#verdigris the peacock
floofgryph · 7 months
*All was peaceful for Ames, she was just in her bedroom playing with some of her life like plushies*
Outside of Ames' place is an angel with twenty gargantuan, yet glistening European bee-eater wings with peacock feathers sticking out. She has snow-white skin, purple apatite eyes, and black claws and talons. She has long, layered hair of coppery red with curtain bangs and slight curls. She dons a full suit of plate armour that appears to be made from gleaming, slightly battle-worn gold. It has a carmine lustre and she’s also wearing a half-skirt of verdigris with yellow-orange and amaranth purple geometric shapes.
She's carrying around a claymore made from red clay, clouds, and the primordial mist, and it has six eyes of purple agate in a vertical row. The blade is slightly curved and it seems to be covered in a translucent, honey-like substance. However, she seems to be in a tranquil and loving state of mind. She quietly admires the natural environment.
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caeliangel · 1 year
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IMAGE ID: 6 rectangular flag with 6 stripes. The first flag is a bi gay flag with stripes that are, in order: dark rasberry, pink, lilac, blue ivy, dark indigo. The second flag is a pan gay flag with stripes that are, in order: dark rasberry, pink, yellow, topaz, peacock blue, dark indigo. Third flag is an omni gay flag, with stripes that are, in order: pastel pink, darker pink, purple, verdigris, navy blue, dark indigo. Fourth flag is a poly gay flag, with stripes that are, in order: warm purple, bashful pink, pastel green, turquoise, navy, dark indigo. Fifth flag is an abro gay flag, with stripes that are, in order: redish pink, warm pink, light apricot, soft green, dark green, dark purple. The last flag is a mspec gay flag with stripes that are, in order: royal purple, pink, maize, green, dark blue. END OF ID.
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1. Bi gay 2. Pan gay 3. Omni gay
4. Poly gay 5. Abro gay 6. Mspec gay
EXPLANATIONS ✦ ╲╲ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶
My take on the mspec gays flag! Why? I don't know... pretty colours idk. I actually love when there are many choices of flags for one label! So here you go! I also got a request for a polysexusk gay flag, and thought to myself, why not make a bunch?
MEANINGS ✦ ╲╲ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶
There are no individual meanings, but collective stripes meanings.
Two first: multisexuality, fluidity. Third: being mspec gay. Fourth: attraction to genders different to your own. Two lasts: attraction to genders similar to your own. Being gay.
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triquizzies · 2 years
The One-Thousand-And-One Names of the Honey-Sweet were all aflutter, congregating in twos and threes under the tangled roots of the Woods, and gathering in great numbers around the verdigris-rotted skulls that littered the Gardens. Even the most errant of dreamers fled in the face of the whirling whispering horde, scrabbling up to the higher reaches of the House or otherwise crawling back into the dullness of the evening in order to escape the never-ending buzz of gossip. Listen! The humdingerous gloating of the Seventy-Fifth Name swarms around the yellow nausea of its sodium-bright shell all scritchscratch-like, begging to be reunited with the thick yolk-fat that spawned them. They speak thusly: asussurashiverousesisizzzzetheriverrun through reflectfracted Bird and Beasts of the harnt and her mother’s clutch’s crimson estained. The cause of all this worrying at old bones was the Peacock. Not since the selenous events of sevenfold centuries ago had such insolence been shown to everything that laird under the Glory. The æffulence of its entrance was unparalleled, and in no time at all it had begun to seep through the wyrmholes and wormholes and bloomed up through the bleached mass of the sea. The seas’re clawed with ice and spite / The antideludian lamprey's light / Are we so different, you and I? One dilly-dappled Name maintained that the intruder should be ignored. Ineffortably that it would wander into the Gardens and be dealt with. Another gull-mantled Name declared that it to be a mewt point, as this new Hour was clearly too mighty to be turned, and too much of a loon to be negoutiated with, and so a petral should be set up in order to ensnatch it. After three nights, agreement to anything was scarce to be found, and thus the Calxedony declared the meeting over, which everyone ignored. Instarr’d’s embezzlement dazzle’d them on’t’s blank slopes but she isn’t your beau rose. Tempt estat Rosa pristina and so the disremembered gnonsis of ubisequious nonces is lost in the storm and I survive antinomine: the embergreed’s all-confuming and inconstant noble.
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demigodsalvia · 2 years
Paint me as a dead soul
With a halo of black joy
Medusa in a mirror
Etched out in acid
The flesh, the image, the reflection
One who dwells in scarlet darkness
Like animals in palaces
Drawing blood
The flesh, the image, the reflection
Let's complete the illusion
Paint me as you see me
From memory or history
In a fever or a frenzy
Paint your lucid dreams and visions
In a chamber of nightmares
In a temple of locusts
So violent, vile and vivid
May the colours make you fearful
Blind and hypnotizing
In our subterranean heaven
Paint my cunt with dragonflies
My eyes as bright as diamonds
My heart open like an ulcer
Or a sacred crimson rose
Bathed in blood
Or drowning in my bed
With the fragrance from the flowers
In the gardens of the dead
Paint ghostly foxes, cats and camels
A red dog and a black dog
Paint a putrid sunset
In verdigris and violet
Ochre, amber, mauve
Four monks
Carrying a goat
Over the snows
To nowhere
And paint the shades
That come with evening
Peacock angels
Dream of leaving
Paint me as you see me
Paint me as I see me
Paint me as a dead soul
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alchemisland · 8 months
I – Old But Recent Craft
I make pollicitations to cunning bards past,
Place of old poets thy Parnassian pasts immortal
Your past-prime virtues now victuals to vexers who make you victims of gaunt learning or love-chagrinning solar sojourns.
In dissecting I seek to neither venerate nor eviscerate,
My lancet taps ichor and flowing essential claret extravasates into my peering vessel.
Thy outmoded phrase mould-grown with distant expiry
No narrative celerity, thesauring see-saw dramatics a periodical demands,
Every week three periods peering at readers from third-page’s bottom,
Thrills tamed by time and taste once titillating tedious in this time.
Thy foliate phrase, verbiage of verdigris lassos vellum psalters,
Thy posies a peony petal, all peacock and whorl and headdress whore,
Paean the paintaker, Olympians admit pain to him and that’s power,
Your prosody pain admits, therefore healing;
Thy hidden candour rebuffed at new millennium’s limen.
Though your age is gone your undimmed beauty hymns its genius;
Plain wonders have no want of sophisticated oration, your watchmaker exactitude.
Yet thy lofty compilation succours, common experience inalienable shouted across time;
Grasp solution from trials of antient persons,
Relay race of determined ancestors going to the edge of where they could;
Meeting the next; handing over the bundle; doggedly going on to the edge of where they could;
Chipped statue by whose feet I find tucked tools and a book of knowledge,
What next but to begin eking out its remainder.
Go now in peace.
Let nephew-taken arms be guided back to bedchambers.
Now, you have not even a ghost’s power to stir a naked flame,
I kiss your head, extinguish it for you then take your bundle,
Old things put to bed the poet’s pasture,
Portcullis rumbling closed; nyctinasty of shutting lids.
II – Abilities
Thy craft lend,
Blend fire and sight,
Twin utterance and song.
Elucidate right and wrong ways:
No nobled blood shall in pitying patronage let me a manse’s reign (though I would accept kindness); if ere my Rilken silks theretrod and heard the poem-rousing voice of One sublime,
What slithered forth would little pertain to angels or their kin;
Less of spheres, more of fears, of swarthy firesouled Djinn.
Poets old, lend fire to sight,
Born-drab wonders burgeoning blessings in birdfeather.
Helmetless pollard of hewn head foment fruitful trees.
Thy azure fontange sublimes, easy harmony highway of momentary animals graced by Peace.
You, most beautiful bard, goddess-regarding Minyan;
Three’s minion, golden means, many-death man of rhymes;
Welch Fusilier, cruiserweight bruiser, Claudian evocator.
Divine day isle of Deia, forth from Graves
Ridge of your grave peeking bird-nest head.
III. Pig Dreams
I wish I had been born a boar before scribes at history pawed,
Roamed landscapes untouched save for His indelible signature.
Sent between scents bounding boyish
No more to wonder what has meaning, lost amidst sensuous rapture.
Copse busy with never-stood-still, circled by timeless rings of never-moved.
No more to wonder but to wander;
Meaning forge no more, nor dreaming;
No more to lie abed dreading day’s dredging.
Escaping quietly as an anxious is elation. 
Crowd huddled in a pleasure dome which I am far outside
Rain hits rim and bounces off, their words against my pride. 
No more abed dreading day, hoping dawn’s netted dappling knells my demise.
Dare toward the dredgings of the day, for dusk will dive regardless 
Strive to be innocent of mortality, living immortally 
Though at birth they cut my stem and watched my slow death unfold 
I will make lofty plans which a sage’s duration could not fulfil,
Embracing deterioration of accomplishment
Teasing out music from wreckage, bent fender vespers
At roadside rent asunder wonders warped wonderfully.
What has definition finds further definition; finds distinction; sublimes.
IV – Bindweed Lilies Near The Hospital
Six summers gleeful still, plucking bindweed lilies from grille-gemmed hedges,
Flowers plucked quickly die but how stationed this demise,
Work of ages accomplished momentarily:
White petals sprout spreading brown veins
Until limp and lined its back-peeled diameters meet;
My birth and death and that between duration of wind-pushed flames. 
The music lasts just its moment but we rarely weep its close.
Each life the span of a universe’s most ambitious empire yet,
Exceeding forebears in extent, fanned-cards of possibly destinies.
Exhausted fate and errant miraculous presiding,
Placing bindweed lilies into the empty vase on the crying lady’s table,
Silks and satins and soft words.
Unbudged font of mercy,
What every woman and no man knows, that lilies are not children. 
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smoochesforghost · 5 years
I really like Katsumi the fox! Do you have a backstory for him?
ive got bits of it here n there,,
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katsumi previously worked as a hitman and would take out whoever was put on their hitlist - their last request being overseas, requested by the leader of the VVISP squad - verdigris v. 
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after being caught off-guard by having their sender appear at the scene, verdigris requested that, with katsumis agile and stealthy work, they take out sonic, deeming them capable of doing so
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on their way to sunset city, katsumi rescues meira, who had been under attack by badniks. as they introduce themselves to one another, katsumi learns of the war going on and of the resistance, to which meira was shocked that they hadnt known about it, let alone come to the warzone of their own accord. when asked why, katsumi says that a friend called them over. assuming that meant a call for help, meira asks katsumi to join the resistance, seeing as they were able to handle a group of badniks without the need of a weapon. katsumi accepts, figuring that they would be able to find sonic through them - cue present katsumi, who finds themself helping out the resistance and begins to forget about their target the longer they stay with them.
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Secret-Diary’s Colour Wheel... OF DOOOOOOM!
So, I started writing this for my own personal reference, but then it was funny, so now it’s a blog. There, that’s your origin story: now here’s me attempting to describe obscure colours in way that will make you see them in your head, when I could just show you a swatch and have done with it.
Incarnadine Dark, lustrous red- almost like blood. The deep kind I mean, not the fresh, red kind that happens when you cut yourself. If you cut yourself lightly and your blood is Incarnadine, you might want to seek medical attention.
Sarcoline Light, almost fleshy pink. Like a newborn homunculus, or Boris Johnson’s terrifyingly baby-like face during a press conference.
Gingerline Orangey-yellow, sometimes held to be darker than regular ginger, but also sometimes also thought to be lighter. The word is super flexible about the exact colour it refers to, but the hue reminds me of the Spice Melange before it goes all blue and an Atreides shoves it up their hooter.
Skobeloff Dark teal. A bit peacock-y. Yeah, it’s not super exciting or unique or hard to describe, but ‘skobeloff’ is a transcendently brilliant word.
Aureolin Golden yellow with maybe a teeny tiny snip of orange in the mix. It’s actually a really nice colour, but not quite as nice as…
Gamboge Browny, orangey, reddy, and yellowy all at once. If autumn could be summed up in one colour, it’d be this bad boy.
Coquelicot A really nice word for ‘poppy red’. Also it has the word ‘coq’ in it, so it’s funny.
Chartreuse Bright green with a dash of yellow. A really extra type of lime.
Celadon You know that ace Art Deco Green that teapots and lamps sometimes are? Yeah- this is the name for that.
Phlox A highly saturated violet that’s slightly more blue than red. Sounds like a deep-space phenomenon in a sci-fi show from the nineties, but it’s actually named after a flower.
Glaucous Icy blue, but slightly darker than what you initially pictured when I said ‘icy blue’. Think ‘deep permafrost’ rather than ‘ice cube’.
Cerulean Now think ‘ice cube’. Or think ‘bluebird with frostbite’.
