#vibrate higher
alchemyofmaya · 3 months
Growth is realizing, it wasn’t about you, the real question is —
What is it about me, that was attracted to you and the dynamic of the connection in the first place?
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universetalkz · 10 months
"Is suffering really necessary?
Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. Suffering cracks open the shell of the ego and then comes to a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize that it is unnecessary."
~Eckhart Tolle
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brolantra · 4 months
Muva💕 she changed my life with this ONE video. Please watch this.
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namitha · 1 year
Your life is the reflection of your vibration. Vibrate higher and the world changes. 🌻
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sp00ky-p00ky · 10 months
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saturdaysentiments · 4 months
Healer’s Dilemma
They blame the Healer of an Energetic match to The selfish taker But a spirit Of Divine Light Only wants souls To be embraced With its highest Self All Rights Reserved ©️ 2023
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aos-presents · 11 months
Clear Your Energy | Gratitude and Abundance Enhance Your Mental Clarity w Sonic Energy Cleansing Waves
May is mental health awareness month, this weekend as we remember ones who have passed on, take time with yourself to consciously clear energy, no longer serving a purpose, in your life or contribute to a positive mental attitude
Use this playlist for your sonic bath ..
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thebluestranger-13 · 2 years
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ცხოვრება დინებები, შენაკადები, შტორმები და ქარიშხლებია. სხივები, ნიავები, ბგერები და ბგერათა ტალღები. ცხოვრება ვიბრაცია და მოძრაობაა. ჭრელი და უხილავი. . ყველაფერთან ერთად ვვიბრირებ მეც და პერიოდულად შიგნიდან მთელს სხეულს კანის დაჭიმვამდე აწვება მოძრაობის სასწრაფო საჭიროება. ემოციების უსიტყვოდ, უთქმელად, მხოლოდ ბგერათა ვიბრაციებზე შემოსკუპებით გამოხატვის მწველი სურვილი. ცეკვის სურვილი.
ამ დროს მე და სამყაროს რომანი გვაქვს გაბმული. უნამუსოდ ეგოისტურად და უსირცხვილოდ ყველას წინაშე. ჩემი სხეულის მთელ მასშტაბს ითვისებს და ყველა ფორადან ჩემში აღწევს. ჩემი განცდები კი რიტმულად იღვრება თითებიდან, კიდურებიდან, თვალებიდან, თავიდან. საჰასრარადან რვავე ჩაკრის გავლით.
ეს ჩემი ინტიმური კავშირია. ტანტრა. მედიტაცია. ლოცვა. . თავბრუსდამხვევი ბედნიერება, ექსტაზური მდგომარეობა და სიამოვნებისგან დახუჭული თვალები. ტოტალური თავისუფლება! ზემე მხოლოდ აქ და ამ წამს. განმარტოვებით საკუთარ ბაბლში და ამავდროულად სხვა მსგავსად მოცურავე ფერად ბაბლებთან კავშირში. უცნაური ერთიანობის უცხო განცდა. ორგანოებიც კი იღიმიან ჩემში. . ნუ მკითხავ, რა მივიღე. მხოლოდ სამყაროს მტვერი. იცეკვებ ჩემთან ერთად? (0:54) https://soundcloud.com/eka-11/deep-sweet-kiss?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=0&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Vibrate higher.
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If you visualize yourself flying /\/ the sky without falling, you will fly /\/ the astral & you’ll stay /\/ the air but if you see yourself falling then you will fall /\/ the astral like how it happened 2 me just now.
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
I work with people on all levels of their well-being. Whether you are having an existential crisis, needing to discover your life’s purpose, whether you desire to heal and be free from past traumas and wounds, or would like more support in holding yourself accountable to new habits, better coping mechanisms, and creating more mindfulness when it comes to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
My work for the past 12 years has been to understand the human psyche and the many different modalities that are useful in healing mind and body and creating more alignment within your Soul. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, with a bachelors in Psychology, I’m growing as I develop new techniques of healing both the mind and body of debilitating illnesses and limiting beliefs. My work as an Energy Healer, is working to help create Vibrational Resonance through sound therapy and plant medicine, so you can release stagnant energy, heal your nervous system and bring alignment to all levels of your being. The goal is always to get to the root cause of physical and mental health issues, so you can clear yourself of the clutter that clouds your inherent Divine perfection.
As an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach, I continue to deepen my knowledge and understanding of eastern modalities of healing, whole nutrition and body anatomy, the connection between the food we eat, our gut and mental health — but also the importance of knowing that everything feeds you. My work is to help you find the optimum ways for you to balance and integrate your physical health not only through diet changes, exercise and herbal medicine, but also by becoming mindful of your relationship with yourself and others, your career, your social media exposure, and your boundaries. Learn to slow down to become aware of everything in your daily inner and outer environment, that feeds you on a daily basis. What you take in daily, is constantly creating the next version of you and shaping how you perceive reality.
As a Holistic Practitioner, my personal goal has always been to be able to provide those who work with me, the remembrance of the inner wealth of resources they have within themselves. No one can help you when it comes to your personal journey.. of healing, of growing and thriving, no one else can bring you back into balance and harmony but yourself. I’ve spent years learning any and every tool to first heal myself, to continuously keep growing into the next version of me — to know that what I have learnt is an Ancient Truth, that there are many paths to that truth and that it is worthy of teaching and passing onto others, for them to empower themselves into aligning with their healthiest, wealthiest, most aligned version of their creator selves.
We all have a purpose and the fun of it all is finally discovering it and living it to the fullest. And if you need a little nudge or a guide, just put the intention out. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. There are resources all around you, dive into your community, make connections.. find your people, it’s all happening for you! Wake up and play the game, it’s so much more fun when we aren’t living out of fear and panic. There is a new world waiting for us to join in and create, and the time is Now. Choose yourself!
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universetalkz · 10 months
"Many people who are going through the early stages of the awakening process are no longer certain what their outer purpose is. What drives the rest of the world no longer drives them. Seeing the madness of our civilization so clearly, they feel somewhat alienated from the culture around them."
~Eckhart Tolle
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my-self-reflections · 4 months
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babythegod · 9 months
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saturdaysentiments · 5 months
(Photo Credit: Chammy Videos on Facebook) As always my beautiful people, stay prayed up.
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aos-presents · 8 months
What will the history books say about psychology, in the internet's meme era?
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