“I’ve missed this,” he murmurs into your hair, his voice rough and choked with emotion. “I’ve missed you. So much.”
You tilt your head back, meeting his gaze. His eyes are shadowed with pain and fatigue, but there’s a warmth there too, a flicker of the love that has always burned between you. “I never let myself forget,” you whisper, reaching up to trace the scar on his cheek, a mark from Rook’s Rest that he wears like a badge of survival. “Even in the darkest moments, I held onto us. I held onto you.”
Aegon’s hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear that slips free. “I don’t know how we did it,” he admits, his voice cracking. “But we’re here. We’ve made it through everything they threw at us, every nightmare. You were the light that kept me going, Y/N. You always have been.”
His words are like a balm to the ache in your heart, the wounds left by loss and betrayal. You lean into his touch, savoring the warmth of his palm against your skin, the familiarity of it. “We’ve lost so much,” you say softly, your voice trembling as memories of those you loved flash through your mind. “But we still have each other. As long as we have that, we can rebuild.”
Aegon’s lips quirk into a faint smile, though it’s tinged with sorrow. “You’re right. We still have each other. And I swear to you, Y/N, I’ll never let you go again. Never. We’ve been torn apart too many times, but that ends now. No more battles, no more wars. Just us.”
He bends down then, his forehead resting against yours as his hands cradle your face. “Promise me, Y/N,” he whispers, his breath warm against your lips. “Promise me we won’t let anything—or anyone—come between us ever again.”
You close the distance between you, capturing his lips in a kiss that’s tender but laced with a desperation that speaks of all the pain, the longing, the fear of losing one another. His hands slide to your waist, pulling you flush against him as he deepens the kiss, pouring everything he feels into it—his love, his regret, his need.
When you finally pull away, you’re both breathless, your heart pounding in your chest. “I promise,” you whisper against his lips. “No matter what comes, we face it as one. I won’t let you go either, Aegon. Not ever.”
The shadows in his eyes soften, replaced by a rare glimmer of peace as he rests his forehead against yours again. “Together, then. Always.”
The warmth between you grows as he slowly guides you toward the bed, the softness of the mattress beneath you a welcome comfort after all the cold, hard battles you’ve faced. He lays beside you, pulling you into his arms so that your bodies are entwined, your head resting against his chest as you listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His fingers trail lazily through your hair, a touch that’s both soothing and intimate, grounding you in this moment.
You turn slightly in his embrace, pressing a kiss to the scarred skin of his chest, a reminder of how close you came to losing him. “You’re mine,” you murmur softly, your voice thick with emotion. “And I’m yours. No one will ever tear us apart again.”
His grip tightens around you, as if the very thought of losing you is unbearable. “I’ll spend the rest of my days proving that, Y/N,” he vows, his voice low and filled with a fierce protectiveness. “I’ll give you the peace we’ve been denied. We’ll raise our children, grow old together, just as we always dreamed.”
In the quiet of your shared chambers, there’s no need for crowns or titles, no need for anything but each other. The world outside is a distant memory as you close your eyes, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath your cheek, the warmth of his embrace wrapping around you like a protective shield. You let yourself drift in that moment, in the certainty that, no matter what comes, you and Aegon are what remains.
For now, there’s only peace, the kind you’ve fought so hard to find. And in the comfort of each other’s arms, you know that no matter how many battles you’ve fought, the war for your love is one you’ve already won.
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From this moment, the histories diverge depending on which account one prefers to trust: the sober record of Grand Maester Orwyle, the poetic tales of Septon Eustace, or the salacious rumors spread by the fool Mushroom. Yet all agree on the most important details: the years following the Dance of the Dragons were marked not by further bloodshed, but by an unexpected peace.
The Golden Restoration
The reign of King Aegon II and Queen Y/N saw a return to stability in the realm, albeit built on a foundation of ash and charred bones. The devastation left by the war was undeniable, yet it was under their rule that the rebuilding of King's Landing began. With Dowager Queen Alicent and Princess Helaena ever at their sides, the royal family focused on mending what was broken, both in the capital and within their own hearts.
Many lords whispered that it was Y/N, the Silver Queen, who held the true power in those years. Aegon, scarred both inside and out by the horrors of the Dance, found solace and strength in his wife, who had proven herself his equal in fire and resolve. Together, they were inseparable. It was said that not a single important decision was made without their mutual consent, and that in private moments, they ruled as one, much like Sunfyre and Starfyre—mates in both life and flame.
Their children, Princess Daena and Prince Baelon, grew strong and healthy under the care of their parents and grandmother, Alicent. The two were doted upon, not merely as heirs but as symbols of the future—unbroken despite the tragedy that had marked their early years. As time passed, the bond between Daena and Baelon deepened, mirroring that of their parents. It was said that they were closer than most siblings, so close that when they were of age, they wed in the tradition of House Targaryen, cementing their bloodline and continuing the ancient customs of their house.
The Brood of Sunfyre and Starfyre
In the year 137 AC, three eggs were laid in the royal dragonpit—eggs said to be the offspring of Sunfyre and Starfyre, the twin flames that had seared Rhaenyra Targaryen from the earth. Two of these eggs hatched, producing dragons of extraordinary beauty: one with scales of pale gold streaked with silver, and the other shimmering with blue-tinged starlight. These dragons were gifted to Daena and Baelon on their wedding day, marking the start of a new generation of dragonlords, free from the taint of the Dance.
Yet even in this time of renewal, darkness lingered in the shadows. Helaena never recovered fully from the loss of her own children and her brother-husband, Aemond. She remained a distant figure, often lost in her dreams and visions. Some say she foresaw her own death, whispering of “faded light” and “withered roses” in her last days. When she passed away in her sleep in 139 AC, it was whispered by Mushroom that she had seen a final vision: a land where the dragons had turned to dust, and no kings ruled but the winds.
Dowager Queen Alicent outlived her daughter by a scant two years. Her grief had aged her beyond her years, and she spent her final days in prayer, seeking forgiveness for the bloodshed her ambitions had caused. In her final hours, she clutched the hands of Aegon and Y/N, begging them to remember the lesson learned in blood: that the pursuit of power, when unchecked, only breeds ruin. It was said that Y/N, ever compassionate, was the one who comforted Alicent in her last breath, whispering that peace had been found at last.
The Passing of the Dragon-King and Queen
The final years of Aegon and Y/N’s reign were marked by a quiet contentment. They ruled justly, often seen together in council or riding their dragons above the skies of King's Landing. The scars of war never fully faded, but together they created a realm that prospered. Yet even the most enduring fires must one day burn out.
In the year 151 AC, King Aegon II and Queen Y/N were found dead in their shared chambers, lying in each other's arms as if asleep. Some claim they had simply grown weary, their bodies giving out after years of bearing the weight of the crown. Others, more fanciful in their tales, whisper that they passed together in a moment of shared peace, their hearts giving out at the exact same instant. Mushroom claims that a vial of poison was found beside their bed, suggesting they chose to leave the world together, unwilling to face a life without the other.