Viridian Bluish-green; a bit dark; more green than blue. Very useful if you’ve already used ‘verdigris’, ‘emerald’ and ‘teal’ when describing an alien forest. Also comes in handy if you need to explain the colour of rusted copper to an idiot.
Verdigris A nice, rusty sort of green-blue. Very coppery. Even more so than Viridian. Fuck you, Viridian!
Jaundice Similar to gamboge, but a lot less fun.
Periwinkle Light, greyish purple. Purple for people who can’t fucking commit.
Heliotrope A nice, light purple. A bit lilacesque. Use it in a sentence to sound posh and impress the gullible.
Calamine Light, not-super-saturated pink. A bit of a ‘romance colour’, if you catch my drift.
Cerise A dark, broody magenta. A man’s man’s magenta. Magenta for people who would shoot actual magenta and mount it in their pool hall.
Tyrian Not to be confused with the dwarf of the same but differently-spelled name. A really dark mauve. Mauve for Goths.
Azure The blue you thought the sky would be in Italy before you went there and spent half the time dying of heat-stroke and the other half getting rained on because Italy’s weather is in a permanent state of emotional meltdown.
Persimmon You know those dark, orangey-red lines that pattern the surface of still-warm coals? That’s basically persimmon. Alternatively, it’s the colour that the sky went that time I had the flu and I thought the fucking world might be ending because nobody had told me it was just a random dust-storm from the African plains somehow reaching England.
Vermilion Darkish red, but a really nice darkish red. The kind of darkish red that you might want an armchair in a private library to be, or that a Lannister would wear when going on a date with a close blood-relation.
Obsidian Black, but not in a racist way.
Sable A more racy version of obsidian. Note I said ‘racy’, still not ‘racist’.
Onyx Can’t decide between black and grey? Onyx has got your back, dawg.
Laurel A greyish, olive-green. Pairs well with Hardy.
Citrine Have ever wished there was a word for ‘golden yellow, but not in a healthy way’? Well, here it is. Citrine is a lovely word, but the colour to which it refers is the colour of your urine after a night of terrible, terrible decisions, or of a lemon that’s seen better days.
And that’s it- my favourite colours… SO FAR!
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desertwiind · 3 years
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Full Name: Zeferino Tomás Ayala Díaz
Reason for name: named after a great uncle who died before Zef was born, Zeferino Tomás Ayala Pacheco
Nickname(s): Zef; Zefi; Zefa; Zefe; Z; Zefito
Date of Birth: 3 March 1991
Age: 30
Gender + Pronouns: cis male, he/him
Place of birth: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA
Parents: Esperanza Díaz Ayala (mother); Osvaldo Ayala Velázquez (father)
Siblings: Luz Ayala Díaz, sister, 35
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): pretty close with a good amount of family, including large extended family. best friends with sister
Pets: none, though he’s interested in adopting a rescue
Height: 5′9″/175cm
Build: athletic, muscular
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Spanish
Distinguishing Facial Features: long eye lashes; mole on right cheekbone; strong dark eyebrows that droop downward on the outside like his eyes; cleft chin
Hair Color: dark brown
Usual Hair Style: kept short on the sides, just a little longer on top
Eye Color: olive green
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birthmarks, scars): olive skin that is quick to tan; mole on right cheekbone; oily skin that is prone to acne although he is diligent with skincare
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): attention deficit disorder; panic disorder; possible obsessive compulsive disorder
What do they consider their best feature?: eyes; butt
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: Broke his right wrist jumping out of a tree in high school. Re-broke that same wrist at 21 when he fell out of a boat whilst drunk.
Favorite outfit: go-to is a short sleeve button-down, with half the buttons undone, and jeans or shorts
Glasses? Contacts?: contacts; glasses while lounging at home
Personal Hygiene: possibly excessive in his cleanliness
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: often wears an analog watch; occasional chain necklace and an old ring on his right hand
What does their voice sound like?: clear, animated, easily betrays emotion, a little higher in pitch than you might expect, excitable
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): articulate, sometimes fast in social settings; often quieter in one-on-one social situations to save his voice for TV 
Accent?: “midwestern”–no real discernable accent most of the time, though sometimes leans Texan
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: when he’s nervous, he rubs the second knuckle on his left middle finger; runs his hands through his hair a lot
Left handed or right?: effectively ambidextrous; he was originally right-handed but he's broken his right wrist twice within a few years, so he learned how to do tasks left-handed. he now no longer has a preferred dominant side.
Do they work out/exercise?: yes, frequently
Known Languages: English; Spanish
Zodiac: pisces, though he does not subscribe to this belief
Gifts/talents: Solving Rubik’s cubs quickly; rollerblading backwards; multitasking effortlessly; advanced calculus; lovely singing voice
Religious stance: presently anti-theist and humanist; raised Catholic
Political stance: far left
Pet peeves: people pretending to listen; his last name being mispronounced (especially if he’s already corrected once); shoes being worn in the house
Optimist or pessimist: pragmatist, leaning pessimistic
Extrovert or introvert: Extrovert
Relationship status: single, though he does have eyes for someone
Sexual orientation: homoromantic, demisexual
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate: funny, passionate, affectionate, curious
Ever been in love?: no
What’s their love language?: words of affirmation; quality time; physical touch
Most important person in their life?: sister, Luz; and paternal grandmother
Level of education: bachelor’s degree
Profession: broadcast meteorologist 
Past occupations: waiter; Target associate
Dream occupation: meteorologist on The Weather Channel; or host/presenter of his own show on The Weather Channel or The Science Channel
Passions: astronomy; climatology; music
Attitude towards current job: he loves the job itself but desires a larger audience
Spender or Saver? Why?: saver–grew up with tight money
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?: ¿por qué no los dos?
Phobias: claustrophobia; autophobia; atychiphobia 
Life goals: fall in love and get married and be happy
Greatest fears: being alone forever
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: thought a guy was going in for a kiss, when it was just supposed to be an awkward hug
Something they’ve never told anyone: he doesn’t know if he’s worthy of love, because he feels selfish and like a liar, and that he’s fucked himself up too much to be any good in a meaningful relationship
Biggest regret: denying his sexuality for so long
Compulsions: long-winded rants with no real point
Police/Criminal/Legal record: a few speeding tickets here and there
Vices: indecision; extensive daydreaming
Hobbies: playing guitar; singing; cooking; tornado chasing
Favorite color: sea green; tyrian purple; peacock blue; verdigris; coral pink
Favorite smell: ocean air; sunscreen; pomegranate; cinnamon sugar
Favorite food: tamales; carnitas
Favorite book: he can’t remember the last time he actually sat down and enjoyed reading
Favorite movie:  he can’t remember the last time he actually sat down and enjoyed watching a movie all the way through
Favorite song: it changes, but currently “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” by the 1975
Coffee or tea?: neither–caffeine is a very bad idea. the most he’ll do is hot tea with honey and lemon juice for his voice, but the tea must be uncaffeinated
Favorite type of weather: sunny, clear, 75-80 degrees
Most prized possession: his weather prophet; a ring belonging to his maternal grandfather
Most used word or phrase?: pero like
@rocketfm ​
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kazofdirtyhands · 3 years
meme → halloween asks topic → spells: do you believe in magic? what business? → queries
Those streets later became the scene of Kaz Brekker’s nightmares, and the kingdom he would one day lay claim to, but for that brief time, they were a new puzzle. With his hand tucked into Jordie’s, for the very first time, Kaz saw magic.
There were firebreathers, acrobats, flamboyant displays of all kinds. Anything that could be proven entertaining was found in the city, and yet, Kaz peered past it and he saw the glint of a coin on someone’s palm. He’d been mesmerized almost immediately, awestruck by the way it moved and he couldn’t discern how. Kaz had always been a smart kid. He recalled one day, one of his earliest memories, his Da being surprised by how fast he’d learned something. How his sentences came together with an ease, and his Da would proclaim that he had his Ma’s intelligence. Da would look fondly toward the window, and Kaz wouldn’t understand, but he was always proud anyway. 
As long as he could remember, mental things came easily to him. Reading, writing, maths, it all came with a kind of comfort that he savored. They were each little puzzles to unlock. 
But that coin, moving through the performer’s slotted fingers and reappearing, it stumped him. It echoed his mind for the rest of the night and into the next day, as he tried to get it again and again. He could have asked someone how it worked, but he doubted the performers would give away their secrets - and even if they would, he wanted to do it himself. It didn’t work if people gave you the answer. You had to solve the puzzle yourself.
He kept going, kept trying, until he had blisters all over his knuckles. 
After Jordie died, one of the things that kept him focused and helped to bring him back when he was too upset over his brother was trying to learn that coin trick. Huddling in an alley, starving and half-frozen, he had the coin and kept going. At one point, he’d wanted to give up, convinced that there was real magic in the coin turns - that whoever had manipulated it had something beyond the world he knew, that he existed in a land where metal could be manipulated as easily as clay. 
The day he finally learned the trick was the day, it solidified something new in Kaz Brekker; that there was no magic in the world. Not really. But he could fake it long enough to fool a few pigeons. 
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She had come into his life in a riot of silk and peacock feathers, indigo and olive and verdigris. A pretty girl, a lie swathed in sheaths of lavender. And when they fell, he realized that the colors of her costumes paled in comparison to the devout, brave, intelligent girl’s shades of bronze and onyx. 
There was something special about Inej. Against his better judgement, Kaz would remind her just how skilled she was. He’d gained a great deal in life simply by appearing confident, and she needed to wear confidence like he did. But it wasn’t the skillset that made her special, although that was all Kaz revealed. She was brighter than anything else in the dark city of storms and barter, her courage shattering its dim weather and breathing light into his world. 
Up on the window ledge, light slipped in as his wraith did in the cracks of their city, settling in on the windowsill and bursting past all limits of locked doors and armored hearts. Her hair spilled like dark velvet down slender shoulders, and her onyx eyes shown with light and joy, the kind that was never to be found in his world. They glinted with an inner sun, as if she’d swallowed stars and was lit from within. 
And she was kind. 
Anyone could be beautiful. Anyone could be a pretty face to look at, a body to fuck, and it mattered so little in a world where life could change with any amount of money or success. But there was magic in being kind. There was magic in wringing kindness from the worst the world had to offer, and there was magic in seeing strength where one was broken and there was magic in love. The kind of magic that couldn’t be found in the blood controlled by pale hands or the twist of fire in a fist. This was uncontrolled magic, the kind found in a world where wraiths dipped from the heavens of aerial silks and brushed fingertips with the shadows slipping over cobblestone. The magic that could turn a non-believer into a devout worshipper of saints. 
She had to be a saint. Light had never shivered into his den until she was there to bask in it. So long as Inej didn’t vanish, neither did the magic in the world. And to him, she never vanished once she appeared.
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miscellanyofmusings · 4 years
Grimscribe Aesthetic Meme
The following quotes and phrases are taken from the stories in Thomas Ligotti’s anthology Grimscribe. Some of these quotes were slightly tweaked for the sake of this meme. If you enjoy the imagery or writing in this meme, please support the author by purchasing his work. Content warnings for horror in general and brief mentions of blood, gore, nihilism, unreality, body horror, clowns, and insects.
Bold what applies to your muse.
