#Know Thyself
being an adult = saying things like "i have dnd tonight so i HAVE to take a nap this afternoon or i WILL be cranky"
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elcosmiquechild · 14 days
Them: So, what do you like to do for fun!? 🤷🏾‍♀️
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latinthusiast · 9 months
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γνῶθι σαὐτὸν (know thyself)
(credit to my friend michelle for this banger of a meme)
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alchemisoul · 9 months
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* You're not responsible for every thought that comes in and out of your head. They're not necessarily within your control, not initially anyways.
It is within your power, however, to decide which ones you want to hold on to and those you wish to discard.
You're responsible for observing thoughts that flow inward and choosing whether or not you act on them, buy into them, or take ownership of them.
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thethirdman8 · 4 months
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@thethirdman8 Happy New Year to all of my beautiful mutuals. Here's looking at you, kid.. and here's to 2024 - let's hope it's a good one!
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you-are-another-me · 7 months
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theshadowworker · 5 months
Who looks outside, dreams;
Who looks inside, awakes
- Carl Jung
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know-the-self · 6 months
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G: What is your source of light?
D: During the day it is the sun and at night, it is lamp, etc.
G: Yes, it is. Tell me, what light is the means of seeing the sun and the lamp
D: It is the eye.
G: At the time of shutting the eyes, etc., what is the light?
D: It is intellect.
G: What is the source of light for the intellect?
D: It is “I”, the Self (Awareness)
G: Therefore, your own Self (Awareness) is the light of lights (or the Supreme light).
D: Yes, O Lord, I am That Supreme Light (Awareness)
-Ekashloki by Adi Shankaracharya
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mise-n-abyme · 6 months
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「 We owe it to ourselves to live a good life, one of prosperity; one of integrity, of honor and devotion. To be a pupil and steward to the Brothers and Sisters still struggling to make it out of the dark. 」
"Through the journey, the Work is never completed; for it sheds layers upon each new beginning, pushing through the begrudging embers which we feel surrounds us, as greatness is made out of the most vulnerable of Man; to those whom are brave enough to have chosen to make this journey walk alone along the darkness where the end is seemingly nowhere in sight, and the shadows scream around one, dancing; flickering with illusion. This journey lies awakened in a constant battle of mere tribulation, where Man shall indeed witness the test of ones Might streak across a dimly emblazoned path of self–sacrifice; narrow, with subtle stability. Man wearingly proceeds along a tightrope to the path of ones destiny; the path of ones Will, reflecting illusions of shadows.
Shall one allow it to consume the formidable essence of their being, or shall they proceed to initiate an illumination of ones light; to cast a shadow of a few, yet be a fractal of many? It is there at the crossroads where it lingers once more, upon a stillness, performing it's dance amongst the darkness as it begins to dissipate; for it sees the light of Man now touching the edge of an ephiphany, one which greets an open field to the light of a new dawn. The realization of one who has survived tribulations of the night. A moment of rest insues; insight upon the danger of what could of been at a moment nearly out of sight. Through the rings of darkness, it lays dormant at the edge of the forest haze; giving its decrepitory gaze upon Man, as they shall too meet once again; but for now, beyond the face of a new phase, one begins their trek closest to the riddles end of its maze."
Artwork: Alex Grey –'Nature Of Mind', 1995
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wayti-blog · 5 months
“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.. Until their secret is given to another to look after, then perhaps two human creatures may know each other..”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
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justvir · 6 months
Man i love philosophy and Socrates
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Hey Apo! How would you do a mermaid/pirate steddie fic?
The shoreline was in sight and everyone on board was excited to get back on solid land. Some more excited than others. Instead of flying the Jolly Roger, they raised the Hellfire emblem when the sirens were in sight. Some of the merfolk looked visibly disappointed, diving back to the water. No one on the ship was prey after all.
They made it to shore, anchoring down and disembarking. Captain Eddie left his crew to it while looking around for his sweetheart. Not too far away, perched on one of those rocks with the other mers was his love, shimmering tail and all.
