#verse: broken pieces shine
akirakirxaa · 2 months
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Auraugust Day 10: Dusk
Just two lonely people being a little less lonely together.
[Shameless plug of my bad end fic, Broken Pieces Shine.]
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poemnic-tarot · 2 years
Channeled Message from Your Soulmate’s Higher Self
(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
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🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 1🌠 “Twin flames”
“I want to acknowledge your mastery of your own emotions. I love that you’ve learned not to control or shame your emotion but accept them for what they are. Your inner strength really shine through and it wasn’t easy so I want to congratulate you on that hard earned achievement, my love. Now your emotion can’t hold you back anymore from taking action. They do not dictate what you can or cannot do because frankly, there is nothing you can’t achieve in this world. You can basically manifest anything.
You are very intuitive and even psychic when we first met and I noticed that about you. I was surprised by how much you were able to pick up on. My feeling particularly because I was not that expressive. You’ve showed me how to balance between true inspired action and just doing things for the sake of doing it. It was hard for me to give something up or abandoned things I’ve started, even when I know it was passed due to do so. Leaving things,letting go of attachment is hard for me. I am the type to keep on reading a book or watching a movie till the end even when I am dead bored of them. There’s no reason for me to continue but there wasn’t a reason for me to leave either. So I’m stuck I guess, I’m very good at getting myself stuck, in the middle, hanging in- between staying or going. But you told me you found that endearing for some reason and gently took my hand and guide me out of my self- imposed prison. You have helped me heal my wound of abandonment, maybe that’s why it was hard to say goodbye to things and leave them, even though they do not serve me anymore.
I admire your sense of adventure, you are the most expressive person I’ve ever met. Even if you don’t know that about yourself. I feel quite a strong kinship with you, like this is not our first rodeo on this earth. Perhaps, we often have more adventures in our dreams, I know I do dreamt of you quite often. I just want to let you know that I love you, I love who are and who you were and who you are trying to become. Every versions of you amazed me cause your true strength alway shines through every time and I will alway recognised your bright essence anywhere.”
Your Soul Family
Signs: Rose, Lion/big cats, 111, Infinity, Pine trees,Crescent Moon
Love Quotes: "In the end, we all just want someone that chooses us over everyone else under any circumstances."
Song: I See the Light from Tangle
“….And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
Love Poem verse : Twin flames by @cant-find-my-name
…I recognised negative traits needed
To be discard,
When we met, I think I’ve found myself
The missing piece, part of my soul
Ah, you’re my Twin flames
When I met you I know
We’re one and the same
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 2🍄 If Magic Was Real
"I hope you are taking time to fully sit in your emotions and grieve. It is okay to express your emotion, in fact, it is crucial if you need to cry or break down or just lose it emotionally. Give yourself that permission to do so. You might think that it's strong of you to keep it together for the sake of others or yourself. That it is so mature of you to do so but darling, there need to be a balance. You need to heal but you won't be able to heal if you won't let yourself feel all of your sadness. If you need to cry, cry it out I will be here with you. You are not alone in your sorrows. I would like to give this song to you, maybe it would help "Chiquitita by Cher". It seem you have broken a feather but don't worry, we will try to patch it up together.
I want to tell you that a renewal is coming to you. It was a hard chapter that you just experienced and I hate seeing you pretending to be fine. But your sad eyes is not fooling anyone. It is okay to be sad,to be angry, to let it all out ( in a healthy way not in a self destructive way please). I admired you for holding it together for this long, but more than anything, I want you to let go. Be vulnerable with yourself, I think that is the most beautiful thing. Witness the spectrum of human emotions, it is beautiful. It is time to rest in your nest for awhile until you’re able to fly again. Take all the time that you need, grieve all that there is, broken relationships, friendships, nostalgia. Whatever it is, I am alway there. Listen to music because I love sending you messages through these songs, it has really helped me through my hard time. So I’m hoping music could be a little comfort to you at this time. Take some time for yourself love, cause you definitely need it. Trust me that the sun will rise once more, and all that happened will just been a hard learned lesson and you’ve definitely learn a lot from it.
I know that the real you is not a sad person. You are the most vibrant, radiant, happiest soul I know. And sadness doesn’t suit you one bit, as well as pretending to be happy. You shine best when you are true to your feeling. Winter is over and I cannot wait to welcome you back into the season of spring.”
Your Soulmate
Signs: Black feathers, birds, 55, Tears drop
Love Quote : “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
Song : Chiquitita by Cher
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I’m a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I’m the one you must rely on
You were alway sure of yourself
Now, I see you’ve broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together
Love Poem verse: If Magic Was Real by @cant-find-my-name
.. The world seem kind
When you’re around
To believe again
Is easy
When you’re with me
If Magic is real
It is where you’ll be
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 3🫧 I’ll Never Forget
“You’re working so hard and so am I. We’re trying to do our own work, slowly building strong foundation for the future. Maybe out of fears than anything. This anxiety to keep on going, to do better and better, to improve, constantly striving for a better future. I get it, I feel it too, however, if we keep on going like this eventually our life forces will run out. And physically we can become ill and I really don’t want that for you. So I’m here to let you know that you can slow down, what you feared will not come true. Your deep, dark fears will not come alive. If you think you can’t stop because you think that the fears you feel will transpire. No, it will not, you’ve work hard enough. Outwardly and internally, I’ve watched you tried and tried and alway striving to do better. To be better, but honey, you are already enough for me. You alway will be, regardless of what you did or what you didn’t do or what you will do. I will alway believe that your existence alone is enough for me. To sooth my soul, to lift my spirit up. You don’t have to do anything for me, I am happy just to be with you, to exist with you, to be by your side and bath in your lovely presence
I know you have struggled from a lack mentality, I don’t know if you notice that about yourself. And that is nothing to be ashamed of , I‘m struggling with it too. I understand how you feel, no matter how much you have or how much you do, you just feel it’s never enough. True abundance come from the inside. And you are already enough with the proof that your heart beats for you, the blood flowing in your vein is proof that we meant to exist here as we are. No more, no less.
Please rest assured love, and take a break once in a while. Do something that’s not related to work. I want you to practice winding down, practice letting go and relaxing. No one ever teach us how to truly relax and it is a skill, it doesn’t come naturally to us and we can help each other relax. We can practice together, practice just existing without shame or guilt, or a pit in our stomach that things will go wrong if you don’t do anything. I want you to learned to have fun because when we’re together, it’ll become a skill that will help our relationship a lot. I want to have fun together with you and for you to tell me all about your adventures, your travels and your crazy journey. I can’t wait to just sit down and be with you. Take a vacation with you and have the time of our lives. You are my vacation home.”
Love from,
Your Honey bear
Signs : 88, Roses, Games, Festival, Spider, Designer brand
Love Quote : “I know from that first moment we met. It was not love at first sight exactly but familiarity. Like ‘oh hello’, it’s you. It’s going to be you.”
Song : Voyage by Kep1er
“The sound of waves surging in
Far beyond the horizon
Between the clouds, we going high
Follow me in my way
When the gentle breeze blows
Close your eyes and feel it
We arrived to an unfamiliar island
slowly open your eyes
Love Poem verse: I’ll Never Forget by @cant-find-my-name
Loneliness is a disease
But I think you’ve just cure me,
You make me so happy
I don’t recognise myself,
You warmed my hand
Around your coffee mug
And asked if I’m alright
Your voice sounded worried
And there’s concern sincerity’s in
Your eyes.