Muse: (If you are a multimuse blog, specify what muse you are filling this out for.) Tagged by: Tagging:
 The Last Feast of Harlequin
A place behind the clownish mask / an enthusiastic urgency / sunny fields and farms / steeply roofed houses / a weird distortion of perspective / an album of old snapshots / a pointed hat jauntily askew / a billboard displaying a group of grinning vegetables / a neutral, bureaucratic voice / blue-green ink / a brilliant and profound circus of learning / a quotation from Poe’s “The Conqueror Worm” / a feeling of frigid numbness / dull, earth-colored scenery / the snowfalls of late autumn / black, ragged clumps of abandoned nests / the thin light of a winter afternoon / poles raveled with evergreen / holly wreaths / green lights / green streamers / peacock green floodlights / an eerie emerald haze / chthonic divinities / miniature candy canes / colored lights that bloom out of flower-shaped sockets / a chilling brilliance of manner and expression / sea-green lights / the face of an adept clown / a heart bathed in green / another coldness within the cold / warmly wrapped bodies and green-scarved necks / worried and guilt ridden glances / a wormy mass / the black void of winter / the brightness of an artificial spring / a great green rainbow / green gleaming streets / the dark immensity of a winter night / an effect of stricken horror and despair / an inhuman likeness more proper to something under the earth than above it / a festival within a festival / depressingly pallid clowns / the particular kind of hatred of resulting from some powerful and irrational memory / optimistic greenery in a period of gray dormancy / a kind of obnoxious intelligence / freezing atop an icy throne / commitment to a meaningful mania / bodiless invisibility / seeing without being seen / a sea of zigging and zagging celebrants / the darkness of narrow country roads / innocent normalcy / icy wind / trembling with cold / lanterns that beam with dazzling and frosty light / cadaverous clowns / the apex of darkness / a long snowy robe / moody malignancy / pure unlived lives / all the many shapes of death and dissolution / a dirge for existence / a sea of thin, bloodless faces / icy beauty / a moment of frozen trance / the death known to those whom the gods have first made mad / the welcoming glow of green / slow and silent and entrancing / a velvety white abyss / the paradise of the unborn
The Spectacles in the Drawer
A double-handled dagger with a single blade of polished stone / tall cabinets / ceiling-high shelves / tantalizing arcana / glistening fog / a tedious clarity / a cyclone of strange patterns and colors / spasms of sardonic hilarity / a pale-blue blade / stiff, crackling pages / a seeker of recondite knowledge / undying hope / a gutful of shame and regret / a small and silvery knife / a razor-sharp letter opener / a pair of old-fashioned wire-rimmed spectacles / everything that fascinates / the wish to look away / an infinite and overwhelming scene / the dazzling diffusion of all known universes / landscapes without end / landscapes that are themselves alive / a life unknown to mortal eyes / form and motion / design and dimension / cilia wriggling / mammoth shapes lurching in outline / an obscure oceanic niche / a mere fragment of all that there is to see and to know / labyrinthine astronomies / constant transformations of both appearance and essence / a witness to the most cryptic phenomena that exist or could ever exist / the ultimate thing waiting to be born / still greater visions / a cataclysm which will be both the beginning and the end / unbearable anticipation / ecstasy and dread / the ultimate source of all manifestation / the absolute and the wholly unknown / a revolution of all matter and energy / the visions remaining active inside you, deep in your blood / to be dazzled in the worst way / the total substance of things / an occultist auction / a disreputable quarter of a foreign city / a student of the Gnostics / artificial eyes / a malicious aim to undermine / a child’s awkward embrace / rusty scales / cockeyed bookcases / broken toys / standing ashtrays / desolate bazaars / the charm of disenchantment / a tilting mirror / a climate of dull horror / sinister whispers that make no sense yet seem filled with meaning / sensations of infinite expansiveness and ineffable meaning / astronomical emotions / a mutilated carcass / something of terrible rawness / a torn and flayed thing / microscopic precision / twitching and quivering like a gory heart / hellish giggling / a haunting, lifelong memory / unfathomable depths of feeling / to suffer over and over / a way to kill a dream / the sheltering shadows of one’s home / sobering shadows / a cold and stagnant peace / esoteric ecstasy / vulgar pain / a broad expanse of empty field / a mosaic of mirrors / a shocking galaxy / redundant reflections / dark stars on a silvery firmament / to see with countless eyes / a body ripped raw / a gallery of glass and gore
Flowers of the Abyss
The first rank scent of autumn / a glass of water / a thirsty walker of the woods / a pale flower amongst the dark summer trees / a ghostly flower of autumn / grayish planks / a pallid lily / a pulpy toadstool / a roof of rippling shingles shaped like scales from some great fish / sea-green and sparkling / attic gables with paned windows / the tip of a tear / hundreds of raindrops / light rain / an icy autumn storm / a fragrance damp and decayed / walking ahead of the clouds / the echo of hollow words / a long crooked arm / malodorous gardens of misshapen growths / an oval mirror in an ornate frame / cobwebbed corners / tilting books / something shapeless and nameless / something dampish and submerged / something swampy and abysmal / the pure cold of an autumn storm / a dusty green bottle / a sparkling glass / a world of frozen light / cool and limpid water / the hardness of a jewel / a small music box / stars of sound / twilight shadows and silence / infinitesimal flakes of light / barren decor of dead days / yellowish haze / silvery tones / a tenebrous expanse / unknown exploits / the madness of things / a vagabond of the universe / a drifter among spaces / a mess of hacked pieces / dark horizon meeting dark horizon / a universe of darkness / a convulsing tangle of shapes / the radiant entrails of hell / rain-softened soil / parted waters rushing to remerge / corrupt waters / sticky and pumping veins / slimy tendrils / aberrations of the abyss / a night-gowned figure / a crowd carrying lights / lamps and lanterns bobbing in darkness / clusters of flames / buried like a forgotten dream
Delicate, crinkly script / greenish-black discoloration / dark waters / moonlit skies / earth mounds / mountain peaks / northern leaf and southern flower / each star and the voids between them / blood and bone / watchful winds / murky waters below / contorted rock formations / pointed pines and spruces of gigantic stature / sea-facing cliffs / stagnant fog / an omnipresent evil / a sleeping sense of doom awakened into full vigour / evil, beloved and menacing evil / sunshine and flowers / darkness and dead leaves / some shaping force of demonic temperament / wartlike hills / tumorous trees / oil lamps scattered about / a sacral glow / a degree of mutual ease / the verdigris of centuries / decomposing jade / pandemonism / cold gray waters / a mere mask for the foulest evil / an absolute evil whose reality is mitigated only by our blindness to it / the universe as a dream / the feverish nightmare of a demonic demiurge / an abstract monster of metaphysics / an altar of coarse stone / skinny shadows / to be actually bound in blackness / white-faced shadows / luminous smoke / glowing, ectoplasmic haze / something thick and oily and strangely colored / an ancient anonymity / spirits beyond all hope or consolation except in the evil to which they would abandon themselves / a ceremony of the chosen / an ancient, darkened mould / petrified lichen / wrought iron tracery / great overgrown gardens of writhing coral / a chaos of little carvings / a world of demonic faces and forms / oneiric visions / inkish waters / an infinitely extensive body of evil / the gods of the ordinary world / dream-induced illusions / visionary intrusions / a banquet of fear / what is squirming beneath every surface / penetrating the usual armor of objects / dark and greenish / garbled whisperings / an island of grass and trees in the middle of the city / globes of light balanced on slim metal poles / a glowing orb / set in the great blackness above  / trees swishing overhead / muddied green / walking some indefinite time along some indefinite route / strings of colored lights / a tall, illuminated booth / clownish creatures / expressionless faces and dead puppet eyes / slow, monotonous phrases mingling like the sequences of a fugue / the faces of the living and the dead / wind-blown trees / the greenish darkness of the night / mold-colored smoke / a squirming, creeping, smearing shape / a great deformed crab / the black oceans of infinity / the island of the moon / the cancerous totality of all creatures / oozing ichor / dying in a nightmare
The Dreaming in Nortown
A solitary perdition / a mind to remember the stages of their downfall / a mirror to multiply their abject glory / a memoir of dreams / peculiar powers of sympathy / a decaying and spacious apartment / an ill-mapped world of dreams / a slightly infernal aroma / an acrid combination of tobacco and autumn nights / a small red glow / a long threadbare overcoat / many pungent Octobers / the remote heights or depths of an artificial paradise / the stumbling words of a returning explorer / a stuporous and awed voice / midnight assemblies / in the grip of strange mystical ecstasies / long red hair / esoteric development / a general tenor of chaos / a quality which may or may not make for good company but which always offers promise of the extraordinary / a contrived noisiness / a strange catalogue of sounds / low moans emanating from the most shadowy chasms of dream / sudden intakes of breath / the suction of a startled gasp / abrupt snarls and snorts of a bestial timbre / expressions of unknown turmoil / the calm darkness of the night / staccato groans / the entire audible spectrum of nightmare-inspired terror / mingling overtones of awe and ecstasy / a willing submission to some unknown ordeal / the deeper registers of somnolence / the smell of a freshly lit cigar / the dun colors of dawn / a flood of eidetic horrors / fleeting scenes of nightmare / a reverberating slam / a note scrawled upon a slip of paper / a disproportionate anxiety / the imagined threat of a reprimand / the frayed end of a disciplinary whip / colors twisting in blackness / a tentacled abyss / bone-colored stars / a dream-distorted voice / a spiral notebook with a cover of mock marble / mystical masochism / feats of occult daredevilry / glimpsing the inferno with eyes of ice / a doomed determinism / the striving for horrific dominion over horror itself / wobbling glitter / a field of venomous colors / the glistening inner skin of deadliest nightshade / the entrancing fragrance of fear / the city’s lurid glamor / cryptic badges whose significance is known only to the initiated / comic colors from an electric spectrum / a chilly autumn evening / engraved brass / dingy neon / a black autumn sky / scattering sparks across the sidewalk / flea-market antiquities / calling feline-voiced / colorful chaos / neon signs streaming across the night / clothed in flashing colors / a many-hued phantasmagoria / a flickering and disorderly rainbow of dreams / a multitude of indecisive thoughts and impulses / a brick and neon landscape / a frigid and fragrant October night / darkness and a voice / a coarse scream / a pulsing opalescent aura / a delirious blend of images derived from nightmare/ an ominous sunrise over a dark horizon / a field of fear / a painfully lush iridescence / a burnt-out patch of earth / newspapers mutilated by time / two fresh cigars / a thin book-like box / a scene from some Boschian hell / a hideous series of transfigurations / the screaming mass of a damned soul / an abyss of nightmares / explorations in a hell of one’s own choosing
The Mystics of Muelenburg
Trees made of poster board / houses built of colored foam / mud and dust and ashes / a nightmare of nonsense / fantasy, that misty domain of pure meaning / dim and empty storage space / an ancient armchair / reposing far beneath crumbling rafters / surveying remote worlds / a burst of fireworks / buzzing like flies in the blackness / glow worms flitting in the blinding sun / to keep the sun in the sky / to keep the dead in the earth / a universal vice / a parasite of chaos / a maggot of vice / the prospect of absolute terror / men in the mouths of demons / withholding heaven’s light / the pointed shadows of peaked roofs and jutting gables / faded artifacts of a dead town / high castle turrets / grayness undisturbed / ashen twilight / the yellow light of lamps / sumptuous chambers / humble rooms / the lost luxury of shadows / an infinite vault of glowing dust / a deception by demons / old deities formerly driven from the earth / shadows streaming horribly / the twitching light of a thousand candles / prismatic jewels / a greyish whirlpool / indefinite twilight / the blackness which is the domain of death / necromantic learning / drunken dialogues / unparalleled credulity / fluidity, always fluidity / an ornamented void / the stars and moon / the legions of the dead
In the Shadow of Another World
Walking down streets at twilight / watered lawns / the edges of leaves / pale specters within a fog / the infinite sky itself / gently stirring trees / old silent houses / strange cities disguised as clouds / the depths of a vast, echoing abyss / a blurry little window with a crack in it / a tree-lined street / a pale sky at dusk / peaks and porches / worn wooden steps / dreams and vapor posing as solid matter / a fabulous overlap of properties / petrified flesh / gigantic bones from great beasts of old / chimneys and shingles / a shadow on the horizon / a thing of nightmarish beauty / impossible hopes / a kind of ceremonious desolation / translucent festivals / the faraway sounds of mad carnivals / an instinct for mystification / dubious spectacles / trumped-up histrionics / immaculate to the point of being suspect / a plush and well-tended mausoleum / where the dead are truly at rest / oppressive awareness of other times / secret conspiracies with departed spirits / the unnatural mood of twilight / sinister echoes / dark, polished floors / lofty, uncobwebbed ceilings / a malign presence in the cellar / an insane shadow in the attic / thaumaturgic curios / a hermetic chant of the heavens / no hint of hauntedness / an innocent ambiance / a spiritual wasteland / spiritually antiseptic surroundings / a twisting and tenuous stairway / shattered panes of glass / misshapen glyphs / the shadowy nuances of clouds / a twisted kaleidoscope of colors / the aura of stained-glass cathedral / some obscure desecration / prismatic lenses / that of the dead or the demonic / an eclipse of this world’s vision / a quivering translucence / iridescent sterility / the aftermath of a strange exorcism / neither hallowed nor unholy / a pristine laboratory / a science of nightmares / a small, lamplit library / night’s darkness / a voice that’s accustomed to speaking of miracles / mystical freakshows / a grave sincerity / dissonant overtones of fear / the shadows of another world / forms of specter or demon / the eyes of the flesh / a luminous hell / psychic survival / hopelessly dreaming / terror recollected in tranquility / mazy trauma / the sensations of the soul / a monstrous mystery / a theoretician of nightmares / crude and cryptic designs / a remote and shadowy stage / an adept of pasteboard visions / mucilage and gauze / pulling the strings of light and shadow / shadows gathering / a strange radiance / phosphorescent panes / superlunary light / some cosmic tapestry / a haunted world / the marriage of insanity and metaphysics / a spectral ontogeny / a pageant of nightmares / sunlit bazaars in exotic cities / transparent masks / insectoid countenances / moonlit streets in antique towns / a strange-eyed slithering / dim galleries of empty museums / a ghostly mold / the sullen hues of old paintings / sticky luxuriance / pulpy warmth / an uncanny flux of sounds / cadaverous generations / sculptures of human coral / bodies heaped and unwhole / limbs projecting without order / eyes scattered and searching the darkness / a monument to Terror / a maze of interconnecting doors / spectral monstrosities / the cover of masks / the concealment of stones / feverish properties and intentions / a framed phantasmagoria / grotesque transfigurations / a systemless cosmogony / the caprice of the immaterial / weirdly lucent rooms / chaotic fantasies / narrow, spiraling stairs / the gazing eye of some god / a pyrotechnic craze of colors /  a vibrating echo of vocal utterance / swirling sights / a vacuum and a void / doubtful strategies / unknown and extravagant possibilities / occult theories / arcane analyses / the irreducible certainty of nightmare / great shadows in the stars / an infinite catastrophe / protective sigils / the full glare of starlight / stars and shadows / privileged arcana / the enchantments of hell / cold sunlight / the visionary time of twilight