When their bodies were discovered, Sunfyre and Starfyre howled in mourning, their roars shaking the very walls of the Red Keep. The dragons, who had never been separated, circled the skies together before landing side by side in the dragonpit, refusing to be parted. In a rare display of affection between beasts, they nuzzled one another and remained in that position until the end of their days.
The bodies of Aegon and Y/N were burned together on a single pyre, their ashes mingling in a final union. Their reign was remembered as the “Golden Twilight,” a time when, for a brief, shining moment, the Targaryens had found peace. But even in this, the seeds of future strife were sown—two children, two dragons, and the legacy of fire and blood that would never truly be quenched.
Thus ended the tale of King Aegon II and Queen Y/N, the last Targaryens to die in each other's arms, bound in life and in death by the fires they had endured and the love they refused to surrender.
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locuas642 · 3 months
Elden Ring, my reading on Marika
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Having finished the DLC, I am thinking of this scene. The scene from Ranni's ending, where she replaces Marika as a Goddess and Marika vanishes, finally passing away.
And one of the biggest twists in the game, alongside one of the major unsolved mysteries in the story is the reveal that Marika herself shattered the Elden Ring for some purpose, with the most sympathetic reading being that this was the only way she had to escape from the control of The Greater Will and recover her freedom.
The DLC expands on Marika, giving us an origin for her.
That is, of the horrors her people suffered at the hands of the Hornsent, the same people she would command Messmer to wage War upon them and commit what seems to have been a brutal genocide.
Now, my personal reading is that, after what happened to her people, Marika did a metaphorical deal with the devil. Either The Elden Beast or Metyr arrived to The Lands Between near Marika's village, and she accepted to be a Goddess and a servant of The Greater Will in exchange for her vengeance. and to be perfectly fair to Marika, this was the closest to Justice her people would ever get.
Now, Count Ymir suggests Marika was influenced by flawed advice from Metyr, the Mother of Two-Fingers, who lost contact with The Greater Will. But he also believes the moons are just the closest celestial object to our planet, so he is full of Shit. Because that doesn't yet explain The Elden Beast.
In any case, Marika made that deal and became a Goddess and she got her vengeance. And she fulfilled her duty as accorded, Conquering and expanding and forcing everyone to bow to The Greater Will. Who knows what she felt during this time. If she lusted for power as her empire grew, or if she was horrified and felt trapped by learning what becoming a goddess meant.
Because everything about Marika is always specifically filtered through someone else. Even the closest we get, her very words spoken by her, are filtered through Melina.
The second closest we get is Marika's village, where we see the things she left behind, Specific actions she and she alone did for nobody else but the memory of her village. and I say this because This:
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is the closest we ever, ever get to meeting Marika. a broken face of someone who has long stopped being human, he don't see her eyes, we don't hear her voice. Yet you know what I see here?
Marika's Tired. So, so, so, so... Tired.
Was that it? that at the very end, Marika simply grew tired? was she, in her last moments, thinking back and remembering The Grandmother by the tree, and wishing she could be there for one final slumber?
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And so maybe, regardless of what The Age of Stars means, on whether it is the "good ending" or not, this is the ending Marika wanted. For someone, any of her children, to hopefully succeed her and let her rest at last.
And what we see is that in the last moments of the Shaman whose entire home village was cruelly massacred (and who delivered blood upon blood onto those responsible and unto the innocent, and whose entire life was now defined to the service of some greater power), she is being cuddled in the arms of her step-daughter (of whom she may be Ranni's biological father), a moment of peace and warm before the end of a long road.
Maybe one of the things the DLC was meant to show us wasn't why Marika did what she did. It was to show us that it was time for Marika to go back home at last
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theartofangirling · 1 year
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part 2 of the 2023 version of this post: young adult books!
part 1: middle grade books | part 3: adult books
this is a very incomplete list, as these are only books I've read and enjoyed. not all books are going to be for all readers, so I'd recommend looking up synopses and content warnings. feel free to message me with any questions about specific representation!
list of books under the cut ⬇️
aces wild by amanda dewitt
the chandler legacies by abdi nazemian
bruised by tanya boteju
juliet takes a breath by gabby rivera
picture us in the light by kelly loy gilbert
when we were magic by sarah gailey
iron widow by xiran jay zhao
the rise of kyoshi by f.c. yee
jane unlimited by kristin cashore
summer of salt by katrina leno
the wicker king by k. ancrum
the dead and the dark by courtney gould
wilder girls by rory power
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
her royal highness by rachel hawkins
tell me how you really feel by aminah mae safi
the weight of the stars by k. ancrum
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson
last night at the telegraph club by malinda lo
the grief keeper by alexandra villasante
crier's war by nina varela
how to excavate a heart by jake maia arlow
imogen, obviously by becky albertalli
in other lands by sarah rees brennan
carry on by rainbow rowell
cemetery boys by aiden thomas
felix ever after by kacen callendar
i wish you all the best by mason deaver
little thieves by margaret owen
technically you started it by lana wood johnson
the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee
the infinite noise by lauren shippen
bonds of brass by emily skrutskie
the darkness outside us by eliot schrefer
simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda by becky albertalli
what if it's us by becky albertalli and adam silvera
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire sáenz
like a love story by abdi nazemian
different for boys by patrick ness
history is all you left me by adam silvera
twelfth grade night by molly horton booth, stephanie kate strohm, and jamie green
across a field of starlight by blue delliquanti
heartstopper by alice oseman
check, please! by ngozi ukazu
bloom by kevin panetta and savanna ganucheau
laura dean keeps breaking up with me by mariko tamaki and rosemary valero-o'connell
the princess and the grilled cheese sandwich by deya muniz
if you'll have me by eunnie
on a sunbeam by tillie walden
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag
always human by ari north
rust in the root by justina ireland
dread nation by justina ireland
pet by awkwaeke emezi
the darkest part of the forest by holly black
elatsoe by darcie little badger
i was born for this by alice oseman
loveless by alice oseman
i hate everyone but you by gaby dunn and allison raskin
you know me well by nina lacour and david levithan
the black flamingo by dean atta
spinning by tillie walden
dreadnought by april daniels
a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
all the bad apples by moira fowley-doyle
clap when you land by elizabeth acevedo
summer bird blue by akemi dawn bowman
the miseducation of cameron post by emily m. danforth
we are okay by nina lacour
radio silence by alice oseman
we used to be friends by amy spalding
a neon darkness by lauren shippen
i hope you get this message by farah naz rishi
are you listening? by tillie walden
alone in space by tillie walden
all out edited by saundra mitchell
out now edited by saundra mitchell
out there edited by saundra mitchell
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
List of books below, taken from the Star Wars wiki. Only included: Original Novels, Novel Adaptations, Script Books, and Young Adult Novels. Please no comments about books that are missing from the list... it is what it is.