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 4🌙Each Night
“Good evening, I hope to meet you again in our dream. I know you dreamed of me and questioned it. Believe in yourself my little star. Your dream is not lying to you. It is alright to hope, to wish, to believe in the impossible. Please don’t think that it’s ridiculous or childish to believe in true love, in soulmate and fairy tales. Because you’re not wrong to hope. Your soulmate exist and you know that but your fears trying to convince you otherwise. I am your soulmate and my message to you is to believe in me. I want to validate your feeling, your extraordinary senses. Your wish in that little star?, I heard it, the universe heard it too and we listen. To all of your wishes and it was not ridiculous of you to wish for love, true love. It is not unrealistic, or rose colour glasses. It is just something that you know you deserve and want to feel. We do not shame or guilt ourself for asking for more love.
I am alway with you, in your dream, in your waking life, in our past lives. That is why you can feel my presence so strongly. It is not just from your imagination. I want to assured you that, it is real. I am as real as the bark of a tree. I can feel you too but truthfully, my 3D self is not as intuitive as you. I tend to brush things off when they don’t make sense, so please don’t be like me.Things doesn’t need to make sense now,it will eventually come together. Unfolding naturally, beautifully. I know you see my signs everywhere and is questioning reality. You are not going mad, just a head up from me. We will meet soon, in a way that you won’t believe. I won’t either but we both know that we wish for this desperately. Earth has been achingly lonely for me. And knowing you exist have helped alleviate the ache a bit. I want you to take your time with life, don’t rush cause when we come together, we can continue this journey together in an even pace,step by step.
Signs : North Star, Dove, Diamond shape, Cocoon of a butterfly, 8910, 2020
Love Quotes: “He loves you very much” she said, but more than that, he cares for you. Sometimes love is not as important as truly caring for the other person.
Song : Surefire by John Legend
“Let me breath you in ‘till gravity bends
And we fall through the hole in the light
Make this our kingdom
Somewhere where good love conquers and not
Love Poem verse : Each Night by @cant-find-my-name
Oh distance shore
I beg of you
Please no more,
Please don’t keep us apart
I can’t take it
This is destroying my heart,
We are one and it’s time to be
Together again
Next to each other
Hand in Hand
Feel you touch my skin
Smell your scent
I breathe you in………
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Thank you so much for reading!. If this resonate please leave a tip if you like. See you soon!
Check out more of my original poems at @cant-find-my-name .
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Written By: Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Gerard Way & Frank Iero
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2010
“Summertime” is a ‘new wave’ song, allegedly believed to be written about frontman Gerard Way’s wife, Lyn-z Way. In an interview, Gerard said that it started as a riff Mikey had written, before evolving into a song they ‘couldn’t have the record without.’ “[“Summertime”] is one of the lyrically personal songs on the album, whereas the rest of it is just me talking about my worldview. So it’s a really beautiful song and again—no rules. We can have a soft song.”
[Verse 1] When the lights go out Will you take me with you And carry all this broken bone Through six years down In crowded rooms and highways I call home? Is something I can't know till now Till you picked me off the ground With brick in hand, your lip-gloss smile Your scraped-up knees and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Verse 2] Terrified of what I'd be As a kid, from what I've seen Every single day when people try And put the pieces back together Just to smash them down Turn my headphones up real loud I don't think I need them now 'Cause you stop the noise and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Post-Chorus] Well, anytime you want Well, anytime you want [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] Don't walk away, don't walk away Don't walk away, don't walk away! [Chorus] 'Cause if you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me [Post-Chorus] Or you can write it on your arm You can run away with me Anytime you want
I See the Light
Written By: Glenn Slater & Alan Menken
Artist: Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi for Tangled
Released: 2010
“I See the Light” is a romantic duet in Tangled between Rapunzel and Eugene. It is sung when Rapunzel is finally achieving her lifelong dream to see the floating lanterns. The song was nominated for best song at the 83rd academy awards but lost to “We Belong Together” from Toy Story 3. “I See The Light” was originally called “You Are My Forever,” and was a reprise of a song Mother Gothel sung to Rapunzel, before being removed. After “You Are My Forever” was removed, the song was still different from what it was in the finished film. It was an anthem-like song at first but Alan Menken decided it should be more gentle.
[RAPUNZEL] All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been Now I'm here blinking in the starlight Now I'm here suddenly I see Standing here it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything looks different Now that I see you [FLYNN] All those days chasing down a daydream All those years living in a blur All that time never truly seeing Things, the way they were Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go [FLYNN & RAPUNZEL] And at last I see the light [FLYNN] And it's like the fog has lifted [FLYNN & RAPUNZEL] And at last I see the light [RAPUNZEL] And it's like the sky is new [FLYNN & RAPUNZEL] And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything is different Now that I see you Now that I see you
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laracrofted · 9 months
happy 2024 new years, ames, my love! 🥰🥳 i would absolutely love to shine a light on the below pieces. i could absolutely include all of their masterlists too, but these pieces just unlock something in me, including feral behavior, complete and utter love, and heart flutters!
learning from the best - @whatislovevavy
warmth - @sugarcoated-lame
the broken road - @unmistakablyunknown
dilf!rhett x babysitter!reader - @rhettabbotts
afterglow - @cherrycola27
the bunny and the bull rider - @lewmagoo
killing me softly - @wkndwlff
goodnight moon, goodnight you - @peachystenbrough
gold rush - @bobfloydsbabe
kinda might, sorta like, love you a little bit - @theharddeck
supernova - @laracrofted
parking spots - @withahappyrefrain
take me out, and take me home - @becks-things
threesomeissance 2023 - @sushiwriterhere (this was a FANTASTIC event!)
i would also love to highlight my own series, ptolemaea. | the verses. and in particular, my muse @sunblchdfly. 💗
i’m sending love to EVERYONE this new years and i wish you all well, mwah! 💗
mwah, i love you so dearly, seb, and i love these recs 🩷 happy new year!
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shattereddarknessau · 7 months
…. *the mysterious skeleton turns to face you*
So… it’s you huh….? I suppose you’re here to listen to this unfortunate backstory? Perhaps here to grant me your pity?
Now……I suppose I could tell you what happened. Not that I highly doubt you’ll be interested……hm? What’s that? …..You are?
…..*sighs* Fine. If you insist. I shall tell you the story of how Rubytale ceased to be. *the mysterious skeleton reaches for the book, and begins reading the story*
“Once apon a time, two races ruled the land, humans…and monsters. The two races were ruled by two leaders King Topaz, and Queen Aquamarine. One day, The Crystal Ruby of Balance grew out of control, causing the entire AU to vanish of the maps, and...” *he stops reading for a second*
Wait a minute….*the mysterious skeleton  turns to the pages, to find false information*No….T-This is not right. It’s all wrong. Nothing in this book is right! It doesn’t talk about the REAL story at all. They’re leaving out the tragic events of his childhood. There was no “King Topaz”, damn those delusional authors. Always spreading lies about history.
…. They’re choosing to forget what REALLY happened to my people. *he disintegrates the book of lies*
I think it’s about time you learn the real story of Rubytale, the true tale.
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On day, a selfish soul decided to steal the crystal to absorb its magic for their own greedy desires, oblivious to the horrible fate they have brought upon innocent people.
The crystal was the only thing keeping the world together, it was known to guarded for centuries, people praised the crystal, as if it were a might god, however, the guards had grew lazy over time, letting it slip into the wrong hands.
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To the sound of footsteps approaching, the selfish soul dropped the 2,000 year old crystal on the ground and ran away in a panic to save their own skin, leaving the AU and the damaged artifact behind. The guards came back to see what the selfish individual had done.