The Cocoons
A gloved hand twitching / a rather unapologetic tone / egg-shaped pills / a half-glass of water / a soft grinding noise / a quietly urgent voice /  blotched vapors /  a growl of exasperation / unpeopled avenues / a mass of shadows / a landscape without pattern or substance / the moon shining / a doubtful glance / a devastated plain / an open field heaped with debris / bits of glass and scraps of metal / lunar spaciousness / a skeletal structure with all markings of identity scraped off its bones / a densely tangled nest of houses / the dull light of the moon / a yellowish swatch of illumination / high wooden fences / a ruined turret grazed by moonlight / a minor mania / a cobwebbed corner / a blank battered wall / warped floor moldings / a watery light / the quivering light of candles / an old-fashioned film projector / the whirring of a projector / a visual record of a scientific experiment / dark wiry appendages /  a pair of slender snapping pincers / tiny translucent wings / glistening but useless / malicious eyes / a dubious look / candles flickering like fire-flies / a cold swamp of shadows / a collection of bones / dazed silence / a clockwork world / sunrise schedules / lunar routines / a pandemonium of forces / a phantasmagoria of possibilities / the shadow of a laugh /  a curious hedonism that can’t be controlled / the vagaries of omnipotence / breeder of indulgence / languorous exhaustion / a psychic matter / unheard of habits / languorous exhaustion / a clown’s oversized grin / bliss on the brink of apotheosis / a universal process of transfiguration / restless skittering / a pitiful delight / giddy pride / demoniac undercurrents / the grotesque ultimatums of creation
The Night School
A high, full moon shining among the spreading clouds / shadows singing with the clouds / a slowly flowing mass of mottled shapes / a kind of unclean outpouring / the black sewers of space / the wall of night /  smoke, dense and dirty, rising up to the sky / the spastic flames of a small fire / a slender gentleman / a dark suit / broken bones / the process of degeneration / the mulchy rot of autumn or early spring / yellowish light / dark scabby bricks / ruined factories / ravaged mausoleums / abandoned orphanages / a blossom of the cemetery or the cesspool / guttering candles / blurred remnants of past lessons / cloacal forces / time as a flow of sewage / drowning in the pools of night / a thousand molting autumns / the melting soil of spring / a pair of yellowish eyes / undiluted darkness / a darkness far greater than the night itself / consolidated darkness / the science of a spectral pathology / a philosophy of absolute disease / the metaphysics of things sinking into a common disintegration or rising together / dark rottenness /  filthy smoke from some smoldering source of expansive corruption / the scent of corruption / the nostalgic perfume of autumn decay / the feculent muskiness of a spring thaw / smoky blackness / the offal of worlds in decline / the dark compost of those about to be born / the primeval impurity In which all things are founded / native putridity / pieces of paper with strange symbols on them / the very face of a plague—pustulant, scabbed, and stinking terribly / a black fog / many voices crying and calling from total blackness / tightly packed earth in a grave / the disease of the night / bright flames / the noise of a fire and the wind / a full moon / shining bright and blurry / a luminous mold / the great sewers of night
The Glamour
A fine aura of fantasy / both blurred and brightened / a starless evening / diamonds of plate glass / old buildings of dark brick / the display window of a toy store / a chaotic tableau of preposterous excitation / mechanized monkeys / fated antics / tiny cymbals / the destined pirouettes of a music-box ballerina / a newly sprung jack-in-the-box / strangely picturesque / dreamily illuminated / sculptured frosting / a winter landscape of swirling, drifting whiteness / snowy rosettes / layers of icy glitter / a glacial kingdom / a brilliant arctic scene / a vitality of enterprise / a glossy light / the placidly enigmatic expressions of a different time / faded lighting / an old photograph / the kind of acute anticipation that a child might experience at a carnival / a possessing impulse without object / wretchedly aglow / a long, narrow corridor with a single light set far into its depths / a strange shade of purple, like that of a freshly exposed heart / a purple lamp / arterial light / a deep pink / a richly blooded brain / a beating heart / wispy shrouds / sparse hairs sticking to the scalp of an old corpse / purple-tinted glass / the darkness of a theater / a swarm of filaments / an elaborate chandelier / a sickly, liverish shade / an operating room where a torso lies open on the table / a palette of pinks and reds and purples / diseased viscera imitating all of the shades of sunset / headstones in a graveyard / endless filthy alleys / long desolate corridors in an old asylum / the dripping passages of a sewer / a dust-blinded window / a dark unvisited cellar / a mirror gone rheumy with age / facets of murky crystal / cobwebs / long pale threads / hazy purple light / the slow curling of thin smoke / a great rectangular web / the ever-mutating images of clouds / a surge of dark elation / a sudden chill announcing bad weather / a vibrant presence / an expression of avid malignance / inner webbings / swirling fibers / wild shocks of twisting hair / a portrait of atrocity / lust for sites and ceremonies of mayhem / writhing cobwebs / reaching tendrils / graveyards and alleyways / a joyous hysteria / a pale purple / sinister and seamy regions / spectral ambiance / all pervasive purple coloration / the labyrinth of a living anatomy / palest pink / a purple light / putrid chambers and cloisters / an infernal land / fleshy, gelatinous integuments / translucent tissue / the theater of a mad surgery / hair-thin sutures / unseen hands designing unnatural shapes and systems / weaving a nest in which possession would take place / the weaver and web-maker / an old puppet-master / setting a helpless creature with new strings / through eyes unknown / purple shadows / a type of degraded rapture / a seizure of debauched panic / webs of hair / great evil / an appeal for deliverance / eyes that would see what should not be seen / stray threads pulled from a sleeve or pocket / a paralytic silence / eyes gazing fierce and malignant / a purple glow / two shafts of the purest purple light / an old woman with glowing eyes
Father Sevich’s Visit
A manner at first vaguely troublesome and afterward rather attractive / the arrival of a priest / the very echoes of the air / mellow afternoon sunlight / dark wooden floors / pale contortions of ancient wall paper / invisible games / abstract dread and a bizarre sort of indebtedness / a thick maze of propositions / a well-made bed / a relentless failure / cloistral tunnels / vaulted penetralia / a single column-clutching hand / the necessary features of fear / a maddening task / a series of completely irrelevant expressions / misty-eyed wonder / cretinous bafflement / smiling in an almost amiable way at one one’s impending doom / the trap of expectation / a sleepy whisper / the sound of soft conversation / the world of good manners and polite talk / a look of incompleteness / some unfinished effigy in a toy maker’s workshop / something vital to expression / the purple-robed mysteries of priesthood / animated eyes / withered things reeking of medicine and prayer / a painfully delicate subject / varnished wood / salvation through suffering / sacred horrors / the divine destiny toward which the paths of anguish have always led / volumes of blessed agony / an attitude of prayerful pleading / torturing demons / a single squatted devil / bristling lashes that sprout like weeds / an explosion of miniature grotesquerie / a brief and calculated absence / a modest fund of moral energy / a macabre icon / profane lessons / a countenance of true terror / a ridiculously empty slate / an off-stage atrocity / a cycle of mute, incredible lore / anthropomorphic mist / an eerie lividity / unconscious hours of darkness / a chronicle of truly unspeakable things / the light of every constellation in the visible universe / the oppressive mysteries of the autumn season / thick orange crayons / black cats / black paper / a hopeless urge for innovation / a tiny white collar / dripping with fever / hat and cloak and walking stick / narrow, nocturnal streets / a fairy-tale vision / serpentine lanes / the distorted glow of street lamps / the thinnest blade of moon / a narrow niche / an unpaved lane / a small courtyard surrounded by high walls / the stars above / jaundiced lamplight / a stairway of cut stone / the earth and absolute blackness / tiny lights glimmering like stars / clouds of shadows / some golden metal / a caricature of serenity / a hand as white as the whitest glove / chaotic rays / underworld starlight / a certain expression of rarefied scorn or disgust / indignant shadows / black, ankle-high shoes / the natural nightlight of the moon / an infernal aura or an angelic halo / a planet revolving its unspeakable tonnage in the blackness of space / a small bottle of holy water / secret denial and privilege / a smile of deep contentment
Miss Plarr
Misty, drizzling days / sharp, urgent rappings at the front door / a world of darkening mist / mist-covered locks / listening with intense expectancy / the world’s chaos of faces / a seething luxuriance / dark battlements of clouds / a mute and sullen twilight / a stone-gray sky / those days all shackled in gloom / a fugue of noise / the livid radiance of moonlight / the wild shape of some night-blossom / some strange and cruel kingdom / an intimate dungeon cell reserved for the most exclusive captivity / constant, noisy marauding / sedentary or stealthy rituals / an abyss of unspoken reproaches and suspicions / some ancient seagoing vessel / an old oil lamp / a series of quite fascinating lectures / a kind of brutality and an air of exile / deliriums of earth and sky / fog-bound islands in polar seas / shadowed realms littered with dead cities / peaks lacerated by unceasing winds / a bluish slime / the proper way to behave / the great mists of spring / murky sheets of ice / a world of shadows bound in place / the sound of something that stings the air / the hissing of rainy afternoons / immense blades sweeping over vast spaces / expansive wings cutting through cold winds / long whips lashing in darkness / intangible sympathies / a dark mesh of nightmares / a foul nest in which one’s own suspicions are swarming / links to a strictly mundane order / a briskness that seems to be an effort / a heavy spring dampness / lost to the world of wholesome practicalities / a hypnotic and fateful determination / a child’s weakness for prospects of misadventure / a fog-smothered landscape / a pale, floating web / an immense and awful kingdom / a patternless conglomerate of crystals / a misty graveyard / angular and many-faced monuments / the mountainous and murky thunderheads of a rainy season / the very essence of a storm / a matter of suspicion and conjecture / atrocious potential / fogs and mists and gray heaping skies / a conspicuous stridency / a dour mystique / a gray mist / skies of hissing rain
The Shadow At the Bottom of the World
Some feverish intent / sheaves of cornstalks standing brownish and brittle in a newly harvested field / a sky of empty light / fiery leafage / something dark, something abysmal / small shadowy voices / sweet wine turning to vinegar / a hysteric brilliance / displays of thorn apple, sumac, and towering sunflowers / crooked roadside fences / a moonlit field / a bright round moon / nocturnal solitude / patched-up overalls / worn flannel / the withered leaves of cornstalks / moonlight spread across a dead field / a great idol in shabby disguise / a sacred avatar out of season / fidgeting bemusement / a leaden vault of clouds / pure sunlight / misty dreams of the past night / a vine-twisted stone wall / dormant vines / a strange network of dead veins / calculated grayness / radiant leaves / legions of local cicadas / a dark fungus / of the blackest earth / a rich loam / a bog of shadows / an abyss in the outline of a man / the feel of wind and water / a few shifting flames / flames of only the slightest warmth / black flames / the molten texture of spoiled fruit / a shriveled scarecrow / an armory of axes, shovels, and other implements / an eccentricity of the harvest / a viscous mire / innumerable insects laughing / sprouting blackness / a perverse reluctance / the great shadow of a moonless night / the dark rustling depths of the season / the glass globes of streetlamps / the dense leaves of elms and oaks and maples / blazing auras / the frigid aurora of dawn / frost-powdered earth / shadows and corn shocks / countless insects chattering unseen / the feverish life of the earth / the wrinkled grimace of decay / corrupted by vile impulses / a mound of soft dirt / the darkish grooves of ancient bark / the mottled complexion of old flesh / a multitude of crooked smiles / a freakish mask painted with russet, rashy colors / a virulent intensity / an autumn night when fields lay ragged in moonlight / moist and fertile shadows / a hollow-eyed howling malignity / the cold emptiness of space / the pale gaze of the moon / the depths of an extraordinary harvest / insecure hints and delvings / the luxuriant shadow of trees / the mocking plumage of a strange season / an array of whims and suspicions / scraps of lush color / gold and crimson hieroglyphs / deathless leaves / an ill-formed village / a hideous impersonation of a face / leprous masks / knotty shadows / a subterranean craze of roots and tendrils / an underworld riot of branching convolutions / gnarled ornamentations / autumnal decay / knives and axes and curving scythes / countless colored leaves / pronouncements of dire or delightful curiosity / a dull trance / a wild luminousness / a diamond-bright fever burning within / perennial strangeness / tenacious foliage / softly glowing against a black sky / an untimely nocturnal rainbow / a harvest of hues / peach gold / pumpkin orange / honey yellow / winy amber / apple red / plum violet / the pyrotechnics of a new autumn / a thousand glittering dreams / a rigid scarecrow / a patchwork of shadows / a quivering glow / a premature craving / an expertly whetted blade / a betrayal or deception on the part of creation itself / something buried deep within appearances / something that wears a mask to hide itself / holding a spatula like a weapon / moldering shadows / a dreamless sleep / a sudden rage of mortification / the remains of a dismantled scarecrow / an ashen autumn morning / the feeling of blood / a bottomless grave
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turquoisedays · 4 years
Grimscribe Aesthetic Meme
The following quotes and phrases are taken from the stories in Thomas Ligotti’s anthology Grimscribe. Some of these quotes were slightly tweaked for the sake of this meme. If you enjoy the imagery or writing in this meme, please support the author by purchasing his work. Content warnings for horror in general and brief mentions of blood, gore, nihilism, unreality, body horror, clowns, and insects.