The High Republic: Convergence - Zoraida Cordova
The High Republic: Path of Deceit - Tessa Gratton, Justina Ireland
The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha - George Mann
The High Republic: Path of Vengeance - Cavan Scott
The High Republic: Cataclysm - Lydia Kang
The High Republic: Into the Dark - Claudia Gray
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi - Charles Soule
The High Republic: The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott
The High Republic: Out of the Shadows - Justina Ireland
The High Republic: Tempest Runner - Cavan Scott
The High Republic: Midnight Horizon - Daniel Jose Older
The High Republic: The Fallen Star - Claudia Gray
The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness - George Mann
The High Republic: Defy the Storm - Tessa Gratton, Justina Ireland
The Vow of Silver Dawn - His Majesty the King
Dooku: Jedi Lost - Cavan Scott
Padawan - Kiersten White
Master & Apprentice - Claudia Gray
The Living Force - John Jackson Miller
Queen's Peril - E.K. Johnston
Queen's Shadow - E.K. Johnston
Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade - Delilah S. Dawson
Queen's Hope - E.K. Johnston
Brotherhood - Mike Chen
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - James Luceno
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising - Timothy Zahn
Dark Disciple - Christie Golden
Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good - Timothy Zahn
Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil - Timothy Zahn
Ahsoka - E.K. Johnston
Thrawn - Timothy Zahn
Lords of the Sith - Paul S. Kemp
Tarkin - James Luceno
Most Wanted - Rae Carson
Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition - Mur Lafferty
Rebel Rising - Beth Revis
Crimson Climb - E.K. Johnston
A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller
Jedi: Battle Scars - Sam Maggs
Lost Stars - Claudia Gray
Leia, Princess of Alderaan - Claudia Gray
Thrawn: Alliances - Timothy Zahn
Thrawn: Treason - Timothy Zahn
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Alexander Freed
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad - Christie Golden
Heir to the Jedi - Kevin Hearne
Doctor Aphra - Sarah Kuhn
Battlefront: Twilight Company - Alexander Freed
The Princess and the Scoundrel - Beth Revis
Alphabet Squadron - Alexander Freed
Aftermath - Chuck Wendig
Shadow Fall - Alexander Freed
Aftermath: Life Debt - Chuck Wendig
Victory's Price - Alexander Freed
Aftermath: Empire's End - Chuck Wendig
Last Shot - Daniel Jose Older
Poe Dameron: Free Fall - Alex Segura
Shadow of the Sith - Adam Christopher
Bloodline - Claudia Gray
Force Collector - Kevin Scinick
Phasma - Delilah S. Dawson
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Alan Dean Foster
Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire - Delilah S. Dawson
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition - Jason Fry
Resistance Reborn - Rebecca Roanhorse
A Crash of Fate - Zoraida Cordova
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition - Rae Carson
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gffa · 9 months
THE HIGH REPUBLIC CHECKLIST: If you want to consume these in order, I really like Youtini's High Republic Reading Order list for being extremely comprehensive and solidly updated for Phase III+ or the more middle-ground comprehensive High Republic guide from starwars.com or Wookieepedia generally does a good job putting things in individual release order. This post is just a checklist of what's available and not quite a reflection of read order. (Which I generally suggest following release order, not chronological order, given that you're often meant to know/not know certain things.) Possibly missing a short story here or there, but assume the novels are in read order for each given phase and that it's a useful list for remembering what you have/haven't read yet!
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi
The High Republic: A Test of Courage
The High Republic: Into the Dark
The High Republic: The Rising Storm
The High Republic: Race To Crashpoint Tower
The High Republic: Out Of The Shadows
The High Republic: Mission to Disaster
The High Republic: The Fallen Star
The High Republic: Midnight Horizon
The High Republic: Path of Deceit
The High Republic: Convergence
The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City
The High Republic: Cataclysm
The High Republic: Quest for Planet X
The High Republic: Path of Vengeance
The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness
The High Republic: Escape From Valo [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Defy The Storm [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Temptation of the Force [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Beware the Nameless [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Tears of the Nameless [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Trials of the Jedi [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: A Valiant Vow [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Into the Light [UPCOMING]
The High Republic (2021) - 15 issues
The High Republic Adventures (2021) - 13 issues
The High Republic: The Monster of Temple Peak - 4 issues
The High Republic: The Edge Of Balance - 2 manga volumes
The High Republic: Trail of Shadows - 5 issues
The High Republic: Eye of the Storm - 2 issues
The High Republic: The Blade - 4 issues
The High Republic (2022) - 10 issues
The High Republic Adventures (2021) - 8 issues
The High Republic: Edge of Balance: Precedent - 1 manga volume
The High Republic Adventures: The Nameless Terror - 4 issues
The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight - 4 issues
The High Republic (2023) - 2 issues [ONGOING]
The High Republic (2022) - 1 issue [ONGOING]
The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire 4 issues [UPCOMING]
The High Republic: Tempest Runner
The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha
Star Wars Adventures (2020) #6 - "The Gaze Electric"
The High Republic Adventures: Free Comic Book Day 2021
The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021
The High Republic Adventures: Galactic Bake-Off Spectacular
Star Wars Adventures (2020) #14 - "A Very Nihil Interlude"
The High Republic Adventures: Free Comic Book Day 2023
The High Republic Adventures: Quest of the Jedi
The High Republic Adventures: Crash Landing [UPCOMING]
Star Wars: The High Republic: Starlight - Anthology of Insider short stories. [Includes "Go Together", "First Duty", "Hidden Danger", "Past Mistakes", and "Shadows Remain"]
Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Tales of Enlightenment - Anthology of Insider short stories. [Includes "New Prospects", "A Different Perspective", "The Unusual Suspect", "No Such Thing as a Bad Customer", "Last Orders", "Missing Pieces", and author interviews.]
The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life [Includes "The Queen's Bloom", "A Closed Fist Has No Claws", "Shield of the Jedi", "The Lonely Traveler is Home", "After the Fall", "The Force Provides", "All Jedi Walk Their Own Path", "Light in the Darkness", "The Call of Coruscant", and "Rogue Element"]
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mylordshesacactus · 3 months
The Barrissoka Fusion You Never Knew You Wanted
So in celebration of FINALLY rounding out the originally-planned slate of barrissoka Disney AU/fusion challenge fics, I thought I'd put together a masterlist for those of you who are new, returning, or just never got around to them when they were first posted!
By sheer good luck, there are an even split of AU types--three fusions (ie, Star Wars characters adapted to a non-GFFA setting), and three alternate timelines (where the core setting is the same, but events developed differently--in this case, in a way analogous to the core plot of the movie the challenge was based on.).
Through The Darkness And The Shadows
Setting: Fantasy-Medieval AU: Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young princess lived in a shining castle…
It'll Sound Like A Promise
Setting: Fantasy-Medieval (Scotland Redux) AU: Brave
A clan leader’s heir had to strive for perfection. That was why Ahsoka was currently hiding in a tree.