“Oh the horror, The Crystal Ruby of Balance has been damaged, we’re all done for!!” said one of the guards in a state of fear. In a moment of despair and sadness, they dropped to their knees and begged the magic crystal for forgiveness, but it was too late.
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A bright glow begin to emerge from the crystal, blinding everyone in the room, it rose to the sky like a big shining star, and began striking everything in its path.
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An emergency evaluation was scheduled that morning, screams of terror can be heard all across New Home City, the crystal blocked the light of the sun itself, causing the sky to become too bright for the eyes…
Broken pieces of the crystal had formed into giant meteors that came crashing down on buildings and homes. By the afternoon, the entire city was destroyed, with some civilians injured and others killed.
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The last remaining survivors ran and ran as fast as they could, yet they were no much for the rubies destructive power. No one was spared, and they were wiped out without a trace.
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….My apologies, I shall keep reading for you.
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The queen simply watched, frozen in horror of watching the entire earths population in the AU parish so easily. She knew there was not enough time left, so she grabbed her ten year old son and used her last remaining bit of magic to send him to a safe place somewhere in the multi-verse.
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She had a granted him a staff as well known as ‘The summoner’ which will allow him to summon any Sans at his disposal to help him in time of need as well as travel to other worlds.
However, the child couldn’t get it to work, no matter how hard he tried. He was sent to void between the fabric of time known as the “Timespace”, it was like an empty canvas, nothing to see yet.
With his world gone forever and everyone he cared about, he cried for hours and hours, he screamed for help, he sat for hours hoping someone would COME TO HIS AID AND TELL HIM THAT EVERYTHING WAS GOING TO BE OKAY….that he was safe now….that someone now cares for him…
..And yet….NOBODY CAME… “Where is my savior?” he said…
“Where was my happy ending damn it?! I don’t deserve to suffer like this!” The child shouted in a fit of rage.
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“The story is incomplete there has to be more to it than this… this can’t be my fate. It just can’t be, someone has to come for me, they just gotta!”
The child repeatedly said to himself every day, hoping to keep his sanity alive, as the the days became weeks, and the weeks became months, and months became years.
The years of isolation and loneliness took every last bit of a motion that poor child had left in his heart, he grew emotionless, dull, unable to smile again. He swore to kill the bastard responsible, and when he did, he would bathe in their blood.
And would you like to know who the child was?
That child….was ME….
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The End of Dark’s Backstory.
(P.S The art was drawn by his younger self to explain his POV of the story and how it affected him badly)
Original Rubytale by (rubytale-chapter2)
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Dear Reader (by Taylor Swift) Analysis. I suddenly got obsessed with this song so here’s an analysis of the whole thing. please read it took me like 30 minutes 🙏 warning: it’s a bit long
This whole song is extremely interesting. It is one of Taylor’s songs that addresses not only her fame, but also how she sees herself, and her flaws. It’s almost like anti hero, but somehow more self critical. At the conclusion of the song, we see Taylor is really trying to tell us that we shouldn’t be looking up to her, a flawed and broken person, but she is too famous and too perfect to the public. She “shines too bright” for us to look away now, and it is impossible to give up the fame at this point. 
Dear reader
If it feels like a trap, you're already in one
The song opens with the phrase “dear reader”, a pattern which continues throughout the rest of the song. We can only assume that this reader she is addressing is us, the fans. “If it feels like a trap, you’re already in one” it is unclear if Taylor is just starting off with giving us life advice here, or if this is addressing something relating to her.
This pattern follows for the rest of the verse, lines starting with “dear reader” and the ending with a piece of life advice:
Dear reader
Get out your map, pick somewhere and just run
Dear reader
Burn all the files, desert all your past lives
And if you don't recognize yourself
That means you did it right
Does this advice have to do with Taylor? We can perhaps relate the map line to Taylor disappearing after the feud in 2017, or perhaps running from the paparazzi and press. The second advice, about burning files and deserting past lives, could possibly be about Taylor reinventing herself during each era. “And if you don’t recognize yourself, that means you did it right” could relate to her most drastic changes, like going pop and her bad girl rebellious reinventing for the Reputation era. It could possibly be Taylor stating that these “transformations” or “eras” do make her feel different not only in her work, but in her personal life too. It’s possible Taylor is also stating that she has become so famous/popular that not only is the brand of Taylor Swift and her artwork getting reinvented, she herself must be too.
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
(You should find another)
Directly after giving us lots of advice, Taylor follows it up by saying “never take advice from someone who’s falling apart”. Is this her telling us to forget all the advice she has just shared, to not listen to not trust it? Or should we not even listen to this advice either? I believe this is Taylor sharing that she feels like she cannot give us advice or be a role model because she is not doing well. She is saying not to base ourselves off of her, not to listen to things she says because she is falling apart, yet we all believe her to be perfectly fine. It is contradicting to put this right after her advice, but I believe that is the point. At the end, Taylor says “you should find another” this is the beginning of a later line “you should find another guiding light, but I shine so bright”. Not only is it the beginning of that line, I think it can also be read as it’s own line. The fans should find another idol, role model, favourite, etc. because she is falling apart.
Dear reader
Bend when you can, snap when you have to
Dear reader
You don't have to answer, just 'cause they asked you
Again, after telling us not to listen to her advice, she gives us advice again. It is hard to decipher this, but I think the deeper meaning could be she so desperately wants to be giving us this good advice, but feels hypocritical because she is falling apart. “Bend when you can, snap when you have to” she is telling us to compromise, to only give in when we really, really need to. “You don’t have to answer just cause they asked you.” Don’t give everyone everything they want or ask for. This follows the same train of thought as bending when you can and snapping when you have to.
(You should find another)
Taylor throws this line in there again. Could it be said that it’s almost like her interrupting herself, reminding us (and her) not to listen to this advice? It could also be noted that this advice does not seem to be bad advice, depending on your opinion/situation you apply it to I suppose, but perhaps Taylor believes she is not qualified to tell it.
Dear reader
The greatest of luxuries is your secrets
Dear reader
When you aim at the devil make sure you don't miss
“The greatest of luxuries is your secrets” Taylor would know this better than anyone. When you have her kind of fame, can you really have secrets? In her own words, celebrities get their secrets splashed in the news front page. 
“When you aim at the devil, make sure you don’t miss.” Perhaps Taylor is saying that you’re sure someone is the devil before you shoot, that they are enemy instead of friend. Or maybe she’s saying to make sure you are strong enough to make that shot before you attempt it. Is she inferring to a personal experience of hers? I couldn’t be sure, especially depending on which interpretation of it we’re talking about.
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Again, after her advice she tells us to not trust this advice, to not take it from her. 
So I wander through these nights
I prefer hiding in plain sight
Now we launch into the bridge, which I think is one of the most telling and personal parts of the song. “I prefer hiding in plain sight” Taylor is perfect to us, we don’t say she is falling apart, yet here she is telling it to us directly, and yet so many would still take her advice. Even after releasing songs like “My tears ricchoet” or “this is me trying” or “mirrorball” many still see her as perfect and unflawed. She is hiding this in plain sight.
My fourth drink in my hand
These desperate prayers of a cursed man
“My fourth drink in my hand” is very very very very interesting because many fans have been worried about Taylor’s alcohol consumption for awhile. She mentions drinking a lot more on recent albums, lots more pictures of her holding wine being released, and if I’m not mistaken her saying at the eras tour that she was “borderline alcoholic” during the pandemic. This line seems to be Taylor admitting to relying on drink to escape her mind, to forget that she is falling apart. The second line could be a bit confusing. Who is this “cursed man” that is praying, and what are they praying for? Is this a character in Taylor’s life, or could this “cursed man” just be Taylor herself?