Bold what applies to your muse.
Tagged by: Me, myself and I, because I’m ALWAYS A SLUG FOR THOMAS LIGOTTI.
Tagging: @choujin @mothersins @flowerytruth (You decide which muse! >:3c) @givealls (For Kazuma mayhap?) annnnnnnd my other blog.
The Last Feast of Harlequin
A place behind the clownish mask / an enthusiastic urgency / sunny fields and farms / steeply roofed houses / a weird distortion of perspective / an album of old snapshots / a pointed hat jauntily askew / a billboard displaying a group of grinning vegetables / a neutral, bureaucratic voice / blue-green ink / a brilliant and profound circus of learning / a quotation from Poe’s “The Conqueror Worm” / a feeling of frigid numbness / dull, earth-colored scenery / the snowfalls of late autumn / black, ragged clumps of abandoned nests / the thin light of a winter afternoon / poles raveled with evergreen / holly wreaths / green lights / green streamers / peacock green floodlights / an eerie emerald haze / chthonic divinities / miniature candy canes / colored lights that bloom out of flower-shaped sockets / a chilling brilliance of manner and expression / sea-green lights / the face of an adept clown / a heart bathed in green / another coldness within the cold / warmly wrapped bodies and green-scarved necks / worried and guilt ridden glances / a wormy mass / the black void of winter / the brightness of an artificial spring / a great green rainbow / green gleaming streets / the dark immensity of a winter night / an effect of stricken horror and despair / an inhuman likeness more proper to something under the earth than above it / a festival within a festival / depressingly pallid clowns / the particular kind of hatred of resulting from some powerful and irrational memory / optimistic greenery in a period of gray dormancy / a kind of obnoxious intelligence / freezing atop an icy throne / commitment to a meaningful mania / bodiless invisibility / seeing without being seen / a sea of zigging and zagging celebrants / the darkness of narrow country roads / innocent normalcy / icy wind / trembling with cold / lanterns that beam with dazzling and frosty light / cadaverous clowns / the apex of darkness / a long snowy robe / moody malignancy / pure unlived lives / all the many shapes of death and dissolution / a dirge for existence / a sea of thin, bloodless faces / icy beauty / a moment of frozen trance / the death known to those whom the gods have first made mad / the welcoming glow of green / slow and silent and entrancing / a velvety white abyss / the paradise of the unborn
The Spectacles in the Drawer
A double-handled dagger with a single blade of polished stone / tall cabinets / ceiling-high shelves / tantalizing arcana / glistening fog / a tedious clarity / a cyclone of strange patterns and colors / spasms of sardonic hilarity / a pale-blue blade / stiff, crackling pages / a seeker of recondite knowledge / undying hope / a gutful of shame and regret / a small and silvery knife / a razor-sharp letter opener / a pair of old-fashioned wire-rimmed spectacles / everything that fascinates / the wish to look away / an infinite and overwhelming scene / the dazzling diffusion of all known universes / landscapes without end / landscapes that are themselves alive / a life unknown to mortal eyes / form and motion / design and dimension / cilia wriggling / mammoth shapes lurching in outline / an obscure oceanic niche / a mere fragment of all that there is to see and to know / labyrinthine astronomies / constant transformations of both appearance and essence / a witness to the most cryptic phenomena that exist or could ever exist / the ultimate thing waiting to be born / still greater visions / a cataclysm which will be both the beginning and the end / unbearable anticipation / ecstasy and dread / the ultimate source of all manifestation / the absolute and the wholly unknown / a revolution of all matter and energy / the visions remaining active inside you, deep in your blood / to be dazzled in the worst way / the total substance of things / an occultist auction / a disreputable quarter of a foreign city / a student of the Gnostics / artificial eyes / a malicious aim to undermine / a child’s awkward embrace / rusty scales / cockeyed bookcases / broken toys / standing ashtrays / desolate bazaars / the charm of disenchantment / a tilting mirror / a climate of dull horror / sinister whispers that make no sense yet seem filled with meaning / sensations of infinite expansiveness and ineffable meaning / astronomical emotions / a mutilated carcass / something of terrible rawness / a torn and flayed thing / microscopic precision / twitching and quivering like a gory heart / hellish giggling / a haunting, lifelong memory / unfathomable depths of feeling / to suffer over and over / a way to kill a dream / the sheltering shadows of one’s home / sobering shadows / a cold and stagnant peace / esoteric ecstasy / vulgar pain / a broad expanse of empty field / a mosaic of mirrors / a shocking galaxy / redundant reflections / dark stars on a silvery firmament / to see with countless eyes / a body ripped raw / a gallery of glass and gore
Flowers of the Abyss
The first rank scent of autumn / a glass of water / a thirsty walker of the woods / a pale flower amongst the dark summer trees / a ghostly flower of autumn / grayish planks / a pallid lily / a pulpy toadstool / a roof of rippling shingles shaped like scales from some great fish / sea-green and sparkling / attic gables with paned windows / the tip of a tear / hundreds of raindrops / light rain / an icy autumn storm / a fragrance damp and decayed / walking ahead of the clouds / the echo of hollow words / a long crooked arm / malodorous gardens of misshapen growths / an oval mirror in an ornate frame / cobwebbed corners / tilting books / something shapeless and nameless / something dampish and submerged / something swampy and abysmal / the pure cold of an autumn storm / a dusty green bottle / a sparkling glass / a world of frozen light / cool and limpid water / the hardness of a jewel / a small music box / stars of sound / twilight shadows and silence / infinitesimal flakes of light / barren decor of dead days / yellowish haze / silvery tones / a tenebrous expanse / unknown exploits / the madness of things / a vagabond of the universe / a drifter among spaces / a mess of hacked pieces / dark horizon meeting dark horizon / a universe of darkness / a convulsing tangle of shapes / the radiant entrails of hell / rain-softened soil / parted waters rushing to remerge / corrupt waters / sticky and pumping veins / slimy tendrils / aberrations of the abyss / a night-gowned figure / a crowd carrying lights / lamps and lanterns bobbing in darkness / clusters of flames / buried like a forgotten dream
Delicate, crinkly script / greenish-black discoloration / dark waters / moonlit skies / earth mounds / mountain peaks / northern leaf and southern flower / each star and the voids between them / blood and bone / watchful winds / murky waters below / contorted rock formations / pointed pines and spruces of gigantic stature / sea-facing cliffs / stagnant fog / an omnipresent evil / a sleeping sense of doom awakened into full vigour / evil, beloved and menacing evil / sunshine and flowers / darkness and dead leaves / some shaping force of demonic temperament / wartlike hills / tumorous trees / oil lamps scattered about / a sacral glow / a degree of mutual ease / the verdigris of centuries / decomposing jade / pandemonism / cold gray waters / a mere mask for the foulest evil / an absolute evil whose reality is mitigated only by our blindness to it / the universe as a dream / the feverish nightmare of a demonic demiurge / an abstract monster of metaphysics / an altar of coarse stone / skinny shadows / to be actually bound in blackness / white-faced shadows / luminous smoke / glowing, ectoplasmic haze / something thick and oily and strangely colored / an ancient anonymity / spirits beyond all hope or consolation except in the evil to which they would abandon themselves / a ceremony of the chosen / an ancient, darkened mould / petrified lichen / wrought iron tracery / great overgrown gardens of writhing coral / a chaos of little carvings / a world of demonic faces and forms / oneiric visions / inkish waters / an infinitely extensive body of evil / the gods of the ordinary world / dream-induced illusions / visionary intrusions / a banquet of fear / what is squirming beneath every surface / penetrating the usual armor of objects / dark and greenish / garbled whisperings / an island of grass and trees in the middle of the city / globes of light balanced on slim metal poles / a glowing orb / set in the great blackness above  / trees swishing overhead / muddied green / walking some indefinite time along some indefinite route / strings of colored lights / a tall, illuminated booth / clownish creatures / expressionless faces and dead puppet eyes / slow, monotonous phrases mingling like the sequences of a fugue / the faces of the living and the dead / wind-blown trees / the greenish darkness of the night / mold-colored smoke / a squirming, creeping, smearing shape / a great deformed crab / the black oceans of infinity / the island of the moon / the cancerous totality of all creatures / oozing ichor / dying in a nightmare
The Dreaming in Nortown
A solitary perdition / a mind to remember the stages of their downfall / a mirror to multiply their abject glory / a memoir of dreams / peculiar powers of sympathy / a decaying and spacious apartment / an ill-mapped world of dreams / a slightly infernal aroma / an acrid combination of tobacco and autumn nights / a small red glow / a long threadbare overcoat / many pungent Octobers / the remote heights or depths of an artificial paradise / the stumbling words of a returning explorer / a stuporous and awed voice / midnight assemblies / in the grip of strange mystical ecstasies / long red hair / esoteric development / a general tenor of chaos / a quality which may or may not make for good company but which always offers promise of the extraordinary / a contrived noisiness / a strange catalogue of sounds / low moans emanating from the most shadowy chasms of dream / sudden intakes of breath / the suction of a startled gasp / abrupt snarls and snorts of a bestial timbre / expressions of unknown turmoil / the calm darkness of the night / staccato groans / the entire audible spectrum of nightmare-inspired terror / mingling overtones of awe and ecstasy / a willing submission to some unknown ordeal / the deeper registers of somnolence / the smell of a freshly lit cigar / the dun colors of dawn / a flood of eidetic horrors / fleeting scenes of nightmare / a reverberating slam / a note scrawled upon a slip of paper / a disproportionate anxiety / the imagined threat of a reprimand / the frayed end of a disciplinary whip / colors twisting in blackness / a tentacled abyss / bone-colored stars / a dream-distorted voice / a spiral notebook with a cover of mock marble / mystical masochism / feats of occult daredevilry / glimpsing the inferno with eyes of ice / a doomed determinism / the striving for horrific dominion over horror itself / wobbling glitter / a field of venomous colors / the glistening inner skin of deadliest nightshade / the entrancing fragrance of fear / the city’s lurid glamor / cryptic badges whose significance is known only to the initiated / comic colors from an electric spectrum / a chilly autumn evening / engraved brass / dingy neon / a black autumn sky / scattering sparks across the sidewalk / flea-market antiquities / calling feline-voiced / colorful chaos / neon signs streaming across the night / clothed in flashing colors / a many-hued phantasmagoria / a flickering and disorderly rainbow of dreams / a multitude of indecisive thoughts and impulses / a brick and neon landscape / a frigid and fragrant October night / darkness and a voice / a coarse scream / a pulsing opalescent aura / a delirious blend of images derived from nightmare / an ominous sunrise over a dark horizon / a field of fear / a painfully lush iridescence / a burnt-out patch of earth / newspapers mutilated by time / two fresh cigars / a thin book-like box / a scene from some Boschian hell / a hideous series of transfigurations / the screaming mass of a damned soul / an abyss of nightmares / explorations in a hell of one’s own choosing
The Mystics of Muelenburg