Look To The Sky With Hope
Setting: Pirates/Fantasy Age of Sail AU: Pirates of the Caribbean (62k, 5 chapters)
Anakin Skywalker. Every sailor knows that name. Captain of the ghost ship Twilight, ferryman of the dead. Some say he preys on merchantmen, out of vengeance for the loss of his ship and crew; others that he and the charred black phantom are an honest sailor's friend, a protector in the dark and the mist. According to Ahsoka, the truth is both and neither. But the Twilight is...well, it's not real. Barriss Offee may be new to this whole pirate thing, but she knows that. It's a legend, a story, a sailor's superstition; like mermaids and Fridays and the Kraken. The ship of the dead and its captain, they're just a myth. Aren't they?
Alternate Universes
Going My Way?
AU: Aristocats Podfic: By Writers_Block, available here.
Shipwrecked and stranded on a remote agricultural planet, Barriss Offee doesn't dare reveal her identity as a Jedi for fear of drawing unwanted attention that might endanger the younglings in her care. Enter the charming, compassionate young spacer Ashla, who drops everything to take the group under her protection and asks nothing in return, as Barriss grows more and more unhappy with the necessity of lying to a young woman who's been nothing but honest with them. Meanwhile, Ahsoka Tano and her master are on an undercover mission. She really wishes she could tell the scared young mother she's taken in that she's a Jedi, but, well. The mission has to come first.
Back To The Wind
AU: Cars. (I cannot emphasize enough that this is an AU and not a fusion. They are not cars. They are people. For the love of god. It's just a plot adaptation. Please stop asking me if they're supposed to be cars.)
A hyperdrive malfunction strands Ahsoka in a nearly-abandoned trading settlement in the Outer Rim. That's not the problem. While she works off her community service sentence, she ends up in the unofficial custody of a weirdly hostile Mirialan who won't stop giving her these long, searching looks and talking about the failures of the Jedi Order like she knows something Ahsoka doesn't. That's not the problem either. The problem is...Ahsoka's starting to wonder if she really wants to go back.
When These Moments Have Passed
AU: The Fox and the Hound
Jedi Master Plo Koon was sent to Shili to retrieve a Force-sensitive youngling...and arrived just a few hours too late. Years later, a Jedi padawan and an indentured bounty hunter find themselves in the same spaceport. They shouldn't be friends, not really, but...they're more alike than they are different, straining under the weight of roles they can't escape. That bond is stronger than the galaxy's expectations. Until it isn't.
While these are NOT part of the very specific "I can turn any classic Disney movie into a barrissoka AU, fucking try me" original challenge that spawned all this, they're some very nice AUs and if you're into AUs in general, you'll probably appreciate:
Iced Offee, Caramel Twist
AU: Coffeeshop AU
(What? Someone had to write it.)
Mirror, Mirror
AU: Sith AU
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edenmemes · 1 year
asoiaf: sword of storms starters
❝ why would the stars want to look down on one such as me? ❞ ❝ sometimes i think everyone is just pretending to be brave, and none of us really are. maybe pretending is how you get brave. ❞ ❝ come, curse me or kiss me or call me a liar. something. ❞ ❝ some battles are not won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens. ❞ ❝ old stories are like old friends. you have to visit them from time to time. ❞ ❝ still, night falls for all of us in the end, and too soon for some. ❞ ❝ and i tell you truly, there is no man in all the world who will ever be half so true to you as me. ❞ ❝ there are fights no swords can win. ❞ ❝ nothing will happen to you. nothing. i could not stand it. ❞ ❝ in such troubled times, it is hard to know friend from foe. ❞ ❝ you hide behind courtesy as if it were a castle wall. ❞ ❝ why do i enrage you so? i’ve never done you harm that i know of. ❞ ❝ it seems to me that a ruler who trusts no one is as foolish as a ruler who trusts everyone. ❞ ❝ love’s not always wise, i’ve learned. it can lead us to great folly, but we follow our hearts...wherever they take us. ❞ ❝ only lies offend me, never honest counsel. ❞ ❝ it was never my wish to sow enmity between us. ❞ ❝ best you were taken to your bed for a long resting, until you are stronger. ❞ ❝ even brave men blind themselves sometimes, when they are afraid to see. ❞ ❝ no harm will come to you, you have my word on that. ❞ ❝ the worst is behind us. don’t be frightened. ❞ ❝ silence. have you forgotten who i am? ❞ ❝ there is something we must speak of. will you walk with me? ❞ ❝ you shall rise again, i am sure. a man like you. ❞ ❝ i am not a cruel man. you know me. ❞ ❝ the world grows a little darker every day. ❞ ❝ i have need of good counsel, and you never gave me less. ❞ ❝ you are a treacherous old rogue, but a good friend all the same. ❞ ❝ madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. ❞ ❝ if you love me all so much, why are you still dressed? ❞ ❝ you’re mine. mine, as i’m yours. ❞ ❝ wars need not be fought until the last drop of blood. ❞ ❝ one voice may speak you false, but in many there is always truth to be found. ❞ ❝ when it comes to battle, discipline beats valour every time. ❞ ❝ sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing. ❞ ❝ it is too late for ifs, and too late for rescues. all that remains is vengeance. ❞ ❝ only blood can pay for blood. ❞ ❝ why do you hesitate? kill him, and be done. ❞ ❝ i will fall into those eyes and drown. ❞ ❝ harsh justice is still justice. ❞ ❝ i am cleverer than most, surely wits count for something. ❞ ❝ there’s a storm coming. a bad one. ❞ ❝ men will read all sorts of things into a knowing smile if you let them. ❞ ❝ the greatest fools are ofttimes more clever than the men who laugh at them. ❞ ❝ all these kings would do a deal better if they would put down their swords and listen to their mothers. ❞ ❝ you were made to be kissed, often and well. ❞ ❝ i walk alone with no true companion but tears. ❞ ❝ there is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs. ❞ ❝ there are fights no swords can win. ❞ ❝ here you are my guest, and safe from harm at my hands...this night, at least. ❞ ❝ i love the smell of you. i love your hair. i love your mouth, and the way you kiss me. ❞ ❝ i am alive, and drunk on sunlight. ❞ ❝ we look up at the same stars and see such different things. ❞ ❝ let them kill me. so long as i die fighting, a blade in hand. ❞ ❝ they are still behind us. they are taking us one by one. ❞ ❝ cry if you must. in your place, i would likely rip my hair out. ❞ ❝ would you wake me, please? i’m having this terrible nightmare. ❞ ❝ i know what it is like to love so greatly you can think of nothing else. ❞ ❝ if truth be told, i’m bored with your company. ❞ ❝ i am tired of fighting you. what say we make a truce? ❞ ❝ no man grows rich by kindness. ❞ ❝ it is well you did not lie to me. i would have known. ❞ ❝ the blood of my enemies i will shed gladly. the blood of innocents is another matter. ❞ ❝ i do not know who you are, and it may be that’s for the best. someone important, i fear. ❞ ❝ is every word you say a lie? ❞ ❝ why should i tell you my name? you haven’t told me yours. ❞ ❝ you are weak as a child, and no warrior. ❞ ❝ if i look back i am lost. ❞ ❝ if you