Spilling out to you for free
But darling, darling, please
You wouldn't take my word for it
If you knew who was talking
“Spilling out to you for free” Taylor shares her songs and lyrics with us for free, all her deepest feelings public and on the radio. “But darling, darling, please. You wouldn’t take my word for it if you knew who was talking” Taylor almost seems to be begging now, for us to see she is not perfect and not the person we should be listening to this advice from. “If you knew who was talking” If we knew who she really was, we wouldn’t look up to her or trust her words.
If you knew where I was walking
To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there
“If you knew where I was walking” again, if we really knew Taylor past how she presents herself, we would not feel the same way about her. “To a house, not a home, all alone cause nobody’s there.” Is this a literal house, Taylor feeling lonely in her big mansion, or is it metaphorical? Could this perhaps relate to what is discussed in “Tolerate It”, saying the man she is in a relationship isn’t putting effort into it, isn’t paying attention to her, and so she feels alone? Or could it perhaps refer to her mind, where she feels lonely and like no one gets her? Or is she too famous now to have any real friends?
Where I pace in my pen and
My friends found friends who care
No one sees when you lose
When you're playing solitaire
“Where I pace in my pen” Some people pace to think, but Taylor writes songs to think. That is her method of seeing her thoughts more clearly. “My friends found friends who care” Is Taylor saying here that she is a bad friend? Or does she have bad friends? Perhaps we could also read from this that Taylor gets so caught up in her work it can seem to others in her life that she doesn’t care about them. We already know she is constantly working and writing songs. “No one sees when you lose when you’re playing solitaire” we can guess at the fact that fame and constant attention from the press could make Taylor feel isolated. She feels as if she is “playing solitaire” and so no one sees her losses, including us, blinded by the image she wants us to see.
You should find another guiding light
Guiding light
But I shine so bright
You should find another guiding light
Guiding light
But I shine so bright x2
You should find another
She ends the song in her telling us this full line “you should find another guiding light but I shine so bright” which she repeats a few times. She is saying you should find someone else to look up to, another idol, but at the same time she knows how famous she is, how impossible it is to look away from her. How she is plastered across every tabloid and newspaper and piece of media, on billboards and on the radio. And she knows how strong her “perfect” image is. How easy it is for her fans to see her as that. She is saying she shouldn’t be the guiding light, she is falling apart and is not qualified for it, but oh how she seems like she is.
The song ends on the line that has been going in and out the whole song. “You should find another”. This is the message she has really been trying to share all of the song. The message is that we should find another. We shouldn’t be Taylor’s fans, shouldn’t idolize her, shouldn’t follow her advice or look up to her, because she is falling apart and a flawed person who pretends to be perfect. At the end of the song, it almost seems like she is begging us (the reader) to understand this, and the thing is, we probably still don’t.
Dear reader, thanks for reading this, especially if you read it all the way through lol. I hope it made sense and was entertaining, not just me rambling, I really did try my best.
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I finally did it. I finally organized my 5Ds playlist. If you saw the original post eons ago, some songs have been abandoned for this one, but, uh, I also added, like, 30 more. So. There's that.
Full track list, all 109 119(currently) organized (roughly) by character under the cut. The first song of each section is linked for (slightly) easier navigation.
General - The Greatest Show - The Greatest Showman (Riding Duels) - Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons - Catalyst - Linkin Park (Satellite) - NEW Nerves - Icon for Hire (Satellite) - Land of Broken Dreams - Jonathan Young, feat Caleb Hyles (Satellite) - NEW Round and Round - 3 Doors Down (City and Satellite) - Hero - Skillet - Lost and Found - Zack Hemsey (First two arcs in particular) - Witching Hour, feat. Brooke Griffith - Tommee Profitt (Dark Signers Arc) - This is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars - Here We Stand, feat. SVRCINA - Hidden Citizens - Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons (Pre-WRGP-Ark Cradle arc) - Finish Line - Skillet (Specifically always makes me think of Jack pushing his runner during the WRGP, but... lol) - See You Again, feat. Charlie Puth - Wiz Khalifa (The final few episodes, as everyone is parting ways)
. . .
All Six Signers - Young - Hollywood Undead - Renegades - ONE OK ROCK - Relate - for King & Country - We Are - ONE OK ROCK - Hey Brother - Avicii - Meet Me on the Battlefield - SVRCINA - Fight the Night - ONE OK ROCK - Answer the Call, feat. Claire Guerreso - Hidden Citizens - Saviors of the World - Skillet - Time To Go To War - Manafest x UNSECRET - Not Gonna Die (+Intro) - Skillet - We Won't Give Up - The Afters (I specifically associate this with the WRGP but) - NO-LIMIT - Fairy Tail OP25, English cover by AmaLee - Caught In the Fire, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt - Strike Back - Fairy Tail OP16, English cover by NateWantsToBattle - Unleash the Power, feat. Sam Tinnesz and Rayelle - Tommee Profitt - Born For This - The Score - NEW Lead the Way - Nathan Wagner
. . .
Yusei - Child of the Stars - Fish in a Bird Cage - Speechless - Aladdin, cover by Caleb Hyles (Specifically early FC arc) - Soldier, feat. Fluerie - Tommee Profitt - NEW Fine - Mike Shinoda (DS arc) - Darkness Before the Dawn - Caleb Hyles, feat. Lacey Sturm (DS arc) - Believe in Myself - Fairy Tail OP21, English cover by NateWantsToBattle - Rise - Ashes Remain - Not Alone - Linkin Park (Arc Cradle) - If I Die Young - The Band Perry, cover by Sam Tsui - Where the Skies End - Starset - Can You See Me? - Krista Siegfrids (Second verse doesn't totally work but eh.) - The World You Want - Switchfoot - NEW Shining A Light Over You - Gentle Sparrow (Post-series)
. . .
Jack - Kings - Tribe Society - Leave It All Behind - Cult to Follow (Pre-series-DS) - Vagabond, feat. FJORA - Tommee Proffit (Pre-series-DS) - Lost Souls - Nathan Wagner (Pre-series-DS) - From Now On - The Greatest Showman (Post Fortune Cup) - When I Was King - ONE OK ROCK (Post Fortune Cup) - Run Run Rebel - Hidden Citizens (Burning Soul arc)
. . .
Aki - Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore (Pre-series-DS) - Innocence - Nathan Wagner (Pre-series through mid-way Dark Signers) - Paper Crown - Alec Benjamin (Pre-series. Arguably ship-y but only if you watch the video, lol) - NEW I Didn't Ask For This - Beth J Crowley (Pre-series through-DS) - Monster - Beth Crowley (Pre-series through Fortune Cup) - NEW Demons - Icon for Hire - I Want To Live - Skillet - Masayume Chasing - Fairy Tail OP15, English cover by AmaLee - Surviving the Game - Skillet - Unbreakable - Fireflight
. . .
Rua/Leo - Pretender - AJR - Battle Symphony - Linkin Park - The Chosen One - Smash Into Pieces - Something Big - Shawn Mendes - Prove - ONE OK ROCK - Children of the Sky - Imagine Dragons (Kinda all of them but heavy focus on Rua/Leo)
. . .
Other Assorted Characters - Fight Song - Rachel Platten (Ruka/Luna) - Counting Stars - OneRepublic (Crow) - A Shot in the Dark - Smash into Pieces (Crow) - Far From Home, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Crow, Dark Signers arc) - Higher - The Score (Crow) - Memories - Maroon 5 (Bruno, or rather the others about him)
. . .