Trees made of poster board / houses built of colored foam / mud and dust and ashes / a nightmare of nonsense / fantasy, that misty domain of pure meaning / dim and empty storage space / an ancient armchair / reposing far beneath crumbling rafters / surveying remote worlds / a burst of fireworks / buzzing like flies in the blackness / glow worms flitting in the blinding sun / to keep the sun in the sky / to keep the dead in the earth / a universal vice / a parasite of chaos / a maggot of vice / the prospect of absolute terror / men in the mouths of demons / withholding heaven’s light / the pointed shadows of peaked roofs and jutting gables / faded artifacts of a dead town / high castle turrets / grayness undisturbed / ashen twilight / the yellow light of lamps / sumptuous chambers / humble rooms / the lost luxury of shadows / an infinite vault of glowing dust / a deception by demons / old deities formerly driven from the earth / shadows streaming horribly / the twitching light of a thousand candles / prismatic jewels / a greyish whirlpool / indefinite twilight / the blackness which is the domain of death / necromantic learning / drunken dialogues / unparalleled credulity / fluidity, always fluidity / an ornamented void / the stars and moon / the legions of the dead
In the Shadow of Another World
Walking down streets at twilight / watered lawns / the edges of leaves / pale specters within a fog / the infinite sky itself / gently stirring trees / old silent houses / strange cities disguised as clouds / the depths of a vast, echoing abyss / a blurry little window with a crack in it / a tree-lined street / a pale sky at dusk / peaks and porches / worn wooden steps / dreams and vapor posing as solid matter / a fabulous overlap of properties / petrified flesh / gigantic bones from great beasts of old / chimneys and shingles / a shadow on the horizon / a thing of nightmarish beauty / impossible hopes / a kind of ceremonious desolation / translucent festivals / the faraway sounds of mad carnivals / an instinct for mystification / dubious spectacles / trumped-up histrionics / immaculate to the point of being suspect / a plush and well-tended mausoleum / where the dead are truly at rest / oppressive awareness of other times / secret conspiracies with departed spirits / the unnatural mood of twilight / sinister echoes / dark, polished floors / lofty, uncobwebbed ceilings / a malign presence in the cellar / an insane shadow in the attic / thaumaturgic curios / a hermetic chant of the heavens / no hint of hauntedness / an innocent ambiance / a spiritual wasteland / spiritually antiseptic surroundings / a twisting and tenuous stairway / shattered panes of glass / misshapen glyphs / the shadowy nuances of clouds / a twisted kaleidoscope of colors / the aura of stained-glass cathedral / some obscure desecration / prismatic lenses / that of the dead or the demonic / an eclipse of this world’s vision / a quivering translucence / iridescent sterility / the aftermath of a strange exorcism / neither hallowed nor unholy / a pristine laboratory / a science of nightmares / a small, lamplit library / night’s darkness / a voice that’s accustomed to speaking of miracles / mystical freakshows / a grave sincerity / dissonant overtones of fear / the shadows of another world / forms of specter or demon / the eyes of the flesh / a luminous hell / psychic survival / hopelessly dreaming / terror recollected in tranquility / mazy trauma / the sensations of the soul / a monstrous mystery / a theoretician of nightmares / crude and cryptic designs / a remote and shadowy stage / an adept of pasteboard visions / mucilage and gauze / pulling the strings of light and shadow / shadows gathering / a strange radiance / phosphorescent panes / superlunary light / some cosmic tapestry / a haunted world / the marriage of insanity and metaphysics / a spectral ontogeny / a pageant of nightmares / sunlit bazaars in exotic cities / transparent masks / insectoid countenances / moonlit streets in antique towns / a strange-eyed slithering / dim galleries of empty museums / a ghostly mold / the sullen hues of old paintings / sticky luxuriance / pulpy warmth / an uncanny flux of sounds / cadaverous generations / sculptures of human coral / bodies heaped and unwhole / limbs projecting without order / eyes scattered and searching the darkness / a monument to Terror / a maze of interconnecting doors / spectral monstrosities / the cover of masks / the concealment of stones / feverish properties and intentions / a framed phantasmagoria / grotesque transfigurations / a systemless cosmogony / the caprice of the immaterial / weirdly lucent rooms / chaotic fantasies / narrow, spiraling stairs / the gazing eye of some god / a pyrotechnic craze of colors /  a vibrating echo of vocal utterance / swirling sights / a vacuum and a void / doubtful strategies / unknown and extravagant possibilities / occult theories / arcane analyses / the irreducible certainty of nightmare / great shadows in the stars / an infinite catastrophe / protective sigils / the full glare of starlight / stars and shadows / privileged arcana / the enchantments of hell / cold sunlight / the visionary time of twilight
The Cocoons
A gloved hand twitching / a rather unapologetic tone / egg-shaped pills / a half-glass of water / a soft grinding noise / a quietly urgent voice /  blotched vapors /  a growl of exasperation / unpeopled avenues / a mass of shadows / a landscape without pattern or substance / the moon shining / a doubtful glance / a devastated plain / an open field heaped with debris / bits of glass and scraps of metal / lunar spaciousness / a skeletal structure with all markings of identity scraped off its bones / a densely tangled nest of houses / the dull light of the moon / a yellowish swatch of illumination / high wooden fences / a ruined turret grazed by moonlight / a minor mania / a cobwebbed corner / a blank battered wall / warped floor moldings / a watery light / the quivering light of candles / an old-fashioned film projector / the whirring of a projector / a visual record of a scientific experiment / dark wiry appendages /  a pair of slender snapping pincers / tiny translucent wings / glistening but useless / malicious eyes / a dubious look / candles flickering like fire-flies / a cold swamp of shadows / a collection of bones / dazed silence / a clockwork world / sunrise schedules / lunar routines / a pandemonium of forces / a phantasmagoria of possibilities / the shadow of a laugh /  a curious hedonism that can’t be controlled / the vagaries of omnipotence / breeder of indulgence / languorous exhaustion / a psychic matter / unheard of habits / a clown’s oversized grin / bliss on the brink of apotheosis / a universal process of transfiguration / restless skittering / a pitiful delight / giddy pride / demoniac undercurrents / the grotesque ultimatums of creation
The Night School
A high, full moon shining among the spreading clouds / shadows singing with the clouds / a slowly flowing mass of mottled shapes / a kind of unclean outpouring / the black sewers of space / the wall of night /  smoke, dense and dirty, rising up to the sky / the spastic flames of a small fire / a slender gentleman / a dark suit / broken bones / the process of degeneration / the mulchy rot of autumn or early spring / yellowish light / dark scabby bricks / ruined factories / ravaged mausoleums / abandoned orphanages / a blossom of the cemetery or the cesspool / guttering candles / blurred remnants of past lessons / cloacal forces / time as a flow of sewage / drowning in the pools of night / a thousand molting autumns / the melting soil of spring / a pair of yellowish eyes / undiluted darkness / a darkness far greater than the night itself / consolidated darkness / the science of a spectral pathology / a philosophy of absolute disease / the metaphysics of things sinking into a common disintegration or rising together / dark rottenness /  filthy smoke from some smoldering source of expansive corruption / the scent of corruption / the nostalgic perfume of autumn decay / the feculent muskiness of a spring thaw / smoky blackness / the offal of worlds in decline / the dark compost of those about to be born / the primeval impurity In which all things are founded / native putridity / pieces of paper with strange symbols on them / the very face of a plague—pustulant, scabbed, and stinking terribly / a black fog / many voices crying and calling from total blackness / tightly packed earth in a grave / the disease of the night / bright flames / the noise of a fire and the wind / a full moon / shining bright and blurry / a luminous mold / the great sewers of night
The Glamour
A fine aura of fantasy / both blurred and brightened / a starless evening / diamonds of plate glass / old buildings of dark brick / the display window of a toy store / a chaotic tableau of preposterous excitation / mechanized monkeys / fated antics / tiny cymbals / the destined pirouettes of a music-box ballerina / a newly sprung jack-in-the-box / strangely picturesque / dreamily illuminated / sculptured frosting / a winter landscape of swirling, drifting whiteness / snowy rosettes / layers of icy glitter / a glacial kingdom / a brilliant arctic scene / a vitality of enterprise / a glossy light / the placidly enigmatic expressions of a different time / faded lighting / an old photograph / the kind of acute anticipation that a child might experience at a carnival / a possessing impulse without object / wretchedly aglow / a long, narrow corridor with a single light set far into its depths / a strange shade of purple, like that of a freshly exposed heart / a purple lamp / arterial light / a deep pink / a richly blooded brain / a beating heart / wispy shrouds / sparse hairs sticking to the scalp of an old corpse / purple-tinted glass / the darkness of a theater / a swarm of filaments / an elaborate chandelier / a sickly, liverish shade / an operating room where a torso lies open on the table / a palette of pinks and reds and purples / diseased viscera imitating all of the shades of sunset / headstones in a graveyard / endless filthy alleys / long desolate corridors in an old asylum / the dripping passages of a sewer / a dust-blinded window / a dark unvisited cellar / a mirror gone rheumy with age / facets of murky crystal / cobwebs / long pale threads / hazy purple light / the slow curling of thin smoke / a great rectangular web / the ever-mutating images of clouds / a surge of dark elation / a sudden chill announcing bad weather / a vibrant presence / an expression of avid malignance / inner webbings / swirling fibers / wild shocks of twisting hair / a portrait of atrocity / lust for sites and ceremonies of mayhem / writhing cobwebs / reaching tendrils / graveyards and alleyways / a joyous hysteria / a pale purple / sinister and seamy regions / spectral ambiance / all pervasive purple coloration / the labyrinth of a living anatomy / palest pink / a purple light / putrid chambers and cloisters / an infernal land / fleshy, gelatinous integuments / translucent tissue / the theater of a mad surgery / hair-thin sutures / unseen hands designing unnatural shapes and systems / weaving a nest in which possession would take place / the weaver and web-maker / an old puppet-master / setting a helpless creature with new strings / through eyes unknown / purple shadows / a type of degraded rapture / a seizure of debauched panic / webs of hair / great evil / an appeal for deliverance / eyes that would see what should not be seen / stray threads pulled from a sleeve or pocket / a paralytic silence / eyes gazing fierce and malignant / a purple glow / two shafts of the purest purple light / an old woman with glowing eyes
Father Sevich’s Visit