lie to me, i will have your tongue. ❞ ❝ you’ve grown more amusing since last we met. ❞ ❝ i wonder if i might have a few private words? ❞ ❝ i dreamed a dream, no more. go back to sleep. ❞ ❝ this is a bad place, is it not? a dark place, and foul. ❞ ❝ i did not intend to give offence. forgive me. ❞ ❝ you have never feared to speak the truth, why do you lie to yourself? ❞ ❝ the music’s still playing. might i have this dance? ❞ ❝ your eyes give the lie to your tongue. ❞ ❝ let me go now. for our friendship, wish me luck and let me go ❞ ❝ a wise man never makes an enemy of a king. ❞ ❝ this must be our last time together. the danger is too great. ❞ ❝ some day try thinking before you speak. ❞ ❝ i have a dragon’s temper, that’s all. you must not let it frighten you. ❞ ❝ you must not be saying such things, even in jest. ❞ ❝ what we want is not always what we get. ❞ ❝ put up that sword now, unless you want to be hurt. ❞ ❝ sometimes a man knows more than he says. ❞ ❝ when i don’t fancy a man’s eyes, i put an arrow through one. ❞ ❝ my heart is full of doubts. ❞ ❝ in times like this, we must make do as best we can. ❞ ❝ i never dreamed how quick the sweet would turn to sour. ❞ ❝ my skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel. ❞ ❝ the stink of death is fresh on you. ❞ ❝ you have repaid betrayal with betrayal, let it end. ❞ ❝ the higher the man climbs the farther he has to fall. ❞ ❝ i was hoping one look at this sweet face of mine would be enough to persuade you all of my innocence. ❞ ❝ after all the storms we’ve suffered, you should trust me better. ❞ ❝ you can kill your enemies, but can you rule your friends? ❞ ❝ could there be honor in a lie, if it were told for a good purpose? ❞ ❝ i am the monster they all say i am. ❞ ❝ pray excuse me, i need to hit someone very hard with a sword. ❞ ❝ you did your best to kill me. perhaps i ought to return the favor. ❞ ❝ you do, don’t you? you take me for a fool. ❞ ❝ we’re all just songs in the end, if we’re lucky. ❞ ❝ there is a long league’s worth of difference between wilful and stupid. ❞ ❝ you...a man like you brings blood with him. ❞ ❝ when did i make so many enemies? ❞ ❝ i must be strong. if i despair, my grief will consume me. ❞ ❝ give me sweet lies, and keep your bitter truths. ❞ ❝ i know what it is to be betrayed by men you trusted. ❞ ❝ all my victories turn to dross in my hands. ❞ ❝ it is a pleasure to look on you again, even in such trying times. ❞ ❝ are you scared? have you lost your belly for fighting? ❞ ❝ you were so long, i feared something had gone amiss. ❞ ❝ any man who must say ‘i am king’ is no true king at all. ❞ ❝ always keep your foes confused. if they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next. ❞ ❝ small men curse what they cannot understand. ❞ ❝ if you’re lying to me again, you won’t be leaving here alive. ❞ ❝ it all goes back and back to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. we are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us. ❞ ❝ when you know what a man wants you know who he is, and how to move him. ❞ ❝ a pure world. i do not belong here. ❞ ❝ you make me sorry that i am not the monster you would have me be. ❞ ❝ i crossed a thousand leagues to come to you, and lost the best part of me along the way. don't tell me to leave. ❞ ❝ my big mouth will be the death of me, i swear it. ❞ ❝ we have suffered much, and there is more peril and more grief ahead. ❞ ❝ i...i suppose i earned that. ❞ ❝ begging for help never gets you any. ❞ ❝ you’re not made to lie. you blush and squeak and stammer. ❞ ❝ one day you must tell me all. the good and the bad. ❞ ❝ and there is stands, miserable as it is. my ancestral home. ❞ ❝ whatever i do, all i make is death and horror. ❞ ❝ it is safer to walk in darkness here. there are things you would not wish to see. ❞ ❝ you have a certain cunning, but the plain truth is you talk too much. ❞ ❝ that might have hurt me once, when i still felt pain. ❞ ❝ we will fight a battle, and then we will rest. alive or dead, we'll rest. ❞ ❝ every man must die. but first he must live. ❞ ❝ all night i have been making songs for you in my head. ❞ ❝ my blood, my body, my songs, you own them all. ❞ ❝ if you lie i’ll punch your face. ❞ ❝ what a fight that was, and what a foe. ❞ ❝ be quiet. i will tell you when you can speak. ❞ ❝ forgive me. you have to forgive me. ❞ ❝ never lie to me. never betray me. ❞ ❝ there are two sorts of people. the players and the pieces. ❞ ❝ the only thing i value less than my life right now is yours. ❞ ❝ perhaps i should leave you here to rot if you’re going to be so discourteous. ❞ ❝ i hadn’t forgotten, though i hoped you had. ❞ ❝ i can still bite and kick. i’ll die with the taste of blood in my mouth, that’s something. ❞ ❝ you bray like an ass, and make no more sense. ❞ ❝ you do not belong here. this is not your place. ❞ ❝ i’m not going back to sleep. my head is all a tumult. ❞ ❝ some doors are best left closed. ❞ ❝ it does not matter how brave or brilliant a man is, if his commands cannot be heard. ❞ ❝ a man who fears battle wins no victories. ❞ ❝ you’re not half bad with a sword, but you’re not good enough to take on two hundred men by yourself. ❞ ❝ that is a good color on you. it goes well with your eyes. ❞ ❝ if blood is what you wish, then let it flow. ❞ ❝ i liked you well enough...but i never trusted you. a man needs to earn my trust. ❞ ❝ it is good to see you know who i am. ❞ ❝ i have told you no lies. yet there have been truths i have withheld. ❞ ❝ pardon me if i do not weep for you. ❞ ❝ you’ll find nothing here but death. ❞ ❝ don’t...don’t talk like this. you’re scaring me. ❞ ❝ you must be very brave or very stupid. ❞ ❝ i gave you the truth. you owe me the same. ❞ ❝ that loose tongue of yours will be your undoing. ❞ ❝ i must have fire in my eyes when i face them, not tears. ❞ ❝ it will take more than an arrow to kill you. ❞ ❝ the sound’s inside, it’s in here with us, and it’s getting louder. ❞ ❝ see? we know each other too well. ❞ ❝ you meddle in matters you do not understand. ❞ ❝ i have no luck. i have never had any bloody luck. ❞ ❝ do all gods feel so lonely? ❞ ❝ you are strangely quiet. how do you feel, i wonder? ❞ ❝ stop trying to think up ways to kill me. none of it will do you any bit of good. ❞ ❝ all you need to do is take my hand, come on. ❞ ❝ we’re together, just as you’ve always wanted, just as we’ve always planned. ❞ ❝ wars are won with quills and ravens. ❞ ❝ if only i had my sword, nothing could harm me. ❞ ❝ a valiant deed unsung is no less valiant. ❞ ❝ there are wolves in these woods, and worse things. ❞ ❝ say nothing of what we’ve discussed here today. to anyone. ❞ ❝ you’d best go. you’re making me angry. ❞ ❝ fear cuts deeper than swords. ❞ ❝ an ill-omened name. i have asked you not to use it. ❞ ❝ you cannot hide from me. come closer, now. ❞ ❝ there’s no cause for all these tears. ❞ ❝ it is good that you have woken, but you must give yourself time to heal. ❞ ❝ there is no honor in hiding and sneaking. ❞ ❝ come with me. we have to get away from here, and now. ❞ ❝ kings are falling like leaves this autumn. ❞ ❝ you don’t know half as much as you think you do. ❞ ❝ you seem so sombre. is aught amiss? ❞
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amuseoffyre · 11 months
Since insomnia is kicking my arse of late, I naturally tilted into the thoughts about the nature of the 3-act structure and why S2 of OFMD may have felt off and incomplete to a lot of people.