"Light of my life! Song in my heart!" Eddie sloshed through the water and held his arms out, expecting Steve to jump right into them.
Steve shook his head with a smile. "You know what'll happen."
"Come here~", Eddie made grabby motions towards him.
With a dreamy sigh, Steve launched off the rock, falling into Eddie's arms. Eddie made a valiant effort, but he still fell back into the ocean. Steve helped bring them back up to the surface to give him a salty kiss.
"Aah, the taste of home."
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imagineitdearies · 2 months
It's a Saturday night and you can bet I'm working on chapter 24 folks. In fact, I just need to do one more read-through and respond to comments, then it will be posted!
And then.....since it's been a long week and this became simply too long of a chapter post-edits (like 9k guys 🫠).....I'm splitting it in half and double-posting 😅😅
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conscious-love · 11 months
Say what you mean, so that you can find out what you mean. Act out what you say, so you can find out what happens. Then pay attention. Note your errors. Articulate them. Strive to correct them. That is how you discover the meaning of your life.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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zahramorningstar · 4 months
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✨️Mari Lucifer✨️
In his book 'The Gnostics and Their Remains', Charles King equates the Gnostic Sophia with Venus Anadyomene (Venus Rising from the Sea) which appears on ancient magical gem stones as a naked damsel.
Manly Hall explains that Venus and Isis were names for Lucifer, telling us: "Being visible in the sky at sunset it was called Vesper, and as it rose before the Sun, it was called the Star of the Morning or Lucifer, meaning Light Bearer. Because of this relation to the Sun, the planet was also called Venus, Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, and The Mother of the Gods".(The Secret Teachings of All Ages').
Magdalene is assumed by some to be interchangable with goddesses like Sophia, Isis, and Inanna. In his book 'Mary Magdalene The Illuminator', popular author William Henry tells us: 'Plutarch states that Isis was called Sophia.
She's also called Astarte, the goddess worshipped by Solomon. Each of these goddesses, in turn is the Babylonian goddess Inanna. Schonfield concludes that there is no doubt that the beautiful woman's head of the Templars represents Sophia in her female and Isis aspect -- and she was linked with Mary Magdalene in the Christian interpretation"..
The most famous occultist of the 20th - century Manly Hall, explains in his book 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' that Isis "metamorphized' into the Virgin Mary.
Some scholars have tied the Virgin Mary to Magdalene. Theologian Cyril of Jerusalem held that the Virgin Mary was one and the same as Magdalene. In their book 'Jesus and
the Lost Goddess', Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy assert that the Virgin Mary and Magdalene in the Gospel accounts represent -- respectively, the higher Sophia and the fallen Sophia - aspects of the same character in the Sophianic myth.
Like Sophia, Magdalene was also associated with Venus. Rachel Geschwind (a professor in the Art History department at Youngstown State University) observes that in the 16th - century, paintings like Rossiglio's 'Conversion of the Magdalene' began to give Venus-like characteristics to Magdalene.
The explicit links between Magdalene and Venus perhaps point to Mary's true identity. When observed From Earth, Venus traces a perfect pentagram across the sky every eight years making a pattern of a rose.
This is known as the "Rose of Venus" or The "Pentagram of Venus". Magdalene is sometimes referred to as "The Rose" and those who diligently followed the Magdalene Mysteries were known as the "Initiates of the Rose Line".
In Southern France, Magdalene was known as Mary-Lucifera, connecting her to Lucifer. Isis and Diana were also known as Lucifera (see the book Magdalene Mysteries', by Seren Bertrand). As Author DeAnna Emerson tells us: "Inanna's name was altered to suit new languages. She was called Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Diana, Venus, Magdalene -- one goddess with many names"
In his book The Templar Revelation', popular author Clive Prince tells us:
"As Nancy Qualls-Corbett and other recent commentators have pointed out, the depiction of Mary Magdalene in the Gnostic Gospels is that of illuminatrix and illuminator or Mary Lucifer, the Light-bringer -- the bestower of wisdom and enlightenment".
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theshadowworker · 5 months
You don’t have to be a philosopher; you just have to want to know who you are
- Padmasambhava
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