A manner at first vaguely troublesome and afterward rather attractive / the arrival of a priest / the very echoes of the air / mellow afternoon sunlight / dark wooden floors / pale contortions of ancient wall paper / invisible games / abstract dread and a bizarre sort of indebtedness / a thick maze of propositions / a well-made bed / a relentless failure / cloistral tunnels / vaulted penetralia / a single column-clutching hand / the necessary features of fear / a maddening task / a series of completely irrelevant expressions / misty-eyed wonder / cretinous bafflement / smiling in an almost amiable way at one one’s impending doom / the trap of expectation / a sleepy whisper / the sound of soft conversation / the world of good manners and polite talk / a look of incompleteness / some unfinished effigy in a toy maker’s workshop / something vital to expression / the purple-robed mysteries of priesthood / animated eyes / withered things reeking of medicine and prayer / a painfully delicate subject / varnished wood / salvation through suffering / sacred horrors / the divine destiny toward which the paths of anguish have always led / volumes of blessed agony / an attitude of prayerful pleading / torturing demons / a single squatted devil / bristling lashes that sprout like weeds / an explosion of miniature grotesquerie / a brief and calculated absence / a modest fund of moral energy / a macabre icon / profane lessons / a countenance of true terror / a ridiculously empty slate / an off-stage atrocity / a cycle of mute, incredible lore / anthropomorphic mist / an eerie lividity / unconscious hours of darkness / a chronicle of truly unspeakable things / the light of every constellation in the visible universe / the oppressive mysteries of the autumn season / thick orange crayons / black cats / black paper / a hopeless urge for innovation / a tiny white collar / dripping with fever / hat and cloak and walking stick / narrow, nocturnal streets / a fairy-tale vision / serpentine lanes / the distorted glow of street lamps / the thinnest blade of moon / a narrow niche / an unpaved lane / a small courtyard surrounded by high walls / the stars above / jaundiced lamplight / a stairway of cut stone / the earth and absolute blackness / tiny lights glimmering like stars / clouds of shadows / some golden metal / a caricature of serenity / a hand as white as the whitest glove / chaotic rays / underworld starlight / a certain expression of rarefied scorn or disgust / indignant shadows / black, ankle-high shoes / the natural nightlight of the moon / an infernal aura or an angelic halo / a planet revolving its unspeakable tonnage in the blackness of space / a small bottle of holy water / secret denial and privilege / a smile of deep contentment
Miss Plarr
Misty, drizzling days / sharp, urgent rappings at the front door / a world of darkening mist / mist-covered locks / listening with intense expectancy / the world’s chaos of faces / a seething luxuriance / dark battlements of clouds / a mute and sullen twilight / a stone-gray sky / those days all shackled in gloom / a fugue of noise / the livid radiance of moonlight / the wild shape of some night-blossom / some strange and cruel kingdom / an intimate dungeon cell reserved for the most exclusive captivity / constant, noisy marauding / sedentary or stealthy rituals / an abyss of unspoken reproaches and suspicions / some ancient seagoing vessel / an old oil lamp / a series of quite fascinating lectures / a kind of brutality and an air of exile / deliriums of earth and sky / fog-bound islands in polar seas / shadowed realms littered with dead cities / peaks lacerated by unceasing winds / a bluish slime / the proper way to behave / the great mists of spring / murky sheets of ice / a world of shadows bound in place / the sound of something that stings the air / the hissing of rainy afternoons / immense blades sweeping over vast spaces / expansive wings cutting through cold winds / long whips lashing in darkness / intangible sympathies / a dark mesh of nightmares / a foul nest in which one’s own suspicions are swarming / links to a strictly mundane order / a briskness that seems to be an effort / a heavy spring dampness / lost to the world of wholesome practicalities / a hypnotic and fateful determination / a child’s weakness for prospects of misadventure / a fog-smothered landscape / a pale, floating web / an immense and awful kingdom / a patternless conglomerate of crystals / a misty graveyard / angular and many-faced monuments / the mountainous and murky thunderheads of a rainy season / the very essence of a storm / a matter of suspicion and conjecture / atrocious potential / fogs and mists and gray heaping skies / a conspicuous stridency / a dour mystique / a gray mist / skies of hissing rain
The Shadow At the Bottom of the World
Some feverish intent / sheaves of cornstalks standing brownish and brittle in a newly harvested field / a sky of empty light / fiery leafage / something dark, something abysmal / small shadowy voices / sweet wine turning to vinegar / a hysteric brilliance / displays of thorn apple, sumac, and towering sunflowers / crooked roadside fences / a moonlit field / a bright round moon / nocturnal solitude / patched-up overalls / worn flannel / the withered leaves of cornstalks / moonlight spread across a dead field / a great idol in shabby disguise / a sacred avatar out of season / fidgeting bemusement / a leaden vault of clouds / pure sunlight / misty dreams of the past night / a vine-twisted stone wall / dormant vines / a strange network of dead veins / calculated grayness / radiant leaves / legions of local cicadas / a dark fungus / of the blackest earth / a rich loam / a bog of shadows / an abyss in the outline of a man / the feel of wind and water / a few shifting flames / flames of only the slightest warmth / black flames / the molten texture of spoiled fruit / a shriveled scarecrow / an armory of axes, shovels, and other implements / an eccentricity of the harvest / a viscous mire / innumerable insects laughing / sprouting blackness / a perverse reluctance / the great shadow of a moonless night / the dark rustling depths of the season / the glass globes of streetlamps / the dense leaves of elms and oaks and maples / blazing auras / the frigid aurora of dawn / frost-powdered earth / shadows and corn shocks / countless insects chattering unseen / the feverish life of the earth / the wrinkled grimace of decay / corrupted by vile impulses / a mound of soft dirt / the darkish grooves of ancient bark / the mottled complexion of old flesh / a multitude of crooked smiles / a freakish mask painted with russet, rashy colors / a virulent intensity / an autumn night when fields lay ragged in moonlight / moist and fertile shadows / a hollow-eyed howling malignity / the cold emptiness of space / the pale gaze of the moon / the depths of an extraordinary harvest / insecure hints and delvings / the luxuriant shadow of trees / the mocking plumage of a strange season / an array of whims and suspicions / scraps of lush color / gold and crimson hieroglyphs / deathless leaves / an ill-formed village / a hideous impersonation of a face / leprous masks / knotty shadows / a subterranean craze of roots and tendrils / an underworld riot of branching convolutions / gnarled ornamentations / autumnal decay / knives and axes and curving scythes / countless colored leaves / pronouncements of dire or delightful curiosity / a dull trance / a wild luminousness / a diamond-bright fever burning within / perennial strangeness / tenacious foliage / softly glowing against a black sky / an untimely nocturnal rainbow / a harvest of hues / peach gold / pumpkin orange / honey yellow / winy amber / apple red / plum violet / the pyrotechnics of a new autumn / a thousand glittering dreams / a rigid scarecrow / a patchwork of shadows / a quivering glow / a premature craving / an expertly whetted blade / a betrayal or deception on the part of creation itself / something buried deep within appearances / something that wears a mask to hide itself / holding a spatula like a weapon / moldering shadows / a dreamless sleep / a sudden rage of mortification / the remains of a dismantled scarecrow / an ashen autumn morning / the feeling of blood / a bottomless grave
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greenestcoat · 4 years
A fun new thing I have learned while dyeing my hair blue the last few weeks is that all of the hair that’s turned white in the last four years (due to a combination of illness and genetics) takes colour MUCH better than the rest of my hair. Currently the streak of peacock-turquoise in my hair is like, 5 different shades of greenish-blue, including sort of verdigris where the brown is still showing through pretty strongly. But then there’s just threads of BRIGHT turquoise because those were white to start with. Kind of neat.
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writinggeisha · 6 years
Colour Words
White: French beige,  Navajo white,  alabaster white,  albino white,  antique white,  arctic white,  argent white,  ashen white,  beige,  birch,  biscuit white,  bisque,  blanched almond,  blanched white,  bleached white,  blonde,  bone white,  buff,  camel,  canvas beige,  linen white,  marshmallow white,  milk white,  mocassin,  mother-of-pearl,  mushroom,  neutral white,  nude,  oatmeal white,  off-white,  old lace white,  opal,  paper white,  pearl white,  piano key white,  polar white,  porcelain,  powder white,  pure white,  raw cotton white,  coconut white,  contrast white,  cotton white,  cream,  diamond,  dove white,  ecru,  eggshell white,  flax,  flour white,  fog white,  frosted white,  ghost white,  goose white,  hemp,  ivory white,  lace white,  latte,  light tan,  lily white,  sandstone,  seashell white,  sheep white,  sheet white,  shell white,  shining star white,  silvery white,  smoky beige,  snow white,  solid white,  spotless white,  sugar white,  toothpaste white,  vanilla,  waxen white,  wedding white,  whey,  white,  white chocolate,  white smoke  Yellow: Chardonnay,  French fry yellow,  Titanium yellow,  amber,  banana yellow,  bleached blond,  blond,  buff,  bumblebee yellow,  butter yellow,  buttercup,  butternut squash yellow,  butterscotch,  cadmium yellow,  canary yellow,  champagne,  citrine,  corn yellow,  lemon peel,  lemon sherbet,  lemon yellow,  linen,  lion yellow,  maize,  marigold yellow,  mellow yellow,  metallic gold,  mimosa yellow,  mustard yellow,  ochre,  olive,  omelette yellow,  palamino,  papaya,  parakeet yellow,  pencil yellow,  cream,  custard yellow,  daffodil yellow,  dandelion,  duckling yellow,  egg yolk yellow,  electric yellow,  flax,  flesh tone,  gold,  gold yellow,  golden bronze,  golden yellow,  goldenrod,  highlighter yellow,  honey yellow,  lemon chiffon,  lemon drop,  pineapple yellow,  popcorn yellow,  raincoat yellow,  saffron,  school bus yellow,  squash yellow,  straw yellow,  sunflower yellow,  sunglow yellow,  sunset yellow,  sunshine yellow,  taxi cab yellow,  topaz,  vanilla,  wheat,  yellow,  yolk yellow  
Orange:  amber,  apricot,  basketball  orange,  blood  orange,  bourbon,  burnt  orange,  butterfly  orange,  candlelight  orange,  candy  corn,  cantaloupe  orange,  carnelian,  carotene,  carrot  orange,  cheddar  orange,  cinnamon,  mango,  marigold  orange,  melon  orange,  neon  orange,  old  gold,  orange,  orange  juice,  orange  peel,  orange  sherbet,  orange  soda,  orange-red,  papaya,  peach,  persimmon,  pumpkin  orange,   copper  penny,  coral,  dark  orange,  dark  salmon,  dayglo  orange,  ember  orange,  fall  leaves  orange,  flame  orange,  ginger  orange,  gold,  golden  orange,  goldfish  orange,  ice  pop  orange,  light  orange,  light  salmon,   rust  orange,  safety  orange,  saffron,  salamander  orange,  starfish  orange,  sunrise  orange,  tabby,  tangelo,  tangerine,  tawny,  tiger  orange,  tiger  stripe  orange,  traffic  cone  orange,  yam  orange
Red: Bordeaux  red,  Indian  red,  alizarin  crimson,  amaranth,  apple  red,  auburn,  autumn  leaf  red,  barn  red,  beet  red,  blood  red,  blush,  bougainvillea,  bourbon,  brick  red,  bright  red,  burgundy,  burnt  sienna,  candy  apple  red,  cardinal  red,  carmine,  carnelian,  cerise,  cherry  red,  chestnut  red,  chili  pepper  red,  magenta,  magma  red,  maroon,  orange-red,  paprika,  pepperoni  red,  persimmon  red,  pink  red,  pomegranate  red,  poppy  red,  rabbit  eye  red,  radish  red,  rare  steak  red,  raspberry  red,  red,  red  apple,  red  berry,  red  carpet,  red  licorice,  red  lipstick,  red  nose,  red  pepper,  red  potato,  red  rose,  red  velvet,  claret,  copper,  coral  red,  crab  red,  cranberry  red,  crimson  red,  dark  cerise,  dark  red,  deep  pink,  devil  red,  faded  rose,  fire  engine  red,  fire  red,  fire  truck  red,  flame  red,  florid  red,  fruit  punch  red,  garnet  red,  geranium  red,  henna,  hibiscus  red,  hot  pink,  ketchup  red,  ladybug  red,  lipstick  red,  red  wine  vinegar,  redwood,  rosewood,  rouge,  ruby  red,  russet  red,  rust  red,  sangria  red,  scarlet,  sports  car  red,  stop  light  red,  stop  sign  red,  strawberry  red,  tawny  port  red,  tawny  red,  terra  cotta,  tomato  bisque,  tomato  red,  torch  red,  vermillion,  watermelon  flesh,  wine  red,  winter  apple  red