I am fully in agreement that we lost a lot of valuable time with only 8 episodes and a lot of it did feel rushed, but for the amount of story and set-up and growth and development they needed to fit into 4 hours of television, they did astonishing things.
DJenks has said from the very start that this is a story that has been planned out to take 3 seasons. It's literally a 3-act play and we are currently right in the middle of the worst part of that timeline according to every traditional 3-act structure.
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Act one/season one is self-explanatory. Like New Hope in the Star Wars Trilogy or Fellowship of the Ring, this is the set-up. We're introduced to our protagonists and antagonists, the relationships are given a foundation.
The beginning is Stede's journey to becoming a real boy. The inciting incident, the one that actually pushes his change beyond "playing pirates" is meeting Ed. The second thoughts come together in episode 8/9 after his confrontations with Jack and Chauncey and episode 10 is the climax.
Act 2/season 2 is never going to be as smooth and simple as act 1/s1. A big part of the A2/S2 job is set up for A3/S3 and this is what we're seeing and why a lot of story threads seem to have been left dangling.
Again, to call back to Empire Strikes Back and The Two Towers, the structure is much the same: the original batch of people are divided and scattered, the big enemy from A1/S1 is looming, new allies make themselves known. In SW, this meant the introduction of Lando and Yoda as allies plus the hint of the Emperor lurking in the background. In LotR, we have the Rohirrim, Gondor and the Ents as allies and the expansion of Sauron's forces in Helm's Deep, Osgiliath and the winged wraiths.
There's a clear trajectory following the A2/S2 structure:
obstacle 1 - the crews separated and struggling
obstacle 2 - the end of episode 2 and the repercussions of his actions
twist - just when things start to settle, the Ned Low situation happen and Stede kills for the first time
obstacle 3 - Ed's struggle with his identity leading to him leaving
disaster - Ricky's assault on the Republic
crisis - do-or-die battle because they have no other choice
climax - the last 15 minutes of ep. 8 live here.
As with SW and LotR, there's an ending, but weighted with the knowledge of a story that is meant to continue. Each of those act 2 films end with the heroes still aware of the looming threat, some of them heading out on new missions, and some of them resting and healing. There's brief pause, brief respite, a moment to take a breath.
We have all the characters in place now and the battle-lines have been drawn. Luke still needs to confront Vader (I see you, impending Ed and Hornigold confrontation), Frodo still needs to destroy the ring, Aragorn still needs to lead the army against the Black Gate, the second Death Star is still hanging in the sky.
I'm so excited to see what S3 brings because we have so many arcs ready to go: Zheng's vengeance trip, the inevitable enforced out-of-retirement arc for Ed and Stede, Hornigold, Ricky trying to maintain his tenuous control of the republic given how many of his people were killed when the crew escaped, the pirate rebellion gathering forces.
Also how often do we get shows/films where the supporting cast are given this much storyline? We have a named/speaking-role cast of upwards of 15 central characters. That is a staggering amount of people to work with, when most shows would only focus on the leads and a couple of their friends. Six is the average for most TV shows, while comedies can inch higher because ensembles, but most ensembles don't get as much as our crew did.
I know a lot of people aren't happy about Izzy's death. I know I would have liked to see him a lot more, because he's such a grumpy old bitch and I love him and him affectionately roasting Ed and Stede would have made my entire month. But I'm also aware that narratively, as a figurehead of the old ways of piracy and "we were Blackbeard", it was a symbolic death as well - a sign of the death of the old ways of piracy and of Blackbeard as was.
(Also, they Obi-Wanned him. I'm not over that. Gave him the "if you strike me down I will become more powerful" speech. I'm just... guys, your star wars nerdery is showing XD)
So while it was flawed in places and pacing, given the scale of the story they're telling, the number of pieces and characters they had in play, and the arcs they have been setting up while also still keeping the humour, I am giving a standing ovation for a remarkable piece of work.
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intxrritus · 1 year
Vengeance: A Star Wars Story
"I’m an acolyte of the violence My own bloodthirsty enemy With my taste for self-imposed ruin Comes this painful, Pyrrhic victory"
Revanchist. Catastrophist. Vengeance. The names I claim are evocative of my truest nature. The Dark has called to me since I was a child, my only solace being from within the Void. My adversaries cower under my power, always on the losing end of dark will.
I was solely raised by the Lieutenant General with the New Republic’s Defense Fleet. Through his influence, my Force sensitivity was repressed until I became the soldier I was destined to be. But the Dark was always present. The voices from the Void cloud my mind with promises of salvation and a power unknown to this world for centuries.
The Dark is unrelenting in its desperation for a martyr, and I fear I'm helpless to its call.
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This story is my life and passion: it's a tumultuous romance story between a female Dark side Force-sensitive user and Ben Solo/Kylo Ren that's the backdrop to a tale of loss and war, of fate and defying odds. The story touches on themes of graphic violence, has sexual content mentioned, and grief. Notable characters like Darth Revan and Darth Momin make their appearance as the characters loosely follow canon story and timelines.
The first seven chapters have already been posted on my AO3, but I will be cross-posting here! I'd love to hear feedback, if any - otherwise, keep an eye out for the prologue to be posted on here!