Kiryu/Kalin - Watching As I Fall - Mike Shinoda (Pre-series) - Monster - Fight the Fade (End of Team Satisfaction) - Hell's Comin' With Me - Poor Mans Poison - All Eyes on You - Smash Into Pieces (Crashtown arc) - Face to Face - Citizen Soldier (Crashtown arc)
. . .
Villains - World So Cold - 12 Stones - Monster Made of Memories - Citizen Soldier (Dark Signers) - Feed the Machine - Poor Mans Poison (Rex Godwin) - How Villains Are Made - Madalen Duke (Pretty much all of them, but specifically Godwin and Z-ONE) - With You Til the End, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Z-ONE et al) - Last Survivor, feat. Nilka - Unsecret (Z-ONE) - The Sound of Silence - Disturbed (Z-ONE) - Cold World - RED (Z-ONE) - SCAVA - Hollywood Undead (Z-ONE et al)
. . .
Combinations - Mad World - Tears for Fears, cover by Smash into Pieces (An odd combo: Pre-series Kiryu/Kalin and Aki) - Ready As I'll Ever Be - Tangled: the Series (Signers vs Dark Signers. I feel like this one needs a breakdown but only upon request, lol.) - Hold On For Your Life, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Yusei vs Kiryu/Kalin; Jack vs Carly) - NEW It Had To Be You (Dark Version) - Tommee Profitt x Tiffany Ashton (Jack vs Carly and Yusei vs Kiryu/Kalin) - Battle Scars - Paradise Fears (Team 5Ds and Team Taiyo) - Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush, metal cover by Jonathan Young and Caleb Hyles (Aporia and Team Ragnarok) -The Antihero vs The Hero - Nathan Wagner (Z-ONE et al and Yusei)
- Where We Rise - Neoni (Jack and Yusei) - No Limits - Zayde Wolf (Yusei and Jack) - Who I Am - Citizen Soldier (Yusei and Aki) - This Is Me - The Greatest Showman (Fortune Cup Yusei and Aki. I wish I could use the movie version solely for what’s going on in the background at one point but the only video has ridiculously quiet audio...) - Collide - Skillet (Yusei and Aki, FC-DS arcs) - Wake Up - Smash into Pieces (Jack and Aki, pre-series) - Running Away from Home - Smash Into Pieces (Jack and Aki) - Already Over - Mike Shinoda (Jack and Aki) - Alive - Daughtry (Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki) - The Musician - 14th Melody (D.Gray-man OP), English cover by AmaLee and Andy Stein (Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki) - Brother - Kodaline (Yusei, Jack, Crow) - Save You, feat. Redlight King - Manafest (Yusei, Jack, and Crow) - Hall of Fame - The Script (Jack, Crow, Rua/Leo; post-series) - NEW Cool Kids - Echosmith (Rua and Ruka/Leo and Luna)
. . .
Ships - Still Worth Fighting For - My Darkest Days (JackxCarly) - Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab (JackxCarly) - Stolas Sings (Owl in a Cage) - Helluva Boss [Sam Haft], cover by Caleb Hyles (One-sided JackxCarly) - Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons (JackxCarly, specifically Carly as a DS and their duel) - Slip Away - Ruelle (JackxCarly, specifically their duel in the DS arc) - Counting On Me (Acoustic Version) - Smash into Pieces (JackxCarly, DS arc) - NEW If You Fall - UNDREAM & Brad Arthur (YuseixAki) - Better Than One - The Score (In my head, YuseixAki, but any really) - Monsters - Katie Sky (YuseixAki. Could absolutely be interpreted platonically too imo.) - I Found the Answer in You - Loving Caliber (YuseixAki)
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
Taylor said the entire song "This is me trying" is referenced in Mirrorball. It is about celebrity, a performer without an audience who makes art from her pain and can't stop. She talks about being a different version of yourself for specific people, to me this is also who she is with away from performing. It is a self-reflection song but also refers Harry and his Sign of the Times which is a similar.
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break it's in a million pieces
The opening verse is setting the scene that the song is about Taylor entertaining everyone with her glimmering performance where she sings about her pain and heartbreak.
Taylor also refers to breaking into many pieces in Big Red Machine's Renegade "And if I would've known / How many pieces you had crumbled into / I might have let them lay" while in Renegade it is her muse who is broken in Mirrorball it is herself.
Taylor is reflecting on how pain and heartbreak is what she is rewarded for, she talks about this in Miss Americana also
Hush When no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you Hush I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
This section is considering who she is without an audience, and who's attention she has in private, away from performing.
'hush, the end is near' is a direct quote of Harry's Sign of the Times, "Just stop your crying / It'll be alright / They told me that the end is near" I think she is relating to him and he is the listener.
In the Long Pond introduction she spoke about being a different version of herself for people. She is saying she is still performing for those in her life even when she is off stage.
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I can change everything about me to fit in You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten
In Renegade she also refers to edges of broken pieces of emotion, there as her muse and here herself, being used to entertain in song. "And if I would've known / How sharp the pieces were you'd crumbled into / I might’ve let them lay"
This verse is reflecting on how she shows a different side of herself to different people. This muse is not like everyone else who marvels are her pain in song, this muse sees Taylor.
Which is interesting, Harry has a similar, though less flattering lyric in Fools Gold: "And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you met / But I don't regret / Falling for your fool's gold"
While in Fools Gold Harry saw that Taylor performed for everyone, he took that as him not being special and loved her anyway. Mirrorball is the reverse, she performs for everyone, but rather than marveling at her shining heartbreak like the other revelers he's there for her. It’s worth noting unlike anyone else in her life much of their heartbreak is shared.
Music for a Sushi restaurant is also similar, in that it comments that they are making music for others, but Harry would rather be together "Music for whatever you want / Scuba-duba-do-boo-boo I'm not going to get lost / I'm not going to go broke / Staying cool / (Know I love you, babe)"
And they called off the circus Burned the disco down When they sent home the horses And the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me
Here the circus, disco and clowns are shows being cancelled by the pandemic/ In the Long Pond Session Taylor said this verse is about the pandemic, her shows were cancelled and she reflected on who she is without an audience and starting to drink.
I'm not a natural, all I do is try, try, try is referring to "This is me Trying", which Taylor notes in the Long Pond Session.
To me 'Still a believer' is also a reference to Hoax. I hear this section as without the ability to perform for her fans, Taylor is left to reflect on her personal life and who she wants attention from. She reflects her insecurities in her personal relationships
This is also in Say don't go, with the same muse "I’m standin' on a tightrope alone / I hold my breath a little bit longer / Halfway out the door, but it won't close/ I'm holdin' out hope for you to" this is so similar, and less matured than Mirrorball and Hoax where she is holding out faith this person will notice and love her.
In the Daylight Music Video, released after Mirrorball:
Because I'm a mirrorball I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself Tonight
This returns to the beginning, Taylor puts her audience of 1 or 100,000 first, before herself.
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voidwritesstuff · 10 months
Tooth and Claw
Summary: just a small character study of Rajan Savarimuthu.
Cw:mentions of insects,body horror,death,cosmic horror,body image issues,insecurities, sexism and patriarchy.
->Authorn note: have this,the product of my sleep deprived, bored mind on a 8 hour road trip.
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There she was again,at the back end of the room, Sister Rahema in all her Beauty...and horror.
Moonlight shines down on sister Rahema,but its not her no. Its a monster,a thing of stories,a thing from fairy tails,bedtime stories and cautionary tales.
Rajan watches his sweet sister,Aatidka writhe in pain as her bones snap contorting in unatural ways.  It takes him but a moment to realize what she- it is.