Pink: Pepto Bismal pink,   Persian rose,   amaranth,   apricot,   ash rose,   baby cheeks pink,   baby pink,   bacon pink,   ballerina pink,   ballet pink,   ballet slipper pink,   begonia,   blush pink,   bougainvillea,   bubblegum pink,   cameo,   carmine,   carnation pink,   cerise,   cherry blossom,   mulberry,   neon pink,   orchid,   pale pink,   pastel pink,   peach,   peach puff,   peony pink,   petunia pink,   pig pink,   pink,   pink Cadillac,   pink champagne,   pink cheeks,   pink diamond,   pink grapefruit,   pink lemonade,   pink sherbet,   polka dot pink,   powder pink,   conch pink,   coral pink,   cotton candy,   cranberry,   cupcake pink,   dayglo pink,   dusty rose,   eraser pink,   flamingo pink,   flesh,   flesh-colored,   fuchsia,   grapefruit pink,   hibiscus pink,   hot pink,   jellyfish pink,   lavender pink,   light plum,   lipstick pink,   magenta,   rose,   rose petal,   rose pink,   rose quartz,   rosy red,   ruby,   ruddy pink,   sand pink,   seashell pink,   shocking pink,   soft pink,   strawberry jam,   strawberry milkshake,   sunset pink,   tea rose,   thistle pink,   tongue pink,   tulip pink,   turnip pink,   worm pink
Purple: Concord grape,   amethyst,   aubergine,   beet purple,   bilberry purple,   blackberry,   blackcurrant,   blue violet,   blueberry,   brandywine,   bruise purple,  byzantium,   cerise,   claret,   currant,   dahlia,   magenta,   mauve,   monster purple,   mulberry,   opal purple,   orchid purple,   pale plum,   pansy purple,   passionfruit purple,   pastel purple,   periwinkle,   plum,   prune,   purple,   purple cabbage,   purple jam,   dark raspberry,   dark violet,   eggplant purple,   fandango,   grape crush,   grape jam purple,   grape jelly purple,   grape purple,   heliotrope,   hyacinth,   inky purple,   iris purple,   juice purple,   lavender,   lavender blush,   lilac purple,   quartz,   raisin purple,   raspberry,   rhubarb purple,   royal purple,   thistle,   true purple,   turnip purple,   violet,   violet red,   wild berry purple,   wild grape,   wine,   wisteria
Blue: Caribbean blue,   Caribbean turquoise,   Dodger blue,   Pacific blue,   Prussian blue,   Tiffany blue,   alice blue,   aqua blue,   aquamarine,   azure blue,  baby blue,   blue belle,   blue ice,   blue jean blue,   blue-green,   blueberry,  bluebird blue,   bluebonnet blue,   cadet blue,   lapis lazuli,   light blue,  marine blue,   marlin blue,   midnight blue,   navy blue,   neon blue,   nighttime blue,   ocean blue,   pale blue,   pastel blue,   peacock blue,   police officer blue,   pool blue,   powder blue,   ribbon blue,   robin egg,   royal blue,   sapphire blue,   cobalt,   cornflower,   cyan,   dark blue,   dark slate blue,   deep sky blue,   denim blue,   dolphin blue,   electric blue,   frostbite blue,   glacial blue,   heather,   iceberg blue,   icy blue,   imperial blue,   indigo blue,   inky blue,  jay blue,   lake blue,   slate blue,   snowflake blue,   stained glass blue,   steel blue,   stone blue,   summer sky blue,   surf blue,   swimming pool,   teal blue,   true blue,   turquoise,   ultra blue,   ultramarine,   verdigris,   violet blue,   washed denim blue,   whale blue
Green: Granny Smith apple,   Kelly green,   Kermit green,   Persian green,   absinthe,   algae green,   alligator green,   apple green,   aqua,   army green,   artichoke green,   asparagus green,   avocado green,   bay leaf green,   bluegrass green,   boxwood green,   broccoli green,   cabbage green,   cactus green,   caterpillar green,   celery green,   chartreuse,   chive green,   chlorophyll green,   iceberg lettuce,   iguana green,   ivy green,   jade green,   jadestone,   jungle green,   kelp green,   key lime green,   leaf green,   leprechaun green,   lettuce green,   lichen green,   light cyan,   lime green,   lizard green,   melon rind green,   metallic mint,   mint green,   moss green,   myrtle green,   neon green,   olive drab,   olive green,   parrot green,   crocodile green,   cucumber green,   cyan,   cypress,   dark khaki green,   dark olive green,   dollar bill green,   drab olive,   eel green,   emerald green,   evergreen,   fern green,   forest green,   frog green,   grass green,   grasshopper green,   green,   green apple,   green olive,   green pepper,   green tea,   green-yellow,   holly,   honeydew green,   pea soup,   pear green,   pickle green,   pine green,   pistachio,   sage green,   sea green,   seafoam green,   seaweed green,   shamrock green,   spinach green,   spring bud green,   spring green,   sprout green,   spruce green,   summer grass,   swamp green,   tea green,   turtle green,   verdant,   verdigris,   wasabi green,   zucchini green
Brown: October brown,   acorn brown,   auburn,   autumn leaf,   barbecue sauce brown,   bark brown,   bay,   bear brown,   beetle brown,   biscuit brown,   branch brown,   brick brown,   bronze,   brown,   brown sugar,   brunette,   burnt sienna,  burnt umber,   butterscotch brow,   cafe au lait,   camel brown,   cappuccino brown,   caramel brown,   cardboard brown,   chestnut brown, kangaroo brown,   khaki,   leather,   lion brown,   liver brown,   mahogany,   maple brown,   maple sugar brown,   maroon,   meatball brown,   milk chocolate,   mink,   mocha brown,   mud brown,   nougat,   nude,   nut brown,   nut brown ale,   nutmeg,   oak brown,   pancake brown,   peanut butter brown,   potato brown,   pretzel brown,   raisin brown,   cinnamon brown,   cocoa,   cocoa brown,   coffee bean brown,   coffee brown,   coffee stain brown,   copper,   dark chocolate brown,   dark citrine,   deer brown,   desert sand,   dirt,   doeskin,   dun,   earth brown,   earth yellow,   earthenware brown,   fallow,   fawn brown,   football brown,   fox brown,   freckle brown,   ginger brown,   golden brown,   hazel brown,  rich earth,  roan,   root beer brown,   rosewood,   ruddy brown,   russet brown,   rust,  saddle brown,   sand,   sandy brown,   sea lion brown,   semi-sweet chocolate,   sepia,   sienna,   sorrel,   steak brown,   tan,   tan brown,   tan-nude,   tawny,   toast brown,   tumbleweed,   tweed brown,   walnut brown,   wheat,
Gray/Grey: argent silver,   ash gray,   battleship gray,   cadet gray,   charcoal gray,   chrome,   cloud gray,   cloudy day gray,   concrete gray,   cool gray,   cool grey,   dim gray,   dolphin gray,   dove gray,   overcast gray,   owl gray,   oyster gray,   pewter,   pigeon gray,   platinum,   rainy day gray,   rhinoceros gray,   river rock,   salt and pepper gray,   sardine gray,   seal gray,   shark gray,   silver,   elephant gray,   fog gray,   grandma gray,   granite gray,   gray,   grey,   gunmetal gray,   haze gray,   hippopotamus gray,   iron gray,   koala gray,   metal gray,   mist gray,   moon gray,   smoke gray,   soot gray,   steel gray,   stone gray,   storm gray,   stormy sea gray,   taupe gray,   thunder cloud gray,   warm gray,   wed sidewalk gray,   wool gray,   zinc gray
Black: Mars black,   black,   black cat,   black coffee,   black licorice,   black pearl,   black pepper,   black tar,   blackboard black,   blackout,   blue-black,   bow tie black,   kettle black,   kohl black,   licorice black,   mascara black,   mica,  midnight black,   molasses black,   night sky black,   ninja black,   obsidian,   onyx,   outer space black,   caviar black,   chalkboard black,   charcoal black,   coal black,   ebony black,   eclipse black,   eyelash black,   fig,   gothic black,   hearse black,   ink black,   jet black,   piano key black,   pitch black,   pupil black,  raven black,   sable black,   shadow black,   smoky black,   sooty black,   spade black,   spider black,   tar black,   tarmac black
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silver-tongues-blog · 7 years
Signs as Colours
Aries: Burgandy
Arsces: Cardinal
Arrius: Crimson
Ariborn: Mahogany
Arittarius: Persian
Arpia: Scarlet
Arza: Wine
Arga: Vermilion
Aro: Tuscan
Arcen: Rose
Armini: Carmine
Arun: Auburn
Arist: Imperial
Arsci: Ruby
Arnius: Rust
Aricorn: Cornell
Arittanius: Brick
Arpio: Maroon
Arra: Cherry
Argo: Cinnabar
Arlo: Barn
Arcer: Hibiscus
Armino: Ferrari
Arus: Sanguine
Taurus: Bronze
Taurist: Chestnut
Taursci: Chocolate
Taurnius: Brown
Tauricorn: Russet
Tarittanius: Sepia
Taurpio: Tawny
Taurra: Fallow
Taurgo: Copper
Tarlo: Tree Bark
Taurcer: Fawn
Taurminio: Fulvous
Taurun: Bole
Tauries: Cordovan
Taursces: Khaki
Taurrius: Sand
Tauriborn: Wheat
Taurittarius: Sinopia
Taurpia: Cocoa
Taurza: Ochre
Taurga: Dirt
Tauro: Mud
Taurcen: Pullman
Taurmini: Caramel 
Gemini: Gold
Gemun: Mustard
Gemeries: Piss
Gemsces: Saffron
Gemrius: Jasmine
Gemiborn: Yellow
Gemittarius: Amber
Gempia: Citrine
Gemza: Vanilla
Gemga: Dandelion 
Gemo: Cream
Gemcen: Apricot
Gemino: Aureolin
Gemus: Chartreuse
Gemrist: Light
Gemsci: Flax
Gemnius: Sun
Gemicorn: Canary
Gemittanius: Lemon
Gempio: Fox
Gemra: Leopard
Gemgo: Maize
Gemlo: Butter
Gemcer: Jonquil
Cancer: Lime
Camino: Chartreuse
Canus: Pear
Canrist: Mindaro
Cansci: Nyanza
Cannius: Spring
Canicorn: Lawn
Canittanius: Apple
Canpio: Grass
Canra: Pistachio
Cango: Avacaco
Canlo: Aloe
Cancen: Limerick
Camini: Frankenstein
Canun: Vines
Canries: Emerald
Cansces: Leaves
Canrius: Sour Grapes
Caniborn: White Wine
Cannitarius: Broccoli
Canza: Zucchini 
Canga: Peppers
Cano: Peas
Leo: Olive
Lecen: Artichoke
Lemini: Shrek
Leun: Jungle
Leries: Forest
Lesces: Laurel
Lerius: Fern
Leiborn: Mantis
Leittarius: Moss
Lepia: Pine
Leza: Reseda
Lega: Shamrock
Lelo: Grasshopper
Lecer: Tea
Lemino: Green
Leus: Castleton
Lerist: Celadon
Lesci: Dartmouth
Lenius: Chameleon
Leicorn: India Green
Leittanius: Hunter
Lepio: Malachite
Lera: Peridot
Lego: Field
Virgo: Jade
Virlo: Neon
Vircer:  Sea
Virmino: Paris:
Virus:  Mint
Virist: Argyle
Virsci: Hills
Virnius: Starboard
Viricorn: Dragon
Virittanius: Slime
Virpio: Plant
Virra: Ivy
Virga: Lettuce
Viro: Celery
Vircen: Parakeet
Virmini: Seafoam
Virune: Juniper
Viries: Basil
Virsces: Crocodile
Virrius: Sage
Viriborn: Pickle
Virittarius: Sap
Virpia: Turtle
Viriza: Snake
Libra: Teal
Ligo: Cyan
Liblo: Aero
Licer: Deep Sea
Limino: Scales
Libus: Aquamarine
Librist: Caribbean
Libsci: Celeste
Libnius: Electric
Libicorn: Kepel
Libittanius: Midnight green
Lipio: Robin egg
Libza: Turqouise
Liga: Opal
Libo: Verdigris
Licen: Agate
Limini: Viridian
Libun: Scobeloff
Libries: Spinel
Libsces: Topaz
Librius: Apatite
Libiborn: Beryl
Libittarius: Tourmaline
Lipia: Magic Mint
Scorpio: Cobalt
Scorra: Cerulean
Scorgo: Sky
Scorlo: Sea
Scorcer: Sapphire
Scormino: Denim
Scorus: Glaucous
Scorist: Dodger
Scorsci: Bleu
Scornius: Tufts
Scoricorn: Steel
Scorittanius: Byzantine
Scorpia: Bondi
Scorza: Fluorite
Scorga: Azure
Scoro: Royal
Scorcen: Midnight Blue
Scormini: Oxford
Scorun: Cornflower
Scories: Lapis
Scorsces: Columbia
Scorrius: Ice
Scoriborn: Yale
Scorittarius: Maya
Sagittarius: Indigo
Sagipia: Ultramarine
Sagiza: Blue
Sagiga: Admiral
Sagio: Peacock
Sagicen: Zaffre
Sagimini: Medium blue
Sagiun: Dark blue
Sagires: Duke blue
Sagisces: Palatinate 
Sagirius: Tanzanite
Sagiborn: Navy
Sagittanius: Zircon
Sagipio: Chalcedony
Sagira: Iolite
Sagigo: Larimar
Sagilo: Labradorite
Sagicer: Chrysocolla
Sagimino: Kyanite
Sagius: Carolina
Sagirist: Dusk
Sagisci: True blue
Sigicorn: Klein blue
Capricorn: Purple
Caprittanius: Purble
Capripio: Lilac
Caprira: Lavender
Caprigo: Amethyst
Caprilo: Wine
Capricer: Grape
Caprimino: Orchid
Caprius: Iris
Caprist: Periwinkle
Caprinius: Royal Purple
Capriborn: Medium Purple
Caprittarius: Muave
Capripia: Heliotrope
Capriza: Phlox
Capriga: Purpureus
Caprio: Pomp and power
Capricen: Eminence
Caprimini: Byzantium
Capriun: Palatinate
Capries: Juice
Caprisces: Prune
Capririus: Raisin
Aquarius: Violet
Aquiborn: Boysenberry
Aquittarius: Sangria
Aquapia: Jam
Aquaza: Mullberry
Aquaga: Electric Violet
Aquo: Vivid Violet
Aquacen: Dark Violet
Aquamini: Amaranth
Aquiun: Aster
Aquiaries: Aubergine
Aquasces: Violet sapphire
Aquanius: Charoite
Aquacorn: Hackmanite
Aquittanius: Rhodolite
Aquapio: Iolite
Aquara: Jadeite
Aquago: Alexandrite
Aqualo: Taaffeite
Aquacer: Kunzite
Aquamino: Scapolite
Aquius: Sugilite
Aquarist: Rubellite
Aquasci: Lepidolite
Pisces: Tyrian
Pirius: Fuscha
Piborn: Magenta
Pittarius: Pink rose
Pipia: Pink
Piza: Folly
Piga: Fandango
Pio: Rose quartz
Picen: Pink Tourmaline
Pimini: Ultra pink
Piun: PINK
Piries: Cyclamen
Pisci: Brink
Pinius: Carnation
Picorn: Ceries
Pittanius: Coral
Pipio: Straberry
Pira: Peach
Pigo: Bubblegum
Pilo: Rouge
Picer: Flamingo
Pimino: Salmon
Pius: Punch
Pirist: poppy
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red-ibis-red · 7 years
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apple, aquamarine, beryl, blue-green, bottle, chartreuse, emerald, fir, forest, grass, jade, kelly, lime, malachite, moss, olive, pea, peacock, pine, sage, sap, sea, spinach, verdigris, vert, viridian, willow
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smoochesforghost · 5 years
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off duty
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