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burst-of-iridescent · 10 months
now that i've finished my re-read of the hunger games books, it’s even more baffling to me than before that people compare everlark to kat.aang when they are so incredibly similar to zutara.
a fundamental aspect of everlark’s characterization is that they are star-crossed lovers. and while it's true that that is a gimmick the capitol forces on them, it’s also a reflection of the reality that peeta and katniss were never supposed to fall in love, let alone make it last.
from the very beginning, the odds are stacked against katniss and peeta. their class division keeps them apart in district 12, and in the games you're naturally not expected to do anything but kill your fellow tributes. what peeta does in loudly declaring his love and respect for katniss from the beginning is revolutionary because it goes against everything he's been told his entire life. saying he's in love with her and valuing his life over hers is absolutely radical in a situation that forces you to prioritize yourself and dehumanize your fellow human beings. and this framing of love as resistance is something that repeats itself in zutara's arc, in the catacombs where zuko and katara reach out to one another against everything that tells them to do otherwise, and again in the final agni kai when zuko gives up everything for a girl he had been told was nothing.
they’re love stories because they stem, first and foremost, from love for your fellow human beings — especially in the places where it shouldn’t exist. love for a starving child from a lower class whom you’re supposed to kill. love for a weeping enemy who represents everything you were told to despise. both zutara and everlark are about the importance of unity amidst division, about coming together when the entire world is trying to force you apart. about looking at the person you're supposed to hate and saying no, i refuse, and reaching out in love, in compassion, in empathy instead because you understand that they're not as different from you as you were taught to believe.
and this carries on to the other theme that both ships represent: the need to break the cycle of violence.
one of the main themes that underlies each of these characters’ narratives is how easily (and even justifiably) they could’ve perpetuated the harm that was done to them. peeta, katniss, zuko and katara have all suffered without cause, and it would have been understandable if any of them had let that suffering twist them into vengeance and inflicted it back upon others. it would have been encouraged even, in the societies they live in, for them to unleash their rage upon those seen as deserving of it. to become like zhao or hama or gale or president coin. but what defines each of these characters is that instead of allowing their suffering to overcome them, they choose to help — not harm — others, even the people they would have every reason to hate. that’s why katniss and peeta refuse the chance to hold another hunger games with the capitol’s children, why zuko helps an earth kingdom town, why katara risks the invasion itself to free a fire nation village from tyranny. all of them have been victims of unjust violence and oppression, sometimes even at the hands of other victims, and that’s exactly why they refuse to stand by or be complicit as others suffer the way they did. both everlark and zutara are about looking at the darkest version of yourself, the person you might have been, and refusing to go down that road. to understand that you are more than what your circumstances make you into. to choose kindness over hatred, peace over war.
at their core, both ships exemplify the themes of love and unity and holding onto your humanity against impossible odds. but more importantly, they exemplify hope. the dandelion in the spring. the fire that means rebirth instead of destruction.
choosing to do better, be better, make something better, together.
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amourlyns · 7 months
❛ HEY VENGEANCE. ❜ ➜ ⁽ masterlist ⁾
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✧ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: in which john price and simon riley discuss the past, present and future over a late night smoke.
✧ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: mentions of war, death, body horror, mental illness, child death.
✧ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔: inspired by this post. enjoy some angsty, but soft john and si. added my own personal touches, so i like to think john went through something similar and that’s why he’s so greatly effected. + he has 2 kids, mac n rosie with his ex—wife clara. dedicated to @whittywhitty and @mawvax ‘s comic.
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⟡ ⠀ | Words are never exchanged during these kinds of nights. Instead, smoke fills the space where words would lay.
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There’s a bitter chill in the air that settles into John’s bones. Making a home in his marrow. Tonight, he’s accompanied by Ghost. Of course, Simon Riley would always be more than a phantom. John actively told him that— yet.
Yet it doesn’t click.
Because phantoms do not desire eulogies from their Captain, and phantoms do not seek absolution. They simply be. Somehow, Simon Riley does this all at once. Despite the façade, he’s still a man. A man who feels, a man of flesh and blood. There’s a twinge of guilt that spikes through John’s veins, he already knows that it’s too late to speak on such matters— too late for apologies on events he could not stop.
But he speaks anyways.
Some part of John really believes that Simon, not (Ghost) could read him like a book. Or at least try to. Before John can utter an apology, Simon’s gaze already settles on his superior. He’s expecting something, either words or actions. John realizes this, and speaks at once.
❛❛ I’M SORRY.. ❜❜
John shifts his weight, leaning into one leg. Simon glances towards John for a total of three grand seconds. He notices these three things. One, John Price’s brows furrow inwards when he’s contemplating something. Two, he gnaws on his beloved Clara Villa cigar when he’s stretched too far. Three, John Price loves too much.
It’s still profound to Riley, having someone apologize to him. Some nasty, ugly part of his mind tells him to be apathetic. To play dumb. John does not mean it, nor does Simon deserve such a thing. An apology, empathy, or some kind of grand understanding.
He cracks anyways.
❛❛ (…) WHAT FOR ? ❜❜
John is obviously at a loss, his cigar burns out. Ash settles on the tray, glinting in the moonlight. He lights another, gnaws, and smokes. Notes of leather and light maple stains John’s lungs. A bitter char wafts in the air. The stars seem to illuminate the hazy night.
They sit in silence for a few moments. John eventually starts up again, and Simon listens closely.
Price’s words echo into the endless night, accompanied by cicadas and their hymns, the chirp of crickets follow moments after. Then, there’s silence. Is it really silence? There’s so many unspoken words that burn like an uproarious flame between the pair.
So many apologies John could say, so many stories he could say and tell. John wants to tell Simon that no one should ever experience such a thing, and how he’s a good kid. John wants to tell Simon that it’s not his fault.
And if John could, he’d explain how the soil of your own grave never leaves the ridges of your fingertips. And how you can never scrub the grime off, no matter how hard you try. How silence is the most jarring thing to a man, yet, the most peaceful. How being a living, walking, deadman changes you.
To be a living, breathing body. Rotting away like a real corpse. John thinks, and he wonders. What kind of man has the stomach to rip a jaw, and dig his way out?
Simon has his own thoughts. He ponders on his next words, and what to say to get his Captain out of this whump. It’s uncharacteristic, to see a man of John’s status and stature oh, so defeated. His shoulders are slumped, eyes are set on the view below. Obscured by the dark night, but undoubtedly somber and solemn.
Simon knows that Price’s life revolves around humans. He knows the Captain has seen terrors no man should lay his eyes upon. Simon has heard the stories and he’s seen John’s scars. Small glimpses into the window of his life. Simon knows John is lucky enough to have a family, two kids. Mac and Rosie. A loving, supportive woman in his life— his ex—wife Clara.
And yet, despite this. Simon could sense that John Price could never be a gentle man, because he never had a gentle man in his life. He only knows how to chew on marrow and sink his canines into everything and everyone.
Simon only knew this because they were two of a kind. They aren’t unfamiliar with the sight of blood spilling from orifices of a cadaver, decomposing and becoming one with the earth. Or, the gore of a body festering in puss. The corroding of flesh, and necrosis of the limbs due to an untreated infection on the field. Simon and Price have laid their eyes on parts that are meant to be hidden away by flesh and muscles.
These parts, the innermost parts, are always shocking when displayed in such raw, open spaces, like the battlefields and deserts, where bodies are picked apart by vultures and crows, but Price and Simon no longer flinches at twisted body parts and decaying flesh. They have seen far too much of it to be upset by it anymore.
But, Simon does not know how the rawness of all it washes over John, despite the disfigurement of each of these bodies (was) a living, breathing, person. Whether or not they were civilians, enemies or enemies.
John’s sense of mortality is never numbed, or dismissed. Instead, he weighs on it much, much, more. Death within his field of work is something he knows will happen. There’s no point of price diminishing these feelings.
John Price has children, he has a family. He’s ready for his own death, but are they?