--mother mercy- enconsced in whi-white-- His voice shakes with fear,hes frozen in place and its a mystery on how the words find their way out of his mouth-- tends the hungry day and night,lo-loving mother to the poor,dare not enter through her door,mind this verse lest you should meet- please mind her smile and mind her teeth! Your name is known to me great maw! Now unbind me from tooth and claw!
Rahema,the great maw,laughs in pain and rejoice. She reaches and digs into his body,infesting it with her wretched, unholy Essence of pestilence,sickness And plague. Even at his young age,he knows its going something he wont ever be able to get rid of.
--You only saved yourself- Fool-- she gasped out,and as a final act of malice she grabs his sweet sister,tearing her part by part infront of him.
Aatidka's pained screams and the maw's horrible ear shattering laughter Pierces through the air,Getting louder and louder.
And louder
And louder
Until his mind shatters Like a broken mirror and He wakes up in a jolt,cold sweat down his forehead,breath uneven and broken. His body feels weak,his mind is in a haze and it takes him a few solid minutes to realize hes in present time,safe.
The first few Rays of sunshine come through the Windows,heavy curtains drawn to bathe the room in darkness. Despite the terror of the nightmare,hes still tired,exhausted. Feelings of revenge,vindication,justice, they all swirl within him in what can only be described as a maelstorm of feelings.
But there was no point in laying back down to sleep,or so he told himself, the day has started so he should too.
Sunlight burns his eyes as he pulls back the courtains, but the New found warmth of the sun is welcomed by his half asleep brain. This reminds him of One question that he didnt want answered, how much of himself was part insect? Bees had been proven to drop to the ground when the lights go out, during the colder months they hibernate, and he not only got sleepy in cold spaces but also fell asleep as soon as the room was in complete darkness.
Rajan didnt know Wether to find it endearing or feel flustered about It.
He would rather not know,he guessed, some things are best left unkown.
Eventually he finds his way to the bathroom,cold water splashes his face and wakes him up. He shaves and does his routine,takes care of his hair and hopes that this shower washes away the remnants of the nightmare hes got.
It almost works,almost.
There,in the mirror he finds himself looking back. And he knows he shouldnt stare for much time but his resolution fails him today.
His eyes trail to part of his chest and side,the paper and hexagonal cells that plague his body. Hes gotten used to the sight,but not to the feelings it brings.
This is divine punishment,he thought some times,for being selfish,for being weak, not brave enough. All it took was one slip of the tongue and his world shattered into pieces,he Hated himself for Many,Many,Many Years after the incident,hes sure some of that self hate never left. Its festering in his bones alongside those damn pests that live within him.
Rajan feels them writhe,move,coil within his body. The sensation is odd,Like something crawling under his skin,the perpetual buzzing of the insects has become back ground noise but theres been a few days where he couldnt stand the sound,the sensation, those days he usually stayed at home and never left his estate.
Its a burden he must bear,one hes learnt to live with for the most part, hes learnt to controll those things that live in him, hes a walking hive, he thanks the world that he hasnt been in a situation where he had to take off his shirt. This was a secret he had to Keep.
"Men dont have insecurities" the world said "they dont feel weakness or fear, they dont show emotions and they are a fixed point"
Poison,those words were Poison fed as holy gospel to men,he has been victim of it hes sure of it. Maybe from his parents on accident,and the world around him too. He cant remember and hes got enough bad memories resurging already,he does not wish to uncover another corpse of his past.
His hand presses against his side, he feels the buzzing,the movement. One deep breath is all he allows himself before leaving the bathroom and letting his hand hang limp near his hip.
Soon he dresses in his usual attire,his fine button up shirt,ironed,alongside his dress pants. The crevat gets tied around his neck,the collar of his shirt goes up and it brushes his jaw.
The final piece is his coat,ornate,elegant,intimidating. The shoulder pads make him look bigger,stronger,the Velvet material its made out of gives him an air of sophistication,class.
His hand reaches for the knob and then stops.
"Right. Gloves" he thinks,turning Back to see where in the hell he had thrown them last night. The details are fuzzy in his mind,he was too tired to even think or care where his stuff ended up.
It takes him a solid five minutes to find them. Socks and Gloves,his mortal enemies,he always managed to misplace them or Straight up lose them.
But he does manage to find the gloves,shoving them in his jacket's pocket and leaving.
Hes got a place to be,The Antiquarian. He allows himself to get lost in that task, to think something else than the nightmare that plagued Him earlier this morning,maybe with some good breakfast,a good cup of tea and a bit of food he would be back to being himself, or rather what he showed to be himself.
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blossom-hwa · 2 years
Hello! Happy 5 year anniversary on here :)
Could I request a Kang Taehyun for the drabble game with the prompt of royal au with arranged marriage? If that technically counts as two prompts u can ignore the last one ^^
I hope you are healthy and safe! Thank you for all that you've written on here ♡♡
hi love! thank you for the request and your well wishes, I hope you enjoy this!
5 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/TXT/Golden Child/Ateez/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!!
(read the sequel drabble, A Broken Contract, here!)
Title: A Contract Deal
Pairing: Taehyun x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: mentions of death
“Your Highness.”
Truth be told, Taehyun almost doesn’t recognize the voice when it comes. He’s rarely heard you speak - only the requisite greetings to his parents, a few whispered conversations with your family, a couple of words exchanged with your servants. Only twice have you spoken with him, each time never more than a few sentences, at that. 
But then he turns around, and he remembers. Right. Yes. That vaguely familiar voice belongs to you, his betrothed. 
Not exactly the person he wants to see most right now. 
But Taehyun was raised with manners, and like it as not, it’s not your fault the two of you ended up in this situation. You’re only pieces on the chessboard of the grand game of politics, your marriage arranged by the players, your parents. He turns fully to give you his attention, schooling his features back into a neutral smile. 
You don’t smile back. 
“Your Highness,” he replies, inclining his head. “Was there something you wished to tell me?”
For one moment, two, you only look at him steadily. Something dark and anxious flits across your gaze, and Taehyun wonders just what it is you need him for that you couldn’t hide your worry about it behind your usual cool, placid mask. 
Finally, you press your lips together firmly, still looking at him head on. “Is there someplace private where we could speak?” you ask. “I have some things I would like to ask you.”
. . . . .
Once in the empty gardens, after the two of you have asked your guards to step away, Taehyun gives you his full attention. “What is it you wanted to ask?”
Your fingers twist tightly into each other, though your expression has regained its usual mask-like pleasance. You are quite beautiful, Taehyun thinks. The moonlight shining down on your figure sets a subtle glow on your face, one that he thinks he could’ve found quite attractive if you weren’t in the situation you are now. 
His stomach twists. If only.
“I heard you speaking to His and Her Majesty earlier,” you say quietly. “I understand you don’t wish to marry me.”
Taehyun blinks. When would you have heard -
If he weren’t so well-versed in maintaining a straight face, Taehyun thinks he would have cursed. Just his luck that you somehow heard the argument he had with his parents this morning, the one where he told them on no account would he marry the royal of their choosing because he was done with them trying to control every moment of his life. He doesn’t regret the statement - he still means it - but despite himself and all his training in manners, Taehyun colors in embarrassment. He hadn’t thought anyone other than his mother and father would have heard that conversation. 
“I don’t blame you,” you add quickly. “It’s not as if anyone wouldn’t have qualms about marrying a complete stranger.”
Taehyun’s face still feels hot even after your assurance. “What does that have to do with the matter at hand?”
You take a deep breath. Your tightly twisted hands hover for a moment before dropping to your sides. “I’ve come to ask that you put a hold on whatever plans you have for stopping this marriage.”