Of course he’s no saint, he knows this and refuses to be called such. He has the blood of mothers, fathers, and children in his hands. He suffers each day for it. Flashing visions of gaunt faces and vacant eyes staring back at him each night. Spindly fingers that wrap around him in the night.
John is a man of war. A man who chooses the lesser evil.
The sensation of Simon’s arm on his shoulder brings him back to earth, a sense of reassurance. A silent apology.
Simon faces John now. Stubbing out his cigarette, to grace John with a timid smile. John blinks once, then twice, then thrice. A smile, a smile from Simon Riley. John could cry, really. Granted, his eyes are already watering up from Simon’s speech. He fights the urge to laugh at that horrible pun. Maintaining a brave face for Simon.
John chokes out, the feeling of Simon’s hand on his shoulder remains. He’s rooted now, feeling as bit lighter than before.
❛❛ AH, NOT MY BEST. ❜❜
Simon chortles, a retort dies on his tongue. For once, Simon feels lighter too. He’s ran out of smokes now. The only thing they could do was watch the sun rise back up in the horizon for tonight. And exchange a few stories, or accept the silence.
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arialerendeair · 4 months
Dreamling Fic Masterpost
Dreamling Masterpost
Decided it was high-time that I made a Masterpost of my Dreamling content because I have much of it! So here it is! If a fic is a part of a series, I'll link the series. All fics are complete unless listed in progress!
Bingo Masterpost | Ao3 Collection
An Immortal, an Endless, a Human-Turned-Dream-Eager Walk Into A Bar (and find a Missing Ray of Sunshine) |  15k
Those Who Kink Together, Stay Together | 4k
My Heart’s Protector | 5k
Make It Count | 120k
Well Matched | 31k
Dreaming of Warmth | 1.1k
Weathering A Storm | 11k
Synthetic Dreams | 7k
The Heart of an Endless | 4k
Half Your Age Plus Seven… Billion? | 10.7k
My Stranger | 6k
Iustitia | 9k
The War for The Dreaming | 32k
A Husband, A Consort, A Nightmare | 9k
Common Dating Misconceptions | 6k
A Bastion of Warmth | 7k
Ye Olde YouTube Love Story | 7k
The Not-So-Accidental Baby Acquisition | 5k
A Worthy Proposal | 7k
Hope of the Endless is Created, Taught, and Courted (Mostly In That Order) | 23k
Drifting with Dream | 12k
Dragon Wars | 39k
Summer Rain | 5k
Shifting Gears | 5k
The Barghest Nightmare | 19k
Hopefully Verse
Hopes & Dreams | 35k
Hoping Dinner Goes Well | 9.5
A Symbol of Hope | 3k
Hope Holds the Gates | 5.5k
Shattered Hopes and Rebuilt Dreams | 6k
Hope Destroys to Build Again | 4k
A New and Hopeful Future | 5k
The Art of Weapon-Related Seduction (As Observed by Hob Gadling & Dream of the Endless) Verse
The Art of Seduction Via Longbow | 12k
The Continuing Art of Seduction Via Weapons Demonstrations (And Leather Pants) | 11.5k
The Art of Nerdery (and Seduction) Via Lightsabers | 4k
Checkmate Verse
Discover Check, and Incidentally Mate | 6k
The Grandmaster Title (And Reward) | 13k
Dreamling Week 2023
A-Courting to You | 1.1k
Dragon Bonded | 5k
Anything | 3k
Pretending! Unless... | 4k
Jealousy Does Not Become Him | 4k
Or | 2.5k
All in a Day's Kidnapping | 6k
Standalone Dreamling Fics
Alexander is Endlessly Surprising | 30k
Vengeance Burns | 4k
The King Consort Goes to War | 8k
Nightmaric Catharsis | 15k
The Price | 22k
Begin, Muse, when the two now break and clash, Dream of the Endless and Lucifer Morningstar | 9k
The Decline in the Art of Kidnapping | 4k
Necessary Friction | 5k
Torment | 8k
Daydream in Love | 5k
In the Rain | 2k
Broken Pots Still Hold Water | 9k
A Dream of Rescue | 51k
Five Times the Dreaming Needed Dream - and One Time They Needed Each Other | 8k
Rescuing Hope of the Endless | 9k
On Fierce and Wild Wings | 33k
Hob Gadling, King Consort (And Friends) | 12.3k
Into the Unknown, Together | 4k
Learning to Say Goodbye | 1k
Struggle | 1.1k
The Storyteller | 2k
Lustful Daydreams | 3k
Songs and Sagas of a Fate Determined | 4k
Becoming Hope of the Endless | 6k | IN PROGRESS
While You Were Sleeping | 4k
Braided Longing | 13k
A Dream Model | 30k
A Dream of Dragons | 32k
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? (AKA The Sonnet-Off) | 7.5k
Dreams Make Living Worthwhile | 63k
Broken Glass | 12k
Dethroned | 24k
A Family Stands Tall | 10k
A Blundered Beginning | 12k
What's a Bit of Death Between Friends | 9k
Call of the Wild | 28k
Rewrite the Stars | 60k
Old Town Road (AKA The "Hob is a Horse Girl" Fic) | 12k | IN PROGRESS
Well, That's Curious | 39k
Colour Forecasting (Co-authored with @blueberrymffn) 289k out of 625k posted)
Will be updated as I post more fic!
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bossladytae · 6 months
Looking for Gintama gen fic?
Writers are often their own PR team, and the same goes for fanfic writers. I like writing gen fic, and so I thought I’d share a selection of Gintama gen fic written by yours truly. Click on each description for a link to the fic. Hope you find something you like!
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Mitsuba cuts her own hair and resolves to begin anew.
Itou reflects on the dawn while journeying to Edo.
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Hijikata grows obsessed with hunting down a criminal, who may or may not exist, and soon spirals deeper into darkness while haunted by his past.
Takasugi contemplates vengeance and other dark thoughts with a longtime companion.
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Tsukuyo and Tae exchange information, assist one another in battle, and enjoy tea and cake and each other’s company.
In the forest, long before the group of young men are ever known as the Shinsengumi, Shimaru teaches a pouting Sougo how to skip a rock on the water.
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In a timeline where almost everyone has perished in a great calamity, Kamui journeys through the world alone, trying to ignore the void within his soul while hunting down the enemies who killed his sister and father.
Moments in the life of Sasaki Tetsunosuke, as he finds his place in the Shinsengumi and at the side of Hijikata Toushirou.
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Hijikata is unsettled by what he perceives to be a false peace. Tae is exhausted from picking up the pieces again and again. One night, they share in a drink and contemplate war and the future. (Mostly gen, as I explore both of their characters within the Two-Year Timeskip.)
The Shinsengumi navigate the effects of rapid aging during the Ryugujo arc.
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Last, but certainly not least, Katsura stars in a series of misadventures: - publishing books and dealing with “mixed reviews" - orchestrating an elaborate plan to capture Matsudaira and Kondou (this story is told from the perspectives of 20 main Gintama characters) - getting stuck in a broom closet with Sacchan and Madao - tracking down a lost video game cartridge
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