It takes a minute for him to understand your request. You just said you didn’t blame him for not wanting to marry you, but - “You want to go through with this marriage,” Taehyun says, still half in disbelief. 
“Yes.” A shadow passes over your face. “Please, hear my reasons first.”
In silence, Taehyun listens to your story. Parents who always regarded you from a stony distance, who saw you as just a possible replacement should anything happen to your older sister, the first in line for the throne. An older sister who hated you for seemingly no reason, or at least none that you could identify. Assassination attempts that started when you were thirteen, poisoned wine and hidden knives and people finding their way in through your window at night -
The realization that it was your sister who was behind the attempts, for reasons you still don't understand. 
“I don’t know why she’s doing it,” you say quietly. “Our sages have already proclaimed that the stars shone on her birth and that she would certainly be the next ruler of our land. It’s not as if I pose any sort of threat to her throne - it’s hers, I’ve known that all my life. I don’t care.” Swallowing hard, you look him in the eye. “But I - enough people have died or been injured trying to save me, and I myself will most certainly die if I stay there. I need a way out.”
And you are my way out. 
You don’t say the words out loud, but Taehyun knows that’s what you mean. Suddenly, he feels a little dizzy. How can he be a lifeline for someone who doesn’t even know him?
“You can divorce me after a year,” you say. “After that I’ll just - disappear. Hide. My reputation doesn’t matter if I’m going to run, you can make up whatever excuse you want. But my sister doesn’t know this kingdom, and I need time to make a plan. All I ask, Your Highness, is that we remain together long enough for me to make that plan. I will not ask for more than a year.”
Taehyun takes a deep breath. “How can you be sure she won’t target you here?”
“I can’t,” you reply immediately. “But during the entire month-long trip here and in the two weeks that I have been at the palace, I have not been targeted once.” You swallow. “I would like to take this as a good sign.”
Mind reeling, Taehyun tries to think. Right now, you see him as some sort of lifeline from which to hang, just out of reach of your sister’s jaws. You say that you will leave, you just need time - but he didn't want the mess of marriage in the first place, and now he will have to combine that with the mess of divorce -
But he also can’t just leave you to die. 
“I understand I’ve asked a lot of you,” you say quietly, cutting into his thoughts. “It’s all right if you say no.”
Ironically, that’s what settles the matter in Taehyun’s mind. 
“I’ll do it,” he says. Your head snaps up, eyes wide, but he isn’t finished. “On the condition that you will disappear within one year of our wedding date.”
“Of course,” you breathe. “Of course. I -” You swallow, and suddenly your eyes look shiny. “Thank you, Your Highness.”
Taehyun smiles uncomfortably as you bow your head. “You’re welcome,” he replies, trying not to listen to the voice in his head that’s telling him all of this will eventually go very, very wrong. 
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livestosave · 2 months
Hi sorry to bother you but you seem well versed in rwby. What are you feelings for James? I write side stories and looking for input. I love Qrow....regardless of the drinking but some of the other characters I'm having problems coming up with extra content.
Alrighty Nonnie. I've had some thoughts on how to answer this, quite a few. And really, the challenge for me in it is...I have so many thoughts on James. Mostly, that his arc was a damned shame and a damned waste of a great, amazing character.
Without hesitation, James Ironwood was my favorite character in RWBY from the moment he stepped into frame in V2. This was a man with so much warmth in him, who wasn't afraid to ask for something to believe in from his friend and leader...who retreated in an argument rather than let his size make anyone uncomfortable. A man who disqualified a girl with such sympathy, not telling her that she was lying, or that she was wrong. James never showed anything but a worried protectiveness in the early volumes, and that thread maintained through his spotted appearances in Volumes 4 & 5.
James full on bowed to Weiss when he saw her at the Schnee mansion, James supported her publicly after her outburst at the fundraiser.
And then we get to Volume 7, and despite everything we're primed for, everything we expect, this man laughs off the stealing of an airship, with such warmth. He extends trust to the kids, lets them keep the relic, gives them board and upgrades, is open and honest with them at every step, trusting them - despite the fact he has no real reason to - with secrets that could topple nations, because he has faith in them. He lets them yell at him, snark him, and takes it with a weary sigh and an admittance that they're right.
James is a man who is a natural defender, a knight in shining armor. A paladin. He wants a cause to fight for, and people to defend. He wants to see the best in people. He wants to be proven right, in spite of an obvious streak of paranoia that tells him otherwise. He might fight with his friends, but when push comes to shove, he hugs Qrow because, no matter what they each said in Vale because they were upset, Qrow is his friend.
Jame looks tired, has grown the beard, because he is giving so much of himself to this fight. To trying to hold things together and find a solution when the one man who he thought had a plan died. And then when that man was revealed not to have one? James still tried. Until Salem was at his door, he had confidence they could find a solution, a way forward. And even when she cornered him in his office, battered, weary, broken in his own ways...even then he scorned her. Even then he chose to stand against her. He chose to try and find some plan rather than give in. A way to save some people because he couldn't save them all.
Ultimately, I love James because he is both a perfect Tin Man allusion - a man losing pieces of himself to his need to fulfill his duty - and because he is a fairy tale knight. When so much of RWBY is based on stories and fairytales, James is such an archetype of the genre, and I love that about him. At his heart, he's a good man. And what they did to him will always break my heart for the corruption they perpetrated against his character. He could have fallen so many ways...but not that fast. Not that way. Not to be that.
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akirakirxaa · 2 months
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𝐼𝑓 𝐼 𝑐𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐼 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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stingslikeabee · 4 months
25. your character
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics . accepting
I can't believe you have sent this in, as if I haven't written you bibles about Melissa and why she is the way she is, haha. Before I start, I need to say that I'm just profoundly grateful to you (and my other mutuals) who have given Melissa a chance to shine and to be fleshed out and developed over the years. :) I appreciate you muchly and for being my bestie through all our multi-verse adventures for the last 3 (!) years and counting. :D
BUT OKAY. MELISSA. My gremlin child. My chihuahua energy daughter. I definitely did not plan for her to be this creature full of sass and so desperately in love with questionable types, making bad choices and collecting red flags. I joke about this, but I have such great fun writing Melissa in different verses and dynamics - for better or worse, she's always very intensely guided by emotions and craving social connections, which make for fun and interesting plots.
I do not enjoy writing loner, quiet or repressed types - I learned they are too hard for me and Melissa offers me just the right range of options to connect to mostly any other character and to yeet her in any verse. There will always be those who are broken and vulnerable and needing to be cared for that she will gravitate towards; there will always be these souls who are dangerous and enticing and who she will be both scared by and horny for.
Overall, it's a lot - but I definitely recognize Melissa as my comfort muse in her million versions and shapes, which allow me to drive inspiration from several different pieces and to craft original things all the time. She's undeniably a part of me now and I treasure her immensely - I will forever be honored to count on you & the best husbando across all these journeys. :)
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the-marron · 2 years
Guardian Fic Rec: Destiny/Fate
Here, have a collection of fics that are mostly about how Weilan and Fate and or Destiny. I have omitted fics I have recced before, and the Destiny/Fate here is understood very broadly - from soulmates to “we will meet again” promises
My fill for ‘Destiny/Fate’ for @guardianbingo
on the road, the spirit of the traveler is almost broken  by si_mao
Novelverse, a look at Shen Wei after Kunlun’s death and after the novelcanon - short but so beautifully written and so touching 🥺 their fates are entertwined here so tightly, I could not pass it up
On the day the ghostlight shines for the god who restlessly awaits by Hyde_DualDomination
Art and a short story about god Kunlun and his Shen Wei reuniting. It is, technically, a companion piece to my fic, but I believe you can enjoy it without any prior knowledge of said fic, the writing and the art speak for themselves
Nameless by  thosch3i
Soulmate au that incorporates novel canon and it has Shen Wei in pain over not being able to be Kunlun’s soulmate because he does not possess a soul. Very touching, perfectly written and it has a happy ending!
Not All Those Who Wander by Xparrot        
A blend of drama and novel verse - I won’t spoil how and why but it’s heartbreaking and wonderful in equal measures. Happy ending, don’t worry.
No Matter How Long by rlyqueer
A bit of Weilan derivatives, because it is technically a Time Engraver fic, but it also serves as Guardian post-canon and that’s all I will say on the matter. It’s great 🥺
A vow set in stone  by naye
Arranged marriage and magical vows of true love, I cannot say more not to spoil the finer details
These are my favourites on the subject - I don’t read stories with ‘destiny’ as main focus very often, that’s why the list is short, but I hope those interested will find something interesting here nonetheless ❤
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littlestudydreamer · 9 months
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my love mine all mine by mitski -- my interpretation
I am inspired to make this mainly because of the sole reason that this song has resonated too much with my feelings, yet when I look up the meaning and other people interpretation of this song online, it is completely different from what I thought it meant.
Someone said that the beauty of this song is specifically because it can be interpreted multiple ways, in which personal to the listener. Personally, I do think that the person who said this may thought of the song in a similar way that I do, but trying to cover it up (jk). But nevertheless, let's get into this song that managed to pinch my heart in pieces.
Moon, a hole of light Through the big top tent up high Here before and after me Shinin' down on me
One thing I love of Mitski of how some of her lyrics are just straight up statements (I'm referring to the line "Venus, planet of Love, was destroyed by global warming" in the song Nobody). As for this verse, I like the phrase "here before and after me" as the moon has always been there, observing, witnessing our life story like it is some kind of soap opera for her. Yet, it gives us the sense of familiarity, as the moon has always been there, whenever we look at the clear night sky, no matter what age we are.
Moon, tell me if I could Send up my heart to you? So, when I die, which I must do Could it shine down here with you?
This part is probably resonated the most for me. I have this part repeating in my mind like a loop. Especially the last two part, but that is also probably because I lowkey may still be suicidal. But after death, there is never a definite answer on what we became, and or what is next for us. After all, a dead person can't come back to life and tell us what is next in the chapter. The journey of life is linear. But if I can choose, I would sacrifice my heart to be a part of the moon too after I die. At least in the midst of confusion and unknown stage after death, I can have a familiar entity around me.
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love mine, mine, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love mine, all mine, all mine
See, this part is the part that got me writing all this mess. I view this as the love that was given out, the love that all this time was thought to be received or reciprocated, or mutual, was indeed hers all this time, as the other person did not reciprocate or receive it. All of the love that was given out was indeed all hers and hers only, she thought it was shared, but nope it was hers, which is why she said "nothing in the world belongs to me" and that include her person. The only thing that was hers is her love, that was originated from herself.
My baby, here on earth Showed me what my heart was worth So, when it comes to be my turn Could you shine it down here for her?
See, technically this part would disprove my points. But speaking from a personal experience, I would still love the person even if it was reciprocated. After all, if I can easily control my feelings, I would not be in love with that person in the first place.
As for the line "showed me what my heart was worth" I personally interpret that as showing the heart capability of loving and caring from someone.
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love mine, mine, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love mine, all mine Nothing in the world is mine for free But my love mine, all mine, all mine
This is basically and mostly just the chorus, but the added lyrics at the end also got me realizing, there is indeed nothing in the world that is mine for free :( not even the person that I have loved unconditionally for.
Nah one of the reason why I view this song so pessimistically is because I got my heart broken at the height of time where I was obsessed with this song <\3
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actress4him · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 - Day 25 - The Shadow of Death
I finally wrote the story of how Kamaria got The Scar. This is canon verse, but essentially this same scene happens in every universe except college and royal. Mind the tags.
Taglist: @painful-pooch
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No. 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Contains: lady whump, self harm, panic attack, implied threats of noncon, blood
Everything is spinning. Kamaria came into her own tent to get away from everyone, to feel safe, but she isn’t safe at all. Only a piece of canvas separates her from all those men. She can’t catch her breath and the ground keeps shifting beneath her feet and blen, any one of them could just walk in here anytime they want. She isn’t safe. She’ll never be safe.
beautiful                                            beautiful
                              enticing                  beautiful
Clutching her head, she struggles to pull in air and sinks onto her bed. No. No, not her bed, she can’t sit there, not after what he said earlier. She can almost feel his hands on her now, pulling at her, stroking her skin. Catapulting to her feet, she scrubs at her arms, the back of her neck, her chest. All the places he touched. She can’t erase the feeling, though, no matter how hard she tries.
She can’t scream, no matter how much she wants to. They’ve trained that out of her for the most part over the last four years, even if it was unintentional on their part. She thought they’d trained crying out of her, too, but right now there are tears dripping down her cheeks and what little breath she can draw is coming out in broken sobs. 
She doesn’t want to be beautiful. She never asked to be beautiful, never gave a thought to what anyone might think she looked like until human men started taking notice of her. They’ve spent the last years proving themselves untrustworthy in every other way, but she never realized just how horrible they were. Until recently. Until she changed from a child to a woman, and they decided they had a right to put their hands on her and threaten to -
Kamaria lashes out at the few possessions in her tent, scattering them to the ground, picking them up and throwing them again when that doesn’t at all satisfy the stabbing pain in her chest. There’s a pile of armor in the corner that some officer ordered her to shine and she’s about to go after that, too, when she catches sight of her reflection in the breastplate. 
Stopping short, she stares for a moment before dropping to her knees in front of it. That’s her. Brown skin, not as dark as her mother’s, green eyes like her father, loose brown curls like her grandmother, and the pointed ears that define her as Vaya. 
Is she beautiful, really? She doesn’t know. But beauty is a curse, at least as a Vaya woman among human men. 
The longer she gazes at her own face, thinking about what they must see when they look at her, the sicker she feels. She can’t keep doing this. The touching, the whispered descriptions of what they want to do to her, the images that burn behind her eyelids of her friends, her family being snatched by soldiers and pinned to the ground…
She can’t breathe.
Something has to change.
The knife from her hip is in her hand without her realizing she’s drawn it. She stares down at it, then back up at her reflection. Her hand shakes uncontrollably as she brings the tip to her face, resting it just below her hairline. It doesn’t break skin yet. She just holds it there, trembling, tears still leaking from her eyes. 
beautiful       beautiful       beautiful      beautiful 
The blade digs in. She drags it down her forehead, between her eyebrows, alongside her nose and mouth. Blood wells up in its wake, and begins spilling down over her left eye and the bridge of her nose. For a moment she leaves the tip there, on the right side of her mouth, just watching the deep red Vaya blood as it drips.
The knife falls from her hand and clatters against the breastplate before hitting the dirt. Still, she doesn’t look away. The cut isn’t clean, it’s messy from an unsteady hand, but that’s what she wants. She wants it to scar. She wants it to be ugly, to mar her face forever, to make everyone who sees her wrinkle up their noses and walk away.
Her tears stop falling. The men’s voices echoing in her mind finally grow quiet. The cut stings badly, but it’s nothing compared to the pain she’s used to and it seems to take away the pain from her chest and the churning in her stomach. 
Kamaria takes a full breath for the first time since entering the tent, shaky but under her control. 
She won’t be beautiful anymore.
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